1G TIIE 3IORXIXG ORECOXIAX, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1921 highways to in; rnoTi:cTi:i), SAYS JOHN IJ. YKO.V. Commissioner Says Much Unmage Was Iue to Speeding by Overloaded Trueks. . "Vnder the measures enacted at the special session of the lesriKlature we are now in position to save the highways from destruction," stated Jotin B. Yeon. member of the state liisrhway commission. "If we cannot curb the forces which have been de troyfn(f the roads, then someone is aslfep at the switch. "it Is now possible for tis to regu late tlie weight and speed of loads, iluch of the damage was being done by overloading of trucks and speed ing these vehicles, the Impact being one of the destructive elements. By the acts which will soon become laws. tile highway department can enforce riKidly the matter of weixhts and speed. The penalties attached are fuich that drivers and owners should. In their own Interest, co-operate in the law enforcement. "When an officer Is In doubt as to the load beinjt carried, he can compel the driver to produce his freiRht bills. These will disclose the exact amount of freight on the load and the weight. These freight bills will speak for themselves. "I'ollcinsr the highways has been delegated to the commission. This Is something that the commission did not ask for. but It will accept the re sponsibility. The commission, in due time, will work out the details of how this policing is to be carried on, and It will be a very simple matter if the sheriff's of the various counties "will lend their assistance. "Little revenue In the way of com pensation will be yielded by the new laws, but the main idea is to get something which will form a basis for future consideration. For instance. It will be possible, under the new ar rangement, to gather all the statistics- needed on which to work out an Intelligent schedule of rates by the time the regular session of the legis lature assembles in 1923. The start has been made. "Passenger busses are no longer to run wild, but they, too, will feel the curb of law. The state public service commission is to have Jurisdiction of them. There will be no exclusive franchises granted to bus owners for certain runs; experience In Washing ton and California has shown that the exclusive franchise is something to be avoided. The public which patronl7.es the bus lines will have a protection which was lacking in the Iast, In most instances, as the opera tors of these lines must deposit a suitable and sufficient bond. This provision will make the bus lines financially responsible. "Before the special session was called there was a demand from all fections of Oregon for some regula tion which would protect the high ways, and this has been provided. The laws will be enforced vigorously to save the roads and to protect thv public." THUG TO GO TO PRISON L'AHL IIAXDV, 17, SEXTEXC'ED TO 20 MONTHS. Y'outli Who Purlieiputed In Hold Up on Highway Must Serve Time in Penitentiary. Karl Bandy. 17, who twice has escaped from the state reform school and has been classed as incorrigible by Juvenile authorities, was sen tenced to 26 months' Imprisonment in the state penitentiary by Presiding Circuit Judge Morrow for his part in the hold-up of un automobile on Cor nelius pass road two weeks ago. Bandy was accompanied by Earl Folkenberg in the exploit. Bandy pleaded guilty but Folkenberg Indi cated that he wuuld stand trial. Fol kenberg is 21 but has no criminal record, it is asserted. Both young men robbed the home of Oscar Folkenberg. uncle of one of them, the week before the automo bile episode, drove to Seattle in a light car In which one of the boys had an equity, sold the machine unci returned to Portland in time to stage an automobile hold-up which was not successful. Only a few dollars were obtained and the disappointed rob bers emptied a revolver after the automobile in which the victims fled. The hold-up was staged ut a bad time of the year for outlaws to live in the open and the bitter cold night drove t lie young men to the shelter of Folkenberg's home, where they were arrested by the uncle and turned over to the sheriffs office. The revolver used In t ie hold-up was obtained in the robbery of the unclo'a house. Both are suid to have con fessed to the highway robbery. fflDEDMi ADOPTED STEPDACG IITER NOW LEGAL CHILD OF' MfclU'H.VNT. Special Papers Are Xeeevary to Make Mother of Two Hoys Heir of J. T. Conway. What Is said to have been one of the most unusual cases of adoption In the history of the state occurred the day before Christinas, when Mrs. Bessie Lenore Sroat, "legal age" and the mother of two sons. 19 and 15 years old, was adopted by her step father, J. T. Conway, the proprietor of a-tring of army goods stores in the state. Special papers had to be made out for the adoption, inasmuch ns the regular form provides for the adoption of a "child." The adoption occurred at a hearing before Judge Tazwell on December 24. but it was not until yesterday that the unusual features of the case were learned. Mrs. Sroat Is the daughter of Mr. Conway's wife by a former marriage She is the wife of Irving H. Sroat. who is associated with Mr. Conway In the conduct of his stores. Mr. Conway's Portland store Is at 194 Third street, but he also has stores in Salem. Marshfleld. Albany. Bend and Medford and Is planning to open another immediately In Kelso, Wash. Mr. Conway said yesterday that the adoption was to prevent any question with reference to the transfer of his property in case of an accident as well as to cement more closely the ties of his family. Divorce Is Asked. Separation from the wife he ac quired In San Diego, Cal last June was sought by Albert D. Blond in a suit filed In the circuit court yester day against Florence E. Blond, whom he accused of calling him vile names kicking and striking him. and of be ing Jealous without reason. A second divorce suit was filed by Mabel B. Bunsoo. against Julius Benson. MovingPietureNew? TODAY'S FILM FEATURES. Liberty Jack Holt, "The Call of the North." Columbia John Barrymore, 'The Lotus Eater." Rlvoli Charles Kay, "R. S. V. P." Peoples Mabel Ballin, "Jane Eyre." Majestic Thomas Jefferson, "Kip Van Winkle." Blue Mouse Harold Lloyd, "A Sailor-Made Man." Star 'The Last of the Mohi cans." Hippodrome "The Old Oaken Bucket." Circle Elsie Ferguson, "Foot lights." t Chakiajttis BRONTES great novel, "Jane Eyre." has all the necessary elements 'for a splen did motion picture. This famous book has been adapted to the screen and the picture opens today at the Peo ples theater. The reviews by eastern critics have been complimentary and have stressed . particularly the skill and artistry of the direction. Hugo Ballin made the picture and much of the credit for its success is attributed to him. Before Mr. Ballin became a motion picture producer, he was an artist, a mural painter, and his screen productions reflect his years of training in this work. The story of the little orphan Jane, who suffered at the hands of her selfish aunt, went through heart breaking experiences in an English charity school, was a governness and fell in love with an English squire. Is well known. Its heart appeal and interest Is as strong now as when the story was first published in 1847 and created such excitement. Mabel Ballin is cast In the title role. Her beauty and haunting, wist ful eyes Bhould fit her admirably for the part. Norman Trevor appears as Fairfax Rochester, the squire, who loves Jane, but keeps from her his TAXPAYERS CUT EXTKAS OFF 1922 OUTLAY". Proposed Improvements Arc Voted Down, Salaries Cut and Offices Abolished. OHECJOX CITY. Or., Dec. 30 (Fpe- cial.) Taxpayers at tne annual budget meeting today voted for the elim ination of two deputy clerks In the courthouse, cut the tax collector's sal ary and the salary of his chief deputy, abolished the office of county club leader, abolished all overtime in the tax department, pruned the allowance for traffic law enforcement so as to provide for one instead of two offi cers, cut the expense allowance of the circuit court $501) and practically halved the appropriation for the sal aries and expenses of the county health officer and county physician. 'i'hey also killed moves to establish a county health nurse, a county poor farm and a county library. The only increase in the entire budget as outlined was made in the fund provided for enforcement of the prohibition statutes. The $1500 for this purpose, upon resolution Intro duced by District Attorney Stipp, was taken from the sheriff's budget, aug mented by $500 and placed under the control of the county court. Under this arrangement expenses Incurred by both the sheriff's office and the district attorney in this work can be paid from a fund provided for the purpose. A $6500 fund provided in the budget for the building of a new jail was approved. PROTESTS ARE OVERRULED Hatch Creek Sewer Assessments Up held by Council. Members of the city council at a special meeting yesterday afternoon decided to overrule the remonstrances filed against the assessment for con struction of the Batch creek sewer. A special committee appointed by Mayor Baker, composed of City At torney Grant, City Auditor Funk and City Engineer Laurgaard. investi gated the claims of the remonstra tors and recommended that the origi nal assessments be made. Frederick V. Holman, the Welnhard estate and Percy H. Blythe were the principal objectors to the assessment, all claiming 'that the sewer was of no value to their property because they could not connect with it until other extensions were built. Mr. Hol man owns 27 acres In the assessment district and ,his assessment totaled $7529.58; the Weinhard estate holds) title to eight acres assessed at $23.14.21, while Mr. Blythe owns a; nil m liar ttt ro rn 1 o r. f lonrt n oi ' which the assessments total about $10,000. Alleged Itobber Held. Kelly Swagan was arrested yester day on a warrant based on a grand Jury indictment returned in the after noon charging him with assault and robbery, being armed with a danger ous weapon. He was specifically ac cused of holding up Martin Bye on December 26 and robbing him of and a watch and chain. Bye Identl- FACE DISFIGURED Itched and Burned. Lost Rest Csticcra Heals. " My skin became irritated by using different kinds of ointments and when I scratched it pimples formed on my face and forehead. The pimples itched and burned and I scratched them, and my face was disfigured. I lost rest at night because of the irritation. "The trouble lasted six weeks be fore I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and after using four cakes of Soap and three boxes of Oint ment I was healed in one month." (Signed) Miss Elizabeth Stevens, 1215-62nd St., Oakland, Calif. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for all toilet purposes, luplo lath rresbr Man. Addrvxr "Orttnrate. ermtorlu, O.pl. a, kuldsaes. Maw." SoldmrT' whg. Soap 26a. OlntlMOt 26 and 60e. Talcum 2Sc a' l) Cuticnrm So .h.M without nnf. WITH PIMPLES carefully guarded secret almost to the day of their wedding. The near-tragedy In the story, the sad separation of Jane and Rochester I and their final reunion, call for many I emotional scenes. I The cast Includes, in adition to the I principals, Crauford Kent, Emily Fitz J , Roy, John Webb Dillon, Louis Grizel, i , Elizabeth Aeriens. Screen Gossip. Helcne Chadwick and Richard Dix, the most popular team in pictures, will be together again in "Brothers Under the Skin," a Peter B. Kyne story, which will soon be produced under the direction of E. Mason Hop per. Claire Windsor and Jacqueline Logan will also be in the cast. . m m m j Marshall Neilan has completed the filming of "Penrod" and promises that he has faithfully adhered to the spirit of Booth Tarkingtons classic of American boyhood. The subtitles have been taken from the author's own words in the book. m Little Jackie Coogan received a large number of Christmas presents from his admirers all over the world, tt is needless to say there was no work done at the Coogan studio for a couple of days after December 5. A prevalent impression of the lux ury in which movie stars are sup posed to live was dispelled by An tonio Moreno, who passed Christmas playing dominoes with friends and going to a movie show. ... One would think the actors in Mack Sennett comedies have plenty of ex ercise from the stunts he introduces In his pictures; nevertheless Sennett has built a gymnasium for actors at his plant in California. ... In his next comedy. Buster Keaton will be a policeman or at least that is the inference from the title he has Just given it, "Cops." Ruth Renlck has deserted the films long enough to appear In a series of stage plays at Phoenix with a stock company. The Arizona capital Is Miss Renick's home town. fled his assailant from a picture. Swagan, when arrested, possessed a pawn ticket for the watch, it was asserted. Fossil Masons Install Officers. FOSSIL, Or., Dec 30. (Special.) The Masonic lodge of Fossil installed officers for the coming year last Tuesday evening as follows: Wor shipful master, J. W. Hughes; senior warden, David Dor; junior warden, Charles Stanford; treasurer, J. H. Putnam; secretary, Ed F. Ham: sen ior deacon, Ford Hendricks; Junior deacon, F. M. Gilliam; tyler, G. T. Angell. W. S. Moreland was install ing officer. After the business ses sion an oyster supper was served in the dining room of the Masonic hall. Auto Tag Sale Slow. VANCOUVER, Wash., Dec. 30. (Special.) During 1921. 5041 automo bile licenses were Issued. The law requires that If a machine is operated after January 1 it must have a tag on It. Applications have been re ceived for 1160 renewals and 255 new ones, a total of 1805. A.s it Is known there are more than 6000 machines and trucks In the county, it looks as though many will be violating the law during the early weeks in January. Read The OrCoroninn classified ads. PIATT SUFFERED SIX LONG YEARS Portland Man Is On His Feet Again and Says He's Feeling Like a Boy. 'The way Tanlac put me on mv feet beat anything: I ever saw," said R. J. Piatt, SS9 Kast Couch St., Port land. Or. "For six years I had indigestion of the worst sort and finally my whole system seemed to give way. i lost so much strength and energy I could hardly swing my hammer to rivet bolts and I began to be afraid mv working days were over. I was bothered a good deal by constipa tion, too. "Tanlac helped me from the very start and now I am just brimful of life and energy as a boy. Tanlac did for me in a few weeks what I had been trying for years to get other medicines to do." Tanlac Is sold in Portland bv the Owl Drug Co. and all leading drug gists. Adv. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In erder to earn the more than one time rate, AdvertiHlnjr miut run in con ftecutfve iwiue. One time 12c per line Two times (each issue) .... 1 lc per line Three times each Isat. ) . . . 10c per !in The above rates apply to all betulinjCB with the following fit-pptiuum Seven times (each Issue)... 9c per line One to six months, per month $2.00 per line Six to twelve monUia. per month $2.25 per line Situation Wanted. Each Insertion. 9e per line Help Wanted Lont and ound 1'entonal I'ropoKuis Invited Notices lSpeiiul Notices Funeral Notice Meeting; Notice One time .15c per tine Two titnee (each Issue) .... 14c per line Three times (each issue) .. ..23c per line Seven times (each, isaud) . . ,12c per line One month ii per line NEW TODAY Kates Per Line: Dally Sunday One time 16c 20c Two times (per issue) ....15c lfc Three times (per Issue) .... 14a 18c Seven times (per issue) .... 13c 17c One month, dally and Sunday. . . .$3.60 Count five words to the line. No ad taken fox less than two lines. Ada run bunduya only cliarced at one-time rate. Advertisements (except "Personals and "hituations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone. The Orejconlan will receive copy by mail provided sufficient remittance for definite number of irutaes i neat. Acknowledgment will be torwarued promptly. Advertisements are taken for The Dally Oresonian until 1:30 P. HI. ; for '1 he Sunday OrcKunian until 6 P. At. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room 150 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society hns full charge of the city pound at its home. 635 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary and stray animals cared for. All dead aniuials. cows, horses, etc, picked up. AMl'SEMENTS. U LAST TWO TIMES Up TT Tf Broadway at Taylor 1 IL-IIVJ l'hone Main 1. DIRECT FROM ORIEXT BfeTrr Played York, Chiracs or California. Flayed Lant frk In Senttlr and Created a Srnaatlon. RUSSIAN GRAND OPERA CO. PHlrlHAL t'HOKl's BALLET OKCHUS'l HA SPECIAL PRICE- MATIEF. TODAY, 2:15 "Pique Dame" TOMC.llT "RIGOLETTO" TOXKiHT Floor, $2.50; B-ilcony, :', 11.50. 1: Gallery, fl, 77c. TODAY Floor, J2; Balcony, $1.00, fl: fJiillery, 77c, 50c. ADU lO PER IE.VT WAR TAX. TONIGHT m MIDNIGHT MATINEE HFH ir BROADWAY I Ll 1 Li 1 J AT TAILOR I"HO.E MAI.V 1 ANNUAL MONSTER VAUDEVILLE SHOW lDER AI SPICES T.MoA. MUSIC FUN GOOD CHEER IMUCF.S, IXCMD1XG WAR Til ENTIRES $1 ALL BOX SEATS fl.8. Secure Seats Early AVOID CKOWIJ AT BOX OFFICE WINDOW ALL SEATS ItESEiiVEI) lllY THEM TODAY .lnNI51IT MATIN FE NEW TkKAK'ri EVt. 11:20 1. M. STOCK COMPANY R Now Playing James A. Herne'i Great American Home Flay "SHORE ACRE S" Scenes and Character Never to Be Forgotten. JjjSAUJf FISHER tCOj FRED LINDSAY FRANK FARHON. KELLAM ( O'DARf- m tHMlN. TNS .LUIS RUTH HOWELL DUO EM muldoob.fbahkiynTdeh jU-i t rose- savag - DE HAVEN i NICE- KLUCS Of 177ft" p ANT AGEg Continuous 1 P. M. to 1 1 P. M. IIAZKI. UK KEY ft CO.. in the Karee I'omedy, TIIK SKillT BOAT "MEI.OU1KH AM STKPS" Featuring- the Hjno Sinter. Alice Joyce In Her Lord and Master 5 OTHER 151(1 A( LYRI C -MlSICAL. t'OMKDY COMFA.W Big Midnight Matinee STAHTS AT 11:3(1. fOME EARLY! Aftrrnoona at 2 KvenlnRn at 7 and 9. CIRCLE Fourth at MashlDiflon Elsie Ferguson "FOOTLIGHTS" AIpo a comedy, "The Joy Rider," and Fox News. Open from 9 o'clock in the morn ing until 4 o'clock the following morning. Today lunight NOW PLAYING HIGH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE "The Old Oaken Bucket" Popular Prices Popular Prices UNCALLED-FOR ANSWERS A Ba, 202. 30R. 314. 315. 321, 322, 329. 34S. B 1S9, 1!77, 30ti. 30s, 31. 320. 321, 323. O 301. 314. 320. S21. I ir.J 201. :t01. 817. K 13. 21!t. 30. 311. r 2U2, 217, 3U2. 305, 307. 310. 316. 318. 321. C. 131. 2S4. 311, 314. 321, 323. 324. 328. H 314. , Soil, 313. 34R. K 117, 321, 210, 2S4. 312. 314. 350. 1, 20(1. 3"S. 313. 317. 31. AI 14S, 2S4. 307. 310. 316. 818. 322. 13. 14. 2S. 30S. 313. 321. 32.1. 324. O 152. 307, 309, 310. 311. 312. 321. V xn3. 312. SIS. 320. K 259, 2-7, 295, 305, 314. S16. H 275. 309. 310, 313, 318. 321, 324, 336. T 309. V 31S. 319. 32t. . W 122, 310. 313. 318. X 37 222 303. 30S. 309. 317, 322. Y 305. 315. 317. 322. 323. Alt 239, 33, 312. 319. 322. AC 240, 828. A F 313, 82. AI' 291. 803. 309. 313. Ati 23, 3ii9, 310. 313. S1 1. AH 304. 314. 315. 316. 322, 323. A. 7, 319. AK 281. 307, 317. A I. 231, 304, 312. AM 304, 310. 316. 817, 323, 329. 333. AN 302. 319. 328. AO 3(13. 306, 308, 310, 311. 317. 334. AP 307. 32N. A It 281, 304. 810. 1st" 301, 303. 323. IID 284, 315, 319. 823. 328. BK 304. 305. 312. 313. 817. 322. B. I 301. 305. 306, 310. 312. 314. 316 323. Above answer, will bj destroyed If nut caiied for wiibla six days. D MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION. VOTAR IES. CEREMONIAL NO TICE Members of Abd utll Atef Temple. No. 117. D. O. K. K. Ceremonial that u to be held De cember Jl, 1921. has been ordered postponed unit, further nniir. lzr of the Koya-1 Vizier. THADU GRAVES. Secy. GUS H. C'UAMER. TM SELLING BLiDG. Main 016. Jewel and emblem manufacturer, watch and Jewelrv n-pairlng. DIAMONDS. Diamond Setting- and Mounting. LODGE EMBLEMS class pin., officer.'" Jewe;., carry large .tock to .elect from; fp?cIr1 work to order In our own factory. Davlda. Jewelers and optician.. ;i43 Wash ington street at Broadway. MASQUERADE costume for rent. 31 Tanxhill street, near West Park. We keep masks also. Main 61'.!'.'. FRIEDLAXDER'S for ledce emblems class pin. and medals. 310 Washington at. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, rharma, pins.! ucaieus. uaeger isro... iji-a aixtn Ml. IIKD. oCpTT In this city. December 30. IIVJI. I.ui-lnda Scott, aed ,VS year, boloved nuuner or t H .Murhard. sister of Mrs. C hris Lollack. Mrs. tvter M liter. John, timer and Wil!iam Unicher of this elty and Mrs. Nan Hulhrt nf Aiimni- ir mains are at the res dential funeral par- ur "i i-'unnini? tain, Morrison atrtei at IweUih. Funeral notice later. BROWN In this city, December 11'J1. Sarah M. Brown. a.td "S years. The re mains are at the conservatory chapel of the Kast Side Funeral Directors. 414 Ea"i Alder Ftreet .Notice of funeral service Will appear In a later ijwue. FIXERAL NOTICES. SWERVE Y At residence. 4.". East Seven teenth rjtreet North, Marv Jo-'phlne Pwet-ney, affed ,VJ years, wife of Charles S. Sweney and mot her of lrne. Cirace and Kdmund .Sweeney, nfster of Edward J.. John P. and William T. Sharkey, Mrs, John X. Casey, Mrs. Frank South ard of this city. Funeral will l.e held from residence Sat unlay, Dec ember at. at K :4." A. M.. thence to Church of the Madeline. Kast Twenty-fourth and Sis kiyou wtreets. at II A. M.. where requiem niav wlil he offered. Friends Invited In terment Mount Calvary cepietery. Mc Kntee & Eilera. director. SMITH In this city. December 27. John T. Smith, aged 7" yenr. beloved husland of Ifoxana, father of M iss Minnie i. Smith and Mrs. ivdna S. MontRoinery of Irfinmis, Cal. ; Guy Smith of St. John. Glenn W.. WashouRaL, and C. I, of Stev enson. Wash. Friends are Invited to at tend the funeral service, to be at the ohneI of Snook & Whealdon. Belmont and Thirtv-fifth, Saturdav, December 31, at 2 P. M. Hen Uutler post No. ii. A. R., In charge. Concluding services at the Portland crematorium. Pit-use omit flowers. i SMITH At the residence of her daughter. ! Mrs. Robert C. Smith. 1&70 Kast Aider ! street.. December 30. Adelaide U. Smith, i a (fed 7t years, mother of Miss Adelaide Smith and Mrs. Joseph F. Reynolds of Berkeley, Cal.; Mrs. P. H. Butler of "Willamette, III. The funeral service will be held today (Saturday ). Dec. 31. at J . M ., at the Portland crematorium, 14th ati'l Bybee streets. Friends invited. Please omit flowers. J. P. Finley &. Son, directors. BROCK At Klso. Wash.. Clarence T Uroek, accd 0 years, beloved hu.hnnd of Mrs. Alice Schuvler Urock. father of Jvdlth Hrork of Portland and Richard Itrock of Mount Solo. Wash. Funeral services will be held today (Saturday) December 31. at 11 A. M. . from the ren (dence funeral parlors of Walter C Ken worthy. 153-34 Kast Thirteenth street. N'liwuou. interment Rose City ceme tery. SMITH Tn this city. Mary Jane Smith. aRvd 7 years, late of 1:041 Kast Ankenv street; mother of Mrs, Alice HandKiker fit this city nnd Mr. Grace Edmonds of KldKefioid. Wash. Funeral nei vices will be held today (Saturday) at M P. M.. from the chapel of the Mt. Seott Park cemetery. Friends invited. Remains are at the funeral parlors of the R. W. Gable & Co., 107 Kant 7th Kt. N. DEXXKV Fielding J. Denney, ace 7 "J years, beloved huHband of Mary A. Denney and father of Rllla Funk and grandfather nf Bethel Rllyeu. died at his residence nea r Jefferson. Or., on De cember L'i), P.iL't. Funeral services will be held at the fam lly residence at 1 o'clock 1'. M. on Sitiurda. , December 31. NARY The funeral of Frank M. Narv. brother of Mrs. Charles W. Anderson, of "45 K. :Mth st., this city, who died at Oregon City Thursday, Dec. i",t. wiil be held from the undertaking parlors of Unman Ac Pare in On-Run Clt y Satur day. Dec. :tl, at 1 P. M. Interment at Oswego. Friends Invited. THORN B RUE The funeral service for the late John D. Thornbiue of Toii'.uin. Dr., will be held today (Saturday), at 1 P. M.. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Concluding serv ice Hood View .cemetery, Sherwood. Or. W1K.NKKK The funeral services of Bur ton Wleneke. beloved Infant son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles A. YIncke. w ill I e held Saturday. De ;tl, at 2 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Inter ment in Rose City cemetery. ROBERTSON At the family home In ;resham, Friday, December 3. Mrs. He I te Robertson, aged "! years, w ife of J. J. Robertson. Funera 1 services from the Gresham Baptist church aunduy, January 1. at - P. M. GOCIT In this city. Den. 30. Isabel Gocty. The remains will be forwarded by J. P. FinU-y & Son to Kelso, Vah.. where services will be held Saturday morning and interment made. , E.NT.KL The funeral services of the late Krnest Kegel will be held Saturday. Dee. 31. at 3 P. M.. at the chape) of Miller Tracey. Interment in Rose City ceme tery. FTVFR4.I, CAItn. UMuUsTxESturtunerilf, weddinfts, shop pln Jone. Auto, ulvery. Marshall 114. FI'XKRAI. DIRKfTOS. Cremation $45 Portland Crematorium MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors WashtnKton street, between 20th and Hist tM., west aide. Lady assistant. Main 1 Automatic 01b- 44. DUNNING & CAIN FUNERAL Di RKCTORS. 445 Morrison St., Went Side. 1'honeg Broadway 430; Auto matic M.Vo1. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 1154.) FCNEHAi, L1 RKCTORS. Third and Salmon Sts. .Mnln 507. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. lith and Everett streets. Phonea Broadway 2133. Auto. 531-33. SNOOK A WHEALDON. Funeral- Directora. Successors to Breeze & bnook. Belmont at H.Mh. Tabor VjriS. JCAST .SIDE FL'NERAL IllUECTOKS. (F. S. DUNNING, INC.) "The Family SetB the Price." 414 E. Airier. I'lione Ea.-t f2. Auto. L'lH-JS. LERCH UNDERTAKER, East Eleventh and Hawthorne Phone East 71. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT RTH. MAIN 9. SKEWES CO UNDERTAKING CO.. Third and Clay. Main 4152. A. R. ZELLER CO., 592 Williams Ave. Phone Kast 10SS. A. D. KEN WORTHY CO.. 6804 9 2d St.. Lents. Auto. 818-21. FLORISTS. Smiths Flower Shop Portland's Profrrptve Florin t a. We yp fll7.A In funera C dpfien?. Ml1- Sixth. I oppoailo Wccr & Frank . Alain 715. I f Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOINTANT8. JL'LIl'S R. LtLACK, public accuuntant. auditor, income tax si-rvice. Concord t'idg . :M and Stark. 1'iione Main 74-1:1. ASM1KKS AM) ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OKKIL'K. H2 Second street. Gold, silver, platinum bought. ATTOKN K S. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer, of Commerce building o2H Chamber V. P. ADAMS, attorney, mo veil to Conch bldg. lldy. 4j7. Consultation free, HA I MS, M . DU. MuM AHO.N'S hatha, Portland; steam showers, p.unges, tubs, all for 3.k ; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington. CAlU'fcr r EKPrlK. AUTHORIZED Uivscil carpet sweeper re pan man ; parts furnished. .V'-l Morrison. t LOIH IU TTO.NS. THE IR WIN-HUDSON COMPANY. 37 aslur.Kton. Rdwy. 'J'aoor 1254. i HIKOPIt.W l l(. DR. McMAIlOX (McMani, Portland; U:h J ar. beven post-graduate research courses. Rales: Kxteiided time. 1 ad j u-iimcnn, 1 1 .", rest ormg heal:h. ' t tllKOPOlHST. WILLIAM. Ksielle. Florello and Dewane De Yeny. the only scicnt.fio chiropodists and arch specialists in city. Parlors iiij Gerlinger bids;., southwest corner Second and Alder streets. Main lliul. Drt. kj. o. i 'Ltil'tilt; it i' oot Lrout.it entitieally corrected; lady assistant. Morgan bid;. Main hTtti!. 01J int. B. LUL'ISK COX. chlropodlM. Morgan bidg. M a i n 4'.'!. tl.fc.AMNt. AND DO IM. REGAL CLEANERS AND HATTERS Suits or oerco;it dyetl brown, blue or black. .. ilu;l uruers soiK'ited. 17 x. t;th Kt. nil.l.HTIONS. .NKTH Ji CO.. VVorct'Stt-r bM. Mum 1 T'.Mi No collections, no charges. Ea'ab. l'.MK). Illl-K.NKlt AM) 111 H.llKH. DKAWIXLi bulkier. ' pltnM lui II Tabor 4: Dtnl.tlf r and lK. 11MKY. DR, B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor RaleiKh ltldg. Corner six'h and Washington Sts. Main -1 1 11. Auio. 21 1 DENTISTRY UK. A. W. KtK.VK, No Alter Kffecla. Without Tain. ."il s WahlnKlon at. X-Hny Work. Above .Majestic Tlieat.-r. m Hl TKII A I. KKrAllllMi. MOTORS REWOUND and repaired POI GHT AND SOT. I). NICHOLS KLECTKH' WORKS Phone 7 - ?. J l' tt Ma i n St- JI V Kl.KY MK AM KKI AIKIM-. ROSS Ut :0.. WHOI.KSAI.E J KWELKHS. ::iit MOHAWK I1MM.. :id and Morrison. Ml MC TKAC'IIKK. MAIJA.MK 1K MAHyl'lS WiM.il) Acred lt'd piano and dramatic expression. Prac tice with rue. Kast P 1-1, J04 K. 1'tUh st. KI.OKISTS. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IV I'ORTI.AXn. 328 MorrlHon St., rrtlanfl Hotel. I'hulte Mar. 753. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 35-1 Washing-ton St. Main 209 Fine Rose, and Orchids a Specialty. Flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. i'ersonal attention alveu wedding, reception, tea and table decorations Floral trll.utcs promptly attendel m s m i.AMi s KlotltH Slliw Slorrlson si., t.ei. 3d and 4th T..I .... " FlvOWElt.S Full Al.l. OCCASIONS. II a III va irxr . mum 4737 YAMHILL AT TENTH. And Kloral Ipfigns. Hawthorne. No Branch Stores. ??i Years on Morrison street, bet. -1th and Kirth. Main 7T". KoSKWAV KI.DWKK .IH)I'. E 41ST AXI) SANDY HI. VI). FL.uWl:iis en It AL.I. cll'l'ASIllXS. WK 1IS1.IVEH I'llii.NI-: IH. J. T JAI'Xc'KV. TAH'iK WITH Mill HII. I. Kl.DUISTS. I KMalr Alfred Hurkhardt. ) enr. 'JJii and illi.-an. Ma:n llt.'itt li.SKTII S KI.DltA I. Cl i . J7 Waxlilhiilon t., bet. -1th and ;.th. Main ."iltl. A Utll. MI1X1MKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 166 4th SI. Opp. t lly Hull. XKI' HHPS OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WO0XS QUALITY MEMORIALS JLTM'DJL PIN STS. P.HONE EJ43J FW TOOAT. NORTHWERUG CO. .r.. ...-V .'j'-r FIUFFHUGS Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest. Mado out of your oM wornuui carpets and rugs. Sav. half the price of a new rug. U woolen clothing. 11x12 RIGS STEAM CLE A. MCI) l..'0. Kamt 358U. 1HH L.nt Klshth. Tbe Improved mw a.-- - --vi The Improved construction ma ken ft REDIMADB a better, mottf substantial building at no greater cost to you. They ar the best bulic sectional building un the Pacific coast. First-clam Houses. Garage for Les. Erected in Portland Practical to ship. Redlmade Bids. Co., Port laud. Or. E. 11th and Market. Phone E. 5114. STORAGE SPACE Centrnlly Located on Track We can move and store your goods in a fine sprlnklered building. HALL1.VU, PACKIMti, SI OK AGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 4V.Vt OllBan St. lldny. 34TO. FRESH EGOS FOR LESS YOr CAS HI V SPFER'5 WIIXitMimK VALLKY FRESH i K A I K D K(ir,S. Grnde 1 4rc$ Urade 2 40c. LA C.RAXDK CnKAMERV CO Portland' Selling Agriti mm 4 OITOMKTR1STS. Out of I he High-Kent District. Save Mofiry on ur Olawses. mi' e a i s i' V 'lire . i im.-1 modern and complete equipment at your nervl.-e. Conduit us f re e. thousands of atlsf leu pai ron i. Dr. Samuel iJuudmau, associate optometrist. Main IM-4. ri,n ii' j :tt Morrison St.. Bet. Lhas. . Goodman t roIll Bmi vtrntt WHY PAY MORE? Glasses in coid-fi;ied framrs fitted to yjur e''s. ooubie .'is in n g. asses at low price , satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. K. Hui wltz. optometrist. JiVi First i. Man 4 " 1 DR. GEORGE Rl'BKMs THIN, eliran op tician; eyes tested, glares f.tted, broken lenses duplicated prmnpt ly, vei v reason Bh!e prices. JIM Morrison t Main I . I'ATK.N T A I TOKN K S. PATENTS Our practice has extended oer a period of 74 rs Ail coin municfi l jo un ; rict ly con f id.nt :a i, prompt, effi cient, conscientious ?erlce. hamlhook . free on requi st. ML'.W & CO., llobar; blilR, .""S-l Market si.. San Fraliru.o; t"hl-ago office, room MO Tow er bldg ; Washington td'f.ce, room p;i Sclent if;c American bldg.; New iork office, Woci w hi th h.dg. K. C. W'KIgHT, rt-giMered patent attorney. L'5 ears. If in vent ion r-al : y ia;ut',r, s-e practicing laer. t'.i'l l. kum blug. I'ltYMMANS. Vlt. R. A. 1'HII.l.irs. proadway bunding, stomach, bowel, liver, kidney, biailder. rectal, prostate and rema.e disoruers, without up'-nitmn. PU'K KM'AIKIM.. PIPES REPAIRED Itv Kxperts. ripe shop. -T- Washlneton St. -No I'KIM'HUS. DD'UI'iUn 1' u- HAl.TKS CUMI'AXV r Ii I It I 111 U pir,t Hid Oak Main lit..: Ml-U'i KlIHl MAflf M'Ml i.ir. King's Rheumatic Cure K KER-fXAMI X A T 1 ( ) N I'REH. T'le world's greatest rlieumniic nirs, ITS IN T11K t;i)iil.-;; THAT'S A I . I .. .lAC'Ii KlXtJ'S Mineral Treainienls. Cured l'alients Mv He-t Keferences. Jt"K KINt't, Itneuuiutic Specialist. Mi Kiith St.. Ccrner us'.. Second Floor Phoenix Ptldg SHIM. I.J ni; KUt Slll.Ni',1.1 X i ' rail A ill o. TK.M'Ml AN If MOKAt.K. iECl'RITY STORAOK & TRANSFER CO. I'aekinn Mnvins- Storuite. M.in.v loaned on toori In Horace, ill Four'.ll St.. oii. .M illnomali hotel, l'hone I'.dwy. OREUON TRAXSKKK CD. 474 tilisan at. Uroadwav 1 -HI. UKAYAiiK. STcIiMiK. Fo'ir Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. V UT r. Kl N A It J HOSE CIVY VK rilUlNAKY HOSI'lTAU Kh.i 7th ann uraiii si-. i..no inn.n Day and night service; 3vete Inarians. NKAV TODAY. Edward E.Goudey Co. ioktga;r loans. I nltrd Main Hunk HuihllnK. JOHN B. COFFEY SI II KT Y MOM)S, imh n 40! lYIIrox Hldjc. Mnln S410. RKAL KSTATK For Sale Lots. I ii vi N't ;t'n imsthh-t. I'OMK (H'T M NMAY and select n lot for vonr new ho rue. $7 Ml rrt $t3l l-Yi K IN SIP K LOTS. $1 (HIM I I' KUK ( i!lN'KHS JHHi r:iMh. $10 monthly; pav.nsr. rile wa kn and sewer in nnd pa Id ' I ;t Kr'in.nt, belween Kant l.'.th mI Kith. Sundav. from HI A. M t P M. .1 ( M N S- N" -1 0 I S4 1 N .. fll N M ink Hldv. 1 h In 77 U L I L.K 1 Ni i S. T I S I" ACTION CIIAKAN TKK1 I..t ns defian your home. We will htilld rlKht. t'ur priees are r'.Kht. Same ronf t ruttlon tor Miia'.I homen a late ones. Kvt'ry ronsideiatlon and rare for our r!;.nrs. toKether with la. oral tln.n c.al n-;Manre. KollXUTT A McfLrnE, nullders Mnrliall MJifJ. .10- Courh Illdg r.Oxlou l.tiT. Hawthorne d.; strict; snap Tor this w. k Tnl.or 4-.".!i. FINK ,'iOxllHl buildiliK lid ut Analn-I Mu Hon; terms or trade Main vKlli J'JOO IlOWN. UAlANTE KAST. $ 8.0 Inside cltv. -4 rito. smnil hmip. fruit ar.1 horrit'S. rhs, water, )c. JHfiO Outshln city. 1 arr small hous, rhlrki'n h(iu, Raw, w ttr, !c S1H30 Injtlilf? city. HUxIimi. fi-nmm houi. chl-ken tmusp, fruit trees, corner, 2 blocks from csir Mnf, mmlern. OOTtION M iKTUAGfa. COM PANT. ft.tl f'h. of Com. J1!!!; Main 1370. 1H SK ril'Y HA Pi: A IN." KX-POI.lIKItS. Yollt V.V T Kit MS. $7ih n w o -r'x in liuntCMlnw, Ix1hw thft lit II, close to S-'tmly : hit 11 v in it nnd il in t n k mom rn ni hint d ; hard tn d f Ihoi h ; f lr llaM ; hilf t t't ; - li In i I mo in i with wii rdrnln'B and rlomdn; fin. IHiti li kmht-n; full cnifnt liai.-rnt'nt with fur- liHCi- ; -X('fit Lilallv Wtll liUl It. j: S( iMMKi; ii.i.K, nnwy. 'J jts. rtl'ii S. N ATI. HAK HT.ImJ AiL'.-T lt sold Lii-r.il J, ill. H VotlUK:, bun Kft low ty p : r-iom.i I utrh k i t-lwn. whitf Piiiiiiu I. f ir.p (ilum In iir. (iatn-1 din liiK room. hu:tt-tn huokciii ;ittd desk ami plioitP. cabitiPt, c'tmjnt h:ii-mnt, side walk nnd stret'i, near two rarlirit ., Haw th r 1 1 dlstrirt: reasonuble jaim iit d.iwn or latt cumif, no turd, halarn-- your own tmus iirtce, partly furnished, $-'.V0; rents l'hone r,ii-.vt. nwr'T. iH SK CITY I'A UK. l.Al'HKLHIHST. If you are k'ik to buy In either rf thft-s distrlets, you uwe it to yourself tu inspect our listings. Some wonderful buys. A G. TEETH CO.. 270 Stark st Main 3W2. Kast Side Office: 4uth snd Snndv. Tabor I KV1N;ToN 1 US TK Ic "'. CXK. 1'tiTM AND WASCO. Five room, old Ivory furniture, fire place, furmti p. hnrdwood floors, built in s. Dutch kitchen, tile hath and drain board, beau: Iful pa per and e lee trie llx turps; ."it;xl0U-ft. lot ; all Improvements paid Start the new year riht. Thun nwriT. East (i:'3;t. D1HKCT from th builder. 5-rm. home; best finish; full cement basement: hdwd. floors, furnace, French doors, breakfast rm all built-lns; spP-ndid garaKe; lot 14I ft. deep; close-in property, near two car lines; f I IMK) under price. h"7 VVooi ward ave. Come out to see It. Owner, Hellwood 2K"!I. ONLY .VO WII.I- HANIM.E. Piedmont. 8 rooms, ir.odein, li fireplaces NEAR JbKFEKSON li Ii H Jtio.Hj. OR 7-room bunealnw. modern, except fur nace, near Arieta school, $,1-ou l'hone Au'.o. r4 1 -.'.() owner. DOWN. SOUTH MT TAHOR. Modern JS-room bungalow, hardwood floors, cement basement, laundry travs, M)xlXI-ft. lot, 2 Mock from Hawthorne car; snap if taken at once. Owner, phone East H":t JL'ST LIKE R EXT. Brand-new 4-room bungulow. 12000, very easy terms, small monthly pay ments. Another new one. Rose City park. $4000; small cash payment, good terms. See owner 817 Lewis bldp. OOINO TO Bl'lLD? We desiRn and build residences or any building, a-Mst in financing same; 12 years' com inuous and complete building service. SECIRITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. I Tl. Jtaliey, contract ing architect. l-'4 N. W. Hank hldg. COSY NEW RUNOALOW MOVE RIGHT IN 75U CASH. Weatmoreland. flnishei in ivory, evry modern feature, beaut if ul liKhtlnic fix tures, RaraKe. Payments like rent. Near car, 17th at. Mar. 101'J. Sell. ifTott evu ninjrs. 6-RoM house, hit aOx Kid, on 4 1 st and Ii vision ; over $1000 worth of (rood fur niture. Including piano. ks with the hous1; wood In the basement; price J37."n, with $1(MHJ cash, balance $40 per month, ti'r. Inquire 'J7 tirand ave. MUST sacrifice my home, completely fur nished. All imp. paid, urepiace and hdw floors; must leave for east at once. Would consider lot in good location as part payment. Thotie owner. Tabur oML 4-".:i E. 44th st. BUNG A LOW MUST SELL. Owner taking position cut of city; fire place, hardwood floors; $4l'00; less f,,r cash. Main 001J evenings or Sundays. T-'hor STs. 1RV1NOTON Duplex, sacrifice. 10 per cent. SK.-too ana your Douse. uwner, East ALAMEDA colonlnl, 6 rooms, breakfast room, sleeping por thJi . 14 to. at, K room, sleeping porch, for aale by ownor. 1 R KA I. FSTATK. Kr .sali- IloUHC. START TIIK XKW YF.AIt RIGHT in a ilwinu cf Your Own. FRANK I.. Mi'OnRE, To Ituy Your Ihune. LA RO KST 1 1 n Ml : - S K LLER I N A M Kli U'A. 1200 riiotosriiphi uf Hoinri far Sae. PER SOV A T.T.Y IXSpKTKH 1 i; 1 1 ON ALL Y A 1' t'li A IS i ; D. If nec"frry, we'll he'.p ou m.ih your don n pu tin ut.. 4i Pa men at Your per vie. OI'KN KVKNINiiS UNTIL 0. If npcKury we'll hc'.yt ou in. ike your dvnn payiii'T.t. 4U S;t. '.n nt Your Service. Open tivcn.nsi I'nlli W. ."4!l0 $td clown! Here-! B wnndirful h'tiir b;ir;aii. I ii hortif d i i r .et, i' ii, i n n ; to KniiKiin h h .Iiimi . ii - f..rn Iumh: tu 1 1 a lt.tr cetr. I - huiiK ;. w. Willi nuh k hui.t - I Hi.. hn: dwio. ...'!'. f :-P'iri', fin mice, v- .n ver i li .e . "pint; prcti. elo. LuuhL THIS L l". l-.i-l ;..M :r et. $.nn rnv-$-.-o rows. I370O A IlKAL A I ' In cxy. homey home Ihihk ,i w rf ft rui'ina. ith ev . t f ;tt u: e euM want f -r c n: Tort , c i i r hu. t n, 7ftx 1 du, w ; : li wur.i! of i r uit, f i -wi r, et.- A I'Alt.MMMC V Yl'K UlV.V, Ho.iad.ty it. down'. $.1iW POW'X! n'KN'ISH i:p. HlHi i'OMKwltTAHI,K Mt Scott COt IiU'o of 4 romna. furniHlid. 2 b'llinniiiB, clef? to cur. wrod nheil. berr:e., e:c. hl'.h itr't. VK HAV Z HrNPKKPS i V Itnea In i'ur: f the ci:y that you can buy ua d. tc-rnis. F:r. FRANK I. McCTTRK. To Huy Your Heme. Ab'nrmn n:.U. Main Third t., bt i. V ashlnnton and Murk. Note: T.et u put you en our malMnr list for "The 1KL fiVM'KM," a iiv ei etsuite Utut, ovi.y $ i!on n XPY l.ri ri.i: m r, low. Mi Mt. Tubor'a K'Oiie Biol", with nice view. A I;rK" romnH and hi. t h. toilet ; Ss 100 lot. j our own terms within reason. owner lnuL soil account s.ckn".i. MARSH A M.-rAHR, RKAI-TOnS, K.iiln.ir L i-i MiirhHil 3nU3. K ven nit i Tjbor 4 Mi. I. a i ii:-;i,n;-i;.-T i :: w. l 'ci i ne r .17 ! il and ;i ,-co. 'me it i he i-iii.-Mi-.-t tuin kuIows In I.aure.hurM, 1 1 u.t : -.1 on ;i I'tuutifu; cor ner 'nt w ; : ti tioeii Mj. n. ever' cn CMV.ih e muilein fi xture. Millennia and workmanship 'e the best. Prive out ami n- thif and make u an .offer. Men uf 1 ernoon.s and all di y Sunday. W- are the owners, bui.deia and arclil ttcts. CALL V1LV 1 :t or HPWY. r1 fl4 VA ALIi-SH ATT1' ' K 'ONSTKIX'TIDX Cl 1 M 1 ' A V. I?eni ll dr. A KLI N" ;Tt i.S 1 Li . It'l'S. P-.s KAIIiVlKW PLVP. You people w.miniK a iiotu on th heinhtu, ut this. To he jioid f ,i r Ipiow rof-i of curiMl ruct Ion ; bolide rontitlim S le iiiitifu room, itnd so .'jnnif porch ani uirooin. all h.irdwoful f -iois, f.vo flie p .u . two biith.s. one filiower; e'ectno a ii ( oiua ; Ic water h a't-r and 1 1 the Ill'i'M mod'-rtl COll Veil f l!t-en yOU COU'l f ,nd in a n home. t ,i 1 i n;e and I will allow von throiiph. M:ihnr,ev. I'i'K A. Mc K K.N .N A CO.. FonMh st m i in 4:.--'-j. nrri'H a l m a l, "irtvi n;thn, Kie room, with f-ivirf for m'mji, nw and up-1 n-ila t e ; one ledroom and l:th on firn; floor: bui't wtili ist of m;i ter!a:M for own r'.- ow n home, bv dav liili.ir; plat' - irlasn winodow; lianlwood floor.: ni.iinl'il rnrniT cupltonrd. 1 a r e f,r. place. fo'.l 1. (-. nient. Ktloil fiirniii i; con ven ien t ! HrriiriK-d for finiM family. 1'rlce S7."iito. term, iiuiur. tilft C'hiimb r of Commerce, or Main 1 lti'l. A C.OnH Itl.'V. I rnnm ffrl't!' modern lioillf In IMed nioTit; the jH'lee I f . H"b t , the terms HI") rtuht. If you wish a hoiip- in rinhtitnl, I r mt; ton. A ia mr-d i ' '.u k or a Inut l';irk, we lelue we run mvc you money. w. v sahiv, I'nioii A e. N. He.lltnr. w.iin. r.n. IRVlMiTi i.V Ope rt Irvinic ton's f in rut STlTfTO homes; inri,'e ro"iii, s-dn mahoifany nnd old ivorv t li r iuc V oil! ; two while t lied I 1 repine.';, nnd two tiled hjthK : three i-xtia la V;i I or . two clins Irilnm't! fle.plnn pori'hffi. eolineiM Ion with ilrri- - hiK r i and l.ivainrv. In the h'-ait -if lrviiiRtoii; $1J.,HIU. hhoit Hum. K.it -.lit KiSI-: CITY I'AIIK .Vr.om huiui.ilnw wl'h KiiiaL'i'. Thl ln-:i ut 1 1 ul loin ira low in now eomp'.ete.i and r.;nly for F-aii. It 1 Hie sid ut - l- mod.' in in . very detail, Pries is rili I mi'i terms crn he nrrntied. Come out today hetw.-.n and a to r.H K 4'd st. N'., ii.'iir Tli'nuii.i.in, and e for our s If. C .1 .H'UV")N', w r ""'l"r- 12v' Tahor HMt. frkuirs t r. il h.uiMifi Tor .;(iMMh- I h.ili to '.i!tf"itiia. must -all mv home at on.'". It's a hiK InrKMin nt :Hioo. Wfd riiiiri- aleoit loim t-.i-ti, halinre llkn ren t . SI - room, t wt i - t or v housi- S' .-p-inic por-'li. lari;.' h.ith. iMiteh klt.hen. fn.l e.-m-'iit L.t in m ; strt-ets pavi-d: nil itnprox -m. nts In and paid l.ot riMxlun l.o. a :ion So. More and add. 1 .Mis .Ml., w-mkie st. Ph .ro S.iiwond 37? 4 $l.'nt ImiWN and eu- ti'i'iim bu.Vi a fiv roont lion-ie. inwly paint. d outsid" and now hi itm' n-w ly pa p.-r.-d nnd pa Int ei Inside; everything to In first-c!asi rondition hy the f i r-t nf the year; elo. to downtown disti let on m aead a tu i zed street; modern; tm iissi -'iiie n t ; wld fell for siM hii if taken at once. Call Mr. YniuiK. Main iW PIT Yit"K CAK IN 'N A HuMIJ! 3-room plastered i t t ae with combf natioii HiiiK "ml dining roum, Dutrti kitchen. Mil- and cit water; $HMMI with a terms or will take stum .1 c-tr f r etiult v. A sk for K. t . Ma-'shall with KI'.ANK !.. McCI IKK. I'Oa Ah!nu:oti Hliik' Main ' MltJS. Third St Met. Wash, nnd S: a-k $L-:.U CASH AMI TERMS Knur-room house havlnir modern mn vetiienf . and in io.d condition, silxinil Int. l' hearing fruit trees, good chleken roop and yard; clo-e to car and sihuul; $liio0. Call Mr. Younir. oTTO HA RKSOV. 411 Chamt w r f ' . 1 1 1 1 mr e n fiT'H WES'I' SIDE SACltl KICE. lirST HE SOLD. 21 t st.. close In, 1 it-room house, (food condition, 7 sle.-pmn rnniih, furna'-e. full cement hasenient. east front. .Vl'Hi lot. Onlv JH.'intj; $l.'itti cash. monthly. See'lt. T. O TURD. S2 CHAM OK COM K'K SALE li owner, to w home in close in h ik ii .y i i icted d f- trict : 7 rooms, full cement bH-eiiunt. shower hath, two tol.ets, tile hat Ii and drain boa rd. Muel ler furnaee. lawn arid shruhtory in. Terms reasonable. Phone owner, Mavr- shal 1 4:C DEAL WITH OWSKH. I have two .Vrootn 1-storv and otin fi-rimrn I S -.story bungalow s .".4, ,.S and 4 E. 4 "n h st. N . near Davis, praeti rallv In LaurelhuiMt; terms, will dis count for all cash. IL L. Hammond, V2 I -! T . o-kooM ni'el.-rn house on paved corner. I block south of I. add' addition, on Kith st All assessments paid. on 3 rarltm s. $'jn.-ii; terms if desir.d. Call Sell. lL';i: for a ppoln t men t . PU K T T Y N E W iU'NGALOW. t'l.o.-K IN. Here Is one yoj inn buv din ct ami the price U right ; si net I. v mod. rn and sure! v cheap : look it over a t once Tabor 3433. j-ve rungs Auto ('.3-17. SWELL LAUlTELIiU It ST i:i'Mi.Vl.l -W. ti rooms ami ri-n, fully n.odern. cloo In. P"ar the park. mnl m-v.- at on.; price is right. Call Tabor 34113. evenings Automa t tc ,-,-K oM M 'I 'Kli N IIINi;AI,uU. Hardwood floors, firepl.i.e; all Im provements in nnd paid ; re a son a ble price ana ;(- i.tmih. "ii-'u -ni cum Ln :4th st. Ph. n w it r. n 1 n-1 MAKE IT SNAI'l'Y. Cash or trade for what have you as first payment 7 Ha la ivm . .Move right in tu your own home. Owner, Mar- shall 7f'j. A DANDY pose Cli iii.niern .".-loom liun galow, including peeping tnr':i, tn-w at tractive cor ner. Oarage, i nlj ?." J.'iii. easy terms. M U.er. G"." Mor.m bolg. Maiu j :t .". . FOR SALE Nevv, wel cottage bungalow. houe, TtOxioU lot. H.'tun. Address J. built. 4 - room chick en gard- n laud, orlv C K.ibertson, 770 Tibbets Ht 5-Kl.M ) M double c list i u'l i d bunga'.o w. Laureihu-st, h w. f., firepiin-e, furnace. attic. $."100. terms. Dr. J. D. Duback. Ill Hm-idwtiy. $JU0(I. $:;.: CASH : room house, lot P.'ik pj. sll'-v, 17 hearing f ru't t re en. No. 6441 01th st. S. E. Auto. tilO-Lt. Fred V. Sp'-ar. ::" r.th S. K. UE A C '1 J r L I lit ode Ml H-roem house, iat ge grounds; leaving, wlil sacrifice if taken at one Ma ! n "'l' 1 1T."" Four rooms, 1 a-Te. spl. ntLo :i no interest. A 2" 21.