1G THE 3IORMXG ORECOMAX, W E D N E S DAY, JANUARY 11, 1922 HF.I.P WW NTKF WITH IXVF.STMKXT. MECHANIC or steam engineer tnr partner, oig lanu clearing contract, southern Ore- ft on; security gi vcn for $5oo required ; good wages. BC 353, oriyonlmi. HKI.I' WA.NTKl WITH INVESTMENT. Half interest in photo studio, will Teach new man. $125. Mly. 4330. LI V K W1KK with small ami. of ni-tn'-v: my proposition lit good. Kant 3317 until 10 A. M. SITUATION W ANTFIV-MAI K. L'ISA BLED cx-u rvice man need position very badly. Have had electrical en gineering experience and would prefer permanent position with an electrical company, but will take anything tem porarily. Can fri ve references at to character. Call Main 7Hi7 morning or after 3 P. M HtifJ H--k for Mo A da ms. XJ SA BLED ex-w rvu e man nerds position very badly. Have hail electrical en K inhering ex pcrience and would prefer permanent posit ion with an electrical company, but will take anything tem porarily, fan give references as to character, Ca U Main 7n7 nmrnlnsa or after 3 P. M. and ask for Mc Ad ants. JAPANKSK. neat couple, want position In nice fa mlly, cit y or country ; man D many yea i s' experienced first-class cook ; wife wait on table or do house -H'ork ; cm furnish best references. Please call Hthino, phone Broadwuy 4254. 02 N. Mh st.. city. MACHINIST. American. A-l. all around steady, married man. age 20. 10 years experience on production and repair work, factory maintenance work pre ferred. H Butler. USl Hawthorne ave. Tahnr ?,5M , EX-SERVICE man. married, willing for any kind of work; truck or private driv ing; will consider must anything. Main 152U. Basement apt. OFKh E M AN. btenograph-r, bookkeeper, several vcars' experience; married; no objections to leaving city. Call Main '7537. Address 720 Northwestern Bank building. s'OUNG married man. 25. wants work in or out of town; 7 years' experience men's clothing and furnishings, but will take anything that promises a good living wag e. AH 33 S. Oregonian. MAN, 3 yearn old. of initiative and thor ough business experience, wishes connec tion, preferably with new manufacturing business. Ai in gonian. YOUNG man wants work afternoons and nil iUv SHfirdav : will also Work eve nings. Can do anything; best ref. Call Sell wood 2Hwm, YOUNG man familiar with city wants po tdtion. Drives any make car or can fur nish car; gro cry and hardware experi ence. Call East 3V.i, WANTED Situation on firat-class ranch by single man; can take full charge; best of references. Main 094. BO 341, Oregonian. liETL'RNED overseas war veteran of 0th regiment marines must nave worn: win ing to do anything: good references. Room 32H. AliWr hotel. MARRIED man would like watchman's 1ob or night man in garage. Call Main 0470 City Hall apis., room 39. will do flnythin g OKEICK man, 14 years' experience mer cantile lines as bookkeeper, credit man and office manager; will leave city. K '.i'JU, firegonian. POSITION aa hotel or rooming house clerk or porter, night or day, 1J years ex perience, city. Edw, Fegan, general de livery. P o. WANTED KalPOinining, old walls made like new; work guaranteed. Call or ad dress J). A. Renurd. 3112 Hall st. Phone T a b o r ft 70 9. EXPERIENCED man wishes position as superintendent or engineer in office bldK-. understands care of heating systems and hydraulic elevators. Auto. tl39-4fl. MARRIED man. 34. ten years' experience general contractor's offfce. Inside or out side; salary secondary to future; go anywhere. AV U, Oregonian. EXCELLENT Filipino cook, 10 years' ex perience, wants position. AM 34s. Ore gnnian. ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper, 14 years In mercantile, railroad and shipping work will leave city. r aJ.i, Oregonian. CARi'ENTElt. contracting, repairing, i modeling; reliable mechanic. Broadway MS 7. CLEAN, strong, young Germ an-spea king man, '20, wishes position; willing to learn trade. UK 331. Oregonian. MALE piano player wants dance work or hear from party starting orcnestra, Mc Don o u gh, phone East 2094. CAKPENTEH New or repair work, small Jobs promptly done, estimates cheerfully given. Tabor oiis'. I AM 17 years old, eighth grade educa tion, have had 1 months' office work ; need .loh badly. AH 344. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 17, wants office work, had 14 months' experience. Ralph Williams. Tnbor t414. PRUNING and landscape work wanted by au expert gardener and horticul ture. Call Tabor 1310 YOUNG MAN. 24, ex-soldier, 1 year at col lege, general experience, also good driver. Tabor 3 YUL'NG marl, 19. position at anything; can drive car; salary second object. Ben, Broadway 331. GA R D EN EH, long experience, lawns cut, grounds beautified : best references. Wdln. 20.VJ. W. E. Stearns. NKAT Japanese (Eurasian) wants general housework, small family. AC 340, Ore gon iarv MECHANICAL draftsman, willing to start low wages In drafting room; neat; good character. A f 34.i. t )regonlan. C A R P K N T E R. REPAIR, TINTING, PA INTING; REFERENCE. BDWY .S!)t'7. BOOKKEEPER-ACCOUNTANT will invest In good concern where services can be used. AlC 3.12. Ore goniaa. EX-SERVICE man wants small sets books to kepp. Very reasonable charges. Mar- shall .Wd. apt. 24. GENERAL carpenter, contractor and re pair work. Phone Auto. 332-37. 41st st. and Sandy b!vd. CARPENTER, new or repair, day or con tra ctbulldlrigsttm PAPER hanging, painting, tinting. Ei. Bennett. 770 Williams ave. Wdln. 209. LET US figure your wiring. Old houses our specialty. Woodlawn M.'O. MARRIED man needs work, painting, tlnt Ing. floor polishing. M aclin. East 1 816. PAINTING, paper cleaning and tinting. Phone Main 9179. EXPERIENCED Filipino willing to work an houseboy. A H 337, Oregonian. FIREPLACES, furnaces, chimneys, every thing in brickwork. Kant 790S. YOUNG Japanese wants position; a school. boy. Automatic M2-K0, POSITION" wanted, all around janitor. Mr. Hrown, Hdwy. 1791. YOUNG Japanese wants position as schoot b o y. Call Automat 1c Ml -30. CARPENTER C. S.. 20 years' experience, day or contract. ."fi31 S3d st. S. E. SHINGLING. Work guaranteed. Phone E. RIf3. EXCAVATING, GRADING. general teaming; reasonable. East RS73. SHINGLING, roof repairing. Prices rea sonable; work guaranteed. Aut. 325-16. CARPENTER JOBBING. Rep airing and painting. East fl 3 U ft. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. 210. day times only. WANTED Hauling for 2-ton truck; rea son a b leSuttmT:WdlnJ 303fl. CARPENTER wants work by day or con t ract, first -class work. Wood la wn 20i3. ' PAPERING. PAINTING, TINTINtJ Lowest price, best work. East 7042. ALL AROUND Janitor and furnace man. ' first-class, wants position. Bdwy. 4 lu. PLUMBING done very leasonauly, by hour or job. Auto. 233-51. BRICK contractor, tile nouses, garages, fireplaces; pries right. Tnbor 8793 PAINTING, kalsomining. good work, rea so nnble. J. Clausen. Woodlawn 34 14 Book keepers. Stenographers, Office. WE INSTALL and operate a special book keeping system, including income tax service indorsed by leading merchants' asscciatlotisi ; work done by expert ac countants ror $10 to $15 monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau. 717 Gasco bid. Main 433H YOUNG man, 2S, experienced bookkeeper, now living outside city, desires position in Portland; willing to work for small alary to show his ability: best oT ref erences: strong and healthy and would be willing to do any other work. AF 345,' Oregonian. EX PER I ENCED office man. 20 years' general ex perience ; bonk keeper, costs, credits, capable taking full charge, seeks permanent position. Ta bor 21 11. a'uUNG married man wishes position writing sales, collection and adjustment letters; good penman : experience and A J 341, Oregon ian. KXPEKIKNtEU book keep-.-r, not afraid of work, wishes position with certified pub lic accountant; references. O 337. Ore gonion. BOOKKEEPER several years' varied ex perience, familiar with office duties and credits. Capable of taking entire charge Tabor 730. COMPETENT male steuo., -typist wants half day work. $13 week. A. B., 1305 E. Eighth st. North. WANTED Small Wet of books to keen evenings by competent hook keeper and accountant. A B 34. iregonian LX-SERVICK man. 23 years old, 7 years' office experience with flour mills. Job b e r Sjn i t uiu f a ctu r e rs. P 320. O re goni a n . ACCOUNTANT. BEST OK LOCAL REF ERENCES. AN 350, OREGONIAN. YOUNG MAN. bookkeeper, wishes a posi tion; A-l references. AK 349, Oregonian. SITIATIOXS W ANTE l FK l A I.K. ; ANNUS HL'XTER would like work by day or n our, laundry or cleaning : am px pericntvl n ioth kinds of work Old address, .'xlll Everett st. Phone Bdwy. 3322. changed to Bdwy. 103H. New ad dress. K. -Jht st . corner Everett. Phone Amo 514-41. room ". REFINED lady engaged in musical work during day would teach music or do liKht services morning and evening in pleasant home, in exchange for board an 1 room. Phone Y. W. C. A. Ask for Mrs. I,. Leave phone. YOUNG lady wishes comfortable house keeping room or bedroom in exchange for piano lesions to one or two begin ner ; good reference, west Bide pre ferred. AV N4, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman wants light housework in plain working family where woman is rmpluved through the day; $3 a week. Give phone number. BJ 30, Oregonian W A N T K D- li v an experienced honest, ex perienced woman, an apartment house to run on salary or percentage. Phone Main HOTEL manageress wants position either hotel or apt. house; thoroughly experi enced; can furnish first-class references. Phone East 1005. - ALTO. KNITTER OWNERS can learn something of particular inter est to them by addressing BD 30. Ore- gon'.a n. WOMAN, experienced in cafeteria, noiei. or restaurant work, or as pastry cook. Call Women's Protective Division, Bdwy. 7 1 22. EXPERIENCED trustworthy lady wants housecleaning, washing or other work; c.fod work done. Woodlawn 6305. FIRST-CLASS piano player wishes to con nect with good orchestra: also private parties solicited. Phone Main S4QI. RELIABLE, middle-aged womaan wani cooking or housekeeping in country. M. K rti7 E. 3Hth st. N. Tabor M4S. YOUNG lady desires position on farm for man and wife or small family; best ref erences. AL 334. oregonian EXPERIENCED second maul w"J i cny references, wants position. AO 34i, ore- DENTAL assistant with considerable ex perience, desires position. BO 33 1 . Ore gonlan. - YOl'NtA lndv with experience in doctor's office would like position in either doe tor's or dental office. Call Auto. B.l-I.Y YuL'Nif woman, experlencea in no n restaurant work, would like any kind ol Broadway room LADY wishes position In dentist's or doc tor's office three or four hours per day. AR 340. Oregonian HIGH SCHOOL GIRD wants to work Ir board and room: wages required. W rite to Mrs. WPls. Til Missouri h'--. EXPERIENCED, reliable woman witn daughter desires place as housekeeper. HD 341. uregonian. MAN AND wife, woman wants manage ment of apartment house; experienced. East 27-5. room HI. SITUATION by reliable, experienced young lady as clerk or manapr tc" w rerv store. East 11"- vnirvfi inlv wants iob collecting, all or part time; or would consider reception room wnrK. j it .-t i. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position in hotel, restaurant or cafeteria. I hone Main ffN3'.'. room in. u-ivrKD Bv lefined lady. houseKeepm fnr w dower witn cnuoren. i au-" LADY wishes work by Hour or aay. Ben- wood MMt. CHAMBERMAID work by competent voung woman. w mmmw n "- LADY wishes day work, 4oc per hour. Phone Sell, '-'fit.. EXP. CHAMBERMAID wishes position. Broadway 101". apt, EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work by hour or day. iiroan way ini. m COOK and helper want job In mill of amp. Phone Marsnaii FRENCH governess speaks four languages, would like a position. .au u '- EXPERIENCED laundress, cleaning laundrv work by day. rnwy. FOR EXPERIENCED day worker. Call E. fis4 WOMAN wants work, by hour. East VJi'J, room 0. CLEANING, laundry, by day or hour. Main M22 EXPERIENCED woman wants day work, washing, ironing, cleaning. -"21 -02. EXPERIENCED chambermaid; best city reference. Phone East 143. Book keepers. Stenographer. Office. YOUNG ladv, experienced bookkeeper stenographer desires position In lumber ramp, sawmill or out-of-town position; best references. East 6r91, or write Jane Burn s. 494 E. lflth st. North. ' COMPETENT steno. with knowledge of bookkeeping desires position where effi ciency is essential: years' experience. Phone Automatic (142-9H. u ipm arbitrate stenographer and book keeper, 4 years' experience, desires posi tion; reasonaoie. ins uimBirau. shall 12M STENOGRAPHER experienced In general office work, capable meeting public, wishes position in doctor's office. East 1 236. STENOGRAPH ER wants permanent po-Hiiinn- exeetit ive and sales experience; also dictaphone, mimeograph. Tabor Hti'Jl. YOUNG lady desires position in omce; stenographer, general office work. Main 2118. MARRIED lady would like office work, bookkeeping preferred. A J 340. Orego nian. BOOKKEEPING, clerical work. filing, needs work very badly. Wdln. 3523. YOUNG lady stenographer, experienced, wants permanent position. Tabor 1757. BEoT.VNER wishes stenographic position. Please call East , PrfiMnifikprii THE GLAD SHOP. Gowns for every occasion copied from sketches or orlglnat designing. Main 5334. 1001 Bd w v. hldg. DRESSMAKING Those desiring first class work call Mrs. laura C. Owen. Mar. 1047 I absolutely guarantee to please the most exacting. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, prices reason able, references. Stout ladles' work so licited. 1 111 B. Taylor st. Tabor 4009. MEN'S shirts a specialty, prices reason able; also plain sewing. Automatic 520 12. Mrs. Wilson. 071 Glisan st. DRESSMAKING. Sewing: good work, reasonable, dny or hour. Main 254. by DRESSMAKING DON E REASONABLY. MRS GOOD, WOODLAWN 2146. SILK dresses a specialty; prices reason able. 422 Morrison, room 6. upstairs. GUARANTEED plain and fancy sewing, $3 a day. Sellwood 174. DRESSMAKING Children's sewing a spe cialty. Auto. 321-05. PLAIN Be wing and dressma king, coats, dresses, furs remodeled. Tabor 271 3. HEMSTITCHING. 6c A YARD. 330 H MOR RISON ST., ROOM 216. MAIN 3045. SEWING by Phone Mar. day or hour, reasonable. 2541. or call nt 745 Hoyt st. POSITION by trained, experienced nurse, short or practical cases, best of refer ences; reasonable. Tabor 6514. MATERNITY HOME Best care to pa- E. 868. tients; clean place; reasonable. REFIX ED, practical nurse wishes case; Inv.Cid or elderly. Auto. 03 1-21. Housekeeper-. CON F I DENT, unincumbered, in id die-aged lady, wishes housekeeping for widower or bachelor; experienced cook and neat housekeeper. Call or write Mrs. M. E. Gray, room 200. Alder hotel. A POSITION as housekeeper for men or man with children ; am middle-aged, good cook: can give the best of refer ences. East 3955. WIDOW with child 5. would take care of a respectable rooming or apartment house or keep house for two or three men or elderly couple. East 470. LADY of refinement wishes position as housekeeper in gentleman's home, city or count rv; neat housekeeper and good cook. AC 332. Orcgo'iian. WIDOW, 37. unincumbered, wants posi tion aa housekeeper; neat, thrifty, cheer ful disposition; give particulars. AN 3?y, Oregonian. HESPECTA BLE. elderly woman wants luiusekeeping for widower, with one child, in plain home. Give phone num ber. N 3:if, Oregonian. Domestic. CAPA BLE woman wishes cooking and downstairs work; references. AF 334, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED cook, private family, r ond main, keep p to Ltroailway 1 3 :i 3 . HoutTleanlnc. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace, cleaning. Doors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman a. Phone Main 1157. VEKIBEST WINDOW CLEANERS COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning floor waxing and vacuum cleaning : estimates cheerfully given; best of references. WANTF.D TO RENT. If OUMCfi. YOUNG married couple with child wish to rent or lease furnished 2 or 4-room house or flat in Hawthorne or Woodstock district by Jan. 11-12. AE 341. Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. II output. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable rumisnea ana unfurnished nouses, apart ments and flats, with definite informa tion pertaining o each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this buieau of great value In helping tbsm get properly and quickly local so. Eighth Floor. 5 OR 6-ROOAJ house with garage in Ala meda, lrvlngton or Laureihurat. ain, 4 4 US. WESPLYN ACHES Water, lights; hotjjte or car. Auto. 03 4 -S3. Apartments. WANTED i or .Vroom furnished apt. or flat, at least 2 bedrooms, by brother and sister employed: will furnish best of ref- erenceg. BC3.ti. Oregonian. WANTED 3 or 4 -room unfurnished apart ment, close In on west side. A J 334. Oregonian. Rooms. KEKINED business man desires room in modern home. Must have private or be near public garage. Widows Dome pre ferred. AG Oregonian. UY YOUNG lady, comfortable private family; use of piano. Oregonian. room in AH 353, YOUNG woman wants a home. Bdwy. 0(iS4 hefore Hl::m A. M. or after :3 P M. Rooms With Board. LADY, employed, wants rm. in clean modern home, where baby boy 15 mos, old will get good care after 4:30 eve nings. East '7.VJ. ' HoiiNfkeepf ng Itoomn FURNISHED h. k. rooms, flat or small house in Kenton dist. Full particulars. Atv ddtt, oregonian. FOR RKNT. rnrntwhetl 4oomft. VOH RENT. Bachelor rooms In high -class apartment house; very lovely and warm; single and en suite; for re fined gentlemen or ladies. and up; references required, ltttt St. Clair st. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 1.2.1 PER DAY, PER WK. AND UP CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in ail parts of the city, including room at the Y. M. C. A., with phone is) each room, shower baths and club facilities. NICE furnished sleeping rooms, heat and all conveniences, reasonable; 1 room hardwood floors, walking distance, west aide. 057 Flanders at. Phone Broad- way 272. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS. 2 WEEK. . Clean furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc., 3rc and 50c per night; ft-storv brick. 403 Front, cor. Harrison. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suite at reason able rate by wck or month. ANGELA HOTEL. C23 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fireplace. Special rates to permanent guests. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th st.. corner Alder A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath, $2. Special rates by week or montn. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM under new man agement. 602 "a Washington st. Modern, private bath. free phones ; reasonable rates; $3.50 week up. Main 31. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh st.. near Morrison Clean and modern rooms oy day, week or month at reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st.. at 10th $1 day. weekly $3 and up. 'ree pnone and baths:- light and airy. Steam heat NEW PERKINS HOTEL.. Washington and Fifth Street. Special permanent rates. ALEXANDER HOTEL. 131 H 10th at. at Alder Clean rooms, by day or week. Some housekeeping. KENTON - HOTEL at Kenton station. sleeping und h. k. rooms; not water, steam heat. $2.50 and up per week. ATTRACTIVE rooms with steam heat, lo cation desirable. Penrose apt., xv Grand ave. at Belmont. East 4548. 50c DAY. $2.30 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jerrerson. NICE, clean sleeping and H. K. room $2.30 and up. naxter notei. aui. bio-w. LA RRABEE HOTEL Steam-heated rooms $3 week up. Larrabee and Holiaday 2 MORRISON, cor. 13th.. choice rooms, modern conveniences; walking ill stance. LARGE room, furnace heat; use piano; first floor. 327 Sixth. MODERN large sleeping rooms; under new management. 331 11th st. Auto. 516-12. I nltiriiifdied Room. LARGE, inside room, vacant 15th; untur nished: $0. J. W, Wiseman, violin maker, 149H First st. Furnitthed Rooms In Private Family. TWO ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms on same floor with bath. Plenty of heat and hot water. Free telephone. Every thing strictly modern. All home privi leges; board if desired. Right on car line. Unusual opportunity for those who care for refined homelike place. Also has garage. Take Irvington car to 13th and Tillamook. 434 E. 15th st. N. Phone East 8905. COMFORTABLE cheery room in attractive neigh borhooa on w est side, easy walk ing distance, or 1 block to car. Hot water, bath, phone, etc. Plenty of cloet room: will rent to business man; break fast and dinner If desired. CaJl 411 14th st.. or phone Mar. 3332. CONGE.nial young man wishes roommate; twin beds, hot and cold water, house newly furnished throughout, parlor, piano and home privileges; also sleeping porch; ra t es $3 50 up 01 N. 1 St h. Bdwy. 2721 NICE clean front room in modern fiat, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; west side, near Central library. - Call at 22$ 10th st.. or phone Main 55H. COUPLE will share beautifully furnished hungalow witn l refined adults ; break fast if desired. 128 E. 32d st. Sunnyside car. Auto. 216-33. FURNISHED room in private family or small apt., in good neighbor hood, east 'or west side, by refined, educated young man. A r 341, oregonian. LARGE, attractive room near Beaumont and Rose City car for business girls; abundance heat, hot water; use of living room, kitchen and laundry. Tabor 561 LOVELY warm room adjoining bath. Phone, with or without kitchen prlvil eges; walking distance. 470 Park. Main Moil. COM PORTABLE room for gentleman, fur nace, bath adjoining, no other roomers, very close in. west side. Main 3211 322li Broadway. ATTRACTIVELY turnlahed room In mod ern flat, close In, east side ; kitchen pilvlleges: rent reasonable. Main So 29 A SLEEPING room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Private entrance, steam heat, close in, 3Q7 11th st.. apt. E. Mar. 4S1. rs icbh x iurnisned iront room lor 1 or 2 gentlemen, all conveniences, walking dis- ta nee. -'.n fc.. Ankeny. cor, of 10th. SINGLE room in modern home to business or professional woman. 14th near Mont go nieryMiin7117. DESIRABLE room In fine modern apart ment, west side, walking distance. Mar sha 11 4563. COSY room for two; twin beds; home cooking; give' meals if 414 Market st. best of desired CLuSii-lN, desirable sleeping room, with home privileges and use of kitchen; ref erent es. E. 6931. CLEAN room in large home, heat and phone, reasonable. Woodlawn 4375. 46 N. 21ST. FRONT room, three unturnlshed rooms. witn garage; Nit ELY furnished, warm, with bath. Nob lilli district. Marshall 253:. ROOMS, clean and especially well fur nlshed. Main 8145. 709 Irving. NICELY furnished rm., walking distance. 00s Everett, nr 21st. FURNISHED H. 121 E. 32d st. K. rooms; adults only. LA RGE front room. 372 Ladd ave., near 12th and Hawthorne. East SST. LAtvGE, neatly furnished bedroom, walk tng distance. $2.30 a week. 429 0th st. Room With floara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best -known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. A merican plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; tates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL, Portland's downtown high -class family hotel : rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. COSY home for convalescents within K block to Good Samaritan hospital; spe cial attention to diet : reasonable rates. 20 North 23d a t . Main 23 . KuUM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance ; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st. home cooking; some railroad men pre-I ferred. 203 clay it. - I FOR RKNT. Rooms Witn Board. MARTHA for girls. WASHINGTON Room. board mod, rates. 3Si lnth. Mar. 1231. KMnn With Hourd in lriviit Family. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Large front room with wonderful view of mountains, city and river, in charm ing Willamette Heights modern home; 2 meals; 1 or 2 gentlemen; $30, or 85 per month. Mar. 746. BACHELORS HOME. Men. you can have a rood home, room with running water, hot-water heat: first-class in every repect; serve two meais. -4H East 0th st. North 1 LARGE, light front room, twin beds. H. and C. water, fireplace; also 1 very large room, fine for 4 men emploved; walking distance. W. S. ; with or without board. B roadway 4033. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 or 3 men, heat In room, walking distance: rent very reasonable. With or without board. Phone East 4133 or call 358 Lar rabee. NICE front room, just off the living room, with fireplace, Jl per day for boaj-d and room; respectable men only. Call Bdwy. 3072 or call at n'i 10th st. IRVING TON LOVELY ROOM. MAHOG ANY FU R X I S H E D. REFINED HOM E. ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES; GA RAGE. EAST flfi4.V PRIVATE home, lovely neighborhood. 1 block from car; good heat furnished, light, clean and well furnished room. Call East 3080. ROOM and board for two In strictly pri vate family; splendid home cooking; lovely view; sleeping porch; references. Main 5 11. 2 FRONT rooms, 1 room with twin beds, suitable for men; good heat, hot water, shower bath; first-class table board. tWl Glisan. THREE more for business men's club; beautiful home, excellent board. For ln formatlon call Woodlawn 3345. INFANT or small child can have best cars in new, modern home; no other children. W oodlawn 1506. PLEASANT room with sleeping porch and board for a couple or 2 gentlemen. Mar- snan rt.n-i. I'll v ;;ia st. IrtVINGTON home, large front room for break fan and dinner; $73 per month. cast im1 R ABLE room with board in modern home, hot water heat, Walnut Park oomawn 4 it NICELY furnished large front room, suit able for 1 or 2; good home cooking. i a Dor -'- js. fKiVAiK home for children. 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 210; HEATED rooms, and board, close In. month. 6 IS East Couch st. $30 MOTHER S care for ou or two children in my nome ; references. Phone 636-01 NICELY furnished room, good plin borne cooKing. iu i-ucretia place. ROOM and board In private family. Montgomery st Alain 7(5.l. NICE warm room for 2; good board; rea sonaoie; 'cioe in. Kast .S44;. TRAINED nurse will take nervous patient bright and cheerful home. Main 5423. NURSE with lovely norma will care for in vaud or eideriy person. Aut. Bio-'JC. 1-urn U lied .-Apartment w. STELWVN, APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. The handsomest furnished apartment house in the city; has a 5-room and sleeping porch ; 16 windows, all outside rooms ; furnished In Chinese rugs and oriental furnishings ; lots of heat ; also a 2-room permanent and transient bach elor rooms, $25 up ; references required, inn nr. lair st.. cor. or wasn. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank" store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per maneni ana transient. THE MARION An exclusive residential hotel for young business women, newly iui iiisneu rooms, single or en suite, ex cellent table ; all conveniences, refined home-like atmosphere. 563 Glisan. Bdwy K IXIkSUURY APARTMENTS. 186 VISTA AVE.. NEAR 23D AND WASHINGTON STS. One 3-room furnished apartment, with disappearing bed., altro outside bal cony. Call Main 8if3. A 4-ROOM apartment tor rent, furniture lor sale, in a very choice apartment house, nicely located on west side; fur ntshings consist of ivory, willow and ma hogany ; party leaving city. Main 5817, $20 193 ST, CLAIR ST. $20. Front apartment well furnished. room and kitchenette. Beautiful view or city and mountains, light and warm. 3Iatn 3Mli. N ICELY f urn. a pts.. suitable for 2 or gentlemen or business woman : hot and com water, rur. neat; also sleeping rms. walking distance. bi Trinity place. mi wy. i iy. 1 ROOM with kitchenette, dressing room nicely furnished, hardwood floors, lights. phone ; also 1 room with kitchenette on ground tloor, $15 a month. Broadway 1'imt, oo Aortn nun st. 2-ROOM modern apt., newly decorated and furnished : all service included in rent; $33. 302 Tillamook, H block east or Williams ave. FURNISHED H. K. apt.. 2 front rooms light and clean; sink, hot and cold water, furnace or stove heat. 421 hk 6th st. Marsha!! IMiO.i. DRICKSTON APTS., 448 11TH ST. 2-room light, airy, plenty of heat, mi 'disappearing beds, up-to-date apts. CINCINNATI COURT. 10th and Harrison sts. 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apts. Phone Mam :mmj. DIEL APTS., 790 East Ankeny St.. modern completely furnished 3-room apt., warm, ugnt, ciean. rnone r-asi imj.n. HADDON HALL. Jlth and Hall. 3 rooms kitchenette and bath; hardwood floors and balcony. 2 AND 3-ROOM newly furnished apart ment, heat, light, bath, phone and ga rage. 30S Multnomah st. East 80 5 1 . UNION AVE and Killingsworth, fur. apt.. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 24 15 1 AND 3-ROOM modern apts.. tile bat a. Main 1Q.2 Bnena Vista apt?. HOSKLYN APTS.. 110 N. 21st; 2-room modern rurn isned apartment. TWO APTS. with kitchen; 1 basement sleeping rm.. 9z wk. o2 N. 23d st. 2 LARGE furnished modern rooms on first tloor ana garage, ir wanted. 313 N. 22d FURNISHED apt.. 3 loveiy rooms, uit able for one or two couples. 709 E. Bdw y . WELL-FURNISHED room with board private family, reasonable. 7Q3 Hoyt. 3-ROOM newly furnished apartment. 412 E. 9th N. Phone Ivast 6360. LARGE room; kitchenette; furnace heat use piano; first floor. 327 Sixth. R. APT., heat, elec. gas. bath, phone. i . n t ra i. tio itroauway. -ROOM apartment, reasonable. Hawthorne. Fust 741. 301 Unfurnished Apartment. FOR RENT ti-room apt., un iurnisned; large, light, airy rooms: excellent serv ice; references. Phone Bdwy. 2201 GARDNER. 13th and East Ash Large 3 rooms, urepiace. hot-water heat; hard wo-nl floors; garage; ref. East 2H" 1 . THE AMERICAN, modern, j-room apart ment. Proadway 3360. 3-ROOM modern, s:eam neat, gas stove, 501 Glisan. Furnished ur t'lifurniwhed Apartments. U N DER N E W MANAGEMENT. Upshur Apts., 400 Upshur street, 2, 8. 4 and 5-room apartments, steam heated, furnished and unfurnished: rea sonable rates. THE VICTORIAN 4-room furnished apartments with bath ; reasonable rates. 428 Columbia, near FI th. Ma rshall 2277. Mala. CORNER flat, large, modern; cheerful bay windows; strictly private; 2-famiIy flat building. 333 Glh st. Owner, 351. Rent $50. STRICTLY modern 5-room flaL, hardwood floors, newly decorated, $45. 68 E. 29th st N. .Inquire 74 E. 29th st. N. Pbons Bdwy. East 3070. ROOMS, walking distance, gas range and water heater; adults only. Phone Marsha!! 1445. 600 EAST MADISON ST. Fine 3-room flat, modern, $4u per month. Donald Woodward. Main 1430. 104 Second st. 3-ROOM flat, good condition, Weil located. 250 Xartilla, near Main t. ; rent $20. Parrisn. Watklns & Co.. 252 Stark st. LOWER five-room fiat, furnace; "$33, with garage $40. 1798 East Morrlaon t. MT car. E. 18TH AND ASH STS. Modern 5-room upper, fireplace, furnace. $40. East 2871. $23 ELEGANT home place; 4 rooms, bath. Adults only. East 3oH. t urniviird Flatt. 1-KOOM furnished lower Hat. clean, gas, electricity, stove heat, private bath ; adults. Wdln. 4739. 3-ROOM furnished fiat at 824 H Vaughn, Detween 4th and lloth, $24; adults. Phone Marshall 3719. IRV 1NGTON Attract lve four-room f iat ; heat, light, gas. Adults. East S013. FOR RENT Furnished 4-room lower flat. close In. Call East 3103. CLEAN, cheerful 4-rm. fur. flat, adults East 5403. only. 6.1 E. Ankeny. 3-ROOM furnished flat, el rent ?.4Q. 4 49 .Montgomery 3-ROOM furnished fiat. 3J7 Columbia st. Phone Ma n 59. after 3 P. M. 4-ROOM furnished flat, furnish the heat and water. 394 Fargo, ruar Union a ve. IRVINGTON. choice 3-room. light, heat. gas. $52.50; adults. East 8015. LARGE 3-room furnWhed fiaL 102 E. 18th. FOR RKNT. Furntstied Flats. TO AD U LTS 3 rooms and pore h, west side, walking distance; absolutely clean. 1'hone 345-b'J or call 025 Montgomery street. LIGHT, sunny 4-room flat, suitable for 4; private bath ; walking distance ; near S. S. car. East 5320. B71 H Belmont. FINELY furnished 5 rooms, thoroughly modern: also garage; short walking dis tance. 349 E. Glisan. near Union. . Housekeeping Ronma THREE furnished housekeeping rooms, heat, light, everything furnished, pantry and gas range in kitchen: also hot and cold water; half block Williams ave. car. $2. 2H6 Cook ave. LARGE, clean, --room apt. and $15 a month in exchange for some housework. Also 1 and 2 -room aptn. all newly pa pered and wen iurnisned. 1 H hus sell st.. corner Williams ave. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. rooms $15 up. including hot water, electric lights, launlrjoom SINGLE housekeeping room for working man or woman, $3.34) a week. 327 Third street, opposite Auditorium. BU-SHM ARK. Wash, st., cor. 17th. Clean, modern, one and two-room outside apts.. a iso sleeping rooms. Bd wy. 3403. SINGLE housekeeping room, reasonable. 3K7 Taylor. 2 FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms. 207 Knott at., near Williams ave. H. K. APT., newly furnished, clean, new bedding, mattresses, etc. E. 4.M. TWO NICE rooms, second floor, hot water a I w ays. 035 Flanders. TWO CLEAN rooms equipped for reasonable. 1 73 N. 21st. h. k.. 1 LARGE ii. K. room, furnace heat. Hoyt st. Marshall 2541. 2-hOOM furnished housekeeping apart ment. $0 30 weekly. 330 14th st. Housekeeping oom forts of a home to rellablo couple. Main 23 1. 2 FURNISHED h. k. rooms with sink, close in; adults. 233 Hancock. East 1046. 1 Wo, aiso single housekeeping rooms. 003 Alder. NiCELY furnished h. k. room., good heat, $15 up. 400 Holiaday. East 7559. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Main 2803: house number 452 Fifth st. FOR RENT Housekeeping suite. 2 rooms. 57 Washington st. 2 AND 4-ROOM H. K. suiLt. Mam 323. 370 12th st. DOUBLE H. K. apt., 2.1 Loor. front. 3th st-: well furnihe j. MODERN housekeeping apt. on first floor. 351 11th st. Auto. 516-12. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 384 Park st. ' I LA RGE cozy housekeep.ng room and kitchenette. 21 Larrabee. i'OSY, clean housekeeping rooms; tele phone. garage if wished. 500 Market at. Housekeeping KMniw In Private Family. $18.50. WEST SIDE, 2d floor, fur. suite of j elec. lights and water free. 134 Porter st. te Airs. f ay. 3 COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping rooms, light, phone, heat and cooking gas. j,uay iiia st. .N. i'none Wdln. 3041. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, furn lshed, newly tinted, walking distance. reasonaoie rates. i't i nion a ve. North. TWO well furnished h. k. rooms, ground floor, private entrance, walking distance. East 7279. TWO FURNISHED rooms, llghta. gas and water. $18; walking distance. 371 East Seventh st. S. CLEAN room, closet and kitchenette with gas range. 475 Clay st. LlOtiX h. k.. 600 Belmont. large liht n. k. rooms. H. K. ROOMS, children. 275 Williams ave. East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. 2 CLEAN, pleasant rooms. $12 per month. Onod car service. Tabor 1.VJ0. I-KOOM suite, newly furnished, east hide, ciose in, beautiful view, $28. East 2043. FOUR rooms and bath, neat, clean, walk- ing distance. .is ; adults. E. 7722. TifK EE pleasant h. k. rooms to adulLa. Main 4415. 553 Yamhill st. FOR RENT Beautiful housekeeping rms., " v mi punt ii. .nam -"wo. Houses. 7-HM., STRICTLY modern, garage, 796 Caruthers, $.i0. 0-rm. modern flat 12th N. $40. furnace. 11 East 3-rm. house, 1312 E. 15th X. $1(1 7- rm. very modern, garage. U147 62d ave. 4t). 5-rin. modern house at Oswego. $25. fc-rm. very modern Rose City home. 439 E. 37th N. $50. 8- rm. modern bungalow. 1204 Mixter St. $50i. FRANK L. McOUfRE. Bdwy. 7171. NOTICE. To the moving public. let us solve your moving troubles. Call Albina Trans fer Co., Woodlawn 1973. Pianos moved for $3. snd $1 per each flight of stairs extra; large and small furniture trucks with experienced men at reasonable rates; 12 years in the business. PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra. $1 each flight, 30 days free storage on all house hold goods ; furniture moving, one-ton truck, $2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co.. 104 N. Sth at. Open Sundays and evenings. 513 EAST 31TH ST. NORTH, corner Knott, i-ronm house, newly painted, gas. elec tricity, built-in conveniences, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, kitchen white enamel; a verv desirable corner; rer.t $30. R. H Caswell. P.roadwav 1145. STRANGERS Make your house wants known to this office. We have some good HOMES for RENT. G. G. ROH R ER. RENTAL REALTOR, 200 PANAMA BUILDING. CALL HROADWAY oM FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. L I G H T PO W E R H EAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST STRICTLY modern 0 rooms and sleeping porch, a Hrepiaces. good turnate and garage. E. 62d and Stark; $75 FRED 3. WILLIAMS, PANAMA BLDG. NEW WOODLAWN bungalow. 4 rooms. breakfast nook, fireplace, attractive fix tures,, ivory finish, $40; adulta. Main SO'.tH. 1RVINGTON. U-ROOM RESIDENCE. Everything modern, with garage, hard wood floors and nice lot, will lease; $s.V SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCIt. FOR RENT Cheap. 4 roums, bath. lot. garage and grocery store with fixtures, extra good location. 105 Beech st., be tween Mississippi and Michigan aves. LARGE, comfortable 6-room house ; hot water heat, furnished from central heat ing plant ; absolutely clean ; single or double garago; ref. 580 E. Ash st. WILL LET my beautiful Beaumont bun galow, unfurnished, to responsible party. Tabor 1705. $35 SUNN YSI DE 7-room modern house, 100x100. $30, 6-room house in Wood lawn. Bdwy. 5540. 420 Henry blrig ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free : furniture mov ing for leas. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest prices, ureen lranster Co.. Main 1201. 20 2 Alder s t . FOR RENT 3 large partly furnished h. 1c. rooms, ltwt) roster st. St. Johns car. Woodln. 4210. alO'lNG Ptaiva. furniture and ion dis tsnce hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 4U -'d st. Phone Bdwy. M21 LIVE in your own home, worn In town; acre, u-room no use ; siuu aown. 4014 East 41tst st. "OR RENT i,-room house and garaue. 31U E. 3ith st, 1 block from Hawthorne a v e. $ 4 0 per montn. ti d w y . t3 h ti. ROOM house, 173 E. 1 430 17th. Phone East MODERN 0-rm. house, furnace, tras. eiec. gas. Call ?m E.. l.tn. A. M. IR1CTLY modern cottage, furnished or unfurnished. Main d.im or Hdwy. 0124 -ROOM house, bath. gas. electric lights 4.i0 Harrison. ROOMS. Ladd's addition, all floors hard wood, modern. Tabor 1610. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN BUNGA LOW. MARSHALL 1233. N E W modern, j rm. bungalow, near golf links junction. ?-t.t. pnone sell. '0T0. ROOM houte. 71 East P.Hh Everett. Imiuire 130 0th ft. ROOM vottuge. Call 347 Weidier st., bet. "Jd and 3d. -ROOM shack, water aad ga, $.S per mo.; r. 03d ave. and 4!th st. S. E .FURN1SH ED Park Rose bungalow; range, garage. f,-it .'.vr.i, ROOM house for rent, located at 125 Fiower st. Call Main 7320. FOR RENT U-room house, family or chard. Ta bor I ii... $30 0- ROOM house; hard wood floors, union aye. Jiain no-a. $10. WEST SIDE house. i rooms, .'Oth. walking distance to town. ,t i j O R KENT 4 -room modern p.-r month, ins Houndary hv COTTAGE home, 4 rooms, good jard. fruit trtes. ?aat 350. Furnishrd Houses. FOR RENT 4-mom furnished cottage. close in. fail sen, amq arter a p A P OOM furnished cottage for rent. Tabor o777. ' Call MODERN 7-rouin house, furnace. Hawthorne car. .io 4titn st. 3 i'-ROOM furnished house, onie 5:'7 Market st. yard, ln- NEWLY furnished 2-story house. Holla- lay Park. Kast .T.tM ror appointment. ARTLY furnished, new. modern bunga low. Call labor i!t.)0. FURNISHED 8-room, house In Hawthorne district. ;d4 fc-ast .Mam. ROOM house., completely furnished; witn garage; fuel in; $40. East 8126. FOR RENT. FurnMira Houses. 7 ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED. $4Ji E. 10TH AND DAVIS $43. Rooms nice" ami large, cement base ment, wash trays, will lease for any time. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN" SMITH- W A G XV E R I'll.. STtH'K EXCH. 7 rooms, partly furnished. s43 e. 10th and davis $43. Rooms nice and large, cement base ment, wash trays, will lease for any time. SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-W AOONER Ol.. STOCK EN"H NICELY furnished, strictly modern, ti room. Rose City bungalow; everything clean and fine location; adults only with good references; good garage; rent $75. Woodlawn 2479. . FOR RENT A furnished house in Pied mont, including garago, furnace, piano, etc. Phone, water and garbage paid for. Adults only. 1231) Garfield ave. Phone Wdln. 1207. FOR RENT Furnished. 0-rooni hou . Irvington. near E. 19th and Hancock; business woman will keep one room in part payment, it d-esired; references. AK 314. Oregonian. 5-KoOM bungalow, 204 1 East Ankeny. $"5. 8-rm. strictly modern, nicely furnished Irvington home. 801 Thompson st. Feb. 1. $10O. FRANK L. McOnnE, Bdwy. 7171. WILL rent my 7-room furnished home to responsible people ; old ivory finished, mahogany and overstuffed furniture; a view property. Woodlawn 5424. 6-ROOM house, nicely furnished, piano, wood and gas range, hot-water heater; half block west of Laurel hurst district ; rent $30; adults only. East 2203. LEASE or rent to small family of aduits tt-rootu modern, linely furnished resi dence, $00 per month. 40th and Belmont sts. Owner. Mrs. Shaver. 90 East Sth st. MODERN two-story furnished residence In Alameda Park; two bedrooms, steeping porch, garage; beginning Feb. 1, for 3 months. Phone Woodlawn 0O40. FOR RENT. Close in, 7 rooms, fullv furnished, $73. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bide. FOR RENT 4i-ruoin liou;e. furnished ; 1 acre fruit and berries; roses and la wn ; good garage; $30 per mo. 3906 79th st. S. K. FOR RENT The lower floor of my resi dence. Completely furnished, piano and phone included. Wdln. OS. Cail before 11 A M. NICE modern house fully furnished for rent for short period, small family, west side, close in. Hdwy. llsn. -ROOM resilience, partly furnished ; 221 Shaver, cor. Haight St.; rent $50. I'ar rish. Watklns A- Co.. 252 Stark st. 4-ROOM modern furnished house. 419 Rus sell, east of Union, $.10. Eatt 5233i 'lose jn. ' PARTLY furnished cottage, 4 rooms and bath. 1154 60th ave., near 39th st. Wood stock car. UP-TO-DATE houseboat. 3 large rooms anil bath, in heart of city. Call Mam 4977. FURNISHED lower floor of modern house; children allowed. Evenings only. Sell wood 398. 300 Clinton. MODERN furnished 4-room lower flat with garage. Inquire at 543 East 17th at. One block from RM car. FURNITURE. 4 rooms, $130 cash. House for rent. $22 month ; walking distance. 26 K. th. 130 EAST BURNSIDE, 6-rooni modern home, completely furnished; piano; ref erences, $70. Main 5437 mornings. 5-ROOM modern furnished cottune. 302 E 1 1th st. S.. corner Stevens. $40. East 3 2 35. Close In. SMALL house, light, water and partly furnished; lots of fruit in season. $15 mont h. Wood lawn 3423 $,;o 4-ROOM bungalow; Lake Grove Acre; fine view. McFarland. -OS Failing hldg. WELL furnished modern 4-room hou&e, at Multnomah, $30. Main 3012. Houses for Rent Furniture for Snle. NICE cottag.-, suitable for t w o or three. Rent $12.50 per month; furniture. g:i rage, young Jersey cow. 35 H. rock pul lets, laying, hay. tools. $300. Double your rent off milk, eggs ; garage rented and pasture. 8 acres fenced. Room for 500 chickens. Oas and electric light, commutation fare !) cts. Take Oregon City electric to Courtney station. Walk A D OCKS f HM. n.'A .v. ii' un" ' FURNITURE, including Kas range. Vic trola, rugs, curtains, dishes, etc.; in Rose Ciiv house: lease runs to July 1. All furniture new : owner leaving city ; dealers. AN 305. Oregonian. Cabor 24311. s-i'R viTUUE of 7 rooms, income pays ex penses ; can be increased ; a good loca tion for boarders. Price $0-0; terms, Phone Auto. 525-51. 10-ROOM home in excellent condition, Furniture for sale, furnace, heal, walk ing distance 470 Park Ft. Main 3"11. 13 RMS. of furniture for sale and house for rent. Hdwy. 077. No agents. is t tires und Rutin Places. FOR RENT. STORE BLDG. ON WASHINGTON ST. 10x00 ; $150 a month ; 2-year lease, or more; brick bldg. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO , Realtors, 404-5-0 Panama Hldg. 3d and Alder. FOR RENT Upper floor in brick building. 2-'x00; well lighted, suitable for light manufacturing, $25. Riverview Dairy, 1 oo3 He i mont. FOR DESIRABLE tpace in fireprouf wars- $20, WEST SIDE slore. 10x20. suitable various bus.ness. Washington Ft., loth. F It RENT Half store. 530 Union a -. e. 1 " . vi : RELH1CE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single, or in suites, central oif ice building in financial bection of citj ; low rental.-. See Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second St.. corner Stark. oK RENT A number of rooiiis. from 400 to 1550 q uare feet : will divide to suit tenant. Fliedner bldg., 10th and Wash I r g I o n sr. FRONT oil ice change bldg. modern, in Railway Apply room 3IJ. Ex- DESK room with tele pnone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. BUSINESS OPPOKTI 'XITIF.S. $lumi EAST SIDE cash grocciv; rent -'2; fine place for butcher shop, large living room ; fixtures for grocery and butcher shop; rent with place. K. S. REALTY CO 425 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BARBER SHOP BARGAIN. Three chairs, white enameled, hoot black stand, fine mirrors end fixtures, low rent, A-l location; a sure and stead monev-maker. Price only $:hmi. Apply ;H Plttock. Washington at 10th sf. DAIRY MILK ROUTE LEASE. 17 cows, 12 head young stock. lase on 50 acres, with buildings, $750 rent. Fullv stocked with machinery and feed. Income $154) mo. Price 9;pi'. BUSINESS SERVICE. 71S p. kurn Bldg. DKi 'iOODS AND NO'Ili. NS STORE. We have a well euuipped dry good and notion store with oo i stock and fixtures f"r $2550; doing a good business. Located on Williams ave. and Be -t h si ; jen only 20 per month Call wK days. C LA N I XG. D Y E1NU. PR ESS I XG. Established business, on exci llent cor ner, making money. Owner will nell on account of he:t !th. Priced right. BUSINESS SERVICE. 71S pekum Bldg. $1300 A DANDY little grucer; tins is practically invoice ; rent $25 ; 3 -yea r lease ; 1 living room; this is brand r. en list ing. S. Borland, realtor. 221-22-23 H e n r v . Bdwy. 15 0 0 . WOULD like to lease unfurnished sloping rooms; must be in good location and brica" bldg.; would consider lease on hotel or apartment house. AN 243. Ore gon 1 n. $H 50 RESTAURANT located h-art of city, doing fine business; good equip ment; owner has other business; half cash, balance easy. Morris, with O. O. S let ten. realtor. 413 Rv. Ech. bldg1. $ 1 250 ti ROC E R Y JS 1 250. or invoice, doing fine business, good lo cation. 3 living rooms, low rem ; sick ness reason for selling. Morris, with O. O. Sletten. 415 Ry. Exeh. bid:-. CUE AN1NG and pressing parlor, H off ma n press, fully equipped ; nets $ IJ5 per week, rent $35. $lloo, $i;m cash. 3m; Chamoer of Com. j;,U RESTAURANT, west side, doing $23 day ; rent $45; serving 2 meals a day ; no night work. Keipper A: Crosby, 51 4 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 0030. REST A U R A XT, du.ng $75 ria. tan be in creased ; 4th St., near Washington : w ell equipped, clean, desirable location; $4hmi; lease over fair. Bdwy. 43.'P'. SMALL CAFE'lriRIA. $45i, omplete and in good location, doing pr day, rent $45, -Get this today. 3o0 Chamber nf Commerce. PARTNER, lady or gentleman, must be a cook with come money, to help in my new location at transfer point. 1751 Denver avenue. BASKETS, trays, oriental linens and many articles for sale at much less than coat. Main 35n;t after 3 P. M. AUTO TIKE store, carry auto parts, vulcanizing, etc . profits $25-0 to month. Room 401 Pckum bldg. $300 a GA RAGE and service tal ion in a fine country town on highwav: price only $oo Room 4Q1 PeUum b'dg. COM PLETE shingle mill, u-'uriv new . lor sale or wou'd trade for good car or truck. . J Hrewer. F.t 'I creek. Or. $i'50 CASH-AND-CARRY grocery in fine location; this ts a good buy. won't last. 425 Chamber of Commerce. BAK ERY. lunch and del., good local ion. doing good business. 305 Artisans bldg. SHOE saop for sale. Harrison. :Kl East 11th st., cot. SEE SMITH-WAGONER CO. for business opportunities. Some good one fur sale. HI SIVFSS OPPOKTrXtTIKa. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg . 3d and Alder. POOL HALL Established 6 years, rent $20; 3 pool tables; 1 snooker table; keno board ; back and front bar ; will show books; c. earing 10 a month; price $2200; terms. I'OOLHALL Kstah'Nhed 5 years. 2 ypar lesse; 4 pool tables; 1 sno..ker table; other firsT-ciut-s fixtures; price $35oo; hume terms. it. VI T.L and lunch room: 2-vear lease; 4 pool tables; wall ' cases; candy cases; root beer ha rrel, and other good fixtures; swell loca tion: $4' per dav busine; price $2500; $1300 will handle. POOL HALL and lunch counter; 4 pool tables; swell curved show ihsi-s; $l5O0 stock; fir-t-class fixtures; price $3000; $2500 will handle. POOL HALL One-half interest. $1200 wl J handle; 4 pool tables; brick bide.; $25 rent; good lease; other first-class fix tures ; clearing $350 per month. POOL HALL Established 10 years; no op posit ion ; net income $50 per month; 4 pool ta bles; 1 snooker table; bil liard table : back and front bar; other first-class fixtures; a real location; $4500; snap. POOL HALL. Oar-half interest : west side, right down town ; 2 pool tables: 2 snooker ta bles; dandy fountain ; swell show cases ; 3 cash registers; $3250 will han dle; bargain. OUT-OF-TOWN HALLS. POOL HALL. 12 miles from Portland; established 3 years; net income $200 per month ; rent $20 ; 4 pool tables ; elegant back and front ha rs ; 12-ft. floor case ; $4oo cash register; -ft. cai.dy case and other first-class fixtures ; good stock ; price $2500; some terms. POOL HALL 85 miles from Portland: 3 pool tables; card table; back and front bar; cigar case; wail case; safe; rah register, etc.; price $2000; some terms. POOL HALL. fit miles from port land ; brick bldg.: rent $ftf; 30 f x. back ami front bar ; 3 show case?; wall case; root beer barrel; cash reg ister; card table, and ot her first -class fixtures ; price $3600; some terms. POOL HALL 100 miles from Portland: established 7 years; 13 rooms upstairs; rent $365 per year; good lease; 4 pool tables; s how ca hps ; card tabic; barber shop outfit: lunch counter; root beer barrel ; box. bo wUug alley, and cither fixtures; $1900 for this whole out fit ; snap. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 44-5-6 Panama Bldg. 3d and Alder. SEE THIS. HeUtiful cafeteria, centrally located. 3 yrs. lease, rent only $200. Clearing $ lop. V. OKORCE. T. K. SPENCER & CO.. 517-21 Chamber of Com. Hldff. AUTO top and auto paintln, hop, the largest and busiest auto painting and enameling shop in Portland; fully equipped in every detail; have the best of business firms and valuable painting cont racts ; employing a number of men ; business Is paying about $400 mont h net; previous experience not necessary as owner wtil remain and introduce you to the business. Price $2500. 310 Pan a ma bldg.. 3 'I and Alder turcst s. WANTED One or more parties to join me In purchase of 300-acre orchard and ai falfa ranch; $200,000 has been Invested by owners : can be bought for $25,oim. including- $lo.oo0 wort h of equipment, buildings und 1 : vest en k : ext raoi dina ry opportunity fr party with $10.(mio cash; references exchanged. Address Exieri enced Orchard ist. 'box A R 344. Oregon ia n. O W.VER. wish"s to expand present Jaclli tie.i for marketing the products from his 1 a t ge d a i ry a nd po u 1 1 ry fa rm t h ro ug h the medium of a retail dairy store, cafe teria or restaurant combined: a com plete fa rm-to-c on.sumer pian. Write for personal interview if possible, lnvestni'-nt of X10.O0O to $20,000 required. AK 335. treg.inian. $ 1 20ii Ci ) N V ECT I o N E R Y. Some terms, first-clasa- fixtures, dandy flock, close to school, large living rooms. $25 a day busaieas; eate and cheap rtnt. Fine for man and wife. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, .404-5-0 Panama B!.!g . Third and Alder A I To REPAIR SHOP. Will soil d.e way it stands for $:tS5, Includes 5-gallon stroke Boyle-Dav ton pump, 220-gaJ. tank. oil, toois, etc. Just right for one good mechanic. M? Ne braska st. Phone Mar. 1050. Take Fulton car F I R rT -t'LAS M E A T MAR K K T -Five-year lease; rent $15; 10J1 Ford delivery ; cash reglsP-r. tea s. g n s ice count cr; fish box, ot her swell f ixl urt h ; will invoice stock, nlmut $2300. A VCHOR I XV IvSTM K.VT CO.. R ea It or-'. 4l-3-0 Panama Illdg.. Third and Ahhr. ( . W N one (f the best business proposi tions In the country. Am a woman, ex perienced In business, and need $mmi working capital; will pay good rat-. of Interest and sign over buslne-s us se curity until loa n is paid. 4 1 1 Chamber of ' 'omnterre. A PARTNER WANTED .in a cash business making auto tops, re pairing, etc.; need he;p of steady man; will leach buyer the business; profits extra good; equal Interest only $525 Ronm 401 Ivkuni b.dt;. . (1GAR STAND In one of the best HOTEL LOBBIES In city ; rent $35; price 1 27.1. Mr. Stainphler. I. K. SPENCER CO.. 517-21 Chrtml er of Commerce BUtg Kt-JUAL PARTNERSHIP. In a large g a ra g e ; want a p h r t n e r to sen th gas. oils. etc.. and be general'y unefui ; require. $2200; can make $250 month for each partner. Room 401 De kum Mde. CIGAR STAND GIFT. FV tores less than half price; Invoice stock ai d discount ; don't w ail, see this today. UNIVERSAL SALES f'O., rtirj Railwav I'.xch. R'dg. FOR SLE OR RENT Automobile serv ice station on the main s'reet of Cen tralla. Wash. 1hi Is a going business. lnve;n-ent of $330 will hand.e. AV fcO. ( iregorlar. I.VVuICE grocerv and meat market, one of the bi-st suburban locations; keeps 3 clerks on the jump ; a bout $;;00tl. This !s some buy. blH Chamber Commerce hldg trni-nnvv ntimuR simp 3 chairs, pood location; doing good I bustm'-s: ft nt 27; some buv. Price nr SI oon KIM Chai'i her Com. Bldg. AVo 1 1 JWo R K I XG and specia Uy pla nt, , I U 1 1 V eq Ul ppeo . ni"n i n",wu"ii. i or ra 1 1 or oitv shipping businen; $15,000; terms i f necessary. P. A J 'ote, 041 Plttock b ! k . SPA "c K In 1 -e!ii aking "hop. suitable for office, millinery, beauty parlor, hem stitching parlor; rem reasonable, ground floor Broad wa v 120 AUTO REPAIR MIOP. Fine west s;de ;-cat ion ; good equip ment; can do hi:r buines; price only J "(10 Room 01 Tiet; um hldg. PARTIES AMim. ! piano, $500 down. 11 el gant f urni; ure. ovely big house for rent: raragc 5 nek ca r 4014 K. 41st s-t. Wood- TWO ItLOfC,KT OVEN'S REASONABLE. P PORTLAND AVE ALMOST NEW. O BOX 3203. FOR SALE Soft drinks, light lunch, card room, all for $1400 cash. 273 3d St.. close to Labor Temple. RESTAURANT, fine rquipmwit: rent. $."o: good lease, fine loci t ion ; cm n't beat t his for !2,"i MS Chamber com. B'dg. WOULD you lik" to invest with inventor in an art'ele that is a proven success? Address B' 347. PrfronHn. HAULING con I ract ; steady work to a purchaser of a new 3-ton truck: call at 430 Belmont, open Sundn v. ;1 LF.S can be per in a lien 1 1 v 'MlrPil without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. LUNCH count fountain, or who.e. Main. some $000; rooms; rent i!'.'ht for 2 .'0: sell lad-' 300 FOR SALE Cigar stand, :t bargain for the price asked. Room 5, 207 fith. No phone. CONK KCTIONKRY store, soda fountain and light lunches. 3Ml Hawthorne ave., B"rr 1 P M. OL!) established Jewt Iry store, stock and fixtures. $2250; very good watchmaker's trad e. 101 First. n"a r Morrison. Kt R S A LK Lunch room, just right for man and .wife; good location; $450. AN P.4 Oregonian. BARilLR shop. J cl.a;r., cheap rent; icase; c'ope in 1 oca tion. 103 A damn. REST, office. ::o'i 25 down. $225; established mama bldg. Bdwy. 7201. LUNCH room lur nut at 244 Hurnside st. nrsixFss opportunity. AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. $75 buys equal half lot rest in hut equipped auto repair sliop in city, have battery charging at a t ion. welding on i -fit. all necessary tools to rarrv on firnt class repair business; ph ntv of work on hand; owner prefers steady, partner to hired help ; not ncccsarv fo to be n mechn nic. If you a ro reliable snd u iU Ini: worker, as your part iter 1s expert and will teach you: no trouble fur vou to .clear $J0d a month for yourself In this loiatfoii: full value tin sight '"r every dollar invested. Apply OJ0 Cham, of Con) Mil?., 4ih and Stark. EXCEPTIONAL auto top partnership. nn, of our clients desires to meet congenial man to buv equal half tntiTt in old -established auto top upholstering business, doing work for the best busi ness firms and professional people In city. You do not n-ed previous experi ence If ou a re reliable and willing to learn. Work Is c! an and pleasant. Each of u can draw $0 per day and sham equally in profits: money fully secured. Fuii price $750; $3C0 cash handles. 310 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sis $jou A UTO REPAIR HI "SIN ESS $30(. Here Is vour opportune v to buv an equal half 'interest with f i rid -clacs me chanic In busv. well-In. at -d auto r- p-nr Shop ; have fine, steady ti'ad. I ' on are mechanical; v Inclined and willing to work ami learn from an expert this you r op port unit v to mke good (m ; h- business; also cum betf.-r than $ 1 "-n n inomh for yourself. Prh-e oiiv i-oO; ahsoiuiniv the best buv In Port i ( 1 ,P ptv njo t'li am of Com. bldg.. 4t;i and SfarU CASH-A mm'AKUV g t o cry a it h fine furn is fieri living rO"tns and bath. r n with 3-yar lease. $.15. Price for quick sa $2750. Spiendldlv lo.fl.ted corner g-oerv and confer 1 1 one iv. (loltig fine bnslh l r r ' $29 with living room; wl'l take Fori as part paym nt. Pri'-e $ 1250 Hom hakerv. hpl.ndid for ic Wife, real bargain at $j:. BUSHUE. CRim'KRY SPE'TALI 5 m "h a 'ti her ' "orn m r AUTO repair shop pari T.ej sul'l equipped; have spl'-ndsd bu1-.! the wrl !1 men rn hnd.t-; known s h " p in c I y , nf f n steady man willing '.M-n tV bu .ii with expert tnech" ;e. If .U r- rot afraid of dirty wuk and b s V f M wltli $150 p.-r niont'i and ur '', mm pn-pared to work. On'y 1V-0 App'v 310 Puna rn a b . !g.. 3d a r. 1 A ' I -TIRE .VXD V Tl.C N1I.vi S P An enual half lni re-t Is of' r.-d to steady ii ii, I reh.th! long established man In uv. nuv. e H'ld vul'anmng business eM. nt ne .... rv . n yo:r partner Is) a u evpert and will teach vnu ; price onlv $".. You w 1M ra 'v cl'.ir 10n per month for vour.-ef im the rrt. Applv 0JO Chamber of Commerce bide, 4'h nr.! Sta-k. BKI1RV AND LT'XVH. nid-cM.ihimied P'ace n Foster Mvrt.; good building, equipment and fixtures; 4-vear IniM'; receipts $ t da ; rent J3 including 3 -room dwelling; owner hut other bu.-iness: an except 'omil buy; $2mm handle. 4ol Panama Bldg. FOR SA LK - Equipped millinery and Hr" making shop; well ct a hi hd . attract ive: on busv corner; 2 carinas: no com petition near: w inter stock nearly cleared out; low rent; large room in rear i'ohM be used for living purposes; elec. Singer sewing machine. Will sell or trade for lt. piano, xtnall enr Call SII. 2.21. $1I0U Skill', BOWLING ALLE AND K;AR STAND. Brick bldg. 7 room upstairs, full ce ment basement, first -das stock of cie-a- and tobacco; partners cannot agree. Klega nt f ix t nre. VCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtor-, 4Qt-3-tt Panama B bin.. Third and .Md-T ' Mi V 1 XG PICTURE HOU'SF. A m leaving town and must d ispoe of mv inter-sts here; have ftpe inovle nt a "bargain: good liotie and lot and can put In other property if yon have a largo deal or sol! Miow ; ome cash, bn in nee I line. See me at 12"n N. W. Hank bldg.. today $1050 GROCERY, doing $4 day; 2 living room, low rent, a dandy huines-. $'.mn or invoice, grc.ee rv, doing Mu busin.-s; brick Mdg. ; steam heat. $.H"0 for fixtures. Y. KA KINS. 315 Couch Bldg.. H 4th St. GROf'KR Y. Confectloperv and notions on M i 1 '.van k le ave - 4-vrar lease. 2 living rooms; rent 25:' priced at $TO for quick sale. 4H Panama bldg. $1 100- TTToCKRY STORK AND LIVING lnu iN- t 100. Good fixtures, r-nt $22 50. fresh slock, cash and carry. $25 to $30 a dav bni Tirss hut the p'aee for (!itl and wife. WCM'ni: INVESTMENT CO. , Realtor. 40 1 - .VH Pan:, ma Bldg . Third and A'd-r pfS'R S'M.K Meat ma rket. good pa I tig. well established and growing business; one can hand!" now and possiblv two later; this is a rare opport unli y : deal direct get into business for ours"lf ; JtOOO handles; net quickly. AC 33i. Ore gonian. GARAGE OpitortUliitv for reliable man as part ner in large storage ciir-iC". to look after front end and s.- 1 the oils gas. "Kv Owner w ill show vnu can make - " piontl'lv. Prhe $22O0. Room 311 Lail- w ay K x e Ii poVL HALL AND LUNCH. n,xd tables, lunch counter, bar. show c .es w ll cas- s. complete1 v equipped, good" business l"g lease. 250tl. t-rm. Phone K.-iit 7272, owner, or write 3.3. i f-.-ponirtti A PAR T N !: 1 1 W A N T ED. Auto bodx-building. auto tops, etc: a cn wing busines now working 5 men: wi; sell equal !n:"rt to a business iTtan: profit cod, $-'750 require.l. Room 401 n. l -mi bid'-: . GRi H 'Kit Y ST iRE. ii'M for fixtures and invoice stock, lb- t "t location. Come early. I .-eC Mr. Buholt. I K. SPENCER CO.. 17-21 C h a m her o f Cjm 1 1 . JJT - A ; A S 1 1 1 1 1 ' s" I X I " rS . Owner, busy in shop, want a partner to meet the com t nine rs and lie generally useful; can draw good salary besides p - of it s; requires a steal investment Ca 11 room 101 f -k inn Mdg GROCERY tcr -nl run a bout $22'H ; w-k arid fixtures will 1 location, wt-it sldo. Ht i ad w a v 'J.. , 1 PORTLAND HOME CO., r.;t:i V.-tllwav Km-Y B'd4 i'l 1 I XG tailor, cleaning and pressing, iloffman steam press, almost new; own rr going to Europe; wili ncrlfice, $30 cash Worth $1300. J. Patnco. Aber Wash sTvTTTsYi; e !; t i i a r h i-; r m h h Thi-'e Kock chaiis. nodein fixture, t en $ t" : 1 - a : swell 1 oca t ion. VM'H.IU I V V LSI M EX I 1 . Kca.i"". 4 ii t 5-0 Panama Itld-J , Tli d hp! a: CAU'HON DUYER.-. Beiore t.oMi.g a dea of so-called interest in esiabllslied estate business, get advice ot I " t ,and ReaUv Boar'. 421 Oregon Hid. t'h-.ns Broa'H-ay 1002 i T"VIY little restaurant. Rent $0O. Scats -PL Will take a r V OKi RGE. I. K SP KM 'Kit AL- CO 3 ' 7-21 Chiinili'-rjCmirJiyi: AI T' -e cesnorit vice station, n I . i t a - tires. ...speeialL- Uood c'. a - tion; profits wilt in v o i e. out h : a K- ip r Rm 'II Ra i- dp. S LK 'on and loin h eotini handle prop. ; .ot. -.;;.o v ill am H Wehh. i ia PARTNER wanted ni a mil"! be reliaitle and nl. c t and services; pay good w ag 31 I Rail w iiyKvihii invevt tiooo s and profit s. 11 - ' RESTAURANT. eo il I ppett. 1 1 o III own' Make X..U1- . me at 24 I 1 Y mux ; must scl 1. hi!! st . I E - VINO a lid pi --fS l m; l a b I is It 1 1 o 11! . living rooms, furnished. Hoffman Pies-.-r. b-si buv in city; nets $250 per in... Pricf yil"0. 303 Artisans Iddg RESTAURANT for sale, g t uies complete; r-n t SO will sftcfificp; all cah Owner. 100 North S th d lo f. y - lr or easy terms. PA K T N Eli. lady or g li' lema n w a nt ed w n h i I ooo ; enormous profit s, da nd v proposition, fiuick returns. Box 2'CL SC. A. porr'.:-nd YoUNG sin-T.e l.ii.ioi and da.iymali ha J.-.i'O to Invest, with -rices Gie ful in format ion tir.-t let t-r. AG 34 1, Ore gon i a n. CoX I'Kt-'T I' 1 N ER Y for sa le, foil a foun tain, clirtrs. candy, fruit, everything; good profit 03 Broad way. Phone p.ro-idwav 3'tO.Y NINE rooms. cr abl.shed. paying, boarding snd rooming business; fine location, all rooms clean and very well furnished; on of best houses in cttv. cnll East MsO A DANDV grocery store with living rooms, near school, in good dlst riot ; $'.i5 will h a n d 1 ei t. Room 511 ft ailw-uvFmihangs, PHUTi STORE, eastern Oregon: only h:ore. cash dea I, invoice ; good proposlt Ion ; no trades. AV S3. Oregonian. PAX AM A LET US 14KLP YOI"sKLl PA X A M A B RO K E R A E CO 4ol Panama Hldg. HAVE home worth $::ooo and Ioon c.ish for rooming house or hotel; will assume some. A R 21 1 . renonian. B A fi B I" R SHOP with can't handle both; hcl Gli.-an. oft drink p. '-. drink pai t. 31 FOf! SALE Re.-itaui am building and fix t u res com plete ; be.-t location In aside. Or. iii.s M a rlan t ps. IF YOU want to buy 01 sen your busi ness, see us 503 Artisans hlrlir FOR SALE Store, con't soft drinks. Write A V t .oner) . ".Mi. ( r ' 1 FOR S A LE- ck and building. Gust Mar. 1 FOR SA LK 3-cHair ha rbi-r shop, living room. 2T0 llu-sel :;f $75 HALK i 1 1 1 - rest 1 i a bllshtU leai s Late off.'t. lidy. 7204.