Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, December 31, 1921, Page 21, Image 21

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at 1
Farmers Withdraw From
Market When Price Drops.
Export Trade Slow During Holi
day Prrloil -Portland Receipts
I'll 20,000 Car Mark.
The wheat market was weak and lower
y.Tterday with the eastern decline. Bids
ivrre reduced 2 cents on all grades at the
Ierc)ints' Exchange session. Demand
continued In apite ot the easier market,
but the drop caused sellers as a rule to
withdraw and business was on a lighter
scale than earlier in the week.
There was no change In the Jordan
situation, as shown by the day's cables.
Liverpool s-htat closed to Id higher
and corn Id lower, Exporters do not ex
rect a revival of foreign Interest until
le holidays are out of the way.
The government estimate of a 76 per
cent condition of winter wheat and de
ducting the average abandonment would,
according to Goodman, Indicate a crop of
jo.iOU.'K'0 bushels of winter wheat In
The figures show a yield of SO.OOO,
t"Ki lo TO. 0110,000 bushels above what
traders had expected. The Indicated crop,
however, Is about 100,000,000 bushels less
than at this season last year.
Exports from North America this week
are rt,""0,0'iO busjhels wheat and flour,
and 1.7.30,iMiO bushels corn. Argentine
f lilpmfiitH this week are 1.037.000 bushels
whrat. 2,IS7.0M) bushels corn and 249,000
buslisls oats.
Wheat receipts at Portland for the eea
fnn to data yesterday passed the 20,000-car
mark. Total receipts on the sound during
the same period were less than 12,IMH cars.
Terminal receipt!. In cars, were reported
by the Merchants' Exchange as follows:
Wht. Brly. fir Oats. Hay
Portland Fri... 101 ... 8 1 8
Year ago lilt ... .1 ... 10
Season to date.20.0'- 1:17 1301 .1.n 07
Tear ago 8.S'j:t 17i 4:2 3 IS 200
T.n onia Thura.. LM . . . 4 1 1
T-ar aso 4 1 ...
S-.-ason to date.. fi.fiTO 78 SO." 01 .Oil
Tear ago X'i.31 4." 3!i Tti 007
S.-Kltle Thurs.. HiS 1 .".
THr ago tl ... 1 1 2
M-nson to dale.. .".'-MO 1:14 1H4.1 IS." I4
Y.iir ago a.4' 171 19 273 1014
fair Uemand For All rade (Shipments
Are Increasing.
Apples were steady in the local market
Willi a fair demand for all grades, par
tlca:arly the desirable sizes. Quotations
raiiKed as follows:
Delicious Extra fancy. 100s. $4; do 113s,
$3 70. do 12.1. f3.1(i; do lHhs, M.3.1; do
100s, :i; -lo 13s, SJ.7.-.; fancy. HKls, S75;
do lUs. S3 50; do USs. 43.2.'i: do 138s,
:.SS; do Kills, $2.51); do Hills. $2.25.
Jonathan Fancy. 200, 91.50; Jumble
fancy. 41,-5-tler, $1.7.1.
Ortley Extra fancy, 112s. l-'.'s. $2.S0;
do M:i.., $2; fancy, 112s, 120s. $2; do luss,
1311s, $1.75; do 175s. $1.50; do 213s. $1: do
234., 202m. 7"c; choice, 112s, 125s. $1.75;
do I. ",0s, lll.ts. $1.30.
Rome Beauty Extra fancy. 80s. 88s.
Haw, 3; fancy. SOh. SMs, 100s, $2 75; choice,
hl). KSh, linn, 12.50.
Kpltzenbcrg Extra fancy. 113s. $3; do
,125s. 13sp, $J.B); do 1511s. l3.i. $2 25; do
' 173s. $!.-.; do IKSs, $1.50; do 20Os. $135;
fancy. l.Tis, $2 25; do 1.10s, 10.1s, $2;
choice. 113s. 125s, $2 25: do 13Ss. 2: do
100s, 13. $1.75: do 17.1s. $1.85: do 213s.
S5tr:V cookers, unwrapped, 4-tler, $1.50;
do Unwrapped 4-4-tlcr. $1.35.
Winter Banana Fancy, 112s, 125s, $2.25;
do 13Ss. l3s. $1J.1.
Yellow Newtown Extra fancv. lOOs,
112s. 12.75: do 12.1s. $2.50; do 13K. $2 35;
do 150s. 103s, $2.25; fancy. I TJs. $2.50: do
12.1s. f2 2.1; dn 13Ss, $2.10; do 1 0Os. lB3s.
$2; do 175s. $1.7.1: choice. 100s. lrjs, $2 2.1;
do U'.'.s, $2: do 131., $1.75; do 150s. 103s,
$1..".0: do 175s. $1.25.
Sundry cookers Unwrapped. 4-tier.
$150; unwrapped, 4-4 -1 1 , r. $135; un
wrapped, 4'-5-tler, $1.2."; unwrapped. 5
tler. $1. -
Shipments throughout the country are
still decreasing. About four cars of boxerl
npples are moved to each ear from the
barreled section. Washington. Oregon.
New York and Maine furnishing four
fifths of the present carlot supplies. Wash
ington has shipped over half the total
of boxed apples and over one-third of all
apple shipments this season. Idaho ranks
second in the boxed apple section, fol
lowed by Oregon and California.
Hard winter 1 07 1.07 1.07
Northern spring ... 1.02 1.02 1.00
FLOUR Family patents, $7 per barrel;
whols wheat, $0 20; graham. $; bakers'
, hard wheat, $7.65; bakers' blueatem pat
ents, o;jj; valley soft wheat. j.ou;
straights. $5.23.
MILLFEED Price f. o. b. mill: Mill
run, ton lots. $21; mixed cars. $20 per ton;
middlings. $34; rolled barley, $34630;
rolled oats. $;); acratch feed. $43 per ton.
CORN White, $33; cracked, $30 per
HAT Bmylng price f. o. b Portland:
Alfalfa. $14 50 per ton; cheat. $10 5011;
oat and vetch, l4.5o15; clover. $1112;
valley timothy, yulo; eastern Oregon
timothy, $1617.
Dairy nod Country Produce.
BUTTER Cubes, extra, 40c per pound;
prints, parchment wrapped, box lota. 44c;
cartons, 45c Butterfat buying prices. No.
1 grada, 31r3Sc. delivered i'urtla-nd.
KOOri Buying price, 35c; jobbing prices,
case count, 31 'guile; candled ranch.
4'3c; association firsts, 4oc; association se
lects, ooc; association pullets, 45c.
CHEESE Tlliamook triplets, price ts
jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook, 20o; Young
Americas, 27o pound.
POULTRY Hens. 1723c; springs, 209
21c; ducks. 222tc geeae, 20c; turkeys,
live, nominal; dressed, 40c.
PC.RK Fancv. 12M-C Der Bound.
VEAL Fancy. l.TgloSc per pound.
Fruits and Vegetables.
Local lobblnr Quotations:
FKl'ITS Navel oranges, $4.50 6.50 per
box: J&Danesa oranaes. 12.50 per bundle
lemons, $0; grapefruit. $4HJ7 per box;
bananas b&Oc per pound; apples, $10:3.75
per box; pears. fl.7o?2.23 per box; grapes,
California Red Emperors, 12V40 per pound;
cranberries, eastern, $20 per barrel; pine
apples, $7.00 per case.
POTATOES Oregon, tl.50Ol.7S per
hundred; "Yakima. t2ijj2.25 per hundred;
sweet potatoes, 5So per pound; Arkan
sas. $2.50 per crate.
ONIONS Yellow, $4 505 per hundred
VEUETABLE3 Cabbage. 2 8c pet
pound; lettuce, $3.75&4.50 crate; carrots,
$2 50 per sack; garlic, 12Vn15c per pound;
beets, $212.50 per sack; cucumbers, $2.50
3 per dozen; celery, $5.253.75 crate:
green peppers. 304oc per pound; cauli
flower, $22.50 per crate; squash, 2V4⪼
sprouts, 17 4iC. turnipa, $2i2.i0 per sack;
parsnips, $2j3 per sack; tomatoes. $4.50
per lug.
Staple Groceries.
Local Jobbing quotations:
8UJAIt (sack basis) Cane, granulated.
3.80c pound; beet, 5.00c per pound.
NUTS Walnuts, new crop, soft shell
23fi30c pound; Brazil nuts, 18ig20c; fil
berts, 20&25c; aimonds, ls$27c. peanuts
10'tfllViC per pound.
KICK Blue Hose, Oc per pound: Japan
style. Oc per pound.
COFFEE Roasted, bulk, in drums. 180
33 c per pound.
SALT Oranulatefl. hale.. 3 20!94 05:
half ground, ton, SO. $17.20; lolls, $16.23.
HONEY Comb, new crop, $5.50(o'6 per
DRIED FRlTITS Dates, $7 per case:
figs. $1.40 3 75 per box; apples. 16c lb.;
peaches, 1.1'9 17c; apricot. 23&26&c;
prunes, 74 6 12c
BEANS Small white. 6c: large white.
c; pink. 3c; bayo, 64c; red. 6c,
Hides. Hods, Ete
T ALLOW No. 1. 4c; No 2. Oc per
CASCARA BARK 5c a pound delivered.
HOI'S 1021 crop. 15i22c per pound.
HIDES Fresh cured, 3c per pound;
bulls. 4c; calf, 12c per pound; kip. 7c;
dry hides, Oc; dry salt hides, ic per pound.
PELTS Dry pelts, full wool. 8'ulitr. pet
pound; salt pelts. 35$ 50c each, according
to size.
WOOL Eastern Oregon, ISfJ 23c per
pound; valley, 129 14o per pound.
MOHAIR Oregon. 15jj'22c per pound,
delivered Portland.
1'rlut Prices Fxpected to Decline Kurly
Next Week.
No change was made In butter prices
yesterday, but the demand for cubes was
light and the market was weak. It is
probable that print quotations will be re
duced early next week. Butter fat buying
prices are gradually getting down to the
rew basis. Quotations given yesterday
ranged from 36 to 8S cents.
Egijs were also unchanged with 33 cents
the general buying price. Receipts ars
steadily gaining, but are by no means
The poultry market dragged. Dressed
turkeys were plentiful and were hard to
move at any price, as many of the retail
ers are still stocked with Christmas tur
keys. Dressed meats were unchanged.
Weekly Wheat Shipments Larger.
World shipments of wheat last week and
the same week last year were:
-Week Ending-
Dec. 24. '21. Dee. 25. '20.
V. S. and Canada. .. .5.1172.000 6.061.000
Argentina 772. Ooo
Australia 816. OK)
Others 24.000
TnVil .7.2'iOOOO 6.6K5.000
Shipments for the season to date com
pare as follows:
Total Since Same Per'd
July 1. 'HI. LastSeas'n.
IT. S. and Canada. . .23S.l'1. oiK) 234.040.no0
Argentina IO.1s3.onO 30.244.OO0
Australia 3H.012.Ooo
Others 2.H02.OIM) 1.77B.OOO
206 408.000 20,542,000
Sugar Declines Again.
.ViheT 10-cent decline in sugar was
announced yesterday by the California re
finers and at one; became effective here.
The nev local quotations are $3.80 a hun
dreu on cane and $3.60 on beet sugar.
NKW YORK. Dec. 30. Raw sugar, cen
trifugal 3.36c; committee's price 3.86c; re
fined fine granulated 4.8(j 4.00c.
Bnnk Clearings.
Bank clearings of the northwest cities
yesterday were as follows:
Clearings. Balances.
Portland $4,518,774 $ 823 87.1
Seattle , 4.033.1511 l.lisl 27.1
'i'acoma 35 1. mo 33 601)
Spokane 1.3IIS.S78 480,831
(iraln. Flour, Feed, Ktc.
Merchants' Exchange, noon sess'Dn:
Wheat Dec. Jan. Feb.
Hard white $l.l7 $17 $1 07
Holt w hite I .on 1.06 l.i
Wntte rloh 1 IMt 1 OU 1 lltt
Veal, Hops, Lambs
Market very firm. Veal, lSe to
lc; hoes, 13c; Iambs. 16c to 18c.
Checks mailed same day as ship
ments arrive.
100 Front St., fori land. Or.
Local Jobbing quotations:
HAMS All sixes. 27 3-. 11c; skinned. 240
33c; picnics. 20c; cottage roll. 23c.
BACON Fancy. S'Jui45c; choice, 270
J2c; standard, 23 26c.
LARD Pure, tierces. 14o pound; com.
pressed tierces. 14:.
liRI SALT Hacks. 18fr21c; plates, 13s
LINSEED OH Raw. In barrels. 9e;
5-gallon cans. $1.04 Boiled, in barrels, 91
cents: 5-gailon cans, $1.06.
TL'RPKNTINE In drums. $1; B-gallon
cans. $1 13.
WHITE LEAD 100-pound kegs, 12fti
per pound.
GASOLINE Tank wagons and iron bar.
re Is, 26c; cae. HHVic.
Week's Trading Discloses Advances of
1 to Cents.
BOSTON". Dec. 30. The Commercial
Bulletin tomorrow will say":
"The demand for wool of all grades
keeps up with unusual animation for the
closing week of the year when trade is
normally slow, not a little wool having
been purchased In bond, especially wools
of fine grade and good staple, which some
of the mills need apparently to piece out
current orders. Prices generally show an
advance for the week of 1 to 2 cents a
pound In the grease and sometimes even
a iltrle more.
"The wool Industrv Is hoping for early
prusage of the permanent tariff hill m
order that a basis upon which to opernte
it. the new clip may be ascertained. The
manufacturers are not consuming so much
as they were, but still are using consid
erable stock. The clothing industry is
cutting prices In order to move large sur
plus stocks."
Scoured basis: . Texas fine 12 months,
S0'ds5c; fine S months. 67'''7K .
California: Northern, SO'oS.-.r; middle
counties, 7o(i72c: southern, 'titiffii'.
Oreicon: Eastern No. 1 staple, ssroOOc;
fine and fine medium combing, 80'oSOc;
eastern clothing, 6070c; valley No. 1,
70 iu 78c.
Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresb Fruits,
Ktc., at Buy City.
SAN" FHANflSOO, Dec. .'10. (State divi
sion of markets.) Fruit Apples, 3Vs and
4 tiers, $1.4ora.3.50; casahas, crate. 73cu!
$1.25; o.-anges. navels. $4'0.5O; lemons,
$3 50?4; grapefruit, $38 5 75; cranberries,
box, $.Vj6; pears, box, $2"0 3.
Vegetables Artichokes, case, $161S;
carrots, sack, 00cl&$1.10; celery, crate, $2
(rt'4; cucumbers, small box, $1.753.50;
egg plant, pound, 40c: lettuce, small
crate, $1.253.25: mushrooms, pound, 20
(Jr40c; olives, pound. 2 to 5c: onions, cwt.,
brown. $3.504.25; peas, pound, 1.1&j20c;
bell peppers, pound, loruI5c; potatoes,
$1.752.25; pumpkins. 75c$l: rhubsrb,
box, $23; squash, lug. $1.50'vj2.25;
sprouts, pound, 6fy:8c; spinach, pound.
9c; tomatoes, lug. $3i3.0O.
Poultry Broiiers. 33'o':otc lb.; roosters,
young; 22fe31r; old, 17&20c; hens. 23
31c: ducks, 22fi25c; turkeys, live, 37fr42c,
dressed, 47'.V2c.
Receipts Flour, 1740 quarters; wheat,
4S00 centals; barley, 3018 centals; corn.
1S20 centals; potatoes. 140S aacks: onions,
200 sacks; hay, 40 tons; hides, 1274 No.;
oranges and lemons 1200 boxes; livestock,
100 head.
Current Prices Ruling on Butter, Cheese
and Kggs.
SAN FRANn.SCO, Dec. 30. Butter, ex
tra. 40c; prime flrsta, Bsc; firsts, nominal.
Kggs Extra. 4.Vie; extra firsts, nomi
nal; extra pullets. 4C,c; extra pulets firsts,
nominal; undersized pullets. No. 1. 43c.
Cheese C'alfornla flat fancy, 21c; flat
fancy firsts. 2c; California Young Ameri
cas, fancy 20c.
CHICAfJO. Dec. 30. Butter, unchanged.
Eggs Unsettled. Receipts, 44o2 cases;
firsts. 42sc: ordinary firsLs, 37i3!lc; mis
cellaneous, 404) 42c; refrigerator firsts, 30c.
SEATTLE, Dec. 30. Eggs, select local
ranch, white shells. 40r0oc; do mixed
colors, 43'a47c; pullets, 40-JI42C.
Butter City creamery cubes, 43c; bricks
or prints, 44c. ,
NEW YORK. Dec. SO. Butter, easier;
creamery higher than extras, 41fr 4l c;
creamery extras, 40&40Vxc; creamery
first 3il'S3!iiic.
Eggs Steady, unchanged. Cheese, steady,
Coffee Futures Quirt.
NEW YORK. Dec. 30. The market for
coffee futures was very quiet today, and
fluctuations irregular within a range of
.1 or 6 points. The close was net un
changed to 3 points lower. Sales were
estimated at about Sooo bags. January,
8.60c; March, 8.70c; May, 8.54c; July.
8 0ic; September, 8.01c: October, 8.03c;
December. 8.57c. The market will remain
closed until next Tuesday morning.
The spot market was dull at Hc to 9c
for Rio 7s and 1214c to 12 a for San
tos 4s.
MMaJ Market.
NEW YORK, Dec. 30. Copper steady.
Electrolytic, spot and near-by months,
13 it 14c; later. 14c.
Tin firm. Spot and near-by months,
33.25c; futures, 33 23 if 33. 37c. -
Iron steady, unchanged.
Lead steady. Spot, 4. 70 4.80c.
Zinc quiet. East St. Louis delivery, spot
4 IHI'n 4.00c.
Antimony, spot, i.OOo.
Spec-laities Are Sold Lower to Meet
Income Tax Retuvns Bond
Market Is Active.
NEW YORK, Dec. 80. The stock ex
change's final full session of the year was
marked by conflicting and erratic fluctua
tions Heavy caBh sales to meet income
tax returns occurred In many of the low
priced Issues, but representative rails and
favorite industrials were comparatively
strong, though aull In contrast with the
activity shown by speculative issues.
Opinions from authoritative sources deal
ing with general conditions In the coming
year sounded a note of optimism, espe
cially In relation to commercial and in
dustrial prospects.
These w-ere borne out by overnight de
velopments, such as the strengthening of
the financial position of the Pears-Roebuck
company, further favorable November
railroad earnings and advices from Mon
tana indicating early resumption of oper
ations in the copper mines.
Money rates stiffened In consequence of
unexpectedly large renewals into 1922.
Opening at 3 per cent, call loans rose to
5 at noon, with a further advance to 6
per cent in the last hour.
Sears-Roebuck was the most prominent
feature of the day. although its extreme
advance of slightly more than 7 points
was reduced to 4 at the close. Stude
baker. Railway Steel Springs. American
Ice, Wooiworth and sugars were among
the other stocks to show substantial net
gains. Sales amounted to 775.000 shares.
Trading in foreign exchange was larger
than at any recent period and the strong
tone suggested a more encouraging view of
European economic conditions. Sterling
bills were at the week's highest level and
ail allied quotations were firm, the Italian
rate making full recovery. Dutch and
Scandinavian quotations were 10 to 20
points higher.
The bond market was active as a whole,
but an Irregular movement marked the
foreign division. Vctory 4is featured the
domestic list, in odd lots, selling at $100 20.
the year's maximum quotation. Total
eaiea, par value, aggregated $17,3.10.000.
(Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com
pany of Portland.)
Sales. High. Low. Bid.
Adams Kxp... 2HI S3
Advance Rum. .WO lO'i 1 0 V loVi
do pfd 500 3 3 '4 3 83
Agr Chein 1.40O Sv 20 "4 314
do pfd OoO ."A 57 '
Ajax Rubber.. 9.000 17 Vj 17 17
Alaska Cold "4
Alaska Juneau
Allied Chem 57
Allis-t'halmera 4.81H) 89 , 34 30 Vi
Am Beet Sug. 2.7O0 31 20 31
Am Bosch oo 3.1 34 34
Am Can Co... l.Soo 341, 33S 844
do pfd 7'HI 04 44 Ht S3',
Am Car & Fdy 4(HI 14;, "'l46' 14.1 '4
do pld 114
Am Cot Oil... 1.5"0 21 "4 2"- 21
do pld 1110 45 43 ' 45 '
Ami I'rg Syml. 718! 4 4 4
Am Hd .t Llh l.lno 13 13' 13V
do pfd S" 50 .isv 5S
Am Ice 3.IVSI 8:t'i 80'j 82
Am 1 11 1 1 Corp. 2 IKHI 42N, 4 1 414
Am Linseed .. 1.4'SI 32 1 30 81 H
Am Loco 1)00 110 1074 10S
do pld 113
Am Saf Razor 1.4O0 4 4 i 4 Vi
Am Slip Cm 1.2O0 K 5 '4 6
Am Smelter. .. I.700 1.1' 44 v, 444
do pfd 4"0 S7' 86V, 864
Am Steel Fdy 1 . 84', 34 34
Am Sugar ... II. 8011 54 53 '4 54(4
do pfd IMM) 8.1 83 84
Am Sumatra.. 1.2KO 3.14 2T4 324
Am T. l Tel. 3 m 11.1 1 1 4 Mi 1147,
Am Tobacco.. . 4iM 13274 131 is 1324
Am T.ib "B".. siio 12S 128 127 4
Am Wool 2..V00 81 4 bO4 80 5,
do pfd 102
do P pfd 23 4
Am Zinc 7iO 13 4 13 4 12.
Ai.aronda .... 4.DO0 4v4. 49 4 40 ,
Assd Oil lot
Atchison l.IMM) 03 4 034 02Vi
do pfd 5li 85 83 4 84 4
A' C.,at Lire. 3o 85 4 844 84 4
At lulf W I 1.8(H) 324 304 314
Baldwin Loco. 11,300 119 4 07 4 "
do pfd 103 4
Balto & Ohio.. 3.400 35 4 X4S, 344
do pfd 4(SI 03 4 43 52 4
Beth Steel 'H' 2.IMI0 574 564 57,
B R T OOO 6', 6 6
Butte C Z. 1..KMI .14 34
Butte Sup.. ISiki 22 21, 214
Burns Bros... 3..KK) 118 11.14 1174
Caddo Oil .... 200 llij H, 114
Calif Pack 69
Calif Pet 1.30O 4S4 48 48
do pfd .... loo 84 S4 84
Canadian l'ac. 7(H 124 120 120
Cen Leather.. I.1KM1 304 3D 30 4
Cerro de Pas. .K 34 4 34 4 34 4
Chand Motor.. 3.5ih no 4 40 40
ChKo N W.. 3.2IM) 64 624 63
Chi Gt w 7(0 6t 64 6
do pfd 2(o 16 16 16
Chill Cop 4'S( 14 1.14 16
Chino l.(Sh) 2 274 274
C .11 St P s.:loo i't-4 I8t, IS",
do pTd 12.SMM1 33 4 HI. 33
Coco Cola 10.MI0 43', 424 434
c o :;oo 504 5.1 4 r,5 4
Colo F Sr I... SOO 25 24 . 25
Solo So 30
Colo U & E... 1.40O 60 65 4 004
Colum Graph. 12.S(K 24 24 24
("on Gas OOO 014 01 4 nil T4
Cons fUara... 100 19 19 10
do pfd 66
Contl Can. .. 300 47 47 46V4
Cities Soc Bnk 214 '-'1 21
Corn Prod.... 3.200 l7 4 fo". 064
Cosden Oil.... 2. SOO 874 364 364
C H I 4 P 3,:too 32 4 314 32 4
do A p'd... 10l 84 4 84 4 84 4
do B pfd 71
Crucible 2.0(H) 67 4 0 4 06
do pfd :WM) SO 80 80 U.
Cuba Curie.... 6.000 s" 74 84
do plr 4.40O 154 144 14 4
Cub Am Sug. 4.3IK) 15 144 144
Del jfc Hud... 2(10 JOS 1074 107
Dome Mines.. 1"0 1S'4 18'- 184
Del & Lack.. IKK) IIS14 lid, 118
Dav Chem.... 1.700 034 52 02
Endi Johnson.. 4oO 7 774 77 4
Erie 3.4IO 1114 104 1114
do 1st pfd.. 1,300 15. 1-54 154
ro 2d pfd... 3ih) I114 104 104
Fatn Players.. 3.00O 79 77 7S4
Fed MAS 10
do pfd i) 304 3S4 30
Flsk Tire 2.000 124 12 4 124
Gaston Wms.. 2.100 4 4
Gen Cigars 674
Gen Elec 1.1O0 140 4 1304 130
Gen Motors... 01. 400 10 O 4
Glen A Wen 44 4 44 . 43 4
Gen Asphut... 7.8(H) 064 4i 004
Goodrich 70O 36 4 36 36
Good y ear , 114
Granbv 200 2S 4 28 4 28
Gt Nor Ore... 1.0(8) 31-4 31. 31
do pfd Sss) 73v4 73, 734
Greene Can... 200 2S 28 21 4
Gulf S Steel.. 1,3(10 47 4 4(1 47 4
Hask Barker.. 6(8) 70 784 784
Houston Oil.. 1.1(H) 77i 564 77 4
Hupp Motor., l.soo 12 114 114
Ills Cent OOO 074 074 04
Inspiration ... 800 40 4 4 0 40 4
I A C com 7
do pfd 800 84 4 34 S4
Interboro 3.000 1 4 1 14
do pfd K0' S4 3 4 a 4
Interst Cal 7m 54 .14 5
Int Harv l.SOO R3 82 4 83
lnt Merc Mar.. 1.600 14 134 14
do pfd 4.100 60 4 0.1 54
Int Nickel ... 43.0O0 124 114 12
lnt Paper .... 800 52 4 52 4 52
do pfd 0
Invlnc Oil ... 7. OOO 144 144 144
Island oil ... 6.10 24 24 24
Jewel Tea 11
KCSothn.... 300 23 4 23 4 23 4
do pfd IOO 52 4 52 4 52
Kellv-Spgfld . 1,200 4.14 424 43
Kennecott ... Si0 2H-4 264 264
Kevstone Tire. 7,0() 174 164 174
I.acka Steel... 8(H) 404 404 40.
Lee Tire 3) 28 4 2S4 28 4
Lehigh Valley 000 .174 504 57
Lorlllard IOO 101 101 101
Lowe Theaters 1.000 134 13 13
L & N 2(H) 108 4 10S1J I08
Marland Oil.. I.20O 204 20 4 264
Mav Dept St.. 1.000 107 '4 106 107 4
ex Pet lO.ltoO 1154 113 114
Miami l.loo 274 274 274
Mid States Oil l.loo 134 134 134
Midvale Steel. 2.700 27 264 20'4
M K & T Wl.. 7.700 874 8V4 84
do pfd 000 26 4 26 25 Vs
Mont Power.. 1.4O0 64 62 6:1
Mont Ward... 1.3O0 14 134 134
Mo Pac 2.100 174 17 17
do pfd LSOO 46 454 454
M St PA'S SM IOO 6rt 66 65 4
Nor Ann 2,300 45 44 444
Nat Biscuit 122
Nat Enamel.. l.iWV 304 344 86 i
Nat Lead 200 86 80 80
Nevada Con.. OoO 13 14i J4
New Haven... 3,500 13 1124 1'24
Norfolk & W.. 201) 07 O1I4 964
Nor Pac 8.400 .77 76 4 76 4
Nova Scotia St '. 234
N Y Air Br BS
X Y Central.. SfW) 73 73 4 73 4
Okla Prod ref. 2,000 24 24 2
Ontario Silver. 4
Ontario & W.. 5oo 21 21 21
Otis Steel 1.000 104 974 j0
Pacific Dev... 200 54 54
Pac Gas&Elec 634
Punta Allegre. 2.50O 30 4 29 4 30
Pacific Oil ... 7.300 474 464 4(!'4
Pan Amn Pet. 4.100 54 .',24 3:!
do "B" 3.600 474 47 47V4
Penna 6.S1H) 334 ' 32 334
Peo Gas 2,3(i0 63 4 624 62 4
Pere Manj... 3.3() 204 104 194
Pure Oil 4.600 38( 37 37Vi
Phillips Pete.. OOO 834 3.14 33
Pierce Arrow. 2.300 14 134 134
Pierce Oil 8,000 124 114 124
Pitts Coal 800 6:1 63 634
Pitts A W Va. 3(H) 25 4 2.1 2.1
Pressed St Car , 8110 65 T4 6.14 6.14
Pullman ' 300 108 1074 1074
End Cons 1.700 1.14 14V4 144
Reading 2.80O 7.I4 724 72 4
Keiuiusion ... 3u0 2i 24 Zi
Replogle Steel
Rep I A S
do pfd
Rep Motors...
Royal D Oil..
Ry Steel Spg..
Ptand Oil N J.
Sears Roebuck
Shattuck. Arts
Shell TAT..
Stand Oil Ond
Sloss Shef
Sou Pacific .
Sou Ry
Stnd Oil Cal.
St L A S F..
Strom Carb ..
Swift A Co. . .
Ten C A Chm
Texas Oil ...
Texas P.ic . . .
Tex. P C A O
Tob Prod . . .
Tr Centl Oil.
Cnlon Oil Del
Union Pac ...
I'nlted Alloy.,
t'nlted Drug .
I'nit Fd Prod
I'nlted Fruit..
IT. Rds of N J
Cnlon BAP.
I'D Re Stores
U S Ind Alco
U S Rub
do 1st pfd..
17 S Smelting.
U S Steel ....
do pfd ....
t'tah Copper..
Va Chem ....
do pfd ....
Vanadium StU
Vlvandou ....
do A pfd . .
do B pfd . .
Wells Fargo .
Western Pac.
do pfd .
West Union .
Westhse A B.
Wsthse E A M
West Md
White Motors.
Willys-Over ..
do pfd ....
Wilson Pack..
Wis Central..
Willworth ...
Wthngtn Pmp
White Oil ...
IT S 2s reg.
XT S 2s coup..
V S 4s reg. . .
TJ S cv 4s coup
Panama 3s reg.
do 3s coup. .
A T A T cv 6s.
Atch gen 4s. . .
D A R con 4s..
1 0(H)
8. IOO
8. 4 DO
97 4
183 4
67 4
80 4
70 4
37 4
83 4
06 4
27 4
27 4
62 4
18 '4
52 4
3.1 4
100 4
36 4
84 4
114 V
63 4
13 4
26 4
03 4
87 4
94 4
31 4
54 4
100 4
83 4
5 4
101 !N T O deh fi. .
1014;North Pacific 4s
104 4:North Pacific 3s
104 4; Pac TAT 5s. .
80 IPenn con 4 4 . .s
80 IS Pac cv 3s....
101 4 (South Ry 6s. .. .
so 4 .Union Pao 4s...
73 4iU S Steel Be. . .
21 K)
37 V.
30 4
96 4
181 4
96 4
54 4
114 4
20 4
13 4
51 4
87 4
14 4
60 4
88 4
Liberty Bond Quotations.
Liberty bond and victory note quota
tions at New York, as furnished by Over
beck & Cooke company of Portland:
Open. High. Low. Bid.
Liberty. 3 94.40 1I4.U0 94.40 94 46
do 1st 4s 96 94
do 2d 4s 96 60 96.60 96 8 0 9 6 3 8
do 1st 44s 97 18 117 20 97(H) 97 04
do 2d 4 Us 06 52 96 80 96.42 06 .18
do 3d 44s 07 .10 97 SO 97.40 97.48
do 4th 44s 97 20 97 34 97 16 97 2(1
Victory 44s 10(106 loo 10 IMI.04 1((0.06
do S4s . . 100.04 100-08 100.06 100.06
Boston Mining Stocks.
BOSTON, Dec. 30. Closing quotations:
Allouez 2.1 IN Burte 12
-mis -:(.':a Dominion.. 2J
Cal & AriJ! 57 ;osceola 30
ChI Hecla...272 Oulncv 43
Centennial .... 9'iSuperior 2
Cop Itng Cn Co 3su sop A Bos Min. 18
E Butte CP Mn 11 4 'Shannon 1
Frnklln 1 4'1'tKh Consol. . . . 1
Isle Roy fcopr) 224TWlnona 40
Lape Copper... 2 4 Wolverine 10
Mohawk 54 4 j
Swift Cn. Stocks.
Closing prices for Swift A Co. stocks at
Chit ago were reported by the Overbeck A
Cooke company of Portland as follows:
Swift & Co j)8
Llhhy. McNeil A Libby- '. 5
National Leather 2
Swift International . 22
Money, Silver, Eta
NEW YORK. Dec. SO. Call money,
strong: high. 6; low, 5; ruling rate. 5:
closing bid. 3; offered at 6; laat loan. 8
per cent.
Time lonns. firm: 60 dnvs. 3.14; 90
days, 5S'.14; six months, rx.1 per cent.
Prime mercantile paper. 5.1i. per cent.
Foreign bar silver, 64 44c; Mexican dol
lars, 491-.
LONDON, Dec. 30 Bar silver. 3lJd per
ounce. Money, 3 4 per cent. Discount
rates, short bills. 4 per cent; three months
bills, 3 per cent.
New York Bonds.
New York bond quotations furnished by
Herrin A Rhudea, Inc.. of Portland:
. .,..,,,. Maturity. Price.
Am Tel A Tel 0 i;imj jopi
Am Tel A Tel 6s 1024 on'4
Am Tob 7s .....' 11122 10114
Am Tob 7s 1021 101
Anaconda 7h B 11129 100
Anaconda 6s A 102M 07
Armour cv 7s bi:1o 102
Armour 4,-;. 19311 H7
Argentine GI 5S !lo5 78
Am Ag Chem 7 4s 11m 1004
Beth Steel 7s IP22 1(104
Beth Steel 7s ,I23 IO04
Beth Steel Eq 7a lull piili;
Belgium Kxt 74s 104.1 104
Belgium 6s 102.1 954
Belgium 8s . . . .' IUO 1n
Bergen ss. City of 1943 10.1 4
Berne 8s. City of 1H4! 1(W4
Brazil 8s 11,41 11141,4
Canadian 5s 1026 1(5
Canadian 3s 11,31 94
Catv Nut K( 7s 1035 1(S4
Chi N W 64s lu.w ,OH
Chi A N W 7a l;,;(o
C, M & St Pt gn and rf 44s A. 2014 57
Can Nor 7s IU40 lou
Chile 8s U141 mi
Chriivtiunia 8s. City of 1114.1 lm;4
Copper Kxp 8s IS122 I014
Copper Exp 8, 1:,,; 1014
Copper Exp 8s 11(24 ins
Copper Exp 8s 1925 1114
Cuban Amer Sugar 83 11131 102
Con Gas cv 7a 10'M 101
Dia .Match 7s 11135 ju'h'
Denmark 8s 1045 107
Danish Mun 8s ...1045 106
Dirpnnt 74s !l031 U4
French ext 8s 11143 1,1,74
French 74s 11141 04
Grand Trunk 7a 1940 into:
Goodrich 7 192.1 96
Goodyear 8s 11,41 1104
Guif Oil 7s 19.13 KM
Great Northern 7s 1036 107 4
Humble Oil 7 11,23 11974
Int Itap Tr ref 5s 11UI6 54
Int Mar CT 6s 11141 H04
Int Hap Tr 7s (,o,
Kelly-Springfield 8s 1931 103
Kennecott 7s min 1014
I.ibhy. McNeil A I.lbby 7s 1031 99
Morris A Co. 7 4s 1030 103
Mexican Pete 8s mm HH4
NYC call 7s 1:1.11, 06
N P and O N Joint 6s 1036 106
Northwest Tel 7s 1041 1074
Pan Amer 7s 180 95
Penna 6 4s 10.10 104 4
San Paulo 8s inn 1014
Southwest Tel 7s 1025 1(8)4
Swedish govt 6s Hint (,474
Standard Oil of Cal 7s 1031 106 4
Steel & Tube 7s 1951 97
Swiss 8s PMO 114
Sears Roe 7s 1022 98
Sears Roe 7s 1923 9S
Sinclair 74s 11125 99
Swift A Co. 7s 1925 IOO'
Union Tank 7s 1930 104
IT S Rubber 7s , 1930 103
Wilson first 6s 1028 S.V.
West Elec 7s 1923 103 4
Westinghouse 7s 1031 10.14
Zurich 8s 1943 107
Foreign Bonds.
Foreign bond quotations furnished by
Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland:
, . - - ,,d- Aslt-
Belgian rest 5s 65 66
Belgian prem 5s 74 77
Belgian 7 4s. 1043.. 104 104
Belgian 6s. 1025 95 u,
Brazil 8s. 1041 1114 1014
British 5s, 1022 42s 4,",8
British 5s, 1027... 423 4.;. ,
British 5s. 1920 422 4.12
British vky 4s 3:0, 340
British ref 4s aw! 316
Bordeaux 6s. 1034 85 S04
Canadian 5s. 1037 93 4 95
Canadian 5s. 1026 05 4 nil
Canadian 54s. 1 929. ........ . 964 974
Canadian 5a, 1931 94'j 04
Canadian 54s. 1927 02 91
Chilean 8s, ,1941 101 nil 4
Currency fli Wu
Denmark Ss, 1943 107 108 4
Dan Muni 8s, HMO 1O04 I1104
French 4a, 1917 4s 4!)
French Os. 1020 72 71
French 3s. 1931 fJO 614
French 7s. 1941 04'4 91.
French 8s. 1945 9i)r 100
German W L 5s 3. 44
Berlin 4s 4 5
Hamburg 4s 44 6
Hamburg 4s 5 54
Lelpaig 4a 5 64
Leipsig 5s 8 7 4
Munich 4s 5 84
Munich 5s 6 8
Frankfort 4s 6 8
Italian 5s. 1918 34 85
Jap 4s. 1031 72 73
Jap 1st 44s, 1925 S(l 86t
Jap 2d 44s. 1023 86 864
Norway Ss. 1940 Km 109
Russian 5s. 1921 12 14
Russian 34s. 1026 14 24
Russian 64s. 1911) 12 14
Swiss 54s. 1929 95 98
Swiss 8s. 1940 113 11.T4
U K 5s. 1022 100 IO04
U K 54s, 1022 100 1004
V K 54s. 1029 09. 99
U K 6s, 1937 5 95
Foreign Exchange.
Foreign exchange rates at the close of
business yesterday, furnished by North
western Kauooai bank ot i'oriland. Xns
amount quoted Is the equivalent of
foreign units in United States funds:
Austria, kronen -t
Belgium, francs .........-..
Bulgaria, leva ........
Czecho-S:ovakla. kronen
Denmark, kroner
England, pound sterling 4.
Finland, flnmark
France, francs
Germany, marks
Greece, drachmas
Holland, guilders
Hungary, kronen ..................
Italy, lire . .
Jugo-Slavia, kronen
Norway, kroner
Portugal, escudos .......
Roumania, lei .....................
Serbia, dinars,
Spain, pesetas
Sweden, kroner
Switzerland, francs
China Hongkong, local currency... .
Shanghai, taels
Japan, yen
NEW YORK. Dec. 80. Foreign exchange
strong: Great Britain, demand $4.21.
cables $4.21; FTance, demand 8.04. cables
8 044; Italy, demand 4.33 4. cables 4 34;
Belgium, demand 7.694. cables 7.70; Ger
many, demand, .54 4, cables. .34 : Holland,
demand 36.85, cablea 36 01; Norway, de
mand 16. 00; Sweden, demand 23.12; Den
mark, demand 20.00; Switzerland, demand
19.55; Spain.' demand 14.95; Greece, de
mand 4.25; Argentine, demand 33.30;. Bra
zil, demand 12.80; Montreal, 94.
Standard Oil Stocks.
Standard Oil stocks at New York, fur
nished by Overbeck sc Cooke company of .
Borne Scryemer .
Cheesehrough ...
do pfd ........
Crescent ........
Cumberland .....
Galena com
do Old pfd
do New pfd ...
Illinois Pipe
Indiana Pipe ....
Nat' I Transit ....
N. Y. Transit ....
Northern Pipe ...
Ohio Oil
Inter'l Pete
Penn Mex
Prairie Oil
Prairie Pipe
Solar Kefg
Southern i'lpe ...
South Penn Oil ..
s. W. Penn Oil . .
S. O. Ind
S. O. Kansas ...
S. O. Kentucky...
S. O. N Y
S. O. Ohio
do pfd
Swan A Finch . . .
S. O. Nebraska
Imperial Oil I "3
Bearish Government Acreage Ke
port and Suspension of Hull
Firm Are Factors.
CHICAGO. Dec. 30. Fre sHlirr, due to
the government report on winter wheat
and to liquidation on the part of a house
in financial difficulties, led to material
setbacks today In the value of rain.
Wheat closed unsettled, 2c to 7c net
lower, with May $1.13 to $1.15 and July
1.03"i to $1.04. Corn lost lc to lWc
net and oats c to 14c. In provisions
the outcome varied from 13c decline to
2VaC advance.
Bearish sentiment regarding- the rovern
ment report was based on contentions that
the vie.ld Indicated for winter wheat would
be 50,000., KM) to 70,000,000 bushels more
than as a rule had been looked for. Kljr
ureea purporting; to show that the lI'-2
harvest would nevertheless be 67.000.000
bushels less than last year's total failed to
check the downward swing of ihe market.
Support for values was poor, and with
ltnuldattnjr sales in progress the lowest
level of the day was reached shortly be
fore announcement was made that a large
firm on the hull side had suspended. Ces
sation of selling pressure followed, and in
the brief lnteral until the close a mod
erate rally took place. Primary receipts
today were less than half as much as the
amount a year aeo.
Corn and oats were lower In sympathy
with wheat and on account of hftlglng
and liquidating sales. Shorts, however,
were covering at the last.
Provisions reflected the weakness of
hogs and grain.
The Chicago grain letter received yes
terday by the Overbeck A Cooke company
of Portland follows:
Wheat A spurt of strength early In the
session was followed by general liquida
tion, which carried prices to a discount of
about A cents under the previous close.
The late rally was due to buying by
shorts. A disturbing Item of news was
the report that Argentina was underselling
the I'nlted States on wheat to Europe,
with the result that much of the buying
which was expected to come here was go
ing to that country. The seaboard said a
fair amount of wheat was taken on the
bre.-k. but gave no detaiW and the sup
position Is that It was Ca had Ian wheat.
The government Indicated yield given out
this morning as 637.000.000 bushels was
considered far too iigh by the trade.
Primary receipts were only 402,000 bushels
or about per cent of lust yeqr, and cash
markets were quoted strong with the de
mand good. The report late in the ses
sion that a prominent commission house
was in trouble will very likely create a
feeling of uneasiness and probably have
the effect of lowering prices further.
Com Selling by cash houses, accom
panied bv clsims of increased courtry of
ferings, caused weakness early in the day
which was further augmented by liquida
tion of long contracts ns the market de
clined. The cash demand was good and
although prices were 1 to 1H cents lower,
the trading basis was comparatively strong.
The sea hoard reported 100 OOO bushets
worked for export and said further busi
ness was under way. We consider this
mnrket In a strong position but tempor
arily a response might be prevented by the
feeling of oneertnlntv now prevalent.
Oats tracked independent feature and
'allowed the general trend of other grains.
The trade was not larre. but buving power
was Insuf 'Irient to absorb scattered sell
!nr. The shipping demand was the smal'-
est for some time with Mies of 350.O00
bushels reported, all domestic. Cash prices
were lower, but the trading basts a shade
firmer. Some Ineresse was reported In
country offerinrs, due to the reduced
freight rates going into effect the first
of the year.
Rye Futures were Inactive j.nd the mar
ket lower in sympathy with wheat. The
principal buving was by seaboard inter
ests, presumably against sales for export.
Cash rve wss nominally stesdv at 4H
ver Tecember for No. 2 on track.
leading futures rsneed as follows:
Open. Higa. Low. Close.
May .... 1.13fc IIS
July ....1.06 l.oJi l.OVi 1.03
Mav ' 54 '4 .344 .fSS .M
July 5i4 ..VH4 .544 .55
Msy 30 ,39 H .US 14 .SR K
July 40 -.40 .39 .99"
Jan 14.95
Jan n.rr s.-o s to
May .... 0.0O 0.07 8.93 .07
Jan 7.72 7.77 7 70 7 73
Mav 7.92 7.97 7.92 7.97
Cash prices were:
Wheat No. 1 dark northern, $1.38; No.
3 dark northern. SI. 15.
Corn No. 2 mixed, 4S349c; No. 2 yel
low. 484 tfr4io.
Oats No. 2 white, 363374c; No, S
white. S34 ff35Hc.
Rye No. 3. 51c.
Rarlev 49 -i fi ,Vo.
Timothy seed rr6.10.
Clover seed $12.50 18.50. t
Pork Nom inal.
Ln rd Jfi.70.
Kibs $7.25ijr.?.V
Primary Receipt.
CHTCAGO. Dec. 80 Receipts Wheat,
402,000 bushels, against SSO.O.. bushels;
corn, 729,000 bushels against 721.000 bush
els; oats, 3U5,uO0 bushels against 476,000
Shipments Wheat, 2S6.000 bushels
against HH1.000 bushels; corn, 1,138.000
bushels, against bushels; oata, 60S,.
OOO bushels against 353,000 bushels.
Clearances Wheat, 642,000 bushels;
corn, infl.OOO bushels; rye, 249,000 bushels;
flour 10.000 barrels.
Car Lots Minneapolis: Wheat, 110;
com, 28; oats, 41. Kansas City: Wheat.
02 com. 2.; oats. 5. fit. Louis: "Wheat,
1.1; coru, 25; oats, 11. Duluth: Wheat.
b; com, 27; oat 4i rje, I. WUalwg:
(Wins I
nn.'.A - Vi'.f- JE'- - J
for stationery I
Bid. Asked. I C5 S Card
.. 17 VV T ncords
..3J-. 3.-.K vTVj 15
.. (Ci s . II X
. .lso nw SSJ' -
.. 17 IS vO
..5.VS R1I5 NOVv 5 1
. .3;io '!.-. OvY i
.. 78 3
. .117 .;! ' Correspond.
;'4 K' tncthckUr
"sr"" draw"
'. "30!-, 31'!-.
. . :t:i .".s
..1W its
103 I
ltie stenoGravner
and Iyer tools
HOW about your typewriter desks? Are they comfortable? Business-like?
Do they have ample drawer room compact,
neat space for stationery and card records? A typewriter support
that doesn't vibrate with every stroke of the keys ?
West-Made is the ideal stenographic desk. One exclusive feature
is the correspondence tickler or "worry-saver." This alone in
creases the efficiency of many stenographers 50. Companies like
the Durant Motor Company, Standard Oil, Shell Oil, Federal Re
serve Banks, that employ many stenographers, use West-Made
West-Made is complete line of office desks. Styles for executive or penoral
offices for business and professional people. But every style, sturdy, well-made,
good-looking. Added to the recognized merit is a substantial saving in freight,
because West-Made desks are built on the Pacific Coast. Sold under unlimited '
These dealers will be glad to show you the West-Made line.
Portland, U. S. A.
Kilham Stationery & Printing Co.
Glass & Prudhomme Co.
Bushong & Co.
The Fifty -Year Desk
Wheat, 412; oats, 116; barly. 10. Omtha:
'Wheat. 34, corn, 38: oats. 7.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 30. Barley 3S
Klax No. 1. l.HIH4(f2.0':ii.
Wheat December, 1.4'i; May. S1.21K;
July. Sl.17.
Winnipeg; Grain Market.
WINNIPEG. Dec. 3. Wheat Decem
ber, 1.0Sli; May, 1.10'4; July. ,1.08.
Duluth Linseed Market.
DITTjITTH, Dec. SO. Linseed On track.
$1.9s8i!.01; arrive, fl.UHM,.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN KKANC1SOO, Dec. 30. flniln
Wheat, milling-. fl.t.t0 1. !.': feed. II.S3SJ
1.!3; barley, feed, 1.-3ffl.30; shlppin.
fl.30Ql.4u;' oats, red feed, f 1 Hi it;
corn, white Ksyptian, $1.7-' I. it hi; red
mllo. fl.4Ht!.4r..
Hay Whent. $17(!Xlf; fair, f!401T;
tame. oat. 1 ." (ff 1 1 : wild oat. tllsiKl. l
rair., f 13 18; stock. f!)12; straw, flO
Heattle Grain Market.
SEATTLR, Dec. 30. Whest Hard
white, $1.10; soft white, white club, hard
red winter, soft red winter, northern
spring. 11.09; eastern red Wulla, $1.07; Big
Bend blue-stem. $1.11.
City delivery: Hay Timothy t23; 6 r ,
f27; mued, f:i ; alfalfa, $17; d. e . -'::
straw. $1.1. Barley Whole. $33; ground
and rolled. $3."; clipped. $40; chirk starter.
S.f4 ; chop, sll grain, $35; coconnut meal.
$J8: corn. $33r34; corn, cracked and feed
meal, $37; cottonseed meal, $44; linseed
meal. f5S; mh mixture egg, f4U4H;
scratch feed. f41'u4(J: snv bean, fUO;
wheat, f44; Puget sound. $.'!.
PORTLAND. Pec. 30 Maximum tern
perature, 42 degrees; minimum. 34 degrees.
Kiver reading. A. M.. 4.5 feet: rhamte in
last 24 hours, none. Total rainfall t S P. M.
to 5 P. MJ, 0.O1 Inch: total rainfall since
September 1. 1921, 18.64 Inches; normal
ruinfall since September 1, II. II Inches;
deficiency of rainfall since Ht'ptember 1.
1H21, 0.27 Inch. Sunrise, 7:ns A. M. : sun
set, 4:34 P. M. Total sunshine Decem
ber 30. 1 hour 43 minutes; possible suit
shine, 8 hours 41 minutes. Monnriee, ft :18
A. M. December 31; muonset. 7 .13 P. M..
December 31. narometer (reduceil to sea
level) at 6 P. M.. 30 32 Inches. Kelatlve
humidltv at 6 A. M.. per cent; at nuun.
81 per cent; a. 0 P. M., 78 per cent.
. Wind
STATIONS. S c ' 2 W.MIwr.
R f I
. .
Boston ....
Calgary ....
Chicago ....
Denver ....
Des Moines.
Kureka ....
Galveston ..
Helena .....
Junes ut . . .
Kansas City.
Los Angeieat tin
Slarflhf ield
Jledford ..
New Orleans,
New Tork . .
North Head
J'hoenlx ....
Portland ,.
Koseburg ..
St. Louis....
Salt Lake.. ..
San Diego...
S. Francisco.
Valdelt ...
Walla Walla! 2'
Washington I
Winnipeg ...1 1)
Taklma I 12'
8: o
82 II
SS 0
411 0
S 0
4 0
30 0
34 O
Mi 0
74 .
44 II
42 0
40 0
82 0
24 0
44 0
70 0
411 0
42 0.
40 0
80 0
4 0
44 0
72 0.
62 0
42 0.
3 0
32 0 .
42 0
42 0
22 0
40 0.
24 0
32 0
OOi . . 'SK
02'. .!.-
.00 10 NW
.IMI . . . . ..
(to 24 S
00 24 K
.00 IB NW
or. .ink
.0012 SB
Oft . . ,.s
.00 '. .1. ..
00 14 w
IMIl . . INK
110 i . . IN W
04'. ,'N'B
.00 32 W'
IIOI . . :s v
Oil 14 W
001.. i.V
01'.. N
02 . . ' K
(Ml 22 S
.1x1!. .'Shi
00 14 N
OO'. .1
001. JN
00 18 N
OO .10 NE
tK; . .
no; . . is
00 IS NW
00' . . 'N
'lt. cloudy
i Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
lt. cloudy
:Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
tA. 1L today,
'1. M. report of preceding
Portland and vicinity Fair winds most
ly easterly.
Oregon and Washington Cloudy and
threatening; moderate northeasterly winds.
Clioicc Hos Sell at 10 ( mis l'rc
in lum slicrp uikI I.anihs
Are l iii'liuiiged.
The cattle market was the weak feature
of the livestock tra'le yesterday. No
change was made In prices at the yards,
but the day's sales indicated :li-t .i:u-
were fuliv 1 fills lower. llwus . re
steady, with U :i the r'-mllur t .
load of choice grade brought a pre
mium over this price, sheep and lambs
were unchanged.
Receipts were 201 cattle.
137 hogs.
The day's sales were as follows:
1 calf and
Wl. Prlr
f 7 I
Wl. Pries
& cows.
1 cow . .
1 cow . .
4 cows .
1 cow . .
2 cows.
1 hull..
1 hill! . .
1 stag..
1 M ute . .
4 ."O l." ttilxnd
tt 2." 3 tn leil
3 7 .'i 43 hoas. .
3 7"i 2 .
n fo N hogs. .
4 00 3 hogs. .
3 :.o' 11 huga. .
1 Im.k...
1 hr . . .
." wet hers
;to wethers
1.2.". 102 hogs
3 oo 2 hogs.
3 oo hogs.
2 Sll 4 hogs.
4 ".
I! oo'
n lor
a i"
8 OO
ft l.o
4 :
Ti 1
6 23!
12 steers.
23 s: 'ers.
lo steers, lolo
17 steers. 1o72
8 steers. 1O00
17 steers. 1 nil
3 steers. 1140
5 steers. 71'0
1 steer .. lOttl
1 sterr.. 1"2"
2 cows. 12.'3
12 cows. 1171
H cows. 1 1 70
7 cows. 1 K'3
Scows. Il"i2
2 cows. s0
1 cow.. 1 i:m
cows. . 7t'3
lcow.. 1010
2 cows. 10.13
2 cows, mm
1 COW..' OOO
2 cows . M 3
1 cow .. 1 '-'in
lcow.. 1040
1 cow.. 1070
Prices minted at the Portl
stockyards wore as follows;
Choice steers
Medium to good Steers
Fair to medium steers
Common to fair steers
Choice feeders
Fair to good feeders
Choice cows and heifers
Medium to good COWS, heifers.
Fair to medium tun, heifers.
Common cows
Choice dairy calves
Prime light calves
Medium light uulves
Heavy calves
Prime llfrllt
Smooth heavy, 2:10 to 301) lbs.
Smooth heavy, 300 lbs. and up.
Hough heavy
Fat pigs
Feeder pigs
Stags, subject to dockage
Fast -of -mountain lambs. ..... .
Best valley lambs
Fair to good
Cull lumbs
F.aMtejn Oregon feeders
Light yearlings
Hesvy yearlings
Light wethers
Heavy wethers
!U0 $ 4 7'
1OI0 4 ofl
OTO 4 oo
loco 4 A
1230 4 23
1 133 4 -3
13tH 4 00
13:ol 3 73
lnoo 4 23
1 1 4 on
3 33 3 23
h 13 3 OO
HS S 73
!i 3 N 7 3
170 8 23
100 II 23
2o3 II OO
230 S OO
" :o H 30
I 114 3
I till 4 .311
101 1133
223 73
2V3 H 73
212 33
land I'nion
7 nOf T.73
011 o 7 oo
0 OO'ol 0 .30
3. no .1 i; no
filei'n r. Ml
4 ro 3 oo
...r.o'.ii 8 no
A. 00 'ol 5 311
4 3o 'el 3 OO
8 3ow 4. .30
2, 30 O' 3 30
3 .".ovf 4 23
ri 10. OO
K OO 'o 0 OO
n oil fir H OO
GOOW 8.00
n flora 0.2"
7.30'.rl M.30
I! .311 wi 7.30
8 oo fil 7 OO
S.30-.I' 11 on
30'. S 73
5.00 8.30
s on t S 30
, MV,! H OO
4 no'o: 8 oo
0 OO'T 7 oil
o Oolr 7 OO
S .(I0W 8 OO
4 30'ii 3 30
, 4 on-'! 3 K
1.00U 5.00
6 .SO; calve., steady to strorg; best veal,
ers, $S 30ii K, 73, ehoire, medium eClgllts,
$7't 7 73; other classes plow and mostly
steady; hulk r.innerM. $2.2.3'o 2 30; hull-,
iiinj'tlv 3.23fr it 7.3; early sales (dockets,
$3'., 3 73.
llors Itercipts, 41100: unevenly 23c lower
lo both shlppeis and p.i.l,ei; p,M 130 i
173-pound w. ignts. $7 .lo'.i 7 40; good atol
choice 200 lo 2t'0-..und weights lo Pack
er. $7 loo 7.13; bulk of s.i l"S. 'i so -I 7 t o ;
top. 17 I'l; ino.t I'.mI leg s.eiw, S3 23 'Ml
3 30" s'rk pICS lip to $7 30 h'eady to WeiiU.
Sieep- rteeeipls. '.'OHO; flie.i H'H'IV,
lamb. ltl'J -Tm: lulMi, fr.i tHt e rtll'rs,
fil 13.
Omiilm I.lxeHtiM-k Market.
OMAHA. Ii.e. 30 (Tutted sutrs Mi.
reau of toarief l.,g. He.ollds, I2.3O0;
CMily sales g.iod, hogs lo sllll'pis, o.i .3,1
lower. Sl 73 'i i; till: top, 7 13; w. ik' li'd
noisily .1.3 ! 30e lower; hulk, $lt tl j II till ;
parking gtade.. f 3 o .3 73.
I 'a 1 1 le K. cei il I I OO : href steeri. 23'!
or more lower, v ry dull: h. st 14. o poind
beeves. 17 ,'i; she stork 23c lowei ; vea.t
steady: sloek.'is and f.o.ier. utiriiange'l.
Sheep l:erei.:s .3,300; rhotee tat lan.l.s
to shippers, si'., ly; other. 13''i23e lower
hulk, i IO 23't 10 30; top. Jill S3, sheep e.
tremely dull; no early sales, feeding lumhS
strong ; top, in 00
Scuttle I. Ire. lock Market.
steady; no
Every large city haa one newspaper
which, by universal consent. Is the
Want-Ad medium of the community.
In Portland it's The Oregonlart.
Chlrawrn Livestock Market.
CHICAUO. lec. 30. d nited States hu
real of markets ) Cattle Kec.etpts. iSiiod;
no choice steers here; medium to good
grades very dull, around 30c to 73o lower
than yesterday: few best yearlings steady:
top. $!; bulk beef steers. $0.23 'n 7 3d ; she
stock, steady to lower; hulk. $3 73 'i 3.2.i ;
canners and cutters mostly 2.30y 3 2.i;
bulls strong; storkers and feeders, slow
to 23c lower: best shipping calves, strong.
Hngtt (38.8O0. unevenly 23c to 511c lower
than yesterday's average: trade moderate
ly active to shippers and small and large
packers: top, $7.75 for 140 to 130-poun.l
weight to shippers: bulk ISO to 2O0-poun.l
hogs. $7!t?7.13; 220 to 230-pound weights
fB.c.oifi 8.73: pies unevenlv lower.
shePpKeceipis. 10,000; generally
steady- some medium fat lambs 23c lower;
fat lambs, top. early, to packers, 1 11.80;
shippers took one load at Jll.73: good to
choice clippers. $1023: good 103-pound
ewes, fit. 40: few at 13.50; one load feeder
lambs steady at 1 10 30.
Kansas City livestock Market.
KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Dec. 30. ( United
States bureau of markets I Cattle Ke
celpts, 2000: beef steers dull, steady to 2c
lower, mostlv 23c lower: early top. $7.80;
other sales, $3 007 .15; better grades, she
stock mostly 23c lower: plain kinds steady;
few choice cows 5iH23; many plain and
rceHiiirn In'. MI': rood be'fer. 3'"
for January funds
We offer
Rate Yield
Lane County, Road . . . ......... ....... . . 5
Molalla, Oregon, Water 6
Seattle, Wash., Imp 6
Wenatchee, Wash., Imp 6
Prince George, B. C 6
French Government. . .....i. . . 8
418 N. W. National Bank Building Phone Main 700
SKATTI.K, l'o.-. .Hit W'KH,
Chm'm-, BiuuUy, rcc'-'ipth .VJ. p:ttr un
Sr.ASONAI. I-l I f, IV lll'SINKS-l
- a
OiiMimk I fr .ralnnl C'ommrrlnl K
rovrry. NEW TOniC, Dc. 30. Dun' tomorrow
will ray:
A year whtrli hati mark"'! by Kn-
"tmI tnri(.rn ir rHi..luT in-nl cuinfn t 1 1 a
rlo-tlr.n: fH't'-trf-n In liunlnr(,s tho pr.-
viiil.nie romlit icn. hul whh prnminw of lin
)rov'iiitiiit to f"llow. Whim t hs
lull h.ift hn niMiiowhnt nior tirniiniinr' i
tjiun usunl. riiuih h h'n r'-nniplinh'Ml
In Ih wiiy of t-trriK.hTtinii: th fuml.t-ni-ntal
niiuntKin ni thn uullonk in (or
lun hfp frniduul rninm'rial rfffivfrv.
Kir :il i'st uiKitfi of crop production m
phnni." r't purchHumi, ptw"r it
arricultural cntiiniunliitn. miuillrr y tw
u n.l ow r prict-s hnvitiif a lur-rnt hltn
lnt'ItH-n. nnl unt-mpluyinttit in iiiHnufiK'
t tin 11 tr tin ft nmrcnnt il chrinncln nciM-ntn-
1 mm th restrlci Ion of public conoumtn
capnclt y.
W'a'kiy bank clearlrifffi wor l,9T8,i
Nural H(oro.
PAVAWMr. Ja., Ij.-c. :t0. Tiirp-nt1n
firm. T".'"c; fnlfji, 10 hiirrplf; rccciptH, ITS;
shipin'-niff. .'Hil ; tork. i;t.."S4.
Itosiii firm ; salr-i, 1 .'t'T, !iHrrln: rprlptn.
1rtir.; jxhlpnu'iitfi, 7"J;.; Mock, Qnntf!
H. U, K. F. (1, 11, I, 4.r; K. $4 60; M,
0. Ho; N, $."..3,0; W. fl., $;. .o; W. W.. $
Cotton .Market.
KKW TOTi K. Ioc. SO. Spot COt to
stcaJy. Mid'Hintr. lit.4."ip.
Dried Fruit at New York.
NEW YOItK, Dec. 30. Kvaportted
api'lrs nominal. Prunes Atoady. Apricots
uud peaches firm. ItalnlnH unsettled.
Hlden, Kfr nt New York.
NEW YCKlv, Doc. 3i). Hops, hides and
wool nnrh n n ptd .
"Federal Tax Law
Have you a copy of
our free booklet containing-
the text and a digest
of the new Income Tax
Law? If not, let us
know. ,
I Joiin G.n?Lvrosn&CoJ
Casco Bldg.
Main 5406
Ml AltTIKANS liril.DING.
Broadway 253.
Kalanre Kheet. Income Tax
Mnant'lul Kxamlnationa
Correoronrtenta E. F. HI'TTON A CO, N. T,
ilomben all leading exchHngcs
Hnbson'-i Srrvloe oa File.
a- l f.u., u.. I t II.. I. . l,u, nl.l.