THE MORNIXCt ORKGONIAX, FRIDAY, Di:CE3IRlR 23, 1921 KEA LKSTATE For Sale lloiisr. AN KM'Kr'llDNAL Wli.UMETTB HK1GHTS UTNUALOW. Your own trms. Do you wish to own a strictly modern bungalow with a won derful view Just 2 Mocks from the cirline? It has 5 rooms, sie-ping porch, large , attic, and full concrete basement. Large living and (lining rooms, hard wood floors and every built -fn conven ience. Including bookcas' a. buffet. Inun drv chute, laundry trays, com.ptei.ft Dutch kit hen with elect ru: water heater and eieetrlcra nge, cooler with cold water pip'r new linoleum, tra(l"smn locker a ml brea kf;: s nook. This house ha an automatic Gasco furnace and you Iieed not worry about It being cold and you are on a high lot where no one can cut off your view. Owner Is compelled to sell and leave for the east Immedi ately, so if you want a bargain see us. RICHARD W. MAST. It alloc, HITTER, MWK & CO.. 201-2 3-1-5-7 Board of Trade HI dir. looking for investment? skk this: Nine rooms, modern, two flats, separate baths; furnace heat, 5 rooms for owner downstair, one furnished room down rents for $2u; 3-room flat up, furnished, rents $30. This is a wonderful oppor tunity to own your home and let it pii y its way. Ha evryt h tng including gnrag. ONLY f .".ooo. Close in. IX LI : DES FURNITURE OK FOLK ROOMS. MARSH $r MeOABE CO., ReaRem, 8-3-1 Failing Bidg. Mar. 8W3. Evenings Cad Tabor 430. ll'iSK CITV PARK. $.VHo $;oo chiIi, $35 per month and Interest buys thut new bungalow you havn been looking for; living room is li-S feet, ext-nding the full width of thn house ; beautiful dining room with French doors, cove molding in living room and dining room; 2 large bedrooms with hil,ha hall into bathroom, buffet kitchen with breakfa.-u room, cement basement, larg attic, facea cat on cor iot lot with pavement in and just one block from Sandy blvd. We think it is a real bargain. You look-at it and toll Ui what you think. KILLER 'PROS., 211 Ky. Exchange Bldg. Main '86. Branch Office. POth and Sandy. Tabor MS3. 17.101) $7500 ?7.VU) $7300. A LAM EDA J'AKK. There is a valuo of $2300 In this bea tit if ul home to be given away. We doubt if there Is a home as complete in its Rood a Iocs tin n in the eit v that can be bought for less than $10,000. It's nut merely a or bungalow, but a complete home of 0 rooms, breakfast nook, sleeping porch and sowing room. Living room is 2tl f-et long Flv excep tionally largo closets. It's offered on torms that are inviting, and you can move right in. We recommend it as be ing one of the bent of ferings we have had for a Inn',' time. J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS, Ouality Homes. 20? Ptark St. Pdwy. 670 1. KX-SEIvA ICE MAN, APPLY HONL'S ON THIS ONE. Full cenient basement. Fox furnace. Conn'; ted with Sewer; electric! ty anil gab; 8 rooms, 3 nicely finished bedrooms on upper floor; downstairs ts a laigu liv ing room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms and hath; porch extends full wldtn of house, bungalow type; hardwood floors In reception hail, living and dining room., paneled dining room, built-in bookcases, buffet, white enamel Dutch kitchen with more built-ins than you have ever seen; $400 down, apply bonus when you get it. balance cheaper than rent. Owner. Prondway ;lf.o. no agei t . $4firo, WORTH $5500. and $1000 down handles, easy terms on balance ; La urelhurst 3-room bungalow, strictly modern, h. w. f loom, fireplace, built-lns, etc. Owner going to California, anx ious to g'-t MWftV. FAIR K.M'HAMiE REALTY CO, 2vZ .McKay Bldg. Main 7478. LALHKLilURtiT. 000. Fine Jl-room bunpslow, extra good fin ish, has large, litit living room and dining room, pecial built-in effects, fire p.a'e, etc. Hardwood floors throughout, cement basnitnt, garage, paving in and paid. Will take Laurolhurst or Hose Ciiy lot as iirt pa menu J. L. KARXQPP & CO., Main 7S ;H:i Railway Kxch. B!dg. N K W C LO S K -1 N H U N A LO W . Eat your Christuins dinner In your own home at 707 East Pine t.. just finished, has 5 rooms, with pretty break fast nook an 'I large attic, living room and dining room across the front, with nifty bullet and bookcase and mantel; hat hroont has tile floor with buiit-in linen closet ; handy kite hen with lino leum on fioor; hardwood f'oors through out. Kit rug', furnace, light fixtures and Window shadow. Owner and builder on pr em Iscs. Main 5'j:u. Ta t or P.K'.O. RUSK CIT Y PA HK. $."r0, on Sandy blvd., a beautiful 5-room modern bungalow on corner lot; this Is an unusual opportunity as homes on Sandy bIevard are seldom offered for sale. The owner is u non-resident and t he house Is now vacant. AH im provements in a nd paid. We can get you very easy terms. Jl ILLKR PROS., 211 Ry. Exchange Hidg. Main 86. Kranch Office, rmh nnd Sandy. Tabor 845. t laoo $ i;pnt $ i;mo ? 1300. A LAM KDA PARK. Here Is a new and modern 5-room bungalow and breakfast nook at a price far below the niark"t values in Alarm-da Park. .Somebody Is going to get this home as a Christmas gift. If you are looking for a home In Alameda Park it will be well worth your time to in spect this. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. REALTORS, Ouallty Homes. 2n2 Ptnrk St. Pdwy. R7f4. BKST SNAP IN CITY. A a-room bungalow, with one room finished in attic, hardwood floors, fir plaeo, all built-lns, cement basement, wash trays. linoleum, and gas logs in fireplace; Dutch kitchen; full lot; ce ment garage; hard -surface St., and sewer In and paid. 4ino for immediate sale. $1ihh down, balance terms. Owner leav ing for California. lll'MM KLL .V RI MMELL. 274 Stark St J.'.KOO ROSE CITY PA R K J.tKOO. .New fl-ronm bungalow, has hardwood . floors throughout, tapestry paper in all rooms, finished in the old Ivory, pedestal plumbing, breakfast nook, beautiful f .-ttn-fs, Miadf s. Fox furnace and garage 400 East 3hth tt. N. Owner on prop erty. IRVI.NCTON. One of Irvington'a finest STUCCO homes, large rooms, solid mahegany and eld Ivory throughout; two white tiled fireplaces and two tiled baths; three extra lavatories, two glass-inc'oed sleeping porches, connection with dress ing room and lavatory. . In the heart of Irvington. JU.oOO. ahort time. East 4W. 5-RM. COTTAOK, MINNESOTA AVE f 200H. CJood 5-rorm cottafte, good basement, bath, electricity. 2 bedrooms, near school Price $2000; $.100 cash, or will take .V"0 lot and $100 cash for equity, balance $U5o at $2i per month, including interest. J. W. ORCSSI. ni Pd. of Tra de Hidg. M nln 74.2. NEW LAI" R I : L ill' K ST li PNG A LO V ' jti.-Hi $i;n:fl CASH. Tlalance to uit. This beautiful mod ern bungalow and garage was built to !! for ?7."iM); owner in need of money: will sacrifice to get quick aclron. See this b. -fore yn buy. Mr. Richanbach. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO 40S-11 Coueh Hitlg. Mm in l"f. VACANT. Sunnyslde, 774 E. Yamhill St. Six rooms, three extra large bedrooms, enameled plumb, ng, wash trays, in splen did condition. Can be handled by sol dier's do mis. $3si0. easv term a RALPH HARRIS CO.. Pig Chamb'T of Commerce. Main .11124 REAL bargain, beautiful ft-room bunga low with all modern conveniences, hard- wood flors, tifluro arnace, hot water Kuud heater, s eeping porches one cor ner lot, 80x100; with beautiful fruit trees, investigate. fcea owner, 146 Third street N'o nirt-nts HY OWNER." " A-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors. full cement basement, Iutch kitchen. French doors, furnace, fireplace at a bargain. 7i2 East 15th st. North' Hrnadway HQS. UI l"' 311 ST be sold this week, beautiful 7-room bungalow in Waverleigh Heights; will not refuse a reasonable offer. 09 E 31st st- S. Lot lPQY.'Hi. paved. 1jY OWNER 4-rocm bungalow, furnished nice lot, paved st.. 'J blocks to Union avenue car; $3100. $725 cash. 43 Sum- ner street. II AW THO R XB district, corner lot. 7-room new house, hardwood floors, furnace Come out andseeowner. 2C1 K. 5oth. 4-ROOM bungalow, modern, near Haw", thorne ear; two fine corner lots; forced sale. $2S.V. terms East 22S LOOK Two houses right on Williams ave, north of Jlroadway on large lot, all for $ ; ; 5 ( Q. terms. Phone E a s t 6 2 2S . Jt-KOOM houhe. partly furnished, two lots plumbing in; terms Inquire at ttlio ua vt. 3 E. V-ROOM. HOUSE. Hawthorne district, for ale or rent. Cail at 33S East 35th bU Tabor B121. OWNER'S aarcifice, forced to sell my' property; your choice from $2200 to I $15,000 houses. Euat bOlo. j KE1, TATK. For Sale House. RuSE CITY l'AHK. r4.-,o. Folks, we want you to ne this splen did bungalow. Ideally located bt-iovr the j hill, 5 rooms and attic, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, fireplace and ga- Irage, expensive tapestry paper, finished in rich oi1 ivory and white through . out A mighty good buy. 1 We are offering a n urn her of really j good buys? in HUSK CIT1 PARK and l,Al'Ri;i.Hl'KST. Buy 'now, start the New lear right. A. G TKEPF. CO.. Insurance Realtors. 270 Stark St., near 4ih. Main 3H2. 1170 San !y Blvd.. at 4 uti. Tabor IK-0. ST A II SALES SKRVICE. JiitM). CASH. S1X-Rm.'M HCNGALOW. Doub.e construct !, enamel fin ish, .10100 lot; oil graded street ; 4 block to pavement and iitieet car; sidewalk In; range, linoleum and wood included in price ; $3700. STAR REAL ESTATE & 1XV. CO., Realtors. 012-J3 Wilcox Hidg. Main otiOI. Eveuints 5--12. Suburban Homes. One acre In bearing assorted fruit trees, cosy fl-room bungalow with living room, timing room, Dutch kitchen, bed room and bath downstairs. 2 bedroms up; oily water, ks, pavxl road, 18x24 Krage; 13x24 moUern chicken hou-e; walking distance to HawLhome car; terms. J. L. KARNOPP & CO. RIO Railway Exch. Bldg. Main fi7.-.. Ifiveiiing. Auto. o27-fiff. Sl'HL'RHAN S.M ALL-FA R.M HOME. Will reduce living exp nses by half; one? acre or more, near Oak urove. ar $rtifO; fine for chickens, garden and fruit 'will bu.ld our houye and other neces sary buildings and pave you money. In terstate Land Co.. 24s Stark st. ONE Ai'KE on Paved street, city ton venieneeg available. nar chuol and car, $sod $loo c:uh, $10 per month. O. O. sleT ton, 4 lo Railway i.xcliange bldg. Hdwy. 3oo. , HIGH LY Improved 7 -acre poultry and berry farm, adjoining Newbery. Add real ('lycle Avery. Newberg. Or. For n 1 fr-Ai-reuge. WILLAMETTE RIVER FliONTAGE. Six acres, 25 miles south of Portland ; right at school, store and garage; good macadamized road; 2 l acres raspberries, some loganberries; half a re airawb r ries, grapes and bearing orchard. Very attractive fl-room plastered bungalow, full re men t basement, ev etc. Ham. chicken house. Included with piuce complete ma chinery, gas engine, good cow, chickens, horse, pig. This land is ail in fruit and vegetables, can be Irrigated by pumping from Wil lamette river. Prce for every thing, $5-''0, terms. Or consider Portland house up to $3000 that la clear, or rooming house. Laud in spected by Hunter. Kiffht acres. 11 miles from cen ter of Portland. mile to electric (ation; 3 blocks iu school; 0 acres under cultivation, all can be farmed when cleared; very attrac tive tt-room plastered bungalow with cement basement, sleeping1 porch.' etc. ; sin a. I barn, chicken houae. Price $4."tli). terms. Con sider house in Fulton or Capitol hiil to $U.04), balance easy terma. Ask for Mr. Kemp. JOHN ' FMRGL'SOX, REALTOR, GERL1XGER BLUG. Hi'- A L"l 1 PC L o-acr country home, --room modern houe. city water, lights and gas. large sleep. ng porcn, fireplace, modern bd t h, French window s : land drains both ways from house; wondertui view of M t Hood and surrounding country, near Heavei iuu on ruck ruud. Price $0000, terms. STROL'D CO., INC. Heave rton. Or. 12 ACRES, high state ot' cultivation, fruit and berries, 4 miles from town, good roud. 7-ruom house, good out buiid Liiga ; will exchange for residence, vacant lot or tntuinf1 property or sell on eawy terms. Price $12T:k. O. O. SLKTTKN, 4 1 " Py. P.xrh PMg. A CP E S A C K M S A C it E S. City water, some with gas and close to car. soma partly improved, $10; pay ments It W Ca.ey. 1210 X, W. Bank Hidg. WRITE tor mHp ot western Washington, ahow Ing location, low prices and eaay term. - offerrj to settlers. WEV EilliAl'SKK TIMBER CO.. i aroma, w u $1000 HUTS $lo0 equity in G ; acres, im provtd. on p ivemeiit and electric line. AV 773. Oreguiilan. FOR SALE 7 ACRES. CLOSE IS THOMAS ALLEN. (1131 M2D ST S. f I or Sale Ittisliu ss Property. ONE fireproof building, income $350 a month. 250J. One fireproof building. Income .$500 a month, $4250, Two fireproof buildings. Income $5800 a year. $43,500. 115S I'nion Ave. North, bet. 0 A- 11 A. M. tioiiit-nteuil.t , ttk-iiiit4iliftl!IlitHta. 2REL1NQU1SH M ENTSrrnTle""to railroad town, fine highway, near Grants Pass; adjoin. $30.tino ranch; good house. 8 acres clear, 40 fenced, fine creek, some timber; $750 and $tioo. 301 Corhett hidg FOlt A GOOD IH.'.MESTEA L OR RELIN yi'ISHMKM SEE E. W HELM. 42l! CHAMltEli OF C'iMMERCE tlLDti. For Sale Ftirmh. FARM LANDS FOlt SALE. DIVERSIFIED FARM AND GRAZING LAN OS FKOM $2.50 to 10 per a., lying iu Adams. Henton. Douglas, Franklin, Orant. Lincoln nnd St v ens counties! Washington, in tracts from so to jouo a. PART OF THESE LANDS LIE in the Columbia and Horse Heaven IRRIGATION PROJECTS. Some of these tracts are improved with buildlnKs, wells, fences and culti vation, settled communities, good roadrf, schools, close to raiiroad. A MORTGAGE COMPANY says sell all our land and have made a price of o0',i ltss than adjoining lunds. TERMS. 20 cpsh. bal. t equal annual pay ments at Vfo interest on deferred pay ments. LOOK VP THKRK VALUfcfS. E. A. GOODHUE. tU Mohawk Bhig.. Spokane. Wash. MEXICO. 1,350,000 acres of land bordering on Rio ( Irande river, northern Mexico; as combined pasture and agricultural tract It is une&ecelled: located between two of the principal railroads, one of the roads crossing part of the land; shipping pens via each of t he roads, or stock can be driven from any portion of the land anil cross the Rio Orande river Into the I'nited States, or from the I'nited , States en lo the land. There Is an abundance of water, feed and a mild climate. Can sell ail or half of the tract; price $2.50 an in-re American money; one-third cash, balance i per cent. W, II. Graham, Cuero, DAIRY OPPOHTLN1T V. A fine chance for the right people with a small amount of money to start in the dairy business. We have irrigated '.and near Prineville, Oregon, for sal nt $50 to $100 per acre on easy terms. Wo will help finance you in the pur chase of good dairy stock. ""We want farmers. Come in and see us. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 310 RaHway KxcU. bhlg.. Main 67-1. NEAR THE DALLES. 125 acres, 100 acres tillable, 50 acres In cu! ti vat ion, good well and creek, 7 room house, which would cost $1200 to duplicate; email barn, chicken house and large root cellar. ft miles from town on a rock roud, $2250. $1050 cash, $.:oo yearly. Fred V, German Co., Realtors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. tuihi iu sunny southern iuahu. Famous for its dairying, potatoes, fruits, poultry and general larming, Ideal climate, excellent hoi I ; larg- and small irrigated tracts at low prices, under Arrowrock (sovernmcnt) project. Write Geo. A. Alei ian, Dewey Palace. Nampa. loa no. tor literature. ON ACCOUNT of sickness I will offer my 120-acre farm cheap, all til.'aole, 75 acres In c: p now. One of the best improved farms in the Willamette val ley. Might consider $5000 trade. In quire 1305 Glenn ave. N., Portland, Or., or R. 1. box tf. Suver, Or. 20-ACRE FARM $1425 TERMS. Close in. first-class soil, good road, will construct buildings and co-operate in any i easonabie manner. A real op portunity. Interstate Land Co.. 243 S'ark street. WILL se.l our fine dairy farm of Itk) acr-s near Harton, Estaeada H. R. and Clear Creek creamery at a saeriilce for casn to settle estate. Address T. With vcoinbe, l::2 12t h st.. Port, and, Qr. 5 ACRES, HOUSE. HAKN, FRUIT. HeautRul tract, water and lights avail able, fine for clof-in dairy; TERMS R. W. Cary. 1210 N. W. Hank Hi dg. ARK VuU looking lor a small farm on terms so you tan afford to buy. If so, write owner for particulars and price. H arry Gardner. Tootle. aBh. HIGHLY lAU'LOYKt) OREGON FARM. 4 miles from Yamhill. 150 acres. Price reasonable. Write Hox i, Gaston, CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $50 to J500 per acre, easy trms. hem soil; farms for sale, all sizes. Mcr ariano. realtor. r ailing b 1 d g. oVs ACRES, level, cleared, fenced, good J-room house. near WMIamina; $200 auwu. J. It. bharp, b Third sU KKM F"TATE. For Sate 1 arm. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY. To acquire one of the best wheat and stock ranches in eastern Oregon. Sit uated in Giiliam count) ; 1120 acres. ti'0 acres of excellent wheat land. 4ou in crop, w ith bet prospe-t in years for bumper crop; three big springs, two with concrete troughs; two rig concrete res-, ervou s; fine set of build mgs just com pleted; five-room bur.galow with hot and cold water and Utih; C'ix2o ft. bunk house with coid waier; big barn with concrete watering trough in corral ; ga rue w i tli room for tliree cars ; tower house wit ft 3000-g-Hl'on tank ; ofxlce and laundry ; large electric lighting system, with light in ail buildings; one Jord Ron ti actor, one Ford truck; complete 8-liorse plow team with harness and equipment; also ten head of cattle; also large chicken house and excellent pump ing plant, inclosed. Price $V5, otio. Ths improvements aione cot $20,000 this year. Owner is compelled to move to Portland trl rough newly acquired husi neHS in teres ts. Will exchange lor farm with good improvemeuts liear Portland on hard-suriced road. Prefer some rough laud and creek or large springs on place. One adaptable for smail slock larm or dairying. v lii take one or two places up to $40,000. baiance on easy terra. a. This ranch will make one of the best stock and pram ranches in Oregon and is a big money maker, and large enough for two or tnree familiea Fur sale by owner. AIC 307. Qregonian. 22 ACFtES. one nfilefrorn good town with high and grade school; Yam hill county, Oregon ;. one block from roc He d road ; all under cul tivation; good biack loam soil; bearing orcnurd; good hou.-e, barti. chicken house ami otiier build ings. Include! with phvce ; Cow, chickens, complete lino of farm ing machinery; Kins of hay, 150 busheiM grain, hay cirrur, 10 act is in oats, (i acres w to. eat, bai aneo cover. Price for everything, $55K. $2O0'U casii, easy terms on buianCG. SMALL FARM BARGAIN. Consider liuiiU i 14 acres, 10 miles from Port land, on macadamized road, ilo feet from pavement; 10 acres un der cultivation, balance first growth timber; 03 young bearing fruit trees; best ol" loam soil; small house, b.irn, chlck 'n house, some toow. Price $15t0; clear; In SUnri)tsido. d istrict ; consider house in Richmond, Waver, y or Hawthorne fur full amount. A Very favorably located larm. JOHN FERCUSON. REALTOR, GLRINGER BLDG. DAI it Y tar tii era. investigate tins unusual opportunity to owe a fine-pay ing irri gated dairy and alfalfa, rancn, vaiucd ' tHi.OOO. Located in famous Descuutes valley of central Oregon. Buying same on entirely new plan, very lut.e casn re quired. Full partictrhtrs upon request. Kji.DM.OND LAND 6z LOAN CO., inc.. Redmond, Oregon. WAXTKI I E A L KSTAT E. WE WANT LISTINGS! LARGEST HOME Si-jUiEitS IN AM tlKlCA I Your home ta good as Fold IF LhiTdO WITH US! We spend thou sands of dollars advertising and are in tou ii witii the M A J olilT Y of EARN- est home nuiEK.s: wa iuhpeci, ap- pra;se and photograph your piopcrty witii-u 24 hours alter listing. No charg. ex.-ej-t tlie tlandiiid commission of 5 p.n, cent in ttiu event ot u. atifa'tory aaiet l orty saieiameu to Worii on it! S-e FRANK L. McGLVlRE To Sen Your liuine, Abington Hidg. Alain 1008. 3 1 St.. Hi t. h in it ton nnd stark. OW.NLKo. ATI t N T llj.N! My Client instructs me to obtain the very b ,t and ci asu-s t bungalow to be found iu Laureiiiursi, the place mu.t be a dandy and we pay $10.00 casn. Cash? Vl'8, ad cash ! Reaay to buy imme diately after Christmas; strict. y confi denuul, to 301 Railway Lxchauge. W. J. Max welt. R- a I tor. Main 703 1. LOTS WANTED. Ala me da, I rvin iun, Laurel hurst, Roae City ami wut-t aide. As buiiuvrs, we have many calls for liomcitys. SEE MK. Jo.nLS, ' F. E. HOW. MAN & CO., 210 Chamber 01 t.omimTw Hidg. W.i. J ED buuD nu.M lis. We have piopect3 lor i'oiiiiid homes at riKiit prices. li others failed to sell our irperty, iit Immeaiateiy with us. W e Bed servli o. FiiANK McCRILLIS. 321 Henry H'dg. V Bdwv. 770. 1 1ST te 1 U E Hlul E 1 1 T Y O W N E it S . When selling your properly s,e the man who manes a specially of handling west Side exciUsi vely, and nas always buyers lor the rig tit proposition. John mnger, 4 20 Chamber of Commerce Hidg. HAVE a dic-ut who will go Iroin uuo 10 ;rui ior a or s-roum noue. 011 the west side, located between 5th and 14 tli sis, no nh of Lincoln. Get in touch with us. A. G. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St., nr 4th. Main 3002. WE HAVE eastern buyers lor Portland homes. If your price is right we can sell. ALEXANDER REALTY CO. (Inc.) 702 Title Si Trust Bids. Ph o n e B r oad vva y 5 5 A ti. HA V E party who will pay $25u ca.sii a nd terms for small house on three or four lots. Preferauly oue having a gottd . siied cliicken iious on property. Will pay about $1500. Call Mr. Young. Main Wilis. A MODERN home, close in, will go as high as $7 011O ; w:ll turn in as part pay ment home in Arleta district whlcti is clear of Incumbrance as first payment, balance monthly. 1130 N. W. Hank bldg. M at n 41 70 Wis WANT lots in any approved d istrict for residential or business purposes, i;st your property with us for reruns. COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. WE NEED MODE!lbTE PRICED HOMES, DEMAND INCREASING, we advertise extensively. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 262 Stark. Bdwy. 8704. WANTED, LOT In Irvington between 8th and lath, Schuyler and Stanton sts.; tate lot and biock number and lowest cash prico. AE 3ul. Orego n la n. H.iV hi c.'CiU wall ca.-n tor iarne 11100cm home, wtrwt side preferred, O. O. Slet ten, 415 Kailway Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 3 l'N. WANT to buy a 6 -room bungaiovv or huie in Rose City Park. Must be com pie ie in every way. Will go to $0uu0. All ous, O t e g on ia n. WANTED About Jtiij acres, unimprovwd, near Portland; give description, price and t er n 1 s. A E 3t i 0 Ore go nia n . 5 oK tt-ROoM home on which to apply Cash and soldier's bonus. Huwfhoriie or Sunnytid ortferred. 'labor 02. BUSINESS block, showing good income. Will take clear property up to $7d,U00 for equity. All 722. Oregon ian. 5-i:uJ.Yl oungaloA-, Hawthorne disuict, about Mono, mofct !y cah. Tabor 42'Ml. WANTED IjOU or enuitv in home. Ford 1-ton truck to trade. Seiiwood DSL WANT EJ t A par; men t house property aud furnishings. Hr' 202. Ot'Mironian. 1 urma anted. AROUND SO lo 100 acres. Washing toa county, ali or partly cleared; prefer mod erate improvements and running stream; might consider some stock and equip ment: client bus $2000 to $3000 cash and soldier bonus. Write full descriptb i and directions, R. T Yoke, 1 13t Northwestern Hank bldg.. Portland. Or anted to Kent I urm. W A X T EL) TO KEN T S M A L L P L A C ES. Have several per pie wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of Bales thin way. Wiil buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. .Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm dJealer on Pacii'ic Coaat. FOR RENT FARMS. DAIRY OPPORTUNITY. A fine chance for the right people with a small amount of money to start in the dairy business. We have irrigated land near Prineville, Oregon, for sale at $")0 to $100 per acre on easy terms. We will help finance you-, In the pur chase of good dairy stock. We want farmers. Come in and see ua. J. L. KARNOPP & CO.. 3'0 Railway Exchange hide. Main 675. 110. AC R E S at Nc w b- r,; , 35 a ere culti vated; 35 aciea pasture, balance timber; 6-room houe, lurge barn, chicken house and outbuildings; good orchard, 5 cows. 2 heifers, i) hogs. Will soil stock, crop and farm tools for $1700 and rent farm for $301 per year, or will sell iand for $7500 on very easy terms. Ralph Ack ley, 527 Corbett bidg. TO FXCHANGK P.FAL FSTATF. WE are trailers. What, have 1 ou to ex change? We have some good farms for Port ian d income property. 419 Lumber mans bldg. ' WINSLOW CO. SECTION IN LAKE COUNTY. 640 acres, clear of Incumbrance; trade for city or suburban property; will give or take. J. R. Haight. Realtor. 327 Board of Trade. Brr ad wa y 2045. IDEAL CHICKEN RANCH. 20 A., nsr LtMiville, ideal for nuts or berries. Will take home in city in ex change. $0000; no mortgage. See Koca, at 4o.i Couch bldg. CANADA larm for sale 'at. $25 an acrj, or trade for farm or Portland property; would assume mortgage. 643 L. 0th st. . INorUi. uwner. TO KXCHANfiE RFAL K STATE. A GREAT OPPORTUNITY To a-equire one of the best wheat and stck ranches in eastern Oregon ; situ ated In Gilliam couniy, 1120 acres. 600 acres of excellent w heat land, 400 in crcp, w ith best prospect In yeara for bumper crop. Three big t p rings, two with concrete troughs; two big concrete reservoirs; fine set of buildings just com pleted; five-room bungalow with bot and cold waur and bath; G0x20-ft Lui:k house. with coid water ; big barn with concrete watering trough In corral ; ga rape with room for thrc i cars ; tower house with 3oj0-gallon tar.k; office and laundry; large electric lighting system, with lights in all buildings; one Fordson tractor, one Ford truck; complete eight horse plow team with harnesses and equipment; also ten head of cattle; also large chicken house and excellent pump ing plant, inclosed. Price $H5,uoo. The Improvement alone cost $20,000 this year. Owner is compelled to rnove to Portland through newly acquired business inter ests Will exchange tor farm with good improvements nenr Portland on hard sin faced road. Prefer some rough land and creek or large springs on place; one adaptable for small stock farm or dairy ing. Will take one, or two pNacea up to $40,000, balance on easy terms. This ranch will make one of the best stock n n d grain ranches in Ore on and is a big n.oney maker, and largo enough for two or three families. For aale by owner, AK 307, Oregonian. 100 acres hind near Lyle, Wash., 20 acres in cultivation, much more easily chared; good soil, 4-room house, stable, other building.- , 7 head suxv, spring, 2 streams, pina and oak timber, tele phone, on county roa d. Price $5)00, no incumbrance. Wih " trade for bungalow ami hits in Portia nd. ancouver, or in south-rn California. 2-story, h-room house in IHllsboro, city water, lights, on corner, several fruit tree.-j. clear of incumbrance. Price $25oo. Will trade for a 5-year lease on rooming house in Portland with 20 rooms; have some cash. lt'.'li.N E'l'T & McCLURE, REALTORS, Marshall 3212. lii'J Couch Hidg. It0 ACRES ON ROGUE RIVER. 50 in cultivation, some good tim ber, 4C acrts of peaches in full bearing; 0-ioom ho us?, large barn, river terms south boundary of place; owner is a widow ; will trade for a hous, clear of incum branced, or rootling house, wuh . some cash. Price is on.y $5000. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank Lldg. FlK.sT-CLA.--S a par I in en t building with 4S weii-rented apartments, 200 feet frontage; St. I'aul, Minn. ; desirably lo cated and desirably financed; $200,000 and mortgage of $'.)5.otH), tl per cent. Would consider improved Ore gon ranch, preferably dairy. hUUiiSON & SCHMIDT, OoodinT. Idaho. GOOD WISCONSIN INCOME. In city of Iteloit. fine flat, best resi dence district ; price $S500. Mortgage long time for $2500 at 8 per cent. Ail rented, permanent tenants. Wou;d take acreage or residence in Portland. Owner. S(2 DuncKley a . .-. V.'d!n 4721. WILL TH.aDE We are pre;jared to arrange a trade for yru; bring in your proposition and we win match you on of merit. Lots, hoiist s. jn.r'age, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg.' WANTED in the Hawthorne or .Mount Scott districts, 5-room modern home, not over $ 4 is Ml, to exchange for a 5-room modern home in St.-Johns district. S. M. BORLAND, 303 Stock FxchTncv Auto S2-4. FOR SALE or tiade, by owner. -Li acres. - ranch all fenced in 3 barb wires, 2 small houses, outbuildings. W. Wolf. 323 Park street. TO KXf'HWT.E M ISCKIJ.ANEO US. EX T R A t'.ne young cu w, I ivn lu Feb.. to exchange for lurs or Victrola. Tabor 2123. FOK S I.E. HorKCt, VeliicleH, UvetH-k. I-'1VE fresh cow.-, J-jis-s and Jersey Dur harns, heavy, rick milkers. Will sell or t .i k e beef entr 1 in .exeha nge. 11 28 M ac ail un rd.. Sout ti I'ort iand ear to enl of .in". 1 boick s.-iitn ar:.i 1 b.ock east. KEYSTONE STABLES. 2ft h:au horses nnd mares, 4 to 8 years oid. w eight 1 100 to 1'iOO pounds; 45 new 3 farm wagons, new anil uwd harness. 3S1 Watr s;., cor. Montgomery. JERSEY cow, just freh. 5 gal. ; -Guernsey cow, fresh one week, 5 gal.; Jersey -lioistein. ireh 10 days, 4lj gal.; also 2 good fa mi'y cows chea p. Tubercular tes'.-d 24o K. Sth, cor. Main. FvR SALE oniy team geid.ngs, years old, with wagon, wood rack, harness, a tons of straw, ho us to live in ; wood hauling go-s with out fit. Take electric car to Huber. inquire for Mar'in at store. ONE jouiir; Swias Jeistjy cow, fresh in few days ; also 2 Jersey and Guernsey ; one block sout h S. 1. depot, Milwaukie. Or II A. Smith. iiM!.'uUND team and harness. $SS; good honest workers. At,o several other very rhean horses. Harness and wagons of nil kinds. 240 E. Sth. cor. Main. FOl R 2-yerfr-old steers lo trade tor cows; also sin ail wagen : Poland China boars and sows. T. 1. Robinson. 520 East 12th st. North, or Carlton. Oregon. 2iit'i-POUN D team at a bargain ; young, sound and gentle. Guaranteed good workers Harness and wagon if wanted. 24Q K. Sth. cor. Ma ir FULL-BLOODED JERSEY COW. 7 years old. See -at 4 1 st ami Mt,"roe, M ilwaukie. Oregon. Sellwood Oft-.l. Stafford. BARGAIN One freh Jersey cow and calf, giving 4 gallons, S0. 1007 E. Stark at.. cor. 7SLh st. VETEi DR. HOWES. ;xyrian-, TABOR 65RR. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night. Auto fl27-04. H 1 1 US bought r taniud. Coast Tun ning Co.. Hi2 Tenino ave. Sellwood 23!l3. FOR SALE Good milk goat giving milk. 1704 East 2Lst St., corner Harney, SePvvd. l:unw, OrgaiiM 11 ml M usical InstruntenN. MASON A HAMLiN" piano, fine upright, mahogany, only $275, on terms. 311 Worcester bldg. $7O0 HO B A RT M. CABLE piano; can't tell from brand new. at less price; terms. 311-12 Wnrcstr bldq. WE WILL TRADE you a new i(trola or Chenev phonograph for your o'.d piano. G. F. Johnson Pbano Pp.. 1 10 fith st. A FIXE small grand piano only $t05; act quickly; onk only at this price. G. F. Johnson I'iano Co.. 1 lf !th ft. KRELL PIANO in wainut case; a fine bar gain; only $2S5; terms. G. F. Johnson l'mro Co.. 140 0th gt. BEAUTIFUL mahogany Brunswick phono graph and records, like, new. 512 E. 50th X . , (j uar(.T bl.'ck north Sandy blvd. COLUM Rl A G K A P HO I'll ( i X E, cost $150. will take !ps.' than half, including records. 4 1 4.1 t ierson si PIAXoS moved.' $3. ground floor; work done by experts and guaranteed. Call Broadway 1 2117. VIOLIN students' outfit, includes violin, cafe. bow. rosin, extra strings. $lt. U. F. .lohns-on Piano Co.. 140 6th Pt, KENT a new piano or phonograph; six months' rent applied on purchase price. Harold s. oiio''n, Q"- 1 amnni st. TEJN WAY piano. $150; old styie; terms given. teioerung- iaicas msir ,o., 1 Jo 1-' o urth St.. bet. Wash, an d Alder. LEASE expires Jan. 1, li22, fine fixtures lor sale; piayer runs, pnonographs, rdans. Harold S. Gilbert, 34 Yamhill st. Hlo Bl'Li good upright piano, spiendid tone. Owner leaving city. Phone Mr. A r g o. Rdwy. 321. I ; E M 1 N G T uN piano. $2S5. Used a short time; oak case. Terms given. Seiber-Hns-Lut-as Music Co . 125 Fourth st. RENT Graf'-nola '"Uh late music and Jet rental apply on purchase price. Empire T ia n s fer. Pdwy. 155. KINGSBURY' piano included in our every piano reduce sale; a snap. Seiberliug Lucas Music Co.. 12a Fourth st. MAN SKI ELD piano. $150; wainut case A bargain; terms given. Seiberiing Luc'i s Music Co., 125 Fourth sU T H R EE- U CARTER violin and music ond. good condition, $1S. Phone 024-03. 232 45th ave. S. E. SPECIAL Christmas otter; $120 gratonola and 10 records, $75. Empire Transfer. B ro ad way 155. - UPRIGHT Steinway piano for sale, $300. B r o a d w a y 33s-3. $225 BUYS $575 Kohler piano, iatest dull 1 1 ia hog any. 311-12 Worcester blog. EQUITIES iu pianos bought for spot cash. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg. P H w N O G R A P H S. FACT DRY PlilCES. EM E LSC-N SHOP. HW SECOND. PIANO wanted by private par-, y; will pay cash for good used piano. Mar. 1532. COLUMBIA phon. graph, $15. Seiberlmg Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth st. PIANO wanted, pay cash ' lor good used CXvll piano. ji a 1 ii ouou. FOR SALE Almost new Sonora. Victrola. Phone Bdwy. lm. PIANO for sale. Call mornings or after 5 P. M. Marshall 2240. FUMED OAK phonograph and ; records. used only fw weK.". 10 Grant st. PIANO for sale, brand new Willard piano at the right price. Owner. Bdwy. 2202. MUST sell a piayer piano and rolls; terms. F.nPt 2134 VI' LI N, bow -nd case, boy's size, $12.50. woortla wn .m 1 7. BEAUTIFUL Prescott grand piano worth .ohi Tor 1 no. r.asi mi. HIGH KSC t Aril I PRICES , paid for your jj.ano. Main 2J00. FOR SAI.F. Pianos. Orgnns and Musical Instrument li I'M an, Wolfe & co., greatest PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. - I nciudes these new pianos, renewed nnd ued pianos and phonographs; Modeilo player and bench $"05 Smith & H.rnes. upr.ght 315 Hfinze upright, good condition 15 Schubert, large, mahogany 205 KiniLali. renewed oak 305 Haines Bros., quite new 405 Francis Bacon, fine mahogany 435 Sterlirg, fine tone 2t5 Pay cash or $H to $12 per month. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick, No. 7. mahogany $ W 0 Stradivara Melody 112.25 Stradlvara Harmony 125.00 Columbia, golden oak, used 75. 0o Victrola XI, mahogany 140.00 Pay cash or 3, $5 and $8 a month. LI UMAX. WOLFK & I'O . "th Fjoor. Washington and 5th Sts. LlifciAKA.NCK SALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. $ f00 Steinway & Sons, mahogany . .$3ft5 $ (m Steger & Sons, misaion oak... 4l5 $ 750 KranJch & Bach, golden oak.. S15 $ 5,5 Sehroeder Brof., fumed oak... 305 $ Mto Reed & Son, grand In upright. 5l5 5 5.0 Kimball, large, mahogany.... 205 $ Thompson player piano 495 $1050 Singer player piano, oak t05 $ 000 Thompson player, oak B0.1 $ 135 Purdette parlor organ 3S $ i5 Earhoff parlor organ ' 25 $ 10 Packard parlor oryan la Terms, 10 to $25 cash. $5, $S. $15 mrf SCH WAX PIANO Cp.. lmh and Stark. L'.Nt'hi Al. BARGAINS IX USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH Hk-cnniK Victor, small, with 5 used records...! 20 Columbia, email, with 5 used records 80 victor, with 10 used records 40 VlCLr. With IO li.s.l tl'i Victor,, with 15 usd records 110 x-Hi ie, cabinet, witn 10 ued recoris JMI lllUnswick. cabinet 111 u-tud reonrds 75 Sou .ra, cabinet, with 15 used recorua 150 grand, with 25 used records.. 200 Sonora, portable, used records 40 $0 up cash. $3 and up monthly. SCHWAX PIANO CO., 101 loth st. eor. Stark. Phone Pdwv. 1o78. WE ARE QUITTING BUSINESS. Ali pi a noa, player pianos, g'-and pianos, phontgraphs. the latest cabinet machines of many standard makes Hnl designs, new and used, now being closed out at prices thnt rt netlinir lliem fnat. Splendid guaranteed pianjja. .$225 and up excellent player planus $450 and up Grands, standard makes Jt.oo and up New cabinet phonographs. .$47.50 and up Reductions u much as 50 per cent and easy terms to suit your convenience. De.-ks. counters and sate for sale, FoLE Y-M EAG L Y MUSIC CO.. 100 oth St.. bet. Washington and Stark. ONE NEW CR EM O N A PHONOGRAPH. MUST SELL IN ORDER TO SATISFY MORTGAGE. WILL GIVE EASY TERMS AND ONLY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. CALL N. E. BURKITT. 207 FELLING BLDO. USED PHONOGRAPH SPECIALS. Pathe cabt $50.00 Brunswick caht. 75.00 Victor Style IX 60.00 Columbia 40.00 Columbia 30.00 ajid many other table machines from $13 and up. G. b". Johnson Piano Co., 14l 0th st. L'SEJ SAXOPHONE SPECIALS. Vega "C" eiiver-gold bell $120 Conn "C" gold 10 Buescher C," gold 10 Ficbert tenor, silver-gold bell 170 Huescher tenor, silver-go'd bell 150 Pan-American soprano "B" 90 G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 fith st SA V E $115 on your Brunswick phono graph ; $ 140 buys a practically new fumed oak Brunswick with L'ltona re producer and the new oval ail-wood tone amplifier. Cail and hoar its bt-autif ul tone. 1 175 East Ankeny near i0th. Phone 214-23. TWo BRUNSWICK phonoi;raDhs used for demonstration only; will sell at a re duction ; terms given. Selber ling-Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth St., beL Wash. a nd Alder. PIANO tuning and refinishing, expert workmanship guaranteed. Seibcrling Lticas Music Co., 120 Fourth su Main S5MJ. fc T E I N W A Y piano. $450. See 1 1 a 11 d be convinced. It in a real bargain. Term given. Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 Fourth st., bet. Wash, and Alder. VICTOR pnonograpn wltn modern horn, cost $05; also extra cabinet for records, cofct $30; good as new. $20 each or $30 for botn. 515 Tidamook, cor. 11th. $21f0 CASH, secure.? $750 Pianista player piano and 30 p.ayer rolls and bench at Security Storage Co., cor. 10th and Stark sts. LE LA ND upright piano. $ 10 cash ; fine action and tone, mahogany case. Tele phone 321-04, address 41 East 3Sth st. North, j-ee before noon r alter 6 P. M. $215 CASH buys $475 Harrington upright piano. Security Storage Co., corner 10th a ad Stark streets. SCHILLING & SON. plain oak case, al most new. A snap to someone. Selber-ling-Lucas Music Co., 12o Fourth St., br-t ash. and Alder. $105 CASH boys a fine Haiiet & Davis upright piano at Security Storage Co., corner 10th and Stark. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make. All work guaranteed. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and alder. $700 GENUINE Bush Ac Lane piano. Just the same as brand new, with bench, on.y $425, on easy terms. 311-12 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak $ 2 3 50 C H1CKER1NG parlor grand, ma hogany ; fine tone and condition ; oniy $775, uu terms; take In upright part pay nmnt. 311-12 Worcester bldg. FOUR pianos, just like brand new; one a genuine Bu.h & Lane ; another Hobart M. Cable; make an offer; almost your own price. 311 Worcester bldg., Monday. FIVE pianos. $115. $125, $150. $1J5, $185; each fine toned uprights; terms. 311-12 Worcester b-og. $115 BUY'S sweet-toned upright piano; nice tone; at 311-12 Worcester bldg., 3d and oaK sireei BUYS GOOD, sweet-toned upright Bailey piano on terms. 311 Worcester bidg. $150 BUYS fine upright Smith & Barnea piano, on vc'Q'-T. " ' -.- "uucatrr OtUU $li5 DUYS fine piano, Kimball make, on terms. 311-12 Worcester bldg. Furniture tor frale. TRADE IN TOUR OLD FURNI-e TURK FOK NEW. We will make you a liberal al lowance for your old furniture iu trade for new, and if desired make terms to suit your convenience. Somebody can use the piece you do not want. MISH FURNITURE, C., 18S-10O FIRST ST. DAVENPORTS. MANUFACTURERS SAMPLES. Wo are manufacturers of overstuffed davenports and chairs ; we have a few sampies which we wiii seli direct to the trade at greatly reduced prices; some terms to responsible parties on thee ciose-outs; many styles and assortment of coverings in denim, merona, velour, tapestry and mohair. Phone 635-27. Evenings and Sunday, Tabor 57u7 or Automatic 35-27. MICH AE IJdOX-MAY SON, INC., o433 Foster Koad. CLOSE-OUT SALE OF DOLL BUGGIES. In order to clear ous all doll buggies before Christmas, we have reduced the prices to almost wholesale price. Don't fail to see them; you will save money. Mish Furniture Co . ms-100 First st. DON'T SACRltiCE our furniture if going east or to Caliiornia. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olsou Transfer A Storage Co.. 24R Pine street. OWNER having town, would like to eell library tAble, dining table and 6 chairs, ivorv bed with springs and mattress, ivory dresser and rocker, Uxl2 Wiium rug. T rfhor 4532. GOING away, must sell complete 5-room oak furniture and Kimball piano; bar gain to tirdt person making right casa 0 :f-r. Tabor 4S70. ONE NEW overstuffed davenport, fine tapestry covered, loose spring cushions, bi ing arm. spring back, spring edge, far sale. S06 Michigan ave. RADIANT GAS HEATER, used one month, will sell this week for $25; cost new $42. Main 3042 or 50tf Panama bldg. VVili give some terms, SOME BEAUTIFUL furniture and two ele rugs, almost new, bargains: sold my home, leaving city. Phone after 0 A. M-, Main 50 7 2. M 1 ks T beau 1 if ul. large oo-inch, one solid niece), library tables. Philippine mahog any, worth $400. will take $100 cash. Tabor 2123. 8x10 Rt;SE COLORED clearflax rug; per fft condition, sllght'y soiled; wiil sell for $22. BO. Call Sa3 East 43d .st. S. Hawthorne car. HIGH-CLASS bedroom furniture, any fin ish, direct from factory at factory prices. Call Woodlawn 22S. - CASH TALKS. Onk buffet. $S5; oak dining table, $35; dandy range. $35. Wd'n. 5317. fc 3 ROOMS, furniture, $150; $100 cash. 820 Vaughn. Marshall 100. SACRIFICING elegant dining room set w TUUuiyuk. L. 7U05. FOR SM K. Furniture for Sal, SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buv or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to mod all points In our through pool cars ; expert packing, re pairing and refinishing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE TRANSFER CO. o3 4th St., Op0- Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 117 1 ". , DES KS C HAIRS S A F E S. New and second-hand, exception! bar gains Cail, or phone for salesman. IRWIN HOPSON FURNITURE DKPT. 10th and Stark Sts. Bdwy. ,1144. Office t urn) tux. EVERY size flat-top desk at close to cost price, either r.ew or used: flat model Burroughs 0 bank, dictaphone outfit, about quarter new price; safes, safe cabinet, steel files. D. C. Wax. 24-2u N. 5th. Broadway 2730. SPRUCE divi ion desks, chairs and file Pariie Stationery & Printing Co.. 107 2 Ty pewritcrw. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. TH E ti ET I X TY P H W RITKKd. IRONCLAD GUAR A X TEE. A LL MA KU:S CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St. Main tttlbl. BE BUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $.".( com plete with carrying case; supp.ies and repairs of all m:kes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. f4 F.ftii St. Main 3W. FoR RENT 1 C. Siu.tu ty pe Writers ; .-peri:! 1 rate to students. L. C. Smith & Bros. Typewriter Co.. 00 Spaululng bldg. Mam 5 7 4. FOR RENT Undci wood. Remington type writers, $3 month. Transfer, Broadway 155. i KEP.-v.iKS. lent, buy, sell, siipp.iea. Type writer inspectim Co , 312 star':. M. 5540 N H vV. s. jon d-lia nd re 11 la s at cut ra tes. P. I. t!o.. 231 Star k st. Main MoT REMINGTON Stanaaiu No. lo, new. for sale cheap. 152Va Grand u s. e. S. East do 2 2. Poult ry. BAB Y" CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS. Torn Barron English S. C. White I-eg- hortib. priae-winniiig birds at the Pacif.c International poultry snow egg-laying . content; 10 per cent discount on 1000 ht. McKenna poultry farm, Mekenna ave. nnd Lombard st.. Portland, or. Col. 31. SALMON FAVEROLLE. stock cockerel. 1S.S3 East Maois-on. Tabor siioo TURKEYS, geese nnd chickens, alive or dressed. 10 West Alberta m. W A XT E D i no u ba to r, SOU to 1000-ehK ca pacity. AH 312. Qrcmmian. FINE spring clucks lor roasting. Tabor 31l. 1. li. logs. Rabbits. Bird and Pet Si ock. (JO To headquarters w h 11 you want pet stock or pet stock supplies. Yv e have complete stocks. Imported and Ameri can canaries, parrots. Uniy cage birds, bird cages, feeds an 1 remedies, dogs, puppies, monkeys, kittens, rabbits, civ jes. chivmunks. etc. Visit our new east side store. Union avenue and Ea;;t Ore gon. Routledge Bird. Pet & Animal Co.. or Rout ledge S1 d A; F ora 1 Co. 1 4 j d s t , near Morn m. Phor.e Main 172 JUST a f'w more of thoss beautiful Rt Andreasberg rollers. East tibT 4. b7 Mudiiouiah. ROSE CITY CATTERY. SUNBURST KITTENS FOR SALE. 4 REGISTERED STUDS AT SERVICE. $2 AND UP: ALSO PEDIGREED AIRE DALE PUPS FOR SALE AT 1248 EAST M O R R I S( X . T A BO R 7 27 4 . FOLIC E DOG PUPPIES. SPEEDWAY QUALITY, pedigreed, that are heaithy, not inbred, from trained paren' s and satisfy any requirements; prices $.0 up. MAX MI LLER. M7 Abington Bldg. Mam s70 and SS. FOR SALE Boston Terrier mule puppy of highest quality breeding. wonderful head and markings; p'd:ree furnished. Call 2.35 Stark si., coiner Second. Phone Main 2 3 '.3. THE BOSTON KENNELS oT 1'ortlund. 47 Ainsvvorth avenue, Woodtawn 5i:si, ped igreed Boston Terriers exclu.-d ve.y. Pup pies for sale. Choice mates lor service. PEDKUIEE'd and registered Host. .11 l.-rrivr puppies, male anl female, 2 months o.d. IS 25 and $35. h.sth st. M. T. car. 20it 1 e 1 a no st. T a bor 700. XThk dale p up. pedii ; reed, si r e i BY VICTORY BE A R ' AT ; BUY YHR BOY A REAL PR ES E NT. 134S EAST MORRISON. TABoR 7274. IMPORTED Andreasberg nmer singers, m.'-to brass cage. 3u0 Shaver. Woodiavvn ST, ANDREASBERG roib-rs, womiei iui singers, imported uirus. -. Main i 2 2 L Nelli C Brow n . FOR SALE One male fox terrier puppy. X15: 11 so one maie anu one breed puppies at $3 each. Mar. 3043, FOlt SALE Cocker Spaniel puppy. b.arK, red parbia c'lor. At tstud. Red Duke IV. l'-'3 E. Sth. Phone Sellwood L'0M5. CANARY', fine singers, $3. $1 and $; fe males 541c and $L- HIT E. CaruLheis. Tabor 50M. BE A UTI FU L white Scotch collie puj'pi.a and grown dogs, registered etm-k. C. O. :i it-, S7 E. :4th N. Tabor I'Q-y'L WANTED M ollle pup. Well inaiKcd. Write AM 310. Or-gonian PUPPIES for sale cheap. 240 E. 8:h. cor. Mam. FUX TEKK1 ER puppies for sale. Call 30h s l. a 110. 1 1 ST aNDR EASB ERG singers, yellow fe rn a ; vs. .')'! East 4 '.Uh N. Tabor 370. BEAL'TIKI'L canaries in lull song. 533 Montgomery st. t FOR SAlE Scotch collie puppies. Auto. ti3t-15. PEDIGREED Aiieuale pup, b mow. oid. Tauor 2500. ANDREASJiERG rollers. Imported and do-r-.ato- con-tt-rs : no chnn notes. E. 4a2i. il a i ill avv o. HALF Airedale and Scotch Collie, fema.e P u PP'- Fh one Bdwy. 4 427. FINE 5 mouths o 1 Fox terrier. 824 See- on! St., ft'niin 1 01 LiMiiii. w A XT E D POO DLE Do G. EAS T 7 J 1 1 B7ut s, l.auuches and M a ri ne Kuu 1 I'ent. 3lOOMfui nished houseboat, cheap. Foot o I I'enuieion n c. j- u oi' Coal and M kI. $11 per ton, ful In your basement; city weight, direct trora mine to con sumer; iarge lump, no dinners or soot, burn- to Hue try a ton. PHON E EAST 131. SPEC1A L. IX 4-LOAD LOTS. C. O. D. COUNTRY BLOCK AND SLAB. FOUR LOADS $15, DELIVERED; QUALITY AND MEASUREMENT GUARANTEED. MAIN 4(i.tW. BEST siaowood trom country mil ex cellent for use in furnace, $4.50 pi-r cord. Old-growth fir cordwood. $h per cord. Medium heavy ud-growth, bone-dry fir cordwood, $7.50 perc2rabor722J. FIRST-OR OW T 1 1 fir, P.ouk Springs, Royal, Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick At Tne Co 83 Fifth st.. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broadway is VAOODH AUL1-. RS Call Wfcst Oregon Lum ber Co.. Linnton. Col. 107. for special price, ury boo iioi. .i. it i d e wood. Piled in ard readv to load fjTiY WRECKAGE WOOD for -.e; kln cllins wood $5 a load; block wood $0 a load- hardwood $10 a load. Call Tabor Prompt aenvery EXTRA b:g load of partly dry slab and 'block mixed. $5.50; planer trimmings. IH. Dig iosub. 13 O -v V Delivered immediately by Fu:ton Wood Co.. 120T Macadam. Phone Main 4U3. i-FOOT oak wood, delivered, trom 2 cords and up. $10.73 a cord; tpecial prices iu car loau ioi- PARTLY DRY BLOCK AND SLAB WOOD. $5; PLAN E K TRIM.. $5 50; LARGE LOA DS. " 'L i o o.. BuWVOUU $4; dry. 10-ln. mill wood, $5; pianer trimming. pr load. Call Wnou.awn avi SEASONED No. 1 fir. hardwood, green slab and blork mixed; coal; immediate alivurv. Wood lawn 2010. A-l FIRST-GROWTH wood. $7.50 pr cord, delivered; wood iu small lots. Main 7257. WASHiXGTOX lump coal diret from car to consumer. $11 pr ton in den. OREGON FUEL CO.. WDLX. 4102. FIRST-GRO W T 1 1 wood, dry, $7.30 cord ; s econd-nrowth, dry, $0.25 cord. A. 62i-7". KING coal at $15.50 a ton is the cheapest Automatic 647-UO. GUARANTEED best old fir. dry, $7.75 per eord. Phone Marshall 409. $5 A LOAD. 18-inch dry plank and smaii timber Sellwood 3151. Al FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwood deliv ered at $7 25. Phone East 577. ALMOST dry cooperage block and lap. $ 4 .75 load, wooruawn DRY CORD WOOD, $ti.75 per lead, deliv- ern in -coi o to m u 00 1 - BONE DRY boxwoid. $4 25; blork and S I S D , J per i'mu. oi-u.a n Q"- 350 CORDS of second-growth fir. Jno. Messner, canny. -r.. nnuie 1. isox 4U. GOOD, large, dry slab wood, 5 and $5.50 ptr cori. Et 1 s'.)7 4.-FOOT block and railroad ties; also Itj- n h stve wood. .Marnnau J 4 (. SHORT fir woog m small lots, quick deliv er Vji'lllliiLil' ' 3tnh''- 522-la. BEST dry old-growth fir, $S. Seconds $7. Sell, an OAK W'toD. del'ver now, $10 per tord. Call Bdwy. 270S. COAL $1 a sack, delivered quickly vacra iu cty. iUuun Buwy, wiJ. 2LLJl-l. Coal and Woml. $4 PER LOAD $1. 2-load lots. 1G-inch fir block and fciab. runs partly dr. ready for furnace or heater. We also Mive lu nioiu-y on 2-lad orders of dry wood. Prompt delivery on wet and ea-t bid. Oreaon Fuel Co., Wood lawn 41U2 U1,('K wood cut from 10x12 and 10x14 Umber; tound and dry. $S 25 per cord ; kindling wood, $5 per cord; plank wood, tut from 3x 1 2 and 4x12. $J per cord delivered. Phone Main 750. Maeiiiner. DR 1 1.LS W have the largest stock of carbon and high-speed drills on the coitM. Our prices are riurh t . North-we.-t Machinery Co.. Main 2114. FOR SALE Printing r.:'4. pre a. Ox 10. East Kegs and IStirrei KEGS AND BARRELS Fir aM while oak. Western Cooperage Co., 300 X. 14lh st.r near Pettygrove. Phono A 01U-10. Miscellaneous. OPEN EVENINGS during De-emh, r. an ideal time to do vour Christmas shopping. MILIEU'S BIO LITTLE JEWELRY STORE SELLS FoK LESS GIFT THAT LAST. NEXT DOOR TO majestic thkatku, WASHINGTON AND PARK SIS. LA DIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing a I day on your feet? If so, be for jou sit down lor a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic powder; 5oc and $1 bux. Portland Hotel Phu r macy. IF YoU APPiiLClATE splendid wutch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sel.a Tor Less Gifts That Last. Next I oor to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts.. SINGERS. Whites. New Horns. Ul new, $25 to 45; other guaranteed dropheads, $15 to $1M; latest Singers; cash or terms: rentals $3 per mouth. Siugr Store. IjJ 4 th. Main dn33. MAKE a small payment and wear your eye g, asses and spectacles as you pay for them. W heeier Optical couipaay, second Luor, Ore gu man bldg. SPLENDID Service and a Pleading Trice. MILIEU'S PIG LITTLE JEW EI.RY STORE SELLS FOR LESS GIFTS THAT LAST. NEXT D00R TO MAJESTIC THEATER, WASHINGTON AND 1'A KK STS. TWO lMI'uRTED necklaces, valuo 550 each, special $ 15 ; very desirable and 01 ig inal. ORIENTAL genuine cluster pearl brooch, valuo $200, h 1 1 ec 1 ; lf 5 1 '. 7 1 3S ttl in gbldg. . ia 1 n ;iiitl, FoR SALE 100. oho feet good second-hand lumber, all sines. Including rustle and flooring; SO.U'Kt brick, also 2 hot-air fur naces In A-l thape; also and plumb ing. Phone Malu tiO'Jl or at Job, 44G 44S Tav lor. IK DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only Genuine Wau h Materials Used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians, 343 Washington St., at Broadway. DOORS, wimiuws. lumber, tnoidinas, null work, class, root. tig and hotbed sash. S' our old stock ot sa&n and doors for prices. D. B. Scullv Co.. downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213 SEWING machines, new and secondhand, to.d fur l-s; no agents employed. Com pl ie line of parts for ai. makes; uia chinen repaired and rented. SE WING MACiilN K KM POR IT M loo Tlniil St., near Taylor. .Main 1131. CA S 11 KEG iMblll.s and coin puling scas bought, sold, exchunged and repaird. PorLiand Cash Leastt-r at Scale Ex change, 220 Mark m.. between irst and S- oi.d sis. Mam 5331. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S If . K Lit tie Jew elry Mora Seils lor Less Gifts That Lat. Next -door to Majestic Theater. Para and Wasmrmton Sta. WHY PAY $40 to $00 for a new bbvcle when you can buy a guar.iiile d rebuilt bicycle lor e than half'.' A hmiled lmiuber to piciv from. - Ap-x Bicycle Co.. -t:.7 VTIiiitti a ve. East 14 SO. Foil SALE Humphrey Kadiolne L,s Heat-r, sold by the Gas Co. for $74.50 and purchased only t in ee mouths nun. perfect condition; will sell at reasouabie pr;ce. Call Automatic 032-sl. . WIIV AX ev er.asiiuK aKKravulion by a Itaky roof? Why not a permanent and comlorlable roof ? We repair, ruhberhond aid rejuvenate all kinds o! leasy roots. S i k k ;iu 1 anteed Phono Hrt.idway 70 DE S K S"f L ESKS ! DE SKS '. I.v.'ry ni.e flat-tp desk, chairs, tables, d ictaplooi. s. ml'ea. n;. D. C. Wax, 11 1 Nort h FiM h.' Hioadvvav 2730 WOOLEN BLANKETS AUTO Rt'LES at mill price ; Moo of (hem. fine for Ninas presents. Can be een at 003 Title - Tnul bldg. Phone Broalway 3L5S. iiiiT WATER tanks. 30 gal., $1; 40 gal. $U; tesied., guaranteed ; nove aud 1 uruice coils, 'pas heaters installed; plumbing Ea"t Side We;l Mi.. 2o.'t Adams. Eh, 1 ti. NEW 5 lUii.lnmln air rifie, ; large $15 Weed n steam engine (ciiht Iron ami boiiei. $lo; in original box. N. iV.- S. car to Cam t hers s(. Imjuir' at 17. 20 DivOriiEAD awmg machines, $12 50 to $45; Snivels, N-w Hom.-s. Whiles, W. W.; all makes machines rented and repaired. E U. S t -e n . 152 Grand ave. East 235). GEM douyhiiut machine compiote; rout beer barrel and glass mugs . aeu No. 5 Woodstock typewriter. V uite, 12J0 Main St.. H 1 i 1 s 00 1 o. Or. ALASKA WRECKING CO.. All kinos of building material and wood for sale, yaid 2d and Columbia. Alain 0107. W B ' KEU doll buggy of latest design : a grai) for; brass amhrons, bahy s highehair ; all as good as new . Call Ta'K.r O mi FOR SALE Lady's long, large rope chain Christmas present, very reasonable. Last 7 425. SILKY LAMP SHADES, ft to 2S Inches in diameter; also table lamps. Save half; $1 to $20; orders taken. 4 Union ave. N. G H-D nuiiget nec klace s-t w ith -kt. Kteel-blue diamond ; must have money. 0:i5 I y'g st. Main 4:00. FCR SALE A bargain, lady's wool due1, size 40. new, never been worn. Call East 1 7 3, ask for R e d . SAFES AND VAULT DOORS, new and n.'cond band, low prices. Buhong it Co., 7o Sixth st. Broadway lot. WooDsAW, must be sold in the next week, cheap. Call East 152. morning and vein II g. H H EEL CHAIR. Adjustable back : nd out rsts. com n 1 od-- r-eat, ', ' 1 1 e W p I ' l A Uto. 031 1-4 IToLLY w real La and ho.Iy, variegated and gre-n. fr sale in m.ill quantities; order.- dehvrre!. 4 1 '1 Present t st. Wdln. 4370. " iuTi V E it S WE E PER. A 1 co n ul Hon, $35 ; must soil. Phone K a st 34 Ih. DANDY 3-light sliower fixture, complete with shades, only $5 35. nt 2o7 chamber of Commerce bu'g. Broadway 4 2 53. PILLS can b permanently cured without operation. Ca II or write Dr. Dtali. Sec oi.d and Morrison. PTTr It EN T Electric ac-uum cleaner. Mon. to Mon.. $1.- or S5c p. r d. de liver e d a t 1 1 wh e re. Woodla .v n 12 5 JJ LADIES EVERY! HING in used wearing appai ei; prices v ery reasonable. Tabor Cli EliR Y and pear trees, 3 years oid. Woodstock Nursery. End of VVoodstoca car line Auto,iH0:06. DTE Bo LD safes, new anil second -hand ; pecial prices. Pacific Heal Ac Supply Co. 4S Front Ft. Broadway 1000. LiCiN SED iud' penUelil elerli ician wires a rooms tor $12. 5 for $20, guaranteed to pa" m-i'.-c. i mm. o ' ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bouKht or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., b'Ji Tenino ove. Sellwood 23. 3. UEAiJW CARTERS for holly reaths and niist.etoe. Oregon Seed Store. -i Yana- bill. , u EKEAS veteran w .11 appreciate your order for" Xmas trees, holly wreaths or hollv hv the pound. Tabor 2123. LEAKY RouFa oulcklv repaired. Cal. Llspatch Repairer. A 'Ho. 033-h7. HEMS ITT Cliffy " 0 C I'S RO' M 215 35y M RRImjN ST MAIN 5045. . PLUMBING repair expert; oo any Job r flgona hie. Bo wy. 25t-H. ClTTuSTMAS tre s Tot alo. Woodlawn 4 51. 07!) E. 22d X. SHOWCASES, wall cas s. casn regislei. sT!es. nif--. cheap. 240 Washington. NATIONAL casli reg.Met, Dayton Comput ing pfalp. Xar". 3d St. BE A UTI FU L holly wreaths for 50 cents. 4 4 It East CI a yP t. C O M B I N A T I o X lu aier and box couch, 3- ho e fire less conker. Auto. 225-tiS. LADIES Everything in used wearing ap- pard; p;. Tabor 22 SEALSKIN and ermine choker collar, $li. Auto. 015-74. IMPORTED Mandarin robe, blue am! gold, like new, cost $02, sell $jr(. A ot. 511-2' k LA KG ermine collar and cuffs, $ lo. ltrfia!way 2505. A Ol RL S tricycle for sale cheap,, Sell. 351 4. G I KL'S bicycle, small boy's bicycle, A-L H A X DS' -ME ih-n model solid gold Watch. $;;5 Ph'!nE'i 12.-i. BA K iA IX S Coa to. p.ush, velvet, auiuk i!:g: red fox fur. Bdwy. 7.'i:t. DIAMOND ring la:g-t. -K.. $175 A J :U I. is. V-K.. tlio, ( r gonia n. Rroadw ny 25'. ! M .LEcal-; for SULuLi-o, DiiOADWAt 1.1 U FOlt HAI F Ml, rclhliiiMMl. PAVE MONEY! BUY 11 ERE! BAHY CARRIAGES, semi and full co.lapslble; inc. looking, dur able. tuAiiy handled w hen trv- eMng $2.50 and $7 50 AUTo-WACON for coasting and ha iii nig ; coin part men t under hood to cany groceries; r x t lo k oil dashboard ; steeritig W heel, brakes, rubber - t Ire d whees: PUACTKAL GIFT. FTP mi-FLY lliili.M'lS 75c aud ft. -5 KIDDY-CAR. like new $1.25 KIDDY - CAR, Choo - choo trade mark 75 M.EDS. tuM In time, 35c to $t.OO M USEUY CHAIRS. St. 25 to $175 Dolls, dressed and undressed. from 15c to $3 Ek'U'LES, mostly new tires, new paint, coaster brakes. $ 1 2 . 5 o - $ I rt SULKIES $1.25 to $1.75 PHONOGRAPH RECORDS, good assortment, diftcrcnt ma ties, and prices. . .25c and floe MI'S 1', popular prices in sheet s, from 1' to 5c FURS, scurfs, neekph'ces and oth ers, suitable for trimming, now from 25c to $1 OO FUR SET $2 50 TOYS, wagons, fire engine., ice skates, dolls, Mecanus, Tinker Toys. etc. BOOKS, assortment of all kino's; some for children and others for grown-ups; encyclopedias, fic tion, poetry, religious ami sci entific; clean enough for gift purpose many of them. Take plenty of time to look them over in bal eon v. undisturbed ami WELCOMED. CLOTHING. You will find comfort, quality and good Ion ks in most of our clothing CLEANLINESS IS OUR A I M We iave clot hes for the wIioIa family, ranging from un derwear to overcoat?. Priced so evervliodv mn afford to be CL1ANLV AND COMFORTABLY DRESSED. for the who'e familv that will PROTECT THE HEALTH OF YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR OWN. OUR S H O E WILL NOT AB SORB WATER: eobt Is smsll, con sidering (juaiirv, comfort and length of service. We have un repaired or not ful'y rebuilt shoes at v t i M lower prices. Prices, 75c to $3.50. NOTE : A few hundred pa Irs of imrepa I red shoes to be closed out ttt, choice, per pair 10c Tf able to re pa ir Diem vour self YOU WILL SAVE MONEY. GAS TI A NOES STDV F.S, CO A L OIL HEATERS. FURNITURE, PICTURES and other merchandise voit ma want j re sold at MONEY SAVING PRICES. T1!T M OT; YOU WILL BUY FR'M rs THE MORE MONEY YOU WILL SAVE. AND. BE SIDES, YOU WILL ENABLE US TO PROVIDE M'JUE JOBS F R THE HANDICAPPED OF PORT LAND. PUBLIC WELFARE STORE (In bouinesa for o r ice -not profit.) 212 Third St., near Salmon. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIS bv nerve-blorkinr. xon thrapy or con ductive ancbth'Sia. Without danger or after effects V e perform all dental op erations without pain Come In and let us provs it to ou X-R iv service. DR A. W KEENE. DR. E J. KIFSENDAHL, A h'.- 1Oe.tlc theater. : 5 1 Wn ph BKA UTIKUL. daitty, lacy white gold nnd plat Inu m mounting. They will make your diamonds look mm h larger a nd brighter as well. A wonderful selection to chouse from. MILLER'S BIG T.TTTLE lEWIll.RY STORE PELLS FOR LESS GIFTS THA T L APT. NEXT DoR I MAJESTIC THEATER, WASHINGTON AND PARK STS. WE OFFER fur sab- to tlv hmhest bidder a faunt it y of miscellaneous ship ma terial inel Url irig pipe, pipe f It t irigs, nut s. bolls, screws, rivets, build-r's hardware, ste-d blocks, boilers, ranits, corrugated boiler furnaces and furnace f roll is, List of this material furnished upon applica tion. Bit is will be cios.'d Jan. 2. 1022 Columbia Riv.-r Ship Building Corpors tion. 1202 Ga Bldg. t Portland. ir;TnP. ARTICLES as good as nw; drophead sew ing machine, $20; electric iron, $2 ; tan wool eraven-t coat, aiz" 40. $S; rut glass frilt iish. $4; savory roaster, 7Te; kerosene oil burner, complete, with tm gul. galvanized 'il can -and extras. $2i. East 0370. 2.C Tillaiiiook, near Williams avnuc DIAMONDS I h few real bargains to sell below Thewo ar special sst lo that I am in a posit present wholesale pr m beaut if ul RORiit, nl f they are priced be t ween $75 and $150; quality and value guaranteed. Gus II. Cramer. 713 Selling bidg. Main Q2ft. PRE-WAR prices In pocket knives and shaving supplies. Jacob Miller Barber Supply Co., Ill 3d st. LA DIES, come to The Vogue for you" pari y d reys. suit, coat or other slightly used garments: reasonable. 4th floor. 403 Aliskv bldg,. Thud near Morrison street. Main 3132 FO R SALE Sllv er fox fur. like new ; diamond and pearl lava. Mere and dia mond ring. 2 record aiounis and some r-cords; will sell cheap. Call apt. 202 I loiiglnt Court. 4 25 Wet Park. FOR SALE One E.lioi t -Fl.-die r bookkeep ing machine, never been used, in strict ly first -cluss order, at half price ; g uar-ant-ed for one year. Address 1023 White bldir.. ScaM LTbi'S genuine weaver fur coat, 3S-in. length, new, never wor n ; va i ue from $ooo to $Ho0, for $475. J I3tf East Tay tor s'. Phone Tabnr 1 0-'3. NEW FoUD carbuietor, latest improved Kingston, regular equipment, have sold car, will sell lor $1, cost $7.$0. 1515 Will a -li eft e blvd. Columbia 4'.7. Foit SALE Dundy 0-burnt-r gas range, like new, white porelain finish, high oven on the 1-ft with glass door; pro-e $ti0; terMis. Qt'O'j Madisnn. cor, of Stoiil Christmas gift shop. 3:;o Northwest ern Ban k bldn. A variet y of g if Is. In cluding original vases and book ends. Open evenings. MAXWELL seat covets, never been used, co vers everything, have ."dd ear. will f"Ml for $ 12. co-t $20. 1515 Willamette blvd Columbia 407. RUGS washed on our f loor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washr; also vaeuuiu cle Tnlng done. Fast 4045. SA KES Fir proof, f f ice ; on large, on small; cheap if taken at ones. tf 272. or gon t :i n. TWo' sit all diamonds and sclent I lio rubv ring for sale cheap for cash only. AM 815. O r pg on i "j , . NEW tlc'-tnc safety blade sharpening ma chine for ule. Mi Uth St., nr. Stark. , Bdwy. 14. kodaks. ' Ws buy, seli, r-nt and exchange ko daks San tiy, 320 Wa s hln g t nnst FL' ltSA LE A n ique iiniuui ba ket, on 1 v one on Pacmc coast. Cail Kat 24 10. niornlncs. FOR SA LE Ope Tux-mIo eud. s .e 40. prat - tically new. Apply at Bohemian re'stau rant. " l '.-il, WA'I ER SYSTEMS. Paul autoiuatu'. complete all fit tings Bd w y. I too. M r. Ba mo. Ciit i"lTET TAMS mane for $1. Call East 3025. a4 - K Alt AT pe: feci biue- vv hue d .an.-n I solitaiie. sacrifice $2(5. Phone East 0143, II ND-CRoCii ETLD lull -sized bedpreau, 372 Hioadway. Mar. 342L ' XMAS 1 It EES, 25 Main 127. Ieh up. 25 er. d. I'i'-li. I'lione "karat blue WHITE DIAMOND. $500. " AM 30, ORECpMAN. THREE beautiful cr also j o!'.e. 5:;!J-laHt tCh. led L dspieads; orth. 4 7 1 n st . HAS liANOE. fi oiul It 'on. suit -nt i;O0. atdb',ainng TAVO FANCY 25 1. house. K J a panej-y kiinonos. East LADY'S beaut ful ot t r fur coat, fitted style, rta-onaliA Main !Ji- .lr- How. fcE' 'ON D-HANL) tents and covers for ule. li c . f . C T' t A- A w n in 'o.. o. 1 Jit s t UROCHl-'I'ED bedpreau. I ter ?.i.-'-s. Aut. 513-34 e cover, ceu Ml First st. FOlt SALE Two Vaughn drawn saws, ehenp for rnsh. Call Aiar. 41. FURNITURE (epMrmg. mirrors, niedlcins cabinets, etc. Call Wdln 1JS7 FOlPlt I'.NT Sewing machine. 2 "months, $5 t-.mpire Tra n-f - r, ltd w y. 155. KOSKS ROtoES lit SES HARE WOODSTOCK NURSERY Auto 0I0-9H POOL TABLE, soda fountain, carbobator, wall cas-i. back bar. 1 13 LM. TBI EE 12-tt. floor o s ; mu't ni'ive. alei.i. w a. I ir. 2411 FOR SALE Cash machine siiou ni reg ister, p 43 1st safe, adoing- sr . near s.. "S'l'AK A M.iv solo vi..,. Caii T3 loi-aueet duck. Main ouOj.