THE MORNIXG OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1921 WHEAT BIOS LIFTED win m n ri v m u 1 CENTS Eastern Market Advancing Faster Than West. PARITY NOT YET REACHED Further Spread Will Enable Pacific Count Trade to Compete for Foreign Business. Wheat bids were 2 cents higher on soft white and red Walla. 3 - cents higher on club and northern spring and 4 cents higher on hard winter at the Merchants' Exchange yesterday. A moderate amount of business was reported done. The moat Important development yes terday was the strength of the. Winnipeg market, which went to a parity with Chi cago as a result of the heavy buying of Manitoba for export at the close of last week. The drift now apparently Is toward the point that will turn foreign buyers from the Canadian to the American mar ket. At the same time, the upward trend of wheat prices In the United States is more pronounced In the east than on this coast, whih leads to the hope that export ing may be renewed before very long In this territory. The spread between the east and the west now Is about 6 cents, and when It reaches 10 cents foreign busi ness will be looked for. The Liverpool wheat market yesterday closed d. lower on march and corn d. lower. Buenos Aires wheat opened steady to H cent lower, corn cent lower and oats uncharged. Argentine weather was fine. World shipments of wheat and flour last week were 9. !."", 000 bushels, of which North America shipped 8.til.y000 bushels. Terminal receipts, in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Kxchange as follows: Wheat. Bar. F!r Oats. Hay Portland. Mnn.. 13.1 1 11 3 16 Year it go .... .V. 3 II) Season to dute. 10,1 ill 1111 l.l'L'3 v-'.l I)1S Year ago 8.3'i4 IliO 124 308 1,13.1 Tacotna. Sat.... 30 .. 7 .. 6 Y.-ar ago .... n 4 11 Season to date. (I, .100 7S 84'J 81 4X1 Y'r aso ;,llM-. 44 31c.' 7J 53 Seattle. Sat. ... 3 1 11" 2 6 Var ago .... 3 1 3 3 8i?uon 10 date. 4.S30 12tt 1.2118 177 fllX Year ago . . . . liirt 13 246 9112 SAN FKANC'IKCO BUTTER SITI'Le1 HIORT Rulk of Australian Nlilpment. Due Next Week, Will .o Hast. With a marked decrease In total re ceipts of fresh butter, which were hardly sufficient for local needs, the fcan Fran cisco market was firm and advanced lfec during the past week. Demand was good lor all grades and medium and under grades as well as fancy butter became very scarce. Storage ho'dlngs were fur :her reduced and are approximately 378, 000 pounds short of last jt-ar. Dealers see ro roilef from tho present shortage until the next shipment from Australia arrives, which is due ubout December 20. It Is reported that about Sour- cubes 5 lbs. are on the first toat. The bulk of this butter Is expected to go to the large east ern markets, as ihey are short, of storage and fresh supplies. at San Fran cisco are not expected to go much higher unless there is an Increased holiday de mand. The maraet closed steady with 02 score at 44 Vic. Immediate supply and remand were fac tors controlling the eastern butter mar kets during the week. Stocks were slight ly In excess of the demand and quickly weakened the market because dealers be gan price cutting. On the other hand, supplies of fancy hutter soon became short because of competition to get the few of ferings. Fancy butter was rather short on all the markets all week, but under grade! always were In liberal supply and hard to move. Stocks of these gradually accumulated. Quality was rather poor, showir.r barn and feed flavors. Eastern coast markets wjre weakest, due to ar rival and further purchases of foreign fcutter. Arrivals last week amounted to 3.150 casks of Danish and another cargo f about anno casks Is reported on the way, also 3nno boxes of Argentine and 130 koxes and 10 casks of Irish butter. It Is understood that a purchase of about 4.100 casks of Danish butter a made at about H4c, duty paid, New York. There' were further offerings at about 3c lower. TURKEYS ARE FIRM AND HIGHER Best Offerings Quickly Taken at 44 to 4)5 Cents. The dressed turkey market was firm yes terday and there was every Indication that It will continue so during the week. The best birds sold at 44ft ir cents. Receipts were light and mart, of them went to fill out of town shipping orders. Live poultry was steady with liberal re ceipts. Country dressed veal was firmer at 14H cents. Dressed pork was unchanged. , The egg market was firm with a rood local and shipping demand. Buyers of fered 4443 cents, case count, to country shippers. Butter clean up regularly and the mar ket Is very firm. Cube extraa sold on the street at 42 cents. Cmall Cain In Wheat Visible, The American visible wheat supply statement compares as follows: ' Bushels. Decrease Iecember in, 1021... 4M.iv7il.000 7:n onii 20, HJ0... 47.:i7.0OO l.OUiNM) Itecember " lil. 1019 S2.ttOS,onO 3M,'nno l.ecemler 10. 1 1H8 . , .1 1 1 i'.v,.oiin 2 04'' (MM) ecember 17, 11)17... 23.301.000 "nl.ouO Increase. The feed grain visible compares as fol- Decrease. 2.3O8.01M) 312,000 80.000 502,000 607,000 13.1.000 20S. 000 625.000 lows: Corn Bushels. IVoember 10. 1!2I.. 18.2M.OOO December 20, 1020,. 3.027.000 Oats December 10. 1921.. 68.215,000 December 20, 1020.. 30,008.000 Rye December 10. 1021.. O.n.l.l.nOO December 20, 102O. . 3,008,000 liarlev December II). 1921.. 3.630.0OO December 20. 1020. . 3.023.000 Increase. Market Reporter Suspended. Under a provision of the sundry civil act of March 4, 1021, government depart ments were required to suspend publica tion of all periodicals except those ap proved by congress by December 1, 1921. A resolution empowering the congressional Joint committee on printing to authorize the continuance or discontinuance of these periodicals, among .them the Market Re porter, passed the senate but did not come to a vote In the house before the adjourn ment of the last session of congress. The ALFALFA HAY Buy Direct. Save Money. Write or Wire, for Prices. F.RNKST T. FREEPOM9, Walla Walla. Waablagrtoa. TURKEYS For Christmas. Alao ether poultry. Shin tn arrive Dec. 17 to 1(4, For New War's lire. 27 to 28. RUBY CO.. 169 Front St. . Portland. Or. Market Reporter will, therefore, be sus- pended beginning with the Issue of De- ; cember 10 until Its continuance is author- j lzed by congress. ! Bank Clearing. Bank clearings of the northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland 0,2V.i,701 $1.377,2.10 Seattle 0, 1.71M1.761 Taroma, 4MI.273 H1.974 Spokane 2.102.306 1,288,136 PORTLAND UAUHtl QUOTATIONS Grain. Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants exchange, noon session: 1.09 1.07 1.H8 1.0 1.08 1.02 -Bid- $1.09 1.117 1.08 l.trO 1.08 1.02 27.00 20.00 $1.07 1.05 1.06 1.06 .1.06 1.00 27.00 2.000 Hard white .... Soft white White club .... Hard winter ... Northern spring . Red Walla Oats No. 2 white feed.... 27.00 No. 2 gray 20.00 riAlOrt Family patents. It per barret; whole wheat, $6. 20; graham, 16: bakers' hard wheat, $7.05: baker bluestem. pat ents, $6.55; valley soft wheat. $5.60: straights. (5.25. MILLFEED Price f. o. b. mill: Mill run, ton lots, $20, mixed cars, $19 per ton; middlings. $.14; rolled barley. $34tj30; rolled oats, $36; scratch feed, $43 per ton. CORN While. $33- cracked. $35 per ton. HAT Buying price L o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, 114 50 per ton; cheat. $12312.50; oat and vetch. $14.50'jio; ciover, Hi; valley timothy. llStrjp 15.50; eastern Ore gun timothy, 18ti 18.50. RAILWAY STOCKS STRONG COALERS, GUAXGEKS AXD COTTON ROADS ADVANCE. Oils and Other Specialties Affected by Selling Pressure; Bond Market Irregular. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras, 41042O pound; prints, parchment wrapped, box lota, 44c, carton 45c Butterfat buying prices. No. 1 grade, 42c. delivered Portland. EGGS Jobbing prices, case count, 44f 45c; candled ranch, 474Mn; association firsts. 48c; association selects, 53c; asso ciation pullets, 43u. EGGS Buying .price, 444.1c; Jobbing prices, case count, 45c; candled ral".h, 47&46C; association firsts. 48c; association, selects. 53c association pullets, 45c. CHKESt Tillamook triplets, price to Jobbers t. o. b. Tillamook. 26c; Young Americas. 27c pound. , POULTRY Hens. lTff2Hc: springs, 20 21c: ducks, 224t20c; geese. 2oc; turkeys, live, 3.1c; dressed. No. 1, 44lt43c lb. rOKK tiocy, 12c per pound. VEAL, Fancy, 14 He per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Navel oranges, $4.S06.25 per box; Japanese oranges. 12.50 per bundle; lemons. I5W0: grapefrui'.. 47 per box: bananas, 8fc'0c per pound; apples, $lft'3-73 per box; pears, $l.73'o2.25 per box; grapes California rteu cinperors, U'jig per puuuu, rasabaa. 3ftrfec per pon.ld; cranberries. Oregon, $7 per box; eastern. $21 per barrel; pineapples, $7.50 per case. l'UlAlur.3 yregon, a itf . ter hundred: Yakima. 2ij225 per hundred; sweet potatoes. 5Cs5'c per pound; ArKan- sas. S2.7.1W8 per crate. ONIONS Yellow, $4.30&5 per hundred. VEGETABLES Cabbage. lS62c per pound; lettuce, $3(3.50 crate; carrots, SI 50 per sack, garlle. 12'.13c per pound; beets, $1 50(02 per sack; cucumbers, S2.50J 8 per dozen; celery, twcijl -per dozen; green peppers, 35fl40c per pound; cauli flower $2'2.23 per crate; squash, 2tt&3c; sprouts, 17 Vic; turnips. $2 per sack; par snips, '2'if'2.o0 per sack; tomatoes, $4.50 per lug. Staple C.roorrlea, Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane, granulated. 6.0-1c pound. NUTS Walnuts, new crop, soft shell, 233tic pound; Brazil nuts, 18'a20c, fil berts, 2oft'2,1c; almonds. 18(fp27c; pea nuts. 10 if lmc per pound. K1CE Blue Hose. 6V1C per pound; Japan style. 6c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk, la drums. 18 0 85 c per pound. SALT Granulated. bales, $.204.05; ba t ground, ton. 50s, $17.20; 100s, lit). 25. HONEY Comb, new crop,. S3. 75 6 25 per case. DRIED FRUITS Dates. 7 per case; figs. $1.406 3.73 per box; apples. 16c lb.; peaches, 134117c; apricota 23t26feo; prunes. T'.i U I Sc. BBANS Small white. 6c; iarge white, 4c; pink, Bc; bayo, 6 Vac; red, 0c Hide, Hope, Etc. TALLOW No. t. 4c; No. 2, lie pet pound. CASCARA BARK 3c a pound delivered. Portland. HOI'S 1021 crop. 15020c per lb. HIDES Fresh curea. 5c per -pound; bulls, 4c; calf 12c per pound; kip. 7c; dry hides. Oc; dry salt hides, 7c per pound PELTS Dry polts. full wool. 8010c per pound; salt pelts. 35 0 30c each, according to size. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 16023c pr pound: valley. 12'rjll4c p-r pound. MOHAIK Oregon, 13 0 22c per pound, delivered Portland. Provision. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS All sizes. 27031c; skmnea. 240 S3t; picnics, 20o; cottage roll, 23c BACON Fancy. 30 0 43c; choice. 27 0 32c; standard. 23g'2c. LARD Pure, tierces, 14c pound; com pressed tierces. 14c. DRY SALT Backs. 1821c: plates. IBc, Oils. LINSEED OIL Raw. in barrels, c 5-gallon cans, $1.04. Boiled, In barrels 01c: 5-rallon cana. $1.06. TURPENTINE In drums. $1; 5-gallon cans, SI. 13. WHITE LEAD 100-pound kegs. 12c per pound. GASOLINE Tank wagons and lro barrels, 26c; canes. 3Stjc QUOTATIONS ON' DAIRY FKOUICE Current Friers Ruling on Butter, Cheese nnd Kggs. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec 19. Butter Ex tra. 47c: prime firsts, 40c; first, 44c. EKgs Extras. 57 fc;c; extra firsts, 57c; extra pullets, 49Hc; extra pullets, firsts, 40c; undersized pullets. No. 1, 48Hc. Cheese California flat fancy, 24V4c; flat fancy firsts, 22c; California Young Ameri cas. 31c , NEW YORK, Dec. 10 Butter, unset tled. Creamery higher than, extras. 434 44c; creamery extras, 43c; creamery firsts, 37 a 42 He Eggs Steady. Fresh-gathered extra firsts, 56fr.1Hc; do. firsts. 51ft53c. Cheese Steady. State whole milk flats fresh specials. 21 Hi 22c: state whole milk twins, -specials, 214-22c. CHICAGO. Dec. 19. Butter Higher. Creamery extras, 43Hc; firsts. 34 0 41c: seconds. 81fe33c; standards, 37Hc, Eggs Higher. Receipts, 2522 cases; firsts. 47(&4sc; ordinary firsts. 41043c. Miscellaneous, 44040c; refrigerator firsts, 36c. SB ATT LB, Dec. 19. Eggs, .select local ranch, white shells, 30fu 33c; do. mixed colors. 48049c; pullets. 41 ft 4.1c Butter City creamery cubes, 43c; bricks or prints, 44c ' NEW YORK. Dec. 19. Although week end developments were mainly favorable. today's stock market moved lrrecularly In almost all branches. Rails and a few af filiated tissues were the only prominent exceptions. Selling pressure was more or less gen eral In high-grade oils, also In coppers, sugars, rubbers and unclassified special ties. Heaviness of Mexjcans was ascribed to reports from Standard Oil sources, which referred In pessimistic tones to oil conditions in Mexico. Coalers were the chief feature of the railway division. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western making further response to prospects of an extra dividend distribu tion. Some grangers and cotton carriers notably Atchison, Atlantic Coast line and New Orleans, Texas & Mexico, were firm to strong. Sporadic gains and losses marked the uncertain course of food, chemical, fertil izer, tobacco and chain-store issue. Fine, prices were not much altered by the sud den rise of call money from 5 to 6 per cent. Sales were 735. 0O0 shares. Constructive Incidents included a re duction in the rate of Interest for loan of the federal reserve bank at Atlanta, a brisk recovery In International currencies and more foreign financing for round amounts by American bankers. Sterling exchange rose 21! cents from last week's final price and French, Belgiat and Dutch rates were stronger. Scandi navian remittance were features, how ever. Danish bills rising 1 3-10 cents or announcement of a $30,000,000 loan to that government. The increasing importance of the United States as a center of world finance was further Illustrated by the sale In this mar ket of J2.1.OO0.OOO Canadian Pacific railway debenture stocks". All previous financing by that company had been placed la London. Bonds followed the uneven course of slocks, liberty 84s showing marked de pression, while victory 4s duplicated their recent maximum. International Is sues, Including varioue municipals, strengthened on the news of the Danish loan. Total sales, par value, aggregated i tlS.TT3.0Ou. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke cora Danv of Portland. I Stock. Sales. High. Low. Adums) Exp.. 200 Jptits Coal ritti w. vi Pressed Stl Cr Pullman .... Ray Cons..... Reading ..... Remington .. Repiogle Stl.. Republic I & S do pfd Rep Motors. . . Roy Dutch Oil Ry Steel Spg. Stand Oil. N J Sears Roe. . . . Shattuck Aria' Shell T 4k T. . Sinclair Stan Oil Ind. . Sloes Shef.... So Pao So Rv Stand Oil 5al. St L 4 S F. . . Stromb Carb.. Studebaker Swift A Co.... Tenn C ft C. .. Texas Oil Texas Pac. . . . Tex Pac CAO. Tob Prods.... Trans Con Oil. Union fill Del. Union Pan .... United Alloy.. United Drug.. Un Fd FTod . . United Fruit.. Un Hds of N J Union Br ft P Un Bet Stores U S Ind Alco. U S Rub do 1 st pfd . . do Smelting. do Steel do pfd Utah Copper.. Va Chem Varutd Stl.... Yivandou .... Wabash do A pfd... do B pfd... Wells Fargo. . Western Pac. W'est Union Westghs E&Nf West Md White Motors.. Wil!ys-Ovld .. do pfd ..... Wilson Pkg... Woolworth Wnrthn Pump. W ft L E White Oil U S 2s. reg. U S 2, cou. u s 4s. rex-. IT S cv 4h, cou. Pan 3s, r-g...' Pan 3s. cou. . . ' A T & T cv 6s A tch gen 4s. . . U & R G con 4s SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc, at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 19. (State Di vision of Markets.) Fruit Apples, and 4-tier, SI. 4003.50: casahas, crate. 5Uc ft SI; oranges, navels, S4tj5.50; lemons. 4 u 4.50; grapefruit. $308; grapes, per crate, $1.75 0 2: cranberries, box, $607; pears, box. $-0 3; strawberries, small crate. S2.5O0S.3O. Vegetables Artichokes, case, $16018; string beans, pound, 20'ti22c; carrots, doz en 50c; celery,, crate, 11.50 0 2.50: cucum bers, small box. $1-75 0 3; eggplant, pound 406c; lettuce, crate. $1.2502 50; mush rooms, pounds, 20040c; clives, pound, 607c; onions, brown. Girl., $3.3004 23; green, dor.. 10c; peas, lb., lSlrSOcbetl pep pers, 13020c; potatoes. S1.30S2.73; pamp kins, sack, 75cfc $l; rhubarb, box, $1.65 1.73; squash, lug. tl. 30fi 2.2.1; sprouts, pound, 607c; tomatoes. 11. 25 0 3. Poultry Broilers. 3438c; roosters young, 22031c: old. 17020c; hens, 230 81c; ducks, 22 0 23c; turkeys, live, 37043c; dressed. 48052c. Receipts Flour, 1800 quarter sacks wheat, 136 centals; barley. 3132 centala, corn. 20 centals; potatoes, 5047 eacks; onions. 460 sacks; hay, 213 tons: hides. 2430 bundles; oranges and lemons, 2031) boxes; livestock, 100 besd. Coffee Futures Market Quiet, NEW YORK, Dec. 19. The market for coffee futures was quiet today with prices easier under scattered realising or liqui dation. Last priors were the lowest of the day on active positions, showing a net de cline of 2 to 15 points. Sales were esti mated at about 20.000 bags. December 8.64; January, 8.. Ml; starch, 8.59; Hay, 8.30; July. 8.50; September, 8 58. Spot coffee quiet. Rio 7s, Dfcc; Santos, 4s 12 01244c. Naval Stores, SAVANNAH. Dec. 19. Turpentine, firm, 74c; sales, 213; receipts, 146; shipments, 842: stock. 12.714. Rosin, firm: sales. 800; receipts. B7; shipments. 617; stock, 79.963. Quote: B. I). E. F, O. 4; H. I. $4.0.1: K, $4 80; M, $3.20; N, $3.35, Wli, Ji.60; WW. S3.4. Advance Hum Agr Chem . . . do pro 300 2tMI AJax Rubber. 14.400 Alaska Gold Alas Juneau. Allied Chem.. Allla-Chal ... do pfd .... Am Ret Sug. A m Bosch . . . Am Can Co.. tlo pfd .... Ah Car ft F.. do pfd .... Am Cot Oil.. do pfd .... Am Drug Syn Am Hide ft L do pfd . . . Am Ice Am Intl Corp Am Linseed . do pfd .... Am Loco .... do pfd Am Sat Razor Am Ship ft C. Am Smelter . do pfd Am Snuff ... Am Stee: Fdy Am Sugar . . . do pfd .... Am Sumatra. Am T T . . . Am Tobacco . do "B" Ain Wool do pfd .... Am W p pfd. Am Zinc .... A naconda Ass.l Oil Atchison do pfd .... At Coast L... At G ft W I 4l) 2, loo 2.7MI 100 1O0 8DO S.3O0 loo TOO '2.OI1O Tmi loo l.noo 200 400 4. .100 3.100 1.200 100 3.100 3"0 700 2.100 21.80(1 1.300 3.200 8.700 700 200 600 ao 3S'4 17 'l .17 S 39 ' 8S 2Hi 36 "4 34 l3 145 'i.i'A 48 4', 141. 60 V 73 42 84 im 44 4.1 ' 88 112 33 'I .17s 7!) 31 117', 132 4 12KVS 80 100 4,100 V.700 20" 400 2IOO Baldwin Loco 10,200 400 IOO 1.100 1 OOO II. 2110 l.too 1IHI T. loo 400 S.700 400 1.800 3.000 3(81 .100 10.WIO TOO l.TOO 4O0 1.2110 1.4O0 10O 200 4(H) 3,9IO 300' 4. COO Bait ft Ohio do pf'I Both Steel "B" II K T Ilutte C ft V.. . Butte ft Sup. Burns Bros. . Caddo Oil ... Cal Packing . Calif Pet do pfd .... Canadian Pac. Cen Leather . Cerro de Pas. Ch.-ind Motor, f'hgo 4 N W. Chigo Gt W.. do pfd .... . Chill Cop Chino C M ft St. P.. do pfd Coco Cola.... C ft O Colo K & I. . . Colo Southern Col G ft Elec. Col Graph .. Con Gas .... do pfd .... . Cnntl Can ... Cities W Bank Corn Prod... do pfd Cosden Oil . C R I ft P. . do "A" pfd. do "B" pfd. Crucible .... do pfd Cuba Cane. .. do pfd Cub Am Suear De! ft Hudson Dome Mines.. Del & Lack.. Davison Chem Endicott John Erie do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd . . Fain Players. Fed M ft Smel do pfd Flsw Tire Gaston Wms. Gen Cigars... Gen Elec... Gen Motor... Glen Alden.. Gen Asphalt. Goodrich .... Goodyear .... Granby Gt Nor Ore.. do pfd Greene Cana. Gulf 8 Steel. Hask Barker. Houston OH.. Hupp Motor . Ills Cent Inspiration .. lnterboro ... do pfd Int Callahan. Int Harv do pfd Int Merc Ma. do pfd..... 1.4O0 Int Nckel .... .100 Int Paper.... 4200 do pfd Invlnc Oil 3.400 Island Oil 3.800 Jewel Tea . . . 200 K C Southern 4(8) K C Sou pfd. Ke!ly-Spring . Kennecott ... Key Tire Lack Steel... Lee Tire Lehigh Val... Lorlllard .... Lowe Theaters L ft N Maryland Oil. May Dpt Store Mex Pet Miami Mid States Oil. Mldvale Steel 31 K ft T "WI" do "WI" pfd Mont Power.. Mont Ward... Mo Pac do pfd..... Nor Amn.... Nat Biscuit.. Nat Enamel.. Nat Lead Nevada Con.. New Haven.. Norfolk ft W. Nor Pac Nova Sco Stl. N Y Air Brake N Y Cen 2.300 Okla Prod ref 1,900 Ontario Silver Ontario ft W. Otis Steel Pac Dev Pac Gas ft El Punta Allegre Pacific Oil.. Pan Am Pet. do "B" ... Penna Peo Gas Pere Marq.. Pure Oil Phillips Pete Pierce-Arrow. Flare Gil... 13V 48. 94' ' 86 Vi !K) 33. 97 8.1 .13 67 121 124 49 Vs 88 122 3 OX, 34 51 67 ev 17 1.14 27 'i, 104 32 404 5 I 26 40 417 8 54 93 24.300 . 1.200 100 518) 4. (KM) 200 600 1.400 1,600 5.400 1.3(8) 38) 2.700 8,200 13.800 200 a 3(81 6,600 1.100 .100 10,100 ia'.aoo 600 1.300 1,400 300 'i.oon 2,100 200 200 1.000 floO 700 . 6O0 500 22S 224 ! 95 ?4 38S4 'a. lit' 32 i, 32 V 8.1 v, 84 V4 72 7 "4 6.11, bH V 80 14 7 6' 144 14Vi 13 13V, iio'vi iis" .134 34 'A 79 78.4 104 10V4 ION, 16 '7S '76" 12 12 424 414 134 12V4 '67 V, 140 130' 11 10 43 4 42 i 6S 7 ',i 80 35 54 '32" "si a; 73 7.1 27V, 27V4 '804 "78 80 70 1 1 1 1 99 41 8 6 83 63 12 $5 Bid. 49 11 29 .18 16 ',i 37 38 88 28 3.1 33 93 143 112 22 4.1 4 14 CO 72 42 33 39 i 113 4 5 44 8h 111 33 30 78 31 1164 132 121 81. 14 28 13 48 V, 103 1-3 811 90 33 90 3.1 .13 60 6 3 20., 12(1 12 70 ' 49 88 121 30 34 30 66 6 16 1.1 27 19 31 40 U 51! 24 39 67 3 92 58 48 22 108 38 82 8.1 71 6(1 86 6 14 13 107 IS 117 6.1 78 10 16 10 78 10 41 13 67 130 10 41 08 14 3(1 11 2" 31 73 27 48 79H 11 98 8 8 40 40 20 68 V. 15 i 364 88 88 Vi 28 33 33 93 143 4T 4 14 59 7-2 42 38 "84 "4 6 44 88 111 33 49 14 TT 81 116 131 128 80 13 48 "9314' 86 V. 88 32 i, 9.1 3.1 .13 66 7 '20 119 Hi T0 47 8T 121 SO 34 .10 66 6 111 13 19 31 s. 39 50 26 .",!. 4 604 3 92 84 6 83 64 12 53 K8) I. 7(10 8.400 16.200 31 K) 2.OO0 .IOO 100 8.60O ion 800 8.400 26.1)00 1 oo II. 200 S,88 50O 5O0 T(8) 1.800 800 1.9O0 400 V.gOO 400 618) J. 5O0 200 4.400 4O0 s.eoo 100 4"0 800 25.300 11.700 2.500 .6.(88) 48) 2(8) 8 1881 8.2(81 S 100 8,100 12 2 11 24 64 44 26 16 40 29 59 1.14 14 110 26 115 27 13 28 v 9 2.1 69 18 18 46 44 '87 84 15 13 98 80 74 8 IS 5 66 28 .10 63 48 84 58 21 38 84 14 13 11 2 11 23 54 43 23 1.1 4.1 29 58 164 13 110 26 iis 27 13? 28 8 23 59 13 17 46 43 "83 84 14 12 98 79 73 3 "21 12 5 63 28 48V4 52 46 33 68 21 88 34 18 u 1 3 6 83 103 14 64 12 54 90 11 2 11 23 5.1 43 25 16 46 20 58 134 13 110 26 110 114 27 13 2K 9 2.1 59 13 17 46 43 122 83, 83 15 12 97 79 23 60 73 3 ' 4 ' 21 12 5 66 28 49 53 48 83 58 21 88 84 13 13 600 63 63 63 2,000 27 2.1 25 3(8) 66 64 6.1 l.OOO KSJ 108 108 SOO 15 1.1 15 13.1O0 74 73 73 24 700 26 25 25 900 63 43 62 83 400 8 8 . 8 2,200 52 51 52 91 3.000 1 87 183 184 6.2(8 67 56 57 ZOO ' 8 9 38 7,000 22 22 22 D0 89 90 38 1.900 81 80 80 7(8 1'4 18 3S 5.7(10 181 93 3 2,3(10 22 21 21 9(81 35 34 84 9,100 bl 2)0 81 97 1.400 10 10 10 8.700 47 47 47 9.0(8) 2.1 24 2.1 2 1110 20 29 29 2.6NJ 6.1 62 62 .1.2(10 11 10 11 300O 19 19 19 2.0O0 117 126 126 25 300 71 Tl Tl .100 10 10 10 60 126 126 125 200 8 8 T 3(10 Tl Tl 71 1..1(H) 5.1 Vj 52 6'- 1.0(8) 39 39 S 4.100 55 64 53 200 1 00 100 V. 1410 30 3.T00 84 83 84 900 113 11.1 113 1,000 63 63 63 31 TOO 32 81 31 100 T 7 T TOO 6 6 6 BOO 2 20 20 100 13 13 13 1O0 61) 60 2O0 18 18 18 100 91 9-1 90 12(8) 60 60 50 200 8 8 8 2(8) 39 39 80 1,000 6 6 6 SO 3O0 30 29 20 300 132 131 131 400 .1 44 44 . 2(0 T T H 80O 11 11 10 BONDS. 101 N Y Cen deb 6s. 99 101 Nor Pao 4s 844 l(l4!Ior Pac 3s HO 1(14 Pac T ft T s. . .92 80 IPenn cons 4s. 94 80 So Pac cv 6s... 96 108 Sou Ry 6 89 Sls'Un Pacific 4s... 8T T2jU S Steel 3s 99 Bid. Liberty Bond Quotations. Libertv 3s . .in 1st Am do 2d 4s do 1st 4s. do 2d 4'iS.. do 3d 4 v, s . . do 4th 4V.S. Victory 4s do Js . On.n. His-h. ..94.90 94.IK) T.ow. Close. ba.rtO 93 68 90 80 90.80 90.64 96 SO 90 70 97.64 Ml. no 97.18 M' 90 98 04 !17 ...101UI4 lOO.OO 1(81 .04 TS3.0 118)04 1(10.06 100.04 1O0.0 97.14 9(1.8 4 97.88 97.22 90.70 90 1 0 90.80 IM1.20 07.64 90 60 Mining Stocks. BOSTON.' Dec. 19. Closing quotations: Allouez 22North Butte.. Ariz Com 8()ld Dominion. Cal & Ariz 37 ( isceoia Cal ft Hecla 276 (QUinry .nn,nnnini USL kmirinr ..... Cop R Con Co"" 39 Sup ft Bos Mln 12 23 84 42 2 1 1 1 40 11 1. iintto 1 Uin. 10s .Shannon Franklin . : 2 ii tan cons. Isle Roy (Cop). 23 Wlnona ... Lake Copper... 3 (Wolverine Mohawk '..65 Swift Co. Stocks. nn.n, nrl fnr Kwlft ft Co. StOCkS at Chicago were reported by the Overbeck ft Cooke company of Portland as follows: swift ft Co I.lbby. McNeil ft LlbOJT o National leather y Swift international 20' Money, Silver, Etc NEW YORK, Dec. JO. Call money strong; high, 6 per cent; low. 5 per cent: ruling rate. 5 per cent; closing bid. 8 per cent; offered at 6 per cent; last loam, 6 pr cent. Time loans firm; 60 days, 503 per cent: 90 days, .105 per cent; six month. &41 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper. 603 per cent. Foreign bar silver, 66c. Mexican dollars, ,10c. LONDON. Dec. 19. Bar silver. 35T4d per ounce Money, 2 per cent; discount rates, short, hills, 3 per cent; three months' bills, 3 per cent. New York Bonds. New York bond quotations furnish Herrin ft Rhodes, Inc., of Port Is no Am Tel ft Tel tie do Anaconda Ts B do na A Armour cv Ts do 44s Argentine Gl 5s ......... Am Aff dim Ts Bolh Steel 7s do do Kq 7s Belgium Ext 7s Belgium 8s Bel gen 8a, City of Berne 8s. City of Bi-azil 8s Catutuian 5s ... do Can Xat Eq 7s Chicago N W 7s C -M ft St P gn&rf 4s A. Chile 8s Christiana 8s, City of Cuoan Am Sugar as. Con Gas cv 7s Denmark 8s Danish Mun 8s Dupont 7s French ext 8s French TWs Goodrich 7s ........ Goodyear 8s 1941' Gulf Uil 7s 1933 Gre:it Northern 7s 193(1 Humble Oil Ts 1U23 Int itap Tr ref as 1906 Int Mar CT 6s 1941 do Tr 7s 1021 Kelly Springfield 8s 1031 Kennecott 7s 1930 Llliliy. McNeil & Llbby 7s ....1931 Mexican Pete 8a llillti NYC call 7s 193d Norway 8s 194cH N P ft G N (Jnt.) s. .. 11136 Pan 7s 1930 Penua U'-fl 19:ti; Rus Rubles 5s 192(1 San Paulo 8s 1 :';;u Swuthnt Tel 7s 1023 Swedish Gvt 6s 19:111 Standard Oil S Y 7s 1921 do of Cal 7s 1031 ' Swiss 8s 1040 Sears Hoe 7s 1922 lo 1923 Sim-lair 73 192.7 Swift ft Co. Ts 192.1 Un Tnnk Ts 1030 U S Rubber 7s 193d Wilson 1st 6 1928 West tlec Ts ., 192.1 We.-ulnghuuse Ts 1931 Zurich 8s 1943 .1922 ...1924 .. .1920 ...1929 . . .1030 ...1939 . . . 194.1 ...1941 ...1922 . . .1923 ...1933 . . .194.1 ...1940 . . .194.1 . . .1943 . . .194 1 ...1926 ...1931 , . . 1 933 .. .1930 ...2"14 . . .1941 1 945 1931 1923 1 94 3 194.1 1 93 1 194.1 1941 19i ed by 100 oo Ts 101 9T 102 80 T6 loo loo loo 100 104 l(Mi 10.1 108 104 96 9.1 lo4 10T 57 101 107 102 104 100 107 104 IOO tt.1 99 110 1(13 ION 10O .13 ' 89 74 104 101 99 100 10.1 110 1(164 !'. 103 3 lol 100 93 108 10.1 113 99 181 98 J0O 10:l 105 87 1 03 1(15 4 108 England, pound sterllnc Finland, finmark .......- France, francs Germany, marks Greece, drachmas..., Holland, guilders Hungary, kronen Italy, lire Jugo-Slavia, kronen ............. Norway, kroner ................. Portugal, escudos Roumania, lei Serbia, dlnsra Spain, pesetas Sweden, kroner Switzerland, franca China Hongkong, local currency. Shanghai, taels Japan, yen 4.22O0 ) .0203 . .0M.1 ; .00.19 .9430 . .3072 ' .0(122 ; .Olli.1 . .00.10 .1.192 .0873 .1819.1 .01K2 .1.1(8) .2-K10 .19.12 .5.1.10 .77.10 .4830 NEW YORK, Dec. 19. Foreign ex-ehana-e strong. Grt Britain, demand, $4.20; cables, $4.20; 60-day bills on banks, 4.17. France, demand, 8.09; cables, 8.10. Italy, demand, 4 34; cables, 4 55. Belgium, demand, 7.73: canies, 7.T4. Germany, demand, 54; cables. 54. Holland, demand, 36. 60; cables, 36.66. Nor way, demand, 15.80. Sweden, demand. 24.90. Denmark, demand. 20.90. Switz erland, demand, 19.30. Spain, demand. 14.43. Greece, demand, 4.22. Argentina, demand, 33.50. Brazil. 12.90. Montreal 92 7-16. WINNIPEG TRADE FACTOR CHICAGO WHEAT MAKKET HAS UPWARD SW.G. Prices Raised on Indications of Export Business in Manitobas; Kains in Argentina. CHICAGO, Dec. 19. Wheat took an up ward swing today, largely as a result of indications of export business at Winni peg. Tho market here closed firm, 1 lc to 2c net higher, with May 31.14 to tl 14 and July $1.04 to 31.04. Corn gained c to c and oats o to ftc. Provision varied from 5 cents decline to IT cents advance. At first wheat showed lack of support, with many traders correctly anticipating an increase of the United States visible supply. Gradually, however, attention veered to the ascent of values at Winnipeg and there was a display of enlarged buy ing power here, baaed on gossip that the Winnipeg advance reflected European de mand. Forecasts of a coid wave, which might catch much of the domestic winter crop without snow protection, tended alao to stimulate some buying. Furthermore, reports were current that rains were In terfering with Argentina's harvest. Under such circumstances the market finished at practically the day's top. Corn and oats rose with wheat, although early In the season the bulls had been at a disadvantage, owing to big receipts. On the other hand, rural offerings of corn were reported as small, despite expected colder weather promising to harden many roads. Provisions were irregular, fluctuating chiefly according to changes in the hog market. The Chicago grain letter received yes terday by the Overbeck ft Cooke company of Portland follows: "Wheat The market showed Increased activity today and responded more read ily to bullish Influences. The early weak ness In the December delivery induced some selling of the deferred positions, but offerings were well taken, More atten tion was given to the strength In the Win nipeg market following the report that between 4.000,000 and 5.0OO.(8M) bushels of Canadian wheat waa taken for export Sat urday. The increase of T33.49JO bushels In tho visible supply was Insignificant, con sidering the large receipts and indifferent demand from domestic milling Interests. All cash markets were strong today and country offerings appeared light from all positions. Since September 1 bullish en thualasm has been held in rhis k on ac count of the pressure of Canadian grain. If our advices are anywhere near correct it would appear as though that obstacle has been definitely removed. It is our opinioa that wheat will be a scarce article before many months and the futures mar ket la very apt to discount the situation In advance. "Corn Active buying by elevator inter ests took the surplus off the market early in the day and when shorts endeavored to cover, they found little for sale. Receipts were the of the season, estimated at 1000 cars, but the demand was fully equal to the supply and cash prices rela tively firm as compared with futures. Shipping sales of 230.0(8) bushels were made, of which I6O.O0O bushels went to ex porters. Commercial users of corn will very likely take advantage of this run to secure supplies and we believe the investor will do well 10 take advantage of present prices to make purchases of futures. "Oats Showed strength with other grains and on buying led by shipping in terests the cash market was steady on re ceipt of 1.10 cars. The visible supply de creased 86.OO0 bushela for the wk and It is generally conceded tha4 stocks will di minish from now on. "Kye Trade was small, but the market was strong with other grains. Kxport bids were in the market at the opening." Leading futures ranged as lollows: WHEAT. Open. High II 14 -4 104 '.4 CORN. .63 .3.1 OATS. .38 .39 MliJSS PORK. Jan. 14.60 14.60 14.00 LARD. 8.72 8.72 SHORT RIBS. 7.70 7.80 7.70 7.93 8.o3 7.95 8 l ash prices were: Wheat No. 2 hard. J1.09B1 10 Corn No. 2 mixed, 4 t Vli 4f 47 c; No, yellow. 474'48c. oats No. 2 white, 86437c while, 33 S 35 1 - c. Rye No. 3, 83c. Barley 19 'if 3.1c. Timothy seed $.1fT.10. Clover seed (12. 50(18. 50. Pork nominal. Lard JS.7,1. Ribs (7.37 0 8.25. May 11.22 July May July May July Jan. JI ay Jan. ilay 1.02 .32 .54 .37 .38 8 70 8.70 T.ow. 1112 103 .62 .54 .37 .38 8.70 8.70 Close. 1.14 1.04 .63 .64 .38 .39 14.63 8 72 8.72 7.80 No. Bid. , Foreign Bonds. Foreign bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck ft Cooke company of Portland: Hid. l.k rjeigian rest as ......... Belgian prem 5s Belgian 7s. 1945 Belgian 8s, 1941 Beiiitn 6s. 1923 ....... Brazil 8s. 1941 British 5s. l:i22 British 5s. 1927 Br tish 5s. 1929 British vky 4s British ref 4s Bordeaux lis. 1934 Canadian 5s. 1937 Canadian 5s. 1926 I Canadian 5s. 1929 Canadian 3s. 1931 Canadian 58. 1927 Ss, 1941C Currency , Denmark 8s, 1945 Dan Muni 8s. 1943 French 4s. 1917 French 5s, 1920 French 6s. 1931 French 7s. 1941 French 8s. 1945 German W L 5s Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s ............ Hamburg 4s Lelpsig 4s ............ Leipslg 5s Munich 4s .............. Munich 6s .............. Frankfort 4s Italian 5s. 1918 Jap 4s. 1931 Jap 1st 4s, 1925 Jap 2d 4s. 1925 Norway8a. 1940 ........ Russian 5s, 1921 Russian 6s. 1926 Russian 6s. 1919 Swiss 6s. 1929 Swiss 8s, 1940 U K 5s, 1922 U K 5s. 1929 U K 6s. 1937 Primary Receipts. CHICAGO, Dec. 19. Primary receipts: Wheat 1.033.000 bushels, versus 1,920,000 ! bushels. Corn 2,523.000 bushels, versus I 902.0O0 bushels. Outs, 722.000 bushels, I versus COT. 000 bushels. j Shipments Wheat 630.000 bushels, ver sus 5711.000 bushels. Corn 730. 'rK) bushels, j versus 2U5,0"0 bushels. Oats 499,000 bush ! els, versus 383.000 bushels. Car lots: Winnipeg, wheat 806. oats 218. rye 96, barley 42. Minneapolis, wheat 350, corn 74, oats 5. Duiulh, wheat 42. corn bd, oats 11. St. Louis, w-heat 78, corn I S3 oats 56. Kansas City, wheat 316, corn 111, oats 13. Omaha, wheat 64, corn 159, oats 24. 62 63 69 74 104 10.1 104 104 95 9.1 104 104 425 43.1 420 4.10 419 429 326 3)6 3(i3 313 80 80 93 93 90 96 97 98 96 9.1 91 93 100 101 8 10 108 IOO 107 107 49 60 09 71 59 61 95 95 100 100 3 6 4 6 4 6 4 6 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 9 6 7 354 86 T4 T4 87 87 88 87 108 109 12 14 2 3 12 14 95 9.14 113 113 98 99 99 99 95- 95 Grain at Ban Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec, 19. Grain Wheat, milling, 1. 85 193: feed. $1,853 193; barley feed, $1. 23d! 1.30; shipping, $1 3ui 1 40: oats. red feel. $ 1 .40 fl 1 .110; Management mF$v l :-, :VJs.-V ? If V'-i I?. . 1 : Foreign Exehanirtto Foreign exchange rates at the close of buslnen yesterday, furnished by North western National bank, of Portland. The amount quoted ts the equivalent of the foreign units in United fan da: ! Country Unit. Rate. Austria, kronen I ,010 Beiglum, francs 0TJ0 Buisrarta. lev OHM) Czech o-Slovakia. kronen 0135 .Deiuxuu: kroner f i 11 t- v - i corn, wnite Egyptian, tl.T201.TTM; rad mllo. 81.42 1.45. Hay Wheat. 1719; fair. 114917 tame oat. 315618: wild oat. SU&13; al fairs. (134416; stock. ue 12; straw. sioeia. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 19. Wheat De cember. St. 22; May, 31.21; July, SI-IT . Barley 87050c. Flax. No. 1. S191gl.8. Wlnnlpec Wheat Market. WINNIPEG. Dec. 19. Wheat Decem ber, tl.09; May, St. 12; July, tl.lL Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE. Wash., Dec. 19. Wheat Hard white, soft white, white club, soft red winter, northern spring, 31.08; hard red winter, 31.09; eastern red Walla, 31.07; Big Bend bluestem. $1.12. City dellvery--Hay. timothy, $24; D. C, $28; mixed, $21; alfalfa, $18; D. C. $23. Straw, $15. Barley, whole, $33; ground and rolled, $.13; clipped, $40. Chick starter, $54; chop, all grains. $36; cocoa nut meal, $28. Corn, $.13(8 34; cracked and feed meal, $37. Cottonseed meal, $44; linseed meal, $58; mash mixture egg, $40 4j46; scratch food, $4004.1; jmy bean. $60; wheat, $44; Fwget sound, $42. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 18. Copper, steady; electrolytic, spot and nearby, 13tll4c; later, 14c. Tin, easy; spot and nearby, $33c; fu tures. 33c. Iron, steady; No. 1 northern, $19.60 20.50; No. Z northern, $19620; No. 2 southern. $17 504l 18.30. Lead, steady; spot, 4 70 4 80. Zinc, quiet; East St. Louis delivery, spot, 4.90O4 95c. Antimony, spot, 4.50c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 19. Spot cotton steady; middling 19.00c. Linseed Market. DULUTH, Dec. 19. Linseed on track S1.94vl.Ua, to arrive $1.94. New York Sngur Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 19. Raw sugar, cen trifugal, 3.67c; old crop. 3.86c; refined tine granulated, 5.20c. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage License!. BUTLER-FAIRHUR6T Alton Frantz Butler, legal, Turner, Wash., and Sell Kairhurat, legal. Multnomah. Or. JACKSON-UUDANAURO Ivan Jackson, legal, ai'l San Ktfa.-1 street, and Meor marta Budanauro, legal, 605 .Lovejoy atreet. .MBKAMS-KOROMITIS Gust Mekalis. legal, J.odi, Cal., and Maria Koro;nl Us, le gal. 1M Kast Sixth street. JOSEPH-JOLI)HKKG Barnett R. Jo seph, :!., 145V Twenty-first street. North, and Ceila L.. UolcJberg, 2o. 143 Vi Twenty first street, North. ADAMS-MAKSTKRS Hector Adams, le pal. Woodwj.rU avenue, and Amy Mar sters. legal, Portland. POTTKR-ERICKsHiN" Roy M. Potter. 24, 8i! Twelfth avenue, and Kather C Erickson, 20. t20 Hood street. KRISTRL'P-DA HLHKRll Mads Frlst rup. legal. 746 Borthwick street, and tien evieve Uahlberg, legal, 71 Overlook boulevard. JOHNSTO.V-PUGH Elmer E. Johnston, legal, Salt Lake City, Utah, and Ieona Put;hr legal, Portland. Vancouver Mania$r License. McPHEETEKS - SMITH Orvlll Mc Pheelers. 37, of Kennewtclt. Wash., and Ida M. Smith. lrgal, of Vancouver. WAK1 YAMA-DUMKHES Ueorgs At. Wakiyama, of Sun Francisco, and Beatrice Lucllie Dumerea, 23, of Phoenix. Ariz. GRACE-FEHR Edwin E. Grace. S3, of Portland, and Susie Fehr, 19. of Portland. GOVERNMENT BONDS Kingdom of Norway sy2 Coupon Bonds Denomination, 19 16s 5d Kroner 360 Francs 500 Investment Opportunity: At a cost of $43 per bond the inves tor will receive an income of G.OGCe and a profit on the principal of $35.25 (73To) at maturity. Should Sterling advance to its fold parity of $4.86 the investment increment will be $48.4i (1007c) on the principal and an increased interest yield to7.02Tf. Following table shows dollar maturity values, etc.: Sterling at 4.20 Maturity value Increase over cost Dollar income Current yield Above table based on Francs 500. 4.40 39.22 3.04 ,?S3.25 . 35.25 , 2.91 . 6.061. 6.S3TO bond of 19 163 4.60 $91.18 43.18 3.18 6.62r 4.86 $96.46 48.46 3.37 7.02 5d, Kroner 300, Three options: The investor has the privilege of demanding payment in either Sterling:, Kroner or Francs, thereby benefiting by the advance in either. PRICE PER BOND, $48 We highly recommend these bonds. Robertson & Ewing 207 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 'PORTLAND, OREGON DAILY SLETEOKO LOGICAL KEFOKT. PORTLAND, Dec. 19. Maximum tem perature, 2tl degrets; minimum, 1 degrees. Rrver reading, li A. M-, 0.2 leet : change In last 24 buurs. 1.2 feet full. Total rainfsll ii P. .W to i P. M ). trace: total rainfall Ince September 1, 1121. 18.t8 Inch's; nor mal rainfall since September 1. Ill 40 Inches; excess of rainfall since September I, 1SM, 1 S Inches. Sunrise. T:4 A. M. : sunset, 4:'J7 P. 11. Total sunshine Decem ber 10. 01 minutes: possible sunshine, 8 hours 39 minutes. Moonrlse Tuesday. 11:38 P. M. ; moonset Tuesday, none. llsrome. ter (reduced to spa level) at ft P. M.. 211 V Inches Relative humidity at S A. M., per rent; at noou, 43 per cent; at ft P. M., 46 per cent. THJ WKATHIR 8TATION3. 35 ft" 2 5 Wind Waa tas. linker H"lse Boston ..... Calgary .... Chicago .... Denver Des Moines. . Kureka tlalveston .. Helens Juneaut .... Kansas City l.os Angelea Marshfleld .. Medford ... Minneapolis New Orleans New York... North Head. Phoenix . . . . Poentello .. Portland ... Roseburg . . . Sacramento St. Louis. Salt Lake. . . San Diego... S. Francisco. Seattle Kitkat Spokane ... Taroma .... Va 1.1 ext Walla Walla. Washington Winnipeg ... Yakima HI: 2.' l) 241 32 0 44 O -211 -M 0 SS( .Is 1: 82 0 22 3tl 0 ax' an o Ml' tiltO 12: -). . . 32 l SOi 4H0 ll) I. 40 0 S4 0 Citll 64 l. 42 0. 21 0. 72 0. SO 0. 211 0 34 (. S2 0. 4H O 34 0 fit 1 . .VI 0 2M 0 -40 0 ( 12 0 , ..I 2VO . . .1-2O 0 4; 1 0. 3s; 42 0 -S -8 II 121 140 .iw low 12 SB . N" .iNE lJt. cluuuy Cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear ,'SK 'Rain 12 B cloudy . .iSW Clear 10 r) . . .vw . NW 12 M SB I NW 20 B i.VB 10'SB 14 K . . N W in sm 18 SB . . NW 10 s 14 S 18 N iCIear IRaln Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy i lesr Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy 1't. cloudy Clear Snow I't. cloudy Cloudy Clear . . V IClcar 22j NK Pt. cloudy .'.'SB ciouYv"" . ..VE CIoudy 12 NW Clear 14 NE 'Cloudv tA. M. today, day. -1'. M. report of preceding FORECASTS. Portland ind vicinity Snow flurriea continued cold: easterly winds.. Oregon and Wasnington Know flurries: eonttnue.l cold: fresh northeast winds 00 We Own and Offer Firm Payable in Gold in New York Rate Maturity Trice DOMINION OF CANADA 3 1&C2 60 PROVINCE OF SASKATCHEWAN 4T 1939 77 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 4 1939 GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RY 4 19&5 GoVj PROVINCE OF MANITOBA 4 1930 f6 REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA 5'i 1945 72V4 GOVERNMENT OF COSTA RICA BCi 1958 61 '4 GOVERNMENT OF URUGUAY 59i Drawings 6Gi PORT OF ASTORIA, OREGON 6 1925 Par CITY OF NEW WESTMINSTER, B. C...6r.'e 19U3 J8V4 CITY OF PORT COQUITLAM, B. C... .77 1941 Tar BRAZIL LOAN OF 1889 4 Drawing 4Ui BRAZIL LOAN OF 1S88 4Wo Drawinsrs 4SV& BRAZIL LOAN OF 1895 5 Drawings 64Vi BRAZIL LOAN OF 1913 57 Drawing-s 64 REPUBLIC OF CHILE, 1911 5 Drawings .9 PROVINCE OF BUENOS AIRES o','o Drawings Phone or Wire Orders at Our Expense A. F. Bernstein & Company 53S NORTHWESTERN BANK BUILDING MAIN 2672 PORTLAND OAPRIEt.-J ANNEM Harry B. Oabrl-I. 22, of Portland, and Audrey P. Jannes, 2o. o Portlind. F1SM fciH-A L A NDEH Io Fisher. 24. of Vancouver, and Eva Alander. 24, of Van couver. Al.LWORTH-COt.E William TT. All worth. 21. of Portland, and Marguerite K. Colo. lrt. of Porlhtnd. PHEA'UTT-hTKWABT Joseph rrescott. legal, of Portland, and Addle Stewart, It gal, of Portland. THUKHKH-AKERILT Hiram Thllrber 42. of Portland, and Zada Akerlll, &7. of Portland. MrllKNRY-MAT.LETT Don MrHonry. legal, of Portland, and Olive C Mallelt legal, of Portland. DAVIDSON HARMON C. C. Davidson. 2.1, of Portland, and Martha Harmon. 20, of Pnrf!nn1 $15,000 Special Improvement ey2 Income Tax Exempt Bonds OF Idaho Falls. Idaho DUE 1930 Idaho Falls is situated in the heart of one of the largest and best irrigat ed farming areas in the entire west. It is a mod ern city of over 8000 population. Price 100 Yields of this type arc sarce. Place your order at once. LUMBERMENS Twa TnKT- -BANK Broadway and Oak Write or call for full explanation of this new way of keeping your money at work. Freeman, smith & Camp Co. LUMBtRMlNS BLDO PORTUANO i Saving plus "investing3 The habit of putting; a portion of your earnings in the bank regularly is the basis of thrift and success. Our Ten Payment Plan not only encourages reg ular saving, but gives you the benefit of high grnde interest-paying: bonds on terms con venient to you. Revenue Act of 1921 We have printed the complete act with annotations and a comprehensive index. Copy on request for 0R-4M The National City Company Offices In mors than SO d ties. Yeon nids;.. Portland, Or. 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