10 THE MORNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1022 REAL KSTATK. For Sale Houw, ROSE CITY PAKK. $4000 $.o0 down, a modern 6-room bun galow with furnace, splendid lo cation, pavement and sewer In and paid for, level lot. ROxlOO; there la no question about the value of this, it In just a question of whether it suits you or not. $4230 We have under const mrtlon a modern bungalow, on which you may apply the bonus loan with out any additional money down, balance $J." per month ; this Is clone to the car and very desir able, $40S3 you want a beautiful little bungalow with a large living room. largo plate glaaa windows, hardwood floors, fireplace, break faHt nook, furnnce, in fact every thing complete? This is located on one of Hose City's best streets, all street improvements in. and paid. Now If you want a bar pain on easy terms, investigate tins at once. ROSE CITY PARK. 3000 ?rnO cash, $."0 per month. In cluding interest, 5-ronm modern bungalow, hardwood floors, beau tiful living room entire width of J10U5C, hreneh doors, rirepiare, bookcaf-'1.-', fcirge plate glass win dows, bn'flkrnwt noog, two Den rooms, bath, attic, faces east on paved street, one block from bandy boulevard. SG300 Here Is one of the most beautiful, one of thf hest-hui It homes in Rose City Park, built 5 years ago for a home, and it looks like it was built yesterday; f iniJhe throughout In old Ivory, book caws, buffets, wrap closets are all bevel plate mirrors, there Is not a modern feature lacklnir in this house. o It is not necessary name each feature; It is within one block from Sandy boulevard, and we wlil surely be glad to show it to you. H1LLRR ItROS., Realtors. 211 Rv. Kx. Dldg., lidwy. 6SR3 Branch Office Doth and Sandy. Tabor 8S. JlRAND NEW ROSK ITY BUNGALOW.. j 4 ( H i E R M 'S 4 ' WMJ. 470 E. MITH ST. N. (BETWEEN TILLAMOOK AND THOMPSON.) Just completed, strictly modem 5 room bungalow, hardwood floors. Hutch kitchen, breakfast nook, furnace, bulli on effects, full cement basement, fine plumbing and electric fixtures, ivory and white liniHh. tapestry n eco rations, ga rage wit h driveway, sewers, etc.. In eluded. Se this today; owner on prem Jsp from 1 to B daily or phone Wood Jawn l&oO. Take Rose City car to 57th street, then go south. Autos out Sandy to Thompson, then go ent to .fith. FOR SALE OR LEA SB for a year, with option to buy, furnished or unfurnished, account leaving city, lo-room home on ML Tabor: large attractive home, beautifully laid out large lot, 7fx 100, with shrubs and flower beds; h'lUM strictly modern, with beau tiful living and sleeping rooms and porches; garage; references, re quired. For appointment and in formation call Tabor 7081. LA t'RKLHURST. VTTW HIATiALOW S2o0 You'll go a long way to find anything That can compare witn tnis spienaia bungalow. Hullt bv one of Portland's best builders. Modern to the last de tail, hardwood floors throughout, tiled bath, rccewd tub. French doors, expen sive tapes t rv pa per ; garage, too. It's a home we can truly recommend. Inspect this. A. G. TEEFE CO.. 270 Stark St. Hroadwar 0O3. East aide office. 40th and Sandy. Tabor JK-sfl. HOME BUYERS! SPECULATORS! $40 Here is a real opportunity; ion 100, all Improvements in and paid: D rooms and bath fin excellent condition) ; large floored flttio rough plumed which will easily finish hrto 5 additional rooms; 10 full-bearing fruit trees; an abso lute bnrga i n in walking distance to .TefferHon high; furnace. J. A. W1CKMAN CO., REALTORS Quality Homes. ?T2 PtnHr St. Pd-vry. W7f4. UOSK CITY PAKK. rtfK CASH BA L. MONTHLY. Five - room modern bungalow on corner lot: hardwood floors throughout; furnace, fireplace, gas range and radiant fire; all comforts of home In this cosy well-arrang'-d bungalow. Price $0000. FKED C. PRATT. 534 Cham, of Com. BIdg. Brna wa v 1 1 K V 1 N : T ) N H r N i ; A LO w , $UL".0 TERM S. New, modern bungalow, finished In ivory and mahogany, fire pi see, furnace, tiled bathroom floor, vit rolite rirain board. electric fixtures and shades; lot r4xl1)0; all improvements ini large pa rage; all work double constructed. Owner, Kaif flO.'tlt. BUNGALOW SNAP. New 4 -room modern bungalow and bath at 7'Uh and Ollsan: nil late built Ins; finished in Ivory, fireplace, hard wood floors, cement basement, garage with cement driveway; a great bargain for only $3."0n $ruo down, balance easy. Call owner. East iWl. or Tabor 6442. :is00 PENINSULA DISTRICT. $t(00 CASH, BALANCE MONTHLY K-room bungalow, gas and electricity, full plum hi tig. some built-Ins, floored pi 1 tic, half cement basement, furnace; &Oxl00 ft. with berries, nice lawn. JOHXSON-1X iDSON CO.. fm N. W. Bank Dldg. Main 3797. -KOOM bouse, 2 lots on corner, at Arieta. 80x100, semi -modern. 3 blocks to car, 1 block to erhool. $:i000. 6-room house, lot 41x100, Monroe St., on 2 car lines, street Improvements in and paid, 17T.0, any reasonable terms accepted C:ill owner. Wdln. 0407. $750 CASH a nd terms wlil buy 6-room bungalow In Hose City, close to car and school ; sleeping porch, hardwood floors, , fireplace, garage, furnace, hot water heater; paved st. Will take automobile an part payment. $041)0. Call Mr. Young. Broadway K1S0. WANT A HOME? Tf you do not have a lot let us build for you on one of ours. Liberal finan cial assistance extended. We are pre pared to assist you in any way. aol d ier's bonus ma v be applied. BURNETT & McCLLRE. BUILDERS. Rdwy. tto74. SliJCouph B!dg RARE LAURELHURST BARGAIN. Must seii quickly 2-story 7-room home with sleeping porch, attic and concrete garage. In park section, A block to car: lurge rooms and ivory finish throughout, oa k floors, fireplace, full basement, ex cejlent condit i on: only S7300. Tabor 4"7. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist In financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L R. Bnlley, contract ing architect. 024 N W. Brink bldg. 4-ROOM cot t age, Oilx ! UO lot covered w ith fruit, sidewalk, near school, 17uu; $150 cash, bal. at 6 per cent. A very neat 4-room furnished cottage rear Union avenue N.; basement, elec, gas. toKet. nil $L.,0m. terms. C H AS HOrCK. 411 Cha m of Com. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow ; hard wood floors, break t'at nook, open fireplace with Radio heater, furnace heat ; lot Mix 100 ; bargain ; consider auto, come cash, first payment. W. Mlllership, 105 4th nt. M.tin .VJ7S. SPECIAL FKC.M U W N E R, LE A V I N G CI T V Ft" RNISH E D -R OM Rl'STI C BUNGALOW, PORTLAND HEL'HTS, OS MONTGOMERY D RIVE, 7A) ; $toO CASH. BDWY. 3H0 OR BDWY. 3-.1.V1. $'lu0 $."OH CASH. Hplendid 5-room bunga low, 3 biks. to enr and blk. off paved St. ; good basement ami plumbing ; full lot. fruit tre. A good buy for someone. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 21 S Ry. Exch. bldg. B dwy. OMiS. JlliM- $oo IMWN. Very good .1-room bungalow in Mount Scott. RojcIIO ft. lot. right close to car. It has plumbing, elec tric, etc. A rent saver and a snap. Call today. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railway Exch. Mdg. Bdwy. t.miS. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. VACANT. CLOSE IN. 21st St., 7 large rooms, furnace, fire place, substantial home, good condition; only $70(M). $ 1 200 cash, bain nee to suit T. P. BIRD. REALTOR. BDWY. 6011. 1D DOWN $l MONTHLY, .t-room fchack cottage, electric lights clly water, nice lot: H blocks from Mon tavllla car iine. Price $72."i. Fred W German Co., realtors. 7;t2 Cham, of Com! HELPFCL FINANCIAL. ASSISTANCE '' If you have a little cash we will fur nish the ft nnd build you a home RYAN R E A LT Y A: BUILDING CO 41.VB Abington Bldg. FOR SALE by owner. 7-room hou.-p, ce ment haemcnt. furnace and all im provements paid, Hawthorne district. Inquire at 72 Alberta st. or phone 'Wdln. 2102. LOOK 2 houses right on Williams ave north of Broadway, needing repairs large valuable lot; all for $000, $2u00 cash. East 6228. iJY OWNER, strictly modern, nearly new 7-rm., 1. h. bung., garage. Can be bought cheaper than one can build ; easy terms. 1S4 E. Ankeny. Tnnor 140H FURNISHED houseboat; ftrst-ciass condl tion, with garage and fuel shed. C 331, Oregonlan. LEAD 7-room bungalow, furnished, $3600, also 5-room bungalow, completely fur nipehd. $3750; must be sold. East 622 fc-KOOM modern house. Dutch kitchen furnace, built-ins, $30O0; $1800 cash! 6 E. bid 2s., aueruoons only. REAL KSTATK. "or .Sale IIouMes. HOME FOR SAUK BV OWNER. A res I home, consisting of a modern houpei tt lame rooms with bath, finish in new ivory, built-in buffet, bookcases and china, closet, fireblace and full ce ment basement and cement walks: good garage and chicken house, plenty of fruit and berries, with fine grove of fir trees; good lawn with shrubs and rose busne?", a full biock of around, or about 8 50x100 lots: also have 4 lots 50x100 ad Joining above property that can be bought If desired; half cash, good terms on uai a nee. sM)6 ootn ave. a. JS. Phone 10-02. WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS -$3950. Beautiful modern home, like new, only I." 00 Cash. balance to suit vou. The neighborhood is very good, lovely homes on all sides, paved district: house has beautiful hardwood floors, new plpeless furnace, laundrv travs. artistic electric fixtures, full cement basement. You will. never una in an fortiana so mucn vaiue for $3550. House vacant, front door un locked. 915 Tlbbets St., Woodstock or li ichmond car. Owner. Marshall 74 1, mornings, evenings. $250 DOWN ROSE CITY. NEW BUNGALOW. Genuine snap! Just completed: on 58th si., -Vj oiks, north or sanay: narawooa fioors. breakfast nook, fireplace, two bedroomn and large attic; every modern appointment, true only $:mu, J. L. HART MAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg:. Broadway 0U34. AVOID all trouble In closing your real estate deals by us ins; our Escrow De partment. TITLE TRUST CO., Title Trust Bids. HAWTHORNE HOME. $4950 READ THIS. On corner, 1 block from Hawthorne; has 5 large rooms and attic, full cement basement, laundry trays, t-asco rurnace, gas range, gas radiant fire In fireplace and hot water heater. A rea Da r gain, J. L. HART MAX COMPANY. 6 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 6n:i4. ROSE CITY. WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 8-room bungalow ; has den, sleeping porch. 2 bathrooms, extra large living room, all the modern bullt-Ins and many extras; hardwood floors, etc. ; good ga rage; lino lawn and shrubbery; owner Is non-resident, and is offering this at less than cost of house; gioou cash win nan die. Be mire to see this before you buy, DC DREY INVESTMENT CO., inO-10 Panama BIdg. Bdwy. 6f42. NEAT. NIFTY. NEW. Hardwood floors throughout In this five-room bungalow: fireplace, buffet bookcases, breakfast nook, plaster hood over range, built-in bath, pedestal lava tory, composition drain boards, large at tic, concrete basement and porch, beau tiful light fixtures and a furnace and the price Is only $5250, and I will ac cept a lot as part payment. I am the owner. Bdwy. 5843. MT. TABOR HOME. 7 rooms, strictly modern, good view. Improved at.. surrounded by fine homes; garage ; 1 blk. to car. For quick sale will give an absolute bargain. Phone East 4U0I for appointment. IRVINGTOX. See 530 E. 17th st. N near Knott, If you want a bargain in one of the finest homes In the dis trict. East 410. ALBERTA. ACCEPT SOLDI ER BONUS. 6-room modern bungalow. 60x100 cor ner; paved street. Also good garage. One block to car line. Small payment down and bonus money. Total price $4000. Spe Mr. Merrick. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. r.nO-Hf Panama BIdg. Bdwv. 042. CALL UP BROADWAY 7478. Say: "Send your man to list my place." Do It now! KAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO.. 202 McKay Bldg., 3d and Stark. ONLY $3200 $4O0 DOWN EASY TERMS. fl rooms: good basement, trays, cab inet kitchen : garage ; 77x120 lot. with fruit and berries. GOOD PRICE FOR C ASH. MARSH MrTABB CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Bdwy. 6028. h.venlngs, I n. nor 4.itl. A SNAP. BY OWNER. Modern 7-room bungalow with full ce ment basement, 7."xl25 ft. lot with alley, barn, chicken house and run. several different kinds of fruit, the finest of garden soil ; will sell furnished or un furnished; Wdln enr to 17th. 2 biks, N, fil'.t Bryant st. Some terms. SEE THIS ONE. $4750 bungalow, new; has living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, all built ins, basement; one block to car. W. M. UMBDEN STOCK & CO., 210 Oregon BIdg. Broadway KWR. KOK SALE By owner, new home in close- in highly restricted district; 7 rodms. full cement basement, shower bath, two toilets, tile bath and drain board, Muel ler furnace, lawn and shrubbery In. Terms reasonable. Phone owner. East 2700. ALAMEDA. New, up-to-date, modern home,, sll built-ins. gas furnace. Ruud water beater, four bedrooms, sun rooms; own er must sacrifice for less than cost ; terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon b 1 dg. Bdwy. 1.'8. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. FOR SALE BY OWNER. Beautiful, artistic, new furnished 6 room bungalow, modern In every re spect; magnificent view of Portland. BMH Thurir.an St., cor. 81st. Phone Main 3040. "ROSE CITY PARK." By owner, ft-room completely modern bungalow and sleeping porch, double ga rage; paved street; two blocks north of Sandy ; furnished or unfurnished, no agents; $5.r00 unfurnished; easy terms. Tabor 1737. IRVINGTON. FOR SALE B V OWNER. Modern, new, 7-room bungalow, every thing up-to-date, all on one floor; French doors, hardwood floors, f u rnace, garage. Cull automatic 326-15. 678 E. 14th N. BUILD NOW. Be a satisfied home owner. We wel come inspection. LIBERAL FINAN CIAL ASSISTANCE. ROBNETT & McCLURE. BUILDERS. Bdwy. 0.'74. 3u2 Couch Bldg. RENTERS. Fine esst front lot and new 4-room house, partly constructed; shiplapped and shingled, papered Inside ; windows and doors in; price $1200. W. W. HABIN. REALTOR, 1032 Cnon ave. N. Wdln. 599. FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, sleeping porch, one floor, cor. lot, 50x100; furnished mahogany, wal nut, brass beds, nice rugs and draperies; all imp. paid, all goes for $3S50; some t erms. Automatic 210-33. AN EXCEPTIONAL good buy. rf-room bungalow, basement. lOO feet from car. in a good residence district. $22."0; $400 down, $25 month, including Interest. For appointment call A. Finley. Col. POS. GOOD 7-room house. 100 11) Foster road, $10S0; ys down, $10 per mo.; paved st.; garden spot ; 2 blocks to M. S. car on 1 hot h st. C. O. Beymer, 215 W. 7th st., Eugene. Or. ATTRACTIVE, strictly modern bungalow, five room, bath, finished attic, cement basement, concrete garage, double car service, improvements in and paid, $4000 no agents. Auto. 311-S3. $i.i20 EQUITY on a comfortable seven room modern home; large airy bedrooms, pleasant surroundings; for $650 cash. $17.10 remaining on purchase price; leaving city. Durham. BIG BUYS FOR BONUS BOYS. Or anyone else. Have best value in Tortland in brand-new 4 and 6-room bungalows; something different. Main 8031. NICE, cosy 5-room home, 50x100 lot. all improvements in and paid; near car and school ; only $2250, easy terms. W. W. RABIN. REALTOR. 1032 L'nion ave. N. Wdln. 889. TO CLOSE ESTATE $1000 TERMS ood 5-room bungalow, bath, attic, full cement basement: near school; va cant. 5213 7Sth st. S. E. Call Tabor 4200 W EST MOR ELAND. New cosy 4-room bungalow with ga rage; bargain; at 1355 E. 10th st. 8. FOR SALE By owner, new 6-room bun galow In Piedmont; price $3950. Call Woodlawn 1615. FOR SALE 8-room bouse, no agents; reasonable ; 50x100 lot. 1275 E. Taylor st., near 44th. $6."n CASH ; $2150; 4-room house, large rooms. Sunnyside. Ask about it. Scott and Berry. 1Q3S Belmont. Tabor 95fll. 6-ROOM bungalow, new furniture, garage, full basement, corner, paved street, $3600; terms. Own er, Wu ! n. 5405. 6-ROOM modern Dungaiow land furniture; will sell all or part. Tabor v REAL ESTATK. For Sale Houhps. ABSOLUTELY one of the best homes In select Rose City, fully modern to a "T," lovely large living room. We can not say too much for this house, which Is placed on the market for the first time at a genuine sacrifice. 6 rooms and large attic, garage. $0000 vaiue for $CKU0, terms. O. A. PEARCE CO.. Biq Hnry Bdg. Bdwy. 435. NEARLY NEW, attractive 0-room bunga low with pretty fireplace, polished hard wood floors, large windows, very nicely arranged; white and Ivory enanul, most convenient Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays, 00x100 lot, nice lawn with lattice fence. Good district. $a00 $7."i0 CASH. O. A. PJSARCE CO.. Blft Henry BIdg. Bdwv BEST buy In beautiful Rose City bunga low of 4 rooms, large living room, fire place, exceptional bullt-ins. hardwood fioors, breakfast room. This is truly a lovely home, 1 year old. Underpriced at $4iiO0. terms or bonus. O. A. Pearce Co.. 616 Henry bldg. Broadway 4S3.V $.V)O0 HAWTHORNE $1500 CASH. 6 rooms and bath, furnace, fireplace, garage, 50x100 lot. all street Improve ments In and paid ; full cement base ment. See C. V. Smock, Keipper & Crosby, 514 Railway Exchange bldg. Broadway 600. $6750. Irvington bungalow, 6 large rooms on first floor, hardwood floors, fireplace, tile bath, modern kitchen. In fact, this home is up-to-date ; will consider sol dler's bonus and $1000 cash. East 413. $050 CASJH MT. SCOTT $3150. New 4-room and bath. 84xl.S5 lot: 1 block from school, finished in white Ivory, fine bungalow. See C. V. Smock. Keipper & Crosby, PI4 Railway Ex- change Ding. lidwy. rmi. HOUSE plans. 100 designs, $10 to $15. or specially designed at reasonable lee. L. R. BAILEY CO., P24 N. W. Bank Bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS bungalow, sacri fice if sold, this week; modern, bard wood floors; furnace; built-ins. Alain 7 ISO. 1RVLNGTON 7-room home, excellent loca tion, well arranged; priced at bargain; must be sold exon. Owner leaving city. Phone East 5753 evenings. Suburban Homes. NEAR REEDVILLE. 4 acres, all In cultivation and In crop, all kinds of berries and -'0 young assorted fruit trees, 5-room house, woodshed, etc. On macadam road, half mile to electric line. Price $3000; $1000 cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Broadway 6034. ON OREGON ELECTRIC. 1 acre In high state of cultiva tion, strawberries, logan, rasp berries, assorted bearing fruit. 4 room bouse, on gravel road, close to station, sacrifice price $1400; $1000 ca&b. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. JUST IOOK AT THIS! . MR. AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. Beautiful 7-room residence with 1H acres (eoual to 1'J r.iiv Inrs nf Inwn flower and vineyard, on the electric car kuu on iy UiWiu. I have many other beautiful suburban nomes irom $'0mo to $)jo00 each. J. B. HOLBROOiv, Realtor, 214-215 Panama Bldtf. A I TO'rt Y HKTPKAT Little Suburban nlaee. rip-hf nn novH highway, just outside city limits; nearly uue acre, an cultivates ; ,)-room rustic bungalow, green lawn, native shrubbery and trees, bright and cheerful surround ings, iin,e location, city conveniences avaiianje. sacrificing for only $:touo. See rv. jiTii. liUmwrmens bide. UAKDUN HUM E BARGAIN Acre with good 7-room house ; bearing fruit trees anu Derries; close to station, on hard road. Biggest bargain on market. Only $:i,iM), good terms ; more ground if de sired. Let us show you. McCORMlC CO., 207 Falling Bldg. Broadway 7420. Main 0319. S U B L K B A N H CM E. joining city limits on east. acre with 35 assorted fruit trees in full bear ing; 6-room house, full basement, city ir. nicaen nouse, good road; lOoO easy terms. HAYI.BR E. SMITH. 1 31S Railway Exch. Bldg. S 1750 CON-COR D. HALF A CRE with good house, well and onthMi? n fruit trees, best soil, located near high way ana eiec. ry. view of Willamette. A real bargain at this price FAIR EXCHANGE R MALTY CO.. 202 McKay Bldg. Bdwy. 747S LOOK ALL FOR $750 IAJOK. Three-room house on 4 acre, chicken house, 10 bearing fruit trees, berries. This price includes two good stoves If sold within the next week. $2M) ca.h and terms. Call Mr. Young. Bdwv. . tWKO THIS IS YOUR HOME Three acres. Just outside city limits; , nice orchard, 3-room house, gas and water; will take car and some cash. Bdwy. Will. 1'or Sale Business Property. ONE fireproof building, income $450 a month, $32,500. One fireproof building. Income $625 a month, $47,500. Two fireproof buildings, income $5800 a year, $43,500. One fireproof building. 100 feet square, income $2700 per year, $10,500. 1158 Union Ave. North, bet. 0 A 11 A. M. For gale Acreage. GARDEN HOME ACRE TRACTS On hard road; gas, electricity. Bull Run water; close to station, school and stores; all cultivated. Prices 000 to $1250 per acre; 0c commutation fare; 40 electric trains dally. Most desirable acre home tracts around Portland. Easy terms. See McCORMlC CO., 207 Falling Bldg. Broadway 7420. -Main 031 S. THREE-ACRE RANCH CLOSE IN ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND BER RIES; 3-room house w ith large attic; electricity and gas, city water, chicken house; 6$ white Leghorn chcikens go with the place; $40oo on terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McOUIRB, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadway 7171. Third St.. bet. Wnsh. and Stark BEAUTIFUL 5-acr rountry home. 7-room modern house, city water, lights and gas, large sleeping porch, fireplace, modern bath. French windows; land drains both ways from house; wonderful view of Mount Hood and surrounding country, near Beaverton on rock road. Price $5500 terms. STROTTD A CO.. INC. Beaverton. Or. FURNISHED SUBURBAN HOME, 5-room bungalow with bath, cement basement; built-in buffet; city water; in the Capital Hill district; close to school and enr with best of car service. Only $2250 with best of terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McOUlRE. 205 Abington BIdg. Broadwav 7171. Third St.. bet. Wash, and Stark. 20 ACRES. NEAR GRESHAM. 19 acres in cultivation; house, barn, chicken house and other outbuildings; 2 cows, 1 heifer, team. 3 hogs. 150 chick ens, and all necessary implements; price $0500. part cash and terms. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 PANAMA BLDG. BDWY. 012 LARGE BUNG A LO W A C R E F R U IT. One acre, near main highway on ma cadam road; good family orchard ; lots of berries; fine large bungalow; best interurban line to Portland. Price $3250. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McOUIRB, 205 Abington Bldg. Broadwav 7171. Third St., Bet. Wnsh. and Stark 2 ACR ES $2400 TWO MILES WEST OF XEWBERG. Fertile red shot loam, free from rock, with small creek; particularly adapted to Josranberrles; might consider trade for Portland property. Fred T. Huntress, ex clusive agent. 120 Grand Ave. IN THE GRESHAM DISTRICT. 10-AORE TRACTS $1500. Half mile from electric station, 20 miles from Portland. 40c fare; surround ed by highly Improved farms, fertile red shot loam. Free from rock Fred F. Huntress, exclusive agent. 120 Grand ave. 10 ACRES with 0 acres under cultivation: fair house and barn, chicken house for 200 chickens; 32 bearing Lambert and May Duke cherries; nice waterfall on place; good macadam road; well located Price $3000. B S. Cook. 601 Stock Exch. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offerpd to settlers. WEYKRHAUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma. Wash. $350 DOWN on 5V4 a., $235 yet to pay; shack, tence, wen: near highway; 3 a. clear; will take Ford delivery or tour ing up to $200. A. J. Fleming. Cove Orchard, Oregon. 2 ACRES fine, cultivated land on Colum bia blvd.. just outside city; will sacri fice for half cash. Roger W. Cary. 1219 N. W. Bank BIdg. ACRES i ACRE'S ACREJS. A few tracts with shacks, $10 to $13 monthly payments. Roger W. Cary. 121 ft N. W. Bank bldg. Main 143. HAVE several small places, 1 to. 5 acres, witn Duuuings. mac 3uu to $500 will handle. 601 Stock Exch. Bldg. Phone Main 053. FOR SALE SEVEN ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN, 6131 92D ST. S. E. 5 ACRES garden land, house, ntar 620. St. $3vW. iivs Auto 641-&v REAL KSTATK. For fealc Acreage. 1 ACRES, on paved street; all under cultivation; city water, gas. electric lights; 12 young fruit trees; 5 miles from center of Portland; 4 blocks to station, high and grade school ; 4-room modern bungalow with white enamel plumbing, fireplace, linoleum, shades, etc.; $0S0 cash; terms on balance at 7 pr cent; 150 feet frontage of pavement. Con sider Portland house. Ask for Mr. Kemp. 4 acres, between Portland and Hills boro; one block frftm electric station; wire fences; acres under cultivation, balance In pasture, no waste land: dark loam soil ; strawberries, loganberries, j barn, woodshed; gas in street. Price iuuu cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. 4 A. ON PAVEMENT 3 MILES OUT. we think this about the best buy in a suburban home; 4 a., lies per fectly; very choice orchard, 5-room plastered bungalow, large red barn, numerous outbuildings; faces pave ment, 3 miles from city limits and right at electric station. Price $450. HARGROVE REALTY CO., l-'J North Sixth St. Phone Broadway 438L CI- ACRES. 4 acres cultivation, balance pasture r.nd timber; 5-room house, barn outbuildings, chicken house, 10x50; all kinds fruit; creek; 6 miles from Oregon City; $100; terms. 10 acres, acres cultivation, balance pasture, small house; spring; close to school and store; $1700; good terms. 20 acres, 2 acres cultivation, balance timber; 250O cords wood; 5-room house, outbuildings; 2i miles from Portland, on fine road; $Z80O; terms. See Mr. Stewart, with C. W. MILLERSHTP, 1 4 4th St. Main B27.1. ON COLUMBIA BOULEVARD At East 2Uth St. North. SUNDERLAND ACRES, close in. con venient to schools. Alberta and Woodlawn cars: 5 to liO-acre tracts; rich soil; big returns in fruits and vegetables: $400 to $rt0 per acre; outside city limits; low taxes; a few choice 1 to 3-acre lots left: beautiful homesites. Branch office at 20th and Columbia blvd. ELROD & JjRYER. Owners. 283 Stark St. Broadway 1188. BEST 10-ACRE BUY. Near Reedvilie and the beat 10 acre buy you can find around Portland, all In cult., and a perfect piece of land ; 2 a. strawberries; splendid 6-room plastered bunga low, fireplace, built-ins, basement, nice red barn, good outbuildings; sidewa.k aH way to station. Price only $4750. HAROROVB REALTY CO., . 122 North Sixth St. Phone Broadway 43SL Boniest endw. Relinquishments. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISH M ENT SEE E. W. HELM, 422 CHAM BE R OF COMMERCE BLDG. 40 ACRES, 42 miles southwest of Port land, on rocked road; mile from Pa cific highway and electric station; dark loam so:l ; spring ; all under cultivation ; bearing family orchard; 7 acres young prune orchard; telephone and all rural conveniences; good 5-room bungalow with basement; electric lights available; barn, garage, chicken house, silo. In cluded with place, team, 5 cows, binder, mower, plorts, cultivator, harrow, wag on, 'bug.gy, disc, roller, hay fork, harness, cream separator, tools, etc. Will con sider small place near Portland and small amount of cash; easy terms on bal ance. Ask for Mr. Davis. 22 acres, 1 mile from good town and high and grade schools, Yamhill county. Oregon ; 1 block from rocked road; all under cultivation; good black loam soil; bearing orchard, good house. barn, chicken house and other buildings. In 'cluded with place cow, chickens, com plete line of farmnig machinery. 6 tons hay 150 bushels grain, hay carrier. 10 acres in oats. 6 acres wheat, balance clover. Price for1 everything $5500; $2000 cash,; easy terms on balance. 40 acres. 00 miles south of Portland. Linn county, Oregon; on rocked road; 22 acres under cultivation ; some timber and pasturage ; good creek ; bearing or chard; 4-room house; good barn, chicken house. Included with place team of mares, 4 cows, 2 pigs, fid chickens, wagon, plow, harrow, cultivator, Vs in terest in drill, mower and rake. Price for everything $3750; $1000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. BARGAIN IN 25-ACRE TRACT. 6 MILES OUT. Best farm value nes- the city, on east side, 6 miles from city limits. In splen did community; pavement all but last 2 miles, which is good macadam; 2-5 acres, 20 acres in cultivation, o acres pasture and some nice timber; perfect lying land; no rock -or gravel; splendid 8-room plastered house, practically new, fuil basement, fireplace, sleeping porch, large barn, numerous outbuildings, 2 acres splendid orchard, lots berries, grapes, etc. PERSONA L: good team, cow, 75 chick ens, 2 plows, wagon, harrow, set harness, new binder, hog. hay and all kinds small tools; price $It0O, $2S00 cash, balance easy terms. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Sixth. Phone Broadway 4381. DAIRY farmers. Investigate this unusual opportunity to, own a fine-paying irri gated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued $ltt.u0O. Located In famous Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Buying same on entirely new plan, very little cash re quired. Full particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO., Inc., Redmond, Oregon. FOR SALE On Yaqulna bay. 38 acres 4 miles below uoledo. o miles above New port; fair bldgs., young bearing orchard, about H acres tldeland, about 6 acres cultivated. Price $2500. Terms $1500 cash, balance on easy terms at 5 per cent. G. W. Andrews, Toledo, Lincoln Co , Oregon. Box 133. 115-ACRE larm in western Benton county, acres in. cultivation, oa.ance pasture and timber, lair house, good barn and other outbuildings; spring water piped to house ; 1 mile to station and echQol ; price only $5oo0, 20oo cash, easy terms on balance or some trade, j. K.. Under hill. Summit. Oregon. FOR SALE Good dairy farm, abundance 01 pasture ana wafr ror irrigation and otner purposes, aairy Darn, good bouse school, church, highway on place; 33 head of good Jersey cows. etc. Good reasonable terms can be arranged. Own- er. rtoji -. rnnevn if, or. LOOK HERE. 40 acres of bottom land. 4 miles from tne center 01 r orwana, all in clover, snap $25o per acre. WE SELL THE EARTH. McGEE & DENNIS. Woodlnwn 5HS-4. !!'. Union Ave. 44 ALKJva On hignway, 11 nniea irom Portland, l mile from Orenco; all cieareu ; creea inrougn property: im mediate possession; would consider Port land property in part payment ; $12.MH; terms Jiuier, oo iu organ Dldg. Main 40 ACRES land, u" miles to town, small caoin ana Darn, 1 acre orcnara, hair acre tail grain, aoouc two acres grass ha v: creek, outside range; want to change climate, so will give this place away k 01 vMDii. jtase . jicaee, Uast Rnck. Wash.. R. 3. TO SETTLE STATE. IN BOOMING TOWN. At ernonia. Or., 62-acre farm, 40 acres in cultivation, orchard, modern house, good barn and buildings. Owner, Duncan. 741 Gilsan st. '1VE ACRES good irrigated land in Grants Pass, three blocks from Main street; good five-room house, barn, etc Price, $:iOOO; will take car as part'py ment. Inquire Pox 404. Randon. Or SALE or rent, 50 acres. Barr and Rock- wooa roaus, o mnes city limits; no gravel; plenty water: good buildings; 2 acres in orchard ; terms. 197S East Taylor st. TILLAMOOK DAIRY RANCH, 172 acre 150 acres No. 1 ttde land, dyked, 2 large barns, one 3x 100, one 36xo'; 2 houses; must sell, $275 per acre; terms J. M. Switzer. Cloverdalo. Or. 21 ACRES, good land. 7 under cultivation; house, barnand shed; spring and well' S1 miles west of Goble, Or. $2uo; some te rms. M. F. Copely, Goble. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre, easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes .uuraiiaiiu, remmr, o raiiin g Dldg. FOR SALE or trade, close-in 42-a. Wash, county farm, all cultivated; good bldgs good road. Owner, R, Hoard, 5oi Stock Exch. 55 ACRES miles west of Hood River; 5 room house, $0OO; make your own terms. 505 Artisans bidg. 6 ACRES, level, cleared, fenced, good 3-room bouse, near Willamina; $00 down. J. R. Sharp. 83 Third st. FOR &ALE or trade. 4s0-acre Wasco coun ty wheat farm. H J Fish, The Dalles 13 ACRES In berries, small fruits, cheap. . 605 Artisan bids. REAL KSTATK. For Sitle Farms. 3 ACRES land, about 1'2 cltlvated, or chard, house, barn. well and force Eump, creek, 3 to 4 acres fall grain, alance grass, mostly clover; place is well cleared, not full of snags and blind stumps. Price Is $1500, cash; want to change climate, so am giving It away. Also 8 head of cattle and 1 bull for saie cheap, not included with place. Jesse C. McKee. Castle Rock. Wash.. R. 3 ACRES lu the Canity district, good soli, level, within 10 minutes' walk of town, no stones or stumos. Dart in cron This piace can be bought at much below its j value. Price $1X " per acre, terms. ! Would consider good house in exchange. I ii you are mowing ior a bargain and a chance to make some money. Bee this. 'S24 Henry bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. MANY CALLS FOR HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE SOLDIERS' BONUS WILL SOON BE AVAILABLE. We want houses that can be handled after the soldier bonus plan. Remember, this means $3000 down. See us at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 6034. CASH PRICES ON LOTS. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. LAURELHURST. PIEDMONT. ALBERTA. LADD'S ADDITION. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 4th and Stark Sts. LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US. Our Bone system enables us to give your property Individual attention. Specialists in Irvington, Laurelhurst, Rose City, Alameda, Hawthorne and west side. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. 325-327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. AT ONCE. SUBURBAN HOME WANTED. HAVE CASH BUYER for modem home with one or two acres. Must have fruit, good road and not too far from road. See Mr. Hurd. with 1 .1. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway fW34. "WANT TO LEASE FOR TERM OF S TO 5 YEARS, HOUSE OF 15 TO 25 ROOMS; LARGE YARD IF POSSIBLE. NORTH OF WASHINGTON ST., BETWEEN 15TH AND 24T1L MAR. ltil4. MRS. BERRY. WANTED GOOD HOMES. We have prospects for Portland homes at right prices. If others failed to sell your property, list immediately with us. We sell service. FRANK McCRILLIS. 324 Hnnry Bldg. Bdwy. 770. WE have several clients who want to buy personal property and lease dairy ranch. List with us now. BD 800, Oregonlan. HAVE client who wants 0 or 7 room bun galow or two-story house In nice dis trict; must have three bedrooms, large living room and fully modern. Will go as high as $0MM. Can pay at least $1500 and good terms. Call Mr. Young. Bmndway A3 SO. BUYERS WAITING Live buyers waiting for city or sub urban homes; quick deal if priced RIGHT. Phone and we- will call to see you. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 500-10 Panama Bldg. Bdwy. 6042. 5 ACRES 4 cleared ; no incumbrances; closp to Beaverton on Red Electric line; value $2000. for a " or 0-room house in restricted district to the value of $3500. Call at 575 Madison st. ; west side. Call bt. 10-12 A. M. WANTED Have party with $3500 cash who wants a 5-roomed modern bunga low all on one floor. This is a bona fide buyer. S. BORLAND, Realtor. 221-22-23 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 1506. IF YOU will sell your home for $100 to $500 down and terms, list with us at once. We have more buyers than houses. Your house will get ooncentra tod at tention. Call Mr. Young. Otto & Hark son. Broadway R3R0 HAVE client who wants C-room bungalow. Laurelhurst, Irvington, Alameda ; bonus and cash: also want several medium priced houses. R. HOARD. 501 Stock Exchange. HELP. HELP. HELP I need help. You need help. You have property to sell. I need listings for prospective buyers. See W. Kennedy, J05 Ch am hr nf Comm erce. WE WANT lots In any approved district for residential or business purposes; list your property with us for results. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 Fourth St. Main 4522. WILL BUY A HOME AT ONCE. 5 rooms, near car, on pavement, mod ern or nearly no: pay $500 cash. $40 per mo.; about $4000; give location; no aeents. AN 33i. Oregonlan. WANTED Listing of bungalow. Rose City district, from $4500 to $5000. Buy ers, waiting, will pay $5(0 to $700 down. Call Rose City Realty Co.. East Gtil or Tabor R442. WE HAVE buyer fur 4 or 5-room house, new preferred ; Alberta district ; about $4000; first payment of $400, and apply bonus soon ns received. T AGO ART BROS.. 1102 Spnldinr Bldg. WANTED Half to one acre, within half mile of Garden Home; gas and water; not over "i mile from station. Write F. K eiler, 12 4 E. T.Hh st. N.. Portland. WILL trade new or used passenger cars or trucks for modern home, local real estate or bungalow ; wll! give or take differ ence. AM 350. Oregonlan. HAVE 1021 Hupmohiie. run less than 6000 mi., perfect condition, to trade on 5 or 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park pre ferred. What have you? Owner. J 234, O r e p o plan. LIST YOUR property with us. We get re sults. K. S. REALTY CO. 425 Chamber of Commerce Bdwy. 4070. WANT 100x100 corner. Irvington. east of 4th St.; must be priced right for casn. Will consider Rose CM y below hill. Riimmell Rummell. 274 Stark st. ft OK ti-KOoM house, in Alameda, Irving ton or Laurelhurst, not to exceed $5500; must be a bargain. Deal with owners only. Wood lawn 44AH. WANTED Dots In good location to trade for 1. 2 or 3-ton trueks. I'hone Frent 7.. Rdwy ft'U. Fveningf, Sell. OKI. TRADE good auto as first payment and soldier's bonus for rest, for suburban or city home lots or acreage. East 1540. WILL trade 1010 Briscoe touring car for first payment on small house or goood furniture. Main 4'tjt", apt 3V Lot Rose City Fark ; prefer builder's second mortgage privilege. AJ 340, Ore g o n 1 a n . WANT houses, lots, farms, acreage for eale or exchange. R. Hoard, &01 Stock Exchange.. SIX -ROOM, house In good location, give description and terms. AE ii51. Orego- n i a 0 . WANT ONE or two lots. Will trade truck, any size. Call Frentzel, Bdwy. 691. Evenings. Fellwood, 081. WANT 4 or 5-room modern Rose City bungalow. R. J. McGulre, 545 North Vnion ave. GOOD four or five-room bungalow, about $3it00; $5O0 cash. Tabor 42:io. WANTED Lots in Irvington district, must be bariraln. L 355. Oregon fan. W ANTED Rose City rash. East 572. lot ; will pay $550 Fur in h vV anted. WANT farm by ex-service man. must be stocked and equipped, one that he can use soldier loan as pnrt payment. Ad dress P. O. box 4S. Condon. Or. WANTED 5 to 12 acres with. fair buildings, part cultivated, near Oregon Electric, less than 10 miles out, under $3000, small payments; buyers waiting to go out. li. S. Cook. H01 Stork Exrh. Bldg. Wanted to Kent r arms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have -several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED to rent a small farm by re sponsible party, no children ; wlil pay cash rent and buy tools and stock If any ; st ate prices. BC 34 ft. Oregon ian. 1 WANT to rent a farm on the share ba sis, with stock, or will buy personal property. O 351, Oregonian. WANT to rent .ranch in California suit able for turkeys. Write full particulars. K 3r0. Oregonian. GOOD farm, soil suitable for grain and potatoes; lease for three years; will buy equipment; cash rent. K 353. Oregonian. WANTED, to rent, 10 to 20 acres, close to Portland; modern bldgs. Address 202 Polk. Phone Columbia 750. FOR RENT FARMS. 16 ACRES, best soil, on Columbia high way, at sacrifice, or will rent. If Inter ested call Woodlawn 4100. or Strom, 'Iroutdaie, Oregon. TI M B E R LAND S. TIMBER We t control boveral excellent loggtrg cnanees on Vancouver island, both cedar and fir. In large d small tracts We will submit full particulars to loggers or others interested. Timber Is crown granted and exportable. Write or call on us, as we will buppiy your re quirements. RYAN. McINTOSH TIMBER CO.. Ltd., 701-4 Belmont House. Victoria. B. C. FOR SALE Timber claim of 300 acres, county cruise of about five million feet of fir and hemlock, in Clackamas coun ty, Oregon. Easily worth $."U00. but owner must raise money and will sacri fice It for $2500. The assessed valuation is $2000. Why not invest in the last great resource of the northwest and double your money in a few years? AV 01. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Eleven million feet of fir. ad Joining large body of timber. Fine log ging chance. Only 1000 feet from tide water; 3 mills less than 2 miles. $2 per M. For details write, Y 2i)0. Ore gonlan. FOUR million feet, half mile railroad, log ging or sawmill proposition; other tim ber joining; cheap price. Owner on f;round now; act quickly, box 32U, W il amina, Oregon. 700 ACRES, logged-off land for sale, close to Portland, umlle from St. Helens K. K. Same distance to highway; terms. F. M. Miles, 500 JlEayj Broadway 73W0. 15 TO 20 MTLLIOM fir. some cedar, near railroad, $14,000; $4000 will handle, bal ance as cut. $150 per M. VENA R P. H7 Chamber Commerce. OVER 100,00(1. 010 ft. of fine timber, rea Bona'ue : other large tracts. Zimmer man, 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. GOOD 81 ACRES TRADE FOR BUSINESS. 24 miles south of Portland, 2 miles electric station, bl a.. 20 cleared, splendid soil, all lies good, lots of good wood, 5-rm. house, hot and cold water, bath, patent toilet, best porcelain plumbing, good red. barn, woodshed attached to bouse, good roothoube with cement floor; mllkhouse with cement floor; two potato houses, workshop, splendid chicken house, up-to-u&Le hog house, plenty fruit and berries; price $0700; Clear of incumbrance; trade for good buMneaa in Port land, rooming house or income property ; or will tell on reason able terms. HAROROVE REALTY CO., 122 North Sixth St. Phone Bruaduay 4381. No. 500. FOR SALE OR EXCH. 45 acres, 32 acres under cultiva tion; small house, dandy large barn and other outbuildings. This Is good black loam soil and dots not have any wat r standing. In cluding the following personal property; Mowing machine, hay rake, harrow, cultivator, wagon and some small tools. Property located in thickly settled com munity. Close to paved highway; about 1 mile from Vancouver. This Is an exceptional buy for $ouou. Easy terms or will trade for prop erty, preferably Seattle. PEE MR. STIOER, WITH THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, Realtors. VANCOUVER, WASH. ' EQUIPPED 37 A. FOR HOUSE. Price only $2500; trade even up for house in Portland ; 37 a., 2 Vfc mi. Kalama, Wash. : 12 cleared; 6-room house, barn, garage, chick en house, root house, good orchard, water pipd to house. PERSON AL: Household goods. 3 cows. 2 horses, chickens, vehicles and Implements; it Is hill land, but good soil. HARCROVB REALTY CO., 122 North Sixth St. Broadway 4381. WANT WELL-IMPROVED SMALL FARM. Have garage building on lot 57x100, near Hawthorne ave., close in : brick building, full-size lot. 'with office, plumb ing, etc. Price $12,000. $45oo incum brance, long time at $2. Property can be leased fur $125 per month, showing over 10 per cent gross income; want small, equipped farm, favorably located, with good buildings, close to Portland, up to $10,000. John Ferguson, Realtor, Gerlinger Bldg INCOME PROPERTY. Will exchange equity for good B or 7 room house to $5500; has 12 rooms, 4 kitchenettes, completely furnished ex cept 4 rooms; 50 x 10O lot, cement base ment, furnace, modern throughout; nets' better than $ 120 month ; close in. east side; valuable location. Full price $S6o0. MARH & MrCABE CO., Realtors. 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. lidwy. 0523. Evenings. Tabor 430. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. EXCHANGE FOR MIDDLE WEST. 2S2 acres, on Portland and San Fran cisco paved highway, 5 miles north of Grants Pass; 40 acres pear orchard, 5 acres of berries, balance level land and fine, deep, rich soil; owner lives in Mis- uniiri Htiirpa trt t rn if fnr nrnnPrl v nt'r. er home; no Incumbrance; vaiue $40, 000. WHEELER, 204 North 0th St., Grants Fass. Or. EXCHANGE OFFICE SPECIAL, $1300 houi equity, want car and $250 cash ; $2"-"0 house equity, want lots or anything of value; $2000 equity In nice piece of acreage, take anything, or value In trade ; good "Win ton auto, trade for lots or something; of value; vacant lots a specialty. A. GORDON ROSS, 230 Chamber of Commerce R1dg EXCHANGE OFFICE MOVED. A. CORDON ROSS. TRADE MANIPULATING SPECIALIST, 2:io Chamber of Comerce Dldg. YOU MUST DEAL AND SPECULATE TO ACCUMULATE. YOUR PROPOSITION CAN BE MATCHED. 1M PROVED 150-acre farm on the Rogue river, free and clear of all Incumbrance. Will exchange for rooming or apartment house in Portland, u ill assume some uu ference if the property has merit. Cash value of this property Is $.ooo. STEWART JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern B;ink P.ldg. GOOD TRADE. I WANT A FARM. My apartment will net 10'r on $55,000 and can show you heat propoMi ion in town. I want a farm to $:t 0,000 and must get the boys out. Call lidwy. 5031 for appointment. WE ARE In touch with a party wiio has just sold out and wants to nuy small Improved farm not over 4h mils from Portland on good road. Write full par ticulars with price in first letter. STEWART & JOHNSON. 31 5 Northwestern Rank B'.dg. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit Lots, houses, acreage, famns or storks of merchandise. E. R S.. 712 Couch bldg. EXCHANGE OFFICE. City realaences to exchange for well Improved close In acreage. Also farm ROBNETT & McCLURE REALTORS. Bdwy. 6574. 3-2 Couch Bldg. 320 ACRES OF LAND. "Will exchange for German marks owner of land is going to Germany; bind Is In Des'-huf eg county. Price J.iJOO. Clear. A R 317, Oregon hi n. $3000 EQUITY in $7500 home, B51 E. 30th t. South ; 1 block from car; fl-room house, full basement, fruit and berries, garage, paved street. What have you? Phone Bdwy. 528 Mr. Lyons. WILL exchange $2000 In clear Los Angeles property for residence In Portland, $3500. Must be well located. Will assume or pay cash. See Mr, Noonan. 314 Slock Exchange. WILL consider Laurelhurst, Irvington Jot or liberty bonds as part pa vment on beautiful home on East 22d N. Broad way car. AO 34ft. Oregonian. HAVE good tt-room bungalow on 04th St., to trade for small apartment house or Income property. Hisgard, 320 S wet in nd Mg-. Auto. 31 2-07. even frigs W ILL consider Los Angeles result-lice property in exchange for beaut if ui Irv ington home, 7 rooms, BD 303, Orego nian WHAT HAVE YOU TO TRADE? Tell Simms, filO Henry bldg. MONT, irrigated quarter; will take ga rage or Income property to $10.00o. some cash, balance easy. Engle. 104 S. 20th St., Billings. Mont. TO TRADE Yellow pine timber claim in Wheeler county for lot in Portland, value $1500. BF 359. Oregonlan. ONE ACRE gardvn land. 4 blocks two car lines, on hard-surface road; sell or trade for house, and lot, east side. Aut. 617-H7. GROCERY, confectionery and Ice cream store; will exchange for house and lot or sell for cash. 03$ 41st st. 20 ACRES raw land, free and clear, Cow litz county; will exchange and pay cash. Owner. 207 Stock Exchange bldg. 20 ACRES. unincumbered. S. E. Salem, for good auto. unim proved. Tabor 7 2. ".9. 30 ACRES, leve!, near Vancouver, ex cha nee for S-room housp. Tnbor ftt37. IMPROVED Hood River farm for Portland property. lu $30,000. P. O. box 410. TO EXriIAK MISCELLANEOUS. WILL TRADE truck tor what have you? Cell Freutzul Bdwy. til 1. Evenings, Sell. DHL FOR SAI.K. HoriM-B. Vehielew, Livestock. 40 HEAD OF HORSES. Consisting of 6 very closely matched black teams, weig hing around 1400 pounds; 4 teams, weight about 1700 pounds. The balance of this stock are 1300-pound farm chunks, and some street used horses. Also 40 sets of new and second-hand harness. Will sell at a very low figure. G. K. Howitt, Columbia Stables. Front and Columbia st reeis. FARM HORSES. A carload nf young horses and mares just arrived from my ranch, whero they were raised. All low-down chunks, 1RH) to 1500 lbs. ; gent le and broke to work and all brand-new. I will prove to you that these horses will be as represented. Don't fail to see them before buying elsewhere. M. M. Heck, owner and raiser, at feed barn. 5th and Columbia sts., Vancouver. Wash. HORSES HORSES HOUSES. We have 30 head of good, young, heavy work horses, 3 to & years old. weighing 1300 to 1700 lbs., all are blocky built, heavy boned and in good shape ; new wagons and harness at reduced prices. KEYSTONE STABLES. 3S1 Wat er St.. cor. M .1 n t n rr e ry. FARMERS AND DAIRYMEN. No. 1 second cutting alfalta. $14.50 f. o. b. Portland car lots. RUSSELL SHEPHERD. 271 E. tilh st. North, Port land, or phone cvenin K s Ea st 0 1 14 . t'OK aAI.L or hire by owner, 40u-ib. g.iod team, harness and wagon; good loggers or grade rs. Ca i 1 East 't 47 from ti : H U to S A. M. and from 12 to 1 noon. Ad dress 5-35 E. S:h st. N. POLAND CHINA BOAR. 10 mouths old. weight 325 pounds; price $35. RUSSELL. SHEPHERD, WASHOUGA L. WASH., or phone evenings, E;ist 0 41-1. Port In 11 d. V ET ERIN A Hi AN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 656. DEAD hordes and cattle taken quickly. ChI 1 dayor night. Automa tic 627-04. SEVERAL good, fresh Jers-.-y cows. 11)07 East Stark St.. corner 78t h st. MILCH Am. i K and roil-tup Uefk fur al Li -05. BIG FRESH Ju-rney-Durhaiu cow; scrub. I'hone Auto. tW2-7. i'iaiioH. Orgmm unil Mimical Instrument. CLEARANCE OF USED PIANOS. $425 HaMet &. Dav s upright $lfi 450 H. P. Nelson, larne wainut. ... 215 (too steger He Sons, mission 305 1HH) Steinway & Sons, roue wood ... . 3'.5 750 Kranicu & Hach. oak 2!t3 Parlor organs, 1S. 425, 3o.. $15, to $08 Terms $10 or mure cash. 3. $0. $8, $10 monthly. Schwsn Plar.o Co, loi 10:h st I S ED l'HONU'i It A t'HS. We have a nice aKcuon of table phonographs. Victor IX at $45; Colum bia at $27.50 and fjO; I'aihe t a. so one Brunswick cabinet, mahogany, $75. and one Edison cmiinet nmuouiiy, $'-'Jo style, at $ 1 75 ; terms. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 1 in Sixth st. LII'MAN. WOLFE At CO.. CLOSING OUT .Martin Bros, upright piano $175 li mze-Kimbail upright piano 115 Hallet & Davia uprm'bt piano 215 Wellington upright piano 105 Schubert & Co. up rig at pisno 2I5 Smith & Barnes upright piano. . . . 315 $10 each. $1 and $S a mouth. 7th floor Lipir.an. Woife & Co. $ 5 ORAb'ONOLA. 10 used records! 25 05 Stradivara and 10 used records 45 140 Pathe. cabinet. 20 used records 05 175 Sonora. cabinet, 20 used records 145' 140 Brunswick. 20 uaed records.... 05 175 Columbia cab., 20 used records 115 $5 " sends one home, then $3, $5 and up monthly. Sch wan Piuno Co., 101 Tenth st. at Washington st. BOY SCOUT DRUMS made by Ludwlg Co.. heavy thumb screw rods, ca t head and water-proof snares with hickory sticks. 2 e:zes; $0.50 and $7.50. li. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 Sixth St. DRUMMER'S outfit comp.ete, including bass and snare drum, cymbals, pcd.il.s. everything a drummer shou-d have, only $75. O. F. Johtiiwn Piauu Co., 140 Sixth m reet. PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING, ex pert workmanship guaranteed. Selber-Ung-Lucas M uslc Co., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. Bdwy. 6570. USED PIANOS BOUGHT FOR CASH. STUDENTS' VIOLIN outi it. includes vio lin, bow, case, rosin and extra strings, all complete, only $1S. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 Sixth St. PACIFIC RECORD EXCHANGE. Central market, 4tti ai.d Yamhill; used records bought, Fold and exoliariRed; pop ular hits. 5c; latest okeh Mamie Smith selections. A DANDY baby grand piano. Just lik new, a wonderful buy. only K5. Don't miss this one. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., Hit Sixth st. MARSHA i. I- & WEN 1A 1. 1.. mahogany case, 175 ; a fine practice and some bargain. SE1 BER I.I N i-I.UCA S MUSIC CO., 125 4th st., bet. Wa.sh. and Alder. 2!0 CASH Buys $750 Planista piuyer piano, includ ing bench and 4J player rolls Security Morale. Co . H'3 10th. cor. Stak. HJNZEMAN PIANO, old model. $125. good condition. SEI BERLING-I.UCAS MU SIC CO., 125 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Alder. PJIONOOKAPHS REPAIRED, any make, guaranteed work, quick service. Seiher-liug-Eucaa Music Co., 125 4th St.. bet. Wn.h. and Alder. SToRY & CLARK $275, almost new. See this bargain ; terms given. SKI HE It LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th St.. , bet. Wnsh. and Alder. j SONoRA phonograph, $140, mahogany, used very little, record worm -u, in- j riuded. Will d. Iv. Call evenings and ; K u n 1 i a y. Wood! wn .MltiO. j A -SNAP, mahog.iny upright piano, fine tone and action ; $ 1 50 i-.ish, no terms, Ca.l evt-nings. 41 E. 3Mh st. North. Automatir I'.L'l-rtl. STEINWAY t SoN PIANO $400. a won derful piano at a real bargain ; terms given. SEI HER LING-LLC AS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. $20, $3U. 4U. $08, $00 and $ 1 OU c lo-ung ou; new and used phonographs. Terms $.i cash, 1 3, 4, $5 and $! month. Sihvran Piuno Co., 101 Tenth at Wnsh and Stark TWO HRUNSWICKS, used for demonstra tion only, at a reduction. Seiberling Lueas Music Co., 125 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder. LE LAN D PIANO. $250, plain mahogany case, equal to new ; terms given. SEl HER1.1 NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St., het. Wash, and A Ider. A PERFECTLY new phonograph, standard make, plays all records, mahogany case. Terms anil low price to quick buyer, p h one E ast 43 VICTOR banjo, al.-o guitar, with case, and Hawaiian attach men is. Kirt -class condition and a bjrgain. Mr. Wood, 01 21st st. Tel. Mnin 7V5. LY PRIVATE Mrt . Columbia- Grafuiiul.i. very little used ; lis records; $55. Mum SPOT CASH X'AID FOR. PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS. PR OA DW A V 7101- 12S FIRST. PHONOGRAPH P'. fik .ie with top. SEI HERL1 NG-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4ih st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. CONN C MEL. saxophone, ad gold, pearl buttons, fine case; $100; terms. G. F. joh n.'on Pmno Co.. 140 Sixth st. PIANOS moved. u. k round Iloor: work done by expert and g uaranltsed, Cai. Broadway 12U7. MRT1N C Mel. tuxophone, sliver with v.d hell. $120. terms. G. if . Johnbon Piano Co.. 141 Sixth at VOU RENT Piano, 3 mo. ; grafonola Empire Transfer, with records, $3 mo. lidwy. LS. PIANO FOR SALE Will saertfii-e high grade piano, used less than six months. 1 v i ng city, wantrnsh. ."."4 Welil'o r si. FOR SALE. Ford roadster. In first-class condition, phone Hdwy. :;;n. A. H. CHASE piano, burl walnut, upright, exeellunt condition, fine to ue, walnut -bench. Wdln. 241IK V1CTROLA, cabinet sue, $1(10, equal to new. SEIUERL1NO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12o 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder. IIU.I CASli Secures $40 Hallet A Da via upright Security Storage Co . ma 1 o? h. cor. Stark $ii5 AND L"' CASli Buys two email upright pianos. Security t o rage l-".. I" oi. o -irn WE WILL trade ou a new VictroU or Cheney Phonograph for your o.d piano. O F. Johnson Piano Co., 1 4ft Sixth st. HoLTON CORNET, quad, silver plate, gold bell; r j """ -riuuo La, 14.1 Sixth st. PHONOGRAPH Vletrola cabinet No. Hi. $HHt; win trane iur ruru anu pay dif fer e n ce. E. 4 IV 7 rt. LARC-E cabinet phonograph; will trade or hM I. M a ke offer. To J E. Cou c h . 275 CASH buys $N."i0 Hardman cabinet graiK. piano, o ' "'h i!:ru:u- StfUft SCHILLER upright grand piano. 3a0- wain u 1 - . - " " ' -r v . a $ti."0 R. S HOWARD piano, $300; walnut; sweet Tone. oil uiuy. PI ANO wanted ; will pa) used piano. Tabor lUUi y cash for good PIANO wanted, pay vana for bargain. M arshall L-'- TRADE 32oO Vletrola outfit for good used piano. Hroadway 6o7B. WANTED to rent pood piano, responsible parties. AR 3.'t2, Oregonian. FOR NICE cabinet UrafonuU, tcrnia, I ituipu TrauaXur. Bdwy, Xo4, - FOR SALE. Pimm. OrgHnw mid Mil d chI Instrument. NEW LOCATION. HAROLD S. GILBERT, 107 WEST PARK'. BETWEEN STARK AND WASHINGTON. PIANOS. PHONOGRAPHS REPAIRED. RENTED. SOLD. Furniture for Snip. D A V EN PORT MANUFACTURERS. We are making a line of overstuffed davenports and chairs which are equl to the best lines made In the east and we are selling them at prices equal to the chea pest lines made anywhere. Pretty bruad statement? We will admit that It is, but we are able and willing to prove It. We are starting an educa tional advertising; campaign on daven port construction. Would you like to Join us? Whether you buy or not. we will be more than pleased to teach you free. Many styles of davenports !arns assortment of tapestries, mohairs, ve lours, denims, etc. Few samples at rock bottom prices. Phone 635-27. Evening and Sundays Tabor 5717, or Automatic 6115-27 Altchaelson-Mayson. Inc., 54bJ Foster road. SAVE MONEY. Try our sates department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to moat al! points in our through pool cars: expert packing, re pairing and refinifhing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 4th St., Opp. Multnonmn tiotst. 1 LEATHER chair. 4 oak leather covered chairs, oak dining and library taineS and buffet, dishes, kitchen ware, pic tures, rugs, mattress, curtain., 2 suits if men's clothes, etc, Ry piece or all. An- between 10 and 1, I a 4 . ah 2 HI. 20th and Washington, Zumbr court. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar g.i'ns. Call or phone for salesman. IRWIN HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. loth and Stark Sts. Rdwy. 3144 HAN D-CARVKD Chinese curio cabinet. Player piano, mahogany esse; large dav enport and three beautiful chairs, soiid mahogany, blue velour upholstery, all in f'rst-c!ai end It ion. Rdwy. 4538. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going eat or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. Transfer & Storage Co.. C. M. Olson 248 Pine street COM III NAT ION range, burns wood, cal or khv; used 1 year: reasnnnbl; hNd snia.l heal in g stove, burn wood or coal. 2tid Cook avenue. FURNITURE lor sale. Including gas rang, coal or wood beater, Ruud water heater. bed spring and maltreat. 4ov5 10th st., nun and coal rane with gas attach ment; davenport and Simmons bed for sain. East M25. H E A I T 1 1'T I. mahogany bul'fet, practical ly new; price must b sold at once I'nrtv leaving. Main S-72. LIN'Ol.Kl M and Domestic K ranie wiih 2 ovens and warming closet. Sell wood ;i 5 5 2. SIMMoXS three-quarter brass bed, spring and mutt l ess, f 25. W not! la wn 4i42. 1,'UHKM J E. in hi 1751 and linens. -r ave OAK 1-VM'lM lamp, best g 1 : Kl, good colid it loll ; K ll burners. Marshall 420. 5-lil H w ! : : 'M modem bungalow and furniture; sell all. r part. Tabor 4:tHi. Ofllee 1 urnit lire. OFFICE t ui i: i t ui eou.sistiriK of roll-top oak doMk, 2 flt-tnp oak desks, 2 rugs, check protector. Underwood, typewriter, chairs and sundry articles. Inquire of T. W. Kendall, till 1'ittock blk. ONE Kol.l.-Tol' T. desks. 2 Uat-tnp de 1 sai-. Hushong ts W. di-fk. 3 roll-top iks, 5 tables. H chairs. Co , !1 Park st. BEAUTIFUL roll-top desk, must se-11 at niM-e. leaving town, only $25. 20S Stock Exehangt bldg. T pew r it era. H EC ONSTR UCTED MACHINES. THE li ET IN TTPKWIUTEKS. IRON -C I. A D GUARANTEE. A 1.1, M A EES CALL OK Will T E 1 OR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WIIOI.KSALH T i'i'E WRITER CO. 821 Washington tit. Main 50SL REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange ; we are exclusive dis tributor uf Corona portable, f 50 com plete with carrying iuce ; supplies aud repairs uf nil makes. OKEOON TM'EWRlTEIt CO., Ii4 Fit til St. M aln Foil KENT L. C Smith typewriter.; bpe eial rate to students. D. C. Siuil h A. Bros. Typewriter Co., Son Spalding bldg. Mi;n 574. FOR KENT Underwood, lit iiiingtori type w rite 1 s. $:r50 mo. Empire Tranmer. Hdwy. 155 KEi'AlUS, rent, buy, iel;; writer Inspection Co., -1 1 MippleS, T.Vpe- ! Stark. M. 55 it. N E W r:i t rebuilt fecund -hand rentals ut cut . P. 1 . Co., 2.'! I Staik st. Main 1 H)7. Poultry. RU FF I.EdHOltX pitliets, $1.45; Black Minorca, laying iu-avy, $1.75; young V hite Leghorn hens, $1 .25 ; Anrnna hens, pullets, $1.25; U. Hocks, $1 45. Come or write. J. L. Hum, 235 East Hni . . Iva y. 5l Y KNTIIlK f lock of R. I. Reds. Owens Farm ut ram, coiis.sts of 4o pullets, 14 .ar old hens, 5 cockerels, flnn breeding Mock, nuint sell at once. 253 E. 7Uth M. ,. 15u l.AiiMi vVlute Leghorn pullets. $1.J5 each. 15" laving White Leghorn yearling liens, $1 each. J. It. M.tgulr 77 Ore gon t.. 2 blocks north uf East 24th and id v Eolt SALE 22 White L. ghoril pullet o A . ('. sto. k ; 3uo feet of 0-t'i. chicken netting. 1 M.ister brooder, 5oO chicks. Mil. ii:.2-54. . i ' I A E . hep herd a I rain A moiia cork ere's. V i ' I deliver to Port land. Man- cum, Camas, Wash , Rt. 1. Hux 40-A NEWTOWN 11 R lOl-KH. 1 000 capacity, good as new ; used 3 weeks, $22.50. K HBKED 1. up. Atlto. i k Miiuirt a rooster. Dog. ILibbtlH. itmis and Pet Slock. ST. ANDRE ASH ERG ROLLERS. fine birds, exclent singers: also females. SI East Taylor. East 'M': I AT STl D EntiMi t.iul. nKisuered ARC :ti2:i47. coi,.r brludle. weight 43 pounds. Telephone K;i.-t 7 IM FOR SALE Hull lerrie children Cull Hd', :12W pup, very fond of Washington st. Ft ) It SA I.E H .1 rt 1 mountain canaries; reus on, tide Whim tin wn 51 '.'4. P. E A I'Tll'TL leaving rny sniK- r. y., uwne M-iiti'iitMi-ry st. HI; All 11- T L S-iuonih-oui bloodhound, f 'rce.i to sacrifice. .Vitl Market. lltiulH, Luum-lien and .Marine Kt-imif nt. FOR SALE Furnished modern houseboat. No. 1 Oregon Yacht club, li a2'J. Orego nlan. Keg mitl II U reN. KEGS AND oak. Wes; m.. near I' HA P. r: els Fir and white rn t'oopirate Co., .Icti N. 14tn 'tl move, l'liotie A. 511-ID. Foil SAL E On. itig eriK-n-'. d '. K. W.. i.HJ v generator. Ti g.iod as new ;,,Mres v O 7'i::o Hi art wbui g Fiein -'Cte-l to one ofl C W estinKhouse u prdt'ticaoy d ;i information D :s u:i!t For tio 1 JO r. it. Wash Kilt SAl.i". mi t-.iu 11:1. one et 1 24-fon Mi-Comte k a : r w heel for 2U to 4'-f-ot head. 2-o h p. Addret James H. Wh- .er. W iv ' H'Mt. or. t ol and hh(. MCE Hi he tw w lieie ; n. h ..... r iu 1 lv bargain . . 2o. t'ov SI . . I'- L 1 1 r. e,ioned, a le I. load ; any- r I '- lli-tn. couiUT) :.o ,.;! t Tip. WHY HI V DRY WOOD? Die load part I v il : y bit k aud ulab, $r; planer trmuuinn f."t 7 5. Woodlawn 4 1 22. DRY 10-iin'h tr- t,lli ,,lh in I x.'d bloi k a nd :ub ; immediate delivery. Wdln. 2" 10. ltl'...T d ; y eoi'd wm d. f 7 and $ S per cord . block and t.ab. $'J doulde load; nil olock wo. id jl'.i double lad Tabor .'.2:. - HOXWUUD 41 Pr.it LOAD. Fulton Wood Ct . di-itiern tn box and Blah wood 1211 Mcn lain, Main 41 7 3 Gi.1t.1l) ilry tir coidwooa. ST 2." eord ; h avy eountry slab. :i.2."i ; Rock Springs L'tah 1 u 1 1 1 p en ui. E 1 7 HESr diy cordwood. fd To .uol t7 o0 eord; bloek iiU'l lah, 1 double load; all block wood. $12 .lou'e Innd. Hdwy. 41 hi D R Y CO K 1 Yoo D, Jtl Mt and $T..'" per rord, delivered iu 2-load lots. VVd.n 11311 NO. 1 DRY OLD ORuWTH THAI IS DRY Only ?7 SO cord Aut BKLftf DoNE-DKY bo w 00 d , i i n 1 ti niIr. M; heavy dry wreckage, t Ids load. Wood- la lit; to. 11 EST old-Ki w 1 li dry Hi. JT.o". la:ge dlwood HH. nd-grow t h. $t. S 3 A LOAD, lit-inch lt y plana J imal. timber Seliwnod 31.M. FtTl'R-EOOT block and railroad ties; also 1 H -i n stove wood. M nr. 2H4H. FIRST growth A-l c d wood, il-'I., $7.50; slabwood. J4 I 'bone Hdwy 4-r.o. DRY, P1R grow 1 h Aut. 2.V ordwouil, iti per ill FIKST-OROWTH wnod. dry, $H cohl; m ond-growth. dry, J .V cord. Aut ti21- DRV SLAB, mill run. $4 a vonl deilvared. Sellwood 1270 JH'.4 East 10 1 h st. DRY CORDWOOD. Ill T.'i and f S per cord delivered. Wood la w n rt:i 12 SAMPLE ruck cn. $1. any kind. LUico.u fiui, 1U ion. Ldy. tf-U THoiioUt" ery elit