la THE 3IOKMNG O K EG ON IAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1923 BEAT, ESTATE. I'or Male bosk city y,nn. THE OWNER OK THIS MODERN "BUNGALOW IS TAKINO A GREAT 1.089 TO MAKE A.N" IMMEDIATE .SAI.B. IDEALLY IiCATEU, NEAR ALAMEDA DRIVE. TH13 IS O.VE OK THOSE- DISTINCTIVE BUNGALOWS YOU'I.I. STOP TO ADMIRE. COM PLETE, "WITH. FURNACE. INVESTI GATE. LAUREI.HTTRST-59nn. FOL.1CH. INVESTIGATE THI3 OF TKH. COMPARE IT WITH OTHERS COSTING MUCH MORE. THE VALUE IS HERE YOU'LL ADMIT. J'.UII.T r ONE OK PORTLAND'S BEST PTILDERS. YOU READ A NUMBER OP ADS. PUT INVESTIGATE THIS ONE. YOU'LL PE UNDER NO OBLI GATIONS. IK ITOIT' RE LOOKING FOR CLASS AND DISTINCTION. TO GETHER WITH REAL DOWNRIGHT HONEST CONSTRUCTION AND THE FINEST OK BUILDING MATERIALS, YOU'VE FOUND YOUR HOME. IN VESTIGATE. A. O. TEEPE CO., WEST SIDE OFFICE, 270 STARK ST. Broadway 6,rf3. EAST SIDE OFFICE, 4cnli & SANDY, Tabor it'si! PTAR SALES SERVICE. J3000 FURNISHED BARGAIN. 1300. Furniaheo, dandy 4-room modern bun jralow, double constructed, Dutch kitch en, lull lot, cement basement, laundry trays, gas furnace; nicely furnished; a real bargain; terms 30 per month. NEW 7-ROOM BUNGALOW 142SO. Double constructed, ail modern built. Ins, hardwood floor, finished In ivory, 1 block to car. Take lot up to 11000 as part payment. FTAK REAL ESTATE IV. CO.. B'lwy. 5flis. 512-13 Wilcox Hldg. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. NEW BUNGALOW 4:i.'.0. TOU'LL. APPRECIATE THIS AT TRACTIVE BUNGALOW. COMPLETE IN EVERY WAY. WITH HARDWOOD FLOORS. FIREPLACE, BUFFET, FUR NACE, ETC. REAL CLASSY EXTER IOR. DOUBLE - CONSTRUCTED. TERMS. A. G. TEEPE CO.. WEST SIDE OFFICE, 2T0 STARK ST. Broadway 60W3. BAST SIDE OFFICE, 4Hth. SANDS' Taho- !.'. AVOID all trouble In closing your real estate deals by using our Escrow De partment. TITLE A TRUST CO.. Title Trust Bids. HOSE CITY G-ROOM BUNGALOW. 5 rooms and pleeping- porch. K'la!re! and screened: one of those well built home wllh het hardwood floors, lire place,, built-in bonkeswrt's and wndTl'iil tmfr&t, all piattt glass. The rooms are all good, size and nicely arranged; full cement naM-ment, furnace, full lot; lo cated below hill near Sandy. Priced rifrht. J.VHM, terms or bonus. Furnished If desired. O. A. PEARCE CO., ni-1 Henry FtldK. Hilary. 413.-I. NEW CORNER BUNC.At.OW. on paved street, neat, modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, every bullt-ln feature, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, concrete basement, one block from car; walking distance to school. , Reasonable terms-$4750. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUILD NOW. We have a number of lots on which we can build your home according to your plans. It you have a little cash will furnish the balance. Ex-service men can ur their lo.-in. ZIMMERMAN-WALLER BLDG. CO., Realtors. 41S-10 Abington Bids;. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION PORT LAND HEIGHTS. 8-room residence, modern and In good rnndltlnn, newly tinted, almost furnished, full lot, sightly view; garage. Price f,7.0 and ready to move into. Some terms. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stnrk Street. Bdwy. 7-1BI. ALAMEDA. Must sell, modern, up-to-date, story-and-hatf bungalow; 4 bedrooms, sleep ing porch, sun room, Uhico furnace. Ruud water beater; best location. Price S7U00. Easv terms. W. M. UMHDENSTOCK ft CO., 210 Oregon Hldg. Bdwy. mail. 1300 WILL HANDLE. PRICE ONLY Sl.VJO. 125 per month, including interest, ROs 10o lot, with 4-room celled house, elec tricity, choice fruit, garage, chicken run, on car line. JOHNSON-nOBSON CO.. 33 N. W. Hank Hldg. Main 37S7. LAURELHLRST BUNGALOW SNAP. Owner Just built larger home, will sell classy, nearly new, lH-story modern A-room house with sleeping porch and gnrage. Best section near park, for $7.'00; no incumbrances, easy terms. Call Tabor 407. PEN I N SU LA D I ST RIOT. New 4-room plastered bungalow, 5fht 100 int. buiit-ln Dutch kitchen, full plumbing, bath and toilet, gas and elec tricity. Can keep chickens and have a nice home. I'JOOO, J-JOO down. J ilINSON-I"! iDSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Hldg. .Main 37ST. WILL TAKE LOT AS PART PAYMENT. Windsor Heights four-room bungalow, one bedroom, large living room, dining room and kitchen fireplace, garage, ce ment basement, laundry trays, lots of bullt-lns; 3iM). Will take 3. ch and lot up to foo as down payment Ciill Mr. Young. Broadway ft3S0. 707 E. PINK -ST. New modern bungalow built for a )wme. but on account of s-ickness am compelled to sell. If you want to buy a well planned and well arranged bunqa low come and look it over. Owner and builder on premises. Aut. 317-44. Bdwy. iV'J31. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Practically new 4-room plastered cot tage, concrete foundation, plumbing roughed in; 2 blocks from car. Price SIHOu: $200 cash, $25 monthly. You had better come a-runnlng. Fred W. German Co.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. GOING TO BC1LDV We design and build residence or any building, assist In financing same; 12 years continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. B.-illey, contract ing architect, 1)24 N. W. Hank bldg. HAWTHORNE Hl'NGALOW. FUR NISHED. A real bargain In good district: rooms, hardwood floors, fur nace, garage; 1.300. terms CaM 811 Moh awk bllg.. or phone Main 901 2; ikvl.NGTON COLONIAL HOME. Nonresident owner offers fine 2-story -room house with garage on East 24th. near Knott; built for home; large rooms and oak floors throughout; Ivory wood work. 2 fireplaces. Call Tabor 407. RED HOT LAUUEI.HURST SNAP. Modern 2-story, 6-room home with sleeping porch, attic and garage. Best section, near park and car. Large rooms in old Ivory, walls Just repapered. 730. eas terms; no Incumbrances. Tabor 407. ROSE CITY PARK 3-room bungalow, modern with fireplace, furnace, hard wood floor, garage, etc., lor rent; month Will gie lease. Call A. G. Teepe Co.. Tabor OSS. BUNGALOW HAHGAIN, FURNISHED. Near Laurelhurst, fireplace. furnace, and nicely furnished. $4750; only $1000 down. John M. Payne Co., Realtors, Main 5012. a-KOOM. furnished bungalow, modern, paved street, sewer in and connected; on block Alberta car. Inquire between 1 and 4 P. M.; no agents. 101G East 12th North. A HOME AND A BUSINESS. On Union ave., a store building with rooms to live la, nice new grocery stock, ail to be Mold at right price. Terms Auto er-K 17 "NEAR ALAMEDA DRIVE S rooms and sleeping porch, tub and shower, hot wi lt heat, magnificent view; owner sac rifices and gives easy terms. Howard. 1115 N. W. Bank. Main X'.I31. 5lt,lEKN bungalow on Improved county highway near Multnomah stat.on. which 1 must sell immediately. Can give you this on terms. Need quick action. For particulars call Matr. SSO. 6-KOOM house, lot 41x100, on Monroe St.. on car line, near Williams ave.; s.reet Improvements ail In and paid; house not complete but livable; $1750; good terms. Owner. Wdln. t!4o7 SOUTH MT TABOR SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. K rooms, fireplace, hardwood floors shades, fixtures. 50xl00-ft. lot. near car and s.-liool; $-l'.'00 Owner. East HU33. HAWTHORNE DISTKll'T. FOR SALE BY OWNER. B-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors, garage; fine buy. 1373 East Grant. Tabor 233S ;jiM CASH and easy terms Dus a four room plastered house in St. Johns; KOxloo lot; fruit trees and berries: fine chicken coops and winter's wood in basement, fljon. Mr. Youi.g. Broadway. ;ili. LEAVING THE CITY. Owner must sell Portland Heights fur nished S-nwm rustic bungalow; S3230 good term. Marshall 3U45. 736 Uout (nvfry drive. COMPLETE!. Y furnished modern bunga low and double garage, near J7ia nd Division. Tabor S744 Bf OWNER Modern 7 rooms and sleep, ing porch; a bargain: easy terms lujj E Iiroatiwuy lilVINtJTON Duplex, attractive. 17 rraa. A home and big income on investment, Vtui (UOuOl East 6014. REAL ESTATE. Fur Sale Houses. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. The System of 100 SERVICE to Home A few minutes spent In this modern davlight office will accomplish more than weeks of aimless shopping, and put you in immediate touch with the home of your requirements. If necessary, we'll help vou make your down payment. WE SAFEGUARD YOUR EVERY IN TEREST. Service men! BUY YOUR HOME NOW! Apply Your Bonus Later. 60 Salesmen at Your service. Open evenings until 9. THESE ARE BRISK HOME-BUYING DAYS! Come In, select yours NOW! DISTINCTIVE LAURELHURST. $6300 A REAL HOME Is this, in heart OK LAURELHURST: 6 rooms, with every feature that you could desire for comfort: sun parlor, den. sleeping porch; LAURELHURST AVE. An own er's sacrifice (former price $i000). ROSE CITY SPECIAL. $3990 ON" THE HILL! A commodious. truly livable home of 8 rooms that is one of the best values in Rose Citv Park today! Substan tially built, oak floors, hand some built-lns. great fireplace, furnace; garage. E. 61st St. Let us show this to you! WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $4000 WITH A BEAUTIFUL VIEW. 7- room, attraclve. well con structed and strictly modern home: labor-saving devices; bullt-lns, four light, cheerful bed rooms (one exceptionally large); fruit, paved St. paid. Newton st. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. 14400 TYPICAL CALIFORNIA BUN GALOW In this popular home district: has 5 rooms and good floored attic; reception hall with 1 full mirror doisr, cheery fireplace with leaded art glass bookcase! at either end; dining room Is full paneled with massive leaded glass buffet, complete white enamel Dutch kitchen, linen clos ets etc. A NEAT. ARTISTIC. PRACTICAL HOME. East Ca ruthers St., terms. $30 DOWN! SERVICE MEN! $2000 $30 down AND YOUR LOAN! A cosy little 3-room cottage. .ILST across the Broadway bridge, walking distance, bath; electric ity; gas. Wheeler St. BRAND NEW! VACANT! $.-,00 DOWN! MOVE RIGHT IN! $32i0 SPIO AND SPAN, pretty AL BERTA BUNGALOW. Combina tion living and dining room; stained woodwork; very conven ient white Dutch kitchen with sunny breakfast nook: two nice bedrooms and bath, laundry tray. On E. 31st st tpaved). FURNISHED ALBERTA, soon DOWN! $."O0 DOWN! $20j0 "i00 down! Cosy furnished 4-rm. bungalow on Going st., bath, ga rage, neat and clean. S P. & S. SHOPS. FURNISHED. $500 down! tjUlO ARTISTIC, substantially built 5 room modern bungalow; VA CANT! Full cement basement; Waverly-Richmond district, con venient to S. P. Ac S, shops. E. 24lh St. !LOTS OF FRUIT! $2730 UNUSUAL bargain In a little cosy bungalow of 5 rooms, surrounded by fruit trees, flowers, etc. While enamel plumbing, electricity, gas, built-in conveniences, chicken house. EASY TERMS! Leland St., in Woodlawn. !A BIT OF HOMELAND! $1430. $4.i down! LITTLEST. COM FORTA BLEST rustic bungalow you can Imagine! 3 rooms, just as homey as can be; living and dining room combined: conven ient kitchen; one light, airy bed room, white enamel plumbing: mix too with fruit, berries, gar den, chicken house. 73d ave. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Ablngton Bldg. Bd,fy,'t71'1' Third St., bet. Wash, and Stark. NOTE There Is an opening on our sales force for a live, high-class sales man with automobile. EASTMORELAND BUNGALOW. JUST COM PLETED. Six rooms, all on one floor, exceptional living room, separated from unique din ing room by French doors. Dutch kitch en wired for electric range, breakfaot room best of bath fixtures, large closets, oak floors, fireplace, furnace ajrage. Open for inspection today, 1031 o-u street, or call. DERR ft POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Hank Bldg Mar. 22)5. ROSE CITY. $4830 5O0 CASH. Brand new 5-room bungalow, close to Sandv. large living room, fireplace, bookcases, oak floors. 2 nice airy bed rooms, large closets, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, ex-service men kpply vour bonus on this. R. SOMERV1LLE, Bdwy. 2478. ' 3'JO 1'. S Nat. Bank Bldg. WALNUT PARK. STOOO. You can't beat it under $10,000; eight large rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, two massive fireplaces, full basement and furnace; 50x100 lot with alley, best part of district. If you want a home near Jefferson high, don t hesl- ta'6' COE A. McKENNA ft CO., s Fourth St. Broadway .522. .. . . v-i-, w 1 1,' V. sKI'AHATE $750 takes equity, balance $20 month. Here Is a dandy place just ouwlde 4-d. A'berta car. KMIxKMi. full bearing Eng lish walnuts, prunes, cherries, small barn .for cow; Kenn.iy school not far. It, you want the best place for $3J50, see KQGEr'w. CART. 1210 N. W. Bk. Bldg. MAKE fol'R OWN TERMS. t.lS5l Very artistic new Calif, bunga low. 4 rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, attractive fireplace, handy Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace and garage: pretty and distinctive; any reasonable terms. R. Si'Mr. H I I. i.e. rnw. THREE-ROOM FURNISHED HOME. ON PAVED STREET. Neat and clean, gas. electricity, wood lawn mower, etc.. go with place. Will accept lieht car as part payment. Price only $14O0. $450 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. " US V. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3.R7. ROSE CITY. I45O0 Very Easy Terms. BSO E. 61st st. N. Attractive ft-room bungalow, one block to Sandv: fireplace. Dutch kitchen. 2 nice bedrooms, nice bath, furnace. Can use light car R. SOMERMT.T.E. Bdwy 247R. IRV1NOTON LAURELHURST. ALAMEDA HOMES. No difference what kind you want. W' haVMcDONELL, EAST 419. IRV1NGTON. fleveral fine modern homes, also Tacant lots, or will build on any- '"rICE1" CONSTRUCTION CO.. E. 2432. TV B. Rice. HUH.U - . Be a satisfied home-owner. We wel come Inspection. Liberal financial as- ' iu!bn:ETT A McCLVRE. BuHders. B,1 SF 6374 302 Conch Bldg. -..-.-.v lioi-TtlKHV COLONIAL $11,500 corner home, large rooms, hot-water heat, plate-glass windows: in fact, this Is a very comfortable and pre tentious home on Knott, near 24th. McPONEI.l. EAST 410. NKAK rtiftl ' 4-room bungalow, full plumbing, good basement, nice district. 1 block to car. Price f'MOO 14'0 cash, balance easy. ,ouvnv.nnnsiiN CO.. nil N W Bank Hide Main 371! BKN1 N r. m C' . .- l ' . . 5 rooms and floored attic. Everything modern; French doors, hardwood, all bullt-lns: garage, paved street all paid. E isy terms. Verv desirable. East 823. ,kk CITY PARK BUNilOLOW Pretty, modern, with furnace, hard wood floors except kitchen and bath, close to car. corner lot: must sell. Price right. I eriiis. fmo. - . HOUSE PLANS. HIO designs. $10 to, $15. or specially designed at reaionab.e fee. L. R BAILEY CO. 924 N W Bank Bldg WK WILL build for you on your lot or OUTS On easy term-. aiiimui diub. opposite Benson not"! AM MOVING to California. Will tacrifice 'my beautiful Beaumont bungalow. Tabor 17 H WE you a iotr I can help you finance your home Phone for appointment. W.od'awn 3B34. FV tl-niom Dutch coloniaj house for sale ' bv owner Wood'awn 4TB3 BY OWNER 5-room bungalow S61 Glean ave N. ciY.ROOM house, first class condition leruis. Faoa Seliwosd Soils owner. BEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ROSE CITY PARK. A 5-room modern bungalow. In the best part of Rose City; extra large liv ing room with fireplace, bookcases and large plate glass windows, hardwood floors, guest closet, dining room with breakfast nook complete, with benches and table; two bedrooms, linen closets and bath, all improvements in and paid. Price $4ti5. easy terms. Will accept bonus loan. A modern bungalow with a 28-foot living room, hardwood floora, all built in features. This bungalow is up to the minute, is new, one block from car. street improved and paid; price is $4250 on easy terms, or will accept bonus loan. EASY TERMS. ROSE CITY PARK. Five rooms, almost new, living room entirely across front of house, two large piate glass windows. French doors, din ing room, built-in buffet, hardwood firs., full length mirror door in guest closet, Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, two bedrooms, a complete bath and large attic, $5000. The street is paved and paid. $2450. Just west of Laurelhurst, a very neat modern bungalow, on paved street. This is exceptionally good for the price, easy terms. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 3628. Branch, office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor M85. LITTLE FARM IX THE CITY. Three big lots, two lots covered with fruit, berries and garden and one lot covered with second - growth fir; fine for chicken run; DANDY three-room furnished bungalow: it has modern bath, gas for lights, cooking and heating; good garage; hard surface street; $3000 gets complete outfit, ready for house keeping; $500 cash will handle, balance only $25 per month and 6 per cent in terest. For inspection see E. W. HUGHES, BO JOURNAL BLDG. MAIN 2858. OWNER GOING TO SPOK-A-NE. PRICE ONLY $3200. You will buy this neat 3-room bunga low If you know values, as the price is far under the market. It is located on Wasco street near 28th on the very edge of Irvington. This place is modern, built about 7 years, has 5 well-arranged rooms, large fireplace and full basement. Please dort ask if it has hardwood floors throughout or furnace. It has not, but It has 2 lots, COxSO each, with most select and choice fruit trees of every kind. Including walnuts. Furniture may be bought if wanted. J. J. MCCARTHY, Exclusive Agt.. Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 6S87. EX-SERVICE MEN! NO PAYMENT DOWN. One acre, all in clover, has new 4-room house, just completed, cement basement, city water; lights, gas and telephone available, near school, stores and car line, close in. price with full Bcre, $2030 $2250 with haU acre; apply bonus loan and balance at $15 per month, 6 per cent Interest. See J. S. Culbertson, HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 3026. SAVE $11100. New, 5 large rooms and bath, hard wood floors, fireplace, breakfast nook, all bulit-ins. double garage, cement basement, corner lot. 50xloo. Street paved and paid for. Must be sold this month and offered at $1000 less than cost. W. KEELER. Phone Woodlawn 0507. LAURELHURST. Large 6-room Italian stucco bungalow, situated on corner double lot, 1 block from Laurelhurst Park; every known convenience: construction and finish of highest class; completely furnished or unfurnished; simply a beautiful home, with every comfort and arrangement Ideal. Phone owner. Tabor 9-318, for ap potntment. . , FINE BUY. Attractive 4-room cottage, close In. on east side, modern, full basement, laun dry trays, floor cemented. Apple, peach and pear trees, grapes; large attic with space for several rooms; only $3000: terms. Owner at 318 Chamber of Com merce or Sellwood 304(1. Sunday or evenlnga ' PIEDMONT. SELL AT SACRIFICE. Six rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, some of the most beautiful bullt-lns ycu ever saw. This is located on Cleveland avenue, and If you have anyway $1500 cash you can get a bargain. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Broadway 7522. lOVIVflTON DISTRICT. Five-room bungalow, large finished attic, bookcases, buffet, breakfast nook, fireplace, hardwood fioor, old ivory and tapestry finish; tiled sink and hath .50 100 lot. All liens paid. $oo00. $lo00 CaSh' JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Hldg. Main 37S7. . PAYMENTS LIKE RENT. s:(on will haini'i.c. PRICE ONLY $1800. 5-room plawtered house. 2 blocks from ee ii electricity and water. This property will rent for more than your- monthly payment. nj vaj 4 JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. KM N w. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. , r- , v-T ini-E RIGHT IN. 30.00 Four rooms and bath down, 3 rooms up. This price is a special to sell this home this week. See this at once. Near 10th and Ains worth ave. J . WICKMAX CO.. REALTORS. 22 Stark St. Bdwy. 7!4, XEAR PENINSULA PARK. Extra well-built five-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, oak floors, hardware, old ivory finish, breakfast nook, floored attic. 55x100 lot, $4500. $1500 cash, balance terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bid-;. Main 3787. WAXT A HOME? If you do not have a lot let us build for you on one of ours. Liberal fi nancial assistance extended. We are prepared to assist you In any way. Sol dier's bonus may be applied. ROBNETT ft McCLURE. Builders. Bdwy 6574. 302 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE. Attractive, new. 4-room bungalow: hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, and full basement: price $3000; open for Inspection 2 to 5: sub stantial payment down, balance easy terms. 1208 Omaha ave. Owner, 271 13th St., cor. Jefferson. IRVINGTON HOME. READY. TO MOVE INTO. 5 large rooms, old Ivory finish, fire place, furnace, tile bath, stand. lava tory fine electric fixtures, vitrolite drain board best window shades, lot 50x100. improvements in. Price $6750. Owner East tv.M.v -ROOM bungalow, J5OII0; Hawthorne. 5-room house; $2200, $300 down. $23 m4room new bungalow, fireplace, full basement. Dutch kitchen; 10Ox92H; $3SO0: $300 down. $25 month. 601 Mc- Kay bldg. lake oonus TWO blocks from the business center of St Johns, thoroughly modern, new-bungalow on Improved street at $2330. $500 down. Owner has left the city, desires quick sale, hence the sacrifice. Call for particulars .-11:1111 FOR SMALL payment down will furnish lot and build house to suitf JVrtland HCiK,U3- MR. WILLIAMS. T. E. SPENCER & CO., M7-21 rbmhr of Cntnmcri-c T-tMg. JUST CUMl'LKTKD. k mnma breakfast nook, lot 64x100, paved street, fireplace, buffet, ntce jea raee. full basement, only $3J,V; $li0 I down, ba'ance eaj-y. IRVlNtiTON HL".NGAI0V. block from car line, large livlne room, sun room, three bedrooms, ivory finish, oak floors, art paper, Rarapf. Neuhausen Co., Main SOTS, Ea-"t 30t. Wll-tj make present nw entire furnish inir modern 5-room buntraiow if you buy ny equitv, blianr straight mortraKe; nfxi Apt. 0. Betaver Apia.. 12th LEAVING Portland, will seil attractive Portland Heights home. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, large Itvingr room, sun rooms. Buy direct irom owner, jiam ya. V 1 LL m" euity in beautiful 4-rofm modern bungalow and part of furniture at a eacrifice for quick bale. Call Wood lawn 1T4.V NKAT 5-KOOM H O M E $ 2300. Very pretty, with modern improve ments, 2 block! to car; garage ; terms easy. Auto. f-3-17. KOIsfc. CITY rafK r or uw casn we nave a bargain in new, modern. 5-room house, balance terms. Call -T! E. iild St.. N., be t w pen S A. M. and 4 :m r. M BL'Y KhOM BL'ILDEH Brand new dou ble constructed four and five-room bun galows. bejt value you have sen. How ard. 1115 N- W. Rank bldg. 'l.WOME PROPERTY AT SACRIFICE. Two coiy 5-room house, paved streets, close to car and school; $4730 'for both. Tnbnr TltJ WE WILL, hvlp yuu rinuncc the buildmp of that new home. 505 Artisans bidg.. opposite Henson nntfi COM P LET ELY furnished modern bunga low and double garage, near 31 ih and Division. Tabor ST44. OWN YOCK own uonw; we build at rea sonable prices on easy terms. 505 Ar tisans hl'lg.. QPP 'Sitet Benson hotel. 2-TORT. 6-room modern house; fruit; all Improvements in and paid; on sp'.endid car line: price ?30H: terms. Selj 530 tiOlNCS to buiid? Better Investigate our 5-room double-constructed bungaiow. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Iloanea. HOMES FOR THE WO R KINGMAN. $ 825 $L'50 cash. $20 monthly, buys a 3- room cottage in the Alberta district, ground 50x100, gas and gas lights, patent toilet, sink, city water. 8 bearing fruit trees, good woodshed and garage. S 900 iibo cash. -0 monthly, buys a 4- room box house, celled, small cellar. electric lights, ground 164x1 16 four fruit trees and some berries. $ 009 $.0 down. $15 monthly, bays a piece of ground 100x141, and a substantially-built 2-rnx. cottage, near Courtney Station, on the Oregon City line. This is ia a new platting and you have river front rights and privileges con nection with this place. v $1475 $100 cash. $15 monthly buy a 4-room 2-story house, has pa.tent toilet, sink, fireplace, concrete floor all over downstairs, house needs painting and a little work by Mr. Handyman. 1 block from Woodstock car. Don't hesitate on this, as it is a dandy FRED W. GERMAN CO.. REALTORS. 73J Chamber of Commerce. A BUNCH OF MONEY. That's what every investor hopes to make. Here's your op portunity to get into that class. I offer splendidiy built, roomy, very desirable home, fully modern im provements, on valuable 80xl00-ft. ground on East 10th st., near Bel mont, where ground vaiues are sure to advance; house has 7 nice big rooms and attic; can be con verted into two dandy apartments at little expense; there's a "Gasco" (urnace, fine garage, shrubbery, lawn, etc.; price ia only $ft300. If you want a classy home, with an income, just investigate. J. W. CRChSSLEY. "Better Types of Home." Main 5073. APARTMENT BUNGALOW. $3150 up, according to the price of lot selected, or will duplicate on .your own lot; large living room. Dutch kitchen with spacious breakfast nook; large bedroom and attrac tive bathroom; additional room can be added at small cost later if desired; cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, disappearing bed concealed by beautiful Fr.ench doors; hdw. floors; in fact, every thing that you will find In high class home, such as tapestry pa per, enamel finish, etc. Some of - these homes are to be built on Broadway carllne. INVESTI GATE. J. A. WICKMAX CO., REALTORS. 202 Stark St. Bdwv. 67l4. $500 DOWN HAWTHORNE CAR. NOW VACANT. 7 rooms with garage. This Is an ex cellent 2-story house with garage, hard wood floors, buiit-rln buffet. Dutch kitch en and furnace (4 bedrooms), living room across entire width of house), cor ner lot, level with sidewalks, paved at. and sewer improvements in and paid and only 2 blocks to the car. Go, look at the location and if you like It, then see us at once, corner 38th and E. Mill sts. Hurry if you want this. Price only $0000, balance like rent. J. U HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. HERE'S A MONEY-MAKER. 24 fine acres, improved, 3 acres bea vwdam; 7-room new- house, large barn, large poultry house and other outbuild ings, water piped to the house and barn, good orchard. This is an ideal place, close in, railroad station on place. Im provements alone could not be built fof twice the price asked for all; $2400, half down, balance long time at low .rate of interest. See J- S. Culbertson, HILLER BROS,. Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Bdwy..626. $tl-V0 ALAMEDA PARK BEAUTY. The best-built bungalow in Alameda Park; it has 5 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, large floored attic, furnace, fireplace, every imaginable built-in fea ' ture; wonderful breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen, artistic light fixtures. French doors, finished In ivory and tapestry pa per; cement basement, laundry traya, etc., inlaid linoleum in kitchen and bath, befit of plumbing. INVESTIGATE BE FORE BUYING. It's realty the best buy in the city. Terma to euit. , RUM M ELL & RUMMEUL, 274 Stark St Broadway 672T. LAURELHURST. 0 ROOMS AND SUN PARLOR $8500. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. WONDER FUL HOME. WITH MOUNTAIN VIEW. LARGE CORNER LOT. YOU'LL FIND EVERYTHING HERE ONE COLLD POSSIBLY EXPECT IN A REAL EX PENSIVE HOME. NOTHING LIKE IT FOR THE MONEY. A. G. TEEPE CO.. WEST SIDE OFFICE, 270 STARK ST. Broadway GtmX. EAST SIDE OFFICE. 40th & SANDY, Ta')or I5S6. FOR BARGAIN HUNTER WITH $1500. . GENUINE BUNGALOW! IT'S DIFFERENT. On 6th st., nar Ainsworth. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, new furnace, fine fireplace, built-ins, buffet, bookcase Dutch kitchen, attic. The arrangement of this bungalow is unique, and you'll sar it is the handiest you've seen. Never offered before. Price $3MK). RALPH HARRIS CO.. 81fl Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. 5fi.4. $500 DOW. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. $:i2.-i0 PAVED STREETS. Exceptional buy. Neat, clean, attrac tive. 5-room typical bungalow. Has fur nace and modern conveniences. Located on paved streets, one block car, in good district. Only $500 down, baL like rent See it today. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtors. t;nl-l-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $2650 RICHMOND $2650. 6 rooms and bath, lot 50x100 ft., all Improvements in and paid, 1 blk to car, on E. 32d st.. 0 nice fruit trees. Price $2000, $800 cash. $35 per mo. including 6 interest, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $4.W $r50 DOWN. Beautiful new 6-room bungalow, every modern convenience, hdwd. floors, ivory and tapestry finish, Dutch kitchen, glassed breakfast room, frreplace, buffet, magnatile bath room. Beautiful view, near school and Rose City car. HARRY BECK WITH, 104 5th S:. Realtor. Bdwy. 631 S. ROSE CITY PARK. $50CO Let us show you this attractive new bungalow home of 5 rooms and bath; hdw. floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen; full cement basement, wash trays, furnace. jasy terms. J. A. W I OK MAN CO.. REALTORS. 2tV' Stark St. Bdwy. 0704. HOTSE FOR SALE. Will aqvept Ford as part payment: 5 room butrgalow, in good district; 2 blocks from car; owner will consider good Ford as part payment. Price $2700, balance s.iii per montn. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. Bdwy. 47M. 410 Henrv Bldg. RUSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $ 3 TIM) $ Si MJ DO W N. New 5-room bungalow, every modern convenience, beautiful interior, hdwd. floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement; garage. Block and half from Sandy. HARRY HECK WITH. 1ft4 5th St. Realtor. Bdwy. 6318. 1 R V I N G TO T $42i, $700 CASH. 6 ROOMS. FULL BASEMENT, FUR NACE. NEWLY DECORATED, CLOSE TO IRVINGTON SCHOOL, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ALVI.N JOHNSON. REALTOR. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. PHONE $3150 BUYS a dandy 5-room bungalow; modern: all built-ina: full cement base ment; wash trays; improvements all in and paid; good payment down; terms. $3000 ROSE CITY, 4-room modern bungalow. $5u0 will handle. S. oUK LAN L)t REALTOR, 223 Henry Bidg. Bdwy. 1566. VACANT MOVE RIGHT IX. $2650 Let us show this home of 4 rooms ana oatn Gown, z rooms up; run oasement, wash trays; sewers in and paid. Easy terms J. A. WICKMAX CO., REALTORS. 22 Stark Sr. Bdwy. 6714. a. i hti i i lutie A-room bungalow, near Red college, on corner lot, 50x100. paved sirr-et, large iruit trees; close in; $1&00, with small cash payment. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 316 fban-.V-r of Con'merce. Bdwy. 5654 35U DOWN. fl-r. bung-alow with sleeping porch, lot 5vxl25, paved street, fruit, berries and isa-ianc rnte ?j,h, XrtJ down. A. IK 1 NGTON Park, 3 large rooms and sleeping porch. built-ins: hor. fnA water, fruit, berries: $1375 cash or Terms. v nmi .aw n ROSE CITY PARK. 4-room bungalow among the fir trees. $21H: terms. Cal! Auto. Sl-16. 6-ROOM house and furniture for sale. 423 p:Xt n I "r .ulwuiic rrai estate QTTlce fit v c v, Hiuuii u -i uuiu n.cuLuu some, near car and stiioui; terms. ast 677. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Housea. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSJ V.LY. Houses, lots and tracts. Ail locations and prices. dRuukm, Main 3.t 4-ROOM modern houseboat- large sleeping porch; garage; small payment down. Main 6555. Suburban Homes. BEAUTIFUL 5-acre country home, 1-room modern house, city water, lights and gas, large sleeping porch, fireplace, modern bath. French windows; land drains botn ways from house; wonderful view ol Mount Hood and surrounding .C9Vtpr' near Beaverton on rock. road. trice $5500, terms. STROUD & CO.. INC Beaverton, Or. DON'T PAY RENT. PUT YOUR MONEY IN A NEW HOME, rooms, bath and toilet, gas and city wa ter; stationary tuba on bck porch; close to car and school at Capital Hill. A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT WILL GIVE YOU tOSvSE!?S10N; ONLY $1500. Ask. for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L, McGUIRE. 05 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 71.1. Tnird St. oet. w asn ana r-ia.i n. FURNISHED HOME ON ACRE! Beaverton district; 4-room cottage with bath, electricity and city water; good barn: some fruit and herries, ma cadam road; only $:0O0. TERMS. Ask, for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Bdwy. 71.1. Third St. bet. Va?h ana Stark. OSWEGO BARGAIN. ONLY $lOU. New 4-room bungalow, basejnent, wa ter, light, gas, big homesite. 100x120; small payment gives possession; you'll not find another like this. See owner, fLIUI.rnrr-nrrl Klrtfl' ?f And Stark StS- .ALMOST 1 ACRES NEW BUNGALOW. and city water; 2 bedrooms; 3 blocks from electric station; only $26o0. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7TT1. Third St. bet. Wash and Stark. About Vt mile from Carver line and 1U to Oregon City line electric; 200 yards to macadam road; S miles from Portland; terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO., BY OWNER 2 acres, fruit trees, berries, i n.rnnm modern cniCKfn iiousea, bungalow, on paved road, 1 miles trom cityT price $5000; cash $200. Phone HLo-4:t. w rue route .. isiiin HnultiAKH I'ronert T. ONE tireproof building. Income $450 a One fireproof building, income $6- a month, $47,5O0. . ,TOO Two fireproof buildings. Income $5800 a year. $43,500. . t One fireproof building 100 feet square, income $2700 per year, $10,500. 1158 Union Ave. North, bet. 9 & 11 A. M. For Sale Acreage. VERT SPECIAL" PAYMENT DOWN. ACKE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On macadamized road, best of loam soil; no rock nor gravel: close to elec tric line. !'c commutation fare, good car service, city water, gas, electric lights, nice sightly ground. Offered far be low value on very easy terms, or will sell In half-acre tracts. MODERN HOME WITH PLUMBING. 2 acres, on macadamised road, west of Portland, near paved highway; all In berries. Good 4-room house with w nite enamel plumbing, other buildings: close to station and school. Price UM0 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlluger Bldg. CLOSE-IN. ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD. SUNDERLAND ACRES ON COLUM BIA BIVD. at East 2Kth st. N.. 5 to .0 acre tracts, rich soil, all plowed, $400 to $(!00 per acre; 10 down, balance an nually. Outside city limits; low taxes. Few 1 to 3-acre lots left; beautiful loca tions for homes; convenient to schools, "Woodlawn and Alberta cars. ELROD & DRYER. Owners. 2S3 Stark St. Bdwy. Timbered tracts fronting Barr roan mile west of Barker road; rich red shot soil; good hard road: 3 miles to city; we have other Improved tracts. . STRONG CO.. 60 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 1730 10 ACRES 1750. 2 cleared: small horns farm, famous fertile red shot soil; terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark St. CARLTON". OREGON, ju acres, good 6-room house, city water, electric lights, outbuildings, (to beTinr Iruit trees, berries, some equip ment; It is a pk-kup at ll.W. 00 cash. Wm. Willing, 104 Fo-urth K. Sell. 11M1. IU0O BUYS equity In small acreage Un proved with buildings and fruit; close to highway; would consider Chevrolet or Ford, value J2S0. balance cash. Address Box 4. Aiona. urt-nwi. HOME SNAPS, several choice tracts from 1 to 10 acres, with building, near electric statlonk priced from J150O to 13500, with $'50 to $500 cash, balance like rent. B. S. COOK. IHI1 PIOCK r.AVIWr mv. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. racoma, v asu 8 k ACRES, 5 under cultivation, all level, 13 miles from Salam; 1 mile to town, highway, store, school; small house; from owner. n. o.--. uirBviiau, WANTED Well-boring outtlt. or wnat have you as part payment on acreage? Cornell St. Mm. ii". FOR SALE SEVES ACRES, CLOSE IN, THOMAS ALLEN, 6131 I) I'D ST.. 3. E. Homesteads, Relinquihhments. TWO Improved relinquishments. Joining $30 0O0 fruit ranch; 80 rods to nice lit tle town, near Grants Pass: $000 spent on one, running water, JtiOO an $700, all-cash. 3Q1 uoroeiL omg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W. HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLUO. For Sale Farms. u i,- i i RARUA1N Mint sacrifice my 24- acre farm located 30 miles west of Portland; fime soii. Vi In cultivation. 2 acres more slashed, rest in fir timber: raitroad station on place, mile of school and 2 miles of high school; new house, large barn, all necessary out buildings; fine water system; lOO fruit trees, grapes and berries and w-ith this pbace goes 2 horses, 2 cows. 2 calves, 23 hens, 1 heavy wagon, 1 heavy set of work harness. 1 plow, 1 harrow, some feed and wood; alU goes for J2TOO. $14O0 down, ba lattice on terms from 3 to 6 years, av u-4. uphwimh. a KUT.RNnm 20-ACRE HOME. Very sightly, fruits of all kinds, 8-rm. plastered house, fireplace, Dutch kitch en bath, toilet and stationary wash trays; barn 3i40. another 20x24, two chicken houses and runs, hoghouses. water tower and tank, other necessary buildings. Two miles east of Oregon City 13 miles from .Portland. The best of land. Price $7000; will exchange for house In Portland or Oregon City up to $4000. Some cash. 6 per cent on the balance. " . a r HOWLAND. 620 Main St.. Oregon City. Or. THIS IS $5000 underpriced: 113-acre ranch. 60 In cultivation; 1 acre of peaches, 1 mile south of New berg; an excellent place for berries, hops or truck garden; come in and let us talk It over with you; MUST BE SOLD TO SFTTLE AN ESTATE. $lfi.."i00. WILL GIVE REASONABLE TERMS. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Abington bldg. Broadway 71il. mira i. DAIRY farmers. Investigate this unusual opportunity to own a fine-paying irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued $16 000. Located In famous Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Buying ame on entirely new plan, very little cash re auired Full particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO., Inc.. Redmond. Oregon. $1750 20 ACRES $1750. 4 cleared, running water. 100 per cent red shot soil, will co-operate in any rea sonable manner; take the profit thai 1023 is bringing: terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 2 1 8 Stark St. FOR SALE 4-acre tract in North Albany. Benton county. Or. Ideal place for chick ens' sandy loam; lots of bearing fruit trees; 8-room house, barn, chicken and brooder house; 1 V miles from Albany, on good road. Price $3300; can give good terma if desired. E. C. Viereck. Albany, kjt. 25 ACRES valuable Hood River orchard in full bearing; $10.00 income annually. Will show prospective buyer receipts of 1021 crop; very reasonable terma Write Or call 4 13 .Viam si. ah oi. vrenuiimu. $0000 PUTS you in & position to be inde pendent on 40-acre beaverdam farm with house, barn, piped water and market for all you can produce; 7 miles oi,t on pavement. f di'-. un-soniaa. BY OWNER 20-acre ranch, good build ings, running water in house, partly equipped; $1700. easy terms. For fur ther information write Benj. C King. Goble. Or. CHICKEN". FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $300 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. Mc Farland. realtor, 'o railing oiqg. 80-A. RANCH. 63 grain. 3 A. fruit trees. good barn. Ier,ce. jars, cisuop. junction City. Or.. R. 1 , MUST SACRIFICE alfalfa ranch on ac count of sickness. By owner. East S641. REAL ESTATE. for Sale Farms. GOOD MODERN BUILDINGS. IS acres on rocked road 1 mile from electric station, mile to high school; 12 miles from center of Portland; all under cultivation; sandy loam soil; very productive; woven wire fences; bearing orchard; lots of berries; good creek by place; 8-rooui plastered house with com plete 'plumbing. large barn, 45x50; chicken house.tank house, other bldgs. This plac is stocked and equipped Price for everything $tW50, clear. Will sell on terms or consider cleared farm land without buildings, favorably lo cated on stream or lake, for full value. Over 12 acres, on rocked road, be tween Be.verton snd Hilsboro: m mile to school: all under cultivation, good loam soil; 2 acres bearing orchard, ( V acre loganberries; 6-room house wlt" water system and plumbing. Portland gas good barn, double garage, chicken house for over 12"0 chickens. $1.00 cash, balance $500 per year, 6 per cent. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, ,-Gerlinger bldg. 72 .ACRES $4500. 72 acres, rfch creek bottom and sec ond bench land, 15 under plow, 1 beaver dam. 40 tillable and very easy to clear, balance hillside pasture. 500 cords ol wood, 2 springs. 2 acres orchard. IV, logans, 2 sets of buildings. 5-room house with pantry and closets, woodshed, fruit cellar, chicken house, big barn; atoo nice a-room house, fruit cellar and dryer; lo cated on macadam road. SVi miles of Canby, I to R. R. station. 23 to Portland. This would make two dandy farms or fine dairy. Land all seeded to grass and i u-1.a tlAitit terms. 06 ACRES, sandy .clay loam rlverbottom land, 30 under plow,.-luw corns timber; hand fronts on river and main county eoad. 2hi miles of town and R. R., 14 mils to school; large 4-room house. 2 barns, gransry, hen house, woodshed, orchard and berries, com plete set of farm Implements and too.s. This choice farm is near the Pacific highway. Owner not able to farm any longer. Price $7500, on easy terms. PRE YT AG-MEEDS CO.. Gladstone, Or. Oregon City Car Line. Phone Oregon City 269-J. 15 ACRES IN THE HEART OF THE LOGANBERRY DISTRICT. Half mile from canneTy. rail road station and paved road, a - acres of -berries in full bearing, family orchard, some fall grain sowed, good 6-room house on con crete foundation, good barn and outbuildings, 1 horse, plenty of hay to feed through the winter, some oats, winter's wood, some imple-f ments and tools, if sold at once, will take $O00. $200O down and good time on the balance. This will sell to the first party who looks at it, so don't dclsy. STEWART ft JOHNSON. S15 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 6V ACRES, level, cleared, fenced, good S-room house, near Wlllamlna; $200 down. .1- n- anarp. o.t -a . SSVi ACRES for sal", best of soil, no better in the country, near Portland. Owner, 381 R. 1. Milwaukle, Or. WANTED TtKAL ESTATE. A VERY fine home and a highly improved acre on East 82d St., Just outside the city limits, is offered for sale at $0500; owner desires one to three acres unimproved nav-ant- afr.a tro nn Oreaon City eiectric line preferred: will also consider improved acreage. &ee j. r- MBTZGER-I'ARKER COMPANY, REALTORS, 2(11) Oak St. Bd'.ry, 5353 Mr a v-1-i.-i-i r.rmn HOMES. We have prospects for Portland homes at right prices, tl otnere mite . your property, list immediately with. us. We sell service. FRANK McCRILLIS, 824 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. T7B. i.-l.- U1VI- HI T V l-'.RS For modern bungalows, any good dis trict, not over $4500. If you can make the terms we kl make the deal. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT, RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. Realtors, 201 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BUILDERS, xx- h. aroa.iv cull for new bunga lows. Must be in good district snd on paved streets List yours wnn us. CITY HOMES DEPARTMENT, RITTER. LOWE ft CO., Realtors, 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. v i ,-iiic. Have bona fide buyers for good west side homes. We can sell your property If price is right and value apparent. ' t ti uil.lUT RRll.TOR 32.1-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045, WANTED SHERMAN COUNTY RANCH. wanted, not less i"" Gordon ridge or west and north or Wasco. Have gov a pai war v.,ii cash for first payment. rf The balance crop payment of 6. Call 25 Grand ave. WANTED CHICKEN RANCH. .nave ruruauu ,i,,. . . ,, r proved 2 to 5 acres near car line. Bea verton or Newberg, not over $4o w rite full description. Hesgard. 320 Swetland bldg HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW WANTED. vnMT hnmf If orice is right. Our Hawthorne salesmen have several buyers for better class properties. J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR, 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045 GOOD MODERN residence In Irvington or Alameda Park: must have 4 bedrooms on second floor with 2 baths, or room to install second bath. HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark St. Bdwy. 7831. WANTED 6-room modern bouse or bun galow, Hawthorne. Sunnyside district; u,aA nricA as well as terms. Will deal only with owner. AK 381, Ore- go-nian. $1850, $200 DOWN. $17.50 per mo., inc. Int. Buy from owner cosy n-nwui u.,Ba,w with attractive, view, 50x100 lot. near car. vnie uu -...... . wauxie, yjr. WE WANT lots in any approved district for residential or business purposes; list ... with us tnr resulta. COE A. McKENNA ft CO., S3 Fourth St. Main 4522. WANT moderately priced modem home on the west side not over $10,000 and well located. HENRY . GODDARD. Realtor, 243 Stark Street. Bdwy. 7831. 11118 STUDEBAKER touring car, good run ning order, Iirst payment 5-room bungalow. jroinuexier. -v oc' ling bldg. RESPONSIBLE party would pay. $100 Hnn-n. 75 Tier month, on 5-room modern bungalow In good district, close to car line. AV -ii. tiienuiiiiui. t.-iv-i.'GT ..r view lot In Carleton Park, Magnolia Bluff. Seattle, to apply with cash on Portland home or lot. I. M. Olson. 68V4 East -inn j-iA. VE buyer tor furniture or lease of rooming house or hotel up to 40 rooms; nUt Tnh. VT ravn Jtr Cn . not over ,v.""v. WW,... - 1 Kealtnrs. .tiaiu p.,,. WUUUbll lot, eiLjici u........., Irvington or Alameda; 60 foot preferred. , knnn Ifl 3B' Orpirnnljin WILL pav cash for lot In Rose City Park with improvements In. Give lot and block nun.oer. t.. wrt-Kui,i H WE client for $3000 house within 15 to 20, mluntes' car ride down town. Call Main 21141 LATE model car and caah fotr home In restricted district. 611 Gasco bldg. Broad-way 6124 WANT house equity; will give clear prop erty for same. SMITH-WAOONKR CO., STOCK EXCH. CHEVROLET touring car. Want a lot. Rodabaugn. ianor WANT 5-room house, out. place for cow and chickens. Woodlawn 2S71. WANT good lot and cah for bou&e equity. Phone L'.'i-i".. Fiirma AVnnte d. HOMESTEAD R E L I N Q U 1 S H M E N T S. Douglas county, near neighbors and schools; good farming or stock raising country, for $12 and up. Pe'tera, 15 N. 5th st. WANTED to hear from owner having farm or unimproved land for sale, John j. Black, i mppowa-r ana. v i- W a n t?d to Kent Farmw. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy ths place after leasing for year or more. "We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON Gerlinger Bid. Largewt Farm Dealer'on Pacific Coast. EXPERIENCED dairy man wants to rent an equipped dairy ranch on share. AR 30fl. Qregonian. WHAT have you for rent, in stock ranch? 275 14th st. Main .4519. tim b kb rAynw. TIMBER LAND. For sale 20 to 33 million feet of good green logging timber; will aelL half or all; fln logging show, part 4 mile of river, nearly all good level land ; price land and timber $- per thousand. Write or phone Harry H. Hurst, 831 Washing ton ave.. Chehalia. Wash. FOR SALE acres Oregon limber, all or part. C. D. Jones, la E. 4Sth at.. ChicBKO, HL CANADIAN farms and rich prairie, sod land; can exchange for timber. C. Coie. Lumbermens bldg. OVR luu. 000,000 ft. of fine timber, rea sonable; other large tracts. Zimmerman, bid Chamber of Commerg bldg. "FOR RENT FARMS. lo ACRES, ciose to city, with fruit and building Inquire 24V 13h, L. TO ETICHANGE-lREAL ESTATE. NEW ti-UOOM modem nouo near Kfn ton. Price $4750. Canb $1000 or niiprht taka lot on first payment if in iiiaat More land. ' Ten-room house arranged for 8 familiea. Income J0 per month. Want Improved ranch. Cioaa in on good road. Value about MMM. 230 aerea near Kelno, WanhtnKton. Good aolL Near saw mill and within one mil of highway. Price t'w00. Will exchange for house In Portland. JOHNSON A WROTH ER3, 445 Washington Hldg. BBAUTlfUL home in irvinaton; 1U - room house, modern in every respect, full cment basement. Ruud lnatantanous Water heater; large living' room, dinin room and library with built-in book cases and window seats, unusually fine kitchen and pntry. with larne tile drain board' 4 bedrooms and bath .room on second floor; billiard room and maid's room In finished attic; lot 50x100; price tlU.MH); will tttka (rood lot in lrvinplon or JUu re 1 hurst a prt payment. 1'hone Hrtv, v. t.-.:ri. EXCHANGE SEATTLE FOR POKTl-AX IX Corner reidnce lot, imtxu.' tevi. o acres east side Lake Wa-nhinKton.. con venient to station and between two high ways; real est&ie 7 per cent contract; furnished house and unpaid balance. payable $30 per month. Clear and worth IMrOO-. Want" Portland, sub urban preferred, and will assume. Own ers only. AP 37H. Orrtgontan. BXt'LL'sSI VE DISTRICT. TRADE) FOR CALIFORNIA. New modern bungalow on iSOxlOA cor ner; baa all the latest built-in ami (ta rage; price $6730; liberal terma, or trade foe Caltf.rrnia property. Dl'DREY IXVESTMKNT CO.. &00-10 PanAma TiUlK. Bdwy. 0042. 40 ACRES. Gooding county. Idaho, cleared, fenced: 20 A. ready Tor water; $.00 will handlei terms or what nave you? Also 80 A. finest soil in S. W. Wash., quarter mile- to rock road, 26 mi. from good town; $2500, your terms. owner, AV ia;. oregonian, ATTTOMOBILK FOR LOT. OldsmobilsS 6, tourinr. perfect runnin condition, new tire. $00. want aiShtly lot up to $150; Portland Heltshts, Irvinirton or Alameda preferred. P. O. Box A FINE warehouse site right on railroad track. 1 block of lots, between Mn ano 69th st., on Halsey at.; all improvements in and paid for. will exchange for ranch suitable for stock or a g-ood business in country town. 1!75 14th at. M;itn 4.ti SALE or exchange for Portland property; Ideal Hood River orchard. 1. acres tn i--year irecs ; uriicvs, opmavu im-i an.. Newtowns; 7 acres hay land; good farm houses, horses and implements. By owner. .irtni , WE HAVE three 5-room houses and one furnished apartment house with equities of 114.500; will exchange for highly Im proved ranch close to Portland. Prefer Newberg district. N 410 -Lumbermen's bldg. Wlnalow Co WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 71J Couch bldg. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 120 acres In Trorut Lake valley, Wafh., 20 in cultivation, balance timber, out side range, family orchard, good water, fine buildings, place fenced. Write I. C Waug box fi'. White Salmon. Wash. EXCHANGE OFFICE. City residences to exchange for well Improved small acreage. Also farm list- KOBNETT A McCLURE, Realtors., ' Bdwy. rtr74. 30J Couch B.dg, LNCO.M I- city residence property, unen cumbered, value 112,000, to exchange for improved farm of pqual value. v. nai have you? Deal with owner. AL Z'J'2, Oregon ian. HAVE a nice 4-room house with modern conveniences in Rood residence section of city, which I will sell on easy terms and take a light car as part payment. For particulars call Main ftsQ. . WILL exchange lots near Irving! on for late model automobile, or will sell. AG 3D 5. O re gonian. $."i40 EWCITY in 5-room Mt. Scott bunga low; $30O cash or exchange for furnl- ture; immediate action. AU-to. .5.--o $0OO FIRST MORTGAGE for building lot. Main KlitO. NICE 5UXJ00 lot. one block liu- City c;ir, to exchange for Dodge car. Tabor 05.VJ. TO EXCHANC.F MISCTXT.ANFOCB. PONDER THIS! ROOD INCOME APARTMENT. Building, furniture, lot, earns gross $3'J5 month; fine location, exchange for bungalow and cash or paper to value or $7000, a ne u me bal, at 6 per cent. Wha nave you FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO., 202 Mr-Kay Bldg. Broadway 747 F1KKT-CLAISS AUiich upright piano for Ford touring car In good mechanical condition, good tires and 10112 license, fall Auto. 314-34 2 BOATHOUSES, 1 Cadillac car. 1 station ary gas engine and several motor boats. B. H. Craig, ft. E. Cherry st. East Htt.Vl. DODGE SEDAN. Want groceries, house equity or se cured paper. Tabor wH w. EXCHANGE painting, kalsoniining for what you got. Aut. o.'-i'i. FOR RAI.R. llnrwea. Vehicles. Uvewtoek. JUST ARRIVED FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA. EASTERN OREGON. Carload of choice draft horses and mares consisting of tome closely matched teams and single horses, from 120O to 18Ut. all well broken to work and In splendid condition. Call at East Side Transfer Stables, 180 E. oth street. H. HANSEN. Owner. SPAN chunky built big bone Percheron mares. 5 and 7 years old ; sound and well broke; weight about 2fliio pounds; with nearly new breeching harness and 31 farm wagons; must be sold; price very reasonable. Inquire for Todd's outfit. Keystone Stables,. 381 Water at., rornc r Montgomery. RfcsOl.STKKEO Jerac-y bull for i.ile. Son of register of merit cow. Noble Emerald: splendid individual, ready for service; price $100. See thia fine bull at my "Hal cyon Farm." 2Vi miles eat of Grcsham or write for full pedigree and particular? to J. L. Bowman, care Brownsville Woolen Mill store. Portland, Or. TWO carloads eastern Oregon horaes and mares, weight IBM) to ISoo lbs., 4 to 8 yearB old ; matched teams; 2 fine sad dle horses; harness and wagons. K E Y S T O N E STAPLES, 3S1 Water St.. Corner Montgo mery St. FOR SALE Cue canoad horses, weight 1500 to 1S00 lbs.. 4 to 6 years old; ail halter broken, some broke to work. Can be seen at Waterman, Or., 60 miles south of Condon, or writ for particulars. Straube Bros., Waterman. Or. TEAM pure bred Shire mares, younn, sound and true; well matched; weight about 34(H) lbs. KEYSTONE STABLES. 3SlWater St., Corner Montgomery St. $1S5 BUYS team chestnut sorrel Belgians, horse and mare, about 8 old, '. weight about 2000 lbs. ; sound, true, gentle. 3M Wa.ter St.. west fido. 10 HEAD fresh and coming fresh cowh; all nice Jerneys except J young Hol Fteins; all tubercular tested. Call iihl Watr st. FOR SALE Several good Jersey cows, just fresh : some heavy milkers; must sell at a sacrifice. E. 04th and Glisan. Tabor 30o4. ' THREE miich goats and billy, one and two soon freshen; does are 50 and billy 75 per cent Nubian. Address Lock Box 45. Blodgett. Or. REAL bargain, $H5, mare 1500 lbs. Good worker; also 2400-1 b. team, $110; sev eral other very cheap horses; harness and wagons of all kincl.t. 240 E. Sth. BARGAIN Three fresh Jersey cows, heavy milkers. HW7 E. Stnrk. st., cor. 7ftth ft. Also one young family cow, just fresh; FOR SALE G-ood family cow at your own price within reason. John Schinid. T igard on Bull M ountal n. FAMILY cow, Jersey-Durham, with calf 5 days old; very gentle, giving 5 gal lons :tsted6buttTfaL3KlVj st. FRESH Jersey cow, milking 4 gallons daily; tested 6.1 butter fat; priced very reasonable. 248 Mill st. 2400-POL'N D team of mulen. 5 and 6 years old; both gentle and well broken. 240 3. 8th yTrect. BAY TEAM, about 241M1, fat, blocky built, rood workers; harness and farm wagon; 150. 4Q10 67th st. Mt. Scott car. TH REE fresh dairy cows. Take Oregon City car. 14 east of Concord tita. Wm. F. Oet hen 2 YOUNG, fresh cows with calves, 1 Jurs- y and Ayrshire, $o0; 1 roan Durham, 7u. 302 PYont st. HAULING contract; cordwood; have good teams; will go anywhere in Oregon. H3M) , oregonian, THRIFTY Duroc and China pigs, 7 weeks old, at $5. Oscar Cash. Sunnyside, ClarKamas, rouic j. q" TWO GOOD Jersey cows with heiftr ca ! ves ; tubercular tested. 24Q E. Sth. VETERINARIAN. PR, HOWES TABOR fI5fi. DEAD horses and cattle taken . quick.y. Call flay or nm in. n. ui-mh ..: o, -n-t, HORSES, harness and wagons for sale cheap. C- Q' ' Ir''' FOCR BRED DOEi and 1 buck, J5. t 11- FOR SALE or traflc, milch cw for Ford rua4sler. Route 1, Bjx ti-J, PurUanU. m FOR SA1.K. Via nw, Org mm and Musical Instrument. WE HAVE a fine line of used phono graph at prices that will suit your pocket book. lirunsw Irk cabinet, man. f HH and 175; Columbia cabinet, wU Edison, man., cabinet. tyl K6; Victor table machines at $M and. $4.V Columbia tablo machines at 7 N0 ana lerms, j. r. .uuusuu Cn.. 141 nth st. m- LIPMAN. WOLFB ACO. CLOS1NQ OUT UsrtiD Bros., uprittnt piano " Hlnze-Kimball upright piano 1 Haiiett tb Davis upright piano l Wellington upright piano Schubert Co. upright piano -t'v Smith A Barnes upright piano ! 41" each, $0 and ! a monui, 7th floor Llpman.WuIfe A Co. CLEARANCE OP USED PIANOS. $U'ft Hat.eit A Davis upright 4."0 H. P. Nelson, large wa.nut ... 21 1'iHl Steger A Sons, miwdon oW3 100 Stem way & Sons, rosewood .... 33 7i0 KranU'h A Bach, oak Par:or oiKaiia. 1. $-5. ;5, $45 to Ji.S. Terms. Sio or mora cash, $3. $tl. H, 10 moniaiy. Si'iiwnn i'laiio Co, It'l lu;h u $ 35 GRAFONOLA, 10 used recorU.J 3 l5 StruUivara and 10 used records. 4i 10 Pal he, cabinet, 0 Used records. 1J 175 Sonora. taimiet. 0 used records. 14.1 34o Brunswick, 20 used records .... i5 ,175 Columbia, cab.. 0 used records. 115 $6 sends one home, then $3, $5 and up mouilily. Schwan Piano Co., Tenth at Washington st t'sh'h n il . i vTii ' li Vlctrola. siylo X. with records 10O Brunswick, with records, new I- Brunswick, large sue, "oId plated, with records . . 240 SE1BEKL1NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 4lh St.. UeU Wash, and Aldr. N E W HAUOLU S. (Jil-HhiKl, 107 WEST PARK. BETWEEN STARlS AND WASHINGTON. PIANOS, PHONOGRAPH! REPAIRED. RENTED. SO LTX WILL trade piano, player piano or phono graph, your own selection, for eloctrlcaV wiring and- lighting fixtures. Foloy Mnagiy Music Co.. 100 5th st. Bdwy. tiatui. . KLNiitiBCRY plain mahogany case piano; first-ciaes condition; only $3lMl; this la a real bargain; terms given. Seiberllng Lucas Music Co., 1-j 4ih t,,.beu Wash. and Alder. $1.1), $3U, $40. $tVS, $"0 and 10 closing out new and uoed phonographs. lerms cash, 3, $4. $5 and 0 month. Schwan, Piano Co., 101 Tenth at Wash, and Stark. GOOD PIANOS at prices ai.d terma you can afford Reed French Piano Co., 12th and W ash ington. PIANO TUNING and repairing by expert Arl,m.,. oil u-..rtr rnui'unr.i miliar. ling-Lucas Music Co., 12 4ilx st. Bdwy. 6.V7 tl . A LARGE period design phonograph, slightly shop worn at a big reduction; only flS5; terms, G. F. Johnson Plana Co.. i n tun st. PLAY Eli ROLLS, SS-noto special this week, $1 for package of 5; every roll guaranteed, no duplicates. G. F. John son Piano Co., 14!t (llh Mt. J A.', drum outfit. Includes bass drum, snare drum, foot pedals, cymbals, drum stand, wood block and Lrlungle. $75. G. F. Johnson Pi;ino Cn . 11 'J rtt h st. $'!IU CASH buys $750 Pianist, player piano. Includ ing bench and 4 player rolls. Sotumjr ' Storage Co., !;, inth, cor. Stark. jj'i'uKY A CLARK, beautiful walnut cts, equal to new s;:0o; terma given. fcei-berllng-Lucas Music Co., 1-5 4th SL.4 H iith snil A I ft . r 150 MARSHA LL WENDELL piano, up right; Stelnway MoO; Hinzcman $1-5; terms given. SeibcrlinK-Luca Mueio Co.. 125 4ih St.. bet. Wash, and Aide . PllONOGltA PUS repaired; any make J quick ser.lce; work guaranteed. Seibt'.t ling-Lucas Music Co., I-J tin L Bdwy. (157 it. CAM BUI 1JJ1 piano, plain mu. not; any case ;! to new and reasonable ; it; terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Oo., 125 4th St. MARTIN "C" saxophone, Bilver with gold, bell, complete with case, $101.75; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 1411 Oth st. STC DENT'S violin outfit, includes violin, bow, case, rosin and extra strings, $1. G. F. Johnson piano Co., 140 Oth st. FOR R EN T Piano, Graf, late records, $:i month; let rental apply on purchase price. Empire Transfer. ltdwy. 155. BOY SCOLT drums ; madu by Ludwig ; two sizes. $0 50 and $7.50. G. F. John son Piano Co . 140 Orh st. W E Wl LL trade you a new Vlctrola or Cheney phonograph for your old piano, F. Johnson Piano Cn., 140 tkh at. K 1MKALL piano, new. i;ti5; terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th sL, bet. asn. ana a jner. SCHILLING A SON oak case piano; only 1 .) ; terms k en, neiueriing-i.ucis Mu sic Co.. 125 4th st., bet. Was'i, and Alder. PIANOS moved. 3. itrouiid floor done by experts and guaranteed. Broad-way 1207 WANTED Boehn system clarinet, A or B flat. 211 Sherman at. Puttie MaralwUl 221.3 $U(5 CAH. Secures $450 Haiiett A Davis upright. Security Storage Co., 103 10th. cor Stark. $0 AND $75 CASH. Buys two small upright pianot. Security Storage Co., l'3 li'lh. cor. Stark. BEAUTIFUL walnut Wl! lard piano. a good as new, $205; terms. Q. k John Bon Piano Co. 140 th st. KK ELL piano t ti walnut case; a splendid, barguln. $210; terms. G. F. Johnson, Piano Co. It" "th st. $00 H. M. CABLE piano, latest, brand new, real cheap: make an olfer. Terma, ;t 1 2 Worcester bldg. $575 KoHLER CAMPBELL piano, latest mahogany, $250, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. TRA DE new Olds trombone and caae on Brunker saxophone, alto or C. 344 N, 2:id st. Jii.'tD J ESSE FR KNCll piano, latest ma hoguny. only 275. on terms. Brokerag Co.. 312 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak at. JOtMl 1, IN DERM A N & SONS piano. Just brand new. $275, terms. 312 Worcester hldg. $050 JEWETT piano, mahogany, only $100, te-rn s. a 1 - ' "m' uiu h $175 BUYS fine piano, Klmhall maka Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak ata. 31a WANTED Used piano for all cash. Call Bdwy. 1548 wckdaya. $200 BUYS $700 Mel'hail piano. 312 Wor cester bldg. Brokerage Co. $150 BUYS fine $550 Smith A Barnes piano, upright. 312 Worcester bldg. $(oo McCAMON pluno, nice upright, $100. Brokerage Co. 312 Worcesti-r bldg. WANTED To buy piano for spot cash. It reasonable. East hS2. WANTED Bargain In usm1 piano for spot ra.-h. Call Broadway 154S week days. CASH FOR YOUR PIANO. Highest prices P'j.itL Broadway 1010. $150 BUYS fine-torn d Chickering A Sou piano, on terms. 312 Worces terb 1 d g . PIANO wanted. cah proposition, but must be cheap. Bdwy. fi.'.Tfi. WILL TRADE new victrola for used piano, B d w y. 0570. PIANO wanted from private party ; will pay cash for bargain. Marshall 1532. COLUMBIA GKAl-ONoLA, record. $55, UM Maegly-Tlehner bldg. Main 2230. $125 BUYS fine-toned upright piano; term s. BroUera ge Co., 312 Wore ester b 1 d g. FOR SA 1,10 Voso At Sons pi;, no; w alnut ivin;., .2H0. Plmne East 343 FOR SALE Hawaiian guitar, very reason nb!e, Ca II mornings. 273 North 21st st. WILL a cah for Uted I'no Hdwy. 7424" Kuril it urn fr Sule. BEAUTIFUL funu-d oak dining table. Price) $ti0, sell for $30 ; looks like, walnut ; H leat her-seated chalra , and carver to match table. $7 each ; 2 large willow rockers. Chintvt upholster, $15 eaeh; mahogany end table for Davenport, $10; brown mahogany 1 able 20x17, $ 10; Cir cassian' walnut chiffonier, oval mirror, $30; 2 Simmons brass beds, springs and mattresses, $30 each. Tabor 601. 405 E 40 N. ' QUARTERED oak dining room set, 54 ' inch tab.o, unusual miun, f iraKclaim con'Ilthm; 't complete. SiO. Alwo Cope- man eiectric rangu cheap. Woollawn 44i7 1. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture If goir.g east or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. OI-r:n Transfer A Storage Cn. 2iH IMiif Hr-t. LEAVING city, will sell furniture of 4 room apartment, mahogany, ivory, wal rut. silverware, linens, bric-a-brac. t dmstie rdurti(in; nothing sold sepit. ra telv. Call 0-12. 5-8. Broadway iHltH DESKS CH A lit S SAFES New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for salesman. 1RW1X-IK TSON FURNITURE DKPT. 10th ar.d Stnrk Sts Bdwy 3141 3 FINE new genuine leat her cover' .1 rockers with wing back, $45 Vaiue for $22.50. M. 4 177. ( WILI- tll light oak buffut. $20; kitc:i n qm-en table, $5; sanitary cot, $3. 01 E. 0!ih ft. N., one block MnntnvIHa car. WH I'l'E rotary suwing machines nearly new, also other furniture, uso Maliury ve Sell. 11fi7. WHITE enamel oak dresser anl chiffonier: will sell separately If desired. Call 5o4j Wiedler. THIS week only, for cash, furniture of 12 room, h. k. ; lease, $ io :un n. 2:id wt. TWO BEDSTEADS. ihuLUcmncs and Mprlngw. T:hor 01M. II A D Y buggy. bHsin-t, buffet. ch-M. of d ra wrs an-d ot h'r. Ti31 CnlumWa st. BEAUTIFUL e-lH tric lamp and mah'-gauy rucker bait oriiaaa price. kjaM. 51 10, 1