1& THE MORNING OTtEGOXIAX, WEDNESDAY, FEBHUAHY 1, 1922 RF.AL ESTATE. For Suit fcEE FRANK L. JicGUIRE. To Buy Your Hox. America s largest hove ?kixer 12'- lno;otriipa I Hmn for Sale. Every home before b:nj offered for your cons; deration haw first been PEhScXALLT INSPECTED PtKwA LL Y APPRAISED. A few mmut.es ep-nt in this modern da right or Lee will accomplish as much ad weeks of aimless weariso:ii shopping. ma pui you in imme.liata tourh with tne home you are LooKI.V'J FOR. We safeguard your every interest. If neces aar'. we'll help you make your down payment. Service men. buy your home AfW. App.y xur loan iater. bO SALtNMKX WITH ALTO& open evenings until. . rose ci tt beattiful 95390 ih you want an excep- TIoNALLT ATTRACTIVE KoM City bungalow with homines, rheer and every convenience im aginabie? This one will answer your" requirement; 5 rooms, beautiful ly finished : hardwood f.oors; indirect lights, ail man ner of buiJ t-ins; tape;:ry. f ire p.ace, vartK; UN THE HILL, ccae to car. . 54 th at. rATNTT OR AT BUNGALOW. $96iU A N AD' K A B L,E HEART OF HAWT H-JH N E Bl'NGA LO V . combination living and dming r.K)m. wit h rai fireplace. hard wood fioors, built-in., cosy break fast nok, French doom, etc.; 1 b.uck to car. E. Lincoln. BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON PARK. tJoii Distinctive design of 7 -room bunguiow home am one the KhAti RANT FIRS! Homey liv ing room, with f Irepiav and built-in bookcases; solid paneled fiinms room; Ideal Dutch kitchen, very convenient arranred. in laid linoleum; one btJroom down and 3 up. Jut 1 blk. to car. EAST TERMS WILL. HANDLE E. 31st St. SUNLIGHT ALL DAT! fSOOO INTRODUCING W A V B R L T RICHMOND 'A SPECIAL BAR GAIN 6-room. lV-story bun Ka- low. witn tverf modern fwiiura 3 sunny bedroom up. with excep tional, y large ciosets: buiitms, W ra ire. nr1 a ve. L K'f U 8 bHuW YOU THIS TUDAS! ADJOINING LAURELHURPT. $31. CLOSE TO LAI' RELHURST PARK, one of Portsund m favorite tewuty spots, is this a-room bun galow type home in excellent condition, garage, lots of fruit; A HOMELIKE COMFORTABLE HOME. E, Davis st. FFNTNSULA BUNGALOW. 8NTO AND COZY. 5-roon pretty bungalow, near scenic Wi.lametie bivd . living; room has bookca dining room nan very artistic leaded a-as buffet; Uufh kitch en, with just lots of bui it-ins; large airy g:ed-in s.eeping porch, white enamel bath; elec tricity, eras, 2 iight. cheerful bed rooms; fruit room, chicken house. iae su 8ERHCE MEV ATTENTION! 9lH AND VOL'H LOAN! $3100 IaOKING FOR A COMFORT ABLE LITTLE HOME, stop here and see this neat and nice i-roorn bungalow cottage in heart of St. Johns, right between two car- lines; warmly butlt, 2 bedrooms. built-tns. white enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, Karaite, chicken house: AN A BUN DA NC E OF 'KLI T, berries. You can cut down ex pe n e s AT ONC E. E . Mohawk, A MIGHTY FINE BUY I SEE THIS! 950O DOWN! WALKING DISTANCE! $1890 9-0 down ; Ned and eomfort ah.e 6-room cottage home In Ho.tiiy-lrvingion district, just a short waik to business center of west side. Karate; paved st paid. MASon su (save rent and carfare). $20A DOWN! SELLWOOD. $1090- -h) down! 3 -room cottage on 2 fine lots in ellwood, on paved si. E. Lith st. BONUS MEN! SPECTAI $1650 North of Bdwy. close in. Sub tnnt:al 5-room cottage on paved street. Man Rafael si.. Will Jell to ex-service men! UN DUPLICATED MOUNT SCOTT! $102j HURRY IHJWN FOR THIS! A finy 4-rootn buug.uow, with com bination living- and dining room; bulit-in buffet, white enamel Lulch k u chen. bath white enamel plumbing-, bath, gas, nice ly papered; chicken house, ga rage, easy terms. Foster road. A REAL SNAP! SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. REALTOR. ABINGTON HLO'i. BDWT. 7171. Jd St., Bet. Wash, and Uirk. THERE -13 AN OPENING on our sales force for a LI ye Hiirh -Class Salesman, with nr TRTNOTOX REAL HOMR. Living room 3x24, 3 large bedrooms n second floor and sleeping porch, 2 bath room a and extra lavatory on second floor; also old ivory and mahogany woodwork ; best eastern oak floors throughout; a fireplaces; instantaneous Ruud heater. Home In perfect condl lion; $1 l.tHHt. easv terms. McDoNELL, East 41. LAl'KELH URST DISTRICT. 7 rooms with alcove and breakfast Book, firt-plao. built-ins, furnace. nient biwinent. garage, o-lxluu corner lot. choice shrubbery, holiy. etc. Over looks Laurt-thurst prk- Upstairs now rt-nteit tor 4u per month. Price 53oa Terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. W3 N W. Bank Bldg Main 37S7. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. 7-room modern bungs low, nice homes all around, 3 blocks north of R. C car eu fc. !tn st a ru wood floors, old ivory finish, t renrh doors. fireplace, Putt h kitchen, full cement basement. gttrAgA. nice lawn. I'rK-e JVHHi; $ lotiu ia.sU and 4" p--r month and per cent. JHNSON-1OISON CO.. N W. Ba Tiki tM g. N lain 3 7 S 7 . E-SKR'Ui; M EN. we hav somi' rel desirable modern bungaiow s rIy for immediate occu pant y very ra niible; terms. ARE YOU GOING To BUILD? So our plans an-t up-to-date Ideas. We can help you finance. W. M- UMHPE.STOK A CO. fVegon Bldg Broadway 1U38. Itl'M'iALOW CORNER. $4HH. A choice Rose City Park corner, ft0!0. with attractive bungalow, at ery reasonable prK e. Own-r leaving city. Requires l.Vaj cash and will make good terms on b-i nnce A H. BIRKEI.L-OILL CO 21 N W. Ba nk B id g. Mar. 4114. to m n.n? We design and buiid residence or any building, aasiat in f.nanclng same: 2 years continuous and comp ete building service. SECLK1TV AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R Ba.;v, contract lrg architect. N W. Bank baig COLONIAL HEIGHTS, -room strictly modern colonial bunga low, brand new. garage, break fist nook kitchen and bath covered with ininid linoleum. 91 Mh down. 1RANI LITTLE HOMR A THOMSON. REALTORS, enry HMg. Bdwy. 40. :i h iAl ii KLH t ' KS T B I N G A LO W s: , Xp". new 1 i -str.ry sirirflT I'.assy, ntar.y modern 8-rra. home th sleeping porch ction. near park. in 1 garage, in best no incumbrances: easv term, Re! bargain. Never offered before T. 2 KOOMS 9IS7.V5 ROOMS. cash Owr.er moved away and property must re ciiaposeu oi. i e. a., at. improvements 1 ..-. v iV .mDiKfott ave see for yours .f; house Is acant move r:yht !n. I'hone Kiist t4". SELLWOOD $3iA cah. balance .'. per month. In eluding interest at per Cent on Harney ave, near Mt.waukie st.. 4 rooms aud bath; 501S lot. Prii-e 91700. JoiiN'SoN-DODSoN CO T3 N W Rmk Bi.Ig Miin 377 NEW MtMW. New modem bungaUtw on corner lot notion. Piedmont district, near car line" oname t.-rms; bonus Inn n m.-.-r,j M. Umhdensiock & CO.. 210 Oregon 1 15 JLaT LOOK AT THIS. MR. AND 11 US IfOMEsKKKER: Pretty Ttt.e 6-room oucfilow. R0"tl25 lot. rge. nire lawn, hard -aurf ace road and oniy $ I llo'bro.fc, ii'!or, 214-213 Panama B'g ikvington colonial home Non-rt-s:dent owner oflVrs fine 2 -story -room houa with garage, on Eat 24th" rer Knot:; bulit for home: large rooms and oak fioors througnou:; Ivorv wood- ork. 2 frep are Ttor 407 PIEDMONT Wilt boi:f to suit purchaser on splen did lot In Piedmont; w i.i finance on small payment down. W. m. U mbden- tock A- Co., 210 Oregon bldg. liroad war 16, W oODBURN. For sale A 7-room house, en corner f 3d ip.i Garfield Woo.lt -urn. Or. Phone Tabor !!rtrt. or write owner. 961 G.ean a-, e . Port 'and. Or. 92 40 This -rvm dweiling la a real bar ruin; lot mlort: fruit tree and ch!ekn fcoue: near Ainsworth; 94 down. $25 a month. W. M. Umbdenntock a Co., 510 Oregon bid. Broadway 165a, REAL FSTATK. For Sa.lv Hnuspg, WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 218 Railway Exchange Bids;. Corner Third and Stark Sis. Bdwy. tk06. 9144XX $300 cash: excellent J-coora bouse on beautiful corner : concrete base ment, good piuiTLDing. really an excellent btUe hom- for the rmmv. 923" $5o0 CAtfH. Four-room burutaiow. nr PotMI val ley roadk ce t. school; has concrete bassmn, good plumbing, etc. Owner will lake a lht car on this places tum CASH. If rou have 91 cash or a light car ajnd some cash you can get the best place you ever saw ror "JIM. Six room. lull bas-ment. excellent piurn-b-ing, about 4 years otd. Owner going to the farm. See this sure. I3V troo CASH. fplendid buy in this two-story home: 7-rom and alee-pinsr porch ; nee base ment. p"arae. corner location; this is excellent value. $4i GOC D T ER M A Beautit'uu- rwn-room butiKaiow, sleep ing porch, hard surface street, gtara&e, thjs ia a veTy artistic place and in a nice Jke h bo r hoo d . ke us beftwe yon bur. WM. A. HL'GHBS COl. 2l Railway Exchange Bidr., Corner Third and Staxk tta Bdwy. 6S. PIEDMONT. Fix-room house on Cleveland ave. ; hardwood floors, massive firep.ace. all the latest buiit-ins. full basement, fur nace, xlH lot with ailey and garage. This is one of the nicest homes in the d-siricu eK-wo will handle. IRVIVGTOX. J'-MHJ Bunga'ow of five rooms and sleeping p rc h ; all extra lara room a Hardwood fioors. nice fireplace, full basement and furnace; 50xlK lot. paved street, garage. Will reduce the price some if you have any way; $loo cash as first payment LAURELHTRST. This Is new and one of the finest In the district; five very large rooms and music room, all on one floor: all Inlaid hardwood floors. The bedrooms are 18 f-et square. Best plumbing you can buy, fireplace, furnace. Ail kinds of built-ins, garage, and 1ima cash will handle. Frank Mahoney with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Fourth t. Broad-way 75-2. WEST MT. TABOR SNAP. Strictly modern 6-room home, newly painted and decorated; large living rioTn, urepiace, wood lift, bunt-in burfet, French doors, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen in white. S large bedrooms, large cnets, full par.Jel door mirror, linen closet, clothes echute, fine bathroom, up- ir wnne enamel; lull basement, rur nace. w a-h trays, large front porch, screened-ln back porch, fine view, ra- rae; a comp.ete well-built home that near Closest inspec:ion: lawn, fruit, ro, etc. Alt Improvements in and paia; l diock to car; lMnt East Morri son St.. $tVMI: term. I. E. STK1VMKTZ 4 Gerlinger bldg. Main 0WJ1, or Tabor 3i!2 . Rose city park bungalow. cosy corner home. Really a most cosy and well con strutted 6-room bungalow with floored attic, living and dining room; has oak floors. Ivory and tapestry paper, nice fireplace (these rooms are not large but cosy). There are 3 large cheerful uT-numt who large ciosets. jmclent hot air furnace. The location is mo idal, 24 blocks north of Sandy, below hill. Nice home surroundings. This ta a large, and beautiful corner lot with nice fir shade trees. Improvements all in ana paia, :MIU. $10U0 cash will handle. D. W. ALTON, Auto 329-lft. MUST SELL. -room Modern house, lot so too; all improvements in and 1 AID; HAKUwiHJl) FLOORS. FIRE PLACE. FURNACE. SLEEPINO PORCH; PBI.L FURNITURE COMPLETE. IN- CH DINi ELECTRIC WAjsHER. RADI A X T F I R E . PIANO. 4 BEDROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISHED. A GOOD HOME FOR LESS THAN WORTH t;u UNFURNISHED, $7."00 FUR NISHED. OWNER, 40O E. 44TH ST. N TABoR 704. NO PAYMENT DOWN. 4 ROOMS AND RATH. R.1N250-FT. LOT. OVER 10 BEARING FRUIT AND NUT TREES; CHICKEN HOL SE. MOUNT TABOR DISTRICT, CLOSE IN. A RARE BARGAIN. YOUR OWN TERMS. G. C. ULH1CH Ar CO.. 4Q5 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. .'t7.r.0. Lovely five-room bung-alow, fireplace, Ivory finish. Dutch kitchen, breakfast hook, a nice nearooms, enamel plumbing, eieant light fixtures, cement basement, garage. HARRY BECK WITH. tf4 5fh. Realtor. Broadway 631 S. WHY BUY a home built to suit someone ese? If you have a imaU amount of cash we will build a home to suit your " " in any district you wish, Sol aier bon us accept able, 5 ARTISANS BLDG.. OiPo?b e Hf nmn HoteL ROSE CITY PARK. S ;t s T D O W N trtJ . O. B-room bungalow on paved street, near car nne, an improvements in and paia. full lot, garage. Will accept soldier's bonus. HARRY BECKWITH, 'Q4 rth. Realtor. Broadway ON E OF the moat modern homes in the heart of Irvinjrton is Just being com pleted. The architect has taken ad vantage of every modern method in home building, a double garage In base ment; the location is unequaled and the price is 9:2(K. cash -$3uO0. A. E. Camp beii. 418 Selling bldg. BEAUTIFUL EAST SIDE HOME. Modern 6-rm. house, owner's home has been kept in excellent condition; lot AOxlOO. hard-surface st., 2 blocks to SS car line. Place clear of all incumbrance A real good buy at ftiooo. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 21 N. W Bank Bl.ig Mar. 4114. FOR SALE. Attractive. new. 4 -room bumgalnw hardwood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen' breakfast nook, and full hamtni- 9H00; open for inspection 2 to 5: sub- ftsn ern ant isl payment down, balance easv rma Omaha ave. Owner, an 13th st . cor. Jefferson. SOLDIER BONUS. W have several houses on which the soldier bonus can he used, with a pay ment of only 91MU down. We have Koked into this thoroughly and will be glad to give you the benefit of our in formation. JOTINSON-DODSON CO frlS N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. 9:t"0 WILL HANDLE PRICE ONLY $i;nO. 23 per month, including Interest. gOxiiHt lot. with 4-room cejied house, electricity, choice fruit, garage, chicken run; on car line. JOHNSON-DODSOX CO N. W. Bank BMg. Main S7S7. PRTSMOl-TH MsiTHf.-T 5 ROOMS. BMiXloO-FT. LOT PLENTY OF FRUIT AND NICE PLACE TO iib, i naiv t.s PRICE 93200 VERY SMALL DOV PAYMENT G. C. UI.KICH A CO., 40-j PTtX'K EXCHANGE BLDG HOME BUYERS. ATTENTION! Buy direct from OWNER. Beautiful 2-story Colonial home, built five years. v. ir-si wommansmp ana ma- ter.a ; strictly modern in everv detail Mut be sold. Make us an offer Call nt ho ii sop Going st.. corner 24th REAL ESTATE BONDS NO STATEMENT REQUIRED NOTARY PUBLIC FIRE INSURANCE. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EX ALBERTA S.17Vf Five rooms, attic floored : $700 down real bargain. W. M. Umhdenstork & o . 210 Oregon Mdg. Broadway lft;s$ -jY'v-.u i urn ire. ii replace, gas range, house furnishing complete; in Rose City Park, on cariine; nice garden spot. Ta Spr 72Q6 COSY modern iit;:e bungalow, gas, fur nace, hardwood floors, full basement, hard -surf a red street : owner's home' St.'.iM. $T ooo down, wop Cleveland ave LEAVING Portland, will e;i attractive Portland Heights home, three bedrooms, sleeping porch, la-ge Jiving room, s.in roo:i' Buy direct from owner. Main 5f.6. CHEAP. BY OWNER. P W. corner Front and Sherman. 10Ox 106 S. with 2 hcusea Inquire 634 4th St. Main A NEW, mo. iern bungalow In Kenton, accept good Westmoreland 947-". ac lot valued at A. K. Campbell, 97oo as first payment. Selling bV.g WILL aeli my equity in beautlfu 4-room modern bungalow and part of furr.lt ure at a sacrifice for quick sale. Call Wood wn t T4.y BUY FROM OWNER Nice bungalow for sale, cheap on, re It- Knst gTh st. Nor: h . BUNGALOW, Alameda. 5 room, garage; minutely mc-iern : cost $fiT;.r; sacrifice for 9-."0: requ;rvd. Rdwr. 4li:;6 fcoii SALE Modern H-room home. Haw-( mnm "wrivi. nsruwwu noor. Phone owHT. M:iin 5M2 f-r arroin t men t . I3noo MODERN -room house, good con dition: terms Sellwood 503 ttHi VioDEKN 6-room mune, Lrat-cias c-y.d n-n; term Seiiwooj ,oS BY OWNER, muif ner cur an-l sr room Kenton : terms, Ea home; : 6747. BY OWNER 5-room bunaaiow. G'enn ave N. FOR SALE tfm:i aaseaaiueata paid. house. Sandy Tabor 29 i REAL ESTATE. For Sale H oe&. PARK ROMc. B u n galo w $ 1 700. Cosy four-room bungalow on tot 50x135 right on Sandy road. t down and monthly payments of $14 per month in cluding interest will -handle. A real buy. SELLWOOD. Furnished Bungalow $2750. Completely and exeelientiy furnished, beautiful five-room bungalow on paved street, near car line, for only $70O down and small monthly payments. ALBERTA SNAP. Typical, good looking, excellentlr con structed, conveniently arranged bunga low of 5 large, airy rooms with fire place and all kinds of built-ins; In choic est section of Alberta. for only $,VfOO. with down and monthly payments less than rent. PR ET5M AN-PMITH. Brokers. Restore, 6i0 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 17.1. DARLING LITTLE BUNGALOW, FURNISHED. IN SUXNVSIOE. New, neat and clean as a pin. It has fine living room with fireplace, book- I cases and bAsutiful hardwood floors, fine ( uuicn Kitcnea witn bre.xkfast nook. wood lift and laundry try, 2 sleeping I rooms, mtioern oatn. llernts and good cement basement, full siza lot. It is handy to Sunnyside car line, good I mores ana iiienco scnooi. 4HTft this fine little bungalow, all neatly fur- nisneo, ready lor housekeepincr. $41T5 without the furnishings. Finest kind of terms. Do not hesitate to come I in ana let us show you this. See E. W. HTJOHEtt. Dealer In Real Estate. 607 Journal B.dg. Main 2S53. FURNISHED HOME CLOSE IX. Less than 15 minutes from the cen ter of the city on East Belmont. Every thing gees ready for housekeeping. It f has four lovely rooms on the first floor, one finished room and large storage room upstairs, full cement basement, modern bath, lights and Ran. all city Improvements In and paid; good garage. On:y one block to Sunnyaide car line. 94."00 gets this complete outfit. Finest kind of easy terms. Do not llnrer. Mr. Homeless Man. Iet us show you this at I oi.oe. It is a snap and all furnished I ready to welcome you rlcht to house keeping. Do not hesitate to come right f in ana jet us snow you tnis. see B. W. HUGHES. Dealer in Koal Estate. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2838. IRVINGTXW BUNGALOW. l-story, modem to tle minute, 2 nice ttarge bedroomw down and 3 npattUrs. commodious living room, with fire-place. epaciouu dining rwm with handsome buffet, hard wood floors and ivory enamel, large w-hite enameled kitchen, break Cast nook, full ceoraent basement, furnace stationary tubs. etc. This Is a very attractive, spacious mod ern home for "people who. care." Price only $7350, JSXM cash, bal ance easy. J. W. OROSSLEY. "Better Types of Homea." Main 507a. IRVTNGTON BUNGALOW. NEW. TASTY AND COMPLETE. Ideally located, near Brazee street, on carilne. This 6-room bungalow with floored attic is as complete and as well constructed as It is possible to build. Rooms are large and well lighted. Plate glass windows. French doors into alining; also into library: haruwooa poiisnea iirs Old Ivorv and tanestrv naDer: most com plete and unique, Dutch kitchen with Pullman brea-kfast nook: fireplace, fur nace, garage. Offered at $250. Inspect this. D. W. ALTON. Auto. 32?-U. 8500 TO $S00 DOWX. FURNISHED 7-R. IRVINGTON HOME. Corner lot. very modern, near 23d and Hancock, exclusive d istrict. Fine over stuffed and mahoeanv furniture. Own er leaving city, must sell. Price $10,000, $500 to 8SO0 down to reliable parties. Mrs. Lucius, East 4ift)l. TURN IN YOUR LOT AS FIRST PAY- XI K 'NT Owner wiW take lot in first-class dis trict, such as Rose City or Laurelhurst as first payment on four-room bungalow in Windsor Heights, it nes large uvinw rrvonn, dining- room, one bedroom and kitchen, fireplace, garage, cement base ment, laundry tmva. lots of built -. $ :;t, easy term. M r. Youn g. Bdw y. 3nt FITRNISHED COMPLETE. A 5-room house with full basement. I wash trays, some built-ins, 50x100 lot. corner: house is furnished witn practi cally new furniture. For immediate sale $300. with $50O down. (Soldiers' loan I can applv on this.) RUMMELL & RUMMELL, J74 Stark St. ROSE CITY PARK. $5500 buys this beautiful home, situated I beiow the hill. One bedroom and j bath down, 3 bedrooms up; strict-I ly modern with fireplace, furnace. hardwood fioors, built-ins, etc.; I garage, st. imp. ir--. and pd. J. A. WICKMAN CO., Realtors. 2(2 Stark St NEW HO M BS NEW HO MES. Spring is comin-g. now is the time to I get into your own honue before the- nifh. I have a few re-al good buys; anyone i can m-e-e the terms, as low as $20 cash. See Schafer. INTERSTATE' INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwv. 4751. 410 Hen-rv bldg. IRVINGTON B U N G A LO W 8 5 7 5 U Six-rc-oro modem bungalow, hardwood I floors. French doors between living mom and dining room, fireplace, buffet, book- I cases. lurnace. cement ooren, tu.i base ment, garage, fuil lot.-We consider this) a first-class bur. $1500 cash. O' FAR RE LL-FOR DNET, 3B-4 Chamber of Conn Bdwy. 4172. PAH KKOE1 $1700. We have just secured this exceptional I barcaim A cosy, nearly new four-room I bungalow rij he on Sandy, with fine I Dutchj kitoheji, breakfast nook. etc. ; small down payment, balance less than I rent. See this before it is gone. O'FARRELL-FORDNEY. rWt-40 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 41C2. ROSES CITY BUNGALOW S52W. 9KV cawh puts you in this strictly I modern, just-corivpleted bungalow with fine, large llvinir room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, best of 'hardwood, full cement basemientw large attic, furnace and fireplace. A manse to see this today. O FA K. RE Ul. - FOR DNEY, Si3l-40 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 4172 ALBDHTA HoMEl 7. rooms. Just renovated- modern, ga- rse, chicken house, run way a fruit tre-eai, inwprovement in; $54. amall payment down. emy terms. A whale off a buy; un location. J. ROBBTNS. $fl Railway EXch. Bldg. Fv.. Tabor 5310. Bdwv. 5ftl. HAWTHORNE BCNGALOW, SIX ROOMS. Six-room fine bungalow, oak fioors, fireplace, bui U-ins, cabinet kitch., cement basemen-t, trays, lot 45x100. east front. fine location, near Ilawthorne ave. Price I oniy 42fOO, about S,0o caah. J. W. GRfSSl. Board of Tr-ade B-M. Bdwv. 74S2. WEST SI DB. SIX-ROOM HOUSE J2S0O. Three rooms on the ground floor and I 3 UDstalrs: plum, cherry and Dear trees: also some grapes; $500 cash and $30 per I month. DUDRHY INVESTMENT CO.. 5OH-10 PANAMA PLUG. BDWY. 6042. LA URKLHU RST BUNGALOW $6300. Fine si -room rraodern btma low in fine local kn with built -Ins. Dutch kitch en, bre-akajt nook. fineplce, furnaces hardwood fioorsv convent garage; oniy J Im.u casn. 03: '.nce easy Terms. O FAR KKLL-FORDNEY. Si-40 Chamber of Com. Bdwv. 4172. ALBEitTA BV NG-A LOW $ 3 5 1 JO. F ive-room bu n ga low , one b 1 oc k from cur. wth bui?t-in buffet, Dutch kitchen. T i re p c e. et c. A line buy at t he price. ery smnil crown pavment. O' FA R RE LL-F R DN ET. Cha" be-r oT Cm. B 1 rv. 4172. i R V l NO TON B A RG A IN. 7-room modern home. Wasco St.. be-twee-n E. Hth and 21st. walking dis tance to ciry ; a own. oa lance to suit purchaser. Dan Kellaher, a Bel rr.o? 5t. Kat M33. NKW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW- 18500. Fine ruew adx-rocni bun-traiow with a-U true mo-lern convenience, full lot, ga rage. Let tr? show you this today. O FAKRELL-FOR D NET. STjS-4rt Chan S-- o Cn-v.. p,iry. 4172. $3o5i BUYS this nii'dt-rn 5-room bungdlow nome; nowa. xioors, urepiace, built ins; paved sr. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtor. 2H-. Stark St. .- K .a 1 M houane in first-clans condition. modern, two blocks from the oar: 10"x loo lot: berriee and frunt, two she!s on I the property; $lirt, easy terms Call Mr. Yonr'g. B.iwy. K3-o. WEST SIDE. 9 ROOMS, 94310. Trving st., $-!.Vo cash close in. A real Bdwy. 6011. bargain. j IF $4""i S-ROOM plastered bouse, modern, 602t0; lots fruit, garage: ha'f block from Willamette blvd.. $700 cash, or bonus loan. 601 McKay b.d Bdwy. 74s. REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses, FOR A BONUS BOT. A ((-room modern home In Walnut Park, full cement basement, sleeping porch, garage, fireplace, full lot, paved streets and paid ; gas range and hot water heater; screens on all window linoleum on the kitchen floor, $47o); fjou1 aonn. THINK TRT9 OVER! A new 5-room modern bungalow. H, W. fioors, full lot, garage, fireplace, cement basement, wash trays, half block to car. near Peninsu.a park, f loOO. JaOO uown. LOOK THTS OVER! A dandy 6-room, modern home In sunny Overlook addition, garage, paved street; wash trays: full basement; sleep ing porch; fine location; a snap for cash. A GOOD BUY. 5-room modern house in Alberta dis trict, corner lot, 50xl0t; paved street. A wonderful buy at J36oO, $1200 down. YOU'LL HAVE TO HURRY. McGEB & DENNIS, Real Estate Brokers. Wdln. 5fiK4. flw Union Ave. X. $150 DOWN. 91150 total; 1 acre, small bouse, chick en house, water, gas, elec $250 DOWN. $1550 total; 4 lots, good 4-room plas tered house, outbuilding, fruit. 9250 DOWN. $150 total; 4 rooms and bath; lot SOxlOO; small fruiL $400 DOWN". 91950 total; tt-room modern, large lot, furnished or unfurnished. $500 DOWN. $2500 total; 4-room. modern, with floored attic, cement basement, cement garage, close in ; furnished or unfur nished; at foreclosure cost if taken at once. GORDON MORTGAGE CO., B3t Cham, of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6370. ROSE CITY BARGAINS. 94100 New bungalow, 5 rooms, hard wood - fioors. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, wash trays, etc. ; splendid location; paving paid. Finished in old ivory. tapestry paper, French doors. Easy terms. $4350 New bungalow. Modern in" every way, including furnace. A real buy. You'll appreciate this. 95350 Price srreatlv reduced for imme diate sale. 6 rooms and billiard room with equipment. Block from Sandy, below the hill. You'd never expect to buy such a down right modern home for so little money. Investigate. A. G. TEEPE CO., INSURANCE-REALTORS. 270 Stark St., near 4th. Bdwy. 6093. Sandv blvd. at 40th. Tab. 05W6. LA URBL HURST BUNGALOW. NEW. ATTRACTIVE, ARTISTIC. This lovely bungalow with 6 large and most cheerful rooms on lower floor and 2 large rooms up; is furnished throughout in the best workmanship like manner; hardwood polished floors down. Hemlock polished floors up. Large plate glass windows, double French doors in the dining also into music room, old ivory (5-coat work) and tapestry paper. Wonderful Dutch kitchen, all clever built-ins, fireplace, double garage, most efficient furnace. Ideally located In the cream of Laurelhurst; block off car line, $;t.00. You cannot duplicate this, hence it will be to your interest to in spect this charming home at once. D. W. ALTON, Auto 30-lft. PRECIOUS LITTLE BUNGALOW. - And three beautiful lots. This little bungalow is new, neat and clean, has 3 rooms, bath, lights and gas. g-ood ga rage; on hard-surface street. Ideal for chicken ranch, garden, fruit and ber ries. Only 82850 for complete outfit. Finest kind of terms. Do not hesitate to come in and let us show you this. See B. W. HUGHES, Dealer in Real Estate, 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2858. NEW ENGLAND COLONIAL. Moderate priced, cottage type (34x32) with dormers and red roof; a new type to Portland and very, very appealing; compact, convenient, economic, complete to every detail ; -unique In many; splen did location. 801 E. 24th N. 300 ft. to Broad wav car line at Regents drive. Open from 10 A. M. to 9 P. M. Call evenings. Auto. 51o-78. D. M. DRAKE. Constructor-Owner. SEVEN-ROOM IRVTNTON BUNGALOW, OAK FLOORS THROUGHOUT, TILE BATH. A BEAUTIFUL HOME WITH EVERY MODERN CONVENIENCE. $7500, EASY TERMS. ALVIN JOHN SON, REALTOR, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. PHONE BDWY. 37. EVENING, E. 261. $3500 WITH $350 DOWN. A 4-room bungalow with good base ment, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen, fire place, etc. Vacant and in fine condition. Full lot. Irvington Park district. 5350 down, balance like rent. It's a real buy, .folks. Investigate. RUMMELL & RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. 8350 cash, 825 monthly, buys a large, well-built 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitch en, full basement, splendid garage with concrete foundation, large holly trees, 6 or 7 assorted bearing fruit trees, chick en yard, chicken house and run, 2 blocks from Wood lawn car. Fred W. German Co., Realtars, 732 Cham, of Com. IRVINGTON SNAP. Modern 12-room house, 2 fireplaces, large vapor heating plant, billiard room. hardwood iioors, - oatns, attic unieneu, large grounds, shrubbery, double garage; owner leaving city and will sacrifice; easy terms. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Cham, of Com. Bidg, - ALAMEDA. Must sell new, modern, up-to-date. storv and half bungalow-; rour bedrooms, sleeping porch, sunroom, Gasco furnace, Ruud water heater; best location; easy terms. W. M. TJMBDENSTOCK A CO., 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 168. IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW. . New 5-room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, ftreolace. furnace, large at tie. cement basement, garage: sightly corner, Skidmore and 17th sts., 2 blocks irom Irving ion car. roone uwor, Broadway 7027. WEST SIDE NORTHRUP ST. OFFERED $SOOO; TAKE $6500 NOW 81000 CASH. Furniture for sale ; 7-room modern house, 2 fireplaces, furnace, Al condi tion; 50x100. A bargain. Bdwy. 601V T. O. BIRD. 526 Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST. New 6-room bungalow. 1093 Senate St., between E. 37th and Imperial; owner can have selection of furnace, electric fixtures and decorating; price 5b250 reasonable terms. W. M. Umbdenstock ft Co.. 1-'10 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 5iOO NEW ROSE CITY BUNG ALO V Furnace, fire-place, hardwood- floors. built-ins. breakfast nook, sleeping porch tapestry decorations; garage; paved st.; restricted diet. $1250 cash. Bdwy. 4&03. G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton Bldg.. lOOU 3d St. BUILD NOW. Be a satisfied home owner. We wel come Inspection. Liberal financial as sistance. ROBNET & McCLURE. Builders, 302 Couch B'.dg. Broadway 6574. IRVINGTON. For pale, 8 -room house on Clackamas between E. lyth and E. 21st St., 3 blocks from car; splendid chance to se cure fine home, small payment down. Dan Kellaher, 4SO Belmont st. E. 8433. LAURELHURST SNAP. Modern. 2-story, 6-room home with sleeping porch, attic and garage. Best section, near park and car. Large rooms. In old ivory, walls just repapered. $7500, easy terms: no incumbrances. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY, $24(M. $500 CASH. 925 MONTHLY. Cosy 4-room bungalow with garage; going to California. Come see it. Bdwy. 6011. $40M! CHOICE city acre ; modern bun galow; truit: near nawtnorne car; terme or bonus Bdwv. 4103. G- C. GOLDENBERG, , 222 Abineton B'dg.. Bt6U 3d St. HOME BUILDERS, see our up-to-date plans and new de signs; we can finance reasonably. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. B m a d w a v 16" FoR SALfci 4-room concrete House, can be a room upstairs, good, basement. 518 poth St.. near Thompson. Lot 50x100 $ 1 OOP. Tabor 500?. HOUSE PLANS, 100 designs. $lu to $15. or apeciaiiy designed at reasonable fee. L. R. BAILEY CO.. 9S4 N. W Bank Bldg. ' 4-ROOM house and bath, bargain. 916oO; improvements in and paid, thrner, 326 Failing st. Call In morning or phone C. H. Gardner, East 3532. 6-ROOM BUNG., $4200. Albiua Ave. 5 Years. Must sell ; fireplace ; Al condition; large attic; some terms. Bdwy. 6011. Portland heights exclusively. Houses, lots and tracts. Al; locations and prices. BROOKE. -Main 4342. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-R. BUNGALOW, modern; ea-h or term; fine condition. 542 Rex. Sellwood. YOU are looking for ; i oargaln in a 6 cail Tabor S310. room Sunny side home, or ca'! 172 East 3T.:h i 9 27 0O 6-ROOM house, ear Franklin Tabor 7064. ftOv down, & montn. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -Houses. 9500 CASH LOVELY HOME. Five wonderful rooms, $4500 ; living room 14x2; gas furnace. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays. This is decidedly an artistic home and a good big house; oniy 25 min. out on beest car line in city (through Laurel hurst), on good hard street, kept up by Multnomah county; house in perfect order and looks like new ;-opposite new city park; lot 50x100, and adjoining cor ner; paved et.; can be had very cheap; sewer in. paid.. Call 120 East 82d N. ; MV limited cars. Owner. Marshall i46, forenoons. Furniture for saie. 8 ii b u rban Home. MULTNOMAH on the Oregon Electric, only 20 minutes from the center of the citv. by axrictlv up-to-date electric train service, or 15 minutes over the Terwilli ger boulevard by auto. This is the place for you to get a homesite among the trees or in the ro'ling garden tracts which we are offering on the easy terms of 10 down and 10 a month. Tracts running all the way from a lot to an acre, beautiful property a mile out of the city limits and still enjoying ail the city conveniences with country privileges. I have a number of smU homes running in price from $1000 up that I can sell vou on easy terms. Don't fail to see me if you ere trving to break away from the rent prison. Pay rent to yourself, be rour own landlord. A little inde pendence, a little determination will take care of you. I have started many and will start you. BEN RIE SLANT), Dealer Exclusively in West Side Sub urban Property, 404 Piatt Bldg. 127 Parte St. Multnomah Office in Charge of Mrs. Grant, Main 603V. BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. O. C LINE. About 1 acres with all kinds of fruit; grapes and berries. Nice lawn and shrub bery; hardwood floors, 8 rooms, modem in every detail. This is a wonderful buy and is 82000 underpriced. Can be bought on liberal terms and will consider sol diers' bonus. Price $7500. Courtney sta tion. Ask for P. C. Marshall, with FRANK L McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 717L Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR $2100. Neat bungalow in good repair with 5 nice rooms, fireplace, buffet, cellar, large attic with stairway; fine plumbing fix tures: large lot. You cannot build house for $3500 and our price for quick sale is $2100. 8500 will give you immediate pos session, balance like rent- Ask for ST. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRR. 205 Ablngton Bidg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. LOOK! FI'RN FSHED ACRE HOME. Annlv soldiers' loan on this acre; Vi mile from Beaverton. on H. S. road; fur nished 4-room cottage with bath, elec tricity, gas, city water; land all cleared with e-oori orchard : barn and garage 8100 gives you possession. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. -J1T1. Third St., Bet. Wash, and StaTH. OREGON CITY LINE. ONE ACRE, 5-ROOM HOUSE. Full basement with laundry trays. liv ing room with fireplace, all built-in fea tures, bath and toilet, gas, water and wired for electricity. Some berries, house one year old. Price $4600. Want equity in cash or will trae for good $3500 house. DTTORRY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-1(1 PANAMA BLDG.. BDWY. A042. O&WECrO LAKE HOME. . K acre and cozy 4-room bungalow, white enamel kitchen and bathroom, built-in features, large living room, base ment. water, electric lights. 1 block to electric station, 30 min. ride, Immediate possession. If you want a neat and handy little suburban home let me show you this. Only $2S00, on terms. F. R. JE'1S'EJ Owner, 527 Corbett Bldtr. Main 7141 DANDY" NEW BUNGALOW 1 ACRES, 5 min. from electric station, on a hard- surface road, close In ; city water, gas available; 5 rooms, bath, Dutch kitchen. This is an ideal home in a good location. Only $3800. with terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. Bt. Wash, and Stark. OSWEGO BARGAIN. PRICE ONLY $3000. About acre with 5-room modern bungalow: has all buj it-ins, bath and toilet, laundry trays, full basement, gas, water and electricity. Some bearing fruit. 2 large walnut trees and shrubbery, $1200 cash and mortgage for balance. DUDRHY INVESTMENT CO., n00-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. (W42. OSWEGO LAKE BARGAIN. ONLY. $900. 100x100, wonderful view, overlooking Willamette river, close to Pacific high way; Oswego lake privileges granted with this property. The first ever of fered In Oswego. Easy terms. See owner. fiOO Coricnrd bldg.. 2d and Stark. MULTNOMAH. ACCEPT SOLDIER BONUS. One-quarter acre with 5-room bunga low, has bflsement, bath and toilet, elec, gas and water. $4000; $500 cash and terms. About 3 blocks to station. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 500-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWTY. RH42. OSWEGO BARGAIN. ONLY $1800. Kew 4-room bupgalow, double con structed, basement, water, light, gas. big homesite, 100x120; small payment gives possession: you'll not find another like this. See owner, 500 Concord bldg.. Second and Stark streets. $800 PUTS you in possession of 4 acres all in cult., Vz in crop; good house and barn, sidewalk to town ; a variety of fruit and berries, near Beaverton. Total price $3500. easy terms. Call 518 Cham, of Com. b!dg! IDEAL for suburban home in city limits; at country prices we have several de sirable acres on 92d St., near Glisan, 2 blocks from city cor line. Very easy terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon blcfrg. Bdwy. 1658. 9liS0O, BUNGALOW, 3 rooms, breakfast nook, bath room, gas range, water heat er, heating stove, shades, fixtures, lino leum, all new, big acre, $350 down. Owner. 210 Oregon bldg. SOUTHERN' Portland between Macadam street and the railroad, 50x2O0 ft., ideal manufacturers site, for only $3000; non resident owner compelled to selL For particulars cail Mam y0. 2 -,00 OVER half acre, 5-room house, barn, garage, chicken house; terms. Owner. Tabor 3112 For Sale Business Property. ONE rtreproor building, month, $32,500. One fireproof buildln income 9450 a Income $625 a month. J47, 50U. Two fireproof buildings. Income 95800 a year, $43,500. One fireproof building 100 feet square. Income S2700 per year, $19,500. 1158 Union Ave. North, bet. 9 & 11 A. M FACTORY FOR SALE. Ground and building with trackage. Well located in the west side industrial district; suitable for all kinds of light manufacturing; immediate possession ; price 95500, on terms. R. F. Bryan, 509 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Bdwy. 3963. For Sale -Acreage. 1 ACRES on paved street, 8 miles from center of Portland, 4 mile to electric station, high and grade school; all under cultivation; 5-rm. modern bungalow, city water, gas, electric lights, garage, woodshed, etc. Good car service, low commu tation fare. Offered on easy terms or consider residence in Portland of less value. ONLY $300 DOWN. 10 acres, 22 miles south of Port land, 14 miles from electric sta tion and school; 5 acres under cul tivation; all can be farmed when cleared; 3 acres beaver dam land; bearing family orchard; 4-room house, barn. Price $3200 or will lease place; or consider soldiers' . loan. ' JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerlinger Bldg. BEAUTIFUL sightly acre, facing on Im proved county Douievara witn new mod ern bungalow; an ideal home not far from Multnomah on the Oregon Electric, that we must sacrifice oil account of leaving the city; $500 down and 9-5 per month on the balance at the price of 92400 will buy our home. This is con siderably below cost. For particulars call Main PRO. ACRE YEARS TO PAY. East of the city out on the Base Line road and Barker road, nearly an acre of rich soil, close to store and car line. Inquire of Mr. Landes at filling station, corner Base Line ajid Barker roads or call Tabor 74T.V MODERN BUNGALOW, PAVED HIGHWAY" 10 ACRES. 12 miles center of town, under plow, young orchard, berries, 5 rooms, full plumbing, fireplace, barn, chicken house, garage, S65oo. J. C. CORBIN CO., 3Q5-6-7 Lewis Bldg. WRITE for map of western Washington. showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WE YERH AUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma, Wash. $100 DOWN will buy 5 acres fronting elec tric line, aii cultivated, level, line soil, no rock, only $300 per acre. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon- bldg. Bdwy 1658. ACRE'S 1 V miles east of city, near Barr road and Buckley ave.; good soil, city water to property; $2000. Owner, 615 Ry. Exch. blflg. Bdwy. 5985. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN, THOMAd ALLEN. 6131 U2D ST.. S. E. REAL ESTATE. IMPROVED ACREAGE. Nearly 6 acres. all in cultivation, berries; bearing fruit trees; 5-roorn house with basement and electric ' ity (paid for the next year); good well. barn. woodshed. chicken house. In the center of the, best producing strawberry land ; long frontage on paved highway and oniy 1 miies from Milwaukie. Beautiful location; land rolls just enough for good drainage. Just the place for strawberries and chickens. Price $4750; $1500 cash, balance your terms, 6 per cent. 6 acres, just off 82d st., paved highway, at Clackamas station, all in cultivation, fine soil, lies practically level; 5-room newly painted house; water system; acre strawberries, some fruit. Price $4250; $2000 cash, balance as you like. . 1 acre at Jennings Lodge, just off paved street; 1 block to Oregon City car line, same to paved high way ( river road ) ; 4-room plas- - tered house, electricity, gas, fruit; berries; chicken house. Price only $2700; $1000 cash, balance like rent. 15 H acres river botton soil on paved Pacific highway. 20 miles from Portland; 10 A. In cultiva tion, balance pasture; running water; 5-room house; barn, chick en house; with the place go team, 2 cows, hogs, wagon, plows, cultivators, feed cutters and suffi cient tools and implements of all kinds. This place has good front age on highway and also on river. Fine fishing. Raise tomatoes; ber ries, rhubarb, asparagus, broccoli and sell at your door. Owner had stroke and must give it up. A bar gain at $4500. Terms. Would con sider city property or 1 acre with, small house close in. See this. FRETTAG-MEED3 CO., REALTORS, Gladstone, Or. Oregon City Car Line Phone Oregon City 268 J. BEAUTIFUL 5-acre country home. 7-room modern house, city water, Mghts and gaa, targe slee-plng porch, fireplace, modern bath, French windows; land drains both ways from house; wonderful view of Mount Hood and surrounding country, n ear Beaverton on roc k road. Price $5500, term a STROTTD & CO., fNCL. Beaverton, Or. 5 ACRES.. CLOSE IN. Cleared, best soil, no rock or gravel, 2 acres bearing logans, acre bearing orchard, good view, near 82d st. high way. $2600, terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., 305-6-7 Lewis Bldg. Homesteads. Relinquishments. TWO improved relinquishments, joining ;u,ouo iruit ranch; 80 rods to nice lit tie town, near Grants Pass; $2000 spent on one, running water, $uu and $700, all cash. 36a Corbett bldg. For Sale Farms. ON PAVED ROAD AT ELECTRIC STATION. 35 acres, 22 miles southeast of Portland, mile from school; 20 acres under cultivation, balance pasture; some timber; mostly creek bottom land ; bearing or chard; apples, pears, cherries, , prunes, grapes, loganberries, wal nuts, etc.; 6-room house, barn, chicken house, machine shed, gran ary, some stock and equipment. Price for everything $6300. terms. Inspected by Hunter. ONLY 17 MILES OUT. 24 acres, south of Portland; one mile from railroad station, hi mile to school; rocked road; woven wire fences; 13 acres under culti vation; 8 acres can be farmed, bal ance in pasture; large bearing fam ily orchard, acre strawberries: 5-room house, barn 38x40, chicken house, granary, hog house, etc.; 1 hog, wagon, harness, disc, har row, tools, feed, etc. Price for everything $5000; $2500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, REALTOR, Gerllnger Bldg. 25 ACRES,1 STOCKED AND EQUIPPED, NEAR REEDVILLE, FOR ONLY $6000. Belongs to a widow who Is forced to sell; 22 acres in cultiva tion; good 6-room house, barn, large poultry house, 2 acres diver sified orchard in full bearing; all kinds of berries for home use; milk and mail route; close to school, in fine neighborhood; about half cash will handle. STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. I HAVE farm land for sale very cheap in H. c, 320 acres, or will sell 160 separate; about half of this is eovereid with timber, other half easily cleared with a good crefek and spring running every day in the year; g-ood road along side of tract; 8 miles from Prince George on Fcrt George, the corning Spokane of the north; right In the heart of the Caribou district where big game is abundant, sutch as moose and caribou. If you look to the future do not pass this without invest i-gatinr; will take Ford car for part payment. For information; call be tween 9 and 11 A. M., room 10, or write 142 H First street, Tipton Hotel; Port land. Or. O. Drum. STOCKED AiND EQUIPPED. 49 ACfRiEiS. $5000. This is located only 2 4 miles from paved highway, there are 26 acres under plow, 10 acre's of fine piling timber, fairruily orchard and berrleis, sandy loam soiL, school at place, 2 hams, hog house and chicken house, with the place g-o 5 cows, plow, harrow, disc, cultivator, everything at $5000i $1000 cashu FLOYD L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTEIR, LOW & CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONE MILE OF RIVER FRONTAGE. 296 acres of practically level land, first-class soil, thousands of acres of outrange adjoining; 8-room plastered bungalow, with complete modern plumb ing, htige fireplace, another large house, two large barns and all kinds of out buildings; splendid orchard, 40 acres in cultivation, 15 cows, 1 brood sow, chick ens, turkeys, implements and tools ; about 50 miies from Portland, on the beautiful Lewis river. This is positively one of the best stock propositions we have ever had listed. Photos at office. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. 20 AORiEtS OANBY. Oinje of the best 20acre places, located in the Oamby diistrict; this is all level, dark loam soil, plenty of fruit and ber ries, fine road, 6 -room house largo barn, 3 chicken house's, 2 cows, I heifer, 7H acres nonur in oats and vetch, aibout 70 chiekens. all hay and grain; price only $0500, $350H. FLOYD L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTEiR, LOWE? & XX. 2m - 2 - 3- 5 - 7 Boa rd of Trade Bldg. 40 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres, 25 acres In cultivation; 3 room house, good barn, and other out buildings; family orchard ; 3 horses, 1 colt, 3 cows, 4 heifers, set of new double work harness, all farm tools and ma - chinery, X new cream separator, about 40 chic Kens and an nousenoid goods; total price $4800, $2100 cash, balance terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG.. BDWY. 6942. 18-ACRB BARGAIN. Here is a fine 18 acres with Is2 acres " under cultivation. 11 acres now in oats, faanily orchard, logtan a,nd gooseberries la rg e house, b ar n , 2 c h ick eu ho usea. driven well at door, 1 cow. 1 yearling, calif, and 2 dozen hens; price only $3500, 91-500 cash. FLOYD L. EiDDY, Realtor. RITTEiR, LOWE & CO.. 2m-2-3-5-7 Howard of Trade Bldg. GOING, PAYING 40 ACRES. Over half in cultivation, remainder alder, fir and cedar; large barn, chicken house, small house, well and spring, ma cadam ro a d , 1 t earn. 5 cow s, 2 fresh : "about 250 White Leghorns; fully equipped, with new machinery! $6500, $300j0 cash. Terms. May acceipt soldier's bonne. In terstate Land Co., 248 Stark st. DAIRY fanners, investigate this unusual opportunity to own a fine-paying irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued $1?F000. Located in famous Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Buying same on entirely new plan, very little cash re quired. Full particulars uoon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO., Inc., Redmond. Oregon. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil: farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, realtor. 208 Failing bldg. 80-A, RANCH, 65 grain, 3 A. fruit trees, good barn, fecce. Mrs. Bishop. Junction City. Or.. R. L 38"4 ACRES for sale, best of soil, no better - in the country, near Portland. Owner, 381 R. 1. Milwaukie. Or. 6" ACRES, leyeL cleared, fenced, good 3-room house), near Willamina; $200 down. J. k. Sharp. 3 rnirq st. WILL sacrifice my alfalfa ranch on ac-' count of sickness. By owner. East 66 3 L f WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB WANT LISTINGS. Largest home sellers in America! Tour home is as good as sold if listed with us. We have 60 live, experienced salesmen to work on it. We personally inspect, appraise and photograph it with in 24 hours after listing. No charge ex cept standard commission of 5 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale. Call or write and we'll give you prompt serv ice. See. FRANK L. McGUIRE, To Sell Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Bdwv. 7171. REAL ESTATE WANTED. We want suburban homes in any good district; have buyers now for 6-room modern house and 1 acre. List with us, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce bids. Broadway 6034. HOUSES WANTED. Have Immediate cash buyer for a strictly modern five-room bungalow or house located In north part of Sellwood. Westmoreland or west of Milwaukie street, between Holgate and Bybee, to cost not more than 83500 to 84000. Call me up or write and I will examine your property. Also have buyer for Rose City bungalow of 5 or 6 rooms between 52d and 62 d st. on terms of $500 cash and $40 a month plus interest. W. G. IDE. 817 Lewis Bldg.. . Phone Broadway 2049. WE HAVE buyers waiting for homes In different sections of the city. We want particularly a bungalow in Hawthorne oistrict. about $4U0U. - .Bungalow con venient to S. P. car shoos, to $5500. Also good old homes that it will pay to remodel. Want lots in all sections on paved sts. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 2ff2 Stark St. Bdwy. 6794, WANTED GOOD HOMES. We have proispects for Portland homes at right prices. If others failed to sell your property, list immediately with ua we sen service. FRANK McCRILLIS, 824 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. T79. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED. W'e do not care how old and dilapi dated they are or where they are, we can sen tnem iz your price us right ana your terms easy. Frea w . uennan oo.. xieaa tors. 732 Cham, of Com. WE WANT lots in any approved district for residential or business purposes; list your property wttii us ror results. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4322. RESPONSIBLE party would pay $100 down. 9 to per month, on 6-room modern bungalow in good district, close to car nne. AO awi, oregonian. WE HAVE BUYERS AT ALL TIMES IF YOUR PRICE IS RIGHT. PORTLAND HOME CO.. 633 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 2S71. I AM In the market for a 4 to 6-room modern home in a good district: have late-model Dodgw sedan in excellent condition as first payment. Tabor 604S. WE JCErEiD building lots in- good residen tial districts. 506 ARTISANS ELDG. Opposite Benson Hotel. FIVE or six-room home, preferably in Hawthorne or Rose City district, $4000 to $4500; can pay substantial down pay ment; no agents. Tabor 8S92. LOT WANTED FOR CASH. Want good lot In Irvington direct from owner. Price moist be right. Bdwy. 33ti3. FINEST corner view lot in Carleton Park, Magnolia Bluff, Seattle, to apply with cash on Portland home or lot. I. M. Olson. 884 East 29th N. EASTERNER wants home to $3000; must be neat place; $500 cash. G. C. GOLDENBERG, Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 49Q3. WILL ACCEPT good Westmoreland lot, valued at $700. as first payment on new modern bungalow' in Kenton, $4750. A, E. Campbell. Selling bldg. LOTS WANTED In restricted districts, price is right, your lot is sold. J. Corbin Co., 305-6-7 Lewis bldg. WANTED Rose City lot. Must be bargain. Cash. Give full description. N 392, Oregonian. HAVE late model 6-cyIinder car to trade for lot in or near Rose City Park. Bdwy. 3363. OAKLAND car to trade for improved lot; car privately owned, runs and looks like new. Address Mr. Glasgow. 228 3d st. SVE HAVE cash buyers for Irvington lots. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. WANT cheap lot in Bellecrest district. Rose City Park . Tabor 3645. Farms Wanted. WANTED Dairy and poultry ranch from owner, no agent's fees; within 30 miles of Vancouver, Wash.; 40 to 80 acres; 35 or more in cultivation; fair buildings, stock and equipment; about $2000 cash; terms on balance. State price, descrip tion, equipment, market, and price must be in line with present farm earnings or no deal. Write L, 144 W. Kilpatrick st., Portland. Wanted to Kent Farms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make iota of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coact. WANT TO RENT FARM NEAR PORTLAND. Have many calls from eastern clients for farms close to Portland to rent. Phone, write or call at once. F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-57-7 Board of Trade bldg. WANTED Small, well-improved dairy ranch, near Portland, with good build ings ; will pay cash rent ; can give ref erences. Lee Gochnour, Montesano. Wn. SMALL farm with good buildings, running water or good well water; not over 10 miles from Portland. AV 142, Orego nian. WANT to rent farm. 50 to 150 acres land. fit for potatoes. M. Tsugawa, Panama hotel, 52 N. 4th st., Portland. FOR RENT FARMS. SO ACRES Half clear and in crop: good house and barn; a good pasture; fine for dairying: good- team and implements rent paid for 1922; only a good farmer and one that has the money wanted; the price is $1200 for all. There is also a lot of cord wood to be made. If a man is a worker he can make money on this place, as It has been done. B-F 425, Ore gonian. FOR RENT 16W acres, ideal stock ranch. 30 miies from city, 2 miles from elec tric R. R. ; creek runs through place ; new equipment at sacrifice; will accept labor for principal part of rent. AR 3S4, Oregonian TIMBER LANDS. DOUGLAS COUNTY TIMBER FOR TRADE. We have several quarter sections of fine timber in Douglas county running from 4.000,000 to 6,000,000 feet at from 50c to $1 per M, to trade for farm lands or city in come prpoerty this section. Give description your property: FKETTAG-MEEDS CO., Realtors, Gladstone, Or. SAW MILL AND STANDING TIMBER. Completely equipped saw mill, several dwellings, bunk houses, boarding house, blacksmith shop and tools, complete log ging equipment, Including large don key. Also 4.000,000 -standing timber. Plenty more timber to be had. On good road, close to railroad, " and terminal shipping rates. Price only $30,000 for all, or will sell interest to good man. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. PORT ORFORD cedar, oak and fir. 160 acres on Elk river, Curry county; placer and quartz gold mine on property; will sell or trade for cleared land close to . Portland. Dan Kellaher, 480 Belmont st. East 8433. MAN with 2 teams to naul lumber from sawmill; long job, close to city. Apply Western Lumber Agency, 624 Morgan bldg. EXP. COLUMBIA river logger wants po sition running oamp, salary or contract; best otf references. AE 3S5. Oregonian. WILL trade 80 acres timber, assessed 91060, for good used car. D. S. Houser, R oseb u rg. Or. FOR SALE 2920 acres Oregon timber, all or part. C. D. Jones, 123 E. 48th st., Chicago, I1L TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. NEWBERG PROPERTY. Value $3500; will take west side close in residence, rooming or apt. house, or house and lot. SMITH-WAGfNER CO.. Stock Exch. FOR EXCHANGE. House worth $3000. Equity $1306. Bal. ezy. Will take good car or close-in acreage. Bdwy. 5911. 4-ROOM modern home in Mi not, N. D., rents for 925. After 6 P. M., G. Nes heim, 787 Northrup. Phone Main 401. WE HAVE all kinds of trades on hand; bring yours ia. 3AJ Rjr. Ex. Bdwy. 4336. I TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. CANADIAN FARMS. 640 acres, fine.bldgs., creek. 100 a. In fall grain. 300 ready for spring grain, all fine arable land; 20 horses, 30 cows, hogs, chickens, full line farm machinery, feed, seed, furniture and automobile. Cash price $35 per acre. Also 100 acres, well Improved, equipped, black loam soil, 40 acres ready for seeding, 50 more ready to break; 8 acres light brush, ba-L pasture. Close to town, creamery, etc. Price $4600. Ex change for small place here. I have many other farms, all sixes, to exchange for farms ere and city prop erty in Washington or Oregon. C. COLE. 426 Lumbermen's BMg. $6500 WORTH of good, property, free and clear. Will exchange for good residence on paved street or close-in farm. Con- , sists of 1 acre on Hawthorne car line near 70th st. Also good 6-room house, semi-modern, and 4 lots on 62d ave. S. E. Must have as good value as we are offering. STEWART JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WANT FRUIT RANCH. Have $28,000 income property. Portland, to exchange for fruit ranch, any size. MARSH & McCABE, REALTORS, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6528. HAVE good property in Hillsboro rented for $73 per month. value $5500. Will add $2000 or $3000 cash and trade for good pool hall or hotel In or out of Portland. Property must show Income to Justify purchase. STEWART & JOH-NSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Bids;. TRADE FOR SEATTLE HOME. Have $1000 equity in 6-room Haw thorne bungalow on E. 46th st. Street paved. Well-built, double-construoted home, with furnace. Prefer west side Seattle. Party desires immediate action- RALPH HA'RRilS COMPANY. ft16 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy.ft654. 6-ROOM bungalow, practically new, near i Oregon City about 2 blocks from bard surface road; an Ideal home; 2 acre 1 of best soil, 1 acre young orchard, small fruit and berries; good well on porrh; water piped to house and barn. Wl'l trade for city property. Improved or va cant. Aut. 215-26. TRADE TRADE TRADE. Have exclusive for three states In a fast-selling article. Will sell or ex change. What have you? Other busi ness compels me to give this up. See M. Williams today. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. &EATTLE hotel and apartments, 35 rooms, hot water heated, heart main business section university; also modern two-flat building, walking distance. Times Square, $24,500; mortgage $7000; cash and trade for modern apartment to 9;0,00, west side; owner. AK 422, Ore gonian. W ANT good - going grocery, or general merchandise store, or might consider hotel business; will give 8,000.000 feet of timber in southern Oregon and $2500 in " cash. What have you to offer? METZUER-PARKER CO., Reaitors 26ft Oak St. Bdwy. 5355. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trads for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R, S.. 712 Couch bide. WHAT have you to exchange tor ten acres unimproved land in Hood River county, about 7H miles from Hood River, Ore gon? For particulars call on owner. 404 Piatt building, 127 Park st., Tele phone Main 880. EXCHANGE OFFICE. Wall Improved close-in acreage to ex change for city residence; also farm listings. iBNETT & McCLURE T?eTroe- 3"ii'Ouch Bldg. Broadwav 6S74 GltJ-liRY and meat shop, daily business. i i sioi'H iiou toMou, uuimings) on lO'llOO lot, also five-room house across sti t, all facing highway: trade for farm. Some cash. 67.".0 Inieratwt Ia f Co., 2-iS St? rk street. WILL SELL YOUR HoUE. several s-nrn'M homes for cash Mf. Murave. Bfl-wy. 67S7. AC I i, well unproved, in exchange for sidence. O vv n e r , W d 1 n . (i (K35 . city FOR iLE or trade, 35 acres, unimproved, troff. Battleground, Wash. S. to Exchanges miscellaneous. -PAST:NGER Overland. 3 new Urea trucl bed; trade for lot, furniture or whnlhave you? East 4254. TERlllf piano lessons given In exchange for fcual value. Main 3018. FOR SALE. lorses. Vehicles. Livestock. SHIPMENT OF HORSES. C l.stina- of farm chunks nrt rtrnft horsL weighing from 1100 to 1600 pout each; the following are some of Spi of marea, weight 2900 pounds, ju.st pt or nara worn, siyo. Ti i. weight 2500 pounds, harness and gon; the whole outfit, $100. Mp; of blocky built gray geldings, .weigl 2550 pounds, $150. Also 40 sets of n and second-hand harness and collai of all sizes at reduced figures. G. K Howltt, Columbia Stables. Front and ( umbla sts. JUSTlRRIVED FROM MY RANCH AX WIXUWA, EASTERN OREGON. Carld of choice draft horses and maresl consisting of some closely matchl teams and single horses, from 120O a 1SOO. all well broken to work and iraolendid condition at v.at Side llnsfer Stables. 180 E. Sth street. H. HANSEN, Owner. GOOD, y ng, blocky team, weighing 2800, with h less and wagon: will give some one a price. Have just moved from farm, rake South Portland car to G rover reet, 7S0 Front st. REAL b; ains, $05, mare, 150O lbs., good worker i90 24o0-W. team, $110; several other y cheap horses, harness and wagon s ' all kinds. 24Q E. 8th st. IE A Alb, ;inps, slips, plows for hire: basemel dug. Red Ash, Vancouver, BARGAIJ fresh Jersey cow, giving 3 milk, $63 takes her. 1967 E car. 7Hth. gal. rid Stark 10 TEA good work horses working every day. :or sa.s 1020 E. che Yamhill! I VETERINARIAN. fEa. TABOR KO-R SA f -Boston terrier puppies. 916 Court Wdln. 4464. OiUAJJ ms-a and cattle taken quickly. uMr nrgni. Automatic 02 J tnbci x Iv, heavy milker, fine heifer calf: T. I tested. 240 E. Sth street. I'ltmos, tjins and Musical Instruments. vv nmh,i jf.o'ia piano for rent, music and de-tt. Sf.'SO ner month ll-:OiLD S r.7 r.RFVHT 107 "WEJpARK (NEW LOCATION.! BEAUTIFi walnut phonosrraDh and rec- ords : eil for half of original cost. 1143 Sen! st.. 1 block south of s.niv rivu., WVLl OIL11 .I1U .t!in. KIMBALL I .yer-piano $525. This la a on this new piano. Terms special given. 4th st. lerilng-Lucas Music Co., 125 KIMBALL Ino. new. Special price 9395. Terms gii. Seiberllng-Lucas Music LO., iO list. A FEJW ud player noil's, two tor 2ic. S. GILBERT. WEST PAR K. CONOEtKT lNI) PIANO FOR RENT; WONtDEIR I TONE. HAROLD S. G1L rEST PARK. BERT. HI BOY SCOUT ims, made by Luduig, two G. F. Jonnson sizes, o.i Piano Co.. d 97.50. 6th st. WE WILL s you a new Victrola or rraph for your old piano. Piano Co.. 149 Sixth st. Cheney phi G. p. John BEAUTIFUL I son laboratory model in bargain. Call residence. man., new. 1313 E. 14; FOR SALE-lndolin, beautiful work manship anjrone. Almost- new. In quire 382 fttison, WANTED 4i (tinned for before spot 5:0 cash. Call tad way P. M. SPO'j SH PAID FOR d records, player rolls. Auto. 627-46. 128 First. $3 05. phonograph a uroaawai Secures 94-j a!Iet & Dav s upright, cor. Siai-R. Security Sto; , Co., 103 lOtn, 1918 MITCH Ell curing, guaranteed flrsi new tires. Owner, class conaii Tabor 9594. EVERETT piel mahogany ca.se, all re- finished; nn $205; terms. G. F. 149 Sixth st. Johnson lJi PIANOS move 3, ground f ioor; work done by expl and guaranteed. . Call Broadway 12 1 SCHILLING & t piano Plain oak cane. almost new. J2( 3. Seiberling -Lucas AIUS1C -.o.. -- CROWN orches- grand $285, equal to Lucas Music Co., 125 new. jseioen 4th St. PHONOGRAPH paired by exp airing Any make re .orkman. Guaranteed. Heiberimg-im lusic Co., 125 4th st. REGISTERED rlnurn cows and heifers. Erea rowen, ynain. or. KINGSBURY a snap. See it. Seiberling-Luc lusic Co., 125 4th PIANO wanted- cash for a bargain. Bdwy. 6576. PIANO wanted. be cheap. Cash deal. Marshall!:! I?