1G THE MOTiXIXG OREG ONI AX, MONDAY, DECEMUmi 20, 1921 BETHLEHEM 'STDRY HELD EVER NEARER Nations Fall but Christ-Child Lives, Says Minister. STAR AND MANGER TOPIC Dr. YotitiRson, District Superin tendent, Delivers Christmas Ser mon at Methodist Church. "The Star and the Manser," was the subject of the Christmas sermon yesterday morning by Dr. William Wallace Youngson, district superin tendent, in the First Methodist Epis copal church. He took for his text, "And when they weie come into the house, they saw the young: child with JIary, his mother." "What spaces lie between the star and the manifi r? W hat darinK imajtl nation has joined them so intimaW'ly ?" asked Dr. YounKson. "Js this one of the (treat world-dreams that have lain warm and vital in the h"art of each K'nei :i t ion. renewing: in youth iind buoyancy the age-worn soul of the world? .Valinnn Ilnvr Fnllen. "Who so venture some as to join the hiKhf-at in heaven to the lowest on earth the star and the manKer? "Yet, nations have risen and fallen arts. sciences, philosophies have waxed and waned; wars, tumults and shakines bave swept their tornado path down throuch the ages, but this story of Bethlehem has crept ever nearer to the h-arts of men, has woven itself into their hymns and prayers, flooded their holy places with anthems of victory, lighted with fadeless Joy the sanctuaries it their homes and has even put into their mouths a new pong of victory over death and the urave. "What a stirrlns and ffreat history may lie under a half dozen common place words! There Is more heroism In a smilinK face sometimes than in half of the deeds that are chronicled in battle. Th.-re may be more self mastery in the doing of quiet duty than In the scourgings of a whole cal endar of saints. A world of effort and hope deferred may be hidden in such a simple sentence as this: "When they were come into the house at last' deserts crossed, rivers forded, per ilous journey yet In spite of all hardships and difficulties and ob structions they come 'at last.' With magnificent enthusiasm they per severed nothing could baffle them or daunt them or dismay them. ftutdnnce a Star. "They were strong because their fruidance was a star. It needed more than earth to carry them through. All great enthusiasms have had at the heart of them something religious. When a man can follow a grreat pur pose steadily, through ridicule and in sult and obstruction, there Is more than strength of will In it there is God." YULK MEJiTIXCi IIKLI POTENT Message Is Given to Fathers at Church of tlio Madeleine. "It Is the conviction of a divine. Incarnate, saving Christ, with whom there is mercy and abundant redemp tion, which gives Christmas a potent and thrilling meaning and revivifies Its message for our own perplexed and troubled times," declared Father George Thompson at the Church of the Madeleine yesterday. "Christmas cannot have a supreme and compelling mer.ning for all man kind until the crucial question What think you of Christ, whose son Is he? is answered by all of us in the clear and adequate terms of St. Peter's profession. To dissolve Christ is to do away with Christmas and the perennial rebirth of bright hopes and brave purposes which a divine and saving Christ alone can inspire. If the Infant we see in M:iry's arms is the longed-for messiah of the prophets; if he is the wonderful counsellor, God, the mighty. the father of the world to come, the j prince of peace pictured and prom- ised by Isaias; if he is, to all human j appearances and circumstances not- ! withstanding, the 'true God of true I God of our ancient creed, then Indeed1 Christmas enshrines a divine reality 1 and its joy and hope have source and I uhstance in the love and mercy 1 of our omnipotent God. I "The premise of a divine savior makes defeatism and despair, sins of j sacrilege against the goodness and j sincerity of heaven. The moral j weakness and wretchedness of the i world is not tine failure of Christian ity or the inadequacy of its measures for the happiness and well being of humanity. The failure and betrayal are in ourselves? God has made us j rational, responsible, free agents, leaving us the dread privilege of j thwarting his own designs. And men I eventually reap what they have I sown. But the saving mission of j Christ is not to be discredited be cause men have repudiated his au- thority, his guidance, and his grace.' If the transgressor has found his way hard and disappointing, let him acknowledge his guilt and repent of his apostacy and return." FORCES OF M.VXGER SUBJECT World' Spiritual Destinies in Christ-Child, Says l'astor. "The Two Forces of the Manger'; was the subject chosen by Dr. Harold Leonard How-man, pastor of the First I'resbyterian church, for his sermon yesterday morning. "In the little life In the manget were wrapped up the spiritual des tinies of the world. In that baby re posed the hope Itnd abiding joy of the race. In his personality was nascent the ultimate peace of men and na tions. In him abode the principles which were to change the whole face of history. In him were to blossom forth the Ideals of service and sacri fice which the world might scorn, but which were the goal toward which the whole creation moves. In him was comfort for those who mourn, balm for every weary heart, the as surance of life beyond the grave. There was good will for the hateful and eternal life for mortal humanity. "There were two forces resident in the manger. There was not only the centripetal energy which drew men toward it. but there was also the cen trifugal force which sent men out glorified and energized. This is one of the miracles of the Christian faith. The life that Is drawn to Christ Is sent forth again to serve. The di vine contact imparts a driving force, an impelling- power which always speaks in the imperative, 'Go go go go yet Into all the world and tell these good tidings of the Savior's birth to every creature.'" Montana ex-Govcrnor Dead. SAN DIEGO. Dec. 25. B. Piatt Car penter, who was a governor ot ilon- tana when It was a territory, died at I Chula Vista, near this city, yesterday. . He was born at Stanford, N'. Y., In 1837. He was elected district attor ney of Ksscx county, New York, when he was 21 years old. FAIR OFFICIALS TO MEET Secretary to Discuss Problems as Feature of Farmers' Week. ORKGO.S AGRICULTURAL COL LUGt;. Corvallis, Iec. 25. (Special.) Many county fair secretaries are expected to attend a meeting of sec retaiies at the college Wednesday in connection with farmers' week to discuss various problems in connec tion with the fairs next autumn. The meeting was called by Mrs. Winnie Braden of Portland, state agent, in charge of the state agricultural ex hibit In the Portland Chamber of Commerce building. Mrs. Braden is also chairman of the county fair sec retaries. Secretaries invited to attend the meeting, together with the counties they represent, include: K. Kilgore, Fstacada. Clackamas; F. B. i'ook, Astoria, Clatsop; J. B. Wllkerson, St. Helens. Columbia; J. B. Whitakcr, Myrtle Point. Coos; J. S. Shipp. Prlne ville. Crook; O. B. Hardy, Redmond, Peschutes; H. F. Herburger, John Lay, Grant; Julian Byrd, Burns, Har ney; Percy Manser, Hood River, Hood River; John Garkln, Medford, Jack son; A. S. Coutant. Grants Pass. Jo sephine; H. A. Brattain. Paisley, Lake; W. A. Ayrs, Kugene, Lane; K. S. Lister, Toledo. Lincoln; A. C. Schmitt, Albany, Linn; W. W. Smead, Hoppner, Morrow; A. F. Miller, Port land, Multnomah; C. C. Calkins, Moro, Sherman; B. A. Folks. Tillamook, Tillamook; Fred Bennion, Pendleton, Umatilla; William Vogcl, La Grande. Union; A. C Miller. Knterprise, Wal lowa: K. V. Van Schick. The Dalles, Wasco; J. K. Woodcock, Wamlc. southern Wasco; Lester Campbell, HiJlsboro, Washington. FLOOD CLEARS OFF LAND IIikIi AVatcr Has Good Kesults on Lower Sllctz River. TOLEDO. Or., rec. 25. (Special.) While considerable damage was done to livestock and property on the lower Silctz river during the recent hlKh water, the flood was not with out mood results. Mr. Sled, Clyde Morris, Mr. Kmmonen and Elmer Miller report that the water removed all the lofts and brush from their meadows. Thousands of feet of these Iokh were washed down the river and on to the sand spits of the lower bay, where they will remain to rot away. Whole spruce trees, six and seven feet through, were raised from their half-sunken condition In the mead ows and floated off. Mr. Morris said that it would have cost him $2000 to have cleared the -mix acres of land whioh he has, but the high water cleared the whole of It In half a day. There are thousands of acres of land on the lower Siletz lying along the river In such a way that to clear them it is necessary to fell the trees and buck them up into reasonably short lengths, so that they can get out through the stumps when the high water comes. It is said there is no place on the Facific coast where such heavy clearing can be done as cheaply as on the lower Siletz. Klamath Falls liomls Sold. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., Dec. 25. (Special.) The city treasurer was notified yesterday that the $65,000 re funding bonds, voted at the recent special election, had been sold in Portland at S3 and accrued Interest. The purchasers were: Lumbermen's Trust company. Freeman, Smith & Co. and Ralph Schnelock & Co. rhone your want ads to The Ore- gnnlan. Main 7070. Automatic fifiO-SS. AMI SKMKNTS. fx EDDIE FOY Jk nd Tho Young t Toy j RAYMOND fi SCH RAM ROCKWELL fi FOX oNftROT'COHITl LUCAS t INEZ WOROEM BROS. HARRY HOLMANtCO. "Hard Boiled. H.mpton I XICKKT OKI-'ICK SAI.IC I Opens Today TT7TT -f(- BrniKlmny nt Taylor IlLili-lVJ Phone Mnln 1. ADnttunrrment Kxtraorillnnry. DIRECT FROM ORIENT .evrr I'lnycd w York, Chlcaaro or California. Played Laat e-k In Prattle and Created a Sennatlon. RUSSIAN GRAND OPERA CO. PniXCIPAL CIlOHl'S IIALLKT ORCHESTRA THIS WEEK . ."PIQUE DAME' . ."CARMEN" . ."MERMAID" .."PIQUE DAME" . ."RIGOLETTO" WP.D. K K. Till R, EVE, KRI. EVE, T. MAT. - ST. EVE'S Floor, $2. SO; Balconv, $2, Jl.r.O. 1; Gallery, 1, 77c. SAT. MAT. Floor, $2; Balcony, $l.i0, $1; Gallery, 77c, 5uc. ADD lO PER (EXT WAR TAX. PAN TAG Eg Continuous. IP M to 11 P. U. HAZKL HICKEV CO.. in the Karce Comedy, THK M(iHT BOAT "MKLODIKS AND fcTKPS" Featuring th Wynn itei-fl. A Here Joyce In Her Lord and Master 5 OTHER 1HO ACTS S LYRIC Ml'SICAL CO.MKUV COMPANY "IN BOHEMIA" Midnight Mat. Saturday Afternoon at 2 Eveolnjrfl at 7 and 9 CIRCLE WaiblnrtOB Jack Holt and Lila Lee 'After the Show" Also, a comedy, "Around Corner. Path New and Mutt and Jeff. Open from 9 o'clock in the morning until 4 o'clock the following morning. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. K. BlACi. public accountant, auditor, Income tux service. Concord bid.. 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7Q3 AsaAlfcKa AM A-NALVSTS. UU.NTA.U A&kaY OFfiCii, 142 Secund street. tjotU, silver, p.aununi bought. ATTOKMils. K. W. tASljli.s, lawyer. Chamber 01 Lommrce building. VV. p. A.UAM.ti. attorney, moved to 613 Couch bidn. Bdy. tf-iSi. Consultation free. BATHS. KIC. DK. AlcMAhU a brttlii, Portland; steam no wars, p.uuges, tuua, all lor 35c; tel. your irienan. j? ourtn at Washington. CAKl'KT fjM ttFKKS. AUTHORIZED HimnvU carpet sweeper re pairman; pans luruisneu. pad Murnaon. CLLLll.OH MLTTONS. TUB lit VVi.V-iiUDisO.N CUAlfA.Ni. 357 Vvaanifcton. Bdwy. 434. labor 1254 OlAKOtKACllC. DK. AicAlAjtiuA tJj.cjU.an, Portland; 12th year. fee v en pol-graduaie reseaicu course. Kates: ixtenued lime, 31 aa- juatments, ij, reatori n g heauli. tililiOk'ODiMa. WILLIAM, iLeae, l'lure..o and De wane De Veny. tne uniy scientific chiropodists and aruu specialists in city. Variora 402 Oeriiutftr uiujf., auutli vrci corner cconu and Aider sue- la. Alain 1301. DK. o. O. l-'iiCiiiK 'uol troubles sci entifically corrected; iaUy aauiiiani. 12 Jiurgan uiag. Main a. H2. DK. li. LulltiK COX. chiropodist, Morgan u.ug. Main tl-hA.MQ A.NO OiElNO. REGAL ULEANERS Soldier.' overcoat, dyed blue or black, new mil ot bultun.. t.J0. 12T -N. Ota at. lULLIXHUMt. Mi'iU 4 Co., Worcester bldit. .Main 1TK iu collectiona., no cnara"t:a. Kstab. lavu. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Washington Sta. Main 2110. Auto. 11U. DENTISTRY L Without Pain. X-Kay Work. rt. A. VV. KtllLNIi, So After Ktfects. 851 b Washington SL Above .Majestic Theater. tl-MTIUi AL Kbl-AIKINO. MOTORS REWOUND and repaired BOUGHT ANU bOI.D. NICHOLS KLECTK1C WORKS. Phone 5:17-27. 228 Main rft. (.AKAl.E. STORAGE. STEAM-HEATliU GARAGE. For live or dead storage. I7 N. 12 !rt. Phone Bdwy. 41144. .IKWKI.KV Mtli. AMI KKl'AllilNU. KOSS St CO., VVHOLKSAI.E JEWELERS. 31K MOHAWK BLDG.. 8d and Morrison. MIMIC TEACH fcl. L. CARROLL DAY, teacher of piano and voice. Broadway 2550. 143 13th street. AMISEMENTS. MITINIfJHT MATINEE NEW VKAK'8 EVE. 11:30 I. M. Xow riayingr James A. Heme's Great American Home Flay "SHORE ACRES" Scenes and Characters Never to Be Forgotten. SPECIAI. HOLIDAY BII.T. TODAY o TONIGHT HARKTII III Oil KS in "THE 1IIM1I" ANI FIVE AI.I.-KEATI RE VAl'DE- VII.I.K ACTS, unci Five All-Kent nr Vninlevllle Arts. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING In order to earn- the more than one time rute, atlverUbinjc miutt run in con secutive itwiuei. One time I2c per line Two time (each iHHue .... 11c per line Three times (each lata )... 10c per line Seven times (each issue)... c per line One to six months, per month $2.50 per line Six to twelve months, per month $2.25 per line The above rates apply to all headings with the toUowbig exceptional1 81 1 nations Wanted. Gyh Insertion per line Help Wanted Notice l-ot and Found KiM-elal Notices Personal Funeml Notices PropuMils Invited Meetinir Notices One time 15c per line Two times (each Issue) . . . .14c per line Three times (each issue) .. ..13c pr line Seven times (each iasud) .. .12c per line One month $3 per line NEW TODAY Kates Per Line: Dally Sunday One time lc 2uc Two times (per issue) ....15a lWc Three times tper issue) .... 14c 18c Seven times (per issue) .... 13c 17c One month, dally and Sunday ... .t3.Su Count five words to the line. No ad t )ken for lean than two line. Ada run Sunuuys oniy ch arced at one-time rute. Advertisement (except "Personals and ''Situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone if the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. The Oresronlan will receive copy by mail provided sufficient remittance for definite number of Usues Is seut. Acknow ledg ment will be forwarded prom pt ly . . Advertisements are aken for The Iaily Oreaonian antll 7:30 P. M.j for iue Sunday Oregonian until f. M. Saturday. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Wilson's Auction House. 10 Furniture 169-171 Second street. MEETING yOTlCES. GUL REAZEE GROTTO ,0. 65 Regular business meeting tonight 8 o'clock, Pythian temple. Wear fez. Admission by 1921 card. Childhood days dance Jan. 13. By order of Monarch. HARRY A. McRAE, Act. Sect. PARKROSE, LODGE. U. B.. A. F. AND A. M. Stated com munication this (Monday) evening. 8 P. M-, Ryan and Randy blvd. Work In M. M. dejrree. Visiting brethren wel- By order W. M. ROBT. W. PETERSON, Secy. MARTHA WASHINGTON CHAPTER NO, 14, O. E. S. Special meeting this (Monday) 3 P. M-, East 8th and Burn side. Degrees. Stated meet ing 8 P. M. Christmas social for members and their fami lies. By order W. M. BELLE RICHMOND, Sec. CHRISTMAS DANCE. December 26. Moose hall. 4th and Taylor sis., best mubic; good floor. A real good time. Famous Moose orchestra. Nuf secL GUS H. CRAMER. 713 SELLING BLDG. Main 6026. Jewel and ""emblem manufacturer, watch and Jewelry repairing. DIAMONDS. Diamond Setting and Mounting. LODGE EMBLEMS, class pins, officers' Jewels, carry large stock to select from; special work to order in our own factory. Davids. Jewelers and opticians, 343 Wash ington street at Broadway. FRIEDLANDER'S for lodge emblems, class yiui and medals. 310 Washington at. STOCK COMPANY 1 HrpPobROME KNITTING. KNITTING WORKS We make All kinds of Sweaters. Wool Stock In (fg and Petticoats. 300 Ibarra bee gt.. near Broadway bru.e. OPTOMfcTKlMS. Out f the High-Kent District, bave Money uu our llae. m 2o years experience; mom moutTn and complete equipment at your service. Consult us free. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel Uoodman, associate optometrist. Main 2124. Cnas. V. Goodman r0iu mm irt. A Will' PAY MUKIil Olasse. in gold-tihed frame. "vE3" I"led to your eyes, J2 SO, double vision glasses at low price.; satiritaction guaranteed. Dr. A. K. Hurwila. optoiiu-trlat, 22b First St. Main 41. UK. 0.OKcib: KUbiNbTKliN, veteran op tician; eyes tested, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated promptly, very reaaon ao.e pricta. 2-'t Morna.) n st. Main jotil. 1'AIKNT Al'lUKMiVh. PATli.N'ia our practice oas extended over a period of 74 ears. Ail communica tions strictly contidentlal. prompt, effl . cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. AlUNN CO.. liubart bldg., 5;4 Market at., San .Francisco, Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington office, room luj Scientillc American bldg.;sew 1'urk office. Wool worth bidg K. C. WiiluliT, registered patent attorney. 25 years. If Invention really vaUdble. see practicing I a w yer. 61tl ijekum bidg 1-HYMl 1ANS. UK. K. A. Pllll.lPa. Broadway bu.lding. stoiacn. bowel, liver, kidney, b.adder. recLai, prostate and feuaie disorder without operation. I'll'K KKl'AIKl.Nli. HEPAIHEO By Experts, ripe Shop. 272 Wanhlngton St. Itl.MtKS. . ilJTlip F. VV. Alli.!5 & CUJll'ANV inill Mill) First and Oak. Main 15:5115 KHKLMATIf M't.1 1AI.1WT. FREE EXAMINATION FREE. The world's greatest rheumatic cure. ITS IN THE GuOUSi THAT'S ALL. JACK KING'S Mineral Treatments. Cured I'atients My Best References JACK KING, Rheumatics Spet'iaiist. b3Vj Fifth St., Corner Oak. Second Floor Phoenix Bidg. IKAXSIKK AMI KTUHAbE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money lobned on goodB in storage. &3 Fourth st.. opp. Multnomah hotel. Phone Bdwy. 3715.;. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Ulisan St- Broadway 1281. lra y age. storage. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks VKTKKINAKY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sta. Both phone.. lay and night service; 3 veterinarian. MEETING NOTICES. THE ANNUAL GET TOGETHER MEETING of the T. P. A. and' the T. B. A. will be beld at the Multnomah hotel Monday, December 26, at 8:30 P. M. Dancing, cards, entertainment, prizes, etc. Current membership card of either T. P. A. or T. B. A. will admit member and one lady. Ouesta, $1 each, including war tax. CLYDE EVAXS. Sec. MASQUERADE costumes for rent. SSI Yamhill street, near West Park. We keep masKs also. Main 61'J2. EMBLEM Jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros.. 131-8 Sixth SL DIED. CRANE. JR. In thts city, Dercmbfr 2.", Fred H. Crane, ased 20 years, husband of Margaret K. Crane, father of Gt-n-evlfive M. Crane, brother of George M. Crane, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Crane, gruniion of Mrs. Anna Crane, all of Kock'wood, Or. Veteran of the lato world war. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Fun;ral Directors, 414 East Alder street. Notice of funeral will appear in a later iesue. DANFORTH Dec. 25. at the horn of his son. 20'H Portsmouth ave.. Vancs t. Danforth, aird 5 years, father of E. W. Dan forth, 21M17 Hodge wt., and Mrs. Helen A. Kerr, 1129 Williams ave. Thi iu neral servlo-. will be heUl Tuesday at 1 P. M. at Fin ley's mortuary, Montgom ery at 5t h. Friends invited. Conclud ing service Rlverview cemetery. BKS.ENGER Dec. 25, In this city. Mrs. Ella Virginia Bessenger, aged 3! years, beloved wife of Thomas M. Besseng er. sister of Mrs. Bell Emfield, Canada. Mrs. Maud Brazier, Montana. Harry Mann, Anacomiu. Mont. Remains at Pearson undertaking parlors, Rusell st. at Union ave. CAMPBELL Dec. 25. at his late residence. 135 Kiuerson st., John E. Campbell, aged 7o years, father of Charles 1'. Campijell, Mrs. Grace Allen and Mrs. Blanche Hoyt or this city. The remains are at Finiey mortuary. Montgomery at 6 th. Notice of funeral hereaUer. HODGSON In this city, Dec. 18. John Robert Hodgson, aged 41 years. Re mains are ai the Conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 E. Alder st. Notice of services will appear in a later issue. ANDERSON In this city, Dec. 20. Edward Anderson, aged 41. years. The remains are at the Conservatory chape! of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 Eact Aider st. Funeral notice will appear in a later issue. H EATON In this city, Dec. 21. Charles A. Heaton, aged 72 years. The remains are at the Conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder st. Notice of funeral will appear in a later issue. ANDERSON In this city. Dec. 20. Erlck Anderson .aged 67 years. Remains are I at the Conservatory chapel of the East 1 Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Aider si. .-Nonce 01 lunerai win appear in a j later issut I MORSE At his home. 8 .'4 Vancouver ave . "an jidi si-, Hea 01 years. Remains are at A. R. Zeller Co.'s par lors, 6l2 Williams ave. Funeral notice later. ARAKI In this city, Dec. 24. S. ArakI aged 28 years, wife of M. Araki. Re mains are at McEntee & Ellers parlors, 16th and Everett sts. Funeral notice later. O'CONNOR In this city. Dee. 17. J. E O'Connor, aged 12 years. Remains -are at the Conservatory chapel of East Side Funeral Directors. 4 14 E. Aider st Notice of services In a later Issue, HEN SO N 1 n this city. Dec. Gladys Benson, aged iy years. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential par lors of Miiier A Tracey. FrNERAT. NOTICES. THUM Of 433 E. 3Kth St.. formerly of Oak Grove. Carl Thum. aged 78 years 0 months and ii days, beloved husband of Augusta Thum. The funeral services will be held Wednesday. Dec. 2H, at 11 A. M., from the residence funeral par lors of. Walter C. Kenworthy. 153J-34 E. 13th St.. Sellwood. Friends invited. Interment Mllwaukie cemetery. KING In this city. Dec. 23. Jennie King, aged 74 years, sunt of Mrs. H. M. Hou sen and Mrs. L. H. Latham, residing in this city. The funeral services will take place at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 E. Alder St.. at 2:30 P. M. Wednesday. Dec. liH. Friends Invited. Interment Rose City cemetery. O'NEIL The funeralj cortege of Ellen O'Neil, late of Sandy, Or., will leave the chapel of Miller & Tracy Tuesday. Dec. 27. at 8:43 A. M., thence to St. Mary's cathedral, lftth and Davis sts.. where mass will be offered at D A. M. Inter ment Forest Grove. KAADT At residence, 1496 McKenna ave.. Dec. 24, Tage Kaady, aged 61 years, mother of Philip and George Kaady. Funeral will be held from late residence Monday. Dec. 26, at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment Multnomah ceme tery. McEntee & Eilers, directors. LA MOTTE The funeral services of the late Mary La Motte will be held Tues day. Dec. 27, at 3 P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Jracey. Incineration Portland crematorium. Remains at the residence, 252 N. linh st. BRONSnN The funeral services of the late William E. Bronson will be held Tuesday. Dee. 2i. at 2 P. M.. at the : chapel of tiller & Tracey. Interment iluiuioiuah Park cemetery. I f FIXERAL NOTICES. I KOK.VIOS In this city Deembpr 24. WiH I lam H aged 4 years, iiusi and of Ruth ' N. Koenlgs of iid st. and brother of 1 Joseph Koenigs of Buckley, Wash.; Law 1 rence Koenigs, Enumo'.aw. Wash. ; M thias. l,ouis and Anthony Koenigs of 1 Spokane, Wash. ; Mrs. Mae DeTuito of I Knumclaw, Wash.; Mrs. Margaret Ticks- man of S.'attie, Wash. ; Mrs. Abbie An derson of White Saimon. Wash. ; Mrs. Helen Williams of Burmah. Idaho. The funeral cortege will leave Flnley's mor tuary. Montgomery sat Mh, Tuesday. De cember 27, at 111 A, M., henceforth to St. Mary's cathedral lMh and Davis sts.. where mass will be celebrated at 10:30. Friends invited. Concluding service ML Calvary cemetery REPP Dec. 25, at St. Vincent's hospital. Airs. Margaret Repp, aged 3 years, late of 413 Knott St., beloved wife of Georgfl Repp, mother of Mrs. K. S. Roper. Eliza beth, Mary. Pauline, George. Henry. Conrad and John Repp; also survive.! by following sisters and brothers. Mrs. K atherine Helser. M rs. Kate Sch warts, M rs. Elizabeth Krleger. Mrs. Christiana Kern. Mrs. Mary Graf. Mrs. Lizzie How ard. Henry. Conrad. Geurge and Ludwig Wolfe. Funeral services will be con- ducted Tuesday, Dec. 27, at 2 P. M from the German Congregational church, cor ner E. 7th and Stanton. Friends in vited. Pearson Co., undertakers. GOODB Dec. 23. Mary L. Gode, aged 49 years, wife of Jonathan Goode, mother of George, Pearl, Harry. Mary. John. Raymond. Virginia and Maxim? Gooile: sister of Agnes L. O'Brien. Mrs. L. P. Morrow. John of El Paso. Tex. : James of Lowell. Mass., and Harry O'Brien of Seattle, Wash. Funeral will be held from residence. 1112 E. Taylor street. Tuesday. Dec. 27, at S:45 A. M . thence to St. Stephen's church. E. , 42d and Taylor sis., at 9 A. M., where requiem mass will be offered. Friends invited. Interment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. S-attle papers please copy. McEntee & Eilers, directors. ZEBUl'TTH At thA home of The son. Dr. Charles B. Zeebuyth. 1073 East Gllsan st reel, B. Zeehuyth. aged 73 years, b,-ljved father of Mrs Robert Lock of Quinault. Wash.. Charles 11. Zeebuyth of this city. Mrs. K. A. An derson of Corf u. Wash., and Earl Zee huvth of North Yakima. Wash. Inter ment at Montesano. Wash. Remains will be shipped Mondav, IecmnT -'. at 8 A. M.. by R. W - Gable & Co.. 107 East Seventh-ninth street. North. WHEELER At the home of her son. 714 E. Itith st. N. Dec. 2.". Mrs. Carrie A. Whelrr of Ocean Park, Wash., agt'd 7 years, mother of K. N. Wheeitr of this city. Mrs. C. A. Runs.-ll residing at Ocenn Park; Wash., and Mrs. Harriet J. Davis of Lincoln. Kan. The funeral services will take place at the Conservatory chapel of tne East Side Funeral Di rectors. 414 E. Alder St., at 1 P. M.. Tuesday, Dec. 27. Friends invited. In Oyment Mt. Scott Park cemetery. DRISCOLL In this city. Dec. 23. Mort more Driscott, aged 78 years, brother of Catherine Con'lIey of Norwich. Conn., and James Driscoll of 12H N. 1 7th st. Funeral will be held from McEntee Filers parlors, 1 tith and Everett sts., Monday. Dec. 26. at 8:4.i A. M.. thence to the cathedral, 15th and Davis sts.. at ft A. M., where reiutem mafs will be nffored. Friends Invited. interment Alt. Calvary cemetery. PKNNYCOOK In this city, Dec. 24. Wal ter B. Penny cook, aged 65 years, hus band of Janet Pennycook, father of Mrs. V. B. Marts. Mrs. A. C. Flick. Mrs. H. Peper, Charles W. and Edward Penny cook, all uf this city. The funeral serv ices will take place at the Conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Di rector. 414 E. Alder St.. at 2 P. M.. Tuesday, Dec. 27. Friends invited. In terment Rose City cemetery. ORTH At Ocean Park. Wash.. Dec. 22. Mart ha S. Orth, aged 52 yars, wife of F. W. Orth, daughter of Mrs. S. Kles sllng, sister of Mims Amanda Kiessling and Mrs. J. A. Newbold. all of this city. The funeral services will take place at the Conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 K. Abler St., at 2 P. M., Monday, Dec. 26. Friends in vited. Interment Rlverview cemetrey. BORDES Joseph Bordes. aged 49 years, late of 2i3 East Eighty -first street. North, beloved husband of Mrs. Eva Hordes. ..Funeral services will be held Tu 11 1 ay, December 27, at 2 P. M.. at Christian church. East Seventy-sixth near G.isnn. Interment Rove Citv cem- etery. Friends invited. Remains are at R. W. Gable A Co., 107 East Seventy-ninth street. North. ADAIR Mary Rodney, widow of Samuel D. Adair, daughter of the late Bishop B. Wistar Morris. Funeral from the home of her brother. William E. Mor ris, rt34 Flanders street, thence to St. Stephen's Pro-Cat hedral, corner of Thirteenth and Clay streets, where services will be held Tuesday, Decem ber 27, at 2 P. M. Interment in Itiver view cemetery. v Bl'RXS At the home of his parents, 1191 Burthwlek st., Robert R. Burns Jr., aged 5 years 10 months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Iturns. brother of Janette M., H. Leone and Marjorie L. Burns. The funeral services will take place from the conservatory chapel of the East Side funeral directors. 414 East Alder st., at 10 A. M. Tuesday, Dec. 27. Friends in vited. Interment Rose City cemetery. GOGGINS At her rec Idence. I225 Flfts fourth avenue. Southeast. December -3, ' VaN-rlne (Jog gins, aged 40 years. The funeral services will be conducted Mon day, December IMS. at 10.3(1 A. M.. In the mortuary chapel if A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 3.SO2-04 Ninety -second street, in Lents. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Park cemetery. RANSOM The funeral service for the late Kmma Ransom of 317 Cornell road will be held today (Monday;, at 2 P. M., at the I'nliarian church. Broadway and Yamhill .him. Friends invited. Conclud ing service Portland crematorium. J. 1. Finley & Son directors. ROBINSON The funeral service nf the lale Ruth H. Robinson will be held today I Monday). Dec mber 26. at 2 P. M.. at Finley's mortuary, Montgomery at oth. Concluding service Ahavi ShoJom ceme tery. FTNFRAI, CAM. Ll.MuLSl.VKS lor luntfrals, weddinft.s, shop, ping. Jons Auto. Livery. Marshall 114. Fl'NF.KAI. DIKFCTORS. Cremation $45 Portland Crematorium MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Leas Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 2oth and illet -siH.. west side. Lady anslMtaau Main Automatic 018-44 DUNNING & CAIN FUN KKAL PIKEOTUKS. 445 Morrison St., West iSida. phones Hroadway 43U; Auto matic o4r.-5S. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 1S.",4.) FUN KKAL. DIRECTORS. Third and W.ilmon sts. Ma;n .'07. McEMTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home, lrtth and Everett streets. Phones Broadway L'11.3: Auto. 531-33. Funeral Directors. Successors to Breeze A bnook. Belmont, at -:..Mh. Tabor 1253. BAST iSlUii Fl'X KKAL Dl R tCTO HS. i (F ri. DUNNING. INC. The Family Sets the Fries." 414 E. Alder. Phone East 5-. Auto LKKCH UNDERTAKER, East Eleventh -and Hawthorne, V h o n e E ji stTs 1 FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT 5TH. MAIN 9. SKEWES UNDERTAKING CO., Third and Clay. Main 4152. A. R. ZELLER CO., 592 Williams Ave. Phone East 10SS. a&Vi u5j t-. Uents. Auto. U1S-21. A. L. KENWORTHY & CXI.. FLORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize In funeral deslxns. Sixth. opposite Meier A- Frank's. Mnln 721. ROSBWAV FLOWER SHOP. E 41ST AND SANDY BLVD. FI-OWEHS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. WE DELIVER. PHONE I S. J. T. J A L NCEY. T A BO R BBT.1. NOB HILL FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.l E cor 23d and Ollaan Main 1S.-.9, TO.NSETH'S FLOK A L CO.. 2S1 WashinKton .u. beu 4 til and Sin. Main A. liOL FLORISTS. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IN PORTLAND. 3?K MnrrUnn St.. I'"rtlnl llotrl. Phono Mar. 1S3. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St. Main 2G3 v. twaia niiu unniuj a Specialty. riowers ror All Occasions' Artistically Arranged. i Personal at tent Inn given rvaajiiK. receptiin, tea ind table Uecnratlons. blora! trllmtea prumplly ittended to HE'I LAND'S H.OWEB riiui". Morrlaon St.. ut. :ld and 4th, T.I. Main 4111 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASION'S. 4737 YAMHILL AT TENTH. And lloral Design J.i Hawinorne. No Branch Stores. Yeara on Morrison street, bet. 4th and 0th. Main T70U. PORTLAND MARBLE WfSKS jfilt 4th n. Opn. rity Hull. M:r ItKOS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WOQKS QUALITY MEMORIALS E. THIRD & PINE STS PHONE E. 743 OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Invest iR-a-tes all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices, room loU courthouse. l'hone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 T. M. The society has full rharpe of the city ucjmi at its home, 53i Columbia bou levard, l'hone any time. Woodlawn 764 Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for slrk or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where necessary and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, hurses. etc.. picked ud. NEW TOIIAY. NORTHWEPVRUG CO. FLUFF MGS Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and tubs. Save half the price of a new rug. Use woolen clothing:. !x!2 RIGS STEAM I.K VKI $I..V. Esst 350. 1SH fcJn.t l:lKhtb. INSTALLMENT LOANS FOR FORWARD-LOCKING HOME OWNERS 6 per cent simple interest on TVlonthly loan balance. Option to take up at any time. Repay your mortae gradually and eiisily If you live and instantly If you die. No commission. WILLIAM MACMASTER J--S I. S. Kntlonal Hank lluil.llnn;. $11,090 Sacrifice 100x100 near East 2d and Salmon; common user track. Cost owner $30,000 and will be withdrawn if not sold within few days. AG 309, OREGOMAN MORTGAGE LOANS Money available for loans on first class Inside retail and financial property at 6 per cent Interest. WILLIAM MACMASTER rt2N V. S. National Hank HullllnK. FRESH EGGS FOR LESS LA fill I)E "R KA MKR Y CO, Furtland Krllfna; AKnts FOR SI'FKIfS WIM.aM kttk valley F It K S H UHADKI) V. U G S. First and Yamhill Sta. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Properly. Inatnllment Re pay men ( if lelred. Itulldf nic loana. Current II a tea. Prompt Service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. Bia-219 Aorfhwfutcrn Ilnnk Itulldinir. .Marshall 4114. STORAGE SPACE "H'eiiirslly Locoted on Track We can move and store your poods in a fine sprinklered buildinK. HAILI.VU, I'ACKIMi, S I UKAI.E CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 4. VI Gliiiaa St. IldvtT. 3470. storp: FOR RENT Jan. Int. 102 Flrat Strert. I.arsr Store and llBwcinent. Low Kent. Lonjyr Lrnitr, fcdward E.Goudey Co. MOIIK.AGK LOANS. , Unltrd stairs Uaak llulliilna. JNO. B. COFFEY Bl'HETV HO US, l.NSl HANC1L 4419 Wlleos Bldat. Main FE tl, KHTATE. For Sale Flat and Apurtment Troperty. BARNEY JOHNSON CO., Ken! tor. 17U lnth St. Brick apt. bldg., l'J apts.. S. 4. 3 rooms, all private baths, partly fur nished, nearly new building, bejrt Nob Hill location. $41,000, good terms, net ting 14 per cent. Brick apt bldg.. 31 rooms. 4, 3. 2-room apts., close in. ail furnished, hardwood floors and doors. $1 T.ooo, small cash paynwnt, bal. 7 per cent, netting 15 per cer.t. Frame corner apt. bldg'.. Nob Hill. 12 apts, 4, 2 rooms, private baths, half fur nished. $:W,000. half cash, bal. 6 per cent, netring 15 per ceat. Have other good buys. -WE SERVE TO PLEASE. A WONDERFUL buy, west side. Unix loo, fine modern blrigs., income $;I00 month, $7000 cash handles It. T lf.HV M WAT.TFTt l.t-i.i N. . Bank Bldg. ' WEST SIDE double flats, also east tide 1 lurnUued Xiata fur sale. Tabor ! MOMMFNTS. 1 KKAL F STATE. j For S;Ue Flat and Apart ment Property. LOOKING FOR INVESTMENT? SEE this: Nine rooms, modern, two flats. sepH rale bat hs. furnace heal, ft rooms for owner dow nitn Irs. one furnifhtd room down rents for S-rom flat up, furnished, rents ;i't. Tliis is a wonder! ul oppor t iin It y to own your home and let It pay its av, Has ever t h mg including garage. tS.Y :mni. ciofe in. INCH DKS Ft ll.MTL HE VV FOl lt ROOMS. MARSH McCAHE CO.. Realtors. 322-3-4 Failing Hidg. Mar. .iWi. APARTMENT for sain. 22 h k. apts., paying 17.- per month, rent $7."; best locution in town, 14th st. at Wash- 1 ington , bargain 1 jr quick sale. Call Hihvy Hilo. li- K A M 1 1. Y ain rime nt snap; conrr. l.1, stenm hent. corner lot anl eav ternm. some trade Griffiths. 41 Gerli7iK-r For cHlr lAttn. BUILDING SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. 1 Let us dt-i.Kii your liotnf We will btnhi r1cht. Our prices are rltht. Same construction for dtiihII home ai larice one. Every consuler.ition and care for our client.-, together with iiberal flnao- HOHNETT A McCU'RB. Pullders. Miirsi.all .'l-'.t. SrJ Cou'h Blda II A V K ,,rl fttto.i lotM In (lone lty dis trict; some as low as J)o . eat-v t.'rmn on nitnv of them. Whv not start ihe new j.-ar npht? Plan fr a home, buv our lot while they are chenp. build later. Sro Koyal. TiM nnrl Sandy bld. Tahor 1 lr:.t.'ni'.' Taltor 7174. I " WN. J.'. .Mi i.NTHI.Y. Splen,l:il lot. .VixliKJ, all cleared, on St. Johns line. t!mi hair wav out: to tal price $4 12. We have two of th-e i in the aam dltrjrt: take vou chnire or nil. Kred W. German Co H'lfdr". T.'i' fhamlirr of Viuiiht-'p ij 1 1 1 ui- na 1 MiTi "V i i,,t Ir w n r. . : 1 n . rt- n For ale llm.iH4t, KK.NT SAVKHS JlOO $!0i down. Mo monthly, huyn n splendid trat of 1 h ' re of lunck loam soil, alt In en tiation. all frnr.'i, K-Hr oiif-r oom nhflck, l-ltt. 3 blocks from Jennings I .odfie tn t ion. on Rood road. $ tHifl $;,o down. $10 monthly buv ft round I'm'.xMI and a mibst an tlally bul.t U-room cotlnK'. nMr i ourtn ey at at ton on the Greiron (':( line. This la In a new pluti'ritf anrl you bave river-front rights and privilfr"s in connec tion with thl. p'ace. Ih0 i.".t down. .'0 monthly, buva a 4-room box house, ceiled, small ffiiar. electric llshta. (round tl4111. four fruit trees and Mine b rries ( S23 cah. $20 monthly, buys a 3-room ciltawe In the Albrta CiUtrtrt. ground Mxlnrt. Rtta and gas liKhf.i. patent toilet, sink, city water, S bearing fruit trees, good, woodshed and garatce. FRED W. GEK.MA.V Gl . HeaUors, 732 Chant, of Com. EX-SKRVICR MAN O.VLT. BY OWN Kit. 8-room bunfcaiow-typ hom; mod ern ; double const rue td : bmlt for a home. '1 lfl roiiii.s down and 3 up. l.incn clojir-tH, white enamel lutch kifhen, p.inelwt dlnina rom. built-in bufft, large ilvliiff room, hardwood floors In reception hail, living and dininjf room; full cement battt-ment; wer. .wma.l payment down. Apply bonus when avallaole. fall nt o4Ht U7th ave. or call Aut. or Broad way til 50. 43I K. 27TII NKAR TIU.AMOOK ST. IH'TCH COLONIAL IHVINdToN. Kive rooni-4. with fpace for at-ven, new and up-to-date ; one bed room and bat h on f ir.-rt floor; buLt with bet of ma terials for owners' own home, by day labor; plate glass windows, hardwood floors; colonial corner cupboard, Inr k fireplace, full ba'ment. Kood furnace ; convenitnt ly art anged for mall family. I'nce JT'.uo. lerinn. Gwnr. Chamber or Commerce, or Main 110(1. Kusbl CITY fi-iOMin InniKaliiw talt 2 f.ntshe.l In atth ) ; furnact. a 1 1 built -Ins, .-.icli-w a) k in hoiI paid. iart f rmirn in old ivory. lot ,".tx loo. Kootlly payment down and tcrm; aelllntf at a aacriticu. $3000. Rope City fl-room modern hun (Talow, PufiiiT lot, full hast merit, laundry tras, KiiruK1: tills place In flue enndi th'ii; $.'.n will harnlU; this is an ct'ptloual lii. Lt un nhovv you this. H. M. 1MKUN1, Stn.-1 K-hariKc. Ant. .V.M-ft4. " STAK S X 1 .KS SKKVICB. $ioo CASH. S!X-H ' M IU NOAI.OW. T(uhif conHtrurlt'd. enamel fin'uh. (SOxloO !i.t ; on (traded dtreet; S bl-k to pavement and ntret car, ldew;lk In; rariK. hnolt'um and wood included In price ; $37int. STAR KKAL EST AT K I VV. CO., H-altors. Wllmx HWlit. Main 5104. KveniiiK" 12. IRVINCtTON COI.O.V1AL Bt'NC.ALOW. In heart of IrvitiKton. Owner paid $T.'iM) on year ii(t'). will take t''00; easy terms; 5 larc' rooms on first floor: Krench doors, li n rd wood floors and i Vorv finish Uirouk'bout. full baseniMnt. laundr equipment, concrete porch, fine shrub. Karatce; imui'-dtate pobseaaion. Owner in Calitornla. East 41U. lu(i IhjWN. HA LANCE EAST. $ S.'.U Inside city. h acre, small house, fruit and berries, khi, water. e!ec. $1 ir0 -Ontfide city. 1 acre, small house. chicken house, itas, water, elec. LS.0 Inside city. NOxlon. A-rootn house, chicken house, fruit trees, corner. 1 blocks from car line, modern. CORDON MoKTiiAGK COMPANY. CM Ch. of Com. H!fif. .Main 1370. ITY I'AKK- $:.fsay. New fl-room bunKftlow. polished oalt floors t h remit h oil t, tapfiry paper, beau tiful fixtures, pret ty bn u k'ast nook, old ory enamel finish, window shades. Kox furnace and (Tafuxe; start the Hew year rlht by ow tunic i our own home. 4m E. 3Sth st. N lit tt.DER. M AIN 3144. M R. KENTEK or Home Huilder. An op ftortuniiy. Lot riOxstDa ; new floubi Karnite; toilet find sink Installed; '.t rooms partitioned off; 10 minute from town on Sellwood line; hard -surfaced s! r.-et ; Improvements paid ; for $7.'o. $KHJ down, balance easy terms. "r.." E !: h st Sout h Week t'. ays. En M 7H. Ol'EN Full INSPECTION. Just comp'.t ted in K. C. I , a 5-rm rvtlonlal bungalow nt 44 E ."," t h at X. : modern In every detal'. ; hardwood floors throuithout; best standard plumbing fixtures; can't mention everything in this ad., but rtrlve out and see- for yourpeif. ('pen fmm 1 to 4 today. FO H SALI5 .Modern IV -room furnished bunea low. a I so garage ; f urn It ure In cludes electric range and washing ma chin, radiant fire uml pipelens furnace; lot IVOxloo feet and on paved street: call during week. .Main 470. Sundays or holidays. Seliwnnd 3031. Jl'ST LIKE RENT. Brand-new 4-room bungalow, 12000, very easy terms, small monthly pay ments. Another new one, Rosa City park, t P00 ; small cash payment, good terms. See ownrr Ji Lfwls bldg oOJNO TO liCILD? We design and oulld residences or any building, affist In financing same; 12 ears' continuous and com pie I e building service. .-ECCKITY AND SATISFAC TION' ASSURED. L. R. Bailey. contract In k architect. HIM X. W. Hank bldg. irvinc;ton colonial rc ier. Near 21st and Knott, hardwood floors, hot-water h-at. 3 sets of French doors, beautiful bedrooms, finest bathroom and lavatory room in the city; real bargain. East 419. N E W LAURELH L'I'.ST home, .fust com. pleted, nice rooms, ground floor, second floor unfinished. I'd x .',!!. Something dif- . ferent. To appreciate a fine home come out today and see it. 12."7 E. Glitotn. Open 10 to 4. Trice riffht. Owner. Ta bor 7404 BY" OWNER. B-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors. f"M cement basement, Dutch kitchen. Krench doors, furnace, fireplace; at a bargain. 7a2 East loth sL .North. Broadway 1 H8. MAKE IT SNA PPT. Cash or trade for what have you as first payment ? Balance eny. Movs rifcht in to your own borne. Owner. Mar spall 70. lOuxloo. IMPROVEMENTS jn and ,,aij room hou.--e. jraragt'. chicken hout, fruit near car. a4Kl cash. O. O. SLETTEN. 4 IS Hy. Exch. Bldg Broadway 3 too. NEW, .MODERN bungalow, In restricted residence district, with large finished attic. To be sold on very easy terms. For particulars call 404 Piatt bldg., U7 Park st. Telephone Main 8 SO IM M EDI ATE POSSESSION. Absolutely modern Hose City bunga low. 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch ) wner. Auto. 813-61. ' GOOD h-ronm bouse, w et s;de, t ent r a! I located, for saie cheap cash consideru- ( Con. Marsha!! 2r-T J FOR SALE 3 rooms and bath on beau- tiful corner lot. improved street and 1 c.ue la. Call Bdwy. aJ3 for owner, 1 nr Sulr tliti!.. NIFTY T.lTTr.K HOMK. COJlrLETKLV 11 11M.SHE1)- $2H0. Two lots, 21 fruit tres, irio(1 rs.mont and four p(.-.' r.ntn?, withMiHlh. tollrt. t'lii'trulM, k.i. ." Mnrks car am! irhim:. THIS IS A RKAI, HI V AT SMALL I'KH K 1.0,1,1 lurnituro. ini'Ui.liiiK new i UKl MARSH MrCAUK CO. r"iiH"r. S-J-3-4 I'aihiiK Hi, Ik. Miir :::;!. KvrniiiKs I'ali labor 43t. ri i-i.i:x. s.Tfr if:, e cho . e lor. i : ion . mu Ku t 7.. fuburlnin ilumeh. UKAl 1 IFLL O-ucrt? umntrv home. 7 -room modtrn houe. cliv wuter. Iin U ta hi;4 k-i. lm'e si-fp.uj porcn. fireplace, modern b I li. French w imlow ; iHnd drains t.l rt from houttf; wonileiful v.iv of Mt Hood and surround. tig couiKry, nrar Heaver ton on rock road. 1'rki SJuo, tvraia BTROfD CO.. INC. lu-a vf i'lon, i r. HKiHI.V Imi'rovi'd 7 acre poultry and berry farm, adjominir NwbctK- Addfs Clyde Avery. New hern. Or. I"ir Suit ltii.lneww Property U.N H f in-proof bunding. Uu olio- H-'.d inonrn, .mio. tme fii..proMf buildtrn;. )neo:i;o $;.oo a mom h, J4J..tiiti, Two fir.proof bulUlina. income $nson s your. $;i.."om. H- I ' n 1 1 n Avr North, bt. f X 11 A. M. E. K 1.1 . T u)i;i f ; men I H l', w.-j( nut. lntl f.-t. I'rUe $lS.hMi. nUr own t Tins. John K. Walur, l.l-J N. W. li.itik hM l'or Sul .Tfuif. 7 ACRES NKAH "nitK(iO CITT. 4-room Iioum', f i u 1 1 tr' f, bei rlr. rented, good priIlK. only 4 hUu-ka to lln-; pru o ?1 l..o. t iy t. rm. A. H A k 'TMn, 4i'o Ht-iiry li! I lit At'KK-4 o pav d f-1 r I . rlone in, near car and M'h.i.., citv n.n ni- nce aiiabie. fliHNi, n;. p, r mo. V. O. SI.KTTKX, 4J; Kx. t. U;dl(. Hjl'ttllWjl t ' ! WlilTK lor t.iiip uf i'BtTn V a fill i nK ( n, alio v, ing mcai ion, low price and cay ti?nii offered to aetllt-rs. li aim ai skk TiMitKit co.. T.tcom,.,, a th. $10011 BCYS initio O'lUity in acre. im. prowd. on pavement and eiecuic linu. AV TT;(. . 'retiotiLin. Full SALE- 7 ACKKiS, Cl.( 'SK INI THOMAS ALLKN, 0IH1 Itp ST. S. g j lioineitMit, tieiinquiMiiitiienta. FOR "A (iO(H) li Tl K.-TLA U t'lt mOLtN Wl'ISlI .! i; T SKK K. II i :i.M, 4J2 cn v muku or ru.i m i;it' 'k nn h;. l''orSale I'urni. DAI KV U 1 ' i'i KT (MTV. A fine chance for l he i ik ht popln with a small amount of mom-y to mart In the dairy buinenn. U'e have lirinait d lantl near Prim-vlHe. . reKn, (or aal t 0 to 1 100 per acre on easy terms. will help finance you In t ho pui -chase of good dairy stock. w ant farmers. Come in and e us. J. U KAKNul l' St CXi.. S 10 1 1 a i ly; a y Kxch. b I d k . . Iain 7 5 . JJAi H Y" farmers, invest lat this un usual opportunity to own a fine-pay In irrt Xuied dairy and alfaifa ranch, valued 41U.0O0. Located in famous Leschutua valiey of central Oregon. liuyuiK sam on entirely new p. an. very iuti cash re quired. KUil particulars upon request. Kt.UilOMJ LAN D Ai LOA-S CO.. lac, Hetlinond. Ort no n. WILL sc. I our fine dairy farm of 1 ttu acr-s near liurion, Katacadu it. li. and Clear Creek cro-iinery at a sacrli ice lor casa to settle estate. Address I". ltli comuc 1 I'ortia ml, (r. ' Aithi - uU looking fur a small farm on terms so you can a fiord to buy. if u, wine unn iur ni rt icuia m and price. Marry .amn-r. Ton t le. v j ash. CU 1' K L., Kit I IT. liAHHK.V li A . C J I La, near i'ortuiiul, ..o to .oo pt tet'ins. bcrtt soil, farms Tor s.i.e, nv Mc Karland. real! or, jus l ii;iuK biUK jV ACHES, level, cleared. f nt edT" K'"oJ a-room house. near Willaminu; 'uo down. J H. faiiarp. J Third si. U' A NT K ! It E I. EST A T E. CI S Tl '.1 K K Willi some cash uml solici's bonus wants a rue or s;v-room modern bungalow with fireplace, n - under $.":.hi ; from Ha w t home avenue inn t h. inciuuiiiit Jiose City and Alameda, with Uil street liiiprnvemeniM In. K A LI' II ilAKKLS COMPANY. lfl ' "ii a m her of Con: men e Main VJ4 WAMLU t.wol Ve have prouecis t1 " r l i.t nd ho ni en at rlitit prices, if oil s f al led In sell ) our pi "pert . v, lt liitmedlau ly wall us. V tt aell service. KHANK McCHlLLIH. Z'H Henry Hidtt. ltd wy.77I. r.ST MUK IMtoI'KKTY OU. NEILS When sellinff our pi opcrt y s. e t tie man who maizes a speiia.ly of liand ini; wttft side e&c.usiveiy, and has awa buyers lor the iiKht prupuailion. Ji'ilN MN'.KIl. 41?" Ch an i her of Co mm ere e I tl d tf WE HAVE eaU'ili huyeis or 1 rUaiid can homes If uur prtcj Is l lht ell. ALEXANDER HKAl.TY "0. (Inc.) tOi Title A: TruM HMk. 1'hoTiu Hroad s nv r."t HAVE a model li-ll Franklin louring tar; will trade lor good lots In liom- u. Alameda or other good diHtruts, nnnht pay some cash difference, 11. hi N. W. Hank bHig..Maln 417: MCiL'Elt N c loct-in house in fcood dim i u t up to f'onil. Have a houe in A r let a diKlriit, clear of 1 ileum hi a tu ; will turn In as Mist pay ment. 1 LIU N. W. ilalik bidg . Main4l 7H. W 1- WA.S I' iois in any aimroved d isir ici for residential or buMm-ftf purpostja, iist your properly with us for reu.ta COli A. McKK.N.NA & v O., S ' ' url 11 St . Main 4."i22. WE NEED MODERATE 1'likKU 1IUMKS, DEMAND l.CliLAcl.G, i advaiiis ejiLtiiSi vely. J. A. WICKMA.V CO.. 5flJ Stark. lidwy. 7r4 li.W'E II clients each wilh good automo biles will put them In as HiM payment on good ic.Hiileiue property or lots. llJli N" W. Itankb!dg.. Main 41711. 0- li tt M bungalow, n n s.de, 1 la w l hoi ne. t oe car, 1 ."hmi. LonuM loan a nd casu tt t one. . la in "i J 1 . I Id w y . 4 714 , W ANTED To ou f ,al or housu for r" movai to othir ioLatlon on ial side. East 1' 0 N L i OK li-ltuuM bonus on which tu up pi cash and soidbT's homiR Ha t horn or .iinii) mo" preferred. 1 abor '-'-i; C A St for bungalow under ;itoo. tin hard t-ur faced si. bee A. K. J I il I. 4 I'd Ljui bfiiiiii." bSdi;. WANTED me ta 100 lots; wii.1 pay cash. Ad. Ire HE :ilj. on g i n. W ant ed t i en ; -1' a ruin. W ANTED TO 1 1 E N T S M ALL 1'I.ACbH. Have f eve.ru 1 per pk, wanting to rent S ere a ge or f ma! 1 farm b, c loe t o 1'ori land preferred. Some people will buy ihj place after leasing fur year r more. VU mak lots of sa.es thiM way. Will buy equipment If priced right. JOHN" KEliUl 'SuX, lierllncer I"dg. Largest Kai in Deal er nn I' a i j 1 1 c r . i ast. MARRIED man. I'll expei lenceej farnit-r and slock man. wants ful.y coiilppd farm, stock or going ranch to rent or run on shares; is not afraid of work. Hox li3, Oregon City, Or. TIMH KKI. A N ?S. SMALL sawmill, two dunkes. 1J-14 Wii llams. W-I3 Vulcan; g'd sleds; a or 1 0 million ft. lumber; Jll M. 3 miles from Seappoose station, or land $4 mile front plant and macadam road Ea-y t-rn.s for the right puriy. D. W. Price, Seap poose, r. TO FACII A f l F- K F I. KSTTK. EXCH A N ili l.'i.aoo acres fa rm la nd, wll improved, doir. title p.rfect. all good, plenty of good buildings, machinery, wood, water, water transportation for products. Price $l'0O.0(mi Wa nt Wash ington or Oregon prop. jy. W. II But ler, JI2 Woodlawn ave. Seuttl; Wash, Will meet interested parties al Hul;. r h"tel. 4fc I W A NT ED In Hawthorn trlcts 5-room modern $40110, to exchango for Mt. S. ..it lie. not t room n.o. nome in St. Johns. S. M. BORLAND. 30:t Stock Exchange. A ;i 01 El l-LY htock. d ti,il equipped ai.ey (arm. 2. a'res. good buildings, crops in, al ued 30,MKi; want Income Portland piop erty. assume $'o,)mmi. O. O. SLETTEN. 4 1.". Ry, Exch. Bidtf. Bioaduay 3lo. S E V EN - i A S EN li K R R H ) SIN In first-clar-s mechanical condition, practically new rubber, newly pa in ted in Jim; will exchangy for iot, acreage or good hous' equity. Fred w. Herman Co.. realtors. 7.'tl' Cham of dun WILL Tit A DK We are prepared to arrant tra: for you. bring in our peop-ts ii loii we will match u on tin vthiiu o! men' Lots, bouses, acreage, frniv ,(!- ks u nierchandl.-e. E. H S.. 71J Couch b.dg. WHAT hae ou t lin.ie for s.-me h . t: 1 1 . improved Canadian wheat land '.' Tins not the avenme one, hut is" m.-t 1' tr a le.ii good, ready for 11 ex t ear's crop. 1 1 ;; Northwest e rn Hunk h!dg. Iain 4171 W IS are traders. What have you to ex change? We have some good tarn is for Portland income property. 4 ID Lumber man bldg. WINSLOW CO. iliMMHJ C.CARANTEED t,M-k P.. 1 ;- land properly; will assume. A gonian. 40 ACRES, good unimproved land, lu m:U- out. for or & room bungalow. iiu.