TITE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAX, MONDAY. JANUARY 2, 19i 20. FOR SALE. out and WooU. SUPERIOR GItADK Pry; first class. cord loads. Special, 00 cm. ft. loads 4-M.lnt. 2-ld.lot. A No. 1 cord wood t-W $1 Large country inside blk... 26 15 Country blk. and blah mixed 24 l.t Country blk. and slab, green li 10 Prompt delivery. Main 4fl.P. $4 PER LOAD i 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or he ten We also save you money on 2-loadt orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery n weal and east s:d. Oregon fuel Co.. Wood lawn 41Q2. COAL $11 per ton. put In your basement: city weight, direct from mine to con sumer: large lump, no clinkers or soot, burns to fine ah. try a ton. Call East 9120. formerly East 134. jf'IRST-OltuWTH fir, Itouk fcpnngs, Koya, Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & Til Co.. 83 Fifth at., between 3tark and Oak. Phone Broadway 13. NICK lti-in. aiab. $3.75; best fir. seasoned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load ; any where: barKafn; dry 12-10-tn. country slab $7.25. box $I.5Q. ScMwnod 1709. BONE lilt V b!o k and slab, lrt-in., $5.50 per load; bin load of planer trimmings, 11. Call Woodlawn 3104 or 1133 Mon tana avenue. MCK 10-In. slab, $3.75; best fir. seasoned. heavy or merely gracea, s.i ioaa ; uny w her; bargain; dry 12-16-in. country n.ali, $7.25; box. $4.50. Seliwood 1709. HLOCIv Htid Hlabwo.nl mixed, partly dry, $1 a load in 2-Ioad lots: good furnace coal $10 a ton; curb delivery. National Fuel Co., Hast .(HI. FIRST-GROWTH dry dead cordwood, grub road, half mile from Carlton at a. c. D Catheye. Grcshatn. Or. KLARWUuU First-cla.:s country slab wood, cut from standing: timber, de.iv- er.-d at M 2 per com. jinwy. io. WASHINGTON lump coal direct from car to consumer. i) per ton m acn. ORE(Jti.N FUEL CO . WDLN. 4102. Al FIRST-GROWTH wood, $7.50 per cord, delivered: alto wood in small Jots. Main 7257. SKASuNKL) No. 1 fir hardwood, green slab and block mixed ; coal; Immediate rt e 1 1 very. n norilnwn 2010. NO. 1 DRY OLD (HtOWTH THAT IS DRV. Only $7.50 cord Aut. fn-7. liUXWO(Jl) $375 PER LOAD. Fulton Wood Co., dealers in box and slab wood. I -''11 Macadam. Main 4173. GOOD dry fir cordwood. $7 25 cord; heavy country slab, $5 25; Hock Springs Utah lump coal. East 1 (59 SI SACK COAL $1. Any kind, delivered. Bdwy. 8423. $5 A LOAD, Hi-inch dry plank and small timber. Seliwood 3159. DRY CORDWOOD, $0.75 per load, dellv- ered in 2-cord lots. Woodlawn 6312. Machinery. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY. 617-18-10-20 GASCO BLDG., PORTLAND, OREGON. MAIN 513. 601! X. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS A DAMS ADJUSTABLE LEANING WHEEL GRADERS. THESE GRADERS ARB IN rSE ALL OVER THE STATE AND ARE THE ONLY GRADERS MANUFACTURED THAT WILL OPERATE WITHOUT SIDE SLIP PAGE. ASK. THE MAN WHO HAS ONE. OREGON DISTRIBUTORS NOVO ENGINES. HOISTS. COM PRESSORS AND PUMPS. STOCK AND R EPA I R PARTS IN PORTLAND. TOUR INQUIRIES ARE SO LICITED FOR ANY MACHINERY OR EQUIPMENT. CRUSHERS. CO MPRESSORS. BOILERS, DONKEY ENGINES. HOISTS, DRAG BUCKETS. PAVING PLANTS. MOTORS. MIXERS. ENGINES OF ALU KINDS. PAVERS. STEAM SHOVELS. SCRAP ERS, TRACTORS. PIPE. S & P. OIL BURNERS, STEEL BUNKS. MISCELLANEOUS CAMP EQUIPMENT. BELT. WILLAMETTE EQUIPMENT COMPANY, GASCO BUILDING, MAIN $13 AND MAIN 5021. ALASKA JUNK COMPANY. A FT EH A SUCCESSFUL Y E A R OF BUSINESS, WE WISH TO THANK Ol'lt P A T R ( N S KO R Til 10 1 R P A T R .V A E AND THEIR OOURT ESY SHOWN US THE PAST YEAR AND II'W'K THAT THEY WILL CONTINUE TO Do SO DURING THE COMING YEAR. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON ALL THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: PIPE, RLE. STRUCTURA L IRON, TENTS AND TENT FLIES. BELTING (RUB HER AND LEA TH K! ) CROSS CUT SAWS LL KINl'Si. DOORS AND WINDOWS. ROO'FI NG lC(iKKriATKl), flALVANdZE'lM. R M fFISV. i RUBBER IZED. 1. 2, AND 3-PLYt. MACHINERY (SAWMILL), PUMPS AND ENGINES. TANKS AND BOILERS. GARDEN TOOLS. BLIH'KS (ALL KINDS CHAIN, TACKLE AND S N A T 'II ) , P.LACK fl.MI TILS' TOOLS. AN VI 1,8 AND BLOW KRS (i Arf EN' 1 1 N ES. E I . KClTtH ? M -T MIS A LS( ) M A N Y ITE M S TOi ) N I -M E ROUS TO MENTION IT WILL PAY YOU To CALL ON US. LOOK OVER OUR STOCK AND GET OUR JUOT -T ION'S, "WE CARRY ON" 13 OF THE LARGEST STOCKS IN THE CITY. BUY WHERE PRP'ES ARE LOWER AND STOCK IS LARGEST. ALASKA JUNK COMPANY. S. Schnitzel. H. J. Wolf. 201 Front St.. r0r. Taylor. Main 4110. FOR SALE. NEW AND USED MACHINERY. MOTORS AND GENERATORS. AIR COMPRESSORS. AIR RECEIVERS. OAS ENGINES. PUMPS. BLOWERS. HANDSAWS. FLOODLIGHTS. MLSCELLANE' tt'S MACHINERY. INSTALLATIONS AND MOTOR REPAIRING. B. E. DAVIS ELECTRIC CO., 7ft Front St. Automatic 525-49. MILLS AND TIMBER. If you are Interest d in mills and tim ber, either to buy or sell, see me. I can nave and make you money. Have mills with and w it bout 1 1 ruber. BOILERS. Several new A. s. M. E. Code boilers. Immediate dTi t ry. Six 72x1$ ."tconrl-liMinl hollers. K. H. HKNKY, Wdln. 3111. U115 Wilbur ST. FOR SALE OR RENT STEAM, SHOVEL, Revolving" type on traction wheels, first-class condition, rady to work. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO. Stark St Mnin 2303. lid FEET -S-ineh G-xtrand plow uteel line, pair lieavy dtc. new hnatch block and a chain. H. U. Phiilipii. iU. 2. Box 4A, Vancouver, Wash. ELECTRIC light plant for fa rm ; Detco outfit, cost $Hio, ear old, $-'20. Vran jfon. L'O Union are $050 WOOD SAW, mounted oa truck. $215, terms. Tabor 23t4. FOR SAI.K. 1 18x42 Bafs-Corliss, right hand wheel. 14x24. 1 11x20 Frost engine, right hand. 1 l.VtlM Rucneye auto.. Ft. H. 1 14x27xlH McEwan auto, C. C. 1 14x3ft BateB Corliss L. H. 1 I4xlH H. & G side crank. 1 14x42 Lane 6c Bodley. Corliss. 1 13x!rt Chandler & Taylor. 1 12x15 RushcM. side crank. 1 llxH H. S. & G., snlf-contained. 1 11x15 Erie City, center crank. 1 10x15 Erie City, center crank. 1 Ixl2 Nagle, center crank. 1 UxlO Ame. center crank 1 7'-xi Ciarke. center crank. 1 12-H. P. upright. 1 No. 2 Gent automatic. 1 4-H. P. upright. BOILERS. 1 84x14 ' Kewanee high-pressure, butt strap, horizontal, tubular. 1 125-H. 1. Hawkes. combination wnter tube and tubular boiler, 1 50-lb. working pressure ; all steel setting. I AO x 111 Standard tubular boiler. 1 40-H. V. Kewanee firebox, 110 lbs. 1 40-H. P. R unwell firebox boiler. 2 3ttxl2 Erie City botlern. 1 85-H. P. Kewanee firebox boiler. 2 a-H. P. Russell firebox. H. P. 1 (iO-H. P. upright boiler. 1 40-H. p. upright boiler. 1 ftO-H. P. upright. 52x102. 1 15, (I, 5 and 4-H. P. uprights. RESAWS. 1 No. 342 Berlin band resaw. 1 No 44 R. McDonough resaw. 2 3rt-J.m"h circular resaws. 2 H-in. Horz. Mershon band re saws. 1 No. 2KI Berlin Rip Saw. 1 4x33 edger. PLANERS. 1 No. 24 14x30 Berlin planer. 1 Sx24 Hoyt planer and mntcher. 1 fl30 Fay-Effnn single surfacer. 1 12x30 No. 177 Berlin Dbl. surfacer. 1 8x15 Amer. planer and matcher. 1 6x15 Amer. plair-r and matcher. 1 15 No. f4 Berlin planer. 3 Bx24 4-S Calif. No. 1 4 P. M. 1 12-ln., 10-in. and 0-In. stickers. 1 2-splndIe shaper. LATH MACHINERY. 1 4-saw Stearni lath bolter. 1 -ln. saw Stearns lath machine. 1 Equalizer and buncher. STEAM FEEDS. 2 9x12 Wheland. 1 14x18 steam feed. FAIRBANKS DIESEL ENGINES. 1 B0. 1 25, 2 15 type. DONKEYS. 1 9x10 Tacoma yarder, fiftOO ft. P-10 haulbark line snd 2.100 ft. T main line; line very best. 1 8x10 Willamette yarder, 10O0 f:. 7 main line; and 2500 ft. H haulback line; line good as new. SHAVING FANS. 1 60, 1 00,. 1 45, 1 40, 1 br,, 1 30. SPECIAL MISCELLANEOUS. 1 hand (rummer. 1 4-in. Smith A Watson Hog. 1 No. 43 Phoenix hog. 1 Byron Jackwon single stage cen trifugal pump. 1 Chalinner single-block shingle machine, late pattern. I Challoner double block. 1 American side-head grinder. 1 No. 7 Gardner City blower. 1, No. 3 Gardner City blower. 1 -8-in. Hill steam drag paw. 1 3'.-x30 mult., steam dragsaw. 1 power shear. OUR MACHINERY JS THOR OUGHLY REBUILT AND GUAR- THE J. E. MARTIN CO.. 61 Flrsr St., Portland, Oregon. WE HAVE FOR SALE THE FOL LOWING EQUIPMENT: 1 D0-h. p. firebox boiler. 1 L"0-h. p. dry-hack marine boiler. 2 72-in. by IS ft. R. T. boilers. J 50 pounds. 1 S"xl5" Fay & Egan planer. 1 13xlS At'.as twin engine. 1 14x18 Frost side-crank engine. 1 14xlS Eric side crank engine. 1 Head rig with 54-In. saws. 1 4-block carriage. 1 Set 72-in. block and set works. 1-30-h. p. Best Caterpillar trac tor. 1 40-h. p. Bejt caterpillar trac tor. 2 Prescott lumber tractors. 1 No. 5 Gates gyratory crusher with elevator and screen. 1 No. 5 Pymons gym tor v crush er with elevator and screen. 1 3-d rum Washington hnlntinr cnKtnf with Independent swinging engine; derrick Irons, cable blocks snd three quarter yard bucket. 1 I80-k. w. 2300-volt generator. 1 100-k. w. 2300-volt generator. 1 r.oo-k w-, turbo generator. 1 300-k. w. turbo generator. 10 Wheel scrapers. 1 King road grader, 10-ft. blade. 2 and 4-horse Fresnos. Swede cur. 1rt and 20-pound rail, camp outfits for contractors, steam and gas engines, boilers, etc BURKE MACHINERY CO.. Main 1212. G24-23. Main 2010. WE ARE BUSY Selling Good Used Motors. Prices Are Always Right. R. R. POPPLETON. 225 Stark St. Mar. 410. Alw-ays Consult a Specialist. DRILLS We have the largest stock of carbon and high-speed drills on the coast. Our prices are right. North weft Machinery Co. Main 2164. DOUBLE block hand hoist for sale cheap. Miscellaneous. SAFETY RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED New met hod, new inach Ine. 3ti-35c dozen; bring or mall to 247 'jj Alder. A LARGE Lora ine coal and wood range at n very low price. Phone East fttitU'. SAKE and filing cabinet, second-hand, but good a new ; cheap. H 344. Oregon hi n. 4hio STAR SHINGLES, CIFIC. CORNER 22D. OH lO vacuum cleaner, almost new. 4tlii l,a Jefferson, a pt. 201. A FEW new Mta ndn rd auto tires at fac tory cot. E. 7005. 34 LARGE ermine skins; a wonderful bar g h in Phone Mar. 3433. TWO SINGLE new mattresses, $12.50. Cal? 74tla Johnson st. FU R SA LE Lady's one-third karat d ii mond ring ; reasonable Call Sell. 4 4S. For SaLE Manning gaMuaker, two burn ers and t;ink complete, Tabor 4152. FuK KENT Sewing machine. 2 months $0. Empire Trn nsfer. Broadway 155. DIAMOND ring. $t!5 Sun riay. S. H. Phone Mar. LADY'S b-auiiiul otter fur coat reason Hblc. Mr. Houe. Main 0244. LATEST style solid gold watch. $35. East 1275. SLEEPING BAG wanted. M. E. 2!!1. Cail after G P. .VM BUSINESS CARDS. $1.M). ACORN PRESS, S86fe WASHINGTON. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. DOLAN WRECKING AND CON STRUCTION CO., East 8th and Morrison to E. 8th and Yamhill. WE MUST RAISE MONEY. Prices Below Manufacturing Cost. 3 mfUIon ft. dimension lumber and timbers from 2x2 to 14x19, from $10 to $10 per M ft. 300.000 ft. all grades flooring, ceiling, aid in g. rut. tic, from tlu to $40 per M ft. WALL BOARD. .10.000 ft. best plaster wallboard. regular $55. sale $42.50 per M ft. PIPE PIPE. Carload new standard pipe. -inch galv., 6c ft. Other prices in accordance. PLUM BI N G PLUMBING. You don't need to be a plumber to buy from us. Bathroom st. 3 pieces com p., $(5; ail first grade, can: iron. ENAMELED WARE. Roofing in rolls, 1S sq. ft., w. nails and cement, first quality, 1 ply. $1.40; 2 ply, $1.75; 3 ply. $2.25; 50 kegs nw galv. cut wire nails in sizes, 4d, 5d and 6d, $3 per keg. 50no New Doors, Standard Sixes Fteg. $3. .50 to $7. sale price $2.50 each; Oitoo sash and French win dows, 60e up; i'rench door, 10 Its., glazed. $; Fr?h door. 15 Its., $S.50 to $10; garage doors. $14 to $15 a pair. Mail All Your Inquiries to DOLAN WRECKING AND CON STRUCTION C, 4 GO Belmont St. Phone East 6110. CADILLAC SEDAN. Beautiful H-cylinder Cadillac 5-passen-ger sedan, in most excellent mechanical condition and appearance, fine uphol stering; price $1750, $(HHl down, balance monthly, or will exchange for mortgage or well located lot; inspection and dem onstration invited. Hyatt Talking Ma rhlnf Co.. 350 Aider. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and ave one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come and see; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. 1020 B LICK 6. Fine 11)20 Buick, 5-patscnger, Includ ing 1122 licence, splendid condition, dan dy tires; price only $S00, $250 down, $50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3.VI Alder. SAFES Eire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged ; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE & LOCK CO., 105 Second St. Main 2045. BUY YOUR PHONOGRAPH AT HYATT'S. Remember, we sell you any model of Vlctrola. Edison, ' Columbia or Bruns wick up to $125 on payments of $5 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. SE W i Nii macnines, new and second -hand, sold lor less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 1!u Third St.. near Taylor. Main P431 CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change. 22(J Stark st., between First and Second sts. Main 5334. LNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER. No. 4 Underwood typewriter, in ex cellent condition. $47.50; $10 down, $5 a month. Hjatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. S1BLOCO pipeless furnace, $79.60, $135, $. l he must efficient, operating suc cessfully where others have fai led ; best guarantee. Don't be misled. I. T Wood ruff. 121 MaMory eve Wdln. 2103. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Littie Jewelry Store Sella for Less Gifts That Last. Next iloor to Majestic TheaLer. Park and Washington Sts. HOT WATER tanks. 30 gal., $7; 40 gal., $'J; tested. Kuaranteed ; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters inst ailed ; plumbing. East Sid-? Weld Sh . 203 Adams. E. M510 C G. CONN tenor saxophone with cae. just like new, cost new $10H; price $125, $25 down. $10 a month. Hyatt TaiKlng Machine Co.. 350 Alder. PRACTICALLY new $(i0 Todd check pro- tecto;?raph. $2i.5n. $10 down, $5 a month, or $1'5 cash. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3.50 Alder. RANGE. WOOD OR COAL $45. Also boukca se, auto ramp cup boa rd. $5; leaving Jan. 10. 103 E.. 50th st. SECTION mold lor vulcanizing, bufftr. air compressor and tank, motor. 2 h. p., and retreaders. O 3i'3, Oregonlan. PLUMBING and general repair work : priees to suit the time. Call Tabor 2270. For SA LE One hardwood bar complete, f 325 ; one softwood bar complete. $225. For informal Ion ca II East 504. PILES can be permanently cured without operation. IhII or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaner Mon. to Mon., $ 1. or S.ic per day. de ll vere1anyivhereyoofUawn 1 259. WINCHESTER. 10 repeater, 1112; new con dition, cost $o.3; with case and loads only $50 Tabor 7055. DJ EHOLD saftra, new and second-hand ; special prices. Pacific Scale Sr Supply Cn 4H Front t. Broadwav !!! LICENSED indt penderi t electrician wirt-s 3 rooms for $12. 5 for $20. guaranteed ADDING MACHINE, about new. at about half price. Call Bdwy. 3712 or 218 Lurn- Ixyrnena bldg. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamil ton-Beach electric carpet- washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. NEW electric safety blade sharpening ma chine fur . sale. 86 6th St., nr. Stark. Bdwy. 14. KODAKS. We buy, iell. rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 320 Washington st. SAFES AND VAULT DOORS, new and second hand, low prices. Bushong & Co.. 70 S i x t h st. Br oadway 104. WE HAVE a $750 deposit for a new Studebaker: will exchange for building lot. 5Q5 Artisans bldg. WANT the men of Portland to know that make shirts to order: silk shirts a specialty. Cull East 73. tio EDISON diamond disc, luimd oak ca.-e. io aovvn, a montn. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 354) a Idcr. SPAN ISH. French, German ; Rosenthal's methods, new 10-book stts $j. 47 1 Aider. ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., 802 Teniuo ave. Seliwood 23:8. DAN LY 3-light shower fixture, complete with shades, only $5.35, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253 SAFETV RAZOR SHARPENING .MA CHINE. 0-BLADE "ODELL." CHEAP. 217 .X Idrr FOR SALE Showcases, flower cases, shelv ing, counter, tcales, awning, pjl Wash ing! on L FOR SA LE Electric vacuum cleaner, fuil set attachments; practically new. Phone Seliwood lS2i. SEVERAL new batteries, standard mak, 18 mo. guarantee, fit for any car, nearly half price. E. 70H5. FOR. SA LE cheap, collapsible b.tby car riage in fine condition. V 343, Orego nian. A TL X EDO suit. Apply the Bohemian rest h urant. 34 Wash In gt on street. IIlGli-0EN gas range in good condi tion. Bdwy. 1M84 CHRISTMAS stock al cost. 330 Northwest ern Bank bldg. MANURE FERTILIZER. No sawdust. East Ms73. LADIES Everything in used wearing &p. parel; prices low. Tabor 2825. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Facinc lent v Awning to., o. 1 1st st. FoR SALE Cash register, sate, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st st.. near Ash HEMSTITCHING, li CIS ROOM 215 35o MORRISON ST. MAIN 5045. PLUM Bl NG repair expert ; do any JZb rensonHQie. j iuwy. NATIONAL cah registers. Burroughs' add- 1 11 g machines. 22ti Washington . ONE NATIONAL credit file for sale cheap. A u to. 27 -'! " FIVE-SHELF glass pastry case and elec tric water heater for sale. East M3H WHEEL CHAIR, cost $87.M, sell for $30; adjust to any position. Auto. 03-4S. YE LADY'S SHOP. 505 Bdw. bldg., hem s' i t 'hlng, lingerie, Hpron s . 1 ; 5 SHEETS OF TYPE W R 1 T E R C H RON PAPER. CHEAP. TA ROR 5ft40. KADIANTEI RE. slightly Used. Phone East 13H3. price. FOR SALE New Ha nan riding boots, sir.e lQfr. Call 210. C. of C. bldg GOOD pool table. $00 cash. 670 E. Main. .12-GAUGE Winchester hammerlesa pump, beit of condition; $25. Call East 111. FOR HA I K. Miscehitiieoun. F I X T U R ES I N VEXTOR Y S A L E. Must reduce our stock of fixtures be- 10 re inventory. Some specials: Cash register Computing scale. 30-lnch Floor showcase Safe, almost new Wail case F. A E. check writer These prices this week -only. BOXER TRADING CO., 2 1 ft Washington. Marshall .$40.00 . tiO.no . 35 oit , 57.50 . 45.110 . 20.00 Hurry. 2438. W O O L E N BLANKETS AND AUTO ROBES. NO0 OF THEM. MILL ENDS AND DRUMMERS' SAMPLES. AT LESS THAN WHOLESALE .MILL PRICES TO CLEAN UP STOCK. COME IN AND SEE THEM; YOU WILL BUY. SOLD IN LOTS 1 TO 50 PAIRS SALESMEN WANTED. MALE OR FEMALE. n3 TITLE AND TRUST BUILDING. BDWY. 325 . SUNDAY EAST 350, PHOTOG R A P HIT We arc making some exceptionally low prices this week; our leader. 1 dozen $12 photos for $0, also 1 dozen $14 photos for $7.50; bring this ad and receive one 7x11 enlargement free 'with each ordT for 1 dozen small photos. Phone Main 4rt0. ; K E LL E R'S STUDIO. Malestir Theater Bldg. 351 Wash. NOTICE To THE I'LBLil. Our salesmen have just repurted from the road with their comp.tte sample lines of raincoats and motor coats, rather than return them to the factory we have i.laced them on vale to the publir at wholesale prices at our local office. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 22 Morgan Bldg. HARTNESS PLUME SHOP MOVED TO SE LLING-H I RSCH BLDG. WILL BE OPEN JAN 4. 3S2 WASH INGTON ST., NEXT DOOH TO BOHE MIAN RESTAURANT. FORMERLY AT PARK AND YAMHILL. A KAHe, ui'i'Oit 1 l N IT Y. If you can w ear a t-ue 3. 38 or 40 raincoat, motorcoat or overcoat, you can save about half retail price by purchasing one of our salesmen'! sam ples at our wholesale office. 221 Morgan Building. UNITED RUBBER CO. LADIES Are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on your feet? If so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic Powder; 50o and $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LARGE CONCERN QUITS. All office furniture desks, chairs, files, safes, safu cabinet, typewriter and dic taphone outfit sold to us: all put Into perfect coitdit Ion and sold at bargain prices. D. C. Wax, 24-20 N.'Mh. Broad- IF YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to Ml LLER'6 Big Little Jewelry Store Selis for Loss Gifts That iJist. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Parit and Washington Sts. PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT & POW ER CO GOLD NOTES WANTED. We will allow you par on above for new Victrola. Edison. Grafonola, Bruns wick phonograph. Hyatt Talking Ma rhine Co.. 350 Alder. MAKE a small payment and wear your eye glasses and spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler optical company, second floor. Oregon itn bldg. WHY A SUBSTITUTE roofer? Why not a genuine and permanent roofer? We re pair, RUBBER BOND and rejuvenate all kinds of warped, cracked. weather beaten, deteriorated and disintegrated old l.aky roofs. Phone Broadway 70. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only Genuine Watch Materials Used. DA V I D' 8 Jewe.ers and Opticians. -343 Washington St.. at Broadway. DouRS v widow, lumber, moldings, miil work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our old t.tock of tasli and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lum ber stoYe, 371 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phnna Main 4213. PHONOGRAPH BARGAIN. Latest tpe $125 cabinet Grafonola and 50 fine like new records, only $115, easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE Three diamond rings (two solitaries, one over 2 karats; 1 cluster, 11 riia motids. gen. pi a tinum set t lng) ; won h $ I Mill: will sacrifice for $Um. P. O. box 20. GLADIOLI, the finest cut flower. Be sure to plant some in your garden this spring. Send tor our catalogue of more than SO varieties. Monte Vlm Gardens, 1 on '.. Front st.. Portland. Or. 1 VICTO R phonogra ph wltn ca oinet, $25 ; 1 Clark Jewel gas heater, large size, $s; 1 white enamel VuicHn gas ranee, double oven, $10. Call Tuesday.- 229 Sa Imon, FIXTURES, show cast-.-, mirrors and other fixtures; also a leawe for sale. 204 Aider st.. and 2.Mt Morrison st. Best loca -lions in the city. Call Sunday, Monday and Tuesday W1LLARD piano, golden oak ia-e, in ex cellent con d It ion, only 1'35 ; $r.O down, $15 a mi in 1 h. Hvati Talking Machine Co.. 354) A 'dcr. GOOD little houseboat tr Kale cheap: 3 rooms, porch on 2 sides; good condition; bars In. See M r A I bang h. John WV-IRGUSOX. G. rl ngT Bldg. BUY. SELL OR TRADE SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. NEWMAN. 128 1ST. NEAR ALDER. Main 4 11)5. Auto. fi27-4H. 025 S 2. $175 EDISON diamond , disc, mahogany case, in fine shape, $t25; $15 down, $7.51? a month. Hiaet Talking Mac li ine Co., 35-0 Aider. APPLES at growers' prices, cio.Mng out Iiou boxes this wcok. luy your win ter supply while they are cheap. 411 Union ave. N. East 0P23. HO W A R D piano, golden oak case, cott new $450: price $250. $25 down. $10 a month. Hvatt Talking Machine Co., 350 A Ider. GENTLEMAN'S biacK broadcloth fur lined overcoat, with a trakhen collar, a bar gain at $35. Call Wdln. 4539, after Sunday. LADIES, come to t lie Vogue for uits, dresses. blouses: excellent bargains; new. sightly us.-d. 4ii:t Allfky bldg., 3d near Morrison st. Mnin 3132. $225 COLUM HI A Grafonola, mahogany cae, like new, for only $ 1 25, $ 1 5 down, $7.50 a month. Hjalt Talking Machine Co 30 Alder. FO R SALE cheap, new shelving.' settees, stools and other fixtures. Call Tleberg's Shoe Service. 4th an) Alder. BRIDGE and Beach g.is range. B. and B. water heater, cheap tor cash; no dealers. Wdln. 43q. WILL exchange new phonograph tor type writer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. REAL ESTATE and investment service in all their branches. Corcoran, 325-6 Lum hrmiTis hldif. PERFECT blue white diamond ring, .47 karat, cost 200, will sell for $150 Phone T;ilxr 1773. DA UK M idi 11 g h;i bit. misses' size 10 or woman's 32. Phone Main 1 1 53, ask for Haw ley. FRACTTCALLY new stylish ladv's coat, size 30 or 3S. Price $15. Room 315, En'son hotel. FOR SALE Singer sewing machine. Phone Woodlawn 5!20. FINE reed bugy for sale; will sell very reasonably. Call Mar. 2540 Sunday, 8 to 11 or all day Monday. WILL SELL beautiful $75 fur coat, size 40, for $40; worn only once. Mar. 3S51. FOR SALE cheap. logger's jack, safe aim Sfale. Main 3130. FINE piano, walnut case, a bargain. E. 40th. Tabor 4110. FOR SA LE - Second -hand lumber cheap. l!Mh ;ind Thurman. Sell. 2175. 1 l k.ViTI LE repaid.. mirrut. medic. 11 e e;i bmet.''. etc. Call Wood lawn 1 47. DELIVERY body suitable for dry cleaner. East 1303 Pi A NO for relit, mahogany case, good condition. Tabor 50s;. N E W $15 12 -est ens Ion dress form for $10. Call Borthwick St.. near Stanton. AK RON-WILLIAMS East 1303. tube plate cheap. ART I ""'US iouniain brush, new and high grade, wood he ater. Sellw nod 3220. REED sulky In first-class con onion, part ly Offed. 104 Grand ave. North. FOR SA LE AITOMOIH I.KS. 1022 UUPMOBILE demonstrator. 5-passen-ger, fully equipped, cord tires; I have run this car 2300 mile., all city driving; It is fully guaranteed ; you can arrange easy terms. C.ill Mr. Ireland, Bdwy 17, or T ihor 303. '20 BUICK ROADSTER. This Is really a new car: needs noth ing; has some extras ; looks as It did the day it left the show room; low price and will take car in trade and service free. Open today. 514 A Ider sL MURPRY MOTOR CO. MY 1021 DODGE TOURING. Run 3000 miles, extra tir&- bumper, shock absorbers, over-sized steering wheel, can hardly be told from new and is a wonderful performer, $1000 with 1022 license. Tabor 6IS4. FORD touring car for sale. Have two cars and have no ue for both. Guarantee car in best condition and looks good. Starter, speedometer, etc. Only $325, terms. Corn run. Claypoole Apis. I HAVE TO SELL To raise money. Ford roadster; dem. rims, shock absorbers, speedometer, 1022 license, $215 Tabor 16rt". SEVEN-PASS. BUICK. ONLY $S75. Privately owned, elegant condition, new finish, 5 cord tires, good top and special curtains; real bargain. Woodlawn fiWOt, FOR SAI.K Al TOMOBII.E9. WINTER SALES CONTINUED VERY LOW PRICES AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles that have been re built or renewed are in the best of mechanical condition they are also w arrant ed the same as fac tories warrant new cars. In ad dition, we give V0 days' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automo biles thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a 10-day s free triai, sub ject to being -tturned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have it Inspected, and we want only sat isfied customers. IJH7 11)18 1 !M II 1 020 HMH l!l 1017 ID 18 1D17 1010 11118 IT) II P'20 1018 1010 101s Maxwell , Maxwell , Maxwell Maxwell Grant six , Chalmers six Bulck Mclaughlin Bulck Dodge , Olds SIX . . .rr Olds Eight Liberty sport model.... Chandler , Overland Chummy .... Chalmers Cole b, sport model... $ 27.1 350 475 575 r.oo nSO 575 25 550 17 850 8O0 075 425 7O0 1150 ESSEX. 10 1 ) Essex .curing car, re built, reflnlshed and re painted; sold with stand aid factory warranty 850 1020 Essex, overhauled, re flnlshed and renainted: sold with the standard faotory warranty 050 1000 1020 Essex 6-40 Hudson light six, all in good condition 500 101ft Hudson super six, re built and repainted; sold with standard factory war ranty 785 101 7 Hudson super s!x. re built, refinished and paint ed ; sold with standard factory warranty 875 Two 1018 Hudson super six touring cars, rebuilt, refln lshed and repainted, total cost to us of work and trade-In value each $1450; now sold with standard factory warranty 1150 1010-1020 (model O series) Hudson super six touring automobile; has been over hauled, reflnlshed and re painted; sold with a stand ard factory warranty for.. 1175 1020 Hudson spedstrr. over hauled and repainted; so:d with standard factory war ranty 1450 Largest Used Car Branch Store in the City at 40-48 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 5730. Also a Display nt Our Salesroom, HI 5-617 Wash ington SL C. U BOSS AUTOMOBILE C X LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGR CO., 207 SELLING nBLDG., SECOND FLOOR P R A C T I C A L L V new Oakland touring car for S1050. Will grant terms or consider trade-in of small car. Oakland, 344 Burn side St. LATE BUICK ROADSTER at the low price of $025 with $250 down, bnl easy; the car is reflnlshed. new tires and one extra, rebuilt, and we will guarantee It. Come and see It and be surprised. Will lkn tight l;C model as part-payment. Open todav. 514 Alder st. MURPRY MOTOR CO. 1!'20 BUICK touring, looks almost as good as new, car fine mechanically, good tires, extra tire and tube, bumper, spot light, windshield cleaner, motometer: a snap buy for 000; would give some terms to responsible party: no trades o dealers. Phone Tabor 413ft. 1P21 NASH. Almost new, 5 cord tires and extras, big discount; lake cheaper car in trade; easy terms. Mr. Rai'sback. Broadway 521. Evenincs Tabor 0045. 1D1S BUICK 4 touring, model D35. 5 cord tires. pare rlrn. spotlight and new br tery. good top and side curtains: ma chine In excellent condition. Will sell for S250. 12'.5 Kelly st. Auto 511-57. WE CARRY a full line of auio accessor-is. tubes. Ford part., light globes, etc.; a'so do towing, oper. dav and night. LONG & SILVA, Phone Fat SI0. 462 Hawthorn. 1020 CHANDLER. This car ha just been painted and is In erfeet condition. Will sacrifice for $50. This price includes 1022 licence. Ca'l Mr. Pendcrgrasg. Bdwy. 3QOQ. NEW CHEVROLET CARS. Your old car tnken In trade. P. H. DUNN. 12 Grand Ave. N., Cor. East Burnside. East 6100. FOR SA LE $3MI buy a 1017 Studeba ker in first-class mechanical condition. Call a t 072 Locust st., Ladd's ad. Phone Enst 2774. LATE 1010 7-p.iss. Cole 8. Has only been used for cltv driving. Am leaving city and must sell. Price $1000. Mrs. Jno. Brennan Phon Broadway 52!4. NEW CHEVROLET cars. Chevrolet parts and Chevrolet service now available at L. Y. BILLIVGSLEY MOTOR CO, Hawthorne Ave, nt sth. Ph.ine East 7. ONE NEW 1021 STEVENS ROAD ST E R FOR SALE REASONABLE WITH TERMS WILL TRADE P. O BOX 3 20 5 . PORTLAND. 1H20 FORD roadster In first-class condition; looks and runs like new. Bargain. See car at Bros d way and A nkeny at Pine st . or rail Broadway 1R23. NEW 1021 7-paH Hudson touring with $350 set West'.nghoune shock a bsorbers for sale at big discount. r. H. Ryan. Phone Main 0310 after 7 P. M ll)li FORD touring. starter, Hassler shocks, Stromberg carburetor, good tires, $325, terms. Blllingsley Motor Co.. Hawthorne ave. at Mh, East 7 FORD COUPE. Early, 1021, wire wheels. large steer ing wheel. A real bargain, $450. Call East 77fi2 490 CHEVROLET touring; fine running condition; If you want a good car, look at this one. $100 wilt handle. Tabor 5935 BUICK 1919 7-pass. Excellent condition. Cash or terms and the price h right. Mr. Brennan. Phone Broadway 5284 after 7 P. M. 1920 FOR D sedan. In very good shape, many extras, $525, terms. BlUlngsIey Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at 8th. East 7. IF YOU are1woklng for a snap, see my 1910 Chevrolet touring car In best run ning order. Must sell this week See car at Proidwav and Ankeny at Pine st. MY BEAUTIFUL Baby Grand sedan, lust a new car. will sell cheap, or take smaller car In trade, or real estate con tract. East 8109. SEDAN BARGAIN. $1050 buys the best sedan in town for the money, looks and runs like new, ens y terms. Wdln. Soo2. 1018 DODGE TOURING CAR. In perfect condition. Must be sold to day. $450. See car at 187 E. 15th, near Taylor, apt. 1. STEVENS sport, repainted, 100oJwIll take your old car up to $500. Call Bdwy. 425, or .'t n -w y. $;i75 LIGHT six Bulck touring. D-45 a real money's-worth buy. Terms. Mrs. WE TEAR em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Alder. 1 7th. Broadway 5254. WE PUT tsteel teeth in your old flywheel; cranKshaft turning. H. B. Black Ma chine shop. 534 Alder. Bdwy. 2081. 1015 STUDE BAKER light four. $150. terms. BlllingIey Mo4c Co., Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 7. 1010 BUICK light six. fine condition; cord rires. $785, terms. Billingsley Motor Co. Hawt iprne ave. at Sth. East 7. 1921 FORD. Al condition, some terms. 240 East Eighth street. 1 FO RD delivery, a bargain. Call Marshall 2044. WHTTE touring car, elf -starter, electric FOR SALE or exchange, light 6, tor lot on northeast aide. SeU 1S6L FOR RAI.K AUTOMOBILES. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. BAR GAIN BASEMENT In which are displayed cars for sale for les money than can be found eleswhere. We are certain of the truthfulness of that state ment. Examine them, try them out and Judge for ourseif. Stock in this department i changing almost every day. Keep In touch with us. list your wants with us. it will be as much to your ad vantage as ours. 1920 Ford roadster ...$300 1918 Ford roadster, verv fine tires, appearance and me chanical condition 215 1924) Chevrolet 490 1912 Cole roadster 1917 Model N Hupmoblle tour. 1917 Hudson tupersix 1918 Maxwell touring 117 Studebaker coupe 1910 Dodge Brothers touring.. 1917 Dodge Brothers touring.. 1918 Dodge Brothers tourings and roadsters $250 to 1919 Dodge Brothers tourings and roadsters 5 5 1 M ) to 102O Dodge Brothers touring. . 1918 Dodge Brothers screen deliverv 191S Buick 4 delivery 75 350 OOO 225 425 325 4i oo 075 400 240 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st at Washington sts. Main 6214. Open Sundays. REBUILT BUICKS, when purchased from us. are GUARANTEED the same as new Buicks. The most IMPORTANT THING to consider In the purchase of a REBUILT CAR is the RESPONSI BILITY of the SELLER. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, Largest Distributors of AutomO- biles in the World- Alder at Twelfth Street. Broadway 1130. WE ARE doine what has been considered THE IMPOSSIBLE. We are giving a GUARANTEE ON USED CARS. It pays to deal with a reliable firn. Come In and inquire amout our plan. The following are, a few of our bar gains: Hupmoblle. model K f -OR Dodge, sedan 90 Chevrolet. 11) IS touring 200 Bulck. 4-cyl.. 1918 5" Ford. 1918, touring 15 Dort. 1920, touring 5"0 We have manv others. Marmon. Cole, Reo, Overland, Oldsmoblle. Studebaker. etc., and they sre hU gunrnnteed. YOUR OWN TERMS WITHIN REASON. NORTHWEST BARGAIN ANNEX. M2 Alder Street. Bdwy. 1723. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. No reasonable offer refused. Ford roadster, good mechanical condition, about 1910. Ford touring. repainted, good looker, about 1917. Ford touring, first -da merhan IraMv, good top and upholstering, 191. Ford touring, self starter, good tires. Has had excellent care, 1920. WKNTWORTH IRWIN, Inc. Main 2892. 200 Second St., cor. Taylor. FORDS. F:ve 1910 Ford road.-ters Thee .inst rirniP in and thev are in fine condition. All cairy speedometer. 3lj-lnh tires a'l around, tire carrier, wish-bone support. Your choice for $205. sSce them, early w hi e t here's five to choose from DUNNING MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 303. East Broad w a v and Union Ave LATEST MODEL SEDAN. T have a fine light four-door five-passenger sedan; it Is the very In test one out ; has cord tires and one extra, bumpers back and front and some othr extras; nil the factory tools and Bet of rhiiins; is finished dark maroon with black fenders and running1 gear; very stviish, up-to-the minute sedan and low priced and will take car as part pay ment If late model. Open today. 514 Alder st. MURPRY MOTOR CO. IT ALWAYS PAYS To Patronize a ReHabie Dealer. L-ook I s Up. Ued Fords Exctuei vely. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Cor. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. East 1397. East 471. I WILL sacrifice a late model Chandler Dl: ; tch. mechanically perfect, to the first person with the cash; this car is Just like new; I am not an agent; you are dealing only with the owner, and anvone desiring a .nr of this make ad dress R 312. Oregonian, and you will pet the best buy in Portland, as I need the ensh '1 MAXWELL TOURING. This fine light four has nlways heen used in the city; It ban been reflnlshed and loo'ts and runs fife; you mav trv It; low price of $285 Vith $100 down, hnl. en; ;y Open today. 514 Alder st. Murphy Motor Co. FOR D sedan, late model, spot light, new spare tire, large steering wheel, speed ometer and switch lock, $200 cash and ten payments of $35 a month and inter est: no brokerage. Looks and runs like new. Phone Auto. 321-30. BUICK roadster. iat model, just over hauled. 5 tires, like new; new paint and top. This car has had the best of care. An excellent buy for $900. Will consider Ford as part payment. East 11250. 1920 BUICK TOURING CAR. In fino mechanical condition, all good tirP3. This car Is a bargain. Will sell on easv terms. Phone Eat 1 902 I HAVE practically new 1920 sport model car that Is in perfect condition. This car cost $2400. Make me an offer. Mr. Pender gra-. Bdw v. 300u. 1920 H A YN ES. "-PASSENGER. In very fine mechanical condition: car has been driven only around the city bv private owner. Will sacrifice at $300 rash or terms East 2118. 1 91 K CANADIAN Buick (McLaughlin), duty free ; if you are going to Canada you can make yourself some money on this car. Call Wdln. 2411. 1919 KING 8 sedan. looks new. perfect condition. 1922 license ; owner forced to sell ; onlv $085. Godbey's Garage, 5th nnd Hoyt. 1921 LIGHT 5-passenger, jUKt likfl new, only run 2000 miles, wind deflectors, bumper, etc.; only $575. 1922 license. Godbey's Oarage, 5th and Hoyt. 1920 FORD touring, starter, aem. rims, stieedometer, jihocks, good condition, $:i75, terms. Biilingslcy Motor Co., Hawthorne a ve . at 9th. East 7 . li) 19 OAKLAND coupe, with good rubber, good mechanical condition: to be sold at once at a snap price, $375. Phone Tabor 4 459. OLDSMOBILE PACEMAKER. Tn tho pink of condition ; Just like new; only M200. Call Mr. Pickens. Broadway 901. Can be seen nt Braly Auto Co., .vi I Hiirnwtde st. at I4tn MUST SELL Ford bug; In fine condition, good tires, new top. spotlight, battery, foot accelerator, spare tire : first rea sonable offer takes it. Wdln. 5X11 19111 CH EV RDLET roadster In finest run ning order. Can't be told from new. Low price for quirk sale. See car at Rrrndxy v and Atmcnv ar fine sr CHEVROLET baby .grand cpdan. .50. terms; cord tires. p"t light, bum tier, trad- Ford. Billlngsy Motor Co.. Haw thorne axe, at Sth. East 7. 1921 FORD coupe, $550; cash. $250: bal ance terms. Speedwell garage. 35 N. 1 4th. Ask for Howard 1921 SPEC I A L 0 Studebaket road.-ter. t riven 50 oo miles; looks like new: 6 ttre- will sacrifice for $lo.10 East 421H. BA BY Grand Chevrolet sedan, excellent COnnitlon; Iliur-t. bh, win - ijf c;j ttrm Tahor 50X5. DODGE touring, in fine mechanical con dition: price $400. Call Bdwy. 2270. Mr. Johnston. 1921 DODGE touring. B tires, bumper, like new r ; $S50. Call Mr. Johnston. Bdwy. 22-70. FORD coupe, 1920 model. A No. 1 throughout ; price $450. Bdwy. 2270. Call Mr Johnston. NEW Overland 4. driven 2 months, as nw 47.-. Wdln 1147 CAN SAVE you money on 1922 Buick light FOR SALE Undersiurg bug; a snap for ...h, iOH V-tnt .17th f T;hnr 7SH BUICK at $S5u. long time and easy navment. Call Wdln. 2I0L CHANDLER chummy, late model. Al con dition, cnenp. urnauwB y HUDSON super six. like nw. $735. Call Wdln. -t'ii. MY A UTOMOBI LE. original paint, etc rifice $425, terms. Tabor 2S04, " FOR HAI.K At'TOMOHII.KS. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY IS REALLY SELLING USED CARS. Do you realize we have so'd 5 used cars during December? There Is only pne t'dng which has en abled us to do this and t hat Is the gKIng MoIlK VALUE for the money than could be obtained else where. our rebuilding and oxer hauling is conscien t lousl v done by high ciafs mechanics who have every facility lor accomplishing the best results. We must depend largely uron repeat orders for our iu,no.s H'id. In order to necure these, we must necessarily have satisfied purchas ers. You are assured. hen 011 buy anv of our re null t cars, that everv req 11 i red inertia, 11 ica 1 re pa ; r. so tar as i humanly possible, has been property taken care of. You are not buying 'grief,' mi are get ting a useful article with near! v the original service built back into it. CADILLACS. A renewed Cadillac car ran be had at the cot of a new med.um priccii car. For real value m the hinhest class merchandise. we would sugsrst 011 look over our very complete stock. Our price a re baed upon the recently announced drop, of the new car price. FOR YOR COMPARISON. 1920 Apoerson touring 1.120 Bulck touring 1919 Buick roadster 1920 chandler tourlns, a very line car 191s Chandler touring 1920 Dodgs Bros, sedan 192o Dodge Bros, touring . . . 700 1200 40 5 1 I'M) 720 Tint )lo 02' 5 si) 5 tut 520 4 (O 705 t;:.o 1300 1 IOO lOSII 19 75 I2t0 9 1 2 on Dhso 1020 I od e Bro. ini!t Dndire H-os. 191!) Dudgf Hr 101 Dodge Bros. roaster. . touring. . . roadster, coda li 191 s I lodge Bros, looms! .... 1918 Dodge Bros, roadster. . . 1917 I odge. Bros, tour ing. . . . 1910 I odee Bros, tout ing. . . . 1921) Essex roadster 1 D"2 1 Ford coupe, manv extras 19 20 Franklin 4-passenger. . . 1920 Hav rit-s touring. 7-pass. 1910 llayric touring. 5-pass. . 191!) lnrdon limousine 1920.10 l!) Hudson speedv tir. . (li20 ( hlsmohile tour.. 7 -pas.. 1919 Roarm-r, I -pass.. Lowly painted 19t!t Studebaker big 0. 7-pas Hill) Studebaker light 4. 5- pass nger .... 1911 Chummy Stutz DELIVERV CARS 1921 Dodge Bros, camp or de livery car 1921 Dodge Bios, panel sido demou.-trator 19IH Dodge Bros, screen 191S Dodgo Bros, screen 1320 1 1 25 O40 5 SO COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Both Addresses. 21st at Washington at. Mam 0214. 2S-30 N. Broadway. 2 WEEKS CLEAN-UP SALE. Sh ' - Wav price. 1917 Sarin 4 roadster, starter. $175 $125 ! 1917 Chevrolet tour ing 175 U15 j 1917 Maxwell tou-tlig 195 1 .. 0 1917 Grant 0 touring .'JnO 5 1910 Mitchell (i touring 275 l..o j 1913 Fiat bug 175 loo ' 1913 Packard .?0 375 17:. ! 1915 li; touring 325 175 191S Studi-bak.-r truck 35 O L'iMi i 1917 King S touring 4'0 250 , 191S Maxwell touring 425 275 J HUM Dort touring 450 35o ( 1917 Di dgt- touring 525 3X5 j 1917 Hup touring 475 375, 1917 Buick 4 touring 425 375 j 191 . Baby Grand Chev 450 395 1)il7 Buick 0 louring 575 5uo ! 1919 Dodge touring (ii)U 550: 19!9 Mitchell 0 touring "U t.,5; 1920 Oakland 0 touring 70 575 1919 Hudson super 1250 I )T5 1921 Ford touring, starter ... 425 375 1920 Ford tourinir. starter.... 375 325, 1919 Ford touring, starter. . .. 275 210 191!) Ford touring, extras.... 250 225' 191S Ford touring, extras... 225 1 - I 19 IK Ford roadster, starter. . 3'til 205 ' 191 S Ford roadster, starter. 225 200 ; 1917 Ford roadster 175 145; 1911 Ford bug 175 135 j 1910 Ford Inuring 150 125 j 1910 Ford roadster 1 10 95 05 CARS TO PICK FR M. VRANSONS USED CAR EXCHANGE. Union ave. and Belmont st. Upstairs. $350. USED CAR SALE. MOST ALL MAKES Fords. Chev ro lets. Dodges, Overland s, Dorts, Studtbakers, etc. All L' fine condition. $ 100 down Includes 1 922 1. cense. 1 , Balance easy terms. USED CAR SALE. $350. P. H DUNN MOTOR CO., 12 Grand Ave. N.. cor. E. Burnside St. Phone East 0109. NOTICE TO EVERY AUTOMOBILE OWNER: IF YOU WANT TO AVOID ACCI DENTS TO YOUR AUTOMOBILES AND TO OTHERS BE SURE AND SEE THE BRAKESHOP AT 329 5T11 ST.. AND ASK FOR THE EXPERT. B R A K EM A N TO EX A 51 1 N E CAR. OR CALL MAIN 390. B R EN. TOUR C. II. 191S FRANKLIN AT A SACRIFICE. Til is car has onlv been dri wn S050 miles and is in ptrfect mechanical con dition, equipped wit h t wo bumpers, oversize cord tires, spotlight, rains ipo, and new 1922 license. Am com pel h d to sacrifice to moe nuick, price $1950; wl li sell 011 terms, but no t rades con sidered. This car is $."no under the mar ket price. You will hae to hurry. Cnll Woodlawn 2015 GOOD usd Oakland touring' for $350. Will take $t0o as first payment f rom reliable party, bal ance easy terms. Oakland, 44 Iturnsitle st. 2i CHEVROLET TOURING. Refini shed nnd good t ires, one extra, runs first 41ms-s, looks like new. nil nt the low price of $:125 with some down, bal. easy; take lib' rty bonds full value. Open today. 514 Aider st. Murphy Mo tor Co. W1NTON. model. 22. 0-cylinder, 4H h. p. 7-passenger touring : in unusually good condition, driven 14,000 miles priv.it ownership. Will sell reasonably, trade for new enclosed car or df sirabie city real estate. F B. Ma llory company. 235-2;i7 Pine street. . WANT A GOOD LIGHT CAR? I have a 1917 Oakland, in dandy s-wape. with good tires and will consider any offer for "-H I,M! am I how ton a real bargain at Bdwy. 3005. Mr. pe ndo r era. 1921 FORD SEDAN $,-,00 A real bat ga in ; car equipped with sho k absorbers, speedometer, spot light and new extra lire. Terms. 553 Tayior st. 1922 CHEVROLET 490. run luuO mLes; iooks and runs as good as the day I bought it. If you want a practlcaHy new car at a discount call Tabor 3913. Terms. t LoWNSDA LE GARAGE. Automobiles and unall trucks stored, $5 per month. General auto repairing, labor $1 per hour, or a contract. Wash ing J 1 ii n d up. 1 5t h a nd Washington STUDEBAKER SPECIAL 0 C'oLI'E Can save you several hundred dollars on a new St udeba ker special 6 coupe, fully equipped with bumpers, extra cord tlr-s. etc. Tnbor W4. V ELI E 6 5- I ' A SS E N G E It. In P rfeet condition and complete equipment ; nnlv $7'0. .Mr. Pickens, B r oa dway 9Q1. 5"1 Burnside it. at J4th. 191S DODGE roadi-ter, fii t-t-c.a.-s mechan ical condition, good over-sized cord tires, new top and extras. Main 0244. Xl r. Howe. 1U21 "H E V ROT.ET baby gran it. coru tlr. .-, spare tire, wind oef lectors, $751, (erms. Billinjslev Motor Co., Hawthorne ae. at th. East ". IP I S DODGE tour I ng car in A-l sha pe, equipped with cord tires This is a bar g.tin nnd will give terms. Cull Tnlmr 1 5 4 2. $350 DoDGE. 1910, sliding whitish leld, new top, extras, perfect condition, $150 cash, h ;C a n ce t e nv s. Wdln. 9 22. BY OWNER, motor, good Marshall 17. -pass tour inc. I out lmtit a i condition; bargain. $35. 1021 FoRD ROADSTER by private party, on terms, fame as new. East 0751. TWO NEW U.ht six cars at factory cost. E. 70W. i f.K AI TOMOHII.KH. OUK 40TH YEAR. We nre entering the 40rh year of our bus n st history. During these 40 r.im we have built up a reputa tion f.r the r,rm of Mitchell, l-wis Av Staver Co. that Is very precious imb ed. The ani polit y which has built cur business In in forre In ev-rv department of the, business. W ' ha found it especially valua ble 111 our us- d citr department. It has taught folks that they can buy used cars from ma with the assur ance that they are getting a square deal and full value for their money. Investigation W" think will con vince ou t ha t we of fer tho best used car bar-sins on the market at prices tht are riglit. 19IS Briscoe R-paM $ 400 1919 Mitchell 5-pass 75 UGs (Mds S. touring 10 1921 Ford tniiring 450 1917 M.H bell 5-p.tss S50 191 Jordan Sport Marine.... 1500 Briscoe t'l-paSN 150 1917 Mitchell 5-pnss o"0 191s ( liiscoe 5- p.i ss. ......... nftO 1919 Mitchell 7-pas IOOO 19IM Paige 5-puss TOO 191!) t-lle SO0 1921 Jordan 7-pass 2500 I9ii; ',i. kiitil twin six, 7-pass. 1050 1921 Mitchell 5-pass 1350 1915 Caitili.it: T-pu.-s 7"0 191S Studebaker 7-p.ss 191S Mitchell 5-pasd ''0 1920 Stul-s 5-pa.ss 170 EASY TERMS LIGHT CARS TAKEN IN TRADE. We hande our own notes and do not charge our custoineis for dis counts. We are in pusilloii to make con . nb nt I-mm. MITCH ELL. I . E V I S ,t STA VER C M PA NY. Broad w av and Everett St. Ldwy. 4075. OPEN .-UN DAY A N D M "N D A Y A LL D A Y ! ol R I c-LD-'WU BARGAINS neer W.te lletttt! e bu rn right a M d se! 1 'em t h-' s;i !lle H.i)1, We giv e ili 1 r.i! tei'nij, and gladly toiiMder trade of anv k nd. PETE ME and ED MELVIN, M.in.iger.- of USED CAR I'lir r , TALBOT & CASEY, INC. E.ist A 11 k n ' nd Grand Ave, A few of our 1 i.t - gai n : IM l below : I sEi i F l;lS. 19 'o Touring, good t lining hnut $:!A 1917 Tout i in;, g 00 1 1 cond it 10 11 225 I'lJl Kn.dsier. good Jltt Hew 4(0 1 92') Coup.-, i-xi oih nt con 1 1 11 ton 1910 Touring, a re.il buy tut' 250 1917 Ro.idsi. r, good car 225 1 i2 t 'I'ou ring, a l iiio;d new 45 lOJii Touring, a damlv car for nd many other Ford cars. HupMiolulc Touting, dandy buy for. 495 1919 Dixie er Touring, i xtr.i Rood :'"0 Overland ToufU'ir 1 10is iiwriiiiid Touring 1"5 191S Paige 'I out .og 725 1917 Itn;. k Touring 550 pope-H.t 1 i f.o d Kd.. would imkn tho, ,.im.'-: bug In l lie ft itc 150 RMs Dodge d. iei 493 lois oMsnioii; t niirniny 75 1917 Frank lit T 'ing 900 1917 Cadillac Tourrig. rial clay.... 97S W.i are proud of our man.igir of our USED CAR department, h, caime the ha e nld 111 01 e u-ed ear t li I nioni h than we c 1 r .-n d In In anv tn month In l he bt-t o: v t.f our tut n". and t he good im 11 l. e . ry purch.is-r has be-n a h so ait el v ha I if u d in e e-y wav. Tin'ic l a I'Msoii' . OU hliou'd a: least ee tin tr htock of i:.d cars b foro biivhg, T'n s-piarer men ou hav n i' r 1 met Meet t h to TALBOT .V CA-EY. INC , E t Anion v ,x- Grande Ave OPEN ALL DAN SUNDAY AND M IND Y. A SAKE PLACE T BUY. BROADWAY AND ANKENY AT PINE ST. Th i wei k we a re off.-rln - the finest d;!-pl.iy f light i'hi.i m the div; ail oxer hauled and l-i til-' Mnet condition, priced, I'tiv- and .x.j id on t- rtns. Call ton.iy and tn.i for a demonstration of uny of t lit following e.u: 1920 Ford Roadster, runs HUe a top, es 1 t",t s. 191 7 Ford (nuriiig. In good ihiie. 1919 I'ol'-c Uo i.l.shT, exactly like ni'W. 1917 DodK" Touting entirely rebuilt. 1919 Ciievnd- t Touring, p. ppy little car. loin Ch. rob t Unad.Ht r. splcndul condi tion 191 Maxwell Touring, priced very low. 191". Maxw-dl Touring. lnnks like m w. P.'JO Dort Tounng. hardlv used. 1919 Velie six TouruiK. sold with guar auti c. 191H Bun k S; Touring, fine running ( .1 r. 19 I S Willj Knight Touring, a fine car. loih studebaker Six Touring; ask for ft rifle. Many others not listed here. Open Sundas and Evenings. W. R. Del.AY MoTOR COMPANY. INC., Distributors Velio and Peerless. Uf-ed C.tr Sa lewruoma, BoadMay and Ankny at IMne St. Phone Broadway JS-ii. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1 921 Ford seda n ; speedometer, shorlc nhorhcrs. da.-h lo:ht. tun 150O miles. Will tratle in on open Ford or sell for $iiiui. j r.v a lino.-t new. 1921 Ford touring; in fine condition; speedometer and regular starting sys tem. $425. Tliri-f 191S tourings, from $195 to $225. 192U Kot d touring, w it li starter block; and o erhauli d, f r $275. 191S "orll roinl.-ler as Is. $150. 1919 Fid. I truck, overhauled and re painted wltn nice panel body and cord tins, $;iii.".. 4-ton R. public truck, completely over hauled, wild opc;i cxprovs body, $350, T cut y ' m hers. DUNNING MOTOR CO. E. Broad w a v at 1 ninti A v. F. ftOS. LSED FORDS REDUCED. AND MADISON STS. 1915 Ford touring $131 1910 Ford touring 105 1917 Enid touring 15 19ts Eord touring 25 19i Ford touring 2 Hit 191S I'oid touring 275 1920 For d tout ing 37ft 1920 Ford tout ing 415 1917 Ford roadster 815 1920 Ford madster, d a rl cr ........ . 335 1920 Kord roadster, starter ......... 35 1920 Ford coUe 475 1920 Ford edall MS 1921 Font truck, starter 71 1910 Studebaker touring 114 Buv viu- used l'ord from an A L T 1 1 1 iRIKD F HID DEALER. ( Mir pt ii i-t are right. S; tl a nd M adtson St s. i-LEAN-UP SALE on our 1921 Block of utrs; walk. In, rid.t out. ft-P. MITCHELL, only.. . .$150 ..$250 ..$4 25 . .$4 75 -PASS. CHANDLER, only. - PASS. HAINES, only 4 - PASS 7-PASS 5- PASS 7-PASS N AT!i N A U only. . i'HANlLER, only.. iVERLAND. only. . "OLE K. only .$too . $500 .$050 ft PASS. FRANK LIN. only $550 If it's an automobile, w have it. and at a very low price. Come in and men for yourself. BRALY AUTO COMPANY. Aut hortzed Frn nklin Dealer, 501 Burnside. St. at 14th. It-nad av 1)01. DEMONSTRATOR AT BARGAIN. Will dispose nf my Mitchell F. 40 ft passenger demonstrator at a bargain ; ha e broken tins car in very carefully and it Is In A-l shape; will ta kit your light car in trado and can arrange satis factory terms. Call me evening and Sundavs at Tabor 7'!1S week days call Lrti-dwny 4075. E. Owtcndorf. CADILLAC SEDAN. Beautiful H-cylindr Cadihao 5-pasen ger irian, in most excellent mechanical condition anil appeanrnrc, fine uphol stering; price $1750, $hoo down, balance moot h ly, or will exchange for mortgage or well bleated lot; Inspection and dem onstration Inviifd. lijatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 550 Alder. '20 Ee-SEX TOURING. This fine light four will do any Johj It has cord tires nnd one extra snd wa w!U service It free fur no days: has been reflnlshed the verv In tent colors and runs perfect ly ; take late light Ford n part payment ; open today. ft 14 Alder st.. Murphy Motor Co. JORDAN TOURING. Ured one season, looks and Is as good hh a new car, and will g4e guarantee; sells new for $2S."" and will sacrifice for $ 1 1 25, terms for quick uale; don t hefdt ate. sec I his at once. Mr. Argo, Bro.-uiwnv :121. Foil SALE 1910 Dodge touring, $275. 1084 Francis ave., near Stiib, su