20 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, DECE3IBER 21, 1921 FOR SALE ArTOMOBILES. WINTER SALES CONTINUED VERY LOW PRICES ON USED AUTOMOBILES. - Automobiles that have been re built or renewed are In the brst of mechanical condition they are also warranted the same as factor ies warrant new cars. In addition we give HO days' free mechanical service. Other makes of used automo biles, thoroughly overhauled, put In ft rat -class condition and so id with ti len days' free trlai, subject to being returned and fu.l credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This Rives ample time for ev ery purchanfr to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have It inspected, and we want only aat lsfied customers. 1!)I7 Maxwell $ 30ft 11MH Maxwell 400 HUH .Maxwell 5o0 1020 Maxwei! OoO HMO Omnt Six ao I1PJ Chalmers Six 6."0 1017 Ruick 575 1118 McLaughlin Bulck .... 075 H17 Dodge 650 l1tt Olds Six 775 litis olds Eight ftt'O HMD Liberty sport model.... fl"0 litis Overland chummy 425 11111 Chfilm-rs 0u0 1918 Cole Eitfht, sport model 1250 ESSEX. 1019 Essex ton rinse car, re built, refill is bed and re painted ; sold with stand ard factory warranty $ 823 1910 Essex, overhauled, re flntahed and repainted; sold wltb standard factory warranty 050 8-40 Hudson, light aix, all In good condition 600 Ifll fl Hudson super-six, re built, and repainted: sold with standard factory war ranty 750 1917 Hudson super-six, re built. rtfi:ifsbed and re painted; sold with stand ard factory warrunty 000 2 lfIB Hudson super-six touring" cars, rebuilt, refin Ished and repainted, total cohI to us of work and trade-in value each $1450; now pold with standard factory warranty 1150 lttll-1020 (model O series) Hudson super-six louring automobile, traded in and carried over for one year; has been overhauled, re fimshed and repainted at a total rust to us of $2200; now sold with a standard factory warranty for 1250 1020 Hudson speedster, 'over hauled and refinished and repainted; sold with stand ard factory warranty 1500 Largest Used Car Brunch store In the city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Thone at Branch Store, Broadway 073D. Also a -Display at Our Salesroom. 015-017 Washing ton Street. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHA N G E . USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY. 00 CARS TO CHOUSE FROM. COME IN AND TEST THEM OUT. GRAND AVE. AT EAST YAMHILL. EAST 471. EAST U1D7. NO CASH DOWN. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ON OUR USED CARS. $10,000 WORTH TO SELECT FRQM. COOK A GILL CO.. INC. 11TII AND PURNSTDE STS. OPEN SUN DA VS. FORD PARTS. For Your Convenience Our part. depw rt men t will hp open every evening till S:M and all day Sun days with a competent parts man In charge. TALBOT & CASEY. I.VC. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. GARAGE MEN. ATTENTION. "We have one extra Colpin magneto recharger for Ford cars. This is n;w and the same kind of machine we, use. Cost $75. our price $42.50; also we have one universal rebnriiig machine for Ford cant which we do not use owing to our installing a new $2500 outfit for t his work. This machine is same as new: cost $170. our price $00. Talbot & Casey. Inc , Kh st Ankeny and Orand ave. A SPECIAL BARGAIN. New B-cyhnder coupe, closed car. equipped with new Ford tir. s, never been run. Just the thin for winter weather; would make a fine X mas pres ent for your wife. This car for title by owner; no dealer. Original price J'J.Vni"; will pell for $1250 if sold this week. Phone Mr. Hii'ld'epton. ltd wy. 5 4O0. A SPECIAL BARGAIN. New 0-cy Under coupe, closed ear. equipped with new cord tiros, never been run. j ut t he thing for winl er weather; would make a fine Xmas pres ent for your wife. This car for sale bv owner; no dealer. Original price $2500; will sell for $1250 if sold this wt-ck. Phone Mr. Muddiest on. Hd wv. 5400. 1 11 1 7 FRANKLIN T( ) I R I Nt i. New paint, motor overhauled, extra Rood tires, car good in every way; lib eral term or will take light car as part payment. Ta I hot Casey, Inc., East Ankeny and Grand nve. Open eve nfngs and nil day Sundays. AUCTION SALE. Ffceam-heated building; we are. going to have a sale regardless of the weather; our plHce Is warm; a larg consignment of cars to be sold Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock, Dec. 21'. Jake's Auction I'oiihh, corner of fh and Everett. BRAND-NEW SCRHTS-BOi TH at 503 below the regular price. We have .lust purchased 2 1 of these from Scrlpp-i Booth corporation of California. Don't miss the opportunity. Standard Motors Co-. Park and Couch. Bdwy. 7s. NEW FORD TOrHIMJ BOdTes, $H5, COM PI.KTE, Jnolurding- windshield, curtains, rear enders. floor mats. TALBOT & CASEY. TVC. Fast Ankeny and Grant! Ave. 11IJU FORD roadster with delivery box and large hamper, new tlrex; car In good condition: $205. will give terms. See car at East 3D Hi and Lincoln, Watson's gro cery. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts. light globes, etc.; ahw do towing. Open day and night. LONG SILVA. Phone E.ist M0. 402 Hawthorne. WE HAVE a steady Job for yr.u hauling wood if you will buy one of our used trucks, which are harnalns. Terms Talbot A Casey, Inc., EaHl Ankeny and Grand ave. FOR SA LE H-" Ford touring bod v. not In the best of condition, but will well cheap. Taibot A Casey, Inc., East An keny and Grand ave. Open evenings and all day Sundays. SOME SNAP. " I need cash, will sell rny Ford touring for the highyst cash offer; will take any reasonable offer. Call evenings, GliO East 75th st . North. 11GS STUTZ, 4-PASSENGER. $16 My car has been thoroughly over hauled and looks like new; good tire and extras; forced to sell; terms. Tabur USED FORD muring body with windshield ami rear lenoers. in iirst-tiass condition . Bargain. Talbot A Casey. Inc., Grand Ave and E. A n ken y S t. j Ki .G IN sedan. Here is a bargain ; you , should see this car. In excellent condi tion. Price only fiwm. standard Eight Motors Co.. Park and Couch. RdWy. ,SS , JU17 HUDSON super-s.x, go.ot condition- bargain : evenings East itois tOii SALE Good touring car, 13utj, 40 fcaat titark aU Alter 6 P , M FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. DUNNING MOTOR CO. USED FORDS. EAST BROADWAY AT UNION AVE. EAST 302. GUI NO to Calilornla Thursday; will sac rifice at $70u cash my P.J1 model se dan; -ot $lls5. perfect condition, fine All kinds of accessor:-. The bargain of the seastin. Call Wednes days 1' to 3 and 0 to 1 1. M. Room 404 Multnomah hotel. llUL SPECIAL six Studebaker roadster, runs perfectly ; just like new ; will sac rifice, quick sale. $ 1 luo. M)3 Artisans hide, opposite Benson hotel. Automobile t anted. I CAN use a good late-modei auto; will trade 1 tiO acres level land in White llure valley of Harney county. This land is worth about $a an acre, but I have no usu for it, but can use a good car; land Is clear of all Incumbrance. Write AJ 7, Oregon;an CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the auction house for quick sale and full value; small com mission charged; fireproof bldg., steam heated. Phone Bdwy. 23-1. Corner tlth and Everett s's.. w-st side. WANT a lute model, UHll or later, 5 pitH.senger ; must he mechanically right, to trade for two adjoining lots in Rone City park. Location good, priced right. 1 1 lift North western Bank bids. Main 4 I Tl. CASH For cars. I will pay cash for late -mod el tour ing earn and late model only; bring your car or phone where, can be seen. Must be cheap. Phone ol3-07. Call 5J4 Aider st. WE W RECK THEM Highest cah price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., Third and Oljsan. FORD COUPE. I WOULD LIKE Ti BUY A USED CAR IN GOOD CONDITION. AROUND $ HiO CASH. H B. GAB BERT. 273 Xf'RTH 1'IST ST. WANT to trade -pa.s. Studebaker, 'IS mode 1, for light s dan or coupe ; will as.-ume. Mr. Walter, Marshall 3718. 1333 N. W. Bank hlilg. Si'' JT CASH FOR your Ford. Chevrolet. Dodge. Buick or other liulit car. 1i0 East Seventh street. CARS WANTKD to wreck, parts for all cars for less. S. fc S. Autn Wrecking Co., l."th and A I d " r . Broadway 3. WILL pay highest catdi price for Ford cars, iwt eariu-r than 1 !H 7 model. Used Ford Sales Co., fcth and Davis. CARS BOUGHT for their parts; purls old for a-1 cars. Auto Wrecking Co., 523 Airier at 10th st. WANTED for ea must have go F. T. H. box Ford na top nnd Scio. Or. Jster body; up holstery. WANTED Good car in exchange for ladle. beaver fur coat and muff; cost it-ore (hftn H2m. Main 3I.M. WE PAY cash for late model light cars. Used Car WarehoUite, Grand ave. and E. Taylor. WK WILL buy your car for caal or handle an assiKniii'-nt. bH Tenth m., near Stark. Broadway 3231. U A RAGES, lux I (I AND LARGER, E A S V PAYMENTS EAST b0d. CASH lor ail makes ot cars, condition 110 il.ject. 414 G:iMin at lUth Bdwy. 2!3. .Motorcycle. MoTO lie y f'LES a nd par in. all makes. east side motorcycle co., 44-40 Grand Avenue. Jl ST the tiiiiiK lor a Christmas sift; a good b : cycle for sale cheap, fI3.oO. Ta bor 40 17 or 3S7 E. r.'.Mh N. M n'Olu: VCLE Lxeelsior motorcycle for sale. A Knap If taken at once. Room Vt. B j irr hotel. F "it Mt TO RC V',KS A ND BICYCLES TRY IS. 204-200 ;;! ST. MAIN 13!.. Auto Tire and Accessories. FOR SA LE One new R120 case cylinder block for its Red Seal continental motor. HtIO Corbeit st. Marshall 1112. Automobile fur Hire. AU'D'S WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. New o and 7-passengcr car!. Buicks and Wescotts: reasonable rates. CITY GARAGE. 132 12th st., bet. Washington and Alder. Broadway MO. AUTOS FOR HiRE with or without driv ers. Dav or niifht sei vice. CO i: C H MAN G A R A G E. l!th and Couch. Broadway 3H06. lieiivmber our number. Bdwy. 3iMl. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. New ears for rent without driven: reason! h;; ra tes ; open day and night. 32." G litrnn M., lie t wet-n Broa d way and Sixth yt.. Phone Broadway T:'.:, AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. 1. SULLIVAN, FASH U N GAR AG E. MAR. 2.12. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1 230 H. S. BENNETT CARS Fo R HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY OARAGE, 3D A Nil TA VI-Olt. M A I N 10N 7. 0-CYLINDER 5 PASS. BUICK Fo R HIRE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547, l-'OR SAI.K TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. 3H-ton GMC. good tires, platform body and cab. . . .$2450 2-t on GMC, t horoughly uver hauicd, repainted and good tires 1GM) 2-ton White, A A I condition throughout. Including tires. 1650 2 '-.--ton Republic, absolutely new t i res. as good as new truck 1350 1 ui -.ton White. flrst-clasa shape throughout 1250 1-ton Republic, good express body, top and windshield.. 660 1-ton Ford, pneumatic tiros, first -class express body, ex ceptionally good value for.. 500 Chevrolet light delivery, only hiii; inly used 375 WENT WODRTH A- IRWIN, INC. Main 2,S!I2. 200 Second St., Cor. Taylor. A FEW OF OUR TRUCK BARGAINS. Jf20 O. M. C 1-ton. 1020 Ford 1-ton. JH1H Denby 2-ton. 1!1H Gtr Six 2Vi-ton. lull Chevrolet 1-ton. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS AND NEW STANDARD TRUCKS AT A BIG D I SCO INT. A LSO HAVE A FEW NEW JUMBO TRUCKS These trucks are absolutely new and we can save you in some modoia nearly hail ot the retail price. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. "Portland's Largest Us?d Car Store, " Grand Ave. at East Taylor St. Phone Auto. 214-10. WILL sacrifice equity in nearly new 2'. tou truck all equipped. Will trade for touring car or what have you? See Schmidt, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. 4lt Henry Hhig. Bdwy. 4751. i-ToN Oldsiuubiie truck, new Goodyear coi ds, good condition ; will trade on Ford or $050 cash. Sable & Armstrong garage, 43d and Hawthorne. FOR SALE lVa-ton truck. $350; 1-ton truck, good 1'oitiand Artificial Ice Co. good body. body, $250. GARAGES. A STUCCO garage for rent. East 652. r05 Stanton. AUTO REPAIRING. BUICK. Stevens, Hudson, Scripps-Booth experts. Work guaranteed; estimates free. Open night and lsy. God bey k garage, Mh and Hoyt. Bdwy. Usd. AUTOS lepairrd at, your home or m.ne: work guaranteed. Aut. 220-12, Tabor 114tf. WA'TEI MISCELLANEOUS. furs: furs: furs: Low rent and low prices; remodeling and repairing, furs tanned and dressed La France Fur Mfg. Co., 103 W. Park st. Phone Main 05 20. TALL MAIN 7004. AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING. WE WILL CALL FOR THEM. 235 1ST ST.. Co R. MAIN MAIN 7714. Used furniture of any kind, tools and general household goods, bought for cash. Good prices paid. West Portland Salvage Uo. To BUI. sen or trade second-hand furni ture and household goods, see OKI FURNITURE CO.. 2nn Feconrt. Main 4107. WANT office safe, not particular as to make if fireproof. Give size and price. U 273, Oregonian. DIAMONDS bought at highest market price. E. Deeds. 340 Washington st." FU RNITURE clot hing. to -Good prices fur !s. .tunk. M tin 22 furniture. WE BUY used office furniture. Broadway 3144. The Irwln-Hodson Co. WE BUY and rent diess suits. Barrell's M 'SOI Clothing Store. M Third st. HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot guns Hochfeid, flo Third, near Oak. W ANTED To buy doll buggy in good con huun. Phone alter 8 P. .AL Mala WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. MEYER, THE TAILOR. PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS. OVER COATS. MACKINAW'S. SHOES. WE CALL ANYWHERE IN THE CITY. DAY OR EVENING. fAI.L MARSHALL Oli lVl MADISON ST.. NR. THIRD ST. ADLER. THE TAILOR, PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' WEARING AP PAREL. SPECIAL REDUCTION ON C L E A N I NO, PRE SS I N G AND RE MODELING. MAIN 3L'07. OR CALL M THIRD FT.) I CIrnrw-, . e,,.Ta . .- . " 'u-r. BOUGHT. We pay higher cash prices than anyone else. OREGON CLEANERS' AND TAILORS. 117 I'd st. N. W. cor. Wash. Main 1)344. GOLDSTEIN, THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR M EN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC BROADWAY 3132. BURNS1DE BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE ELSE. MAIN 1313 EXPERT TAILORING. H ighest prices for used clothing. 159 W. Park. cor. Morrison. We call any time CASH for old false teeth and scrap Jew elry. 403 Buchanan bldg. Furniture Wanted. WE WANT YOUR USED HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND WILL PAY TOP MARKET PRICES. IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING IN HARDWARE, TOOLS OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS OR FURNITURE TO SELL OR EXCHANGE. CALL US FIRST. MAIN 1072. LEVIN HARDWARE A FURNITURE CO., 221-3-3 FRONT ST. CALL MARSHALL 2003. I pay absolutely the right price for household goods; a home full of furni ture or one article. I need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good ruga, roll-top desks and Kood stools. If ou are ready to sell, call Marshall 2ii3. I 1 will do more promptly witn cash. CASH FURNITURE CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc.. tu ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers. Call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will tail. Broadway 2200. 72 North Third at.. Roaeiioerg'B Furniture Exchange. CALL MAIN HS7H. We pay t he highest prices for used furniture. S-e us before vou sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. Main s7. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FUKN1TUR2 of any description; havu the ready cash. Phone today. Main 4027 or 1 ftp First st. WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker A Co.. auctioneer" Main 3.'i:i2. WANT roll and flat-top desk and adding niach i r i e. p. N. Ba bcock. Bdwy. 2730. W E A KE In need of your furniture. If you are ready to sell call Udwv 3fl!. EDUCATIONAL. FOUR WEEKS' TRAINING FREE. We have hundreds of graduates now successfully engaged in the auto, trac tor and K-ie engine bu.intss. We want to make you a Buccewslu; auto or trac tor mechanic and helo you to a good position. Give us a chajice. You do not have to pay a cent for the first four weeks' training. It affords you an ex cellent opportunity to size up our school and tu test your qualifications as a me chanic. The four weeks' trial obligates you in no way. Fuil particulars in our new 112-page catalog. Call or write for It today. Ask for book No. 5. U's FR EE. ADCOX AUTO & AVIATION SCHOOL. UNION AVE. AND WASCO T. Woodiawn or Alberta car. 3d and Alder. AUTO MEN wanted In Los Anseles; fine, mild weather now. Just like summer; big demand for ignition expert and me chanics; LEARN THE TRADE THIS WINTER. Practical experience under ex pert instructors; only short time re quired; low tuition; toois free. Earn room and board while learning. Our big 72- page illustrated catalog tells ail about splendid opportunities in this business; explains how you learn aa quickly; teLs life stories of men HI to 00 who have made good with National Training. Send for your copy of this FREE book to day. No obligation. A better job and more pay guaranteed in auto work. Write J. A. Rosenkranz. 813 So. Figu eroa, Los Angfifs, CaL LEARN TO FLY. Indications now point to tremendous advances in aviation through national assist ance. Have you read President Harding's last recommendation? There never was a greater opportunity than aviation will offer to young men. Our school teaches you hoi to fly safely, correctly and economically, and in addi tion gives you mech anical training of great va:ue. The actual money cost Is but $l'MJ It used to be $500. Write for information to downtown office. OREGON. WASHINGTON & IDAHO AIRPLANE CO.. 214 Spa?d:ng Bldg. SPECIAL OFFER. SAVE $25.00. I.ean auto business. Courses now within reach of all. As a special Christ mas and New Years offer we are al lowing a $25 cash discount on all courses during the month of December. Enroll early as t his offer will not hold good Indefinitely. Thorough prncttcal instruc tion in all departments. Expert Instruc tors. Day and evening classes. Largest system of practical auto schools in the world. Life membership free. Get your application ia early bv writing or calling at HEMPHILL'S A t TO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL, 7(7 Hawthorne ave., Portland. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here it is. standardized with schools in 00 other cities. Best laboratories, best ahop equipment and instructions Actual shop practice given on real repair jobs. Re sults absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to go to school is while businerf is quiet. Prepare now for big business oneninir In a few months. Inquire Ore gon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-service men get STATE AID. BKHNKE-WALK ER. West's FINEST BUSINESS COLLEGE. Enroll daytime for all business courses Including comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping. NIGHT SCHOOL $0 a MONTH. Free catalogue. Address 4th near Morrison Phone Main 500. MolILKR BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade In 8 week furnish a set of tools to you and give some pay while learning ; positions secured ; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. W rite or tail for catalogue mid particulars. 234 Burnside. OREGON BA RBER COLLEGE will teach you the traoe in S weeks; scalp and face massage specialty; tools free; positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tuition reduced this term. 233 Madison. YOU C A N EARN $ 1 5 to $40 weekly In your Hpare time writing show cards for us Ht home. Write for free particulars. National Show Card School, Ltd., dept. 14. li;o Church st.. Toronto. Canada. MODE RN barber college teaches trade In 8 wks.. tools furnished, some pay; posi tion secured ; special rate th i month. Write or call for particulars. 234 First st. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. The school of quality; day and night school. Address 4u7 Morrison. Telephone Broadway 503. ROCK Y MT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. We lis. ex-as9t. state supt n-tr.. N. W. Bank bldg. Auto. 512-13 LEARN TELEGRAPHY Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. Night classes. IF YOU WANT to learn the vulcanizing business, call 1 58 East Broadway. NIGHT SCHOOL beauty culture. Madame Curt! s. M a r.h all 1 7 U2. F1SK Teachers' Agency Journal bidg. Main 435. Teaching posit ion, free reg. Y ATES-F1SH ER Teachers' Agency Fres registration. Main '274 Broadway bldg LEARN beauty cuiLure evenings. Curt in. Marshall 170 2. WANTED Men to learn vulcanizing trade Call 1!'2 Grand ave. ANYONE wishing to learn vulcanizing and retreading, call at 432 Hawthorne. H E I ,P WANT E D M A I.E. WANTED For amaieur night, dancing, talking and singing acts; good pay. Ap ply manager Star theater. DENTIST . wanted, competent extractor, experienced with gas and nerve block ing. W 153. Oregonian. NON-UN ION competent bakers for Yaki ma. Wash.: bench hands $30 week; oven men $35. Box 112:i. Yakima Wash WANT man and wife between ages of 40 and 50 for janitor services In- exchange for use of 3-room apt, lsfl N. 22d. WANTED Man with Ford delivery car for few days. 072 E. Broadway. Call Eastt 4720 SA LES manager wanted by a wholesale grocery house. Give all details to be con sidered. AR 305. Oregonian. AMATEUR aCTS wanted for Friday night Apply American theater, lt and Main. PRINTER Up-to-dato foreman and proot- 1 rof-i . r . . ir a i"- c O. WANT ED Men Ful Co. Main with trucks. ' Hot man !53. 5th and Stark sts. PRESSER on Hoffman. Cali this morninK. Arbor Lodge Clea ners. FIRST-CLASS union barber wanted. Call H enry bldg. barner shop. OFFICE boy wanted. C I e a r i n g H ouso. mi." Business Men's Wilcox hldg. W A NTED A plumber. UhII Victory Plumbing simp. MS 1st st. Mar. 2210. WAMLii Amaicui-s, tiH Uers bidtf. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN ! ! Take this tip: The one best place in this city to assist YOU in finding a position in a clerical, com mercial or technical line la the Y-M.C-A. Employment department. You can get reliable Information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you would never find through your own efforts alone. All young men, and especially stran gers, are cordially Invited to talk with one ot the secretaries. Room 3u7, Y. M. C. A. CARRIER wanted for Oregonlan route In Fulton Park. Must be 14 years of age or over. Apply City Circulation DcpL, 203 Oregonian bldg. WANTED By large corporation, young man with sales ability who is of neat appearance and good personality ; age 24 to 3o, married preferred ; must be able to play brass instrument and direct band; splendid chance for advancement; answer in own handwriting, giving- com- plete details M 3b0, Oregonian. MARRIED man, no children, milk 20 cows; must be dry, clean milker, look Jng for steady job. Oive unfurnished room, milk, wood, garden space, place for chickens; good pay to right man. R rt. box 1 !0. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Representatives now calling on auto accessories, small tools or general hardware trade to handle several ad ditional lines: give fuil information your present activities. Wells-Holmes Co.. Inc., Greenfield. Mass. LOGGERS AND MILL MEN When in Centralia. Wash., Call at DELANEY EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. 107 Mi South Tower Ave. A COPPERPLATE and steel die printer; power embosser and small plate work; an easy job; steady. MeK.ee Printing Co.. Butte. Mont. FA I RLY experienced salesmen for men's clothing dept. Inquire Employment Bureau, between 10 and 11 A. M., Lip man. Wolfe r Co. MANAGER wanted for Portland. Ham -j crews on fast seller. Shephard Adver tising Co., 721 Realty Bldg.. Spokane, Wash I rig ton. . MR. EX-GARAGE man. or mechanic who is well known In Portland: I have a good proposition for you. Call Tye. East Ml. Ilelu Wunled Salesmen. I WANT red-blooded material from which I can make 1 real salesmen, not order takers, or curbstones, but master sales men; our training is free (the only course of Its kind in the west) and you can earn while taking it. This is a real opportunity for ambitious men with or without celling experience to qualify for the highest paid positions, several of which are open today but we haven't the men to fill them; no investment re quired. For appointment 'call Main MIS. DlsTRI BL'TOR wanted in every county of the state to sell National Ford heater. Sells for $3.50. Wonderful chance to make money for live men. Prefer men with Ford cars. If you are looking for a good proposition, write for details at once, before the territory is all taken. AV Hon, Oregonian. EXCLUSIVE distributor wanted In each county of the state of Oregon. Nig he nrlvinjf made rafe, no matter how strong the approaching auto lights may be you drive in perrect ease and sate-ty. Won derful opportunity for live county agents. Write at once for details. AV b04, ore- gonian. SOLICITOR FOR REAL ESTATE. Old established firm; commission ba sis; one familiar with Portland preferred must have car; correspondence confiden tial, lib 201'. nregnntan. oR 3 young men who w ish to become salesmen can secure steady employment at good pay whiM learning. Call be fore 9, 211 Stock Exchange bldg. YOUNG, enihusia.tic city salesman will ing to sit down and learn. Immediate promotion. J. F. Joffrey, 007-8 Henry bldg. SA I.KSMA N Permanent position selling puhiic utility stock; state age, selling experience and local references with ap plication. P 3oi. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED paint and varnish city salesman; give age. references and sal a i y. A R 310. Oregonian. LX PER I EXCKD salesman for high-class business; no stock salesmen need apply. C a 1 1 Broad wa y 0121 for appolntme n t . WE WANT 10 selesmen for citv and state, article sella for $1.50. 211 Globe bldg. TWO live salesmen wanted. 505 Artisan bldg., o p posit e Hens in hot e I , MAGAZINE men see air. Schilling at 2il Stock Exch. bldg. WANTED AGENTS. HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Big commission. 501 Corbett b)g. II K I. PWy t NT KD-FE M A I.E. DID IT ever occur to you that salesman ship is an art and that 0 per cent of the world's greatest artists are women? I want material for making 10 master sa leswomen. Our training (the only course of Its kind In the west is free; can be completed in 3 months and no investment is required. You ran earn while you learn and be Independent for balance of your life. Call Main 51S for appointment. THE WOMEN'S Protective DIVISION, city of Portland, offers its service in all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; Interviews confidential. 514 Worcester bldg.. Third and Oak sts. Phone Main 5522. COMMUNITY House Boosters' club have been A.ked by a- local company to sign up BMH) girls to take part in a moving picture film: put in your application at 420 Lumbermens bldg., 5th and Stark, between S A. M and S P. M.. SALESLADY, capable of meeting the public, to call on business places and solicit orders for high - class manufac tured article, chance to make big money. A pply at factory, 3S2 East Wash. St., between ! and 12 today. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for hoIldaT work. Permanent positions for those of ability. Best salaries paid. Charles F. Berg, o00 Morrison. W A N T E D Lady stenographer and office assistant, must write and fltrure well and be able to take dictation; $16 week; give references and phone. Address G 320, Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main 3450. DM car WANTED Ladies call homes, sell house hold necessities of merit ; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 East Morrison st. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON home IS r.ady to help any girl in distress. 953 East Ollsnn. "MV" car. East 31H EXPERIENCED packer of fancy candy boxes; must know her business. Vol's chocolates. R52 E. Burn side. GooD cookh in private iiomea. $50, $01; other good positions. Scott'a Emp. office, 32- Hnry bldg. . WANTED Fof amateur night, dancing, talking and singing acts; good pay. Ap p 1 y rnann ger Star theater. DENTAL assistant . experienced gas and office work. F 2s2, Oregonian. WA NTE D Experienced waitress at Mult nomah restaurant. ,52 Trrlrd street. WAN TED Saleswomen, wonderful oppor tunity: free training. Broadway 4320. AMATEUR ACTS wanted for Friday night. Apply American the.it"", 1st nnd Main. EXPERIENCED lady grocery clerk. East Burn side st. Wa n t ed 1 10m est Irs. W ANT LD Immediately, capable girl for general housework, in family of three adults; comfortable home with all mod ern labor-saving devices. Phone Tabor tfs31, or call between 10 and 6 at 102-3 East Flanders COM PETENT cook, experienced in serv ing and assist with general housework for small family, no furnace, comfort able room. R 2S7. Oregonian. RELIABLE girl for general housework and to assi.tt with children; good home and good wages. East 381. WANTED Capable girl for general house work; references required ; good wages to right party. Wdln. 30. WANTED School girNor one who is em ployed to assist with housework for board, room and wages. Auto. 321-43. BOOK K EE PING or clerical work, lumber experience; excellent references; need work. Wdln. 5523. WANTED Girl to ahsist with housework. Phone Sellwood 14. between B and 11 A. M. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. 030 E. 10th sL 3. Sellwood car. Phone Sell. 2247. WOMAN for general housework, must be good cook; local references; $00. Tabor 500 . WANTED Experienced girl or woman for general housework ; good wages; refer ences. Call East 2244. W A NT EI G i rl to housework : room, Bdwy. 473. help with general board and wages. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Phone East M32. Good wages. GIRL wanted for houew-ork, good home; no washing. Tahnr 204-. REFLN'ED. comfortable home wants girl to help with housework. Wdln 4f47. GIRL to Hsist with housework and chil dren. Woodiawn 2iOO. MAID In small family, wood wages, many electric labor-saving devices. Tabor 2019. GIRL for general housework, Sundays and vening off $-5 month, Eaat 143. HELP WANTED MAI.K OR FEMALE. WANTED Billing machine operator, must have thorough knowledge of Remington Wahl machine ; speed and accuracy es sential. Answer' in own handwriting, give complete information: good salary to right person. H 31.V Oregonian. AMATEURS for tonight. East 46. SITUATIONS WANTED MA LB. COOK, thoroughly experienced all round man: dinner a la carte, flour, etc.. de sires position good small country hotel, etc.; wife is also good capable waitress; best of care taken of kitchen expenses. Phone Main 6bA3, room 100. 174 13th st. WANTED A position as a real estate salesman by married man, age 38; have had no experiece in office, but know the values in city homes and acreage. Sell 12h2. MILL MAN, reliable, experienced sawyer, mill foreman, mill superintendent, cir cular or band; references furnished. AV 772. Oregonian. PRINTER Operator, fair speed, at pres ent employed, desires to locate In Or. or Wash. Will be ready Jan. 1. Best ref erencys. a V 837. Oregon inn. PRINTER, us years' experience, all branches, family man, wishes position about Jan. 1; come on trial. Address R 3 1 5. Oregonian. yOL'Ntf man, lfc years clerical experience in whole -ale house, wants connection with reliable firm. Address AL 315, Oregonian. PU B LIC accountant will render income tax returns, conduct audits, install sys tems and render financial reports. B L'o.'t, Oregonian. FREEZING WEATHER If you are tn need of a plumber for all kinds of re pair work or piping, call Aut. 525-05. Residence 00 Water wt. WANTED Position by man with several years" exp. as detective and cover man; will take anything along this line. BC 80S. Oregonian. YOUNG Svotsm-an wishes any kind of work. Janitor. dishwashing or any thlng. Mar. 10l0, MlS-s ION worker wishes something w hieh can make expenses and work in mission. AE 312. tr.-gonlnn. JAPANESE man and wife to cook on farm, man to cook and wife to-work In house. Auto. 524 -K5. H. Kawat, f.O N. 3d CARPENTER New or repair work; small jobs promptly done; estimates cheer fuliy given. Tabor 5fH0. ENGINEER and handy man. make all minor repairs, experienced. G 302, Ore gonlan. CARPENTER contractor. large or smalt, new or alteration, day or Job. Auto mattc 63Q-25. AS STE WA RD or assistant manager, ho tel or club, by thoroughly capable party: references. A E 317. OregoniarL WANTED By first-class plumber, steady work in or out of city ; will go any where. Call Main 04O. CARPENTER wants work, any kind, first-class finisher, $6 per day. X 273, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur and auto me chanic wants position. Chas. A. Olsen. Automatic 317-05. TIN N E It Gutters, roofs. chimneys re paired; all kinds sheet metal work ; prlcea reasonable. Wdln. 55HS. CONTRACTOR. Carpenter and Jobbing, remodeling; bill Idl nit estimates given. Auto. 320-71. YOUNG fioor man wants work. A-l car washer, etc.; no objection to night work. J 314. Oregonian. . CREAMERY or dairy that has a place for good butter maker or milk man phone Wood lawn 3"15. YOUNG Japanese wants to do general housework in family. Phone Auto. M5-81L J a pancse M. E. Mission. 7 N. Dtth st. YOUNG man firing furnace, understands ga rdening. AC 31S. Pr'-ttonian. JAPANESE boy wants position in green house work. Cnt! Bdwv. 4254. G. Ture. PLUM IUNG. Repairing. Call East 53!. JAPANESE boy wants position for school boy. Bdwy. 4254. G. Inra. GUI' R BING or woodcutting Job wanted. Bdwy. 412. PAINTING re-isonabl' a nd pa pering ; good , Columbia 1if7S. LET US figure your wiring. nur specia Ity. Wd!n. 5450. Old houses EXP. GARDENER. middle-age. sinifle. willing, boa rd Be 1 f . A O 312. Oregonian. PLUMBING done very reasonably, by hour or Job. Auto. 235-51. KALSoMINING and painting; prices rea son : h e. Main 3370. - EXPERIENCED man wants work as Jani tor, watchman or caretaker. Tabor H770 IF YoU want good plastering or cement finishing none can Auto. 4.--H7. BRICK contractor, tilo houses, k rages fireplaces; prtcen right. T-tbor R7!3 FROZEN WATER PIPES REPAIRED. REASON A BI.E RATES. WDLN. 2133 TRUCKING and mov.ng. anything, any where, very reasonable. Sut ton. Wd ! n. 3D30. BY COLLEGE man. work for room and hoard. A 1 1 T. oregonfyn. PA I NT1 NG, kalsomining, good work, rea sonable. J. Clausen. Wood la wn 5414. KALSOMINING title an hour, you furnUh, Phone East 2034. PLUM BING repair expert; ao apy Job reasonanie. nuwy. o.".i. y UALU-T ED bookkeeper will keep small s't or nooKs in spare time, mi wy. 1400 CARPENTER wants work by day or con tract: first-class work, n illti. 2003. PLUMBING done very reasonably by hour or Job, large or small, yi pod lawn U0M4. PAINTING and kalsomlning. workmanship g ua r an teed ; very reasonable. Eat HW H. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages, f irep laces; prices right. Txhor S7!3 . TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. 210. 24 E. Mth. East ALL-AROUND Janitor and furnace man. nrst-ciass. wnnu position, nuwy. i yr.t. EXCAVATING, general teaming, day oi contract ; rea won a ble. Phone M ;ii n 7it44. CARPENTERING and concrete wont done chea p. Wdln. liHlt. PAINTING, TINTING, PAPERING. Good work, reasonable. Sell. Ll!t!. c'H 1 NG LING, roof repairing, prices rea- sonahle; work guaranteed Aut. 325- 1H. ItoxikKeepert. Stenographers. Office. WE INSTALL and operate a special book keeping system, including income tax service (indorsed ny leading merchants asfociaticns ; work done by expert ac countants for $ to flo monthly. Re tailers' Service Bureau, 717 Gasco bldg Main 45SH. S'l ENOGRAPHER Ae 20. desires posi tion wit h relia ble firm : can cive. refer ence. 4'al Wdln. 0530 or write 740 Michigan ave BOOKKEEPER and cashier will accept responsible position; have had experience in Portland. Phone Main 0041. ask for a part ment 300. EX-SERVICE MAN, bookkeeper, typist and student of accountancy, wants work. Mar. 4i42. A-l GENERAL office man, bookkeeper, typist, desires position witn reliable firm. AN 321, Oregonian. - r SITUATIONS WANTED FKM U.K. RELIABLE elderly woman wishes light housework In plain family where woman Is employed during the day; wages $3 per week; please give phone number. O 311, Oregonian. TRAINED institutional woman desires matronship. nurse, fill any posit Inn. go anywhere; A-l references. Marshall 450. room 21S. EX PERI ENCED grocery clerk wants em ployment; prefer full day work, but will take position for half days. Call Broad way 4'lTd ; LADY of refinement will earn for chil dren evenings, references. Phone Main 6tj4l. apt. 1"3. If not in. leave number. YOUNG woman, exp. In restaurant or hotel work ; wants any kind of work. Broad way 2'tQP. Louvina Morgan. EXPERIENCED trustworthy lady wants houecleaning, washing or other work; good work done. Woodiawn 6305. LAUNDRY to do at home; slik and wool a specialty; will call for and deliver. Phone Sellwood 3344. BY EXPERIENCED, reliable young lady as clerk, bakery or grocery a tore. East ISM. EXPERIENCED lady would like full charge of flrst-clasa apartment house. Main lfL EX I'ERl ENCED woman wants work by hour. East 1040. room 6. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work; references. Main SMtft. WOMAN want day work for Thursday. Experienced. Woodiawn 5s:m. EXPERIENCED day worker wants work. Phone Sellwood 2. ' EXPERIENCED woman wants day work ; refer nces. H. S372. apt. 14. YOUNG woman wishes Any kind work; 35c hour. Call Aut. 233-11. day WANT cooking or housekeeping for 2 or S adults AP 310. Oregonian. COLORED girl wants work; day or week. Call Sellwood 271. EX PERI ENCED cook will get Christmas dinner. Woodiawn 10Q. GOOD laundress and cleaner wishes work any day this wek. Bdwy. SftT.2. room 24. Hook keepers. Stenographer, Office. IF YOU have a small of books and want them kept righfat the right price, let me do It. H 313. Oregonian. TYPING, manuscripts copied; will also do mimeograph work. Woodiawn 44S7. GIRI' wants stenographic wori no ex perience, Alain 05, room 4L SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Dressmaker. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking; stout ladies' work so felted ; work guaranteed ; refer ences. Phone Tabor 4069. 1111 E. Tay lor st. SILK dreads a specialty; prices reason able. 422 S Morrison, room 6. upstairs. HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon se 1 s Sc yard. B'Ofl Broadway bldg. HEMSTITCHING 7c yard this week. Ideal He mat itching. 717 Broadway taldg. HEMSTITCHING. c rtson st., room 21ti. a yard. 3."0 W Mor Tel. Main 5045. GRADUATE nurse, with laboratory expe rience, wishes office position Fair typ ist. N 2:i2, Oregon :an. TRAINED nurse. 2 yearn' training, will care for all kinds of cases; reasonable. Tabor fi30. PRACTICAL nurse, years of experience, wants maternity or invalid cases; hIdo gives massage. W 301. Oregonian. PRIVATE maternity Oumo, best ol care to patients, cleanplnre. E. MW. $ NURSE open for engagements, terms rea sonable; some housework. East 22O0. Ho II ofkfftM'rv WANTED Position aa housekeeper or manager of apartments or private resi dence where other help is kept. ; refer ences furnished. AV M0. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED, first-class hotel House keeper would like position with city hotel. Phone Main H4. YOUNG woman with 2 children desires position as housekeeper. Wdin. 371 S. IIouecleAning. HOUSE CLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel, brick and tile fireplace cleaning, floors waxed, furniture pol ished, carpets cleaned, windows washed. city house cleaning service, 1SS Chapman st. Phone Main 1137. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. House cleaning, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning ; estimates cheerfully given. HOUSECLEAN'IXG. luundry work wanted. Call Aut 62H-id. WANTED TO RENT. IIoiiHea. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau, Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apart ments and flats, with definite Informa tion pertaining to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value In helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 53 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone RroHdway 3715. ST. JOHNS DISTRICT. Neat 3 -room cottage ; city water, pat ent toilet, full basement ; 1 block from St. Johns car; $ l.' monthly. Frd W. German Co.. Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. W A NT EI F u II y or partly furnished flat or bungalow, 5 or 0 rooms, walking dis tance; Miss, or Bdwy. cars; adulttt; ref erences; t side preferred. Wdln. 1733. WANTED Strictly modern A or H-room furnished bungalow, garage, sleeping porch preferred. Call B. 422ft. ItiMimii. YOUNG business man desires to rent fairly large furnished room or smaller room with den. Pref trably wit h in walk ing distance but might consider fart her out if particularly desirable. If pos sible would also like to secure garage in vicinity. Address B 4S. Oregonian. Rhuii Wl t li Hoard. GENTLEMAN wants good home cook ing. light front room, plenty of steam or hot water heat, in largo apartment building; C. S. preferred ; give rates and phone. AH 311, Oregonian. W A NTED 2 young men want room and board in private family, w-t side; no ot her boarders and no chi ,-"fi ; occu pancy about January 1. AK 310, Ore gonian. Bushiest Place. BUILDING suitable, fur Karage, accommo date about 10 cars, residential district, 3o4 Abington bldg. FOK RENT. I umUlierf Rooms. FOR RENT. Bachelor room tn high-class apartment house; very lovely and warm; single and tn suite; for re fined gentlemen only. f'J5 and up. Reference required. Mar. 2SoO. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRIS' N ST.. AT EAST flTIl O U I ET. DIGNTF1 ED AND REFINE D: $1.25 PER DAY. fl PER WK. AND UP CONVENIENT ALL-NIGHT OA R AGE LUC RET I A COURT. Single room, furnished basement, llpht and airy, warm, electric llg bts, bath ; references required ; lady employed pre ferred. $ 1 2 per month. Se Janitor. hotel Netherlands. 126 13th st.. at washington. Rates $1 day; week. $5 up: private bath. $H up; fireproof and clean; close to busl ness cen l.r. FURNISHED room, steam heat, modern conven iences, hot and cold water, suit able for lady or gentleman ; rent rea sonable. Apt. 11, MO l-a Mississippi ave., near Shaver st. hotel harklson. . rooms $2 week. Clean furnished rrns., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc., 35c and 5oc per night; 5-story brick. 4(13 Front, cor Harrl son. CALL at Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the Y. M. C. A., with phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1050. Large, attractive loboy with fire place. Special rates to permanent guests. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 Va Washington St. Modern, private baths, free phones; reasonable rates. $3 5tl week up. Main 31. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th st., corner Alder A RES 'Ki TA ,K down own inn e.u Rates 75o up. Private bam, $2. Special rates by week or month. HOTEL CONRADlNE. 22 North lOlh St., 2 block north of Wanlngtou st.; fire proof; pieasant rooms and suites at very reasunaoie rates oy cay or ween. AltTII UR HOTEL. liO Eleventh St.. near Morrison Ciean and moaern rooms oy day, week or month at reasonable rates HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St.. at 10th $1 day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths; light and airy. Steam heat. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent raies. i'i.KA' ! nintr room, lobby and bath privileges, jl.ia per wee a aim up. -onu l!tth and aughn. LARRABEE HOTEL, working man B hotel steam heat, $3 week up. iarraoee ana Hollar ay. BEN HUR HOTEL. 347 Oak St.. between Broadway and Park Hot ana cold wa ter; reasonable rates. MARLYN HOTEL, 17Til AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms oy aay week or month; rates reduced. NICELY furnihhed sleeping rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water; reasonable. 2ti:oA Fifth st. 50c DAY. 12.50 WEEK up; cean. bains free. Hotel Cadillac, an. near jeireraon rOH WASHINGTON ST. Mar. 5170 Front room with private bath and phone. Unfurnished Room. $M.Ttt NICE larjte comfortable basement living room, Itose t uy i urn, o-u anu Sandy blvd. Mikkelsen & Co.. Tabur 25 V. ' r urnished Rooihk in Private I amily. CONGENIAL young man wisnes roommate; twin beds, not ana coia water, nouse newly furnished throughout, parlor, piano and home privileges; aio sleeping porch; rates $3.50 up. til N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721. LARGE pleaaa,nt room, suitable for two. 1 with alcove. 1 suite ior ugnt nouse keeping ; good location; reasonable Main 7S1. LARGE room, suitable lor two; also sln- gle room, modern, steam neat; ciose in. Mar. 4hl. 307 11th st.. apt. E. NICE large room in modern W. S. home; twin bed., xireptace, nome coo Kin. Bdwy. 4t33. Also fum. cottage. WEST SIDE, nicely furnished room In pri vate home; plenty oi neat ana not water; walking distance. Mar. CLEAN, we 11-furnisned rooms; modern conveniences, to. w. cor. asi iutn ana Couch. Phone East 475S. ROOMS. REASONABLE. CALL AFTER 4 P. M., 633 r LA. I'EiKa at. isuwx. 4205. CALL Main i552 for weii-hcated front irooms. ROOM and board In private family. 405 Montgomery st. Main ti.il. WEST SIDE, nicely furnished, warm room; bath. Marsnall ao.sw. Rooms With Hoard. MARTHA Washington Room, board for 1 CirU, mod. ratea, aov xuio. Alar. iOL FOK RENT. Room W Itli Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HuYT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOT El. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the btst-known residential ho tels on the Pac.fic coast. Americai p. an, with or without bati. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or monta Meals served to transients. THE MARIAN" A small, exclusive resi dential hotel for business women; beau- tifuliy furn shed, steam-heated room, excellent inc-i:; a refmtd and homelike I place; reasonable rates. 505 to 507 till- ean St. Bdw. 24S?v 1 NORTON I A HoTKL. Portlands downtown high-clai-s family hotel, rooms en ouite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give uii aU the comforts of a home. Rea so n a b'.e ra t e 9 N ICE I . Y FU R NIS11K D ROOMS with board, hot and cold water; garage space; 23d St. carline; prices reasotiab.e; references. Phone Main 4h78 for ap pointment. lilt; H -C LA SS front room for two. Don t miss this; everything new; exee.lent French cooking. Bdwy. 3405. Corner of 2ot h and l.ovejoy. ROOM and boa rd for business girls: all modern conveniences; walking distance; t ' per wet-k. Auto. 210-74. 1 2 K 7th st. NURSE with nice home on west side wi.l take elderly person or invalid to care for. 244 N. 21th st. Marshall 410. Room With Board in Private lamll.v. PLEASANT room, suitable for 2, with4; ooaru; aiso single room; turnace neat, w a. king distance, 1 b.ock from car; ga rage, phone East ft."ai3. RuOM and board, 541 Beacon St., home cooking, furnace heat, hot and cold water, phone, walking distance S. P. shops. IRV INGTON CHOICE DOU HUE ROOM. SINGLE ROOM S. S Ul TE ; BEST HO M Cf HIKING; ti A R AG E ; SLEEPING PoltCH. EAST 0f.-.Y A REAL ho i tie w.'.i, t.uard lot g ntiemau and wife or two gentlemen. Phone East W ILL BOARD inf n m or eider. y people at very reasonable rates a nd give y mpa thetlc care. Auto. 017-14 3 FURNISH KD rooms ior boa id and room in a beautltul home in n residential dis trict. Call Marsnall 3!'.2 PR A C TIC A L nui se and Mum hand will take old people or o'hva eso-iua in their nb n home at $5 a ni"iit h. A Komatic 02 -lo DESIRABLE large front room with board, modern, walking diMance, fine local loll. 1'h o no E a st 57 1 5. FRONT parlor, good heat, mod-MU home, congenial people, reasonable ; 2 meals if d'-sired. 007 O Hsmi. Broad way 2i4H. ROO M ai.d board for one or two working girt.n; front room with fireplace and furnace heat; close In Phone Kast 2i!M. LOVELY room with best of board, home privileges; west side. 244 X. 24th st. Marshall 4 1 rt. NICELY furnished front room, strict. y modern home, west side; home-cooked niea Is. Reasonable rates. Mar. 271. LA KG K room .suitable for t v o peop ; board If desired Walking distance. J20 N. 1Mb M. Kiirnace hem CHILDREN t JKM K. 44th wiu t h. board, school close Minnyside. car, 1 u blocks P R 1 ATE home f,.r children. 2d ears' experience. 714 Everett at. Mar. J 1 02. XEW THOUGHT home for invalids or elder'y peo i tie. 320 West 1 ( d wy. ROOM and board 35 close In. 407 14i h M modern, west side, Marhba.l 1752. Koo AiS, with or without board , com lor t al'le home. East hsu. WALKING distance . com fort able i o.,m, suitable for two; good mea'.s. Mar. 231!l FURNISHED warm room with board, rea sonable, private Lt in ily. 703 II oy t. BOARD and room in private family, 455 .Montgomery st Main 7051. Furnished Apartment. STELW N APARTMENTS. H IGH-CLASS. The handsomest furnished apartment house in the city; has a 5-toom and leeptng porch; 10 windows, all otit-dde rooms; furnl.-hed in Chinese rugs and oriental furnishings; lots of heat; a mi a 2-rootn to sub-let over the hollda, permanent and transient bachelor moms', $25 up; re fere net s required. Marshall -U warm. classy, modern. well furnish ed 4 -ib h u c. irner apt.. ;. month. Also one for $55 pt mouth; first -clai- Ja nitor s-rvico and all con vent en. cm ; walking fli stance from business district. Nono better t ha n t h'se. "THE COLUMBIAN." 11th and 'oluir bia. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank' tore; cood surrounding, strictly mod ern 2 and a-room furnished ap:., out- slue and trench Ooors and balcony: per m a iien t and transient. PARI; APARTMENTS Clean 4 - room apt., well furnished . plush carpets and draperies; nice front windows; 3 clothes closets; hot-water h;ai; also fireplace, )u fl rst -class brick apartment, $75, adu'.t Marshall 23 i. i ontiTTi.i i-TTTy a pa r r.i ents. Two rooms furnisheil; hardwood floors, elevator, strictly modern: all outside; walking distance. 3ti 3d. cor MoiiIkjiii- ery GOOD apts. for rent reasonably, $20. $30; clean, well furnished and new. Phono East Gl'Uti or Eat 53N3. JsDNNJE BRAE. Furnished one, 3 rm. and sleeping porch. All outside rms. Steam heat. Ap ply to janitor. ot4 Hancock st. CLEAN HillKle hoUnekeeplnT or Sleeplm rooms, flandv lobby, well heated, $7-l2 also aids.. $12 to $25. The Vaughn, N. pith and aughn. CLEAN, we!l-f urnishcd 2-rooiu apartment; heat, light, bath, hot and cool wat'T. laundrv privileges. Belknap apartments, in; i7th st. JACKS IN APARTM ENTS. 3-room furnished apartment; private bath, steam heat; adults only; $35 to $ur a-Rot nic. 37 s; t.M apt., dieti.-mg room and 1-alh; , quiet pace, clean and warm. East CLARINE APTS. 2 hourr keeping rooms, furnace heat 117 N 1 M hj t. THE JEFFERY 2-rooin furnisned apt.. $ 13 a month. Corner of Russell and Kerby Phone East 15!M. FURNISHED modern apartment in Pied mont, near 3 carllnes; no children. Phono Main (!: or Woodiawn 13"!i. FOR RENT t ne 3-room furnished apart ment, very reasonable, walking distance; adults only. East 1 Utuy KINO DAVID AITS. Very desirable 3-room furnished apts. 54 N. King. APT for rent planer mills. near Brooklvn .hops and $23. -W Sei; wood 31 13. WILL sublet a beaut iful 2 -room apt., all outside. 510 Wheeidon annex. UNloN AVE. and Killinf sworth, fur. apt. $24 50; all c o n i p 1 e t e r hth t eb uiblinn. 15 PAYS' TOR AO E FR EE. M ovln g for I e as. Phone Bdwy. 24 45. Til E CH ELTEN H AM 2-ro'm furnished apt.. 19th a nd Northrup. Bd wy. a5is ONE 2-RooM apt. and 613 Upsh ur st. sleeping rms. at ONE room, kitchenette and bath, walk Ing distauc e, r as m a ble. 4 14 4th st ; M RToN APTS., 3-room furnished apt. 6!t" Washington st. Main 1"2. 1 n fu rn 1 whrrt A part me nls. KING'S HILL APTS Beautifully located, unfurnished apt., 6 rooms. 3 regular bedrooms; also one furnished 4-ruom apt., very choice. 171 King st. LARGE, attractive, five-room unfurnished apartment, hot - water heat, hardwood floors, private garage. 076 Elliott ave. Sellwood 367 GARDNER, 13th and E. Adl. Very deni able 5 rooms; has 2 bedrooms, fireplace, hot water he. if; adults; references. FOR RENT li-room apt.. unfurnished, large, light, airy rooms; excellent ser vice ; references Phone Bdwy. 2201. ARDMAY TERRACE. 315 12th St. Large, light front 2 -room apartment. BRUCE APTS.. 200 N. 25th 0 rooms, mod., steam-heated, all outside rooms, hardwood floors. s!p. porch. East 130'. THE AMERICAN. moUoru o-room auart- - ment Bdwy. 3snn. Flat a. $37.50 1 ROOMS, MODERN $37.50. E. 11th and Davis; walking distance; living room with f I replace, dining room, cabinet kitchen, bedroom, bath, basement has gas Turnace tor heatinn. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK KXni. MODERN, clean, cheerful, attractive four rooms; bath, sleeping porch, front bal cony, fine view, furnace, private base ment, walking distance, west side. ref. 404 Ha 11 st.. near 13 h. ONE 4 and one 5-room flat, east side, good locality, lots of light and near a rs; $30. Phone Mar. 203. MODERN 5-room flat, hardwood floors, newly finished. $45. OS K. 2!th N In quire 74 E 21Uh N. Phone East 54)70. jr, MODERN 4-room lower flat, walking distance. 02 S E. Main, near Hawthorn. Fum Mied I'latw. . NEATLY furn Shed 3 room lower flat ; walking dist ance, $30 : also suite ho use -keeping rooms, including heal and light, $;m ar.Q Mill street. 0-RoOM modern furnished flat, walking distance. 614 E. Oak. Phone East 43'J'J. Rent $ 10 ; water, lin ht and phone. NICE furnished 3-room a pt.. corner Williams avenue, $30. 282 Beech. NICELY furnished flat, all huilt-ins. cluae in, cheap 10 nit yany. ast FOR RENT. I urnMied I- lath. MoOEHN o.mp.ei.'Iy fut tnht d fiat. 5 rooms, large bathroom, all oti'fide to, oils. Iota of ligtit and aw, lnre irotit porch; niut be je-ii (o a ppreci.t tt-d , dnni'ii location; ph walkli.K diktat, re, Aduit.f on.y. Corner Broadway and Montgom ery et Fl' it N ISH E i 4 - i ouii fiat in Sun u ,u.; bal h. kitchen, living i ooni. 2 b di ..oiio. w.it'T and I ght paid . rent .U p' r m.ith C.ti; 1 oi K M-jrrK.m st. THKKE-ltnoM lurti.Mu d .owcr J.at. close in. U's per month. 51 E. 7tii ft.. lciu ok a 'L'.L J; i 4-R" H iM, U. n.od. n, f'.K I. is i f.HU Mo com met 1st .. Pii-me ;il Housekeeping lioom. Ft RN ISH KD II. K room. 1 room wit .1 kltcln net te. hot H nd co.d w ater. prD ate photic, eiectric Mgnts. steam beat, :it minutes' walk oi town -Ul Columbia, m-ar F.fr h 2 NEWLY fu third Door; tance; rent Broadway I li.shed ll..Uek- epn:; 1 ooit. t ilit lor a t loll ; W a i ,t ', n It d L: reason. bie. ti35 E ret t s NICELY f ornlulu d front housekeeping modern cop 'ii iences . w a Ik ti.g 2fai 1 2th st i tin. ItMil HEAUTIFuY.LV furnished "housekeeping rooms, re.tMoiiJ! ble, Haiumg distance. 4'-7 day. Main lilt'H. TH E UK A V ER nished h. k. hot water. el 1-th an.l Mu:nail Ft.r rootns. 1. " up. .iii'ludlug trie !U li ' s, la iitidt v rouru. NICK, Cicuit, qillet. Iron; tim, iiTl 2-room suite and iacmem room, in. 2dl 14th. toar ,1 ' : er.-ott WELL f urni.-hed. large lUht h- k., giod heat; st , near 15t h. f t out $2U. i for Cay LA RGE. enette. '.a y pieasant frunt room and ivitrh nuilaldo 2 girls emp:oed. .Vo ULEAN. attrattlve. 2 hth! 3-r.-o: bachelors or families, $12 to $2.'i H'th and Vaug hn. ap's . Noi th LARGE flollt loom .Hid i, . s:tigte room. ti'5 I'l.uid i In net te ; w u I'm $HV LARGE. coNi"fort"at.:e," . Icp 2: suit-; bet t'-r hurry. 5 M Pett nro 141 11TH- K. RO..M.-, lt ph.-ll. b-ith. lichts, w:- T II R K E . furnished h. k. looms. $J0. pp,uire H, East Main. 2 H. K 1H cIS MA 1 N 52".'i.3TU 1- l lT Housekeeping Kootnt In Prtate l'uuiil. 6 W N El " Sii7iii e. "2L 1 fill t". ' one l!oi k central library; one room and k rjhj' n e ; te.Adu t s. TWO FULLY furiYlMh-d h. k. iTmTiuh on ground floor, heat iin.l phone. 2 iti-miis. Sd j wood J.'t 1 .. morn in." or -veji in n -. LARG10, airy h euaekee p t ng i.on. kltclo etie, $4.50 ier week. 20(1 Llltl, Ta vlor MODERN 2 and 4-n lirht. gas, phone. in apt . fr e h at Wa i lv i ng U li t unci 2 COMPLETELY rooms. $'o. l'abt fill!', l-hed hou.cKeiilhg r 27 2!t. H. K. Rot (MS. waikltig WiU- lams ave. Ea st 57'a7 M rs. W i '. LIGHT, clean apa r t mem m L'od l.-cauon, suit a ble far al ult . -lM Ea t 32d . TW O brig tit rooms I adults, reasonable. i lit: Hi hoiiicK' Phuno Easi ,. 1'in TH REE Jut n.Mu-d 11 .-...-I I on. S- $2.. muni h. Ti'.t I on. S"'Ur 3 Rooms. e:ilire uii i f-.TT, II K . n.luitw only. Phone NEAT.' clean lu k. roniii's tance, $.'H HrJtw?j"- r. fui nishe-i i'. . r W.lln. L-sT , walking d NEWLY tinted an.l plenty of heat. 1 7 ."t nted h. k. Mir.A, HfttlH. PIEDMONT, "ear Jctte.son high, N rooms, modern, tun fireplaces, 124 1 .Moore at., $0 per n.ontli. Seven rnnnii. modern except fur nace, p. a r school, t; ,"2' 53d no'.. Ml. Scot l i a r, $35 per icoit h. Phone for both. Auto. 141 M. Both hops, op. n for tmp'-ci :on PIANOS moved. $;1; stairs extra. $1 each flight, 80 das' free t rane on ail h.vin hold goods; furnituie moving, ooe-ton truck. $2 per hour; larne truck, $'2 75 rer hour ; w a re -x perlem-ed H nd havu jr ooi' packing (..'all Brouctway 120. Atia Transti-r Storage Co.. H4 N. fith iL t'pen S u n d 'OS and evening . NOTICE. To the moving public. let tls solve your niovlnn tiotitio-s. Call Albina Trans fer Co. Wdin 1175 I'lanon moved (or $.1. and $1 per each flight of stairs ex t ra ; In i ye and sina U furniture t ruck s with experienced men at rcasonub.e ra ' es ; 12 yea i in the t nt ne t-RooM house, newly papen.1 and pauiled, com- In. East I7tll and Ash M ,, not modern ; la rg" ga i il n cpace ; rem $2i ; ill ba hi-. N ic hi ' I sop . M 7 'ha n, her of Commer. e bldg. Bi oadu .i v 5H I 1 CA LLROADW. i 5"" FOR NORTH W K I i: R EL Ei ' I R lO CO. LI i i H T Pi ' W Kit 1 1 EAT. W A S i I I NJ rro.N A T I E N I 1 1 ST. l( R R E NT N i 5 - room hoii" u iif a rd elect ric. ba t h. good ba se nn-nl . close in. 1 I K. 13th ft-, near East M .iriM.n. 525. See Fred Vier-ck. s Front LA ROE, a t er h Hill oi l t hu ll it futiiheej from I it.g plant . double olu( l ci a r. f 5'.t E A-h 4 Mi IERN looms Rosi t'lty Park Phone Main Tt'5. -I. . lung poich in Lt.'i p r iitotit h. h r 1 ltll tor or T 4-RoiM hoijf-e, 2'.K". E. ;:7lli. (t-I lom lnois. 1112 E. Harn.-on. Call Hawthorne Rejil'v, cor. lio'h and llnwthoitie iit ) V I NG Pianos, I ui n Mure and lontf d s tance hauling a specialty. i A- W. 'i'm- k Service Co.. 4h 2d st. I'hone Bdwv. 5121. E LK T RAN S F E It Si STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free ; t urmt uro mov In for less. Bi nail wii v 2445. M V E into tinted and paintei cot- tK' Map for In iiday. $'rt 1" no nth. 4'i on sir.-'' 7-RooM htiUM', fiiepia. e 4 bedrooms, $30 a im 7 2d and Sandy blv.l. T. bum -in kite hen, nth. Soo Royal, ilmr 155 W H EN moviiiK. ctt y or count ry. net t lie best at lowest price. Green Transfer Co., Main 1201. 202 '-i Alder sU MODERN si vetl-rooni house, near Beiinont $15. East 10th. $is .V UPPER. large d h u r: e. i.M 2 . 1 sit 7-RooM hoii-e, 12U1 E, Marshal! 3331. 5-rooin. walking M alu I'i'.'O 13ih nt. N. I'hone 8-RooM modern hniifc 734 E. $. 0. M atn 5 137. inornlnus JiUi iiMde, $17 5U FoR 4 room lit Portland Marshal! ,tud l-alii. Sou I urnivtied lloim. PORTLAND HEIGHTS For Umi niter. nicely furnlshe d. com fort a ble liiltik'.'il'Mv, 7 minutes from Patton road car line, chv watT, electrii'ity. ga. fireplace and modern bat h ; r"'sponihle adults; city ref erencr Phone Ma III 5H4 I 4-1 ; 1 11 i.l liuiiM., lurnif-hed. ikw chicken hoiK, parking and gaiatre, 1 acre based ir desired; rent $2. month, located Buck ley ave. and I'n w e II V ai . y. Inquire al 4o'i E. Moroon st. Star cafe. 1 HOOMS, PARTLY El RN1SHED. $15 lutii and Davi Rooms nice anil lainc; cement base ment wnsh lras. nice lot, year's l-a'-e. S.MlTH-WAGoNER 'o., M'oi'K KMII. CAREFUL tenant can mure nicely fur nished fi-mom huniiaiow ior -lanuary ann February at reasonable rental. Stronu Ai Co.. Otl Chain, of Com. FoUR -HoOM modern cottage, rent f 25 ; clone in. large attractive lot; partly fur nished, balance furniture for sale chea ;t. Call cigar stand, 4f h sf 8 ROOMS, expensive fumMuie, t;rep,a. sleeping pore 11, sou. on 1 rn-w-'ii 1 m.. o" tween 2 and 4 or all day Sunday. Irv ing t on cnr. i SEVEN rooms, five completely furnished. Piano, fireplace, rurnaee, launory irays; $'-.o U30 E. Caruluer St.. or phune Last 0102. -Ri iuM furnished Mn.') 42d ave. S. as:,. modern hou-e. $3.-. ; E. I'hone Marshall couple to share. con enU-n t ly arranged expense moderate. R furnished nous-e; 310 ireirorilan. 6 M )DERN rooms, nicely rurniMici m Rose Citv I'ark. wnn irarage. ior . per n 1 o tu h. Pho n e M a In 15 1 r Tabor 1 I H. LA ROE tt-room hou.se. comp.eteiy fur- nliieu. piano; reroreuces . no rr-.uaran; 17U. 730 E Burns de, Main 5 13 7. 1R 1NGTI N RESI HENCE. 5-room, modern; garage; rent a l 7"0 Schuyler. Plione K:ist :cj;,3 $71 SMALL part ly t urnislpd houno for rent ; adults only 1070 E. 15th st. N. Wood la w n3tiHSJ MY HOME, modem -room, comp.ttcly furnished and furnace Call n 31 -j 3 FC RN ISH El 5 1 oopm and bleeping porc.i; furnace heat and garaniy Wiiln 2233. FoR RENT omp,ete;y furniii.-d cot tage piano, garage. 1 1 1 Tihbett-- st 5- R( K 1 M furtilf li'd Wood. awn 4 .'so house for it ui. Cad TWO furnished cottages Phone Sellwood 2. with garage. COUPLE wl.i share modern home with 2 ndults. Prices rea won a ol e. Wd ! n 5"'ii. WELL FURNISH ED seven-room houaa; plan o,ga ra g e, et c, Ea.-t Hs;t ,y 5- RooM rt cfy furnished house. cIoe in. Btlwy 11"V Hou- n f o r Re nt I urnitii r e f t r Sal e. 6- R( )i )M f urnlsh. d house ; fur nit u re on.y used four months; near Washington at., west side. $."0; 3mi wtil handle. 43 N 0th 5t.. Auto 512-2L FURNITURE for sale and ti-roo:u rent. Including winter fuel. 327 Main 5471. flat for Mill at. ."5-RooM house, rent $25; furniture for ba'.tt cheap: move right In. 22. El'h st. 6-ROO m lower f la t for rent and f urn it ure for Ka from owner, at 50 lln st. COSY cottage, ,i rooms, rent $.15; furniture for sale. 404 Jefferson i. FIMIMTURK of a 6-ruum flat for sal. (it Ior xtnt closo In ilain