THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1922 10 t t BrslXESS OPPORTUNITIES. Partnership, auto top and paint SHOP. The largest and most fully equipped place in Portland, incorporated under the laws of Oregon, doing work for the largest and best business firms In city, employing number of expert men; need Bian to attend to outside end of busi ness; no previous experience necessary, ,as your part of the work is pleasant; will guarantee you $40 week to start, an equal share of monthly profits. In vestigation invited. Owner cannot han dle business alone. Established 4 years. Price $1500. Call 310 Panama bldg.. Third and Alder sta. ,o00 WILL, handle well paying restau rant ; rent $40; long $375 restaurant and lunch counter, $33 day business. $250 will hand Is restaurant located kenrt of city. Balance easy. $2250 restaurant, doing 0 day bust Bess; low rent, long lease, best of equipment; haLf cash, balance easy. $1230 restaurant, doing good business, fine equipment, on one of the best streets in Portland; $850 cash, balance easy. MORRIS, with O. O. SLETTEN, 415 Ry. Exch. Bldg, PARTNER WANTED ALTO REPAIR. An A-l mechanic wlnhes steady and reliable partner who will take real in terest in his work. Have well located downtown shop with good trade, doing only guaranteed high grade work; ex perience not required if congenial and willing to learn. Can easily clear $160 or better a month for yourself from the start. If you want the best paying smail shop In the city today, don't fall to see this before locating. Price only $550. ;aii o20 Cham, of com. bldg., 4 to. ana Mark. GROCERY STORES. ANT SIZE. $750 cash, stock and fixtures, 4 living rooms, rent 130: nice trade. $s50 cash, cigars, candies. Ice cream. groceries, iignt lunch, 1 living room rent tin. $1750, nice trade, clean stock, good location, living room, rent $25; 2 can run It. $2400; a dandy, doing 0 daily; will invoice; living room JE. side, rent o, Other places., Realtor. Falling bldg. iY OWNER Kurntture and lease of a B0- room hotel, in one of the best towns of the Yakima valley, with a population of 8voo. Large lobby, dining room and kitchen, sample room, laundry, 4 lava tories, large parlor, S nice living rooms on ground flour newly furnished, 1 store room which la rented out at $50 per month. Runt for all $250 per month : $4500 cash will handle, balance monthly payments. Address Box 425, Toppenosh, Wash. CI G Alt STAND Lobby prominent down town large commercial hotel; beauti fully equipped with mahogany fixtures, large, fresh, staple stock tobaccos, ci gars, candles; doing big business in news and magazine trade; the best looking stand In city; man and wife should eaHily clear $200 month above all ex p'rifws; fuil value for your money; only $1150. Call Rm. 310, Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. AUTO TOP AND UPHOLSTERING. To the right man I will sU my equal tialf interest In a fine business, auto top and uphulstorlng; must be honest and reliable; experience not necessary if willing to luarn; now if you are a bona fide buyer, and satisfied with $150 per month at present as your share, it will pay you to look this up before you In vest, Price only $575. Call 6J0 Cham. of Com., 4th and Stark. B E A LIT V PARLOR, DOWNSTAIRS LOCATION. Located In thickly settled APART WENT district; very small overhead ex pense; established B years; doing good business; with or without permanent wave machine; STEP RIGHT IN FOR $t00. DUDRET INVESTMENT CO., nOit-10 1'jinama, 3d and Alder Bts. tlRE AND VULCANIZING BUSINESS. $450 buys equal half interest in busy well located shop, handling new and used tires; experience not necessary if hnndy with tools and willing to learn business; 'must be satisfied with $150 per month for yourself to start. This is your opportunity to buy the best small business in Portland today. Apply 020 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. flOOO CONFECTION AND LIGHT LUNCH. Good lease, rent $30, including large living room, ft show cases, 2 electric mixers; soda fountain, lunch tables; range, first-class stock. Some terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-5-ft Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. CLEARING $200 A MONTH. Pool hall, 3 pool tables, new snooker table, back and front bar, first-class lock; rent $20. Free steam heat and wate-r. We guarantee this profit. Price $2250; terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 4n4-.Vfl Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. " POOL HALL NO OPPOSITION. Clearing $20 a day, cheap rent and good lease; 4 pool tables, snooker table and billiard table, back and front bar. Will show Income receipts for profit. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 4Q4-VW Pnnnma Bldg 3d and Alder. GROCERY. 2 LIVING ROOMS, In fine location; good fixtures end clean stock; doing $40 day and up; rent $25; 4-year lease If wanted; price only $1000, extra good buy. DUUREY INVESTMENT CO.. ISOO-IO Pannm-i. 3d and Alder sts. PARTNER wanted with $(HK to $700 for one of the best propositions going; can make from $500u to $10,000 this year; more mxt; business proposition worth investigation. Call 314 Stock Exchange bldg., and make li22 the most pros perous year yet. The very thing so many are looaing ror. ALTO ACCESSORY BUSINESS. A complete wrecking outt't business ana a good stock or accessories lor sale. Owner will sacrifice; ISOoO will handle or will consider partner. C. Burr. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. ' REALTORS. "Bdwy. 47Bt. 410 Henry Bldg. A CASH BUSINESS. Owner busy In shop, needs help of Heady man handy with tools; prefer a partner to hired he p; must be satis fied to start at $1M) month; $300 will nannie it. I'nil room in ucKum blag. 5lKE SHOP Well located, good stock tires, tubes, accessories; owner leaving city; sell below invoice; take light car, value up to $-00; deal direct with owner. Phore Col. 17 Si AN, WITH olr without Investment, ex perlenced in manufacturing work, gar ments, to Join in organization of gar ment factory and act as superintendent. VZ 3itft. Oregonian. 1500 GROCERY stock, fixtures and fur niture of 2 fine living rooms, modern; business $30 daily; skating rink across street brings good trade. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. fcAL'TION, BUYERS- Before Closing a deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board, 421 Oregon bldg. Phone Broadway 1002. VA LI ABLE discovery for production of fruits and cerlals; enormous production, wanted shareholders In new company now forming. Write W. D. Morehouse, Wood stock. Box 145 HAULING contract; requires purchase of 8-ton truck; small payment down. Bal ance easy terms. This job Is good for 2 vesrs. Call 430 Belmont. .WANTED To get in contact with com pany or Individual who will take con tract to log and run small sawmilL AK S.M. Oreg-nian AIALL telephone system for sale; good prospect for man with family to assist bim. About $ looo with some terms. J. a. nuiiiunv, O.'. V'HK Bl er V ICE station and auto repair shop doing good builnes; am leaving town, will seil cheap. td Nebraska St., on Macnrtain road. $200 CASH, cony restaurant, cut to $300; owner must leave city; rent $20; -doing $1.1 to $20 dally, w. side; complete outfit. McFARLAM', Realtor. Failing bldg i'tO BUYS half interest in good 2-chalr barbr shop. Write or call J. E. Rice, Or. Box $1300 BUYS restaurant doing better than $40 daily; good location, well equipped. FURNITURE repair ahop and secondhand store d.iln g good business. $.00 cash. Tabor S:'2.V Hawthorne. $;,0 BU YS rtostaurHnt, doing nice buM-ne-ss, Jus the place for man and wife. F't part if u'ars inquire 115 O ra n d a v e . HALF Interest in real estate office, small in vest men t required. Call 518 Cham. orn D.dg. UKNKHAL nnlse. stock, near Portland, must be sold this week. Call 848 Ore- gon hotel. $ ;im DAXOY eat vide grocery and con fectionery; 4 ni'-e living rooma 423 Chamber of Commerce. PlLLING station and vu.canUing shop"; good ioe.tjon; for sale, or vulcanising equipment for e. 3'"3 K Hth st. $.!'(. TWO-CHAIR barber shop, east side. nulne?s street. S this quick. 425 chamber of Com n e rce. bToKK Candy, cltf.irs. toilet articUs, uit- inr a nrijKMi'r, 1 Al i ! ,1 n -1 y . SoKT drinks, cards, ijarber shop: sell all or half. 34 G'.isan ft. LOMNV CIGAR STAND POR SALE 1 Mf.Ar. O.' 31 Mi It IStJX $400 RESTAURANT, S caHh. 307 Pan- nm piih on inn ahit. istiwy. 72R4. 1-CIlAiK barter whop, or 2-year lease. 3il Ar.keny a: Broadway. SELL YOUR BUS IN ESS QUICKC DAVBVPORT. RPWT. ft?W0. FOR SALE Meat market, doing cash bulnfi!. l.V4 E. Stark. SbARBKR SHOP for rent, furnished. lH Caii ssOki WUllamj ave, ' BTBTVESS OPPORTUNITIES. ARE TOTT THE MAN FOR THIS JOB? DISTRICT SALES MANAGERS. An invention that promises to otrt rivai any automobile accessory of re cent years; something entirely- unlike any automobile device ever proaucea. For YOU it means a business opportun ity or a LIFETIME. Our selling plan the demand for our product backed by an extensive adver tising caxnpaU n and the best of sales neip wiu i rum re earnings irom iwuu v 10,000 yearly. Previous selling experience is valuable but not absolutely necessary. If you can quamy, you're the lucky man. W4 KD1SON HOTEL, PQKTLA.MJ, PARTNER WANTED AUTO REPAIR SHOP. Man handy with tools and willing to associate himself with expert mecnami; who will teach you the business; have plenty of storage, pays all overhead expenses. Most lull equippea anu uuh'ihpH ihnn In fltv. AlwaVI busy, no trouble for each of us to clear $160 month and share profits. Call early; price Srtuu. 310 Padama b'.dg., 3d and Alder sts flOOO HANDLES; $5O0 BAI M I .I.IV RR V f'OVCKSSION In ready-to-wear store, nearby ciy. fine location, modern fixtures, ciean siuc., rent, beat. light. $47.50 month. tK.ft TWAT7TV PiRTRS. Near Llpman, Wolfe & Co.; modern bldg., stock and equipment. See this at once. - 202 McKay Bldg. Broadway 7478. RESTAURANT. $500 Cash Wii Handle Restaurant complete, fine soda foun tain and eyrup dispenser; 4 living rooma Located at a street car terminal. Price with fountain. $1500, without fountain $1000. Thus is a snap. Act quick. HARRT B EC K WITH, Realtor. 104 5th St. Bdwy. 3T8. . . . n . .- kin r t7 L) A TI) tUllW Equal half interest offered to man willing to take cnarge oi me irom tnu selling accessories, waiting on customers ner and I cannot depend upon hired Battery charging, etc. A splendid pro position. .Keif rentes ti-iiai'f.Tu. & . .v $1750. Call 310 Panama bidg- Third ana Ainrr bib. AN EASTERN manufacturing company who are moving their factory to Port land, Is desirous of interesting two or three good business men who will Invest from $2500 to $5000, and become officers of the corporation. This is a spienaiu chance to get in on the ground, floor, with your money fully protected. Call Broao wa "5S1 for appointment or call at 2.T0 Chamber of Commerce Bklg. ONE OF the best-paying light manufac turing businesses in the city of Portland; a srolns: concern, business established several years; no debts; earning over shoo per month: $7000, part or ail casn. See J. P. Parker, METZGER-PARKER COMPANY, REALTORS. SfiO Oak St. Bdwy. MSB. BAKERIES. EAST 8IDB AND WEST SIDE. We have two of the best buys on the market, doing good "business and rea sonable rent; clearing $200 a month; prices about $800. 1ULREY INVESTMENT CO., n0f-10 Panarm. 3d and Alder sts. GARAGES! GARAGES! GARAGES! I have several very choice garages, situated in different parts of the city, ranging in price from $2000 up to $12. 000; don't buy until you see me, Mr. HcCrosky, I. B. 8PENCER A CO., B17-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CIGARS, CONFECTIONERY ANU GROCERY. Biielne growing rapidly, ww and clean stock; $30 to $40 daily; furnished living rooms, very low rent, A-l loca tion; all foe $1200. Ideal opening for man and wife. Apply 318 Plttock bile. Waffl iTigton at loth sts. CiITFTir.RTi An east side cafeteria; owner claims from $60 to $75 per day receipts. Price $2OO0; some terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. Bdwy. 47M. 410 Henry Bldg A GOING general merchandise business Is for sale in valley town, au roues soutn oi Portland; a growing community. See J. P. Parker, METZGER-PARKRR COMPANY, REALTORS, ?fift Oak St. Bdwy. nSSS. WANTED A party with $.1000 to Invest in local manufacturing concerns wen es tablished. This is out of the ordinary; no blue sky. a BORLAND, REALTOR, 21 Henry Bldg. A PARTNER WANTED. Handy man can join good mechanic In auto business; want Interested help; can each clear $200 month. Small In vestment. Room 4rtl Dfkum bldg. $J3 GROCERY. Good business, all cash- ana-caTTy: rine corner location, cemenx block building; clean stock, excellent fixtures; rent $15. Owner, 325' Rueaell ft. Kast -Jtvwv HAVE for sale real live garage at snap. in goou location, ana oiner gooa DUBineas deals. Write for descriptions on busi ness, farms and residence .property. A. r . iiwla, real estate, urain, ur pox zi. GARAGE East side hotel and apt. dis trict; 70 -car cap. ; storage nets $2uo over and above all expenses; long lease; cheap rent; price $30uo $3000 down, ha I. good terms. AP 3S3. Oregonian. RESTAURANT A little gem; well equipped; rent only $17, Including sleep ing room; price $0.'0, some terms. Bar rand Realtv Co., 34t Salmon. HAVE 'targe building in Nyder, Alaska, used last year for cabaret; will trade for diiamonda and somie cash. See owner, 4S4 Washington st. IP YuU want a good buy in a RESTAU RANT or cafeteria see V. GEORGE, I, E. SPENCER A CO.. M7-21 Chamber of Commerce BMg. LUMBER hauling contract with purrhaso of truck; steady work in city; Stand in vestigation. See Mr. KUton, 430 Burn slde. west side. POOL hall and soft drinks place for saJe; 3 pool tables and card tables; bar fix ture and stock. Inquire 502 Main L, Vancouver, Wash. CONCRETE 60x100 GARAGE. Good storage, plenty repair work; also sell gas. oils, etc. ; good lease; price ontv $11100. Room' 401. Dekum bldg. GROCERY, cash and carry, doing $43 day; $400 for fixtures, stock will Invoice about $tH0; 3 living rooms. Z. EAR INS. 315 Couch Bldg. $050 PAYING lunch counter in busy sec tion; suitable for man and wife. Consider $400 and Ford car. 407 McKay bldg. $10u0 CONFECTIONERY and light gro cery ; a snap for man and wife, 4M7 McKay bldg. GROCERY Established 25 years; 3 liv ing rooms; no fixtures to buy; rent $25; $MK cash. 403 First. $2000 BUYS a live restaurant doing the business; deal with owner. AJ 890. Ore gon Inn. IMMEDIATE sale. Restaurant, 2441 Yamhill, doing $30 to $3o a day busi- n ws Cah or termer $150 WILL BUY M int. good live estab lished office, business clearing $200 per mo. each partner. 306 Cham, of Com. $400 WILL handle a dandy restaurant averaging $40 day; lease. 405 Couch bldg, SEASIDE lunch room and all equipment. very cneap. freuwooq in?. DRY GOODS stock and building for sale by owner. Woodlawn 4f0. !20 BURNS1DE ST. Restaurant and card room for sale. 1 P L U 1 I' J'! J I SEEMS HARe 0 BELIEVE. ThVAT Jfl I PS fVl f P'ECE Jl VCMDERFULil dL p I WHAT 'A ) a f BrSIVESS OFPORT11 ,N I 'I' I K. IluO GRO AND COXF. Corner location, near large school, do ing $40 to $r.o day: two nice living rooms, rent $30; business can easily be oouoied. REIPPER A CROSBY. M4 Ry. Exch. Bldg Broadway gftPO. Business Opportunities Wanted. LIST TOURS TODAY! We more apartment houses and hotels rapidly. Get to knew us for result FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO.. 3Q2 McKay Bldg. Bdwy 7478. WANTED. The best buy I can get In restaurant or oaieiena. see v. uibUKUia, I. B. SPENCER & CO., BI7-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. PANAMA LET US HELP YOU SSLi. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO., 401 Panama Bldg. t GROCERY STORE WANTED. Rave late model Dodge sedan and casn. wnat Bare yo-n? Tabor c4. WANT to buy a mlik route in Portland. Tabor 3624. WANTED Store on east side, suitable for market and grocery. AF 376. Oregonian. 0 OR MORE H, K. room from own Call Main 8160. ft to 5. WANTED Small grocery, living room from owner only. Broadway 6o23. Hotfls and Rooming Houses. ' A PNAJP. 2T houvekeeping ami eleepimr rooms with lease through 1&25, h owing a profit of $2C5 a month, re-let, downtown ; reduced for quick eale to $&3-M). This can be handled with $ib00 cash. A beautiful home with an In come of $175 per month light housekeeping and sleeping rooms, food Lease ; can be handied with 3000 cash. 3 2 -room house can be ueed for exclusive boarding bouse, walking distance and a money-maker. This can be handled wath $1400 cash. M. E. LENT CO., 624 X. W. Bank Bldg. HOTEL HOTEL HOTEL. $6000 will handle 43-room hotel, brick, 2-story, ail outside rooms; show $450 month clear, with 4-year lease, APARTMENT HOUSE. $8000 will handle absolutely modern apt. house, with large revenue ; long lease, desirable location; drop in and talk it over. See MISHKIND, with DEKUM & JORDAN, Realtor. 823-24 Cham, of Com., 4th and Stark. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. APARTMENT. BLDG., GROUND AND FURNITURE FOR SALE; ONE OF PORTLAND'S BEST; IN VERY GOOD LOCATION AND GIVING YOU A GOOD RETURN ON YOUR INVESTMENT; WILL TAKE SOME PAPER AND $30,000 CASH TO DO BUSINESS. BJ 240, OREGONIAN. HOTEL. DOWNTOWN, DOING A VERY NICE BUSINESS; WELL LOCATED; HAS GOOD LEASE AND CAN SHOW A NET PROFIT OF OVER $800 PER MONTH. PRICE $17,500. THIS IS A REAL SAC RIFICE WHEN YOU COMPARE PRICES. S 233. OREGONIAN. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see Chester L. Florence, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-O-7 'Board of Trade Bldg. We Write AU Kinds of Insurance. ARE YOU looking for modern apart ments, hotels, rooming nouses or iiatsr We can fill your order. Also leases and close-in property for sale. A car at your service. i - E. S. KERR, Realtor, 801 Yamhill. Marshall 6594. BUSINESS DISTRICT. 28 rooms, housekeeping; no vacancies; located In good business district. Rent $75 with 5-year lease; netting $225 per month; $3500 will handle. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. ftfiOS. HOTELS, apartment and rooming houses our specialty; u you wisn to Duy or sell see us. Ask for Mr. Mishklnd, with DEKUM & JORDAN. 823-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4 1 h and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 2249. OWNERS SACRIFICE. $1785 handles my 3ti-room apt. house; team heat; long lease; earns gross $325; rent $85; small balance at 6. I will accept part cash and good security as first payment. Phone Wdln. 4845. (ROOM flat, fine furniture, rent only $20 per montn; lull price is f -'.; $ioO wiu handle. Hurry. See McCauley, HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. FOR QUICK SALE list your hotel, apartment or rooming houses with us. Your interests will al ways be protected. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. FOR SALE JO rooms on 6th St., near city hall; good lease; always full, net ting $400 per month; price $2000; below value for quick sale. City Hall Realty Co., 2674 5th st. Main 64i:o. DEAL with owner. White pressed brick apt. house ; 35 rooms, private baths, steam heat; almost all new furniture; need the money, will sacrifice, $1000. 101 Pnrk st. BRICK hotel, 54 rooms, all outride .about Halt a. K. ; newiy turmpned; good lease; price including bond 575Ut, terms. John E. Walter, 1333 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 8718. 11 ROOMS and large attic, fair furniture. h. , k. and sleeping; . lease at $S0; we-11 Located, east aide; price $19M, $H00 down. John E Walter, 1333 N. W. Bank bldg. WILL build apartment house to suit ten ant, iio.tMW advance rental required. John. E, Walter, 1333 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 3718. TRANSIENT hotel, centrally located, 50 rooms, o-year lease; price only 7w, $5000 down. John E. Walter, 1333 N. W. Bank bldg. Mar. 3718. FOR SALE Newly furnished rooming nouse, consisting or tnirteen rooms, two baths; price $1200, $000 down, balance $75 per month. Phone 1278, Astoria, Or. 32 ROOMS, $00 rent with lease; indus trial center; nets snout $iou; outside rooms ; less thnn $100 a room ; $700, first cash payment. 101 Park st. ROOMING HOUSE SNAP. 28 rooms, all outside, close In; lease over fair, $3300; this can't be beat. 818-S18H Cham of Com. Bldg. BUY FROM owner, save commission, 22 room apartment house in heart of city; $3000 will handle; no agents. AH 89L Oregonian. $200 First cash payment on rooming house; well arranged; first-class loca tion, modern building, exceptionally good furniture. 191 Park st. CLASSY little home. 8 rooms. H. K. ; will easily net $50; full price $3f0; choice location; White Temple. Call 3ttl 11th st. Auto. 516-12. HOTEL for sale, downtown, has good transient business netting over 700 per month; takes $15,000 cash with good termn on the balance. W 3i8. Oregonian. A SNAP About $1100 cash, balance easy terms, 22 housekeeping rooma Deal with owner. S20 Second st. 27-ROOM hotel; Industrial district; al wavs filled. Income $S00 month; $250 $3U0, clear. 718 Dekum bldg. BrSIXESS OPPORTUNITIES. 1 1 otels und Rooming Honseg. ATTENTION! EXPERIENCED APT. OPERATORS. Preeent owner incompetent, must, re tire; quick sacrifice; $3,o handles 82 roora apt.. North Portland, fireproof bldg., rent $250, good lease; hot and cold water, steam heat; money-maker under competent management; beat of term a $4TS handle $137V apt. of 20 rooma, rent $35; easy terms on balance $2000 handles $300O apt. of 23 rooma lease, rent $40; clears $190 mo.; terms. $15O0 handles $3100 apt. of 18 rooms, rent $57.50; clears $100 mo.; terms. $3500 band'es $55O0 apt. of 28 rooms, lease beyond fair; brick bldg., good fur., rent $75 month; clears $250; terms baX f.vaoo handles $10,500 brick hotel of 44 rooms, lease to 1924, rent $250; dears 14 w monrn. FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO., 202 McKay Bldg Broadway 74T8 VOTl FTTT.T. ROOMING HOCSB. TO rooma ! mod furniture : walking distance on Johnson st. SuRable for boarders; VEJtY LOW rent; iiiuu; $7O0 down. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with PRANK L. McGTJIRB, 208 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. T1T1, Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. IN THE HEART OF THE CITY. 20 rooms; good furniture; mostly new toss; water In all rooms; showing a net of $130 per month. Price $3000. Will take a car up to $1000 on first payment, good terms on balance. Fee McCauley. HILLER BROTHERS. REALTORS. 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 3826. H Hi 5T l.N LA U. 15 apartments and 0 single rooms, 4H year lease at $300 per month. This place tis well located; extra well fur nished'; all outside apartments and is always full. Its at snap at $15,000; $0000 down. E. S. KERR, Realtor 891 Yamhill. Marshall B504. WHITE TEMPLE. 14 -rooms; no basement or attic rooms; corner house; fine basement; good furni ture; showing a net of $100 per month; $1200 will handle; small balance. See McCauley. HILLER BROTHERS, REALTORS. 211 Rv. Ex. Bldg. Broadway 302ft. 85 NET ON INVESTMENT. Irrlng-ton corner. 100x100. with five apartments, new furnishings and mod ern. Income $265 per month; on two car lines; $6000 will handle. AF 892, Oregonian. 13 ROOMS, housekeeping, three blocks from Meier & Frank Co.; room for ga rage ; nets over $ 100 per month ; rent only $47.50; $SO0 handles, balance $40 per month. Mrs. Albach, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. $2800 HANDLES up-to-date apt.. White j. empie aistnct, z ana s-room apart ments; nicely furnished; low, long leaive; net Income $2700 annually: price $5000; many smaller or larger ones. too. Ed Diamtmd Readty Co. 439 Chamber of Commerce. HERE'S your chance to trade your real- aenoe in on tnis rine dtick notei, 40 rooms, running water, steam heat, long lease, clearing $450; price $ll,0O0, small oasii payment. JOHN B. WALTER, 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 8T18. SACRIFICE. 18 rooms, housekeeping! fine furni ture, good location; rent $100 with lease. Nets $140 per month; $2000 cash will handle. Will sacrifice for cash. 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwv. ftS08. CLASSY little west side brick hotel. 30 rooms, running water, hot water heat, good lease at $150; price $3000. about $4500 down. JOHN E. WALTER. 1333 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 3718. BARGAIN. 10 rooms, housekeeping; dandy loca tion; stova heat; fix up and sell for more money. Nets $00 per month; 1500 will handle; easy bal. 218 Railway z change bldg. Bdwy. ft808. FOR SALE Apartment and rooming house. 26 rooms, 3 years' lease or longer, rent $50 a month; income $200 a month; $2s00; direct from owner. Mr. Shalla berger, 454" First st.. Raymond, Wash.. or call Bdwy. 2489. 21-ROOM, fine west side location, rent $55, lease; nice clean rooms, well furnished and nicely arranged H. K. ; good beds and carpets. Price $2100, terms $000 cash. Garland. 201 3d St.. cor. Ta y 1 or. 17 ROOM-NOB HIXL. Clean, modern, running water some rooms; furnace heat : dandy Income ; $2195; $5V0 will handle. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. MANY calls for good rooming houses and apartment houses- If you want to sell, bring or mail full description. No agents need apply. Polndexter, 207 Sell- mg bldg. Dandy location, all for $775; pay $300 down; easy terms; restaurant worth more than that. To see is to buy. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. LIVE WIRES ON HOTELS and apartment house deala Fairness, activity, results! FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO., 202 McKay Bldg., Bdwy. 7478. 30 ROOMS BRICK. In heart of city ; always full; dandy transient house, clean and neat ; price $2950; J 6 00 will handle. Peters, of course. 15 N. 5th st. BUY from owner and save commiiasion; private boarding house. 9 rooms, a'll full; good furniture, nace income. If sold at once will sacrifice fox $1000. Close in on east side. Phone East 7070. 15 ROOMS, H. K., rent $-"5; good income; west side, close In; price $1400; $800 to handle. See Mr. Currie. J. W. GRU8SI, 818 Board of Trade Bldg. Main T4S2. FOR SALE or rent, furnished rooming house In Astoria; centrally located; ex perienced person preferred; no children. D. H. Welch, Astoria. Or. 12-ROOM brick, very close in, west side, well furnished and clear; a good tran sient place or H. K. ; snap, $1300, or terms. Garland. 201 3d, cor. Taylor. FOR SALli Rooming house, 6 rooms and bath ; best location In city of Astoria; $)50 cash. Address Lucy C. MJIner, 528 Bond st., Astoria, Or. 12 ROOMS, electric lights, furnace heat; extra 'well furnished; clean; rent $80; net income over $100, and nice apt. for self. $2000; $1500 down. 391 Yamhill. A BARGAIN if taken at once, 8 -room flat, fine furniture; a good home and small income. Your own terms. Call Broadway 6.S80. 7 ROOMS In Knob Hill district, good fur niture, price reasonable. Your own terms. Owner. 62 N. 21st St.. near Washington. HAVE buyer for rooming house or hotel up to 40 rooms; not over $20,000. John M. Payne & Co.. Realtors. Main 0012. 10 ROOMS, close In. brick building, $500 will handle for quick sale by owner. Call East 4S95. FOR SALE by owner, 14-room, fully equipped boarding house, always full; profit $200 per month. East 447B. 24 ROOMS H. K., nicely furnished, clean; nets $200; very best location; $2000 will handle. Call 3G1 11th st. Auto. 516-12. 48 ROOMS Corner bldg.. downtown; tran sient trade; leased to 1D26; $580O: liberal terms. B. Simon'on, 30H Stock Ex. bldg. APARTMENT house, centrally located, in brick building. long lease, netting $400. Price $7500. terms. 504 Buchanan bldg. FOR SALE 13 rooms, from owner, no agents. 489 Washington st. POLLY AND NOW WHAT KID OF A WORM DID MA REALLY HAVE IX MI5DT BT CLIFF BrSTVESS O PPO RTT" rTTFS . Hotels and Rooming Houses. FREEMAN-SMITH. BROADWAY 1873. 40-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. Excellent furnishings; lease; rent $300; total price $S500. We can give terms to suit purchaser; nets $400. 18 APTS.; BRICK; FIREPROOF building; furniture and furnishings all In excellent condition; wonderful loca tion; this entire place, grounds, buildings and furniture can all be purchased at a sacrificed figure. For further Infor mation call st our office. 22 ROOMS H. K. Two and 8 -room suites; good location; furnishings good; nets $100; rent $60; price to handle $110O cash. 12 ROOMS H. K. Nob Hill district; good furnishings; fine location; nets $J0; $660 cash to handle. 11 ROOMS H. K. No Hill district; everything In excel lent conaition ; ail a -room suites; very reasonable rent; nice apartment for own er; will net about $oo; $OoO cash will nan aie it. 5-ROOM FLAT. LOWER. Downtown location; almost new furni ture; rent $3-5; owner has nice apart ment; net income can be had around $30 over and above all expenses; $30O cash to nannie it. FREEMAN-SMTTH. Brokers Realtors. 630 Chamber of Commerce Bl d g. 9 rooms, beautiful furniture, neat and clean, make dandy home with income. See this sure. 13 H. K. rooms. 11 furnished; rent $55; nets $85; small cash payment will HAVE YOTJ .(lA Ti U So rut AAA We have over 600 small rooming houses to select from with these cash unuicuin, rBHsnnaDiy pricea. See MISHKIND. with DEKUM & JORDAN. Realtors. S23-24 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark FOR HOTELS, APARTMENT HOUSES, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, SEE G. C. ULRICH CO., 404-405-406 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 4354. "LOST AND FOTNTV THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R., L. & P. Co. Jan. 25: 10 umbrellas, 1 lunch box. 3 purses, watch nob, 1 wuit case, 2 handbacrs. 4 pairs gloves, 2 srtngI gloves. 4 books, oity tickets, ml, ba-sket, 2 single rub bers,, 11 packages, shoe shmlng stand, flower stand. Owners) rrmy obtain prtvperty at First and Alder sta STRAYED, stolen or lost since Jan. 15. lrs;e blix male Persian cat, short h-ir over shoulders; shout 2 years old; high ly prized by owner; birthday present bv Sick brother. Call 645-03 evenings; $5 reward. WILL party who picked up black velvet bag containing currency, keys. Elk's Identification card, etc., at 5th and Yamhill, about 5:30 Wednesday evening please return same to 80 Oregonian bldg1., and receive reward? WILL the party who found a bank book Jan. 20, showing a deposit on that date of $112.50 return same to the statement window at Northwestern National bank and receive reward. LOST In Portland, April, 1020, army din charge made to Claude Truman Bor ders Return to C. T. Borders, A. M. camp. Cosmopollw. Wash. $5 reward. LOST or strayed, blue bay collie female pup, 5 months old. marked white neck, nose and legs: body, ears and tall black. Reward. Main 1527. LOST A black leather traveling bag, initials E. C. K. ; owner disabled ex service man; liberal reward. Call F. K. News. Pierce' Sanatorium. Main ISO. LOST Between Powers furniture store and Llpman, Wolf's, $400 worth of green trading stamps. Call Broadway 4152. LOST 1 blanket roll containing clothing on Salem road between WoOdburn and Aurora, Wed. eve. Reward. AO 878. Oreconlan. LOST 32d degree, Scottish Rite Ma sonic watch charm. Liberal reward. Tabor 9176. LOST A brown folder purse, containing about $18 and driver's license. Call E. Haines. East 5513. Reward. LOST From E. 45th and Stanton, brown and wnite pointer aog. lwja license zozu. Phone A ut. 324-33. Reward. LOST Black silk umbrella, square handle of smoked pearl. In public market. Re ward. Main 4194. LOST Sunday. Scotch collie dog, license No. 4n:i. 4135 ootn st. u. m. Please call Aut. fil3-6. $10 reward. LOST Thursday, a seal muff; finder call Broadway 2071; reward. Miss Gregory. LOST Saturday night, bar pin, 3 dia monds; reward. Main 3594. LOST A list of firms' names in roll form. Bdwy. 4120. . FOUND on city streets, one sack rice. Phone Main 149. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. .WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. MORTGAGES. WE BUT WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR A GRAT. MAIN 88. 102 FOURTH FT. SHORT-TIME loans on mortgages, con tracts or other collateral. Second mort gages. Multnomah Finance Co., 822 Gasco bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate; Washington, Ore gon. H..E. Noble. 316 Lumbermens bldg. WILL cash mtg. or seller's contract, $000 to $1200; prompt attention. See A. K. Hill. 426 Lumbermens bldg. WILL buy smaller sellers' contract or sec ond mortgage. Gordon, 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg., 4th and Oak sts. LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 5S90, Lee Davenport. 6J2 Buchanan bldg. $950 EACH for two $1000 P. R. L. A P. 8s. AK 384. Oregonian. Money to Loan on Real F.state. SEE OREGON 1NV. & MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING, 2D AND STARK STS. $500, $1000 AND upward on Improved real at ate: favorable terms: no deiv? nr. b rokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding bl d $200. $400. $500. $750, $1000 AND UP Lew rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rates on well-improved larms ana en? vrovon. a, isaxtor. Bpaiaing uiu. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 ana 7 per cent. Salomon ec to., am rum way exen. bidg $10,000 TO $100,000 FOR immediate loan. $1500, ON improved real eat ate, also other MONEY to loan on improved city property. Charlp houck, ii unamofr or oom. $500 to $6000 on good city or improved acreage. iiunm-ucru .mma wot. HER PALS FINANCIAL. Money to loan on Keai P. state. MORTGAGE LOANS RESIDENTIAL LOANS. 6W PER CENT. Five-year period repayment privilege of Ii "u or any multiple tnereor. NSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only small monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on the first of each month; no penalty, BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 64 PER CENT. Five-year period, repayment prlvtlegea BRICE MORTGAGE CO., Portland Mortgage Correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co, of America. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main 8308. PLENTY OF MONET for good loans on . improved Portland real estate. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE CO, Bl Fourth St. MONEY to loan on Willai ette valley farms and city property. Lowest current ratea Liberal repayment prlvtlegea Prom pt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES, COMPANY, 01 Third St.. Portland. Or. HOME PURCHASE LOANS. Monthly Installment plan; 6 per cent simple Interest, with protection for the family In case of death. Option to take Bp any time. No commission. WILLIAM MacM ASTER. 828 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Loans -I nsurance. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments ; pay as you can, sums, to suit, contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gasco bldg., 5th a id Alder sts. CELLAR-MURTON CO. WE BUT CONTRACTS, MORTGAGES AND NOTES. PACIFIC SECURITIES CO., 1403 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2:t7. JaoKTG AGE LOANS In any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. PAGET A PAGET, Realtors. 23 Stark St.. bet. 4th A 5th. Bdy. 3794. MORTGAGE LOANS. Money available foi loans on first class Inside retail and financial property at 6 per cent interest. WILLIAM MacMASTER. 323 U. S. National Bank Bldg. WE HAVE funds available ior good resi dence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available ratea MORTGAGE BOND CO. Main 2S31. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property; prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment priv ilege; lowest ratea WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. $30O, $400, $500, $700, $1000. $1200, $1500. $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action, pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., t3l Chain ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence and City Property. 6'A and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount ; low rates, promptly closed ; attractive repayment prlvilegea A. H. BIRRELL-G1LL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 4114. tXORTGAGK LOANS on improved farms and city property: favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., 300 Piatt bldg. Main 6371. PRIVATE money to loan at lowest rates on first mortgage only ; prompt atten tion; no red tape; no Installment pay ments required. See A. K. Hill, 420 Lum bermens bldg. $1000 $1500 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DKSHU.V, 615 Cham, of Com, bldg. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm or suburban property . BUILDINC LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM U. BECK. 215 Falling bldg. TO LOAN $AU0, $1000, $1200. $1500. $25Ui) on real estate security, 7 per cent, 8 per cent. Geo. P. Lent. 417 Corbet t bldg. Monty to Loan 4'hnttf Is ana Salaries. DO TOU NEED MONET AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE 7 YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, VXCTKOLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a ape. cialty of tnese loans and leave the se curity in your possession, and you can repay us In small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to balaned peoplo on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed.) 806-307 Dekum bldg. Bdwy. BR6T, S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men on their personal notes; rates reasonable. Easy payments. NO SECURITY. NO INDORSER. Call and investigate our modern money lending methods. All business confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (Licensed), , 218 Falling Building. DAN MARX & CO., 315 Washington St., near tfth st. Established over 35 years; only high-class Jewelry store in city with loan department In connection ; private room for ladles, business strictly confi dential, under state supervision; ail ar ticles held one year. Do business with an old-establifahed firm. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed In storage with us at regular bank ratea SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., Fourth and Pine Sta Opposite Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. MONEY to loan on otamonds and Jewelry; confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokera Zell Bros. A Co.. 283 Wsshington st., between 4th and 5th. Marshall 727. MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held one year. Vines, Jeweler, corner 3d and Washington. AGTO and other snort-time loans. Mult nomah Finance Co.. 822 Gasco bldg. Loans Wanted. WANTED Loan of $18,000 three to five years, 64 per cent; security brick apartment house, value $42,000; ground value $5000; first-class moral risk ; no agents. Phone Broadway 0008 or in q uire room 2, Chamber of Commerce bldg. CAN PLACE $1000 to $50,000 on close-in income property at good rate. Several choice mortgages and contracts for sale at a discount. Loan department. Ed. Diamond Realty Co., 439 Chamber of Commerce bldg $550 WANTED, 8 per cent, attractive 5 room suburban cottage, almost new. Just sold at a great bargain. $1100. One block from station near paved highway. Marshall 746 forenoons. STK RRETT, FINANCIAL. Loans Wanted. WHEN TOU LOAN MONET on real estate demand a Till Insurance Policy. BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY. TITLE A TRUST CO.. Title A Trust Bids. AN EASTERN manufacturing company who are moving their factory to Port land, is desirous of interesting two or three good business men who will invest from $25 to $,'HHH, end become officers of the corporation. This is a splendid chance to get in on the ground f ioor, wii h your money fully protected. Call Broadway 751 for appointment or call at 2:t0 Chamber of Commerce Bldc! FRANK. L. McGUlRE. with his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is In a position to safeguard your every Interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loans. Of fice or personal services. Let us loan your money. See J. Logic Richardson, manager loan department, Ablngton building. Bdwy. 7171. $3tMJO WANTED of private party, first mortgage on 440 acre improved, produc ing stock farm in central Oregon; will pay 8 per cenL Apt. 2. Peninsular Apia, Kllllnirsworth ave.. Portland. Or. THE following bums are wanted for flrst nurtgKe loans: $500 at 8 per cent on 40 acres; $400. $450 and $7M at 8 pw cent, on improved city property. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Ch. of Own. bldg. OWNER $70tM; Walnut Park house; cor ner lot; wants $30iK to $354H at 7. This ta highly desirable property In choice residence district; bank and other references. Call owner. Bdwy. 7lI0. FROM private party, $ 1500 on 40 acres. 20 in cultivation, 8-roora house, close to electric line; rural mail; on Eagle creek. Call Frank T. Berry, C. of C. bldg., to- uayoniy. WANTED to borrow from private party, $1300 on good 6-room bungalow. 7 Ox 100 lot with garage, WIU not pay any com- mifion. t'hone Tabo r Stk'iO. $2250 ON NEW bungalow and garage, owner's home, Mt. Tabor district; Insur ance $3500. B. Lee Paget, Broadway 37!t4. WANTED $&000 1st mortgage, with op tion to pay off from $1000 to $2000 per year; no agents; no commission. G 400. Oregonisn. $1400 WANTED, 8; 4-roorn bungalow; fine condition, on paved boulevard. Just old for $2800. 68 E. 74th st, cor. Stark. Marshall 74 forenoon. WANTED $1500 on house and Unt worth $4O00; 8 month, 7 per cent. Cull Bdy. 3H07. WANT $1500 on well located residence. 8 per cent interest. A. K. HilL 426 Lum- bermena bkltr. $15ou UN tt-RM. cottage; also $1500 on im- ? roved 15 a. near Vancouver; both 3 yrs.. per cent. Owner, evenings. Tabor 7055. SEE OREGON 1NV. MORTGAGE CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING, 2D AND STARK STS. WANT $3500 loan on a very modern home In Piedmont; value $SOo0. See De Young Co.. 810 Spalding bldg. $10t,000 GILT edge security. close-In busi ness property. C. A. Wagner Co., 230 Stark st. LOAN of $U5O0 on Rose City bungalow on Sandy blvd. Tabor 155. WANT loan $20mj on good cWse-ln real eat ate. Ewut 5013. $1500 WANTED for 8 years; security O. K. J 3 S5. Oreg o n la n. $2000 ON NEW modern bungalow. AG a'.trf Oregon 1 a n $2500 FOR THREE years at 7 per cent; good security. AN 300, Oregonian. $1400 TO $1500 on new bunMaiow, lot 64 x 135. Owner, Woodlawn 6325. PERSONAL. DR. MARGARET HAYX1J5, cniropractor. Women's dieeasi-a my specialty. All treatment non - surgical. For trained nurse, assistant and bath massages, ask for Miss Randall. 215 Swetland bldg. DR. ADA SCOTT, nervous and chronic dis eases a ppecialty ; steam bath, hot or cold showers, scientific body massage. Hours 10 to 7. 417 Swetland bldg. Bdwy. 4170. BURKE IMPROVEMENT SHOP M. 7U06. 428-0 Medical Bldg. Can accommodate two students beauty culture. in VIT-O-NET. sweat body massage, Radiant light, Violet Ray treatment for colds, . sciatica, neuritis, circulation: 10 to 8 daily. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7570. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST.. who doesn't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th A Wash. Bdy. 2K24. DR. LOUISE NETZEL treats rheumatism, lumbago, electro blanket, vibrator, mas sage, bath; lady assistant. 546 Columbia st., near 17th st. Main 5508. IRENE STOY gives electric cabinet baths, hot and cold showers, scientific body massage and violet ray treatments. Hrs. 10 to 7. 308 Broadway bldg. Main 56. STEAM BATHS, scientific massage for obesity, neuritis, rheumatism, lumbago. Graduate nurse assistant. 74-5-6 S-11-Ing-Hirsrh. Main 77h6. POPULAR mumc and ragtime piano play ing, 12 lessons, guaranteed; beginners or advanced. Waterman Piano School. 313 Columbia bldg., over Kivoll theater. VIT-O-NET PARLORS, SALES, TREAT MENT ROOMS, 212-15 FLIEDNKR BLDG.. DR. G. LOCKE. EXCLUSIVE SALES RIGHTS. BDW Y. 4258. EXPERIENCED nurse gives rteam baths and soie-ntiiic body mawage ; also Sun days to 5 P. M. 322 Fiiedner bldg., 10th and Washington sta. JAZZ Piano, beginners, 10 lessons; popu lar songs 3 lessons or money back; ad vanced course for players, 514 Eilers building MASSAGE, baths, rheumatism, constipa tion, kidneys. Both sexes. Dr. Sorenson, 508 Panama bldg. Bdwy. 70Stf SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts, re moved by 10-needle method, trial free Jose Flnley. 514 Bush & Lane. Main 6:iS. MASSAGES FOR LUMBAGO, ETC. 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. rtunqays ana evenings. FEBVET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe makers; permanent marcel and w ater waving. 340 Aider. Main 546 TRAINED NURSE. BATHS. MASSAGE See Miss Randall for baths, massage and electric treatment. 215 Swetland bldg. FINE needlework, hand-madt lingerie, gift articles, art goods, dressmaking. Auditorium Nifty Shop, 329 3d st. NURSE GIVES electric sweats for bad colds, la grippe, rheumatism. Call Per kins Hotel, room S2H. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. DR. ROBERT FISHER, specialist, now at 715 Dekum bldg. . SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re moved. 504 Swetlsnd bldg. Bdwy. 6709 THERE. THERE. THERE Be brave and don t rorgive. write, mi. namier. WHY BE FATT Elisabeth Marshells. obesity specialist, buco proaaway piag. SL'LPH lR steam baths, massage, violet ray. Hours 1Q to a. -o -ia. .Main a;t.jtf. PROSTATE trouble cured without opera tion. Ur. li. A. rni.iipB, cfuwy. Plug. DOESN'T Tom, Dick, or Harry pay you? See Vlereck, collectors. Dekum bldg. LEARN good trade evenings. Beauty cul ture. Madam Curtis. Bdwy. 0002. SWEDISH maaaage Phone Main 7633. PRIMKDA BALM, formerly called Balm of Fig. 844 E. RM. Sell. 2213, mornings. SCOTT, gift appreciated. Write, A. WILL China painter call Auto. 623-13. PERSONAL THE LA FRANCE HAT MFRS. formerly of 3;2- Morrison St.. are now open for business In our new store at Itiy Tenth st., near Yamhill, with a large stock of trimmed hats, frames, braids, trimmings and all materia. s for the home milliner. On reques of our many satisfied customers we have re tained our cleaning and blocking depL for ladies' and gentlemen's hats. THE LA FRANCE HAT MFRS. 101'S Tenth st., near Yamhill. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, gone thsrapy er con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or after-effects. We perform alt dental op erations without pain. Come In and 1st us prove it to you. X-ray work. DR. A. W. KEEXB, DR. E. J. KIFSENDAHL. Above Majestic theater, en. 3.M ' Wash. PSYCHOLOGY. Find out what you were meant to do and start to do It. The most important thing In the world to you is YOURSELF. Human analysts as given by Mrs Anna-, be) Malotie at the Multnomah hotel de termines the work you are fitted for. You were born to be a success at some thing. Find out what It Is. A 15-minute Interview f res by appointment oniy. - Phone Broadway 40Su. PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guarantee given. No need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ask to see Ole-o-ms Pile treatment. btout Lyons Drug Co., 3d and Morrison, orb. and Washington, Broadway and Stark. LA D"l ES. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER la a soothing, cleansing, healing germicide and invigorating douche; a great aid in female disorders; 60c and II per boa. Port land Hotel Pharmacy. DR. N E i TIE BE NSO N Nervcus and chronic diseases treated by NEW METH ODS traction for weak backs, miners! - steam bath, showers, violet ray m and sinusoidal treatments fir both sexna Broadway 0710. 711 Swetland bldg. PETERSONS are nuw selling their beau tiful spring sahipies of d rentes, suits and coals while lliey last ; the savings are a revelation. All winter coats and dresses at off. Peterson's, second floor Plttock block. "MRS. H. C. HANSEN." formerly with the Ritaynthal Sisters' beauty parlors, Llpman, Wolfe A Co.. Is nnw with the Burka Improvement Shop, 428-9 Medical bidg. Main 7U06 for ap pointmen U. FUR ADOPTION Bay and girl. aea 7 and ft yeara, retspenHivcly ; wish both to be taken by sume party if piMnuble; references required. For partlculara call atHs7 Corbet t t. Mam 3371. CANVElt, appendicitis, goitre successf ully treated; conu:tatlon free. Bdwy. tl,H74. Dr. E. P. Rostock. 6otl Swetland blilg. SPFflAL NOTICES. NOTICE OF LINNTWN TRANSIT COM PANY. A CORPORATION FOR A FRANCHISE TO OPERATE- MOTOR BUSSES IN THE PITY OF P"RTLA N I IN BOTH DIRECTIONS ON AND AliONG CERTAIN STREETS. AND RK Ol'KST FOR PERSONS HAV1NO OB JECTIONS TO FILE THE SAME. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Llnntun Transit Company, a corpora tion, on November li. 1H21, filed wit h , the Auditor of the City of Portland an application to the Council of the City of Portland for the gnantins: of a H)-. year franchise to operate motor buse In both directions on and along the ffMiltowing rjaimei street and public ways In the City of Portland, lowlt: St. Helens rxmd. from the intersection with C street in. Linnton, to the inter section with 2Sth i'et: thence on 2Nth street to Its intersection with Savier treet ; thence on SavkT street to its tntorwocticn with 17th streH; thence on 17th srtre to Its livtrect Inn wit h Everett street thrnce on Everett street to its intersection with 14th street; ilwnce on 4th street .o Its interest ton with Burnside street ; thence on Burn side street to Its Intersection with Stark street ; thence on Stark street to its in ter Beet ion wit h Park ntreet ; the nee on Park street to Its intersection with Oak street; thence on Oak street to its inter section with Burns tde street; and re turning over the same route. Said proposed fraulviKe has been pub lished in full in Tim Dally Rj-vord-Ah-stract In the Issues of Jan. 27, 2H, 1U22, and the same is on file in thj office of the undorsignod and may be examined by persons in tr rested. Request is hereby made that any per son having any objer-tions to sux-h pro posed, franchise, or any provision there of, file the shjuo. In wrMinr, with the auditor within 20 days from the first publication of this notice, and If request Is ma do therefor the council wUU fix a time for heiarlng such objection, aind will give re&vonHble notice of the t ime so fixed, which notice hi.U be nut less than five days. This notice 1 glvn pursuant to the charter and ordinances of said city. DaWHl at I'ortland. Oregon, and first published Jan. 27. If-'-'. GEO. R. Ft'NK"., Auditor of the ('itv of Portland. Proposals 1 n ? 1 1 etl , SALE OF TIMBER QUINAIFLT INDIAN RESERVATION T. QRENVILLE UNIT. . Sealed bids In duplicate, marked out side "Bid, Pt. Grenvllte Unit." and ad a reused to the superintendent, Tshoiah Indian school, Taholah, Washington, will be received until 12 o'clock non, Pactflo time, Thursday. March SO, for ths purchase of the merchantable timber on a tract In townships 20 and 21 north, range 12 and 13 west, Wiilsmetta me rid lan, In the Quins le It Indian reserva tion. The unit includes about 0040 acres with a total stand of approximately S0.,. 000,04k) feet, or which about lau.O00.0OO stands on about 64UO seres of allotted land, as to which separata contracts with the Indian owners are aut horl-ed and may probably be made. The sale em braces approximately lD3.000.00u feet of cedar. SU.000,000 feet of spruce. 62.000. 000 feet of hemlock. U.OtiO.OOO feet of white fir, 1,000,000 feet of white pine, 1,000,000 linear leet of cedar poles, and ' an unestitnsted amount of Douglas fir piling. Included within the bounoarles of the sale there are about lfthO acre of fee patented lands with an tstlniated stand of approximately B.VOtKI.OuO feet, purchase of the greater part of which can probably be made from the respec tive owners. Each bid must state the price per thousand feet Scribner declma. C log scale, that will bs paid for timber cut and scaled prior to April 1. 11)24 Prices subsequent to that date to be fixed by the coiiimlxsloner of Indian af fairs by three-year periods. No bid for the first period will be consfdo.-sd of lss than the following rates per thousand feet: Two dollars and fifty cents li.V) for live and dead cedar; two dollars and twenty-five cents tl2 2.i) for live a-nd dead spruce and Douglas fir; one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for white pins; sixty cents $o.60) for white fir. hem lock and other species; and per linear foot; for cedar poles 20 feet and under In length with not greater than 8-lnoh top diameter, one-nait cent ($0 005); for cedar pales 21 to 45 feet In length with not greater than tf-incn top diameter, one and one-half cents ($0015), and for Douglas fir piles with not greater than 18-inch butt diameter, one cent ) 01. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check on a sot vent national bank In favor of the superintendent of the Taholah Indian school in ths amount Of $ 16.000. The ilepoiit will be returned to unsuccessful bidder!, applied as part of purchase price of successful bidder, or retained as liquidated damages if the successful bidder shall not execute and furnish satisfactory bond for 10,000 within 6u days of the acceptance of his bid. The tignt to waive technical de fects and to reject any or aU bids Is reserved. For copies of the contract and regulations, topographic and stand maps of the sals area, blanks for the sub mission of bidfc and other information apply to the superintendent of the Ta bo. ah lndlau school. Taholah, Wash Washington, D. C, December 20. 1921 CHAS. H BURKE, Commissioner of Indian Affairs SEALED BIDS will b received st the of fice of the undersigned. 401 Courthouse, Portland. Or., until 7:30 P. M Wednee tuy. February 1, 1022, for the ele-rtno Wiring of certain rooms in tike Clinton Kelly. Eliot, IrvinKion and Linnton schoolfl, Portland, Or. Bids) will be opened at a meet Ing of t he board of directors to be held in room 30 Court house at 7:SO P. M. the same day. Plans and spec if ications may be ob tained at the office of the superintend ent of properties. Old Failing school. First ami Porter streets. Port lan-t Or. A certified cheok for 10 per cent of the amount of lh pnopoiil, payable to R. H. Thomas, srhoo-l clerk and busi ness manager, muvt accompany each prrvptjual. The boaaxi of directors re serves) the right to reject any or ail bids. R. H. THOMAS. School Cleirk and Busim-ns Manager. 1 Med January 2.i. 1022. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. SupervUing Architect's Office, Washington. D. C. January 13, li)22. Sealed proposals will be opened In this office at a P. M., Feb ruary 10, 1022, for all labor snd mate rials for the Installation complete of mail-conveying machinery In the U. S. pontoffice at Portland, Oregon, In ac cordance with t he drawing and specifi cation, copies of whieh may be had at thi.t office in the discretion of the super vising architect. J a. A. Wet more. Act I n g Supervlsl ng Architect. Miscellaneous, TO ALL whom it may concern. Know all men by these present: That Louhv Ds ugh trey, my wife, has left my be A and board and that 1 will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by her after this date. Dated at Echo, Oregon. Jan. 2.", 1022. William ii. Dnughtrey WILL NOT be renponhible for any bills charged to the Central Alblna Fuel Co.. after this date, Jan. 2.", 1U22. N. Hora- f.l'it. I, EMMA WILKES, have puruhaiu-d stork of goods locate.) at 3f0 Bunnell t. Will not be responsible for di htw uftcr this date. Signed, tmma Wiikes,