TIIE MORNING OREGOXIAX. SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 1922 17 r i REAL FSTATE. Fur Sale Houses. ARLIN'OTOV HEIGHTS, "MUTIKUL MENEFEE RESIDENCE. in of the most beautiful Dutch co lli Hl . home In the city; first floor K living room, tun por'-h, dining Ijm, den and kitchen; second floor, yirp extra large, bedrooms, sleeping, T'Tch. tile bath and dressing room; third ''Our, two nice b-drooine and bath; all ' i -i "wod flours, two beautiful fireplaces, ' JU'l concrete bajement, Diamond fur- 1 CC! autontatic electric water heater, "sundry room and truit room, large ga large grounds, on car line; coat to 1 Du 'd IS months ago $18.0' 0. We are orurfd to sen It for $13,000 on any kind r terms. intercut. ' fil COE A.-McKKNNA A CO., - B- Fourth Street. Bdwy. 7522. ROSE CITY. ONLY $.230 TERM3. . -room bungalow and sleeping Preh. Full cement bai-meni, furnace, hdw. f; ir, fireplace, all built-Jris, 50x11)0 lot, garage. This U very good value, bee It today. MA.R8H MrCABR CO.. Realtors, $22-3-4 Falling Bldg., Bdwy. 002 a. Evenings, Tabor 436. KiD-ALAMEDA PARK BEAUTY. ! bet-buJlt bungalow In Alameda fTrk; it has 6 rooms, hardwood floors throughout, large floored attic, furnace, Jirepiate, every imaginable built-in fea ture; wonderful breatcfast nook, cabinet kitchen, artistic light fixtures. French doors, finished In ivory and tapestry pa Pr; cement basement, laundry tray a, etc., inlaid linoleum In kitchen and bath, best of plumbing. INVESTIGATE KE fore - BUYING. It s really the beat buy in the city. Terms to suit. RUMMELL A HL'MMELU , -" Stark St. Bmadway 6720 zr x- 11 " ON KKIDMORE NEW FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, This Is far less than coat: five rooms, til on one floor, fireplace, all the latest bullt-lns, concrete basement, vaah trays, furnace, COxlOU corner lot, all improve ments In and paid; this Is small but con venient; $.'00 cash, balance to suit you; can use your bonus; close to Irvington car. COR A. McKENNA A CO.. B2 Fourth St. Bdwy. 7522 $9500. PRACTICALLY NEW, STRICTLY MODERN RESIDENCE; VERY LARGE L 1 V I X I ROOM; DINING ROOM. KITCHEN FIRST FLOOR; THREE, JtEDROOMS. GLASSED-IN SLEEPING PORCH, TILED RATH, SECOND LOOR, HARDWOOD FLOORS, FUR NACE. POINDEXTER, 207 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. $4750 EX-SOLDIER $4750. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW, will build you a strictly modern bun galow ou Laurelhurst ave.. 5 rooms, full cement basement, breakfast nook, all t the hill It-ins, fireplace, furnace, hard- 1 wooa noors; line level lot with garage; all st. imp. paid. $750 cash, bal. bonus and d'c second, mtg. Let ua show you the hoiisr. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., fl2S Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4734. UNUSUAL BARGAIN. $400 BELOW COST. Six-room bungalow and garage. Just completed, in LaurelhurM, near Rose City Park car; large living room across front, three bedrooms; worth $;5MA; yours for $5300, $1800 rash. Call own-Vr.-b"iweei1 lw na A today. Automatic rfeOit BARGAIN HUNTER WITH $1500. 1 GENUINE BUNGALOW I IT'S DIFFERENT. I On 6th st., near Ainsworth, 5 rooms and sleeping porch, new furnace, fine . flreplu.ee, bullt-lns, buffet, bookcases, Iutch kitchen, attic. The arrangement if this bungntow is unique, and you'll say it Is tho handiest you've ever seen. " Jsover offered before. Price bU0. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chnniher of Commerce. Bdwy. 5654. HAW T HOR N E R UNO ALOW HOMeT" ' 1400. If you are looking for a strictly modern attractive home In the best part of the Hawthorne district surrounded by attractive homes with full ooxioo lot, sea this sure; 5 rooms itnd bath down, 2 rooms up. Furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, bullt-lns, ga rage. Imp. In and paid. Terms, bee , US for homes of MERlTi J. A. WICKMAN CO.. Realtors. 2(12 Stark St. KHu,,, ?w LAURELHURST. . 9U.IUU. Here Is the mot beautiful bungalow ef five rooms and music room, large floored attic. In the district; alt hard wood floors, shower bath, all kinds of . bullt-lns, all rooms extra large. 50x140 1 lot, all Improvements in; garage. Don't buy before seeing this COE A. McKENNA A CO., 8? Fourth St. Bdwy. 7.22 I FOR SALE HOUSES! I am selling my beautiful Laurelhurst honfe at a sacrifice, seven rooms, large I roomy living room, music room. den. breakfast room, alt done inlvory. three lovely bedrooms. You may buy with or t without the furniture, house lees than two years old. double constructed throughout. Phone Tabor 7081,. before , noon; BY OWNER. Tavlnjy city; must sell a once; If -romn bungalow; strictly modern; all hull I -ins; g iragu. 5J4 E. 4UU st. North. LAURELHURST. Large 6-room Italian stucco bungalow, r -situated on corner double lot. 1 block from Laurelhurst park ; every known convenience; construction and finish of highest class; completely furnished or unfurnished; simply a beautiful home, with every comfort and arrangement Ideal. Phone owner. Tabor 9318. for ap- pointment. BEAUTIFUL Trvington home for sale; bargnin. Owner leaving the first of the month. Will pell furnished or unfur nished; fTHH) required to handle. Shown f by uppolutmcnu East 401)1. FIXE BUY. Attractive 4-room cottage, close In, on rnut side, modern, full basement, laun dry trays, floor cemented. Apple, peach and pear tres, grapes; large attic wittf mac, for several rooms; only $3000 f terms. Owner at 818 Chamber of Com merce or Sell wood 364d. Sunday or evening. FALLEN ImiWN We have a nice little 4- room Dungniow in Koae t:lty Park dia trlct. modern features, located in an at tractive grove of firs; the purchaser has failen down; former price. $2to0: pres ent price to realise our investment. $jiH)0 Terms. H. K Noble Son, 316 Lumhermens b!dg. FOR sai:. Attractive. new. 4-room bunraMw; hardwood floors, flrepluce, Dutch kitchen hrt'dklaMt nook, atid fui 1 basr-u.ent ; price f:ioo ; open fur inspection 2 to A; sub st ant tat payment down, balance easy terms. 11'! 8 Omaha ave. Owner. 271 1 ,nn si., cor. J e 1 1 erson lv'.i u:t ikUAl-i. Five-rooms and sleeping porch ; mod ern ; hardwood floors: full cement base ment; Fox furnace; gauge; paving and rement sidewalks in anu paid for. Price stiooo : liberal, terms. See Webster L. Klnca:3. Heaitor, iyl Lewis bldg. Phone Hdwv 4735. GOING TO BIJLD? We daslK-n and build Te residence or anv building. aeit In financing same; 12 ears' continuous and complete building nrvice. i Kill a.u sa liar At- TION ASSURED. I R Ballev, contract Inn architect. V2I N. W. Bank bldg ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. BY OWNER 6 room, breakfast room, cabinet kit chen, cement bn semen t. trays. full f plumbing. Hdw. floors, furnace heat, all vory finish, fine.it of electric fixture 7i'l R .Wh st. No e ROSE CITY 1'AKK rt'rt'.dftnce, 6 rooms and si tuning porch, fireplace, hardwKd floor, bu Ili-iii. full cement basement and furn.ice, double-constructed through out, $.too, $1."UK cafh. balance month v. Owner. Tall at 4i7 La.-t 41' d North. IRVINGTON. See MO E. 17th st. N. f 10.500. Also bnutlful home at 593 E. 24th st. N.. $14,000. Also other homes ranging from $0OUU to Jrin.oro OR SAl.K A bargain. 5-room cot tag d. east side, close in on car line; gas, elec tric lights, full basement; $50 will handle. 514 Ganteubein av. Phone A t o. 310 - H 3 7i'tl BUYS EQUITY In coxy, modern. 4-room cottage, Pled . mont district, - block Pentn.ula Park. Price I-'MHJ. Phone Col. 14TJ for ap pointment. e-RooM modern, cosy bungalow. $100 down, balance $2150. $25 (including in terest) month; furniture for sale block from Alberta car. ln.'rt East 3'th N KA V I Mi l ort.and. wdl sell attractive l'ort and Hfiithts home, -4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, large living room, sun rnmn. Buy dir.Tt from ownt-r. M.iln 1t.it! A SNAP. 5-room bumtalow. S blocks from Laun-lhurst park. 2 blocks from Sunny s.de car line. 1'rlce $5u. Call Frank li.u-v nort. &-KiM)i motiern bungalow on new ntrevt. Hoii.-e well built and In good condition $'J7o0; $7tM cash. 4S1 73d st. S, E. T:ike Mt. Scott car to Flrland. 5-KlKlM house. ( 1 70) lakt p:ano I p; jer Kirferred; let in a. Phone Mam 26. REAL ESTATE. For !Sule Houses. IRVINGTON. New S rooms, most attractive home, located In nice neighborhood; house con veniently arranged; one bedroom and bath on first fioor; space for 2 rooms upstairs. Buiit by owner for his home by day labor. Best of materials used. Hardwood floors on 1st floor, plate glass windows, full cement basement, good furnace. 439 East 27th North, near Til lamook st.. or 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. Bdwy. 0031. ROSE CITY. $4650 $500 CASH. Brand new 5 -room bungalow, close to Sandy, large living room, fireplace, book cases, oak floors, 2 nice airy bedrooms, large closets. Dutch kitchen with break fast nook; full cement basement, fur nace, laundry trays. Ex-service men apply your bonus on this. SOMERV1LLE. BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S. National Rank Bldg. $3750 $500 CASH. New 5-room bungalow, hdwd. floors, all bullt-lns, Dutch kitchen with break fast nook; beautifully decorated in old ivory and tapestry paper; 2 airy bed rooms, attic, full cement basement, close to M. V. car. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. 32M U. S. National Bank Bldg. IRVINGTON. Real home. $14,000. This Is one of Irvington s finest stucco homes, large rooms, 2 tlle4 fireplaces, 2 complete tiled bathrooms, 3 extra lavatories, wood work solid mahogany and old ivory. If you are looking for a home, this is per fect McDONELL. EAST 419. . Suburban Homes. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. Sightly 5-acre trart, all In culti vation ; 6-room bungalow, bath, gas and electricity: full ret or outbuildings, some fruit and ber ries, best of soil; located on gravel road, near electric line, about 7 miles out; price 504), $1000 cash. . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Com. Bldg., Broadway 6034. FOR SALE Attractive 4-room shingled bungalow on river bank at Rothe ta tlon. Call Oak Grove 141 M. For ftalc Buwinrha Property. ONE fireproof building, iucome $450 a month, sd.&xi. On fireproof building. Income $623 a month. 47.500. ' Two fireproof buildings, income $5800 a year, s-4..riu. One fireproof building, 100 feet square, InenmA ll!74l(l wr vear. $19 30O. 115K Union Ave., North, bet. 9 ft 11 A. M I-'or Sale Acreage. ON JOHNSON CREEK, $50 CASH. Two acres, cleared, 1 block from car line, close in; creek through the place. Ideal for chickens; total price $1600. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Broadway 6034. BEAUTIFUL B-acre country home, 7 -room modern house, city water, lights and gas, larre sleeping porch, fireplace, modern bath, French windows: land drains both ways from house; wonderful view of Mount uooa anu surrounaing country, near Beaverton on rock road. Price $5500, terms. STROUD CO.. INC. Beaverton, Or. NEAR T1GARD. $3200. 1 K. acres, rood 4-room cottage, rood well and tank, on rock road, right at electric station (Treese), good chicken house, garage and small barn; $1000 cash, or will exchange for house and lot in Portland to same value, bunny aide dtntrlct preferred. FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors 732 Cham, of Com. RIGHT AT ELECTRIC STATION. 1.57 acres, assorted young orchard, bearing, good macadam road, electric lignts available, 3 V miles east of city limits; $37.50 down, $7.50 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 162 Cham, of Cnm. , WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. a TO 5 ACRES. Fine land on Columbia blvd., just out side city, at bargain for cash or half cash. Roger W. Cary, 12H N. W. Bank bldg. 3 ACRES, 5-room house and barn, just out of city limits on Foster road; $1'300. hone Main -:' ONE AND 3-10 ACRES at Ruby, on Trout- t OR SALE Choice acreage on Base Line roaki. 1 mile from city limits. Phone Main 0741. . . FOR SAL1E SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 6131 ttJD ST. B. E HomrMemU. Iteiiniiuishinents. TWO improved relinquishments, joining $30,000 fruit ranch; M rods to nice lit tle town, near Grants Pa.is; $J000 spent on one. running water. $i00 and $700, t all cash. 301 Cnrbett PUimmg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR REL1N- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. 100 ACRES, well improved, near Port lanjl. Call 47J Belmont st. REAL F.STAT B. For gmle Farms. REAL VALUE. We offer a farm of K7 acres, all tillable, over BO acres in cultiva tion, about 30 acres can be cleared very easy, balance small timber and brush; a good portion of the place Is best river-bottom land. This Is the lowest-priced land in the diKtrfrct; 15 miles from Port land; price $12,000, $i!04K) cash will handle. See Mr. Hurd, with " J. L! HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg., Broadway 6034. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. We have a number of especially se lected farm tracts with mixed fruit, ranging from 10 acres up. that we can sell with or without stock and imple ments. They meet the needs of pur chasers with large or small capital. They are situated on paved or gravel roads, near good, live city markets. Visit our office we can help you select your home. Ask for Mr. Mackenzie. FRANK McCRILLIS. REALTOR. ST2 -3.'u Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 779. A REAL FARM. 80 acres, excellent soil, mostly beaver dam, beaut it ully located in the heart of a prosperous farinlngcommunity, 55 acres in cultivation, fair improvements and fully stocked. This splendid farm is about 12 miles from Vancouver on good highway, and will be exchanged for Portland property. Valued at about Sll.000. What h;ive you to offer? PEE PENNINGTON. COE A. McKENNA & CO., $2 Fourth Street. Bdwy. 7522. DAIRY farmers, investigate th.s unusual opportunity to own a fine-paying Irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued $16,000. Located In famous Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Buying same on entirely utw plan, very little cash re quired. Full particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO., inc.. R e dmond. Ore goo. 40 ACRES, about 20 in cultivation, spring water, email house, new Darn; t miles from Rainier, Or., in rock road.. Includ ed six cows, two heifers, good work team, farm machinery. Price $3500. Terms. Peter Mauris, Rainier, Or box No tfia. a-ACUU DAIRY FARM. 6-room house, barn for 30 cows; just outside city on Columbia blvd. Big bar gain for cash, or half cash. Rogur W. arv. 12H N. W. Brink bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES. nar Portland. $30 to 5o0 per acre, easy teYms. beat soil; farms for sale, ail sixes. McFarland. realtor. 2oa Fatting bldg. RANCH, 55 acres. 12 miles from Vancou ver, Wash., right on Pacific highway; lost wife, so am going east. For price phone KiflgtTiein ?4: Foil KX-.M.iLi)lKKS I have 100-acre ranch winch 1 will sell and take second mortgage on. For full particulars ad dr"ds AV 1 1 7. Oregonlan. Vk ACRES, level. Oared, fenced, good 8-roorn bouse, near W (Mamma; $2ue d o wn. J. R 4 S h arp, 88 Th ird at. MUST SACRIFICE alfalfa ranch on ac count of sickness. By owner. East 6031. WANTED WE XL ESTATE. WANT 5-room house, out; suitable for cow, chickens; pa men is the same as rent. Wood i awn 2371. W ANT five acre on Fostt road, some where near Bellrose station. A 3S4, Ore- gir.lHn LIST your property for sale or exchange with o. O. Sletten, realtor, 415 Ry. Kxrh bidnnwy. moo. WANT m.'.l-.rn flat building to $ lb. 000. Bdwy. MOO. WILL pay cash for lot in R.se City Park; price must De rirnt. r. j-. iT-'gonian. SPOT cash for lot in W -stover Terrace. V.-ir-bail SfllS WANT today bet huue I can buy. from WILL tra-le my Dodge in oa a gooU home. WANTED REL .ESTATE. WANTED FLAT BUILDINGS. We have clients who are desirous of purchasing following income . bearing properties ; - 2-famiiy flat buildings, both east and west side. . 4-faraily flat mi lid In gs. 6-family flat buildings. Owners desiring to sell properties of this character will Immediately tele- ( phone us. Call for Mr. Florence. RITTEK. LOWE A CO- Realtors. . Sfil--5-7 Iloanl or Trade nuiiaing. FOR A CLIENT WITH THE MONEY. STRICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM RESI DENCE; PREFERS VIEW LOT. BUT WILL CONSIDER IRVINGTON OR LAURELHURST; MUST BE WORTH THE MONEY. POINDEXTER, 207 SELLING BLDG. . MAIN 1S00. LOTS? LOTS! LOTS! We have buyers for good lots In every part of the city; LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS. Ask for J. Logie Richard son, with FRAVk' f . Mr-TTTR" Ablngton Ridg. Broadway- 7171. W A N TED g6oD HOMES. We have prospects for Portland homes at right prices. If others failed to sell your property, list immediately with us. We sell service. FRANK McCRILLIS. 324 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. TT& WANT 2 ACRES ON OREGON CITY CAR LINE. Have cash customer for around 2 acres with at least 6-room modern house, on Oregon City car line. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 North 6th st. Phone Bdwy 431. WANTED FIVE OR SIX-ROOM BUN GALOW OR SEMI-BUNGALOW. FUR NISHED OR UNFURNISHED. IN GOOD RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; RESTRICT ED PREFERRED; WILL PAY CASH; NO AGENTS. AJ 373. OR EG ON IAN. 1 WANT A FARM. Have Portland industrial property to trade, $20,000. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. WE WANT lots In any Approved district for residential or business purposes; list your property with us for results. COE A McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth St. Malt; 4622. 5-ROOM cottage In Hawthorne district, not over $3000; $500 cash, balance monthly. City Hall Realty Co.. 267 1 5th st. Main 6420. I WANT to buy from owner direct, lot in Alameda within 4 blocks of carline. Phone Wdln. 1447 after 7 P. M. BEST bargain In vacant lot in vicinity of East 3 lt and Tillamook. Cash. Wood- lawn :..U4 or M4i e. nun st. n. WANTED 5 or 10 acres stump land; must be reasonable for all cash, B 309, Ore I gonian. Farms Wanted. 5 TO 20 ACRES improved farm, close t good road ; no dealers. E. M. N., 263 North luth st. Wanted to itent farms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or, small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some1 people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. GerMnger Eldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANT to rent farm about 100 acres, land fit for potatoes. M- Tsugawa, care Pan ama hotel, 52 N. 4th st., Portland, FOR RKNT FARMS. STOCK ranch for lease for 2 years. 45 miles from Portland, 175 acres, good stock barn and house and other build ings, good creeks and unlimited outside range the year around. 30 acres in cul tivation on creek bottom. Owner will be at 710 Chamber of Commerce bldg. at 10 o'clock today. FOR RENT S acres at Garden Home, all In cultivation; livable 5-room house, gas and electricity. Tabor 7U46. SMALL .dairy ranch on Ttaqiuna bay .ten acres meadow, ten acres fine upland, lots of outrange; house, barn and other out buildings; 50 fruit trees. Cash in ad yanre. W. A. MlitonhergeK Yaqulna, Or. 46 ACRES, well improved place, near -tacada for rent. See Webster L. Kin caid, Realtor, 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Bdwy 4735. I WANT to rent a farm on the share basis, stocked, or wl-Il buy mme personal. Ad drere O 377. Oreg-onian. :4U-ACRE dairy farm, all furnished. Write P F. Thomas. Goble, Oi. ABOUT 4 acres east of Irvington. J. J. tanaiin, was Cham, of Com. TIMBER I.AXDS. EXCELLENT opportunity for first-class mill and logging operator to secure ac cess to fine body of red and yellow fir and red cedar without large invest ment being required for timber. Tract contains supply for 35 to 20 years of operation; cheap transportation already provided to main-line railroads; about $lf0.000 will build sawmill, logging roau, planing mills, ary Kilns ana ship ping facilities. Located on Columbia river within 00 miles of Portland. Only . those having sufficient funds to handle such an operation will be given infor mation regarding this opportunity. v L ;nu, jreponian. GOOD WOOD PROPOSITION. 100 acree unimproved landT estimated to contain 3"o0 cords, principally old growth fir. Road to land. mile to macadam, 2 miles to Columbia highway, near Scappooee. Or.. 20 miles to Port land. Price $35 per acre, $moo cash, bal. eacy terms. T. G. Rees, 4t5 Couch bldg. Broadway H523. LOGS Want to buy second growth fir logs and timber, also white fir. A 264, Oregonlan. TO KXCIIAXC.K REAL ESTATE. WANT CALIFORNIA HOMES. In exchange for two strictly mod ern Irvington homes, complete In every detail. Values good and must have something good In Los Angeles or Pasadena, For one or both. MARSH McCABE CO., Realtors, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg., Bflwy. 652S. Evenings, Tabor 436. MATCH THEM UP. 1. $1W0 lot Sandy blvd. first payment on bungaltfw. Rose City Park. 2. $10,000 clear property and cash for flat building to $17,000. 3. Stocked and equipped 20 acres m miles Btirbank, $15,000; want prop erty here. 4. Brick building, $28,000, Vancouver; take lots In restricted district as ' part. BOONE-CLE A R WATER, Realtors,' ffoe Couch Bldg. Bdwy: 53! 7. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 308-acre well-equipped dairy ranch; will take smaller ranch In either fruit or grain In vicinity of Salem. Or. Photos and full descriptions can be had by calling at our office. Socolofsky, 341 State at., Salem. Or EXCHANGE for Portland property, 40 acres or nmoer iana wnn a.dou.oou or spruce, hemlock and fir; 14 miles from Alsea bay, ciose to Waldport, north mile from ocean. Writs to Frank Noe, Gf,4 Elliott ave., Portland. Or. TO TRADE well equipped dairy faun, stock, feed, implements (well rented but could cancel lace; want coast altitude or Calif nrnia. You can deal with me. Write fully, owners only. H. L. Moody, Gooding. Idaho. 10-ROOM house, arranged for 3 fanuliea Income $S0 per month: wnt Improved ranch, close in, on good Toad. ' Value about $S0O0. SEE JOHNSON BROTHERS. 445 WASHINGTON BLDG. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E.- R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. S0 ACRES for sale or trade. What have you to offer. 22 acres in orchard. Will give gocd terms on part. W. I, , William-. Lew'ston. Id.i ho. HAVE client with cash and modern home in city for flats to $1S.000. o. O. Slet ten. realtor, 415 Ry. Ex eh. bldg. Bdwy. 3400. O W X E R will trade SJOacre farm near Grants Paes.. Or., cl-ar of incumbrance, for home In city or acreage, $5500. D. M. S. 710 Front st. . FOR EXCHANGE Irrigated .an da near Boise. Idaho, for hardware. Box 607. Boise. Idaho. WANT Montana land, exchange $3000 equity in Laurelhurst. AK 359, Ore- gonian. A-1 J.ll tU ALT ni.r A 1A ."S U as part payment on Willamette vajiey farm. X.N 37. Oregonlan. 8-ROuM house, garage, corner lot- clear rent $43; want Improved acreage, close in; no agents. Owner. D 3-"d. Oregonlan. EXCHANGE -acre orchard tract Rex station for lot or car of equal value. V 3O0. Oregonlan. IMPROVED Hood River farm for Port land property; value $ JO, 000. P. O. box 410. i-PASS. car .and W interest, worth $800. for close-in house equity. X 374. Ore- gmlans FIN E Portland Heights lot to exchange for Irvington 50x100 corner or larger inside lot east of 15th. Main 4342. TO rXCn.Wr.E MTSCFLI.AVKorS. RE 1.1 A li LK print an op wii; exchange prmung for groceries. G 374, Oicguniaxk. TO EX CH A NO E MtCET. LA VEO CS. WE WANT interior painting, tinting, pa pering; also carpenter work and electric wiring In exchange for standard make of either piano, player-piano or phono graph. FOLEY MAEGLY MUSIC CO., 10 otn ST. 1'HU.MC hIJrtrwmt. WANTED Good automobile for my equity in small river bottom farm, or one-third interest In 2350 acre gov. oil permit near big oil fields of Montana. AE 3S6, Ore gonlan, - PATHE cabinet phonograph. 40 records; used three months; want milk cows, hogs, good horse and buggy, or what have you I .Route 6, box 19u, Vancouver, Wash. , BEAUTIFUL beaded evening dress; size 36-38; never worn in Portland; will trade for dark oak china closet or 9x12 rug. Address box 53. Clackamas, Or. WILL trade lor Ford, Chevro.et or Dodge, logged -off land, fairly good road; 40 miles from Portland. John Dowd, Yank- ton. Oregon. WILL exchange carpentry work for cloth ing and groceries. A-l cabinet maker. Box 31H8, city. SET OF fine skunk furs to trade tor over stuffed davenport. Phone East 1826. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Livetock. TWO TEAMS well broken colts, 3 and 4 years old. weigh around 2500 Lbs. each, heavy boned aad well-built, span of bay mares, weight 2400 lbs., 3 and 6 years oid, with good harnss.$175; aiso 2 good farm wagona, double and single barneas, buggy and farming tools; bargain if taken at once; 6 miles northeast of Van couver on Battle Ground highway, route 1, box 165, Orchards, Wash., near Gelir station. JUST arrived from eastern Oregon, car load of very choice horses and mares, consisting of several closely matched teams, from 28oo to 3600 lbs.; also sev eral orchard chunks around 1-00 to 130O. This stock all young and well broken 'to work and grain fed, and must be sold at once. Call Union Stockyards Stables. Rutherford A Kelly, H. C. llan sen, owner. FOR SALE One carloaa horses, weight 1500 to 1800 lbs., 4 to 6 years old; all baiter broken, some broke to work. Can ja seen at Waterman, Or., 60 mtlesssoutn of Condon, or write for particulars. Straube Bros.. Waterman. Or. FINE team of horses. 3170 lbs.; Z wagons, two cows, good milkers, calf, farming implements; going away. Call P. Benin- casa at Mrs. M. r. noutm piace siuuu, Wash. T 20 HEAD dairy cows, some f-resh, some heavy springers : also one 2-year-old Durham bulL Address F. Kocher. War re n dale. Or.; O.-W. R. A N. to Dodion station, Doat lanaing. FOR SALE Span good sound mules, well broke, weight about looo, agea 5 ana v; can be seen at livery barn here; a bar gain. Lewis Rfver Land Co.. Woodland. FOR SALE One 6-gallon Jersey cow, also a few family cows. East 04 th and Gllsao. Tabor 3004. Take Depot-Monta- vilia car to end of line. N'O. 1 YOUNG large Jersey cow and calf, just fresh, big milker. 1967 E. Stark St., cor. 7Hth. SWEET TONED mahogany piano for rent. $3 a month. Room 2jtS, 40o Washington st.. 1 to 4 P. M. TWO GOOD milch cows, coming fresh soon, must sell. Box 165, route 1, Or chards. Wash. $125 TEAM and harness, 2400 lbs. Several other cheap horses, harness and wagons of all kinds. 240 East 8th. JERSEY. COW, Jut fresh. 5 gallons, tu bercular tefted. 240 East 8th. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6566. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Callday or night. Automat tc627-B4. Fhiiio', Organs ana Musical Instruments. HAVE for sale one of the best playing Bnecber alto saxa in town for only $75; cash only. ROY McLEAN, OO N. 16th SL NEW PORTABLE manogany phonograph with case, plays all records, $40; a bar gain; used records bought, sold and ex cnanged; popular hits 73c. Pacific Record Exchange, Central market, 4th and Yamhill . BOY SCOUT drums, made by Ludwig Co., heavy thumb screw rods, calf head and waterproof snares, with hickory sticks, 2 sixes; $0.5u and $7.50. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 14 ttth st, 2 BUESCHER "C" mei. saxophones, as good as new, silver with gold bell, at $125 each; terms. O. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. $20. $30. $40, $68, $90 and SloO Closing out new and used phonographs. Terms IS cash, $3, 4, $5 and $6 month. Schwa a Piano Co.. 101 Tenth at Wash and Stark DRUMMERS outfit complete. Including bas and snare drum cymbals, pedals, everything a drummer should have; only $75.' G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. 1M) MARSHALL-WENDELL piano, up right; Stein way. $150; Hliizeman, $125. Tc-rms given. Seiberllng-Luca , Muutc Co., 125 4th yt., bet. wash, and Aider, PLAYER rolls, 8S-note, all good guaranteed rolls, special for this week, a package of 6. tor $1. while they last. Q. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. TWO GOOD old Stead and one Stiner, ail very old violins, to sell cheap or trade , for others, by an old retired player. 1041 East Tenth street X. Come soon. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed French Piano Co., 12th snd Wash ington. 2U0 CASH Buys $750 Planista player piano. Includ ing bench and 40 player rolls- Security Storage Co., 103 lOth. cor. Stark. $850 THOMPSON piayer-piano, .$450; mah. case, bench, 48 rolls, terms; will iake piano as part payment. 311 Worcester but. ding. $125 CASH buys $415 equity In player piano, balance payable $15 per month; used six months, piano pow selling for $150. Woodlawn 54.tl. SAXOPHONE, tenor, IIM) takes it; will teach buyer to play free. Woodlawn S431. . STORY A CLARK piano. lino walnut casi, a bargain. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., lar.tn 4tn st. HOLTON cornet, quad, silver 4late. gold bell, $55. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 fith st. HOLTON slide trombone, finish 3-gold bell and keys; fine case. $50. G. F. John potv Piano Co., 140 6th st. $195 CASH. Secures $450 Hallett Ht Davis upright Security Storage Co.. 103 10th. cor Stark. STUDENT violin outfit, includes violin, bow. case, resin and extra strings; only tlx. o. r. Johnson fiano v.o.. jitf otn st. CONN alto saxophone, goid bell and trim mings, $125; terms. G. F. Johnson piano Co.. 149 6th st. WE W1LL trade you a new Vlctrola or . Cheney phonograph for your old piano. G F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6ih st. PIANO tuning and repairing 'Expert workmanship. Seibehng-Lucas Music Co . 1 25 4th st. Bdwy 0576 STEIN WAY SoN. upright. UU. A reai bargain. Terms given. SeiberLng-Lucas Mumc to., i-o iiii st. FOR It EXT Piano. Graf, late records, $3 month; let rental apply on purchase price. fc.mpie iranaier. nroaaway ua, KKELL piano, walnut case, fine tone, in perfect condition, $2:U; terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th at. $tij AND $75 CASH. Buys two small upright pianos. Security Storage Co., Iu3 10th. cor. Stark. WILLARD piano, walnut, plain case, a splendid buy at $275; terms. G. F. John son Piano Co., 14'.t 6th st.f $573 L1XDMAN & SONS piano, just about Dew. $273. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bidg CHICKERING piano, nice mahogany, sell about 1-3 cost of new one; fine con d it ton; terms. 312 Worcester bldg- BROKERAGE CO. moved from 311 to 312 Worcester bldg. Don't forget tb No. 812. 8 PIANOS, $100, $125, $150, $175, each, all uprights; best standard makes; terms. 312 Worcester bide. STEIN WAY piano. Just about like brand new; leas V price, terms. 212 Worces ter bldg $200 BUYS $600 fine Jewett piano, mah.; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. $2U0 BUYS $700 McPhail piano; term. 312 Worcester bldg. $600 JESS1S French piano, only $21 on terms. 312 Worcester bldg. KINGSBURY piano A snap. See it. Sei- b e r 1 ing-Lucay Music Co.. 125 4th at. KIMBALL PIANO, new. $;lw5, terms given. Seiberllng-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th st. PIANO wanted. Pay cash from private party. Maranan i,.-. GOOD used piano in first-class condi tion at very low price. 409 Union ave. N. PHONOGRAPHS repaired, any make. Sei-berling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. PI A.N O wanted. Cash proposition. but must be cheap. Bdwy. 6576. TRADE VICTROLA for piano. Giva or take difference Bdwy. baio. ! WANTED Used piano for cash; no agents. WANTED Nice toned piano, pay all cash. CaU EastMSi TRADE VICTROLA for piano. Give or take difference. Bdwy. 6576 FoR SALE Marimba phone. $73. 'After S p. M. East 4690 ' - FOR $15 N ICE cabinet grafonoia; term. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 153. FOR SALE Mahogany piano, very rea sonable. Call 62ft-9 VICTOR banjo, good as new. $1500. Main 755. evenings. NEW I'hi Cabinet phonograph. only one, $75. 31 -d aU FOR SALE. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. VI I R SALE. A WEBER 8K-NOTE THERMODIPT PLAYER PIANO. MAHOGANY CASE. THIS PIANO HAS BEEN I SED IN THE HOME OF OUR MR. CLARKE AND IS IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. MA I BE INSPECTED AT OUR STORE. 3D FIX) OR. PRICE Iti.Ml. A BARGAIN. PRICE TODAY FOR A NEW ONE IS $lOU. a WOODARD. CLARKE A CO., PARK AT ALDER ST. USED PHONOGRAPHS. Oak case with top $ 10 00 Columbia - 17.50 Vlctrola, style X, with records.... 100.00 Brunswick, with records, new.... 120.00 Brunswick, large six, gold plated, with records 240.00 And others. Terms given. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 1 25 Fourth St. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO.. CLOSING OUT Martin Bros., upright piano $173 Hin-e-Kimball upright piano li5 Hallett & Davis upright piano 215 Wellington upright piano Schubert A Co. upright piano 205 SmiUi A Barnes upright piano 31 $10 each. $6 and $8 a montnv 7th floor. Llpman. Wolfe & Co. , CLEARANCE OF USED PIANOS. -$425 Hallett & Davis uorieht $K5 450 H, P. Nelson, large walnut ... 215 900 Steeer A ona. mlselon 393 900 Stein way A Sons, rosewood .... 3V5 750 Kranich Bach, oak 295 Parlor nreans. $18 $25. $35. $45 to $08. Terms, $10 or more cash. $3 $6. $S, $10 monthly, schw a n Piano Co.. toi lotn st. $ 35 GRAFONOLA. 10 used recoriLs$ 25 95 Stradlvara and 10 used records. 45 140 Pathe, cabinet, 20 used records. 95 175 Sonora. cabinet. 20 used records. 145 140 Brunswick, 20 used records .... 95 173 Columbia, cab., 20 used records. 113 j sends one home, then $3. S5 and up monthly. Sen wan Piano Co., 101 lentn st.. at Washington st WILL sH my brand-new tenor sax for lo; finest playing condition; cash only. ROY McLEAV, 90 N". luth St XBW LOCATION. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARR. BETWEEN STARK AND WASHINGTON. PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED. RENTED. SOLD. PIANOS moved. $3. ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. CaU Broadway 1207. Furniture for Sale. DAVENPORTS. We manufacture a line of overstuffed davenports and chairs equal to the best lines made in the east, superior frame construction ; best filling material used. expert workmanship; jou can see your navenport omit; many style, large as sort men t of coverings in mohairs, ve lura, tapestries and denims. Few sam ples at rock-bottom prices. Phone 635-27, evening and Sundays, Tabor 3797 or 635-27. Michaelson-Mayson, inc., 5433 Foster roaa. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most alt points In our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 53 4th St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel Phone Broadway 3715. CIRCASSIAN walnut, William and Mary dining room suite, blue leather seated chairs; one Humphrey radiant fire; one ' Bridge-Beach Superior, gray enameled combination stoei range, almost new. Phone Mar. 406. DINING set, walnut finish oak, William and Mary design oak rocker, wicker bird cage and stand, bookshelf, walnut finish bed, ivory single bed and dresser, Eureka electric gleaner. Call before noon. FOUR new, beautiful rugs, 9x12, highest grade Axmiaster, Chinese and Persian designs, blue, brown, old rose; must sac rifice; leaving city. Phone after 9 o'clock. Main 3072. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going eat or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co., 248 Pine street DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar- fa'ns. Call or phone for salesman. RWIN HODSCN FURNITURE DEPT. 10th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 8144. FOR SALE One black walnut Joseph and Mary dining room set; one velvet Wilton rug, 8-3x10.6. 1600 Brapdon St., Kenton car. ; . OAK. dining room set, kitchen range, rock er, center table and cupboard, all in good condition, iiuo. -a o layior. COMBINATION range, burns wood, coal, gas, $75; also heater, $12; both good as new. 266 Cook ave. RUGS, dreser. davenport and other arti cles. Woodlawn 440S. Of t ice Furniture. ANOTHER big firm sells all office furni ture, flat and roil-top desks, files, type writers, adding machines, time clocks, safes, dictaphones, etc., to us; all put Into first-class condition and sold at bargain prices. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 6th st. Bdwy. 2739. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES . CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Washington St. Main 566L REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $30 com plete with carfrylng case; supplies and repairs of sll makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 94 Fifth St. Main 366. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rato to students. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 806 Spalding bldg Bdwy. 0073. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell; supplies. Type writ er Inspection Co., 312 Stark. M. 5540. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P D. Co.. 2:1 Stark st. 51ain 1407. Poultry. MAGUIRE'S "CHICKS. BRED TO LAY. HATCHED TO GROW. R. I. Reds, - O. A. C. Barred Rocks, $25 per 100; White Leghorns, $18 per 100; - $175 per 10O0. Vigorous chicks from heavy laying strains; Hoganized and trap nested stock. Order now. EGGS FOR HATCHING. J R. M AG UI RE. 77 Oregon St. 1H LAYING White Leghorn pullts, $1.25 each, LiO laying vtmie i:guonn yeaning hem $1 each. J. R. Manuire, 787 Ore gon st., 2 blocks north oi East 24th and Sandy. DogK, Rabbitw. Birds and Pet lluck. FOR SALE Beautiful deep yellow male Tellers from genuine imported roller stock, $8 and $lo. CaU East 6874 or ca41 at 6S7 Multnomah st. A-ED. BOSTON TERRIER puppie, well marked, very reaonauie. Automatic 225-46. 1143 East Alain st, SOMETHING cute In A. K. C. toy Boston terrier, 1U montna rteasonaoie, xmwy. 3tit(3. BEAUTIFUL Llewellyn setter pup for aale, femaie, 4 months. 945 E. Pine. PL RE Rollers Iroin imported slock Xe- Tuiles; line singers. asi ino. FINE fox t-rricr puppy cheap. 140 East 8th -treet. FEMALE pointer, trained, l" year old this February. .. rnone laoor 43-0. PlDinEEl Bostuii territJ-r puppies, ra- sonaoie. KastBto. FOR SALE Boston terrier puppies. 92. Court ave. w ooaiawn PUP $3 A Nil $:. (il .SECOND ST. tegs ana -arreu. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 3oj N. 14tn au. near Pettygrove. Phone A, 519-19V Coal and Wood. BEST dry cordwood $7 and $7.50 cord; block and slab, '$9. double load; all block wood. $12. double load. Bdwy. tlio. HEAVY block and slab mixed, dry, 12 ' and 19 inches No. 1 fir, hardwood. Ca.I Wood lawn 2019. DRY PLANER trimming, $5 per load; dry b.ock and s.ao, so. au wcun. 0904 I l.n .noniana -. COAL, Lincoln, $10 egg, $11 lump; invest $1 in a sample sack, save $5 a. ' ton thereafter. Broadway 3423. BUSE-UHY boxwood, ideal kindling, $4; block and siao, n.io; wreckage, large loaas. v oouia v u ou. BEST old-growth dry fir, $7.30; large secona - grow in. e i . -u. COAL, by the sack; Utah or Rock Springs, Broadway a4d. FOUR-FOOT b.ock and railroad ties; also i A. in itnv wood. Mar. 264. HEAVY country sab, absolutelydry, $7 a cord. Auto. 632-71. FIRST -GROWTH fir cordwood $8 per cord. Main 9426. $5 A LOAD. 16-inch dry plank and small t:mber. &ci:wqqq oiow. Al COUNTRY slab. $4.50 per cord; de livered H FIKS T-GRu rt'TH fir - cordwood. deliv ered at $7 93. Tabor 533, or East 5 f7. FIRST-GROWTH woou. dry. $7.50 cord; sec o r. d-growth. dry. $H.23 cord. Aut. 029-77. GREEN and dry sla wood from country mil! unor GOOD dry cordwood. $7.75 per cold, cord load. CaU Mars ha. 1 2300. FOR 8 A I.E. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir block and slab runspart'y dry. ready for furnace or heater. We aiso save you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side, Oregon Fuel Co., Wood la wn 4102. Hl'lvi'lAL. Superior grade, dry, -cord loads,. xir--ciaa. Large country inside block. 4-ld. lots $24 Country block and siab. . . .-ld. lots $15 Also aU kinds of wood furnace or heater lengths. Prompt delivery. Broadway 2157. $4 PER LOAD $4. 16-inch, partly dry block and slab mixed. Fine for furnace or heater, de livered In --load lots for $8. Sing.e loads. $4.50. Washington lump coaL $11 ton in the basement. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. EAST S041. COAL! COAL! COAL! COAL' fll per ton, put in your basement, city weight, direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns to fireash; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134 OR FAST 9126. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs. Royal Owi Creek coal. Standard Bilck A Tile Co.. 83 Fifth st.. between Stark ad Oak. Phone Broad way 18. heavy or merely graded. $5 load; any where: Bargain; dry l-io-in. country s:ab.7.23. box $4..'U. ell. i . tt3. CORD WOOD First growth, dry; also dead wood; oji graveled road, mles south Cotton station. C D. Cathy. Phone Greham 97. BOXWOOD $ PER LOAD. Fulton Wood Co., dealers in box and clabwood 1201 Macadam. Main 417S Coal $10 and $11 ton, delivered promptly. Eabt & West Fuel Co . East 1!2. NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.50. 13. Automatic 616-87. . UTAH KING COAL. Cull Auto. 647-90. Miscellaneous. LAD IBS. Are yon weary or exhausted after stana:ng an aa on your teet r ii so. oe fore vou alt down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic Powder; &0o and $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. ' MAKE a small payment and wear your eye glasses ana spectacles as yon pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregonlan bldg. BIG PURCHASE OF DESKS. Roll and flat-top desks, filea, chair; tables, dictaphones, -tiding machines, typewriters, etc. ; all In good condition at bargain prices. D. C Wax, 24-26 N, 5th. Broadway 2739. SEWING ma-htnes, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for" all makes; xx-a-c nines repaired and rented. SEWING MACH1N- EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. Main 9431. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See , our old stock of sash and doors for price a D. B. Scully Co., downtown lum ber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison snd Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. WHY a continual round of grief and dis turbance by a disgusting old leaky roof? Why not the pleasure of a cheerful and comfortable roof ? We repair Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds oi eay roofs. Phone today. Broadway 79. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand at right prices, bought, sold "and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE) A LOCK CO.. 103 Second St. Main 2045. ALL KINDS of fixtures for women's wear. Face figures, wax figures, plain forms. nickel stands, mirrors; will sell very ?heap. Apply 2S6 Morrison, phone Main A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Ma.lestio Theater Park and Washington Sta CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanrsed and repaired. Portland Cash Register A Scale Ex change, 226 Stark si.. bA 1st and 2d sts. Bdwy. 7534 FOR SALE at a sacrifice, a new squirrel coat, latest model made by leading furrier. , The parties Interested please call Main 1714. BEEKEEPERS Order your cedar supers now; save money: keep out moths. Enterprise cabinet works, 1908 Reserve St.. Vancouver, wash. ADDING MACHINE. Slightly used, good as new, a bargain Call Broadway 3712 or 218 Lumbermen building. HOT WATER tanks. 30 gal., $7; 40 gal.. $9; tested, guaranteed; stove and turnace coils, gas heaters Installed; plumbing. East Side Weld. Sh.. 203 Adams. E. 8516. 1 BRIDIE-BEACH No. 24 air-tight wood healer; 1 Mohawk steel range, $15 !r one or hot n i or 4 j. u ( L. Ash su Phone Eat 72."3. CHINESE baskets wholesale price. ..Deco rating taught free. Tabor 2251. 655 E With st. North. ttibOAuCLOTH lur-iined gentleman's over coat with Astra chan collar. Cad Wood lawn 4539. THREE heating stoves gas range, sewing machine, cheap. Ilu5 Hawthorne. Tabor. 33 23. FOR SALE 99 per cent new Singer sewing machine, cheap. Empire Transfer, Bdwy. 155. DIAMOND solitaire scarf pin worth $150; swill sell for half as 1 need the caah. 5u5 Artisans bldg. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer: a.so vacuum cleaning done. East 4043. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington at. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleanera 83 cents per day, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. PILES can be permanently cured wltheut operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. D1EBOLD safes, new ant! second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply C o. , 48 Front st nroaaway HH16. i tf-i-: VSKD inde-nendent electrician wires 3 room, for $12. 5 for $20, guaranteed to pass Inspection. Wdln. 37U1. FERTILIZER, Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Woodlawn 6233. DANDY 3-light shower fixture, complete with shades, only $5.33, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. DIAMOND, -kt. fine stone, $183; cost $3.i0 long time ago. See at 812 Worces ter bldg. HOME-CANNED fruits. preserves arid , . jellies, reasonable. Call or phone room 226 Anson 'ft Hotel. Owner leaving city . 1920 STEPHENS, sport, like new. sacrifice for cash or consider store fixtures. Bv owner, 3S0 Flint st. Phone East 716S. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. All wool overcoats sold for $5 75. It will pay you to look them over. ,203 1st. FOR SAL Four shelves Blodet gas oven in good condition, at Liberty Laun dry. 12H 5th st. VULCANIZING outlit for 5aie. For further information se Charles Irowbndge, Q u ; mby hotel, 29 4th st. 2-STRAND auburn-color . switch; natural curly, pure hair, $io. airs. tose -tiiey, Holbrook. Or. CEDAR CHESTS Dandies, $0.75. Enter prise cabinet shop iuuo reserve St., Van couver, Wash. . BOY N TON furnace, excellent condition. East 2S2. SHOW CASES, wall cases, cash registers. scales, adding macnine. --to Washington. DIAMOND KING, WILL SACRIFICE. 07U Gllsnn st. HAIR switches, vriou bhadee; no dealer. W oodlawn rriceg rt asonauie. $135 EQUITY in new phonograph $75; extraoruinai y "t"iii, j. n uvi ouoj. LARGE lynx fur lor sale. $10. 208 12th. Main 4 "09. FOR SALE Baby bed, $4; baby cart, $ i. 370 12th Bt. IF YOU want some fur cheap, write me. 5 37.1. oregonian. jNEY, warranted unadulterated, strain mild : quart 55c. Eayt 14 16. SEWING machine. Drop head. Newhome. perfect. $2o. rnone rast yo-.'u. JAPANESE inriestructib.e pearls, direct from orient; very reasonable. Mar 1984 RUUD WATER HEATER, new and Second-hand. $12 and $16. East 4S52. CHILD'S WHITE IRON BED. GOOD CONDITION. TABOR 530. X-RAY outfit, comp.ete. G 335, Ore gonlan n0 MAN'S coon fur coal; will sell for SIS. Etst 5336. STOCKYARD manure delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 2303. FOR SALE Singer sewing machine in good condition. "jn BKND-NLW $'0 Engiisb baby carriage. $35. East 8040. Ni-CK FUR. Aiasa lynx, new. $120 qual itv; sacrifice $52.30. Marshal. 2584. FOR SALE New Hanan riding hoots, sixe 10". Call 210 C. of C. bldg. LADIES Everything in used wearing ap- i - -r-1 !nw Tabor 2fiV -. . f - : - SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. FaClUC leu fl'u'ut imi st. fOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine. i ---. - j --t -r An. GUARANTEED rebuilt battfrita for Ford $10 to 115 Broadway 412. kaFE and filing cabinet, second-hana, but good as ne en-q-y. vi-sunian. y LAD " SHOP. 505 B.iw. bid., hem stitch in cHngrirmji FL'hM'fL RE lepairmg. mirrors, medicine auuiei. etc Cail Weudlawa lioi. FOR SALE, Miscellaneous, SERVICE FOR SALE No matter how big ' or how small or what your business or vocation, yuu can have a purchasing agent in Portland, who will hunt and find and get a price on anything from a knitting needle to a threshing ma chine, all for the sum of a 2-cent stamp. Write us Immediately, giving complete description of article you want. We can tave you time, worrv and money. M. t. WILSON'S SERVICE BUREAU, .Ml Union Ave.. Portland, Or. WE PHY, SELL OR TRADE SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. TENTS. ELECTRIC FANS. TRUCKS, Show Casta, Casft Registt-rs. Scales, TYPEWRITERS. FCRNITURE, ETC, ANYTHING OF VALUE. NEWMAN'S EXCHANGE. 12S FIRST. BET. ALDER and WASH. BDWY. 710L AUT. 627-40, 625-b2. NATIONAL CASH REGISTER". SECOND-HAND. FACTORY REBUILT. TOTAL ADDERS A3 LOW AS $50. Mechanism and title guaranteed. Repair service by company mechanic NEW REGISTERS AS LOW AS $75. EASY TERMS. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., Broadway 1816. 390 Stark St. ROSE BUSHES Now Is the time to plant them. The Portland Rose Nursery Is the place. All the newest, best varieties at the lowest prices. Also a large assort ment of ornamental shrubs. We do landscaping. Let us figure on your Job. Telephone us. We do the rest. Phone 636-70. 1882 Division at., corner of 7 3 d? . . WE ARE OVERSTOCKED WITH SIM PLEX IRONING MACHINES AND WHILE TREY LAST WILL SELUFOR $110. ALSO EASY COPPER WA-U1NG MACHINES. $110. Terms if desired. ELECTRIC MAID SHOP. 133 10TH ST. BDWY. 4024. .NO FREEZE OUT, BUT BLANKETS FOR EVERYBODY. 500 PAIRS LOWER PRICED TO CLOSE OUT QUICK. A FEW ROBES GO ALSO. 6JJ3 TITLE A TRUST BLDG., BROADWAY 3238. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUT35. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or Jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store . Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Ma lest 1c Theater. Park and Washington Sta SPECIAL sale Beauty parlor equipment. 86 6th, between Stark and Oak. FOB SALE: AI'TOMOlilLFS. COUPE, new, 4-passenger, will sacrifice over $700 on this light 0 beauty, would consider light touring car as part pay ment and balance easy terms, n you mean business call me up and I will gladly demonstrate. Watts, Tabor 1800. 3t3 Glenn ave. HERE'S A SNAP. Late 1920 Oldsmoblle 6. 5-pasa. like new; original finish. $7-50. terma writ ten guarantee as to mechanical condi tion. If you want a snap, this is iL Conk & Gill Co.. 11th and Burnslde. MARRIED man 81 yars old. good edu cation, desires position driving truck, tractor or private car. Well experi enced and can. furnish references for all three. Can do own repairing. Must have work. D 36 H. Oregonlan. WE C.iHKY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG A S1LVA. Phone Fast 6S40. 462 Hawthorne. 1019 FORD, panel body delivery with starter b.ock; tires good, body excel lent; has Camel Ford side spring. See Mr. Benn, 21 Grand ave., mornings, evenings and Sunday A. M. 1919 OAKLAND SIX. Victoria top. cord tires, fully equipped and in fplendid condition. $400. Call Mis Smith, Eaton hotel, room 307. Main 8170. LIGHT SIX BU1CK SEDAN. In' very good condition, cord tiros and one txtre tire. This is a bargain. Small it posit down, balance terms. Call Tabor 1 4 2. BUICK SIX. $485. A REAL GOOD BUY IN A SIX-CYLINDER CAR; NEW PAINT AND GOOD TIRES. CALL ADAMS. MAIN 469", A PA RT. 31. HUDSON speedster, model O, Just like new, oversize cords, one spare; many extras, perfect condition. 1922 license $1075. East 3382. 212 Knott, after 5 P. M. WI LLYS 6-passenger sedan at a snap: price of $1000; excellent mechanical condition; 3 good tires; heater, bumper, etc. Run 6.100 miles. Call Mr. Ryan at Main 8316 after 7 I'. M. BRAND-NEW VELIE. Just from factory never run. must be sold this week, big discount, terms. Owner. Main 142. LATE '18 Maxwell, new tires, two new cord tires in rear. In fine mechanical condition, new battery, a snap, $165. CaU Tabor 5275; FOR SALE or trade, by owner, one 1918 model 7-pas, Chandler car. In excellent condition. c'hone Mar. 1626 mornings after 10 o'clock. 1W18 DODGE TOUR ING $585. Car in very good condition; must sell at once, will take terms and smaller cr in trade. Tabor 6184. BABY grand Chevrolet sedan, fine con dition; will consider trade; good lot. Irvington. Laurelhurst or close in Rose City. Tabcr5935. 1922 STEPHENS SPORT MODEL, Brand new, at big discount. See Splidsboel and Rawlins, the Stephens specialists. Sixth and Everett. AN Y ON E anticipating the purchase of an Oltlfmobile can save considerable by purchasing from me credit that 1 have to app.y dn one. K 378, Oregonlan. FORD TOURING. Late 1921 model, 2 months old. run 600 miles,, like new, at a sacrifice. Best of terms. Woodlawn 721. FORD SEDAN. 1920 model, fully equipped. In splen did mechanical condition, $125 down, balance 12 months. East 0032. FORD TOURING. 1918 model, in best of mechanical con dition. hts of extras; a bargain; good terms. Woodlawn 721. Ill u r mr iwi,ihm. Completely overhauled, with new top and pulnt, some extras: $7ii down, bal- ance 12 months. Bdw y. 309. DODGE sttli,n- $800, fine mechanical con dition, good cord tires, sold on easy pay ments. Call Mr. Hess at Bdwy. 217 or Tabor 3297. ' FORD roadster, good condition: tf-rms to reliable party. Phone Bdwy. 6763. 10 to 12 or call at room 513 Buchanan bldg. after ft P. ii. FOR SV LE 1918 Hupmobile, model R. just painted; first-class mc ban leal shape; cash or terms. Phone Rtlwe. 3321. 1910 FORD del., new rubber. Haasler shocks, new rear end, starter b'k. perfect motor. C. G . 462- KenI worth ave. FOR b a LE - Ve lie touring car. 120 model, excellent condition. Call Marshall 542 or Marshall 606. LUiCK 4 touring, electric starter, motor A-l, sacrifice $150. 150 Union ave., up stain. 1922 4l0 CHEVROLET, run about. 1000 miles, must sell. If you want a new car at a discount, call Tabor 3913. Terms. OVERLAND 90. $375, new cord tires, 3922 licence and i in excellent Condi- tint. M r. nsey, Hdwy 321 LATE 1920 FORD touring, good tiro, tcx shape mechanically, starter; $325; term WE TEAR em up and tell the pieces. Portland Anto WrecKlng Co., 531 Alder 17th. Broadway 5234. ' 1118 FORD, Al mechaniral condition, new tire, new body, chains, tools. loo terms- East M20. 1U18 FORD, like new. cash or terms; your own car i" a.-- ' ui duvi you 7 Broadway 425. 26 North Broadway. WE PUT steel teeth in your old flywheel; cranKsnau mi unm. i. a. tiiack Mi chine shop. r,34 Aider. Bdwy. 20si. BABY grand touring, runs and looks like new, 1920 model; will take small car in trade, bal. easy T. 3H3.V ATTENTION, FORD BUYERS Will sll my $175 credit with proml nent Ford dealer for$150. East 1 1 4. 1020 BUICK ROADSl ER $IU0. This car, perfect shape, must dispose of quick; no trades; terms. Tabor 7S17. FORD COUPE. Run 4 months, has a lot of extras. $r,00 ; terms. Tabor 7S17. , 1921 LEXINGTON 5-paas. touring car; like new; $1100; terms. Wdln. 1474. FORD panel delivery, cheap, terms, good con umon. v.an .-uiuiimne t)iu-;i i. FORD bug, a regular buy, U5. V ranson's FoR SALE or trade for lighter car, Cad lilac roadster East 1365. 1U0 FORD touring. Rue new, $300; will take 1TH7 or mis in tracif. Ens: 437fi. SACRIFICE my 1922 odge touring. Lumper, spotngni. laoor oi-t. litis CiitiUlULKT roadler. Wi.l trade for Ford. E. 4376. CADILLAC. 1914. 7-pass. perfect condi- ton. .ou: terms man itpwv th.. DEAD automobile storage Jn brick build ing. 2,.'o month. 315 B''lmont. OLDS 6, line condition, 4 new cord tire. Woo 'awn 1 1 1'S. 1922 FofiU aedtn. A real buy lor quiuk . caah sle- Call Mr. Sharp, Bdwy. 610. I FOR SM.F ArTOMORIT.KS. .winter bargain sales. cont1nuk at very low prices on used automobile: s. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudnon and Essex auto mobiles. TfeeKe are in the best of mechanical condition ; they are also warranted the same as fac tories warrant ne ears. In addi tion, we give 90 days' free me chanical service. Other makes of need automobile thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to belpg returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every Surchaser to try out the car he uys, gives him time to have It In spected, and we want only satis fied customers. 1917 Maxwell $ 573 1920 Maxwell 47$ 1919 ('rant six 5o0 1919 Chalmers six :-0 1917 Bulclt PT5 1917 Dodge 630 1919 Olds six 673 1918 Olds eight 8M) 1919 Liberty sport model ... 1920 Chandler 975 191 f Overland chummy 425 1919 Chalmers 7h -1918 Cole 8, sport model .... 1150 1921 LlghtS Studebaker. gone 1HOO miles; cord tires. aU in ILrst-ciass condition.. 97S RPP-EX. 1920 Essex touring csr. re- built, reflmshed and re painted; sold with standard 4 factory warranty 750 1921 Essex, overhauled, re . finished and repainted; sold with the standard factory warranty 97S 1916 Hudson super six. re- , built and repainted; sold with standard factory war ranty TVS 191T Hudson supfr tlx. re built, reftnlshed and paint ed; sold with standard fac tory warranty 17$ 1918 Hudson super six tour ing car. rebuilt, refinlshed and repainted; sold with taudard factory warranty. 1130 1919-1920 (modftl O series) Hudson super six touring automobile, has been over hauled, reflmshed and re painted; sold with stand ard factory warranty for.. 1173 1920 Hudson speedster, over hauled and repainted; sold with standard factory war ranty 1550 Largest Vsed Car Branch Store In the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 3739. Also a Display at Our Salesroom, 613-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. REBUILT BUICK9. when purchased from aa are GUARANTEED the same as new Buicaa The most IMPORTANT THINO to consider In the purchase of a REBUILT CAR Is the RESPONSI BILITY of the SELLER, HOWARD AUTO MOB I LB COMPANY. Largest Distributors of Automo biles in the World, Alder at Twelfth Street. Broadway 1130. HUDSON BARGAINS. COMPARE THESE PRICES. 1016 HUDSON 7-PASSENGEK TOUR ING. JUST OVERHAULED. A BAR GAIN AT $435 191-19 HUDSON SPEEDSTER. JUST OVERHAULED, GOOD PAINT. LET'S GO AT $T73 1920 HUDSON 7-PASSENGFR, SERIES 11-0. ALL READY TO GO At 150 19tS CHANDLER 7-PASSENGER. FINE CONDITION. ALL NEW TIRES. . MUST GO AT ONCE $465 1920 MODEL 7-0 HUDSON COUPE. RUNS .AND LOOKS LIKE NEW, A BAH- GAIN AT $192: TER5TS IF DESIRED. SEE ADAMS AT 514 ALDER ST. PHONE 513-67. AUCTION SALE. Two sales a week, Thursday evening 7.30 P. M., Monday 7.80 P. M. This Ls the place to buy your automobile. We sell about 40 automobiles a week Different makea There's a reason. Come and see. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE. Corner 6th and Everett. Phone Broadway 2329. AUCTION SALE. FORDS THAT SATISFY PRICES ARE AT BOTTOM NOW Ford roadster, new tires $123 00 1917 Ford roadster, good skape ... 150OO JHI9 Ford roadster, new body ... 26.t.iKI 1920 Ford touring, starter 840 OO 1921 Ford sedan, like new 5H.Y00 1915 Ford chaw-in. good rubber ... 9OO0 1020 Ford tcuck and body 450. 0u Thepe cars are alt good buys; will eHl on eay terms or tuke other Fords in trade. A RM ENTROUT-WICK E MOTOR CO MM and Foster rd Phone 63 S -4 6 1920 CHANDLER. This car in practically new, run nnlv hOOO miles, and is in fine media niml condition. Spotlight, bumper and m.iny ot her extras. Will sacrifice for $"o. Terma Call Mr. Pendcrgmss, Bdwy 8006. 1920 PREMIER. , 7-passenger, run but little, new cord tires, heater. This car is in prime me chanical shape and Is a rare buy in a high-grade automobile. The price $1730, terms $750 cash, balance $loo per mo. Call me and make appointment for dem--onstration. Phil Dana, 33 North Park st.. Broadway 7SR MARMON CHUMMY. Looks like a brand new car and has been renewed mechanically. Buyer fully protected by written guarantee. Genuine sacrifice at $I5m), (ornn. Cook A GUI Co.. llth and Burnwlrte. i 1920 BUicK Roadster. In perfect condition. Good tires good extras. This is a bargain and a chance for you to save money on your buy. Smali deposit, bulance on easy terms. Call Tnhor 154 2. OVERLAND SNA R One of the late small models, with the new fcprlng Aut-pension. Car like new. Will give written guarantee. $450. terms Cook A Gill Co.. Ilth and Burnslde. $350 " buys 1918 Studebaker R. with written guarantee as to mechanlml condition. Terma Cook A Giil Co.. llth and Burn slde. 1920 buick roadster. $700 This car is In fine condition and has good tires; will sell on ty terms. East i9; 1920 CHEVROLET TOURING, blKgt map in city; if taken today $2S3 cash; might consider fome term-; car can le at 212 S. Jersey St., St. Johns, or phone Col. VM. MY CHEVROLET 1921 denumwi rator. guaranteeu ame mm nw; win take ued Ford cr Chevrolet In trade and give terms. Phone Tab" 3632. $250 WILL buy ni Ford. s:art-r, dt-mount- abl rime, wioc. iiworiK m, an reaay to go. Call Mr. Ensey, Bdwy. 821, evenings Woodlawn 1657. A SNAP. 1919 Ford roadster, all new tires and motor in perfect condition. A real bar gain at $230. Tabor 64. MA I BOH M I'edan. 1921 5-pass., all good tires run les tnan loiw nines; car cost $2650: will sacrifice for $1450; terms if ee : r d . i ' n o n e ji r'.rr. n ronq w a v inn A I'PeAsoW 5-pas 6. in good condition ; li you are tooaing i or a ri nuy, re this car- price $ 125. Phone McCrary. Hn.R-1 'V 1614. 6-CY LIN 1IK roadster, si at covers, spare t Ire ana ex 'ran, in nou -nape, i .to See car at Elite Garage. 12th ami J: f erson. ' DODGE SEDAN SNAP. Has been re-enameled. Itoks like new one. A snap at $700. Terms Cook A Gill Co.. Mth and Burnslde. BUICK-6 I9ls. touring, $600. Photiu Wood lawn 2--0.