TITE MORNING OREGONIAN, TnURSDAT. DECEMBER 22. 1921 21 ALL WHEAT GRADES HIGHER ON BID Offers Raised 1 to 3 Cents With East Strong. ply la expected. There mere fair receipts of other dressed poultry which also mt with ready sale, areeae bringing 82 35 cents and ducks 80 cents. Live poultry also sold better than usual so close to fThHntmas j There was a food Inquiry for country dressed meats and pork was higher at 12 cents. Veal was unchanged. The cube butter market was firm with a short ace of top grade stock. Extras again sold at 42 cents. No change was made In the general selling price of eggs, though some buyers were paying as high as 40 cents to coun try shippers. The market was firm, but it was the opinion that any advance now coutd be for only a day or two and that a f ter Christmas a decline would, be In-evltable. LITTLE GRAIN ON MARKET Purcliasfng for Russian Relief Xot Likely to Affect Wheat or Hour Situation Here. The passage of the $20,000,000 Kussian relief bill Is not expected to have much effect on the movement of grain here, av It is understood, the purchases will be con fined largely to corn. According to word received yesterday, Secretary Hoover will begin buying corn In the middle west Fri day. The government will also take a quantity of flour for shipment to the Rus iiians. A cheap grade of flour Is specified, which can be bought lower In the east than on the Pacific coast. The local wheat market was firm and rilsher. December and January bids were ramod 1 to 2 cents and February wheat 1 to 8 cents. No oats or barley bids were posted. No. J corn for February shipment and No. 3 corn for January shipment were 50 cents fclfrher. The wheat advance followed the up ward trend of the eastern markets, which were affected by weather condition and the prospect of buying this week for Russian relief. On the weather situation the Price Current said: "Recent precipitation has ap parently benefited the wheat condition in Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma, and do pot believe the dropth damage In tlie. Slates Is as grrat as generally reported." The Liverpool wheat market closed un changed. Jlradstreet's reports the world's visible wheat decrease at 4,420,000 bushel and the corn increa.se at 1.187,000 bushel. Terminal receipts. In cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wheat, riariey. Flour. Oats. Hay Weil-Known Grata Man Dead. The Merchants' Exchange association will hold no eeaison on .Friday. This ac tion was decided on out of respect to the memory of R. W. Hastings, who died at his home In this city Tuesday night,, Mr. Hastings was one of the best-known .men in the grain trade of Portland, where be had resided for many years. He was the local manager of H. W. Collins, grain dealer, and was previously connected with the firm of Balfour, Guthrie A Co. Bunk Clearings. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: ClarinKa. Balances Portland $4.13.UuO Seattle b.47,330 Tacoma 446.2HS Spokane 1,731,544 STOCK LINES LIQUIDATED SALES MADE TO ESTABLISH IXCOME TAX PAYMENTS. 0OO.849 2,148.188 45.1h0 667,773 PORTLAND MARKET QCOTATIOXS Grain, Floor, Feed, Etc. Merchant Exchange, noon session: -Bid.- Dec. . . 1.10 . . 1.H8 .. l.Ott .. 1.10 , . 1 Oil . . 1.04 Ja t 1.10 1.08 1.08 1.10 1.08 1.01 24 OO 2.1 50 Feb. S 1.08 1.00 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.01 24 00 23.00 rnrllanrt Wed.. HI 1 7 0 3 Y.ar a.KO K . . . 2 1 6 p.-ahon lo date. 193-".: 137 12.1H M0 0.12 Yar aKO 1C4 1B7 4-S 310 11.18 Turorna Tuf'8.. 10 1 .... Ye:ir atco 8 . . . 13 . . . 7 S-axon to date. 472 78 8.".1 4.1 74 Y.ar ano . 0O3 4.1 SJ0 74 542 Seattle Tues... 44 3 14 2 8 Y.'nr avo 11 1 .... ft 1 H.a.m to date. 4MI2 1211 1280 280 S32 Yiar at(0 2fl74 111! 184 24'J 1000 wool Hirri.Y is not excessive Surplus Will Br Worked Off In Another Twelve Months. There is no excessive over-supply of wool tn the world, according to a Bradford expert, who declares that production Is till below requirements. He says: "There la no extraordinary surplus in any other part of the world; and taking it all in all. there la a great potential de mand for wool clothing In Kurope which must make itr Influence felt as conditions approach stability. Then attain, stocks of wool in the handu of the trade are light In the United Kingdom, crobrd stock! have been much reduced, and fine wool stocks are extremely email. France la car rying llsht storks; Oe.rmany haa bought very heavily this year, hut she had a great deal of leeway to make up, and her sticks. In relation to orders In hand, can not be considered to be excessive when compared with the pre-war standard. In the United Htates, fine wools are rather scares, though atocka. In the aggregate are fairly heavy. In the aggregate, It cat certainly be aald that trade stocks are not la excess of pre-war atandard; and la fine woola, they axe certainly small. "Summing up. It can safe'y be said that Bawra stocks of merino woola no longer constitute a surplus worthy of the name, but rather represent wool required to com pensate for light trade stocks and for a production which, although better than last aeason, la atlll below requirements Obviously, toward the end of the next 12 niontha the trade will be up against the normal position In which a year's con sumption has to be met from a year's clip without tha help of excess stocks; and unless there Is any marked turnover of demand from fine to medium woola, the statistical position of merinos will bs a gitrong one." GRAIN FEEDING BY DAIRYMEN Larger Return Than by Selling Cereals Direct. Tha volume of cream delivered to cream eries during the week haa continued to how an Increase over the same week last year. It Is generally recognized that In most territories, at present, grain can be fed for milk production and give a larger return than if disposed of direct, saya the weekly produce review of Swift & Co., of Chicago. Increased butter receipts have caused a slight decline in market values, with corresponding lower prices prevailing for butterfat, but even at preaent prlcea the comparlaon on butterfat prices is still fav orable. There haa been a continuous heavy movement of poultry during the week, but prlcea are generally unchanged. Continued open weather baa resulted In further Increases In the supply of fresh eggs and as there la still a large quantity ct egga In storage, it has resulted in some what lower prices, both In buying and Belling. STORAGE W1THDRATVAUS LIGHTER M33 Founds of I utter Takea Out In Tast Week. Withdrawals of butter and egga from Tortland storwges In the past week were lighter than usual. The out-or storage movement of butter waa only 18.83 pounds, while 538 caees of eggs were withdrawn. Storage holdings of dairy and poultry products at Portland and Seattle compare uflh last week and a year ago as follows: At Portland This wk. Last wk. Last vr. Itntter. pounds.... 2H.8H8 28.782 281,007 t !e-se, pounds.... 82.420 8.".5S2 104 480 Kicgs, cases 2,0Otf 2.S44 1 0O2 Poultry, pounds. . .120,701 12."), 943 234 798 At Seattle li'iWivr, pounds... 30.8OA 57,252 46.1,218 : -ee. pounds.... 77.U.M) 80. 632 347,447 I lyjs, cases Si!) 818 8 I' .uilry, pounds. ..388.475 337.137 131,642 1 L'KKKY MARKET CONTINUES STRONG Heat (rmde Bells on Street at 47 Cents to 43 Cents. The dressed turkey market was firm yeata rdny at 47 48 cents and In the opin ion of moat dealers will continue firm as Tl-e tlemn-d is good snd no excessive sup- TURKEYS 47 Cents Per Pound Many Order Ptilj Unfilled. Rush All You Have. VEAL 15 CKNTS PER POUND. Daily Returns Guaranteed. THE SAVIVAR CO- INC.. 100 Front Street, Portland, Or. TURKEYS For Christmas. Also other poultry. Ship to arrive Dee, 17 to 18. For New 1 car's Dee. 27 to 28. KlBY CO., 1M Front St. Portland, Or. Wheat Hard white ... Soft white White club .... Hard white . . . . Northern spring Red Walla .... Corn No. 2 E. Y. shipment 24 00 No. 3 E. T. shipment 23.50 FLOUR Family patents, 37 per barrel; whole wheat, ti.20; graham, $0; bakers' hard wheat, $7.05; bakers' bluestem pat ents, lo.Oo; valley soft wheat, $3.60; straights, .1.25. MIL.L1-EKU Price f. o. b. mill: Mill run, ton lots, $20, mixed cars, $19 per ton; middlings, $:!4; rolled barley, J3Jt3tJ, rolled oats. !; scratch feed, $43 per ton. CORN' White, $33; cracked, $35 par ton. ' HAY Buying price f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $14. 5u per ton; cheat, $12912.30; oat and vetch, $14.o0fU'15; clover, $12; valley timothy, $151(1,15.50; eastern Ore gon timothy, lSwlN.r.tl. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 41 42c pound; prints, parchment wrapped, box lots. 44c. cartons, 4,1c Butterfat buying prices. No. 1 grade, 42c, delivered Portland. fcUOS Buying price. 44Gti4ic: jobbing pricu. case count. 4544c; candied ranch, 47(U48c; asaociation firsts, 4Sc; association aelects, o.fc; association pullets, 4oc. CHES1 Tillamook triplets, price Jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook, 26c; Young Americas, 2ic pound. POL'I.THY Hens. 1725c: springs, 20a 21c, ducks, 22.'u2tk; geese, 20c; lurkeyn, live, 35h; dressed, No. 1. 474148c. POKK Fancy, 12c per pound. VEAL Fancy, 14 ac per pound. Fruita and Vegetables. Local .lobbing quotations: FRUITS Navel oranges, 14.30 1 6.25 per box; Japanese oranges, )2.,"0 per bundle; lemons, $."iir0; grapefruit, $47 per box; bananas, H'a 9c per pound; apples, $lfr3.75 per box; pears, xl.7rfr2.25 per box; grapes. California Ked Emperors, 12c per pound; canabas. 31f3Vsc per pound; cranberries, Oregon, $7 per box; eastern, $21 per barrel; pineapples. $7.50 per case. POTATOES Oregon, tl.GOtj 1.75 per hundred; Yakima, $2&2.25 per hundred; aweet potatoeM, 5&5tc per pound; Arkan sas, $2.?.Vt8 per crate. ONIONS Yellow, ll.r.OiS'5 per hundred. VEGETABLES Cabbage, lV4'2c per pound; lettuce, $1 .Mia ,8.50 crate; carrots. $1.50 per suck, garlic, 12liT15c per pound; beets, Xl..,of'2 per sack; cucumbers. $2.o0i,t 3 per dozen; celery. 75c4i$l-25 per dozen; green peppers, 3oid'4(H.. per pound; cauli flower, $2i 2.23 per crate; squash, 2Vi'a.!r; sprouts, 17'4c; turnips. $2 per aack; par snips, $2t&2.50 per sack; tomatoes, $4.50 per lug. Market Kcactionary and Heavy at Close; Bonds Affected by Real izing; Call Money Kases. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. More liquidation to establish income tax payments, a, tem porary flurry in money rates and addi tional cuts in price of commodities, chiefly oils and sugars, were factora In today's reactlonaiy stock market. Conditions in the steel and iron Indus try alao Invited selling of those issues. Weekly trade reviews stressed the recent slackening of demand at Pittsburg and other centers, most independent pro ducers running at about 35 per cent ca pacity. Reports from Detroit and other automobile manufacturing dlatricts were similar. The 6 per cent opening rate for call loans proved to be of short duration, funds being freely supplied at 6H per cent In the open market by noon. As low aa 5 per cent was offered In private transac tions, that rate also applying to short time accommodations. A few stocks, especially equipments, were strenrthenerl bv railroad orders, but I most leaders among the oils, steels, mo i tors, coppers and food and chemlcala spe cialties eased one to three points, lowest quotation being made In the active final hour. Si n were 0..0.000 shares. Cumulative signs that the transportation companies are coming Into the money market were noted in the proposed fi nancing of New York Central, Louisville & Nashville and a number of the less prominent western and southwestern roads. Private cables suggesting a deadlock In the European economic situation were re flected in the Irregular tone of foreign ex changes. Sterling eased only slightiy, but all other quotations were appreciably lower, the German rate, however, holding steady. The bond market was subjected to fur ther realizing, liberty and other war flo tations adding to yesterday's decline. Re action in junior railroad bonds were trace able to prospective financial demands. Forgeln issues, with few exceptions, also eased. Total sales, par value, $18,275,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com pany of Portland.) Staple (irocerirs. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane, granulated, 4.05c pound. NUTS Walnuts, new crop. loft shell. 23i'.'loc pound; Braxll nuta. 18?r20c; fil berts, 20ft25c; almonda, 1827c; pea nuts, 10(lllc per pound. RICE Blue Rose. Vc per pound: Japan style. He per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk. In drums. 18 9 35tc per pound. SALT Granulated, bales, 3.204.05: half ground, ton, 50s, $17.20; 10Oa, $16.25. HONES Comb, new crop, $5.75&o.25 per case. DRIED FRUITS Dates, IT per case; figs. $1.4003.75 per boa; apples. 16c lb.; peaches, l.V'fl7c; apricots, 23 .18 Vie, prunes, 7 9 12c. BEANS Small white, 6c: large white, 4c; pink, C4c; bayo. 64 c; red, 6c. Hides, Hops. Etc TALLOW No. 1, tc; No. 2, 9c per pound. CASCARA BARK 5c a pound delivered, Portland. HOPS 1B21 crop. 15 20c per pound. HIDES Fresh cured. Be per pound; bu'la, 4c; calf, 12c per pound; kip. 7c; dry hides. 9c; dry salt hides, 7c per pound. PELTS Dry pelts, full wool. 86 10c per pound; salt pelts. 80 & 50c each, according to size. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 16923c per pound; valley, 12'il4c per pound. MOHAIR Oregon, 15 22c per pound, delivered Portland. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes, 2731c; skinned, 24 33c; picnics, 20c; cottage roll, 23c. BACON Fancy, 30945c; choice, 27 32c; standard, 2326c. LARD Pure, tlercea, 14c pound; com pressed tierces, 14c. DRY SALT Backs, 18iff21c; plates, 15c. Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. In barrel 0c; S-gallon cans, $1.04. Boiled, In barrels, 91 cents: o-gallon cana, $1.06. TURPENTINE In drums, $1; S-gallon cans. $1.13. WHITE LEAD 100-pound kegs, 12Ho per pound. GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron barrels, 26c; cases, 38 c SAX FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current oa Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 21. (State Di vision of Markets.) Fruit Apples, 31 and 4-tler, $l.Ja,3..V ; casabas, crate, $1.50 rl 60; oranges, navels, $4 -a 5. .'it); lemons. 4j)4.50; grapefruit, $.1ai6; grapes, per crate. si-.Woicy;'; cranberries, box. $6(177; pears, bnx, $293; atrawbernes, small crate $2.5093.50. Vegetablea Artichokes case. $16(318; string beana, pound, 30 w- 22c; carrots, doz en, 50c; celery, crate, $1. 50b)2.50; cucum bers, small box, $2&3.&0; eggplant, pound, 3a6c; lettuce, crate, $1.25 fe. 3.30; mush rooms, pound, 20'i40c; ullves. pound, 6&7c; onions, brown, cwt., $3.504.25; green, doz., 10c; peas, pound, 18 20s; bell peppers, 10&'15c; potatoes, $1.75'&2.50; pumpkins, sack, 7.Fc&$l; rhubarb, box. $1.65 (ti 1.75; squash, lug, $1.5092.25; sprouts, pound, 6fa'8c; tomatoes, $1.2593. Poultry Broilers, 34fe38c; rooster, young, 2231c; old, 17U20c; hens. 239 31c; ducks. 22925c; turkeys, live, 38943c; dressed, 47 953c Receipts Flour, 2540 quarter sacks; wheat, 107 centals; barley, 4107 centals; corn, 2660 centaia: potatoes, 302S sacks; hay, 140 tons; hides, 575; oranges and lemons, 2413 boxes; livestock, 350 head. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Dec. 21. Turpentine firm. 74c gallon; sales, 237 barrels; receipta. 253 barrels; shipments, 108 barrels; stock 13,050 bi.-rsis. Rosin, firm: sales. 1281 barrels; receipts. 909 barrels; shipments, 703 barrels; stock 82.283 barrels. Quote: B. D. E. F, O $3.95: H, I $3.97 Vi ; K, $1.30; M, $5.20; N, $5.35; WO, $5.60; WW. $3.90. Produce- Exchange Will Close. , NEW YORK, Dec. 21. The New Yorr produce exohange announced today that It would be closed Saturday ' w York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 81. Raw sugar cen trlfugal, 3 60c: old crop, 3.86c; refined fine granulated, Ac. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YRK. Dec. 21. Evaporated ap ples, nominal; prunes, steady; peaches firm. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 21. Spot cotton fluiet. Middling, ls.trOc, Adams Exp. . Agr Chem do pfd .... AJax Rubber. Alaska Gold.. Alaska Jon... Allied Chem.. Allle-Chalmers do pfd Am Hi et Sug. Am Il-sch . .. Am Can Co.. do pfd Am Car Fdy do pfd Am Cot Oil.. do pfd Am Tg Synd Am Hide L do pfd Am Ice Am IntI Corp Am Linseed. . do pfd Am Loco. . . ; do pfd Am Rf Razor Am Ship & C. Am Smelter. . do pfd Am Snuff. . . . Am Steel Fdy Am Suear. . . do pfd Am Sumatra. Am Tel A Tel Am Tobacco. do "B" Am Wool .... do pfd do P pfd... Am Zinc Anaconda .... Assd Oil Atchison .... do pfd At foast T. . . . All G W I. . Bald I.ooo. . . . do pfd Bnl A- Ohio.. do pfd Beth St "B" . . n R T Butte O Z. Butte ac Sup. . Burns Bros. . Caddo Oil Cal Pack Calif Pet do pfd Canadian Pac ("en Leather. Cerro de Pasco ("hand Motor. Chgo A N W. . Chicago Gt W. do pf Ch.ll Cop Ch'no CM St P do pf Co-o Cola . . . C O Col F I . . . Colo Southern. Co Gas El. Col Graph. . . Con Gas Cons Cigars -. do pf. Contl Can... Clt SVC Bk. Corn rod do pf Cosden Oil.... C R I P . . . C R I A A pf CRT B pf Crucible do pf Cuba Cane. . . . do pf Cub Amn Sug. Del Ar Hudson. Del t- UcK... I)av Chem ... End Johnson. Erie do 1st pf. . . Famous Play. F AI A S do pf Flsk Tire Gaston Wma. . Gen Cigara . . . Gen Elec Gen Motor Glen Alden- . .i Gen Asphalt.. Goodrich Goodyear Ganby Ureat No Ore. Oreat North pf Greene Cana... Gulf S Steel . . II ask B:irker. Houston Oil . . Hupp Motor . . Ills Central . . Inspiration . . Interboro .... do pf Inter Cal .... Int Harv . Int Merc Ma.. do pf Int Nickel Int Paper do pf Invinc Oil ... Island Oil I K ri South . . . do pfd .... . Kelly-Spgfld . Kennecott ... Keystone Tire Lack ateei .... Lehigh Val... Loriliard ... LAN Morland Oil.. May Dept Str Mex. Pet Miami Mid States OH Midvale Steel. M K A T "WI" do pfd "WI" Mont Power.. Mont Ward.. Mo Pac do pfd M St P A S S M Nor Amn ..... Nat Biscuit..' Nat Enamel.. Nat Lead Nevada Con . . New Haven.. Nor A W Nor Pac Nov Sco StI.. N r Cen Okla Prod ref Ont Silver..... Ont A W Otis Steel Pac Gas A El Punta Al egre Pacific OH... Pan Am Pet.. do "B" . . .. Penna Peo Gas Pere Marq . . . Pure Oil Phillip Pete. Pierce-Arrow Pierce OH.... Pitts Coal Pitts A W Va Press Stl Car. Pullman .... Ray Cons.... Readlnsr Remington Replogle Stl.. Rep I A S do pfd Rap alolers. , 2O0 ,'.l,oeo 500 t.ooo 1,200 7'iO 13.0O0 2.000 High. 411 1, Mt 15 H SO "4 3 Low. 49 2!s r.714 15 hi. 37 38 300 200 4.200 100 1,000 100 2,000 10O 300 " "jr 5O0 4.5O0 1,500 4,300 101 28 34 H 33 Vi n.t 144 V ' 23-4 45 SO 74 42 33 r.on -.-,on 1.400 3oO 1 '.'too .:ino l.ooo l.ooo 2.4'i0 fi) .-,10 2.600 " "l'rwi 80O 14.300 11X1 2.600 KUO JOO 4. Ron 13.-'i"i ion 1.000 3O0 1.4O0 2.000 1.20O 1.600 500 4.700 "siroo 1.40 800 4,4O0 S 0.H1 inn 100 4.S00 1.000 6.000 4.000 3.000 So0 300 200 3.000 3.100 700 500 "ioo 10. 700 300 16.4O0 600 100 200 S.HO0 M0 1.000 l.ooo 100 200 3,500 7.800 1.800 1,800 1,200 11,200 V.300 8.500 200 V.o6 4,500 13, ioo 700 300 1.000 S00 200 6.900 2.400 400 400 2.000 tion 400 300 1.400 900 2.000 1.200 3,700 18.400 3.300 300 8.700 5,. 100 82O0 2M 1.200 100 'l.wW)' 600 13.800 2.200 4.300 4,000 700 700 200 Itoo 700 900 400 400 4 5 44 88 33 H 31 SI 3 -,; 114, 133 Vi 128 81 "27' ' l.H 484, 103 S no 31 104 3.-.H 52 r.c ' lOVi 120 13 70 49 iii 30' 8434 50 66 16 15 27 in 81 41TS, 511 25 39 67 3 93 23 '47' ' 22 98 112 38 32 86 71 66 Mi 67, 14 13 107 118 65 80 10 16 79 'ssvi 12 iio" 11 43 08 36 31 75 28 46 80 70 11 98 40 1 4 8 83 14 4 12 64 'is 2 11 27 34 32 03 142 114 22 4.1 4 "r 74 40 32 '09 "4 5 44 87 'SS'4 40 78 So 114 131 127 80 '2T' ' 12 47 103 92 hit no !..-, KM 8.-. 00 ' f. 11 llo 12 61 48 iin 34 "40 68 16 13 20 18 so 14 ,40 55 Z5 30 65 S 93 23 '47' ' n't 97 111 3H 31 85 71 65 t6 13 13 106 116 52 78 10 15 78 36 12 130 10 42 65 ' 35 SI 75 27 46 79 77 11 98 89 1 4 6 82 14 63 12 62 '12 2 11 43 25 16 45 58 152 25' 108 115 13 27 J 59 14 17J 46 69 44 42 24 14 45 67 152 " 24" 107 112 26 13 27 9 25 68 13 17 45 67 . 43 900 38 37 600 1.90O 4O0 4.10" 2O0 S.2O0 1.800 14 15 98 79 36 7 3 14 12 97 78 23 73 2 , 100 21 21 1.6O0 11 11 400 67 .60 200 28 27 21.200 . 48 46 9.400 52 51 1.400 47 46 4.100 83 33 4.500 62 60 900 21 20 4.400 , 38 37 8OO 33 33 1.400 13 13 S,7"0 13 12 300 63 63 900 25 25 200 64 64 8.200 108 107 1.2O0 15 15 5.6O0 73 72 300 24 24 ' 4'KI 25 24 2.1O0 52 51 200 84 84 00 7 7)4 Bid. 49 20 56 15 57 3S 87 34 82 93 143 113 22 4H 4 14 59 73 40 32 5S 90 114 4 5 43 87 ion 83 50 79 30 114 133 127 80 101 27 12 48 103 92 85 90 31 .-, 104 n- 52 .V. 5 18 120 12 6fl 48 . 84 119 30 34 411 60 16 15 26 1 18 80 sj 40 65 25 8H 65 3 92 26 81 46 1i 22 97 111 37 31 85 71 64 86 6 13 13 10(1 11 62 78 10 15 78 9 87 12 7 136 10 , 42 66 85 1 1 b! 31 74 28 46 79 77 11 98 89 1 3 6 82 14 63 12 62 90 12 2 11 23 63 42 24 14 45 57 151 108 24 107 112 26 13 27 25 68 13 17 45 65 53 122 37 82 14 12 97 78 23 73 . 2 4 21 10 6ti 27 40 51 46 S3 10 20 37 OA 13 12 62 25 63 108 14 72 24 23 51 83 7k Roy Dutch Oil 6.100 51 50 50 Ry Stl Sg... 2t0 91 91 91 Stan OH N J.. 2.000 184 181 ISO Stars Roe ll.OOU 39 57 57 Shattuck Ariz 50 8 8 8 Sheil TA T.. 40O 38 38 38 Sinclair 5,bo0 22 21 21 Stand Oil Ind 89 87 87 Stnd Oil Cal. 5,600 94 92 92 Sloss Shef 87 Sou Pacific .. 5,100 80 79 79 Sou Ry 800 18 18 18 do pfd .... 1.6IMJ 45 45 45 St L A S F... -500 21 21 21 Strom Carb .. ' 600 36 85 85 Studebaker .. 7,500 81 S0 80 Swift A Co 98 Tenn Cop AC" 700 10 10 10 Texas Oil ... 25.700 47 45 45 Texas Pae .. S,!MK 26 25 25 Tex Pc C A O 5.700 29 27 27 Tob Prod 5.JOO 64 62 62 Tr Contl Oil.. fi.OOO 11 10 10 Union Oil Del 3,100 19. 18 18 Union Pac ... 1,400 126 125 125 United Alloy.. IOO 25 2.1 23 United Drug.. 4(0 72 71 71 Ho Food Prod 30O 10 10 10 United Fruit . BOO 125 123 122 U Rda of N J 300 9 9 8 United BAP 100 71 71 71 Un Retail Str 11,700 54 63 53 U S Ind Alco 2.100 30 8S 30 U S Rubber.. 4,500 55 64 54 do 1st pfd 9Si I U S Smelting 83 U S Steel 18.000 84 83 83 do pfd 114 Utah Copper . 4.200 63 61 ' 61 Va Chem .... 2.8(H) 28 27 27 do pfd .... 900 60 64 64 Vanadium Stl 1.80 81 81 81 Vlvandou 600 7 6 6 Wabash 3(H) 6 6 6 do A pfd... 2,000 20 20 20 do B pfd 13 Wells Fargo . 100 63 63 63 Western Pac. 2O0 17 17 17 West Union 91 Wsthse E A M 1,400 50 60 40 West Md IOO 8 8 8 White Motors. 1.000 88 88 37 Willys-Over .. 2,500 6 5 5 do pfd 500 29 2.1 28 Wilson Pack . 8O0 SO 29 20 Woolworth .. 200 133 133 133 Wthton Pump 400 45 45 44 W A L E 100 1 7 6 White Oil ... 800 10 9 ID BONDS. U S 2s reg....M01!N Y C deb 6s.. do 2s, coup. 101 iNor Pac 4s ... do 4s, reg . . . 1(4 I do 3s do cv 4s, cp.,104!Pac T A T 5s.. Panama 3s. rg hO iPenn con 4s. do 3s. cp.... '80 ISou Pac cv 5s. A T A T cv 6s 108 ISouthern Ry 6s Atchen gen 4s. 85 Unlon Pac 4a.. D A R con 4s. 72U S bteel 6s... 98 83 50 92 93 95 88 811 99 Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations. Liberty bono and victory note quota tions at New York, as furnished by Over beck A Cooke company, Portland: oiosing Open. Liberty 3s. . 93.22 do first 4s do 2d 4s do first 4s 96.50 do 2d 4s. 90 Oo do 3d 4s. 97.38 do 4th 4s 96 46 Victory 4 s.1 00. 00 do 3s 100.00 High. 93.34 96 .12 98 04 97.50 06.52 100 04 10O.02 Low. 93.20 96.30 95 SO 97.00 96 12 loo 00 100.00 Bid 93.24 96.28 9.1.H6 96.36 9.1.70 97.CO 96 1 100.02 100.02 Boston Mining Stocka. BOSTON, Dec. 21- Allcuez 22 Ariz Com 9 Cal A Ariz 60 Cal A lli-cla. . .270 Centennial C p Range C C S rlast liutte Franklin ... Isle Roya'le Lake Copper Mohawk . . . -Closing quotations: North llutte 12 . ld Dominion.. 23 Osceola 82 Quincy 42 Superior 2 ! up A Boston M 1 10ishannon ...... 1 l',.'tuh Consol...;' 1 22lVinona 40 2V'olverlne 70 64 1 Swift sV Co. Stocks. Closing prices for Swift A Co. stocks a Chicaco were reported by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland aa follow Swift A Co... Libliy. McNeil A Llbby. Nut tonal Leather Swift International. . .. 97 5 2 20 Money, SUi w. Etc. NEW YORK. Dec. 21. Call money strong; high 6 per cent; low. a per cent; ruling rate. 6 per cent; closing bid, 5 per cent; offered at 5 per cent; Laat loan, 5 per cent. ' Time loans firm; 60 days. &id per cent; 90 days, d'g.3 per cent; six months 5(C'5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, a nt J per cent. Foreign bar silver, (We. Mexican dollars, 50c. ' LONDON, Dec. 21. Bar silver. 33d per ounce. Monjy z per cosn. Discount rates. hort biiis. 3 per cent; three months bills, 3 per cent. New York Bonds. New York bond quotations furnished by Herrin A Rhodes, Inc., of Portland: Am Tel A Tel Os Am Tel Tel'Ba A in Tob 7s Anaconda 7s B Anaconda 6s A... ......... Armour cv 7a.............. Armour 4a Argentine GI 5s Am AK Chin 73 Beth Steei 7s Beth Steel La is Belgium Ext 7a ......... Belgium bs Belgium 8s Iieryen Ss, City or Berne 8s. City of Brazil 8s Canadian 5s Canadian 5s Can Nat Eq 7s Chi A N W 6s . . . Chiraao N W 7 C M A St P gnArf 4s A.. Chile 8a Christlanta 8s, City of Copper Exp 8s Copper Exp 8s Copper Exp 8a Copper Exp 8s Cuoan Amer Sugar 6s Con Gas cv 7a Denmark 8s Danish Mun 8s Dupunt 7s .............. French txt 8s French 7s .............. Grand Trunk 7s Goodrich 7a Goodyear 8s Gulf Oil 7s Humble Oil 7s Int Rap Tr ref 3s Int Mar CT 6s Int Rap Tr 7a Kelly-Springfield 8s Kennecott 7a ... . Libby. McNeil A Llbby 7s . Mexican Pete 8a N Y C call 7s Norway 8s .... N P A a N (Jnt) 6s N P 6s Northwest Tel 7s Pan Amer 7a Penna 6a San Paulo 8s Southwt Tel 7s Swedish Govt 6s Stand OH of Cal 7s Swiss 8s Sears Roe 7s Sinclair 7s Swift A Co 7a Un Tank 7s V S Rubber 7s Wilson 1st 6 West Elec 7s Wesiinghouse 7s Zurich 8s ...1922 100 ...1924 VJ ...1923 102 1 0-0 100 102U 97 ,...1930 102 1039 87 ,...1945 76 1941 100 1023 100 ,...1933 L(HI 1HI3 104 'ft 1 025 05 1940 1l( ...1945 10.1 1045 107 1041 104 1020 tl.1 ISI31 9.1 ...1935 106 VIM 107 lit.lt) 103 2014 35 , .. 1941 101 ...1943 10(1 1922 100 ...1H2 4 101 1924 102 ll'L'5 104 11M1 101 ....1923 103 ....1:115 10S ...1943 106 ...1931 J04 1945 119 1041 91 ...1941 109 , ..1025 97 ,...1911 109 ...1931 108 1923 liMCi ...19U8 53 , ...1941 89 192'. 73 ..1!31 1.13 1930 j II ...1931 99 l:i6 loo ...lo.'O) lo.i ...1940 10M ...1936 MI ...2047 106 ...19U 106 ... 1930 96 . ..1M36 lonjli ...193(1 :oo 1025 100 . ..1939 94 1931 1.15 1040 112 ...1023 99 1025 98 1023 99 ...1941) 104 ...11130 105 ...1028 85 ...1923 103 ...1931 103 ...1943 106 ' Foreign Bonds. Foreign -bond quotations furnished by Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland: , , . Bld- Aslt BeTglan rest 5s 64 68 do prem 5s 7-; 7r do 7s, 1945 104 do 8s. 1941 106 do 6s, 1923 93 Brazil 8s. 1941 104 British 6s. 1922 99 do 5s, 1122 424 do 8s, 1927 4;;4 do 5s, 1929 423 do vky 4a 830 do rer 4s 307 Bordeaux 6s. 1934. Cunadian 5s. 1937.. do 5s. 1926 do 5a. 1923 ... do 5s. 1931 do 6s. 1927 .... Chilean 8s, 1941 ... Currency Denmark 8s, 1943 . Dan muni 8s, 1945 . French 4s. 1917 ... do 5s, 1920....... do 5s, 1931 ..1... do 7s. 1941 .... do 8s. 1945 , German W L 5s ... Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s ...... do 4s Leipsig 4s do 5s Munich 4s ........ do 5s Frankfort 4s Italian 5s. 1918.... Jap 4s, 1931.. do 1st 4s, 1925 . do 2d 4s, 1925 .. Norway 8s. 1940... Russian 5s. 1921.. do 5s, 1926 do 68. 1919 Swiss 65. 1929... . Swiss 6s, 1940 U K 6s. 1922 ru K 5s, 1929 ; U K. &s, 1937 86 .. 93 .. 9.1 .. 97 92" ..101 . 8 ..100 ..107 .. 40 .. 71 .. 60 .. 85 .. 89 , .. 4 .. .. 5 .. 6 .. 5 .. .. 5 .. 7 .. 7 .. 85 ... 74 .. 87 . . 86 . .109 . . 10 1 .. 12 .. 95 ..113 .. 99 . . 99 .- 85 f05 10 95 104 100 439 431 433 840 817 86 84 96 87 95 94 102 10 109 107 50 72 61 95 100 5 6 6 0 7 .6 9 8 36 74 S7 87 110 14 2 15 95 113 100 . tin 85 Denmark, kroner 20S5 England, pound aterling 4.22 Finland, finmark 0203 France, franco .................... .OMO Germany, marks . ... ............... .OiolO Greece, drachmas ................. .042.1 Holland, guilders 3700 Hungary, kronen 0O21 Italy, lire 0402 Jugo-Slavla, kronen .0i45 Norway, kroner .......... .1.1HO Portugal, escudos .0S7O Roumanla. lei 0100 Serbia, dlnara 0182 Spain, pesetas .150.1 Sweden, kroner 2.100 Switzerland, francs l:6.1 Chlna-HongKong. local currency 5.1.10 Shanghai, taels 7750 Japan, yen 4850 NEW YORK. Dec. 21. Foreign exchange irregular. Great Britain, demand. $4.2o; cables, $4.21. France, demand, 7.98; cables. 7 99. Italy, demand. 4 .10; cables, 4 51. Belgian, demand. 7.69: tables, 7.70 Germanv, demand, 57: cables, 58; Holland. 36.80; cables. 38 86. Norway, de mand, 1,1.85. Sweden, demand. 24.95. Den mark. 20.32. Switzerland, demand 19.48. Greece, demand. 4.22. Argentina, demand, 33.73. Brazil, demand, 12.90. Montreal, 93. WHEAT CLOSES AT TOP ACTIVE BTJYIXG SENDS PRICES CP AT CHICAGO. Li Foreign Fxchange. Foreign exchange rates at theS close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. The amount quoted Is the equivalent of the foreign units In United States funds! Country Foreign unit. Rate. Austria, kronen $ .0001 Belaium. francs 0783 Bulgaria, leva 0100 Csune.81evaaUa. kronen ,M4U Market Stimulated by Unfavorable Crop Report, Prtospect of Im mediate Relief Purchasing:. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. Unfavorable crop conditions In the southwest and prospects of immediate government purchasing for Kussian relief gave grain a decided lift today. Wheat finished strong, 1 to 2 cents net higher, with May $1.16 to $1.16, and July $1.05 to $1.05. Corn gained 1 to 1 cents and oata c to 8 c. Provisions closed unchanged to 7 cents up. After a hesitant start, wheat prices made a ready response to Increased buying, which appeared to be due chieXly at first to cold weather and to fears that lack of snow protection in the southwest might bring about crop damage. Some buying was a'.so ascribed to closing of spreads between Chicago and Winnipeg and to .harp falling off in the volume of receipts both southwest and northwest. The mar ket received its chief upward Impetus, however. In the last hour when the at tention of traders turned to reports that uselan relief buying would be commenc-d Friday and would include wheat and other g. a n. On the ensuing advance shorts n-.irrled to cover and a big cash house unughl December wheat on quite an ex tensive scale. Despite one lively setback the market closed at the day's top. Corn and oats ascended with wheat, corn being bulllshiy affected by Rueaian relief were firm, owing In the main to higher quota'ions on hogs. The Chicago grain letter received yes terday by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland follows: Wheat Sentiment was bearish at the outset, but after a small decline the mar ket displayed more strength than seen In some time. What little news there was in circulation was of an Influential sort in a bullish way. The most prominent of the day's developments was the passing by the senate of the Russian relief blil and evidence of an improved flour situa tion In the southwest. The latter change was due, not so much to a big demand as to Inability to secure good milling wheat, as a result of which leading milling in terests advanced flour prices. It Is very likely that the movement of wheat is over for the season and that the visible supply will now begin to vanish. In our opinion it will be impossible for the market to ignore bullish conditions. Corn Trade was without feature until after midday, when the market developed considerable activity and great strength. There was only one item of news, but that was sufficient. It was the announcement by Hoover that the grain corporation will begin Friday buying corn for Russian re lief. We believe the Investor by making purchases of futures will not only do good in a money way, but will serve a useful purpose. Oats Fluctuations in . oats were dom inated exclusively by other grains, with the close at the best prices of the day. The cash market was without feature or change, receipts being small, but the de mand rather inactive. Ryf Trade was small and mainly in the nature of spreading haaween wheat and rye- at 26 cents discount. There was no export business reported, but It Is expected that considerable rye will be taken for Russian relief when that buying starts. Leading futurea ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. $1.16 1 05 CORN. .64 .68 OATS. TM .38 .38 .37 July 38 39 .36 May July May July ...$1.14 ... 1.08 .68 .64 Low. -$1.13 1.03 .6.1 .64- Close. $1.16 1.05 .64 .66 .8S .39 WES8 PORK. Jan. 14.65 LARD. Jsn 870 8.72 8 67 8 72 May 8 15 8 17 0.12 8.15 SHORT RIBS. Jan 7 7.1 7 85 T.73 7.85 May .... 8.05 8.05 8.00 8.05 Cash prices were: Wheat, no sales reported. Corn, No. 2 mixed. 474Tc; No. 3 yellow, 4748c. Onats. No. 2 white, 86S7o: Ne. I white, 83 84c. Rye. No. 2, 86c. Barley, 5S'9,38e. Timothy seed. $5i?6.10. Clover seed. $12 6018.50. Pork, nominal. Lard, $8.75. Ribs, $7.608.50. Primary Receipts. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. Primary receipts: Wheat 509,000 bushels, versus 918.000 bush els Corn 2.037.000 bushels, versus 853. .000 bushels Oats 585.000 bushels, versus 439, 000 bushels. Shipments: Wheat 800.000 bushels, ver sus 687.0O0 bushels. Corn 502.000 bushels, versus 406.000 bushels. Oats 291.000 bush els versus 828.00 bushels. Clearances: Wheat 765.00 bushels. Corn 708.000 bushels. Flour 13.0O0 barrels. Car lota: Omaha Wheat 13. corn 84. oats 14. rye 4. Winnipeg Wheat 766. oats 176. rye 6, barley 49. Minneapolis Wheat 98, corn 28, oats 21. Duluth Wheat 112. corn 101, oats 8. St. Louis Wheat 883. corn 7.8. oats 11. Kansas City Wheat 102, corn 33, oats 0. Minneapolis Grain Blau-ket. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 21. Wheat. De cember, $1.26; May, $1.23; July, $1.18. Barley, 3649c. Flax. No. 1, $1.88 (91.95. Winnipeg Grain Market. WINNIPEG, Dee. 21. Cash wheat. No. 1 Northern, $1.13; No. 2, $1.07: No. S. $1.01; No. 4, 92c; No. 5. 86c; feed. 71c; track, 89c; oats, No. 2 white, 42c; No. 3. 89c: No. 1 feed. S7c. Futures: Wheat, December, $1.08; May. $1.12; July. $1.11. Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 21. Grain Wheat, milling. $l.83fc195; feed. $1.85 1.95; barley feed, $ 1. 25 1.30; shipping. $1.801.40; oats, red feed, $14061.60; corn, white Egyptian, $1.72 1.77 ; red milo, $1.421.45. Hay Wheat. $1719: fair. $1417, tame oat, $15018: wild oat. J11&13; al falfa, $13&1; stock, U12; straw, $10 12.- Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE, Dec. 21. Wheat, hard white. soft white, white club, soft red winter. $1.10; hard red winter, northern spring. $1.11; eastern red Walla, $1.08; Big Bend bluestem, $1.13. City delivery: Hay, timothy $28. d. c. $27, mixed $21, alfalfa $17. d. c. $23. straw $15. barley whole $33. ground and rolled $35, clipped $40, chick starter $54, chop all grain $35. cocoanut meal $28. corn $33 34. corn cracked and feed meal $37. cot tonseed meal $44, linseed meal $58, mash mixture egg $40(&'46. scratch food $40(0 45. soy bean $00. wheat $42, Puget sound $38. Coffee Futures Higher. I NEW YORK. Dec. 21. The market for coffee futurea was higher today. Recent ; reactions seemed to have left it in a stronger technical position, as offerings were light, and after opening at an ad vance of 6 or 7 points, active months sold 15 to 22 points net higher on covering or j a little fresh buvina. accompanied by re ports of higher cost and freight offers and a better tone in Brazil. March sold up to 8.83, or 86 points above the low level of yesterday morning snd closed at 8.82 wjth the general market closing at a net advance of 12 to 20 points. Sales were estimated at about 31.000 bags. December 8.74c; January 8.64c, March 8.82c, May 8.70c, July 8.70c. September 8.73c. Spot coffee was reported In moderate demand at 9c tor Rio 7s, 12c to 12c (sr aaatos is. ALL CLASSES ARE AFFECTED EXCEPT EASTERN. Hog Prlres Raised 10 to 20 Cents at North Portland Yards. Cattle Are Steady. There was a moderate run of 14 loads of stock at the yards yesterday. Five loads of cattle were shipped In direct and a con siderable part of the sheep arrived on con tract or were for other markets. Weakness ruled In the sheep and lamb division. Except for east-of-the-mountalns stock, all grades of lambs were 25 cents lower. Cattle were steady at the prevailing range of prlcea A premium of a quarter was realized on a load of fancy steers shipped in by Jos Madden of Lewlston. Idaho. The hog market was firm and 10 24) cents higher at $3.75 the regular market top. A dims more was paid for a bunch of purebred Duroce brought in by C H. Bogart of Kings valley. Or. Receipts were 23S csttle, 109 bogs and 642 sheep. The day's ssles were aa follows: For January Investment .y..ia.iw .4ma-t-w ; j. tfaar-TT-TTTi- Wt. Prlce.i 22 steers. 1000 $6.75 4 steers. 900 6 00 27 steers. 1010 7.25 1 steer. . 830 5..15! 1 cow. .. 770 2.00. 3 cows.. 835 2 00 1 cow. ..1240 8 75 1 Cow. .. 910 4 00 1 cow.. .1100 4 50 2 cows.. 710 4 joi 1 cow. . . 750 6 50 2 calves. 105 8.75i 1 hog. .. 5S0 6.001 18 hogs. . 10 6.2.1 10 hogs.. 155 8.851 1 hog... 660 6.50' 7 hog.4.. 213 7.50 17 hogs.. 199 8 OO1 20 hoes. . 223 8.001 107 lambs. 78 8 Ool 52 lomba 74 6.50 25 lambs. 62 3 50J r.S lambs. 85 8 2.1 27 lamhs. 58 5.0" 44 lamhs. 75 9 00 12 lambs. 122 7 60 1.8 lambs. 92 7.50 '2 lambs. 10 7.50, 5 yrlga.. 100 5.501 19 ewes.. 1.10 4 00; 10 ewes. . 1.18 4 1-0. 1 buck.. 200 3.001 1 buck. . 47 mixed. 17 mixed. 4 steers. . 17 steers.. 1 cow . . . 1 cow . . . 4 cows. . . 2 cows. . 3 cows. . 2 cows. . 2 hogs... 4 hogs... 2 hogs. . . 53 hogs.. 8 hogs.. . hogs.. . hogs.. . hogs. . . hogs.. . hogs... hogs. . . ions. . . 19 lambs. 2 lambs. 4 lambs. 6 lambs. 16 lambs. 1 yrtg.. . . 9 weth'rs 1 buck... Wt. Price. 240 $3.00 130 3.00 120 927 945 810 1060 , 87 1135 1120 1005 ISO 167 105 105 1R8 222 2o0 123 26.1 3:16 238 140 82 80 100 73 87 120 125 150 p. 60 5.50 6 25 4 50 8.00 6.75 2.50 4.50 4.50 8.73 8.75 8 75 8.85 8.75 8 60 8.7,1 8 3d 8.35 6 50 8 40 8 60 8 75 7.00 8.00 8 .10 8 00 .5o 5.50 3.00 Union THE FIRST OF THE YEAR brings its interest, dividends and other profits. Then comes the problem of reinvestment. Present indications presage even higher markets with the coming of the new year. Anticipate your requirements by making your selections now. We'll set aside bonds ordered for January delivery if you desire. L It Means 7 or ? 3 Special Assessment Bonds. Income Buhl. Idaho, Sewer, Imp. Dis. No. 4 1Rexburir. City of. Idaho 7 JfRidgefield, Washington, City of. .. Soda Springs, Idaho, Sewer No. 2... Soda Springs, Idaho, Sidewalk No. 3 fSt. Anthony, Idaho, L.I.D. No. 1... JfVancouver, Wash., L.I.D. No. 161. fVancourer, Wash., L.I.D. No. 161.. (Vancouver, Wash., L.I.D. No. 161.. Vancouver, Wash., L.I.D. No. 161.. tVancouver. Wash., L.I.D. No. 161.. tjVancouver, Wash., L.I.D. No. 173.. 6 21-32 Tax Exempt Ma Rateturlty 7 i2a 1930 1932 1929 1929 1930 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 Price 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 98.98 9S.09 97. 2S 96. CO 95.78 100.00 Yield 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 7.00 tDenotes Fractional Bonds. ejDenotes $200 Denomination. Penotes $1000 De-nomlnatlon, tDenotes $300 Denomination. Telephone or Wire Orders a Our Expense, Morris Brothers Corporation Morris Bids.. 309-11 Stark Street. Rilay. 2151 tl Safe Deposit' B o x esj Prices quoted di the Portland strckynrds were as follows: Cattle Chopce steers $6 60 9 7.00 Mod. urn to nood steers 6 O04r6.5'l Kair to m-d:um steers 6. 5096.00 C immon to tt'.r steers 2 3or6 Ml ':iir to good feeders 4.2514 .75 Choice cows una heifers 5 00p5.60 Medium to pood da. heifers.. 4-50&.YOO F.tir to medium cows, heifers .. 4 00-u'4.50 Ccmmon cows S.001T4.00 innem . Bu Is Choico dairy calves Pirn.' lliiht c.tlvcs Medium lifrht calves Heavy calves Hoes Pr.me lipeht . . : Smooth heavy, 230 to 800 lbs.. Smooth heavy, SuO lbs. and up. Hough heavy rat pi 9 Feeder p'.KS Stags, suoject to dockage Soee E ist-of-mountain Iambs Best valley lambs Riir to good : C'u:i lumbs B.itptern Oregon feeders I.iKht yearlings Heavy yearlings I.iktht wethers Ewes 1.75S 3 00 . 3 00$ 4.00 . 8 00 ft 9 50 . 8 00 w 9.00 . 6 00 fa K. 00 . 5.00 0 00 . 8.50 011.75 . 7 50 'g H 50 . 6.60 to 7. 50 . 6.0016 6.75 . S.25X.T5 . 8.00 18. 25 . 4.50rJ0.50 . 8.50pfJ900 . 8.25$ 8.75 . 6.26fr825 . 4. 5041 8.25 . 6.00 'rp 7.00 . 5.00 6 00 . 6 00f6.00 . 4 50 ii 3.50 . 1. OOtl 6.00 Chicaco livestock Market. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. U. S. Bureau of Market! Cattle, 5000, slow, mostly steady; some sales beef steers and she stoca strong er; quality plain: bulk beef steers. $6ibP 7.25; good many sl'.li held off market. Hogs. 20.000, active, 16c to 25c higher than yesterday's average, mostly 26o high er; s.nie butchers up more; shippers buy ing liberally; top, $1.15 on lliO-pound av erage: $7 10 for ISO to 190-pound average; buU. .75 tf 7.05: p:gs 10c to 16c higher; bulk desirable, $7 10 to 7.25. Sheep, 70UO. killinK clfieaes steady to 25c httriier; feeders steady; fat lambs to pack nr early, JlOft 10.50; best not sold: fat ewes, early, $4.75; no choice lighta sold; choice cutne-bacK fe.Mler lumba eariy, (10. Kansas City Livestock Market. - KANSAS CITY, Pec 21. U. S. Bureau of Markets Cattle, S600, beef steers mostly 10ft 15c higher; somo sales up 25c; yearl ings. $9; heavy steers. $7; other sales, $:,.25p&ti.90; oanners and site stocK strong to 25c higher: mostly 15&25C higher: built canners, $2.252.50; most cows. $3.7517 4.25; heifers generally, $4 50 'ft 6; other elapses mostly steady; most desirable veai ers. $7&7.60; bulk bulls. $:iti'8 75, early sales Blockers and feeders. $4,5016. Hogs, 6000, active, 16'tf 23c sogner; pack ers taking great bulk of receipts; top on 175 to 225-pound hogs, $7; bulk good hogs, $0.9)17; bulk of sales. $tt.76&7; gooj p&cainpt sows. $5.35495.60; pick steady; bulk. $7. sheep, 3000; sheep steady; most fat ewes. $3.75; full shorn Texas wethers, $4.25: lambs generally 26c higher; led westerns, $10.25. Omaba Livestock Market. OMAHA, Dec. 21. U. S. Bureau of Mar kets Hogs, 13.000, steady to 15o lower: bulk medium and light butchers, $6.35 6.60: top, $6.66; packing grades, $5.25 (i 5.65. Cattle, 8000: beef steers strong;' spots higher; bulk, $5.606.60; all other classes steady; cowssnd heifers, $3.765; bulls, $33.60; stockers and feeders, $5.25&6.25. sheep, 5500: l.imbs 25&35C higher; hulk HOdtlo.HO; top, $10 35: akeep and feeders steady; feeding lambs, $0.40. Seattle Livestock Market SEATTLE. Dec, 21. Cattle and hogs steady; no receipts, prices unchanged. QUOTATIONS ON DAISY PRODUCE Current Prlcea Ruling on Batter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 21. Butter Ex tra. 48c; price firsts. 45c; firsts, 44ftc. Eggs Extras. 57Vsc; extra firsts, 67c; extra pullets, 46c; extra pullets, ' firsts, 454c; underslied pullets. No. 1, 44c, Cheese California flat rancy. Z3c: riat TO YIELD 7.00 Two exceptionally good IMPROVEMENT BONDS City of Prosscr, Wash., 7, 1930 and 1931 City of Vancouver, WasK!T7, 1922 to 1931 Trice TOO and Interest JOIINSTON-HATTREM COMPANY Main 6984 Yeon Building, Portland, Or. fancy firsts, nominal; Americas. 30c. NEW YORK. Dec 21. Butter Unset tled. Creamery higher than extras, 4 I 42c: creamery extras, 41c; creamery firsts, 36ft 40c. Eggs Firm; firsts, Bl55c; others un changed. Cheese Easier; unchanged. CHICAGO. Dec. 21. Buttei- I'nchanred 1 Bugs HlR-her; receipts, 2021 ca-e; firsts, 60'(f51c; ordinary firsts. 43ft 45c; miscellaneous, 474Sc; refrigerator firsts 38 pa 30o. Poultry Alive, higher; fowls, 15iiT24c: springs, 23c; turkeys, $40c; roosters, 15tc SFATTT.K, Dec. 21 Fr,-Lse!ect oe' Young . ranch, white shell. 50'Ji"53c: do, niixpvl Colors. 48((M!le, pul.ets, 41'n45o. Butter City creamery cubes, 43c; briclti- or prints, 44c. Thatcher's "Brief Rule" was the only medical book published In the American colonlos until the 18th cen tury. mat. Do you want to know about The Federal Income Tax? If so, send for our brief popular re view of the new law with simple, illus ' trated analysis of changes affecting income for 1921. E.II.ROLLINS &SOSS btrestment Htmdr SOSTO.V NEW YORK CHICACO SAN FRANCISCO-LOS ANCELEt OXdrtiiwest 'JtetirtsentaUve 404 COUCH BUILDING CJrteph one Marsha U 2eS PORTLAND Odd Lot BARGAINS $2000 Goodvear Tire A Rubber Co. 8s. Due 1931 Price: 99.50 to yield 8.10 $4000 Standard Gas Klec. Co. 7M:8. Due 1941. I'rlcc: 100 to yield 7.50 $1000 City of Edmon ton S3. Due 1924. Price: 97.25 to yield 7.30 $500 Prov. of B. O. Guar. 5s. Due 1923. Price: 97.70 to yield 7.00 1 500 Citv of Rr-dniond, Or., Water 7s. Due 1941. Price: 107.2O to yield 6.00 $3000 Prov. of Sas katchewan 5s. Due 1946. Price: 97.60 to yield 5.70 Offered Sublect to Prior Male. Permanence Cheap buildings are temporary, and all "give way to permanent structures as cities grow, it is no longer a question of a few dollars' additional expense for new build ings, the main consideration being to employ skill and materials to create and erect structures that shall be enduring;. Experience has likewise developed the same senti ment in the public mind in regard to pavement; the best, namely, Warrenite-Bitulithic, being gener ally conceded as the cheapest in the long run. '. '. jivr.. x a.v-TW-yiJs- mi i Bin k&x' rifth and Stark Streets GOVERNMENT- MUNICIPAL- CORPORATION! BONDS l OREGON ,0 C. IS PORT OF ASTORIA 6s 1926 At 100 to Yield 6 Clatsop Co., SD No. 10, 6s, 1941 At 101.88, to Yield 534 until 1931 and 6 thereafter Income Tax Exempt Wire, Phone Or Call Freeman, Smiths Camp Co. Lumbermen Bldo.. Portlano I FIFTH i;fnTTlt FH0NH 'pg A i Tested Mrcfi . 7 mmmmmn htm mrmnritir'- t-. i w & ij w -V?-a 2 ' For Investors. that has proven successful J months trial subscription free The Rose Investment Revtrw, publUhed monthly, describe method or investing that Has proven ucceattul by actual um. Learn how to make your money earn and fnulttrlT- 1 ake your farar itrp toward financial indcDendrncF torUv hv writm lor your nre copy oi LIU iso. 2 ROSE & CO. INVESTMENT SECURITIES OO Broad SU. Nw York Cltr TEXT BOOK of WALL STREET 1921 trillion now ready for free distribution McCall, Riley & Co. Hemtxn Cnsvlidatad Stack Uivnanar of Nw York 20 Broad St., New York HERRIN & RHODES, lac. Kstiiblliih'il IROfl STOCKS, BONDS, COTTON, GRAIN CorwrnnflTts K. F. IIUTTON A CO., N. T, Members all leadtni fxchnnne. Rabaon'i ?rvlT on File. Uaia SIM gul Uailvrap jlcUucs Bldx,