t i THE MORNING OREGONIAX, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1923' 19 i h 1 Bl'SlNESS OPPORTI'NITIKS. 'I HAVE AN OPEVTXG IN TOWK OF APPROXIMATELY .V00 POP l.'I.ATION WITHIN 100 MILES OJ" KlRTLAMl FOR MAN AND Wll-tO WITH NO CHILDREN WHO COLI.Ll BOTH WORK TO TAKE OCR AOE.S'CY THAT M I I.D NET A LITTLE BETTER THAN 1W PEK MONTH. UO NOT W A NT A FLY-BY-NIGHT. HUT SOMEONE WHO A'OL'LD BE WILLING TO MOVE TO THIS TOWN AND BE SATISFIED TO STAY THERE. THIS IS A PER MANENT AGENCY AND IS WELL, ESTABLISHED. , WOULD RE QUIRE BOND FOR ir0 AND ABOUT S.'.W CASH To HANDLE IT. IF INTERESTED ANSWER AT ONCE TO W 380. OKEOO JilAN. CK1AR STOKE. On of the largest and most beautifully equipped elgar atorva and news stands In Portland, in connection with one of the largest stationery stores on wt lde, downtown business street; new stand alone pay ."! month; carrying bet (Trade of cigars and tobacco ; valua ble it-are can be had from owner, low rent: anv inexperience d person can easily clear $250 month above all expenses; will be o!d at invoice this week. only. Call 310 Panama bit!.. Third and Al- ner streets. fjuoo liA.N U Y grocery, beat residential district; 3 living rooms, good clean slock ana xixtures. li us suow you m. $080 buys a west Bide restaurant and tood equipment. Kent $25 per month, oing per day. Stock at invoice. $000 buys a dnndy little cafeteria; will Invoice stock. $4oo will handle. Let u how you thiH. S. Borland, Realtor, 223 Tf-n-v bid.- Bdwy 1 500. . (iAHA'iE PARTNERSHIP offered to congvnlal man willing; to take charge of front end. selling aecessoris, ilR, efc. Have 50x150 Karaite. fully quipped repair shop, battery charging, warning cars, etc. Employ 2 mechanics. Have too much work to handle aione; prefer partner to hiring bookkeeper; guaranty $50 week drawing account and your division of profits. Exceptional buv; price only $1750. Call 810 Panama hide Third and Alder vv. SMALL-TOWN MBAT MARKET. Wholesale and retail butcher shop , and slaughter house, fully equipped ; doing good business; ft living rooms, furnished $2woo and invoice. Take car as part pnyment. Ask for F. C. Mar Shall, wit h FRANK L. McGUIRE, 208 Abington Hldg. Bdwy; 7171. Third St. h-i. Wash, and Stark. XTto KKt-AIK SHOP. PARTNERSHIP. $jOO will give you equal half Interest tn one of (he most fully equipped auto repair shopn in city; storage pays all overhead, have al! work 2 men can han dle; buMntHt- Will warrant $170 month Mi.-h and equal Mi are of profits; n-ed man willing to work and learn; money fuliv secured. Call 8 1 Panama bldg., Third ar.d Alder Etreets. KMALL EAT SHOP. Just the place for mnn and wife who enn cook and want to make money. Very good locution, clean as a pin and can run with no expense. Take In about &io per day. Full price $75. only $600 cash. See this at once. G C. ULRICH ft CO. 40.". Sto-k Exchange hldg. CLASSY DOWNTOWN LUNCH ROOM. In theater and hotel district. Mean as a pin; doing SAO daily and this don t mean $r,0. Rent $75. 2-year laae. 11 you want a high-class place with high rl:iss trd ace this NOW. Priced right. $ln00, mtm terms. SI M.MS, 0) 0 Henry Bldg. POOL HALL. PRICE $1200. SOME TERMS. Four first-class pool tables, plate glass how cases, wall case, chairs, etc. Also fair size stock. Low rent; 3-year lease. A real buy. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 800-10 Panama Bide. mtwy. mm. l-ii t a an dim.- rt-MTALirnnt und lunch cut way down to 35 this week. Owner leaving city; dally trade $15 to $20; com plete outfit, rent $-0; clean location for man and wife; other good places, all prices McFarland, Realtor, 0H Falling hulldlng. , 1 ,1 i'J VALLEY TOWN. Elftctrii: laundry wkth 30 hoUHekeeping rooms tn connection; fully etiutpped; $T& clear on sub-renta; $3000 will take. Port land property In trade. I NIVHUSAL SALES CO., QO'J Rni1-.y;y Exchange Ttldg. " RES TAL'BANT. Located fust off Burnslde st. serv ing over 280 people dally: seats over 4; this Is a money-maker; present owner hss run this place over 8 years. Price $3800; very good terma Phone Hdwy. 83H7. It A K If Ell SHOP. One of the keenest 4 -chair barber hops In Portland. Price right and terms, too. C llurr. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Bdwy. 47:r Realtors. 410 Henry Pldg. A PARI'NKU WANTED. Radiator and fender shop; owner needs assiptance of handy man; will sell equal interest; must be satisfied to etart at tK'O month. $300 will handle It. Room 4'U nekum bldg. POOL ROOM SNAP. Fine locn tion, doing nice business, low rent, good lease. Tou can't beat thJs buy. I ar.oo. I NIVtlKSAL PALES CO. 002 R ti'v.iiy Exchange Hldg. A PARTNER WANTED. I have the state's right for state of Washington for an accesmiry article for automobiles wlilch is a good seller. This tn rare opportunity fir party with $1300. It "r.-rt, Oregonlan. 1 1 (.1 1 1 - i RA1E woodworker, cabinetmaker or finisher has unusual opportunity to make profitable connection with factory provided ho can make some investment along with his services. 1 152, Orego- ninn CLEANING AND PRESSING. Clears J3'o month; price $1200; cen tra Hy located west side; established 7 years; Hoffman press; best buy In city. pee p. II . McCrea. --0 Cham. Com. you SALE A fully equipped, creamery pa-it. including building, in a splendid dairvtng community In the Willamette vally. Correspond with H. D, Moro- iHTMl. Phtiomatn. tr. CONFECTIONERY and cigar stand; rea onabte rent, leas, w. s. location: sacri fice for quick mile; see this at onoe nn-1 set a location for the fair. 230ft Third st. ETiR SALE Complete pnoto studio outfit. now in storage, can be bought at your own price. owner has retired. J as. Oronart, 1-3 Franklin st.. iielllngham. Wash. 1F.VCR busings you wish to sell, I am the man that you should tell. C Hurr, Hu.ilnei Chance Iept., INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. TMwv. 4781 Realtors. 4 1tJ Henry Pddg. jj voi: Hiu to make $'J5.iH0 this year on a lj:.0i Investment and hand's your wn money in a manufacturing and s:iles Hue"' Let me -tiow you. am. IV A VTK1 Partner with $ 1100 can nuki $1000 during month of February. This in a gooil proposition; will stand closest Invest! KHtl on. O any, iregonian. EQUITY ln a new building with a good going business, price $0500; will take good 6-room bungalow in good district :,)r full price. Rock. 403 Couch bldg. ;50 CASH Neat grocery and 4 living rooms ; clean stock a ad fixtures; rent $:io : fine for small family. MrKARLAN I Realtor. Fulling Bldg. K'Kli V m:iJ n-'liun store, 4-year 1ks. $L'8 month: living rooms; doing a good bii'dm-x." ; act quick ty. Z. Eaklns. 315 Cnrrh h'diT-. 1 "0 1th st. iK ST A PR AN T. doing $78 day, block from Lipniiiii'H. MMts 70; tarse rooms well equipped , J;tK(Mt. terms. Would take car. H.iwv. 4330. JjfUY MY CP'rfrv. 554 Williams ave. Have a fine proposition; good, clean stock and few fixture?". Invoice $:1500; can reduce Ft '-k to nit. $i50 WILL HANDLE a business that will rt"t vou $ IO0 weekly. Call room 4 10. bet ween 7-10 evenings. New Houston hotel t wool firtt-closs busiii'jMH. A small sniount down. Ju w"at you ar look ing for. Doing ! buH-ness. Investi- c.'te It A ST5. Oi-eironf'in. L.KT ME shew you how you can coin money on $10 investment, strictly honorable ttnd a money getter; wo canvassing. K Jjl Nl NG room In 150-room hotel for rent; f urn'shintJs for sle ; right down town : two entrances; !'hv over fa'r: seats 150: will repair- $15"0 Bdwv 4336. Y'HOTO stud'.o f.r sale. $100 required, bal. terms, wntown location: owner dead. Snnp. Bdwy 4 3311 PANAMA LET I S HELP YOU BUY. PANAMA BROKERAGE CO. -401 Panama Bldg- VlLLl NG ht.it:o nn-i vulcanizing shop; good location; for sale; or vulcanising -.u'pmer.i for . 363 K 11th. UATfliERS - Nli e c lean shop. $.150; electric pole, living rooms; part terms. Inquire TOO Union ave. N. rt SALE Kestnuram build. ng and fix tures complete . beet location in Seaside. i i !' T -1 It I N K iir.d card rooms, restaurants, owner leaving city. 68 No. 3d st. Bdwy. OWN est. ibl. she d corner grace ry. doing g od business; price $26V0, w'!l consider s-itp to $1P' balance rh T.ibor 8313. A G A R AG fcJ snd service st at Ion In a fine country town on highway; price only j.',-tt 1 1 oom 401 TVk ; l m bldg. Jo RESALE 3-chair barber shop. Broad way at Ankeny. JoFT drinks, bsrber shop, can't handll both, sell one or half. 348 Gllsan st. JH'HAlR barb-1"- shop, complete; make X- BT5INES9 OPPORTryiTIES. PARTNERSHIP, ATTTO TOP AND PAINT SHOP. The largest and most fully quipped p!ac tn Portland, incorporated under the taws of Oregon, dolrg work, for tho largest and beet business firms la city, employing number of expert men; noed man to attend to outside end of busi ness ; do previous experience necessary, as your part of the work is pleasant; will guarantee you $40 wek to start, an equal share of monthly profits. In vestigation Invited. Owner cannot han dle business avione. Established 4 years. Price $1500. Call 3lw Panama bide. Third and Alder sta. PARTNER WANTED OARAGE BUSINESS. Hero la the best opportunity In city to buy an equal half Interest In a first class, garage and auto repair shop; no better location; right downtown, west vide; fully equipped shop; storage of cars pays most all expenses. If you are handy with tool and willing to learn the business, this Is your chance to get In with a firsi-claas mechanic and make better than $200 per month for yourself from the atart. Only $660 for equal half Interest. Don't fail to see this befor you buy. Apply 31 PiUock blk.. Wash Ington at 10th st. AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Have Just listed exclusively an equal half interest In one of Portland's busiest auto repair shopo; fine west side, down town location ; good steady trade; al ways plenty of work: on hand; need help of reliable man not afraid of work; ex perience not necessary if congenial and willing to learn, as I am Al mechanic and will teach you: price only $454); you can meka better Uian $160 month for yourself from the etart; don't fall to see this before you buy. Call 620 Cham, of Com., 4th and Stark. AUTO REPAIR SHOP HALF INTEREST. $375 will buy equal hall interest m me best-equipped small auto repair shop in Portland; no better location; experience not necessary if you are handy with tools; your opportunity to learn the busi ness, also ciear better than $170 per month for yourself from the start: serv ice car, welding outfit and everything complete. The best possible value for your investment: $500 will not buy a bet ter place ; price only $375; don't f Ail to look this up before you buy. Apply 316 Ptttock blk., Washington and 10th sts. PiUTWCR W7 A VTW1I A 7 "TO TOPS. Here is an opening for a steady and reliable man to secure an equal half Interest In well-known established auto top and trimming business; no better location In city; no experience required If willing to work and learn as remain ing partner Is first-class mechanic and will teach you; price only $575; if you are satisfied with $150 a month for the present It will pay to investigate this, as it is a business with a big future. Oafr 620 Cham of Com. bldg., 4th and Starlt PARTNER WANTED AUTO TRAILER M A N U FACTUR! N Ci. One of the largest automobile trailer manufacturing business and gas engine assembly shops In city; owner is expert mechanic and capable of handling me chanical emd of business; wants man capable of taking complete charge of the office end, writing checks, otc. Money fully secured; business will pay $178 month and up from start; exceptional oportunlty; price $uA0. Call 810 Panama niag.. Tnirq ana Aioer bis. AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. We have Just U tied exclusively an equal half Interest In a well-established downtown office business: a clean, in teresting and pteady-paytng business; no special experience necessary, if you are capable of meeting the public. This business cleared better than $1200 last month. Owner needs an honest and re liable partner. If you are the right man $1500 will secure equal half interest. For full details call 316 Ptttock blk.. Washington at 10th st CIGAR STAND LobOy prominent aon toA & large commercial hotel; beautt full equipped with mahogany fixtures, large, fresh, staple stock tobaccos, ci gars, candles; doing big business In news and magazine trade; the best looking stand in city; man and wife should easily clear $200 month above all ex penses; full value for your money; only $1150. Call Rm. 810, Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. AUTO TOP PARTNERSHIP offered in most up-to-date shop in city, doing work for the best and largost firms In city; work pleasant and easy to learn; owner cannot depend upon hired help: an opportunity to connect with expert man and make $6 per day while learning; full value i-n sight; must be willing worker; price $750. terma. Apply 810 Panama bldg.. Third and Al der streets. . ONLY ONE IN TOWN. DOCTORSI ! CHIHOPRACTORS! I LISTEN! Elegant office In lively town, fine business established. Other interests take present owner away. Get a location in the heart of a fine country. SEE MR. WILLIAMS TODAY. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CIGAR STAND GENUINE BARGAIN. $1200 cah will buy a first-class cigar and news stand; ideal location in lobby of large we 11 -known hotel downtown; complete staple stock; fine fixtures; any lady or man can eaeily clear never less than $200 per month here; leaving lty; must sacrifice. Call 316 Plttock. blk., Washington at 10th st. FOR SALE One of the best meat mar ket, doing net $8iH per month and could be Increased; cloae to Portle-nd, on electric road. 320 Plttock block. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STOCK. Doing $100.04M business per year. In voice about $15,000; will sell at invoice plus the fixtures. This Is located In a thriving little town adjacent to Port land ; terms one-half cash. This is a money-maker; don't watt, come to 403 Couch bldg. Broadway fi3fi3. LU N ( H CO U NT E R AND ROOMING HOUSE. $050 buys this lunch counter, located near business center, and ft furnished roojns. paying a good Income. Rent rea sonable. This Is a good opportunity for a couple. Apply 316 Plttock block, Washington at 1 0th st. Jl OARAGE AND REPAIR SHOP. Located on a busy street In a brick building; for private reasons am will ing to sacrifice my good business; will give clear bill of sale for only $500, which la less than Invoice, lioom 401 Iekum blrig $-'r AUTO REPAIR SNAP $275. $275 buys equal half interest in live, busy repstr sftop; needs steady and re liable partner; not necessary for you to be a first-class mechanic if honest and willing worker, aa 1 am Al mechanic. Call 020 Cham, of Com.. 4th and Stark. A REAL MONEY-MAKER. BARBERS. Firat-class shop, four chairs, latest white enamel; Ideal location, downtown; a big money-maker; established by Treint .wnr over 2 years; price $1600. part terms. Apply 316 Pittock blk.. Washington at lOtw st. Foil xluou A aoing coffee, tea and spice business in university town, doing $rt0O monthly, wholesale and retail. Plant and equipment; no agents. AV 14, Oregonlan. I GROCERY store with fixtures In very good location with 4 aaioimng rooms, oatn lot and garage, for rent, very chean, 105 Beech St., between Mississippi and Mlch- Igan aves Phone Bdwy. M.ta. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Pool hall. 5 tables, cardroom. six tables: nrice $2200: accept city property, Alberta or Peninsula districts. Call owns n 8 1 S Vn ion ave. N. WOOD BUSINESS. All jwiiitnment necessary to nut cord wood in Portland at $2.50 per cord; boat steam saw contract for logs at 25 cents per cord. 6"7 Couch bldg. rCTio BUYERS Beiore closing a deal of so-cailed interest In estab.ished reii estate business, get advice of Portland Realtv Board. 421 Oregon Bldg. Pnonc Broadway iwi2. ..Vv I , POLLY AND HER PALS ! ::k'.",yy , Tin . 7 Wm r)i expect n x3l.t say,- ) I WTji . i Nl -p ' 'BCSIVES9 OPPORTUNITIES. BOYS AND GIRLS' HOME. My mother and I operate a boys' and g-lria' home at Clackamas. Wo want to sell to some one wio wthe a benevo lent occupation of this character. The place can be operated as a home for indigents. Property consists of 12 -room house, large dining room and kitchen, storerooms. Everything spotless. One acre of ground with 30 fruit trees years old. Chicken house, abundant flowers, large lawn. Completely fenced. One must see this place to appreciate its cleanliness and the opportunity for buei-rtes- of this character. We now have 12 boys- and girls at the home. If inter ested, communicate with me at once, A K S2, Oregonlan, AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. We all know the big money that Is made !n the automobile painting busi ness. Here la an opportunity to buy an equal half interest in a well-known and established auto painting and enameling shop; -doing business with the largest firms ln city; prefers steady partner to hired help; have shop full of work: no previous experience necessary if you are a willing worker; your opportunity to learn a steady paying business, also clear over $200 per month for yourself from the start. Have service car and modern equipped shop; only $650 cash required. Apply 316 Pittock block, Washington at 10th street- AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. Here Is an opportunity to secure an equal half interest in an old-established and well-known business, where you are associated with first-class painter; ex perience not necessary if willing to work and learn; owner would prefer a steady partner to hired help; prKe only $500; you can easily clear $175 a month for yourself; a real buy. Call 620 Cham, of Com, bldg.. 4th and Stark.- A UTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. $275 will secure equal half interest In a busy, established auto repair buainess; fine locution. neat side; completely equipped shop; have more work than can handle; need a steady partner. Your op portunity to learn the business and clear be-tter than $150 per month for yourself from the start. The busiest and best small shop in Portland See this before you buy. Apply 316 Pittock bile. Wash lngton at 10th at. POOL HALL. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE. 6 pool tables and one large snooker table; all in good condition. Fine plate glas circular showcase, wall case, safe and $iH0 stock; cork linoleum on floor; about 2 dozen brans-leg ctiairs, all goes for the price of $4500; average $50 per day. Dt'DREY INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. CAFETERIA BARGAIN. No better location, ng;u downtown, west side, complete, attractive equip ment; seats 6 people ; long lease, low rent. Can easily ciear better than $400 month. Price $3300, terma. Equipment alone cost $4400. A real bargain that Is seldom offered. Call 316 Pittock block. Wash, at 10th st. GARAGE SPECIAL. LARGEST NET INCOME IN PORTLAND. Choice west side location; good lease at very low rent; over lOO per cent net earning each year. If you see this you will buy it. See Mr. Rowland. g DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 5QQ-1Q Panama bldg. Bdwy. 6042. POOL HALL AND CONFECTIONERY. Fine location ; open front with con fectionery in front, and pool hall in the rear. Lease and very reasonable rent. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 80fl-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6942. WEST SIDE GARAGE. Opportunity to buy half; dutlea to look after storage, sell oils, gas, repairs, etc. ; steady storage 60 cars now pay ing $350 month alone; can clear $200 month; price la right. Room oil Kail way Exchange. GROCERY BARGAIN. (K cents on the dollar and invoice the atock. About $3000. Must sell. L237. Mr. Lewla I. E. SPENCER A CO.. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GROCER Y, casli and carry, two nice fur nished living rooms; rent $25, with lease. $1500. Grocery, dolns; excellent business for a small place; $t&0, with living room. 18 Chamb. of Com, hldg. GARAGE, concrete bldg., rent $50; lease, $2500, or income; will take good car. Garage, concrete bldg., close in. East Side; rent $145; long lease. $4750, some terms; completely equipped. This la a busy place. 818 Chamber of Com, bldg. GRO., ALAMEDA DISTRICT. Good corner location, doine rood bust ness, 5-year lease; will sell at invoice, about $3800 total; If you want a good buy see this. Keipper & Crosby, 614 Railway Kxcn. biag. niwy. bh.vj. PARTNER WANTED. In busy repair shop, west aide, work Ing four men: owner show vou can clear $200 month; honest man can buy half for $ touu, some terms. Room Oil Railway Exchange. $500 RESTAURANT. West side, good location, ideal place for man and wife or two partners, doing $25 day, can easily be doubled. Keipper & Crosby. 014 Railway i&xch. bldg, Bdwy. t)650. LET US locate you in business. "We have a number of good propositlona Come ln and tell us your wants. K. ft S. REALTY CO.. A 2 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $ltiK, GRO. AND CONF. Doing about $50 day rent $10: this Is one of the best buys m Portland today. Keipper & Crosby, 014 Kali way Exch. bldg. Bdwy. 0fl50. $600 RESTAURANT, doing $40 daily. good location and equipment, ideal pace for man and wlte. Morris, with O. O. Sletten. Realtor, 41S Railway Exchange but '.ding. $1200 GROCERY, fine locaTn, $35 day cash business, low rent, 3 living rooms. Morris, with O. O. Sletten. Realtor, 41-5 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE One of the best-paying mil ltnerv departments ln southwest Wash Bargain. Owner leaving city. Address Mrs C . E . A r mantrout. Olympia, Wash, WANT experienced hotel manager for new first-class hotel; small amount capital required. Address P. O. Box 97, Salem, or. 1 400 CIGAR and candy stand, fine for root beer barrel and soft drinks; ex cellent location on busy street, west side. 407 McKay bldg. 1 WILL SELL half interest In my new lunch counter; lady or gentleman; must be a cook; at transier point. 1751 Den ver ave.. Kenton. SPLENDID opportunity for man who wishes to engage in wood business; re quires Investment of $1000; handle your own money, n quo. urPKonian. FOR SALE Lease and fixtures for res taurant; best location ln small valley town; small payment down. P. O. Box i . Salem. r. GROCERY SPECIAL. Cash-and-carry grocery,,' corner loca tion; 5 modern living rooms; will in voice about $3000. 511 Railway Exchange. COMPLETE confectionery equipment in cluding candy making tools, sacrifice, part terms, good country town, near Portland. AV 95. Pregonian. SHINGLE MILL. $100O puts you In one of the best ahln gle mir'-s in Oregon; pay as you cut. 607 Couch bldg Bdwy. 3343. $100 STARTS you in business; can easily make $20 per day. Money secured. North East Oth and Burnslde pta. SELL YOUR BUSINESS QUICK. DAVE N PORT, BDWY oan. BustnPM Opportunities Wanted. GROCERY and delicatessen, invoice from" $3O00-$5O0; muFt be good and doing the rni5lnef : cash deal. Call Main 6420. 1 HAVE $500 to invest in the automobile line. What have you? R 306, Ore gon ian. . - - i f-. r'JwH I i W i. Ik . ' aSW'i-.isl Xssnbi r V 3SUsux5.K .v r- i ns& isys.wii- sax ii s-- m BUSINESS OPPOBTTyTTIC9. Busiuew Opportunities) wanteu. EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS OF VALUE. Our business opportunities are per sonally inspected and appraised by an expert. We guard the interests of potQ buyer and seller with every precaution It will pay you to visit our office. l"r time will not be wasted. Get your nam on our service list. See F. C AlarahaJL with FRANK T-u McGUIRK 208 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 717X. Third St. bet. wasn. anu - WANT ROOMING HOUSE trp to 25 rooms, north of Washington, east of 10th st. west aide. RICH ANBACH ' Bdwy- 414. 207-7OS Couch Bldg, y t v-- ii -n-.f T-MKtaurant s and i us. 171-- -M-i-T PB.mt. list with us. Keipper ft Crosby. 514 Railway Exch, bldg. Bdwy. 665Q. WE HAVE buyers for a good clean uua. ness, wiM consider anymms up. Lundqulst Realty Co.. 5Cnamber of Cnmmerre bldir. Bdwy. " PANAMA LET LS rfELP OL PANAMA BROKERAGE CO. 401 Piiiana mag- WANTED Working inrest m r'" or dairy lunch; nave vt wi A F R73. Oregonlan. WANT to buy pool hail m PTa" town: will pay cash, terma. av "w. Oregonlan. HOfPE. close-in property. sPnV.rV $1700, and $1700 cash for good grocery. v 3 1 3. Oregonlan. WANTED Pool hall in good paro" wwm. O. Kopsland. Jennings I.Q"ge. "r. Huteb and liooming Houses. RIERDON REALTY CO., Realtors, 637 PITTOCK BLOCK. TRANSIENT HOTEL. Large ground floor lobby, moa ern brick building, 70 rooms, well furnished. 4-year lease. This place will average $1000 per momh not. Price $20.XK1, good terms. 40 WOMS to. Modern brick bldg.. good car pets and furniture, leae at per month. close-In location, now netting $400 per month; price SyOQO, some terms. APARTMENT HOUSE Beautiful west side brick build png. 100 rooms. mostly 3-room apta, 5-vear lease. This Is a good buv at $25,000. about Vi cash. We have alto many smaller apartment houses. Call at office and see. RIERDON REALTY CO., Realtors. 637 Pittock Block. SEE THIS. 11 rooms, good furniture, on one floor, rent $40. On account of sickness lady wlU sell for $7O0 cash. See McCauIey. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Ry. Exch. Bidg. Broad wav 3026. WILL YOU buy a 45-rocm hotel Dunaing on large lot? Fine brick building, nice ly furnished, that will pay for itself and net $200 to $30) per month. Very easy terms and small down payment. A real bargain. ' See Dad Kennedy. G. C. ULRICH & CO.. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg APARTMENT HOUSE PROPERTY. Beautifully furnished, large Income and a first-clase place. White Temple district A beautiful home and income for life; some cash down and some paper will handle. a C TTLRTCH A CO.. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. FINNISH HOTEL EAST SIDE. 44 -room, steam heat, bargain, at tfi'A-.n- ftlwuvi full: earns big return on investment. See this toaay. Aia for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. vfc-ins T.KASE AT $75. 20 rm. and garage, extra well fur- I anA i-vnrv while film.- nStS iirwv and a lovelv ant. for owner. $3150 and terms. This has tho best lease town. See Mr. Saliger with I. E. SPENCER ft CO.. 817-10-21 Cham of Com. Bldg. ln THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS. 21 rooms, all apte., rent $T5; best west side location ; furnace, electricity, 2 baths; laundry trays, no attic rooms: dandy yard; every room clean and well furnished; good income and home. $2500 down or a good bargain for cash. MRS THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. IK YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, see Chester L. Florence, RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. FOR QUICK SALE List your hotel, apartment or rooming houses with us; your Interests will al ways be protected; we have cash buyers waiting lor your proposition. See Mrs. Keller, GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. BEAT THIS AND I'LL TREAT. $900 cash gets you Into this. 14 rooms H K., clearing $125 NOW. Can be greatly increased. Whole price only $1K00. "NICK" stands back of this. L2-22. I. E. SPENCER ft CO., 5 1 7-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ONE OF PORTLAND'S very best apart ment houses, nicely furnished and doing a nice business, catering only to the bet ter class of tenants: always full. You will appreciate this; write for full par ticulars. J 218. Oregonian "THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. Five-vear lease and furnishings of 45 apts; modern brick bldg.; elevator; rent oniy $500; best furniture; excellent con dition; central. $16,000, terms. MR. T1CE. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. TRANSIT HOTEL. 39 rooms, brick bldg.. located In heart of city. Moat all new rugs and furniture, 6-year lease. Will net $450 per month; $4500 to handle, small balance. 21 S Railway Flxchflnge, Bd"-y. flSOR. Look: ! look: i look: i 0 room H. K., $SoO; half cash, THATS ALL. NICK Find? 'em. 1.47. I. E. SPENCER ft CO., 5 1 7 -21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. 22 apts. I-ease over fair or longer; whole price $6500. Fur nishings ere good and clean; has wait ing list. See Mr. Magoon, 205 Henry bldg. MUST sell my 6-room income flat, nice sleeping porch; income more than pays expenses; dandy place for boarders; nice furniture, new carpets; walking dis tance: very rensonnhle. 142H Russell st. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 16 apts.; all well furnished; clean as a whlsLle; central; 5-year lease: good income and home, $5500. best terms. MRS. MYERS, 620-21 H-HENRT BLDG. IF YOUR place Is for 6387. Buyers waiting. sale, call Bdwy. FOR SALE BY OWN7R. 44-room apt. house, good location, long lease; reVt $125. net $200. For further Information inquire at fl9 0th st. A SNAP- About $1100 cash, balance easy terms 22 housekeeping rooms. Deal with owner. 32Q 2d st. FOR SALE 38 rooms, nice housekeeping apt., good business, $4300; no agent. Phone Auto. 239-27. APARTMENT house. 22 rooms. west eld location. lease: rent 100; nets $180. $3800. $2000 handles. 332 Ry. Ex. 10 H. K. ROOMS, rent $.0, Income $160. Furniture for sale, by owner, very rea sonable. Main 5466. 12 H Renl K. ROOMS. Price right. modern location safe. 201 10th st. LEAVING town, eight sleeping and house kenine; rooms 230 Tenth st. some trade. DID YOU EVER HEAR A TREE -i? i Pi Vise T.H If A t -Dv.-.-.A irt waxtk ) lease jo rooms up. auu io-w BrSIXESS OPPORTTNITI K9. Hotels and Rooming Houses. DAD KENNEDY'S SPECIALS. Look at thU one! 15 -room H. K.. $000 will handle; doll this up and make $500 to buy a larger house. 22 H. K. rooms on one floor, with lease; this house makes the money; $!HH will give you the key; smalt bal ance easy Nine-room home, A-l furnishings; the best offer takes it. Seven-room home, owner mnwt sell, come and see this. Let dad ahow you where the good buys are. SEE DAD KENNEDY, with O. C. TJLRICH ft CO., 40fi Slock 'Exchange Bldg. FREEMAN-SMITH, 13 ROOMS, H. K. Walking distance; furnishings tn A-l eondition; very reasonable rent; nets $175; $1600 cash to handle. 36 ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEPING HOUSE. Lease, rent $75; $1900 cash to handle; will net $165. 11 ROOMS H. K. One of the bet looatlons In the city; furniture almost new ; rent $40; Uess4 than $1000 cash will handle: will net $V0; nice apartment for owner. 21 ROOMS. H. K. Location within the business district; lease, rent, $90; excellent furnishings; nice and clean; price to handle, $2.00; will net $200. FREEMAN-SMITH, Realtors, Brokera. 630 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. t HOTELS AND ROOMING HOUSES, PRICE REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. 14 rooms, part housekeeping, balance sleeping rooms, clears $100 month, $1000 cash takes this to day; can aell again at profit. 21 rooms, light housekeeping, cleara $20O per month; has lease $1500 will handle this if sold at once. SEE MRS ZEMP. with MARY E. LENT CO.. 524 Northwestern Bank Bldg. WALKING DISTANCE. 44-room modern apartment, fine fur niture, baths and telephones ln aJl apart ments; .electric elevaior, five-year lease. This la a snap; $6oo0 will handle, eaay terms on balance. See McCauIey, HILLER BROS., Realtors, 21 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Broadway 3026. 88-ROOM hotel, heart of tne business dis trict; gross income $700, rent $230; price $5500, or will trade for dwelling prop erty. U-room house on Main St.. $1900. 13 housekeeping roomi, Salmon t., cloee in, $1750; $70 cash, balance monthly. 9 housekeeping rooms, 1 kitchenette, N. ISth st., price $1200, half cash; a good buy. City Hall Realty Co., ii67fe Fifth street. Main 6420, CAN YOU MANAGE A BOARDING HOL'SE?T Very Exclusive. 0 Rooms H. K. or Sleeping. SwaIT fur., beautiful home and grounds, etc. ; close in. reasonable rent. FULL PRICE $850. Show me $400. the rest EZY. Follow (NICKS) TRAIL to the gooa Duys. j-. 1. E. SPENCER A CO., 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. YOUR CHANCE. 22 -room apartment, new building, blk. off "Washington, 9 rooms furnished, new iumiture; aiso nice garage. xlub is a bargain, be sure and e it. See McCauIey, HILLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Broadway 3626. HOTEL. t If you have a bungalow, value about $4000 and $5000 cash can put you in one of the beat paying hotela in the city. H. W. OSBORNE. REALTOR. 821 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. APARTMENT HOUSE. $5000 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY FOR A REAL LITTLE HOUSE IN NOB HILL DISTRICT. COME AND LET US &HOW YOU THIS ONE. G. C. ULRICH ft CO.. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. 22 ROOMS All hardwood finish; a fine place to live, some professional man's office and residence or a good boarding house; good furniture, netting $200 per month and 4 nice sunny rooms for living quarters. Come, inspect and buy from owner. Reduction In price; must sell next 10 davs. 493 Yamhill st. INVEST $7500. And make $750 per month on your In vestment; furniture and lease on strictly good apartment house, close in; make us prove our etatemenls. G. C. ULRICH ft CO.. 405 Stock Exchange Bldg. EAST BROADWAY APT. HOUSE. 9 apartments, 19 rooms, fine furniture and building; $4200 cash. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Bdwy. 7171. -Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark. HOTEL Lease and furnishings of a very good hotel, nicely located and doing a very good business; we will sll thla for the same amount of money as we paid for it in order to dissolve partnership; business will show a net income of over $S0O per month. AR 202, Oregonlan. A BIG BARGAIN. Must be sold at once, 4-6-room flat In first-class condition; east side; walking distance; If you are looking for income property you can't beat this. Price $s500. $4-500 cash. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 12 H. K. OR TRANSIENT rooms for $1600 c&s-h or $1WH terms; North wee tern heat, running water In all rooms, 3 baths. Just painted on outside, newly decorated on Inside; exceptionally good furniture; leaee. 101 Park st. CLOSE-IN LOCATION. 14 rooms, all housekeeping; two blocks off Washington street, dandy location ; rent $40. net $80, and 3-room apt; $500 will handle. 218 Railway Exchange. Bdwy. 6908. WE WANT LISTINGS. If you have a hotel, apartment house or housekeeping rooms to sell, list same with us. We- have buyers waiting. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-8-6 Panama Bldg.. Third and Alder. NOB HILL. 11 rooms, housekeeping, walking dis tance, good furniture, furnace heat, elec. light, gas; rent $80, net $60 and own apt.; $500 cash, easy bal. 21 rt Railway Exchange. Bdwy. 6QR. APARTMENT HOUSE for saie by owner; 12 2-room and 6 elngle apartments; price $3600. terma $2500 down, balance $50 per month, 6 per cent Interest, or $3400 cash. 208 Washington St.. room i i. CORNER brick apt.; B years' lease; clears $150; bargain, from owner, $2800; terma, Woodlawn 6590. . 5 OR 0 FURNISHED rooms, now occu- pied, close in; shown by appointment, i R 300, Oregonlan $350 CASH and $3oo to arrange; 6 flat, close in. 3 rooms rented. MRS. HILL. 205 Henry Bldg. BY OWNER 12 H. K rooms, for quick sa $1150. Main B2B3. BARK t BY CLIFF STERRETT, BCSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Ilonses. SEE THIS! Located on Nob Hill ln very best apt. district, we have about 16 very nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apts- This place has 5-year lease at a very reasonable rental showing very good net income; $3000 cash to hand,, E. M. ET-LTS. Phone Main 47S or -Main 2"M M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTH WESTERN BANK BLDG. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IP YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. tOST AND FOUND. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R.. L. & P- Co.. Jan 16: 10 umbrellas, 2 lunch boxes, $1 bin. i pin. 8 packages, 1 handbag. 2 pairs rub bers, i books, key. broom, gas pipe. Jug. achool tickets, fob. music case. 2 basket, overalls, railroad ticket to The Dalles. Jan. 17: 13 umbrellas. 1 lunch box. 2 pursea, 1 key, brief case, 2 hand bags. 3 single gloves, rule, violin in case. 1 pair glasses, school ticketa, part foun tain pen. 6 packages, suit box, calendars, commutation tickets. 1 pair rubbers, i single rubber. Owners may obtain prop erty at First nd Alder streets. LOST, strayed or stolen, shepherd pup. , 7 months old; color- black and white, marked with white around neck, white stripe from nose to neck, white on tip of tail and each foot, has mU patch of hair rubbed off below left eye, answers to the nam of Pu"04M,nK," ward. Call Bdwy. 0100 or East 3090. LOST Wallet In first basement of Meier ft Frank's, containing between $50 and $bo ln bills snd a wheat storage ticket on th Atlas K!evaior -o. ui i S. D.. for 473 bushels of wheat. Call Main 613. Reward LOST Fountain pen without cap. number R.V 4 V betw sen Woodward ft - larae a and O ds. Wortman ft King; return, to prescription window. Woodard A Clarke Co. uewara. $10 REWARD and no questions amea i' return of GOLF SUIT taken from Ford coupe. Bdwy. near Electric bldg. Eaat do: LOST On the corner of East Madison and ... B nali- of evexlasses. A rZ. -.n til r,T,i for their return to 8H3 East Madison st.. corner of East 19th, LOST. Monday on Union ave.. ciwn iv.'. vr.iiinff- nurse containing tn- holnna-a to schoolgirl. Phone Woodlawn 40 '.to chain on East Burnslde or East 41st, Detween cunuiue .. of Stark, near 42d. Tabor 1316. t ncr hmr Pt DOIWCen r oT.i, Bt anri llhrarv. Reward. Eaat flSOfl. LCKST Black halfbreed Persian North Irvington or Alameda. Nicholas. 797 E. 24th st. N. LOST Black months old. ,nd white English setter, 6 Reward. 261 N. 24th sL, or call Tahor 2676. LOST Sunday, Montgomery 214 i E. loth fish pole, beuween a. nd E- 10th t. E. or it. Reward. LOST On Richmond car. uiue an i. um brella vajued as gift. Sellwood 817 or Broadway 4011. Reward. , LOST Brown fox fur on 23d at .- between Lovejoy and Marshall. Call Tabor 7 -.03. Reward. LOST Lemon and white pointer dog about 2 years old. Reward, Telephone Main 6071. THE PARTY that took fur in Hippodrome th-ater Satdrday night is known, and to save trouble, return to theater at once: LOST Tues stone rim. ay A. M. Call 218- 35x5 tire on Fire 24. Reward LOST A ruby-se brooch. Return to room 233. Worcester omg. ar.u ihv" - - LOST 1 diamond ear-ring. Liberal re- wan. Main a it LOST XI Pal Phi frat. pin. Phone Bdwy. FOUND Phone -On Division T.ibor 7574. street, ladies' purse. LOST Collie puppy; reward. Main e34l. 784 Peuygroye. LOST Brown Alaska fox fur. flni. Reward. , Call Tabor LOST Elk-tooth charm, initials H-O-No. 1374. Reward. Sellwood 3335. LOST leather portfolio; rewara. All.erts. Nahcotta, Wash. LOST Kevs, on Linton road, below hronk . Main 2r.9 or 267 lth St. FOUND Setter dog. Call East 6446. FINANCIAL. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. WILL take sale contracts in exchange for 8 of the finest lots in me nean oi iv ington where there Is no apartment house restriction. Lots surrounded by modern homes. McClure ft Schmauch Co.. 306 Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR ft GRAY. MAIN 35. 102 FOURTH ST. CANADIAN bond house is in the market to purchase Canadian government, pro vincial and city bonds; qtio-tations fur nished; cash payment. 536 Northwest ern Bank bldg.. Portland. Main 2H72. ciiaht.ti M K lonn on mortKBCes. con tracts or other collateral. Multnomah Finance Co.. P22 Gasco bldg. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate; Washington, Ore gon H. E. Noble. 316 Lumhermens Mdg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman Co., 210 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 3026. SELLERS CONTRACTS and second mort gages bought and sold. C. DeYoung ft Co.. 810 Snalding bldg. tx-it i Kntr anmner Ke1!ers' contract or sec ond mortgage. Gordon. 631 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BUY NOTES, contracts. Lewis. 713 Lewis bldg.. rtgages, F. H. 4th and Oak sts. CONTRACT $2200 monthly, $20, mortgage $750. Take $iK0. Kornegay. Main 9472. Money to loan on Ketil Kntate. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city, farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLI A M G BECK. 215 Falling Bldg. stir.tr. ORKGON INV. & MORTGAGE CO 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING. 2D AND STARK STS. $50O. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate ; favorable terms: no aeiay ; nc brokerags. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg, Tttnir.v tn loan on real estate security at going rates of interest. Oto ft Harkson Realty CO.. I0 ' Hamper m v.omnn'n-c. $2O0. $400, $500. $750. $1000 AND UP Low rates, quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. pmviTK monev to loan on real estate, low rates, no delaya. C DeYoung ft Co.. 810 Spaiaing Ding. LOANS made on improved city or farm property Main 6634. Witham-Reed Co.. N. W. Bank bldg. MONEY to lend on approved real estate. Northwest company, uhsco ping. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. S a 1 om n n Co.. 307 Railway Exch bldg. PRIVATE money to loan. 7 per cent. A. K. Hill, 426 Lumbermens bidg. FINANC1AU Money to lxn on Rrl Estate. MORTGAGE LOANS- RESIDENTIAL LOANS. PER CENT 5-year period repayment privilege or $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the value of your home; only mall monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on the ftrst of each month; no pena.ty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 8H PER CENT. Five-vear period, repayment privileges. BRICE MORTGAGB CO.. Portland Mortgage Correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of Amerlca. 1210-1217 Yeon Bldg. Main S3Q8. PLENTY OF MONEY for rood loana en Improved Portland real estate, MORTGAGE GUARANTEE CO.. 91 Fourth St. -THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residences, apartment houses and other Income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT. ANY TTMBJ. No penalties, no renewal chargea Other funds also, as for the oast 14 years, especial Iv ln LARGE AMOUNTS. The Most Complete Loan Servlce. EDWARD E. COUDEY COMPANY. United States Bank Bldg. INSTALLMENT LOANS FOR FORWARD-LOOKING HOME OWNERS. 6 per cent simple interest on monthly loan balance. Option to take up at any time. Reoav vour mortsaae craduallv and easily if you live and instantly If you die. No commission. WILLIAM Mac MASTER. 328 V. S. National Bank Bldg. HOME PURCHASE LOANS. Monthly InstaUment plan: 6 per cent simple Interest, with protection for the family In case of death. Option to take up any time. No commission. WILLIAM Mac MASTER. 823 U. S. National Bank Bldg. Loans Insurance. MONEY to loan on Willamette valley farms and city property. Lowest current ratea. Liberal repayment privileges. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES. COMPANY. 1 Third st.. Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments; pay ss you can, sums to suit; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 Gascn bldg., 5th and Aider sts. CELLAR-MURTON CO. WE BUY CONTRACTS. MORTGAGES AND NOTES. PACIFIC SECURITIES CO.. 1403 N W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 237. MORTGAGE LOANS. In any amount at lowest ratea on city or country property. Prompt and helpful service. PAGET ft PAGET. Realtora. 2S31. Stark at., bet. 4th ft 5th. Bdwy. 8704 WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loana also insurance money for business property at lowest available ratea MORTGAGE BOND CO. Main 2sar Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan f lowest current rates on Willamette va ley farms; no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO., 87 Sixth St. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS on farm or city property; prompt and helpful service; liberal repayment priv ilege: lowest rates. WESTERN BOND ft MORTGAGE CO.. SO FOURTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. MORTGAGB LOANS on Improved farmi and city property; favorable repaying privileges; no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO., LTD., Soft Piatt bldg. Main 8371. $30(1. $400. $500. $700. $1000, $12O0. $1800. $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action, pay off $1)0 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham ber of Comni' rep h'dK Main 1H70. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence snd City Property. 64 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount ; low rates, promptly closed : attractive repayment privllegea A. H. BIRRELL-GILL CO., 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. $10041 $1500 $1HMV--$2,MH $3tHX. NO DELAY. We are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 6 18 Cham, of Com, bldg TO LOAN $50O. $"l000. $1200. $1500, $2500 on real estate security. 7 per cent, 8 per cent. Geo. P. Lent. 417 -Corbett bldg LOANS at current ratea on well-improved farms and city property. K. K. Baxter, Spalding hldg. $3000. $1500 curitv, ?'""r TO LOAN on reaidence Jacob Haas. Mar. 3324. LOANS and securities. Bdwy. 5800. Davenport. 612 B u c hanan bid g . Money to Loan Chntte I n and Salaries. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES. QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PTANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a ape. cialty of these loans snd leave the se curity In your possession, and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. , PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed.) 806-807 Dekum bldg. Bdwv. B887, S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY LOANS SALARY WE LOAN MONEY to salaried and working men on their personal notes; rates reasonable. Easy pavments). NO SECURITY. NO INDORSER. Call and investigate our modern money lending methods. All business confiden tial. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (LI censed), 21 Failing Building. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaned on household goods or merchandise placed In storage with us at regular hank rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., Fourth and Pine Sts. Opposite Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DAN MARX ft CO.. 315 Wash4ngton st., near 6th St. Established over 35 years; only high-class Jewelry store in city with loan department in connection: private room for ladies, business strictly confi dential, under state supervision; ail ar ticles held one year. Do buainess with an old-eytahllKhed firm. MONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry: confidential service; government licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Bros, ft Co., 283 Washington St., between 4th and Marshall 727. MONEY to lfan: diamonds, jewelry, etc.; legal rate; articles held one year. Vines, jeweler, corner 3d and Washington. AUTO and other short-time loans. Mult nomah Flnsnce Co., 822 Gasoo bldg. e-4 FINANCIAL. ltana U anted. WHPN YOTT LOAN MONEY on reel ee-tau doinand Til l T ..... . lm BETTER BE SAFE THAN 80RRY. TITLE A TRUST CO. Title ft Trust Bldg. FRANK U McGUIRE, Wh his years of experience and expert knowledge of values, la ln a position to safeguard your very interest in locating your money. Hundreds of applications for loana Of fice or personal services. Lt us loan your money. tfe J. log1 Richardson, manager loan department, Abington b u iidliig MaJ n lmS. $2000 7. ft yrs .. valuation $5000; Haw thorne district. $3250 7, 8 yrs.. valuation $S000; Ala meda Park. $40007, 8 yrs. valuation $9300; 13d and Hawthorne ave. PACIFIC COAST MORTGAGE CO.. 810 Railway Exchmge H dg. K.lrv, 6755. WANT SOME GOOD LOANS. $800; 3 years at 8 per cent. $300 8 years at 8 per cent. $1200 8 year at 8 per cent. SUBMIT YOUR SECURITY. sMTTH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EVCH. WANT to borrow $:1imj lor three years, or will pay ?MH) December, lit 22. and $1000 Dec, 1123; $15v0 Dec.. 1924, or will let run for three year a Call Phone 615-11. WILL buy some good notes, secured con tracts or mortgages from owners direct. Give detal'.s; strictest of confidence. AK 874. Oregonlan RESPONSIBLE party desires a loan of $580 for one year; good security. This will stand an Investigation; no brokera AC 374. Oregonlan. WANT to borrow $850, first mortgage, on 5-room bungalow. L. E. Steinmeia. 406 Gerllnger bldg. Main 60tl or Tabor 3224. WOULD like a loan of $3300 to $3500 on good first mortgage security city prop erty. Call Automatic 612-00. $2500 FIRST mortgage on improved farm near Portland ; value over lour limes this amount. Owner. AM 371. Oreyonian. CONTRACT. BIG DISCOUNT. $2800 contract; discount 30 per cent. Broadway 6'-'42 Mr. Merrick. $1700, 7 PER CENT, on firsl-iiass aecur ity In Hawthorne district. Main 2072. 706 Gssco bldg. $2500 FIRST mortgage on improved farm near Portland; value over four times this amount. Owner, U 367, Or eg jilan. SEE OREGON INV. ft MOllT GAG E CO., 210 EXCHANGE BUILDING, 2D AND STARK STS . $2000 ON 7-ROM house, corner lot, close in. Kast o.t.-v. $14no TO $L7O0 on new bunnalow, lot 84x 13.i. owner, w ooaiawu PERSONAL CAN YOU ACT? Have vou had the desire to try out your talent in a regular vaudeville act. Either for a professional career or Just to b able to entertain your friends ? Then see us at once; we will write an act around your own personality, stage and direct It; we are now writing ma terial for many well-known performers. Ask our Mr Webster. Broadway 3243. DANNY WALLACE PRODUCTIONS. 220 -230-23 1 A rt Isan B u H lln g. THE LA FRANCE HAT MFRS. formerly of 3724 Morrison st.. are now open for business in our new store at 169 V Tenth st., near Yamhill, with a larae stock of trimmed hats, frames, braids, trimmings and all material for the home milliner. On request of our many satisfied customers we have re tained our cleaning and blocking dept. for ladies' and gentlemen's hais. THE LA FRANCE HAT MFKS. Irt'.tii Tenth at. near Yamhill. Find out what you were meant to do and start to do It. The most important tiling in the world to you Is YOURSELF. Human analysis as given by Mrs Anna bel Maloue at the Multnomah hotel de termines the work you are fitted for. You were born to be a success at some thing. Find out what It is. A 15-mlnute Interview fre by appointment only. Phone Broadway 4O&0. PERSONALS. s We are now showing beautiful tailored mats for spring; also new dressea at real savings; while our winter coats last you may buy them for 1-3 less at Peter sen's Upstairs Store, Second floor. Pil lock block. PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Leal guarantee given. No need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ask to eee Gle-o-nla Pile treatment. Stout Lyons Drug Co.. 3d and Morrison, 5ih and Washington. Broadway and Stark LADIES. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a soothing, cleansing, healing germicide and invigorating douche; a great aid In female disorders: 50c and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DR. NETTIE BENSON Nervous snd chronic diseases treated by NEW METH ODS traction for weak backs, mineral a:eam bath, showers, violet ray massage and sinusoidal treatments for both sexes. Brnadwav 6709 711 Shetland bidc "MRS H. C. HANSEN." formerly with the Rosenthal Sistera' beauty parlors, Llpman, Wolfe ft Co.. Is now with the rxe Improvement Shop, 42N-9 Medical bidg. Main 7M00 for ap point men u. . CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths, scientific massuge, rheumatism, stomach, heart kidney complications, reducing, graduate nurse assistant. 74-5-6 Selling - 1 Uracil. Main 77S6. . DR. MARGARET HAVN1E, chiropractor. Women's diseases my specialty. A 11 treatment non - surgical. For trained nurse, assistant and bath massages, ak for Mi - Randall. 215 Swetlatid bldg. DR. ADA SCOTT, nervous ami chronic dis eases a special t y ; steam hath, hot or cold showers, sclent if ic body massage. Hours 10 to 7. 417 Swetland bids. Bdwv. 4170. $1 GETS both fct fixed up at Dr. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST,, who doean't hurt you; 8 yrs. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 1 1th A Wash . Bdy. 'M:4 DR. LOUISE NETiS EL mats rheumatism, lumbago, electric blanket, vibrator, mas sage, bath: lady assistant. 546 Columbia st.. near 17th st. Main 5508. NURSE gives electric s wonts for rheuma tism, bad cold.-, la grippe ; w ill all at your home by appolntnteiPt. Main 5185, mom 320. VIT-O-NET. swtal body massage. Radian! light. Violet Ray treat men t for cold, sciatica, neuritis, circulation: 10 to 8 d ally. 4 50 Morgan bldg. M a In 757 vTt-O-NET PA RIjOKsi SALES TREAT MENT ROOMS. 212-15 F L I E 1 N E R BLDG., DR. G- LOCKE. EXCLUSIVE PALES RIGHTS. BURKE IMPROVEMENT SIMP M. 71)06 42H-I) Medical Hldg. Can accommodate two students ln bpa utv culture. WIDOW with child vory desirous of com municating with anyone driving to Seat tle fir Bell ing ham. Wash. East 2464. Berth a Coop t. JAZZ Piano, beginners, 10 lessons; popu lar songs 3 lessons or money back ; ad vanced course I tr players. 514 Eilers building. EXPERIENCED nurse gives st-a in bat hs and scientific body massage, 322 Klied ner bldg.. 10th and Washington sts. MASSAGE, baths, rheumatism, constlpa - tion, kidneys. Both sexes. Dr. ICijia Rorenson. 5"M Panama bldg. Bdwy. "OO- P.EJ I'VKNATK your tired and nervous 'body by a scientific massage. Dr. Ovida Latsen. 034 Morgan hldg. Main 11(09. SUI'KRFLrOl S hulr. mo U s. moved bv 10-needle method. J one Kln'.e y. 514 Bush A.- I.a ' ie LADIES earn lence needed; me end stamped envelope for p. o Box 525, cit.v. InformaT ion. FK B VET ft MANEBUT. leHdliig wig and toiipc makers; permanent marcel and water wavlr i a . 31 1 Aid e r. 1 jin 5 4 6 M A - iAGES FOR LI MP GO, ETC. Kik ha nun bldg,. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th. Sundays and eo-tiiiiKs. PILE'S can be permanently u operation Call or write Dr. ond and Morrison. red without Dean. Sec- T1TH PORTLAND Stt lors for foot irouti and sH ini por tins tilro dy pur- siili-ur's. facials gh h:dg. TRAINED MitE. FIAT US. MASSAGE See Miss Kendall for baths, massage and electric t rent men t. 215 S wetland hldg. ALBERT .1. BAT EM A N. (her.- i a lette in Portland p. O. (general delivery; fo vou. M. B CAN ANY ONE lilp children ; s m sick band un'-rnp oved. 11. t e A null and A P d'Stltute; hus- DR. ROBERT sriHs(, nnv ; 1 1 E H 713 1 chiropodist, , kum hldg. PHI M EDA BA I.M . formerly railed Balm of KtR-s. HAi K. !Cd. Sell. 2213. mornings I ;r k. or Harry pa v you 7 rl. tors. Dekum hldg SULPHUR SteMm kith-, nutsage, violet rsv. H-Mirs 1' o 8. 426 Cla. Main K35Q PR' )ST VT E t rotililc cured vvn hout opera tion Dr. R A Phi lips I'd wy. bldg. 1 EARN good trade ewnir.K Beauty cul ture M aflame Curt If. Marshall 1702. Tsi'ERFLUOUS B MK pe moved. 5M Swetland bW: rmanently re g Bdwy. 670Q f H V HK THKhi., ill hll I. ie ortt wt ami rin'n'f foralve. Write Ml. Rainier. THERE DR. M !!U. KNB -gm h'ds. 1 IT. ntlst. -1 V HE FAT? Ell-.flhfth rsh, 1. 1 v JLL'..l?,lit:-.kn'"-SONS in l'n-reMdiiit; phone Woodia n hiUh) I. Ida i iiurc SWJiDlSU mauaaic. i'lionc Main 7633. 1 I ED i o9.o I 1