la TIIE MORNING OKEGONIAN. "WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 4, 1922 W A V T K I MrsrKM,ANKOl. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER. TDK TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SPITS. OVKK COATS, MACKINAW'S, SH'JBS. WE CALL, ANYWHERE IN THK CITY, DAY OH KVE.N'IN'i. CALL MARSHALL 1229 OR 25.1 MADISON ST., NH THIKI) ST frurmture W autrg. rK WANT YOUR USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND WILL I'AY TuP M AHKKT PRICES. IK YOU HAV'K ANYTHING IN HARDWARE, TOOLS OK ALL DE SCRIPTIONS OH FL'KMTL'KE TO SELL OH KXl'HANU E. CALL I S FIRST .MAIN 1M.72. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-3-5 FRONT ST. CALL .MARSHALL 2UU3. I pay absolutely the right price for nouH'-nom gootis; a noine lull or furni ture or one article. I need tablet, chairs, d rHS rs, beds, chiffoniers and good rugs, roll-top (links and good stools. If you are ready to I, call Marshull 2013. J will he thTo prornpty with ciLsh. CASH FLRMTUR E CAAil. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, ate. to ship out of town. Will py higher prices than other local dealers. Call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Hroadway 22oO. 72 North Third St.. Ronb'Tii'it Furniture Exchange. CALL .MAIN b!s7H. We pay the hi shunt prices for used furniture. Se us before you sell. CALL UNITE I FURNITURE STORE, Main HN7H. WE N E E I SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready cash. Phone today. Main 41:! 7 or10H F.rst st. WE WILL LU Y your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Batter tit Co.. auctioneers .Main 3332. WANT roll and f;ai-top desk and adding machine. O. N. Habcock, Bd wy. 27 30. KniT ATIONAT.. FOUR WEEKS' TRAINING FREE. We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged In the auto, trac tor. Lattery and the auto electrical busl ne as. We can assist you to a good posi tion too Wo give you a four weeks' I- R EE TRIAL. No money in advance. The trial obi! Kates you in no way. It affords you an excellent opportunity to size up our school and test your quali fications to learn mechanical work. Full particulars in our new II I1-page cat a log. fall or write for it today. Ask for hook No. .. its free. JfcDCOX ALTO AND AVIATION SCHOOL, CNIoN AVE. AND WASCO ST. Woodiawn or Alberta car, ad and Alder. BE A NATIONAL trained automotive ex pert and turn a big salary; no other school in America like National. Real practice on up-to-date autus. tractors. motors, lathes, etc. ; largest and best equipment, instructors of 20 years . perieuce; we train you for any position in the business and help you find good position; no previous experience neces sary; earn room and board while learn in.g. lit mire and send for your fre 72 page frustrated catalogue. Tells how we puL graduates in big pay positions; aim us scores ol' photos of school wor-t. Tells of good jobs now open. Write today to J A. Ro.-teiiKranz, Pres., N. A. S fclti a. r igueros, i-os Angeles. liEHNKE-WALivER BUSINESS COLLEGE AND SCHOOL OF PRIVATE SECRE TARY. We teach the celebrated system of success shorthand that has prod uced during the last ten years more world's experts, court reporters and private sec retaries than any other system It U easy to read. e;iy to write and can be completed in It as time tiian the average standard system. We also teach Gregg. Why not prepare for the big opportunity that awaits you ? Phone Main fi'JO or address 4th st., near Morrison. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here It is. Standardized with schools in tl other cities. Pest laboratories, best shop equipment and instructions. Actual shop practice given on real repair Jobs. Re sults absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while business is quiet. Prepare now for big busine.-s opening in a few months. Inquire Ore gon Institute of Technology. Main street ut Sixth. Ex-sur vice iutn get STATE AID. lliili WALTON SCHOOL of COMMEki.CE. Accountancy training covers: . Constructive Accounting Advanced Accounting Cost Accounting Business Law Income Tax Procedure (combined with the CORPORATION TRUST COMPANY services). Subscription may be for combinations or for single courses. Inquire at Oregon District OUlee, 412 Wilcox Bldg. Bdwy. 6701 ilOHLER liAKHKH COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 6 week, furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay whiis learning; positions secured; former ex service men receive sta te aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue nnd particulars. 234 Burnslde REGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the tiade in 8 weeks; scalp and iaee massage specialty ; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this frm, 233 Madison. YOU CAN EARN $13 to . $40 weekly In your spare time writing show cards for us at home. Write for free particulars. National Show Card School, Ltd., dept. 14. Hi 3 - Church si.. Toronto. Canada. 4lODE UN barber college teaches trade 'in 8 wks., tools furnished, ome pay ; posi tion securtd ; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars, ll'.i-i First st liOCKY MT. Tciiciiera' Agency. Enroll ;ree. Frank K. Weils, ex -asst. atatp supt mgr., N. W. Hank bidg. Auto. .-I2-13. LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute, 4H4 Railway Exchange hidg. Night classes. IF Y O U WANT to learn tne vulcanizing business, trail 13H East Broa d w a y . F1SK T-achers' Agency Journal Bldg .Vain 4:i.V Teaching position, free r:g. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency Free registration, jiain o- -t. ttroadway bidg. WANTED Men to learn vulcanizing trade, t ail i:2 Grand ave. AN V ON E iihlug to It am vulcanizing and irornmiiK, in HI t fiaWtnome. NIGHT SCliooL beauty culture. Madame mrus. .Marshall 1702. LEA RX beauty culture evenings. Madame Curtis Marshall 1702 HELP WANTED M A LB. Y'OL'NG MAN!! Take mis tip: The one best place in this city t j assist YOU In finding a oositlon in a clerical, com meTlal or technical line is the Y. AL C. A. Employment department. You can gt t relMble information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunity s that you would never find through your own efforts alone. All young men. and especially stran ger?, are cordially invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Room 3l7. Y. M. C. A. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires the services of men who are ambitious and willing to work hard for real suc c?s. We have banking connections throughout the state and can cash promptly all good notes. If you believe you can sll life insurance if given as sistance by supervisor call in forenoons or write M. C- 1 ipton, 1204 Wilcox bldg. WANT parties with cars to travel In Ore gon. Nevada, Washington, British Co lumbia and Alberta, Canada. A splen did money making proposition if inter ested. Call room 221, Hotel Oregon, Port land, ( )rpgon. WANTED NEAT APPEARING M AN FOR HOUSE-TO-HOUSE DEMON STRATING; STEADY WORK AND ; iol PAY. INQUIRE -35 RUSSELL BLDfV, 4TH AND MllRISO. LUGGERS AND MILL MEN, When in Centralla, Wash., Cail at DELANEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, 107 4 South Tower Ave WANTED A trained newspaper man for established trade publication; one with knowledge of lumber preferred. Address Trade Newspaper, F 345, Oregon inn. WANT two machine men and two cabinet men for furniture factory. A ppl v to foreman, 441 E. Lombard st., near Union ave. 61XGF.RS. dancers, piano player, gi-t in touch with me. Can use you. Thev all know mo. "Shadow" Joe Brady. A 33S, Or-gon:itn. W A X TED Partner for hunting, trapping. I have car, good hounds and tent. Call or write P'.Yl East Pine, FIRST-CLA.S baruer wanted in good live toyn. Guaranteed $2.".. Inquire .Jacob Milr Harbor Sup p I y Co.. Ill 3d st. W I LL exchange piano, player piano or phono, for elect rical work. Harold S Gi bert. 307 West P rk. SIGN painter to trade work for phono graph or player piano. Harold S. Gil bert, 107 West Park. W ANTED Carpentering and painting, in side work, in exchange for dentistry. X X t. i trsonfan. I'lRr-T-CLAS.s tailor who can cut and make snappy suits; references first let ter. K :t;'..V Oregonlnn. WANTED Reliable restaurant cook for small place on commission basis. V S0, Oregonian. WANTED Plumber to exchange work for dentistry. Woodiawn 1070. i WANT boy t deliver downtown route. Record Abstrart, 02 1st. Help Wanted Salesmen. .EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors for automobile paper. Apply 11 to 1 and & to 0 Coutome Mailing Bureau, b5 4 Fifth street. LIVE WIRE rorming house saleaiuuu call 200 Unary biug. HELP WANTED MALE. Help anted Salesmen. INVESTMENT SALESMEN., Clean-cut hustlers will be interested In our proposition, the STRONGEST, most interesting offer to the email una Ifii-Ke investor on the Pacific coast today. Fays salesmen liberal cash commission, and especially adapted to salesmen with experience in stocks, bonds, realty or Insurance; only men of high character considered. A call will convince you thut we have a big money-maker for the right men. 52H Lumber Exchange, 2d and Ptark. Call 9 to 12. SALESMEN SEVERAL FIRST - CLASS MEN OK INTEGRITY. TO SELL HIGH GRADE LOCAL SECURITY. PREVIOUS SELLING EXPERIENCE DESIRABLE. HUT NOT ESSENTIAL. EXCELLENT INCOME AND A REAL PERMANENT FUTURE OPEN TO THOSE WHO QUALIFY. CALL 1401 N W. BANK HI, DO. A NTE D Salesmen for Oregon and Washington territory; those with some knowledge of horticulture preferred. The largest nursery firm In the north west, established over 50 years, offers capable men permanent connections. Write for particulars to the Oregon Nu-ery Co.. Orenco, Or. IF YOU'VE sold bonds, books, automo biles, pianos os any article that requires salesmanship, you can sell real estate and double your earnings. If you are a worker, If you'll fol.ow my instruc tions, if you own a car, see me before 12 o'clock today at -08 Chamber of Com merce. SA ..i-SAi EN and solicitors wanted, prefer ably those familiar with phonographs or sewing machines; an excellent opportu nity to earn some real money; soft-snap seekers do not wasto our time. Apply The Pathe Shrp, M lmh st. SALESMEN Write for list of lines and full particulars. Earn $2500 to $10,0t0 commission yearly. Big demand for men. Inexperienced or experienced, citj or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen's Tr. As&n., Dept. 274. Chicago. SALESMAN capable of earning big money selling retail and wholesale merchants si m pie cash, sales and record book. Thousands sold. Sella, on sight. Small sample, big commission. Sales Record Co.. ;;S Park place. New York city. AN OLD established firm is Installing a business chance department ; wants an A-l hotel and apartment house man; a good closer with executive ability; give experience, age and phone. J 338, Ore- gonian. v'A NT a young man, 1W to -U years, with some selling experience; one who would appreciate opportunity with established automobile tiro concern; must give ref erences. A Sl'O, Oregonlan. SHoW the Spoff Hound, American legion mascot; soil to dealers ; promised the most popular sensational seller out. We want -0 men who mean business for city and Mate, quick. 'J 11 C. 1 one bldg. RAZOR BLADE PoCKET KNIFE for cigar, drug and general stores; splendidJ money maker side line; samples carried in vest pocket; no competition; sells on sight. Phone Brad way .MM".!!. SALESMEN Two ambitious men with sell ing ability and Al references can se cure paying positions with North Ridge Brush Co. Call 2 to Q. 2is$ Artisans building. WANTED An experienced mortgage broker and salesman, competent to or ganize and operate a mortgage depart ment In a Portland office. Apply 614 Lewis bldg. WE WANT 6 real salesmen for an article which every home and office should have. A wonderful opportunity for good live men. Call HI 4th M., 9 to 11 A. M. TO TAKE over state rights on simplex tail lamp, signal works off brake pedal and ufos no electricity. See Mr. Kalier, Hoyt hotel. SA l-ESM EN, genera.1 agents, new chem ical windshield cleaner; splendid article; big winter seller. Tahor 7os Wedncsdny. MAGAZINE nan, chariKe bldg. call at 211 Stock Kx- W ANTED Experienced Ford salesman; Kirk MsKein Motor Co., Albany. W.A N T ED A GENT S. SOMETHING good. Don't miss this one. Call mornings 8 to 0 o'clock and eve nings 4:30 to 8 o'clock. U. L, Clark, room 1. West Park st. W A NT hustling house-to-ho us e workers ; big commission ; state experience, ad-dt-ess. phone. D 342, Oregonian. HEALTH, accident nd Hospital insurance. Pig commission .M'l Corhett bldg. AGENTS wanted. Main 7110. HELP WANTED FEMALE. THE WOMEN'S Protective DIVISION, city of Fortiand. oners its service In all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls: Interviews confidential. 614 Worcester b!dg Third a and Oak sts. Phone Main Ti722, WANTED Competent maid to take care of child 4 years old; one who can speak French preferred; only maid with much experience and references need apply. Phone Oregon City 0H. collect. DANCER WANTED. Young lady as assistant teacher; good sala r.v ; free instructions. Call at the Cotillion hall, 14 th and Wash. No p hone ges WANTED Reliable woman for general housework to go to Marshfleld, Or. Fare paid, permanent position, references re quired. Write Mrs. John Davies, Marsh field. Or. COMPETENT stenographer wanted for permanent position in Portland: state experience and salary expected. Address typewritten application to O 327, Orego nian. . STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone oper ator; one with lumber experience pre ferred; salary 20 pur week. G 320, Ore- WAN'TED Young lady to assist in dental office; one living with parents preferred: no experience necessary. Apy GOfl Broadway bldg. LL'M HER stenographer, bookkeeper and edlphone operator; give references where last employed and wages wanted for steady position. J 344, Oregonlan. CAPABLE, dependable woman for baking and pastry at once; must be good cook and reliable. White Delicatessen, 10th, near Jefferson. A GOOD HOME for school girl, one who is willing to assist in light housework mornings and evenings. 457 East 23d fi N. Phone East 2172. MIDDLE-AGED widower with son, 3 5, wants lady a housekeeper to go on job; must be good, honest, clean and saving. P 34 1. Oregonlan. WANTEL N'eal, intelligent girls for ushers, between the ages of IS and 24. Apply Wednesday between 1 and 4. Riv- ol i t h eater. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car. WANTED Ladies call homes, sell house hold necessities of merit; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 East Morrison st. WANTED Competent nurse maid, willing to go out of city; references required. Apply Mrs. W. J. Patterson, Portland hotel. STENOGRAPHER, in replying state age, experience, education, salary expected; references. E 345. Oregonian. GIRL to take charge of home jind three school children; mother employed. Ta bor 70!. WANTED Young lady, first-class piano plsyer. Apply in person after 12 noon. Claremont Tavern, on the Llnnton road. AUTO KNITTER operator; must be ex perienced. $20 per week up. Address AV 17, Oregonian. ' THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON nomeMs" ready to help any girl in distress. 1)53 East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 310. KE EN saleswomen looking for not oniy financial opportunity but business train lug. Ddwy. 4320 after 0 A. 51 EXPERIENCED saleslady on coats; only experienced need apply. Sweet Sixteen Co., 147 Broadway. WOMAN to take care of baby few hours daily and do light housework. Phone 323-lfl before 10 or after 4. WANTED Woman cook for fraternity. 20 men. References, salary expected. Del Ri y club. Mgr. 21v23d St.. Corvallfs. Or. YoUNG lady to care for child. Room, board and small wages. 714 Kearney u Marshall 23MJ. SCHOOL girl to help take care of baby for hoard and room. Phone Main 3l. LADY to assist and learn the profession. 301 Broadway bldg.. j) to 3. W ANT capable, motherly woman to ketp house and care for Invalid. Tahor 424. WANTED Waitress. .Marshall SSI. Campbell hotel. EX PERI ENCED winder wanted. Ida Knitting Mills, 2 1 2 ' . 1st St. Colum- APPR ENTICES wanted for beauty parlor work- 004 Filers bldg. UNINCUMBERED h 'l per in cam p. lady a II 340. 2d cook Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER. $5 per week. rogonian. WAITRESS wanted, 3o(i Burnslde st. I. B. Restaurant, GIRL wanted for general housework, no washing. 5il 3d. corner Grant. Wanted Domestics. WANTED Glri for second work; must bd neat. 1070 Westover road. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework ; references. Main 3804. WANTED Girl to assist In general house work. 501 Marshall st.. near 10th. GIRL to assist witn housework, 074 Elliot avenue. East 7SMI. Gl RL to assist with housework; family, good home. East Ks.lo. WANTED Woman for general housework. APPl E. Morrison, ' HELP WANTED FEAD I.E. Wanted Doment ics. EXPERIENCED COOK. SMALL FAMILY, BEST WAGES. MAIN 8260. 812 12TH STREET. WANTED. Girl who Is competent to cook and ex perienced in dining room In good mod ern home; no other need apply; every convenience, no furnace, small famiiy, good wages; answer bet. 10 and 12 morn lng. Main 70.7. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and general housework where nurse is kept for children; city references re q uired. Ca II Main 01 0. WANTED Woman to do housework 4 hours every morning in week erept Sundays; wages 120 a month, 44 1, East Hth st. North. East 431 S. KELIA ULE girl or woman for general housework and to assist with children. A good home and good wages. B 266, Crgonian. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework. Apply after 10:30 A. M. at 274 North 25th st. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with chil dren aiid second work; city reference re qulred. Mar. 3QV. WANTED A girl for general housework; 3 In family. 544 E. 23d st. N, between Knott and Hrazee st. EXi'Eiil ENCED girl to assist with care of three children; references. Phone Mnr-!i;il 3l)t;5. GIRL wanted for general housework ; no washing. 102 Hazelfern place, mornings. Take Montavtlla car. GIRL to assist with housework; 3 adults, 1 child. 3 E. 10th. cor. Beacon. Take So II wood car. WANTED Elderly woman to help with housework; good home, some wages. 037 E. IHth N. COOK, who will assist with housework ; no fires to attend. Main 6050. 243 Cor nell st., head Marshall. , WANTED Maid to assist in the care of 2 children and do some second work. Mn!n 2U2. . EN PERI ENCED girl for general house work. Must be good cook and fond of ehlMren. East l!w3. GIRL for general housework m small fam ily, good home and good wagea. Call East MH'S, , WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework; good wages. Call morn i ngs. Mainti51. WANTED Girl for general housework, good wages; no washing. Call Wood lawn 4124. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call Tabor 3717. GIRL for gereral housework, no washing; must be fond of children. Tabor 1)339. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Several men and women to travel and appoint agents; experience unnecessary. Apply Barton hotel, apt. D, U!th-st. entrance. BLACKFACE comedian wants with some experience. Apply : st. Se0 Mr. McDonald. partner 62 12th PHOTOGRAPHIC retoucher wanted; male or female. Main 71 1 . AMATEUR vaudeville talent for enter tainment. Apply 109 2d st., bet 2 and fl. FrTrATiovs ttantfh male. EX-SERVICE man wants place to work morn in gs and evenings for room and board while attending school; must have work. L. R. Chandler, care of Mr. Kaf key, American Legion. Phone Broad way S448. EXPERIENCED TRUCK PRTVER AND REPAIR MAN. MARRIED. WANTS WORK IN CITY OR OCT. REFER ENCES. PHONE AUTO. 324-16. STANFORD UNIVERSITY graduate with 2 years' experience as a deck officer fn the merchant marine wishes permanent connection. Will take anv position with a future Y 327. Oregonian FAPERIIANGING. 30 CENTS A ROLL. PAINTING AND TINTING CHEAP. 1 ROOM OR A BLOCK: SPLENDID "WORK QUICKLY DONE. MAR. 2493. ASK FOR MR. CARRICK. ROOFS repaired. rain or hine ; eave troughs cleaned and repaired; all work guaranteed. Portland Hoof Repair & Paint Co. Main 32d. WANTED By Seventh Day Adventist work, understanding of pipe fitting, brazing, vulcanizing; not afraid of work. W. S. Kennedy, c o Men's Resort, c:ty. NEAT young man with good education wishes work, 18 months' experience in grocery business; best of references. Call Automatic 21S-23. POSITION in commercial or credit ad justment line ; 15 years' experience ; ca pable of taking charge of business; in or out cif city. C 313, Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter work, anything, any where ; reshingiing, 'remodeling; garage building; it will pay you to call Wood lawn 51170. YOUNG man wants work afternoon and all day Saturday; can do anything, best references. Call Sell wood 2S2R. C( 'OK Experienced in rest a u rant and lunch room, wants work: wiil leave city Howell. 4'38 73d at. S. E. Auto. Q40-S5. AUTO mechanic; prefer out of town; first class mechanic and have own tools N 3. VI. Oregonian. BUY 15. like to get home and school In exchange for work, city or country. X 33!. Oregonian. CARPENTER, contractor: new or altera tions, large or small, day or job. Auto matic (130-25. LANDSCAPE ork wanted, by hour or on contract, by expert gardener. Tabor ENGINEER and draughtsman, knowledge of jig and fixture design, wishes work. Sinclair. Marshall IfliU. CARPENTER New or repair work; small jobs promptly done; 'estimates cheeifully given. Tahor 5'S0. CAPENTER, first-class finisher, wishes work; can also frame any kind of build i n g. Woodiawn 5704. $5 REWARD for information leading to my employment; can furnish H-ton de livery truck. O 343. Oregoninn. YOUNG married man wants work, store room or shipping dept., or anything. Call Broadway 2-137. WANTED Land to clear, cordwood cut ting; also Btumpage, any kind; must be contract. R 334. Oregon tnn PA IN TT NG, PAPE RING. TI NTT NO. IF Y O C W A NT GOOD WORK. A T LOW PRICES. CALL TABOR 232H. MARRIED man needs work painting, tint ing, enamel work, hardwood floors pol ished: reasonable. Maclin. East 1 SI fl. FIAOR surfacing, electric sanding- hand scraping, waxing and polishing. W. H. Tibbitts. Tabor 4052. 4S03 32d ave. S. E. YOUNG man with executive training and selling experlen-ce wishes connection with local concern. C 332, Oregonian. FOR EXPERIENCED pruning, landscap ing and tree surgery, call Tabor 1316. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position. Auto. M5-K9. CARPENTER with 30 years' experience wants work. Automatic 320-41. MARRIED man wants steady Job in city, $3 or up; $20 reward. Woodiawn 1725. $8 PER DAY brings an experienced build er; estimates furnished. Woodiawn 2-PlO. JAPANESE man wants work by day. Everett st. PLUMBER, first-class work. large or small jobs East 452. EX PERI ENCED carpenter, contract ilav; repairs. Reasonable. E. 7103. PAPERING, PAINTING. TJNTJNO. Lowest price, best work. East 7S42. EXPERIENCED logging timekeeper wants work; A-1 references. B 3tl. Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting, first-class work, rea son a hi y. Gait her. Marshall 2703. SHINGLING, root repairing; prices reason able: work guaranteed. Auto. 325-13. CEMENT work Cesspools, sewers; rea sonable rates. Wd;n 2133. KALSOMINING fiOc an hour, you furnish. Pnone East 2034. PLUMBING done very reasonably, by hour or job. Auto. 235-51. . BRICK contractor, tile houses, garage., fireplaces; prices right. Tabor 8703. RELIABLE man wunts work of any kind, in or out of city. BC 203. Oregonian. PAi NT1NG, kalsomining, very reasonable ; workmanship guaranteed. East HitOM. PRUNING by expert, contract or day work. Automatic 527-Hft. during day. WANTED Hauling for 2-ton truck; rea sonable. Sutton. Wdln. 3030. Al CARPENTER, builds, repairs, finishes, contract, day. East S3 08. PLASTER 1 NG and lathing done by con tract. East 2011. PAINTING, tinting, paper hanging; good work, reasonable. Sell wood 33!M. PLUM PER wants work, can do any Job re h so nahle. B roadway 2 5 S3 . SHINGLING. Work guarnnteed. Phone E. S1S3. CARPENTER JOBBING. Repairing and painting. East 530fl. PAINT I NG, kalsomining, good work, rea snnable. J. Clausen. Wood la wn 541 4. CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract ; first-class w ork. Wdln. 2 1 ; ( ; 3 . EX-SOLDIER wants work, any kind. Call Bdwy. 2337. Hotel Barr. room 51). ALL AROUND JANITOR and furnace man. A lust-el asa wau position. Bdwy. 4103. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Hook keeper. Stenographer, Olfice. ACCOUNTANTS EXPERIENCED AND P R A C T I C AL ACCOUNTANTS WILL CLOSE TOUR BOOKS, MAKE UP IN COME TAX STATEMENTS IN AC CORDANCE WITH LATEST RULINGS OF 1021 LAW NOW IN EFFECT. PER SONAL SERVICE. DOYLE & ZIEGLER, P. O. BOX NO. 1128, CITY. . WE INSTALL and operate a tpecial book keeping system, including income tax service (indorsed by leading merchants' associations); v-ik done by expert ac countants for $n) to $15 monthly. Re tailers Service Bureau, 717 Gasco bldg. Main 453N BOOKKEEPER, many years' experience lumber and auto accounting, desires po sition, large corp. A I references ability and character. H 350, Oregonlan. SMALL sets books kept and installed, start the new year right, reasonable charges. Call Ttsdal. East 108. POSITION wanted by young man. tech nical education, speaks English, Spanish, French and German. Y 335, Oregonian. EXPERT male stenographer desires po sition with large firm. Can begin work at once. N 327. Oregonlan. RELIABLE general ollice man. bookkeep er, desire" position. AK 327. Oregonlan. Salesmen. ROOM, large, or two small, part or no furnishings ; garage or convenient ; east side, good class neighborhood: away six months of year; gentleman. C 333, Ore gonian. SI TT A TI ON S W A XTED FEM A LE. WANTED Position as oook or chamber- work, hotel experience, private families need not reply. Fhone East -o, between 11 A. M. and 4 P. M. ELDERLY woman wants light housework in plain working family when woman Is employed through the day; $3 a week. Give phone number. BJ 3hrt. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED lady wants management of respectable rooming house; reasonable wages with good apt. East bisti, room 4 2Y HOTEL house k'-e per wants position ; ex perienced ; references from present em ployer; can operate switchboard or help in office. O .'Hit. Orrgoninn. SOLDIER'S wife must have work: bright energetic, efficient, reliable; waitress, clerk or saleswoman. Apply Women's Protective Division. Main ":.' 2 YoUNG LADY with some experience in use of electric instruments would like position in doctor's or dentist's office. F 33K, Oregonian. LADY of refinement and education desire position as governess, 13 years' experl encp. D 345. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED young woman wants posi tion in camp or institution, out of town; w;tgfn t'0. K 344. Oregonian. cAi-.ii.iE.M-Eo ii us i ;rtny iaay wants housed ean in g. washing or other work; good w c r k done." Wood; awn 3 05. YOUNG lady wishes work; waitress or cafeteria work preferred. Please call E. Smk. Ask them to ring 411. LAUNDRY work wanted by first-class laundress; silks a specialty. East 500. 373 Ross st. ' PRIVATE branch operator desires position, 12 years experience, can handle busiest exchanges. Phone Broad way 257fi. EXPERIENCED comptometer and telo - phone operator wanta work; references. Main 3S2. WANTED By experienced woman laun " dry or day work. Call Bdwy. 2f4S. DANISH woman, single, wants to cook, experienced in dining room. N 344. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED saleslady wants position ladies' ready-to-wear preferred ; best of references. Ca II Main 0H7. STRONG, hearty woman, work by iluy, 4(c hour, washing, ironing, ceaning. Marshal! SOfl. SITU A 1 loX by experienced young lady clerk, bakery or grocery. East 1 St 6. GIRL wants housework by day or hour. Call East !o:;.y EXPERIENCED woman wauts day work; excellent references. East oS''t. WOMAN wants all kinds of work, shall 3039. WOMAN wants Main SI 22. work by day or hour. EXPERIENCED waitress wants hotel, res ta u r a nt or cafeteria w ork. M ain JJ 5 S U. EXPERIENCED laundress wishes work by hour or day. Broadway 1111. EXt'EIU ENCED woman wanta work by the day. East 5703. 1 EX PERI ENCED girl wishes position in busy grocery. I '225. Oregonlan. WANTED Work by the day or hour; ex- perlcnced woman. Kast 4n WOMAN enet s. wants day East 3214. work; good refer- w i x 1 1 one reasonably. Main li'23. Hook keepers. Monographers. Office. BOOKKEEPER, expert, wishes worn few hours daily. tan audit books, install systems. Internal revenue statements; references. Broadway 2732 evenings. VERY' EFFICIENT. EXPERT STENOG RAPHER DESIRES POSITION: EXCEL CELLENT CITY REFERENCES. B 338. ORE '.ON I AN . , STENOGRAPHER, experienced building materials, advertising and other lines, ait-o filing and general office work; beat references. Woodiawn 4 IS". NEAT young lady wishes work, office preferred : will start at bottom. Call Auto 218-23. BOOKKEEPING or clerical work, lumber experience; need work. Wdln. 5523. STENOGRAPHER with 1 hi years' experi ence: have legal experience. E. 3147. COMPETENT young lady wishes clerical posit ion ; good references. Phone E. 227. BY EXPERIENCED stenographer, rferncc!. Main rp7::2. I ireMtiiii kers. DkESSM AlvjlXG Those desiring fiisi class work, call Mrs. Owen, Mar. 37V.. Knickerbocker. Apt. 54. I absolutely guarantee to please the most exacting FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, prices reason a ble. references. Stout ladies' work so licited. 1111 E. Taylor st. Tabor 4000. CHILDREN'S sowing exclusively ; dress and rompers, 50c and up; infants' lay ettes embroidered. h.asi .i.t i SILK dresses able 422 M: a Hpecialty; prices reason Morrison, room a. upstairs. HEMSTITCHING, (io A YD. 350 MOR RISON ST.. ROOM 2 1 ft MAIN 5045. SEWING d ne. 25c to $2.50 per garment. , Phone Marshall 437i. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work by day. Tabor M.. PLAIN sewing of alt kinds, neat and rea sonable. Automatic .-jo-UN. LADY desires sowing at your home; rea sonable: capable. East 074. EXP. SEAMSTRESS wishes work at your home by day. Mar. irQ4. DRESSMAKER, by day, satisfaction as sured; city references. Phone 617-15. A GOOD practical nurse wants work, ma ternity wises a specialty; very reasona ble. Phone Mars-nan zwm. PRACTICAL nurse can take case at once women or children; or will engage for maternity case. Sell woori .-ju . i. CERTIFIED nurse. middle-aged; ma ternity or Invalids; good references. Main 3773. EXPERIENCED nurse, any cas $3 a day. Call Broadwny f(., Apt PRACTICAL and maternity nurse. Phone Wdln. 0384 between 10 and 12 A. M. EXPERIENCED, practical nurse wants case: satisfactory references. Tabor 33: FOR TRAINED nurses, undergraduates a nd practical, phone Mar. 3 W 1 1 o ii re keejier. WIDOW of refinement. unincumbered, wants position as housekeeper, prefer ably on ranch, neat, economical, indus trious, pleasant disposition. AC 334. Ore goniHn. A REFINED lady alone would like to live or ranch with nice agreeable people as one of the famiiy; wages not wanted: give particulars. N 341. Oregonlan. THOROUGHLY competent and reliable housekeeper wishes position. Small fam ily. Very best city references. V 342, if-Eronhtn. POSITION as housekeeper by liuddie-aged woman for couple employed; small mod ern home; good cook. R 330. Oregoninn. Ml DDLE- AG ED lady wishes housekeeping or nursing: plain cook: no laundry; sal ary $ 50. BP 200. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE woman wishes house keeping for men or man with family. Phone Tabor 02S WOULD like housekeeping in widower's home; refined. middle-aged widow. I'hone East 5000. lomestir. RELIABLE woman good cook, with girl 11; couid take charge for couple em piny el SWEDISH girl with some experience, wishes- general housework in private family.' Call Marshall 20S7. CA P. Bi.E worn mi wlvhes cooking and downstairs work. K 331 , Oregonian. Housecleaniiig. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and Ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace, cieunlng, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. CITY HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman st. Phone Main 1157. Houses, WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 4-room furnistied StiiiwooU A ii&tt Gregumau. house in WANTED TO RENT. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and .Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of tfeslrmbt furnished and unfurnished bouses, apart ments and flats, with definlto informa tion pertaining to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value In helping them get properly and quickly located. Eightb Floor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE, LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE desirable 9 to 9 -room house on west side, Westover or Kings' Heights pre ferred. Two in family. Bdwy. 6021. WANTED TO RENT- t oT 3-room mod ern house in the vicinity! of Multnomah or Maplewood, sleeping pbrch and base mnt or workenop. a 34o. ur-gonian WANTED Mod. fur. house, 5 or 0 rms. garage, near 15th and Thompson lrv ington): best of care: references. Eas 77S2. WANT 4 to 6-room bungalow; garage good neighborhood and reasonable rent by the 2oth; two adults. L 340, Ore gonian. ' WANTED Verv large house, well fur ninhed. on west side. iPuone Main !MI 1 2. Far client, nicely furnished to 8 room house, bungalow preferred I'hone Main H012. WELL-FURNIHHE1) house, 6 to S rooms, good residential utstrict; lmmeaiaie p session uesireu. 31 a in Jdfs. WANTED Modern furnished 3 or 4-room house; reliable party. D 33(. Oregonian A i tt rt me nt . W A XTED Iiv 2 refiner! young ladies, small reasonably priced furnished apart ment on west side. L 342, Oregonian, Rooms W it h Bm rd . ROOM and board for father and two boys. 6 and 8 years and care; North Portland pre I erred, near school. At dw, Orego man, NURSE wltn lovely home, west side. care for Invalid or elderly person. Mar1 shall i . TWO ladies want room and board In pri vate family, near Jefferson high. D 330, ur-'gonian. Housekeeping Rooms. TO REM, unfurnished, in Rose City Park living room, sleeping porch, glassed and screened ; kitchenette with gas range and table; private bathroom ; phone, light, water and heat furnished ; S30 adults only. o.U East 01st st. North. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT. Bachelor rooms in high -class apartment house; very lovely and warm; single and en suite; for re fined gentlemen and ladies, $25 and up; references required. Mar. 230. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH, QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY. $i PER WK. AND UP, CONVENIENT. ALL NIGHT GARAGE HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 day; week $5 up; private bath, $8 up; 11 re proof and clean, close to business center. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS $2 WEEK. . Clean furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc., 35c and DOo per night 5-story brick. 403 Front, cor. Harrison CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-pricea rooms ror young men in all parts of the city. Including rooms at the Y. M. c. A., witn pnone in each room, shower bat hs and ciub facil1i-s. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. ANGELA HOTEL. ft?S Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fire place. Special rates to permanent guests. THE sT. PAUL, 130 4th st., corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath, $2. Special rates by week or month. HOTEL CON KADI NE, 22 North 10th st. blocks north of Washington st,; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at, very reason a oie rates uy .v vr wk, ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or montn at reasonable rates. HOTEL OCKLE Y, Morrison St.. at 10th .$1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths; light and airy, steam heat. eis FOR 3-ROCrM. furnished apt.: light water and gas included; close to 2 car- lines. Sell. 22.11. NICELY' furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot ana com water, reasonauie, 20i1 5th st. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. i'I.kax. comfortable sleeping rooms. $1 and upward ; bath and lobby. The Y a ughn, N. 10th and Vaughn. &UC DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hot"' Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson NICE, clean sleeping and h. k. rooms, $2.50 and up. paxier notei. auio. at--uo. LARRABEE HOTEL Steam-heated rooms for working men. J week up. FURNISHED rooms and housekeeping. 373 Hop ft St. Phone r.ast .tu. NICELY furnished front room and garage, 253 N. -1st. Auto. i.ia-j. 45 ' MORRISON. Cull. I3TH Choice rms. modern conveniences, walking distance, 1 nturnibhed Rooimh. h'a XT BEDROOM. Clothes clone t. lluht bath. Phone. $7 ."0 pr month AVdln. 4375. TWO rooms furnished or unfurnished. 3S8 Grand avenue North. i- urni ished Koonih in Privute J a mil. v. coNiiENiAL loung man wisnes roommate twin beds, hot and cold water, house newly furnished throughout, parlor, piano and home privileges; also steeping porcn; rates $3.50 up tl N. ISth. Bdwy. 2721 IN SUN'NYSIDE Large furnished front room, modern home, 2 blka. to car, room suitable lor 2; prefer young man who likes music or can play piano; reason able, l oregonian. LARGE, quiet room, large closets, excel lent light, built-in bookcase, with heat and light, in a fine home, $12.50 per month, isast 4min, Fu R RENT Sleeping rooms, steam heat opposite Multnomah Athletic club, 580 Salmon i an .viain tut.'. 1 AND 3-ROOM suites. modern home, newly furnished; heat, light, phone, bath and garage. 3,8 aiuitnoman st. WILL rent 2 nice rooms, use of kitchen, $25 per month, bath in connection. E. 27th and Stark sts. East 4222. Is A MONTH. I CLEAN SLEEPING ROOM ON CAR LINE, 24TH &T. PHONE MAR. 374. NOB HILL. Large, nicely furnished room adjoining bath ; exclusive home. Mar shall 10M). ' IN MODERN private homa in Irvington, 1 or 2 nicely f urniilied bedrooms with garage, gentlemen preferred. KastiK4 SLEEPING room in modern home ; free heat and phone. 303 12 tu.. i'hone E. 54 07. - 1RV 1 NGTON Warm, sunny front room, 22d St., Bdwy. carline. East 8259. CHEERY front rooms, good heat, all con veniences; walking distance. Main 5552. 3-ROOM apt., near Jefferson high. Phone Woodiawn 4.)S0. Automatic 310-2H. ijhjii'i.NU room tor rent, $3.50 per week. Enst 074. NICELY furnished rooms, close in, reasou- nile. 701 noyt. .Mar. 34t2. Rooms With Ioara. CAMPBELL HOTEL 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. ' Two of the best-known residential hotels on the Pacific coast. American plan,- with or without bath, $2 50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONTA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and womea We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY. ' Sleeping porch suite with living room, fireplace and built-in features, adjoin ing bath room, splendid for couple or 3 young men or young women employed. East 73M. STRICTLY modern 3-room fiat, hardwood floors, newly decorated. $45. 68 E. 20th st N. Inquire 74 E. 20th sL N. Phone B'wy. East 5Q7Q. ROOM and board for business girls; all modern conveniences; w a Iking distance ' $5 per week. Auto. 219-74 12 E. 7th st. MARTHA Washington Room, board for gins. mod. rates. 3M 10th. Mar. 1251 A TRA INEp nurse will take nervous or mental patient in nice nome. jrain iwiti. BOARD and rom, $'.. 2-room apt., light. -vater. heat. 7 I - ont fctavier St. LOVELY room with board to buins girl i a r. tm. Rooms With Board In Private Family. ROOM and board, price reasonable, 609 wnioa gveautt urin, ikAst abdd. FOR RENT. Rooms With Hoard in Privute Family - DOWNTOWN" apartment bldg. room: plenty heat, hot water and best of home cooking. Marshall 2309. Comfortable room suitable for 2 boys; hot and cold water, kitchen privileges if desired, reasonable, Bdwy. 4251. Walk- lny Qistance. LARGE, sunny, well-heated rooms, with board, for girls In private family: walk ing distance, 1 block to steel bridge. 2ul East First st. N. PLEASANT room with sleeping porch and board in private family for a couple or two gentlemen. Marshall 3521, 211 N. 23d st. FINE Irving ton home, has elegant front room for two, with breakfast and din ner for $100 a month: good home cook ing. Phone East 2552. 1RV1NGTON Nicely furnished j- o o m. sleeping porch if wanted; refined home; modern conveniences; garage. 530 E 21st st. N. PRACTICAL nurse and husband will take 2 or 3 convalescent or aged in their nice home at E. 27th and Stark sts. East 4222. WIDOW with nice home will room and board working men; home privileges; $7.50 per week; close In. 100 Morris st. Mississippi car. ELEGANT room In private home, excellent board, walking distance. Ea-t 2004. fiAD Y. alone, deserving and appreciative, desires roomers and boarders, couples or men. E-ist lO. FOR 1 OR 2 GIRLt. Home privileges; Irvington; close in; Broadway car. East 6502. EXCLUSIVE home offers room, excellent home cooking, near Multnomah ciub. Broadway 4314. WILL BOARD Infirm or elderly people at very reasonable rates and give sympa thetic care. Auto. 617-14. NICELY furnished large front room, suit able for 1 or 2; good horn? cooking. Tabor 222H. LARGE comfortable room with board in private home, suitable for 2 ladies era ployed. $7 per week. Tabor 500. YOUNG man or woman desiring room with board in private family in Kenton, call Wdln. 20Ht. NO B H ILL Nicely furnished room with board ; home privileges; $35 per mo Marshall 3052. PRIVATE home for children. 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2102. WALKING distance west side, gomery. ROOM with board In nice private home In Laurelhurst. Tabr 1220. CALL Ea.-t 2110 in regard to room and hoard In small private family. Furnished A pun iiieiits. IDEAL bachelor apartment in beautiful home, splendid residential district; rooms are large, light, airy and attrac tively furnished ; apartment consists of den with fireplace, dining room, bed room with twin beds and large cedar closet, kitchenette and private bath ; rent, which includes gas, light, furnace heat and phone, $75; close in on east aide, one block from carline; references exchanged. East 301 2. STELWYN APA RTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. The handsomest furnished apartment house in the city; has a 5-rooin and aleeplng porch : 10 windows, all outside rooms; furnished in Chinese rugs and oriental furnishings; lots of heat; also a 2-room permanent and transient bach elor rooms. $25 up; references required. Marshall 230. $45 BEST WEST SIDE D1ST. $45. 715 WAYNE ST., NEAR KING. Three large, light rooms, beids en trance hall, pass pantry, bath and large clotet ; steam heat, hot and cold water furnished; main and private entrance; steady tenants, 2 adults, ground floor. SMITH-WAGONER t'O.. STOCK EXCH IRVINGTON On car line. 3 large rooms, completely furnished, player-piano, fire place, on ground floor; $00, includes heat, phone, lights, water; no children. Suitable for man and wife; quiet, em ployed people preferred. East 4384. GO R DON CO CRT. New bungalow apartment. I have 1 6-roomed with 2 bedrooms and 1 fl roomed with 3 bedrooms. These are strictly modern, make beautiful homes. Service and heat. . HULL AVE. apartment, Jennings Lodge. Or. Three large rooms ana oain. new and modern; rent reasonable. Take Ore gon City car to Hull ave.. or write W. I. Bllnstone, Jennings Louge. or. K I N GS BURY APARTME N T. 186 Vista ave.. near 23d and Wash ; 3 room. nicely furnished apt., with 2 ditt appearlng beds and an outside balcony; 1 i g ht and airy. Call Main 33. CINCINNATI COURT. TENTH AND HARRISON. MAIN 24S0. 2 and 3-room furnished apts., fino lo cation, steam beat, hot and cold water, electric lights, etc. Prices moderate. LUCRE T I A COURT. 3-rm. front apartment, nicely furn ished, hardwood floors. High class, good service, 570 per mo.; adults; references. Marshall 1513. FOR RENT 3-room furnished apt. with bath, fireplace, fuel and light lurnisncu, reasonable; will be vacant Friday. 410 2d st. $30 PJ3 ST. CLAIR ST. Large 1-room and kitchenette apt.; with 5 large windows that view city; fireplace, etc. Main 310 3-ROOM apartment, ficely furnished, fur nace heat, light and gas; also a large sleeping rooms furnished, heat, light. 1H E. 20th st. S. A RDM AY TERR At; E, 305 12th Large, light, front two-room apartment: white woodwork. F U RN iSH ED 3-room apt., private bath. 1 block from Sunnyslde car line, .ftione Tat. or 51KS. CLEAN, attractive 2 and 3-room apts.. bachelors or rammes. i-' 10 ine Vaughn. North 10th and Vaughn. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 4- TRINITY PLACE. Ft R N I S HEP 2 AND 3-Ro .M APTS. HADDEN HALL 11th and Hall. 3 rooms. kitchenette ana oatn; naruwoou iioors, balcony: walking distance. DOUGLAS CoURT has 3-room semi-base ment, furnisnea apt., witn piano: no objection to one child. Ca 11 Will 11. 423. 2, 3 AND 4-ROOM apts.; clean, walking o 1st a nee ; f-j iu per muimi. auuhb. Hast 2170. MARSHALL apartment. 3-room furnished apartment-, 0- Jiartsnau st. nroauway SS51. 3-ROOM apt. h. k., steam heal, hot and $27.50. Baxter hotel. 504 cold water, Larrabee st. WORKING GIRL to share my apt., $2 50 a week. Call berore 12 m., I4in ana Jefferson. Main 437H. NICE single room for girl, private en trance, bath anu pnone, 110 per montn. Pa rk apts., apply mgr. NICELY furnished front 2-room apt., elec. gas range, water in, 9a. ou wa. Aiain 5O10 or B2l' 1st. WH EE.ION AN NEX. A 4-room apartment; also rooms. single NICELY furnished 3-room apartment with private bath, D Per montn. iiroaaway 4710 5 Ml OHsan st. LARGE, pleasant 2-room ipt.. fio. 735 Everett st. WILL share private apartment with girl chum. D S3-, oregonian. COZY 2-room apartment. 122 Idaho at. ights. gas ana neat. 2-ROOM, newly furnished aids. Corner 2th ana ipsnur. r -- to i. CLAY POOLE APT. 2 rooms, furnished. Adults. nay si. 2-ROOM furnished apt. Harrison Court, 304 fttn si. UNION AVE. and Killings worth, fur. apt.. $24.oo ; at 1 coin Mi-ii", iiiucrne omi ping. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. I'hone Bdwy.. 2445 AND 3-ROOM modern apts.. Main 1052. Bupna Vista apts. FURNISHED H. K. apt., near carline, rent very reasonanie. inoor ii tu. ,hki. SAN MARCO. E 8TH AND CoUCH, 3-RM. MOD APT. ?-i.v r-ASt r.t:o. JtiCSHMARK." Wash. t. at 17th Clean, modern, one ana two-room apts, t nf urnlshed Apartments. WASHINGTON HIGH APTS. 4-room un furnished modern apt., an large ouisioe rooms, hot water 'heat. 575 East Stark, cor. 14th. Phone East 8036. FOR RENT 6-room apt., unrurnisned; large, lignt. airy rooms; excellent serv ice; references. Phone Bd wy. 2201. ROOM - apartment with dressinir room and bath, clean and plenty of heat; very desirable apt. East 37H2. GARDNER, 13th and East Ash. Large a rooms, nrejdace. not-water neat ; naro wood floors ; garage ; ref. East 271 . STEVENS APTS. 6 iarge outside sunny rooms, heat, water, n. w. nours. sleep ing parches Call Main 035S. KING ALBERT APTS. Three-rm. unfurnished strictly modern elevator, tile ba th. Main 3-':. THE AMERICAN, modern 5-room apart ment, i-roadway jjpo. ROOM modern unfurnished apt. (or rent. 47 Roselawn ave., cor. Oth ft. FurnUhed or I'nf urnished Apartment'. FURNISHED and unfurnished 5-room Hat near Bdwy. bridge. Kast .1 -ROOM modern flat, sleeping porch, west side, 23d and Johnson, 4 .East .421 or Main 5420. ROOM lower flat at 60S Hoyt St., on west side. Call East 8376. I itMTL'rtfi of 6-room fiat for sa.e. for rent. 2)!1, Clay st. ISTH AND ASH STS. Modern 5-roora uppr, tirepiace. Xuxuaua, 4U Jcast FOR RENT. Flats, FURNISHED FLATS FOR RENT. Your pay check will not be touched for rent, heat, light or groceries if you Invest $30 In the income flat we have toda '. Bright rugs and draperies; walk ing distance. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with. FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St. Bet. Wash, and Stark. NICE 5-rSo:n flat. ,ciean and well located in walking distance; equipped with fire place and furnace, ga! water heater and range; cluap rent. Will sell part or all of hou?eho.d goods. Phone Marshall 2255. 71 1 Hovt at. $37.50 1-ROOM. MODERN $37.50. E. 11th and Davis; walking distance; living room with fireplace, dining room cabinet kitchen, bedroom, bath, base ment has gas furnace. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. MODERN, clean, cheerful, attractive four rooms; bath, sleeping porch, front bal cony; fine view, furnace, private base ment, walking distance. w;st side, ref. 4tt4 Hall street, near 13th. 5-ROOM f -a I, walk int. distance, nice vU w. good order, fireplace, furnace, $37.50. 3M 30th st.. south of Montgomery. FURNITURE for sale. 5-room modern flat, rent $2.50. AL 2:n. Oregonlan. Furnistied Mats. FLAT FOR RENT. $250 cash and $310 balance on time at $35 month without interest buys beautiful walnut and mu hog.t ny furni ture, at less than factory cost. Brand new. Am no dealer. Am leaving city. Can rent 5-room flat west side, walking distance. nice locution, near schools, hardwood floors, no objection rh ildren Rent. $33. Or will take $125 cash pay ment and exclude Oval shape walnut dining suite. If mean business address P. O. Box 520, giving name, address and t e 1 n phone number. 4-RooM furnished flat, ground floor, all outside rooms, private bath, walking dis tance, nice and clean; private room in basement; $35 per mo.; adults only. East 8040. RESTAURANT, doing $7.". day; can be in creased ; 4th st.. near Washington ; well equipped. clean. desirable location. $10011. Main 3341. CoZY 4-room flat, walking distanr free water and removal of garbage, $30. 440 Rodney ave.. corner Tillamook. 2 ADULTS. 3 rooms and pon-h, west side, walking distance; absolutely c 1 e a n . Phone ri 15-Kit r ral- 5J5'-j M o 11 gomery 3-ROOM upper fiat at M';i Vaughn, be tween 24th and 25lh; adults, $21. I'hone Marshall 3710. 51 0 1 E UN 4-room f urn ished flat, sleeping porch! adults; references. Wdln. liMi.S. 5-ROOM corner flat, furnished. 15 min utes' walk from V. O. 6J0 Oth st. NICE furnish I'd lower flat in Hawthorne, ft rooms, $ 4l. East MO". $3."i 5 ROOMS, modern, clean, completely furnished ; adults only. .".72 1 Mill. IliVlNoT N Attractive 4-room flat ; h-:it. light, $''. Adults. East o13. NEWLY furnished fii Mast 4717 ; a d u it s ; Wilton rug. f erenr-'s. FURNISHED mod.rn 4-room f lat ; walk ing distune: eaut sid'. Wdln. 27 14. Housekeeping Ivonnm NEW furniture, new house. Just opened, one and two-room H. K. apartments, light, heat, gas, phone, linen and laun- -dry all lm-lttded in rent. Prices reason able. 302 Tillamook, one-half block east of Williams ave. 1 SING LE housekeeping room, well fur nished, gas. light ami steam heat fur nished. Hcri'B from Dental collene nnd near Chiropractic col'e 423 Pacific st. Room and kitchenette, $4..".u per week ; suitable for two working men or women; gas and phone. 327 3d St., opposite audi torium NEW 2 AND 3-ROO.M housekeeping, just completed ; furnish heat ; running water in apartment. 100 East 10th. I'hone East 8051. CLEAN, cosy H, K. rooms, $12 to $25 per inont h ; wa Iking distance, 305 Williams, cor. Broadway. FU RN IS II ED housekeeping and sleeping rooms at 3SSi h. Broadway, between Miint gomery and Harrison. LARGE room and kitchenette, $25; also seeplng room. 003 E. Madison. Ea.-t S!U H. K. Ut a 'MS suitable for 3 aduits. Heat, h. and c. water, jeasonable rent. 311 Hn-rNon. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall- Pur- nished H. K. room. $15 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. CI. E A N single h. k. rooms, $7 to $12; men or women; dandy lobby; well heat- ed The Vatiglin, N. llith and Vaughn . 2-ROO.M .suite, large closet, pantry, eleo., phone, bath, for 2 or 3 adults, $30 mo. :0M1 2th st. 2 FURN ISH ED housekeeping rooms, gas rang. running water. beds; outside room s. I salmon. N IC EiL Y furnished housekeeping rooms; good heat, $15 and $25 per month. 4 of II n ! la d ; y ave. East S'l.'ii, FRONT rooms for housekeeping. Park. CLEAN, comfort a ble h. k. rooms, per week up. 372 1 -j Hawthorne. $2.50 1 SINGLE 11. K. room for baching, $10 mo, 3i5 Main st. Mar. 4MO. LARGE front room, houseke bath. 7 N. 20th. Broadwi p. m,' ; phone, v 4123. ONE SMALL h. Wililnms ave. k. rru. 207 Knott St., near 447 FIFTH Front double h. k. apt., floor, well furnished. TWO single h. k. rooms, use of phone and bath. 2tS Montgomery. LA KGE. a;ry steam ii-1 $2.". per month. 4-15 C ted h. k. ' uni bia. SINGLE h. k. 37 Taylor st. Housekeeping Room in PriVHi Family. TWO-ROOM H K. opt., in a modern home, beautiful location, nicely furnished,, lights, and telephone; absolutely clean and cov. Close tn. No children. Price 2 S . S e 1 I W O O 4 1 108 S NICELY furnished 2-rtn. front h. k, apt.; wclking distance; aduits only; $25; also large singi. h. k. room ; rms. are warm and-clean. East S-ino. CLEAN 3 and 4-room hou.-ekeeplng suites, first floor; pa, hot and cold water, bath, phone, elect ric it v ; 5 nun. walk. 343 W. loth st. Mar. 33."ii. OWNER'S HOME Larue, minny rooms, first floor, one block Central library, 215 11th st. Main b078. One or two buslti' ss women. NEWLY furnished housekeeping or s.ei ing rooms, I a rue and comfortable, hot nnd coid water; rent reasonable. 0.13 Everett. Bdwy. 47"7. ENTIRE upper floor of bath and tin light, airy furnished h. k. rooms, water. phone, lights; price reasonable ; walking distance. Kast 30J". NEWLY furnished 2 and 3-room suites, modern home. heat, light, phone, bath and carnge. 3.s Multnomah. NICE eje.n housekeeping room, furnished newly tinted, walking distance, reason - able rrifeM. 40 T'nlon ave. North. N J 1 ' ELY fur. fr nt room. wall boa rd. Tu modern home ; hot water heat ; Walnut park. Wdln. 4700 3 Fl'RNlSHED ROOMS, light, phone and heat. Employed peopi preferred. Phon East Plim. j 3 CLEAN f urn ished front h. k. rooms, electric, phone, bath. 13 E. 7th. 3 Rt.nt.MS. hk'ht. water, phone Rnd bath; adults; rensonnble. Wdln. 373. 3 FCRNISIIED h. k. rooms, everything fu--nihed: reasonable rent. 2'W1 Conk ave. lit V iNG'l't iN 2 Lgh't housekeeping rooms, by elderly lady. 4 40 E. 12th, N. 2 LARGE H. K. rooms, stove heat, $5 wk. 4-IH Columbia. Marshall 1301. 1 NICE H. K. room, light, heat, phone, hath. Kat 3" ST 2 II. K. RtioMS. ground floor, hot nnd cold water in rooms. earn heat, (72 Oth st. 2 FRONT 17th sf . H. K. corne ROOMS with sink. 1S2 Yamlitll. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best nt lowest price. Green Transfer Co., Main 1201 2"2 Aider st. FOR RENT Comfortable home, five large rooms and attic, east side, close In near Broadway bridge. Tabor 0O1. FOR RENT 5-rm. house at 355 San Ra fael st. Call between 11 A. M. and 3 P. M. ATTRACTIVE, unfurnished low in Roue City, sj E. ' media I e possession. Ka st r-roonx hunira 0th st. N. Im- 2201. 6-R00M house, modern, newly cleaned, clost in. adults only. 3S5 Grand ave. Fast 13!iO. MODERN home, S rooms, handsomely fur nished ; will lease 6 mo. or longer : ref. en-nces ; nt t met Ive location. Main 4711. IRVINGTON district, 0-room house, newly t in ted ; easy to heat ; near school, 455 E 10th N. MOVING Plants, furniture and long dis tance hauling a specialty O. W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d wf. Phone Bdwy. 5121 S-ROOM house, water, gas ami lights. 7." E. 74th st. N. 1S per month. 3 monthi in advance. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO 15 days' storage free ; furniture mov ing for ItiS. Broadway 2445 FOR RENT I acre of ground. 7-room modern house, furnished or unfurnlahed Marshall 15S2. MODERN ti-rm. house, furnace, trays, elec, nas. Call H" E. 17th. A. M. -i; 1 10 M modern house. 510. 4d2 I arret I. cfljrner or inn, innor ntn.a FOR RENT 5-room bur. ga low. Cnll 5io K Harrison, 11th. East 41). NEW, attractive Woodiawn bungalow; adti ts: MO. 707 Highland st. Main hOOS. 6 ROOMS, bath. 4101 ll.trri'oiv gas and electric lights. 5-ROOMHD house, all conveniences. (HI. 44Th st. S E.. WoorS'oek ear. FIVE rooms outside city limit. cariiu, la, W dln. K)d, FOR RFNT. tin 11 net. NOTICE. To the moving public, let ua solve your moving troubles. Call Albina Trans fer Co. Woodiawn 1075. Pianos moved for $3. and $1 per each flight of stairs extra; large and small furniture trucks with experienced men at reasonable rates; 12 year in the business PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra. $1 each flight. 80 days' free storsge on all house hold goods; furniture moving, one-ton truck, $2 per hour: large truck. $2 75 pr hour; we are experienced anil have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer Storage Co., 104 N. 5th st, O p e n Su nd ays a nd evenin g s. PIANOS moved, $3; stairs extra, $1 e,i-h flight, 30 d;ii' free storage on aL house hold goods; furniture moving, one-ton truck, 12 per hour; large truck. $2.75 p- r hour; wo are experienced and have good packing. Call Broad way 1207. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co., 104 N. 5th bt. np.-n Sundavs and evenings. -ROOM house, newly papered, p.unt. .1, gate, electricity, water, barn. guag-. fruit, berries, one acre, about four blocks south of Johnson creek on htth si., .J5 month. Owner. Turner, New Scott Ho tol. Broadway 21QQ. IRVING'ioN D-ruom house with Me. porch, built-in conveniences, hard floors, furnace and fireplace; wry sirable home: rent $fc; immediate t- d de- session; lea.e If desired. Olio E. loth N. Cull Main M02 or Tabor ll'io. CALL BROADWAY 5m) FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT PO W ER H EAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST LARGE, comfortable 0-rooiu house; hot water heat furnished from central hon ing plant ; absolutely clean; sing la or double uarage; ref. 500 E. Ah M. ROSE CITY PA R K bungalow for rent ; modem In every way. with hardw d Loots, fireplace, furnace, cement busk in ' Ml, etc. Call Ta hor l56. 8-Room house with garage. acre f ground, all kinds of fruit, close In, mod ern, chicken houses, on cariino. Tabur 1SS. - YOU can 111,1k' your living on this m acre. 0-room house and work In Portland. $150 down. Owner, 4014 E, 41st st. Woodstock car. ROOMS. 4535 311 h ave. S. E. Lovely bathroom, nice yard, fruit, flowers, near Crest on and Franklin schools. $32.50. Automatic 021-01. MODERN tl-rooiu huso. full basement. 1401 E. Glinn. Jnit vacated, $30. L E. Steinmetz. 4iJ Gerilnger bldg. Malu t!":il or Tabor 3224. 8-ROOM house, famiiy orchard, a ir .t l who can do work on house ; work ean be applied on rent; A-l. Call Tabor MSI. 1R INGToN "05 E. Broadway: 375 K IHth N.; 415 E. 11th N. Others. R. T. St reef . Irvington r-nltor. IRVINGTON Choice nace. fireplace , etc. P-room house, ur $00. East Hol.V -RoOM modern home. L ist M21 or Main 5420. Piedmont, $50. I' urtilNlird II ou ner. WANTED As 4-months tenants, man and wife for 0-room Irvington house. 1 5 minutes from town ; heat, phone, ga s, electric light, garbage, piano, all mod ern conveniences; will take part pay- roent In l.ounl and TOOlll for business woman, away all day. If so desired ; must have good references. F 3t2, Ore- gomnn. FOR KENT 5-toom nicely fur nished, pla no, wood and gas rango, hot water heater; half block west of Laurel burst district; rent $5o; adults only and references required. Cnll East 22 01 WILL LEASE to small family of adult, 0-room modern, finely furnished resi dence, $110 per month; first-class district, Sunnyslde car lino. Call 00 E. bth St., M rs. Sha ver. CAKEI'L'L .tenant can secure nicely fur p' Led 5-room bungalow for January and February at reasonable rental. Strong jit Co.. tlQH Ch am. of Com. 5-R JOM modern bungalow, neat ly fur nished, pia no. fur nace, wash I rays. etc. Call at 1014 E. Harrison st., corner 37th. fork . y. TO LEASE Modern D-moiii, furnished house, west side, extra large light rooms. garaKe. eay walking distance; rent $150. 210 King. Open 2 to 4. FU R NT SITED7 "4-room bungalow, ids East Holland st., 1 b ock from .diss. ave. car. Phone Wdln. 4004. 730 EAST Bl'RNSl DE. O-100111 modern home, completely furnished; piano; ref erences. $70. Main M37 mirnins. -R(o.M iiiu'iera luriiitoied cott.tge, liiiJ E. 11th. cor. Stephens; $40; garden, parage. East 5235 Close In. TO RENT OR LEASE 5-room house, fur nisher I. $35, with garage $ 10 ; Division st. owner East i5tl: references -liiHtM house, all iihji!mii, fuiuivlied or unf uriiih'-d, 1 acre, Portland Heigh Is. Marshall J-'.a. K00.M modern urn.-hed oupiex house, .'MID-, E. llth st., bet. Clay and Market. t: Ea t :.'., c:o-e in. i-'t KN'lSHKD .V 1 v.nla st.. g.ird er 'I Knilw iv Kxeh: 00m lot. liuuseooit t, foot Pdwy 5 407. SU I iCii HA N un nislo d 2-room t t a e, and drain, $ 10 111 on: h. Mar. -J 11 7 5-RoiiM completely furnished cottage. Mt. Scot t ca 1 line 2 blocks from ear. a .i modern eon vn fences "all Ante 04 2 11. Mi'LETELY I'm niched 5-rooin bun galow on 7' th st. Particulars 12 I- irt st. Ma;n 4 11.. Automatic f.27-PI 4Koo.i furnish d house. Mill street. 2-room fiat, whole 2d floor, $15. J. D Kennedy, :tl! Salmon st. UN EAST DRoADWAY. 7-io rage, furnace, fireplace, si eiect ric washer, piano, $ SO 111 ll'iUSe. t.l- eplng p.o , It. W ELL-1' UitN ISH El 4 -room East Hth st. North, close car. house. 135 o Wundlawn N I ("ELY I ui 11 Ished II- room house, no ; ud -inn garage, good location, fuel In. Kant SI 21. 4-K'mjM modern furnished house. 4 1H It wll st., east of Cnlon. $50. East 5: clone In. a-iu M modern bunnalow, piano. Kt ;', corner, ?". L- fc-ast tMd . near Mniiy. Pholie 32M-H0. $40 MODERN h g a r : 1 n e. 7 107 4.' I ui nished. piano, e Ml. Scot t 11 r. WILL t-) home ('al! Empire 21H. mill man and wile. MODERN bungalow. Rose City Park. Four rooms. jo t Ic h nd gara t-e, Tabor 2:ti. fill a Vr. m i.m" upper lioor; walking dis tance; 2s Russell st. East 2P.'H. $20. FCRNISIIED t'n'l after 12 M house, 712 E. -Mb Fl'RN ISH ED 7 rooms, all modern, Willi b.imi;.'. I.add ndd. East 04 1. THREE room: children. ?2." Colli pletel V f urilished . Marshall 3344. 4- R i.M tin nished house MIL'S. $211. Mar. S53. iu Fulton, luur 3-KOO.M col tag no children. lor rent, partly furni! Main 20.V1. FOR RENT 5 rooms, 540 Hroad way. luriiished ho C u mSis fine furniture, includi s pi'it.o. ;oi ref rencf'S required. Tahor I'll1' llo-ew for Pent I uriiiliirr lor Snlf. C 1 a i.S K-l N W EST S I I E ' L E A N 'T TGK $10 MO.; 5 ROOMS OF Ft R N I -Tl UK FoR SALE. ONLY $AM); SO M M TERMS. CALL AFTER 2 P. M., 4.14 1 IT II ST. S. w 10- ROOM lioiir-e, furniture for sale, olos-i In, walking distance; furniture new and clean ; nice for private faint' y or f -r boarding or rooming house. Main 3011 5-ROOM nice mo 1 ern flat, close in, west side ; elegant ly furn Ished ; oak, ma hog anv, etc j price. $500; a snap, Seg Gar land. 20 Third. Fl'R.MTUKE "f 7 rooms, income pajs a penses : ca n bo lucrea sed ; n g oml loe a t ion for board r Price $'150 ; ft ms P 1 1 o n e A tro. 525-51. FOR SALE Furniture of 4 -room house; lions- for rent; modern ; g 1 .". Kic-t M0.. St'iret and tusiH4 Placen. Col i'.N E itl-'( ilTll K NT. 20x45. corner of Park and YainlM'!, opposi'e auto bus terminal; will cut and remodel to Milt tenant E. S. KERR, Realtor. :t ! H Yatnhi:'. Al arfb all '5'H. WELL lightfd space, 22x00. 011 se(1nd C -T of brick bldg., suitable for li'ht nu.nij faduring company. RivrvU w Dany ' 'o , 10t3 Rein '.nt st. NEW S'i''i:E. 20x55. Alaimilii di-tr;--t. 2'.th and I'rescoit sts. Suitable tor anv business excepting groce: y or lii'-ai , imnT Woorliawn 37sn FI NE light top fioor .Mix ion. ; ,ng', N W. si earn heat, good elevii tor. D C. !' n x r 4 N- Mh- 1 ' 'wv 27 IP STt'llE. 12x15. suitable 1 1 ressma U : n 1; . h-ni stitching, shoe repair, $10. '' Ea-'t Ankeny st FOR DESIRAHl.E Fpact house phone lire a d w:i in fnepi v 3715. wh r- R E 102 First, low rent. :t5 Tnylor. li 1 v y . 31 34. "ortii-ftt. F. Dayton, REDUCE YOUR OV Eli H EA D. Well-liKlited and heated ul!i'-es since Or In suites, ceiiiral office IUlldill 'n financial section of city, low lentsU S e Don a Ui G W ood ward, agent. 104 Set oml ft., corner Stork. Fl! i-NlSli Ei ' -uiice w:ti: t' j. and stenographic service If o"esir d i'62 Mor hmii bldg : Main 5204. OKI' ICE. Joint recept ion room A ppy to Whet-lock A- Williams. A M - Corh-tt bldg WELL lighted fro A l.icleay !.g. R, rfic .n.ih: Apply 5O0 1 . 1ST h'i!n d ground f 10..1 .1 ! oflii-e lidwv. I .1 t lol 50 1 1. .cut t RON I urfice. change b'dg. modern, in ttallMa Ex Apply room 312 DESK room with telephone and tino g ra phtr -tervtce p io ru H''wv :" LA R; E and small officii for relit. Filed ner bldg . poh nnd Wuh st. DESK ROOM, with phone a?tl t:peArit.r. JU Hallway chaug- b.Ug. i r