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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 2, 1922)
THE 3IOKMNG OREGOXl'AX, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1922, 17 7 C ' ON K mil BAI.K. P',ana, Qrgajy and MdciI ln(roiPfim. FHONUuRAJ'H BAHaALNa. rtrei style, IV, klmoM new. ...9 17 ft Viciroia style X, with records ... 1O0 f0 Columbia. ltt tyi 100.00 BriMwuk. used for dtmontu-s- tu, wiifc records 240.00 Dranswirk, ad for demonstra tion, with icorii 130 00 Coiiiabii, laf-m wy W w Trrns given. WIPKRUNOLUCAS MUSIC CO. 4th fit.. Bet. Wean, tnd Aid er. SElTBITT STORAGE CO.. CLOSING OUT 97-1 Irving Co.. upriit man, 9-1 . fmltfi upnarht bony Haiit At LeLa upright rose wood 9I 9L"'0 pianos and ft plvr diibo osk Stf prir orfiri. 91. 9". and 1.15 casn. I'inoi m-v.i. 70c per montn; bought nd od or caph on'y. ;a: l kh at or. Stark and Wasn. srs. 9 i , GRA FO.NULA, 10 uwU recordef 23 t5 Stradivara and 10 used records. J 140 Pi!h, cib.stt, 20 ued records. 91 ITS Son or a, csalntt, 20 uad record. 143 14o Brunswick, 20 used records .... 06 ITS Columbia, caa.. w used records. Hi 93 sends on horns, then Aj, 95 and up monthly. Schwa a Piano Co. Jul Tch it., at Washington st $ GfiA FO N L A 30 ud records 9 25 9 " Srradivara and 10 usd records. 45 ! Fi'h. catint. 20 uad records. 1T. 8-nora. cabinet. 20 used records. 14. ! Brunwtrk. 2 ued rcrorriv -i 175 Columbia, cab., 2U used records. 113 $." sends one hwn, then 93, 15 And up n-ont.iiy. (hwn Co., 101 T mt . at Was h ! r gton st. 1.1PM A. V WOLFE CO. CLAXNO OCT Mirtin Broa., upnitht piaao . 9175 Hinse-Kimbai; uprixht plan ...... 1 i I'a.-et; Lavi. upright piAna 215 WijiD:oa cprifbt ptano 55 chubrc 4s Co. upright piano ..... 242 . axnlth A barnea bprigjat p;an 913 : art. 9 and P a monto. 7th fitr Llpman. W ;fe A Co ALAitMf AO- WL.iLLL piano. up- rht 910 Btinwsy A hmn. old styie 1MI t hick-rtnc Kn, oid a yia 15 IliiiMinan, square (rand 1 Kaay itrmi hf these banrains. sUULkUNO-Ll'CAS Mt'&iC CO. 11'5 4th st. SPW'IAL SALE OF PIANO&. X"heeiock "o. upright piano 9-4 Martin Hros. uprint p.ano Wellington upr ght piano - 1 ' I e. ruar m ed piano ............. 9-,i- 1' ino a pyr p.s frS note 9 K wolfe A cu, 7th Floor. STEP IN dnd look of r our usr d phono fcrahs; 2 cabinet mahogany Brunswick kt 975 and siifO. Columbia cabinet wa. nu', 5 and many othrrs from It and up; trmi G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 1 r s:-cth st. Bt-ALTii- I L netted ma hug an -nota piano. a player piano, with 4 Ka-note ii.u-ic r"! and bnch; cot $S75; now -!-r.,y 4no. tr-e this at Ktra, d floor K; -t u'c bVg. STli'tXr S vicmJo outfit. Inc u! wo. in. . ww. ca?, ro:n and rura strinKs: theoe instruments are ail ptcaed ana teta by the xpvl m our vioiin department. 91st. ; F J-ihwn Piano Co.. 14'J th st. AN EXCELLENT Reed piano, a. most go-d as new. owner says sna'JChter for 9l"i tn oruer to get csaa. or wlii sell on tune Idm-nts for 3m, 910 per montn. e I Kii'rt yconl floor. Eitrs M unic bldg. 1 k NICE IVa pano left us to be so.d f jr ld. which Is vtrtua'ly ha.f lis actuai vsiue. or phone Bdwy. WIS. Kirs piano dpt.. d floor Eusrs Musio b.rtg . Wsshing'on st. at 4th. 11 A. N OLA pvrr piano. t-A.ra 8N- J note with extra roils, roils. 9473. Don't over iooa thi; term s. U. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14! f'T!h bTi'RY A CLAKK upright grand 93UO. I Walnut case, a snap. Sibrllng-Lucas j ingtt-n and Aider. 1'IANO tuning and ifpairirm. work guar anteed. by expert workman. Seibertinc Lucas Music Co.. 15 4th at., bet. Waah- inarton and AM.t. Bdwy. ;,!. OOOD PIANOS a t prices) a r.d terms you can afford. Heed Pre nob Piano Co.. ltn aad Wastt- mgtun FR SAI.K t'OLUMBEA ORAFONOLA mahoaanv fininh. style and 17 new ret-ord for Its. Phone Auto. 374-10 or ra 1 a 1 r.. t rr n m. .a nn n. JA.Z Urua.x, out Tit includes baS drum, snare drum, f.wt pdaia. rymba.a drum stand, wood biock and triangie, F J.ihffon Pino Co.. 14! 6'.h St. W K LiKLlV s.K puuuf. no uiar. no fu-aa, at lowest ra;fa Phone delivery de partment. Oregon Ei.ers Music House. Broadway Si3 MARTIN " C meindy taiu phone, sliver wtih gold beii, compiete with case. 916175. Terms. U. F. Johnson Piano c.-.. no sixth st. W EHEK piat.oi pip tir rent, n.usic and benL.h !-. u1ed. it. iO per month. HAROLD S lilLBBRT, n7 "W!' -T PAP.K iXKff LOCATION Ki Alii ALL piayer-pino This la a special price on this new piano. Terms given. tiberling -Lucas Music Co., I2i KIMBALL Piano, new. Special prWe $O.V Terms given. 4eiberl log -Lucas Musi a Co.. 125 4th st. A FEW u i player ro ; im. two f tf r ic . HA R LI 8 O I LBBRT, l7 WEST I A R K. CoNVFi;T OitAM PIANO FOR RENT; Wo.VwISRPUL 1AB. li ARuLU S. i I L- HKHT, I'lT WEST PARK. lioY SCCM T lru;r.. niJe by Ludw is. lw sUee, t4 50 ami 97 SO. U. F. Johnson Flft f .- . 140 A-h St tl ILL irde )u a new Vlcirola or Cheney phonograph for your old piano. 1; F Johnson I'iano Co.. 140 j-iT'h t. UtAl fiFl L Edison iah,-ra:ory model in malt., nw. a; a bargain. Ca.l residence, l:ii.t E. M:h N PIAN wanted, tan ray (.an. K.: w',v Furniture tor alr. 8 ALE OF fXVOOLFUM RUGS AND CARPET. For this week we offer first grade Iroid Seal Congoleum rugs. 0x12, at lift SO; 0x12 God Sea. t'ongoTeurn art carpets at 9IO.i", nd vxll Psocol n rugs at f 7.V. Also 10 ro.i of, heavy grade in ks id linoleum at only 91. 1 per MTSTI Fl'RVlTfRB CO. Main oloi lS-100 FIRST ST. SAVE WONti. Tr enr sales diart:nnt If yoa want to buy or se'l household goods Reduced fe.ght rates to most at) points In our through pool cars; expert packlug. re pairing aaa reiinisnmg. Money loaned on ipoaa in sioraga r ire p root storaga Lew imu-iB'-a rates fcSrVRITT aTORADB A TRANSFER CO. 92 4th M.. Opp- Muiivtiiah Hotel. Phone ProH'wav 3715, TAVBN1PORTJ ssaannfacturer to iu d seet ; eupenor Crama construotiox bast iu.n.c material uwd, expert orkraanhlp; new stviea large assortment of covering, in mohairs, veieura, tapeairlea rfnim ete. Phone V-2;; eveuiuts and tou ml ay Tabor Alvi or S5-?7 MiCHARf JWV-MAT90, INC, 9d9 Foster Road. LiM-T SACRIFICE your furniture If going s or to California. We can save yoa money on your fretg-ht tn our through cera; fireproof storwga C. M. Olsca Transfer A Srorage Co. ?4t P'ns str-et. UESKS-CHAlRA-SArSa Nswr and second-hand, exceptional bar 9"aBa CaJ! or phone fur saleertisa in WIN-UODSON FURN1TI RK DKPT. lrtthnd yrak sts B'wy. ai 44. 75 YARDS Asmmster carpet for sae. See It on tha toor at All Mu berry s? Udd t Asiition t'a:i !n person between 10 A. V a ny S, p. M NKft 1 TiiE MONEY, must sv.i Jacobr-att a ning set, b-tncn table, larg buffet. server, csaa aad leather chair. 6.v k. I'l.t'KN ot dinlrc tabie., cniria cicwet, drsur. 7 uairs. 2 r 00a era. 2 rti - Wood'awn 4!?H. G.'l l-EN ..k b, I, b-kafa. l; kitchen cabinet, 9jo a'l Tir J..- a'ter 3 . Ml f T frKi.l. 9-iO gas rang: gKnl c.nj,. ton; a bargaiaa. Owner ieft city. Phons Main 2145. IMPORTED ri: Mandarin ruT haTT woven Chines. exquis.te and a ba- riin: tfavlna: cite, must se'I. Mala 907 J. Cr r.i'L"N" oak bv f : e In 1 i rat c .s Co r.d i -t ory els Glean ave.. or paoa Tabor 1 . . G couch, gas range, w range, e ectnc better, bird and cage, water nrr.r 1V5' Hawthorne. Toor 3.H25 tlNB wax oak library table. Take a T,d pk of:er. fti5 Cham of -m. look BMg. Offlc 9 imnart. NEW and ued deaka. ftjee, chairs. efe. typewrtters. ec ; a Urge safe cabinet for J'.ai. dTcta phone. 4: B-indy time cioefca. A '. la SvkxI rendition D C Wax. gt.Jft N 5th, Brtwv. '.';it FLAT Top oak dean. OM awivI nePdwy 4 J : J -hair. Ph. T pe writ era. kt- I t L c .Niiilia tpe ritera; p c si rate to studenta L C timith A Bros. Typewriter Oft si) 4 gealdics b dx. B1 w r m;.V KR SALE One new adipg marh'ti. u-d a tmw montna. Tclrphot-a 1M HAE s, m-xfe; Rem.nwt fcr sm e a: a acrifve pro - ?ix:h t Main V1 1 ty; wr.ter atr. Croae, HUAlHrf. bu, se yr. Co . s kJl;..ea. T re Stark. M W . .-r trt renter t st Ma! kt cut 147 FoK I'M'KKW Uv I' NO. 5. 9-W. 9;;. dv 94 a mo at xi. wl L roadway. Ldwy. i5. - FOR RALE. Typewrit era. FOV?TRCCTEr MACHINE THE BEST IN TTPEftRITKKS. IKOA-CUO Ol ARANTEB. ALL MAKES. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRIC E LIST. THE WHOLESALE TlfBWRITER CO., til W kitiDioa arc Main 6bL RKBl'ILV opewriters. all kinds, for eale, rent, exchange; i ara exclusive 1m tributors of Corona portable. $.V com plete with carryir.g caae; supplies and repairs or all rnak-s. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 4 Fifth St. Mam SM. LNDE.R WOOD typewriter, No. 4. aio Multtaraph Junior, with full printing equipment, used only a. tmm months. Mr. Ieii. jKawt vr 574 K. Ankny. Poult ry. TA.M RED a,-.d O. A. C. WMte Irgnorn chirks. 915 per hundred. Hatchlra cr. iTicuhaior lots. Tabor 9V-'2. Parkroe Maicnry. Portland tt. C NOL16U V Oil L.-aurn sltinir ; ror sav 97 per hundred: oar 15 ymr loo or loM) lots. Joa, Saundsra Route 2. Port:anti. Or. PfcTAI.fllA InruaAtor. 320-es;;. first-ciass condition 90. Spring water Poultry Varda. Wlrhlta Pta.. O. W P. car line. ix. Rshhiu. Bird, nd Pet ?tock. PERSIAN cats fr srv:c. sp.endid larc b.ue. b.ack. whfte anl orance males for service. Orange male kitten for sale. ;0 E. 53 'l st. N. Au:o. 321-37. I'CL'liiHfcti otoa maie puppy. 4 month old. beautifully marked and from cnaoi pion stork; 35. Tobor b-'fiJ. IM K'itTKU and domes; :o Andreasners r:rs aad females. 430 Rodney. East 4511. jH ciALE A thorouichbrd Alredaia pup. Ci'l Kant imhh. KEOS AND BARRELS rir and whlta oak. Western Cooperage Co., 3o N. 14th st. near Pettygrove. Phone A. Slw-ls. CoaJ and Wood. 94 PER LOAD 94. 2 -LOAD LOTS. 10-Inch fir biock and s.ab. runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater. We alao save you money on t-ioad orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east aid, oraaoa Fuel Co.. Wood lawn 4102. 99 PER LOAD 94. 1ft-Inch, partiy dry block and slab mixed. Fine (or furnac or heater, de luered In 2-load lota for 9v SMigie lea tlx. 9-u. Wahtn&tt,o lump coal. 911 ton in the haseoarnt. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. East 2041. WOOD WOOD 97 30 PER CORD. First-growth fir wood. seannd. 97.30 for curb delivery. Phone East 2tl. FKtE 1 ack k.ndi:ng each double load of 1 6-ln. b.ock and slab mixed; ruaa partly dry; 1 cord to double load. 2 LOADS 9S.OO 1 LOAD 94.AO Wdin. 1S0 or Wdln. 3jJ1. coal! coal: coal: coal: 911 per ton, put In your baaeinent, city weight, direct from mine to consumer; ijge lump, no c inkers or soot; burns to fine ash: try a ton. PHoNE EAST 134 OR EAST 1 NICE 16-inch s.ab. 13.73; bet fir. sea soned, heavy or merely graded, f 3 a loud, anywhere, bargain; dry 12 and 10 fnch country slab. 97.23; box, S4-50. Sawood 17fi9. LOOK LUO K LOO hi. Flrt-ciasa dry cord wood for sale, go ing last; temporary phone. Bdwy. 4bti0. Frunk Bur. on. I'lnfT-UHo WTH fir. Hoik toprings. Royal Owi Creek coal. Standard Brick A Ti. Co.. bS Fifth St.. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadaay la. CoRDWOOD First gruwth, ary; a-. so dead wood; on grava.ed roau. V mties south Cotton station. C D. Cat hey. Phone ;retham 97. Ll.aT dry cidwood 7 and 9s cord; biocA and slab, 9vt. double losd: ail block -.vood M2. douh'e 'nd frdwy. 41 10 UUUU aiy f.r corJKouJ 97.5 cord, hsvy country slab 925. Rock Springs and Utah coals. East 175. alvST ail kinds of wood. 4 -ft., or bv load 12 or 16-inch from 93.0 a load ud! Marshall 1:7. ULAVT biock and slab n.lxej. dry. lj aad 10 Inches No. 1 rir. hardwood dry aiab. Cell Woodlawn 2010. 'AK WuoD. 911 a cord, lu-in. leng-th. de livered anywhere in the city. Phone Bdwy. lio.N fc-iK 1 Uii'wa, lui kindling. 94: bock and stab, .&; heavy wreckage, 5j largff loads. Wdin. 3;-t. FIICST -GROWTH wood. dry. 97.50 cord; second growth, dry, 9.Xo cord. Aut. ojv-;?. BOXWOOD 94 PKrt LOAD. Puitoo Wood Co., deaiera in box and slabwoodw 12m aiacada.iu. Main 4173. b&ST green and dry fir cordwood and dry a.abwood from country mtiL Imme (lim delivery. Tsbor 722S LINCOLN COAL. 9l' egg, 911 lump: in vest 91 In a sample savk, save 9 a ton thereafter. Bdwy. 342.1. COAL SALE, bv the sack, delivered. LB Bdwy. 34:3. UTAH KING COAL now 9150 per tou. Ca.l Kat !0m. WtKT COAST dry box wood. 94 50 per :ad. Ca.l Wdin. 310e. tOl h-'ttoT oiova ana railraa Ues 4J l-in stove wood. siar. 204a. 9 A LOAD, lft-tnch dry pack aad ami t.mb-( .v.:ooj 310. Al FlLSr-GRoWf H ilr cordwood dellr- ered at or East 5;;. ti i j vi fl- diock and slab 95; planer trimmings 3 5o. Wdin. 4lS NO. 1 old-growth Or that IS list v. 7 3o j Auton-.anc ltf-H7. UOL'BLE load lft-ln. mill wood. 99, Est SUM or Auto. 047-90. GOOD i ne atoned. 5 stab, di.. extra dry. 4.ii pr 9ti. Bdwy. cord; 4trt. ilivi lua wi ury Doxwood, 34 id- dry Jb . ock a n da.a b. 99. bO. Ca.l Wd i n. 5:04 DRY CORDWOOD. ft.50 "and 97..'0 per COru, ur, tii - ji u ig.a O ,U. 60 1 2. t-FuuT country siab Ma:n 13. F1KST-GKOWTH fir cordwood. 97 So per cord for curb delivery. Phone East 2:1. WOULD you pay 97 50 tur rei first growth? If so call Ewst S"97. BEST o.d-growth dry fsr. $7.3it; second -growth. 97. Sell wood 314 large Mitwellaneoua. riN K tul.e aud lace evening gvw n. nrw. iL5; silver slippers, ft A. rvw, 3i. Broadway Fl'KMTI RK in 2-room eulte In good of- T'c but. ding ror s-a, reasonable; suit- sr:e lor real est at. Hiwy. flST. AMERICA vacuum clean r, oniy had a month's wear, as good as new, 915 cash, h I Dekum bMg. Bdwy. 5546. DlfevBOLD safea new au aecond-hand: special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co.. 4 Front St. Broadway !, A HANP)MB mahogany buffet at very low prU-e in order to dispose of promptly J-UALUN gwsouue pump snd ground storage tank tor sale under Cheap; f o. pot ?Bl rrtiaTi RANU. taster, sguare extension table, good aa pew. A at o. ft Jy-90. J A FAN hroa indestructible pearl direct fn:n orient, very reasonable. Aiar. ly4 TOCKVARD ti'.anur aeiivered anywhare. WfwJiawnlM bPKClAL sw.e Beauty par:or equipment. . fith. between Stark and Oak. ECONl-HA.VD tents and covers for eala, r'acific Tent 4c Awntcg Co.. No. 1 1st st. f OR SALE Cash rsgister, sale, adding mschica, ahowcasa 43 1st St.. near Am. GCARANTEa,U reou..t batterlea iwr rda tio to 915. Broadway 4492. GOOD borne made canned fruits; leaving cay. phone 2K-2s. LADIES- USED APFAREI, of a'l UndaTii UoNEl. wtu-ran red unadulterated, suainedl mtld; quart 55c. East 141a. UADlANTr IKE. gas Heater, equipped with n OOP ana ent ciawy. I t-4. it SHtWCAilS for ssus. luquire at 410 w aan:ng:on si. FREE DIRT, delivered la ne.ghborhood E 10th and Stanton. East ?7,t. SAFE Second-hand office safe, good a new: oarga:n. a n an oregonlan. ttAFt- ga::is -Nw an 1 scond-huad; 70 SIXTH STREET. b.g bar- l.KATliER trunk,- imprtrd. brand new T h:s is c'aas. CaTl 212 4:h at. EKKVH PEN1SSCLA wood heater with water cis fine condition. $15. Sell. Sj, FCRN itl'Kts" repwjrtng. mirrors, niwdicina cabinets. ec. CsU WoxxLawn 147. CASH r gter sad giaphvihone for naie 12, lath st. FOR SALE Used range with col.a M Linn. Sell. SSi5. EN 1TTING ma ditlon Cat: ;hlo for sate. UX god Con Marsha 1 447S. FOR SAL B ita by Carole cheap; cost new 9H- ' Now f IS. 554 Precott st gold orh 4rt utetsllic siarn letters a Norh Third st. 910: MASTER'S ?t ock Eiccharg UA cash. WLAKTS and pnts of ho . ; 1 1 ! e r !2, Apply 4 S2 Fw - liALL gas f .r furnaces, Lf Lyncb Hr.f . 1 TO Sixth et saU- -Leonard coat, JO. Caul Aa.a FOB SALE. M Lr el tajieou. FOR SALE Stoie fixtures, cheap: One 8 foot f.oor caae; one heavy green carpet, 1-140; -JO suit forms, six waist forms, .10 mirrors, four round coat racks, one pet ticoat rack, one dispiay table. 15 reflec tors, eiectnc fixtures. 30-foot soe wali ras. two Singer sewing machines. 0 yards of carpet strips, one desk, 500 hanjerj. two Lewaon skirt markers. 75 f-t slnrfow Call at tne White Houm. Jrtu Morrison. Inquire for Mr. S:g e'.. KOSE BL'SHKs Now is tne time to pant them. The Portland Koi Nursery is the pac. All the newest, best varieties a the lowest oricea. A. so a larre assort meat of ornainenlal shrubs. W do landscspinj. Let us figura on your joo. i eiepnone us. we oo tna rest. Phone tio-70. loJ Iivi!oo at., cor-nsr of 7ld ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy thtm from the factory shw room snd save one-Wiird ; a'l styles, finest se lection. Come and sea; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEt LCTZ. 207 Chevmher of Commerce Bids;. Broadway 4'2:,A. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Snd your wet wash to the Snow Ftake laundry; clothr-s washed anowy white in separate compartments. THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATUKLA Y. 13 LBS. FOR Hl CENTS. 4 CENTS each addi tional pound. Valuable premiums given. Phone East 8433. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jeweiry repairing, taka your work to UlLLER'S Bis; Little Jewelry Store Us for Less Gifts That Last. - Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing al day on your feet? If o. be fore you sit down for a ret use a aarn- water wash with Takara Antiseptic r-owaer; oim: and 91 box. Portland Hotel rnarmap . DOOKS, sloilosi. :umber. mo; dings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison ar.d Yamhlii. Phane Main 4213. SKWIN'vi machina new and second-hand. so' a lor less; no agents emp.oyed. Com- pietr 01 parts ior an m&Ka; ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. ISO Third st.. near Taylor. Main i-Ktl. MA KB a small payment and wear your eyetf.aases .and spectacles as yon pay ior mem. w n?eier optical company, second Loot, uregonian bids. SAFEd Fire and burgiar-proof aafe, new and second-hand, at right price; bought, coin ana exenangea; eay terms 11 ae alrd. KORRI9 SAFE A LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Broadway 7lMo. USED SAFE CABINET; DICTAPHONE cabinet. 9120; dictaphones. 940 cash; new and used desks, chairs, files, type writ era, safes, etc. Our prices are lowest. We rent office furniture. D. C Wax. 24-20 N. 5th. Bdwv. 27 19. FOR SALE C.f fee case : canvass curtain 8x30 feel. Including hangings; also plate glass grocery case, contains 12 bins. drawers, aU at a bargain. Call 200 Yam hill st. Liberty crea:r.ery. AN EXCELLENT Reed piano, almost good new; owner saya slaughter for 925 in order to get cash, or will sell on time payments for 93oo, 910 per month. See Kllrrs. second Loor Eilers Muaic bidff. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLERS Big Little Jewelry Store. Se'is for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. 7-FT. WALL, oid ivory finish, built year afro for blouses, has upper and lower compartments, sliding doors, have no room for it. name your own price. Young's C.iwn shop. 130 Ji:h gt BEAUTIFUL mottled mahogany 83-note pianola player piano, with 40 fi8-note music roi. and bench; cost $875; now omy $1M. See thus at Eilers. 2d floor Ki ers .MOsic bids;. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating. In deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof? We repair Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinda of leaky roofs. Phone Broadway 73. A NICE Pea?e piano left with us to be sold for 910. which is virtually half Its actual value. See or phone Bdwy. 5523. Eilers p.ano dept., 24 floor Eilers Muaic bldg., Washington st. at 4th. LAST DAY. SACRIFICE PRICED. On store fixtures, such as showcases. waU cases, cash registers, ales. add ing machines, fountains, pool tables. TTi;iny otne.-s. mo Washington. LADlKc? s.ightiy garments, best ma terials; suits i to 925: coale. dresses. lowest prices- Fourth floor. 403 Alisky p. tig.. ogue. sa, near .Morrison. HOT WATER tanks. 3u gai., 9'; 40 gal.. 90 tested, guaranteed; stove and furnac cons. gAS Hesters install ?d; plumbing. East Side A'eid. Sh.. 203 Adams. E. 8.". 10 A.; WRECKING two frame buildings a: 50 Mississippi ave., rnateria; for sale; scrap wood, $1 per load. Phone Wood lawn 270. WE REPAIR anything locks. electric lights, vacuum cleaners, electric irons, etc. Ryt made- Barretts, 1S4 4th Mam S1M1. V L LC AN iZlNli outfit for sale. For further information see Chariest Trowbridge. Quimbv hotel, i'ft 4th st. LiCsNaEL independent eectnciMh w.res 9 rooms for 912. 5 for 320, guaranteed 16 pa inspection. Wfdln. 8701. DANDY 3-light shower fixture, complete with shadea only 95.35. at 2U7 Chamber of Commerce bldg Eroadwav 4 2.",g. RUGS washed on your floor wan Hamil ton -Beach electric carpet washer: a. so vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought. 10 Id and repaired. 220 Stark, Broadway 75:t4. RELIABLE gaa range, high s.Ue oven. 92: copper coil water heater, 9 li.iu. East 1 TAKE orders for draw n thread mono grained pongee handkerchiefs. Call Mar snail 41 e'.t. FERTILIZER. Cow msrnire, well rotted, delivered any pari 01 en? . ihmi ra wn BE ALTlf L'L so; i 1 aire, vi sacrifice for 905u cash, nlan. .ue mug E Sol, Orego SIMMONS brass bed and sprines. i ht-eier & W ilson sewing machine, 910, DAINTY, pieces for home gifts. prises. L.iKiu Art Miop. tijiO North western rtar.K DUi.mrsg. OR Ra-NT Eiectnc vacuum cteanera 1 cents per asy, aeiivered any whsra v ooQiswn mv PILh-S can be permanently cured withoi . operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, ec- ona ana jsorrtson. rOR r.iEAfTOMOMl.E9. LOOK ! LOOK ! LOOK ! We have about 20 wonderful bargains tn used automobiles; Just compare our cars in price wun oiners. LOOK! 3 3 01 Maxwell touring, completely 1 1W19 Maxwell touring, completely rrniu ru, 2 iois Alsxwell touring, completely 117 Ford touring. 9124. 111H Ford touring, good condition. 95. 117 Mitchell light six, looks like new, "lVl7 Mitchell Big GIx. looke like new, 92uo Hudson super-six, wonderful 1.;S Bnarof. newly painted. 92S5. 1110 Dodge touring, first-class shape. 14i Dodge aedan, looks like new, 972.5 1W1S ftudebaker six, looks and rum like a car should. 915. 1020 Gardner tour-in .almost new, $450. uaa.ana roadster, a dandy, 9100- Loti of ethers to' select from at all times. Man of these cara are to be wim v'n rmfy meni p. an. JAKES AUCTION HOUSE, Oor. ftth and Everett. v. M..r rxiraorainary of phonographs continues unabated Never heretofore " it possibie to ob tain aucb grat discounts aa we are of fering in this sale. Payments only 97 a month for phonographs actually reduced 9-1 93. and now actually i than half i-TwiV1 rT"-. ,2l...f: Many for I ciuany teas than .,'ormcr ,BriCes- payments of only f 1 M Vk- E' ora Phonograph Iept.. 2d floor Eilera Music bldg Seven ronrs devoted to music and musicians. i-j 1 a. moaai t-ioerty Caummy. new ca'ct" nearly new cord tires. Th.s Car is in A-I condition; a .so haa 1922 licanae. Some - "-" yn, owiance- eaar terma Call Props?. Broadway 4H7fi. latil FORD tour. ne 910 cash, balance ea y terms; price $.'475; run less than 20o0 m . e . .1-1 conn. 11 on. an St lfct"-: HODES AUTO PARTS CO. Auto wreck ers. pane aU makes car for lass. 32 A'ider, corner 16th. Bdwy. 3ftS8. WE TEAR 'em up and sea the pieces Portland Auto Wrecking Co- Ml idar" 17th. Broa.lway 024. We PUT steel teetn in your old fywheel: crankshaft turning. H. B. Black Ma- ch:ne shop. 534 Alger. Bdwy. 2tj,i 1V21 CHEVROLET touring, run 4000 mile and bad excelnt car. A bargain for some one. jellwood 3071. 9TU DEBAKER Si EClAL, like new " cord EStet ttree, u ice trtna eaner, 965a). 1017 K I P. model N wire wheels; will trade for trd. E. 4376. I'Ji i AIUa b, vet UiCai. WditO. 4903k ' FOB MLE-A!TOMOBILK5. YES, BUSINESS 13 GOOD! THE REASON: We have dropped the price of our UET FORD? so low that om of our competitors are buying: them tor resale. Just think of that! And they- expect to make a real profit. Why not . et that profit yourself? W have actually reduced the price of every car in our large stock 90 per cent or more. In order to move them quickly" aud convert into cash. SO USED FORDS 50. Including all types and models, at an average price of 9239. SEE THESE BUYS! 117 touring, new body .... 1018 bug 1919 roadster, starter block 101 worm track chassis -.. lftlS roadster coupe, dem. rlm 1010 sedan. Ford starter ... 1M0 touring, good shape ... T013 delivery 1010 bug, good body ...92" 1 16ft , 230 84 AND 40 OTHERS. At these unbelievable prices. Come across the river and see these cars before you buy, it la a duty yo ewe yourself. EASY TERMS. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Grand Ave. at East Yamhill fit. East 471 Open Evenings and Sundays. WINTER BARGAIN SALES ' CONTINUE AT VERY LOW PRICES ON USED AUTOMOBILES. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex auto mobiles. These are In the beat of mechanical condition : they are also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars; tn addi tion, we give 00 days' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' fre trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have it In spected, and we want only satis fied customers. 1017 Maxwell Ii21 Ford 1020 Maxwell 11S Grant six 1010 Chalmers six ...... 1017 Dodge 1019 Olds six 1!18 Olds rtght 1019 Liberty sport model 3 90 Chandler 101S Overland chummy . . .9250 . . 375 .. 475 . . 500 . . 650 . . 450 .. 675 . . 850 . . ftOO . , 975 . . 425 ji c naimers 600 1918 Cole 8. sport model 1150 1916 Hudson super six 1917 Hudson super six 785 873 1019 Hudson super six 1050 1919-1020 (model O series) Hudson super six 1100 1918 Hudson speedster 950 1920 Hudson speedster 1450 Largest Used Car Branch Store In the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and. Evenings. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 5739. Also a display at Our Salesroom." 615-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. VRANSON'S FOR GOOD CARS CHEAP. 1015 Buick 4 touring, starter 9150 1019 Chevrolet roadster, snap 225 101 Dodge touring 175 1017 Dodge touring 350 10 15 Dort touring 350 1016 Hup 4, touring 275 1017 Hup. model N. overhauled 425 P18 Baby Grand Chevrolet 375 1020 Oakland 6. overhauled ftOO 1H1H Mitchell 6. overhauled 000 rorns in stock, al! models. 8 Fords, bugs, from $135 up. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXTH.. Union Ave, and Belmont St.. Upstairs. OLDS5IOBTLE BARGAIN. 119 Olds Pacemaker, all overhauled, good tires, new paint, run only Oooo miles; sacrifice at 9900; will consider light car in tra-tfe. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 14th and Morrison. Bdwy. 3600. FOR QUICK SALE. 101R Elgin sedan, recently painted; up holstering in fine condition; good tires one extra: adjustable steering wheel and other extras; compelled to dispose of at once; willing to sacrifice: will take be t offer on this before Friday. Woodlawn 531 1. LOOK! LISTEN! Srort model Jordan, new paint, new corl tires; has been overhauled from steil to stem, and sold with a new car guarantee. Will accept car In trade and give easy term: a real buy. Call Props t. Bros d way 475 USED CAR SHOW mt the USED CAR MARKET ftth and Main. AW makes of good cars to choose from at genuine bargain prices. Cash terms trades. IT S GOT TO GO. My 1014 Ford . Just o ve rhau led, with netw rings and pistons, almost hew tires aU around, upholstering worn some but body and rest Okey; 91AO takes it; half caF-h, terras on balance. Brings at Broad wav 7P9. LIGHT roadster, has been run only 40o0 mues; eoja with guarantee: has nearlv new rubber and will make from 20 to 2$ miles on a gallon of gas. This car looks just lke new and is a '21 model; some snap. Call Prnpst. Bdwy. 4675. ROADSTER SNAP. Late 1019 MUcheij, looks like new, re- iimsnea and in a 1 mechanical condi tion; written guarantee; sacrifice for terms. iook & liiii co Broad way and Flanders. lyiH BULK light six touring, new paint ana iirs. runs pvnectiy. oiggert uuy in town si erwft; it'iih. tiawv, SZol. 55 ARTISANS BTDG., Opppwte Benson Hotel. CKEVROIJST roadster, privately owned. perfect condition ; ft good tire. 7 inner tuoea, cneap imi weet. 7 East Pine. ( Ma.'estict. FC)R SALE 1017 MAXWELL; good gine, fair rubber; she will run ; 9225 1 a k es it. v, aa oe seen at Madiaon dock. 1020 CHEVROLET delivery; nearly new; has been used very little. A real buy at awo. lerms it aeeirea. 'I a loot A t'agey. inp.t Ksst AnKeny and Grand ave. WILL sacrifice my late-model baby grand 1 nevroiet. in exceueni a nape; cannot be told from new; some terms. Call Wood lawn ft25. POPULAR light six-cylinder, 5-passenger car. iir-cjjsw moc ns.n icwi COnaitlOIU Terms to responsible par tie a Call Tabor 4450. BABY grand 1020 Chevrolet touring, la perfect condition; new paint. A snap. Tabor 503 S. . 1021 FORD roadster, excellent condition. looks like new; si,i, lerma. Call Mfl waukle 93, ask for Mr. Van Horn. 7 DODGE touring, good mechanical con dition; grtod tires. $2o- 702 Williams eve Fast 3QP.8. 4iH CHEVROLET touring, splendid condi tion; must sen at once; win give very easy terms. Phone Tabor 5035. THREE 1822 Templars at cost. Answer at once If you want to get in on this. P 4' Oregonlan. 117 FORD with 1021 T-rms. Tflbor 4M body for 9233. OAKLAND car. fine shape, for Improved let. Glasgow. g2 Sfl gt. 1010 FORD touring with starter. Term. Phone Wdln. 2SS7. 129 OAKLAND, and It runs. oursesL 2J.O Jeflcraoa et. FOR S A I.J5 AC TOMOBn.ES. 200 CARS 200. ALL LATE MODELS. OTEX AND CLOSED CARS. W'B H AYR BEEN ORDERED TO EMPTY ONE OF THE LARG EST WAREHOUSES FULL OF CARfi, AT ANY PRICE AND ON ANY REASONABLE TERMS. A FEW DOLL A RS OR YOUR OLD CAR WILL SECURE FOR YOU A N13W OR LATE MODEL CAR. FORD TO LOCOMOBILE DO NOT WAIT; -NOW I3 YOUR OPPORTUNITY. OPEN EVENINGS. pEiPP MOTOR CAR CO., PHONE. BROAD-WAY 2994. 132 BROADWAY N. OPPOSITE NEW POSTOFFICa. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. 1019 Chevrolet touring li2 Chevrolet touring.......... 1017 Chevrolet touring 1017 Maxwell touring 1016 Overland touring 1915 Franklin touring, starter.... 1917 Ford touring 1918 Ford touring 1019 Ford touring 1010 Ford touring 1020 Fftrd roadster starter 1018 Ford roadster lOi'O' Ford touring, starter lOi'O Ford touring, starter 1021 Ford touring, starter ........ 1921 Ford touring, starter This car is practically new. 1021 Ford aedan 1S20 Ford sedan 1015 Ford touting 1920 Ford chassis, starter DELIVERY CARSI 1919 Chevrolet panel d-el 1017 Chevrolet panel del; Ford delivery exDreas ..9205 .. 375 . . 193 225 .. 385 .. 275 385 .. 1P5 .. 105 . . 283 323 . . 223 . . 350 .. 325 . . 450 .. 415 .. 505 .. A50 . . 143 . . 283 275 173 145 2?3 1018 Ford delivery express 1020 Ford delivery express . ... 3S5 1020 Ford 1-ton truck, starter, ex press body 475 Open evetry night until 9 o'clock and all day Sunday. Terms if desired. Don't fail to see these cars before you buy. Remember you are buying them from a responsible Ford dealer, and we will give you the same service on these cars as you get on a new one. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 8770. Grand Ave. at Hawthorne AUCTION SALE. Two sales a week. Thursday evening 7:80 P. M., Monday 7:30 P. M. This Is the place to buy your automobile. We sell about 40 automobiles a week. Different makes. Th ere' a a re aso 11. Corns and see. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE, Corner 0th and Everett, Phone Broadway 2329. , $ 450 OAK LA ND 9 450. 1018 Oakland six in good mechanical condition, good top, new tires. We have several real bargains in Oakland cars. Come In and look them over. Terms if desired. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 14th and Morrison. Bdwy. 3606. WILL sacrifice my 392.1 model Lakewood Paige. This is practically a new car. Extras Included, 1 tire and cover, spot light. motometer, peep mirror and enub-bers. Car is owned by private party. Will take part cash and terms on bal- ance. ab uregonian. UtBD CARS AND FORDS. ' Good Fords from 9125 and up; other makes to sleect irom at tne lowest pos sible prices. USED CAR MARKET, 6th and Main. PAIGE SNAP. Late 3019 light 6. used very little, overhauled and refinlshed. sacrificed for 9500. terms, sold with a written guaran tee by the Paige dealers. Cook & Gill Co., Broadway and Flanders. ft-CYLIND-TQR, 1930 Stxidbaker. 2-paae. repainted and overhauled, disc wheels and alligator top;' a bargain; owner leav ing city; dn t rati to se t rua CARL V. CONANT. 10S North 1 1th. Broadway 5378. MONITOR light six touring car, motor just overhauled, new tires, cars fully equipped, also extras; sickness In family compels me to sacrifice car for $500 rasn. rar at J-o iasc otn st. uavia ax. Ellis. 4MJ Penrose Apts. , BABY GRAND Chevrolet touring car, 1020 model, in excellent condition, sacrifice for 9850, consider Ford or Chevrolet in trade with easy terms on balance. Phone East 178. 1918 CHEVROLET delivery in good condi bion. Has four brand-new tires; this is a regular car; 9185. Liberal terms. Tal bot A Casey, Inc., East Ankeny and Grand ave. SPORT MODEL PAIGE. The beautiful Larchmond model, sacrifice for -9130. terms; written guar antee from the faige aeaiers. cook & Oil I Co.. Broadway and Flancerg. WILL sell my n20 model stuts, 4 pas senger, for less than hi of original price. l ar has been run less tnan bK mues Looks and runs like new. Will give terms. Knone Troen. nawy. -jvjv. WE CARRY a lull line of auto accessor lea tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc; also do towing, open aay ana nignc LO.NU &. S1LVA, Phone Eat 402 Hawtliome. 1019 BUICK LIGHT SIX 9785. Cord tires, newly finished. line me chanically. Exceptional value. Terma L. Y. BILLINGS LEY MOTOR CO.; Hawthorne Ave. at flh. Phone East 7. 1917 MAXWELL touring; motor, tires and body good ; upholstering and top not good. Only 9S5. Terms If wished. Tal bot A Caney, Inc., East Ankeny and Grand ave. - A 1917 SAXON 8, just completely over hauled, new battery, best of condition; hew paint job; must have cash at once but might consider terms to a reepon- " sible party. Phone. Woodlawn 1QSS. VELIE BARGAIN. Tjste model light 6. Continental motor, overhauled and refinlshed. Sac rifice for 9000. Terms. Written guar antee by Cook A Gill CO. 1020 BUICK coupe In fine condition, cord tires, bumper, extra cord tire and tube; fint-clHB mechanically; 91350: terms to responsible party. Phone Tabor 44o0. No trades; no dealers. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE. WELL BUILT, DELIVERED, ERECTED. STAINED. 10x10. 955; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICES. 299 WEIDLEW. EAST 8866. 1020 DODGE TOURING 905O. Two new cord tires, bumper, spotlight, all brakes just relined. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. ITaw'thorne Ave, at 8th. Phone East 7. 1921 FORD roadster, practically new, run only 1000 miles, perfect condition. 9400; terms. Call Milwaukie 98; ask for Mr. Brown. STEPHENS SALIENT SIX. 1921 4-pass. touring. 8 cord tires, spot light, 1922 license. For quick sale, 91000. Call Mr. Frost. Bdwy. 8606. Lata Ford touring, starter, Hassler shocks. speedometer, gooa ruofoer, Terms. L. Y. BILLINGSLEY MOTOR CO.. Hawthorne Ave, at 8th. Phone East T. LICENSE TOO HIGH. Will sell my 1918 Buick Six, In yood shape, with six oordi tires for 9400. faU Marshall 3Q54. LATE Chevrolet coupe, new wire wheels and ures, excellent conaiuon in every respect, will trade for Ford or Chevrolet Wdln. 238T. 1022 MODEL. 400, Chevrolet sedan; run miles; inorougniy equipped, owner, Bdwy. 801; evenings. Main 2088. OVERLAND for sale, eiectrlc starter and headiignts, in ai conamon, sao. Must sell at once. Phone Bdwy. 3237. Room 25. FORD touring, 9100. Owner must selL j.t i"tn sr. 1936 REO 4, oversize cord tlrs. irr?2 li cense, ana insuxea, raou apar 139 FOR 8ATJS AUTOMOBILES. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY USED-CAR POUCY. We conscientiously. REBUILD snd REF1NISH a large portion of our used cars. We do this to PROVE to you that a good RE BUILT USED CAR ia better value than a new cheap car at the same price. WE ARE BACK OF OUR REBUILT CARS. Our policy Is to have the purchaser a SATIS FIED PURCHASER. We will not misrepresent our reputation la the most preciouj thing we have and we guard against mis-statements most carefully. CADILLACS. " Any rebuilt Cadillac car goes through our main shop the me chanical rebuilding is in the hands of Cadillac experts only and their orders are to spare no expense In renewing the machine in every way. Paint jobs on these cars are cf the very best. 1922 Ford coupe, license, ex tras 9 650 1921 Buick 4-pass coupe..... 1750 1020 Cole 7-passengecr, re painted, disc wheels... 1350 1020 Dodge Bros, sedan 1150 1020 Dodge Bros, touring.... 675 1020 Dodge Bros, roadster... 055 1910 Dodge Bros, touring.... 585 1910 Dodge Bros, roadster... 665 1018 Dodge Bros, touring.... 495 1918 Dodge Bros, roadster... 475 1018 Dodge Bros, sedan 745 1016 Dodge Bros, roadster... S75 1920 Hi ynea, 7-passenger, re painted 1165 1920 Marmon speedster, like new 2750 1020 Oldsmobile. 7-passenger. 305 1910 Roamer, newly painted. 1200 REBUILT .CADILLACS. 1918 touring, new tires, paint, top 2000 1918 roadster, new tires and paint 1800 1917 touring, new top and paint 1600 1916 touring, new top and paint 1400 A lways "THE BEST CARS AT THE LOWEST PRICES." COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 21st at Washington Sts. 28-30 N. Broadway. Bdwy. 6244. SPECIAL SALE OF USED CARS. CUT OUT AND BRING THIS AD INT TO US IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ANY ONE OF THE CARS LISTED BE LOW. WE ARB SURiB YOU WILL BE DELIGHTFULLY SURPRISED, AS WE ARE GOING TO SELL THESE CARS AND YOU SHOULD BE ONE OF THE LUCKY ONES DON'T FAIL TO GET IN ON THIS REAL SURPRISE SALE. Saxon Six Dodge .... Cadillac .. Nash ..... Olds 8 ...9205 . . 395 .... 320 . . . 69 ... 875 Bulck 7-pass. Buick 1019 touring .. Buick 1920 roadster Buick 1920 touring .. $750 875 .... 995 095 AND MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., 12TH AT ALDER. BROADWAY 1130. BUY USED CARS NOW. Used car prices have reached the low ebb. We are offering a mighty fine looking stock of high-grade used cars at the lowest prices in history of the business. We have fours and sixes in various body sizes and in fine shape mechanically. We also offer an un usual combination of easy terms, with no charges for brokerage. Come and look them over. 1018 Olds 8. 7-pass White touring 1017 Mitchell, C-pass. 1018 Briscoe, '5-pass 1918 Jordan Sport Marine ..... 1018 Paige, 5-pass 3020 Oldsmobile, 6-pass 3919 Velie 1020 Jordan, 7-pass 1016 Packard Twin Six, 7-pass. 3020 Mitchell, 5-pass 1021 Mitchell, 5-pass 1035 Cadillac 1918 Studebaker, 7-pass 1918 Mitchell, 5-pass Liberty Chummy 1130 Mitchell, 5-pass. ; 1021 Jordan, 5-pass ..9 7fl0 .. 200 . 50 .. 400 .. 1350 . . 70O . . 750 800 .. 2000 .. 3 500 . . 1150 .. iaso . . 650 .. 300 . . 650 . . 650 750 .. 2000 OPEN SUNDAYS FROM 10 TO 3 AND EVERY EVENING DURING THE WEEK, MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER COMPANY. 38 YEARS TN THE NORTHWEST Broadw-ay and Everett St. Broadway 4675. $850. $850i $850. 1910 BUICK 6-cyl., 7-pass. This car has been completely overhauled and re- nanrert In ntir own shOD. NeW Paint, mils like new; consider some trade, balance terms. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 14th and Morrison. Bdwy. 8606. CLOSING OUT SALE. . rom.hv hrtlv nnid rub ....9 650 2-ton Bethlehem, body and cab 600 1-ton. Denbv 4 4-ton Deaby, dump body a'oOO Will accept Fords In trade , . TRUCKS OVERHAULED. CARL V. CONANT, 305 North 11th st. Broadway 5378. PAIGB 5 passenger, new paint and good tires and is mecaanicauy goon in every way This car is for sale, so don't over look it, for it Is righL Small payment down, balance easy terms. Call Propst, Broadway 4W7&. CHEVROLET, 490. touring, in per fect condition; juei ween wuiyieiuij overhauled practically new set of tires. A real bargain; don't miss this one. Will sacrifice at 9160; terms if desired. Call Tabor 318. tMXi SAOR.TFTCB 40Ol Apperson 8-cylindor chummy roadster; paint, top. cushions) and rubber are In fine condition; have to raise money quicklv; cash or terms. Call Tabor 1800. NEW STIsVEL Perry panel delivery, de- mountajbie rims, run ten aayo; roauoiwr, starter block; a snap; cash or terms. Ta bor 1770. OVERLAND CLOVERLEAF, thoroughly overh-auiea, goo a nres, wire wnm ; iuu down; balance easy terms; price 9275. East 1062. FORD SEDAN. Brand new 1922, never run; will dis count or trade for small car. Very easy terms. Tabor 5085. 1022 STEPHENS SPORT MODEL. Brand new, at big discount. See Splidsboel and Rawlins, the Stephens specialists, sixtn ana javerett. 1020 MAXWELL, .5-pass., paint and top like new, rive neariy new tires; an ex cellent buy for 9380. Terms If desired. East 6250 1921 CHEVROLET touring, bargain; will accept rora in treae ana give easy terms orr balance. Phone Anto. B28-65. FOR SALE Nearly new Ford coupe; all accessories, license, insurance; will stand substantial cut. Bdwy. 569. 1921 FORD sedan, run 1400 mile sacrifice. Terms. wain. DELIVERY box for Ford roadster. cheap. 525 Alder. Automobiles Wanted. 926O0 EQUITY IN valuable quarter block on Belmont St., exchange for new auto. take Kord coupe. Jtaast pa. CARS WANTED to wreck, parts for all cars for lees. S. A 81 Auto Wrecking Co., 15th snd Alder. Broadway 636. WANTED Late model Ford cans; will p,y cash. Used Ford Sale Co.. cor. 8th and Travis. WANTED Car to sell or store; we have several parties wanting to buy oars. Western Warehouse Co., &S5 Alder. WANTED Late model Ford coupe; pay caan. wooaiawn lai. CAjSH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 Gligan at 30th. Bdwy. 203. WE WILL loan money on your automobile, Grannlng & Treece. 542 Alder st. WANT FORD, condition no object; -ash. Call Tabor IfiW. TRADE your car lor a town lot. Tabor FOR giJ E a U TOM O BI LES. Automobiles Wanted. I CAN use a good late model auto: will trade 100 acres of level land in White vHorse valley of Harney county. This land i worth about 98 an acre, but I have no use for it, but can use a good car; land is clear of incumbrance. Writs AJ 7. Oregon i an. CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the suet ion house for quick sale and fuM value; maJl com. mfiiwion charged; fire-proof bMaj., steam heated. Phone Broadwav 2320. Corner ftixth and Everett sts.. weet aide. OVERLAND 75 roadster, mechanically fine; good tires and tubes; not much for looks; want trade for nearly new Essex or similar car; full particulars first letter. G 422. Oregonlan. WANTED A light touring; must be in Al mechanically good condition; Ford prfd. Not earlier than 1015. Price must be rea sonable. Pay part cash. bal. terms. No dealers. AK 383. Oregonian. WE WRBCK THEM Highest cash price paid for old cars, condition no ohjecL AUTO R E CO NST RU C T T (W CO. , . THIRD AND G LI SAN. WANTED Light touring or roadster; pay cash if necessary; full details. AR 387, Oregonian. WANTED 1020 or 1021 Ford coupe; must be in good shape. Priced right for cash. Call Bdwy. 3 216. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES and parts. aU makes. BLAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-40 Grand Avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLED AND BICYCLES TRY US'. 2a0 THIRD ST. MAIN 013!. Autonioolles for Hire. ORSUOtX USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cars for rent without drivers. reasonable rates; open day and night. 325 Glisan st., betwe-e-n Broadway and 6fh st- FhoTieBdwy. 5-5H3. $ 1.2ft per hour. AUTOS FOK HIRE, with or without driv er Day and nigTit service. COUCHMAN GARAGE, 19th and Couch. Broadway 3696. Remember our number, Broadway 360 6. H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, 3D AM) TAYLOR. MAIN T6S1. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DiRIVEiRS. CITY GARAGE. 133 13th St. Bdwy. 840. 6-CYLINLER 5-PASS. BUICK JfOR HIRE WITH LttlVE!K. JttROADWAY $547. FOR SALE TRCCKS AND TRACTORS, 3-ton GMC, a 100 per cent bargain, all overhauled, repainted and in first-class condition ; the tires are in very good shape; 92450. 2 -ton Republic, motor has been thoroughly overhauled and all four tires are absolutely new. This truck has not seen a great deal of service and is a wonderful buy; $1350. 2-ton Mack, nearly new. Make us an ofier to submit to the owner. 2-ton GMC. This truck has been carefully and thoroughly over hauled and we are prepared to guarantee it in any way that is reasonable. Every unit has been carefully inspected and we are of-' fering it at the extremely low price of 91020. 2-ton White. This is very thor oughly and carefully overhauled, every unit is rebuilt and the tires are nearly new; 91650. 2-ton Reo; a good old reliable for cordwood, lumber or other hard work; $450. 1-ton Ford truck; solid tires, good cab and platform body, 9300. One-ton Ford chain-drive truck, 9150. -ton GMC, equipped with a good body; penumatic tires; 9850. WENTWORTH & IRWTN, Inc.. 200 Second Street, Corner Taylor. REBUILT Republic trucks backed with Roberts' guarantee and service are the best buys in the city. Compare our prices with the prices quoted on trucks that are sold as is i-ton models from .'9400 to 9 500 1- ton models from 600 to 1005 lH-ton models from 705 to 1205 2- ton models from 700 to 1425 84 -ton models (dump jobs) 3000 Bodies suitable for any hauling re quirements will be found installed on some of the trucks in our stock. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Bdwy. 1369. Park and Everett Sts. NEW 8-16 I. H. C. tractor, never been used. Price $800; also one only 2-bot-tom. 14-inv No. 5 P. & O. Little Genius tractor plow, price $140. R. N. Steven son, McMinnville, Or. 1-TON CHEVROLET truck to trade for acreage. Phone 2381 Gresham. Chevro let delivery to trade for lot or acreage. Phone Gresham 2481. I NEARLY new 2 -ton Denby, run only 4 months, cost 922o0 ; wi Id seil for S 130O. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 6776. GARAGES. GARAGE WANTED. We have buyers for large and' small places. If your price is right we can turn your place at once. H. W. OSBORNE, Realtor, . Phone Broadway 5387. FOR RENT Garage. 94 per month. In quire mornings 128 13th st., bet. Wash. ana Aider. PRIVATE garage, reasonable rent. 374 Victoria siu, near E. Broadway. Auto. WANTED On west side, small bldg. large enough for & or 6 cars for auto re pair shop. F 391. Oregonian. FOR SALE Portable garage, 10x16; good condition; 9o0. Broadway 313b. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WE WILL ALLOW YOU $5 to $15 for your discarded suit in payment on a suit m-ade to order and you cam pay us the oaiance on easy montiwy t payments. Brinig in your used suit and apply it on a nw one. joy tne xauor, 104 xjurth, ne-ar Stark. SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS BOUGHT We pay highest prices. Ore gon Tailors and Cleaners, 117 2d st. N. W. corner Washington. Bdwy. 7244. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER, THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER COATS, MACKINAWS, SHOES. WB CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY, DAY OR EVENING. CALL MARSHALL 1220 OR 253 MADISON ST., NR. THIRD ST. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, SHOES, ETC. BROADWAY 3932. 245 Vs BURNS IDE BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD. CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. FURS FURS FURS. Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing, furs tanned and dressed. La France Fur Mfg. Co., 103 West Park t reeL Phone Main 6520. U'ED PIANO WANTED. Will pay cash for high-grade piano In good condition; give maker's name and price. S 441, oregonian. MAIN 1S13 EXPERT TAILORING. Highest prices for used clothing, 159 W. Park, cor, Morrison. We call any time. SAFE Second-hand; give size, lowest price for cash an 4 address. AL 386, Oregonian. TINNER'S tools, want full or part outfit, located anywhere Willamette valley ; give list, location, price. AH 384. Oregonian. IF YOU wish to sell your cast-off clothing call Mar. 3225, 209 Madison sL People's Secondhand Store. WANTED Maps and equipment for fire Insurance office. BJ 878, Oregonian. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds, 340 Washington st. 10-FT. CASE for meat market. Give price. description. am. aa, oregonian. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot- guns. -HnTe-ia, bo inira, near mK. Furniture Wanted. CALL MAIN 8878. We pay the highest price- for need furniture. see us oeiore you sen. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. Main 8878. MAIN 663L Used furniture of any kind, tools and general household goods, bought for casn. Vroou. vt". V ruruaau Salvage -Q. WANTED Office furniture, 2 flat top, 1 typewriter desks, arm and swivel chairs, rugs, prefer oak finish. No dealers. AF 381, Oregonian. I NEED furniture, rugs, stoves and tools - of all descriptions in single pieces or in lots; will pay more than local dealers; prompt attention given. Call East 2405. WE DO stove and furniture repairing We also buy and exchange your old furni ture for new. 165 First sL Mar. 5321. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4627 or 168 First st. WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for yon on commission. George Baker & Co., auctioneer. Main 8332, YVANTKP MISCEI.T.AXFOrS. - Furniture Wanted. CALL MARSHALL 2603. I pay absolutely the rig hi price for household goods: a home full of furni ture or one article. I need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good rugs, roil-top desks and good stools, if you are ready to sell, call Marshall 2009. I will be there promptly with cash. CASH FURNITCRE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc.. to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers. Call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyei will calL Broadway 2200. 72 North Third St., Rosenberg s Furniture Exchange. CALL MAIN 7:ts. CASH PAID FOR USED FURNITURE AND HOUSKHOU GOODS; WK PAY MORE THAN ANY LOCAL DEALER; GIVE US A TRIAL USED FURNITURE EXCHANGE. CALL MAIN 7;18. EDUCATIONAL. FOUR WEEKS' TRAINING FREE- We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged in the suto, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busi ness We can assist you to a good posi tion, too. We give you a four weeks' FREE TRIAL. No money in advance The trial obligates you in no way It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up our school and test your qualifi cations, to learn mechanical work. FuU particulars in our new 112-page cata log. Cali or write for It today. Adk for book No. 5. it's free. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. Woodlawn or A!berta ear. 3d and Alder.. BIG DEMAND FOR COMPTOMETER OPERATORS. We are daily receiving calls for com petent comptometer operators. Steady employment, good salaries. Take a course now and begin to earn money. Behnke VValker Business College, 4th, near Mor rison Phone M. 590. The Scnool of Private Secretarlea BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Enroll now and as soon as you are competent there will be a permanent, well-paying position awaiting you. Sten ography, banking, secretaries, account ing, etc. Free catalogue. Phone Main 690 or call at Fourtn. near Morrison. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It is. Standardized with schools in 60 other citiea Best laboratories, best shop equipment and Instructions. Actual shop practice given on real repair jobs. Results absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while business-is quiet. Prepare, now for big business opening in a few months. In quire Oregon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-aervlca men get STATE AID. COMPTOMETER SCHOOL. We want girls from in to 25 years to learn comptometer; firms are calling for finished operators again; course costs 940; you may have terms. See Miss Col lins, 313 Morgan hldg. This is the only comptometer school in the state of Ore gon. Wm. A. Bacon, director. HOW ABOUT your business education? Are you going to "put it off" and fail, or "put it over" and succeed? NORTHWESTK R N SCHOOL OF COMMERCE, "The new name of Link's Business Col lege" expanded.) Day and night school. Morrison at 10th HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Nation- wiae aemana at nigh salaries; past ex perience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op portunities everywhere. Write at once ' for particulars. Desk 1418. Washington, MOHLER BARBER COLLEGE will teach . you iiiw imue in o weeKS, IurniAh a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured; former ex- ': service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 234 Burnslda HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOilKN Nation-wide demand at high salaries; paBt experience unnecessary ; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particulars. Desk 1418, Wash ington, D. C. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you tne trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while ' learning ; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. MODERN barber college teaches trade in . o wm., 1001s lurnisnea, some pay; posi tion secured; special rate this month Write or call for particulars, 34 lar at' MiS MAiTLNULi a Private School Shorthand, typewriting, day, e venire a 260 14th, near Jefferson. main jbsij. ROCKS MT. Teachers' Agency, Enroll free! 1 state auQt.. mgr., jn. w . rjank bing. Auto. 512-1J. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway ExchaDKS bldg. Night classes. NIGHT SCHOOL beauty culture. Curtis. Bdwy. 6902. IF YOU WA-N'T to learn the vulcanising FISK Teachers Agency Journal Bldg Main 4835. Teaching position, free rez YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration. Main 6174. Broadway bldg. LEARN beauty culture evenings. uurtis. nawy. ouua WANTED Men to learn vulcanising trade. Call 102 Grand ave. iBELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN! Take this Hp: The ops best place in this city to assist YOU in finding a position In a clerical com mercial ox technical line is the Y. M. C. A employment department. You can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you will never find through your own efforts alone. All young men and especially strang ers are cordially invited to talk with one of the aecretariea Room 807. Y. M. C. A. CITY SALESMAN. District office of a million-dollar cor poration is now open for applications from a few representative scientific salesmen, for permanent positions on its sales staff and the installation of., branch offices. Call or write KARBEX SALES COM PANY. district office, 426 Pittock block. YOUNG man with a machine who has had experience in the cleaning business to solicit and press; wages $18 and com mission to start; good opportunity for a live man. Western Tailoring Co., 1420 Sandy blvd. LOGGERS AND MILL MEN, When in. Centralis, Wash., Call at DELANEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 107A South Tower Ave. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 240 Ankeny St.. Cor. of 2d. 1 all-around sash machine operator ; 57 c per hour. WORK TN NORTHERN OAT.TFORN'T EXPERIENCED canvasser, must be intel ligent and of good appearance; good op portunity for advancemenL V 401. Ore gonian. WINDOW DRESSER who can sell small display fixtures to stores, excellent in come. Phone Bdwy. 7119 for appoint ment. WANTED A flrst-ciass painter for inside workc wiiung to tane dentistry in pay ment. AN 393. Oregonian. YOUNG man to do free-hand drawing, also water color wort; state experience, wages expected, age. C 216, OregonJan. WANT carpenter to work on 5-roora bun galow; will give good buaiolng lot near Laurel hurst. Auto. 210-26. MEN with own tools to cut wood, So Judd at Fubllo Employment Office, Wednesday morning. EXPERIENCED janitor and wife for 1st- ciass apt. nouse. inexperienced need not apply. Ref. required. O 302. Oregonian. COUNTRY printer wanted; state wagai expected. u ne mhil aayton, cregon. W. LUNKE, saw filer. Please call Bdwy. loos. LESTER BAKER, saw filer. r lease call Bdwy. 3 608. WANTED -Two men. to sell cordwood. Asic for WiJsoni, foot of Mill st., west side. Help Wanted Salesmen. COUNTRY salesman, now being estab lished in permanent locations; man with car can make big money on route in Yamhill or Washington county. Con sumable household supplies and other quick selling lines; additional territory open. Call 266 3d st. OUR sales department wants two nrea over 35 with selling experience; must have good appearance and accustomed to mak ing big money. We furnish you prospects and alii necessary co-operation to make your connection profitable. Mr. Smiley, 3K Central building, lfltt Tenth st. ATTENTION, BOOKMEN! Are you satisfied with what yon are doing? We've got something new that is a corker. Means big money to you. ' AN 422, Oregonian. SALESMEN One of the oldest and most reliable automobile houses in the city requires the services . of several real automobile salesmen. Call the sales ma naeerBdwy! 1460. CITY salesman, experienced in commercial stationery and printing. In reply stats experience give references and salary expected. D 20ft. Oregonian. BOND salesman, with local house, salary and commission; gooa opportunity. AG 314, Oregoniaru WANT a good salesman with car. Good proposition. Kee Mr. iugnes, Rail way Exchange Bldg. Bdwy. 6808. SALESMEN, house-to-house; no invest ment, big returns, can litn St., Mr. Perry. WANTED Real psrate man and business chance man. iioover teaitv, Broker age, -400 fixchanvO llu Stark at 24 at.