17 THE 3I0RXIXO -OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1921 JR FA L m A TK For Hul- I'armit. ARB YOU TN TUB MARKET FOR A FAHM BARGAIN? 160 acres, only 13 miles out. In Wash. Co. ; on good rnrk road, mail and milk routes: Hit acre In cult! vat ion, mobtly in crop; bal nrp in ft of id pasture. easily cleared, about 25 rrm of good bottom la nd, with creek, good 8 r'miii House, large barn, silo, oi her our build mgs. windmill and iff s en i no; 10 cnwf, 10 hoifer. 3 horsfs, plenty of good hay. 25 lonit of ensilage, some nr'n food. Kill I line of machinery and totals innw than enough to run place. Owiit is going to sell and has pried this, with all atock and equipment, for $20,000. STRWART A JOHNSON. 316 Northwestern Bank Bldff. HTOHKST TYPE FARM LANDS. T"n-V'Hr Tt-rmn KmploymcnL 3iHX acres, id tracts of 2 acres or more, excelent agricultural soil, moat I y lcM. h-ni'h and bottom land. In the Newaukurn vaiW-y at Onalaaka (15 miles! southeast ( ht-ha.js, Washington;. J-arge farm, dairy h nd fruit d Is trie t. Many advantage; roads, neighbors, achoola. Mldwuy Portland and Seattle, food mar kets. $15 lo $50 pep acre on long-time pHvmmita. Work In mills or wooda if wanted. Easy to start. See s&ifsman on ground or writ citAHAM-I'ARIiKW LAND CO. 10ns American hank Bldg., Seattle. 1'3 At'KES. WEST SIDE. , 12 MILKS OUT. 13 clea red ; ore ha rd ; ome timber; rocked roHd, beat level wU drained soil; .Vrooin hi'tin, barn. $50oo. Terms. J. C. rORHIN CO., 35-6-7 Lewis Bldg. W ANT E r REAL ESTATE. WANTED 20 BUNGALOWS. 4 to 8 ROOMS. AT ONTR. WE HAVE THIS M'MliKR K X -8 E K V I C B MEN WHO .1 iKS! R E IMMEDIATE IN lSSESSRaK. I A iWV.T I( itl-CI UT K PRTPK M 1'ST HI-! QUoED. OWNERS ONLY NEED RE- I FLY. MORGAN & FELDMAN. 533 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. BROADWAY 21S7. CUSTOMER with aoinw rash and aoldier's bonuH wants a 5 or 6-room modern bun galow with fireplace, priced under $.."i00. with Hti street Improvements in; from Hawthorne avenue north, including Rose City and A lame, in. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. Klfl Chamber nf Cm tn-rre. Main ."624. HOMES WANTED. Wo have huers for new and nearly new hiHiKt lows In Rose City, lUwthorne and Irvinginn. Every borne carefully inspected. Phone uk today or call at olf ice. O'FAR RF1LL & fo RON RT. fl.TO-lM f'hmn. ,,f Com. Bldg. Bdwy. 4172 WANTED GOoD HOMES. We have prospects for Port .and homes at right price. If others failed to sell our property, list Immediately with ua. We sell service. FRANK McCR I LLTR, ' 3- Henry Bidg. Hdwy. 770. WKHT SIDE PR iPERTY OWNERS. When beiiing your property see. the man who makes a specialty of handling ue.-t side exclusively, and has--al ways buyers for the right proposition. JOHN SINGER, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. "WE HAVE a-er.il cuMoinerw for homes that can be handled on small payments down and ny monthly payments. H hut have You RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. , RIB f'hfinib'-r of Conimcrr". Main S624. WE IH V E homos If ell eunU'rn bj.v cr i or Portia no. vour price la rlcht we can ALEXANDER REALTY CO. (lnc 70J Title Trust Bldg. Phone Broad wav 5Q. WANT ED WeM side apartment, brick t building preferred win pive oo acres cultivated land on Oregon City car line up to a.io.uuo. 11 K X 1 K 1 1 S O N - B A N K U S CO.. Henry Hblg. Hdwy. 47.M IS VuljH LOTS are in g.od liUtrict, fret and clear, priced right. ee ua. Oui co-operate plan will sell them. ROBNETT &. McCLURE. Marshall ;r-'!i'.'. 3n2 Conch Btdg WHAT Iih vu .mu li t-xc Jiaiik'e f'r a busi ness -cigar, fountain, confectionery and I u rich K'to.i for I'-'WO Income monthly ? Value $4000. no Incumbrance. BJ 310, Or'-ifi.ninn IF YoUR hon.e 1h worth fxwo $ HH)0 to $3."00 and the terms are right, wo can bandle it for vou. JOH.SON-lnrSON CO.. 33 N. W Hmk ILdg. Main 37S7 W ANTED H o 1 1 e m f.rst-class ditrut; must have larce llvin? room. 4 be-.- ruoma or 3 an 1 sleeping pnrch; $2ou0 iBi) , jji ,te u uuui iivu, Jr if.i, Vlf- J gonlan. WANTEi I-ioiii owner .a burnam for cash In moderate and modern little nome or Kriie;hiiig that can be made modern at reasonable expense. Addre-s fmperlnt Hotel, ro.rn 315. ATT E N THIN. HA W TIIOR N E AND SUNNYS1DK HOUSE OWNERS! Want the best 0 or 7-room bunpalow that $15tM will buy. Call Main 3010 be twen 0 and 10 A. M. this morning. V (i. WANT tots In any upproved dintrt:l for residential or business purposes; list jour property with tts for results. Cue A. McKENNA & C., 82 Fourth St. M ain 4522. WE NEED .MODERATE PRICED HOMES. DEMAND INCREASING ; we advertae extensively. J. A. WICKHAM CO.. 2J ; 2 Ptark. Bdwy. 67TM 3-ROOM modern bunaaiow. clcse in, close to car, not over $50H; $5th cash, from owner only; must buy soon; give street number M 307. Orcgn ian. W A N TED Bungalow close to car; $500 cash as first payment. R. KOMM EU WLLE. BDWY. 2478. 32't V. S. National Lank Bldg. A LATE model car and some cash as f;r-t , , payment on modern house on paved hi roet. dive location ana price. S 324 Ort-gonia n. J HAVE a client for a 6-room bungalow, about $530t. with $20i5 cash; must be In good district. Phone Mr. liarp, Bdwy. 37. -:.M.u ju $3M house and lot; 8500 down, $23 per month. Full de&cription and piioto, N 3-iS. Oregonian. GROCERY ST OC K $ 1 250. Want house equity, must be in desir able location. Tubor 'I0-4H. S oR b-KOOM bunaiow, Sunnyside; close Hawthorne car; S3.VHI to $4510 cash; no d-ar. Can 001 McKay. Main 7429. WANTED Five or ten acres with timber land ; mutt be fertile when cultivated. N 324. oregonian. WANTED One to 100 lota; will pay cash. Address HP 312. Oregonian. TO BUY flat or hout-e for removal orher location, east side. East 26M1. to LOT Reasonable, liftlit and water; price P. o. Box 07. stat WANTED 1 oc 2 lots iu lrvington. Wood lawn 65U. Wanted to Kent t arm. WANTED TO KEN T SM ALL PLACES. Have sevural pecpl wanting to rent ac-reage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. W make lots of sa:es this way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Ge.llnger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coaat. WANTED Man and wife want small farm near Portland, all ready equipped, on shares or monthly payments. Route 3. Box 454. LIKE to rent small farm, not too far out. 222 Labbe. bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. 44 ACRES, 20 mite south of center of Portland: 14 acres under cul tivation, balance In good pasture; smaJl house, good barn, chicken house; rocked road; 2 miie from railroad town. Personal property: One team. 4 good cows, 9 head young stock, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, disc, cultivator. De Laval cream separator, 20 chickens. 8 tons ensilage. womlsaw and . toola Personal property. $000: rent $10 per jcar; long lease to good tenant. Term on part. Ask for Mr. Hunter. Jr&v Ferguson. Gorlinger Bldg. FOR RENT Chi-.ken ranch, very cheap, nice location. Address C. Kimball. R. F. D. 1, Box Ihft, Nwberg, Or. TIMBFR IAMH. SMALL sawmiil.'Ywu donkey. 12-14 VI!-I Hams, -M Vulcan; good sleds; 5 or 10 million ft. timber; $3 M. 3 mlls from Scappoose station, or land mile fronr ptank and macadam road. Easy tonus for the right party. D. W. Price, Scap- prnn.". Or. 1; l. t l- i.- v k . . t a 1 1 1 1 . .1 1 s-ultahif for sawmill for logging, located' U ...ltu H...tt I ;i h R. s t a t io 11 -sa me d i stance from hVgh- ! way. F. M. Mile. 5u McKav hld. v i iln nni) 1 TO FCIIAf;FRr I, ESTATE. hM A LL town husines property to trade 1 ior acreage w.ui ounaings. rnone seii. IMI'UOVED, clo.e sal or exchange. In. 5o-acre i arm for J Tabor 3o 7 9. v 1 TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. MT PON DOES NOT take to farming and I am too old to do the work, so will trade my fine farm of loo tcrn, stocked and equipped, near Newport, for a home in Portland. 1 have 6 milrh cowa. 8 heifers and a bull calf; good team of marea, duck, chickens, and all farming toola and im plements. Thorn 1 a good market at Newport for everything 1 raise at Port land prices. 20 acres in cultivation and 25 acres of seeded pasture, 6 acres in oats, 6 In vetch, some clover, kale and rape. The improvements are good; 8-room house with hot and cold water, toilet, bath; burn 4x50, wlA stock sheds and other buildings. Good salmon fishing and an oyster bd; Bono cords of wood with a ready sale at $5 per cord on ground. My price for everything is $H500 and will tske a Portland house to $5000. See my agent. MACINNEH. EXCHANGE DEPT.. HITTER. LOWE A CO., 201, 3. 3, 7 Hoard of Trade Bldg Whore Trudys Are Made Send in Tours. 282 ACRES. FAMOTTS ROGUE RIVER VALLEY. CLEAR OF INCUMBRANCE OFFERED FOR MIDDLE WEST PROPERTY. 22 acres splendid land In the Rogue River valley of southern Oregon. 5 miles from Grants Pass and 2 miles from Merlin. Faces on paved state highway. 40-acre pear orchard bearing next year, worth $47,500. but owner Is in Kansas City and will sacrifice for $40,0u0 on any reasonable terms, or trade for property nearer his home. WHEELER, 204 North 6th at.. Grants Pass, Or. 80 ACRES In Yakima valley, all under irrigation, paid-up water right, close to paved road and town, high and grade school close by, fair buildings; on ac count of the health of owner's wife will trade for something in this locality; price $15,000; will Bland investigation. STEWART A JOHNSON. 313 Northwestern Bank Bldg. STAR TRADING SERVICE. Want house, house equity or lots for 10 acres near Cottage Orove; adjoining property sella for $250 an acre; electric ity and city water on place. Fop "Star' Trading Service See Ua Open Until 9 P. M. STAR REAL ESTATE St INV. CO., v Main otu4. 512-13 Wilcox Bldg. WANT J-OT OR LOTS FOR $1500. Coay 3-room house, light, water, gas. fine lot, alley, warehouse, mortgage $tto0. payable $10 60 monthly, equity $i00; will trade for lot or part payment on houae and lot or on improved close in acreage. Can also turn in good aecured $375 con tract. Oeo. E. Knglehart Co., Bdwy. 5173 24 Henry h'rtg. REAL SUBURBAN HUME, 5 4-10 acres; 7-rm plastr-d bungalow, buildings for 300 chickens; 8 minutes' walk to carllne; all kinds of bearing fruit; 1 acre aspara gus; finest garden soil; $H500; would consider new modern bungalow to $4000 or $5000, give liberal tonus on balance. P. O. box .V. fUadHtono. Or. A FINE dwei;iig of lfl rooms, mostly fur nished, in heart of 'Spokane; renting for $7 month: 100 feet front and back, four garages; will sell or trade It for good mixel diversified equipped farm in t he w en tern r sut h western part of Oregon or Washington; value $25,000. Ola Parlet, Chnev. Wash. GI'. H:jiH V and meat shop, d iily business $7."t; stork about $.HX)0, buildings on hHixlOo lot, a-so 3-room houe across stret, all facing highway ; trade for mi. ail farm; some cah, $t;750. Inter state Land On., 2 fi Stark st. WILL TRADE We are prepared to a r ranee a trade for you. bring In your proposition and we aiil match you on anything of merit. Lots, houses, acreactf. farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 712 Couh bi d g. WANT modern home in a good district up to $2o,o(Ht. with $15. out) caj,h, for equity In income property, bal. mortgage payable out of Income ; would consider good clear property lo the full amount of equity. Ho- It, -1113 Couch btdg. WONDERFUL. 820 acres, carrying 5 million red fir; 1 '4 million alder; o miles from R. R.. $11 per acre; sell or t.ade juliy of $1100 or what have you? 410 Lumber men bldg WInslow Co. WA N T Cheap acreage or cheap lot, un improved ; will exchang 40 acra. car rying 5000 cords of wood. 4 mi-ea to railroad. 410 Lumbermen bidg. Wins- low com p a n y . HURRY. J What have you to offer for lftO acres, all in wheat? Thi property is clear and only $3500; prefer lota. 410 Lumbermen blil. in.s;tv rompn n V uKOl'tiKV STOCK $12541. Want house equity for part or all, or will conMder laie model auto for half, balance cush or terms. Tabor XM8. E HAVE a nice stock of merchandise a ho lit H.oo, to exchange for improved farm. 4 1U Lumber mens bldg. WINSLOW CO. 2 ACitES of land with 8-room house, barn and chicken hus. suitable for chicken ranch. 15 minutes from Jef ferson-streot car. What haveou? Tabor 27f0. CHOICE Irrigated land, new-government project, will 'take clear lot or house iuity in payment. Howard. 1113 N W. Hank. WILL t rade my eq uity in a modern t room home, close in, for a good auto or m lot, no junk considered. East 2374 VALUABLE quarter btock on Belmont st . exchange for residence lots or bungalow or other property. East 6228. TO EXC HANGF MISCELLANEOUS. i STO R Y of the great war. diplomat ic ed i i tion. 8 volumes, for typewriter; give or ' take difference. Main U I I WE HAVE a $750 deposit ft.r a new I Seudobaker; will exchange for building iol. iiiin Artisans oitig TAKE anything you offer for my equity In 34-ton Standard. 419 Lumberman's bin. 1010 BUICK, like new, for building lot froe of e nc urn brance. 503 A rtisa nsb I d g GOOD safe for good typewriter. Main 648. FOR SALE. Hnwx, Vehicles. Uvestaca. TEN HEAD of lioraes and mares, weigh ing 1100 to 1008 pounda. will sell very cheap to make room for shipment to arrive after the first of the year; new wagons and harness at reduced prices. Keystone stable, 3fel Water at., corner Montgomery. REGISTERED Guernsey aire, 12 head yearling heifers, Jersey and Guernsey, one young farm team. Phone Hlllsbnro 2272. or write 1543 Jackson st., Hllla bnro. Or. FULL-BLOODED JERSEY COW. 7 years old. See at 41st and M.mroe, Milwaukie Oregon. Sellwood 66-J. Stafford Bio ROAN Durham cow, freh and calf giving over 4 gal., $65. 1067 E. Stark", cor. 7th st. FARMERS. ATTENTION. Want second -hand spring-tooth and disk harrow. Main 6111. VETERINARIAN J" DR. HOWES. TABOR RSAIt DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly , Call day or night. Auto 627-64. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co.. 802 Tenlno 'ave. Sellwood 2302. GOOD Jersey cow. cheap, fresh won. Call Wood la wn 4603. FINE good frtish cowa, a J tub. tested 240 East 8th. cor. Main. HORSES, bargain harnesses and wagons 240 East Eih. cor. Main. WANTED for cash, good fresh cow Price must be right. Wdln. .157. GOOD work team, cheap. Phone East RT3. Pimm. Orgaiia and Musical Instruments. ESTEY PIANO In mahogany ase, iat style, a spienaia oargau F. John.'n Piano Co.. 149 6th st VIOLIN student outfit Includes violin" ease, bow. resin and extra strings $18 G F.Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th st. ER ELL PIANO in walnut caseTlssTi good buy; terms, G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 149 6th st. CABLE piano, good condition. $193 cash or $20 by Feb. L 5006 4rtth st. 3. k Woodstock car Aut. 63.1-Rn " KEN T a new piano or phonograph; six months' rent applied on purchase price Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill at A FINE small grand piano, a wonderful buy for $695, one only at this price G. F. Johnt-on Piano Co., 149 6th st LEASE expires Jan. 1. 1922, fine fixtures Ur ; player rolls, phonographs pfanoa. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st BCESCHNER C. MeL saxophone, ail gold artist model, $16; term. U. F. John son Piano Co.. 140 th st. KIMBALL PIANO FOR CASiL I can get $50 more on terms but I need the cash. From owner. Tabor 4S7Q. PIANO tuning and refiniahing. expert workmanship guaranteed. Seiberllnff- I Lucas Music Co.. 15 4th at. M iin 8.V6. KINGSBURY piano included In our every pia no-reduced sale. A snap. Selberling Lucas MuslcCo.. 125 4th st. Main 85X6. SHILLLN G & SON' piano. $275; used a short time; in the best of condition. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., ?is 4tn j,t B"'J 1?i?nJ 'l " b" .""'."' oeioer nng-i-ucaa jiuic o. 1 j.i rn St. , I'lANO wanted: will pay cash for good , used piano. Ma in 358C. TR A fE $250 Victrola and record outfiL new, ror used piano tall Main 8586. 'llo.NJ(JKAi'U, iu; oak case. Seibarling- l.Uraa Musin Co.. 125 4 1 h St. lIANt uanteO, will pay cash, jjd, aiv Orcgonlan. FOR RALE. I'iaiion. Org aim ai i d Musical Inntrume n : LlP MAN, W OLFK & CO., ORE A T ES T PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH fiALE. Include thehe new pianos, renewed and used pianos and phonographs; Modello player and bench . . $505 Smith A Barnes, upright 815 Heinae upright, good condition. .. . 105 Schubert, large, mahogany 2rt3 Kimball, renewed oak 35 Haines Bros., quite pew 495 Francis' Bacon, fine mahogany 4.15 Sterling, fine tone . . . . 20 Pay caah-or $6 to $12 per month. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick, No. 7, mahogany ....$ (0.00 Stradfvara Melody i2.'Jb Stradivara Harmon lii.OO Columbia, golden oak, used 75.0O Victrola XI, mahogany 140.00 Pay cah or $3. $5 and $8 a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE & CO., 7th Floor. Washington and 5th Sts. CLEARANCE SALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. $ 000 Stelnway ft Sons., mahogany. .$35 $ tM-O SLeger ft Sons, m it ton oak... 4iS $ 750 Kranich A Bach, golden oak.. 315 $ 575 Schroeder Bros., fumed oak... 315 $ 8oo Reed & Son., grand In upright. M5 $ 5 .VI Kimball, large mahogany 21K $ IKV0 Thompson player piano 415 $14tt0 Singer player piano, oak U5 $ ftOO Thompson player, oak 5H5 $ 135 Burdette parlor organ 38 $ 05 Rarhoff parlor organ 25 ' 75 Packard parlor organ 18 Terms, 910 to fJ. cash. $5. 8. $15 mo. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. l(th and Stark. LN USUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. Victor, sinali. with A used records.. $ 20 Columbia, small, with 5 ued records 30 Victor, with lO uaed records ,. 40 Victor, with 10 used records 5 Victor, cabinet, with 15 uced records 110 Pathe, cabinet, with 10 used records 1M Brunswick, cabinet. 10 used records. 75 aSonoraf cabinet, with 15 used records 6onora grand, with 25 used records.. 2!'0 Sonora, portable, used records 40 $5 up cash, $3 and up monthiy. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. TOl Wfh nr.. cor. Stark. Phone Bdwy. 1W78. WE ARE QUITTING BUSINESS. All planoa, player t pianos, grand pi anos, phonographs, the' latest cabinet ma chines of many standard makes and de signs, new and used, now being cloned out at prices that are selling them fast. Splendid guaranteed pianos. . $225 and up Excellent player pianos ....$4."4 and up Grands, standard makes .... $WH) and up New cabinet phonographs. .$47.54nd up Reductions as much as 50 per cent and easy terms to suit your convenience. Desks, counters and safe for sale. FOLEY -ME AGLY MUSIC CO.. 1ffl Mh St.. bet. Washington and Stark. PIANO BARGAINS. Leland plain mahfigany case $275 Marshall Wejidall upright 17!S Heintzman & Co. old style 125 Cambridge, ma hngan v case 23 Story & Clark, beautiful walnut case 300 AND OTHERS. TERMS GIVEN. SEI BERLINO-LUCAS MUSH? CO.. 125 4th st . bet. Wash, and Alder. CONN SAXOPHONE. Like now. Conn Tenor Saxophone and rase. Silver-plated, gold bell. Price only $ 125 ; $25 down, $ 10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. USED PHONOGRAPHS. Victrola, style X. . . .$100 Cabinet size Brunswick and records. $ T20.' aolnet stae Hrunswick 24(1 Seibcrllng-Lucs Music Co. 123 4th 2M CASH secures $750 Plan is la plaver piano and 3 player rolls aid ben eh. at Security Storage Co.. cor. 10th and Stark sts. UC Y SCOUT drums, made Just ilke the pr'-fesslonsl drums, with rnappy drum tone, frt f0 $7.50 and $8.50. three sixes. G F. Johnson Piano Co.. r 41 6th st. $215 CASH buy $475 Harrington upright piano. Security Storage Co., corner 10th and Stark PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make, work guaranteed, reasonably priced. Seiber-linif-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st. Main I U.J cash buys a fine Haliet Sc Davis uurlght piano at Srjurity Storage Co- corner 10th and Stark BUY. SELL OR TRADE USED PHONOCKAPH AND'REORDS. NEWMAN. 12S 1ST.. NEAR ALDER. M a I n -115. A'lto. 0 2 7 - 6 . 02" -82 STELNWAY PIANO. Splendid toned Stelnway piano only $Mt; $25 down. $1 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. FOR SALE BI PRIVATE PARTY, SCHIL LER UPRIGHT PIANO. WALNUT FIN ISH. EXCELLENT CONDITION, WON DERFUL TONE. TBDWY. 420. CONN C Mel saxophone, all goid. tiful'y engraved, tl 60. terms. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 Oth st. bcau G. F BiG .VKW caMr.et phonocraph, antique oak. golden piate reprod ticer, etc.. only . Sins. Frrerson Shop. 100 Second. PIANOS moved. $3. R round floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broad way 1 2')7. FOR SALE Silvertone, cabinet style, phonograph, good as new. Inquire 432 South Broadway. WE WILL t ra ri e y o u a new Vic trola o r Cheney Phonograph for your old piano G. F. Johnson Piano Co . 140 6th at. EDISON disc, cabinet phonograph and records, like new, cost $175. Sell for half. 363 E. 44'h St. North ii.fet.Vl' Uraionola " tin taitt muMc and .el rental apply on purchase price. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. USED PIANOS WANTED. Highest cash prices paid. Main 2060. MUST sell a player-piano and rolls; terms, East 3124. Furniture for Sule. DAVENPORTS. MANUFACTURERS SAMPLES. We are manufacturers of overstuffed davenports and chairs; we have .a few samples which we will sell direct to the trade at greatly reduced prices; some terms to responsible parties on the close-outs ; many st lea and assortment of coverings in d'-nlm, nierona. veiour. tapestry and mohair Phone 635-27. Evening! and Sunuay. Tabor 57W7 or Automatic 635-27. MiCHAEI-SoN-MAYSON. INC, 6433 Foster Road. SACRIFICE. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS. Office equipment and delivery car, consisting of the following: One quar tered oak flat top desk, 1 quartered oak standing desk, l quartered oak type writer desk. 1 quartered oak stool, oie quarter oak orf ice cha4r, 1 oak swivel office chair. 1 oak typewriter chair. 1 Underwood typewriter, 1 large fireproof safe. 1 5 h. p. Alt Cur. motor. 1 IV20 Dodg panel body delivery car, 1 Case 6 touring car. MUST BE CLOSED OUT THIS WEEK. CALL 2H; GRAND AVE. phon Kat 74-11. bAVB MONEY, Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinlshlug. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 33 4th St.. Opp Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. FURNITURE for sale 1 bed and springs. 1 dresser, 3 rugs. 1 gas range, 1 dining table and 4 chairs, 2 rocking chairs. 1 kitchen table, 2 chairs. 1 library table. 1 settee, 2 chairs, a few other house hold good very cheap. No dealer. 46$ East 45th st. N. Tabor 8343. Uua T iAL'rtir'JCK your furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer A Storage Co.. 248 Pin street. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and aecond-hand, exceptional bar gains. Ca'I or phone tor salesman. IRWIN - HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. 3144. FOR SALE Furniture, like new, of six room flat; very reasonable; fine flat for rent; an unusual opportunity; no dealers. 630 E. Madison. Phone Eaat 37ik. BEAUTIFUL VELOUR OVER-STUFFED DAVENPORT, NEW; HANDSOME RUGS, BARGAIN; LEAVING CITY. MAIN M72 HOUSEHOLD furnishings, nice bed, daven- port, w nit tewing mac nine, oak ii-bi&ry table, stores, dishes, etc. 360 Kai tath North. East 28lK. OAK FURNITURE FOR CASH. Also gas range combined heater with water coil; gas water heater; sacrificing for cash. Tabor 479. FURNITURE of 3-room flat. $150; terms if desired. Mar. I860. 820 Vaughn. FOR SALE Stoves and beds. 7i2 32d st. South. FOR SALE 3 rooms,' furniture, 1 10 qis. fruits for $H0. Apply 1020 E. Ollsan N. FURNITURE in seven-room house, cheap. 180 13th st. Marshall 4304. KITCHEN cabinet cupboard. $14. Auto. 636-41. 3324 55th St. 8. E. WICKER chairs, s;and, pedestal, mirror, 4 dining chairs, etc. 456 Pinock Mock. Office Furniture. SPECIAL low prices on new flat-top and roll-top desks; our complete line of used office furniture, typewriters, dictaphones safes, safe cabinets, etc.. are marked for quick aaie. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 5th. Broadway 2730. ' Typewriter. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to student. L. C. Smith A . Bros. Typewriter Co.. 806 Spaulding bldg. Main 574. FOR RENT Underwood, Remington type writers. $3 month. Empire Transfer. Broadway 155. REPAIRS, rent, buy, sell, supplies. Type writer Inspection Co., 812 Stark. M. 3548. NEU. rebuilt vuond-ha.ad reniuie at cut ' fate. P. D, Co., 231 Stark sU Alain 1407, 1 FOR SALE. Typewriter. RECONSTRUCTED MACIITNES. 'THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. ALL MAKES CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THB WHOLESALH TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Washington St. Main 6tiai. Poultry. I HAVE today at .VS Williams ave., 125 White Leghorns. Black Minorca. An conias. Barrti Rocks. Brown Leghorns, R. I. Reds. From $1 to $1.40. Come or write Le Roy Whl.lon. ":.n white LWIHOUN Dullets. commenc ing to lay. fl.25 each; 150 White Leg- i horn laying hens, $1 each. This ia first clasa Hoganized tock. J. R. Maquire, 77 Oregon $t, ' EIGHT beautiful, thoroughbred Buff Grp. ) ington pullets and two O. A. C. White ; Leghorn roosters, very cheap. ii. c Ford. Wichita station, opposite school. SALMON FAVEKOLLE, stock cockerels, 1S83 East Madison. Tabor HfiQO. LAY ING hens wan ted in exchange for rabbits. Main 7H11. 30 FULL-BLOOD BARRED ROCK PUL LETS. $2 each. 87K 4th ave. BUFF COCHIN t nd Seabright Bantam, $t.J0 pair. .-lson st. 10 LAVING White Leghorn pullet for sale. Black Minorcus, mixed. Tabor G57L Dog. Rabbits, liinis and Pet Stock. ST. ANDREASBERO rollers, wonderful singers, imported birda. 2J74i Wash. at. Main 8221. Nellie C. Brown. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Colli puppy cheap. 1119 E. Clay st. FOR SALE Canary bird, w eet singer. 871 Front gt. FOR SALE Bull terrier pup. very fond of children. Call Broadway 823ft. Boats, launches and Marine Equipment. WANTED Houseboat, modern, must be good looking, will pay cash for a snap. AJ 323. Orogonian. 8-ROOM furnished houseboat, cheap, o f Pendle t on st. Fulton car. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir nd whit oak. Western Cooperage Co, 306 N. 14th st.. near Pettygrove. Phone A 510-ia. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. 2-LOAD LOTS. 16-Inch fir block and slab, runs partly dry, ready for furnace or heater. We also save you money on 2-load orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on west and east s:Ue. Oregon Fuel Co., Wood lawn 4102. SPECIAL. IN 4-LOAD LOTS. C. O. D. COUNTRY BLOCK AND SLAB, FOUR LOADS. $15 DELIVERED. QUALITY AND MEASUREMENT GUARANTEED. MAIN 4fl.V.. COAL. $11 per ton. put In your basement; city weight, direct from mine to con signer; large lump, no clinker or soot, burn to fine ah, try Bi ton. CjiP East formerly East 134. y rsT-G Itu WTH fir. Rock springs. Royat Owl Creek coal. Stayu Standard Brick A Tile Co.. e3 Fifth St.. between Stark and Oak Phone Broadway 18. NICE 16-ln. slab. $3 75; beet fir. seasoned, heavy or merely graded, $5 load; any where; bargain ; dry 12-10-In. country S.ab. $7 25, box $4 30. Sellwood 1700. BLOCK and Mabwood mixed, partly dry. $4 a load in 2-load lots; good furnace coal $10 a ton; curb delivery. National Fuel Co.. East 2"41. BONE DRY bloca and sab, 16-in., $5.50 load ; big load of planer trimmirgs, ftti. Ca:i Wuodlawo CU04 or 1133 Mon tana avenue. BOX VX D AND SLA B WOOD. Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 1211 Macadam. Phone Mam 4 173. WASHING TO N lump coal direct from car to consumer. $11 per ton in dtn. OREGON FUEL CO . W DLN. 4102. SEASoNK O No. 1 fir ha rd w ood. green slab and block mixed; coal; immediate delivery. Wood la wn -' 1 0. O. 1 DRY Ol.U ORoWTli THAT IS DRY. Only $7.50 cord Aut. tilC-87. GOOD dry fir cm!wi country slab, J5.Ii lump coal. East 1 i , I , $7.25 cord; havy , Rock Springs Utaa OAK WOOD, delivered cord. Call Bdwy. 2 Fuel Co. now, $0.50 per u. Bridgeport A-l FJ RST-G ROW Til wood, ;.5i) per cord. delivered; also wood ia small iota. Main 7257. "" $1 SACK COAL 81."1 Any kind, delivered. Bdw y. 3423. FI RST-G RO'WTH wood, dry. $7..V cord ; second-growth, dry. $6.25 cord. A 621-77. GUARANTEED best old fir. dry, $7.73 per cord. Phone. Marshall 4 09. $5 A LOAD. 16-inch dry plank timber. Sellwood 3150. and small A-l FIRST - GP-0 WTH fir cord wood deliv ered at $7.25. Pht.ne East 577. DRY CORDWoOD. 16.75 per load, deliv ered in 2-rord lots. Wood:awn t;ai2. BEST d-y old-growth fir, $8. Seconds $7. v ooD and coal in small lots ; tj ulck de livery; west side, south. A.uto 522-15. FItlST-GKOVV TH cord wood. $7.50; block and slab. 2 loads. $'. Bdwy. 4110. EXTRA big load, block and slab. $5.30; planer trimmings, $6. Wood la wn 4 1 22. DRY wreckage w $5 a load. Tab ud for Hdiu, stove lejigth, 75.1K. Mucliluery. DRILLS We have the largest stock of carbon and hish-wpeed rlrilla on the coast. Our prict'a are riht. North west Machinery Co MMn 2164. AIR t'OMPRESStjR yielding outfit, shed metal rolia turning machine, drill, etc, 871 E. Irving a:. Phone E. 8x45 Fruit and Vegetable. IluoD RIVE't Spitziburg and Yellow SpitZtibiirg Newtown apple for hale at $1 25 a box. Will deliver. Call Seiiwood 18S5. Miscellaiieiiiia. CONN SAXOPHONE. Like nuw. Conn Tenor Saxophone and case. Silver-plated, gold bell. Price only $123 ; $23 down. $ 10 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. BUTCK SNAP. Biggest snap in Portland; 11)20 6-cyMn-der. imo shape; $673; $375 down. $5d a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co, 350 Alder. STELNWAY PIANO. Splendid toned St "in way piano only $H0; $25 down and $1 a niniiih. liyatt Talking Machine Co.. 35 Alder. LO'bN'.sbi mdi-pf-udeni rie tr.dan wires S room for $12. 5 for $20. guaranteed to pas jtisp-ct Ion. Woodiawn 37iM. ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bought or tanned. West Coat Tanning Co., -o'J2 Tenlno ave. Sellwoo-l ADDING MACHINE, aboeit new, at about half price. Call Bdwy. 37J2 or 21b Lum bermons bldg. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach elect ric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done East 4045. SAFES Fireproof, office ; one large, one small ; cheap If taken at once. 13 272, Oregonian. NEW electric safety blade sharpening ma chine for sale. S6 0th st.. nr. Stark. Bdwy. 14. v KODAKS. We buy. aeil, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy, 320 Washington st. FOR SALE Antique Indian basket, only one on Pacific coast. Call East 2410. mornings. SAFES AND VAC LT Duo RS. new and scond hand, low-prices. Bushong & Co.. 70 Sixth st. Broadway 104. SHOWCASES, shelying, coun ters. desks, tate, register and other fixtures for bale, 40O Morrison at 1 BUCK range, oak dining room sVl. Ivory bedroom set, 2-spool cabinet sewing ma chine. 1347H Corbett st. WE HAVE a $75Q deposit for a new Studebaker; will exchange for building lot. 5u5 Artisans bldg. FOR SALE Large Hawthorne vr wood heai.tr. GOODYEAR tire. 32x4, binojiu, new, cheap. 456 Pittock b!k. FOR SALE cheap, ColCa army press, 22. Phone Main 7002. LAlV S cuat, shall 2250. sail and dret.a cheap. Mar- t api. . j 5-GALLON stroke Boyle Dalon gasoline pump. 220 -gal, tank. 86 Nebraska St. CHRISTMAS stock at coat. S;i6 Northwest ern Bank bldg. HAVE fine upright piano, will trade for Ford coupe or sedan. Call Wdln. 1507. FILING cabinet or sate, second-hand, for sale, bargain. AL 314. Oregonian. MANURE FERTILIZER. No sawdust Eist 8873. BURROUGHS adding machjne. aecond h a nd. Broadway 5370 206 Henry bldg. LADIES Everything in ubed wearing ap parel; prices low. Tabor 2825. bECO"ND-HAND tents and covers for aale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. l 1st t. FURNITURE repairing, mirrors, medicine cabinets, etc. Call Wd'n. 1487. FOR SALE Cian register. ae, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St.. near Ash STAR A STAR" shingle direct from mill. Ca l Tay'pr-street dock. Main 063. HEMSTITCHING, 6 CTS ROOM 213 350W MOR RTSON ST. MAIN B045. PLUMBING repair expert; reasonable. Bdwy. 25S3. do any Job SLEEPING BAG wanted. Call East 2001 J arier O r. ji SPLENDID talking parrot. Call Mar. g20. OL OOOl.' pool tao:e. $0 670 E. Main. UlLNtiLEd. BROAXWAX 1411, FOR 8 ALU". Miscellaneous. BAKERS OVENS for sale at a substantial discount; 4 Hub bard portable gas ovens, in good condi tion, with attachments; cull and exam ine ovens in operation; can make prompt delivery. See Mr. Paterson, bakery sec tion, ninth floor. MEIER A FRANK CO. SAFES Overstocked with new and second-hand tales, tomu with burglar proof sirong boxes; second-hand at'es have all been rebuilt and are like new; at reduced prices for next 10 days; your own terms. Call and see or write us now beiore you buy elsewhere and trave money. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 105 Second St.. Portland, Or. CABINET phonograph. Jacobean finish, used buffet In golden oak. late model, in 3 months, $55; beveled mirror. like new. 2. ; dresser, 8 large drawer. Just refinished In old Ivory, $25; center table to match $3; bassinet and stand, nuraery chair in white enamel. S5; mantel clock, Waterbury make, $3. 0H3 East Salman. East 3238. . NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Our salesmen have Just reported from the road with their complete sample line of raincoats and motor coats, rather than return them to the factory we have placed them on sale to the public at wholesale prices at our local of Dee. UNITED RUBBER CO.. 2 26 M org an Bldg. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all styles, finest se lection. Come and aee; you are under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber oi Commerce Bidg. Broadway 4253. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Flake laundry; clothe washed snowy white In separate compartments. THURSDAY. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 15 POUNDS FOR GO CENTS, 4 CENTS each addition al pound; valuable premiums given. Phones East 8433. LA DIES Are you weary or exhausted after standing ail day on your feet? If so, be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic Powder; &Oc an $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. LARGE CONCERN VIU1TS. All office furniture desks, chair, file, safes, safe cabinet, typewriter and dic taphone outfit sold to us; all put Into perfect condition and sold at bargain prices. D. C. Wax, 24-26 N. 5th. Broad- way 2730 IF YuU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, taite your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Lesti Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park arid Washington Sts. FOR SALE or trade. pcil made Lefever 12-guage shotgun, list $2J5, good as new. with full leatner case; first $100 lakes It. or will trade tor liberty bonds or diamonds of that value. 717 Eugene st.. Hood River, Or. MAKE a small ray men t and wear your eve glasses and spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregon:an bldg. IF DAVID S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH, GIVE IT UP. Only Genuine Watch Material Used. a v ro s Jewe.ers and Opticians. 343 Washington St.. at Broadway. Look.-, wmuows, lumor, moi dings. m.Il work, giSkSi1, roofing and boibt d sash. See our old stock of sash and doors (or price. D. B. Seuilv Co., downtown lum ber store. 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and YnrnhlM. Phone Main 4213 SEWING machines, new ar,d second-hand, told for Itrts; no agents employed. Com p,ete line of pari for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 100 Third St., near Taylor. Main 0131. FOR SALE Humphrey Radiollte Ga Heater, sold by the Gas Co. for $74 50 and purchased only three month ago, perfect condition; will sell at reasonable 1 pnce. Call Automatic fi.jj-Ki. CASH KLGiSTURS and computing scah-s bought, so id, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change, 226 stnrk st between First and Second sts. Main 5334. LADIES Come to the Vogue for bargains in party dresses, suits, coats and other slightly ued garments. 4th floor, 4t'3 Alisky bldg., 3d near Morrison. Main 3132. - A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big LUtie Jewelry Store Sells for Less -Gifts That L.. Next door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. S1BLOCO pipeiefs rurna.ee. $70.60. $l.5. $152 The most efficient, operating suc cessfully where other have failed; best guarantee. Don t b misled. I. T. Woudiuff. 1201 Mallory ave Wdln. 21Q3 WHY AN ever.astiiig aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable yoof ? W repair, rubberbond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Phon Broadway 70 FOR SALE Danoy A. it. g.m range, like new. white porcelain f ini.-h, high oven on t he left with glass door; price $60; terms. 6 06H MadlMin. c or of St out. BUY SELL OR TRADE. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. NEWMAN. 128 1ST, NEAR ALDER. Main 4405. Auto. 627-46. 625 82 ONE SHOWCASE, 10 I e e t ; one 15 feet; three fine wall case, all suitable for most any line. H. G. Terry. 180 Broad way. . " HoT WATER tanks. 3'. gal , $7. 40 gal.. $;, tested, guaranteed; Hove and furnai-e coi is, gas healers installed ; piumb:tg. East Sid- Weld Sh . 2 -3 Adams. E. h.'.iri 20 D.-tuPHEAD bewmg machines. $12 50 to $45; Singers, New Homes. Whites. W. W. ; ail makes machines rented and repaired. E. R. Steen. 152 tlrar.j ave. Eflst 2H.V liiE COAT.4 at Peterson's Upstair Store, second floor Pirtock block, are on sale, beautiful fur trimmed garment at prices unusual. THE PLOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 245 Aider at., sells this week its plants at half priee; birds, baskets, vases and others reduced alt-o. SHOWCASES, wall can cash registers scales.' other fixtures,' reduced. 246 Washington HEAT ER. $5 ; wood or coal range, $45 ; also bookcases, auto camp cupboard, 5; leaving Jan. 10. 161 E 5Qt h st TYPEWRITER or aiding machine wanted in exchange for good household f urn i t 'ire. 615 Ch a m ber nf Commerce bldg. LARGE suh cabinet phonograph, used tw weeks, very cheap if taken this'' week. b a w v . 2 ' k-- 2. BIG YEAR in reduction bale on all kinds of tool and puppies, j. i,eve. Ul Front, betwn Vnmhill andTaylrtr. LADY'S new $T3 coat tor $75; cuffs, collar, bottom trimmed with 'possum. 364 E. Morrison, apt. 10. FOR SALE A bargain, lady's wool dress, size 40, new, never been worn. Call East 173. ask for Reed. PLUMBING and general repair work; prices to suit the time. Call Tabor 2270. For SALE One luudwocd bar complete, l32o ; one softwood bar complete, $225. For information call Fast 314. BEAUTIFUL red fox fur can tw bought reasonably. Call at 558 Klllingsworth ave. FOR SALE lias Kadianliire, installed lal tall; good as new, very reasonable. 1040 Corbett st. DAN DY 3-iigIit shower fixture, complete with shadea. only $5 33, at 207 Chamber of Commerce bidg Broadway 4253. P1LUS can be permanently cured without operation. Call oc write Dr. Dean, Sec- ' ond and Morrison. - FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaner I Mon. to Mon., $1, or 85c per day, de- livred nnywhere -Wondlawn 1259 DIELOLD safe, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale Supply Co.. 48 Front st. Broadway 1066. FOR SAT.E AUTOMOBILES. JORDAN. like new; run one season; this I a won derful bargain at $1125. on easy terms; will give written guarantee. COOK & GILL CO.. INC., 1 1th and Burnside. BUICK SNAP. Biggest snap in Portland: 1920 -cylin-der. fin shape; $675; $375 down, $50 a month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. $250, TERMS OR CASH. 1016 Overland in fine mechanical shape: thoroughly overhauled ; new top and new batteries. Owner, O. Michal, phone East 70 or Auto. 212-12. SEVb-N-PASS. Buick. .x75. Private owner. Will guarantee car to be In first-class shape: ha recently been refinished. F1v cord tire. 1018 model. Phone Bdwy. 2202. 1021 ESSEX, like new, cord tire and $100 in extra. Phone Wdln. 637. rO.D i:gi;t delivers, in. good running or der. 3SH East Morrlron. 1021 MA I iJAjli M sedau in good condition ; refts-mabl. for cash Wdln. 213S. w.i..ii. . . ,. ,,l lib. nir .r4 can be seen at'garage. E. Stark and Sttdl pap f ...f.u,or,flr Hmm.nr rim- $325. frms. .Phone Columbia 656. 1 HAVE CHEV. J02 tour., sacrific at $2U5 cash. Phone Tabor 3632 FOR 8 A LE A U TOMOIULES. WINTER SALES CONTINUED VERY LOW PRICES ON USED AUTOMOBILES. Automohiles that have been re built or renewed are in the best of mechanical condition they are also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars. In ad dition, we give IM ays' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automo biles thoroughly overhauled, put In f irst-elass condition and sold with a 10-days' free triai, sub ject to being returned a nd full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer nmy select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he "buys, gives him time to have It inspected, and we want only sat isfied customers. 1017 Maxwell $ 273 101S Maxwell 350 1010 Maxwell 47f. 1020 Maxwell 575 1019 Grant six 5M 1010 Cha niers six 0"t 1017 Buick 575 1018 Mclaughlin Bulck .... 623 1017 Dodge . . 550 1010 Olds Six 675 1018 Olds Eight "H50 1010 Liberty sport model.... Sou- 1020 Chandler 075 l!18 Overland Chummy 425 1010 Chalmers 70 1018 Cole 8, sport model.... 1150 ESSEX. 1010 Essex touring; car, re built, refinished and re painted; sold with stand ard factory warranty 850 1920 Essex, overhauled, re finished and repainted ; sold with the standard factory warranty . 950 1920 Essex 1000 6-40 Hudson light six, al In good condition 500 1916 Hudson super six, re built and repainted;, sold with standard factory war ranty 783 1917 Hudson super six, re built, refinished and paint ed ; sold with standard factory warranty 875 Two 1018 Hudson super six touring cars, rebuilt, refin ished and repainted, total cost to us of work and trade-in value each $1 4o; now sold with standard factory warranty 1150 1010-1020 (model O series) Hudson super six touring automobile; has been over hauled, refinished and re painted; sold with a stand- .rd factory warranty for.. 1173 1020 Hudson speedster, over hauled and repainted; sold wiih standard factory war ranty 1430 Largest Used Car Branch Store in the City at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store Broadway 5730, Also a Display at Our Salesroom. 615-617 Wash ington St. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. A UTOMO B TL FJS CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE, W E F t'RNI Sli T H E M ) N E Y -OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO, 207 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. EXTRA SPECIAL. 1017 CADILLAC ti TURING. In excellent condition throughout; new top. paint good, tunn au, wiiulshield, wind d effectors and other extra; this Is a real buy at $075; liberal terms If de sired. Talbot A Casey, Inc., E. An ken y and Grnnd ave. WILL so a my aunoat new Cnandicr Dis patch, run le than 5000 ml! as ; look and runs like new; guaranteed in first ciass condition; this car will be a won derful buy for someone who appreciates a car having only private us. $1000 with terms; new rubber. Phone week days Bdwy. 3 4 7 3. SurTday s. Tabor 76X1 1 0 10 EtySEX TO U It ING. Here is the real goode. rfmmhed the very late, colors and we wilt guarantee It and free service it for 30 day a; low price of $S65. with jjine down, bal ance easy; take car in trade. 514 Alder street. Murphy Motor Co. , $i3 BLTCK 1-OUR. Old model, in good running ahape; good car for country use. COOK & GILL CO., 11th and Burnsidt. 1U J0 FORD coupe. ire wneeis u nd many other extras, can be purchased for a small payment down and 12 months on ha.ance. Used Ford Sales Co,. Mu and Vk is. Phone Bd wv. :ixoo. LATE '20 Ford Sedan ; inu ny ext ras. In cluding wire wheels. Car looks pos itively ilka new. $ 150 down, balance 12 month Call Bdwy. 38o0. or Wdin. STAGE CAR. 7-passenger Hupmobile that is good ; 2 new tires; car all o. k. and ready to go; $405; terms if wished. Tal bot A Casey, Inc., East Ankeny and Grand ave. WE HAVE some slightly tiM'd spotlights, bumpers and other accessories that are as good as new; for i-ate cheap; open evenings and Sundays, Talbot A Cae, Inc.. E. Ankeny and Grand ave. 1021 NASH. Almost new, 6 cord tire and extras, big discount; take cheaper car ;n trade; easy terms, Mr. Rail shack. Broadway . 521. Evenings Tabor 614.V litjo FoRD coupe in extra good condition; good rubber; a real bargain at $ 115; terms if desired; open evenings and Sun days. Talbot A Casey, Inc., E. Ankeny and Grand ave. FOR SALE By owner, 1020 Bulck coupe, in fine mechanical condit ion ; cord tires, extra tire and bumper, Aleinite greasing svstem ; price $ 14-50 ; terms t o respon sible party. Phone Bdwy. 4044. W E CAUKY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc.; also do towmg. open day and night. LONG A SILVA. Phone Fat 6x10. 4'12 Hawthorne. O N E N E W 1021 ST U V E N S K O A DST K R FOR SALE REASONABLE WITH TERMS. WILL TRADE. P. O. BOX 32n5. PORTLAND. 1020 BUICK touring car in fine mechan ical condition, good tires. . This car a b.irgaln. Will seU on easy terms. Phono East 1062. $225 CASH 101S Olds touring, balance of $240 payable $25 monthly; must sell, an can't meet payments, so hurry. Marshall 32J5 S SACRIFICE DODGK Sedan. $7f0; easy terms. COOK A GILL CO.. INC., 11th and Burnside. FORD coupe wuh wire wheels for itle or trade for lisrht roadster or touring car. Call Main 5554, between 11 and 2. Mr. 0 1 bbon s. WE TEAR "em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co., 581 Alder, 17th. Broadway .1254. 1021 FORD coupe, purchased last May. fully equipped; $150 down, baiance 12 months. Wdln 721. lOlS CHEVROLET. Fine condition, good tires; will demon strate: make offer. East 4172. OVERLAND 90; good rubber and top and IrT fair condition all the way through; J14S; terms if desired. East M18. 1920 Ford touring, newly painted, good rubber, self-starter. Phone Wdln. 3634. CLEVELAND roadster, late 1020. like new. for sale or trad on mall. delivery car. Terms. Rlchter. Tlgard. Or. WE PUT eteel teeth in your old flywheel; crankshaft turn Mfg. H. B. Black Ma chine Fhop. 334 Alder. Bdwv. 26L TO -TRADE Reo bug. mechanically per fect, with top and fender, for diamond of $15Q value. A 3n,i, Oregonian. A LATE model touring car in good con dition, to trade for a lot or lota on paved street K fiS79. HH fOKD touring in ood condition, with new rlres. Only 75 down. East s70. CHEVROLET touring very cheap. good condition. East t"'tw CADILLAC, 1014, 7-pafc., perfect condi tion. $5u0; terms. See Lyman. Main 47 1021 FORD tounyg in A-l condltloa: el -wn O-O Va t Rth FORD COUPE, will pay cash for good buy. Vranson, 150 Union ve. 1920 FORD touring, aiarter. extra. acri- fice $325. Vranson. 15ti Union ave. WILL trade good car for a buiu one. Vranson, 150 Union ave. LATE model Ford roadster, new tires, $145. 150 Union ave., upstairs. 1020 OAKLAND 6 touring, will trade good roadster. Eaat 4376. BUICK ifTx roadster lor fale or trade. Call Marshall . . , FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED-CAR MERCHANDISING AT THE COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. Used-car purchasers now hav the best service to choose front In the history of the automobile busi ness. It is your market the buy er market, and there are Innum erable so-called "Used -Car Salea" at which you can compare the value being offered. We welcome the comparison. In establishing our prices, w re not concerned with what a car has cost us we are only Interest ed in what the buying public will pay for it. It is our purpose to move our used cars -they are mer chandise, the same as that kept on the ahelves of any e.siabiiahment, and they must be sold. Most of our cars are rebuilt. We don't camouflage them we R EN EW each worn part we re grind cylinders. Install new pistons, wrist pins, bearings, running and gear part in (act. everyhuig that is necessary to make nearly new car. And we stand back of our work and the car absjluiviy. FOR YOUR COMPARISON: 102O Apperson touring $1520 ICO Too IMt) Ltuick touring 1910 Buick roadster 1020 chandler touring, a very fine car 101 Chandler touring 102O Duds e Bros.' tour in a ... 12M ttsrt 7 21 70ii 640 620 A-0 ,irfO 320 440 7 ti 5 656 1360 1 if 2d Io.lge Bros ' UM0 Dodge- Bros. 1010 Dodge Bros.' roadster touring . roadster 1018 Dodge Bros. touring . 1013 Dodge Br roadster UH7 Dode Bros.' touring 1016 Dodge Bros. touring 1120 Etsex roadster 1021 Ford coupe, many extras 10 20 Franklin 4-pan-enger 1020 Haynes touring, 7-pa- STIROr 1919 H ay nea touring, 5-passenger 1010 Hudson limousine 1020 OldMnoblle touring. 7 x passenger 1919 R o a m e r. 4-passcnger, newly painted 2919 Studebaker big 6, 7-paa-aenger 1919 Studebaker light 4. 0 paswenger 1913 Cnumtny Stutz DELIVERY CARS. intn 1U 73 9S3 1200 1080 350 1320 1921 Dndjre Bros. camp or de- live-y $ S50 1921 Dodge Bros' panel side demonstrator 1 1 23 1919 Dodge Bros.' jcreen.... 640 1018 Dud&e Bros. screen 5sU COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Both Addresses, 21si at Washington Ft , 23-30 North Broadway. Main 6244. NOTICE. TO EVERY AUTOMOBILE OWNER: IF YOU WANT TO AVOID ACCI DENTS TO YOUR AUTOMOBILES AND TO OTHERS BE SURE AND SEE THE BRA K E-SHOP AT 329 5T1I ST., AND ASK FOR THE EXPERT. BRAKEMAN TO EXAMINE YOUR CAR. OR CALL MAIN 506. C. H BR K. AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBILES THURSDAY EVENING, DEC. 29, 7:30. I-argo Consignment of Mostly Late Modo.a. SALE STARTS AT 7:30 P. M. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE. Cor. 6th and E vtrei t Sts. Phone Bdwy 2320 SEDAN. I have one of the finest light popular makes of seduiiM that U mad" f-r this coast market. The car has had the b- st oT care, needs nothing done to It In any way: has two bumpers and cord tif. s. spoi light and nil the tnois that came from the factory; will readily pass f.-r new one; very reasonable price and lib eral terms; take ltrht late ni-d--l tour ing in. trade, can be s-e n ut 014 A.d-r st Phone 513-67 l'.HX FRAN K LIN TOURING. Mmlii OB. This car has only been lr; v. n SOO ni i: oversized cm d t ires. 2 bumpers, original paint, upholstering in thlit car like new. Might consider taking, a late mo.i.d light car In ti d. Price $13541. Call Mr. Stevens, Alain 5s7x. or Woodiawn 2615. W1NTON. model 22. 6-c y 1 1 nd 1 . 4X h. P , 7-p.isHenger touring; in unusually good condition, driven H.OuO miles private ownership. Will sell reasonably, trade tor new enc Ii'sed ca r or tiesit a ble ell v r e.4t ale. F. B. Mallory compart y. 23." -237 Pine street. 1U PMoHll SUDAN. Perfect shape and s-:d with a written guarantee; beat buy in the city at $7o0; easy terms COOK A OTLL CO.. INC., 1 1 1 h n nd Unrnti'lo, BUICK ROADi-.TER LATE MoDGL. Refinished anil rcbul.t, runs a it nod as any Buick on earth, low price of $t25 with some down, balance monthly. 514 Aider street. MURPHY MOTOR CO. 102. CHEVROLET run loon Ini;,.i lookn and runs an good as the day I bought It. If you want a practically new car at a discount call TaDor 3115. Terms. FOR SALE At a bargain, 1 Nash sport model, in perfect condition; owned by private party ; 1122 license f urn i -died ; cash or terms. Auio. 216-55, or call 12s Eitst 32d. FORD sedan, early '2; ths ia a l- .tulilui car and niore ttian fuiiy iuipped, to be sacrlf iced at $7. ; must bav some money and a car; take your Ford in trade, W o ndlawn 20, ur Broa itway 16' o . COUi'E New pa int. 5 w .re w bee is, per fect mechanic a i cond It Ion ; classiest closed car In Portland. $.00 if sold this w-ek. Terms to responsible parties. Phone Tabor 2 .".2. PAIGE. 5-pass., 10I.X, veiy good ronIitlon. door-opening curtains, with large win do ws. good tins, privately owned and had good cafe, $ti;,o M. II. Baldwin fcMain MHO or Auto. 217-20. FORD COLT'E. Starter, wire wheels, etc.. In the best of condition mechanically, tires ail good; I want an cpen Ford, what have ou? Trthor 81. . RIDE IN COMFORT. 1019 Dodge sedan, usej yerv little, will guarantee to be mechanically perfect; will mane a big sacrifice lor a quick wile. K. x71 lJil OAKLAND coupe, ii h ft ood tu! tar. good mechanlCAl condition ; to be sold at once at a snap price, $375. I' ho lie Tabor 445'. F RD. 1010 Ford touring, in good shape, all good tires; mut beil, $2 jo, terms. Eu.t 43JS6. 1 WILL discount my NEW 1022 Chev , model 400 sedan demonstrator. Run less than 500 miles, (live liberal terms. Prmne owner. Columbia 656. PRIVATELY-OWNED Ford; no deaiers need apply; sp 1 1 on time pa y m e n ts ; car in best of shape ; lots of extras; 1021 model See T. R. Gray. Carlton hotel. AM LEAVING CITY. WILL TAKE $15u. SOME TERMS. FOR MY NEW HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 419 LUM BERM ENS BLDG. DoDGE Run IU.immi mi.ea on paved high way, perfect condition, new tires and camping outfit; will guarantee condi tion 5 months. Call owner. Bdwy. ::i. 400 CHEVROLET touring; fine running condition; if you want a good car. look at this one $100 will handle. Tabor 5033. 1020 PAIGE. srort model, as good as new run only 7000 mllea, with extra attach- i ments and one extra new cord tire; pricel $1650. Call 51S-78. owner. 1 CHEVROLET roadster, privately owned. In fine condition, cheap for caah. See it at 467 E. Ae-h st. Good buy. WANT lH-ton truck with body; will trade Ford truck as part payment. Broad way 4502. jli SPECIAL 6 Studebaker roadster, driven 5000 miles; looks like new; 6 !-.- m-ll! -acfiftc foe 1100 Fanf 4216. 1010 CHE V., seif-stnrter, demount, rims, nillilnii 1 K.V 1 erni PhnnA Co lumbia 656. 1U20 LITTLE FIX BUICK at your own price. Will take mall car an part pay ment, balance terms. Phone Wdln. 64;:7 BABY Orand Chevrolet sedan. excellent condition; must sell; will give very easy terms. Tabor 505. WILL TRADE my Lite, model touring car In very good condition, tor a standard make phonograph. E. PS70 1010 CUKV f.-OLET tourtnir in good condi tion, runs like a new one. Only $75 down. East 7 LkD; E roadster, $650 ; will sell on easy terms or trade In on mortgage or seller's contract. Roy H. Keagy, 712 Lewis bldg. W1LU trade Ford truck for touring car and pay difference. Broadway 4-V.2. FORD roadster. 1120; starter, other ex tras: 1325: terms Tabor 166ft. FOR SALE 1 ::.-. Cadillac roadster, snap. East LATE model Dodge touring Willi extra. Call Main 7457. FOR PM.E A TOMOBILES, STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. We have) an unusually fine- stock of used cars far below market val ue Below is a iiai of our ud cara: f Oakland. 5-pass., rebuilt. 5 tire. l'ackiir.l Pffht 4-c I.. 5-pas. OicrlHii.l 5-pass.. ood us new. Buick, 7-paw.. 101 !, rebui t Buick. n-pasa., 4-ry Under, rebuilt. ("handler, H20. 7-paes.. rebuilt. (vakland roadster, rebuilt and repainted. Saxon 6. 5-pa.s.. 5 cord tlrea. overland roadster. 112 1. new. Cadillac. 3-pa-., flue shape. Stephens, 4-pass., rebuilt una repainted. olds Pacemaker, rebuilt and re painted. JLt.'o Moon. 5-pascnscr Easy Terms. AUTOMOTIVE S LI'S CO., 47 j Morrison s t 14th. Broad ay td. FORDS! FORDS! FOKDSt FORDS! ?!!5 1016 Ford touring U20 Ford touring - P26 Ford touring 3M 1021 Ford touring 4 2." 1121 For.l touting 6,:, 1010 Ford truck, panel body 365 11111 Republic truck, 4 ion. 1010 Ford coupe, whtre wheels. 1010 Chevrolet rodfler 2''5 1010 Chevrolet touring 3 -n These are representative rar:. We lisvo 25 in all to chise from. They are go..l ca rs in a con d it Ion to g ive you res 1 service. Liberal terms. Come un-I see them. DUNNING MOTOR CO., E. Broad wav and Union Ave. Phone E. 35. P Open Sunuj7. REBUILT BUICKS. when purchased from ii. r c. I A R AN TLLD the same as new Bulcks. The most IMPORTANT THING to consider In the purchase of a REBUILT CAR Is the RESPONSI BILITY of the SELLER. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, Largebt Distributors of Automo biles in the World. Alder at Twelfth Street, Broadway 113u. USED CAR SALE. 102O Nash., 7-passenger. rebuilt and guaranteed like new $10o0 1910'Nash., 5-pas., guaratiterd like new K0 1017 H udsin, new paint, new top, new cord the 706 1916 Hudson six, cord tires r-:0 1010 Chevrolet roadster, a dunrfv.. 2'0 1016 Cole S. new paint, new top., 4M 1010 Chnndler. wire wheels 7,0 lUls Nh, "-passenger 65(1 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. pit h and HurnsMe. B Iwv. 52 L YEAR-END CLEARANCE USED FORDS. Roadster, with dem. rims $ H0 1 li 1 7 lnuiiiig, good fotwlillnn 1 7 A I'.tlX touring, jus1 ovt rh.iu.ed P5 102 touring, wi'h starrer 350 10-1 S'-mn. wiie w. ht-ca and many oi oer exl 1 as . . 673 20 other U -rd.s. all tpcs. Libei ai T-'! in WILLIAM L. lUiilL-t.N C 1 M PA N T, 60 N. lli-.:nivay a: D;i;s. Rilwy. 321. H!i::!is 1' -I C' rn- r THE FOLLOWING Ft clas shape. c;n be tei in s in r ';ison : Ml cats, a.l In fliet purchased on your llt'o Ford !"dan. wire wheels and oMier rx'ios. $."i7.". 1 021 I ul d tollpe, fully equ i ppeil, $000. 1 : Ford coupe, wire w tu-els, oi her ext us. $r.:.(t. i'Cii Ff.rd roadster, new hmty. $2.". Smail pame'it ilnuii and 12 nunuha on bala nc USED FORD H7th and Lav is. a- hotise. Ud FA I.FS r-ri . ross from custom .v y ;.xo't lyls M VX hl.l. To! RING. Fine d-p n Inhie light four, runs mi I looks f irst - clii ws ; nes r.y new t ire aid two ex t ras ; a.l r ady for delivery ; lwv prlc of $25. w:t h J 1 down, b.i lance month. y. 51 I A d- r MCRI'II Y MOr-'R ro bi u k. iiip.. ; .,r t.-rm- 411 pas . ; Lum' urd . Ex. . h Auloinidiilcn aiucu. I CAN use a good late-modet auto; will trade 160 acres level land in Wh Its Hurs alley of Hnrney county. This land Is worth about $S an acre, but 1 have no u-e for it, but can ua a good car? land is clear of all incumbrance. Write AJ 7. Orcgonlan WANT F RD. Will take payment on and Powell late model Ford as p;irt 50x100 N. E. corner LM h Valiey road; improvements all In. RUMMrl.L RUM 274 Stark Si RUM M ELL, CARS WANTED. Bring your cur to the auction houe for quuk sale and full value; small com mission charged ; fireproof bldg.. a ten in heated. Phone Bdwy. 23-0. Joiner 6th and Everett f-fp . w enT side. CAM! FOR CARS. I will Py cash for iat model lia-ht touring and roadsirs; bring your car lo me; a-so loan inoii'-y on csrs. Phone M3 67. Murphy Mo r Co , M 4 ASIor st WE WRECK THEM Highest caati price paid for old rar. condition no object. AUTO P. EC NSTRUCTIuN CO., Thr d and Gli.-an. WILT n wle arg corner view let In ML Tabor district for late model touring car j ri g-od condition, uTHcreitce citiier way. Tabor 2 is. CA k vVANTEI to wrevk, parts lor all cats for less. S. & S. Auto Wrecking Co., 5th ar.d Alder. Broadway r,;;ij. ' OROC Kit Y S 1 H'K 4 I 2 .VI. Want late model auto for half, balance ca-h or terms. , Tat"r 6" ix wTlL pay hiKiiest cawn price lor Font cars, not earlier than 1917 model. Lsed Ford :.is Co., tit h and Du vis. WANT 1 4 -ton trti-k with body; will trads Koid truck ai part payment. Broad- vi av 4 ." . CAKS BoL'Giil' luf their parts, parts old for ad cats. Auto Wrecking Co, 623 Aider at 16th St. W E I A Y cash for late model light cars. Used Car Warelioujte, Grand av. and K. V a J . or. NEW H2l LIGHT B.Jt A V r4. Or'-gonian. Studebaker, $1250. CA:ill ior all make. ir cars, condition no o b j e c t. 4 14 c.,i a n at nith. B d w y 20 J. rVv fine upright piano, will trade for K ord coupe or selati. Call Wdln. 1507. V IL.L. trade Ford Iruca lor touiir-g car mid p a y difference. Broadway 4 :'.'. Motrc.vrlc. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all make. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-46 Orand Avenue. vTou MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 2Q4-206 3D ST. MAIN 61:.. wa: TED Used Excelsior a;0e car, must reasonable. ( a 1 jBdwy. 2.137. ' '. Automobile lor litre. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR MIKE, New 6 and 7-pasener car. Buick L,d Wescot is; reasonable rates. CITY GARAGE. 132 12th t., bet. Washington and Aider. Bro ad wa y M0. AUTOS FOR HIRE with of without driv er. Day or night service. COUCH 51 AN GARAGE, 10th and Couch. Broadway 3603. Re mem her our number. Bdwy 3 t 06. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cars for rent without drivers; reasonable rates: open day and night 825 Giisan St., between Broadway and Sixth st. Phone Broadway 550.1. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FoR HIRE. U L SULLIVAN. FASIUON GARAGE. MAR 252 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1256 H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE, D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 16SL 6-CYL1NDER 5-lASS. BUICK FOR HIRE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 5547. YO R RU.E TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. Y A FEW OF OUR TRUCK BARGAINS. I!20 GMC 1-ton. 1020 Ford 1-ton. 1019 Denby 2-ton. 1010 Chevrolet 1-ton. Many others. NEW 'REPUBLIC TRUCKS AVT) NEW STANDARD TRUCKS AT A Bin DISCOUNT. ALSO HAVE A FEW NEW JUMBO TRUCKS. These truck are absolutely new and we can save you In some model nearly half of lbe retail price. THB USED. CAR WAREHOUSE. "Portland Largest Used Car Stox. Grand Ave. at East Taylor SL Phone Aut, 214-10. F t