THE 3IORXIXG OREGOXIAN, FRIDAY, DECE3IBER SO, 1931 - F"""" f! REAL K8TATE. REAL ESTATE- I rfii. mtitp I .,.. . . I '. 1 Kor S.IHm,. ir . . 'T.TK FOR KKNT FtKMI Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. JLL1LS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, Incotna tax service. Concord "lag., lid and stark. Phone Main 7443. ASSAVIiKS A NO ANALYSTS MONTANA AsbAY ui'KlCE, 142 Second street. Gold, allver, platinum bought. ATTOKNKVS. K W. KAST.MA.V, lawyer. t" uommercs building. S-S Chamber Ml'SIC TEACHERS. MAUA.ME DE MAKyLIS WuOD Accred ited piano and elocution. Practice with me. Ka.t 11144. '.'(H K. :!th st. - CARROLL, DAY, teacher of piano and voire. Broadway 2035. 3 48 13th street. OPTOMETRISTS. w- ADAM.S, attorney, moved to 513 Qi'iR. 047. consultation free BATHS, ETC DR. JlcMAHO.V S baths, Portland; steam showers, plunges, tubs, all for 35c; tell your menus. Kourth at Washington. CARPET SWEEPERS. AL1HUHIZLD BIhshU i-aruI ixmm, i-e pairman; parta furnished. 5."3 Morrison t KLU LOU) BI TTUNS. THE IRWIX-HOUHON COMPA.VI. 37 Washington. Hdwy. 434. Tabor 1S54 I HIROPKACTIC. Lilt. AKJIAHOX (MdUn), Portland; 12th i-ar. seven post-graduate research courses. Kates: Extended time. 31 ad Justments, tlj. restoring health. CHIROPODISTS. WILLIAM, Kutelle, Klorello and Dewane De Veny, the only scientific chiropodists ami area specialists tu city. Parlors 30 Oerlinger bids., southwest corner Second anu Aiaer streets. Main 1301. Lilt. u. u. KLKTL HKK hoot troubles sci rntlflrally corrected; lady assistant. 61: Morgan hllg. Main S7H2. Uit. B. LOLISK COX. chiropodist, Morgan bldg. Main 40(tS. I I.KAMMi A N II DVKIM1, RCfifll PI CAWCDC taiiajks lll-unu AND HATTERS i-'uitu or ovcrroats dyed brown, blue or .Man orders solicited. 12 X. Hth sfc COLLECTIONS. NKTll .4 CO., Worcester blil. Main 171)6. Xo pollections. no rharges. EstHb. 1100. DEVIISTRV. DR. B. E, WRIGHT Third Kloor Kalelgh Bldg. -Corner Sixth and Washington Sts. Main '-'I 10. Auto. 211H. PFNTITRY DR- A w- KEEN 13, UL.'ll 101 II I v Aftpr Kfreets. Without Pain. N-I!y Work. Washington at. Above Ala.1entlc Theater. ELECTRICAL KKI-AI KIMi. k MOTORS REWOUND --i and repaired HOl'UHT AND SOl.n. NiriKH.S KLEUTKIC WORKS. Phone fi27-27. Tin Main St. JEWELRY JIHi. A NO REPAIRING Out of the High-Reit IMstrbt. (Have Mo Dry on ur 2. years' experience, n.ut-t modtrn and complete equipment at your service. Consult us free. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel tUoodman, associate optometrist. Main 2124. Cha8. W. Goodman:n't'r.,nTEfr;tB't- For Bale Lots. IRVINGTON If you ever expect to live In Portland's model home section, you should secure your lot NOW. They are going fast, the better Inflation are he. ing snapped up by the FELLOW WHO KNOWS. We have one left for you. come in and get it. It might be well to inspect block bounded by Stanton. Siski you. E. ism and B. ltith or half block on Stanton between 20 and 21, then see us. RITTER, LOWE Sc CO.. Realtors, 201-2-3-.1-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1KHXUTON Remember the HUGH KS ESTATE is closing out. You will hae your opportunity NOW. It may not be offered later, to get into this addition of substantial homes. Unless you desire the best and appreciate real- value, this ad. will not Interest you. Oo LOOK, between Thompson. Fremont, 15th and -4th. Set down the location; we will give you the price. RITTER. LOWE A CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ," 1 WHY PAT MORE? Glasses in gold-filled frames V fitted to your eyes. S2.50, double vision glasses at low prices; satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. K. Hurwttz. optometrist. 22." First St. Main 4.11. DR. OECRilE Ri:BEXSTEIN. veteran op tician; eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated promptly, verv reason able prices. 22 Morrison St. Main .111. PATENT ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice lias extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential, prompt, effi cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN A CO.. Hobart bldg., 584 Market St.. San Francisco; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 103 Scientific American bldg.; New Vork office. Wocl worth bldg. SPECIAL LOT SALE. Irvlngton, J lurid. 55x100 ft., A-l loca tion, nanuy to cariine and echool; Zd mortgage privilege.-. East 25th St.. near Brazee at.. 50x100 lot; just the right height for building a real snap. See Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN & CO., 210 Ch. of Com. Bidg. BLILDINU SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Let us design your home. We will bulid rignt. Our prices are right. Same construction for small homes as large ones. Every consideration and care for our clients, together with liberal finan cial assistance. ROBNETT & McCH RE. Builders. Marshall 322. 302 Couch Bldg. 50x100 LOT. Hawthorne d.. strict; this week. Tabor 4''1l!l. snap for For tt- R. C. WRIGHT, registered patent attorney. - years. If Invention really valuable, see practicing lawyer, flol Dekum bldg. I'H VSIC1ANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS. Broadway building. stomach, bowel, liver, kidney, bladder. rectal, prostate and female disorders. without operation. I'IPE REPAIRING. 3 PIPES REPAIRED By Experts. Pipe Shop. 'Ill Washington Ft, PKINT KKS. DDJWri!fc V. W. BALTES & COMPANY I IHI1I 111U First First and Oak. Main 163; 511-6." KH Kl M ATIC SI'Kd AMST. FREE EXAMINATION FREE. The world's greatest rheumatic cure. JT'S IN THE GOOlS; THAT'S ALU JACK KING'S Mineral Treatments. ('urd Patients My Bet References. JACK KING. Rheumatic Specialist. Fifth St.. .Vrner oak. Second Floor Phoenix Bids;. TKANHKKK AMI !STOKAiK. NEW HAWTHORNE HOME. A U-atory, tl-room, thoroughly modern home, 1 blocks to Hawthorne car. hardwood floors throughout, Dutci kitohen with breakfast i.ook. fireplace, tile bath -with tshovver. clothes closets with windows and built-in features. A leal home at StlTtiJO; cash pavment tJGOO. O'FARKEIsL & FOKDNEY. 33S.4Q Cham, of font. Bhlg. Bdwv, 4172. $:'.fV0 CASH $:;. $4100 Attractive ."i-room bungalow pracucHiiy new, hardwood noors. nre place, tine buffet, Dutch kitchen, breaks Ja.t nook, 'j large bedrooms: close Hawthorne car. A good buy on your own terms, K. SOME'RVIhI.E. Bdwv. F. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. MODIiliN IltVINl.rON HOMK. Seven-room. hatha. 'Z flreulaces. el front condition; alo maid's quarter on ad floor. SlotKt. Will make the first pay ment. Will only quote price to thone in terested after they have seen it. Reduced to a a nap if sold at once. Lot 00x100. Kouble garage UNION SAFK tETOPIT & TRt'ST CO. Bdwy. 4::. js4 oak St. iOSS A- CO.. WHOLESALE JEWELERS. ::ii MOHAWK H I 1 HI.. ::d and Morrison. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on goods In storage. 03 Fourth st., opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Bdwy. 3710. hMlTlM. KNITTING WORKS We make all kinds of Sweaters. Wool Stockings and Petticoats. 3ti0 Larrabce t.. near Broadway bridge. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 (.lisan st. Broaawav J2R1. DRAVAGE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VKTKKINAKY. ROS E CIT V V ET E R I N A R Y H OS PITA L. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phones. pay and night service ; 3 veterinarians. TTNKRAr DIRECTORS. Cremation $45 Portland Crematorium FLORISTS. MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funernl Service for Less. 1 udttpendent Funeral "Jirertoi a, Wiisliington st ri-et. between -0 th and Ht.. wi'k! id. Lady assistant. Main Automatic 018-44. DUNNING & CAIN FI NERAL DIRECTORS. 1 40 Morrison St.. Went Side. Phones Broadway 430; Auto- matle Q4.'V-.'s, HOLMAN & SON lEniilldptl ISM.) Pr.NKHAI, DIRECTORS. Thirri ami Siilmnn Sis. Main ,Vi7. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlor with all the privacy of a home. 1 tit Ii ami Everett st rem. Phones Broadway -133- Auto, 031-i33. SNOOK & WHEAL.UON. Funeral Directors. Successor to , Breez & Snook. Belmont at .', Tahor A'ZM. KAST SIDE FIN E FIA DIRECTORS. (F. S. DUNNING. INC. "The Family Seta the Price." 414 E. Alder. I none Kant rtz. Auto. L'L'.-lTi. Smiths Flower Shop r'ortlaml's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize in lunerul designs. 141 H frjixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7-15. BUYERS FOR IRVI.N'OTON HOME should see us before purchasing a home; as pioneers ami builders we can save you monev. ee Mr. Jones, F. E. HOWMAN & CO., 10 Ch. of Com. Bldg. .MOUKR.N. AND SOME A HSOI.LTBI.V NEW. nuxuALuvvs. iui.hxia; s and more COS Tl.Y HO.M BS. A l)solutely every late.-.! mo'iorn Imp. See some ol' thse Sl'Iili before you de cide. R. T. STKKET. Better Homes Kvaltor. $ 1 (ititi $ 1 (KM) f 1 it(S) $ 1 ttOO. FCRNISH EL) KCR.MSHKl). 4 nice rooms, completely furnished. Very large kitchen with all sorts of bullt-lns. r.OxIlIU lot. Sewer In and psid. A rare bargain. Terms. .1. A. WICKMA.N CO., REALTORS. 2-J Stark St. Hdwy. 67!4. EW TODAY. RUG CO. N0RTHWEP JlxJh FLUFF RUGS Oldest and bent equipped factory In the northwest. Madu out of your old worn-ouL carpets and rugs. Save half me price 01 a new rug, uae woolen clothing. 0t'2 HUGS STEAM C'LEA.MCD SI.54). Bast 3580. 1HH Kmmt Ktgkth. DIRKCT from the builder, 5-rm. home; best finlnh; full cement basement; hdwd. floors. - furnace, French doors, breakfast rm., all bullt-lns ; splendid garage; lot 14 ft. deep; cloae-ln property, near two car lines; 10(H under price. 877 Wood ward ave. Come out to see it- Owner, He II wood 28.V. rusk- oitv. $411)0 Easy term, attractive 5 -room buiiKalow, lurjc livlnar room, fireplace, hard wood floor;?. 2 bedrooms and sleep ing porch, Dutch kitchen, furnace and garage. Kx -soldiers see thia! K. SOMKHVII.I.K. Bdwv. 247S. CI.USK IN KAST SIDF, HUM ii. $:;7."t Five mom and large attic, fine corner lot ."rflxHMi; fruit and berries. Good renting district. $750 cash, -balance easy. .lOHNSON-DODSON CO., y.3 N. W. Hank BMg. Main 7S7 STORAGE SPACE Cent rally. Located ob Track We can move and store your goods in a fine sprinklered building:. HMXIX;. PA I KI.NU, STORAi.10 CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 434 Ulisaa !. Bdwy. 3470. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property. Insitallmrnt He payments If Desired. Bulldlnsr l.nans, Current lUitea. Prompt Service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 218-210 rthwrstrr Hnnk BulldlnK. Marsball 41 14. -'." DOWN. SOUTH MT. TABOR. Modern A-room bungalow, hardwood floors, cement basement, laundry trays. 50xllK)-ft. lot. I block from Hawthorns cur: snap If taken at once. Owner, phone 1-Jat Hfl.".:i. MAKE A RESOLUTION To Start 1922 RIGHT. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER IN AMERICA. lUU Photographs of Homes for Sale. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. A Homo to Suit Every REQUIRE MENT. If necessary, we'll help you make your down Payment. DISTINCTIVE ROSE CITY. 7290 ULTRA BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY Park massive bungalow of 7 rooms; surrounded by great porches commanding; A WON DERFUL VIEW of city, etc.; solid oak woodwork and panel ing; handsome bullt-ln features '2 fireplaces; den; sleeping porch; hot water heating system; splendid - xlOO corner; owner leaving city; MUST HELL this REAL HOME AT ONCE. E. 47th St. OPEN YOUR EYES. 40UO EASY TERMS will make this homey little 5-room ROSE CITY yours to MAKE THE RIGHT START FOR THE COMING YEAR ! Typical sunny California lines; cheering living and dining room combined, across the front, having built-in buffet, bookcases, etc.; sleeping porch, complete Dutch kitchen: PIPELESS FUR NACE: garage: paved street, paid; E. SOth st. ASK ABOUT IT! $2490 (500 down! A WONDERFUL buy Is this REGULAR LITTLE FARM In city! Buy this and save money; 100x100 with abund ance of fruit: owner canned -I'M) lts. of strawberries this summer, etc.; good, clean, comfortable tl- room home with buiit-ln con veniences: in nice neighborhood, one blk. to school. Price Just cut. FORCED SALE. Investigate this! E. Clay st. TWO-FLAT BUILDING. (500 Down! (500 Down. $3490 JUST ACROSS THE BROADWAY bridge on Vancouver avenue, good 2-flat building, with 2 sets of plumbing, etc; LIVE IN ONE. RENT THE OTHER! (5O0 down! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! HEART OF ALBERTA! $2320 THIS IS POSITIVELY ONE OF THE BIGGEST BUYS IN OUR ENTIRE office! Think! Ideal location; 8-room modern, attrac tive. 2-story home; living and 'lining rooms: large, convenient kitchen: 2 light, airy bedrooms electricity: gas; A NEAT. CdSY SUBSTANTIAL HOME; full lot with lots of fruit; paved St.. paid; IT WILL PAY YOU TO LOOK AT THIS NOW! E. 19th st. See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Abington Bldg.. Main 1068. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. Note. Let us put you on our ma.iling list for "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM." a live tteal Estate Digest. ROSK CITY PARK (4730 (looo cash and (,"0 per mo. Here is one of those beautiful littlt bungalows. strictly modern. with large breakfast nook; in fact every feature that goes to make a modern home, located on one of Rose City's best paved streets. All improvements In and paid ROSE CITY PARK. (A300 A n-ronm hiih.itn ! bungalow Is in a class by itself: has every modern feature end compares favorably with (70im) homes you have been looking at. Faces east on one of Rose City's best streets. 1H blocks irom MBfly boulevard. If you want me oest ror the money in Rose City, (cfjciji our listings. ROSE CITV PHRV (5000 (.-,iMD cash. (50 per month In eluding Interest: 5-room modern bun galow; hardwood floors, beautiful llv ng room, entire width of the house t rench doors, fireplace, bookcases. iarg plate glass window. Dutch kitch en. breAkrjiczr tnn h.,nnn. bath and attic, faces east on paved one uiorn irom Sandy Divd HILLER BROS. Realtors. ii Ry. Ex: Bldg. Main 8. orantn orrice uutn and Sandy . Tabor S4S5. RENT SAVERS 11200 (100 down. J15 monthlv hi.v. splendid tract of 1 acre of black loam soil, all In cultivation, all tencea, good one-room phack 12x18. 3 blocks from Jennings i-oage sration, on good road. ( oo .,o down, (15 monthly buyi grouna j'x.vm and a sunsmn tlaljy built 2-room cottage, near Courtney station on ths Oregon City line. This la In a new platting and you have river-front rignts and privileges In connec lion with thl place. ( 900 (150 down. (20 monthly, buva 4-room box house, celled, small cellar. electric lights. ground ltMxlie. four fruit trees and roms berries. I 825 (250 cash. (20 monthly, buys a 3-room cottage In the Alberta district, ground 50x100, gas and gas iignis. patent toilet, sink city water, S bearing fruit trees, gooa woonsned and garage. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. WEST SIDE SNAP! I will sell you the loveliest home In town lor the least money. Have you ..iou in cash 7 l.TO0 worth of new. elegant furniture and (!M)0 mahogany upright grand piano included. Wonder ful rugn, overstuffed velour davenport and chair of finest make, exquisite par lor lamp, handsome mahogany easy chain, colonial and Chippendale tables, drapes, portieres, art curtains, mahog any Queen Anne dining room suite con sisting of square table, cane-back Mas sachusetts chairs, buffet to match.- (375 Encyclopedia Britannlca et. pier giass, two comp-iete new ivory bedroom suites, paintings, also third bedroom furnish ings; home consists of 7 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, latest Improve ments, hardwood floors. Indirect light ing, bullt-ins. white Dutch kitchen. In laid linoleums, full" concrete basement, best gas range, Ruud heater. Radiant fire in open fireplace, best Fox furnace, large attic; sloping lawns and shrubbery, panoramic view of Willamette valley and river from large front veranda and rooms. Extra large lot In fashionable district, foot of Westover terraces. (10.35O. complete, long terms. For Im mediate appointment phone OWNER, i Main 5072. I $4175 HAWTHORNE. 5 large rooms, attic, sleeping porch. tiled fireplace, furnace, paved street, one block to car. ROSE CITY, i Strictly modern. rooms, fire proof garage. (5450; terms. Imme diate possession. We have 4o new homes In the best districts in the city, ranging In price from (4500 to (7500. See Us Before Buying. PETERSON YORK. 437 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8005. LAUKKl-HUn.ST VIEW. Corner 37th and Wasco. one ot the classiest bungalows In Laurelhurst, situated on a beautiful cor ner ioi wur, wiuu so. ft. Has ever con ceivable modern feature. Materials and workmanship are the best. Drive out and see this and make us an offer vpen aiiernoons and all day Sunday. We are the owners, builders and archi tects. CALL WDLN. lrm or BDWY. M64 WAALE-SHATTUl'K CONSTRUCTION COM PAN Y. Henry Bldg. AKL1NGTON HEIGHTS.. FAIKVIEW BLVD. lou people wanting a home on the neignis. see tnis. To be sold far below co.ii- of construction; house contains 8 ueuuiiiui rooms ana sleeping porch and sunrooin. all hardwood floors, two fire places, two hatha, one shower; electric automatic wter neater and all the latest modern conveniences you could find in any hAme. Call me and 1 will show you through, Mahonev. -OE A. McKENNA CO.. 2 Fourth St Main 4522. GROVEL.WD PARK BUNGALOW. Five-room bungalow, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, quiet: a complete kitchen. In fact Is a well-planned Ideally located: move right In: ga rage. Imp. paid. 1 blk. to Haw thorne car. Price (".1O0. (10o0 cash. DERR & POWNDER 1215 N. VV. Bank bldg. Mar. 2243. JUST LIKE RENT. Brand-new 4-roum bungalow. (2000, very easy terms, small monthly pay ments. Another new one. Rose City park. (4U00; small cash payment, good terms. See owner. 817 Lewis bldg. GOING TiJ'bLILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist In financing same; 12 ears' continuous and complete building service. SECIRITY AND SATISFAC TION" ASSURED. U R. Bailey, contract Ing architect. 1124 N. W. Bank bldg COSY NEW BUNGALOW. MOVE RIGHT IN-r-(750 CASH. Westmoreland, finished In ivory, every modem feature, beautiful lighting fix tures, garage. Payments like rent. Near car. 17th St. Mar. 1022. Sell. 2708 eve. nine. WII.I. sell my beautiful Laurelhurst home of 7 rooms, complete in every de tail, hardwood floors, roomy breakfast room. den. music room: this home will be appreciated by anyone desiring a fine neighborhood in the best spot In this ad dition: you will be dealing direct with the owner and can eliminate the broker's fees; I will sell completely furnished everything less than 1 year old; will show by appointment only; you must answer quickly, as this Is going at a sacrifice. Answer K 346. Oregonlan. giv ing name and telephone number, or will not be Interested. I.ERi'H UNDERTAKER, East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 7SI. FINLEY'S MORTUARY M ONTGOM F. R V AT 5TH. MAIN It. CjfCUCC I'XUKKTAKIXii Co.. OM.Hr.O Thin) nnd flnv. Main 4152. A D 7CIICDnn 692 Williams Ave. ni Hi i-L.LL.LII UU, phone Kast 1088. FRESH EGGS FOR LESS LA CHAM1K CHEAJIKIIY CO. Portland's Selling: Agists COR SI'KKK'S WII.UMETO VALLRV PBKSH ti It A 1 1 0 L HUGS. First and Vanillin Sis. A. D. KEN WORTHY & CO.. 6804 92d St.. Lents. Auto. B18-21. MOM MKNTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 2 4th SI. Opp. flly Hull. KC BROW. ! OTTO SCHUMANN MAR3LE ! QTTJJTY MEMORIALS tE.THinp 4 PINE STS. PHONE WOGXSI FLORISTS. r'oit SAl.L Modern 5-room furnished bun galow ; also, garage. Includes electric range and washer; also pipeless furnace. Lot .-0xl0d feet; on paved st. Twenty minute car ride from town. Call Main M70 BUNGALOW SACRIFICE. Owner leaving city; furnished or un furnished; hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, full lot: (4200; easy terms. Call at 1245 E. 22d or phone Main 0012. A LAM K D A URIVB. (4IOO lot; wrll be delighted with this won derful bungalow Iiomo. A real niftv him galow. planned by one of Portland's best nouse architect. Built by a builder who nn..s now to bullil. Complete with hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace Lasy terms. Reallv an opportunity. A. G. TEEI'E CO., 270 Stark Si. Main ,"O02. East Side office. 4(th and Sandy Tabor O.W0. (2S00 FOUR-ROOM bungalow on Sum ner t.. near E. 13th. Hardwood floor In living and dlnlnir rooms. kitchen w-ltli gas range and Ruud I healer, linoleum in kitchen and j bath, disappearing bed In dlnln room, ah ouiit-lns. run cement basement with wash trays. A com plete home at a bargain price. Ali improvements In: lot .",: 1 -.1 front UNION SAFE DEPOSIT TRUST CO., Bdwy. ilt.i. .'S4 Oak St. ROSE CITY I'ARK. I.AI HKLH1KST. Folks, if you are going to buv or build in either of these districts. I want tne Privilege of going over the matter with you. Any statements made by our -aiesmen win be put in writing if you -"b."i. . e uon t use persuasive itvetn odd. We have a number of real buvs. One outstanding buv now in Laurel hurst should command vour attention. It Is an exceptionally well built bun galow, nicely located and Just as com plete anU modern as ne could think of. Complete with hardwood floors through out, tiled bath, tiled drain board and pnek; garage; etc. And the price is onlv (u'Ju. I'hone either office now. you'll be under no obligations. A. G. TEEI'E CO., 270 Stark St. Main :!m2. East Side Office. 4'Hh and Salxiy. Tahor Ii.'.m;. EX-SOI.DI ers: SNAP ItOSE CITV BARGAIN! (300 CASH (lino. Owner leaving city, vour chance to buy a real artistic c'al. bungalow on your own terms. Large living ro-m, fireplace. French doors to den. beautiful hdw firs. Model Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fine sleeping porch, attic and garage, rull French casement windows, pergola porches. A beautvl R. SOMERV1LLE. Bdwv. 2478. "2" I-. S. Nat. Bunk Bldg Suburban Homes. SUBURBAN HOMES. THIS WILL PLEASE YOU! The owner of this beautiful R-room resilience In the Hawthorne district has moved to California and has Instructed us to sell st a sacrifice. Almost one acre 01 ground with beautiful shrub- Dery and fruits; hard-surface street in anu paia; j iirep.acea and furnace, s.eeping porch, garage; in fact, every inula- moaern ana uesiranie. Ali we ask is the pleasure of showing you this place. Price (7000, terms. Ask ior r. i. Aiarsnall, w-itn FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068 i niro m. net, vvasn. and Stark. NEAR REEDVIU-E. Over 4 acres, all In cultivation and In crop, 20 young fruit trees, strawberries, logan, black and raspberries. 0-room house, gas. good well, rock road. Price owiv. iui"i casn. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Main 2us. $4.oo. One acre In bearing assorted fmlt trees, cozy 6-room bungalow with living room, timing room. Hutch kitchen, bed room and bath downstairs; 2 bedrooms un; city water, gas. paved road. 1K-J4 garage: 13x24 chicken house, walking uisiance oi jiawrnome car; terms. -I. L. KARXOI'P & CO.. .Ill) Railway .sxchange Bldg. Main H7.1. Evenings. Aulo. '.'7-. LOOK'! THIS WON'T LAST! New. modern, fi-room bungalow: bedrooms, bath, laundry trays and lots ouiu-ins; garage and shed; concrete walks: 2 blocks from station on O. C. line, close to Gladstone; about i acre: price (2K7... EASY TERMS. Ask for r. .-uarsnau. with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 20.1 Abington Bldg. Main 1068 Third St. bet. Wash and Stark HIGHLY improved 7-acre poultry and berry farm, adjoining Nwberg. Address Clyde Avery. New berg. Or. For Sale Business Property. ONE fireproof building, income I4.10 a montn, x..',imi. one fireproof building, income J625 a month, $47,.'K. Two fireproof buildings, income (jSOO a year, (4:1.500. One fireproof building, loo feet square Income (270(1 per year, (10,500. 1158 Union Ave. North, bet. II & 11 A. M. tor Salt? Acreuge. (3650. New 4-room modern bungalow, just being completed, in a first-class district. Investigation will prove to you that the value is in this property. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 208. OWNER SAYS SELL, fi-room, close-in. Rose City; oak floors, furnace, fireplace, full basement, garage; 3 blocks car; $5250; (1150 cash. .1. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR. 32T Bd. Trad.-. Bdwy. 2045. Edward LGoudey Co. MORTGAGE LOANS, I nlted Stotr Bank llulldlns;. JOHN B. COFFEY SIKKTY HllMIS, IMM'KAXCK. 401) Wilcox nidB. Main WM. R K.W.KST A T E. For Kale Iits." LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IV ltRTI..NI. S'.' Morrison St., Portland Hotel. I'lione Mar. 75:1. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washing-ton St. Main 269 Fine Roses and Orchids a Specialty. Flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. Personal attention given wedding, reception, tett and t a o 1 e decorations. Moral tributes promptly attended to - SH'KTI,AXII'M FI.OWI.-H .un Morrison st., bet. 3d and'4th Tnl M..I- .... O - -.1 CI II tlH F LOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS YAMHILL AT TENTH. 437 And Floral Designs. 25 Hawthorne. No Branch Stores. rears on Morrison street, het. 4th and Fifth. Main 770. ROSE WAY FLOWER SHOP E. 41ST AND SANDY BI.VD FLOWKKS FOR ALL OCCASION'S. WE DELIVER. PHONE IS T. T .lAINCKY. TABOR X!7: NOB 111 LI, FLORISTS; (Estate Alfred Burkhsrdt.) X. F. cor. 23d and Gllsan. -Main 135ft. ToNSETH S FLORAL Co.. 27 Washington St., bet. 4th and 5th. Alain S102. A 1101. IRVINGTON If you are looking for (1000 lots on Knott street, pass this ad up i'.'1 ' "..r"""5, w"nt to et home site In IRVINGTON at way below true value, go out TODAY If possible and Inspect Knott fac. No. between 21t aud JfiSs- ,K- ''or- ,8,n an1 Stanton. RITTER. LOWE CO.. Realtors. -'01-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. GOOD UNTIL JAN 1. UJ2 TWIN (700 U1TS ROSE CITY PARK. A. 1 street Improvements In and paid, including: street. sewers. sidewalks, curbs, water, gas, electricity. See these before buying. . "KMIKHSOS-BANKUS CO.. 2S Henry Bldg. Bdwv. 4754 1 w.'.V.'.TP " yu know that the HUGHES ESTATE I. making extraor dinary concessions .to home builders Look at block bounded by K. 23d, 24th Klickitat and Fremont, then see us we II make a deal. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors, -Ol ---3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. SULLWOOD. 11700 4 rooms and bath. (3O0 rash. (20 tier month. Including interest at 6 per cent. Let vour rent buv vour home. JOHNSO.V-DODSON CO.. nn X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37K7. PRETTY Calilornla bungalow of .", rooms, ( about 3 years old; hardwood floors, fire, place, all built-in.. Ivorv tapestry dec oration, full basement, plpeleas furnace. Garage. A rare buy at (4000. Terms or bonti" Bdwy. 4X35. (300 CASH (25 PER MONTH. Neat 4-rooin plastered house, bath, toilet, electric lights, large lot, 50x210 ft.; best of garden soil. 14 assorted fruit trees, grapes and berries, smalt barn, gravel street; 1 block to car; a real snap at (1075. Let us show vou. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2U8. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. (5 150 FOR SALE PY OWNER A remarkable bungalow of 5 rooms and attic. Lo cated on 44th st.. below the hill. I don't thln-k you can find anvthing like It for tne money, liaro-wood floors throughout. Complete with furnace, fireplace and ga rage. Beautifully finished in old Ivory and w-hlle throughout. Tapestry paper. 1 have car and will call for vou. No agents. psse. Phone Auto. 320-O7. WEST SIDE 0-ROOM HOUSE. (250 CASH. Good C-room house, 3 bedrooms, bath, furnace. In good condition; lot 40xf5il; on Kelly St.. near Falling school. Price a snap. (250(1, (250 cash and balance monthly at per cent. No mortgage or ciiy liens. Would cost (.iUOO to build tne nouse. J. W. GRITSSI. TIE Board of Trade Bldg. Main 7452. CONSIDER SOLDIER'S LOAN. S acres, two miles from electric station: 1 'i miles to school: grav eled road; ail under cultivation; 1(1 bearing assorted fruit trees. 12IMT1 strawberry plants. 15 acres loganberries; 5-room log bungalow with bathrm.; barn 24x24. garage. 3 chicken houses, capacity 5(10 chickens: root cellar. Price (.",2(10, terms. Will accept soldier's loan and give possession immediately. Ask for Mr. Kemp. WELL IMPROVED, CLOSE IN, 10 acres. 81- miles from center of Portland, on rocked road, close to highway: II acres under cultiva tion. 1 acre timber; young et cliard. new bungalow, with plumb ing, garage, chicken house. Very attractlvo place. Price (7500; will consider house In good dis trict on cast side of less value. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gcrllngcr Bldg. CLARKE COUNTY. WASHINGTON. 160 acres. 27 miles from Port land; rocked road: 3 miles from good town and paved hlgha; good 6-room house, barn, silo and other buildings: bearing family on hard: 2 springs, creek; 30 acres under cultivation; two thirds of this Is bottom land not subject to overflow ; over ltHl acres can be farmed when cleared; some l.mber and pasture. Included with place, good team. 4 cows. 1 calf. 0 hogs, luo chickens. 7 tons hay. potatoes. wagon. harness. Plow, harrow, cultivator, mower, rake, cream separator, oats, fur niture, feed and seed. Price for everything. (Ooixi; (20oo cash, balance long time, 6 per cent. In spected by Hunter. 22 acres. 1 mile from good town and high school: Yamhl.i t-ountv, Oregon; one block from ro.k.-d road; all under cultivation: good b.ack loam soil; bearing orchard; good house, barn, chicken house and otner buildings. Included wiih p.ace: I c,mv, chickens, complete line of farming machinery, ii ions hav. bushels grain, hay car rier. 10 acres in oats, Ii acres wheat, balance clover. Price for everything (Vino, (juoo cash, easy terms on balance. JOHN FERGUSON. Realtor. Gerllngcr Bldg. A REAL FARM AT A RIGHT PRICE 40 acres. 35 acres In high state of cul tivation and in crop that looks fine- 5 acres pasture, timber. living water; 6 room house. 2 barns, ilftil rapacity chick en house, kitchen, orchard, farm stock and equipment go with this place- 4i mile from railroad station, store, echo, and church. Hard road, can drive to the door In auto any dav In the lear I rice (oi.-.n. Terms on (25o. See ,1. c, ("ulbertson. o,, t, H'J'LEK HUS. Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. H dg Main S. rOR KKNT 1(1 a.. 2', a cleared, balanca imsiure. -ronni ionise ami sleeping porch, small barn, large hen house, some fruit, water In hous,; close to Sherwood; M" a year, l.a'f cash. 1 45- E. st. X. For KKNT Chicken ranch, verv cheap, nice location. Address c. Kimball. R. F. I ' 1. Box IMi. Xewberg or. . 4-r, rent -wo house, barn and chicken -heap 50 3J su S. TO HVCH WO K h KAI.KST.VTF. ANTKI l-'i e-rooin jnodern bungalow In am- good vl, strict In Portland. In ex change one ..f the finest Utile 40 a re larins n southern Washington. Lo cated ;, miles fioni Wa!houal. Wash. .1 miles from pav,-d state lughwav. half In cultivation, half In :lne mcr, hanlahle timber, pasture. Rich s'll. variety of fruit, grupes. close to cliulvhca, school, etc. Trout streams abound. House, barn, other out tunldines ; Hood hutitlll. water, clma!,. Hn,j s- enerv are of the best. Sp endid tor dalrlng and stock raising, Manv of cows with world records at .'" count rv. 'nils IS A SAC RIFICE: If vou to Interested t u gpletl il d nropo-dtion. call Mam ;;:s:i. 2S2 ACRES. FAMOUS Rogue RIVI-R VALLEY. CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE OFFERED FOR MIDDLE WEST PROPERTY. -!2 acres splendid land In the Rogue River valley of southern Oregon. 5 miles from Giants Pass and 2 miles from Merlin. Faces on paved state highway, 4o-acre pear orchard bearing next year, worth (47:100. but owner is In Kansas City and will sacrifice for (40.000 on any reasonable terms, or trade for property nearer his home. WHEELER. 2lU Nortn U'h St., Giants Pass, or. M E. 4-R. DAIRY OPPORTUNITY. A fine chance for the right people with a small amount of money to start In the dairy business. We have irrigated land near Prlncville. Oregon, for sale at Ji5 to (100 per acre, oil easy terms.' We will help finance you in the purchase of good dairy stock. We want fanners (. onie In and see us. ' L. KARNOPP it- CO., M,ln "' "R Railway Exchange Bldg DA I It i luriliers. Investigate llns 111,1,10,1" opportunity to nw r, a fino-pavlng jrl. f?edda'ry and lfifa ranch, valued S1H.OOO. -Located In famous Deschutes valley of central Oregon. Iluyiug same """"""'J, "ew pian. very little cash re ?,'!i;v.eu11 rr''L'uiara upon request. REDMOND LAM) & LOAN CO Inc Redmond. Oregor.. ' '' WANT PORTLAND i Will Exchange COTTAGE IX ASTORIA As First Payment. This Astoria home is valued, rash, at (l.uxi. and 1 will put in (.100 cash beside on most any home up to (51100 In Port '''"1. or will consider rundown house that 1 can rcmoil . I. I ,,m not afraid to assume. Cull Alain 7l'3I or labor 53 HI. I. Kohtdns. MINNESOTA five-room cottage AVE '.111 10 Good .,-room mtt.ige, good basement. Oath, electricity, bed rooms, near school. I rice x.'noii. $.-,,,,1 ca.-li. or will luk.i (I1..0 lot and (400 ,as!i for eiimty. lulanel (I'.iil at $-'.1 per mo. including- Interest. I. W. GltUSSI. .Is Board of Trade HI. In. Mall 7I.-.2. i FIX E du-i niched, in ii'k nl In rooms, mostiy fur heart of St, .,!...- r.-.H... - in ii, 100 :e,i trout and back, lour garages; will r ! or trail,. It for good mixed diversified equipped farm In the western or sout h west -rn part of Oregon or Wiohmst.m- vain.. 000 Chen-y. Wash. Ola Part. 10 ACRES. CLOSE Ts Two acres cleared, good roads, running water, close to auto, rail and highway transportation; flno for chickens and di versified farming. Adjoining lands pro ducing l.,o sacks potatoes to acre- J7V) terms. Owner. 24H Stark st. ' ' ' WAXTF.n HF.AT. ESTATE. REAL ESTATE WANTED. Have clients waiting for improved 3 to ., -acre tracts; wo get quick action oa listings that are price, I right HILLEIt BROS.. Realtor's. 211 Ry. Ex. Hliig. Mir, S(!, Branch office 5llth and Sandy Tahor IS5. CUSTOMER with some cash and soldier's bonus wants a 5 or 6-rootn modern bun galow with fireplace, priced und-r $.V.nn, with all street improvements in; from Hawthorne avenue norfh im-imi,.. 11..-., City and Alameda. RALPH HAJIRIS COMPANY nil Chamber of Commerce. Main 3(1J4 WANT GROCERY. A real Improved ni-:i ,-,-r- ranch, nesr Portland to trail.- for grocery. See .1. c. CuU.ert.Mou 2I1 Rv. Ex. H'llg Main X WILL 'I'll A fl I." We are prepared to arrange a trade ror you; bring In your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit. Lots houses, acrease. farms or stocks of merchandise. E. K S.. 712 Couch bldg. SEVEN-PASSENGER R Eo SIX. 111 nrst-class mechanical condition, practically new rubber, newlv painted in June; will exchange for lot. acreage or goort homse e,,inty. Fred W. German Co.. realtors. 7:t2 Cham of Com WON DERFUL. 320 acres, rarrilnt 5 million red fir 1 ' million alder: 8 miles from 1;. R, (11 per acre; sell or trade equity of (moo or what have vnu .' 4111 Luinber tnens built, Wliislow Co. WANTED GOOD HOMES. We have prospects for Portland homes at right prices. If others failed to sell jour property, list immediately with us e sell service. , . FRANK McCRILLlS. 3-'4 Henry Bldg Hdwv 7T0 u EST SIDE PROPERTY OWNERS. When selling jour properly see the man who makes H specially of handling west side exclusively, and has alwajs buyers lor the right proposition. JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce B'dg. e llAllv several customers for homes that can be handled 011 small payments down and easy inonthlv payments What Have You? RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. Sid Chamber of Commerce Main 56") WE HAVE calls for l..i7i.7.-"nTV.r,iiTr tii. anu iiitsiness oniiort n nit lis vvl-l.l, e 40 fill. Come in and list V A.N r-1'ln .111 acreage or cheap lot. un improved: will exchange 4(1 acres, car rying 5(100 cords of wood, 4 nines ts laiiioa.i. mi i-utllDfi'iiien bldir. W n- y. low MODERN' BRICK APARTMENT"; will sell iiiv modern brick aiiartment. nouse; talie Mini lor part. hal. ii ( 'T-ruonla n. g I property owner. E 317, H I KKY e vou to offer for 1(10 acres, ? Tills properly is clear and prefer lots. 4iu l.umbermens low company GROCERY STOCK (I2.-h. ' Saiu lioiise eiiiilv for Part or all, or II consoler late model anlo for hslf c.isli or liTin, Tahor lliM. What hi nil In vv h -onlv $35oo bldg Wi ha WE IIAlli a nice slock of inerrli and Ise, shout (2S.OH0, to .Mhnige for Improved. farm. 41H Liimhei it s bldg. W I N SLOW CO are una!,; DUTCH COLONIAL. IRVINGTON. Five rooms, with space for seven, new and up-to-date; on bedroom and bath on first floor: built with best of ma terials for owners' own home, by dav labor; plate glass windows; hardwood floors; colonial corner cupboard. large fireplace, full basement, conveniently arranged for small famllv. Prlre (7500, terms. Owner. 615 Chamber of Commerce, or Main HOti. your holdings with Hie old reliable firm S.MITII-WAGOXER co, STOCK KC WANTED- l.i I IRVINGTON. One or Irvlngton's finest STUCCO homes: large rooms, solid mahogany aim oki ivory mrougnout; two white men fireplaces and two tiled halhs three extra lavatories, two glass-Inclosed sleeping porches, connection with dress ing room and lavatory. In the heart of irvlngton; siz.oou. short time. East 419. 0-ROOM house, lot 50x100. on 41st and Division; over (1OO0 worth of good fur niture. Including piano, goes with the house; wood' In the basement; price (3750, with (10(H) cash, balance 1411 per month. 0r-r- Inquire 27 Grand ave. PRETTY NEW BUNGALOW. CIX5SK"Tn. Here Is one you can buv direct and the price is right; strictly modern and surely cheap; look it over at once Tabor 3433. evenings Auto B23-1T MAKE IT SNAPPY. Cash or trade for what have you as first payment? Balance easy. Move rignt in to your own nome. owner. Mar shall 7R. FURNISH EI ( 3 R0O. PRETTY PULLMAN BUNGALOW. The prettiest 4-room bungalow you've seen, furnished complete; full basement, with wash trays snd furnace and win ter's wood in: garage. fine chicken house, beautiful shrubbery; offered away below value by owner, who has been transferred; terms. RALPH HARRIS CO.. KIR Chamber of Commerce. Main 5824. (2250 WOODSTOCix. car. S rooms, bath cement basement, lots fruit, berries, 3 iota, new garage, soino new furniture. range goes: very easy terms; 5U10 59th ave. s. r-. t ei. e. ast 4ao. A DANDY Rose City modern 5-room bun galow, inciooing sleeping porcn. new at iraciive corner, (rarage. only S.i.oO, easy lerm. .Miner, o-. -Morgan Dldg. Main :ii;i.i. FOR SALE New. well-built, cozy. 4-room cottage bungalow, garage, chicken house, ' 50x100 lot. garden land, onlv (130O. Address J. C. Robertson, 770 I 1 D nets BL (5 DOWN. 15 MON TH I V Splendid lot. 50x100. all cleared, on St. Johns line, about half way out; to tal price (412. We have two of these "e . i,,e same nisirlct: take your choice or all Fred W. German Co.. ............ ..tiainoer or commerce IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. BARGAIN (485(1. Ideal for small family; 5 rooms, attic, furnace, fireplace, ivory wood work-' Neuhausen Co.. Main SOTS; East 3M4 IRVING TON' 1I1THICT $750. (loo cash til) mo ' rw, r.ear school paving, sidewalks and aewer JOH XSON-DODSON CO ft"3 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37.7. WEST HI D R ..(XKIO. Willamette Heights Paving 10 monthiv. " Casft .TOHNSOV-nODSOX CY) ft-.S X. W. Rank Bldg, Main 7S7 CJ,OiiK-IN HAWTHORVK I n-r K. i!4th and IJth sts.. b-t. Hawthorne and Harrison. $150, terms; all IniD in and paid. 0 H KNDERSON-BACKUfl CO., ft?S Henry Bidg. Bd wy. ' 47M. $jj.-.fl i cash flOxino fax-ln's- &t on Kast l.Lh N.. nar Kli k tat. AM Iidd nald JOHNSOX-DODSON CO "3 X. V. Bank Bidg. Main ri77 TWO IsOTS ft.r sale in Portland ti"-. t.n down and $10 pr month. Int. Q nr ltn$ prtIand H- L LuHtPd, 5620 96th 1 0x I :)iVB EAUTIKU U LOTS $360 Induing 88fsgm-iitn: Alberta par- 1ft w. Bank bldg. COItXER lot, llth and Tenino, SellwoodT best offer. 303 Concord blug. Mam 8231. A WIDOW must Hacrifice quickly well built 7-room home, east front, corner 133x100; fruit, berriew, garage, full ce ment basement; on Kast 74th. near Gil Han; 3L't0; tcrmw. Tabor L'f 3 4 . START the new year In you own new bungalow in Beaumont, modern 5-room ivory -enamel throughout. French doors, hardwood, all butlt-ins; garage. E. 813. 5-ROOM double constructed bungalow Laurelhurst. h. w. f.. (replace, furnace attic. $3100. terms. Dr. J. D. uback' 1 7 1 Broadway. SHACK with acre, acre or acre fine cultivated land; $10 mo-sthly; also house with 2- acre, close In; $10 month. Roer W. Cary. 1219 X. W. Bank bldg. $2000, $230 CASH 3-room house, lot t3x ll'fl. alley, 17 bearing fruit trees. Xo 8441 6th st. 8. B. Auto. 619-19. Fred v' Spear. 5320 63th St. S. E. HOSK CITV PARK $.V.0". Folks, here Is a ral claasv bungalow, double const ru-ted. idea llv lovaterl be low the ' hill In the choice- location. Hard wood floor throughout : f urn nee, fireplace and. garage. Anats. paid. Innpeut this. A. (1. TKEPK IX . 270 Stark St. Main 300J. East Side office. 4th and Sandv. Tabor !Cirt VACANT NEAR A IWSWORTH AVE On East 10th Ht. X. Price $3it0i. Win take good building lnt and $30it cash as first payment; 7- room, newly decorated ; a splendid home; largo kitchen, nice living and dining room, four bedrooms; basement. You'll euriy like it. RALPH HARRIS CO.. S16 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5024. ROSE CITV bargain: Must Be Sold at Once. $.".000 view bungalow, half block from Sandy. On your own terms. Large liv ing roorn, plate glass windows, fireplace, hdw. floors. Dutch kitchen, breakfast mmk. 2 large airy bedrooms, bullt-ln dresser in bathroom; furnace R. SOMERVJM,E Brtwy. 2478 3?Q C S. Xat. Bank Bldg. $130 DOWN and easy terms buys a five room hnujie, newly painted outride, and now being newly papered and painted InHide; everything to he In f IrHt-clafls condition by the first of the year; close to downtown district on macHdamlzed F treet ; modern : no assessment; will sell for $2 loo If taken at once. Call xi r. our.g, .Main t,vtn. WOULD VulT 1 1 1 T V A SNAP? WELL! LISTEX TO THJS' 10 aero, all in cultivation; just of the New berg highway on gravel road", mii all barn, chicken house, .".-room bun galow with French windows; marked down for quick sale at $2t.".u Libera, terms. SET BUSY. AS THIS WILL NOT LAST! Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McUUIRK. 20." Abington Bldg. Main IOCS Third St. het. Wash and Stark. -West Hid,. ri.....,77 ..lulling jin i.Tr.Mi ; will giv.- ',. a- n- i cultiVHi.'d land on firrgon t'ltv car lino and i-itMi up to ."m,iiou H EN I I : itS in - BA N Kl'S i n Ji2S H-riry Bl.lg llrn.,.,ux- 4 731. IF VOCH LOTS are in gvd .Jj.Mric't. f? and clear, priced rigiu. e ua. Our co-operative plan will sr ! I them ROHVKTT S M.CH'UK M.-trshnll ::22. Cf.u.-h Bldx. WE WANT UH I'pl (IV. Mi dlr-tl l. t BEAUTIFUL. 5-acre country home. 7-room modern house, cltv water, lights and gas. large aleeotng porch, fireplace, modern bath. French windows: land drains both ways from house; wonderful view of Alt Hood and surrounding country, near Beavertoo on rock road. Frlc $5000. terms. STROUD A CO.. INC. Beaverton, Or. i r reMrjeni idi nr tniH(n-sM pui pusc, tour property with n for results CUE A. McKENNA Co ' rth St. Main 4.V'2 WW NEED .MODERATE PRICED IlMMES DEM AND INL'KEASINC,; we advertiw. exttnslvcly. J. A. WICKHAM CO.. 202 Stark. Briwy. 070 4 , -ttmj.i inodcrn hung a low. -li,e in. cIom in car. nut over; j.oo cash, from o wnT only ; iuum buy soon ; give Mt rcct iiumut-r. .i .un, i 'rcgnnian 2 Ai'KKS ol inn. I w n , rn-nu hous". bam and clili ken Iioiik.-, suitable for hh k n ranch, 13 liiitiuf ttmn .(. f rersnn -street ';;. Wliai h.-ivc ou .' Tabor 270 M'EAL ni.tdii I'i.rm, 32 aciTi H si.i'-r I'ortlan.l ot Alberta. Canada prnp. ertv. Full I'arn.'iiliir! iit-i b-iter. Urtiirr. K. A Jlufb t,HIii jun n. r T 1 i ft E E full-si..- 1uTs on; hi. N.. b.- IWI'II Rodltey Mil.) llHlfeV t.. lt'HIC f'tf b'.UH, equity (.r car or what? C 322. i tt'CLJiinl;! l. L". ACRES garden land 'oliinibU high Wity, Will fj.l.e itiitoiii'dtile or i-ity prop erty to full vain- Joff. wiih O. O. Slelfll. I3 R Kveb hldg J 1 A vi-: prupert Ry. E i i;u- ,ere fi, 1-1,1 Coff. uith bldg id.- for ch v Sletten, 415 . ACRES of Ihe vi'iv b.M latld at Toil iuin station; will Like ,Hr an part pay- house ; McKa 1 1'. vv ,i uk ie. wuli new H-ronni i H.CII IllltlM' to f KMIII. v L FKANM.iX o ex,' a tit lot, i ', ralin m, unnerve bldg. Main K1' for good I 'ha mber of WANT 5 or -r. bungalow to $3WNt. I, ,j rcthurst or vfHhity or R. C. Park; $l3oo 'y uown. -Main ii31. HUl Ry Kxih. THREE ACJtKS I1! SK IN. Two acres in fruit, running stream, d a n d v 0- roo m h o u s, r i re p I ace and in o d -er?i con ven lencee ; good ear eerv b-e a nd good highway; a bargain, terms. See Mr Schmidt. Interstate Investment Co., Real, ton. 41't Henrv bldg. Bna1wav 473I. 100 ACRES in .laekson county. Oregon, IB ml lea from Gold Hill; 13 acres cleared, spring and cre-k on place ; good hunt ing and tra-p-ptng location: price Jhhio, Write F. C Naser, care Holland .hotel, Klamath Falls. Or. WRITE tor map of western Washington. showing location, low price and ea terms offered to aettlers. WE V Kit H A USE Ii TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. DANDY cultivated 3-acru tract wlthhoufw. barn, well, city .water and lights avail able; close in: $, balance $23 month. Roger W. Carv. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. i r.t -licst K.t In R,,o City distriet mat J.mmi cash wiil buy. Am going to ....i Hi.iur. uivi' rxHi'i location in first, clients ir east -tide home; prefer ef 'iii nil on one noor X. W. Bank B'dg Main H 7 7 C,Rl M 'KltY STi k' Want hous eo.uiiy. must be In desir ah'e location. Tabor ft!4. irauH ngnt i.-cyiinder car. ruun and iirvu i.t-w, .or ciear lot. u 324. Ore W A N T LAI' H ELH URST LuT ' Want Io( under ) 1 iumi; win pa v tas1 for good level lot. i--g.nian WANTED One to 100 lots: will pay cash Address BF 312, Orrgonian. TO BUY flat or bouse tor removal other location. eat side. East 2(!S1 to W A N T Bdwy. Iou hie H4UU. flat or a par t men t $200 DOWN. BALANCE EASY. $ gso inside city. acre, small house. fruit and berries, gas, water, elec. $1150 Outside city, 1 acre, small house, chicken house, gas. water. iee $1850 Inside city. HOxIOO, 6-room house, chicken house, fruit trees, corner, 2 blocks from car line, modern. i.UKUU.N Al UKTUAUli COMPANY 631 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Main 1370. VACANT gunnyside E. Yamhill, near 25th St. Si x rooms, t hree extra la rge bed rooms, enameled plumbing, wah travs. In splendid condition. Can be handled oy uoianT s nonun. ,i'a, easy terms RALPH HARRIS CO.. S1B Chamber of Commerce. Main 3624. $4000 $S00 DOWN. Just completed, modern 5-room bun galow, with breakfast nook, furnace. airL-piatjie, an ouiiL-ina, gooa ul strict. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. $430tl $43011 $4300 $4300. ALAMEDA PARK. Nothing like it for the price In any ii me iirMiMinr tnfLricis. it s a won derful new bungalow, consisting of 5 rooms anu nreaKiast nook. xou can nave possession -ew tears. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. REALTORS. Quality Homes. 202 Stark St. Bdwy. 6704. 1RV1XCTO.M DISTRICT COR. LUTH AXD WASCO. 5 rooms, old ivory furniture, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, bullt-lns Dutch kitchen, tile bath and drain board! beautiful paper and electric fixtures; 3oxl00-ft. lot; all Improvements paid Start the new year right. Phone owner East 6033. FUL'U-KOOM bungalow, near Union ave Nice little place with garage; well made. Move right In. Terms. $300 cash. Price $ 2000. O a rl a n d . 201 3d . BEAUTIFUL modern 8-room house large grounds; leaving, will sacrifice if taken at once. Main 8032. IRVINGTON Duplex, sacrifice. 10 per cent $8300 and your house. . Owner. East 8013 ALAMEDA colonial, 6 rooms, breakfast room, aleeplng porch, for sale by owner E 24th st. N. wwHwr. KlVEr-KOOM modern bungalow, fine con dition, furnace, full basement.' wash trnys. 43 11 32d S. E $3400. BEAUTIFUL corner lot. three rooms and bath; a snap. Bdwy. 3337. EXCEPTIONALLY LA ROE IRVINGTON HUAUAUUVV, 5-room ultra-modern home on 25th. near Knott; oak floors throughout; tile floor, tile drain board ; living room 13x32; large bedrooms. This i excep tionally nice; $7830 $2500 cash J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR, 327 Bd. Trade. Bdwy 2043 BIG SNAP. Beautiful S-room bungalow In Alberta: newly painted and tinted.- In best of condition; nice bath; attic with stairs; full basement; double garage; sacrifice for quick sale. Eaay terms. Owner must leave city at once. Make me an offer 1102 E. 21wt st. N. Wd!n. 2573. " K X T E H SI " V V ViT 1 1 W Owner leaving city offers 3 rooms and lptn(r porch. tual plnnVbing. electric ugnis. eie. rrieo only 27fM. $73o cah oaianc .m per month including inter est ax n per cent. jOHNSOX-DOnsON CO. 633 X. V. Bank Bidg lain 37S7 $230 CASH AND TERMS. Four-room house having modern con veniences and In good condition, 80x100 ioi, iu oeanng iruit trees, good chicken coop and yard; close to car and school; eitlOta CII t r. V ' OTTO '& HARKSOX. 413 Chamber of Commerce Main 630S. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW SACRIFICE $42U0 TERMS. r ive rooms, attic, modern: one block from car: paved street; a. pickup; will ue aoiii on iir;i inspection. ALVTN JOHNSON. REALTOR, 20 4 Board of Trade Bldg.. Bdwy. 37 Evenings East 2f01 WEST SIDE SACRIFICE ' MUST BE SOLD. 21st st., close in, 10-room house, good condition, t sleeping rooms, furnace, full cement oasemeni. east rront. 00x100 lot Only $6500; $1300 cash. $25 monthly. "t. O'. BIRD. S26 CHAM. QV COM. $4.mhi 7-KOOMED modern home. Sunnv- slrie district, built-ins. wash travs. full cement basement ; street improvements an in anc paia. r ruit trees. Let show you this. S. M. BORLAND. 303 Stock Exchange. Auto. 520-04. DEAL WITH OWNER. I have two 3-room 1-story and one 6-room lJ-story bungalow.s 54, 33 and 64 E. 43th st. N., near Davis, practi cally In Laurelhurst; terms; will dis count for all cash. H. L. Hammond. 021 -Hi. $6000 HOUSE FOR $4500. Will build to suit. New designs. Part or all cash. 20 discount on first 5 before material prices advance. 16 years' experience. See my work. AO 327, Oregonian. SWELL LAURELHURST BUNGALOW 6 rooms and den, fully modern, close In, near th park, must move at oncer ( price is right. Call Tabor 3433, eveninga ACRES. W ACRES. ACRES. Some with buildings; $10 payments. R W Carv. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg DANDY pUce of acreage for sale, cheap. Write A. J. Taylor, in care of J. K. Gill Co. city. FOR SA LE 7-AC RES. CLOSE THOMAS A LLEN.x 01 3 1 l2D ST. S. IN. E Homentettds, Uelin.juihhments. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD ORRELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W HELM 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For Hale Farms. HAVE TRUCK to trade, for 2 lots or house cciuity. Selhvood fM. 413 E. 30th lots in Irtl.igton. Wood- WANTED 1 or lawn il341. I'M, i . iu pe M ti in Vantel to Kent i urm. WANTED TO KKN T iiM A LL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or muail farms, cloae to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales thl. way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. 11V OWNER boos.'. I hi' eve hungc, d-rm, Tallin- I0VI. WILL for S xchaiige Ilsif Hidgute st., Portland, )isid-. tw tier on premlsrH. TO K ll ANGK MlSCFI.rJVNKOI'3. TRADE- $0i(ii Si. g. r imoiio. ii A'prll; eci:ent sluipe, fir Lc lord roadster. good runiK r. rtto routo No. 2, .v 112. Rldg.ff.-Id. W WE HAVE a $73(1 deposit fr a lie Seudeba ker; w ill exchange, for buiblinic lot. ruiTi Arttanx bldg IHM MAXWELL car for restaurant, fix. lures; will puv dift'crcnee. Plmrio Sell vv foil 1 let. TA K E anyt bing 3 lr -Ton St xnl.i ou offer foi my equity m I. 4 1!' 1 .liinherinw n's bldg. i:U0 HUICK. MUe new. free of encumbrance. for building lot 03 Artisans bldg. l ffl SAI.K. ltores. Vehicle". Livestock. TEN HEAD of horses and marcs, weigh ing 1 100 lo 1600 pounds, will sell verv cheap lo ma ke room for shipment to arrive after the first of the year: new wagons and harn at reduced prices. K ey stone stable. 31 Water St.. corner Montgomery. REGISTERED Guernsey sire. 12 h4 yearling heifers. Jersey snd Guernsey, one young fnrni team. Phone Hillsbofo 2272. or writ 1315 Jackson st., Hills horo. Or. N5 FOR 2MMl-p,Mind team; guaranteed, good workers; also several other very chea p horse. I la rn and wagons of al? kind 210 Nth. e.,r Mulri. lino good ted. 210 JERSEY cow, jiiHt freh. 5gl. : family cow and ontf. $05, t ut t E.ivrt Kfh. cor. Main. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Forced Sale $70 Per Acre. 158 acres, all In cultivation, fenced, house, barn, outbuildings; $1500 cash, balance to suit. Local bank will stock aud ecjuip you. Best soil. Let 'a talk It over. T. O. BIRD. 526 CHAM. OF COM. FOR SALE Price $4200, 40 acres, over nair in cultivation, all fenced and cro fenced. some fruit trees; good spring and well watery some timber: 6-room house. 1 house 16x24 ; barn : schoolhouse across the road; 4 miles S. E. Boring. Oregon, on Kstacada cariine; easy terms. F. Bronner, Boring, Oregon. SNAP. 25 acres, about half cleared, some fruit, 3-room cottage, barn, chicken house, spring, wire fenced and cros-fenced, macadamized road to Columbia high way; 14 hours to Portland; $3nio, half cash, terms. Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark' street. THE BEST dairy farm in tne best dairy county oi me nest state in the union (Oregon), adjoining the best town of Its size in the state. Stocked right, equipment right, priced right, terms right. An honest, open-minded investiga tion will convince you. Address owner. AP 300. Oregonlan. WANTED -Man and wife want small farm near Portland, all ready equipped, on shares or monthly pavments. Route 3 Box 454. TIMBER LANDS. SM A LL Paw mil!, two donkeys. 12-14 Wil liams, It -1 3 Vulcan ; good sleds ; 5 or 10 million ft. timber; $3 M. 3 miles from Seappoose station, or land 4 mile from ptana a no. niacauam roan. i-.any terms ior tne rignt party, u. w . Price, Scup poose. Or. 'ULL-BLOOpED JERSEY COW. 7 years obi. Se at 41t and Monroe, Mllwaukie. Oregon. Sell wood tW-,1. Stafford. V ETE R IN A R! A X. DR. HOWES. TABOR 31(( DEAD hornes and cattle taken quickly. 'all day tr night. Auto 627-64. G i D work teH in, Phone rhap. RK73. HIDES nought or tanned. West Coast Tan ni t ig Co.. s;r Ten ino are. Sellw r o d 2 3 ! I'iMiioK. Orgmii and lu-icu ln-1 riiriienlsT BETWEEN 3 and 6 million ft. of timber jsuitanio ior sawmill ror Jogging. located 2H miles from I'ortland one. mile from R. R. station same distance from high way. F. M. Miles, 30U McKay bldg Main 13t0. FOR KENT FA R M P. FOR SALE or trade, IS acres. 12 miles north of vancoucer, mile of paved road, 4 acres cleared. small stream touches corner of place; price $2000; $200 down, rest on easy payments at 6 per cent, waiter n. t-agn. ean Marco apt a. apt. 306, East 8th and Couch. FOR " SALE The finest farm in Tillamook county; high-class buildings, dairy, close to Tillamook city, electric lights, city water, everything modern; will consider in exchange city property up to 30 per ci-ni ua purcuasu price. JV iD, urcgo nian. WILL sell our fine dairy farm of 160 acrs near tfarton. .stacaaa K. R. and Clear Creek creamery at a sacrifice for caa to settle estate. Address T. Withy combe, 432 12th st.. Portland. Or. $1400 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. Furnished and ready to move into. Electricity, sidewalks. has basement. Wood for winter. $4-311 cash will hanxlle JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 6". 3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW- Modern 5-room bungalow with large! rooms, attic anu garage, corner, excel-I 3-room house. near Wlllamina; $2uu CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near ronmnu, ju 10 iuu per acre, eaay terms, beat soil; farms for aale, all slees. McFarland. realtor, 20S Failing bldg. 5H ACRES, level, cleared, fenced, good ij-room nouse. near vvwiamina down. J. K, Sharp, t3V Third U 44 ACRES. 20 miles south of center of Portland; 14 acres under cul tivation, balance in good pasture; small house, good barn, chicken bouse; rocked road; 2 mRes from railroad town. Personal property: One team. 4 good cows. 0 head young stock, wagon harness, plow, harrow! disc, cultivator, De Laval cream separator, 20 chickens. 8 tons enstiage. wood saw and tools Personal property, $iM0; rent $100 per year; long leas to good tenant. Terms on-part. Ask for Mr. Hunter. John Ferguson. Gerlinger Bldg. EDISON disc, records, like half. 563 E. 44th st cabinet phonoKrupb Mnd new. tost $173. Soil foe KE.NT Graionola "th late muic and ieL rental apply on -.irchane price. EniDire Transfer. Bdwy. 133. ESTE Y PIANO in mahogany case, lnt style, a splendid bargain at $243, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 6th st VIOLIN students' outfit. Includes violin. case. bow. resin and extm strings, $1S. G. F. JohnsonjMano Co., 140 6th st. KR ELL PIANO in walnut case. $2S3; a good buy; terms. G. F. Johnaon iJlan Co.. 140 Oth t-t. ItENT a new piano or phonograph ; six . mouths' rent applied on purchase Drica Harold S. Gilbert. as4 Yamhill m. A FINE sma tl grand piano, a wonderful buy for $tii'3. one only at this pries G. F. Johnson Ptann Co., 140 6th st LEASE expires Jan. 1, lirj, rme fixturea ior fo-, i'iit'i i.oib, pnonographs. pianos. Harold S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill st. 67 AC.KJSS 16 mile from center of Port land. Clarke county. "Wash. Rock rowd J mile from station. i mile to school' 4 acres under cultivation, 20 acres tim ber and pas tun1. Spring and creek water pIpM to house, 3-room house, ga rage, chicken house, large barn accom modate 30 cow. Personal property Team. 12 cows. 2 calves, 1 registered Holstein bull, S sets of harness) plow harrow, cultivator, mower, rake," gaso line engine pump and tools. Rent $400 per year. Long lease. Price of personal property, $24 n. $0fHj cash. Ask for Mr Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. lil'ESCHNER C. M'l. paxopligne, all gold artist model. $10o; terms. G. F. John son Piano Co., 140 6: h St. KIMBALL PIANO FOR CASIL I can get $30 more on terms but I need the cash. From owner. Tabor 4S70. PI A NO tuning snd reflnishlng. expert workmanship guaranteed. Selberling T.ucas Music Co.. 123 4th st. Main RS?rt KINGSBURY piano lncluderl in our every piano-reluced sale. A snap. Seiberllng Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st. Ma.t n 3 6 SHiTXTng SON piano. $273; used a short time; in the best of condition. Seiberling-Lucss Music Co.. 123 pt. ST eT.V WAY piano. $ 4 3i! it and bs convinced It is a real bargain. tjej r. Ilng-Lucss Music Co.. K'3 4th st. PIANO wanted ; will tiny cash for good used ptano. Main 6. TRADE $230 Victrola and record outfit, new. for used piano. Call Mala SSiitS.