CI 1 THE MORNIXG OREGONIA2T, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13", 1922 HKT.P WANTED MALE. WANT a. carpenter contractor curable of partly financing home. AM 351, Ore- gonian. Help Wanted Sal-Mix-n. XF YOU lack sand, If you are afraid to ffet out of the old rut, do not annwer this advertisement, because we have room in our bualnesa family only for the honest, conscientious worker who will do our work the way we want it done. We have a good opening for the right man and we are wilding to Instruct new man in such e manner that he will succeed. Call at 433 Northwestern Bank hidg. after 10 A. M. m I WANT some streets cleared of under brush and trees on a tract of land in the Hose City Park district, outside the city limits. If you've had some experi ence in clearing I will sell you a tract of y acre or more and you can pay for it pan in work. This is a good oppor tunity for you to get a big piece of land, close in. Call zne evenings. Auto, Jl WELL-lijiTAiiLlSHED automobile agen cy, handling a well-known car in the medium price class, wants two live-wire ea liftmen, previous auto, experience un nc-4-esHary f you are willing to do some real work, in is is no bea or roses, out permanent connection and a chance to mnke some- real money If you are not arraid of work. Write for an interview AM 3.2. Oregonlan. 6ALEHMF..V SEVERAL FIRST - CLASS MEN OK INTEGRITY. TO SELL HIGH GRADE LOCAL ."ECLRITY. PREVIOUS -LLING EXl'ERI K N C E DESIRABLE, BIT NOT ESSENTIAL; EXCELLENT INCOME AND A HEAL PERMANENT FUTURE OPEN TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY. 14IH N. W BANK HLDG. SALESMEN Write for lmt of lines and full particulars. Earn $2500 to $10.l0 commission yearly. Big demand for jsien. Inexperienced or experienced, cltj or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. Assn., Dept. 2 1 4. ( hipggo, WANTED Salesman to sell food product direct to the consumer. Must have had sules experience and be tactful. If you are not afraid or hard work, can fur ni.-h references, are between the ages of 2? and 3. apply HQ5 I nionave. A STRUNG, going, Jucui factory can use several reliable, experienced capital stock salesmen on commission basiu; honest, energetic men can make good c Jnnec- tion; give record and references. AM 355, Oreonian. CANDY salesman to cover state of Wash ington, who Is thoroughly familiar with the retail trade ; high-class references necessary ; exceptional opportunities for the right kind of high-class salesman. AV 14, Oregonlan. SALES M EN, crew managers and district managers; man capable of earning $50 or more a week; oniy live wires need apply; married men preferred. Call only after 4 P M. 12'4 10th at. OLD-ESTABLISHED wholesulo firm needs man. It f to 4.i. with Hunt car to seil gro ceries to farmers at wholesale. Give age, experience, qualifications in full and phone number. P. Q.' bog 2010. SALESMEN to sell KEPS-U-DRY raln coata. direct from maker to wearer. You can make $50 to $loo a week; investi gate. United Kubber Co.. 220 Morgan bidg. TlIGIf -CLASS salesman wanted to sell Ford products; permanent. Call at Francis Motor Car Co., Grand ave. at Hawth orne. W'AMLl Live, ambitious retail grocery clerk as salesman for wholesale grocery house; give age. references, experience. V 3 " 3 Oreg o n f a n W'AXTEb First -clans w ho.ebaie grocery salesman; htate age, experience and ref erences. X 311. Oregonlan. WANTED 3 first-claws live wire Hmes men for good commodity. P 350, Orego nian. SALESMAN with busmen experience pre ferred. Call room 410 New Houston WAXTKD AGENTS. WAXTED Distributor for Mate of Ore gon fn automatic windshield swipe, sel ing retail a.t .". Ho Opjierman, rocm Ui Seward notei, j riaay morning until 3 o clock f . M.: write lor particulars. Urowniw Sitles Company, 212, Pioneer hide. Seattle. Wash. II AN WANTED with car to take over For est Grove route for quality blend coffee, full line of household necessities and auto specialties ; other locations open; aplen did proposition for worker. Good pay end big future. Call 2i 3d st. CITY salesman to handle exclusive city territory, selling Quality Blend Coffee, Tea. household necessities and auto spe cialties; splendid proposition for worker good pay and big future. "VVm. fcatry al 1 g. (. o. , 1M 7 Lmon a ve. N . SALEaMEN AND SALESWOMEN Fur Famous 3-ln-l Shopping Bags. Fast Sellers. Big Commissions. Cash Loposlt Required for samples. Good Territory Open for Producers. Room fto 2, S wetland B 1 d g. IF VuU are; a salesman and have had ex perience in selling to homes we have an article of wonderful merit and profit. Inquire between U and 10 A. M., til :n sr. W A NT ED A live w ire In every c"un ly in tne c. n. to sen tne Anti-WKirt Traction Armor, must have own machine. Call or write JOHN BROWN. 322 Ry. Ex. bldg. HEALTH, accident and nonpital insurance. Big commission ftdl Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. JEWELRY SALESWOMAN: MT'ST BE TH( tRorGH LY EXPERIENCED. GIVE KEFERENCES. AG OUEGON1AN HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. I want a respectable young lady to eome to my home and make It a home for us all. to take the same interest as though it were hers, with the expecta tion of being treated the same an one of the family. There is myself. 32. and baby girls, 4 and 6 years. State wages expected. J 3.i2. Oregonlan. ' EM I'LOYERS. ATTENTION! If you want thoroughly competent of fice help, stenographer, clerks. book- Keepers, etc., rurnishert quick;y. Just call CLERICAL PLACEMENT BUREAU. 520 Corbett BMg. Main 3730. MISS A G. CROSS'LEY, MANAGER. W A NT unincumbered, reliable woman to look after two children and general Housework in, good modern home at Ti g a rd ; good home, good people and good Job. 1'h one Herman Bremer. Tiaard. Or. Telephone In house and he will call for you in machine. THE WOMEN'S Protective DIVISION, city or rornana. orrers its service in all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tec t Ion of women and girls; Interviews confidential. .M4 Worcester bid.. Third and Oak nts. Phone Main ..i22 MIDDLE AGED lady, wanting nit e home; must tte gooti cook ana uo light cham ber work; man and wife engaged dur ing day. Call the Popular, 2tH Morri son Ft. WANTED A capable stenographer and typist, one who has experience In filing preferred; reply in own handwriting, stating salary expected. AE 858, Ore gon inn WANT Protestant Christian girl, between the ages of 2." and 30. who can play piano enough for home amusement to do practical itursing; good wages. V 212, Oregonlan. ESTABLISHED real estate office wants competent bookkeeper-stenographer; must be familiar with double entry system and rapid on typewriter. A K f5. Oregonlan. AN V G 1 K L In need of a friend, apply to me cai vaiion Army nescue Home, May fa :r and Alexander streets. Phone Main 34." 0. DM. c;ir. LA D Y wanted to work in beauty parlor; must do marcelling and all work: out of town; good wages. Inquire Jacob Miller Barber Supply Co.. Ill 3d st. (. AN ut- J vwm-n ot average Intelli gence and neat appearance. Write for appointment. Young s Superior Mag a 7. nr Service. 4M Cnlrg nt. WANTED Ladies call nomes. sell house hold necessities of merit; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 East Morrison st HETOUCJIEil wanted. experience, references and salary expected. C 342. renn 'a n. ELDERLY lady wanting good home, on firm, keeping house for 2, call Bdwy. 3 113 Room 7. Tin?: FLORENCE CK1TTENTON home is ready to help any girl In distress. 953 Kmt f.Hsan. "M V" car. Knst 31 d. W A NT ED Girl fur genera i housework; good wages; no washing. Keferences re qulre.l. cull Wdln. 4124. Tii"R"UiH LY experienced cloak and suit s lies! ad les. No other need apply. 400 MnTison EN I'l-.IiiENCED caramel and kiss wrap pers wanted. Lang & Co.,, candv factory, No. 9 North 1st St., near Hurnwlde. IH I'sEK V "E'PEIl tor family of five. Call Tln.'U. l';HI.V experienced fitter. Apply 4UO MnrrUnn GIRL wanted for general housework; small family. Phone Woodlawn 4133. 2IRL to assist with housework and two children. 1PO East 1 1 th st. North. 1 AVi EI--Te nht-rs for mission school. 1st st.. frnm 2 to 4 p. y,'iil' i (inner g.rl, hnt.-i. itrb and Sdirk. o tu b. Nortonia APPRENTICES wantfd for beauty par'or work. H4 Ellerg blflg. TOl'NG woman for first-class stenographic position; legal preferred. Bdwy. .Mi4 4. EEC A L desiring employ. nif" t call Main 3730 at once. WANT E D Dinner girl. Nortonia hotel. Experienced. GIRL wanted. Penny Arcade. 20 N. 3d. LADY barber at oocs, CaU22SFirt. HFI.P W WTKDFKMAI.E. WantedDomestic. EXPERIENCED giri or wuman for gen eral housework, must oe a good cook, to go to Marshfleld, Or., fare paid, good wages, permanent position; references required. Write Mrs. John Davies, Murwhfielrt. Or. WAN i'ED Competent and refined girl for general housework In small family; one that can go home nights. Ca.ll Tabor 7lt54. FIRST-CLASS cook for family 4 adults no laundry; good wages and good room with bath. BJ uregontan. GOOD girl for general housework where there are children; good west aide home good wnges. Bdwy. 2ft Off. EXPERIENCED girl for downstairs work; best 1H2S. cooking and wages. Main EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; modern conveniences, beat wages, city reference required. Main 6854. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with chil dren and second work; references re quired. Marshal 8 06 5, W ANTE D Girl lor cooking and general housework In small family. Apply mornings, jonnwn. WANTED Motherly lady, fond of children. good home, small wages. Call at 4152 4th at. a. E.. near r irlanq station. EXPERIENCED girl tor general house work. G50 Knott t. Bast 634ft. MAID for general housework; references. 4S2 Hassalo. East 4(il. WANTED (Jirl for general housework on small ranch, city limits. Wdln. 1008. Gl RL to do general housework. 77V Hoy t ft reet. WANTED Voung girl for housework. Call Tabor 32M. WANTED Maid lor second work, Mar. 072. HKT.P WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. ENERGETIC man with $1500 to Invest with services in manufacturing business nure to be one of Portland's largest In dustries; kindly make appointment. AL 842, Oregonlan.. SITUATIONS WANTED MA I.E. DISABLED ex-servics man needs position very badly. Have had electrical en gineering experience and would prefer permanent position wnn an electrical company, but wilt take anything tern porarily. Can give references as t character. Call Main 7867 mornings or after 3 P. M. and ask for McAdams. MACHINIST, American. A-1. all around steady, married man, age 20, 10 years' experience on production and repair vroTK, factory maintenance, work pre ferred. H. Butler. S1 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 35K1" SoHKK, industrious, neat, clean, elderly. single man wants steady position around apartment or residence ; Al gardener, poultry, stock, etc.; if you desire a good, dependable, trusty man answer this; will go any place. A K 353. Oregonlan. EX-SERVICE man, married, willing for any kind of work; truck or private driv ing; will consider most anything. Main 1)520. Basement apt. CHEF-COOK All-around man; first class on meats and dinners: famous for bread and pastry ; would like good hotel or restaurant. American or European plan; go any place. AO 343. Oregonlan. I'APEKH ANGLNG. 30 CENTS A ROLL; PAINTIN G A ND TINTING CHEAP; ONE ROOM OR A BLOCK; SPLENDID WORK QUICKLY DONE. MAR. 24U3. ASK FOR MR. CARRICK. OFFICE MAN, stenographer, bookkeeper. several years experience; married ; no objections to leaving city. Call Main 7."37. Address 726 Northwestern Bank building. YOUNG married man, 25, wants work In or out of town; 7 years' experience men's clothing and furnishings, but will take anything that promises a good living wage. A H oregonlan. . BUILDING ungmeer at present employed would consider change; am licensed as supervising electrician and maintenance man, well versed In heating problems, piumhlng, etc. AH 31. Oregonian. A GE-NEKAL store clerk, experienced in groceries, clothing, shipping clerk and warehouse work, desirea position; prefer placo outside of .Portland. AN 351, Ore gnnian. THOROUGH LY experienced restaurant man desires position In or out of Port land; head waiter, waiter or iry cook references. O 352. Oregonlan. WANTED Situation on first-class ranch by single man; can take full charce ; best of references. Main 904. BC 849, Oreponlan. , OFFICE man, 14 years' experience mer cantile lines as bookkeeper, credit man and office manager; will leave city. E 32, Oregonian. WANTED Kalso.nlnlng. old walla made like new; work guaranteed. Call or ad dress D. A. Renard. 3D2 Hall st. Phone Tabor 5799. CARPENTER and cabinet work, concrete and cement work, garages, etc.. reason Able. Shop, Main 7H05; residence. Main 752. LOGGERS. Will tend honk or load head and climb; prefer one-side camp; reliable. Write BC 342. Oregonlan. DANCING WILBURS open for engage ment during the next three weeks. Just off the Orpheum. Teach privately. R 3.14, Oregonlan. ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper, 14 years In mercantile, railroad and shipping work will leave city. F 835. Oregonlan. ItOoF repaired, rain or shine; eve trougn cleaned and repaired: all work guaran teed. Phone Main 0320. CARPENTER New or repair work, small Jobs promptly done, estimates cheerfully given. Tnhor ftQwi. WANTED Opportunity to trade in first-class shop. nian. learn bakers' J 351, Orego- YOUNG MAN. 17. wants office work, had 1 4 months' experience. Ralph Williams. Tabor 6414. PRUNING and landscape work wanted by au expert gardener and horticul ture. Call Tabor 1316. A JAPANESE schoolboy wants position near a grammar school. Phone 012-80. T. Ono. fi4 Thurman st. PAINTING. KAUSuMlNl.NG. PAPERING. First-class work ; winter prices; save money. T-ihor 232ft. YOUNG MAN with one year's experience, wants a Job in garage as helper or re palr man. Call Columbia 14S3. GENERAL carpenter, contractor and re pair work. Phone Auto. 332-37. 41st st. a n d Sandy blvd. f 10 FOR the party who can furnish a good all around, young, one-arm. married man a permanent job. BJ 372. Oregonlan. WANTED Work o any kind, painter by trade. Call J. L. Smith, East 675. 05 H Russell st. CA RP ENTER, experienced, contract dav; repairs reasonable; references. 7103. CARPENTER Changes, additions, ga rages, porches; reasonable; prompt work. Marshall 334. PICTURE framer, years' of experience In all branches, or anything, married; wag es no object. Bmadw ay 335. lOU.N'ij man, IS. strong and dependable, wants Job driving car, delivering, or what have you? Tabor 8633. MARRIED man needs work, painting, kal sominlng, floor polishing. Maclin. East 1816. BARBER, married, needs work, any kind, In or out of city. E. W. Perkins, Main 647fl. MARRIED Firat-class painter. Inside, outside, $5 day, or by contract. Aut. (I21-S7. PRUNING, tree grafting and suraylna. ex perlenced men. Gllroy, formerly U. S. liov t ornaroiMT. nnwy, CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract, first - ciass worn, woodlawn 2iS3. EXCAVATING C. K. Cheeseman, Wdln. GARDENER, handy in house, wants steady J A PA NESE schoolboy wants work. T. Sen la. P. O. Hox 1M, Tualatin. Oregon. YOUNG married man must have work will do anything. Call East 8746. FIXIT, carpenter repairs, alterations, huilt-lns. jobbing, roofing. Wdln. H01S. PRUNING by expert. Phone fi27-69, during nay. EXP. bus boy or porter Phone Marshall -518. desirea work. LATHING and shingling done. Call Auto. t-i- it. PA PER hanging, painting, tinting. Et Itennett. 770 Williams ave. Wdln. 2ftl. LET US figure your wiring. Old houses our specialty Woodlawn 5450. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East j Mi. i'iu Easi m si. YOUNG Japanese wants position; a school. poy. Automatic 01-.1. YOUNG Japanese wants position as school- D oy. taw automatic .tii-ao . CARPENTER C. S, 20 years experience. nay or contract. .t'.ii sr. e. SHINGLING. Work guaranteed. Phone E. PAPERING. PAINTING. TINTING. Lowest price, best work. East 7842. PLUMBING done very reaaonaoly, by hour OT J OO. AUtO., BRICK contractor, tile houses, garaaes. fireplaces: prices right. Tabor 8793 PAINTING, kaisomintng. good work, rea- sonable. J. I iausen. woodlawn R414. Hook keepers. Stenographers. Office"" EX-SERVICE man, 2." years oid. 7 years office experience with flour mills, job bers. manufacturers. P 326. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT. BEST OF LOCAL RfiiT- SITUATIONS WANTED MAtE. Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Office. WE INSTALL and operate a special book - keeping system. Including income tax ervlce (Indorsed by leading merchants' associations) ; work done by expert ac countants for $10 to $13 monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau. 717 G&sco bldg. Main 453S COMPETENT bookkeeper, part time, aud iting. Installing system, opening and closing sets; experience In retail ready to wear; best of recommendations; sat isfaction guaranteed. AB 340, Ore Ionian. EXPERIENCED office man, 20 years' general experience; ' bookkeeper, costs, credits, capable taking full charge, seeks permanent position Tabor 2110. LL5U1ER OFFICE MAN Billing clerk, or der clerk, familiar with traffic, claims, etc. ; thoroughly experienced, capable ard ambitious. M 352. Orrgoninn. EXPEIil ENCED bookkeeper and office man, best references, will take position in or out of city. BJ 361. Oregonlan. YOUNG man, 17, going to high school, wants clerical work. Tabor fri33. YOUNG MAN, bookkeeper, wishes a posi tlon; A-1 references. A K 341. Oregonlan. hulntmen. SALESMAN Young man, married, thor oughly experienced in furniture and gen eral lines, wholesale and retail; will ac cept any legitimate proposition. AE 335, Oregonlan. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Bv an experienced honest, ex perienced woman, an apartment house to run on salary or percentage. Phone Main 2737. POSITION In doctors office by young woman ; college education ; some expr . lence In hospital and surgical work. BJ 3'Itt. Oregonlan. WANTED Apt. house to run by reliable, thoroughly experienced young woman with brother 16 to help If necessary; best references. A J 332. Oregon inn. WANTED A place in a genteel home as companion or nurse to an agea or youthful Invalid; best references as to ability and morals. Phone Wdln. 3030. WOMAN, experienced in cafeteria, hotel. or restaurant worn, or as pastry cook. Call Women's Protective Division, Bdwy. 7422. EXPERIENCED trust wortny lady wants housecleaning, washing or other work; good work done-. wooaiawn pjuj. SITUATION by reliable, experienced young lady a clerk or manager bakery or gro- cery store. least im. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position in hotel, restaurant or cafeteria. Phone Mair 6S32. roninlfl. DAY WORK Epf rienced counter girl. 30-40c nr., house work. Main 64i6, Mrs. H. W. Perkins. RE KIN ED. elderlv lady needs home; will io light housework; small wages. E. IN 73 RELIABLE. middie.-aged ; cooking housekeeping, city or out. M. I.. BU7 E. SSth N. Tabor 04S A NORM A L grad u a t e w a n ta a primary position. Phone Tabor V2i) or write O Oreronfan. YOl'Ntl LADY wants work evenings; ex perlenced cashier and bookkeeper. Wdln. H4S3. MIDDLE-AGED woman will care for children while, mothers shop. etc. Tabor 466.V RESPONSIBLE young lady wishes to care for children evenings, preferably Irving ton. Phone East 01 84 after 5:30. PLAIN SEWING by the day or hour, 40c an hour. Call between 4 and 6 P. M.. Main 4529. Mrs. Morrow. WANTED Washing, ironing and cleaning. Automatic 035-K1. DISHWASHING and general kitchen helper or cook In small place. Col. 1212. HOUSEWORK by day or week. Mrs. L. Lewis. Bdwy. 1546. City references. WORK, by day or woman. East 7848. hour; experienced EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work by hour or day. Broadway 1111. WORK wanted, to wash. Iron, clean w In flows. Call after ft A. M. Wdln. 3046. COM PETENT laundi ess wishes work Fri., Sat., Wed. ; rferences Woodlawn 101 1. I CAN teach you to run your auto-knitter. Mrs. R. H. Hopkins. Oswego. Oregon. FRENCH governess speaks four languages. would like a position. Call Auto. 521-47. EXPERIENCED young woman wishes waitress work. American place. E. 7178. Bookkeepers. Stenographer. Office. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, typist, gen eral office work ; references, open for position. Broadway 5571. WANTED A position as a bookkeeper or typist by an inexperienced girl having three years' of business education. D Soli, iOregonian. GRADUATE comptometer operator would Jike position at $1.50 per day In order to gain experience. Marshall 1845, after noons. EXPERIENCED typist and dictaphone operator, with general office experience, d es : res pos i t f o n . Main 5 SOU. DreMNirmke r. EX PERI ENCED dies.-maker wishes posi tion as fitter or alteration work, with first-class store or shop. Phone Main 604 l. apt. 307. THE GLAD SHOP. Gowns tor every occasion copied from sketches or original designing. Main 53.14. 1001 Bdwy. bldg. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, prices reason able, references. Stout ladies' work so 1 iclted. 1111 E. Taylor st. Tabor 4009. EXPERIENCED tailoress wants to make wool and silk dresses in shop; will go out by day. Main 4 20. SILK dresses a specialty; prices reason able. 422 Morrison, room H. upstairs. DRESSMAKING Children's sewing a kpe- ciaity. Auto. PL A IN sewing and dressmaking, coats, dresses, furs remodeled. Tabor 2713. HEMSTITCHING. c A YARD. 350 MOR RISON ST.. ROOM 21. MAIN 5U45. SEWING by day or hour, reasonable. Phone Mar. 2541. or call at 745 Hoyt st ULASSV styles, goad work. $4.50 Call Dressmaker. Hdwy. 3207. day. N urses. REFINED elderly lady; good nurse, wishes place as companion and nurse for Invalid lady, or would take maternity cases. Phone Main 840ft. 272 Sixth st. An gelas apts. Room In. PRACTICAL nurse. experienced, would like cases, maternity preferred. Wood lawn 15MJ. EXPERIENCED nurse, - sicK, invalid, elderly or convalescent; reasonable. Marshall 23. MATERNITY HOME Best care tients; clean place; reasonable. to pa- E. 808. FOR TRAINED nurses, undergraduates and practical, phone Mar. 01. SWEDISH massage in your own home ladies only. Miss Poulsen. Wdln. !7H. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wishes case, invalid or elderly. Auto. 631-21. PRACTICAL nurse would like cases. Phone :u'-4T. House keeper. COM PETENT. unincumbered, middle-aged lady, wishes housekeeping for widower or bachelor; experienced cook and neat housekeeper. Call or write Mrs. M. E. Gray, room 20fi. Alder hotel. LADY wants position as housekeeper on ranch or in lumber camp; neat, cheerful, economical, good cook ; give particulars. Answer room 2, Netherlands Hotel, Port hind, Oregon. POSITION as housekeeper in small room ing house or hotel; no incumbrance, liroadway 20t4 or call Apt. 2it. i3 N. 18th st.. Lawn Apts. POSITION as housekeeper for men or man w ith children ; am middle-aged, good cook; best references. East "i!ri.". PoMTloN aa ho ue Keeper h anted by, ca pable, refined woman, in city or out. AN 3M. Oregonian. POSITION as housekeeper or manageress of apartment house or hotel by expe rlencU woman. Hdwy. 4S76, apt. 3. EPERI ENCED, reliable woman with daughter desires place as housekeeper. 2:; 6-U.S. Housecleaning. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace, cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 1SH Chapman st Phone Main 1137. VEUIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given ; best references. WANTFD TO RENT. Houses. ft OR 6-ROOM house with garage In Ala meda. Irvlngton or La ure. hurst. Wdln. 44(ift. SIX-ROOM house or duplex In good loca tlon AK 3-M. Oregonlan. Komiis. MIDDLEAOED couple wishes two or three unfurnished rooms. Must furnish heat and light; easy walking distance. East 3025. Rusineftn Placet. WANTED Ground floor store with living room; must be modern and reasonable rent; east side preferable. AJ Sod. Ore gonlan. Housekeeping KomnM. WANTED Bachelor wants sleeping room, kitchenette and private bath In quiet, well heated house; references. Answer with full particulars and phone. AJ Oregonlan. F I'RNTSH ED h. k. rooms, flat or small house in Kenton diet. Full particulars. AK. S36. Oregonlan, WANTED TO RENT. Flat. tJirLUiLU couple want furnished or 2Ji ?fp i roms' J?aikJ?rtdi8tance; Ln.umi a. jj o.i, wieBuumn. FOR RENT. Famished hoouu, FOR RENT. Bachelor rooms in high-class apartment house; very lovely and warm; single and en suite; for re fined gentlemen or ladies. $25 and up; references required. 166 St. Clair st. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY. $H PER WK. AND UP CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE CALL at Y. M C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city, including room at the Y. M. C. A., with phone in each room, shower baths and cluh facilities. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS. $2 WEEK, i Clean furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc., &5c and 50c per night; B-storv brl'-k. 43 Front, cor. Harrison. FURNISHED ROOMS AND LIGHT H. K. APT. IN NICELY FUR. LARGE! HOME; 2 BLOCKS FROM LIBRARY. ESPE CIALLY CONVENIENT FOR BUSINESS MEN. 243 11TH ST. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STB. Attractive rooms and suites at reason ahle rate by week or month. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special rates to permanent guats. THE ST. PAI L. : 4th St., corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath. $2. Special rare hy week or month. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 Washington st. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rates: J3 50 week up. Main 31. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrison' Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKLEi", Morrison St., at imh SI day. weekly $ and up. Free phone and t.ats: light and airy. Steam heat. N B'V PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. A LEX A ND E R HOTEL. 131 H ICth st. at Alder Clean rooms, or week Some housekeeping. KENTON" HOTEL at Kenton station Sleeping and h. k. rooms; hot water, steam heat. $2.."0 and up per week. ATTRACTIVE rooms with steam heat. lo cation desirable. Penrose ant.. 149 Grand sve. at neimont. East NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cola water, reasonable. 20H Mh St. HOTEL BAKER. 2. y, 5th st.. modern rooms by the day or week. $5 per week. 91 per night and up. 30c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. NICE, clean sleeping and H. K. rooms. $2.."0 and up. Baxter hotel. Auto. LA KR A It EE HOTEL. Steam-heated rooms S3 week no. Larrnbee and Honaday. 402 .MORRISON, cor. 13th., choice rooms. modern conveniences: walking distance. LA RGE room, furnace heat; use piano; first floor. 327 Sixth. MODERN large sleeping rooms; under new management. iwl um flt. auio. 010-1 CLE A N sleeping room, 2 week. Market. t nirnifrhrd Rooms. THREE large, partly furnished H. K. rms. Dili Foster st., tst. jonns car. wain, 421ft. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. COMFORTABLE cheery room In at tractive neighborhood on west side, not a boarding house, but a refined private family: easy walk ing distance, or 1 block to car. Hot water, bath, phone, etc. Plen ty of closet room ; breakfast and dinner if desired. Call 411 14th St.. or phone Marshall 3552. TWO ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms on same floor with bath. Plenty or heat and hot water. Free telephone. Every thing strictly modern. All home privi leges; board if desired. Right on car line. Unusual opportunity for those who care for refined homelike place. Aiso has garage. Take Irvington car to 15th and Tillamook. 434 E. 15th St. N. Phone East 8!05. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate; twin beds, hot and cold water, nouse newly furnished throughout, parlor piano and home privileges; also sleeping porch; rates $3. AO up. 1 X. ISth. Hdwy. 2721. FURNISHED room in private family or small apt., in good neighborhood, fast or west side, by refined', educated young man. AF 341. Oreirnnian. A SLEEPINO room fur 1 or 2 gentlemen. Private entrance, steam heat, close in. 307 11th st.. apt. E. Mar. 4K1. SINGLE room In modern home to business or professional woman. 14th near Alont gomery. Main 7317. HAVE room for refined gentleman; ref erence prererreti : walking distance. 14 Porter. Mar 3734. TWO FINE furnished H. K. rooms; pri vate bathroom and sleeping porch; hot water heat, close In. East 8381. 2tili FOURTEENTH, near Jefferson; fur nished room; walking distance. Phone Main 3MJ3. DESIRABLE room In fine modern apart ment, west side, walking distance. Mar shail 4565. N ICEL V furnished room for 1 or 2. with garage, in Ladd's Addition. Breakfast if (Vsi'ed East :! ElMott ave. WELL furnished room, private family, home conveniences, men. . Woodlawn 3:h. CLOSE-IN, desirable sleeping room, with home privileges and use of kitchenf ref erences. E. 6131. NICELY furnished, warm, with bat it. Nob Hill dfstrict Mars hall 2-'3'.. NICELY furnished rm walking distance. fJ'iS Everett, nar 21st. NIC ELY furnished sleeping room, furnace heat, hat h. phone free. Everett. STEAM-HEATED room for gentleman. f'all Bdwy. 220, SLEEPING rooms, gentlemen; cull after O o'clock. 3o E. l.'th St., cor. E. Pine. LARGE warm front room, st. Efst r,4f7. 303 East 12th CLEAN room, heat and phone; reasonable. Near Mississippi car. Woodlawn 4375. ONE large front room, J12 a mouth; bath included, T2tl Kerhy. Rooms With Hoard. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.:0 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. BEAUTIFUL home on east side, converted into exclusive family hotel, can accom modate few more guests; large rooms, fireplace, shower baths, wonderful grounds and porches; unusual dining room. Only place of Its kind In city. For a ppotntment. E. 73K4. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. THE MARIAN An exclusive residential hotel for young business women, newly furnished rooms, single and en suite. Ex cellent table ; all conveniences, refined, home-like atmosphere. 505 Glisan. Bdwy. 243M. COSY home for convalescents within vi block to Good Samaritan hospital; spe cial attention to diet; reasonable rates. 2QS North 23d st. Main 23ott. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $' per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. 7th st. HOARDERS taken; clean, neat place, good home cook ing ; some' railroad men pre ferred. 2'5 Clay st. MARTHA for trirls. WASHINGTON Room. board mod, rates. 30 lflth. Mar. 12.11. EXCELLENT table board C4 Luvejoy st. Rooms With Ivtard in PrivHte Fnmllr. NICE clean rooms, good board and home. .10 montn; close to . . car shops. 747 East Tenth st. Sllwond 24. Do A RDERS wanted in pleasant refined home, moderate rates. 254 E. lttth. Phone East 234. DESIRABLE room with board in modern home, hot water heat; Walnut Park. Wondliwn 47.. NICELY furnished large front room, suit able for 1 or 2; good home cooking. Tabor 222R. WOL LD like to take care of little girl, 2-4 ypars old. East 1007 or 3l2 Grand ave N. U ELL-FURNISHED room with board in private family, reasonable. 703 Hoyt. fxi.i v ai ci nome lor cnuuren. 20 years experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2Ifi2. MOTHER'S care for one or two children In my home; references. Phone 3t-01. NICE warm room for 2; good board; rea- sonnb!e; c!rwe In. East 8445. NURSE with lovely home will care for in valid or elderly person. Aut 010-96. LARGE, warm, front room. 2 if desired; board, Columbia. Main 2b&4 FOR RENT. Room With Board In Private Family. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Large front room with wonderful view or mountains, citv and r vr. in chirm- ing Willamette Heights modern home; 2 meals; 1 or 2 gentlemen; $5u, or $85 per month. Mar. 74ft. ELEGANT room in fine Irvlngton home, real home cooking, good home environ ment; music room, billiard room for your ue; $55 a month one In room; two In a room; reference required. East "-T2 at fiiQ Wasco st. , BACHELOR'S HOME. Men, you can have a good home, room with running water, hot-water heat; first-class in every repect; serve two meals. 240 East flth st. North. 1 LARGE, light front room, twin beds, H. and C. water, fireplace; also 1 very large room, fine for 4 men employed; walking distance, W. S.; with or without board. Broadway 4833. IR VI NOTON LOVELY ROOM, MAHOG ANY FURNISHED. REFINED HOME. ALL MODERN CONVENIENCE'S; GA RAGE. EAST RC45. 1-ROOM and sleeping porch, suitable for 2 or 3 persons, in home-like place, board if desired, with good home cooKlng. 713 East Burnside. East HSU 7. ROOM opening on sleeping porch, com manding wonderful view of river and mountains, strictly private family; splen did home cooking; references. Main 511. NICE front room, just off the living room, with fireplace, $1 per day for board and room; respectable men only. Call Bdwy. 3o72 or caH at 10th st. ROOM and board for two in strictly pri vate family; splendid home cooking; lovely view; sleeping porch; references. Main 511. 2 FRONT rooms, 1 room with twin beds, suitable for men; good heat, hot water, shower bath; first-class table board. 681 Oltsan. LA RGE, pleasant rooms with board, fur nace heat; walking distance, cose to car; garage; reasonable; suitable for two. Phone East 6,"03. NEAR WESTOVER TERRACES. Private home, view of mts. 8 win dows; references. BP 304. Oregonlan. WILL GIVE MOTHER'S CARE TO CHILD 3 OR 4 YEARS OLD. AN 302, OREGO NIAN. PLEASANT room with sleeping porch and board for a couple or 2 gentlemen. Mar- snail a.j, 211 N. 23d st. Furnished Apartment. STELWVX APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. The handsomest furnished apartment house in the city; has a 5-room and sleeping porch; 16 windows, all outside rooms; furnished In Chinese rugs and oriental furnishings; lots of heat; also a 2-room permanent and transient bach elor rooms. $25 up; references required. 166 St. Clair st.. cor. of Wash. THE CKOM WELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 8-room furnished apts.. out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 VISTA AVE.. NEAR 23D AND WASHINGTON STS. One 3-room furnished apartment, with 2 disappearing bed, also outside bal- cony. Call Main 3883, A 4-ROOM apartment tor rem, furniture for sale, In a very choice apartment house, nicely located on west side; fur nishings consist of ivory, willow and ma hogany ; party leaving city. Main 17. 2ll 113 ST. CLAIR ST. $20. Front apartment well furnished. 1 room and kitchenette. Beautiful vlw of city and mountains, light and warm. Main SHlrt. 1 ROOM with kitchenette, dressing room, nicely furnished, hardwood floors, lights, phone; also 1 room with kitchenette on ground floor, $13 a month. Broadway 4(1. 230 North 19th st. THREE-ROOM apt., nicely furnished, par lor bedroom and kitchen, everything fur nished; with garage, or walking dis tance. 343 W. 10th st., or phone Murs. 3. 'toll. NICELY furn. apts., suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen or business woman; hot and cold water, fur. heat; also sleeping rms.; walking distance. 57 Trinity place. Broa d w ay 17!fi. GORDON COURT APTS., Montgom ery, new, modern 0-room apt., white enamel woodwork, hardwood floors. French doors; 3 bedrooms. View Mt. Hood. LINCOLN APARTMENTS. 2-room suites with or without private bath, $30 to M", including light and telephone. Fourth and Lincoln. Main 1377. PARTLY furnished modern 3-room apart ment; adults only. Lathom bldg.. cor. Mississippi and skid more. Phone Woodlawn 173!. STANTON APTS. 203 STANTON ST. 2. 3 H. K. rooms, stea m heat ; moderate: children welcome. rates DRICKSTON APTS.. 448 11TH ST. 2-room light, airy, plenty of heat. 2 disappearing beds, up-to-date apts. CINCINNATI COURT, 10th and Harrison Sts. 2. 3 snd 4-room furnished apts. Phons Main 24SO. CLACKAMAS APTS. 3-room furnished apt., steam heat, electric, private bath, strictly modern; rent reasonable. Phone East 2370. PARK Apartments ; clean, la rge, well fur nished 4-room apt. ; 9 outside windows, 3 closets; suitable for 4 adults; prict $75. Phone Marshall 23M. 8-ROOM nicely furnished apartment with private bath, modern, steam heat. light and phone; $4.' per month, .mrt Glisan. PORTNOMAH. 4-room furnished apt., with sleeping porcn. -uu c. i Jin at. a a una. 2-ROOM apts., new furniture, heat, light. water; u ana o- upsnur, cor. N 20th. HADDON HALL, llth and Hall. 3 rooms, kitchenette and bath; hardwood floors and balcony. TWO AND THREE rooms completely fur nished with bath, rent $15 and $20. 327 North 17th St. Phone 533-10 Dl EL APTS.. 7H0 East Ankeny at., modern. completely furnished 3-room apt,, warm, light, clean. Phone East lflOS. 3-ROOM apartment, all outside rooms; newly painted and tinted, with good bachelor service. Mnr. 2i45. CARLOIS APTS., 2-room fur.. modern apt. 14th and Market. UNION AVE and Kiillngsworth. fur. apt., z.a; an complete; concrete building. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Hdwy. 2 AND 3-RUUW modern apts.. Mam Ut.J HUTia vista a pta. TWO APTS. with kitchen; 1 basement sleeping rm.. $2 wk. 52 N. 23d st. 2 LARGE furnished modern rooms on first floor anti garage. ir wantett. 31.1 N. 22d 3-ROOM newly turnlshed apartment. E. ith N. Phone East 0510. LA RGE room ; kitchenette ; furnace heat; use piano; first floor. 327 Sixth. 2-KOuM apartment, reaonuie. Hawthorne. East 74S1. 301 H FOR RENT 2-room apt., t reasonable ; w'.'A be v.ieant Saturday. 410 2d at. 2-ROOM fur. apt., walking distance. 328 .Mill, near rroaaway. 4-ROOM furnished apartment, light, gas, furnace heat. 534 Mill. 1 nfurnihhed Apartments. LOOK HERE. 4-room flat $30, and 5-room flat $30. McGEE & DENNIS. Wdln. SfiK4. 9;o Union Ave. CH ETOPA APTS. 'Large four-room apt., includes gas range and Ice box; Ctose in. ISth and Flanders. Call Bdwv 4t3i. LARDNER, 13th and East Ash. Large 5 rooms, fireplace, hot-water heat ; hard wood floors ; garage ; ref. East 2171. 4-ROOM and bath, light, heat and garage, $42.50; modern, east side. Main 6N40. ask for Mrs. Kline. 111 W. Park. KiTii ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 3-room strictly modern, tile bath, elevator. Main 350. THE AMERICAN, modern 5-room apart ment. Froadw ay 33 60. 5-ROOM modern, steam heat, ."rtl OHsan. gas stove. FurnUhed or I'titurnlshed Apartment. I'M'KH N E W M A N AG EM ENT. Upshur Apts., 44M1 I'pshur street. 2, a, 4 and 5-room apart me sts. steam heated, furnished and unfurnished; rea sonable rates. DES1 RABLE 4-room furnished apart ment with bath; reasonable. 428 Columbia, near llth. Marshall 2277. Flat n. VERY desirable 7-room flat "with large sleeping porch and attic; furnished with gas range for cooking, gas for heating In flreplace;'ln excellent condition and com mands fine view of city; rent $.10. Strong A Co.. Gi6 Chamber of Commerce. 5-ROOM modern fiat, 570 1 Rodney ave.. gas range in kitchen, also furnace, fire place and sleeping porch. METZGER-PARKER CO., SflQ Oak St. Broadway 5355. 4 ROOMS and private bath, upper flat, half block to car, Rose City Park; coup'e employed during day preferred. C 3i0. Oregonian. 66 EAST MADISON ST. Fine 5-room flat, modern, $40 per month. Donald Woodward. Main 1431. 104 Second st. 5-ROOM flat, good condition, well located, 250 Nartilla. near Main t. ; rent $20. Parrish. Walking A Co., 252 Stark st. CORNER flat. 5 large cheerful rooms ; modern. 55 bixth St. Key 351 Sixth st. r-ROG.U upper flat, modern. $20, includ ing water. 622 Vi Gantenbein. Tabor MODERN 5-room flat.' :;i7 itusU at, 1 Jieut jfhona East boUUw. TOR RENT. I urnUhed IhIm. 4-ROOM furnished flat, all of downstairs of building, bathroom, hot and cold water connections; both wood and gas ranges; walking distance of downtown. 3i month. Inquire 4'-!2 First st. TO ADULTS 3 rooms and porch, west aide, walking distance; absolutely clean. Phone 545-bil or call 525 Montgomery street. PRIVATE furnished 4-room flat at 510 Clay street: no children allowed between ages of 1 and 10 years. Marshall lS.V 4-ROOM furnished lower flat, clean, gas, electricity, stove heat, private bath; adults. Wdln. 473P. 4-ROoM fur. flat. 13 min. walk to post office; erectrlclty, gas, 1 block from car line. 620 th st. 3-ROOM furnishei flat at 824 Vaugfen, between 24 th and 25th, $24; adults. Phone Marshall 3719. 1R VINO TON Attractive four-room flat, h e at, light, gas. 65. Adults. East HOLY 4 ROOMS and bath. neat and clean, 38; adults. East .722 FOR RENT. 4-room furnished flat, walk Ing distance. East 3.t25. 4-ROOM lurnlbhed Gut and sleeping porch. Inquire- flat 4. 3ln Benton St. FOUR rooms and ba neat, clean, walk- Ing distance, adults East 7722. Housekeeping Koolilfr LA RGE front h. k. room, with kitchen ette; nice furniture; lights, water, tele phone and heat; $.".5t week; walking distance. 344 College st. 1 2-KOOM apt. witn hn and cold water, gas range, large clothes closet. 6U3 Davis. Main 43'tfl. SAVE CARFARE. II. K. ROOMS. $15 UP; ADULTS. EMPLOYED. 54 N. 16TH ST.. AFTER 10 A. M. THURSDAY. FURNITURE lor sa.e cheap of house keeping room, free gas and bath; rent reasonable. Room 2"7 Goodnough bldg 170 CHAPMAN ST., block from lHth and Morrison, 1 room and kitchenette, M.50 we.'k. Bdwy. 2537. TWO OUTSIDE rooms, wood hit, gas range, running water. 300 Grand ave. Etist 2725. TWO CLEAN rooms equipped for reasonable. 173 H X. 21st. LARGE, comfortable H. K. rooms. (W E. Madison. East K!11. FOR RENT Housekeeping suite, BS7 Washington st. 2 AND 4-ROOM H. K. suite. Main 023. 370 12th st. DOUBLE H. K. apt., 2d floor. fronL 5th st.; well furnished. 2 FURNlSHEiJ housekeepiug rooms. Park st. 1 LA RGE cozy housekeeping room and kitchenette. 2M Larrnbee. 2 COSY", clean housekeeping rooms; tele phone, garage If wished. .100 Market st. -ROOM apartment, close-in. ployed. 331 West Park. People em- NICE light, clean h. k. apt.. 243 11th St.. In large home. 1 AND 2-ROOM apts., furnace heat, rea sonable rat s, close !n. 372 Broadway. 2-ROOM h. k. apt., closet, single room for neat man. 300 12th st. MODERN housekeeping apt. on first floor. 3rtl llth street. Auto. 510-12. WELL furnished housekeeping room; very r-Jisonbie. 2110 1 th st. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms fur baching. 30S Main sr. TWO furnished H. K. rooms, electric lights. 320 '- 1st, Cheap rent. SINGLE, steam-heated housekeeping room, $4 and $0 per week. 147 13th st. TWO UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. w.ilking distance, 3!-2 s Uh st. Houekee p 1 ng Rooms In Private Family. ONLY" $15 per month, two large rooms, two closets, good light, furnished for housekeeping ; kftchen range connected with bath. Inquire at grocery, 10 E. Ft:irk st.. or call Main i".V.. II. K. ROOM, hot and cold running water, heat, bath, gas, phone, laundry privil eges. Walking distance, congenial nur mun dings ; reference required. East 2143 after 0 P. M. 320 Orand ave $1S. ft), WEST SIDE. 2d floor, fur. suite of S h. k. rooms; nice location; stove, gas, eltc. lights and water free. 134 Porter st See Mrs. Fay. TWO well furnished h. k. rooms, ground floor, private entrance, walking distance. East 7271. CLEAN, single. $7 to $12; dandy lobby well heated; 2-3 room suites. $1. to $22, The Vaughn. N. 10th and Vaughn. THE HEAVER, 12th and Mar-hall Fur nished H. K. room. $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room SUNNY 3-ROOM APT.. PRIVATE HATH. PORCH AND ENTRANCE; ADULTS SELL. 10.V S72 E. TH. . PLEASANT front h. k. room, heat, light, gas, phone, walking distance, $lo. 074 E. Taylor st. HUSllMARK, Wash, st., cor. 17th. Clean, modern, one and two-room outside apts.. also sleeping rooms. Hdwy. 5413. FOR RENT 3 large partly furnished h. k. rooms, 10 It Foster sl St. Johns car. Woo.iln. 4lft. 2 CLEAN, pleura 111 rooms, $12 per month, tiond c:ir service. Tabor l.2fl. 2-ROOM suite, newly f urni-sned. east si.le. close in, beau, if ul view. $S. Easi 243. S1NOLE h. k. phone. 154 N light, hiat uud Hj.t .ol'll, corner Flanders, neatly fur nished housekeeping rooms. THREE pleasant furnished H. K. rooms to adults. R5.1 Yamhi.l. Main 441. V $2t -HOME com I oris in widow's home to reliable couple. Ma in 2MJ CLEAN H. K. room, kitchenette; every thing furnished. 10." 13th st. 3 ROOMS and pantry, sink, wood raiiK, e ertrle lights and phone. 430 Jefferson. Hour NOTICE. To the moving public, let us solve your moving troubles. Call Albina Trans fer Co., Woodlawn 1975. Pianos moved for $3. and $1 per each flight of stairs extra; large and small furniture t rucks with experienced men at reasonable rates; 12 years In the business. PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra. $1 each flight, 30 days' free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving, one-ton truck, $2 per hour; large truck, $2.73 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broad way 1207. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co., 104 N. 5th St open Sun'ia s and even lnrs. SACRIFICE. $.-2."K $7.0 CASH. Eight rooms, Irvington; 8 rooms; one of the choicest locations In the city; beautiful lot, plate g.ass, oak floors; large living room, furnace. Aivin John son. Realtor. Hoard of Trade building. Phone Hdwy. 37. Evening E;tst 2't'il. SAY, LOOK HERE! 7-ROOM HOLS E. $3 100. $750 CASH, J5 MONTHLY. Leaving city, 1 bedroom downstairs, excellent condition; sleeping porch. 3-th at., near Gladstone. A real bargain. See it. Phone liroadway 001 1 between 12 and 1 o'clork. ,573 EAST SJTll ST. NORTH, corner Knott, -room nouse newiy pa in tea, gas. elec tricity, built-in conveniences, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, kitchen white enamel ; a very des;ra ble corner; rent $50. R. B Caswell. Broadway 11 4V STRANGERS Make your house wants known to this office. We have some good HOMES for RENT. G. G ROHRER, RENTAL REALTOR, 206 PANAMA BUILDING. CLOvSE-IN WEST SIDE. $1300- CA-SH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. Seve-n large rooms, welil arranged, fire place, furnace, full basement; good home. 5ixl00. See it. Broadway doll. CALL BROADWAY 5rt FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST LA ROE G-roorn house, sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace; one block to Rose City car; reasonable rent to permanent, reliab'.e tenant. 51 E. 5 Mb N. East 1 :i."2. 1-KuuAl house, iJ Nt.auii St., $2t month, key next door. METZGER-PARKER CO., 29 Oak St. liroadway ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free ; furniture mov ing for less. Hdwy. 2445. WH EN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co., Main 1201. 2t'2 Alder st SE VWX-R.M house, newly built; hardwood floors, furnace. 201 E. 50th. Take Haw t home car. 5-ROOM, new. modern, near school and h gh school ; Fir! and station. Phone Tabor 5471. . 2-ROOM house, $12 mo.; must buy some furniture cheap. 12b W. 14th st. Phone Hdwv. 2510. CLEAN 5-room house, 885 Thurman near 20th; rent $15. Apply Wakefield. Fries & Co., 85 4th. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long dis tance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck S e r v lee Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Hdwy. 5121. 7-ROOM house, $25. U)5 Front St. 5-room house, $15. 809 Stanton st. Inquire 307 Railway Exch.- Hldg. $30 fl-ROO.M house. Union ave. wood floors. Main 47f. 1-P.oOM house, 173 E. 143d 17th. Phone E.iut S-ROOM hou.e, 71 East 10th Everttt. Inquire 130 Hth St. 5-ROOM cottage. Call 347 Weidler St., bet. 2d and 3d. PA RTLY furnished 5-room house, walking distance. Call Wdln. 53J9. MODERN tt-rm. house, furnace. trays, elec. gas. Call 8" E. 17th, A. M. SIX-ROOM house for rent, 2 V.f Hausalu c',n e in Rent $3V Fast 7M. $25 I-ROOM house. Shiver. Main 4TS. Union ave., near 1 ti-R OOM bungalow on paved h treat, biocib Irom, car. Jidwy, obi.. FOR RF.NT. HoiieM. Look here. A modem S-room house In Piedmont, furnace, fireplace and everything; dandy home; will rent or lrsse; $.v per month. McGEE & DENNIS. Wdln. 5ftM. IMH Union Ave. Furnished Houses. LlH.K HERE. A modern ft-room bungalow In Irvlng ton. completely furnished ; will rent or leHse to responsible party ; rent $75 per month. McGEE & DENNIS. Wdln RM. 00t Union A vs. FOR RENT Furnished. G room bouse, Irvington, near E. HMh and Hancock; business woman will keep one room In part payment, if desired; references. AE. 314. ( trefronan. MODERN home completely furnished ; must be seen to be appreciated. Ga rage, eiectrlc washer; ail appliances to make real home. 503 Greenwood ave. M:iin 4H. . , LEASE or rent to small family of adults 6 -room modern, finely furnished resi dence. 10 per month. 40th and Helmont sts. Owner Mrs. Shaver. 00 East Pth st. FOR RENT. Close In, 7 rooms, fullv furnished, $75. W. H. ROSS, 1100 N. W. Hank PMg. MODERN b-room. well furnished house, best section of Portland Heights; 6 months' lease; adults, $mo per month; references required. Main 2022. W E L L - FURN 1SHED modern house, four rooms and bath at Multnomah; 15 min utes out on Oregon Eiectrlc ; 1 block from depot. Main SOU. 5-ROOM house, nicely furnished, piano, wood and gas range, hot-water heater; half block west of Laurelhurst district; r nt J.0; adnits only. East 2213. ATTRACTIVELY furnished 8-room house, complete, west side, walking distance; no children; excellent for roomer. Mar shall 31MV3. IRVINGTON. Attractively furnished B.-room house, sleeping porch, near school; immediate possession. Mar. 3103. FURNISHED buiiKiilow. 1022 East 21st N. Call Wdln. 4ii."tJ from 0 to 5. Mar. 3377 evenings. -ROOM residence, partly furnished; 221 Shaver, cor. Haight St.: rent $50. Tar riwh. Wntkins Co.. 2.2 Stark st. PARTLY furnished cottago, 4 rooms and bath. 1154 50th ave., near 39th st. Wood stock car. MODERN furnished 4-rooin lower flat with garage. Inquire at 543 East 17 th SL ono Mnrk from It M car. $1S, PARTLY furnished bungalow. Rose City. 3 months rent In advance. Owner 42 E 27th st. P. Montavllla car. Foil LENT Completely furnished 5-room bungalow and garage, $30. 7u36 Powell V:i 1 1 v road 8-liUOAl furnished house. fSO; hot .water heat. M Mississippi ave. Inquire 307 R n i ! way Kxch. Hldg. NICE modern house, fully furnished, for r-nt fr short period; small family; west side, close in. Hdwy. IIHO. WILL SHAKE 4-room house, fuel and lights ; $30 per mo. Address BC 355, Oregonlan. 73(1 EAST BL'RNSI DB. 6-room modern home, completely furnished; pland; ref erences, $70. Mn In 5437 mornings. 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage1. 312 K. llth st. S., corner Stevens, $40. East 523.). Close in. MODERN B-room furnished house at 2'JG East 33d st. South, near Hawthorne. $1 2-K m M furnished house, yard, ouire "27 Market nt NEWLY furnished 2-story house. Holla day Pnrk. East M'2S for appointment. C-ROO.M cottage, furmshed. Ivy at., near Vnlon avenue. Automatic (tL'O-MN. -ROOM house, wood 3412. Lent- district, $2. $11 2 -ROOM 1 iirnihhed house ; no ob jection to children. .V' Market St. Houses for Kent l u rnii lire) for Sui e . 3-KM. FLAT with furnace, fireplace ; free phone ; rent $21. Furniture for sale $22". Will give terms or trade on auto mobile. 107 East 20th st., near Bel m nnt. Fl'RNlTL'RE of 7 rooms. Income pays ex penses; can be Increased; a good loca tion for boarders, l'rico $0.i0; terms. Phone Auto, r 2. "V FLAT at Prosscr. 7i Nor: h lHU., .Main 43i7. k. y lo N. 5th. Store und Business Place FOR SALE OR SI B-LEAsE. JEWELERS AND HABERDASHERS, ATTENTI N! We have for shIo or Fub-lease. a lease run n inn until September 1. 1123. on a ground-floor space 10x4 feet, on corner, in the very heart of tbo Broadway shop ping district, Tarnma. Ttie present b'.-tso can be renewed upon expiration. This Is the finest available location In Tacoma for a biuall, select haberdashery shop or Jewelry stor Occupancy can be had February 1, n22. and attractive trim can be arranged for either pur chare or sub-Ieuie. For details address ZIEOAL'S & DAVIS. fllO Rust BMg., Wash. '1V LEUSE. Fine store room. ;is04 to .i(b feet, with basement; corner; suitable for ro tail or w holes;! le. SM i T1 1 - W A XX K Tl OO. , sto "k hn-han:e. FoR RENT l.'pper floor in brick building. 22xiti ; well lighted, sui table for light manufacturing, $2."i. River view Dairy, oo3 HelmotiL. S.M A LL Btore for rent, from Manh 1m. Alder st., long kuae I "a ay. best locution on Inquire 12' Hr l,sx40 STi 1 RE R00M, b.-st retail dist net i-vear lease. J. D. O Donneli, bpaldini bldg. Fuit DESlKAttl.K itpace in fireproof ware house phone Broad w a v 371. corner stoke. 'S:U first st. phone TAI'Oit 1114. STi iRE building. husiness location. '.10 Mississippi. Wdln. 4112. Good Officer. REDUCE YOI R OVERHEAD. Weli-Unhted aid heatoi office, jingle, or In suite;, central office building In financial section 01 city; low rentals. See Donaid G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second st.. corner Stark. toil KENT A number of rooms, from 4m) to 1 5 50 e uare feet . will di vide to suit tenant. Fi;ed ner bldg., 10th and Wash- FRo.T 1,1 :ire, modi-rn. in Railway Ex change bids. Apply room 312. UK KICKS, Exchange, servire. $15 up. 3d and Yamhill. WANT dort i! tow n fa'ltt. ofn,-e T.i I. or with reception DESK room with t "Up none and steno graphic Service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. HISINFSS OPPORTUNITY. TI RE J ICS IN ESS PA RTNERS111 P. As I have more work than 1 can handle. I need a steady and congenial partner; previous experience not neces sary K you are honest and reliable; finest locution downtown west side; es tablished t Ire ami vulcanizing trade ; fully equipped shop; no trouble for both of us to make $20 each every month ; $50 will buy equal half interest; full value in sight. Your Investment is fuily secured In every way. M eet owner, 31tl Pitrock block. Wash. at Tenh st. CLEANING, PRESSING, DVEING HI 'SI NESS. Excellent corner location, west side, doing prosperous business. Owner will s"ll on account of health. Price right. 71 D"kun hide. NEED $ looo 10 promote manufacturing company; article needed by every home, store, siiop, auto and truck. Will give $."ooo in stock that should pay 50 to 100 per rent; no agi-nf N 351, Oregonttn. CAUTION ti;VKLS--J(erore closing. a deal of so-ca! led Interest In estab: ished reii estate business, get advice of Port land Realty Hoard. 421 Oregon Hldg. Pnone I'.ro.vbviiv l'.to. HARRERS. YOUR OPPORTUNITY, itusy 2-ehair shop, choice location, good fixtures, wel! established trade; price $550; best buy In city. Call 316 Pittock block. Washington nt loth. KOR SALE Compb-te photo studio outfit now in storage, a n be bought at your own price. Owner nas retired. J as. Grosart, 2523 Franklin st., Bellingham, Waah. GROCERY and con Tec : lonery, fine location, good business, living rooms nt invoice; about $5000. Aiso close In W. fi. gro-r-ry and delacatesen about $3000. Hdwv. 4336 FO R SALE Confectionery store. soda fountain and light lunches. 14 months' lease at desirable price. 3S0 Hawthorne avenu. ne;ir Grand avenue. LCNt 11 COUNTER. SODA FOUNTAIN d 7-room rooming nouse, fitted for light housekeeping, hniiw.ilconitiff nrli'A tll'J) fit! 1 ..! um bldg. $.,..:) HUt FIXTURES, mioice stock, buvs grpcery, be.-t east side location, living rooms. "IS Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Restaurant building and fix tures complete ; beM location in Seaside, Or. (?ua Marlnntes. IF YOU want a good grocery lu suburbs, with living rooms, that !50 will handle, ca 1 511 Railway Exchange. TWO RLODGET OVENS. ALMOST NEW. REASONAHLE. P. O. HOX 32D5 PORTLAND AVE. OLD established jewelry store, stock and fixtures. $2250; very good watchmaker's t ra . ! e. lftl First, r.'-ar Morrison. WOULD you like to Invest with inventor in an article that Is a proven success? A d dress PC 317. Oregonlan. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. IF Vol.' want to buy or tell your bul- i ness, see us . Artans Mdg. WANT to buy hot. t or apartment; hv 1 BPSTNFSS OPrORTrXTTIF. it EST A L R A N T. This Is a fine paying proposition on Plxth street. The owner is l k and must leave for dryer climate. Rem floo. Included In CMjuipmt-nt is new Lung range, 2 ovens, which alone cost $5im. Large back bar which cost $4 Vienna style stools which cost $3M. Everything is nrartlcally new. This place is milk ing money now and ha a wonderful prospect for the future; $2tHK cash wili handle. CONFECTIONERY. Small town near Portland. Next to moving picture show. Does a fine busl- ness. Will sell building and ground and business, or will I rase building and s V equipment; very moderate price; $ !.( cash will handle. RESTAURANT. Fast side, good business; $350 each. Kent 1 3d. CAFETERIAS. Have two very high-class cafeterias 1 snlendld eoulpmcnt. Do anai bu.-o.n and In heart of business district. The j are high-class propositions. GROCERY STORES. Hsvs two very nice small srncery stores In Mount JScott district. One renth for $20. including 4 guod living rooms These are good small propositions. DO-NUT FACTORY PARTNERSHIP, $4f0 will biiv half ownership In Po-( Nut factory. This place has wonlrfui prospects fur future. Owner needs money for expansion. Chester L. Florence. FITTER, LOWE & CO.. Realtor. 2H-3-.V7 Hoard of Trade Hulldlng EN C E PT ION A L PARTN ERSH 1 V. Reliable, congenial man to buy equal half interest In one of best auto top and auto upholstering businesses in Tort land; an exceptional opportunity to con nect (ourslf with an expert man; dojt.g work for the largest firms in city; money Xuiiy serured; can arrange drawing count of $341 week and equal share of profits. Previous experience not necs iiry. $Vit hundles. Apply 310 Panama bdlg., 3d and Abler sts. $300 A U TO REP A 1 R DCS! N 10HS $3110". $3H) buys equal half Int erest wit 11 first-class mechanic In busy, well located auto repair shop; have fine, steady t rade; If you are mechanical ly Inclined and willing to work and learn from expert, this Is your opportunity; aluo earn better than $1M month for your self while learning; no better buy in Portland; meet owner and be sattsziM. Call t2t Cham, of Com. bldg. 4 lb. and S1 iirk. EXCEPTIONAL ('WAR STAND. Ixibby of motet prominent office build ing on west side, henrt of business sec tion, excellent fixtures, large stap' stck, cigars, tobaccos, magazines. et Previous exuerlence not necessary: mv business ha nuver paid me less tha n $2(M month net. A real place. No night or Sunday work. $2lot. Rm. 310 1'tiii nma bldg.. 3d and A I ( Ifr sts. $140 CON FECTlON ER Y and cigars; very best location In town; good louse. Don t miss this. t3S(M Downtown rlgsr stsnd: Vynr lease, netting $105 per month. All new fixtures and good fresh stock. S JiORLAND, Realtor. 221-22-23 Henry H'dg. Hdwy. Tfflfl. OWNEIl wishes to expand present facili ties for marketing the products from hi large dairy and poultry farm t hroug h the medium of a retail dairy store, cafe teria or restaurant combined: n com plete fiirm-to--onsumer plan. Write for personal Interview If possible. Investment of $10.0041 10 $20,000 required. AK 33ft. Oregon 111 n. DOUUHNCT NlloP. $32. buys dandy little doughnut shop, fully equipp'-'t. r-ady for you to step in and go to work; have fine trade; low rent, .1 ust the place for man and wf.-; clearing now better than $laO. Ot L r Interest forces owner to e!l; will teach buyer the business. Call 020 Chain, of Com. bldg.. 4th and S'ark. Fo It SALE or t rade for ranch 11 far Port land or Vancouver, WaMi., hot springs hotel properties, about 20 tniies from Pendleton, consisting of 4 ho acres of land, .IVroom hotel, IS cottages, storu and all oiuipment. Tht hotel is a money-mn ker. Value $:io,iwm. PACIFIC FINANCE CO. 3?i PHtock Hiot U $lu.".i OR INVOICE, grocery $10 day; living rooms. $I2.0 or Invoice, grocery doing good business, very attractive, living rooms. $2000 or invoice, grocery, cah and curry, doing s."i0 to $im dny. Z. E A KINS. 32S Couch Bldg., HH 4th st. TIRE and accessory bus; news ; one of the best location In city; right In enter of trade; l-ne ya building running 2 years: Invoice $4.Mo ; would nut k ft very liberal term to responsible pnrfles. PA'MKIC KINAN'E CO., 320 Pifto.k Work. URmERY and confectionery, doing $10 day, rent $2.'; 2 living rooms, corner location, invoice htock. f 1 xt tires, re a son -able; ronmder trade on farm property; stock and fixtures nbout $22oo; soma terms. I ntversal Salea Co., tioj Ry. Ex. b!dg JtEACTY PAKlAiK. Well-know n beauty shop, located five yea rs. ground floor, prominent street, si lei-1 11 pa i t ment - house t rade, modern electric appli.inces, Including Nest le- per manent machine. Leaving city. In- Mil 1 re. :H1 AhhiTigtoii bldg. FOR SALE M -at nmrket, good paying, well established and growing huiines; mi" can handle now and ponslbly two Inter; this is a rare opportunity; deal d irect ; itet Into bulnefH for yourse;f; $lfni0 handles; act quh kly. AO 39. Ltrm gon iHn. CASH f r.u-.i y doing $45 per dav hul 11 must bo sold on ncmunt of ot her Intercuts. Will give len on modern store building and f ix tures for $.'to p.-r moni h. Wt I reduce stock to suit pur rhrn.r Tiber V1!. DANDY up - to-da te grocery for nalo at Invoice; small amount of fixtures, good business now and located for better ; about $ 1 tlOO. Shown by appoint ment oniy; no agents. Living rooms. Wd:n. 121 MEAT niark.-t in iiutll town, close to city on electric line; net earning fSOO per month; will stand clo-! in vest lira t lo-n ; rt'UHun for (fliilnc nn Hi-count of health. PACIFIC FINANCE CO., 320 Pittock It'ock. PARTNER WANTED. Auto rt'pair bu-tines.n; equal Interest w-ith good mechanic who wants a hand' man to blp him; requires small Invest ment, fully secured; profits $2m month for each partner. Room 4"! Dckum hid g . Fo R SA LE Sin a li grocery and confec tionery; nice stock, 2 neat living rooms, near the entrance of Peninsular and auto roirks at 135 Portland Hlwl. and Alblnn street and cltv. Inquire at store. LI NCI I RooM AND CAFETERIA. Rest business location. This will In vite closest investigation. Doing capac ity business. J. D. O'Donnell, Spalding hldg. FOR SALE CORSET SPECIALTY SHOP. A gency for high grade coret ; sur geons patronn ge : good trade alteration and repair work Excellent location, long en tub. AP 333. Oregonlan. WCCLf iike to lease unfurnished sleeping rnorns; must b In good location an. I bricK bldg. ; would consider lease on hotel or apartment house. AN 243, Ore gonlan. SPACE In dressmaking "nop, suitable for office, millinery, beauty parlor, hem stitching parlor; rent reasonable; ground floor. Hrond way 42fl. FoR S A LE Com bin 1 1011 grocerv store and lunch counter, near depot, $350 wl! handle proposition. W rite Sam H We bo. - storla. ( )r. RESTAURANT for sale, good location, fix tures complete; rent $'15: 2-yer lease; will sacrifice ; nil cash or easy term. Owner. 101 North Sixth st. TRANSFER busi;ie.--s. est a b. ixhed 1 yer. doing good buslns; Ford delivery aid Ford truck; SIHOo. 505 Artisans bldg, opposite Renson hot". HALF Int ere t In biuall sawmill cu 1 1 ing spruce and hemlock. lood oppurt unity t or one who understands the business M 35 1. Or-gnnl an. $210 HALF INTEREST real estate office. $oo. lunch room, nil new. $450. restaurant. 11 v. rooms; half csish. 3'7 PNAM 1U.PO . 3D and ALDER W EST SIDE Weil-f urniHhed room in mod ern home, heat, light, use of phone to refined lady, employed. 3 so llth. Main r.r.-.o. PARTNER, lady or gentleman wanted with $ 1 000; enormous profits, dandy proposition, quick returns. Rox 2054. Stn. A. Portland. MUST dispose of stock of bask !.-, slip pers, linens and many misc. a-rlclrs. be low cost. Would trade. Main 3500, after 5 P. M. PA RTNER In wholesale and r- tall auto mobile acces-sory business ; vou hand your own money; wdi protected. 200 Front st. A ppotntment pb-m.' M In 54!M. ' A GARAGE AND R EPA Ml" Ml op. Located on busy street ; plenty tools to work with n nd a service car all for ?, Rnnni 401 Dckum bldg. $200 WILL give you inter, st In good reliable office, where you cm make big money ; an except lonai opport un ity. X 3 ' 0. Oregon la n. GARAtiE. west side, fully equipped, with ton: s and t orage for 1 cars, will i--nf !ce for f wt 3 Chsim of U un. 1'A RTN E R wanted for a garge gas, oils, etc.; can chur $; sell the month. Room 4i'i i-ium bldg. f N FECTI S KR Y. lu. sn:ip .. 50. rt s t -V; t '!-r 1 i-LNCU room Xur rout at 2U BuriutiU L 4