14 THE 3IORMNG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY' 23, 1922 real ESTATE. For Sale Houses. ,, KS of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, famil iarity with valuta and a apiended or ganization enable us to give you the maximum aervlce in home buying. Every listing PKK.O.VALIA IN SPECTED and personally APPRAISED. He are continually cnmblnj the en tire city for the beat buy. We have home io suit every wwe and on pay ments that are within the rwach of all, If you are contemplating having a home built to order, as celling agents of a number of Portland's beat ouliders, r we art in a position to secure you the very best service obtainable and will help you finance same if necessary. Our art hlteat ts nt your service. 4-000 Vacant, move right In ; four rooius and bath down, 2 rooms up. Full basement, wash trays; sewer in and paid. Gravel street, only 1 block to car; easy terms. $3000 This price is & special put on to ec-ii mis ween: rooms ana oat down, 3 rooms up. Newly paint ed and decorated throughout. i.asy rerms. ROSK CITY PARK. to 000 This beauUfu! home Is lust com ' pleted; hdwd. floors, fireplace, nooKcasrs, nuffei. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays. J urnace. Special terms to ex- service men. APARTMENT BUXCALOW. $3150 up, ccording to the price of lot fieciji. or win duplicate your own lot; living rm. 12.6t20, iturf-n Kitchen, large Dreaktas nook, large bedroom and tractive bathroom; additional room ran he added At small cost later If desired, (cment base ment, wn.sh trays, fireplace, die appearing bed in living room con ceaied by beautiful French doors hardwood fioors, In fact every thing that you will find In high c.asa nome. sucn as enamel tin ieh, tapestry paper, etc. Pome of these homes are to be built on Broadway car line. INVbSTi GATE. Bee us for vacant lots. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. Realtor. 92 Ptark ft. Rdwy. 8794, HOMES FOR THE WORKINGMAN. B2Z $260 cash, $20 monthly, buys a B-room coinage in in Aioerra district, ground 60x100, gas and gas lights, patent toilet, sink. city water, n bearing fruit trees. good woodshed and Kara ire. $ 000 $130 cash. $20 monthly, buys a 4-room box house, ceiled, small cellar, electric lights, ground 204x116, four fruit trees and some berries. f 000 $50 down, 115 monthly, buys a piece of ground 100x141. and substantially-built 2-rm. cottage, near Courtney Station, on the Oregon City line. This Is In new platting and you have river front rights and privileges in con neorion with thta ntnrw 1473 $100 cash. $13 monthly buys a 4-roora, 2-story house, has patent toilet, sink, fireplace, concrete floor all over downstairs, house need painting and a little work by Mr. Handyman. 1 block fro: Woodstock car. Don't hesitate on this, as It Is a dandy. FRED W. GERMAN CO., REALTORS, 732 Chamln-r of Commerce. BRAND NEW LAUKELilUKST RUNGALOW. $5600 TERMS. lOAfl CLACKAMAS ST.. CLOSI3 IN. Strictly modern 6-room, large sleep ing porcn, narowoou noors, turnace, buffet, fireplace, plenty built-lns. tao- estry decorations, butch kitchen, break fast nook, sewing room, French doors, massive cement porch, fine plumbing and electrlo fixtures, paving, etc.. Included. 2 blocks to Rose City car. Owner on premises 12 to 6 dally. Take R. C. 'car to 33d st., then go 2 blocks north. Phone Woodlnwn 1550. ALBERT A bungalows, furnished or un furnished, modern In every convenience: lot 511x100; btiilt-lns, Dutch ketchen. beamed ceiling in dining room, dish trays In dining room, living room, fire place, bookcases, large reception ha II. 2 airy bedrooms, large white enameled bathroom, large back and front porch, bearing fruit trees, full basement, house completely furnished $50o0, $1100 down; unfurnished $4000; reasonable down pay- men t, Dai. mont niy ; must sen account of sickness. Ilos East 17th st. N. AVOID all trouble In closing yotir real estate deals by using our Escrow -Department. TITLE ft TRUST CO.. Titls ft Trust Bldg. ROSE CITY. ON SANDY BLVD. House modern in every way, extra well constructed and designed ; hard wood floors, water in each bedroom; inn on property, corner 45th and Sandy. If you have $5000 cash will sell at sac rifice. House, has 7 large rooms and sleeping porch, floored attic. If interested.- cnll Frank Mahoney with COE A. MtKE.NNA & CO., 82 4th St. Bdwy. TB22. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $.12r.O TERMS. Modern 5-rcom bungalow, avery con venience, hardwood floors, fireplace, Ivory finish. Dutch kitchen, furnace; gar a go; close to Rose City school and car. HARRY FECK WITH, 104 Fifth St. Realtor. R'dwav fiJtlR, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION PORT LAND HEIGHTS. R-room residence, modern and in good conuwion, newiy tinted, almost furnished, rut lot. sightly view; garage. Price $.".-.".0 and ready to move Into. Some terms, HEVRY W. GODBARD, Realtor. 1V Stark Stre r t . B d w y . 7 $.11 , E-SKkVI('K M K NT We have some real desirable modern nungniows reaay ror immediate occu fjancy, very reasonable; terms. ARE YOU GOING TO HHir.nt See our plans and up-to-date Ideas. we can nein you finance. W. M. UMMDENSTOCK CO.. ?10 Oregon Bldg. Rdw-y. 1C!. LAt RELHURST BUNGALOW SNAP Owner Juat built larger home, will sell classy, nearly new, lU-mory modern tt-room house with sleeping porch and gnrage. Best section near park, for $7.vm); no Incumbrances, easy terms. Call Tabnr 47. PIEDMONT. $'WMI(. 7-mom House, fireplace, lots of wln- nown. plenty of built-in;, full concrete Vnse-ment. furnnce, IrtOxlOO corner, best Iart of district; $ir.no cash will har.dle. COE A. McKENNA ft CO. 2 4th St. Bdwy, 7.J2. KTlW 4-Rno.M buiiKalow, $,i2."'0; just fin ished. This Is on 74th at., near Halsey; concrete basement ; breakfast nook, butlt-ln buffet, gas furnace, Dutch kitchen. This Is a real snap. Easy terms. W. M. VMP.PENSTOCK CO . 210 Oregon HMg. Ildwy. K,5. i'OU CAN walk from this placa to the heart of the city in 13 mlnutea: on the east siile; 3 rooms and on.v $2HXi; $:(M) chsIi. balance $30 per month. We have ail kmds of homes: come in and see us. l. 1 C.KSI A I K INVESTMENT CO , REALTORS. JBrtwy. 4751. 4 10 Tlenry BT.Ig. RED HUT LAURELHURST SNAP. Modern 2-siory, 6-room home with sleeping porch, attic and garage. Best section, near park and car. Large rooms jn old Ivory, walls Just repapered. $T,"(H). ew terms; no Incumbrances. Tsbor 407. PIEDMONT- $SMM. This new 7-iWm stucco bungalow, all hardwood floors, bullt-ins, garagn. l'rice lexs than cost ; reasonable terms. See this today. W. M. ITMRDENSTOCK CO -in Oregon Ttl-lg. IMwv. 1 SEE THIS ON $4230. Near Reed college; just being fin ished; B beautiful rooms, all built-lns, lianlwood floors: easv terms W. M. I'MUDENSTOCK CO. 210 Oregon Bldg. Tlilwy. m.R. BIGGEST BARGAIN IV PORTLAND. 4-room modern bungalow on fine cor ner. !t?xlOO. on hard street; am offered :t4)0 on ury terms, hut will sacrifice for If you pay $1330 cash. Owner. Fast tlU'L". $ -).'. hi iOOD terms. Beautiful 7-room bungalow, very artistic, one that will plae you always. It's modern and on good atre.-t. Let us show It to you. WM. A. HUGHES CO. Ttllv iv Exch. Bldg. Bdwy fi0. IRVINGTON. AT.AVED. LAUREL HURST homes. No difference what kind you want, we have It. MrDONFLL. EAST 41f I'l'lCNWMKI) SHA'K. good ste.-I rang, 2 bis, kitchen treasure, washing ma chine. dMies. etc. -acre fine isnd. iiint outside city, near 4 2d. Albertn cr. .'nnedy school. $so down. $15 month wocer W. Cary. I21ff N W. Bnk bldg iiAU THORN K i ROOM S. $33H NEAR 2'TU ST. Furrace, full basement, large rooms, one block to car; ome terms. T . BIRD. 326 Chamber of Commerce LEAVING THE CITY. Owner must sell Portland Heights fur nished A-rom tuMjc JmngaJow; S.I.'M), good terms. Marshall SIM 3. 736 Muni- goverv drive. " 6 ROOMS. IRVINGTON. This Is m up-to-date bungalow, mod -em in evwry way; one year old; one Vm-k from Irvir.gton car: $'1.V0. Cn swM with tinoft don. Hall. B.1 wv 83l3 -KoOM ti.inl.Tn house and lot. 3 blocks e;st end Bdwy. bridge. Some term, $32. Main 2306 PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Hounea. tots and tracts. Ail location, ana uricta. UHOOhJi. Alain 43i REAL ESTATE. t urjtle lluue. LAURKLHL'RST VIEW HV G A LO W. LAROK CORN ER LOT. This artisiic bungalow consists of rooms and sun room, located In the very cnoicesi part of this high-class rest dene district; unobstructed view of mountains; arrangement of rooms unique, something different, living room wun room, dining room, kitchen arvd oreaKiast room, ail have this unob structejl view. The bungalow is in course or construction, you can hav your choice of decorations; large ltvin room, 17x24 ; plate-glass windows, hard wood floors throughout, recant tub. rei estal lavatory, shower bath, tiled fioor, tiied dralnboard In kitchen: furnace, double garage; 3 large bedrooms. It win be a pleasure to show you. For ap lujuiiiieui can OWNER, TABOR 8106. $3000 NEW 4-RUOlI buneiiow. near Tin on Hawthorne car line; terms $150 cash, 20 monthly. $4000 New 4 -room bungalow on Mt i.ioor car line at twin st; terms $1000, $40 monthly. $1800 New 8 -room bungalow, good plumbing; Charleston st. near St. Johns car; terms $400 cash. $15 monthlv. $1600 Old tt-room houe on Brooklyn St., near Sellwood car; terms $400, $20 mommy. $2000 cash and $60 monthly buys a flat building with an income of $130 per jiiun in. Call at 430 Lumber Exchange Bids. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, Here Is a charming home with unsur passed view of city and mountains. House Is one year old, with all modern features, and very best of construction, Living; room, dinins- room, kitchen. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch and two ams. urrered practically at cost. Price $9500, with convenient terms. FRED" C. PRATT, W4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 2853. lTX-fERVTTS) M"EN! - NO PAYMENT DOWN. One acre all In clover, has new 4 room house, Just completed, cement basement, city water; lights, gas and telephone available, near school, stores and car line, close In, price with full acre, $2650. $2250 with half acre; apply bonus loan and balance at $15 per month, 6 per cent Interest. See J. S. Culbertson. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Ex. P.ldg. Bdwy. 321 NEAR JEFFER.SON HIGH. B-room strictly modern bungalow, h w. floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases. buffet. Dutch kitchen, bre-akfast table. Fdll cement basement, furnace, all St. Imp. In and paid; $12O0, terms. SL'300. TERMS. B-room cony home, basement, BOxlOO lot, all street Imp. in and paid, 31M) TERMS. 6-room house on good st.. near Union. small B-room house ofl back of lot rents lor $12; st. imp. in and paid; a bargain. W. W . AI.N, HUALTUK, T032lTnIon sve. N. Wdln. nfl, MAKE OFFER. CLOSFMN, LAURELHURST. LARGE riVK-ROOM BUNGALOW. ALSO DPiN, BREAKFAST ROOM AND ATTIC; BEDROOMS 14x16; OAK FLOORS. EN TIRE IIOL'SK: TAPESTRY PAPER. BUILT-lNuS, TILE BATHROOM. PIPED FL'RXACK; DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED it A HAG E ; YXU WILL BE SURPRISED HOW CHEAP TT CAN BB BOUGHT. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR, BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. BDWY. 37, EVE NINGS EAST 21MJ1. BEAUTIFUL home in Irvlngton ; 10-room House, modern In r'ery respect; full cement ba&emeivt Ruud instanrtaneous water heater: large living room, dining room and library wi:h built-in book cases and window seats, unusually fine kitchen and pantry wifh large tile drain board ; 4 bderooms and bath room on second floor; billiard room and ma'd's room In finished attic; lot 50x100: price $10,M0; will take good lot In Irvlngton or Laurelhurst as part payment. Phone Bdwy. fl'jr. It BLOCKS SOUTH OF SAND V. BRAND NEW. last finishing coat of paint now being placed on my 6-room, modern through out, bungalow at 641 East ftfith street North, 14 blocks south of Sandy boule vard. Furrace, fireplace, solid runway to garage and everything beautifully fin ished. Workmen there until Thursday will show you. Price $4S.V), terms. Owner at Broadway 5112. Columbia Realty Company, BlM Railway Exchange bldg. $2650 RICHMOND $2630. 6 rooms and Hath, lot BOxlOO ft., nil Improvements in and paid, 1 . blk to car, on E. 32d st., 0 nice fruit trees. Price $2ft50, $00 cash, $5 per jmo. Including C Interest. J. L. 1IARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Bdwy. 6034. $3SS0 LIVING room across the front; two bedrooms; modern kitchen ; fireplace: gas furnace: full attic, room for three more rooms; 5OX1O0 lot; close to two cartinen. Make your own terms on this; must sell this week. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 47.11. 410 Henry Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. An Ideal 8-room modern home, large grounds, shrubbery of all kinds, view; owner will sacrifice ror quick sale, terms, Call and see photo. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN CO., S10 Chamber of Commerce BTrlg. SUNNYSIDE A rtal bargain, just for this week, by owner, extra well built, almost real modern .VrOom house, fireplace, ce ment basement, wash trays, fine bath, etc.; $3800; one-third cash. E. Taylor, near 83d. Call on owner. !83 E. Taylor, across the street. Auto. 2111-31. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. CLOSING ESTATE. Vacant: 7 large rcm, clooe In, fur nace, fireplace, good houe; splendid in vestment, easy terras. See it for your self. ' T. O. BIRD, B26 O am her of Commerce. WASHINGTON HIGH DISTRICT Fine 6-room house on full lot, close to Washington High school, cement base ment, furnace, paved street. House In first-class condition. Price $4200. Very easy t' rms. Call East 1ST.7. $14tMj sM A LL down payment Nice 3 room bungalow, concrete basement, mod ern plumbing, big lot. A splendid buy. Call today. WM. A. HUGHES CO., 21 Railway Exh. Pldg. Bdwy. ftgQS. ST. JOHNS. Must sell my new 4-room bungalow, sfl built-lns, strictly modern ; price $3000; terms $350 down, balance easy monthly payments: near car line. W. M. I'M RDENSTOCR" ft CO., 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 1M. 6 ROOMS $2(100. Thin Is located on Eugene street, near D2d: full lot. near school. This is a real value. Terms like rent. W. M. UMRDENSTOCK ft CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. Ifl5, IRVINGTON. Several fine modern homes, also vacant lots, or will build on any one's loL RICE CONSTRUCTION CO.. E. 2432. R R. Rice. BUILD NOW. Be a satisfied home-owner. We wel come Inspection. Liberal financial as sistance. KOBNETT ft McCLT'RE, Builders, Bdwy 6374. 302 Couch Bldg $1400 TAKES a dandy little house on East SOth st.. not far from Sandv boul evard. Wiil take light car as part payment. For particulars call 404 Piatt Building, 127 P:irk Street. cash house bargain. 9-room good house with two lets, cor ner 63d sr., s. E.. near Mt. Scott car, $2130. cash cr half-cash: worth $32u0. Call Mar. 3324 or East 136 1. $i:ioo 200 CASH. 4-room house on fine liMlxHM) corner, 2 blocks to car line.- Now la the time to buy. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. 5T Rnllw-nv Even. Bide. Bdwy. 0. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW. B tooms and floored attic. Everything modern ; r rencn doors, hardwood, all bui It-ins; garage, paved street ail paid. V..sr terms. Very desirable. East 823. $imu YOUR terms. Lents district. Good 4-room plastered house. Lot 100x166, paved st.; no Hens. Some snap. WM. A. HUGHES CO.. ?1 Railway Exch. Bide. Bdwy. 10S. LEAVING Portland, will aeil attractive Portland Heights home. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch, large living room, sun rooms. Buy direct from owner. Main Wirt HERE'S THE BEST DEAL YET. 7-r. home, close In. 50x100 lot and It will make you money: will sell now at $4200. nn terms. A. 23-17. WE BUILD to suit your pocket. Consult us. 303 ARTISANS BLDG. Opposite Benson H ot e I. W ILL eil my equity in beautiful 4-room modern bungalow and part of furniture at a sacrifice for quick sate. Call Wood lan 17-V OWN YOLU own home. We buiid real homes at reasonable prices. 503 A RT ISA NS BI.DO. Opposite Benson Hotel. ROSE CITY Park For iMiK) cash we have a bargain in new, modern, B-room house, balance terms. Call 671 E. 52d st. N between P A. M. and 4 30 P. M. WK W ILL build on your lot or ours. 303 ARTISANS BLDG. Opposite Hanson Hotel. ii-SToUY. 6-room :uudrn house; fruit; all Improvements in and paid; on sptendid car line; price $3000; terms, fieii MtA REAL FSTATE. FOSE CITT PARfe. A 6-room modern bungalow. In the best part of Rose City; extra large liv ing room with fireplace, bookca?s and large plate glass windows, hardwood floors, guest closet, dining room with built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook complete with bencher and table; two bedrooms, linen closets and bath, aU Improvements In and paid. Price $46K3, easy term; will accept bonus loan. A modern bungalow with a 28-foot living ftoom, hardwood floors, all built in features. This bungalow is up to the minute, y lm new, one biock from car. street Improved and paid; price Is $4250 on easy terms, or will accept bonus loan. EASY TERMS. ROSE CITY PARK. Five rooms, almost new, living room entirely across front of house, two large plate glaas windows, French doors, din ing room, built-in buffet, hardwood firs., full-length mirror door In guest closet, Dutch kitchen and breakfaat nook, two bedrooms, a complete bath and large amc, tww. xne t reel is pavea an iaio. -$2450. Just west of Laurelhurst. a very r-at modern bungalow, on paved street. This Is exceptionally good for the price, easy Hfl.LER BR03-, Realtors, 211 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Bdwy. 9629. Branch office, 60th and Sandy. Tabor R4S5. SOME EAST PAYMENT ONES. 4-room cottage, Fulton, $1300, $130 aown. 5-room bungalow, Woodstock, $2773, 1&T aown. Pretty 3-room bungalow, near Ree. college, paved streets, $1K0, $300 down. x urnisnea it awirea. Furnished B-room bungalow !n Al oe rt a, paved street, $3S0O. $600 dorm. 6-room bungalow, Montana treeL -room aandy noma in Alberts, va cant, mo down. 6-room house in 6unnyide, close In. oovut ow aown. RALPH HARRTR CO 816 Chamber of Commerce. Bdwy. BG64. ROSE CITT COLONTAI. Beautiful corner location near Rose City club; cement basement. Boy n ton furnace, large living room, fireplace, bookcases, fine dining room with beautiful buffet. . 6 airy rooms and sleeping porch. Hardwood floors ; garage ; paved streets.. Only $3800, Or will sell furnished. MARSH ft McCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 65JS. Evening Tabor 436, SELECT TRVTVOTON. Fix-room, story-and-a-half. AM kinds of conveniences, excellent furnace, fire place, plumbing, etc Garage. Thor oughly built of beet materials. An ceptional home at an exceptional price. Exclusive district. $6730. Reasonable aown payment win nandle. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. 323-327 Boacd of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. ROS15 CTTY PARK BUNGALOW, NEW. 5 rooms and bath just bdng com pleted, built for comfort and a very nice looking home. See this if you want a reat utue Home; price $3300, terms. O. C. ULRICH A CO., 403 Stock Exchange Bldg. BEAUTIFUL CORNER BUNGAiLOW. Everything- epic and span: 5 nicely ar- rangea rooms, oatn, large floored attic, enameled kitchen with all built-lns: fine basement with wash traya. new Gasco turnace, kitchen range. Radiant heater for fireplace; paved streets; one block orr -tiawtnorne. Don t fall to Inveati gate for It is an exceptional bargain at -tiirvjt easy wrms. O. B. RIPPET, Realtor, 611 Mr-Kay Bldg. Bdwy. T22f. LAURELHURST. Large 6-room Italian stucco bungalow, situated1 on comer double lot. 1 block from Laurelhurst Park : every known convenience; construction and finish of highest class; completely furnished or umurnisneo ; simpiy a beautiful home, with every comfort and arrangement ideal. Phone owner. Tabor &318, for ap- puiiiimrni. WEST SIDE 4-ROOM COTTAGE. $250 CASH. Good 4-room cottage, bath, cement basement, gas Tor light and cook In e clear of Incumbrance, on Kelly St., near rorier. trice fiaou, xov cash., f month, 6 per cent. J. W. GRT7SSI, 81 a Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwy. 743?. FINE BUT. Attractive 4-room cottage, close In. on east siae. moaern, tun basement, laun dry trays, floor cemented. Apple, peach end pear trees, grapes; large attic with space for several rooms; only $3000: terms, owner at ai namber or Com merce or Sell wood 3C46. Sunday or evenings. WANT A HOME? If you do not have a lot let us build for you on one of ours. Liberal fi nancial assistance extended. We are prepared to assist you in any way. Sol dier's bonus may be applied. BOBNETT ft McCLI'RE, Builders, Bdwy. 6374. 302 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE. Attractive, new. 4-room bunrn!nwv hardwood floors, flrepluce. Dutch kitchen breakfast nook, and full basement; price $3600; open for inspection 2 to 3; sub stantial payment -down, balance easy terms. 1263 Omaha ave. Owner, 271 13th st.. cor. Jefferson. IRVINGTON HOME READY TO MOVE INTO. 6 large rooms, old Ivory finish, fire place, furnace, tile bath, stand. lava tory, fine electric fixtures, vltrolite drain board, best window shades. lot 50100. improvements in. Price $6750. Owner East 6033. IRVINGTON CORNER BUNGALOW, New 5 -room modern bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, furnace, large at tic, cement basement, garage; sightly corner, Skldmore and 17th st.. 2 blocks from Irvlngton car. Phone Owner, Broadway 7027. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Practically new 4-room plastered cot tage, concrete foundation, plumbing roughed in ; 2 blocks from car. Price $1800: 1200 cash, $25 monthly. You had better come a-running. Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residence or any building, assist In financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. Jt. Bailey, contract Ing architect, 24 N. W. Bank bldg 6-ROOM BUNGALOW CHEAP. BURNSIDE STREET, NEAR 22D. East side, walking distance, furnace, 2 fireplace, very large attic, make me offer. Will give some terms. T. O. BIRD. BROADWAY 601 1 . BUY IT FROM OWNER. A big corner In Laurelhurst with 5 room bungalow: extra large living room and dining room across front; 2 blocks from Rose way; everything In; $3800. Auro. S17--M. ST. JOHNS bungalow, which I muM sell; ciose iu low uusiiirna sceuon; new and convenient ; will sell at a low figure; might take some trade. For particulars call Main fS0. IRVINGTON Duplex, attractive. 17- rms. A home and big income on Investment! only $0000. East S015. GOING to build? Be4ter Investigate our 5-room double-constructed bungalow complete. $:tS34i. Ta&or 8271. Suburban Homes. CAPITAL HILL FURNISHED $22H. Modern 5 -room bungalow with built-in buffet, bath, city water; completely fur nished; close to car; easy down payment will handle. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGriRE. 205 Abington Bidg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. FOR SALE BY OWNER. One-half acre and neat 4-rm. plastered bungalow, white enamel kitchen and bathroom.' basement, electric lights water, good plumbing, 30-minute ride on ne ciccinc. rnce, including dandy range, only $2S0O, on terms. F. R. Jesse. 52T Co'-bett bldg.. Main 7141. M U LT NO.M AH. ACCEPT SOLDIER BONUS One-quarter acre with R-rm. bungalow. Has basement, bath and toilet, elec , gas and water; $4OO0; $500 cash and terma About 3 blocks to station. DUDRET INVESTMENT CO 300-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. "6042. ACRE AND BUNGALOW. ONLY $1450. Three blocks to S. P. electric station; electric lights; new 3-room plastered, painted and tinted; small payment gives possession, balance like rent. Owner, BOO Concord Bldg.. Second and StarK. NEAR BEAVERTON. 7H ACRES. PRICE $500O. 6-room house with fireplace; fine well: 600 loganberries, 600 raspberries, and about 3o apple trees. All In cultivation except one acre timber. $1500 down, DL'DREY INVESTMENT CO., PANAMA BLDG. BDW Y B!4 IDEAL for suburban home in city limits; at country prices we nave several desir able acres on 92d street near GlUan, 2 blocks from city rarlfne. Verv easy terma W. M. Umbdenstock ft Co 210 Oregon Bldg., Bdwy. 163& BHAl ESTATE. Suburban Homes. BEAUTTFUI 6 -acre country home, Y-room modern house, citv water, lichts and ras. large sleeping porch, fireplace, modern bath, French windows; land drains both ways from house; wonderful view of Mount Hood and surrounding country. near Beaverton on rock road. Price , apyo, terms. STKOITD A CO., INC. Beaverton. Or. OREGON CITY LINB. OVB ACRE: FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. Full basement with laundry trays. living-room with fireplace, all built-in fea tures, bath and toilet, gas, water and wired for electricity. Some berries; house one year old. Price $4000. Want equity in cash, or will trade for good sjoou noose. DUDRET INVESTMENT C., BOO-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6042. ALMOST NEW BUNGALOW O. C. LINE. Combination living and dining room, 2 bedrooms. Dutch kitchen: electricity. gas and running water; close to school and 2 blks. from car; one-third acre; -'.'.iu, terms. Ask lor sr. U. Mars nail, with. FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. MIT ST SKI.I. My beautiful suburban home of S acres. I good soil, 8-room house, barn, IHI-foot chicken houae. brooder house, fine or chard and lots of small fruit; this place is modern, beautiful view, close to school j and store; price $12,3O0; let me show you tnia one. Lio. Mr. Buholt. I. E. SPENCER & CO, 517-21 Cham-hpr of Commerce bldg. M ULTNOM AH. FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. One-quarter acre with 5-rm. mod. bun galow, 2 blks. from station; close school: has Dutch kitchen, bath ajid toilet, gas, water and electricity. Price I oniy i.-iuou, sooo cash and easy terms. DUDRET INVESTMENT CO., 600-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6H42. OSW EGO. PRICE ONLY $3000. Bandy B-roora modern bungalow on H acre 01 ground; fruit ana nice snruo- barv; full basement; gas, water and electricity; 2 blocks to car line; reason- I able terms. An exceptional buy. DUDRET INVESTMENT CO., V0O-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 6942. $1200 HOME ON PAVED HIGHWAY. 4 rooms; electricity and gas; 60x200 1 lot with 11 young fruit trees assorted: 2 blks. from school; Multnomah station! on O. E. Good terms. Ask for F. C I Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway T17L Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WHY PAY RENT WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THIS? A cozy 8-room bungalow, with bath. city water and gas. 1 blk. to car; fruit j and berries; for $1&00; good terms. Ask I lor j. Marsnall, with. FRANK L. McfiUIRE, 203 Abington Bldg. Broadway T171. ' Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. $3200, 4 ACRES, close to city, 7-room house, lots of fruit, nrce atreom water, all under cultivation; owner needs I money, must sell; now Is your chance to I get a $4;iO0 place for $20O; some terms. LINTON A W ETXTH. 418 Railway Exch. For Sale Business Property. $300.000 WHOLE block, facing Broad way, shopping district, terma. $200,000, fireproof store and hotel Dinv.. 4j,uhj, year income. $S5.000, close-in etore and apt., brick. $20,000 yearly lnrome. $16,000, Nob Hill apt.. $4300 yearly In come. Would consider some exchange on any one. MANY OTHER GOOD BUYS. ED DIAMOND REALTY CO., 439 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Inc. Prop. Dept. ONE fireproof building. Income $430 montn. sd:.otw. One fireproof building. Income $625 a month, 147, SCO. Two fireproof buildings. Income $5800 I n year, f4d.avu. One fireproof building 100 feet square, llf8 Union Ave. North, bet. 0 ft 11 A. M MANUFACTURERS I have a swell man ufacturing site in South Portland be tween the track and Macadayn street. Only $3000. Want to sell at once. Full Particulars at 404 Piatt Building. Fr Sale -Acreage. 10 ACRES, 14 miles from center of Port-1 land, northeast of Oregon City, one mile 1 irom electric station, mile to school: rocked road; 5 acres under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; good, bearing orchard; B-room house, new barn, chicken house. included with place: cow, 45 chickens, tools, stump puner, wooa, etc. tiuuu casn, terms. ONLY 12 KTLES FROM PORTLAND. Over 6 acres, on macadam road, 1 mile from Oregon City car line; H mile to school; all under cultivation; 16 bearing fruit trees; raspberries and grapes. New attractive 4-room cottage on cement foundation; barn 16x26. chicken house and runways. I'rlce sl'NOO, easy terma. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. NO. 616 ACREAGE SNAP. 10 acres, on paved highway. In Meadow Glade district, 3 -acres under cultivation, balance easily cleared; price $1300, half cash, or will exchange for Portland proper ty and pay difference. S-ee Mr. Stiger, with THOMPSON, SWAN ft LEE. REALTORS, 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver Wash. 6 ACRES PAVED HIGHWAY, $3200. All in cultivation, beautiful view, gen tle slope, excellent garden soiU extra large frontage on pavement; only 20 minutes easy drive from heart of city, about 1 mile beyond West Portland school. Capitol highway. This is an exceptional bargain. 403 Stock Ex. bldg. Mar. 8324. ! East 136 . THREE ACRES. Fronting Powell Valley paved road. 8 miles east of city limits; has all city conveniences, gas, electricity. Bull Run water, telephone; land lies perfect; all cmtvaed ; price $22.0. Win. Murphy, Mar. 3324 or East 1364. FOR SALE Fine 10 acre. U mile from ! good town and school; 200 bearing fruit trees, oajince cuiiivateo; nouse, barn.1 poultry rrnuse ana good wen: faces paved road, 18 miles from Portland. AL 30. oregonian. WRITE for map of western Washington. snowing location, tow prices ana eL8y terms orrerea to settlers. WEYERH AUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Waah. K ACRE. 6 LOTS. S1200. $10 down, $10 month. City water. No city assessments. Aioerta car, Kennedy school. Beautiful tract. Native trees. Roger W. Cary, 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. lOO BEAUTIFUL wooded acres, 3 4 miles rrom vasningion st.. a true sacrifice $130 per acre, for speculation or sub- I division. Write owner at once. E 366, oregonian. SIX ACRES, all cultivation. 3-room house. barn, outbuildings; family orchard, small fruit, close to Oree&n City. $2100. terms. B. H. Stewart. 163 ? 4th st. . Main 5275. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRES, CLOSE IN, THOMAS AbLti.N'. !2D ST., S. E. Homestead. Relinquishments. TWO improvtd relinquishments, Joining .u,uuu iruu rancn; tu roos to nice lit tle town, near Grants Pass; $200 spent on one, running water, suoo and $TOO, an casn. am lorneti oiag. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W. HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For Sale Farms. HERE YOU ARE Just the Plne for the Old Folk One acre improved with 4-room house, smaill barn and poultry house, 3 block from the street car and paved road. 16 miles from Porti&nd; all for $300. $615 casn. STEWART A JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bajik Bldg. DAI It If farmers, investigate this unusual opportunity to own a tine-paying irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued $16,000. Located In famous Deschutes valiev of central Oregon. Ruvinr nm on entirely new plan, very little cash re I quired, r un particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND ft LOAN CO., Inc., Redmond. Oregon. BEST OFFER TAKES THIS. 23 MILES FROM PORTLAND. 800 acres. 160 cultivated, loo slashed. seeded to pasture, balance in timber; must sett to seine csiaie. juain lit&S. A SNAP. 10O-acre farm, all in cultivation, good buildings, orchard and fully equipped; h mile to store, school and church, on a gooa roaa; n-rms. W. W. SABIN, REALTOR. 1032 Union aye. N. Wdln. 39. SToCK RANCH, near Coumbia highway. running water, near Portland, Bed acre 9 ivw, terms. O. O. SLETTEN. REALTOR. Bdwy 34O0. 413 Ry. Exch. Bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. near Portland. $50 to $300 per acre, easy terms. ufi mvii, inrma ior sap, ail Size. I .MCf anani. reauor. .''ii r ailing bldg. TiLLAMooiv dairy arm, stock, equip ment, 10 acre 1-year-old loganberries; might consider small grocery in trade; some casn. i in: iving, weaver, or. FOR KX-OLDlERS I have 100-acre ranch wnlch 1 will sell and take second mortgage on. or full particulars ad dress AV 117, Oregonian. 5W ACRES. leveL cleared, fenced, good 3-room house, near WI1 lamina; $200 down, j. rt. fnarp. N3 Third st. 80-A. RANCH. 65 grain. 3 A. fruit trees. gooa earn, recce. Jura. Buthop, Junction I W viy, wr xl. a. I REAL ESTATE; For Sale Farms. Zdl ACRES. THE BEST BUT IN THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY. Now If you are In the market for a well-equipped farm, be sure to see this at once, as this ad will not appear again and the first one to look at It will buy. It is fully equipped and ready for money-making. In fact two years crop will pay ail expenses for running this place and pay for it. There is positively not another place like this one. Good buildings of all kinds; well fenced and cross-fenced ; 130 acres all In cultivation; 3 horses, harness, wagons, mower, binder, plows and aU tools to run place; 2 cows, 100 sheep. 20 goats, 100 chickens. On good gravel road and 6 miles off pacifio highway; 60 acres In full crop; good family orchard. Now Is the time to buy a farm and this Is a real buy at $17,300; $1230 cash. $3750 trade; $ 12,300. Your own terms at 6 per cent. There la danger In delay. See Brown, farm and acreage uepsriment, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., ' Realtors. Bdwy. 4751 410 Henry Bldg. CONSIDER SOLDIERS LOANS. 12S acres, 27 miles southeast of Port land, at electric station; one mile to school; 80 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed ,when cleared; land not under cultivation in pasture; black bot tom soil; bearing orchard; good 8-roora house with plumbing, barn 50x00, ga rage, cnicken house, tool house and other buildings. Included with place: 3 cows, 7 .heifers. 25 sheep, 3 brood sows, large line of machinery, feed, seed, etc. Price $123 per acre. Will divide the farm into 3 tracts and accept soldier's loan on each, 20 acres, ST miles from Portland, 7 miles from town; mile to school; set tled community; wire fences; 10 acres under cultivation, balance In pasture, no waste land ; good bearing orchard, ap ples, -pears, prunes, grapes, etc Good 6-room house, woodshed. Price $1600. $500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg. CATTLE RAIS-ERSI As the Olsalplant of Yucatan has made Mexican millionaires, so the QUILA In the Republio of Chile, South America, furnishes the source of wealth of the Chilean cattlemen; temperate climate, springs and creeks, winter without front or snow; evergreen qulla pastures, good markets, 1000 to 10,000-acre farms at $5 to $3.20 per acre; easy terms if de sired. English-speaking general man ager of the Bio Bo Land company with years of experience, always glad to as sist; land rapidly taken up; lat oppor tunity for bi cattle raisers: next and last party salla in a few weeks. Write box 212. Lewtston, Idaho. DAIRYMAN. UO WHERE YOU HAVE PASTURE ALL THE YEAR. Will tako some trade on shocked and equipped 200 acres. Has federal loan of $.'i000, leaving the owner $10,000 equity. 120 acres fine river bottom. very best of soil. 8-room modem house extra lajge modern barn, witl tie up 30 he.d of cows and room for SO tone of hay; family orchard ; small creek be tween houee awl barn; on good rock road, 6 niilee from town. 70 miles down Columbia river, in Washington, near grade and high school. 11 cows, some hogs, full line of tools and machinery. STEAVART ft JOHNSON, 315 N. W. Bank Bldg. A SPLENDID 20-ACRE HOME. Very sightly, fruits of all kinds, 8-rm. plastered house, fireplace, Dutch kitch en, bath, toilet and stationary wash rays; barn 36x40, another 20x24. two chicken houses and runs, hoghouses, water tower and tank, other necessary buildings. Two miles east of Oregon City. IS miles from Portland. The best of land. Price $7000; will exchange for house in Portland or Oregon City up to $4000. Some cash, 6 per cent on the balance. A. C. HOWLAND. 620 Main St., Oregon City, 3f HERE'S A MONEY MAKE 24 fine acres, improved. 3 acres beav- erdam, 7-room new house, large barn, large poultry house and other outbuild ings, water piped to the house and barn, good orchard, this is an ideal place, close in, railroad station on place, im provements alone could not be built for twice the price asked for all; $2400. half down, balance long time at-low rate of interest. See J. S. Culbertson, HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Railway Ex: Bldg. Bdwy. 3626. FARMERS. SUNNY ARIZONA offers you farming opportunities second to none in the United State; best schools, churches, roads, transportation facilities, markets, climate: raise prodigal crops, alfalfa, wheat, barley, corn, milo, maise, kaffir corn. peas, beans, melons, oats, sorghum vegetables, fruits; no finer soil, abundant water; either raw or improved lands, ready to deliver. Prices and terms right. TH K EVA.NS COMPAQ X , Box 1206. Tucson, Arizona. "DAIRYMEN'S PARADISE." ALFALFA LANDS. Crook county irrigated land near Prinevllle, Or., ta second to none In the state of Oregon In production of dairy products. Climate and reeding condi tions ideal; land may be purchased from $63 to $75 per acre on easy terms. We .will assist you In purchasing dairy cows If necessary. We want real farmers. See ua at once. J. L. KARNOPP ft CO., Bdwy. 6753. 310 Railway Exch. bldg. 6 ACRES SHORT WAY EAS.T OF GRESHAM. AHt in cultivation, oin good graved road with milk and mail route, a'lso stage, grocery and meat wagon, fair 4-room house, emal bam and chicken house, good cow, 12 chickens, good family or chard, all for $2300, if taken at once. STEWART & JOHNSON. 313 Northwestern Bank Bidg. RICH agricultural land, $1 per acre. We are booking settlers for an American colony. Abundance of rainfall. Ideal cli mate and good markets; stock requires no attention, fatten on native grass. Can ior maps ana aata. Bolivia Colonization Association, 600 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. MUST SACRIFICE alfalfa ranch on ac count of sickness. By owner. East 6031. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED One to three-acre improved going place with buildings near Port land, on good road. Give full descrip tion and lowest price for half caah balance terms. Client wants to get located by February l. U. S. MORTGAGE ft INV. CO., fi05 Yeon Bldg. WANTED GOOD HOMES. We have prospecta for Portland homes at right prices, if others failed to sell your property, list immediately with us. We sell service. FRANK McCRILLIS. 324 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 770. WEST SIDE SOUTH OF MILL ST. Have client wanting a good 6-room house in above district. Will make large down payment on a good buy. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. B25-S27 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 204vV Ail JN THE MARKET for a modern i or rj-room Dungaiow, in gooa a is t net, Price not to exceed $4000. Please quote. casn price; aiso price part casn. bal ance terms. Give full particulars. AN oregonian. WANTED. 2-flat dwelling on west side south, near Clay. Ask for J. T. Knappenburg. W " FRANK I. McGUIRE, Abirgton Bldg. Bdwy. 71 71 WE WANT lots In any approved district for residential or business purposes; list your property witn us ror results. COE A. McKENNA ft CO., P2 Fourth St. Main 4322. WANT moderately priced modern home on the west side not over $10,000 and well located. HENRY W. GODDARD. Realtor, 243 Stark Street. Bdwy. 7S31. WANTED Beet 5-room cottage that $2300 will buy in Sellwood district; $800 to shim) aown, oaiance monthly payments, City Hall Realty Co.. 267 5lh Main 64 20. WILL PAY CASH for small house under siioon. Must be real bargain and in good condition. Give full description, price, location and phone. Owners only. D JW. Oregonian. WANTED -AT ONCE. 6-room modern house, with one acre. Must have some fruit on; prefer garage; 8 miles from Portland; not over $3300. Owners only. AG 3iK. Oregonian. B-ROOM modern up-to-date bungalow, full cement basement, etc., Multnomah Sta tion. What have you to offer? AL 298. Oregonian. WANT to buy 3-room bungalow from some. body who can afford to sen at a reasonable- price; can pay $1000 down. Si 370. Oregonian. WOODED iot, either Beaumont, Rossmere, irvlngton or Alameda; o foot preferred. Cah if bargain. AO 3S2, Oregonian. WANTED One or two lota in Laurelhurst. o nign ran as. m pay caah. Call Tabor SlOfi. WANTED Residential lot from must be prced right for cash. Oregonian. owner; P 381, WILL pay cash for lot In Rose City Park with improvements In. Give lot and block number. C 3QH, Oregontan. FROM owneL 3 or 4-room bungalow near Rose City Wear. Will pay cash. 610 Ei'.ers bldg. WANT lots for Al Bdwy. 4336. Winther truck, lfc tons. WANT SNAP in good lot to $300. Builder. East fi-lKt. CH EVROLET louring car. Want a lot. Rodabaugh. Tabor 420fl. ANT 5-room house, out. place lor cow ana cmcaens. w oocuawn -.ix. WANTED RE L ESTATE. WILL pay cah around $7000 to $730O for good 6 or 7-room modern home, Ala meda. Rose City or Laurelhurst. I am a bona fide buyer and it is worth your while to answer this fully. I mean buauness. Am using this method to avoid being pestered, with agents. D 3:9. Oregonian. Farms Wavnted. IF YOU HAVE 30 TO 50 ACRES IN TUB NEWBERG OR DUNDEE DISTRICT. WITH 10 ACRES IN PRUNES. PR E FE R OLD BUI LPING S. W E W I L L SELL IT FOR CASH IN TEN DAYS IF PRICE IS RIGHT. OUR MAN WILL GO THURSDAY TO LOOK AT WHAT IS OFFERED. SO SHOOT QUICK. IF YOU WANT CASH. TELEPHONE US AT OUR EXPENSE. BROADWAY 5032. J. E. SHEARS REALTY COMPANY, 414-15-16-18 Hftnry Bldg. WANTED for client. 30 to SO acres good fruit land. Sherwood, Newberg or Dun dee, not more than 3 miles from town. R. M. Gatewood & Co.. I60H 4th st. Wanted to Kent Farms, WANTED TO RENT KMAI.I. PLAfEA Have several people wanting to rent acreage or email iarma. close to Fort land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leaaing for year or more. W e meke lots of salts this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANT to rent farm about 100 acres, land fit for potatoes. M. Tsugawa. care Pan- ama hotel. 52 N. 4th at., Portland. TIMBER LANDS. FOR SALE 2y20 acres Oregon timber, all or part. C. L. Jones, 121 E. 48th st., Chicago. I1L CANADIAN furms and rich prairie sod land; can exchange for timber. C Cole, 426 Lumbcrmens bldg. OVER 100.000,000 ft. of fine timber, rea sonable; other large tracts, Zimmerman, 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR RENT TARMS, SMALL dairy ranch on Yaqutna bay ,ten acres meadow, ten acres fine upland, lots of outrange; house, barn, and other out buildings; 60 fruit trees. Cash, In ad- vance. W. A. Mfltonberger. Yaqulna. Or. FOR RfiNT 40 acres; 30 acres cleared; 20 acres in crop, stock and implements for sale; near Rldgefleld, Waah. 702 Wash ington St., Vancouver. Wash. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. MY SON IS GOING AWAT. I am too old to operate this 400-acre stock ranch in Yamhill county and for a quick sale or trade, will sacrifice. 110 acres in cultivation, 40 more prac tlcnllv cleared, balance Is timbered cap ture with 20.000 cords of wood, fir and ' oak. Excellent water piped to house, barn and chicken houae. Plenty of wattr in pasture; extensive outrange. House of 6 rooms, 2 barns, 5 chicken houses; granary, machinery sheds. Good road past the house; daily mail; school one mile. My price Is only $25 per acre. Federal loan approved for $330i. I will take a home or small acreage to $.'tO00 and $1700 cash. This is a wondenful place lor stock. Excellent soil. See owner at RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-2-3-3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW 6-ROOM modern house near Ken ton. Price $4750. Cash $1000 or might take lot on first payment if in East Moreland. Ten-room house arranged for 8 families. Income $80 per month. Want Improved ranch. Close in on good road. Value about $8000. 230 acres near Kelso, Washington. Good soil. Near saw mill and within one mile of highway. Price $6500. Will exchange for house In Portland. JOHNSON & BROTHERS, 445 Washington Bldg. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE. For a 30 or 40-acre farm near Port land, must be free of Incumbrance for a stock of shoes, clothing, groctwles and feed ; also store building and dwellnig. Lo cated on main Pacific highway in a fine little town. Value about $7300. If you wish a good thriving business, investi gate this. F. L. BLANCHARD, Realtor, 401-2 SwetUnd Bldg. Bdwy. BRUO MR. TRADER HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Want to trade for a good dairy farm; have a large card room, good location doing about $150 per day, large profits; will seat 180; price $350O: will trade aa first payment; preferably Tillamook district; wilt assume up to $12,000. Mr. fitamphler, with I. E. SPENCER ft CO.. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce bldg. IF YOU have city" property ror farm or farm property for city, would be pleased to get in touch with you. Have been making trades for the past 15 years and have never had as many real proposi tions as now. No harm done If we fell to have what you want. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 327 Corbett bldg. FINE FLATS FOR TRADE. We have several very choice flat buildings, modern and in good residen tial districts, price $15,000 to $-25,000. Owners will consider good houses or other property as part pay. LU ED DEM ANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. STUMP lajid wanted. 600 ot 600 acres. Cowlitz county, Wash., exchange 160 aoree, all level, all under plow, fenced. good1 spring; house, 3 rooms, cellar, fire , pln.ee, bathroom; large barn. Joseph, Or.. Wallowa county. J. F. Wellman. 351 E. 57th st. N. DOWN-TOWN BLDG. & PROPERTY 30-ft. frontage, beautiful building, large net Income on investment; come in and I will tell you the rest. MR. WASHBURN. I. E. SPENCER ft CO.. 51T-21 Chamber of Commerce bldg. CANADIAN FARMS. Ner Ca.ipy and in the rich Red Deer valley, produced as high as 75 bushels per acre past season; well improved and raw land. Exchange for farms here, city property and timber. Claude Cole. 426 Lumbermena bldg. THE BEST GATE to investment Is in vestigate. What have you to trade for property good for $1 20 income 7 Can get $6000. 7 per cent, loan on this at once; must sacrifice; $2000 cash required or ciear property good ror loan; sell or traoe. Owner. East 3.100. 40 ACRES, Gooding county, Idaho, cleared, fenced; 20 A. ready for. water; $8000: $.O0 will handle; terms or what have your Also SO A. finest soil In S. W. Wash., quarter mile to rock road, 24 ml. from good town; $2500, your terms. Owner, AV 130. Oregonian. SALE or exchange for Portland property; ideal Hood River orchard, 13 acres in 12-year trees; Ortleys, Spitzenberg and Newtowns; 7 acres hay land; good farm houses, horses and Implements. By owner. Tel. Main 3311. TRADE ? TRADE ? TRADE? This beautiful apartment house, value $23,000; will take 1-3 other property. 1-3 cash; bal. ezy. L413. 3lr. Buholt, I. E. SPENCER ft CO., 317-21 Chamber of Commerce bldg. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. House equity, $1273, large grounds, fruit and berries; will take best car of fered. See Mr. Washburn, with I. E. SPENCER & CO., 517-21 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE HAVE 2 splendid ranches In the heart of the Yakima, Wash., Irrigated district, on which we can accept two Portland homes as part payment In trade. Wrhat have you ? Austln-O'Leary Realty Co., 835 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WE HAVE three 5-room houses and one furnished apartment house with equities of $14,500; will exchange for highly im proved ranch close to Portland. Prefer Newberg district. 419 Lumbermen's bldg. Winslow Co. OWNER TO TRADE WITH OWNER. 10 acres unimproved, 3 miles south of Beaverton and 80 acres timber 7 miles west of Forest Grove. Will trade either or both for good house and will assume small mortga ge. Wd'n. 2tUS. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring In your 'proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots', houses, acreage, farms or stocks of me-rchandise. E. R. a.. 712 Couch bldg, EXCHANGE OFFICE. City residences to exchange for well Improved small acreage. Also farm list ings. ROBNETT ft McCLURE. Realtors. Bdwy. 6374. 302 Couch Blrta. W ILL SELL or trade my equity of $:t.V in st. Hetens nome ror fortland property. oee mt. rtunoii, wun I. E. SPENCER ft CO.. 317-21 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE good 6-room bungalow on 64th st.. to trade for small apartment houue or income property. . Hlsgard, 320 Swetland b 1 dg. . or Auto. 312-07, evenln ga. HAVE $500 worth of stock in good going 9 corporation for late model car or real estate, wnat nave your ak. 3H5, Ore gonian. TO EXCHANGE 3-room house, modem, plumbing, etc , for 5-room modern house in good district, not to exceed $3500. U06 E. 33d St. V. WANT bungalow built. ' Have two small houses, 4 lots and cash. BC 309, Ore gon ian. WILL exchange lots near Irvlngton for late model automobile, or will sell. AG 803. Oregonian. $300 WORTH of stock In good paying cor poratlon ror part payment on late modeH auto on reai estate, p ana, oregonian. I WANT DENVER property to $3000 In exchange for Port- land. E. R. S-. Couch bldg. IMPROVED Hood River farm for Port land property; vaiue $30,ooo. P. U box 419. $60,000 WHEAT farm, Sherman Co., for apartment property. Bdwy 4336. FOR SALE or trade, 2 lots North Bund, Coos county, Oregon. Main 7414. TO Kxrn.woF REAL estate. WE CAN TRADE TOUR PROPERTY 4-room modern bungalow in the Pen insula district; price $2700. Will take your vacant lot as part payment. 4-room modern bungalow with floored attic; xround 100x120, with plenty of fruit: price $3630. Will take care of lot as part payment. 10-room modern bouse in good rent district; price $10,500. Will take small house up to laooo. 1. acres, 10 miles out. right at eta tlon. fair set of bldgs. ; price $3200. Will laae noma in x'ortiana to same vaiue. 20 acres, near Portland, stocked and equipped; very good proposition; price $6300. Will take home in Portland up to $3500. We have many other farms to trade ror city property. List your traaes wun us. We can match you on any reason able proposition. Call at the office and alk It over with Mr. Stephenson, of the FRED W. GERMAN CO., .Realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. NEW AND second-hand furniture and hardware store. Willamette valley town, near Portland; $3Sm: will trade for acreage, some in. cultivation, balance timber or pasture. Oregon or vt ashing ton. Might assume some on right place. W K S I ; KIN UKUK fc. OA UK (JO., 817 Northwestern Bank Bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCET,LA EOUS. FIRST-CLASS Aldtch upright piano for Ford touring car In good mechanical condition, good tires and 1922 license. (ail AUTO. 324-34. 2 BOATHOUSES, 1 Cadillac car. 1 station ary gas engine and several motor boats, B. H. Craig, ft. E. Cherry st. East 8650. EOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livestock. J UST ARRIVED FROM MY RANCH AT WALLOWA. EASTERN OREGON. Carload of choice draft horses and mares consisting of some closely matched teams and single horses, from 1200 to 180O, all well broken to work and In splendid condition. Call at East Side Transfer Stables, 180 E. Sth street. n . n a.a a r, , i' wrier. FOR SALE On carload horses, weight 1500 to 1800 lbs.. 4 to 6 years old; ail halter broken.-some broke to work. Can bo seen at Waterman, Or., 60 miles south ot conuon, or write ior particuiara Strauoe Bros.. Waterman. Or. $100 BUYS good, aound, 30410-lh. team of horses, best of workers- 342 Commercial court, near ttusseii, net. (Commercial ana Kerby sts. 2 loo-i'OU Nl) team of mules, 3 and i years old; both gentle and well broken. 240 E. Sth street. 2 YOUNG, fresh cows with calves. 1 Jersey ana Ayrsiure, jo; j. roan Durham, $iu. ai2 r runt si. THRIFTY Duroc and China pigs. 7 weeks old, at 5. Oscar Casn. Sunny side, Clackamas, route 1, box 103. TWO UoOD Jersey cows with heifer calves; tubercular teste d. 24Q E. 8 1 h VETERINARIAN. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses Call day or and cattio taken quickly. nigntJ Automatic o-' -tn HORSES, harness and wagons for aula cneap. k. atn street. Pianos, Org in a and .Musical Instrumenta, $ 35 GRAFONOLA. 10 used record$ 25 05Stradlvara and 10 used records. 43 140 Pathe. cabinet. 20 , used records-. 03 173 Sonora. cabinet, 20 used records. 145 140 Brunswick, 20 used records .... 05 175 Columbia, cab., 20 used records. 115 $3 sends one home, then $3, $3 and up monthly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 Tenth st.. at Washington st. NEW LOCATION. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WKST PARK. BETWEEN STARK AND WASH I N G TON. PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED. RENTED. SoJ.D. WILL trade piano, player piano or phono graph, your own selection, for electrical wiring and lighting fixtures, Foley - Meagly Music Co., 106 5th sL Bdwy. 6300. KINGfiUL'RY plain mahogany case piano : first-class condition ; only $301); this la a real bargain; terms given. Selberling. Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st.( bet. Wash, and Aider. $20. $30. $40. $06, $00 and $100 closing out new ami used phonographs. Terms $3 cash. $3. $4, S3 and SO month. Schwan Piano Co., 101 Tenth at Wash, and Stark. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed French Piano Co.. 12th and Wash lngton. PIANO TUNING and repairing by expert workman; all work guaranteed. Seiber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st. Bdwy. 6376 LARGE period design phonograph, slightly shop worn at a big reduction; only $185; terms. G. F. Johnvon Piano Co.. 140 6th st. PLAY ER ROLLS, bS-note special this week, $1 for package of 6; every roil guaranteed, no duplicates. G. F. John son Piano Co., 140 flth st. A.Z drum outfit. Includes bass drum, snare drum, foot pedals, cymbals, drum Stand, wood block and triangle, $75. G. F. Johnson Piano Co, 140 th st. $200 CASH buys $750 Planista player piano, Includ ing bench and 40 player rolls'. Security Storage Co., 103 10th. cor. Stark. STORY & CLARK, beautiful walnut case, equal to new $:i00; terms given. Sei . berilng-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th at., Wash, and Alder. 130 MARSHALL WENDELL piano, up right; Stelnway $130; Hinzeman $125; terms given. Selbcrllng-tLucius Music Co., 125 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder. PHONOGRAPHS repaired; any make; quick service; work guaranteed. Seiber- ling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st, Bdwy. 6376. CAMBRIDGE piano, plain manogany case; equal to new and reasonable; see It; terms given. Selberlirig-Lucaa Music Co., i tin at. KRANICH & BACH mahogany baby grand piano, used leas than 1 year, $000. East Z.4. MARTIN "C saxophone, silver with gold bell, complete with case, $101.75; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th at. STU DENT'S violin outfit, includes violin, bow, case, ronin and extra strings, $18, G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 Oth st. FOR RENT Piano, Gruf. Jate records, $3 month; let rental apply on purchase price. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 1 33. BO V SCOUT drums; made two sizes, $6.30 and $7.50. son Piano' Co.. 140 6th st. by Ludwig; G. F. John- WE WILL trade you a new Victruia or Cheney phonograph for your old piano. O. F. Johnson Piano Go., 1-10 6th st. KIM HALL piano, new. $31)5; terma given. Setter ling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder. SCHILLING ft SON oak case piano; only $275; terms given. Selnerling-LiKis Mu s:c Co.. 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANOS moved, $3, Kround floor; work dune by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. $103 CASH. Secures $450 Haliett & Davis upright Security Stornge Co., 103 loth, cor Stark. $05 AND $75 CASH. Buys two small upright pianos. Security Storage Co.. 103 10th. cor. Stark. BEAUTIFUL walnut Willard piano, as good as new, $205; terms. G. F. John son Piano Co, 140 6th st. KRELL piano in walnut case; a bargain, $200; ttrnifc G. F. Piano Co , 140 6th st. splendid Johnson $tS0 H. 31. CABLE piano, latest, brand new, rtkl cheap; make an offer. Terms. 812 Worcester bldg. $375 KOHLER A CAMPBELL piano, latest manugany, -ou, .erms, oiz Worcester bldg. $650 JESSE FRENCH piano, latest ma hogany, only $275, on terms. Brokerage Co., 312 Worceater bldg.. 3d and Oak sts. $0OO LIN DERM A N & SONS piano. Just brana new, -to, terms. J12 Worcester bldg- $050 JEWETT piano, mahogany, orily $100, te-ms. 312 Worcester bldg. $175 BUYS floe piano, Kimbail make. 3lS Worcester bidg., 3d and Oak sts. WANTED UiKd piano for ail caah! Ctiv, Udwy. 154H weekdays. $200 BUYS $7W McPhall piano. 312 Wor cester bldg. Brokerage Co. $150 BUYS fine piano, upright. $350 Smith ft Barnes 312 Worcester bldg $tDO McCAM ON piano, nice upright, $100. Brokerage Co.. 312 Worcester bldg . WAITED To buy piano for spot caah If re a so nahle. East hfrl2. WANTED Bargain in used piano for casb- Call Broadway 1348 week da CASH FOR YOUR PIANO. Highest prices paid. Broadway 2010. $150 BUYS fine-toned Chickering A Sons piano, on terms, ai.' nri?at or b I d g . PIANO wanted, cash proposition, but must be cheap. Bdwy. 6576. FOR $63 NICE cabinet grafonoii Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. WILL TRADE new vlctrola tor ustd piano. Bdwy. 6576. PIANO wanted from private party; will pay cash for bargain. Marshall 1 532. Columbia grafun iia, 400 Maeglv-Tifhner bldg. record. $53. Main 2230. $125 BUYS fi tie-toned upright piano; terms. Brokera ge Co.. 312 Worcester bldg FOR SALE case. $2O0, iae & 1 piano; Phone East S4S3. CABINET grand piano for rent, $3 month. Why pay 16? 5i3U Glisan. EDIM )N phonograph la rge. machine. WoodSawn 5083. beautiful JVJULpay cash for used piano, Bdwy. 7424, FOR SALE. t'iamts. Organ anu Musical Instruments. FOR SALE. A WEBBR 8S-NOTK THERMODTST PLAYER PIANO. MAHOGANY CASH. THIS PIANO HAS BEEN USED IN TH fiJ HOME Or OUR MR. CLARKE AND IS IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. MAT BB INSPECTED AT OUR STORE. 81 FLOOR. PRICK $;30, A BARGAIN. PRICE TODAY FoK A NEW ONtt IS tlOUO. WOODARD. CLARKE ft CO.. . PARK AT ALDER ST WE HAVE a fine line of used phono graphs at prices that will suit your pocket book. Brunswick cabinet, mah., $100 and $75; Columbia cabinet, wav, . $H5; Edison, mah., cabinet, $203 style,. $175; Victor table machines at $50 and $43. Colombia table machines at $37.30 and $20; terma G. F. Johnson Plana Co.. HO th st. LI PM A N, WOLFE ft CO., CLOSING OUT Martin Bros., upright piano ......$173 Hinxe-Kimball upright piano 103 Ballet ft Davis upright piano 213 Wellington upright piano B3 Schubert A Co. upright piano ..... 2ti3 Smith ft Barnes upright piano 315 $10 each, $rt and $8 a month, 7th floor. I.lpman. Wolfe ft Co. CLEARANCE OF USED PIANOS. $123 Haliett A Davis upright $165 450 H. P. Nelson, large walnut ... 215 Ioo Steger A Sons, mission1 3i3 loO Stelnway ft Sons, rosewood .... Sn5 730 Kranich ft Bach, oak 203 Parlor organs, $18. $25. $35, $45 to $08. Terms.' $10 or mors cash, $3. $6. $S, $10 monthly. Schwan Piano Co.. 101 10th tt. USED PHONOGRAPHS. Vlctrola, style X with records .$100 Brunswick, with records? new 10 Brunswick, large sisa, gold plated, with records 240 SEI BER LINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th St.. Bet- Wash, and -Alder. Furniture for hide. rURNITURB BARGAINS. SALS OF THE FORMER METER ft FRANK and ottwr stock of FTTtN7TTTW. RTTGS, DRAPERIES ETC 4 Damaged at wareihouse and r moved to 840-851 OAK 8T.. Bet. Broad ww y and Park SC Acroas trom Telephone Co. We are offering above stocks att prices unheard of before. Resj. $300 wool yejour ovr si uf fro! suits, consisting of davenport, chair and rockT. now $16.50 Rw. $ inn tApewtry daven port. sporhi.1 60.00 Reg. $123 vcbour davenport, special 65.00 Reg. $30 genuine leather overstuffed rocker 26.30 Mahirxtany davenport table, period design 15.00 Complote assortment of mahjocflTiy or walnut gaie- k"g tables at a big saving. AlrLhogajiy piano lamps. . 900 Silk la-mp shades. , V Pries Solid oak period extension table, up from ...s $ 18.00 Mahogany or walnut ex ttmstlofi table. Queen Anne find WrlHam and Mary design 20.00 Dining chairs, all finishes, at big savings. Reg. $47.30 buffet, now... 25.00 Ivory gate-leg tables, spe cial T.B0 Reg. $4 SO 'genuine wa-lout bedroom suite, consisting of dresser, chllfrobo, vanity chjw and bow-foot bed. aa fine aa thwre is made; spclHl SEX). 00 Reg. $237.30 6-plece Ivory bedroom suit e. all hard wood, for omly 122.O0 Row. $37.50 ivory dresser, iMTg e m 1 rror , now 23 . 00 Reg. $25 ivory dresser, 16x24 plate mirror IS. 00 Reg. 0O ivory triple mir ror dressing tabto 17.50 Reg. $25 ivory wood beds now 12.30 2-ln. poat steel bod, large filk-rs 8.71 Pure silk floss mattress, , h-eavy art covering, ape- I cial V 14.21 Reg. $18.50 coU springs, a$ saxes 0 9.2S 9x13 wool Wilt on rrura, with linen fringe, t pat terns, special 41.23 8-3x10-6 Wirton ruga to match i.-jS 87.25 9x12 Axmlnster rugs, only 4 left 23.25 9x 12 seamless Brussels, speclail 18.75 9x12 seamless velvet rugs, special 24.00 8x10 grass rugs, specfail.... 4.b5 Reg. $2.75 wooil velvet car- ' pet,' now. yd 1 6B 24-lnch statr carpet, yd . . . 40c Peg. K3c pro-linoleum, now, yard 42o Reg. 1 $13 portieres, good eetlection, pr. 4.00 And a thousand other bargains too numerous to mention. 340-351 Oak St. COHN BROS.. Directors. DAVENPORTS. We manufacture a line -of overstuffed davenports and chairs equal to the best lines made In the east, superior frame construction ; best filling material used ; expert workmanship; you can see your davenport built; many styles, large as sortment of coverings In mohairs, ve lours, tapestries and denims. Few tarn p!fs at rock-bottom prices. Phone 63.1-27. evenings and Sundays, Tabor B707 or 035-27. Michaelson-Mayson, Inc., 5433 Foster road. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and reflnishing. Money loaned on goods. In storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 62 4th St.. Opp. Mutnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. HIGH-GRADE FURNITURE FOR SALE. Sacrillce beautiful new furnishings of 4-room apt., mahogany, walnut and Ivory, rugs, draperies, linens, silver, bed ding, china, mirrors, lamps, Brunswick, pictures and bric-a-brac; nothing sold separately. Proa d way 230K. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through oars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. LEAVING city, will ell furniture of 4 rootn apartment, mahogany, Ivory, wal nut. Silverware, linens, bric-a-brac, at drastic reduction; nothing sold sepa rately. Call 0-12. 5-8. Broadway 2308 DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for salesman. I RWIN-HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10th and Stark Sts Bdwy. 8144. 1 WHITE itary sewing mu chine, nearly new; al-so other household furniture. jiMH Mai Wiry. Sfll. 1107. 3 FINE new genuine leather covoied rockers with wing back, $45 value for $22 50. M. 4477. KRANICH & BACH mahogany baby grand piano, used leas than 1 year, $000. East BA BY cr:b, excellent condition. 3224. 74" Irving st. FURNITURE for ;ik. 444 Hawthorne ave., between Seventh f n I Eighth streets. Office Furniture. SEE OUR LINE of n-w and uf-ed (leaks, files, tables, chairs, etc., and you will find the prices lowest In the city; type writes, add. niHrhln-s. dtctaphonus, time clock, office furniture. R nt d. D. C. Wax, 24-20 N 3th. Bdwy. 2780. WEST load C )AST dry Call Wdln. h.-x od $1.50 per Poultry. 12.000 CHICKS hatched every 5 days from our own eggs; fcuoo tra p-nested White Leghorns, eg records 230 to 3oO; dHy old chicks, egns for hatching, breeding ntock Fine Illustrated circular fr-e. Yesterlaid Ekk Ranch, New ' York block. Seattle, W.ish. S. C ENGLISH White Leghorn setting eggs for sale, $7 per hundred; our 1 year 100 or l'H0 lots. Jos. Saunders. Route 2. Portland. Or. IBOKOUGHUREDS, 3 White Wyandottes and rooster, 10 Buff Leghorns and roost er. starting to l-y: t'2U for lot. East 1S7I. Typewriters. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange ; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $30 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO 91 Fifth St. Main 3668 FOR RET L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial ra; to students. L. C. Smith ft Bros Typewriter Co. 800 Spalding b.dg Hdwv. 073. RE-'.'AlKS. rent, buy, sell : supplies Type wrlter Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 3540. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates, P. D, Co., 231 Stark at. Main 14ul. 1