la THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1921 OVER FEDERAL BANK 4 Injunction Issued Against Re serve Institution. DISPUTE OVER EXCHANGE Coercion and Extravagance Found by Jule in Dealings Willi Brookings Depository. Coercion, extravagance and unbusi-nt'ss-liko methods were laid at the door oC the Federal Keserve bank of Sa;i Francisco by Judge Wolverton yesterday morning in the district court when he granted an injunction restraining the government banking institution from harassing the Brook ings ijtate bank of Brookings, Or. The dispute between the two bank ing Institutions came when the Brookiags State bank refused to ex change checks at par in accordance with a ruling of the federal reserve bank. The larger Institution immedi ately gent an agent to Brooklngs, whose business was to make, collec tions of all checks from the .small bunk. Higher Coat Admitted. In the original hearing the federal reserve bank officials admitted that it had cost them $1115.3'.: to collect J 1 0:S50 from the small bank in the course of a year, whereas by follow ing the usual method of paying a small fee for each exchange the work could have been done much more economically. The f-ederal reserve bank sent out letters to banks over 'the state calling attention to the fact that It refused to make collections on checks drawn on the Brookings State bank. Th's brought about the suit for an Injunc tion in which the small bank asked the protection of the courts from fur ther coercion. Method Held I nbuHlnenn-Llke. In rendering his opinion Judge Wolverton said: The method employed, considering the reasons for It, or rather the lack of reasonable necessity was, to say the least, extraordinarily extravagant and iinbusiness-like. Judge Wolverton also criticized the federal reserve bank for Its efforts to coerce the small Institution, which has only a capital stock of 115,000 and is located in a remote section of Curry county. The decision is a decided victory for ail small banks of the state. , WATER GRANT PROTESTED 1)i:sciiuti:s stoiiace kilixg DEVELOPS OPPOSITION'. Columbia Hydro-Electric League Holds Exclusive Irrigation Privileges Are Vnfair. Exception to the action of the state water board, in its recent IinainKS, that permitted the Deschutes storage to be used for irrigation, has been taken by the Columbia Hydro-Elec tric league, and this organization, in a six-pace letter to the board, has urged that the storage also be used for power. In the letter the league holds that It has an interest in irrigation, but. Insists that the Deschutes river is for the use of all and should not be taken exclusively by the irrigation interests. The division of water rights is ad vised In the argument that the irri gation farmer must have a market for his products, and such a market best can be obtained .by the develop ment of water power and the conse quent increase of manufacturing. Cheap ' power, according to the let ter, will encourage the building of factories and industries and thus create a market for farm products. The state water board proposes to store 600.000 acre feet of water in the Deschutes project, and the Hydro Electric league desires that prepara tion be made for. at least 1.000.000 acre feet, half of which will be used for irrigation and half for water power. An application for a rehearing be fore the water board probably will be made. L MA YOU OUDEUS ALL DRIVERS TO USE NEW STATION. Disposition to Sidestep Station for Old Stands, Prompts Steps to Enforce Ordinance. Mayor Baker Issued orders to the police department yesterday to begin strict enforcement of the city ordi nance requiring, all i-nterurban bus lines to use the new central terminal at Park and Taylor streets. The ter minal will be the assembling point for all bus lines operating in and out of Portland to.points south, north, east and west, but will not involve the Llnnton for-hire cars. Complaints had been received that, although the new terminal was ready, many of the bus drivers had been frequenting their old stands. They will be allowed to pass by their old stands and pick up passengers for a short time, but later will be routed both coming in and leaving the city. R. Gill, motor bus Inspector, Is working on plans for routing the busses In ordor to keep them from congesting traffic more than neces sary. Linos operating to the north and west probably will be detoured to avoid passing through the busiest section of the city. PRUNING TO BE TAUGHT Growers of Hood Hiver to Bo In structed by Kxpert. . HOOD RIVER, Or., Deo, 1S. (Spa etnl.) A pruning school for Hood River valley orchardists, because of the necessity of cancelling plans for the nessfona during the recent snow storm, will bring Clayton U, Lng, horticulturist cf the Oregon Agricul tural college experiment station, here to spend a portion of his Christmas vacation, The growers f the uppe valley will be instructed by Mr. LonH, who will be assisted In the work by Lt roy Chflds and Gordon Q. Brown of the local experiment station on De cember 11 and VL. AMUSEMENTS. m&M, lap SAM MANN ED. JAMS 6 CO. AND PLAYERS H0Mt MXDtJuma MUSIC, GONG uL TERPSICHORE JOHANNES JOSEXSSONfe ORIGINAL KCLANDIC GLIMA" COMPANY - MOSS & FRYD rltitl SOPHIe SSMIR. I NtLUE ft JOSEPH IWE JOKIAH LYONS &YOSCO BE WANTED TO PLAT "HAMLET." Now Playing A COMEDY OP KTAGR LIFE. "THE MATINEE HERO" An AmuHlnf and interesting Life's Story of a Matinee Idol. TICKET OFKICK SALE I j Now Open j UDTT Tr Broadway at Taylor VJ 1'hone Main 1. CHRISTMAS ATTRACTION THIS WKEK Thursday, NIGHTS, DEC. 22-23-24 Frl., Sat. Special Price Mat. Sat. DIRRfT FROM LYRIC THEATER, HAMMERSMITH, LOAUO.V. THE BEGGAR'S OPERA AN ALL-ENGLISH CAST IN THIS Mont DrllKblfully Fascinating; Comic Opera Success. GUARANTEED ATTRACTION -WARNING TO PORTLAND- Stupendous Scccma In Both lo Anjrelrs and San Francisco. Extended CnnacrmcgU Both CKira. IJo Not Overlook Thin Treat. EVE'S 2, $1.50. HI, 77c. 50c. SAT. MAT. I"M, l, Rue. Add 10 Per Cent War Tax. TOBAV ALT. STAR BIIX TONIGHT AI.L STAR VAIDKVH.I.E. 1.1'CY DOKAINK In "GOOD AND EVIL" ropular Prices. Popular Trices. PANTAGES Continuous. 1 P. M. to 11 P. Id. THE ACT DIFFERFNT Whirlwind of Mirth and Melody. JACK TRAINOR In "HELP." S OTIIKK BKi ACTS 5 CONSTANCE HINNEV In "THE CASE OF BECKY." HAROLD LLOIU in "Never Meaken." ILj IT fiL I C MI Sir Al. COM KDY COMPANY A Merry Christmas Party. COUNTRY STORE TONIGHT Afternoons at 2 EvrnlnKs at 7 and S CIRCLE-s: Fourth at hlnston "The Call of Youth ft Also a comedv. "A MnHHv nrlrf" nA Pathe Hevlew. Open from 9 o'clock In the morning until 4 o'clock the following morning. TOO LATE TO CLA SSI FY. WANTED immediately, capable girl for Mineral nnuseu-orK. in family of three adults: comfortable home with all mod ern labor-saving devices. Phone Tabor 6S3I, or call between 10 and 5 at 1013 East Flsnders. AUCTION SALES. AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE. 19 71 Second St. Sale of unredeemed n!H.a for the American Loan Office. Vancouver. nuh. Sale at 10 A. M. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. At the Baker Auction hnnu. Tamhlll nd West Park streets. Sale at 10 A. M. MEETI.GNOTICES. AIMS WORTH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX NO. 1. A. A.VD A. S. RITE. Regular meeting in Auditorium. Scot tish Rite Cathedral, this evening at 8 o'clock. No work. By order WISE MASTER. PORTLAND LODGE NO. o., A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Tuesday) morning at 10 o'clock Pythian building. Funeral services of our late brother. H Hard bring auto. Visiting brethren By order W. M. . ii. J. HOUGHTON. Sec. SUN N Y'SIDB LODGE NO. 13. A. F. AND A. At. Spe cial communication Tuesday, December 20, at 8:30 P, M. Temple 3!th and Hawthorne. Work in M. M. degree. Visit ing brethren welcome. By order of W. M. C. P. JENSEN. Sec. IMPERIAL LODGE, No. 139. A. F. and A. M. Special com munication thin (Tuesday) evening. December 20. 1021, commencing at 7:30 o'clock. Work In the entered appren tice degree. tsitora eorniaiiv welcomed A. C. JACKSON, Secy. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. S. Officers and members are requested to at tend the funeral services of our late brother. Will H. Bard, this (Tuesday) morning. 10:30 o'clock, at Holman'a funeral parlors. Rv order of M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Secy. PORTLAND CHAPTER. No. 97. O. E. S. Stated commu nication this evening. 834 Rub ell st. Degrees and social. By order of W. f. BERTHA WILSON, Secy. Members who can assist com mittee packing and making Christmas bags, will meet Thursday, 9 A. M.. at Sftft Stark, st.. Pittock block, bring glass of Jelly or Jar of fruit. Ordr of queen. ADDA CELLARS, Recorder. PORTLAND AERIE. I NO. 4. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLE, will hold regular meet ing every Tuesday, g' o'clock. 120 4th. 4th floor H. E. MILLER. See. COURT MOUNT HOOD. NO 1 FOKESTtfHS OP AMERICA." meeut this (Tuesday) even ins. Forestry hatl. Xi) Fourth etreet. Social nisht fourth Tuesdav at each month. GUS H, CRAMRit. Iia KSsLiisu uldO. Alum etua. Jewel and emb.em manufacturer, watch and jewelry repairing. DIAMONDS. . Diamond setting and ifeuatlns;. LODGE EMBLEMS, clsss pins, officers' Jewel, carry large stock to select from: special work to order In our own factory. Dm v ids, jewelers and opticians. 343 Wash log ton alreet at Broadway. FRU'DLANDER'S ror lodge emblems, class frUi and medals 310 Washington st. FMMLEM Jewelry, outtons. charms, pins new disijcu. Jaeger Bros,, Ul-e fiath a BAKED STOCK COMPANY JTa. HrpPODROME Kindly welcome. DIED. ADAIR At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. L. K. Rogers. New Castle. Delaware Dec. 13, 1921, Mary Rodney Adair, aged 66 years, widow of Samuel D. Adair. - daughter of the late Bishop B. W. Mor ris and mother of Mrs, L. R. Rogers of Newcastle. Del., the late Lieutenant Henry Rodney Adair. W. M. Adair and Mary A. Adair of Portland, and Captain Alexander A-dalr of Camp Meade, Mary land; sister of Wm. E. Morris of Port land and B. W, Morris of New Turk. Funeral notice later. BROOM FIELD In this city. Sunday. De cember 38. Thomas FaJrtey, aged 63 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Daisy G. Broomfleid of 1316 Rodney ave., father of the late Hugh Broomfleid, who gave his life In the aviation service in France. and brother cf Margaret Broomfleid. The body is at the parlors of Chambers Co.. 248-250 Killlngsworth ave. Funeral announcement will be made later. PURCKLL In this city, December 19. 1921 Walter Purceli. aared 47 years. Th re main are at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder street. Funeral notice will ap pear in a later issue. KOCH At 11 Tenth street. December 13, Itf-'l. John Koch, aged 7fl years. The re mains are at the residence funeral par lors of Walter C. Kenworthy. 153:i-l534 Thirteenth street. Sell wood. Funeral no tlce later. rrXERAL NOTICES. PALMATE ER At Estaeada, Or., Decem ber 10, Richard G. Falmateer, aged 77 years 1 month and 12 days, beloved husband of Emma Palmateer. brother of Mrs. Lee Wills of Troutdale, Mrs. Mary Vanderpool of Portland, Mrs. Walter Sr.uffln of Esnacada, Mrs. J. W. Stevens of Carrolls, Wash., Richard Pal mateer of Estaeada. An so survived by five grandchildren, one great-grand child, two brothers and two staters. Fu neral services will be held Wednesday, December 21. at Mount Zlon church, near Estaeada. Interment Mount Zlon ' cemetery. Arrangements la cars of Miller & Tracey. BARD In this city. Dec. 16. 1921. "Will- lam H. Bard, aged 68 years, husband of Mrs. Marlon C. Bard and father of Will H. Jr., Burton and Elliot Bard. Mrs. Lester Humphreys and Leona Bard and brother of Mrs. Charles W. Ryman of Lin coln. Neb., and Mrs. James Charlson. son of Mrs. Elizabeth Mesarvey of Vaughn. Mont. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend the fu neral services to be held at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son. Third and Salmon sts., today CTuenday). Dec. 20. at 10:30 A. M. Interment in Riverview cemetery. MAURER Died at Timber, Or.. Saturday, Dec. 17. Joeph Harrison, aged 33 years, beloved busband of Mrs. Alsie Maurer, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Maurer, brother of Mrs. W. F. Harp and Robert Maurer. all of Portland, and Mrs. W. W. Hareomhe of Willlamina. Or. Friends are invited to attend the funeral. Serv ices at 2 P. M.. Tuesday. Dec. 20. at the chapel of Chambers Co., 248-250 Kil llngsworth ave. Interment in Rose City cemetery. The deceased was an over seas veteran and a member of the B. of R. T. HOLLAND At the residence, December 1, Jessrie Holland, aged 38 years, be loved wife of Parker Holland, daughter or Mr. and Mrs. William T. Hendren. sister of Mrs. L. Higglns of Seattle, Wash.. Mrs. W. E. Meef, William and Sylvester Hendren of Portland. Fu neral services will be held Tuesday, De cember 20, at 2 P. M.. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Incineration Portland crematorfum DtT FLON In this city. Monday. Dec. 19, 1921, Pierre Fassett Du Flon, born in Philadelphia, Penn., aged 75 years. Friends are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral services to be held from his late residence, 787 "West Madi on St., Wednesday, December 21. at 10:30 A. M. New Ycrk and Philadelphia papers please copy. GORE In this city. Dec. 17. 1921. Edward i. tore. aged t0 years. Friends are re spectfully invited to attend the funeral services to, be held Tuesday., Dec. 20. at ii j. jn.t ii ocappoose. interment in S-cappoose. Remains may be viewed at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son. J hira and Salmon ats.. until 0 A. M l uesday, Dec. 20. HARRIS In this city, Dec. 18. 1921. Annie nams, sister oi Kae, Harry W. and i naries . J-t arris and Mrs. I. eon Rnn blatt. Friends are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services to be held at her late residence, 3H1 Tenth St.. cor. .Montgomery, at io:o A. M. today (Tues day), Dec. 20. 1921. Interment In Beth israei cemetery. HARVEY In this city, December IS. 1021 r.ntner Harvey, aged 2b years, wife of .rerry narvey, mother or Florence. How- ara, j-iarvin and Limer Harvey. Funera. will be held from Osweiro Methodist church, "Wednesday, December 21, at 2:30 f. oi, Kriends invited. Interment o wego cemetery, McEutee & Eilers, di rectors. TYSON The funeral services of the late Kobert H. 1 yson, aged 4, will be con ducted Wednesday. December 21, at 1:30 P. M., at the Middleton Friends church The cortege will leave the funeral par lors of A. D. Kenworthy & Co., 5802-04 ninety-second street a. IS., in Lents, at iii noon. CHAMBERS The funeral services of the late Clarence Cn ambers, aged i4 years. will be conducted Tuesday, December 20, at 10 A. M., in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy Co.. 5802-04. I2d st. S. E,. In Lents. Friends Invited. In terment Rose City cemetery. CHAMBERLAIN The funeral service for the late Charles A. Chamberlain of 1261 Atlantic street will be held today (Tues day), at 2:30 P. M.. at Finley's mortu ary, Montgomery a ftth. Friends in vited. Concluding service. Mt. Scott cemetery, private. SPENCER In this city. Dec. 15, 1921. Andrew Spencer. t rienris are Invited to attend the funeral services to be held at the chapel of Edward Holman & Son. Third and Sainton ats., today (Tuesday), Dec. 20. at 2 P. M. Interment Atverview cemetery. GLANVILLE The funeral service for the late Esther 1. Ulanville of 132 N. 21st M., will be held today (Tuesday), at 1 P. M., at Finley's mortuary, Montgom ery at 5-th. Friends invited. Concluding Service, Rose City cemetery. GILL1HAN Edwin Oillihan. The body will be shipped irom Kelso, Wash., on the 1:05 train, arriving in Vancouver at 2:30. Omit flowers. Friends invited. Interment at Vancouver cemetery. WISEMAN The funeral of the late James W iseman, aged 3 years, will be held Wednesday from the M. E. church. Burial Evergreen cemetery. Seaside, Or. MacMULLIN The funeral services of the late Walter L. MacMullin will be held Tuesday, December 20. at 3 P. M., at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. FTNERAI. CARS. LIMOUSINES lor funerals, weddings, shop ping, jones Auto. Livery, Marshall 114. RATES FOR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Jn order to earn tbe mora tlimm one rime rate, advertising- muot ran in eoa. eecutivo ieeuea. One tiro . ,.12o per line Two times (each Issue) .... ,11c per line Tnree times (each issue) . ...JUc per line beven times leacn issue)... wo per line Voe to six mootbs, per month $2.50 per line Six to twelve months, per month $2 25 per line Tbe above rates apply to J1 beadinss wiut tUm loliowins vaccpUonai Sltiutlona Wanted Each tpseruun. . 00 psr line Help U anted kxmv and i: wund i'ersouai sroputMis invlteel Notice bpecukl Notices x-uneral Notice slectiuK isoticee CD time. ..ioo per line Two times teach Issue) 14opriine Three times leach issue)... .J.ttc per lino beven times leach issue) .. ..JUc per line one month.... ..... t Uno JOJEW TODAY atMMo i-es lone i xally Sunday Onetime... loo 20o Two times (per Uaue).... IJo lio Xhree times (per issue)... 14a iha beven limee (per issue)... lfto 17o une ffloaui, cluy and Sunday . . . . , Count live worm to the Una, So ad tauten tor less tasu two Unea. A Us run buauMwj a oiuj vtusfved mt lUviiiiM rata. Advertisements (except "Personals' sou "buuauon Wanted") will oe taea ever the telephone 11 tbe aivertic is a kubKi'ibcr to either pbooew. lb OregoauiB wilt recede copy y nanu proviaea sunicient remittance lor detuuto number e mum is seat. Acanuwleugmrnt will be forwarded promptly . Advertisements are taken for Tbe Daily Urenunuta until P. aLi tor lue Suaosi orea-vuutn until - M, 2atuioay. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY 'investigates all cases of allseed cruelty to animals. Offices, room 154 courthouse. Phone Main .17k from I A. M. to i K M. The society had lull chargre of the city pound at Us home. 635 Columbia bou levard. Phone any time. Woodlawa 7S4. Dogs for Bale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted wber necessary and stray animals cared for. All dead aaimalt, cowa, horaas, sic, picked, us. . Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070, House 40. ACCOIXTASTS. JULIUS R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income tax service. Concord bids.. 2d and Stark. Phone Main 7443. AAKA1KKK AMI ANALYSTS. MONTANA AaSA t kj t ier;, HZ Second, tiold. silver, platinum bought. ATTUK.NEVS. E. W. EASTilAX. lawyer. of Commerce building. W. P. ADAMS, attorney, moved to 513 Couch blag. Bdwy. 6437. Consuita n free. BATHS, .TC. Lilt. McMAHo.VS batba. Portland; .team showers, plunges, tubs, all lor 33c; lell your friends, f ourth at W asntngton. CELLtLUlU BLTTONS. THK lKVVJN-iiuoSoN CUMFAM. 887 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1234, t HIKOl-KACTiC. LK. McJlAHu.N tlcAanj. Portland; luth year. tjeven post - graduate research courses. Kates; fextenued lime, tfl ad- ju.stments, la; restoring health. CillKUl'UUlSl'S. W1LL1A11, Kstelle, Plorello and Dewane De Veny, tbe omy scientific chiropodists , and arcs apeciaiists in city. Parlors 8ui UerUnger bid., southwest cornar Second anj Alder streets. Main 1301. Uti. O. U. fLUTCHHU Jj'oul troubles sci entifically corrected; lady assistant. 512 Aiorgan biag. Main B. CUAM.Mi AND D1E1NG. DCfiAl PI CnllCDtlAlLOKS liLUML AND HATTERS boldiers- overcoats dyed blue or black, new set buttons, J6.5U. 127 N. 8th st- t'OLLEtHONS. .NtH &. CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 17118. r-o collections, no charges. Esiab. luiM). UKNTtSTKY. DR. B. E. WRIGHT Third Floor Raleigh Bldg. Corner Sixth and Wuanington Sts. Main 2119. Auto. :uu. DENTISTRY CR- ft, Without Pain. X-Ray Work. S51 Washington St. Above Majestic Theater. ELEITK1CAL KKfAIKIMl. MOTORS REWOUND and repaired BOUGHT AST) SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS Phone 527-27. 226 Main St. JEWKI.KY MKti. AND KEI'AIKINO. ROSS & CO., WHOLESALE JEWELERS. 310 MOHAWK BLDG., Bd & Morrison, without operation. MtHIC TEACH KRS. L- CARROLL DAY. teacher or piano and voice. Broadway 2.V55. 148 13th at. rHVSHIAS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building : stomach, bowel, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate and female disorders, without operation. rTNERAI, DIRECTORS. Cremation $45 Portland Crematorium . MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Directors. Washington street, between 20th and lilst sts., west side. Lady asistant. Main 2QtU Automatic 618-44. DUNNING & CAIN FUNERAL DIRECTORS 445 Morrison St.. West Side. Phones Broadway 430; Auto matic HOLMAN & SON (Founded 1S54.) FUXEKAL DIRECTORS. Third and Salmon Sta. Main B07. McEMTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of a home. 10th and Everett streets. Phoneg Broadway 2133; Auto. 331-33. SNOOK At WHEALDON. Funeral Directors. Successors to Breeze A Snook. Belmont at Suth. Tabor 12o8 EAST SIDE FUNERAL DI R ECTOR3. IF. S. DUaNM.NO, INC.) "The Family Sets the Fnc." 41-4 E. Alder. Phone East 52. ' Auto. 225-25. LERCH. UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh and Hawthorne. Phone East 781. FINLEY'S MORTUARY MONTGOMERY AT 5TH. MAI.V . OCUCf? UNDEIITAK1NG CO., 0M.nL0 Third and Clay. Main 4152. A. R. ZELLER CO., Williaina Ava. Phone Kast 1088. A. D. KENWORTHJT A CO., 6804 t)2d St.. Lenta Auto. Ulg-21. Phone your want ads to The Ore- gonian. Main jUtU. Automatic bbUUj. FUNERAL COMPLETE Casket, two Autoa, Hearse. Em bnlmlnsr. Outside Box, Grave Marker, Funeral Notices, Bear er' Ulovea, Ise of Chapel Miller & Tracey Independent Funeral Director, WashlnKton at Ella, rhoneai Main 2691. 518-44. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS ttM th St.. opp. Tlty Hall. XEC BROS. j OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS 1 QUAIXTY MEMCKTALS E. THIRD S. PINE STS. PHONE E. 743 TTORISTS. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize 1n funeral dealena 141 H Sixth. opposite Mi-ler Frank'a. Malii T215 ROSE WAT FLOWER SHOP, E. 1ST AND SANDY BLVD FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS WIS DELIVER, PHONE US J. T, JAUNTET, TABOR BHTS NOB HILL FLORISTS. (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) E cor L'ad and Qlisan Main 1SS9 TOXSETH'S FLORAL, CO., 287 Washington u. bei. 4ih and iii. Jdaia Oloi a. OPTO.MMR1STS. Out of the liiKh-Krnt Iitrlrt. have Money vu our (jiuMe. 25 years' experience: most modo4n and complete equipment at your service. Consult us fre. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. Samuel trooiiman, I associate optometrist. Main 2124. spKoa v rAA,1 Morridon St., Bet Ctias. . Goodman Kr,, -n(1 virnt. WHV PAY MORE? ilrGIaases in srold-f llleti frames aSL fitted to your eyes, $2.50, double v v Iiiki n a In. ! at low orices : satisfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwitz, optometrists. 225 First st. Main 43L DR. GEORGE RL'BENliTEI.N. veteran op tician; eyes tealed, glasses fitted, broken lenses duplicated promptly, very reason able pric es. 2 2o Alornso n st. Main 5itil. PATENT ATT UK XEY. PATENTS -Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions strictly confidential, prompt, effi cient, conscientious ser ice; handbook free on request. MUNN & CO., Hobart bldg., 684 Market St., San Francisco; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bid.; Washington office, room 103 Scientific American btdic., New York, otfice. Wool worth bidg. R. C WRIGHT, registered patent attorney, 25 years. If invention really valuable, see practicing lawyer. 601 Dekum bldg. PIPK RCPAIUINC;. PIPES REPAIRED By Experts, ipe Shop, i!72 Washington- 9t I'KIMTKKS. PRINTING F- vv- BASTES & COilPANY ' "llll II1U F-ir.t and Oak. Main 163 ; 511-65. KOOF KKI-AIK1NU. WE STOP the leaks, interstate Rooting t.o. t or service call Tahor 0-4. KHKCMATIC SPWIALIST. FREE EXAMINATION FREE The world's greatest rheumatic cure. IT'S IN THE UOODS: THAT'S ALL. JACK Kl.Nti'S Mineral Treatments. Cured Patients My Best References. JACK KING, Rheumatic Specialist. US 'J, Fifth St.. Corner Oak. Second Floor Phoenix Bltlg. TRANSFER AM) STUKAIiE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Money loaned on goods in storage. 03 Fourth St.. opp. Multnomah huteL Phone Bdwy. 3113. OREGON TRANSFER CO. 474 Glinan St. Broadway 12M. DRAYAUE. STORAGE. Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. VETERINARY. ROSE- CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sta Both phones. Day and night service: 3 veterinarians. FLORISTS. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IN I PORTLAND. S?R Morrison Nt.. I'ortlaod Hotel. Phooe Mar. b3. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY S54 Washing-ton St. Main 269 Fine Roses and Orchids a Specialty. Flowers for All Occasions Artistically Arranged. Personal attention given wedding, reception, tea and table decorations. Floral tributes prompUy attended to. bWKIUND'S FLOWER SHOP. Morrison St., bet. aid and 4th. Tel. Mam 41U. FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS TXMHILL AT TENTH. And Floral Designs, za riotnouses. No Branch Store. 25 Years on Morrison street, bet. 4th and &th. Main 7T0U. NEW TODAY. Buy.TIus Feivuor HomQJbi12G8 THIS is but one of our many beautiful designs. FENNER HOMES ARE NOT PORTABLES. They are regular double constructed homes built to highest standards. Prices include plans and spec ifications, lumber, lath, shingles, doors snd windows, mill work, building paper, nails, paint, hardware and tin work. See us before you place your contract. Downtown Of fire. 527-R Artisans Bids;.. 1'hone Broadway 2853. WRITS OR PHONE POITOfflCI BOX .)( mONI COLUMBIA 111 I FENNER MFG. Ca lkof el MrKssss Avcsss, PortUsa. Urcgo For Sale OLD COUCH SCHOCLHOUSE at 17th and Kearney Sta. Building- Is ro longer used for echod purposes and its sale and removal from the premises Is desired. Bids will be received until December 21. 1921. Speci fications at 401 Courthouse. School District No. 1, f R. H. Thomas, School Clerk and Bus. Mar. STORAGE SPACE Centrally I.orajrd on Track We can move and store your goods In a fine Sprinklered building. HA I LI Mi, PACKING. STORAGE CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 434 laiLsnn St. Bdwy. 3470. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property. Installment Re payments If l)elred. Bui Id ins Loatm, Current Rates. Prompt Service. A. H. Birrell-Gill Co. 216-21D Northnrratrrn Bank Balldlna;. Marshall 4114. FRESH EGSS FOR LESS LA an A DK CRKAMERY COH Portland's Selllnar Agents FOR SPFER'S WIMiAMKTI'B VALLEY K K K S H (i K A 1) E i) L (i (J S. Flrat and Yamhill Stm. I cm NEW TODAY. t The Improved w zoo "Built to En da re." The Improved construction makes a RED1MADE a better, mor substantial building at no greater cost to you. Tbey are the best built sectional bulldioga on the Pacific coast. First-clans Houses, Gararee for 1m. Erected la Portland Practical to ship. Redimade Bldg. Co. E. 11th and Market. Portland. Or. Phone E. 5114. NORTHWERUG CO. FLUFF JHJGS Oldest and best equipped factory In the northwest. Made out of your old worn-out carpets and rugs. Save half the price of a new rug;. Use woolen clothing. 8x12 BIGS STEAM CLEANED fl.KO. Eitat 3SN0. 1K8 East Eighth. STORE FOR RENT Jan. 1st, 102 First Street. I.MrKe Store and liaarmrnt. Lon llent. lvO n k Lease, Edward E.Goudey Co. MORinAGK LOANS. United. Stales liana, llulldlns. JNO. B. COFFEY SIHETY BONDS, INS I HAM CE. 40f Wfloox Uldai. Main S02O. REAT ESTATE. For Sale Bea-h I'roperty. BRTCTC APARTMENT. .14 furniliPd and equipped apartments. $140,000, only $:to,ou0 CAsh, balance very small monthly payments. This property will pay for itself from the lnrome. It is .orated close in on west side of Portland. Investigate! Poe!lnn Riven at once; now brinjrs f'JOOO per month. Will take stock of jren era.1 merchandise as part payment and some each. ATk'INON & PORTER. 705 Main til., Vancouver, Wash. UHAK11AKT Want to buy fur cash at tractive house at Gear hart facing t he ocean ; state lowest cah price. Private party. W U2. Oregonlan, I-'or Sitle Flat and Apartment Property. lHVhNGTON. Four beautiful homes in one. Looks like one fine home. Each apartment leased and rented for $ll0 a month. Fine investment. flf.VOOO, $3000 cash. Will rnnsider snnie trade. Eitst 41ft. TWO-STORt Iramt building. 40x0, nin apartments: corner lot, 43x90. on East Glisan street; street and sewer assess ments all paid; Income $127 per month: price JtlOOO. See owner at 303 Spalding bldg. For toalt? Lots. BUILDING SATISFACTION" GUARANTEED. Let us design your home. We will build right, uur prices are right. Same construction for small home as large one. Every consideration and care for our clients, together with liberal finan cial assistance HOBXETT & McCLl'R E. Builders. Marshall Silt".'. 301' Couch Bids:. FINEST VIEW LOT8 IN LAl'RELHUKST. 1 blocks north of Glfsan St., on Laddington Court, between 41nt and 42d streets, 2 iot, 13'J foot front, 'JH foot rear, 114 fet depp, over H000 square feet, In cluding ail assessment for Improvements. For sale by owner ; terms. L.OT3 0 AND 10. BIAK'K 64. $1800. 1'hone K.tHt 8475. SEVEN FI LL LOTS, oh .Macadam Road, 14 Miles from City Limits Native Fir Trees and Shrubbery. Total Price, 7J0. $25 Cash. $10 Monthly. FRED V. tiKRMAX CO. realtors. "'12 Oh am of Com. Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK LOT. T00 Two 30x100 lots, on E. 4flth st. N near The Alameda; paved st., all Imp. paid. $700 each. Call owner. Bdwy 4 754. fl2H Henry bid. iv t. cnoice building aites, Dest part of Ladd'ii Add VaVchild. 173 East 13th -DK.NtsK lot on 25ih at., near Alberta. $225. Owner. Bdwy. Q17. Room 41. For Sale Houses. ALAMEDA PARK, Probably no offering in the cltv of equal location or value under fluOO" e are instructed to dispose 0f this NtW ALAMEU.V PARK, h-room home :.,,r..f.l).,- ."''"POpnal trms. AN EX CH Sf E LIS f lNti AND SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. J. A. WirKMAN CO.. REALTORS, "Quality Homes." 2fi? Stark St. Bdwy. 704. IRVINGTON COLONIAL BUNGALOW. Five Iarge rooms on first floor, hard wood floors, old ivory woodwork. French doors, fine bulit-Ins, fireplace, fuU base ment; 2d floor finished in large sleeping porch, piate glass windows, full lot and garaire, $ti300. easy terms; almost Im mediate possession. Owner in California. East 419. ESTATiv FORCED TO SELL. Just completed, beautiful 5-room resi dence bordering on Laurel hurst. One of the finest bungalows In the city at most reasonable terms to reaponsi lite buyers. Oarage and all modern features you should see thin. Make us an olfer. Mr. Ktctiannacn. .Main i.7.i. (JOINQ TO B LI LOT We design and bulid residences or any building, assist In financing am ; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SAT1SFAC- 1IU assuklu. L. K, Haliey. conract- mg arcrmeci. ;v yv. ttang bldg. A REAL bargain, beaiftiful 6-room bunga low with all modern conveniences, hard wood f lors. Oaco furnace, hot water Ruud heater, sleeping porches one cor ner lot, Slteloo-; with beautiful fruil trees, investigate. See owner, 148 Third street. No agents. FRANKLIN HIGH. Owner must sell his modem tf-room house, fireplace, pi pe less furnace. ment basement, sewer connected and nice fence. Frice g-rt.iO. umoo down. Phone Ant. hio-im or Alain 77h;i. A NICE XMAS PRESENT. Furnished or unfurnished, pay me $600 and eat your turkey in your own home; you can't beat it; costs nothing to look, and it's good for sore eyes; modern and close in. .Af au. oregonian. ROSE CITY SACRIFICE. Owner going to California Jn a few day a. This modern A-roam bungalow must oe soiu. i nis is a real opportunity. Kusy terms. Broadway 1658. 210 Ore gon bldg. BY OWNER. Five-room modern bungalow, bard- wood rioors, iuii cement basement. Dutch kitchen. French doors, furnace, fireplace: at a bargain. 752 E. 15th at. Bdwy. HQS. SOLDIER'S BONUS $500 cash. bonus when available, balance monthly; 6-room house, Jrvington, garage, alt improve ments; immediate possession. K 272, Oregonian. PI EDM ON T -N" E W. A real up-to-date new modern 7-room bungalow; immediate possession. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., -'10 Oregon bldg1. Broadway 15W. AloT BEAL'TiFt'L home in Irvington. 8 roomn, hardwood floors throughout, tils bathroom, garage, full cement basement; leaving city, sacrifice it. low price; no agents wanted. J 811. Oregonian. 1RVJNGTON district, U3 Wasco, 7 rooms. A good home among good peopie; im mediate posaeslon. Owner. 421 Spald ing bidg. Key at Wfi7 Wasco. AN XMAS PRESENT Beautiful 8-roon, home, walking distance, reduced. Main ROSE CITY IV-room modern bungalow, fireplace, hot wate; heating plant, sibep lng porch. Tabor B73. FINK home, close In, breakfast room, den, sietping porch, built-in, hardwood firs., garage. Main HO.'.l'. In ROOM houae. partly furnished. ;wo Ion. plumbing in; terms. Inquire Mt 0110 tid bvi. a k. 5-ROOM new bungalow, 3 lots, $4,300. owiier, o-7 10 Lk ava, i'lriaiid atauoo. X.KAI K8TATK. For Sale If ouHes. IF TOO WILL HI RRT you can have your Chrlntmas alnner In your own little horns and the New Year will find you under your own roof; and If you can afford to pay rent ou can afford to own this little darllnl bunga low. It la located. In eunnynlde ; It lias fine living- room, two lovely sleeping rooms beautiful Dutch kitchen and large breakfast nook, modern bath, lights and gas, good cement baaement. large lot 60 X105 feet. Is handy to street cars, Glen coe school, good stores and churches; It le free and clear of all debts, no mort gages or liens to assume and Is a real snap for S4--M), Including linoleum, shades and sleel range: $MK) cash, bal ance 140 per month, which Includes the Interest. It is vacant, sou can move In louay. fee K. -vT. HUGHES. 6a. Journal Bldg. Main SS58 rose cirr park. LAUHELHURST. FOT.K3, V:k mVE GOT SOME I'A.MJl HUH NOW IN T1IKSK FOP1-1.AR. DlST-Rli'TS. WE SI'K- 1'IAI.IZK IN THE S A 1. K II K "UU KUlfcS JX THE BKST rls TRIl'lS IN ADniTIO.V TO Ol-R N TOWN OFHi'K. VR MAIVTA'X AN EAST SIDK OFFICE AT 41T11 ANU 8A.VDV. V(H"U. HE SL'lt PR 1 SKD TO l.r;AK- HU M A N 1 REAL. tlOOl Bl'Va ARE OFKEflKD NOW. GET IN OWK IT TO YOLKS ELK. WE HAVE lilt ilAKUAl.NS. A. O. TEEPF m.. IVSI-R A.NCE REALTORS. 170 stark St., near 4th. Mnln 3(M2. 1170 Handy Blvd. nt 40rh. Tnlinr ns. KOSH CIT1 1'AKK. $MK CA.H, $.0 per month, bora mat new Dungaiow. you have been look in for. living- room Is US feet, extending tne run wtun of th house: beautiful dinln room with French rioorj, cove nioldlnr In livlns room and dlnlnar room. Two large bedrooms with pass hall Into Datnroom, bullet Kitchen with break fa it room, cement basement, la r ire attic, face east on corner lot with pavement In anil Junt one block from Sandy blvd. We think It In a real bargain. Tou look at a and tens us wnai you mink. HILT.BTl BPOg.. Realtors. 211 Ry. Ex. Bids;.. Main Branch offfre. 30th. and Sandy. Tahor S4sy TWO CHRISTMAS SVAPS. 4-room comfortable houe, 50 feet of Irvington car; sewer snd walks In and paid for; $1-75. $-r0- down. 4-room bunsjalow. In Wood! awn. on a beautiful view lot. only $1630. $350 handles it. A. KOSOVAC. 410 Gerlinger bldg. Marshall 3401. rose crrr park. $475rt 41000 cash snd $."0 rer month Here Is one of rTioe beautiful III 1 1 buncralowR. strirtly modern with lare iivnis: room, large piate Klaus window Hrea k f n st nook, In fart every fen t " re that aoes to make a modern home: cated on one of Rose City's best paved streets, au imp. in ana paid. HTTLER BROS., Realtors, 211 Ry. Kxrh. Btdir. Main S. Branch office. Aoth and Sandy. Tahor H47. ROSE CITY SN'AP, $4300. TERM tf. rooms, furnace, ii fireplaces, h. w. floors. Ivory finish, full base ment, full lot, a-araife. fruit troes, all Improvements in and paid, close to school and car. Marsh McCab Co., Realtors, 322-2 Failing Bldg. Mar. 3I'i3. NEW CLOSE-IN BL'.NUALOW. Eat your Christmas dinner In your own home at 707 Eat Pine St.. just llnished; has 5 rooms, with pretty break fast nook and large attic, living room and dining room across the front, with nifty buffet and book cafes and mantel ; bathroom has tile f.oor wth built-in linen closet; handy kitchen with lino leum on floor; hardwood floors through out, garage, furnace, light fixtures and Vindow shades. Owner and builder on premises. Main 6.11. Tuhor Ht3i. $32.V $3230 $3230. $ :,ou c ash $ ,-,o. $25 PER MONTH $25. Brand new 4-room bungalow with breakfast nook, oak floors throughout, gas furnace, full plumbing, full cement basement, light fixtures, shades; strictly modern, move right In. Sell wood car to Reynolds ave.. No. 534, near rlvt-r ; great bargain. Se it today. 1'hone any Portland realtor or East 4000. 5H50 ROSE CITY PARK $f8i0. New 6-room bungalow, polished oak floors throughout, tapestry paper, beau tiful fix Hires, pretty brejikfnst nook, old ivory enamel finish, window shades. Fox furnace and gHrago. alart the new year right by owning your own home; 4'.)u B. 38th st. IN. BUILDER ON PROPERTY. GOOD houseboat on Columbia river, Vancouver, Washington; three good rooms, porch on t wo sides; Kaivanlsed roof; In good condition; price $200. Mrs. Al baugh. JOHN FEROrSON. R PJALTOR, UerUnger Bldg. BI'Y A real Christ mas present ; 5 -room bungalow, just finished : 457 E. A2d st. ; hardwood floors, cement half basement, plenty of built-in, marble floor in bath room, restricted district; the price. $5i'.".u, which Includes garage, furnace, shade and light In k fixture u; better than the ordinary; S200O will handle; open fur Inspection ; no Sun da v business. W. II. Rend, owner. Tabor ASS. WHY NOT get free of th rent hog and own a home of your own ? I can sell you a new, modern, all built-in featured bungalow Just off beaut If ul A Ins wort h ave. at E. 11th st. N.. only $2H00. Small payments down, bnlanre same as rent. Investigate and be convinced. CORCORAN. Bdwy. S12fl. 32.r-fl Lumbermen's Bldg. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS, $1850 Neat 3-room plastered cottage with concrete fmindatlon, ful I basement, hot and cold water, sink and patent toilet. S blocks from car. all kinds of large assorted bearing fruit t rees, chicken house and run. berries, ground Si'xino; $250 cash, J15 monthly. Fred W. Oer man Co.. Realtors. 732 Chatn. of Corn. NEW LAl'RKUIURST UL'XOALOW. Junt completed. & large rooms and hreakfast nook, hard wood floors throughout, best of workmanship, tile bath and drain board, bent of plumbing rtxtures, linoleum, light fixtures, garage, furnace and large attic. I rive out to 1'70 Floral ave. .Sunday and Inspect 1L Owner on prpmjsps. Tabor 233. EX-SKKVICE M e'n we havs -some real delrahle modern bungalows ready for immediate occu pancy, verv reasonable terms. ARE YOU GOING TO BCILD7 See our plans and up-to-date ideas. We can help you finance. W. M. UMBDENPTOi'K CO.. 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway I tt.13. NEW 4-ROOM HC.NliALOW 1IM) Here Is the new bungalow at a buying price, $230 down is all; ' basement, fireplace, ivory finish, cement founda tion ; located In Mt. Scott district. 4 blocks from the car. Thl is a very good buy. OTTO & HARK SO N. 413 Chamber of C'omm-rre, Main AW. JEFFERSON HUiH. We have a dozen exceptionally goon: buys In this district. Some r-room mod ern bungalows and some larger. This sec tion of the city Is fast coming to the front. J. A. WIOKMAN OO.. REALTORS. "Quality Homf." . 262 Stark St. Bdwy. 734. HEART OF IRVINGTON. $0.100 $l()OU CASH. Six-room bungalow; living room. 14x28 feet, breakfast nook; an unusually fine front porch; solid cment driveway. ALVIN JOHNSON. REALTOR. Board of Trade Bldg. Bdwv. 37. Evening. E. S!61. VACANT. Sunnyslde. 774 E. Yamhill St. ft rooms, three extra large bedrooms, enameled plumbing, wash trays, in splen did condition. Can be handled by sol dier's bonus. $3HM, easy terms. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main M24, OWNER LEAVING CITY. Will sell 5-room modern bungalow, fireplace, furnace, cement basement, ga rage, near Peninsula park and Jefferson high. 1 block to car; $3850; $2000 cash, balance $30 monthly. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W Bank Bldg. Main 87R7. REAL VALUE. Must sell my 6-room home, lot BOxIOO. fine fruit trees, berries, shrubbery; near Glenhaven school on 82d st. ; price $2600; terms like rent. This Is an exceptional bargain. W. M. I'M BDENSTOOK & CO., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1 fl."i8. ST. JOHNS A new modern bungalow two blocks from Dullness district in fine residence section: now vacant; will sell on easy terms for 12500. For particu lars call 404 Piatt building. IrXWTHORNB district, corner lot. 7-room new house, hardwood floors, furnace. Come out ami wee owner, -ol E. fioth. IRVINGTON duplex; exceptional home and income, heart of disc. 17 rms.: choice buy; 10, fur only $0500. Lat bOii. JtFAL V STATE, l'or Knle llmi'fs. f EE FRANK U McOT'TRS Tti Buy Tour Home. 120O Photographs of Homes for Pale. LARGEST HOME SELLER IN AMERICA. P E RS ONALL.Y J N Sl'E "T K D. PERSONALLY APi'RALSED. THE HOUR OF 1O0 PER VICE TO HOMKSKKKBHS. BL Y THEM A HM.M g NUW. Eery facility of our large, in. .it em organization in placed at your di" poi-al. WE HlOTEl'T VOL'R KVKKV J . T EREST and put ou In Immed '.ate touch with the home that will vi Hat in fy your rtitilrements. 1 f lu'ceary, we'll lu'lp you make iur down paincuu tU'EN EVENINGS I.NTIL W. 40 sal.-smeu at jour ken ice. BIG IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. APPRAISED AT I.HMMI. SELLING I'ltlt K $JIOO. IF YOI KE LOOKING FOR A REAL PAKGA1N, Jiict 'f this dandv horn- buy in HEART OF IRVINGTON, in a pretty. pra'tic;tl fi-ronm mud t n tuiigalow; built in fcaturen, gnod coiuiitiiwi, 2 light, airy bedrooms aul flecptiiK pnri-h, tap-Mry paper, etc. THIS iS POSITIVELY ONK OF THE BIGGEST BARGAINS IN OI R WHOLE OFFICE. Ea--t IlRh su FORCED SALE. powN v rnwN W E S T I ) F W EST M ORE LA N O iHttO ."tM down. V A i A N T. HERE'S A WONDERFCL BUY. ruomi. in a love' y, arm, brown roomy bungalow of IS rooms; lmmi'ii" living room Hx'js w!tli gUvinjj fireplace and beamed callings; t-t'SUtlflll built-in liunkrANCN and ccy window sat nook; colld ian eied dining room w n h b-a m d cfillnu, hardwood floor, two ex tra large hrdronmn, one J tx 1 and one 14x14 feet, with big clou, el; central hall, great big Dufcti kitchen with every possible con venience, largo floored atlio w tier you can eaMly make three more room; cement basement with, fruit closet, furnae, laundry travs; on paved ft., close to car. VACANT. Harold, ave. DON'T FA I L TO bEE THIlJ R1GU P A WAT. EAST TERM3. HOMT9 BARC3AIX. OWNER LEAVING CITY. SACRIFICE SALE. HEAD THIS. $23ltO IN PI E I ) MONT, J EFVER SOV HIGH 8CHOOL 1USTRKT, jou'll find thin fpU-ndid lionw baiarala that MI ST HE SOLD at a i-A'-RIKICE PRICE. Five room. In. good condition, ltvin g room, din ing room, built-in convenience,, Dutch kitchen, white enumol plum bin g. elect rlcit v, 2 n t bed- . room, ga: full lot with fruit snd ehruhhery; cIo to fine car line service and Jefferson Iili. Misnouri avenue. OPEN EVENINGS VNTTL 9. COME IN AND DO Y U R "?HO?. PING" in our warm, wcL-liglit, cliterfuj o'fice. BEE FRANK K McOTIRB To Bu v Your Home Realtor. Ahlngton BMc. Main 10fl, Third St., bit. Washington and Stark, iiO.E CITY 1'ARK. $t(Vn A wonderful Tmy in a fl-ronm tungaltw. mrlctiy nmdein, lornted nn a beautiful corner. This is a real home, the owner if a ninn and has been trnnffft'rred to another po-lt.on. A'e can give you the very bctt oi lurmi and, It Is a real bargain. HIT.LER BRO;., Realtors, 211 Ry. Kch. Itldg. M;ln S. Branch oitiee. f.ut h and Sandy. T;ihor S RENTAL TERMS. ROSE CITY PARIC. TWO BLOCKS NORTH OF SANDT. ONLY '-0 IXJWN. $ ifW0 Brand - new five-room bunga low with attic. We had to tako Ciis place over and finish It, therefore t h low price and ea!y terms. You run iinnu In at once. This place n conneeted wnu the fewer and Ju.t a few minutes' wnlk to both sehonln. littrdwood floinn in t li main rooms, enameled finish through out, fireplace, breakfast nook and Isith kitchen. Look at this place and ou wi'l spend CI 1 It 1 ST M A S 1 N Y OU R O W N HOME. J. L HARTMAN V., S Chamber of Comiiierce B'dg. Main -ui. Evenings, Tabor .V.iTtl. IRVINlTON. One of Irvington's finest stucco honif, large rooms. oiid mahogany and old Ivory throughout. Two white tiled fire places and two tiled baths; three extra lavatories, two glass-inclosed sleeping porches with dressing room with lava tory and triple mirrors cunnerting. right In the heart of lrvmrton tor $1J,000 fir short terms. East 4 10. BEA L'TIKI L 4-rnom modern furnished bungalow, ready to moe Into, bear In. AHteita line $lh."iO; small pavmeiit down, baiaio e monthlx Call Dekum bidg , 11 A. M. to 1 P. M. - Suburban 1 1 omen. COSY NEW BUNGALOW. 4 rooms and Hacre of land, fronting on 'paved highway, mod ern plumbing, fireplace, very large living and dining room, a No ga rsge. gas. waier and ebwtrh-ity in in; an attrsettve home In a good district; price $.V7M. $ ' ooi e.-ish and rent terms on the bal- nje L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chant her of Com merce Bidg. Main 'Mti. i DON'T OVERLOOK THIS. H aert. just outside city limits, nU in , cultivat ion. new bungalow, livable but not quite finished, will make 5 rooms and attic, water and gas In, almoM enough material to I mint, house Included. Here is a rhanre to double your money; price fltlOU, $WMI rush, per mo J. L. BAR 'I'M A N COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Corn. Bldg. Alain '2. NEAR REEPVTLLR. Over 4 acres, all In cultivation and crop, '0 young fruit trees, si raw berries, iogan, black snd raspberries; ft loom h'Uf, gm. Rood well, rock road; price inouo, $ looo cttnh. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANT. 8 Chambr of 'mh. Bidg. Mahi -ON. HALF ACRE It I NGAI.t W JOn0 Fine half acre, all In cultivat ion. twi Isrge barns, chicken house, garage and all out buildings; city water and elec tricity in all; cione to school and car, with hv fai". (Miisule the cny limits; this Is priced for oulck n,,le. Terms. As for F. C. Marsh.-ili. with FRANK L. McG V lit E, SOS Abington Bldg. Main IOCS. Third St., B-t Wash, and St.-irk $100 CASH, $J0 I'ER MO. 2 acrs, all In cultivation, 2-rm. neat shack, water and gas avail able, 8 blocks to elect t-tc hue. hard surface road; price $2oon. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. BMg. Main 2a. BEACTIFIL 5-acre count iy home, (-room modern houe. cltv water, lighn and gas. large sleeping porch, fireplace, tnoderti bath. French windows; tand drains bo tn ways from house; wonderful view of Mt. Hood and urrouiuiing cuunuy, near Beaverton on rock ruad. Price $."ouo, terms. STROt'D & CO. INC. Beaverton. r LOOK! FIVE-ACRE HOME Fo R $4L'o0. All under cultivat ion. na r M il wauk ie on good road; 5-room bungalow with running water; good family orchard and mi all fruit; good terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGCIRE. 205 Abington bldg. Main lOH. T n ' r d SI., 1 1 1 t. Vah .t i ml St ! r k $ 7..A TT R A CT 1 V E bungalow. )unt out -aide the city on Mlxloo eirner. with breakfast nook, china chisel, book cast s, writing desk, d isa p pea ring bed. dressing room, fireplace, w at r, gas, bat h,' ga rage, fruit trees. c;t y cur line; don't miss this. Ask for McC.ur W. M. I"n.! denstock & Co.. 1M0 tir.-gon bldg. B.iw v. ACR-E AND BCNGALoW. ONLY 14,-i0. Three blocks to S. P. electric station : electric lights; new, 3 rooms, plastered, painted and tinted; small payment gives posseswlon, balance like rent Owner. MM) Concord bidg.. Secr.n T and St :t r1 EXCEPTION ALLY good buy in Mulmo mah station, modern bungaiow. fine gar den land, near s'Htion. chicken hoiine, 2oKl, terms; owner. Box 117, Multno mah. Oregon. HIGHLY improved 7-ncre poultry and berry farm adjoining Newberg. Address Clyde Avery. Newherg. Or. For Sale Buwinehs Property. CONCRETK MOVING I'lCTl'RE 250 chairs, li t ;7xS, contains add j. tlonal frame store building, rented fir $25 month; snap at $13,oon. ;umk ca-h. ta:a nee terms. Inler(ate Land -Co., 2: S Stark st. Kor Sle ArrriiRf. FOR SALE or trad. 1BO acre. Improve R. Rongly, (IS V even for light cn . near Bend. Or. .1. Pear st.. Centra I la FOR SA LE 7 ACRES. CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN. 0131 V2D ST. ti. &.