1G Till: MOIIXJLNG OKEGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 4, 192S ROAD CREWS CALLED IN Work of Clearing Columbia Iligh wajr of Snow Discontinued. HOOD RIVER, Or., Jan. 3 (Spt cial.) Thomas Lacey, In charge of clearing- the Columbia river highway of slides and ice drifts in this county, has called off his crews by order of the state highway department. Mr. Lacey believes that no further work will be attempted here until definite action Is taken by Multnomah county In clearing the highway. Mr. j,arey said he believed auto mobile men of Hood River, with an .xpen.li-.ure c-f J50, could make the highway passable between here and Cascade Locks, where ferry service to Stevenson, Wash., and connections with the North Bank highway are available. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction Houne. 10 A. 1 Furniture. lti9-JJ Second street DIKD, COOMER At the family horn, 7:1 East Salmon street. Jun. 2, Jonathan M. CooTTi-r, ased 00 years, beloved husband of Kniina 1., father of Lenter and Norris. brot her of Km ma C. Reef aft and Virgil i too m p r of this city. H e m u i n are at I. L. Lerch's, 1 1th and Ku.st Clay. Notice of funeral hereafter. E E NEf'K E Mrs. Maria, beloved mother of Mr. William Benecke, San Diego. Cal. ; Mrs. Frank Winter, Mrs. John Hen ken, Mrs. August Boeder, Miss Ma thilda Benecke and Mrs. Emll Neitzel. Portland, Or,, age 70 years, 4 mo. Fu neral notice later. ANCHOR In this city, January 2. John Anchor, aged 60 years, husband of Alice Anchor. Remains are al the con servatory chapel of the East Side Fu neral Directors, 414 East Alder street. Notice of services in a later Issue. (GAABLE At hfs residence. 6M0 Foster road, January 3, Henry Willard Grabie. The remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenwortliy & Co., ."iSuj and bH(H tvjd st. S. E., in Lents. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. DORSET In this city, January 3. Eliza beth O. Dorwev, aged 74 vears, 11 months. K days. Mother of Mrs. T. If. Mitchell of Yonoalhi, Mrs. Elmer Williams, Grand J I and. Neb.; Frank ,I. J.or.t y, i'lai n vihw, Tex.;., Mrs. William Krent. Long JJencti, Cal. ; O. R. Dorsey, el ty, and r. A. Dorsey of llf-nry. Neb. Stwter of Mrs. Frances Conger, John S. Bat it. WHliam H. I (a tie, all of this cay. The funeral er vices will be held f mm the Ha tie Bros. residence. 22 Mcikle pliee. Thniflday, January at 2 1. Al. Friends Invited. J he remains will he forwarded ;o North Rend, Neb., by the Kant Side Funeral IMreetnrs, where Interment will be made In t)ie family plot. DIACON At tne re.dcnre of her brother, L. J. Heidi n. Li.Vi Milw atikie avenue, Mrs. JoKie Diacon, aged .i7 vears. sister of T. F. Beldin of Chicago, LI . and Mrs A. William of Portland. Or.; Mrs. C. N. Schofield. aunt of Mrs. Cl'-m Eliison, and .Mrs. Flora Jones of Salt Iike City; Fred (irnrtt Beldin of Portland, and L. W. Beldin of White Bluffs, Wash. Friends are respectfully invited to attend thfl funeral services to be held at the chaj-l of Kd wa rd H ol m a n A- Son . Third an d Salmon st reels. Th ursda y, J a nuary .1. a t - J'. M. Interment in Multnomah ceme tery. MOEJTNKE At the famllv home. 702 East Seventh street North. Charles Moehnke, aged HI years, died Jh nua ry 1 ; Justina Muehnke, aged 7U years, died December 3 1 . Faren ts of M rs. I.. A. La Bea u and Mrs. A. V. Dickey of Seattle, Wash.; John and August Moe.hnke, residing in Willamette, or., and Mrs. E, A. Frunze of this ci ty. The funeral services v!l take place from the conservatory chanel of the Fast Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street, at 1 P. M., Wednes day. January 4. Friends Invited. In terment, Rose City cemetery. COPKLAXD In this city December 30, Ben F. Copeland. aged 42 yea.'s, son of Mrs. Sarah Copeland, brother of Mrs. Flood, Mrs. JIaupt and Mrs. Oilson, all residing in Hal ley, Idaho: Clyde and Charles Copeland of this fity. and Leon ard Cope la nd of Baker, Or. Th! f u neral services will take place from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder St., at 2 P. M., today (Wednesday), January 4, under auspices of the Spanish-American war veterans. Friends invited. In terment RIverview cemetery. BRXETKE Mrs. Maria, beloved mother of Mr. William Bneeke. San Diego. Cal. ; M rs, Frank Winter, Mrs. John Renken. Mrs. August Roeder, Miss Mathilda Benecke and Mrs. Emll Neitzel. For t- 1h nd, Or., age 70 years. 4 months. The funeral services will take place from the conservatory chapel of the East Side Fu neral Directors, 414 East Aider street, ut 3 P. M., today (Wednesday . J a nuary 4. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. RICH EY In this city January 2. 1022. at the late residence. 921 Francis avenue, Nancy Jane Rlchey, mother of Olivet I and Charles A. A pp legate, and M rs. Sarah E. Welch Tf Portland, Or., and William H. A pplegate of The Dalles. Or. ; George W. Applegate of Heize", Kan., and M. S. A pplegate of lone. Wash. Funeral services will be held from the residence today (Wednesday). J an tin ry 4, at 2 P. M. Interment in Milwaukle cemetery. Ql'ARNHTROM December 30. at Wetask win. Alberta. Canada, Orllnda L., aged 81 years, wife of Custaf A. yunrnstrum, mother of Leonard, Rola nd a nd Ruth Quarnstrom. daughter of Mrs. Rena Law rence and sister of Arthur Lawrence. The funeral service will be held Thursday. January (V, at 1 P. M., at Flnley's mor tuary. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Concluding service River view cemetery. Please omit flowers. SKTDLER .Tn nuary 3, ut the Inte resi dence, 401 .i Sixtieth street Southeast, Anna A., aged i4 years, wife of Fred C. Seldler and sister of Mr.. 0irles Re-duett-e, Mrs. Loui.e Hnckmnti nml Mrs. Antonio Blake. The funeral service will be held Thursday, January at 2:.'10 p. M., at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery o t Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding service. Mount Scott cemetery. ROBERTS In this city. January 2. 1022, A Win B. Roberts, aged Pit yea rs. sur vived by ten children, 4ft grandchil dren, 30 great-grandchildren, a member of the Indian War veterans. Friends sre respectfully invited to attend the funeral services to be held at RIverview cemetery under the auspices of Masonic lodge, today (Wednesday), January 4. at 2 P. M. BF.RGFS January 8. flt the rate resi dence. J0T Fast Eighty-fourth street, Martha Herges, aged hs years, mother of Mrs. Anna Dudley, William, Frank und Fred Rerge of Portland, Bert "Herges of Rnthdrum, Idaho, and Mrs. Elisa Olson of Oranit Falls. Minn. The remains are at Kin ley's mortuary, Mont gomery at Fifth. GALLAGHER In this city. January 1. William Gallagher, aged C5 years. The funeral services will be held from the conservatory chapel of the Fast Side Fu neral li rectors, 414 East A Ider street, today (Wednesday ). January 4. at 10 A. M. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. KRIHDLANO The funeral servlrs for the la to Margaret Friedland of 4;i Salmon street will be held today (Wednesday , at 2:30 P. M., at Finley's mortuary. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding; service, Portland crema torium. CROWE In this city, January 3. 10!. Edward W. Crowe. aged GO years. Friends and acquaintance are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral serv ices to be held at the Portland crema torium, today (Wednesday), January 4, at 2 P. M. IT'RDTN The funeral service for the late Agms Burl Purd;n of 44 H EaHt Forty n enth street, will be heid today (Wednesday) at 11 A. M. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Concluding aervice Mount Scott cemetery. PETTIGREW In this city, January 3. ojiver Pcttlgrew. sged tht yeara, late of Aloha, Or. Funeral services will be held Wednesday. January 4. at 2 P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. In terment Multnomah cemetery. CROMER At his late residence. 7."1 Knst . Salmon, Johnatlian M. Cromer, n ged tit; years. Funeral pervtc will be held at P. L. Tierch funeral parlors. East Elev enth and Hawthorne, Thursday at 2 P. M. Friends Invited. ANDERSON Funeral services of the late Anna C. Anderson will be held Wednes day, January 4, at B) A. M., at the j chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment i Bethany cemetery at Warren, Or. LITOHARD Funeral services of the late I Blanche M. Lltehard will be held I Wednesday, January 4, 3 P. M.. at the I chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment Multnomah Par cemetery. O'MEARA Julia O'Moara, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. O Meara of Bea--erton. Funeral from El mo n lea Thurs day, & A. M. Burial Cedar Mills ceme tery. Omit flowers. RICHTER Funeral services of the late Lena F. Ricliter will be held Thursday, January 5. at 2 P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment RIverview cemetery. v rrsFRAi, c.n. LlMilCblNES lor funerals, weddlntcs. shop, ping. Jones Aula, Livery, ilarshaii lit. Portland , Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. J U LIUd K. BLACK, public accountant, auditor. Income tax service. Concord bi(Js.,"V;d and. Stark. I'hone Main 744J. A.MU.KS AMI AN.-tL.lSTS. MONTANA Aid A Y OFKICE. 142 Second at reel. Gold, silver, platinum bought. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer, of Commerce building- $2$ Chamber W. P. ADAMS, attorney, moved to 613 Couch bids. Bdy. 0407. Consultation free. B.lii, i-.lt. DR. MeMAliON'ri hatha. Portland; steam showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington. t fcLU LOli IftlTTONh. THE lit WIN - HUDSON COMPANY. 3S7 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1234. Bllioi'KACliC. Dit. McMAliUN (McMan), Portland; 12lh year. Seven post-graduate researca courses. Rates: Extended time, al ad jusiments, 15, rea loring health. i uiittPoi)isis. WILLIAM, Estelle. F.orelio and Dewane te Veny, the only scientific chiropodists and arch specialists in city. Parlors 3t'2 OerlU.ger bidg., southwest corner Second and Aider streets. Main 1JOL LR. U. U. J LETCH EK b oot troubles bci- entiiically correcttd; lady assiSLauL oi-i M organ bldg. Main h7t2. UK. B. LUL1SE CUX, chiropodist, 33 Morgan bldg. Main 4098. tLtiA.MMj AM i hlXO. REGAL CLEANERS XAILOKS A vTr Ui TTTTRS Suits or overcoats dyed brown, blue or X. tit'h st. , COLLECTIONS. NETH St. CO., Worces:er bids. Main 17!ti. No co.Iectlnns, no charges. Eg tab. l'JOO. HENTINTRV. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Tlllrd Kloor Raleigh Bldg. Corner .sixth and W ashingion St. Main llfl. Au:o. ai 1. DENTISTRY iJK. A. W. KEE.NE, K'rt After RffAtQ Without Pain. 351 Vi Washington at. Above Alajeatic 'J'heater. X-Unr Work. KI.K 1 Kl( Al, K KIM I SIM. BOUGHT AND SOI.U. NICHOLS KLECTRIC WORKS. Thone ."J7-27. 6 Main St. JKlVKI.Itl MKIi. AND KKI'AIKIMi. ROSS A: CO, WHOLESALE JEWELERS. .lll MOHAWK BLDG , 3d and Morrison. Ml Ml' TKACIIRK. MADAME UK MARyLIS IVIAii) Accred itd piano and dramatic expression." Prac- lit-ew 1 1 h me. K aat U144 . 2U 4 E. 20th t L. CARROLL DAY. teacher of piano and volo. Broadway '-'.V.T MS 13th st. PAINTING AM TINTING. WE SPKCJALIiSIS in pa perhanging and painting. PhoneMaln X4.'i0. ri'XFKAI. lHRKCTOBS. Cremation $45 Portland Crematorium MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service fnr Less, IndeuenUent Funeral Dlrectora. Wash Ins ton street, between Oth and 2l8t t-. weflt ide- Ldy assistant. Main L'ttyl Automatic ilii-44. DUNNING & CAIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 44.r Morrison St., Went Side. Phonei Broadway 4SU; Auto . ntatic 545-5H. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 1S54.) FITNEKA1. U1KKCTOR3. Third and Maimun St. ilaln .107. McENTEE & EILERS Funpral pariom with all the privacy of a home. Itith and Everett Btreeta, Phone s lirond way ii 133. Auto. 531-33. SNOOK & WH EA LDON. Funeral Directors. Successors to Breeze & Snook. Bolmont at .'t.'tth. Tabor 1258. " EAST SIDE FUNERAL. D1KECTOKS. (F. S- DUNNING, INC.) "The Family Seta the Price." 414 E. Alder, p h o n KastM. Auto. 125-5. LURCH UNDERTAKER, East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 7M. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MON-TCO.MKRY AT BTH. MAIN 9. pvruCQ UNDKKXAKINU CO.. OMlnLO Thirrl and Clay. Main 412. 1 n 7C I rn pr b'Ji Williams Ave. Hi Hi Z.LLI I.I1 UUi) Ph. hone Kast 10SS. A. U. KEN WORTH V & CO.. 5104 9Jd Si.. Lents. Auto 618-21. FLORISTS. S5H Morrison St.. I'ortlamJ Hotel. I'hone Mar. 753. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY So4 Washington St. Main 26D Fine Roses and Orchids a Specialty. Flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranfci'd. KLOWEHS KUll ALL OCCASION'S. 4737 TA.MHILL AT TENTH. And Floral Designs. 25 Hawthorne. No Branch Stores. 2.t Years on Morrison street, bet. 4th and Fifth. Mam 770. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florlfts. We spe cialize In funeral dosiizns. 141 Sixth, oppoMtp Mlfr Frank's. Main 7J15. HUSK WAY FLOWER SHOP. E 41ST AND SANDY BLVD. FLOiVEllS lull ALL OCCASIONS. WE DELI VEIL I'HONE IS. J. T JAl'NCEY. TAB'iK filiT3. SHU HILL KLOKISTS. (Estate Airred Hurkhardt.) K. cur a:td and liliyan. Main 13."!. TONbETH'S Kl.uliAI. Co.. S7 Washington St., kel. 4th and 5th. Main 5102. A 1101. MONI'MKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS t(18 4th St. Opp. CUT Hull- NF.I1 ItROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS 1 QUALITY MEMORIALS ; E. THIRD S. WNE STS. PHONE E. 743 Fhone your want ads to The Ore gonlan. Main 7070. Automatic 530-95. LARGEST .SSir-IN PORTLAND. Gf (JLtrt"? OPTOMETRISTS. Out of the IligU-Kent Oictrift. bjivc Money on i our 01awe. .j j i i moueru ana compter cm"v""-" , aervlce. Consult ua free. Thousanda or atiffie. patrona. Dr. Samuel Goodman, associate optonaetrlat. Main 2124. rl. w V. . 3(JU Morrison St.. Bet. n-. WliY PAY MOKE? .Glasses in gold-tilled frame! gjy-llueti to your eyes, J2.50, double vision glasses at low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurlt, optometrist. j r irsi u VH. GECKllE BL'Bli.VSTKlX. vettrun op tician: eyes tesieu, gia:.es .v.. it.rm itimiL-.tcii nn.mnilv verv reason able prices. 226 Morrison st. Main Su'il. IMTKNT ATI'OKXEVS. PATENTS Our practiccl has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential, prompt, effi cient, conscientious service, handbook free on request MUN.N CO.. Hubart bldg., SS4 Market st.. San Francisco; Chicago office. loom Sll) Tower bidg.; Washington office, room 103 Scientific American bldg.; New lork office. Wocl- ttortn blag. K. C. WRIGHT, registered patent attorney. 25 years. If invention really valuable. see practicing lawyer. Bill ueKum piub J'HSItlANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building, stomach, bowel, liver, kidney, bladder, racial, prostate ud female disorder. without operation. PIPE KK PA I KING, PIPES REPAIRED By Experts. Pipe Shop, 272 Washington St. I'Kl.NTfcKS. nr. v , B Al. i oc iw.t 1 iJ First and Oak. Main 183: SU-aS KHEl .MAflU M'Kl It I.I.ST. King's Rheumatic Cure FREE EXAMINATION FREE. The world s greatest rheumatic cure. IT'S IN THE GOODS; THAT'S ALU JACK KING'S Mineral Treatments. Cured Patients My Be.-t References. JACK KING. Rheumatic Specialist. 63 V4 Fifth St., Corner Oak. S?cond Floor Phoenix B'.ilg. 1KA.NM-KK AM) STOK.U.K. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. pacuing aioving aioragc. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fourth St., opp. Multnomah boteL Phone Bdwy. 371S. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan st. Broadway 1281. DKAYAGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. K'l KHINAKY. ROSE -IYY VETERINARr HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones. Lay and night service: 3 veterinarians. NEW TOPAV. 5T K Now ii if Corner Store Park and Yamhill Full Basement Possession About Feb. 13 W. P. Merry UPPER MORRISON STREET $6500 A KEY PIRC'K DIMENSION'S .'.OxOO. I' LIVE OF DEVELOPMENT, DON'T FORGET AVE SAID UPPER MORRISON STREET $6500 0((0 CASH WILL HANDLE. 7.12 CHAM. OF COM. KORTHYERUG CO. FLUFF HUGS Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save half the price ot a new rug. Use woulea clothing. 9x12 RUGS STKA.M CLEANED 1..0. East 3580. IMS feast Eighth. FRESH EGGS FOR LESS YOIT CAN Hl'Y SPF.ER'S WILLaMET'lE VALLKI F It E S II (SHADED blllGS. Urnde 1 45c ; Urade 3 tUc. ' LA .ltAM)K CIIEA.MKKV CO. Portland' Sellins; Agents STORAGE SPACE Centrally Located on Track We can move nnri store your oods in a fine fprlnklered building. IIAILIMI, PACKING, STORAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 4.'4 t.lUan St. lldur. 3470. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Proprrty. ?nitallment Re payments If Desired. Uuililinf Loans. Current Rates. 1'rompt Service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 216-219 Korlh-weMcrn Rank Building. aiarahall 4114. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS. United State. Bank llnildlns;. JOHN B. COFFEY fcl'R ET V HO . DS, l.StRACE. 400 WUcox Bldg. Main 800. S2ZZ REAL ESTATE, I For Sale Flat and Apartment Property. FOR SALE. Comer brick apt. bouse; east side, close in; 29 rrnt. in 3 and 4 rm. suites: modern in every way; apMndid bldg.; nets' $233 per mo. On account of tick ness will sell for-tlO.Ouu down. Look this houfe over if you want a. real apt. house for a small Investment. High class corner, brick modern apt. house: lor ttOxlOO: 3 stoTies. 29 apta. : partly furnished; splendid bldg.; one of the latest apta. built In the city; house nets 100t a month an4 will do better under oersonal management. This is a splendid buy. Price ,75.000; 133.000 down, balance on a long term. 3-story corner frame apt. house. 42 rm. ; 8 4a, 3 2s, all with bath and mod ern in every respect. Tti0 is positively Lne neniesi, cieaneni nuu urai um,oi.cu house In the city of Portland, house in excellent siaie ni rei'.ir, aiiu uvl.,.h spend on it for 2 years at least: equipped Willi on uurner, hcib .o.... -.. of 4 rooms. Price J2S.UO0; JIO.OOO cash to handle. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Business block on "Williams ave. : close in; 4 stones, iruiue uiu,., bldg., 411x70: 2 stores. 16 furnished rooms In 3 and 4 rm. suite wnn oain, uivvm. 1120 per month; for quick sale will aeil for IH.VlO; J21M10 down and balance like 111 ..I.,., .airing In .molfl hoilHA rent; win uwi-iut, ,c.n..n " up to 30O0. This property can be made to pay 20 per cent on uie purcnaw price. we have a large listing of good buys in income properties umi . per cent to 20 per cent on the invest ment, which can be handled with JIO.OOO to $3.".000. If you wuh to buy or sell S"e Mr. Tlce. THOMPSON THOMPSON, Realtors. 020-21 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4&S0. 8-FAMILT FLAT, -nr.., kMm Wnlliin, Distance. Excellent condition. Price- I10.O0O. No in.nmhniniB. View of city. doutie ra- rage. Will eell on easy terms, consider rood city or farm property. I am owner and will do business with owners only. For appointment call 7ham. of Com. WANT AM APARTMENT HAVE YOU K'3,000 CASH? Can sell you any one of 4 of the best paying propositions In city today. Prlco ranging from 145.000 to J135.0OO. Don't forget we are going to have the big gest fair yet. Call Bdwy. 5J31. or come to 301 Rv Exchange. J. nnooin J7150 .MODERN FLATS, close In, tlre place, garage, etc.. Income $1M). O. C. GOLD EN BE KG, Realtor, Ahfngtnn Bldg. Main 4SQ3. For Siile Lots. CHEAPER TO BUILD. LARGE LOT3. SECOND MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. 25 DOWN 13 PER MO. We have a large list of building lots that run from 50x100 ft. up to H-a.-re tracts. In many different districts. These Include many of the best districts in town. Any kind of a lot desired. One bar gain. 123x95 ft., JU70. Broadway car. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Alain 11U8. ROSE CITY PARK LOT SNAPS. $700 50x100, E. 46th St., paved, all Imp. paid. $750 50x100. E. 49th st., paved, all Imp. paid. $800 50x100, E. 61st t paved, all Imp. paid. $950 50x100, E. liflth St., cor., paved on both streets, all Imp. paid, only 3 blocks to Sandy. See us for bargains in this district. - HENDKRSU.N'-BANKl.'S CO.. fll'S H-nry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. WANT A HOME? If you do not have a lot let us build for you on one of ours. Liberal finan cial assistance extended. We are pre pared to assist you in any way. Sol dier's bonus mav be applied. KOBNETT & McCLURE. BUILDERS. Marshal! 32H2. :i()2 Couch Bldg. $23 DOWN, $10 MONTHLY. Seven full lots, right on macadamized road, one-half mllef mm city limits, na tive fir trees and shrubbery; price $700, not for one but for all. Grab this. FRED W. GERMAN CO., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. LAL'RKLll LK.ST Sl'ECIAIS. NO LIEN'S. 2 Joining lots. Laddington court. $1550 each. Beautiful large corner, 7300 sq. ft.. 37th, 1 blk. Sandy, $1700. Qver slzed corner on SHth. $13(H. 50x123, Stark, necr I.add Park. HMX). .1. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-B-7 Lewis Bldg. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. . Beautiful lots, all cleared; with all Im provements in and paid for. Only $750, $100 c:ish. balance $10 per month. JOHN'SON-DODSON CO., (133 N. W. Bunk Bide. Main 3787. ROSK CITY PARK. J4:0 CASH. Ideal building lot. lovely trees, east face, close to Sandy blvd. and golf course. HARRY BECKWITH, REALTOR. 1H4 Mh street. Main 6St;). mV'LNUTON DISTRICT. 50x100 lots, on B. lKth st.. near Fre mont, for only $.00, $ 100 cash, balance $10 per month. JOHNSON nODSON" CO., fi33 X. W. Knnk Hld-r. Mntn 37R7. LADD ADDITION LOT SNAP. Fine lot on Elliott ave., between 2 nice homes; $1,700. easy terms, eastern owner must seH. Make offer. J. W. GRt'SSI, MS Hoard of Trade Hldff. Main 7452. CHUICK WEST MT. TABOR . homes, tes; very select neighborhood ; owner mu.t sell, act Quickly If you want a real snap. See A. K.. Hill. 42tt Dum ber m ens bldff. KKNTON CAR LINE. $300 for 50x100 corner, $30 cash, bal ance $5 per month. JOHNSON-OODSON CO., f.nn V. W. H;mk Tilde. Main 37R7. ALAMKDA. sr.O CASH. Choice home site, 50x100 lot, lovely trees, improvements in and assume. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. 104 3th street. Main 0S.. NICE LOTS, 00x100. $1 WEEKLY. Cement walk, close to school, gas and electricttv; $3."0 to $37.". Roger W. Carv. llMit N. W. Bank bldg. Main 1643. 50."0 BUYS 4 choice lota In Irvington park; non-resident owner, must sacrifice. G ;i:i.". n-gonlan. EASTERN owner sacrificing 100x121 ft. .on Mth., 200 ft. n. of Lincoln. Make offer. Tabor 2S4. 2 LARGE lots In Beaumont Annex, eneh Tabor 0732 $550 Tor ??ul llouwew. HEART OF SUNN YSIDE. & room and sleeping porch, basement, usual plumbing, convenient to car, stores, school, church, etc. ; nice lot, improved with shrubbery and fruit, small garden tract. Owner leaving city, will sell for $2700, $750 ensh, balance easy with 6 per cent on deferred payments. JOHNSON-DOUSON CO., m X W. Bank Bldir. Main 37R7. BKAl 'i ll UL LAI REUHURST HOME, COMPLETELY FURNISHED. This ta the home you have always admired in this district. The furnishings cannot be beat ; all mahogany and cut glass. If responsible terms cat. be ar ranged to suit. Call Tabor 5319 or Tues dnv Bd'vv. ML'tl. AUJUIMXG LA URELH URST. 7 rooms with sleeping porch, fireplace, some built -ins, full plumbing, full ce ment basement, furnace; garage; 03x100 ft. corner lot, all afreet liens paid. Price I5300, terms. JOHN'SON-DODSON CO., 3S X W. Bunk Bldir. Main 377. PRETTY California bungalow, 5 rooms, about 3 years old; harOwood floors, fire place, bullt-ins, ivory tapestry decoration, full basement, pipeless furnace, garage. A rare buy at $40O. Terms or bonus. . O. A. PEARCE CO., Olfl Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4-835. FURNISHED 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. $4T0 cash and balance like rent; enough wood for winter; 40x100; fruit, shrubbery, etc Priced for quick sale at only $1400. JOHXSON-PODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37R7. ALAMEDA BARGAIN. $7.MHi $7000 DOWN. 6-rm. completely modern, hdw. floors In attic for dancing ; beautiful view ; good terms and you will like it. ' Bdwy. 5131. J. Bobbins. Tabor S31f. $lh00 CLOSE IN ; 5 rooms; $200 cash, balance $!'." per month. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO, REALTORS. Bd-vv. 47M. 410 Henry Bldg. $0,o0 H-ROOM modern house, well fur nished, walking distance, west side; worth $8000; $2000 cash will handle, balance like rent. Linton & Welch, 418 Railway Exrhanpe. NOW READY to move into; 4-room houae, lOoxlnO lot. Make your terms. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 47M. 410 Henry Bldg. 1R VI NGTON BUNGALOW SNlAP $450. Five attractive rooms, attic, furnace, fireplace, ivory finish, near car. Neu hnnsfn f".. Main SQ7S. East 304. UNION avenue and Alberta; 4-room fur nished bungalow; $1950, $375 down. 303 Sumner st. $3300 CASH $3300. Phone Tabor 6539 and see what $3300 cash will buy. For sale by owner. WANT light auto part payment on $2650 5-room house, bath, etc.. cement base meat, garage, fruit, 3 lots. K. iood. ! RKAT. ESTATE. For Sale Houses. SEE FRANK L. MoGUTRB To Buy Your Home LARGEST HOME-SELLER IJT AMERICA. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRlAlSEiD. THE McGUIRE SYSTEM la the System of 1Q Service to Home Seekers. We protect your every Interest and put you In Immediate touch with the home of your requirements. Open Evenings Until ft. ' 60 Salesmen At Your Service. SOUTHERN COLONIAL. $9500 IN IRViNGTON! A lovely Home on beautiful 70x220 landsc-APed grounds; 6 spacious rooms; glassed-in den; sun porch; ultra mod ern in every respect. A HOME OF TRUE DISTINCTION, and one of the most attractive among all our listings, E. 2Mh at. CLOSE IN. PIEDMONT JEFFERSON HIGH. $5230 A Practical, substantial modern 9-room home, on good paved cor ner. CLOSE IN! One blk. to car. DOxlOO with fruit, berries, roses, galore. Skidmore street. j FRANK L. McGUrRE SPECIAL. HEART O.K ALBERTA. DEFIES COMPETITION. $2320 WHERE CAN YOU FIND a bet ter value than this for the money? Good, comfortable, substantially-built, 0-room modern ALBERTA 2-story home, rooms are all airy and conveniently ar ranged; white enamel plumbing electricity; gas; 3 nice bedrooms TEiN FRUIT street, cement and paid for. TODAY.) Call prompt aervlce. TREES! Paved walk, sewers In (WE'RE OPEN Main IOCS for E. 10th st. TURN" A. NEW LEAF. $3490 IN YOUR LEDGER OF LIFE! Resolve to OWN YOUR HOM E thia year. INSTEAD OF NEXT! Among our attractive bungalows we can recommend this as one that will be eminently satlsfac fying Restful gray with broad bungalow lines, fireplace, built In writing desk and bookcases. masslva built-in buffet, centra hall with large wardrobe, ideal kitchen. 2 bedrooms and full attic, Boynton furnace ; fruit, beautiful lawn. Haleey st. BKATTTIFTTr. WAWTHORNE! $44J0 ONE OF HAWTHORNE'S MOST hKAU T1FL.L l-Hj.U-A LU'V. IS this lovely little 5-room ultra modern home on E. 53d st. Has 5 rooms with a glowing open fi reolace In 11 v. rm.. mimic rm massive buffet; Idval Dutch kitch en: sleeDinsr Dorch: garage. A CAN'T! i Will seil furniture If desired). Call Main lOtfS, for further information. E. 03d st. WALKIN75 DISTANCE. $4250 JLST ACROSS THE BROADWAY BKlOGc; s rooms in a very suo tantlaUv built modern home naneled dlnkiir room with built in buffet: white enameled Dutch kitchen: 4 cheery bedrooms and bath all In white enamel; 00xl2.": paved et. Fargo street. HOME FOR A BIG FAMILY! TrcrVTOV! $930 $473 down OUT AVONO TTYOC FIRS IN KENTON On a nice lot. little 3-room cosy cottage electricity, sua. ceiled and pa pereds cJose to car; lull lot and garden. Omaha Ave. COMB IN TODAY! And find ail about our easy payment plan! If necessary. w'U help you make your down payment FRANK L. McOTHRHJ. To Buy Your Home. EN-SOLl'JERS: SNAP ROSE CITY BARGAIN! $300 CASH $300. OWNER LEAVING CITY. YOUR CHANCE TO BUY A REAL ART1STB CA L. BUNG A LOW ON Y0OU It O W N TERMS. LARGE LIVING ROOM. F1KK PLACE. FRENCH DOORS TO DEN BEAUTIFUL HDWD. FLRS. ; MODE I DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAKFAST NOOK FINE SLEEPING PORCH, ATTIC, AND GARAGE. FULL FRENCH CASEMENT WINDOWS, PERGOLA PORCHES. A BEAUTY. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 247S. 320 IT. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. IRVINGTON. B30 EAST 17TH NORTH. I10.5OO. Reduced from S12.54H): eleht beautiful rooms, two tiled fireplaces, two tiled baths, extra lavatory room on first floor, pnnrrptfl norch central entrance, naru wood floors throughout, woodwork old Ivory, solid mahogany and eastern oak full lot, fine shrubs and garage; easy terms. McDONELL, EAST 419. SUNNYSIDH. MOVE RIGHT IN. 3500 $500 CASH. 6 large rooms, in best of condition; enamel finish.. 3 bedrooms, concrete 'basement, garage; only 1 block to car; improvements paid. Use your soldier bonus. Might rent. DERR & POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. HERE'S A REAL BARGAIN. I2S.-o Sir-room House $N50 DOWN, Going to California; must dispose of my equity at once. Six-room, two- story house, just painted, ivory color, Tull cement basement, laundry tray Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch; lot 50 by 100. Paved street, all imps, in ano naid Mv eaulty. ?k0 cash. Dal .'. month plus interest. Address 150S M Hwaukie st. Phone Sell, 3i4. $3800 $3SO0 $:isoo $3S00. JEFFERSON HIGH. Reduced from $4200. Very desirable 7- rnom home with hardwood floors, rur nace. '51'xlOO lot. If you can pay $13sii down on this, the balance can be paid at $24 per month, including 6 per cent interest. J. A. WICK MAN" CO., QTTALITY HOMES, REALTORS. 2fij Stark St Bdwy. 0704. Su200 A LA M E UA PARK BEAUTY. A new and nifty 5-room bungalow with hardwood floors throughout, cement basement, wash trays, every imaginable built-in feature, breakfast nook, cabinet kitchen, floored attic, plate glass win dows. Finished in ivory, artistic light fixtures, linoleum In kitchen, 50x100 lot, Garage and runway. City Improvements paid. $000, terms. RUMMELL & RUMMELL. 274 Stark Pt LAURELHURST. $5075. A splendid buy. A homo so down rltrht modem, so well built, so Ideally located, that we just know you'll want it. Hardwood floors throughout, tiled bath, expensive plumbing, plate glass windows, b rencn uoors; garage, inspect. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St. Main 3002. 1170 Sandy Blvd. at 40th. Tabor O.'.m;. $7500 $7."K $75)0 $7500. ALAMEDA PARK. Ntew, large, thoroughly modern home !n a very choice location ; it mum be seen to get an idea of the tremendous value for the money, bnowa by appoint ment only. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. QUALITY HOMES, REALTORS, Sfi2 Stark St. Bdwy. 0704. KENTON. $7500 Beautiful 5-room concrete block bungalow, large rooms, 3 large clothes closets, large bullt-ins. attic, large bath room, extra parlor, summer porch, built In pantry, full basement, 100x100 corner lot; sidewalks, sewer ana pavea streets; modern througnout. can aaytime, Woodlawn 1O50. RUE CITY BARGAIN. Five-room strictly modern buntralow, fireplace, all built in features, breakfast nook. hdw. floors, double constructed. Paved sireet. Price $4750. Your own terms. Thia Is less than a year old. AUSTIN-OLEARY REALTY CO.. 335 Cham, of Com. Bldg. IRVINGTON. I05OO. Closing estate, unusual value. 7-room complete home, large living room, library, sleeping porch, S master bed rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, good district. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. 104 5th street. Main H. IRVINGTON INVESTMENT. 1 8-room duplex house, on paved St., strictly modern, nicely arranged for apartments to make good income. Price $:hjO0. a couple thousand down and your terms on the balance. AUSTIN-OLEARY REALTY CO., 3-15 Ch a m. of Com. R! 1 g. IRVINGTON COLONIAL HOME. Nonresident owner wishes olfr for fine 2-story 8-room home with garage, on E. 24th, iear Knott; built for home; large rooms and oak floors throughout; Ivory woodwork, 2 fireplaces. Cail Ta bor 407. FOUR-ROOM apartment bungalow for sale ; Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook; herdwood floors; 2 bedrooms, with bath between; finished in ivory. Small payment crown and small monthly pay ments. Callv after 5 P. M., 1303 East Lincoln. Tabor 5751. ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN J5750. Terms. Buys this attractive 1 Mi -story bungalow; 5 dooms down, a and steep ing porch up. E. 30th- near Mason, Neu- h:iusen Co.. Main HoTH. East 3i4. MT. SCOTT DISTRICT. Beautiful 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors.' bath, fireplace, Dutch kitchen. Price $3450. $50O down. 335 Chamber of Commerce mig. HOUSE. 2-3 ACRE, $2100. $50 down. $15 month. This side Reed college, near 28th st. Roger W. Cary, 119 X. W. Bank bldg. Alain 1643. REAL K ST ATE. For Sale Houses, $."2fW) ALAM EDA PaRK BUNGALOW. BRAND NEW. BUILT BY MECHANIC WONDERFUL HOME. EVERY CON VENIENCE. Has elaborate, large living room, unique fireplace, best hardwood floors, elegant furnace, double ga rage, tiled bath, shower, buffet, ar tistic breakfast nook complete, a Dutch kitchen that will appeal to anyone, gorgeous light fixtures, se lect tapestry dec, ivory finish, f. c. basement; owner must sell, will make sit up and take notice; sim ilar to $So value; $2H cash re Quired. Main 4803. Tabor &104. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, G. C. GOLDEN BE R(i, Realtor A bin gt on Bldg. BOXTTS MTCNT! ONLY $4S50 liK0 DOWX. 8-room modern bungalow in fine location; 5 rooms down with bath and toilet. 3 large bedrooms up. Full cement basement, furnaca trays. Dutch kitchen. Bookcases, buffet. White enamel finish. This Is REAL VALUE and MUST BE SOLD QUICKLY. SEE IT TO-, DAY". MARfH A- McCABE CO.. Realtors, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. iWlKi. Evenings. Tabor 4 JO. THIS HOME MUST BE SOLD. Located in Hawthorne, it is a good 6 rooni house, very modern and in good condition; good garage; all city Im provements in and paid; do not hesitate to come In and look this up; It Is a snap and must be sold; If you want a good home In this popular district come in and let me show you this one. See E. W. HUGHES. 507 Journal Bldg. Main 2S53. DANDY BUY. $2800 $500 CASH. Modern 4-room bungalow 'Just like new; newly painted inside and out; white enamel plumbing, fine electric fix tures, full basement. Come out to 69 E. 74th st., corner Stark. This property fronts on the Stark street highway, only 2 blocks from business center of Monta vllla stores, etc. Owner on place all cay. Reaay to move in. Phone Mar. 740 mornings or evenings. Ruse GOOD CITY BUY. $5550 $500 cash gives you possession of this immaculate bungalow. Has ery imaginable modern convenience. In eludes 6 rooms, reception hall and ele gant bath. Full basement, furnace, fire place, laundry trays. Finished in ivory. Full lot, garage, paved st., sewer; no liens nor mortgage. Call us today about this place. 21M Railway Exrh. Bldg. Bdwy. Cn. ROSE C1TV SNAP. DIRECT FROM OWNER. I am offering my new 5-room bunga low with garage, occupied only a short time, striciiy modern ana weu-ouiit, every detail absolutely first-class, hard wood floors, large living room with plate glass windows, French doors, dandy breakfast nook, tile bath, excel lent automatic Gasco furnace, fireplace. price sK-t.iu, cmou cash; tal. easy. Bdwy. 1004 or Tabor 7310. STAR SALES SERVICE. $650 CASH JEFFERSON HIGH. 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, large rooms, beautiful lot. on graded street 1 block from pavement, sidewalk and sewer in and paid, no mortgage, no liens. $3100. A real nice, comfortable home. Owner leaving citv. STAR REAL ESTATE & INV. CO. Main 5f04. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. LA U RE LH UK ST. 35th St.. l,2 block south of Sandy blvd modern home. 8 rooms finished : 3 ca n be finished: built as well as money1 can uunu 11; win u completed in about -weeks; can be inspected any day from s to except Sunday. Ask lor Mr. Campbell, v or price and terms see W. J Sclimauch, realtor, McClure & Schmauch Co.. Main V5o3. BEST BUY IN IRVINGTON. An S-room strictly modern house, hot water furnace, 2 fireplaces, oak floors, all built-ins., large rooni.s, full rement basement, wash trays, etc.; 50x100 lot. vacant and in wonderful condition. (Lo cation 14th and Knott sts.) Price Tor im mediate sale only $.s500, terms. Will sell 100x100. corner, with house. RUMMELL it- RUMMELL. 274 Stnrk St IRVINGTON DISTRICT. NEW. 5 rooms, modern in every detail, lare Jiving room, Duiit-ins, fireplace, furnace, tile batn. elegant fixtures, shades, elec tric fixtures, hardwood floors and large attic; lot 50xUMi; all street work price $0750. Ownr East 6033. DEAL WITH OWNER. I have two 5-room 1 -story and one 6 -room 1 Mr -story bungalows 54, 58 and 64 E. 45th st. N'., near Davis, practi cally In Laurel hurst ; terms; will dis count for all cash. H. L. Hammond. 1 - Hi. BIG SNAP. Beautiful 5-room bungalow in Alberta newly painted and tinted. In best of condition : nice bath : attic with stairs full basement ; double garage ; sacrifice for quick sale. Easy terms. Owner must leave city at once. Make me an offer. 1102 E. 21st st. N. AVdln. 2575. $5b50 ROSE CITY PARK $5850. NEW, COMPLETE COLONIAL BUNGALOW. If you are in the market for a real modern 5-rm. bungalow with every con venience. beauty and value, don't fail to see this at 044 E, 55th N. Open from 1 to 4 today. Portland boulevard snap. Dandy 8-room house, excellent condl tlon, new roof, newly painted and tinted, run basement ; 100x13 lot ; garage chicken house, street and sewer imnrove m cuts paid ; price $tUMM), easy terms. Mall & Von Buivtel, 104 2d at. Main 1430. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, a-siust in I inane in k same: 1 years" continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. U R. Bailey, contract- ing arcniteot. n-t n. w. Bank bldg. $2750, ON TERMS. Apartment bungalow with disappear Ing bed, bookcases, writing desk, china .closet, fireplace, bath, gas, water, ga rane. frui(, SOxlOO corner. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK A CO.. 210 Oregon BHg. Bdwy. 105S IN IRVINGTON. loo FT. LOT AND 11 ROOM HOUSE. WITH GARAGE; BUILT FOR OUR HUME. DEATH CAUSES US TO CLOSK ESTATE. HEIRS ARE SACRIFICING THIS PROPERTY Foil IMMEDIAT E 8 LE. PHOVE 310-01 OR CALL 5"'' K. .HTH NORTH. FuR SALE By ownr, new home in clone- ln hitthly restricted district : 7 mo mi full cement basement, shower batlr, two toilets, me nam ana drain board. Muel ler furnace, law n and shrubbery In, Terms reasonable. Phone owner, Mar shall 435. $4 750 BUNGALOW (new). has living room, aining room, z bedrooms, jun parlor, sleeping porcn, nard wood floors. a.i ouiii-ins; Dasemem: 1 biocko car. W. M, UMHDENSTOCK & rCO.. 210 Oregon BHg. lid wy. 1058. $750 $75 CASH. $!.- month; close in, near Montavuia car. rooms, at 42 E. 27th st.. rear or ouxiou lot, sink, toilet, elec lights, gas, sewer and paving In and paid ; you have deeded "right of way' to house; newly painted: good condi- tion. ownrr. .m a ran an BUILD NOW. Be a satisfied home owner We wel come inspection. LIBERAL FIN AN CIAL ASSISTANCE. ROBXETT fc McCLURE, BUILDERS. Marshall 3202. 3t)J Couch Bldg. $20mt. GOOD TERMS. Good five-room no use on w imams ave., close in, paved st. and sewer; no mortgage or liens to assume. . This Is a very good .buy. See STS Railway Exrh. Bldg. Bdwy. flSOS. OWNER MUST SELL. Alameda, strictly modern, 5-room bun galow, 2 blks. Broadway car; large attic; garage; built-ins, ivory and tapestry pa PT finish; bargain, $5300. $MK cash. Wood lawn 3!ta DESIRABLE modern home (except hard wood floor) by owner. On. good car line. 30 minutes' walk from center business district Of Portland. A bargain If sold at once. Terms on part If desired. See Dr. Weir. 324 Med Ira bldg. $4500 $500' CASH $25 MO. Modern 7-room bungalow; full cement basement, SOrxlOO lot, near school. M. A. LOEHR. 305 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 5OR0. $;."! ImjWN $2250 $20 MONTH. Five rooms, bath, cement bailment, range, some furniture; new garage. Grounds 120x120; fruit, berries. Two blks. V. S car. .VHin 50th ave. E. 455. $12M. 3-room house. 50x1 00 lot. splendid section of city; $25o cash, balance $7.50 per month; interest pr rrnt. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. Modern 5-room bungalow with large rooms, attic and garage, corner; excei 1n.t condition, $550Q. Tnbor 407. VRoOM mod-a house and garage; good location ; 101 w.iwi price AJ.i ; $ t.mj cash. bal. $25 per mo., including 6 int. Owner 1270 E. IJVth st. N. $00 $200 CASH, $25 MO. Furnished 5-room houseboat on garden lot. Foot Nevada st. 204 Railway Exchange. ' Bdwy. M07, MODERN 6-rooni house. $3200 if tak-n at once ; electric rirepiace, small payment down. Sellwood 2010. LOVELY 8-room modern home, walking distance: leaving, win sacrifice. Zimmer man. Main 8052. W'T SIDE. 8-room modern home, ivory finish, .immerman, bin Chamber of. Uom merce bldg. RKAT, IT ST AT K. l or Sale -HoueK. HOMES FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $2000 $500 cash, $25 monthly buys 1H story 5-room cottage, lot 50x1 00, 7 large assorted bearing fruit trees, concrete foundation, full basement, concrete retaining wall and steps; 2 blocks from Al berta car. $2200 $600 cash, $30 monthly buys a very neat well-built 5-room modern cottage, lot 50x1 no. In Industrial district of AIM n.i: lu block to MA car; a wonderful buy for a person desiring a close-in home. $2230 J500 - cash. $15 monthly buys a 4-room plastered cottage, con crete foundation, modern plumb ing, in splendid condition; v 2 blocks from A lberta car. $2273 $350 cash, $20 monthly buys large 2 -story 7-room house, lot 50x100, concrete foundation and basement, 7 assorted be-nrlng fruit trees; 2 blocks from Wood lawn car. '$2450 $;t.".0 cash, $25 monthly buys a large well -built 5-room bunga low, Dutch kitchen, full bit ce ment, splendid parage with con crete foundation. large holly trees, 6 or 7 assorted bearing fruit trees, chicken yard, c hick en house and run; 2 blocks from Woodlawn car. FRED W. -GERMAN CO., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce Bid g. NEW NEW! F U N N YSIDE $4325. ONLY $000 DoWN, 5-room bun galow, good cement basemen tt hardwood floors, breakfast nook, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. N'-ar Glencoe school, 2 blocks SS en r. This Is a real buy; will also eell furniture. MARSH & MeCARE CO.. ReaTtors, 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3Ui3. Evenings, Tabor 4o0. SEE THIS TODAY. TCaverlelgh Heights. S rms., mod ern plumbing, new paint, all Im provements in and paid; 1 blk. to car and school. Owner has left city and house Is vacant. A good buy at $3700, $850 cash, rent terms ua balance. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 2 US. I WILL sell my beautiful Laurel hurst home of 7 rooms, complete in every de tali, hardwood floors, roomy bn -nkf.ist room, den, music room ; this home will be appreciated by anyone desiring a fine neighborhood in the best spot In this ad dition; you will b dea Ing direct with the owner and can eliminate the broker's fees; I will sell completely furnished everything less than 1 year old ; will show by appointment only; you must answer quickly, as this is going at a sacrifice. Answer K 346, Oregonian. giv ing name and telephone number, or will not be interested. RUSE CITY PARK.. $5500. Folks, we want you fo "Inspect this bur.giJiow. Located on 30th st . below the hill. Truly a wunbrfui home in every way. Complete with furnace and garage. A home you'll be proud to own. If vou're going to buy in Rose City or Luui cl'liuiMt, See A. G. TEEPB CO.. 270 Stark St. Main 3002. East Side Office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor 0.-.M,. VACANT NEAR A I XS WORTH AVE. On East 10th SlX. Price $:tooo. will take good building lot and $500 cash as first p;t nifiit ; 7-room. nowly decorated bungalow; a splendid home for family; large kitchen, nice living and dining room, four bed rooms, pretty reception hall. Basement. You'll surely like li. RALPH HARRIS CO., S10 Chamber rf Com merer. Mntn TC. IRVINGTON, $5250; $750 cah. 9 rooms. If you don't need them all rent out a few and make the property pay for itself. Ouk floors, furnm'e, beautiful district. Alvin Johnson. Realtor, Bd. of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 37. Eve. E. 2:ftU. F U R-X I S H E I $ 3 On o PRETTY PULLMAN BUNGALOW. The prettiest 4-rooin bungalow you've seen, furnished complete; full basement, with wash trays and furnace anil win ter's wood In ; garage, fine chicken house, beautiful shruhhery: offered away below value by owner, who has been transferred. Terms. RALPH HARRIS CO.. Sift Chamber of Commerce Main 5024. BEFORE YOU BUILD. Have your plans. specifications and estimated cost prepared by ex perienced architectural designer. Am prepared to givtf personal supervision of your ho tne while under construction, or will pre pare plans for building contractors or private parties at reasonable rates. Am not a real estate man or building con tractor. Woodlawn 03 ss. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 LOTS $3750. Nice bungalow st yle. with 5 rooms down. 3 upstairs, basement, bath, elec tricity, east front, bus Sox loo. lots of fruit, chicken bouse and run ; on Ent 4lst St.. near Francis ave.; nice location and a' mirgain at $3750; about $1njU cash, no Hens or mortgage to assume. J. W. GRUSSI, 31 S Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. IRVINGTON. $7700. New, artistic fl-rnom bungalow, everv convenience, hardwood floors. Ivory finish, -imported tapestry paper through out, beautiful sun room. French doors, large drawing room, unusual dinms room and breakfast nook, furnace, double garage. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. 104 5th street Main OMio. EX-SERVICE MEN. We have some real desirable modern bungalows ready for Immediate occu pancy; very reasonable terms, ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our plans and up-to-date ideas; We can help you finance. W. M. UMRDENSTOCK" A CO., 210 Oregon BHg. Bdwy. 1 0 5 S ROPE C1TT. Jt17."0; $1000 CASH. Five -room bungalow, ii ving room across front, plate glass windows, oak floors, good basement, furnace, paved rri, iirL nuiu, uftiinn ch i leu out Ot town. Alvin Johnson. Realtor, Lid. of Trade Bidg. Bdwy. 7. Home E. 2001 ROSE CITY PARK. $.oOO. $.-.00 DOW X. Modern 7-room bunga Inw. hardwood floors, ivory finish. - bedrooit.s down stairs, one up; gas heating system, ga rage, close to car. HARRY BECKWITH. REALTOR. 104 5th street. Mnln e-lMiO. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE $3.M0. Owner going to California in a few days. This modern .Vromu bunga. ow must be sold. I Iks is a real opportun Ry: easy terms W. M I'M HDEXSTOCK CO. 2T0 Oregon Bldg. Bdwy. 10.M. IltVI.VCTO.N i-HnOM BUNGALOW. J.Vtoo. SO L 1 I H A RD Wt H ) I) F L O O R S THROUGHOUT. FULL HAS KM KNT, OAS FURNACE. BEST PLUM BI NO. OWNER, ALVIN JOf.VSON. "1.4 p 1 . tf' TRADE BLDG. BDWY. 7. BOAIE E. 2: Mil. ROSE CITY. $242.W $700 cash. This bungalow Is on ly four years old. It has four rooms and bath, modern plumbing, on full size lot. 1 blooks to car. A very good buy ana a rent saver. CIS Rallwav Exch. P!dg Bdwy. fin. NEW modern buniza.ow, near tile biIue.is center or at. JoliTs. which 1 win sell on very eany terms at low price; Is a fine Investment and would make a dandy little home; forced sale. For particulars cal 1 at -o-f 1 'in. 1 1 num., 1 t lark st. NEW JL'.'.no. Thi 4-room bungalow will M rea-ly ror occupancy in a lew nays. Jt Is up to-the-minute and a real bargain. W. M. I'M BDENSTOCK St CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Pdwv. 10a. A LA M E D A . New, up-to-date, modern home, all hutltins, pas furnace, Ruud water heater, four bedrooms, sun rooms ; owner must sacrifice for less than cost ; terms. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 10aS. LAl'R KI.H L'UtfT COLONIAL. 2-story. 7-room pout hern colon la t on large corner near car and park; center en t ranee ; French door, ivory finish ; wails papered ; break fast room ; 2 f ire plaees: garage; a inn. Tabor 407. $J..0 CASH and terms will buy a four- room nouse naving moot rn conveniences In Rood condition, M'xioo lot. 10 bearing fruit trees, good ebb-ken coop and yard. Close to car. $1."U0. Call Mr. Young. Main fi:t?iS. $I0 CASH and tt;rnis bujs a dandy four- room nouse locaieo on two jois in M. Johns. Fruit trees and fine chicken coops. A bargain for quick sale. Onl SMoO. Mr. Yonr.g. Main 0::o. 1 1 7.-,o $200 DOWN, men 1 h ly p. y merits to suit. 3-room no use on joux 1 im rt. bit. It has sewer, toilet, etc. Let us show it to you. 2li Rallwav Exch. Bldg Bdwr. fi0q. St: N X Y S I D E D I STR I ' T. R-r. bungalow cottage near car and Glencoe school. I'rlce reduced to $2."o0 for quick sale. Easy terms. Marshall rP.r?. Rock. 4"3 Conch bldg. GCoD It-room house in Mt. Scott, on 50x100 ft. lot: has electricity, etc. rrica only $7."0: $L10 cash to handle. 21S Rallwav Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. ftns. ROOM house, ground DMixloo, $12,".0; JaO down; $10 per month. Draper. 408 Board of Tran. .Mam rwo. CUSTOMERS waiting for suburban tracts. siAITU-WAGONBR CO. Stock Exchange. RKAI. ESTATE. l or Sale -Hoiine. ROSE CITY PARK. A new modern bungalow of 5 rooms, jtlft off Sandy boulevard, the lars:a liv ing room you have been looking for with plate glass windows. French doors) bet ween living room and dining room. Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, com plete with benches and table. 2 n.ce bed rooms, bath, bis of closet room, an extr large Httie, fmnace. bookcases. buUt-in buffet, hardwood floor, tapestry paper. Ivory woodwork, all the thing- that go to make a beautiful home. s.eUness com pels the owner to se.i Ht once, price for quick sale at $."" on terms of $u00, wi:h ennv monthly p-ivmonts. ROSE CITY PARK. DISTRICT. $31100 A new modern bungalow of rooms, this bungalow is Very attractive. Is on a level lot 5'ixlOo, you mav make your own terms wilhm reason, will also lake bonus loan. Wn have built some of the finest homes in Roe City Park, also a great m.'tnv of the more modest bungalows, we orfer vou f. nanri.il assistance, expert advice on this particular district, plans to s lert from. es:iinats given on any plans u 'thout obi: g. 1 1 .on. HILLKR BROS.. Realtors. 211 Rv. Ex. Bldg. Main St. Blanch offsce. 5tth and S.mdy. Tahor IV ALAM E 1 A DRIVE. $ HOO A nlftv bungalow, double constructed. Mcdi rn 'to (ho last detn II. Hard wood f .-,i s. fh-epbtce w ith damper, complete Duteh kitchen with breakfast nook, fur nace, etc. Fin is ned in old ivory and white; tapestrv paper. You'll find noth ing to C 'lnpure with it for thu money, A. G. TEEPl! CO., 270 Stark S Main 3002. East Side office, 40th and Sandy. Tabor p.Tsii. BE UTIFUL Dutch colonial of 7 rooms, largo living room, hardwood f loo'ts. pretty fir-p.ace, manoganv bulit-ln boo k-can'-s and buf rt, French doors, pi. "it a glass windows, breakfast room; 3 l';ge heiirooms second floor; this Is a lov;y h'tme, 1 vear old. lust off Sandy, cst part Rose City; 1 07.1 M). $2m0 cash. O. A. PEARCE CO., DO YOU KNOW A BARGAIN? Modern, bet construction, built for home ; 4 rooms down. 4 rooms above; select wood finish, heavy bourns and paneling, oak floors, built-ins, reception ha :i, full concrete basement, furnace, P'i 1 00 corner. Improvements In. $'H0O. Wiil retain corner lot an-l sell for $;ooo. House would cost $0000 to build. $100 down will handle. .V C rt'Rl'.IN CO., T.evH BMir. -UU ILL HANDLE. New 4-room brown but galow with In terior f 1 nljbed in white, n-uial plum biii g. t a n li;" chickens, garden, etc. Price only $jooo. .! HIN'SOX-PODSON CO., fn.'l N W. Lank Bldg. Main 377. Snhurhitn Home NON-RESIDENT MUST SELL, A s;indld 5-acr tract, all in cu;t! a'.ion. d-room house, modern plumb. tig, gas and elect., well built barn, ch.ekcn house, garage, etc.; located on gravi road. near Oar ! n Home, on Oregon Electric; Proo 5..'.'H., $!ooo cash. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Cuumbtr of Cummcrce BMg. Main -u3. ON OREGON KLECTUrC. 1 acre In hlirh Mat of cultiva tion, stru w berr.t s, loan and r:ip-b.M-ries, iissort ci bearing f 111. t It ees, running wiit r, on grave, mad, cI.im- to st a tmn : 4-rooia lions-1; sacrifice price $-ioo. .1. L. HWiT.MAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main -ua. Al: -ON K AC UK-00 t-rooiit bungalow wit U e h llii I'll! 1, ! I k itelien ; 11: uarage and fruit ALMOST NEW. rleci ricity, fli rpia 1 a. 10 of good . liooe; eoi.w to scliooi road . 1 eai liam Slat ion, wan; In 1 g aL-reage. ml on Moln t- rillH. ( VIler Ask for F. c. Maihai:. w ;th l-'KAM-C L. McCUlRR. 2o:( Ablngiiin Laig. Main 100S Third St. bet. Wah nnd S: irk. TWt i-. Fattil'y 'Li-: Mol.lCRN Ib'MK! r hard, 0-ioom houe with ri'h, gas, fireplace, tui 1 1 1 - in -1 Sir-ping porch, uti'i city w a t. r just four blocks from Butter station jnul clofe to sch chicken hous and barn; M."oo nr. nan n ml verv small down cej.t jmldUT's loan puyiiieiit Ask fo F. C. Mar.slut.l, with ! Iv . . 1 1 McOUIUE. 20."i Ahlngton Bldg. Main 100S. Third St. bet. Wash and F'aik. BEAUTIFUL ."-acr coimtrv Home, J-roorn. modern buue. cltv water, lights and gas. largH sleep 11 g porch, fireplace, modern ba t h. French windows : iuiid drains both ways from house; wonderful view of M t. Rood and ui rounding Cuun:ry. near lUavertun on ruck road. PrRs louu, terms. BTROT'D A- CO.. INC. IVaverton. Or .;ou will c, 1 .; uii; i'ossession : tF Til IS 1 -acre home with famllv orchard, good 4-room bouse, chicken bouse fr Hoo chuUt-ns and other out buildings; Hutior htaiion. Priced at only $17r.0. LET US SHOW TOU THIS AT ONCE. Ask for F. C. Mirshall, with FIIANK L. McC.l.'IliE. 20." A bin g ton Bldg. Main 10fl4. Third St bet. Wash Jind Stark. FIVE-ROOM buiiKaiow 11 1 T.-l.lrurn station, with one and ( h ree - f imrt h s acres ; pric $ano0; one-half cash; other acreage In same beautiful tract, rlht on hard-surfaced highway R I SI. E V. S T A It IC W E A TI I E R A BLACK, 02 Pronihv.iv Buildjng. Main C109. FOR KALE 0rooin house with basement; 1 full acre of crutioe 'soil, nil kind of fruit and berries, chicken hotiH". wond slie,!. t Mil house, barn and garage. Oil Capital highway, nea r Mult 110 mall ata tion. Price $i':.0 See ELRi ' I A- DK YER, 2C1 P!ark St . C .rdon Bide Bdwy, TIS. PRICES CUT ONE-HALF. Two to 10 acres adjoining Mt. Hood electric line. Tins lV splendid so:l, S to IS miles from city limits, on hard sur face roads; t- rms very rasonalne. V M. Utiil.denstock i Co., 10 Onuuii blctt. 1 tread u av 1 v (juI.Mi soul h, v ill m1I for s-1 S I cash, almost nere, new 4-room sha'k. furnished ; canned fruits, chicken ho us. 1 blocks from end of A lb.-rt a ear; owner mi place; corner 42d and Holinun st reel s. USV Ki i BARGAIN. ONLY $1700. 100x120 with new 4-room bungalow. ILthti and wat-r: very eav terms. Se owner, .'.on Concord iidkr , 2d and Stnrlt. $Oin ) i.K ACHE $0o0. Close in. beiwceu two car lines; fin poil ; li-rni. IN TKUHT VTF LA VP CO . 2lt Ftnrk Ft. IlUiliLY TiupnA - .1 7-ucrt poultry and berry form, u'li-'inlnn Newberg. Address Clyde A v-rv. Vvten.'. or 1 Sale BuhiesH Property ONE firei.i build ing, iucoiuu $4,"0 month. :?2...oi. one fir- proof building, income $025 a month, $ 17 '." Two fireproof buildings; Income S.Sn0 a vear, $ I't.ooo. (U10 f rrj.roof building. IhO fefyt sr,uare, lneome Sj7ui vr M'iir. l!..i00. 1K.S Union Ave North, bet. A- 11 A. f. I ,rSiib- Aerr agf. rms IS A 'beauty. Suburban home, a acre. very rich soil, strict !y modern 12 -roof m honne. all of lower floor hardwood, full basement, !-foot c llin-, furiiiice, fireplace on both floors, toilet on both floors and bar It porch, hath on second floor; 0-foot ce ment s!den;ln. from car t - tht.i place; b;t I'll IP ix t", in k- '-pt'tg wii h this bouse ; chicken hoti.-j" an 1 sh'-tlr. ku.h, und Bull Run wat'-r. 11 No pumiung pl.int; 1 1 -.1 A. In lou.ii riie-rries, fanilly oreb.ird. House alone cmmi le- builL for tlo- prim, $10, 5uo. Term on p.i rt of t li is Will rou nder smaller home up to $.0100 or $-lUU0. S" J S. Culbertson, BILLLK BROS., KEALTOILS. 211 Ry. Kxli L!;,:k': Main K 1 V L "T i: located ju-t outside rtfy limits if Hiilsh-tro. n- .ir blgiiw.ty; 5-ronni bungn Jow; luo-f. lien houe or rab- bit ry, ba rn trees, 1 a. n-l tool liniim- ; 2 a fruit 1 wberrb'H, balanc cultlvu- tion. rite K ERR & IR WIN. R -I 1 '.' e H r ! IsbopO. IM lULTR YM EN', some ditndv rhp-ken ranches, f..r sa It;. Will consider trad f th'sc. e .1 S. Culbertson. I have c!oo in. OU borne TULLE It BROS., REALTORS, Ry Ech. Bl.lg. M.ilu in. ?1 1 j,i SALE -0:B ail.'f, east of lms, dcp. rich soli: ru nn-U; part rb-ar. d; 3 TO It. county r-ad froiitjme; 10 min. w.i.k t hard-surtacc and car line: fine bw of moui-.tai :.s ; 1 T per aere, with I'-nn. K. W. Hill. owner,:'HW l Earne hiilg itirA lTcKin sm all j-i7m. 71 acres, io town, nice Vb-V. under plow except 2 acre timber; orchard, ail kinds herrb-t, H room hou-o wild fire place, ch iekeii houses ; $ (suo, terois. .T c. ci irbi V co . :ior, -i;-7 , w 1 s Bidg Wlil'l't: lor mtip of wenleril WuMiilnKtori, ahnwinr location, low priced ai.d aJiy Itniis offered to settlers. WEYKiUI AUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoim. W'anh. A C R ES. A I'll ES. H AC It ES. City water, cultivated, few tracts with small improvements. $10 payments, Roger Y. Cary. HHP N. Y. Bank bldg. 6 ACRES, part in cultivation; small house; on pavert high way : pnr ) iimm; , 5 down, bnlnnee $10 per monCn. DRAPER. 40S Beard of Tran. FOR SALE 7-ACRES, CLOSK IN, TiiOMAo ALLaN, UiiU H-D til', ti. 4