THE MORNING OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 21. 1922 i V I SUGAR MARKET IS 1 we mm Two Refined Advances Result From Higher Raws. OTHER STAPLE LINES FIRM Te Prices Stronger With Small Domestic Supplies Demand for Coffee Improving. la addition to the 10-cnt advanc In refined ausar, which took affect Voter day mornlna. another 10-cent advanco will fee effect! v today, local Jobbers announced. Tha new quotations will ba $9 a hundred on cane granulated and $5.70 on beet car. Both change, followed advances In California refinery price, which re flected higher markets east. The stronger position of the raw sugar market Is the to aals for the advances in refined grades. Moderate domestic supplies and reporta f stronger conditions abroad have resulted In an Improved buying movement In teas, and prices of moat descriptions ara tend ing upward throughout the country. For xnoaaa wera especially active, and quota tions on these have been advanced. Cey lons and Javaa are also In brisk request, nd prices are very firm. Trading In apot coffee was slightly trior e active, although a lea were unusually moderate. The un dertone of the market appears to have improved, and,- while the recent setback has not bfen entirely recovered, prices are tnurh atendlor than a week ago. Reports of a possible shortage within the near future have stimulated buying of pices,, as dealers are desirous of provid ing for any continKcnt-y that may ar.;. Vhile purchases, as a rule, are small, they are numerous and represent quite a sub stantia I business In the aggregate. The demand for condensed milk at alt points showed some Improvement but, as . supplies are adequate to meet all require ments, there has been no material change In prlrrs. In the line of canned vegetables, corn nd .tomatoes, especially the latter, are In brisk demand and prices tend upward, whereas other products are being taken In a routine way. Although trading In dried fruits as a lino Is quiet, the market for peaches and Inrlcots Is strong, while prunes are In otsk request and are advancing. Kaivins are' -i.l. and not much interest la she wn In currants. Dates, however, are selling more freely. KXPOKT FLOUR. 15 CKNTS II U. HER. So Change Made Yet In Bakers or Fa m 1 ly Grades. Kxport flour prices were advanced M cent a barrel yesterday In the export markets of the- northwest. The rise was due to the steady advance that haa lately occurred In the wheat market. No change haa been mado in bakers' or family grades of flour, but these are naturally firm. With the eastern markets a shade lower, wheat traders at the Merchants' Kxchanire put out bide a cent under those of Thursday. There was little trading here or in the country. Farmer have firm opinions and the growing scarcity of some of the desirable milling grades also Influences them to hold. The export wheat situation fails to Improve. Eastern reports were of for eign business In corn to Denmark, but little wheat trade. In regurd to Argen tina's efforts to aell la Europe, Broomhall cabled. . "Shippers continue to press their offers for new wheat and together with the re sellers offers, the markets are showing signs of breaking. The European demand Is not able to abunrb the large quantities of wheat now being forced upon It." Argentine shipments this week were 9,223,000 buehels of wheat, 744.000 bushels of corn and 733,000 bushels of oats. North American exports this week were 7, T50, 000 bunhels of wheat and flour and 8.750.000 bushels of corn. The Liverpool wheat market closed 4d lower and corn Hd higher. Buenos Aires wheat opened 0C, highsr and 'corn 1 cent higher. Terminal receipts. In cars, were re ported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Portland Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Trlday .... 87 .... 4 3 4 Tear ago... 63 Wn to date.21.8ttH Tear ago... 0,784 T a coma Thursday .. 61 Tear ao. . . 1 Hn to date. 7.331 Tsar ao... 3,107 Seattle Thursday .. 21 Tear ago... 21 P'n to date. 3 ?'.'! Tear ago... 8.25 3 11 140 1443 58 10i3 17o 4U8 341 1373 2 2 7 AM Pfl 043 47 Oil 7 617 5 .... 8 2 2 2 13 147.1 203 1O02 177 2U8 1047 APPLES STEADY AND DEMAND LIGHT Local Movement Checked by Adverse Weather Improvement In East. The local apple trad has been -affected by adverse weather conditions, but prices have held steady and a better business is anticipated In the coming week. The only carlot sales reported In the Interior were at Wena tehee. Winesaps. choice, medium to large at 81-60; fancy, mall to very small at 31.40; choice at 1.15; extra fancy. 10 per cent, five-tier, at The eastern apple markets were steady to firm. At the New York auction, 1470 boxes of Oregon Newtown,- extra fancy, large, sold at 33.10tf3.15: medium. $2.3." 2 :; with a small lot at 1- 20; fancy large. 82.434)2.80; medium, $..16tg2.4; choice medium to large. $2.102.60; 700 boxes Fpttsenbcrgs, extra fancy, large, $:i.00ffr3 20; medium, $ J. 60 2.10; small, $2.102.30; fancy medium, 32.33 tj 2.6.1; small, -.Oitr2.23; choice, large, small lot, $...V. medium, $2'.'U&2.40; small, $1.90 V 2.10; 3100 boxes Newtowns, extra fancy, large to very large, 82.703.00; medium, 8J-1O&2.70; small to very small, 82.10 2.44); fancy, large to very large, $2,750 3.00; medium, $2.35tf26A; small to very small, 82.102.20. Northwestern boxed apples sold to New York Jobbers at the following range: tipltxenhergs. extra fancy, large to very large, 83.253.M); medium to small, 32.73 (it 3. 00; fancy, large to very largee, 83.00 tf .1.10; row high as 83.23; medium to small, 32.40(?2.7o. Stay mans, extra fancy, iavge to very large, $3 25 V 3.50; medium to small, 32.75tr3.00; fancy, large to vary large, 82.75U3.00; medium to small, 82.50 02.60; C grade, medium to large, $2.50 2.60. Newtowns. extra fancy, large to very large. 33.0OO3 .23; few high as 33.50; medium to small, 8-.60&2.T5; fancy, large to very Urge, $2.75 U 3 00; medium to small, 32.4062.exi; C grade, all sixes, 82.23&2.50; few high as 82.65. - Romea, extra fancy, large to very large, 83.00 3.25; medium to small. 82.50&2.73; fancy, large to very large. $...756 3.00; few htgh as 33.10; medium to small, 32.402 60; C grade, medium to small, $2.C5 2.30, Total carlot shipments froti all states More Capons We have a good outlet. Can use them either live or drexted. Cheek mailed name day shipments arrive. Write for prices and tags. THE SAYINAR CO., INC. 200 Front ritrret Portland. Or. for th. Kuoa to date have been 70,578 calm, against 89.064 In tbe Sam. period last eaaon. FOUK-C'EST ADVANCE IV EGGS. Association Pat Out New List Quoting Select, at 40 Cents. Ess price, were advanced 4- cent, yes terday by the Pacific Poultry Producer, to 40 cent, for .electa; 38 cent, for firsts, and 88 cent, for pullets. Receipt, during the day were light. Opinions on Front street varied, aome of the dealer, believing the market had an easier undertone be cause of the favorable change In the weather. . Namerous Inquiries from the country as to price. Indicated that farmers and country dealer, have been holding back supplies. The butter market was firm with prints going out regularly at the new advanced quotation. There was also a better de mand for cubes. Poultry and dressed meats were In mod erate supply and prices were steady. Butter Inspection at San Francises. Through arrangement, recently com pleted by the California state department of agriculture with th. United State, de partment of agriculture, an Inspection serv ice on butter will be established on the San Francisco market at an earlr date. Frank H. McCampbell, who has been In charge of the federal reporting service on dairy and poultry products in San Fran cisco, will be appointed by the state de partment of agriculture as state inspector. He will continue the market report serv ice for the department and also serve ss Stat, and federal butter inspector. This is not a new service for the federal de partment, for at Boston. Chicago. New York and Philadelphia, there haa been maintained an Inspection service for sev eral years. In establishing this Joint serv ice in San Francisco the same identical standards will b. employed, whether the Inspection be made under the state or fed eral lawa World Wheat Kxport. Increase. World shipment, of wheat last week and the same week laat year were: WH. End. Wk. tlnd. Jan. 14-12. Jan. 15-21. . 7.7.18.r'0 7.564. OttO , . 3K3.IKM) 20.0(H) . 3.21K.OO0 1,416.000 4H4.O00 O88.000 U. 8. and Canada.. Argentine Australia Othera Total 12.023.000 9.088.000 Shipments for the season to date com pare as follows: Total since Same period .lulyl-:.'!. Last season. U. S. and Canada. 2H1 .K.1.1.0DO 211 ,8K2,ll(M Argentina 18,42.(ofl 30.30m.ihhi Australia 4I.IC0.OO0 in 070 000 Others 3,2:itl.0H) 3.K0X.0OO Total .327.8Kft.O00 . 321.068,000 Butter Reserve. Are Light. A decrease of over 10.o00.000 pounds in storage butter holdings and an Increase of nearly half a million cases of eggs on the first of the year, as compared with a year before, are shown in the government re port of stocks held on those dates. The official figures follow: Jan. 1-22. Jan 1-21. Creamery butter, lbs. 4s.,tftl,ooo S,82 Mn American cheese, lbs. 27,42.0H 34,115'otifl Eggs, cases HhH.uw 408. wo Bank ClraruigH. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were an follows: . Clearing.. R.l.n.. I-orilana ..14. 07ft. H49 Seattle 5.077.087 Tacoma bank transactions.... Spokane bank transactions.... 1 1 .1 4! 1.077.HS3 2.14S.44H 3,201.518 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATION! Grain. Flour. Feed. Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: -Hld.- Mar. $1.12 1.10 1.10 1.12 1.(0) 7.06 '27.50 2(1.50 .26.00 26.00 26.00 4 00 23.73 Wheat Jn Vh Hard white .'...1I2 $11 Soft while J. io l!l0 White club l in Hard winter 1.12 1 12 Northern spring 1.09 l.nil Red Walla l.Od 1.06 Oats No. 2 white feed ,27.50 27.50 N'o. 2 gray 26.50 26.50 Barley Brewing Corn No. 2 K. T. shipment. .24 00 24.00 No. 3 E. Y. shipment. .23.75 23 73 r-lAJUR Family patents. 17 per barrel; whole wheat, J6 20; graham, 8; bakers' hard wheat. 0.0; bakers' blueatem pat ents. 10 40; valley soft wheat. (5 45. straights, $5.25. M1LL.FEED Price f. o. b. mill: Mill run, ton lota, 22; mixed cars, $21: straight cars. 20 per ton; middlings. 134; rolled barley. $34&r3; rolled oata. 136; scratch feed. $44 per ton. CORN White. $32; cracked, $35 per ton HA X Buying price f. o. . b. Portland: Alfalfa. 114.50 per ton; cheat, 110.50 11: oat and vetch. 14.50815; clover. $1112; valley timothy. 114&15; eastern Oregon timothy. 116&17. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras 33c per pound; parchment, wrapped, box lots. 88c; cartons, 3ttc Butterfat. buying prices: No. 1 grade 84c. delivered Portland. EQUg Buying price. 31o case count; Jobbing prices, case count. 3c; candled ranch, 85&86c; association firsts, 38c; as sociation selects. 40c'; association, pullets, 86c. CHEESE Tillamook triplet., price to Jobbera, t. o. b. Tillamook. 26c; Young Americas. 27c pound POULTRY Hens. 1827c; springs. 22e; ducks, 22fi28c; geese. 20c; turkeys, live, nominal; dressed, 42c. PORK Fancy. 12i4o per pound. VEAL, Fancy. 16 He per pound. Fruit, and Vegetable., Local Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Navel oranges. $4(96.23 box: lemons, 14.7506: grapefruit. $467 per box; bananas. 8vc per pound; apple.. $13.25 per box; cranberries, eastern. $20 per barrel. POTATOES Oregon. $1.30(91.73 per 100 pound.; ;' Yakima, $1.7532 23 per 100 pounds; sweet potatoes, 54f3o per pound; Nancy Hall, $2 50 per crate. ONIONS Yellow. 167 per 100 pounds VEGETABLES Cabbage, 804c per pound; lettuce. $3.253.73 crate: carrots $2 per aacks garlic. 15c per pound; green peppers, 8594uc per pound; beets. $2 per sack; celery. $7 0 7 50 per crate; cauli flower. !22.25 per crate: squash, 43c: sprouts. liSc: turnips, 12 per sack; pars nips. $202.50 per sack; tomatoea $5 50 per lug; artichokes, 12 per doseq. Staple Groceries, Local Jobbing quotations. 8UQAR (sack basis) Cane,' granulated. 6c pound; beet, 5.70c per pound. NUTS Walnuts, new crop. 23936c per pound; Brasil nuta 23c; almonds. 27c; peanuts. 11914c per pound. RICE Blue Rose, 7c per pound; Japan style. 6c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk. In drums. ISO 85 c per pound. SALT Granulated. bales. 11 2094.04; half ground, ton, AOs. $17; 100a. $16. HONEY Comb, new crop. $5 5008 per case. DRIED FRUITS Dates. 18023c per pound: figs. $1.40S50 per box: apple., 13c pound: peaches. 16c; apricotav 23c; prunes, 10(0 13c. , BEANS Small white. 3.8.1c: Isrg. whit. 4c; pink. 6c; bayo. 6.63c; red. 6a Hide., Hop. Ete. HIDES Salt hides. 6c; salt balls, 4fl 5c; green bulla lc less: salt calf. 12c; salt kip. 7c; salt horse hides. HOI each; dry hors. hides. 0cf $1 each; dry hides. c; dry cull hide., half price. PELTS Dry pelts, 10012c long wool): dry short wool pelts, half pries; salt pelts. 50c 1 each; dry goat skins, $10 (loot hair); shearings and short wool skins at vtiue. TALLOW No, 1. 4tte: No. S, Stto per pound. CASCARA BARK 6c a pound delivered. Portisnd. HOPS 1021 crop. 13 61 20c per pound. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 154r30ac per pound: valley, 129140 per pound. MOHAIR Long staple 20c; short stsp'.s 13c pound. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sixes, 274 31c; skinned, 370 picnics. 20c; cottage roll. Sic BACON Fancy. S7ft43o; choice. 230 80c: standard. 229 25c. LARD Pure, tlercee, 13H. pound: eom pressed, tierces. 18c DKT SALT Backs. 1821o; plates, 13a . Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw In barrels. 8c: .-gallon cans. $1.04. Boll.d. in barrela 91c; 3-ga'ilon cans. $1.04. TURPENTINE In drums. $1.15: (-gallon cans. $1.30. WHITE LEAD 100-pound kegs, 12 He per pound. GASOLINE Tank wagoaa and Iran bar r.U. 26c: cues sstac. FLURBY 1H STEEL STOCKS WIDE ADVANCES AXD DECLINES IX SEVERAL ISSUES. w York Sngar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Raw sugar, cen trifugal. 3.73c; refined, fine granulated, fie. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 2.0. Spot Cotton, qui.l; middling, 18.00c Other Speculative Shares Partici pate in Day's Excited Move-, merits; Railroad Bonds Firm. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Th. stock mar ket today experienced one of its most sen sational session, sine. th. 1918-18 period when "war brides" soared to record quo tations. Intimations from responsible sources that progress was being made in the proposed mergers or consolidations of var ious steel and Iron companies wsa a pro pelling factor. The movement, which consisted of be wildering advances and declines in the more speculative shares, began with Gulf States Steel. That stock made a fur ther advance in the first hour of 8H points to 00 Vs. reacted 20 points and closed at 71 Vs. a net loss of 10V points. Replogle Steel divided ' honors with Gulf States for a time, making an early gain of 10H points to 41. falling back to 34 and closing at 85. a net gain of 4 points. Other steel and Iron shsres. especially Bethlehem. Crucible. Midvale. - Sloss Shef field. Republic. Vanadium and Colo rado Fuel oc Iron were higher by- 2 to 6 points, but these also followed the con fusing course of their leaders. United states Steel became strong in the final hour, closing at 87. a 2-point gain and its highest price in more than a year. Sugara, motors, oils, equipments, leath ers, textiles and shippings were succes sively brough forward, apparently under professional auspices snd to the discom fiture of the shorts, but rails remained In the background, recording few note worthy changes. Among miscellaneous Issues, Electric Storage Battery, at a gain of 6 points, and Woolworth. which rose 7 points, were the striking features. Sales were 1,160,000 shares. The money market was easy, call loans holding at 5 per cent and renewing into next week at that figure, while offerings of time money at 41 to 4 per cent were on enlarged scsles. Trading In foreign exchanges was in moderate volume, but International re mittances were influenced by' cables In dicating further tension in the Anglo French situation. Sterling reacted 1V4 cents and continental rates were lower by 2 to almost 25 points.- I.iberty bonds eased, but other domestic Issues, especially rails, were Inclined to strengthen. The several Cuban? issues re flected the strength of that group of stocks. Total sales, par value, aggregated fl5.275.000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com- nunv nl lJor(laiid.i Sales. High. Low. 1.2(h) .'.4 53 KM) Adams Exp.. Advance It.. do pfd Asr ("hem... do pfd .... AJax Rubber. Alaska Gold. cirT Juneau. Allied C'hem. Allls-Chal. .. do pfd . . . Am B Sugar. Am Hosrh... Am Can Co.. do pfd .... Am C & F... do pfd .... , Am Cot Oil.. do pfd Am Drug Syn Am H & L. . do pfd .... Am Ice Am Intl Corp Am Linseed. . do pfd .... Am Loco.... do pfd . Am S Razor. Am S & C. Am Smelter.. do pfd .... Am Steel Fdy Am Sugar... do pfd .... Am Sumatra Am T & T.. Am Tobacco. do pfd "B" Am Wool . . . Am Wool pfd do pfd.... Am Zinc ... Anaconda ... Assd Oil .... Atchison ... do pfd .... A (i & W I.. Baldwin L.. do pfd .... Balto & O... do pfd .... Beth S "B". Booth Fish . . B R T Butte C A Z. Kutte A S.. Burns Bros.. Caddo Oil... Calif Packing Calif Pet.. do pfd .... Can Pac Cen Leather. Cerro de Pas Chandler M. Chso 4 V W. Chi Gt W.... do pfd .... Chill Corp.... Chlno C M St P do pfd .... Coco Cola. . . C & O Colo F tc I... Colo Southern coi a & e Collin Graph. Con Gas Cons Cigars.. do pfd .... Contl Can ... Cities Soc Bkr Corn Prod .... do pfd .... Cosden oil... C it I & P do A pfd... do B pfd... Crucible ..... do pfd .... Cuba Cane... do pfd 1.0'Hl 5W0 1.000' '- 50 14 31 Ml 13 1. 1 00 1.200 '3.100 iioo 3.000 100 100 'twin 200 400 1.4(10 2,300 400 2.700 0011 200 2.8110 Voii 2.700 2.401) 100 3.3(H) 7,500 800 1 ,200 3.100 loo 10(1 4.2(H) 3.300 1.100 1.100 6.700 200 2,100 400 2.1100 20,100 'i.'soo 000 19. 500 100 800 400 3,400 0OO i.'o'oo 2.2(H) 100 3.300 10.100 200 20.300 l.r.oo 100 iiiioo 000 1.5O0 2. 7o0 1,300 500 4.700 100 8.300 2. 200 1,000 6,100 VilSOO 1.400 . 300 2o! 800 500 11.800 11.300 5HH 42 's.ivi 37-- S.12 .-. 146 Vi 'iiii 42 . 5 13 61 Vi 84 40i 31 Vs 57 Vj 105 ."414 47 91 32 63 94 33 14 117 131V 5014 44(4 "ii's 3S'4 34-), 05 14614 '22" 43 5 1414 3! , 85 41?4 32', 5H 106 "4 "414 V 47 HI 33 6H 94 34 117 13114 '83 '82' 23 13 V4 40 11 714 87 2914 06 '34 54 5H 6 8 6 26 115V4 '76' 47 V, 88 124 V4 31 34 58 64 Vi l'7" 28 10 81 43 56 28 40 87 1 93 Cuban Am Sug 10.300 Del & Hud... Domo Mines.. Del & Lack.. Iav Chem... Kndi Johnson Brie do 1st pfd. . do 2d pfd . Kam Players. Fed M & S... do pfd .... Fisk Tire Gaston Wins.. Gen Cigars... Gen Elec Ocn Motor Glen Aiden... Gen Asphalt.. Goodrich .... Goodyear .... Granby Gt Nor Ore... do pfd .... Greene Can... Gulf S Steel.. Haak Barker. Houston Oil.. Hupp Motor.. Ills Cent .... Insplratlgn .. Int A C com... do pfd..... Interboro .... do pfd .... Interst Cal... Int Harv Int Merc Mar do rfd Tnt Nickel Int Paper.... Invtnc Oil ... Island Oil K C Southern do pfd Kelly-Spgfld . Kennecott . . . Kevstone Tlrt. Lack Steel Lee Tire Lehigh Valley. Lowe Theaters L & N Mackay Maryland Oil. Mav Store.... Mex Pet Miami Middle St Oil. Midvare Steel. M K & T wr do pfd wr. Mont Power.. Mont Ward Mo Pac do pfd M St P A S SM Nor Amn Nat Biscuit... Nat Enamel .. Nat Lead ' Nevada Con.. New Haven... Norf St W.... Nor Pac. .. .. Nor Sco SteeL N T Air Br.. X Y Central. . Ok'.a Prod ref. Ontario Silver Ontario W.. Otis Steel Pacific Dev... Pac Ga. A El. Punta Allegro. Pacific OIL... Pan Amn Pet. &0 "B" 200 1.400 3.500 4.300 1,000 700 14 30 102 97 87 V, 80 98 '3.V 54 61 7 9 27 118 "76 4K 88 125 33 34 82 64 6 '17 28 10 82 44 511 20 40 68 1 94 .50 '99 "35 82 87 'eh". 84 o 21 21 100 Iii' S5 82 9 13 .49 'is" '83 81 80 '66' 82 9 19 17 108 iis' 53 so 8 13 8,100 82 81 300 l,H)l 200 Verio 23.500 4014 12 i44" 6.O00 4 40 14. AIM) 60 1.2O0 38 200 2.400 700 100 B0.4O0 SOO 1.000 1,600 29 32 73 28 90 83 77 13 40 12 i42" 8 48 57 37 2t'V4 81 73 28 70 83 73 13 400 39 39 loo 1.300 HOO 300 1.100 B.OOO B.0O0 1.2(H) 6.000 6. hOO 6,200 800 V.ioo 10, 800 4.4O0 S.IH 2.000 300 2(H 2(H) 800 500 Soft 28.5O0 SOO 5.000 33.800 7,000 1.000 1.700 l,3i 10 20 300 100 1.700 1,100 3,100 5(X 5.1(10 200 2.400 2.100 "soo 2.2'H) 200 O0 1.400 LO(io 4.5' 9. (XX) 6.2"0 1.600 34 2 5 85 14 60 12 50 15 2 23 "ss 28 17 50 28 50 13 114 73 24 109 115 27 12 32 8 25 6 St 14 17 45 64 51fc 137 37 91 15 16 98 77 2S 74 . 2 4 21 12 'w" 37 47 5-1 47 34 1 5 84 13 65 12 48 14 2 22 '37 2S 16 47 . 28 50 13 114 73 23 107 112 27 12 81 8 2.1 67 14 m 4.1 64 51 132 M 90 14 1S 98 . 76 26 "T4 2 4 21 12 '63 3:i 43 52 46 Close. 53 11 32 32 58 '4 13 5S 4 91 36 37 84 93 146 115 21 42 S 14 82 . 84 41 31 58 106 1J3 4 9 47 90 83 87 94 33 117 133 120 83 .103 25 14 40 102 97 88 SO 97 106 35 53 60 7 8 2(l 117 11 70 47 86 124 82 34 61 64 6 16 17 28 18 31 43 63 28 8'.) 68 1 93 25 62 .60 19 98 111 85 82 80 73 82 bl 9 21 10 100 20 113 54 80 8 13 8 81 9 38 . 12 72 143 8 4S 60 87 11 29 82 73 27 71 83 76 13 101 89 7 84 1 3 6 83 14 65 12 50 15 2 '4 22 64 37 28 17 49 2 r.9 13 114 73 24 109 113 27 12 32 8 2" 8 14 16 43 64 51 13.1 36 90 13 15 9S 77 28 . 64 74 2 4 21 12 8 63 37 46 52 47 Penna 2.000 Peo Gas l.froO Per. Marq.... 4O0 Pure Oil 4.60O Phillip. Pete.. 6. 30O Pierce Arrow. 9.90O Pierce Oil 7.9UO Pitts Coal.... 400 Pitta W Va ,Vh) do pfd 50O Preased St Car 200 Pullman . . loo Ray Cons S.'uo Reading 5.70O Remington . .. I.60O Replogle Steel 21.0UO Republ IAS. 20.500 do pfd 2.9O0 Rep Motors... Royal D Oil.. 2,100 Ry Steel Spg.. 60O St OH N J 1.000 Sears Roebuck 6,40 Shattuck. Aria 400 Shell TAT.. 100 Sinclair 1.500 Stand III Ind. 4.3O0 Sloss Bhef... 12.000 Sou Pac...... 8.OO0 Sou Pac .... 8. OoO Sou Ry 1.200 Stand Oil Cal 1,800 St. LiSP.. 1,04)0 Strom Carb.. 1.9oO Studebaker .. 44,800 Swift & Co Ten C & Che. 900 Texaa Oil .... 21.400 Texaa Pac... 700 T Pac C O. 4.5UO Tob Pdta. 3.400 Tran Con OH 1,500 Union Oil Del 1.200 Union Pac... 1,200 United Alloy. 2.100 United Drug. 200 Utd Food Pdt 1.700 United Fruit. 900 Utd R of N J 100 Union BAP. 600 Utd Ret! Store 18.100 U S Ind Also. 5.000 U S Rub 3.100 do 1st pfd.. 200 V 3 8me!tlng U S Steel.... 48,400 do pfd 200 Utah Copper. 1,400 Va Chem.... 800 do pfd 400 Vanad Steel. 34.400 Vivandou .... 300 Wabash 6.900 -do A pfd... 2.000 do B pfd Wells Fargoo 700 Western Pac. 200 do pfd Western Union . ... Westin E & M 800 West Md 400 White Motor. 300 Willys Ovid .. 6,200 do pfd 100 Wilson Pack.. 300 Wis Central Woolworth .. 1.500 Worth Pump. 4.50(1 W & L E 5i0 White OH.... 400 84 34 14 70 69 69 21 20 20 35 33 83 30 29 30 17 16 16 10 9 9 61 61 61 25 24 24 78 78 76 63 65 65 112 111 112 14 14 14 74 73 73 20 28 29 41 33 35 &6 64 56 88 88 87 7 51 30 51 S 97 97 181 177 179 64 63 63 8 8 8 37 37 36 21 20 20 87 86 87 44 41 43 82 81 81 82 81 81 18 17 rr 96 93 96 22 21 21 41. 40 41 90 87 89 100 100 100 10 . 9 9 46 44 43 26 25 23 28 24 25 65 64 64 10 9 9 19 19 19 129 129 129 29 27 ,28 790 70 . 70 '8 7- 7 127 125 123 8 8 8 71 69 71 66 55 55 42 42 43 66 54 65 100 100 100 84 88 84 87 117 117 117 64 63 63 20 28 29 69 69 69 37 34 83 6 6 6 6 6 6 20 19 19 1.1 89 . 80 80 16 16 15 63 92 61 51 61 8 8 8 39 38 39 5 5 5 29 29 29 31 31 31 23 148 144 14S . 49 46 47 6 6 6 9 U S 2s reg do rpn do 4s reg. . . do cv 4s cpn. Pan 3s reg. . . . do cpn A T & T cv 6s. Atchen gen 4s. D A- Rio cons 4: NYC deb 6s,. . BONDS. 10t 104 104 . HO . '80 .110 88 74 99 No Pac 4s do 3s Pac T AT 5s . . Penn eons 48. So Pac cv 5s, . . So Ry 6s Union Pac 4s. . . U S Steel 5s n 94 94 0(1 90 90 100 Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bond .and victory bond quota tions at New York as furnished by Over beck A Cooke company of Portland: Open. High. JjOw. .Close. . 97.16 97.16 96.92 Lib 3s do 1st 4s ... do 2d 4a do 1st 4 'in . do 2.1 4'4s . do 31 4 'is . do 4th 4s. Victor 4a . do 3a . . . Mining BOSTON, Jan. Alloues ........ Aria Com Cal A Arlx Cal A Her I a : Cop Ra Con Co. E Butte Cop M. Franklin Isle Roy Lake Cop Mohawk 97.90 97.40 97.92 97.60 .1O0 I4 100.18 ino.12 100.1S .100.12 100.18 100.12 100.16 97.80 97.34 97.92 97.60 97.30 97 32 97.94 97.36 96.90 97.60 97.20 97 70 97.34 97.S4 97.42 Stocks at Boston. . 20. Closing quotations: SO N Butto .. 9 68 44 . 11 1 13 25 34 44 2 1 1 1 85 10 . Swift A Co Stocks. Closing prices for Swift A Co. stocks at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift A Co 100 Libby. McNeil A Libby 6 National leather 2 Swift International 2114 Old Dom Oaceola. Quincy ........ Superior Sup A Bos Min. Shannon 24II7tah Cons .... 2W!nona 57 IWolverlne Money, Silver, Etc NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Call money firm: high, 6: low, 5; ruling rate, 5; closing bid, 4; offered at 5; last loan, 5. Time loans firmer; 80 days, 44T5.0O; 90 days, 4O'3.0O; six months, 445.00. Prime mercantile paper, 6. Bar silver, foreign, 65c. Mexican dollars, 40c. LONDON, Jan. 20. Bar silver. 84 d per ounce. Money, 3 per cent. Discount rates: Short bills. 3 per cent; Ihree xuoatha bills, 8 13-16 per cent. New York Hoods. New York bond quotations furnished by rlerrln at Knoaea. inc., ox Portland. Am Tel A Tel Us 1022 do 1924 Am Tob 7s 1922 do 1923 Anaconda 7s B 1929 Anaconda 6s A 1029 Armour cv 7s - 1930 Armour 4s 1939 Argentine GI 5s 1945 Am Ag Chem 7s 1941 Beth Steel 7s ........1922 do 1923 Beth Steel Eq 7s 1935 Belgium Ext 7 Vis 1045 do 8s ' 1940 Bergen 8s. City of 1043 Berne 8s, City of 1945 Brazil 8s 1041 Can Nat. Eq 7s 19:13 Chi A NW 6s I'.l:l6 Chicago N-W 7s 1930 C 11 SI P gn&rf 4s A 2014 Can Not 7s 1040 Chile 8s 1941 Christiana 8s, City of 1943 Copper Exp. 8s 1922 do 1023 do 1924 do 1925 Cuban Amer. Sugar 8s 1931 Con Gas cv 7 .....1925 TAn.--l Ba Danish Mnn 8s 1945 Dupont 7s ii'-ii Grand Trunk 7s 1940 Goodrich 7s 1925 Goodyear 8s 1041 Gulf Oil 7s 19:13 Hershey 7s :.19:i0 Humble Oil 7 1023 Int Rap Tr ref Ss 1966 Int Mar CT Bs. 1941 Int Rap Tr 7s 1921 Kelly Springfield 8s 19:il Kennecott 7s 1930 Llbbv. McNeil At Libby 7s 1911 Morris A Co. 7s 1910 Mexican Pete 8s 1010 NYC call 7s 1910 Norway 8s 1940 N P A G N (Jnt) 6s 1916 N P 6s 2047 Northwest Tel Ts 1941 Ohio C O 7s 1025. Ohio Power 7s 1031 Psn Amer 7 1910 Penna 6s 1916 Ran Paulo 8s '. . 19:16 Southwt Tel 7s 1025 Fwedlsh Govt. 6s 1919 Standard Oil. N. Y. 7s 10.11 Stand Oil of Cal 7s mil Steel A Tube 7 1961 Swiss 8s i 1940 Sears Roe 7s 1922 do 1921 Sinclair 7s ., 1925 Swift A Co 7s 1925 i n Tank 7 1930 Uruguay Ext Ks. V S Rubber 7s. Wilson 1st s.... West Elec 7s. . . . Westlngbouse. 7s Zurich 8s ...1910' ...1028 . . .1923 ...1911 ...1945 100 101 101 102 lol 98 1()3 87 78 101 100 101 101 107 100 106 107 104 107 107 107 57 101 101 100 100 102 102 104 103 104 107 107 103 111) 97 112 101 1)9 100 61 91 Kiln1 102 90 104 100 100 109 107 109 108 99 101 97 106 102 101 90 110 17 99 112 100 93 101 101 103 6.1 105 97 103 107 108 Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnish' 'Overbeck A Cooke company of Portia: Belgian rest as 67 do prem 5s ................ 74 do 7s. 1945 106 do 8s, 1941 108 do 6s. 1925 93 Brazil 8s. 1941 104 British 5s. 1922 88 do 5s, 1927 87 do 6s. 1929 83 do vky 4. 68 do ref 4s 64 Bordeaux 6s, 1934 83 Canadian 3s. 1937 85 do 5s. 1926 97 do 5s. 1929 98 do 5s. 1931 97 do &s. 1927 94 Chilean 8s, 1841-C 101 I'nrrcm'V . . . . . 9 Denmark 8s. 1943 .. Dan Mun 8s. 1945... French 4s. 1917 do 5s. 1920 do 5s. 1931 do 7s. 141 do 8s. 1945 German W L 5s .... Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s 107 106 50 73 63 93 100 8 4 4 do 4s 4 Lelpsig 4s do 5. ....... Munich 4. do 6s Frankfort 4s Italian Ss. 1918 Jap 4s. 1931 do 1st 4s. 1925.. do 2d 4s. 1923.. Norway 8s. 1940 Russian 5s, 1921 . do 5s. 1926 4 . 6 . 5 . 6 . 6 . 33 . 73 . 87 . 86 .109 . 17 . i ed by no: 74 78 107 106 95 104 89 88 86 69 65 84 80 97 88 9S 96 102 10 108 107 51 74 64 93 100 5 - S 6 8 7 8 7 34 73 87 86 l(n IS 414 do .. 1919 17 19 Swiss 5s. 192 97 97 do 8s, 1940 113 113 U K 6s. 1922 1(H) l(Hl do 5 4 s. 1929 1O0 10) do 6s. 1937 8 98 Forelg-n Excnange. 1 Foreign exchange rates at the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The foreign unit In United States funds: Austria, kronen -. S .Of XI 7 U 1 i oosu 0173 2010 . ... 4.2200 0193 0M5 0O53 . ... .0443 8UH5 (HI20 04.17 .... .0(139 1374 OHSO .... .00K4 0153 , .... .1SOO 2.-02 1930 .5300 .7750 .4850 .WHEAT HAS SNOW COH PROTECTIOX IX SECTIONS WHERE NEEDED REPORTED. It el (num. francs iulKarl4V, leva Cxeiho-Slovakla, kronen Denmark, kroner Knpiand. pound sterling Finland, fin mark France, franca Germany, marks Gre-ce. drachmas .'. Holland, guilders Hungary, kronen Italy, lire ... Jugo-Slavla. kronen Norvay. kroner Portugal, escudos ................. Roum&nia. lei Serbia, dinar Spain, pefeeta Sweden, kroner Switzerland, francs China -Hongkong, local currency. . Shanghai, laela 7. Japan, yen . . . . . , NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Foreign exchange weak; Great' Britain, demand 4.W4. cables 4 21; France, demand 8-0K, cables 8 09 Vi ; Italy, demand 4.3oV. cables 4.3ti; Belgium, demand 7.77, cables 7.78: Germany, de mund cables .50; Holland, demand 30.40. cables 30.46; Norway, demand 15.02; Sweden, demand 24.87; Denmark, demand JO. DO , Switzerland, demand 19.43; Spain, demand 14.91 ; Greece, demand 4.33; Ar gentina, demand S5.02; Brazil, demand 12.75; Montreal. .94V. Stocks. it New York, fur Cooke company 'of Standard Oil Standard OH stocks j nished by Overbeck ft Portland: Closing Bid. Aked. Anglo 17 18 Borne Scrysmer 325 3r Buckeye 90 92 'Cheesebrough ...............175 1&5 do pfd 104 110- Contlnental 130 134 Crescent 30 32 Cumberland l&t 145 Eureka 80 M Galena com 40 42 Galena Old pfd 10.'. 107 Galena New pfd .....100 103 Illinois Pipe 18 173 Indiana Fipe .' 90 92 National Transit . 28 2it N. T. Transit 145 ir0 Northern Pipe 93 9 Ohio OH 208 272 International Pete 14 15 Penn Mex 1H 18 Prairie Oil 535 .145 Prairie Pipe 230 235 Solar Refg 370 3(h) Southern Pipe M South Penn OH 1S5 190 S. W. Penn Oil :2 55 S. O. Indiana kh tsti S, O. Kan art it ............... 5K5 570 ti. Q. K n t ucky 4:.". 445 S. O. Nebraska 15 175 S. O. N. Y 30 305 S. O. Ohio 35 3U5 do pfd 114 115 Swan & Finch 35 45 Vacuum 332 ' 330 Washington 3u 35 Imperial Oil 102 104 EXPANSION SLOW. BUT STKADY Wholesale Trade and Industry' In Better Shape Than Year Ago. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Bradstreefs to morrow will say: Slow, but on the whole fairly steady, ex pansion foal urea wholesale trade and in dustry as January advances. House buy ing, both from jobbers and wholesalers, is of the small though often type. Road trade haa expanded somewhat as the, trav elers make progress. Industry certainly shows a gain from the very general shutdowns of the inventory period and the two branches seem to be in perceptibly better shape than a year ago at this' time with a fair measure of op timism reported prenent,' where a year ago penaimum ruled. On balance, the em ployment situation seems better than a month ago, the tuel trades and agricul tural pursuits excepted. Retail trade, stimulated by cuts, espe cially marked in apparel lines, clothing, etc., is enjoying a fair measure of ac tivity in ti north, east and west, but southern trade as a whole seems to lag. and reports from Texas, where unusually warm weather and drouth aftect crop and trade conditions, note that the pace ia slow. Weekly bank clearing were f G,D25, 037,000. WOOL 'PRICES ARB FORCED HIGHER Stocks An Limited and Demand From Mills Moderate. BOSTON. Jan. 20. Ths Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say of the wool market: ''The wool industry is groping blindly forward. The limited stocks of wool have been forcing prices steadily upward on a moderate demand from the mills Man ufacturers naturally are loath to name prices on the heavy weight season's goods until they have some luea of upon what they must base their tariff cost. "Foreign markets are very buoyant. Some contracting has been reported from Nevada on the sheop's back at 21 to 23 cents, although it is staled 'that the grow era are now asking anywhere from 5 to 3o cents for their wools and matters have come more or less to an impasse." The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will publish wool quotations as follows: Scoured basis California: Northern, fM&t5c, miduie county, ttt(flS5c; southern, 70 to 75c Oregon Eastern No. 1 staple, 95?98c; fine and fine medium combing, 90 U2c; eastern clothing, la 78c; valley N o. 1, S2 g 85c. Mohair, best combing, 20&32c; best carding, 22 tg 25c. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARK El Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, I Etc at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 20. (State di vision of maraets.) Fruit Apples, St and 4-tler. f 1.40 8.30; oranges, navel, $2 25&4.50; lemons, S1.50&8.75; grape fruit. $2.50tS4.73; cranberries, box, (4.50(9 5.50; pears, box, $1.73 (& 2.75. Poultry Broilers, 3(W'38c; young roost ers, 24 4 31c; old, 17020c; hens. 24932c; ducks, 22 4v 25c; turkeys, live, nominal; dressed, 41 40c. Vegetables Artichokes, caae, $1820: beans, pound, 32 13c; carrots, sack, 90c (0 $1; ceiery, crate, $35; cucumbers, doxen, $1.203; eggplant, pound. 5i5c; lettuce, small crate, S1-23&3; mushrooms, small box, 50 75c; olives, pound, 5 9c; onios, cwt.. brown, $66.50; white giobe, $4.50(& 8; peas, pound, 1520c; bell pep pers, pound, 20Q23c; potatoes', $2 Q 2.75 pumpkins, sack. 75c l; rhubarb, box, $1.7553.25; summer squash, small crate, $3350; hubbard. sack. $101.50; sprouta, 9011c; spinach, pound, 610c; tomatoea crate, $22.25. Receipts Flour, 8187 quarter sacks; wheat, five centals; barley, 50S3 centals; corn, 870 centals; potatoes, 2S9 sacks: onions, 499 sacks; hay, lOO tons; hides, 143; oranges and lemons, 24O0 boxes; live stock, 1O0 head. QUOTATIONS ON DAIRY PRODUCTS Current Prices Ruling on Butter, Cheese nd gga SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 20. Butter Extras, 42c; prime firsts, 37c. Eggs Extras, 45c ; extra pullets, 43c ; undersized. No.' 1, 36c. ' Cheese California flat fancy, 27c; Young America, fancy, 28 V4c. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Butter Irregu lar. Creamery higher, 37 4 g 38c. Eggs Firm. Fresh-gathered extra firsts, 45c; firsts, 420 44c. Cheese Irregular. CHICAGO. Jan. 20. Butter Firm. Creamery extras, 824c; firsts, 2tJ!6Slo; seconds, 25&25Vc; standards, 29c. Eggs Lower; receipts, 7963 cases; firsts. S6c; ordinary ftrats, 30$ 32c; miscellaneous, 33 3 35c ; refrigerator firsts, 21 & 24c SEATTLE, Jan. 20. Eggs Select local ranch, white shells, 96c; do. mixed colors, 84c; pullets, 82c Butter City creamery cubes, . 83c; bricks or prints, 84c. Coffee Futures Cloae Higher. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. The market for coffee futures was very quiet today. It closed at a net advance of 8 to 6 points. Sales were estimated at about 4000 bags January, 8.4vc; March, 8.50c; May, 8.35c; July. 8.30; September, 8.30c; October, 8.28c; December, 8.23c. Spot coffee was dull and nominally un changed at 9c to 9c for Rio 7s and 124 to 12o for Santos 4s. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH.-Jan. 20. Turpentine firm, 85c; saJee, 39; receipts, 58; shipments, 439; stock 12,017. Rosin firm; sales, '61; receipts, 1440; rhipments, 1469; stock 84,5i5. Quote: B, D, $1.05: E. F. $4.054.074; G, H. $4.07 6 4.10; I. $4.10fc4.15; K, $4.70&4.75: M. $:,. 0QZ 25; N, $.4OW..50; WG, $5 70; WW, $0. Market at Chicago Haa Setback. Rural Offerings in Southwest Said to Be Iiarg;er. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. Snowfalls In Kan- sas and Oklahoma brousht about some I thing of a setback In wheat today after an early advance. The close was easy i at to of a cent decline, with May I $1.1401.14. and July $1.011.01. I Corn lost WQS to of a cent, and I oats 94 to of a cent. In provisions the outcome varied from 2 Mi cents off to 40 I cents' advance. I At first wheat was Influenced chiefly I by cold weather advices and by assertions I that the winter crop was without adequate covering. Besides, prospective shortage of domestic auppliea, together with tslk 'of large quantities of breadstuffs that Europe must obtain during the next five months, continued to be a factor.' On the other hand, rural offerings in the southwest were said to have Increased, owing to an advance in prices bid to producers. Word of snow in sections where most needed by the domestic winter crop belt- gave a -decisive advantage to the bears and some of the weaker longs were letting go of their holdings as the session closed. .Enlarged country sales of corn to ar rive had a bearish effect both on corn and oats. Export business In corn was oniv fair, mainly with Denmark. Provisions averaged higher with hogs and on account of eastern buying of lard. The Chicago grain letter received yes terday by the Overbeck Cooke company of Portland follows: , Wheat The market fluctuated In an lr- irriilap mannar today, but ftav SO excel lent account of itself, considering the amount of liquidation put Into the pit by thnao who were disaDDointed at the lack of fresh export buying- Some little busi ness was done at tne seaooara. dui mi amount not large enough to attract atten tion and advices from both Liverpool and Buenoa Aires were not of - a convincing sort. The Minneanolia and Chicago cash markets were strong, and a good milling demand reoorted. It is not at all unlikely that the winter variety will be In a strong position before many months. It may be true that the pronpect of a wheat scarcity before the end of tbe season is the criti cal point, ' but It ts not out of order to theorize at this time knowing that the future market Is very apt to begin dis counting the situation. Corn Celling by rash houses was rather pr-rsistent during the forenoon and buying power was insufficient except on the de clines. At tbe close, the market had a stronger tone accompanied by reporta from the sfabrard of a good export business being worked. The cash market wasNfrac tionally lower, but the trading was un changed. There is little inducement to sell corn with hogs at a level which gives corn a feeding value nearer 80 than 50 cents. Oats Trade was slow and devoid of feature. There was little change in the cash market, receipts ol 100 cars meeting ith a good demand. Shipping sales) re ported were 60,000 bushels, country offer ing to arrive light. We have faith In higher prices for oats. Open. H i gh. Low. Close, WHEAT. May.... $1.1414 $114 '4 $1.1SH $1 14 July.... 1.02 1.02 , 1.13 1 JL01 CORN. May.... ,R3 .53 .Mli July 53fe .&5fe 3a .O&Vs OATS. Jhy 3ftH -ftt4 -3IH July 80 .30 3 .30 ' .aov MESS PORKL Jan -.... t, 16 50 slay.... 16 65 LARD. March.. 955 5.55 9-50 9B3 May.,.. 9.72 9.77 9.67 9.75 8HORT RIBS. Jan 8 P5 May.... 8 87 887 8.87 ' 8.05 Blyth-Witter offices until- WEST-NAD OLYTH-WITTER, well known Pa cific coast bond firm, furnish their hew Portland offices with West Made Desks! Leading financial con cerns all up and dewn the coast are selecting West-Mades. Recent pur chasers are the Federal Reserve Banks, Bank of Italy, Seattle Na tional Bank, of C o'm netce, and Anglo-California Trust Company, of San Francisco. How about the desks in your own office ? Are they comfortable efficient business-like ? It's poor economy to use the old-style desk. Equip with West-Mades and see for yourself how much their well-planned drawer arrangements and special features increase efficiency! Your office furniture dealer will gladly show you the line and help you make your selection. WEST-MADE DESK COMPANY Manufacturers Portland, Oregon, U. S. A. Sold in Portland by: Bushong & Company Kilham Stationery & Printing Co. Clam ft Prudhomme Company SHALL SUPPLY AT YARDS OXliY TWO LOADS RECEIVED BY RAIL OVERNIGHT. Cash prices wers: Wheat, No. 2 bard. S1.1SH; I"o. 2 dark, northern $1.33. Corn. No. U mixed, 40 c; No. 2 yellow, 40 4 (HOC -Oats. No. 2 while, S7jj3S!ic; No. S white, 3435'ic. Rye, nominal. Barley, nominal. Timothy seed. 5T. Clover seed. Vit22. Pork, nominal. l,ard, $9 43. Ribs, tH 7e 25. Primary Receipt. CHICAGO. Jan. 20. Primary reoeipts Wheat, 6U3.000 bushels vs. 1,122.000 bushels. Corn. 2.-'2S.OO0 bushels ts. 1. 823.000 bushels. Oats. 654.0(10 bushels vs. B38.O00 bvshel.. Shipments Wheat, 4SS.000 buskels vs. 915,000 bushels. Com, 1.4'T.OOO bushels vs. 845.000 bushels. Oats 066. OOO bushels vs. 443.000 bushels. Clearances Wheat, 723,000 bushels. Flour, 11,000 barrels. Corn, 877,000 bush els. Oats, 13.000 bushels. Rye, 230. 000 bushels. Barley. 88.000 bushels. Car lots Mlnnespolls: Wheat, 232; corn, 40: oats, 34; rye, 7; barley, 13. Winnipeg: Wheat. 410; oats, 104. Duluth: Wheat, 29; corn. 82; oats, 3. Kansas City: W'heat, 114; oats, 10: corn. 29. St. Louis: Wheat, 42; corn, 107; oats. 46. Omaha: Wheat, 20; corn, 110: oats, 18. New York Grain Market. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Wheat Bpot, barely steady; No. 2 red and NX 2 hard, $124tt; No. 1 Manitoba. SI. 31; No. 2 mixed durum, 81.14 c. I. t. track to arrive. Corn Spot, steady; No. 2 yellow, 8Tc; No. 2 white, 67Vsc; No. 2 mixed 8Bi,c c 1. f. New York all rail. Oats Spot, quiet; No. 2 whit, 46tic Winnipeg- Grain Market. WINNIPEG, Jan. 20. Wheat: May, $1.12; July 81.0HH. Minneapolis Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 20. Wheat: May $1.21 V4; July $1,15. Duluth Linseed Market. DULUTH, Jan. 20. Linseed, on track and arrive. $2.12 K. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 20. Wheat, mllllnir, $1.8S&1.5; feed. $1.851.05. Barley, (cod, $1.22!4 1.21 V, ; shipping, nominal. Oata, red feed, $1.401.S0. (' Corn, white Eg-yptlaa, $1.72Vi $.80; red mllo. tlAnai.M. . Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE, Jan. 20. Wheat Hard white, soft white, white club, soft red winter, northern spring, $1.10-: hard red winter, $1.11; eastern red Walla, $1.08; Big Bend bluestem, J1.14. City delivery: Hay Timothy $23; D. C. 27; mixed 121; alfalfa $17: D. C. $2.V, straw $15; barley, whole $33. ground and rolled 13, clipped $39; chick starter $.3; chop, all grain, $35; cocoanut meal $28; corn $32; corn, cracked and feed meal, $34; cottonseed meal $44; linseed meal $o2: mash mixture egg $4040; scratch feed $41048; oy bean $82; wheat $42; Puget sound $40. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. Copper, steady; electrolytic spot and nearby, 13 X ft 11c; later 14c. Tin Kasler. spot and nearby, S2.12Q 82.2.,c: futures, 81.62c Iron Steady; prices unchanged. Lead Steady; spot 4.704.80c. Kmc Quiet: East St. Louis delivery, spot. 4.75f4.KOc. Antimony apot, 4.80c Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, Jan. 20. Evaporated ap ples, steady; prunes, dull; apricots, firm but quiet; peaches, steady; raisins, inactive. Railway Is Strengthened. KELSO. Wash., Jan. 20. (Special.) A Northern Pacific Railway com pany work train and extra crew are rip-rapping the fill on the railway tracks near the Coweeman river brldgra where the current of the Cow litz river at flood stages has been cutting; into the fill aince the dike wa, completed on the opposite side of the river. Huge rocks are being used In strengthening- the embank ment. Right-of-way Is Purchased. KELSO. Wash.. Jan. 10. (Special.) The Washington highway board has purchased right-of-way through north ! Kelso and south Kalama for the new route of the Pacific highway, a atrip 60 feet In width was obtained. Plans ! are now being completed for the im provement and bids will be received the latter part of February. TKe Tilty-Year Desk Prices Unchanged ' In All Jjiitcs. Buyers Pay $ for Best Hogs Driven In. The local livestock market was quiet and featureless yesterday. Only two' loaOs of 'cattle were received by tail and the Mies made were within the range of prices quoted on the previous day. Drlven-ln stock made up the limited offering, of hogs and these also Mid at prevailing prices, only a few losds bringing the top quotation of $9, There were practically no lambs or sheep on the market. RMf.elr.tji were 49 cattle. The day's sales were as follows: Wl. IT. S steers ..1073 17.2.".! 2 hogs.... 2rows. ... 873 J.00113 hogs.... 1 cow ....1070 S.15I19 hogs. . . . .1 cows ...1015 5 00' 1 hng 1 cow ... .10.-.O 4 HO! 2hngs.... 1 cow 1'"'0 4 .00! 1 hng 1 cow S'O 3 501 9 hng 1 cslf 190 10.601 Shoes.... 19 hogs 2VS 8.10 11 nVvtra. .. . Irihnira 242 8.2-1! 1 5 hogs ... . l8hogs... 25.1 8.10124 hogs. ... 2.ti. s l nog. . . . . 233 8.2.11 1 lamb. ... 4.-.0 5.501 1 ewe 212 8.80 . . Price. Quoted at th. Portland union stockaxds were as follows: r rices. lrt hogs. . 23 hogs. . 1 hng. .. 8 hogs. PriM tock aula CBtlla- Wt. Tr. 5X5 $4 .'.0 1(13 9.00 212 8.50 540 7. SO 24(1 8 25 510 510 VIS 8.85 2I3 8 00 221 8 50 2H3 8.25 223 8.25 4110 8.00 . Hi) 0.50 120. i.00 John Parker and Ed White, and de livered to the site by Clarence linun. Cedar piling from Silver Lake will be UHed In the main dock. Boiause, of the extreme, cold weather and large amount of Ice In the Columbia river, construction work was prnttponcd un til the weather moderates. ; Chickens fo Replace Cows. CENTRAL! A. Wash.. Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) Governor Louis F. Hart haa announced that the dairy herd at the state Industrial Brhool for rlrls at Grand Mound will he abollBhed anti will be replaced by 3000 chickens. More congenial and heneflrlal em ployment can he found for the girls, the governor said, than taking care of barns and cattle. Milk and cream 'or the Grand Mound inxtltution in the future will b supplied by the herd at the slate training svhool for toys In Chehnlis. f'.OOW 7.3" I 25 7 00 ; 6.75 6 23 ....... 4.7.Vut 8.73 toon -8.50 . 4.50 a 5 00 ..'5Uf 0. 13 I 8 25 r 4.25 9 ir,a s 25 S0O8 4.00 0.50$ IO. 50 , 8 504 0.5 IMtJ 8 50 t.M 6.50 Choice steers Medium t good steers. Fair to medium steers.. Common to fair steer,.. Choice feeders Fair to good feeder. nut mnA heifers Medlr-m to good cows, heifers.. 4.750 ft 25 Falivto medium cows, heifers.. 4.25 4 3 Common caws Csnners ............. Bulls Choice tlslry calve.., Prime light calves. . Medium light calves Heavy calves Prime light 75W 00 Smooth heavy, 200 to SOO lbs.. 8.00W 8.50 Smooth heavy, 800 lbs. up 7 .00 8.00 Rough heavy 3.0111- 7 00 Ft pigs 8.75 O0 Feeder pigl S T"-' " Stags, subject to dockage 5.00 0 6.50 Sheep East-of-mountaln lambs SOOffl B.75 Pest valley Iambs 8.0O(fi 9.00 Fair to good 6 ftn 8 00 Cull lambs 4.50SH 6 00 Eastern Oregon feeders T M1K 8.00 Light yearling TOO 7.50 Heavy yearlings 6 IKIW Too Light wethers 6"o 8 .50 Heavy wethers 4.00 5.511 Ewes 8.00 Ul 6.00 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. Jan. 20. U. S. Rureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipt 000. Gen erally steady; better grades beef steers active; very good heavy bullocks. $8.75; bulk beef steers. I.60i87.65: veal calves strong: bulk, $9.25&9.73; stockers and feeders slow. Hogs Receipts 43.000. Fairly active; steady to 10c higher than yesterday's av. erage; mostly steady: top $8 60 on lights and light lights: bulk $7.9588 25: pigs steady to 10c higher; bulk desirable $8,400 8.5A; few $8o. Sheep Receipts 8009. Tat lambs strong. ISo to 25c higher: top early $13.25: some held higher; sheep steady; fat ewe top early $7.00. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. 20 (V. S. Bureau of Markets.) Cattle Receipts 1200. Trade slow; all classes around steady; undertone decidedly weak on beef steer, and sbe-stock: top steers $7.2.1: few cows $4.50; bulk $4 25 down: medium heifers I4.7.14J5.05: old veslers $9 50; very few above $9; medium stockers $5.b0; good feeders 16 50. Hogs Receipts 2500. Generally stronr to 10c higher than yesterday's average to both packers and shippers: 100 to 170 pounders to shippers $7.958: 190 to 240 pound weights to both packers and ship pers $7.80a7 95; bulk of sales $7.50W7 9.1: shipper top $8: packer top $7.95; packing sows and pigs stesdy. Sheep Receipts 1000. Kllllnr classes fully steady: 140-pound ewes f8.75; 70 pound Colorado fed lambs $12.15. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA. Jan. 20. (U. S. Bureau of Mar ket.) Hoge Receipt. 13.500. Strong to 10c higher: bulk K0 to 210 pound butchers $7.80i97 90: top $79.1: hulk 220 to 800 pound butchers $7.50T.76; packing grades mostly $66.60. Cattle Receipts 2500. All classes ren erslly steady: beef steers dull; best hesvy beeves her. $7.60; good she-tock fairly activ.. Sheen Receipts 8500. classes 10 15e higher: bulk lambs $12 .HMM2.7.1: top $12 4.1; aome top $7.25; feeding lambs $7.63. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Jan. 20. battle and hogs steady. No receipts. No price changes. Timber for Dock Being Cut. KALAilA. Wash.. Jan. 20. (Spe cial.) Fir piling for bumpers for Kalama's new dock are being cut by JOHN PURSE & CO. CONSULTING PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS 511 ARTISANS Bl'ILDINO. Broadway 285$ Balance Sheets. Income Tax Financial Examinations , INVEST! Your money will earn .30 TODAY What will it earn five years from now? Investment Values are rapidly increasing Interest Rates " are rapidly declining. One Hundred Dollars INVESTED TODAY IX Northwestern Electric . Preferred Shares i svfll brlns; the same return ns one hundred elakty-twn dollar, brouaht In the 'h days, whirs all Indications .how are rapid ly approaching- again. Northwestern Electric Company Preferred AT 96 wn,i. nni.vo the investor 7.30 OS HIS investment A permanent Investment, assur. Ins the present return as Ions; as held. Tour money is worth In proportion to Its earning power. Increase lt value by Investing; In Northwestern Electric Company Preferred Shares Mail Coupon Today Northwestern Klertrlr Co., J. r. Travers. Mgr. Stock Sales, Portland. Strt Please srsd Me free In formation concerning your company. Nnmo i). . . . . ....... trA. Address HERRIN& RHODES, Inc. Established lfin STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN Correspondents E. F Hf'TTON CO., V. T. Members all leadlni exchanges Bauson's Herrlce on Kile. Udwy. i2 ZV1 Hallway JUcuang. Bide. i