TTTE SIOItXIXG OREGOXIAX, FRIBAT, JANUARY 20, 1922 17 r. c i i t WANTED REAL EST TE. WAN TEu FLAT BUILDINGS. We have client who are desirous of purchasing following Income bearing properties: 2-family flat buildings, both east and west side. 4-famlIy flat buildings. 6-famiIy fiat buildings. Owners desiring to sell properties of this charatr will Immediately tele phone us- Call for Mr. Florence. BITTER. LOWE A CO., Realtors. SM1-a-B-7 Board of Trade Building. LOTS! LOTH! LOTS! We have buyers for good lots In every part of the city; LIST WITH US FOR RESULTS. Ask for J. Logie IUchard on, with FRANK L MrOTTIRE. Ablngton Bldg. Broadway 7171 WK WANT homes in Alberta, Peninsula, Kenton and Montavllia. We have many buyers waiting to be located In these dis tricts. If your price is right we can sell quickly. Phone for our appraiser. O'FARkELL-FORDNEY, 338-40 Chamber of Com. Bdwy. 4172. WANTED GOOD HOMES. We have prospects for Portland ftoraei at right prices. If others failed to sell your property. list Immediately with us We sell service. FRANK McCRILLIfl. . 924 Henry Bid g. JBd wy. 779. WE HAVE buyars for two moaern Irving ton bungalows with three sleeping rooms on ground floor; also two for same in Laurelhurat. Phone today far our ap praiser. O'PARRELL-FORDNET, SSS-40 Chamler of Com. Bdwy. 4172. WANT 2 ACRK8 O.N OKKUO.S CITY CAR LIN K. Have cash customer for around 2 acres with at least 0-room modern house, on Oregon City car iine. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 North fi'h st. Phone Bdwy 4381. W A N T K l F I V B OR SIX- ROO M BUN GALOW OR SEMI-RUNOALOW. FUR NISHED OR UNFURNISHED, IN GOOD RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT; RESTRICT ED PREFERRED; WILL PAY CASH; NO AGENTS. AJ 373. OREOONIAN. I. WANT A FARM. Have Port. and industrial property to trade, $20,000. W. H. ROSS. linn N. W. Bank Bldg WJii WANT lots in any approved district for residential or business purposes; list your property with us for results. COE A. Ale K EN N A A CO., 2 Fourth Pt. Main 4522. CLIENT wants 6-room modern home in Sunnyslde; has $3500 home all clear in Ariel a, as part payment. 1136 Northwest ern Bnnk bide Main 4179. I1AVB several clients who want good suburban homes at Multnomah station or Garden Home. 1 t3(i Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 4179. WANTED To buy from owner, a bunga low or small house with small payment down. Main 8160. TRADE new truck or touring car for Port land property, equities or acreage and pay rnsn rtlTrerence. c L'ni, oregonlan. VANT ONE or two lots. Will trade truck, any size. Call Frentzel, Bdwy. 601. Evenings, Pell wood, 1)81. WANTED From 1 acre tract and trp; would prefer improved orchard. Main 8 1 HO. HAVE red hot buyer for best- $5000 bun galow. Phonw us at once. Bdwy. 433. Farms Wanted. - TO -0 ACRES improved farm, close to (food road ; no dealers. E. M. N., 283 North 19th st. Wanted to Kent farms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Home people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. WU1 buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm De a ler on Pacific Coast. WANTED FARMS TO RENT. We are having many calls for farms to lease; many will buy personal prop erty and some prefer the place alone. If your price Is right we can get quick action. F. L. EDDY, Realtor, HITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201 -2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WANT to rent farm about 100 acres, land fit for potatoes, M. Tsugawa, care Pan ama hotel, 02 N 4th st., Portland. FOB RENT FARMS. DAIRY FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! 2'K acres, fine pasture, good house, modern barn, all outbuildings, water In house and barn, all machinery to work with, 23 head of cows and some young stock. Farm to lease and equipment for sale. Some terms. Call 4-1 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 3 A3 ft. FOR It EXT OR SALE- 10 acre. 2 acres cleared, balance in pasture; some fruit, good two-room houne and sleeping porch; woodshed, small barn, large hen house; easy terms. H5S K. tit h st. X. JbMALL dairy ranch on Yuquina bay .ten acre meadow, ten acres fine upland, lots of outrange: houne, barn and other out buildings; SO fruit trees. Cash In ad vance. W. A. MllTrniherger. Yaqulna. tr. ACH US, SO in lies of Portland. 1 hi milt s of highway, 80 acres in cultiva tion, fair buildings; equipped; rent $375. Wilbur F. Jouno. Hniry bldg. 46 ACHES, well improved place, near E tacada for rent. See Webster L. Kin caid. Realtor, 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Bdwy. 4735. TIMBER LANDS. 1J.000 CAPACITY mill, 2 donkeys, 1.000. 04 H) timber; everything complete; abun dance timber available. $400, terms. 419 Lumbermen bldg. Wlnsiow company. LOGS Want to buy second growth fir logs and timber, also white fir. A 304, Oregoniun. TO FXCfMXPr REAL ESTATE. APARTMENTS FOR EXCHANGE. Good, solid concrete apartment house, 8 apartments with 3 rooms and private bnth each, all furnished; price $25,000; will take about half in other Portland property. This property Is a good steudy income prod we r. ' LUK DDE MANV COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce H'dg. 247 ACRES near Brownsvil le ; 190 acres cleared ; Rood pasture, running water, some timber; 7-room house, large barn, fully stocked and equipped; $20.4)00; will ell half down or trade for res., apt. or store properly to $10,000. See Hall, 712 Lewis Diog. tinwy. FOR SALE OU EXCHANGE 3$-acre well -eq uippei uairy rauvn ; win i o smaller ranch In either fruit or grain In vicinity of Salem, Or. Photos and full descriptions can be had bv calling m our office. Socolofsky, 341 Stat st.. SaUm. Or. EXCHANGE 4FF1CK. City residences to exchange for well Improved small acreage. A No farm list ing KOBNFTT A McCLUE, Realtors. Bdwv. H5?t. 3n-.' Couch Bldg. EXCHANGE for Portland property. 40 acres of timber land with 8.5K).0O0 of spruce, hemlock and fir; 1 miles from Alf-ea bay, clove to W'aldport. north hi mile from ocean. Write to Frank Now, r,n Kinott ave., rortiana. or. TO TKADK well equipped dairy farm, stock, fed, implements well rented but could cancel lease); want coast attitude or California, You can deal with m. Write fully, owners only. H. L. Moody, Gooding. Idaho. 10 R H'M house, arranged for 3 families. J ncome $M per month; want improved ranch, close in, on good road. Value about $sou0 HEK Ji'lTN'SON A BROTHERS, 44 WASHINGTON BLDG. liyi'JTY of I2.00 In 7-room modern bun galow In Mount Scott district to trade for 5 to 10 acres, improved, on red car line, west side. Will assume. Hall, Hdwv. a:ui3. jO ACHES fur falo or trade. What Mve you to offer. 1T2 acrn tn orrhard. Will give go d terms to part. W. L. Will- lulTif. I.ew'ston, Id ho. 40 ACRES mar Sherwood, ft -room house, la re upt'iy of wood on place to ex--b:mno for lots. Wilbur F. Jouno, ll.--irvb:dg. unii lots on 4."ith nt., ft lota on 8th st., trade for house and lot of equal value. Citv Hall Kcalty Co., u7i 3th at. Main 64 --. lv E W vtom bungalow on Sandy. $G(HnI; Hood View road. 4h0: trade for apartment houe furnishings and n--time. X.2 tv. Kxch., Bdwy. 4'.VAil. m k"A!.l" E J.l-oo. will trade lurniture and lease of 35 rooms, ail on one floor, for house and lot. clear. Phone Vancouver 204 f'ViR EXCHANGE -d iuiida neaf B.dHe, Id. i ho, for hardware. Box 8tJ7. I4ln. Id.iho. WANT Montana '.and, exchange $3oO0 equi'y In Laureliiurbt. AK Zoil, Ore- g'ni: n. ; WANT 1M1 HOVED ALFALFA LAND as part paynent on Willamette valiey farm. AN 37'-'. Or-gonlan. i-KUOM hou.-e. guraxe, corner lot. clear; rer.t $4." ; want improved acreage, close in; n agent Owner, n 3it, oregonian. J.XCH A N i IC 3 -acre ori hard tract station fr lot or car of equal va.u Ittx . V KwCITY In 6-room furnished bunKalow to trade for lot or house to $iiTiH la Ladd's ft.l li t i on. Hall. Bdwy. 33ti;t. M equity in f:t;:o ti-room. !S-tory modem home, S year old, for clear lot or auto Call ll.lwv. 7irt. Mr. Allen. lMl'UOVKD Hood River farm Mr Port land property; value $J0,oo0. r. O. box 4'M 7-1' ASS car and Interest, worth $0. for tluatf-in house equity. X 374, Ore f onlan. i'lN'K l'rtlatid Heights lot to exchange for Irvlngton .'lOxioo corner or larger lufide lot east ot iato. Mala iJii TO EXrHANCE REAL ESTATE. I All 73 YEARS too oTd to operate my 400-acre dairy and stock ranch in Yamhill county and will give someone a rare bargain in sal or trade. 110 acres tn cultivation, balance good timber and pasture; excellent water piped to house, garden, barn and four chicken houses. House has six rooms, fair condition. 2 barns Implement shed, granary and 4 chicken houses. Pr.ce is only $35 per acre and will take a house In Portland or ciose-in acreage to $4000. Plenty of time on bal ance. If you want something good, see this. MacIXNES, EXCHANGE DEPT.. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-2-3-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Where Trails Are Made. WANT CALIFORNIA HOMES. In exchange for two strictly mod ern Irvlngton homes, complete In every detail. Values good and must have something good in Los Angeles or Pasadena. For one or both, MARSH A McCABE CO., Realtors, --3-4 Failing Bldg., Bdwy. 66:28. Evenings, Tabor 436. 1! ACRES. ALL STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. Fine lH-acre piece in high state of cultivation; good tt-rooin bouse, good barn, chicken house and other out building, horses, harness and wagon and frm Implements; all goes at the price of $9000; on hard-surface road, less than 30 miles from Portland ; accept good borne to $4o()0 and balance terms. PUDKEY INVESTMENT CO., ftog-io Panama Bldg., Bdwy. 6942. TO EXCHANGE, 80 acres, 2 miles from Pasco, Wash., under ditch; clear; JiiOO per acre; flO.OOv in other .locks; bear closest investigation. Want farm close to Portland. Pacific Finance Co.. 320 Fittocit bik. MODERN 1 it-room house, full cement basement, hot-water furnace, near Whit man college. Walla Walla. Wash. Ar ranged for apartments, which rent read ily; now rented to capacity; income $113 per month; will take farm or improved acreage near Portland ; might assume. Owner. Arthur Skinner, box 4200. Port land, Or. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. WE WANT interior painting, tinting, pa ppring; also carpenter work and electric wiring in exchange for standard make of either piano, player-piano or phono graph. FOLEY MAEGLY MUSIC CO., 100 6th ST. PHONE BDWY. C3tt!. WILL trade for Ford. or Dodge, logged-off land, fairly good road ; 40 miles from Portland. John Dowd, Yank ton. Oregon. . ELECTRIC toaster, collapsible baby car riage. Ford gas tank for Ford tires or will sell. Call evenings at 1000 Brandon street. Kenton car. OVERCOAT, heavy, new, size 40. trade for typewriter or tapestry portierres, 95 East Tenth st. South. WILL exchange carpentry work for cloth ing and groceries. A-l cabinet maker. Box 31Hft, city. WILL TRADE truck, tor what have you? Cell Frentsel Bdwy. titfl. Evenings. &eU. 981. LOT IN Lenta for car or what have you 7 Sell. 9S1. SET OF fine skunk furs to trade for over stuffed davenport. Phone East 1H20. RELIABLE print shop will exchange printing for groceries. G 374, Oregoniun. FOR SALE. florae. Vehicles. Liventock. TWO TEAMS well broken colts, S and 4 years old. weigh around 2500 lbs. each, heavy boned and well-built, span of bay mares, weight 2400 lbs.. 5 and 6 years old, with good harness. $175; also 2 good farm wagons, double and single harnes, buggy and farming tools; oargain if taken at once; a miles northeast of Van couver on Battle Ground highway, route 1, box 105, Orchards, Wash., near Gehr station. JUST arrived from eastern Oregon, car load of very choice horses and mares, consisting of several closely matched teams, from 28(io to 3800 lbs.; aleo sev eral orchard chunks around 1200 to 1300. This stock all young and well broken to work and grain fed, and must be sold at once. Call Union Stockyards Stables. Rutherford A Kelly, li. C. Han sen, owner. FOR SALE One carload horses, weight 1300 to 1800 lbs., 4 to 6 years old; all haiter broken, some broke to work. Can je seen at Waterman, Or., 60 miles south of Condon, or write for particulars. Ktraube Bros., Waterman, Or. FINE team of horses, 3170 lbs.; 2 wagons, two cows, good milkers, calf, farming implements; going away. Call P. Benin cutna at Mrs. M. E. Buxzini place, Sifton, Wash. ;o HEAD dairy cows, some fresh, some heavy springers; also one 2-year-old Durham bull. Address F. Kocher. War rendale. Or. ; O.-W. R. A N. to Dodson station, boat lanaing. FOR SALE Span good sound mules, well broke, weight about 1G00. aged 8 and 9; can be seen at livery barn here; a bar gain. Lewis River Land Co.. Woodland. TWO GOOD milch cows, coming fresh soon, must aeil. Box 105, route 1, Or- chards. Wash EXCHANGE Hoe grain drill, dine culti vator and fanning mill for sheep. John Cheldelin. OreHham, Or. LOST MATE, will sell reasonable, ISOO-lb. brown horse, good worker and In fine shap. 3S1 Water St.. west wide. $125 TEAM and harness, 24H lbs. Several other cheap borses, harness and wagons of all kinds. 24Q East 8th. JERSEY CO W, just fresh, 5 gallons, tu bercular tested. 24Q East 8ih. VETERINARIAN. s LR. HOWES. TABOR 6366. LE A D horses and cattle taken qulcRiy. Call day or night. Automatic 627-ti4. DANDY team horses. 2900 pounds harness, bargain, $290. East 8107, good WOOD wagons, three heavy ones, each, worth double. East 8407. $40 rianoe. Organs and Musical Instrument. hv aj CLARK Diano. line walnut caa. a bargain. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 12Mh 4th st. PIANOS moved. 3. ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1207. HULTON bell, $55 tith st. cornet, quad, silver plate, go:a G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 HO LION slide trombone, finish 3-gold bell and keys, fine case. $50. G. F. John nr Piano Co.. 149 6th st. . $1U3 CASH. Secures $450 Haliett A Davis upright. Security Storage Co., lo.t loth, cor Stark. STUDENT violin outfit, includes violin, bow, case, resin and f-xtra strings; only J1S. G. F. Johnson i'iano Co.. 149 6th st. CONN alto saxophone, gold bell and trim mings, $125; terms. U. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 lh st. WE WILL trade you a new Victrola ot Chney phonograph for your old piano. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. PiNO tuning and repairing. Expert workmanship. Seiberlmg-Lucaa Music Co, 125 4th st. Bdwy 6376 STEIN WAY At SON. upright, $400. A real bargain. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th st. FTr RENT I'iano. gSTl late records, $3 month; let rental app'.y on purchase price. Empire Transfer. Broadway 135. K K ELL piano, a aiuut case, fine tone, in perfect condition. $290; term. G. F. J oh nson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. $oi AND $73 CASH. Buvs two sma.I upright pianos. Security Storage Co., 103 loth, cor. Stark. V t LLAK D piano, w alnut, plain case, J splendid buy at $275; terms. G. F. John-.-uii Piano Co.. 141 0th st. $573 LIN DMAS & SONS piano, new, $276. Brokerage Co., 31J bid. Just about Worcester CHiCkEKlN'G piano, nice mahogany, sell about 1-3 cost of new one; fine con dition; terms. 312 Worcester bldg. BROKERAGE CO. niuved from 311 to 312 Worcester bldg. Don't forget, the No. 312 b PIANOS, $100, $123, $150. $175. each, all uprights; best standard makes; terms. 312 Worcester bidg. STE1NWAY piano. Jut about hi new; less price, terms. 312 t.r bldg. e brand Worces- $200 BUYS $iiH) fine Jewett piano, terms. 3 12 Worcester bldg. $200 BUVS $70U .U Worcester bldg. Phail piano; terms. 31J $ti00 JESS1S French piano, only $275, terms. 312 Worcester bldg. KINGSBURY piano. A snap. See it. Sei-berting-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st. KIMBALL PIANO, new, $o'J5, terms given, Se: berl i r. g-Lura.' M uslc Co., 125 4th St. PIANO party. a n ted. Pa v Marshall 15.1 ash from private liijiiU UMd p.aao in lirt-e.a coudi tton st very low price. 409 Union ave. N. j PHoXOGKAUHS repaired, any make. herllng-Luoas Music Co. 125 4th 1 Sai- PIANO warned, most b cheap. Cash proposition, Bdwy. 6570. but TRADE VICTROLA for piano, take difference. Bdwy. 6576. W A N'TE1 Used piano for cash; no agents. Broadway 1313. WANTED Nice toned piano, pay ail cash. Call East 82. TRADE VICTROLA for p'ana. lake difference. Edwy. 6570, FOR SALE. Piano, Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR S A T.R A WEBHR 88-NOTE THERMODTST PLATER PIANO. MAHOGANY CASK THIS PIANO HAS BEEN VSED IN THE HOME OF OUR MR. CLARKE AND IS IN FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. MAY BE INSPECTED AT OUR STORE, 3D FU OR. PRICE IS0. A BARGAIN. PRICE TODAY FOR A A'EW ONE IS $lbOO. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO., PARK AT ALDER ST UftEU i'Hu.NOURAPilS. Oak case with top $ 10.00 Columbia 1730 Victrola. style X, with records 100.00 Brunswick, with records, new.... 120-00 Brunswick, large size, gold plated, with records 240.00 And others. Terms given. 6EIBERLINO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 Fourth Pt. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO.. CLOSING OUT Martin Bros., upright piano $173 - Hinze-Kimball upright piano 19o Haliett & Davis upright piano 213 Wellington upright piano l9"' Schubert A Co. upright piano 20o Smith A Barnes upright piano 315 (10 each, $H and H a month. 7th floor. Lipman. Wolfe A Co. CLEARANCE OF USED PIANOS. $425 Haliett A Davis upright $165 430 H. P. Nelson, large walnut ... 213 900 Hteger A Sons, mission 393 9"0 Stein way & Sons, rosewood .... 33 750 Kranich A Bach, oak 23 Parlor organs. $18. $25, $35, $45 to $08. Terms. $10 or more cash, $3 ti. $3. $10, monthly. Schwan Piano Co., 101 10th st. $ 33 GRAFONOLA. 10 used records 23 93 Stradivara and 10 used records. 43 140 Pathe, cabinet, 20 used records. 93 140 Brunswick, 20 used records .... 93 i coiumoia, cao., zu us. a $5 send? one home, then $3, $5 and up monthly. Schwan Piano Co., lol Tenth St.. at Washington st. WILL sU my brand-new tenor sax for $t5; finest playing condition; cash only. ROY McLEAX, 90 N. J 0th St HAVE for sale one of the best playing Buecher alto saxa In town for only $75; cash, only. ROY MeLEAN", 90 N". lttth St. NJiW LOCATION, HAROLD S. GILBERT. 107 WEST PARK. BETWEEN STARK AND WASHINGTON. PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED, RENTED. SOLD. NEW POKTABL.E manogany phonograph with case, plays all records. $40: a bar gain; used records bought, sold and ex cnanged; popular hits 75c. Faciflc Record Exchange, Central market. 4th and Yamhill BOY SCOUT drums, made by Ludwig Co., heavy thumb screw rods, calf head and waterproof snares, with hickory sticks. 2 sizes; $6.50 and $7.50. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th St. 2 BUESCHER "C" met. saxophonta. as gobd as new. silver with gold bell, at $123 each; terms. O. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. $20, $30. $40. $08, $00 and $100 closing out new and used phonographs. Terms $3 cash. $3, 4, $5 and $6 month. Schwaa Piano Co.. 101 Tenth at Wash, and Stark DRUMMER'S outfit complete, including bas and snare drum cymbals, pedals, everything a drummer should have; enly $75. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th st. $150 MARSH ALL-WENDELL piano. Up right; Stein way. $150; Hinzeman. $125. Terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. PLAYER rolls, S8-note, all good guaranteed rolls, special for this week, a package of 5. for $1. while they last. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 6th St. GOOD PIANOS at prices and terms you can afford. Reed French Piano Co., 12th. and Wash ington 200 CASH Buys $730 Planista player piano, includ ing bench and 40 player roils. Security Storage Co. H3 Iflth. cor. Stark. $850 THOMPSON piayer-piano. $450; mah. case, bench, 48 rolls, terms; will take piano as part payment. Sll Worceater bulldin g. $123 CASH buya $413 equity fn player piano, balance payable $15 per month; used six months; piano now selling for , $050. Wcodlawn 3431. SAXOPHONE, tenor, $90 takee It; will teach buyer to play free. Woodfra wn 5431. FOR SALE Marimba phone, $7 5 P. M, East 409O FOR $t5 NICE cabinet grafonola; terms. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 135. Furniture for Sale. DAVENPORTS. We manufacture a line of overstuffed davenports and chair equal to the best lines made in the east, superior frame construction ; best filling material used; expert workmanship ; you can see your davenport built; many styles, large as sortment of coverings In mohairs, ve lours, tapestries and denims. Few sam ples at rock-bottom prices. Phone 635-27. evening and Sundays, Tabor 6797 or 635-27. Michaetson-Mayaon, Inc., 5433 Foster road. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refimshtng. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE 4 TRANSFER OO 63 4lh St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel Phone Broadway 3715- FOR BALE 1 54-inch dining table, 1 60 inch buffet, 1 china closet, 1 tea wagou, 1 carver, 5 diners, blue leather seat. William and Mary design, brown ma hogany finish, good as new; price $300. Call Automatic -10-is. CIRCASSIAN walnut, William and Mary dining room suite, blue leather seated chairs; one Humphrey radiant fire; one Bridge-Beach. Superior, gray enameled combination steel range, almost new. P h one Mar. 400. DINING set, walnut finish oak. William and Mary design oak rocker, wicker bird cage and stand, bookshelf, walnut finish bed, ivory Bingle bed and dresser. Eureka electric cleaner. Call before noon. Tabor 708L FOUR new, beautiful rugs, 9x12. highest grade Axmlnster, Chinese and Persian designs, blue, brown, old rose; must sac rifice; leaving city. Phone after 9 o'clock. Main 5072. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if foing eat or to California. We can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 24R Pine street DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. Kew and second-hand, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for salesman. IRWIN HODSCN FURNITURE DEPT. 10th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 3144. BEAUTIFUL NEW OAK DRESSER, SIM MONS BED, HAIR MATTRESS AND COIL hrnluo. alu run CALL TABOR 4:ioV FOK SALE One black wamut josepn ana Mary dining room set; one velvet Wilton rug 8-3x10.6. 1660 Brandon St., Kenton car. OAK dining room set, kitchen range, roca er center table and cupboard, all In good condition. $100. 473 Taylor. MAHOGANY finished, tapestry upholstered davenport bed. $30. East 4899. Office Furniture. ANOTHER big firm sells all office furni ture, flat and roll-top desks, flies, type writers, adding machines, time clocks, safes, dictaphones, etc., to us; all put into first-class condition and sold at bargain prices D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th st. Bdwy. 2739. WHO wants this? Fine office partition of rlass and compaboard. East 6712. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IX TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington St. Main 668 L REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; w are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs of all makes. OREGON Ti'PK WRITER CO.. Fifth St. Main 366S. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial ratrt to students. L. C. Smith A Bros. Typewriter Co . 806 Spalding bldg. B d wy . tiiCV REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell; supplies. Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Siark. M. 534U. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P D Co.. 2:u Stark st. Main 14u7. 1 Jug a. Rabbit , Bird and Pet S twk. SOMETHING cute in A K. C. toy Boston terrier. 10 months. Reasonable. Bdwy. toil SALE Court ave. -Bo.-ton Wdin. puppy. 915 E Kuijars from imported stock fe tes: fine singers. East 4175. FiNE tox terrier puppy cheap, bth street Ket aud Darrein. KGOS AND BARRELS Fir and whit oak. Western Cooperage Co., 3i N. im l. near PeLtygrova. Phone A. 619-19 Coal and Wood. COAL, Lincoln, $10 esg, $11 lump; invest $ I In a sample sack, save $3 a ton thereafter. Broadway 3423. U T AH KING COAL, Call Auto, 647 -Q. 4-FoCT country s.ab. Call Main 6133. FOR SALE. Coal and Wood. SPECIAL. Superior grade dry, first-class. -cord loads. HQ cubic ft. loads. Large country inside block, 4-load lot, $24; 2-load lot, $13 Country block and s.ab. 4-load lot, $15; 2-load lot. $10. Also all kinds of wood, furnace or heater lengths; prompt delivery. Broadway 2157. $4 PER LUAD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-inch fir block and runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on 2-ioad orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east side, Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn 4102. 4 PER LOAD $4. 16-lnch. partly dry block and slab mixed. Fine tor furnace or heater, de livered in 2-load lots tor $8. Sing.e loads. $4.60. Washington lump coal $11 ton in the basement. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. BAST 2041.' COALI COAL! COAL! COAL! $11 per ton, put in your basement, city weight, direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; burns to fire ash; try a ton. PHci.VE EAST 134 OR EAST 91 2 ft. FIRST-GROWTH lir. Rock Springs. Royal Owi Creek coal. Standard Brick A T:le Co.. b3 Fifth st.. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway 13. NICE 10-in. slab. $3.75: beat fir. seasoned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load; any where; bargain; drv 12-10-in. country slab. $7.20. box $4.50. Sell. 1769. CORD WOOD First growth, dry; also dead wood; on graveled road. south Cotton station. C: D. Cathey. Phone Gresham 97. DRY ltf-lNCH fir wood, $7 a load; double loads, $13.50. Prompt delivery. Phone Co.umbia 1191 or resident phone. Colum bia 1193. WOOD planer trimmings, $5 a load; finest of heater wood, $4.76 a load; dry, $6.50. Woodlawn OHsfl, BOXWOOD $4 PER LOAD. Fulton Wood Co.. dealers in box and slabwood 12'il Macadam. Main 4173 COAL $10 and $11 ton, delivered promptly. East & West Fuel Co., East 192. BEST dry cordwood $7 and $7.50 cord; block and slab, $9, double load; all block wood, $12, double load. Bdwy. 4110. HEAVY block and slab mixed, dry, 12 and 16 inches No. 1 fir, hardwood. Call Woodlawn 2U19. A-l DRY W'OOU, li miles south of Sky line blvd., on Germantown road, $4 to $. Call 501-hti, room 203 today. BONE-DK V boxwood, ideal trimming, block and slab, $4.73; wreckage, $5; large loads. Woodlawn 3B49. UK V PLANER trimming, $5 per load; dry b:ock and slab, S6. Ca.l Wdin. 5904. 1 133 Montana ave. BEST oid-growth dry fir, $7.50; large second-growth. $7. Sell. 314. COAL, by the sack; Utah or Rock Springs. Broadway 3423. FOUR-FOOT block and railroad ties; also 16-in. stove wood. Mar. 2643. HEAV Y country sab, absolutely dry. $7 a cord. Auto. 632-71. FIRST-GROWTH fir cord. Main 9426. cordw ood $3 per $5 A LOAD, 16-inch dry piank and small timber. Setlwood 3159. Al COUNTRY slab, $4.50 per cord; de livered. Bdwy. 4S6. Al FiKST-GKu WTH tlr cordwood. deliv ered aJ795. 'Tjibor 5933JorE as t 5i7. t'IKs'f-OKu WTH wood, dry, $7.50 Cord ; sec ond -growthdry$J3co 7. GREEN and dry slab wood from couutry mill. Tabor 7228. NO. 1 old-growth fir that IS DRY, $7.50. $8. Automatic 616-87. GOOD dry cordwood, $7.75 per cord, 2 cord load. Call Marshall 2300. M 1 see i Ian ro us. SPOT CASH PAID FOK PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. player rolls and musical Instruments. Bdwy. 7261. 625-82. 627-46. Newman, 128 1st st.. bet. Aider and Wash. NO. 15, LARGE size perfect oil heater, which we shipped to May Hardware by mistake; absolutely new; will sell $4.75 each, far below regular wholesale. Call 12i Front St.. near Washington. ALL KINDS of fixtures for women's wear. Face figures, wax figures, plain forma, nickel stands, mirrors; will sell very cheap. Apply 2S6 Morrison, phone Main 6055. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register A Scale Ex change, 226 Stark sL. bet. 1st and 2d sts. Bdwy. 7534 FOR SALE at a sacrifice, a new squirrel coat, latent model made by leading furrier. The parties Interested please call Main 1714 ADDING MACHINE. Slightly used, good as new, a bargain. Call Broadway 3712 or 218 Lumbermen building. HOT WATER tanks, SO gal.. $7; 40 gal.. $9; tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters Installed ; plumbing. East Side Weld. Sh.. 203 Adams. E. 8516. BROADCLOTH fur-lined gentleman's over coat with Astracbau collar. Cail Wood lawn 4 5;(9. THREE heating stoves, gaa range, sewing machine, cheap. 1105 Hawthorne. Tabor 3323. FOR SALE iJ9 per cent new Singer sewing machine, cheap. Empire Transter, Bdwy. 155. DIAMOND solitaire scarf pin worth $150; will sell for half as I need the cash, 505 Artisans bldg. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. KODAKS. We buy, sell, rent and exchange ko dak a. Sandy. 329 Washington at. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaners. S3 cents per day, delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 1259. PILES caa be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. ANTIQUE round brass framed mirror; ar tistic design; reasonable price for quick sale. Mar. 3834. SHOWCASES, wall cases, scales, cash reg isters, adding machines. 246 Washing ton st . DIEBOLD safes, new am', second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co., 48 Front st. Broadway 1966. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $12. 5 for $20, guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdin. 3791. VULCANIZING outfit for sale. For further Information see Charles Trowbridge, Quimby hotel. 29 4th st. 2 POOL tables, in fair condition, with full equipment ; price reasonable. Phone W. W. Dillon. Main 7999. FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part- of city. Woodlawn 6233. DANDY 3-Iight shower fixture, complete with shades, only $5.35, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. DIAMOND, -kt. fine stone. $183; cost $350 long time ago. See at 812 Worces ter bldg. HOME-CANNED fruits, preserves and jellies, reasonable. Call or phone room 226 Ansonia Hotel. Owner leaving city. 1920 STEPHENS, sport, like now, sacrifice for cash or consider store fixtures. By owner, 3S0 Flint st. Phone East 7168. DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. All wool overcoats sold for $5.75. It will pay you to look them over. 203 1st. NEW white enameled bassinet, lined and padded. 7. Kart 5314. TWO good fur auto rohs, horse and cow hide, cheap. Ksrt 895. GENTLEMEN'S DIAMOND RING. SACRIFICE. 6 TOG 1 ! 5 an st . SE WING perfect, n. a chine. Drophea d, Nen borne, $25. Phone East 9'H9. JAPANESE indestructible pearls, direct from orient: very reasonable. Mar 1US4. RUUD WATER HEATER, new and second-hand. $12 and $16 East 4852. CH ILD'S WHITE IRON BED. GOOD CON D1TION. TABOR BSQ. X-RAY puUit, complete, gonian. G 355, Ore- $lix MAN'S coon lur coat; MR. East 5336. Will sell for STOCKYARD manure delivered anywhere. Woodlawn 23I3J FOR SALE Singer sewing machine - in good condition. Eat H029. BRAND-NEW $60 Eng.ish MS. East 8046 baby carriage. PLUMBING Jobbing work a specialty. FIRST-CLAS potatoes. $1.75 bor 5394 a sack. Ta- NECK FUR. Alaska lynx. new. $120 qual ity; sacrifice $52 50. Marshall 2384. VOR SALE New Hanan riding boots, size 1014 . C a ! I 210 C. of C. bldg. LAD1E Everything In used wearing ap- parei; pmea laoor 2825. SECOND-HAND tents and covers tor sale. PaCttlC leni hiu;uiu., .o. j i3i L FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries for Fortis, $10 to $15. Broadway 4492. SAFE and ft ling cabinet, second-hand, but good as new: cheap. H 344. Oregonlan. YE LAUi 5 siiop. sua uuw. bldg., tltchmg. lingerie, aprons. MANUKU fertilizer, no sawduxL 8f73. , FURNITURE repairing, mirrors, medacisa cabinets etc Cail Woodlawn 14a7 lx4 WEED chains, nearly new. 2274 Bdwy. A good bicycle, $15 and a punching bag. U'7 Garfield ave. FOR s.yi.E, M iserllaneous. DENTISTRY 9 WITHOUT PAIN" by nerve-blocking xone .therapy or con ductive anesthesia. Without danger or after effects We perform all dental op erations without pain. Corns In and let us prove it to you. X-Ray service. DR. A. W. KEEN E. DR. E. J. KIESENDAHL, Above Majestic theaier. 331 H Wash. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. SECOND-HAND, FACTORY REBUILT. TOTAL ADDERS A3 LOW AS $30. Mechanism and title guaranteed. Repair service by company mechanics. NEW REGISTERS AS LOW AS $75. EASY TERMS. THE NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., Broadway 1816. 30 Stark SU ROSE BUSHES Now is tne time to plant them. The Portland Rose Nursery is the place. Ail the newest, best varieties at the lowest prices. Also a large assort ment of ornamental shrubs. We do landscaping. Let us figure on your Job. Telephone us. We do the rest. Phone 636-70. 18S2 Division St.. corner of73d; WE ARE OVERSTOCKED WITH SIM PLEX IRONING MACHINES AND ' WHILE THEY LAST WILL SELL FOR $110. ALSO EASY COPPER WASHING MACHINES, $110. Terms if desired. ELECTRIC MAID SHOP, 133 10TH ST. BDWY. 4024. NO FREEZE OUT, BUT BLANKETS FOR EVERYBODY. 300 PAIRS LOWER PRICED TO CLOSE OUT QUICK. A FEW ROBES GO ALSO. 603 TITLE A TRUST BLDG., BHOADWAY 3238. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come and see; you are under noDbligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4233. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Flake laundry; .clothes washed snowy white in separate compartments. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 15 POUNDS FOR 60 CENTS. 4 CENTS each addition al pound; valuable premiums given. Phone East 8133 IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to . MILLER'S Big Little JewelrV Stor Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next Doer to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. LADIES. Are yoQ weary or exhausted after standing all day on your feet? If so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptio Powder: 60c and $1 box. Portland Hotel Fharm acy. NEW SIBERIAN squirrel coat for sale by owner at less than half price; skins were personally selected in Kt mchatka and are of the finest color, quadty and style, phone for appointment between 10 and 11 A. M. or 5 and 6 P. M. Apartment 325. Multnoman hotel. Phone Bdwy. 40S0. MAKE a small payment and wear your eye glasses and Spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregonlan bldg. BIG PURCHASE OF DESKS. Roll and flat-top desks, files, chairs, tables, dictaphones, adding machines, typewriters, etc. ; all in good condition at bargain prices. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th. Broad w ay 2739. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes: u.a chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Third St., near Taylor. Main 9431. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our old stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST.. bet Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 42:3. WHY a continual round of grief and dis turbance by a disgusting old leaky roof? Why not the pleasure of a cheerful and comfortable roof? We repair Rubber Bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Phone today, Broadway 79. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 103 Second st. Main 2043. LADIES We have new and slightly used garments; best of materials; suits $3 up; coats, exclusive line of blouses; low prices. Vogue, fourth floor, 403 Allsky bldg.. Third, near Morrison: SPECIAL sale Beauty parlor equipment. 66 6th, between Stark and Oak. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FORD touring. self-Btarter and demount able rims, five good tires, Moore brakes and Moore transmission, spotlight, oiling system,' tool box-and other extras. This car is privately owned and in perfect mechanical eondition. Wdin. 1543. BETTER VALUES IX GARAGES. GOOD STYLE. WELL BUILT, DELIVERED, ERECTED. STAINED, 10x16, $55; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICE. 299 WEIDLER. EAST 8806. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc; also do towing. Open day and night. LONG A SILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorne. 1919 FORD, panel body delivery with starter bock ; tires good, body excel lent; has Camel Ford side spring. See Mr. Benn, 21 Grand ave., mornings, evenings and Pundny A. M. Bl'ICK SIX, $485. A REAL GOOD BUY IX A SIX-CYLINDER CAR; NEW PAINT AND GOOD TIRES. CALL ADAMS, MAIN 4697. APART. 31. HUDSON speedBter, model O. Just like new, oversize cords, one spare; many extraB, perfect condition, 11122 license. $1075. East 3382. 212 Knott, after 0 P. M. WILLYS 6-pasaenger sedan at a snap; price of $10O0; excellent mechanical condition; t good tires; heater, bumper, etc. Run 6500 miles. Call Mr. Ryan at Main 6316 after 7 P. M. BRAND-NEW VELIE. Just from factory never run, must be sold this week, big discount, terms. Owner, Main 1423. LATE '13 Maxwell, new tires, two new cord tires in rear, in fine mechanical condition, new battery, a snap, $165. Call Tabor 6275. FOR SALE or trade, by owner, one 1919 model 7-pass. Chandler car, in excellent condition. Phone Mar. 1826 mornings after 10 o'clock. 102t MAXWELL touring, in fine shape, factory finish. 6 good tires, upholstery as good aa new; will be sold at a sacri f i cc price of $375. Call Main 6 7 54. 1018 DODGE TOURING $385. Car in very good condition; must sell at once, will take terms and smaller car in trade. Ta.or 6184. FRANKLIN BARGAIN". 1915 Franklin in good condition, 4 new cord tires, dirt cheap, only $200. Call Marahnll 1176. EXCEPTIONAL buy in late modl 6-cyl., 5-pass. Bulck 6 cord tires, practically new, bumper, epotligrht and other extras. Call Tabor 4459. $250 BUYS iate model Chevrolet, over hauled and new paint Job with oversize cord tires; also 1922 license. Call Wdin. 6623. 1U20 CHANDLER touring, driven 12.000 miles; five good cord tires, spotlight; just as good as new. $1000, terms. Mar- s h a 1 1 1210. J FOR SALE! Velie touring car, 1920 model.' excellent conauion. tau Marshall 643 or Marshall oon. WE TEAR 'em up and sell the pieces. Portlana auio recMnj o., Aider, 17; h. Broadway 5254. 1U18 FORD, like new, cuh or terms; your own car in trade or what have you? Broadway 425. 26 North Broadway. WE PUT steel teeth in your oid flywheel; crankshaft turning. H. B. Black Ma chine shop. 534 Alder. Bdwy. 2tiKl. BABY grand Chevrolet sedan, fine con dition; will consider trade; good lot, Irvington, Laurelhurst or close in Rose City. Tabor 5933. A SNAP. 1919 Ford roadster, all new tires snd motor in perfect condition. A real bar gain at $200. Tabor 84. MUSTsell late 1921 Ford touring; starter, demountable rims, extras. 411 Failing !tret BABY grand touring, runs and looks like new, 1920 model; will take small car in trade, bal. easy. T. BH35. WANTED Used Ford coupe, flrst-clHs condition and cheap. Notify AK 368, OrejrnniaiK ATTENTION, FORD BUYERS. Will sell my $175 credit with promi nent Ford dealer for $150. East 114. 1120 BUICK ROADSTER. $700. This car, perfect shape, must dlypvse of quick; no trades; terms. Tabor 7 S 1 7. FORD COUPE. Run 4 months, has a lot of extras, $"(j; term?. Tabor 717. 1121 LEXINGTON 6-pass. touring car; like new; $1100; terms. Wdin. 1474. FORD panel delivery, cheap, terms, good condition. Call Automatic 646-91. FOR SALE or traue for lighter car, Cad Wlac roadster. East 1365. SACRIFICE my 1122 JJodge touring. bumper, spotlight. Tabor 6184. CADILLAC. 1914. 7-pass.. perfect condi t.on. $500; terms Lyman Bdwy 6737. FORD roadster, 1916. like new. must selL 4W Tayior sc. FORD touring, $140. Owner must sell to day. 225 10 ih at. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. WINTER BARGAIN SALES CONTINUE AT VERY LOW PRICES OX USED AUTOMOBILES. We completely renew, overhaul or rebuild Hudson and Essex auto mobiles. These arc in the best of mechanical condition ; they are also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars. In addi tion, we give 90 days' fret me chanical service. Other makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a 10 days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any ot her car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have it in spected, and we want only satis fied customers. 1917 Maxwell $ 273 1920 Maxwell 478 1819 Grant six 60 1919 Chalmers six 650 1917 Buick 673 1917 Dodge 530 1919 Olds six 673 1918 Olds eight 850 1919 Liberty sport model ... S0O 1920 Chandler 973 1018 Overland chummy 425 1919 Chalmers 7K 1918 Cole 8. sport model .... 1150 1921 Light six Studebaker. gone 18O0 miles; cord tires, all in first-class condition.. 075 , ESSEX. 1920 Essex touring car, re built, refinished and re painted; sold with standard factory warranty 750 1921 Essex, overhauled, re finished and repainted; sold with the standard factory w arran ty 975 1918 Hudson super six, re built and repainted ; sold with standard factory war- , ranty 795 1917 Hudson super six. re- ' built, refinished and paint ed; sold with standard fac tory warranty 875 191S Hudson super six tour ing car, rebuilt, refinished and repainted; sold with standard factory warranty. 1159 1919-1920 (model O series) Hudson super six touring automobile, has been over hauled, refinished and re painted; sold with stand ard factory warranty for.. 1175 1920 Hudson speedster, over hauled and repainted; sold with standard factory, war ranty 1550 Largest Used Car Branch Store in the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch 8tore Broadway 5739. Also a Display at Our Salesroom, 615-617 Washington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. REBUILT BUICKS. when purchased from ne. are GUARANTEED the same as new Buicas. The most IMPORTANT THINO to consider In the purchase of a REBUILT CAR is the RESPONSI BILITY of the SELLER. HOWARD AUTOMOBILJC COMPANY. Largest Distributors of Automo biles in the World. Aider at Twelfth Street. Broadway 1130. HTTDROX BARGAINS. COMPARE THESE PRICES. 1916 HUDSON 7-PASSENGER TOUR ING. JUST OVERHAULED, A 'BAR GAIN AT 3o 191S-19 HUDPON SPEEDSTER. JUST OVERHAULED. GOOD PAINT, LET'S GO AT $ 1920 HUDSON 7-PASSENQER. SERIES 11-0, ALL READY TO GO AT $850 1919 CHANDLER 7-PASSEN'OER, FINE CONDITION, ALL NEW TIRES. MUST GO AT ONCE $485 1920 MODEL 7-0 HUDSON COUPE. RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. A BAR GAIN AT $1023 TERMS IE DESIRED. SEE ADAMS AT 514 ALDER ST. PHONE 613-C7. AUCTION SALE. Two sales a week, Thursday evening 7.30 P. M., Monday 7.30 P. M. This 1 the place to buy your automobile. We All about 40 automobiles a week. Different makes. There's a reason. Come and tee. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE. Corner 6th and EveretL Phone Broadway 2329. AUCTION SALE. FORDS THAT SATISFY PRICES ARE AT BOTTOM NOW Ford roadster, new tires $123.00 1917 Ford roadster, good shape ... 150 00 '1919 Ford roadwter, new body ... 205.00 392t) Ford touring, starter 340.00 1921 Ford sedan, lik nw 685. OO 1015 Ford chassis, good rubber ... 90.00 1920 Ford truck and body 450.00 These cars are all good buys; will sell on easy terms or take other Fords in ARMENTROUT-WICKE MOTOR CO. S2d and Foster rd. Phone 63S-4Q. 1019 BUICK 6 BARGAIN. This car Is equipped with 6 overslre cord tires, cross bar motometer, spot light, automatic rain swipe, wind de flectors, bumper, motor overhauled and car repainted. This is one of the best equipped Buicks in town; will sacrifice; price $950; m!ght take late model light car In trade; give reasonable terms. Call Mr. Stevens. Wdin. 2615 or Bdwy. B87H. 1920 PREMIER. 7-passenger, run but little, new cord tires, heater. This car Is In prime me chanical shape and Is a rare buy In a high-grade automobile. The price $1750, terms $750 cash, balance $U:0 per mo. Call me and make appointment for dem onstration. Phil Dana, 33 North Park st., Broadway 788. 1921 STEPHENS ROADSTER. Tour opportunity to get on of these fine crs at a big discount. This oar was purchased In July and practically as good as new. Owner is going away and ia willing to sacrifice. Call Mr. Pendergrass, Bdwy. 3606. MARMON CHUMMY. Looks like a brand new car and hat been renewed mechanically. Buyer fuily protected by written guarantee. Genuine (ta orifice at $15H, terms. Cook A Gill Co.. 11 til and Burn side. NEW CARS HALF PRICE Factory representative offers for few davs 2 new 1922' popular light six cars and 4 1022 light four cars at about half price. Don't let this opportunity pass. No trades. East 7'fl5 OVERLAND SNAP. One of the late small models, with the rew spring suspension. Car like new, Will rive written guarantee, $450, terms. Cook A GUI Co., 11th and Burnside. WILL sacrifice my 1920 Paige, sport mod el, with one new cord tire and other attachments, run 7OO0 miles; in best of condition ; must sell within few days; make offer. 65 3d North. $350 buys 1918 Studebsker with written guarantee as to mechanical condition. Terms. Cook A GUI Co., 11th and Burn stde. ly20 BUICK ROADSTER, $700 This car Is In fine condition and has pood tires; will sell on easy terms. East 1 ;ti2. MAIBOHM sedan, 1921 o-pa&s., all good tires, run less than 104K) miles; car cost $250; will sacrifice for $1459; terms If desired. Phone McCrary. Broad wav 1614. AFl'E KSON 3-ias. 6, in good condition; If you are looking for a real buy, see this car; price $126. . Phone McCrary, B road w a y 1614. 6-CYL1N L'ER roadster, seat Covers, spare tire and extras, in good shape. $150. See car at Elite Garage, 12th and Jef ferson, i.nnn in cvniv RV1P Has been re-enametd. Looks like a new one. A snap at $700. Terms. Cook o r-m 11th And Iliirturlilp BUICK 6 1 9 la, touring, $U)0. Phone Wood lawn 2Ki", 1U1 FORD touring with 1922 license, $125. East 31 n6. RVROLET 1921 model, must sell this I car at oiwe. Call me at Auto. 828-65. FOB SALE AITOMOBILF9. COVEY MOTOR CAR COM PANT, USED CAR CENTER. We sold 68 used cars during De cember and w are going Just as strong t hi month. THAT strong this month. THAT MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU. We would not be selling cars at this time of the year un!ess we were giving real value. IT 13 THE POLICY of This company to give the very best valuke lx rebuilt cars to be found IN THE CITY. Remember that, compare our prices weekly, no matter what season of the year. Visit our plant often, and keep in touch with our rapld;y changing stock. Tou can only appreciate ths QUALITY of our can by seeing how we prepare them for sal. You can compare prices by read ing the various advertisements. We want you to do both. CADILLACS. The reputation and pride of our entire organization is back of each of our REBUILT AND RE FINISHED CADILLAC AUTO MOBILES. Np little detail is too small to be given the most care ful attention no expense Is so great that we would reduce it la the slightest. 3919 lit 20 1920 1U20 1920 1919 1019 1018 1918 1918 Itf 16 lit 20 1920 1920 1921 Bulck roadster $ '00 Cole. 7-pass, repainted, disc wheels 13s0 Dodge Brothers sedan.. 1250 Dodge Brothers touring .20 Dodge Brothers roadster 700 Dodge Brother touring t40 Dodge Brothers roadster 620 Douge Brothers touring T-0 Dodge Brothers roadster 60 Dodge Brothers sedan.. t85 Dodge Brothers roadster S.o Essex roadster 35 Haynes 7-passenger. re painted I6 10 Hudson Deedster. . . . 1200 Marmon speedster, like 3750 8H3 1200 41)3 new 1920 1019 1U19 1918 1918 1917 1916 Oldsmebile. 7-pass. .... Roamer. newiy painted. Studebaker "4" REBUILT CADILLACS, touring, new tires, paint. Inn 2000 1800 1600 1400 roadater. paint .. touring, paint . . touring, paint (ires new top and and ALWAYS THE BEST CARS AT TUB LOWEST PRICES. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 2lst at Washington Sts. Bdwy. 6244.' 28-30 N. Broadway. NEW CAR PRICES HAVE DROPPED. THEREFORE WB HAVB REDUCED PRICES ON ALL OUR USED CARS. We have a good assortment of Aliens Dodges Buicks Nasn Briscoel Fords Chandlers Franklins Cleveiands Hudaona Chevroiets Haynes Lexingtons Maxwells Overlands Oakland Otdsinoblles Studebakers Priced from $100 up. Corns In and compare our prices with, others. Open evening! and Sundays. Cash, Terms or Trade. All cars guaranteed as represented OLDSMOBILE COMPANY. Broadway and Couch SL IMPORTANT TO FORD BUYERS. When a responsible firm like the William L. Hughson company offers a staple article like used Fords at a be-low-market figure it should mean much to prospective buyers. This is Just what we are doing. Our Inventory is too high. We find that unless we move a used Ford within 80 days we lose. We must lose one way or another, so we decided to give you our loss. . Sale includes TOURINGS. RUNA BOUTS, SEDANS, COUPES, TRUCKS, 1914 to 1921 models. Ail have been de preciated in proportion to drop in new Fords and discounted again for this sale. Any terms within reason. WM. L. HUGH SON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis, Bdwy. 821. "The Ford Corner." Ford Dealer Since 1903. $992 READ $992. New Scrlpps-Booth; a splendid, well built, economical, nicely finished car which will not be more expensive to operate than a four-cylinder automobile; giving you all the smoothness, flexibity and easy-riding qualities of the six; this car Is the best buy for the -money that I have found in seven years' selling ex perience. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise, but investigate for yourself. All standard units; terms. Call me up and I will demonstrate to your full sat . isfactlon. Phil Dana, Broadway 788. 33 North Park Bt. FORD SALE. FORD SALE. There's a real sale on used Fords over here. Prices are unbelievably cheap. We are selling them every day. It will pay you to look at ours. We have a com plete selection of all types and models of USED FORDS. Pome overhauled some as 9 but all priced with one Idea to sell. Terms very easy. DUNNING MOTOR CO., Authorised Ford Dealers. E. Broadway and Union. Phone East 303. CADILLAC ROADSTER, Just been over hauled, good for 60.000 miles without overhauling, good rubber, good paint; a classy car for yourself or wife; must be seen to be appreciated. Your own price, mako me an oaer. Tabor 732. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED, YOU BUY OR ffRLL AX AUTOMO. BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OCR SERVICE WILL PLEASE fOU. OREGON BOND A MOKTOAUE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. FORD TOURING, 1921. Perfect condition, good tires, every extra Including natural wood wheels and demountable rims. See Parsons, 0O North Broadway. Broadway 821. AT A SACRIFICE price, 8-v.yiinder car of standard make; anyone interested in a car of this class wlil realize this ss a bargain. Will take light car (prefer ably 6-cyIlnder) In trade- snd arrange terms on balanc. Woodlawn 5:111. look here: 1920 Ford touring, starter, demount able rims, extra tire, speedometer, dash light, large wheel. For'cah only. 1U22 license $265. Phone E. 4619. UOWZ1S? My late-model o-passenger e lie for $130; Just had her painted snd overhauled; must have $3u0 at once, balance small monthly payments. At home after :30 P. M. Bdwy. 6131. lm DODGE TOURING CAR. New battery, new spare tire, bumper, spotlight; looks and runs like new. Call East 8113. Ask for Williams or Macfar- land 'BUICK 1917 D43 model; In good mechan ical conaltion; live giuu uih, aiumm new top; paint in good conditio; will let go for $375. Terms If desired. 1014 Wllrox b!dg. Bdwy. 2137. 11C I SPECIAL 6 Studebaker roadster, new tires, driven 6500 miles. Will sacrifice. $s30. No trade, but will give terms if necessary. ndwy. 4231 $250 WILL buy my Ford, starter, de mountable rims, shock absorbers, all ready to go. Call Mr. Ensey. Bdwy. 821. evenings Woodlawn 1637. $250 BUYS H19 Chevrolet touring in ex cellent shape throughout. Cord tires. Some terms. Phone owner, East 17R. 410 CHEV. tour., late mooei. 1922 license, fine rubber rims and looks good, need $100 cash, bal. easy. T. 6935. FOR ' 8 A I. F AUTOMOBILES. USED FORLXS. No IHUe song and dance In this ad. Just quality aud prices. Read 'em and rejoice at the low price you can buy a good used Ford from a reliable dealer: USED FORDS. 1914 Touring with 1022 license $123 1117 touring, iu excellent condition.. 193 1918 touring, demountable wheels. spare rim snd tire, ke'.aey body, This car coat new lit 00 295 1920 bug. that's real class, starter. Ha sale rs ; vacuum feed, cutout snd everything 191S touring, in wonderful condition 1918 truck, nearly new tires aud 893 245 compieteiy overhauled 1921 Ford sedan. 5 wire wheels: tlrej 280 all extra good; has special body, cost $300 to build body alone; bas spotlight, dashlight, speed ometer, large wheel, dome light, clock, pedal pads, mot o me teg electric horn; this Is the claA of the sedans of Portland; only 630 1916 roadster with delivery box. only 193 1920 touring, a dandy 873 1021 touring, same as new 823 And mar.y others to pick from. BEFORE BUYING A USED FORD SEE US - We will trade any car we have: liberal terms if desired. Open evenings and Sundgya. TALBOT A CASEY. INC.. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. REAL BARGAINS. 1919 Chevrolet touring $293 1020 Chevrolet touring 873 1917 Maxwell touring 225 1921 Ford touring, like new 475 1021 Ford touring, starter 45 1H20 Ford touring, starter . i 1920 Ford roadster, starter 2. 1919 Ford touring 225 3919 Ford touring . . . 273 1918 Ford touring 143 1917 Ford roadster 195 1918 Ford touring 213 1120 Ford chassis, starter 283 1917 Ford special hug 225 DELIVERY CARS. 1919 Chevrolet panel delivery $2S0 1918 Chevrolet panel delivery 223 1H18 Ford delivery, express 23 1919 Ford delivery, like new 805 1917 Ford delivery, express . . .' 250 Ford 1-ton truck 223. These are Just a few samples of our large stock. Over 50 cars to choose from. Open every evening until 9 o'clock and all day Sunday. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East 3770. Grand and Hawthorne. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1913 to . Ths rerr nest buys In town. the present day mo del a TOURING CARS, ROADSTERS SEDANS. COUPES. CHASSIS DELIVERIES. TRUCKS. BUGS. TTNTVERSAL CAR EXCHANOE. Grand Ave. and East Yamhill St. Koift 471. 1920 CHANDLER. This car Is practically new, run only 8000 miles, and is In flue mechanical condition. Spotlight, bumper snd many other ex t raj. Wiil sacrifice for $30, terms. Cali Mr. Pendcrgraas, Bdwy. 3006. 1917 OAKLAND. 5-PASfl. This car has been thoroughly rebuilt In our own shop; good tires; the price is right; Investigate this. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 14th and Morrison. Bdwy. MiM. BIG 0 bi CDail.AKER, 1021 niodul, like new in every respect. Must aeil for bul nesa reasons. No reasonable cash offer refused. Apply 708 Chamber of Com merce or phone Bdwy. 4020 or Main 40U1 for demonstration. HERE'S A SNAP. Late 1920 Oldsmoblle 6, 5-pass., like new; original finish, $750, terms. Writ ten guarantee as to mechanical condi tion. If you want a snap, this is 1 .. Cook C.l'.l Co.. llth and Burnside. $700 WILL buy my 1U20 Bulck roadster with lots ot extras; good tires; cash or will give terms if desired. Wdin. 1474. Automobiles Wanted. I CAN use a good late modal auto; will trade lttO acres of level land in White Horse valley ot Harney county. This land la worth about $8 an acre, but 1 have no uss for it, but can use a good car; land is clear of incumbrance. Writs AJ 7, Oregonlan. TEAM of horses, weiifht 2800 lbs., one gray mare, weight 1100 lbs.. 8 good oows coming fresh very soon; wlil trade for auto; give or take difference; no fur ther use for atock; will give good deal; 6 mi lee northeast of Vancouver, on Bat tle Ground highway, route 1, box 165, Orchards, Wash. CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the auction house for quick sale and full value; small com mission charged ; fireproof bldg., steam heated. Phone Broadway 2829. Corner Six th and Everett st s., west side. I HAVE a good light weight car and will consider a trade for light truck, Reo or Olds speedwagon preferred. li 339, Ore gonian. . WE WRECK THEM liignet casn price paid lor old cars .condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO Third andQllsan. DON'T sell your car for Junk; condition no object; bring it to us; want Grants, Oaklamla, Brlscoes, Mitchells or others. 26 North Broadway. Broadway 425. BEAUTIFUL walnut player piano, practi cally new, to exchange for Ford sedan; no junk wanted. R 874. Oregonlan. CARS WANTED to wreck, parts for all cars for less. 8. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., lot h and A ider. Broadway 630. CARS BOUGHT for their parts; parts sold for all cars. Auto Wrecking Co., 623 Alder at 16th sl 1920 OR 1921 CHANDLER, sedan body; state spot cash price. AL 874, Ore- gonian. 7 -PASSENGER 4-door Willys-Knight sedan; state mileage and spot cash price. AL 364, Oregonlan. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 iilimn at loth, Bdwy. 293. Lot IN Lent for car or what have you 7 Sell. 981. LATE model Wlllyn-Knigh t touring sedan or 1921 Ford coupe. P 371, Oregonlan. WANT late model auto as first payment Spokane ranch. Main 3355. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all makes. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-40 Grand Avenue. FOR MOTORCYCLE'S AND BICYCLJlS TRY US. 204-200 3D ST. MAIN 6139. Autnnioniica for Hire. AUToS FOR HIRE, with or without dnv era. , Dav or night service. COUCHMAN GARAGE 19th and Couch. Broadway 8fl96. Remember our number. Broadway 8ti6. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. . New cars for rent without drivers, reasonable rates; open day and nlghu 825 Oilman st., between Broadway and 6th st. Phone Bdwy. 5398. $1.23 per ho u r. U. S, BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY C-AUAGU, L AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS. CITY OARAGE, 133 12th Ht. Bdwy. 640. 6-CYLINDER 3-UASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8647. FOR- SALT! TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. REBUILT Republle trucks backed with Roberts' guarantee and service are the best buys In the city. Compare our prices with prices quoted on trucks that ere aold as is -ton models from $400 to $500. 1- ton models from $ttH) to $ im5. 1 -ton models from $793 to $ 1 2!t5. 2- ton models from 1700 to $1-125, 8 14 -ton models (dump Jobs) $aooo. Bodies suitable for sny hauling re quirements will be found Installed on some of the trucks In our stock. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO.. Bdwy. 139. Park and Everett bts. A FEW OF OUR TRUCK BAROAINS. 192) G. M. C. 1 ton. 1W20 Ford. 1 ton. 1910 Chevrolet, 1 ton. 1918 Denny, 2 ton. 1918 Seldea, 2 tun. WS STILL HAVE A FEW ONE-TON AND A FEW UNK-AND-ONE-HALF TOX REPUBLIC TRUCKS AT A BIG R E DUCTION ; ALSO A FEW MiW JUMBOS. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Portland's largest used-car store. Grand ave. at East Taylor sts. Auto. 214-10. l NEARLY new 24-ton Denoy, run .nly 4 months, cost $2250; will sell for $1300. F E. Bowman A Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Broadway 6776. SEE ME before buying a truck. I will take most any kind of trade. Diamonds, lots, car, trucks. Hell. V31, evenings. 41", Davis, corner of 10th Bdwy 091. FOR SALE 2-ton truck with steady con tract hauling wood In city; small pay ment down, balance easy terms. See Mr. Kllton. 4:10 purnsine PACKARD. 3-ton. dirt cheap. Good for wood haul. Brent set Bdwy. 691. 413 Dn vis, cor ner f ji'ih a. .Ti i Keuubn li u. k. A-l -.ndUhi will trade tor Ford. Bustwlck. East U8. i