1G TITE 3IORNIXG OITEGOXIAX, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1922 EPCCATIONAU FOUR WEEK3" TRAINING FREES. We have hundreds of Graduate now successful engaged In the auto, trac tor, battery and the auto electrical busl ncM. We can attaint you to a good posi tion too. We give you a four weeki FKKE TRXA L. No money in advance. The trial obligate! you in no way. It affords you an excellent opportunity te i ze up our school and teat your quali fications to learn mechanical work. Full fiartU-u an In our new 112-page cata og. Call or write for It today. Ak for book No. 5. It's free. ADCOX AUTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO ST. Wood: awn or Alberta car. 3d and Alder. BS A NATIONAL trained automotive ex pert and earn a big salary; no other school in America like National. Heal practice on up-to-date autos, tractors, motors, lathes, etc.; largest and best equipment. Instructors of 20 years" ex perience; we train you for any position In the business and help you find good position; no previous experience neces sary; earn room and board while learn !;,'. Be sure and send for your free 72 page illustrated catalogue. Telle bow we put graduates In big pay positions; shf.ua scores of photos of school work.' Tells of good Jobs now open. Write today to .1. A. Kuscnkrantf, Pres., N. A. S.. bli a. Flgiieroa. Los Angeles. U1G i'hMAN'L) FOR COM 1 ' I XjM E T I: K OPER A TOR 3. V.' a--e d;my receiving calls lor com petent fompiomeicr operators Steady employment, good salaries. Take a course 111 atid ben to earn money, Behnke Walkcr Business College. 4th, near Mor rison, phoi e M. -V.to. 'J'he SSciiot-i of Private Secretaries. BEIN K E-VVALKER JiU.SlNE.S3 COLLEGE. Enroll now and as soun us you are cornpt tent there w l.i bo a permanent wiil-paing position awaiting you. Sten ography. liaiiKiiiK, secreiariiy, accounting, eic. Free catalogue. Phone -Main o'JO or call at Fourth, ti '.tr Morrison. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the beat. Here It it. Standardized with schools In 00 oth-r cities, Best Is boratories, best shop equipment qnd Instructions. Actual shop practice given ou real repair Jobs. Re sults absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while business is quiet, prepare now for big business opening in a few months, inquire Ore gun institute of Technology. Main street at Slx.ii. Ex-aervlLe men get STAIE AID. . "CF.UT1FIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS are familiar with the merits of the various accountancy courses; if the pros pective student of Accountancy will ask advice of ihcse men. his choice will be WALTON. Preparatory, Advanced and Specialised courses are offered. Literatim- supplied upon request. WALTON SCHOOL OF COMMERCE. 412 Wilcox Bldg. Broadway tfT'.'l. WINDOW IKliiMINt! AND SHOW CARD W KITING. PORTLAND DISPLAY MEN'S SCHOOL. 411 Va E. Morrison at Clh. East C3U. Night clashes enrolling now; learn this profitable and interesting work. Instruc tion by prominent display men of Port land. For intormation call at school, day or evening- Membership limited. HO'1 ELS N E E L TRAINED WOMEN Nation-wide demand for hlgn-saianed executives; past experience unnecessary ; we train you by mail and put you In touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418. Wash ington D. C. . Hotels nkku trained men Nation wide demand for higli-iaarled execu tives; pabt experience unnecessary ; we lln you by mall and put you tn toucn with big opportunities everywhere. Write St once lor particulars. Lewis Hotel 'raining School, desk 141b. Washing ton, D. C. . MOHLhit BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a set or tools to you and give some pay while' learning; positions secured; former ex-j service men rec eive state am wnne ui tending our school. W rite or call for catalogue- and panic ulara. 23 Burns:de. wu.N BARBER COLLEGE will teach von the tiade in 8 weeks: scalp and lace ifcage specialty; tools free; positions ffUAi anteed ; pay while learning; tuition f A thi, r.-rm 'Jll MAillRnn YOU CAN EARN $ 1 to $40 weekly In your spare time writing show cards for us at home. Write for free particulars. National Show Card School, Ltd., dept. 14, Hi.".'. Church st.. Tot onto. Canada. MoDEKN barber college teacnes trade In 8 wKs.. tools furni.-liid, some pay ; posi tion secured; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. .t4 first st. itut'hi' MT. T-acliers' Agency. Enroll iiee. Prank R. Wells, ex-asst. state supt., m nr.. N. W. La ik bids. Auto. 012-1 3; MLSii MATT1NGLYS Private School Shorthand, Typewriting, day, evenings. 'jty.1 lith. near jefferson. .Main 3S'.t3. LEARN UELEGRAPHi iiailway fe.u graph InMitute, 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night classes. LEA UN titnuty culture euuwrfh. Madame Cu rt Is Marshal: ly if oL WANT to learn tne vulcanising buslneys, call 1"8 East Broadway. HELP WANTED MALE. Young man:: Take this tip: The one best place In this city to assUt YOU In finding a position in a clerical, com mercial or technical line is the Y. M. C. A. Employment department. You can get reliable information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you would never find through your own efforts alone. Ali young men, and especially strang er, are cordially invited to talk with one 'of the secretaries. Room 307, Y. M. C. A. , OLD-LINE life insurance company d-sires the services of mn who are ambitious and willing to work hard for real buc cens. We have banking connections throughout the state and can cash promptly all good notes. If yju believe you can sell Ate Insurance if given as sistance by aupcrv itor ca:i In forenoons or write M. C. Tipton. V.'iU Wilcox bldg. At'EItBACH department store. Salt Lake City, Utah, requires man buyer to handle laces, ribbons, notions. handkerchiefs and neckwear. Give full particulars in first letter as to salary expected, past experU'nce. etc. Must bt-ar full investiga tion. Replies held confidential. Add -ess Fred Auerbach, Hotel Benson, Portland, Oregon. AUERBACH department mure. Salt Lake City, Utah, has opening for assistant superintendent. Give fuil particulars in first letter as to salary expected, ase, past experience, etc. Must bear full in vest iga: ion. Replies confidential. Ad dress Fred Auerbach, Hotel Benson, Portland, Oregon. AUERBACH department store. Salt Lake City. Utah, has opening for assistant superintendent. Five full particulars in first U-tter as to sulary expected, age. past experience, etc. Must bear full in vestigation. Replies confidential. Ad dress Fred Auerbach, Hotel Benson. Port lnd. Oregon. AUERBACH department store. Salt Lake City, Utah, has opening for dress goods salesman ; give full particulars in first letter as to age, salary expected, past experience, etc. Must bear full investiga tion. Replies confidential. Address Fred Auerbach, Hotul Benson, Portland. Ore gon. KXPEK1ENCED window trimmer wanted for men's clothing and furnishings; must be a man of first. class ability. Apply personally between 12 noon and 2 P. M. to Mr. Claman, Hot! Multnomah. LOGGERS AND MILL MEN, When la Centralla, Wash., Call at DELANEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 107 H South Tower Ave. SALESM EN wanted for men's furnishings dept.; must be thoroughly experienced. Apply personally to Mr. Claman, be tween V2 noon and 2 P. M. Hotel Mult nomah. WANTED Experienced car washer, one tnat understands operating all cars; take charge of wash work on commis sion basis. Inquire E. B. Zinglr, 41)0 HurnsMc, betwe.-n 13;h and 14th st. WANTED Bright young man lor general office work; must be good at figures; stale salary wanted and give references. AG ,'Uii, Oreponian. YOUNG BOY wanted to make light de livery, must have chauffeur's license, $."0 per month. Riverview Dairy, 1003 Bel- mont. I CAN use 3 men ot average intelligence and neat appearance. Write for appoint ment. Young's Superior Magazine Serv- "W ANTED Live wire to pell advertising, take charge of Portland territory. Ad dress udv. mgr.. Fruit land, 237 Central bid.. Henttle, Wash. OPERATORS on lailies coats and mackl n ws. and pressers. L. Bergman 83 Vi Mh st. Brnadwny 1077. MEN To peddle hominy, horseradiHh and honey. In and out of town. Apply 3G8 Hh w home a v. A FIUST-CUASS rubber wanted. Jack King's rhrumatic cure, 83 5th st. Sec- oml floor Phfonlx bldg. WANTED DM man; must milk lour cows for room and board; some pay. Victor L'-on, Estacadn. Or.. R. 1. WANTED Experienced stove Jointennan, must be flhle to leave city. Address box 141. Wlllamlna, Or. At V ERTTblNG salesmen, big money, ex perience unnecessary. Robinson, 210 st( rh Kxchnngp. WANTED .Man S' llwood 2I!M. to excavate basement. WANTED Man to place concrete. Seli wood 21'M). I'.U'KKH and order clerk for wholesale h.iijc- 31 N. Front St.. corner Couch. H elp Wanted Salesmen. 1.LS.MAN with' business experience pre ferred. Call room 410 New Houston lluiei, fTFI.P WANTED MATE. Help Wanted .altumfn. LIVE YOUNG SALESMAN WITH CAR. By FRANK L. McGUIRB. Largest Home Seller In America. HERE 13 YOUR OPPORTUNITY to get Into the real estate business and make big money; associated with a live, i progressive, reliable, established office, provided you have ambition, determina tion, optimism, a sense of fcumor, can give the best of references, and are will ing to work. Thousands of newcowera will be crowding Into our city to locate. Thousands of new homes are to be constructed. Portland is on the verge J of one of the greatest real estate actlvl- , ties tn her history. WE NEED a LIVE : SALESMAN TODAYI See Mr. Knappen , burg, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. AMngton Bldg. Main 1063. SALESMAN WAN TWO High-class man under 30 to represent the International Correspondence Schools; must have a good education, sales ability and a clear record ; experience not absolutely neces sary, but must possess unusua-1 energy and determination; this is an established business and will pay right man $300 per month; bond and reference required. Jf broke, please do not call. S. P. Snyder, 205 3 Oak. A CAPABLE shirt and pants salesman who has bad road experience and ac quainted with the men's furnishing goods trade over Oregon and Washing ton territory to handle our complete line on a commission basis. Address The Kikus Company, 72U Mission street, Sun Francisco, Cai. SALESMEN SEVERAL FIRST - CLASS MEN OF INTEGRITY. TO SELL HIGH GRADE LOCAL SECURITY. PREVIOUS HULLING EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE, BUT NOT ESSENTIAL; EXCELLENT INCOME AND A REAL PERMANENT FUTURE OPEN TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY. 1401 N. W. BANK BLDG. W ANTED buit!smu lor Oregon and Washington territory; those with some know Jed Be of horticulture preferred. The largest nursery firm In the north west, establ'ned over 50 years, offers capabie men permanent connections. Write for particulars to the Oregon NueryCo., orenco. Or. THIS safety-razor blade pocket knife revo lutionizing pocket-knife business, sells quickly by dozen and gross to drug, cigar and men's stores; retails $1; high grade side line for alert salesmen. Some territory still open. Telephone Broad way 5209. oLD-EST A BL.1SH ED real estate tlrm re quired services of a salesman with car. Attractive proposition. See Mn Mlah kiiul, with HRKUM A JORDAN, Bdwy. 22 10. 323-4 Chimber of Commerce. SALESMEN. We can use just two more men, must be of highest ability and strictest honesty; rigid references required. Phone for appointment, Broadway 4320 after 0 A. M. Monday morning. SALESMEN to sell KEPS-U-DKY rain coats, direct from maker to wearer. You can make $50 to $luu a week; Investi gate. United Rubber Co., Morgan bid. OLD -EST A B LI SH ED wholesale firm needs man. 2 to 4.. with liKht car to sell gro ceries to farmers ut wholesale. Give age, experience, qualifications In full and phne number. P. o. box 1!000. Y ANTED State-county distributors for No-Dim : applied on windshield gives clear vision, rain or fog ; oOc per can. No-Dim Windshield Mfg. Co., East H h St., Los Angeles. Cal. FJR.ST-CLASS specialty salesman with ref erences. See Mr. Greer or Mr. Fouts. Carlton Hotel, Tuesday, between U and U o'clock A. M. CHANCE for salesman with limited exp. and ennh. Phone Selj. .'14 i'2. MAGAZINE men, change bldg. call at 211 Stock Ex- W A NTE f A (i E NTS. A CALIFORNIA manufacturer wants agent for Oregon. Small investment re l uin-1. Room 511 Art Isans bldg. liiMl.Tii. ai-ciient and Hospital insurance. Big commission .101 Corbett bldg. 1IKI.P W A N T KD F E M A LK. A PACIFIC COAST department store re quires the services of an experienced woman for the art needlework depart ment, not as manager but one with ability to assist In the merchandising of the department. Executive experience necessary. In first letters applicants should give as much Information as pos sible regarding themselves, the positions tht-y have filled and the salary expected. A J 343, Oregonlan. AUERBACH department store. Salt Lake City, Utah, requires woman buyer to handle laces, ribbons, notions, handker chiefs and neckwear. Give full particu lars in first letter as to salary expected, past experience, etc. Must bear full in vestigation. Replies held confidential. Address Fred Auerbach. Hotel Benson, Portland. iregnn. AUERBACH department Htore. alt Lake Cuy, Utah, requires a woman to act as assistant in art need le work dept., wiui chance to become buyer if she makes good; give full particulars In first let ter as to salary expected, qualifications. etc. Replies confidential. Address Fred Auerbach, Hotel Benson, Portland, (r LLAJ l!KU stenographer for small town in Washington, bet ween Port. and and Se attle; mum .be both rapid and accurate In dictation and typewriting. Do not answer oi her wise. Give age, name of last two employers, salary expected and general outline of experience. AV 7U, Oreyonlan. THE WOMEN'S Uroiective DIVISION, city of Portland, offers lis service In all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; Interviews confidential. SJ4 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sts Phone Main MS2. WANTD Salet-women of Kood person ality for all territory outside of Port land ; sales experience desirable, not es hential; salary ti'U per week or commis sion. Apply Western Specialty Co.. Drawer 7.4, Portland. Or. WANTED Cook and second man to work in Aberdeen, Wash. Do not apply with out excellent references. State wages. Write Mrs. W. J. Patterson, Aberdeen, Mash. GOOD, reliable, unincumbered woman, care for children and housework in good home near close-in station. Call at room lo Northwestern Bank bldg. or puone Marshall 134. WANTED Competent maid to take care of child 4 years old; one who can speak French preferred; only maid with much experience and references need apply. Phona oregun City 600. col I ec t . WANT Protestant Christ ian girl, between the ages of -'." and 30. who can play piano enough for home amusement to do practical nursing ; good wages. V Or-gonian. i ClloCALATh, dippers wanted; must be thoroughly experienced and first-class; no otherH need apply; Lang Candy com- pany. 'J N. 1m Bt., near Burnside. AMBITIOUS mulc student to do 2 hours' wortt 3 mornings each week in exchange for flrst-clas piano lessons and theory worn exp. rnncrn pianist. -Mam 73 LADY pres.-er who can do repairing and answer telephone; must have had dye works' experience. Tabor 206, 107 E 34! h wt. WANTED Ambitious women to call on retail trade, full or part time; my worn, en average from $1 to $1.50 per hour in commissions. ef lorpett bldg. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, aoolv ta the Saivation Army Rescue Home. May- I lair ana Aiexanuer streets. I'tione Main 34 oO. DM car. PEUMANEXT position for young ia.dy stenographer, a-fternoons only; salary $35 ; state experience. BD 347, Orego- ni;in. 1 CAN use 3 worn n of average intelli gence and neat appearance. Write for appointment. Young's Superior Maga- y. tic Service. 4."4 Going st. WOMAN to list and sell apts. and room ing houses, commission basis. K. & 3. Realty Co., 425 Chamber, of Commerce bldg. WANTED Ladies call homes, sell house hold necessities of merit; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 East Morrison St. WANTED A housekeeper for family of 5; good home to right party. BJ 300, Ore- xonlan. WOMAN to work mornings, must live walking distance. 1210 Woodward ave., corner 41st st. WANTED An experienced piano playr to play for gymnasium. Inquire at Y. W. C. A. between and 10 A. M. LAUNDRESS for institution; prefer one whose home is in Portland. AL 2U1, Oregonlan. THE iunENCE CR1TTENTON nome is ready to help any girl In distress. East Giisan. "MV" car. East 31tt. WORKING housekeeper for southern fam ily. $10 per wk. and found. Call 11 N. Second st. DEMONSTRATORS wanted, & to 12 tomorrow. 220 Clay street. GIRL to assist with housework; no fur nnfo. no nh !ng. E. 1 4.KK FIRST-CLASS lady pressor on fancy gar ments. 727 Raleigh. EXPERIENCED fitter wanted, steady po' sition. The Popular. 214 Morrison st. APPRENTICES wanted tor beauty parlor work. 604 Eilers bldg. MIDDLE-AGED housekeeper for man and child. AG 330, Oregonian. WANTED Girl lor general Telephone Main 1005. housework. G1KL wanted. Penny Arcade, 20 N. 3d. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking ana aownsuura wora;; beat wages. Mala HFT.P WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Tomewtlra. WANTED Girl who is competent cook and experienced In dining room In good mod ern home; none other need apply; every convenience, no furnace, small family, good wages. Answer between 10 and 12 morning e. Main 70 5 7. W O M A N or girl housekeeper, three In family, Medford, Or.; good wagea. one wants good home. Wdln. 1123. 1507 Denver st. . A COMPETENT maid to cook and do general housework for 2 adults. Ref. required. Phone East 5S7U from to 12 A. M. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; modern conveniences, oesr wagea, City reference required. Main 5.H.14. EXPERIENCED yirl for general house work. Phone Mllwaukle 45. Mrs. Ter- heyden. ' RELIABLE Christian woman for general housework, $25; Sun. and evenings off. E. 143. WANTED Competent woman for general housework on farm. Call Mar. 3-22B. GIRL wanted for general housework in small private family. Call Tabor iS. GIRL for housework, good home, was-es. Phone East 5578. S23 HOUSEKEEPER wanted on ranch. AV HI. Oregonlan. G-IRL to assist with cooking and house work. 721 Glisan. Main 4 MS. SINGLE man wants a housekeeper; steady place. AB 340, Oregonlan. COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking. tSi0 Everett. GIRL for general housework ; good cook and good wages. 651 Lovejoy. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Light truck and delivery: also touring car: will give gilt-edge stock in live manufacturing concern. together with steady position ; good pay. BF 843 Oregonlan. A PORTLAND manufacturer wants sales manager to Introduce goods In eastern states; reference and Investment re quired. Y 348, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. EXPERIENCED TRUCK DRIVER AND REPAIR MAN, MARRIED. WANTS WORK IN CITY OR OUT. REFER ENCES. PHONE AUTO. 324-16. MACHINIST. American. A-l. all around steady, married man, age 29. 10 years' experience on production and repair work, factory maintenance work pre ferred. H. Butler. US1 Hawthorne ave. Tabor SJiHl. . EX-SERVICE man, married, willing for any kind of work; truck or private driv ing; will consider most anything. Alain jJU. Basement apt. WORK WANTED. Machinist, repair man wishes work of some kind, also have some tools for plumbing and carpenter work. Call Mar- shali 4Um1, apt. 7. P A P E R H A N G I G. 30 CENTS A ROLL; PAINTING AND TINTING CHEAP; ONE ROOM OR A BLOCK; SPLENDID WORK QUICKLY DONE. MAR. 24U3. ASK FOR MR. CAR RICK. MAN and wife, managing caterers, em ployed at present, desire change; man chef, wife head waitress and cashier : both experts on percentage. Address AE 342. Or gonian Al SOUTHERN man. 13 years' experience, wishes position as butler, chaui'feur. or any kind of housework, city or country. Phone Broadway Ii'."7. ELECTRICIAN with best of references; maintenance preferred; light. motor wiring: interview preferred. Main 840. Re. 4!7 N. 21st St. YOUNG man wants work afternoons and all day Saf'-day; will also work eve nings. Can ,o anything; best ref. Call Sellwood 2S26. WANTED Work by' Seventh Day Adven tist. experienced in cement work, braz ing, vulcanlz'ng. pipefittlng; not afraid of work. RD 33. nregnnim. YOl'NU man familiar with city wants po sition. Drives any make cur or can fur nish car; grocery and hardware experi ence. Call Past 34H8. RETURNED overseas war veteran of (ith regiment marines must have work: will ing to do anything ; good references. Room 3:!S. Ald'T hotel. POSITION as hotel or rooming house clerk or porter, night or day, 1 years' ex perience, city. Edw. Fegan, general de livery. P o. WANTED Kalsomining. old walls made like new ; work guaranteed. Call or ad dress D. A. Renard. 3i2 Hall st. Phone Tabor579. EXPERIENCED man wishes position as superintendent or engineer in office bldg.. understands care of heating systems and hydraulic elevators. Auto. iac-4j. OFFICE man, 14 years experience mer cantile lines as bookkeeper, credit man and office manager; will leave city. E 3 Oregonlan. YOUNG man of Hi wants work on farm by month ; experienced ; do not use to bacco. Broadway 1665, or AE 341, Ore gonlan. ACCOUNTANT and bookkeeper. 14 years in mercantile, railroad and shipping work will leave city, r 33;, Oregonlan. tAire. j cuiiuutujiKi repairing, re- MALE piano player wants dance work or hear from party starting orchestra. McDonough. phone East '2U4. I AM 17 years old, eighth grade educa tion, have had months' office work ; m ed Job badly. AH 344, Oregonlan. CARPLNTER New or repair work; small jobs promptly done; estimates cheifully given. Tabor SOW. FLOOR surfacing, electric sanding, hand scraping, waxing and polishing. W. H. Tibhitts. Tabor 40f2. 4S03 3d ave. S. E. YOUNG MAN. 17. wants office work, had 14 months' experience. Ralph Williams, Tabor 6414. WANTED Position as chauffeur, best of references. Phone Broadway luGO, Hotel Hoyt. room 10. PRUNING and landscape work wanted by an expert gardener and horticul turist. Call Tabor 131. PA I NTI NG, PAPERING. TINTING If you want good work at low price, call Tabor 2328 or Automatic 624-30. JANITOR, elevator, watchman, f irem:i n. oiler, experienced, needs work. H 33U, Oregonian. MAN with five children to support would like some kind of work. i'hone Sell wood 3N.-. YOUNG MAN, 24, ex-soldier, 1 year at col lege, general experience, also good driver. Tabor 8S. iOU'NG man, li). position at anything; can drive car; salary second object. Ben, Br o ad way 331. - OA RDEN ER, long experience, lawns cut. grounds beautified; best references. Wdln. A'2. W. E. Stearns. NEAT Japanese (Eurasiun) wants general housework, small family. AC 345, Ore- gonian. MlvCilANlCAL draftsman, willing to start low wagea In drafting room; neat; good rh a meter. AL 34 ft, Oregonlan. CARPENTER, REPAIR, TINTING. PAINTING; REFERENCE. BDWY. 59tr7. LET US figure your wiring. Old houffes our specialty. Woodlawn 5450. MARRIED man needs work, painting, tlnt lng. floor polishing. Maclin. East 1816. EXPE'KIENCE In hardware, furniture or harness business. AG 33ft. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED truck driver wanta work; will do anything. Auto. 320-46. POSITION wanted, all around ja.nl tor. Mr. Brown. Bdwy. 3 701. YOUNG Japanese wants position as school bo y. Call Automat lc 511-30. MAN AND wife want work on ranch. Phone Main 3340. PAINTING, paperhanging. 23c per roll, 2 rooms or more. Col 1078. PLUMBER wants work; ran do any Job; reasonable. Broadway 2SS3. CARPENTER C. S., 20 years' experience, day or contract. 5i31 S3d st. S. E. EXPERIENCED pruning, hour. Kait .r.H73 ail kinds, Oc PAINTING, papering and tinting at low est prices; work guaranteed. Mar. 34m. SHINGLING. Work guaranteed. Phone B. 8183. CARPENTER, builder, remouellng bullt Ins a specialty. East 2837. EXCAVATING, GRADING, general teaming : reasonable. East S873. SHINGLiNG, roof repairing, sonable ; work guaranteed. Prices rea Aut. 325-16. CARPENTER JOBBING. Repairing and painting. East 5306. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East 210. day times only. WANTED Hauling for 2-ton truck; rea son able. SuttonJVdIn. 303(1. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract, urst-ciass worn, wooniawn 2063. FOR EXPERIENCED pruning. landacap- ing and tree sur g ery call Tabor 1316. $6 PER DAY brings an experienced build- er; estimates iurnisnen,. oouiawn 2400. EXPERIENCED carpenter, contract i day: repairs. Reasonable. E. 7163. PAPERING, PAINTING, TINTING. Lowest price, best work. East 7842. ALL AROUND Janitor and furnace man, first -class, wanta position. Bdwy. 410U. PLUMBING done very reasonably, by hour or Job. Auto. 235-51. BRICK contractor, tile bouses, garages, fireplaces prices right. Tabor 8703- &AINTING, kalsomining. good work, rea' sonable. J. Clausen. Woodlawn 54 1 4 CESSPOOLS dug reasoname. SIMM). Call Tabor iXjrRLNCl) fcHINGLER, at fi.&4 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. DISABLED ex-service man needs position very badly. Have had electrical en gineering experience and would prefer permanent position with an electrical company, but will take anything tem porarily. Can give references as to character. Call Main 7807 mornings or after 3 P. M and ask for McAdams. WANTED Bungalows to build; will build you a 5-room bungalow for from $225 to $3H) for carpenter work complete; let me figure with you; I will save you money and do you first class work (well recommended). Address I. E. Mill er. 315 Flanders St., city. Tel. Bdwy. r,:iss. JAPANESE, neat couple, want position In nice family, city or country; man is many years' experienced first-class cook; wife wait on table or do house work; can furnish best references. Please call Hibino, phone Broadway 4254, 02 N. 8th st., city. YOUNG man, 25, ot good appearance, wishes permanent position; several years' banking experience; excellent references as to character and ability. J 333, Ore- gonlan. BooUkeepe rw, Stenographers, Office. WE INSTALL and operate a special book keeping system. Including Income tax service (Indorsed by leading merchants' asbociatious) ; work done oy expert, ac countant for 110 to SL5 monthly. Re tailers Service Bureau, 717 Gaaco bldg. Main 43S EXPERT bookkeeper with public account ing experience, desires set of books to keen in snare time. Slo a monin; satis faction guaranteed. Phone Woodlawn 6S5. EXPERIENCED bookkeep-r. not afraid of work, wishes position with certirtea puo 11c accountant; references. O 337, Ore- gonian. BOOKKEEPER -everal rears varied ex perience. familiar with office duties and credits, capable or taaing entire cnarge Tabor 7303. VERY competent office man with account ing ability, also some selling experience, desires position. R 336. Oregonlan. WANTED Small set of books to keen evenings by competent bookkeeper and acconn tant. A li a 4, Oregonlan, EX-SERVICE man, 2A years old, 7 years' office experience with flour mills. Job bers, manufacturers. P 326, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. bookkeeper, wishes a posi tion; A-l references. AK 31H, Oregonlan Salesmen. SPECIALTY salesman, western territory 6 years' experience, single, age 32; local references or bond; commission proposi tion only considered with guarantee weekly expense account. AH 33tf. Ore- Ionian. NITVATIONS WANTKP PKM LE. ANNIE HUNTER wouid like work by day or hour, laundry or cleaning: am ex perienced In both kinds of work. Old address. SflU Everett st. Phone Bdwy. 8312. changed to Bdwy. V.Kitt. New ad dress. 83 21st st.. corner Everett. Phone Auto. M 4-41. room B. ELDERLV w.man wants light housework in plain working family where woman Is employed tnrougn tne day; a wpk, Give phone number. BJ 30H, Oregonian. WANTED Bv a.i experienced honest, ex perienced woman, an apartment house to run on salary or percentage. Phone Main I'T.ii. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes to assist with housework and sewing where it would be like home; some wages; country pre ferred. A J :;4'J, Oregonlan. HOTEL manageress wants position either hotel or apt. house; thorougniy experi enced; can furnish first -class references. Phone Kast 1 !.". EXPEiiIUNCfc.D trustworthy lady wants housecleanlng, washing or othr work; good work done. Wood '.awn )305. OUNG lady with experience In doctor's office would like position in either doc tor's or dent;' I office. Call Auto. 321-15 YoUNG woman, experienced In hotel and restaurant work, would like any. kind of work. Broadway 2'Mtit, room M. LADY wishes position In dentist s or doc tor's office three or four hours per day. AR 340. Oregonlan HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants to work for board and room; wages required. Write to Mrs. Wels, 771 Missouri ave., city. EX PERIENCED. reliable woman with daughter desires place as housekeeper. BD 341. Oregonlan. MARRIED lady would like office work, bookkeeping preferred. AJ 346, Orego nlan. A PLACE In country for a 13-year-old girl to help with housework a.nd chil dren. A F 342. Oregoni.in. MAN AND wife, woman wants manage ment of apartment house; experienced. East 272.". room 10. SITUATION by reliable, experienced young lady as clerk or manager bakery or gro cery store. Fast 1H1C. RELIABLE cateress serves dinners. Care for children mother absent. Auto. 517-02. YOUNG lady wants .lob collecting, a.1! or part time; or would consider reception room work. AB 341. Orecnnlnn. WILL care for children evenings while parents are away; references. Wood lawn 1111. CHAM BERMAID work by competent young woman. Wondlawn 0234. WOMAN wants kitchen work. Phone Main 3340. LADY wishes dav Phone Sell. 2f97. work, 4,"ic per hour. WOMAN wants Call Bdwy. MV ay work, 3-c per hour. 2. rnrvm 14. EXP. CHAMBERMAID wishes Broadway 1010. apt. IS. position. WILLING girl wants work, pastry or short o rd er preferred. Woodlawn 2042. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work by hour or day. Broadway Hit. WANTED Hand laundry work, quick serv ice and goon work. 373 Ross st. E. 2.VHI. LACK H'RTAIXS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEATtP' EXPElt T ENCE. EAST 0190. COOK and helper want job In mill ramp. Phon Marshall 2024. FRENCH governess speaks four languages, would like a position. Call Auto. 521-47. ELDERLY woman wnnts lleht housework or core of aged couple. Phone E. 4720. COMPETENT In on dress wishes work, WedT, Thurs. ; references. Wdlwn. 101 1. EXPERIENCED cashier wishes position. Automatic 023-53. Boolikeenrs. St-nograplier. Office. YOUNG lady with 5 years genera! office experience wants permanent position : will start at bottom; excellent references. W 332. Oregonian RAPID, accurate stenographer and book keeper. 4 years' experience, desires posi tion; reasonable. Miss Olmstead. Mar shall 1251. FAST and accurate stenographer, 6 years experience, desire Immediate position. M iss Thompson. Main 8105. STENOGRAPHER, some experience, fore noons Woodlawn 5403. VERY experienced laundress wants all around day work. East 2034. BOOK KEEPING, clerical work, filing, nee'ls work very badly. Wdln. 5523. Dressmakers, THE GLAD SHOP. Gowns for every occasion copied from sketches or original designing. Main 5354. 1001 Bdwy. hid. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, prices reason able, references. Stout ladles' work so 1 1 r Ited. 1111 E. Taylor L Tabor 460. MEN'S shirts a specialty, prices reason able; also plain sewing. Automatic 520 12. Mrs. Wilson. B71 Glisan st. DRESSMAKING. Sewing: good work, reasonable, by day or hour. Main 254. D UESS MAKING DONE REASONABLY. MRS GOOD. WOODLAWN 2140. SILK dresses a specialty ; prices reason nhle. 422 H Morrison, room ft, upst.i Irs. DRESSMAKING, prices reasonable. Phone Fi. 5354. 71 F 11th St. N. SEWING by day or hour, reasonable. Phone Mar. 2541. or call at 745 Hoyt St. GUARANTEED plain and fancy sewing, 3 a day. SHwood 174S. DRESSMAKING Children's sewing a spe cialty. Auto. 321-05. N iirea. PRACTICAL nurse and husband will take an pged or convalescent person in their home on East 27th and Stark. Phone East 4222. POSITION by trained, experienced nurse, short or practical cases, best of refer ence s tsonaJh?Tabor651L NURSE, going to California, will care for sick person for part fare. AP 340. Ore gonlan. PRACTICAL nurse wishes care of Invalid or confinement cases; best reference. Ta bor 7772. MATERNITY HOME Best care to pa- tients; clean place; reasonable. E. 868. PRACTICAL nurse, long exp.. wants case; excellent references. Tnbor S32R. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wishes engagements, city rafs. Aut. 21Q-Q3. Hour keener. A POSITION as housekeeper for men or man with children; am middle-aged, good cook; can give the best of refer ences. E.ist 5055. WIDOW, 37, unincumbered, wants posi tion as housekeeper; neat, thrifty, cheer ful disposition; -give particulars. AN 339, Oregon Inn. RESPECTABLE, elderly woman wants housekeeping for widower, with one child. In plain home. Give phona num ber. N 330. Oregonlan. WOMAN wants housekeeping, respectable widower's home. 425 Hancock at., or phone East 357. WOMAN wants housework for 2 in family. Call East 3S0fl. W ANTED Light Alain &$2. housework, close In. SITUATIONS WANTED EEMA1.E. Domestic. MARRIED woman with small child wishes position as housekeeper. Mrs. Elsie Kendall, Newberg, Or., care C. Follett. Housecltanlng. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and Ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace, cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chap m an st. Phone Slain 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleanlng, fioor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given : best of references. WoMAN wants day work for Tuesday, Thursday. Experienced. Wdin. 5S3a. WANTED TO RENT. IfoUttea. YOUNG married couple with child wish to rent or lease furnished 2 or 4 -room house or flat In Hawthorne or Woodstock district by Jan. 11-12. AE 841). Orego nlan. WANTED At once, to rent, 5-room un furnished house, modern, about 2 lots. place for chickens. Mt. Scott or Mt. Tabor district preferred. Address AB 343, oregonian. REFINED business man desires room In modern home. Must have private or be near public garage. Widow's home pre- rerrea. au uregoman. FOR RENT In private home, nice I v fur nlshed sleeping room. Rose City dist., 2 diocks irom car, 1S per mo., gentlemen only. 304 E. 45th st. N. Auto. 317-K4. WANTED Modern bungalow, walking dis tance to Grand ave and Main; no over $35. Sellwood 2783. V LSTLVN ACRES Water. lights; waul ncjje or car. Auto, fi.aj-.v. WANTED To rent furnished house; must have over 8 rooms. B C 338. Orego n 1 a n. Apart ment. WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished apt. or flat, at least 2 bedrooms, by brother and sister employed; will furnish best of ref erences. BC 3 ". Oregonlan. Rooms. YOUNG man wants room and garage In private home; state particulars. AE 338. Oregonian. Roomn Wit h Board. YOUNG man wishes board and room in private family; Albina district preferred. AN 34B, Oregonian. NURSE with lovely home, we.t side, will care for invalid or elderly person. Mar shall 416. Yol'NG man desires room with breakfast, also garage; references aallable. AP 341, Oregonian. Housekeeping Hoomw WANTED Elderly business man wants s eeping room, kitchenette and private bath, in quiet, well heated house or apartment. References. Answer with full particulars and phone. M 345, Ore gonlan.' , FURNISHED H. K.. rooms, flat or small house in Kenton dist. Full particulars, A K 33ti. Oregonlan. BiiKtnesM Places. SHEET METAL SHOP wants to rent 50x100 In central East Portland ; new building preferred. Ad dress A. L. DuPuy, 424 East. Aider, FOR RENT. Furnished Room. FOR RENT. Bachelor rooms in- hfgh-cTans apartment house; very lovely and warm; single and en suite; for re fined gentlemen and ladies, $25 and up; references required. Mar. 2S30. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY. $0 PER WK. AND UP CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT G A RAG E CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free 11st of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including roomn at the Y. M. C. A., with phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS, 2 WEEK. Clean furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc., 35c and 50c per night; 5-story brick. 403 Front, cor. Harrison. WASHINGTON HO T E L. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suitea at reason able rate by week or month. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950 Large, attractive lobby with fireplace Spe c : al rates to permanent guests. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th st.. corner Alder A tt?rr.- I alilCj uovtmuwii u Rates 73c up. Private bath, $2. Special rates by week or month. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement. &52ii Washington st. Aioaern. private bath, free phones ; reasonable rates: $3.50 week up. Main 31. ROOMS, furnished and unlurnished. $2 per week and up; hot and com water. E. Gass, 704 Howard st.. University Park, nar msk. i-jsm siae. t i vcivy ati rnrHT. . 10th and Harrison Sts. 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apts. Phone Main 24S0. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrison Clean ana mooern rooms oy day, week or month at reasonable rates HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St.. at 10th $1 day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone and bath: light and airy. Steam heat NEW PERKINS HOTEL.. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. 1314 10th st. at Alder Clean rooms, ATTRACTIVE rooms with steam heat, lo cation aemranie. x . n j mu., -- u'ou ave. at Belmont. East 4548. FURNiSHED front room in modern apt., walking distance. Call evenings, nawy, 4.V2S. 50c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel laomac. aa. near jencrain. NICE, clean sleeping and H. K. roomn, $2.50 and up Baxter hotel. Aut. gi.-tA). LARRABEE HOTEL Steam-heated rooms $3 week up. Larranee ana rtoiinaay. 452 MORRISON, cor. 13th., choice rooms, modern conveniences : wai k ing m.-inin-f. Furnished Rooms In Private Family, FINE, large front room, south and west exposure, witn stationary wasnsianu, m excellent location, in fine home. 1 block to Hawthorne car. between 20th and 22d; large lawn, not hedged tn by surround ing houses; a very deairable place, suited for 1 or 2 refined gentlemen; $5 per week or $6 for two, payable monthly In advance. East 4S'JS. COMFORTABLE cheery room in attractive neighborhood on west siue. easy warn ing distance, or 1 block to car. Hot water, bath, phone, etc. Plenty of closet room; will rent to business man; break fast and dinner if desired. Call 411 14th st.. or phone Mar. 3552. CONGENIAL young man wishes roommate; twin beds, hot and cold water, house newly furnished throughout, parlor, piano and home privileges; also sleeping porch; rates t-d.ou up. "i join, uuvty. f'm v-ir nlnnn rsvnm m,n.-ti y ant rvhnn tv erytning modern, nice private nomc, close In, weet side, gentlemen preferred, 294 16th st.. cor. Columbia, NICE clean front room in modern flat, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen; west side, near Central library. Call at 228 10th St., or phone Main 5758. COUPLE will share beautifully furnished bungalow with 2 refined adults; break fast if desired. 128 E. 32d st. Sunnyalde car. Auto. 216-33. DELIGHTFUL room for gentleman; best location west side, furnace heat; easy walking distance, reasonable rent. Mar shall 61. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room In mod ern flat, close in, east side; kitchen privileges : rent reasonable. Main 852!. ONE HALL room,' light, airy, walking distance, west aide, $10 a month. Mar- t shall 21S. CALL Main 5552 for reasonable room ; large window, all conveniences, walking distance. COS V room for two; twin beds; best of home cooking; give meals if desired. 414 Market st. CLOSE-IN, desirable sleeping room, with home privileges and use of kitchen; ref erences. E. 6931. WEST SIDE, walking dlbtance; large, nice ly furnished room; furnace heat; every convenience. Mar. lftSO. NICELY furnished front room suitable for 2 gentlemen; fireplace; (15 a month. Marshall 2018 FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO MEN. 432 4TH ST. CLEAN room In large home, heat and LARGE neatly furnished bedroom ; walk Inir distance. $2 50 week. 431 0:h st. 40 N. 21ST, FRONT room, witn garage; three unfurnished rooms. LARGE front bedroom, suitable for two, Sellwood 2850. NURSE with lovely home will care for ln va Ud or elderly person. Aut. 610-P6. ROOM and garage with furnace heat. 3 N. sist st. I'none Aiain hms. NICELY" furnished, warm, with bath. Nob FAR LOR bedroom, piano, use of kitchen. tiOS 0th st.. apt. 2. ' STEaM neattd sleeping room in nice home, easy walking- distance. 215 14th st. FOR GENTLEMAN, furnished room, all modern conveniences 307 E. 7th st. N. WARM sleeping room, free light, heat; only $15. llo9fr Hawthorne. BOOMS, clean and especially well fur SOabed. ilam tfli 7ti If Yin. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Tamily. TWO ATTRACTIVELY furnished rooms on same floor with bath. Plenty of heat and hot water. Free telephone. Every thing strictly modern. All home priv ileges; board If desired. Right on car line. Unusual opportunity for those who care for refined, home-like place. Also has garage. Take Irvington car to 15th and Tillamook. 434 E. 15th at. N. Phone East 81MI.V Rik m h With Bom ro . CAMPBELL HOTET. 2S D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day .or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Rea f onahle ra t es. UNUSUALLY attractive sleeping porch suit j In exclusive family hotel, fire place, shower, good home cooking; a distinctive place for discriminating peo ple. East 73H4. NICE furnished sleeping rooms, heat and all conveniences, reasonable; 1 room hardwood floors, walking distance, west side. 057 Flanders st. Phone Broad way 272. PARK VIEW HOTEL, 380 Montgomery st., cor. .W. Park Roonw with or with out bath, all outside rooms, very reason able rotes, excellently cooked meals. COSY home for coin alescents wit hin H block to Good Samaritan hospital; spe cial attention to diet; reasonable rates. 20K .North 23d st. Main 230H. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences ; walking distance ; $5 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 E. 7th st. MARTHA WASHINGTON Room. board for nirls. mod. rates. 3Mt 10th. Mar. 1251. Room Wito ltn m Private Family. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. Large front room with wonderful view of mountains, city and river, in charm ing Willamette Heights modern home; 2 meals; 1 or 2 gentlemen; $50, or $i5 per montn. Mar. 740 1 LARGE, light front room, twin beds, H. and C. water, fireplace; also 1 very large room, fine for 4 men employed; walking distance, w. S. ; with or without board. Broadway 4033. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 or 3 men, heat In room, walking distance; rent very reasonable. With or without board. I'hone East 4433 or call 35S Lar rabee. NICE tront room. Jus: off the living room, with fireplace, $1 per day for board and room; respectable men o-nly. Cail Bdwy. 3072 or call at S3 loth st. WANTED To get in touch with some working girls who would like to go in with me to kerp a house; can give ref -erences. AK 345. Oregon ian. IRVINGTON LOVELY ROOM. MAHOG ANY FURNISHED. REFINED HOME. ALL M O'D ERN CO N V EN 1 EN C E"S ; GA RAGE. EAST 0045. PRIVATE home. lovely neighborhood. 1 block from car ; good heat furnished, light, clean and well furnished room. Call East 5080. OWN ER of modern well fur. home will rent part or will board business girl, home privilege-; good location, near car line. Ta!or 5303. TH REE more lor business men's ciub; beautiful home, excellent board. For in formation call Woodlawn .V345. 2 NICELY fur. rooms, with or without board; all home privileges. 741 Hoyt st. Main 0iii(4. NICELY furnished, large front room, suit able for 1 or 2; good home cooking. Tabor 2223. INFANT or small child can have best care in new, modern home; no other children. Woodlawn 1500. PLEASANT room with sleeping porch and board for a couple or 2 gentlemen. Mar shall 351-1. 211 N. 23d st. IRVINGTON .home, large front room for 2, break 1 at and dinner; $75 per month. East 5224. LARGE room for 2, heat, no other board ers; west side; walking distance. Mar shall 0018. NICELY furnished lar?e front room, suit able for 1 or 2 ; good home cooking. Tabor 2228. PRIVATE home for children. 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2102. HEATED rooms, and board, close in. $30 month 015 East Couch s t . MOTHER'S care for one ur two children in my home ; ref erences. Phone 030-01. LOVELY, nice, warm room, with good board, reasonable. Call Sellwood 2320. NICELY furnished room, good plain home cook in c;. 70 Lucretia place. ROOM and board In private family. 455 Montgomery st Main 7051. NICE warm room for 2; gcd board; rea sonable: cltve in. E;fSt S445. TRAINED nurse will take nervous pntient; brvght and cheerful home. Main 5123. Furnished Apartment a. ST EL XV Y N APA RT M ENTS, HIGH CLASS. The handsomest furnished apartment house In the city; haa a 5-room and sleeping porch ; 10 windows, all outside rooms; furnished In Chinese rugs and oriental furnishings; lots of heat; also a 2-room permanent nnd trnnstent bach elor rooms. $25 up; references required. Marshall 230. CLASSY. LARGE, LIGHT, BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM APT.. $V0 MONTH. None hotter In Portland than these, on first floor, equipped fop two to four persons; first-class janitor service guar- an t eed. Wai k i ng d lstance. THE COLUMBIAN. 1Un and Columbia THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier & Frank's store ; good surround in gs, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts.. out side and French doors and balcony; per manent nnd transient. IRVINiiTON On car line, 3 large rooms, completely furnished, nlayer-piano, fire place, on ground floor; $00, Includes heat, phone, lights, water; no cniiaren. Suitable for man and wire ; quiet, em ployed pe o pie p ref erred. East 4 3 84. FOR SALE Furniture of 3-room apt., complete, apt. for rent. Apply apt. 210, 20th and Washineton. Zumbro court between 9:30 A. M. and 12 M.. and 4:30 to 0 P. M. PORTLAND HEIUHTS, Just rt modeled. 14 windows, hardwood floors, French doors. tile bath. Desirable for two people. Very cozy. Mountain In view. Main 8542. A 4-ROOM apartment for rent, furniture for sale, in a very choice apartment house, nicely located on west side; fur nishings consist of Ivory, willow and ma- hogany; party leaving city. .Mam oM il-ROOM modern apt., newly decorated and furnished ; all service Included rer.t; $35. 302 Tillamook, V block east of llliams ave. FURNISHED H. K. apt., 2 front rooms. light and clean: sink, hot and cold water, furnace or stove heat. 421 6th st. Marshall 2605. DRICKSTON APTS. 448 11TH ST. 2-room light, airy, plenty of heat, 2 disappearing Deas. up-to-aate apts. DIEL APTS., 700 East Ankeny st., modern, completely furnished 3-room apt., warm, light, clean. Phone East IMPS. CLEAN 2-room apartment : light, heat, hot and cold water. 122 Idaho- st.. Ful ton 14 ADDON HALL. 11th and Hall. 8 rooms kitchenette and bath; hardwood floors and balcony. WHEELDON ANNEX. A 4-room apartment; also roomSj 2 AND 3-ROOM newly furnished apart ment, heat, light, bath, phone and ga rage. 308 Multnomah st. Etst 8051. A NEW 3-room modern unfurnished apt. for rent. $25. 487 y Roselawn ave. cor nel itth. HOCSM ANA PTS. Large 3-room separate bedroom, 4 closets; desirable. 7.10 Hoyt. Main 1552, NEAT 2-room furnished h. k. apt. on sec ond floor; fireplace and furnace heat. 404 Park st. . UNION AVE and Klllingsworth. fur. apt.. $24.50; all complete; concrete building. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2445 2 AND 3-ROOM modern apts.. tile bath. Main 1052 Buenn Vista apts. $25 A MONTH for 2-room steam heated Tiirni sneq apart int-iii. in;. jq si. 4 -ROOM apartment, clean, walking dis tance, joo; Rtu:Ts. r.ast zhv. 1 OR 2-ROOM apartment near E. Buru :de and 24th. East 8151. ROSELYN APTS.. 110 N. 21st; 2-roora modern furnished apartment. TWO APTS. with kitchen; 1 basement sle e ping rm., wk. .n st. 2 LAROE furnished modern rooms on first floor and garage, if wanted. 315 N. 22d. CLAY' POO LE ANNEX Two rooms, front a pt., $"o. Adults, s::.) litn street. Unfurnished Apartments. 4 ROOMS and bath, light, heat and garage. $40. Main n40, or ass; xor Airs, iiein, 101 West Park. 4-ROOM apartment with dressing room and bath, clean and plenty of heat; very desirable apt, cast 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment ; steam heat ; no children ; $32. Waverly Court. East 20th and Clinton sts. GARDNER, 13th and East Ash Large 5 rooms, fireplace, hot-water heat ; hard wood floors; garage; ref. East 2871. STEVENS APTS. 0 large outside sunny rooms, heat, water, H. W. floors, sleep ing porches Call Main 935a. THE AMERICAN, mouera &-room apart jneaL Broadway jUOOw FOR RFVT. l"nf urniNlird Apartments, New bungalow apartment. I have 1 5-roomed with 2 bedrooms nd 1 roomed with 3 bedrooms These are strictly modern, make beautiful homes. Service and heat. WASHINGTON HIGH A ITS. 4-room un furnished modern apt., all large outside rooms, hot water heat. 575 East Stark, corner 14th. Phone East 8030. FOR RENT 0-rooiii apt., unfurnisned; large, light, airy rooms; excellent serv Ice ; reference. Phone Bd wy. 2201 3-RooM modern, steam neat, gas stove. 501 Gi'san. FurnUheil or 1'iilurnUlied Apurtmrntw. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Upshur Apts., 4001. Upshur street. 2, 3. 4 and 5-room apartments, steam heated, furnished and unfurnished ; rea sonable rates 'i ll K VICTORIAN 4-room furnished apartments with bath : reu sonable rules. 48 Columbia, near 11th. Mn rshall 2277. Platn. large, modern ; cheerful s; rictly priva-te ; 2-famlly 355 0th st. Owner, 351. CORNER flat, bay windows; flat building. Rent -' STRICTLY modern 5-room f.at, hardwood floors, newly decorated, $45. 68 E 2lHh st N Inquire 74 E. 2iUh st. N Phone Bdwy. East 5070. ROOMS, waking distance, gas range and water heat.r; adults only. Phone Marshall 14 45 Odd EAST MADISON ST. Kino 5-room f :at. modern. $40 per month. Donald Woodward. Main 14.10. 104 Second St. 5-ROOM f.at. walking distance, nice view. good order, nrepia.ee, rurnace, 3siH' 10th st., south of Montgomery. 6-R(AM modern flat for rent, $45 month. 570 -s Rodney ave. Mctxger-Parker Co., 2M Osk t. Bdwy. 5:155. 5-ROOM modern flat, good location, adults onlv. HlNN E. Tn vlor. SPLENDID 5-room lowr flat, adults. Wdln. 472. 133 E. 7th North. E. 1 ST H AND ASH STS. Modern 5 -room upper, flreplnc-. furnace, $40. East 2H1. 5-k i M ii'iMVD..n l tint. 314 Engine st. TumMied Flats 0-ROOM flat, new mahogitny furniture, for nale; rugs, drapes, brdding. dlh. & 11 new ; everything goes ; rnt $25. NVts $37.50; $750. East side, close in. Bdwy. 433il CLEAN lower fiat of 4 nicely furnished and one unfurnished room, private bath, easy walking distance; adults only. Call between 1:30 and 5 P. M.. 24 E. 8th N. TO ADULTS 3 rooms and porch, west aide, walking distance ; absolutely cln n. I'hone &45-8V or call 525 Va Montgomery tr'ft. For R i'JNT Six -room, modern, complete ly furnished flat; piano, furnace and fire place. 700 Hoyt. Possession given .Inn 1 5. . LKJIiT, Bunny 4-room flat, suitable for 4; private bii ' h : walking distance; near rv JS. cur. f-.ist o.t-n. i('imoni. FINELY furnished 3 rooms, thoroughly modern; also garage; short walking dis tance. 340 E. Clifan. near Union. AluWKKX. four rooms, iartie. likrht, stove heat ; no small children ; $45 ; call after 5:30. 340 Montgomery st. 4-R OM furnished lower fiat, clean, ga. electricity, stove heat, private bath: adults. Wdln. 473! 4-ROOM furnished fiat, good location, nice ly furnished; piano; references; adults, Kant 47o7. IRVINGToX Attractive 4-1 ootn flat: h.-at. lltrbt. gas. ?H5. Adults Kast Solo. LuW'Klt Mat. veil furnished; 75W Williams ave. I'hone Woodlawn 24M0. $2ii t-Roo.M upper fliit, some furniture. Cobb. 31. Chamber of Corn FOR RENT Furnished 4-rooni lower flat clove In. Call Knst 3103. CLEAN, cheerful 4-rm. fur. flat, adults only. 671 E. Ankeny. East 5403. 3-ROOM furnished flat, elec., gas range; r.Mit ?-T0. 4 10 Montgomery st. MODERN 7-room Lat tor rent, furniture for sa le. cheap. Main lu3. 3-ROOM furnished flet, 327 Columbia st, Phone Main 5!. after 5 P. M. 4-ROOM furnished flat, furnish the heat and water. 304 Fargo, m ar I nton ave IRVINGTON, choice 3-room. light, heat, gas. $..L.50; adults. Kast 801- NICELY fur. flat, close in; all buili-lns; cheap to right party. Bdwy. 3073. LA RGK 3-room furnUhed f.at. 102 E ISth, Housekeeping Rooms LARGE, comfortable, newly furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, furnace heat, fine location,' wnlklng dia-nm-e. 35 Everett. Bdwy. 4787 11 K. Ruo.Viii. downstairs; running water; home-like; close In; $32. 1 largo front room ; running water. $2o. Cu.I Monday. 301 10th st. FURNITURE of housekeeping room for sale: room for rent light, gas and heat furnished: hot anil cold water; down town. Bdwy. 200. Wiley. THE HEAVER, 12th and Marshall Fur nished H. K. room. $15 up. including hot Water, electric lights, laundry room LA ROE ciieery room, running water. 3d fioor, $4 per wk.; 2 blks. 14th and Mont gomery. 5nl Harrison. Aut. 51S-13. La ROE s-ingle room with hot and cold water, large clothes closet, gas range. Main 4 300 fi'.5 Davis. FURNISHED h. k. rooms, one 4-room apt., one 3-room. Call at 0th st. Idaho apt. CLKAN. comfortable h. k. rooms, per week up. 372 'fr Hawthorne. $2.50 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 2o7 Knott st., near Williams ave. H. K. APT., newly furnished, clan. new bed dine, mal t re.se. rtc. K. 4S.VI. TWO NICE rnotns, second floor, hot water a ! w a s . 05 5 Flanders. i lak;e h. k, 2M Lnrrnbee. room with kitchenette. 2 NEAT, cozy housekeeping rooms bath, at 500 Maiket st. WELL furnished. clean housekeeping room; private side entrance, imp nun st. TWO CLEAN rooms equipped for h. k. reasona hie. I i.) la N. Jlst. 1 LA KG L 11. K. room, furnace heat. 1 1 1 yt st. Marshall .4 l. 2-RooM furnished housekeeping apart ment .?050wpkly housekeeping comforts of a home to reliable couple. Main 254. FURNISHED h. k. rooms with sink, close In; adults. 253 Hancock. East H40. TWO, aso fcintiio housekeeping rooms. 508 Alder. ; . NICELY furnished h. k. room.-, irood heat, $15 up. 4WI Holladay. Eavt 75.V.. Housekeeping Rooms in Private Family. TWO LARG E, newly papered downstairs front housekeeping rooms; no objections to one child. 30 a mo, BoO Jefferson st.. near 14th. TWO DESIRABLE h. k. rooms In strictly modern home for employed couple; walk ing distance. 500 E. Yamhill St., cor. 1.1th. East 4S43 A .-LITE of 3 pleasant furnished h. k. rooms to adults. Main 4415, 556 Yam- hi THREE furnished rooms and seeping porch, light, water, phone and heat. rnone r-asii TWO FURNISHED rooms, lights, gas and water, $18; walking distance. 371 East 2 FRONT H. K. ROOMS with, sink. 12 LIGHT h k.. 2 Urge light h. k. rooms. 000 R e 1 mont. H. K. ROOMS, children. 275 Williams a vs. East o 7 it 7. Mrs. Wilcox. 2 CLEAN furnished H. K. rooms, reaou a b 1 e; clo? e in. 54 2 K. ' 'ak St. East 3542 . $3 TO $5, EVERYTHING furnished, 1 and 2-room front suite. 052 V Thurman. ONE VERY large modern front h. k. room with kitchen, first floor. 240 13th st. fcLK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 13 days' storage free: furniture mov ing for Broadway 2445. ROSE CITY PARK fiat for rent. 3 large rooms, g:is. floor furnace, flrep ace, hard wood Loots. 520 East 32 d N. Tabor 4U 1 tt WHEN moving, "city or country, get the best at lowest prices. Green Transfer Co.. Main 1 201. 202 u Abler st. MODERN bungalow. furnace, fireplace. P54 Vancouver ave'. ; $42. Inquire 5h0 Williams ave. MOVING Plants, furniture and long dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d b: Phone Bdwy. 5121. SMALL 4-rm. bungalow, garage, st. paved; JJ3..50, lnciuaing water. nio una st. S. rj. LIVE in your own homo, work In town; acre, 0-room house; $100 down. 4014 Eas't 4M-t st 5-RooM. new. modern, near school and high scnooi. riiimiu vn.kiuu. rnunu Tabor 5470. 6-ROOM house, modern, newly cleaned. close in. auuna vmy . wmuu ave. Fast 1300. 8 ROOMS, 4 50 E. Sherman, between 7 th and bin. Possession 7 or 10 days, TeL Kast 4174 IRVINGTON Choice 0-room house, fur nace . nrep:ace. fir., ri". r-agi ooi. MODERN 7-rcium liouhe, 4J. 107 E. 10th, near noimoni. MODERN 0-rm. hou.-e. furnace, tra, eluc, eas. Call 87 E. 17th, A. M. 4-ROOM hous, 08 1 Woodward ave. Rjchmonn or oumsiqch, cu r. HOUSE and double flat, west side, some STRICTLY modern cottage, furnished or unfurnished. Main 330!l or Hdwy. 0124. 6-ROOM house, bath, gas, electric lights 4 30 Harrison. 18 ro WO' WAV low 8 ROOMS, Ladd's addition, all floors hard- wood, moaern. lamir loin. I W'AVERLEIGH HEIGHTS, ft-room bunga low, ei.dv. oo- ju. rrauuin. w .-w, ear. FOR RENT. House. NOTICE. To the moving public. let us solve your moving troubles. Call Albina Trans fer Co., Woodlawn 1075. Pianos moved for 13, and fl per each flight of stslra extra ; large and small furniture trucks wit h experienced men at reasonable rates; 12 years In the business. PIANOS moved. 13; stairs extra, $1 each fliirht, 30 days' free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving, one-ton truck, S2 per hour; Urge truck. 12.75 per hour; we are experienced ami have good packing. Call Broadway 12o7. Atlas Transfer & Storane Co.. MH N. 5th sU P'n Sundw nnd evenings. 573 EAST 3'J'Vkl ST. NORTH, corner Kiuitt, 7-room house, newly painted, gas. elec tricity, built-in convenience, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, k itch in white enamel; a very desirable corner; rent $50. R. B Caswell. Broadway 1115. RESU'ENCL. lower llo.tr. 5 room, mod ern in every way; walking distance; hoi water heat; rent $75. including h-at. hot and cold water and garan; mu-t be s'.-n. 571 El Hot t ave.. Ijdd's n-M. STRANGERS Make your house want know n to this off be. We have some good HOMES for PENT. G. G ROHRKR. RENTAL REALTOR, 2rt PANAMA BUILDING. CALL BROADWAY Ami FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. L I Gil T PO V K R HEAT WASHINGTON AT TENTH PT 7 ROO M S. 4 535 31U h ave. S. E. Lo ve : y bathroom, nice yard, fruit, flowers, near Creton and Franklin schools. $32.50. A uu imatic 02 1 -HI. r STRICTLY modern 0 rooms an.l nl.ipmg porch. 2 fireplaces, good turn.ue and garage. E. 02d and Stark; $75 FRED S WILLIAMS. PANAMA 1'T.DG. NEW WOODLAWN bungalow, 4 r. minis, brt-skfust nook, fireplace, attractive Ux tmvj, ivory finish, 40; adult.-. Main FOR RENT House, all modern cm-, pt Hunts, ncr Linr.einan station, on good road; garden spot and place for chirk ens, 'labor 0175. FoR RENT Cheap. 4 rooms, bath. l..t, garnge and grocery store with fixtures, extra good location. 105 Beech s:.. ue-twt-.-n Msxiippi tind Mirh'gan ,-ivi LA RGK. tiomfor t utile U-room hon.sr ; hot water heat, furnished from central hi-.il-lng plant; absolutely cb-an; single or double K.tmgc; n-f, 500 K. A s h st. 7-RdOM huu.e, b3 E. 45th -t., $40. tt-rooin house, Woodlawn, $30. A. H. AKEKSi iX. Henry Bldg. Broadway 5540. 5-ROOM houj-e to runt. $3il mo. S3 7 N--l-on st., 1 I) lock from Iloe City cr. Metiger-Parker Co., 20'J Ovk st, Bdwy. 0 ROiiMS. close in, east &ide, pavid atftei; halt block from car. 11 1 LI.KR BlioS.. Realtors. 21 1 Ry. Ex H-dg. Bdwy. 03. WILL LET my luautll'ul B-aumoiu bun galow, mi furnished, to responsible part. Tat. or 17H5. FURNISHED bungalow, R22 E. 21st N. Call Wdln. ' 4Hi. A. M. till 5 P. M. Marshal' 3377. evening-. $35 St "N N SI I E 7-room modern hou. inOxIOO. $30. tt-room house In Wiiu-l-lawn. Bdwy 5540. 42i Henry bldg. IRVINGTON 7d0 E. Broadway, 42.50. 4,.5 E. 11th N. $05. Others. R. T. Street, I rv In ir ton agent. 7-ROM house, full ba.se men t, good con dition. Corner of Kelly and Guinea. Sellwood 1040. FOR KENT 5-ROOM MoDEKN HUNG A- U W. MARSHALL 1253. 7-HUOM ni.d.-rn house, Jill. fl K. 15th st. N. Irvineton car. Wondlawn Mi ."(. I'urnMied Houses. FOR RENT 5-room house, nicely fur nished, piano, wood and gn" range, hot wat r heater; hnlf block west of Laurel hurst district; rent $50; adults only and references required. Call Kast 2203. WILL lease for one year, to responsible party, 7 mom a, furnished house, fur nace, fireplace, laundry trays, two lots, one block north of Division st., on East 30!h Kast U12. NICELY f urnifd-.ed, strictly modern. 0 room. Rose City bungalow; everything clean and fine location; adults only with good references; good garage; rent $75. W oo d 1 a w n 2 470. FUR RENT A furnished house In Pied mont, Including garage, furnace, piano, etc. I'hone, water a nd garbage paid for. Adults only. 123'J Garfield ave. Phone Wdln. 1207. WILL rent my 7 -room furnished nome tr responsible people ; old Ivory finished, mahogany and overstuffed furniture; a view property. Woodlawn 5424. FIVE rooms In two-otory frame, plain furnishings, close In, employed persons preferred, 1oh tion two blocks up from St. Heb-ns hall. 455 13 1 h a t J n ckson. $40 AND 5 rooms. 4 10 San Lafael, fur nished except bedding and dishes; siove heat; ready January lo. Shown after noons by appoint ments. Ma isha'l 2-q. 5-RO M 'house, nicely furnished, plain , wood and gas range, hot - wa ut Ikhi-t; half block west of Laurelhurs; district; re n t$50; nd ults only. East 2203. LOOK! Rent $75, imtke your own free rent. 8-rm. house, n icely f urn Ished, 5 rooms, to sublet besides your own 3-rm. apt. B dwy. 4205. 533 W est Flanders. J-liOi '.M furnished houo't not modern, but comfortable and roomy. BM Miry st. Sellwood wr Brooklyn car. Call between 10 nnd 2 . Fu R REN T 41-room bouse, 1 urn i shed ; 1 acre fruit and berrie; rosea and lawn; good garage; $30 per mo. 3000 7 ut h st S. E. N I C 10 modern house fully furnished f-r rent for short period, Kinall family, west side, clone in. Bdwy. 1 I 4-ROOM modern furnished house. 4111 Rus sell, east of Union, $30. East 5-35. Ctose in. $15 TWO R MS., iuni.hed house; no nb Jection children; Inquire 027 Market, nea r 10th. IJtVlMiTilN- Completely furnished ll-rm. 1 2-story house, Khissea-ln sleeping porcii; Immediate possession. Marshall 3'.'03. UP"TO-rATE houseboat, 3 large rooms and bath, In heart of city. Call Main 4077. FURNISHED ltwer fi f modern bouse ; children allowed. Evenings only. wood SUR. ftOO Clinton. Sell- MODERN home, 8 rooms, handsomely fur nished; will lease e mo. or longer; rei erencea; attractive location. Main 4711. WoTi K"n town and make your living; l acre, 0-room house, $150 down. Owner, 4014 E 41st ft. (H-d'twK car. MODERN furnished 4-room lower fott with garage. iuuiio m i-am ( me nines : - o ti i "i i" r. THOROUGH L Y modern 8-room furnished house at Wol r.. -mi st. r., piano; ga- Tel. Wrtln. li'n. liti KAST HURNS1DE, 6-room modnrriV hnniA cnmnloiclv furnished: nlano: ref- erences, $70. Main M37 mornings. 3-RooM cot tag f(,r rent, partly furnishud; no child r en. jiain o -;. FOR RENT 0-rooin furnished nouse. 64 firoaoway. $;ii 4-ROOM bungalow; Lake Grove Acre; fine View, airr ar.Jinu, .vi r muim ui o g . 5-ROOM fur. houa, 1038 Williams ave.. near jenerson nign- o.m.i, CLEAN room, closet and kitchenette with gas range. 4a ciay si. FURN ITUR E 4 -room house. 1 block to onrHnx- Sunnvsld. Call Tabor 4402. WELL furnished modern 4-room. house, at viu 1 1 nnmiiM, . .,i nn i 5-RooM furnished cottage- for rent. Call Tabor n"77J FOR RENT 4-room furnished cottage close In. t fl.ll wen. L'tQ4 alter o r. i. House w for Kent Furniture for Sale . FURNITURE, including gas range. Vio trola, rugs, curtains, dishes, etc.; in Rose CI ty house ; lease runs to July 1. All furniture new; owner leaving city; no dealers. AN 305, Oregonlan. Tabor 2i;nt. 6-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sals cheap If taken ut once. Corner of 2bth and Sandy. Aut. 214-3K Stores and nusinH Places. WELL lighted space, 22x00. on second f'.nor of U'ick bldg,, suitable for ltghi manu facturing company. Riverview Dairy Co., 1003 H' lir.ont st. F'OR RENT Upper floor In brick building 22x00 ; well lighted, suitable for light ma nu fact u ring, $25. Riverview Dairy, 1 1 h t:t Hdnmnt. FO R RLNT Three rooms, good local ion for any kind of business. 22S Burn side st., bet. 1U and 2d. Phone Broad way 1!71. FINE light top floor 50xlOH. long leasi. r. w. steam neat, good eievaior. u. i Wax, 24 N. 5th. IMwy. 2730 CORNER WToRE AND AI.DKR For JtENT AT FIR STS. ; WILL GIVE 4- YEAR LEASE. B 30. Cregonian FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof wars house phone Broadway 3713- FOR RENT Half store. 550 Union ave. Offlc REDUCE YOUR overhead. Well-lighted and heated offices, single, or in suites, central oi flee building in financial section of city; low rentals. S Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second st.. corner stark. oR RENT A number of rooms, from 4o0 to 1550 quare feet ; will divide to suit tenant. iiedner bldg., 10th and Wash Ington st. . OFFICE, Joint reception room. Apply to Wheelock Williams, Atty. rorheithidg, FRoNT on Ice, modern, in Railway lx change htdg. Apply room 312. WANTED furnished office, either single or part of sui 1 e. 2 1 I. regopri n . DESK room with tele-phot e and steno- grapnie service, i'hone iiuwy. oito. Rf'RIKFfl.q OPPORTTX1TIKR. GROCERY' Must sell on account of sick ptaa. Last bla, J 'j