THE MORNING OREGONTAX. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 17, 1921 TO KXfHAXGE RKAL KSTATE. FARM UAHOAiN. 134 acres, 75 in cult., 10 in timber, balance open pasture, good soil, well watered, springs ami small creek ; good -room bungalow, la rue tarn a nil other outbuilding, water piped to house and barn ; located in Rood farm 1 nit district, 30 miles from, city hall; good a. 1-year auto mad ; ell far below value, very easy terms, or exchange for going mer cantile buines or city income; this farm will stand Investigation. Tailmadge lenity Co.. ltt H-nry bldg. KK SALK OK KXC1IANGE. Fully h locked and ei uipped wheat ran cli, 320 acrs. 3 10 nil Joining leaned With place; new buildings, first-class condition: Rood road, n'nr school : well water, windmill. Will trade equity for Portland or Vancouver propcrtv. Goff, with Sletten. 415 Ry. Exch. bldg. TO KTfMAVGF MTSCFM.A VEOfg. SOUTHERN Oregon sawmill, 31-acre Hood River apple orchard. 27-aere farm and Winton six auto to trade for sawmill and timber, or good available timber suitable tr manufacture of pianking. rite 1"QS L. C. Smith bldg , .Seattle. WoULD Ilk to trade fmull apples, parked, uniall spuds, cow, heif-r, yearling. Poland China b'utr, good plow, horse or anything useful t'j a farmer, Bdwy. 1403 or b'a'Aht 1 A IN. WILL take roncrete work or phonograph an first payment on Chevrolet touring. Tabor 55 3o. HAVE 1017 Ford car. ;ike to trade for team of horses or fresh cowa L. Siedow, rehnrds. Wash. $.-t;5 BRUNSWICK phonograph, loO mate record" ; will trade for diamond ring. Main 1H41. CHEVROLET fr piano, lot or what? Call Harper, Jtroadway 3100. FOR WALK. Horses, Vehicle. Livestock. HORSES HORSES. Span of Rray, mare and RfldinR, fat, weight 2.-n lbs., free of blemish-, true to work with heavy harness, Hto. Span of matched gray geld ings, wt. $28i lbs., true and sound. $100. Span of biocky built grays, weight 2400 lbs., free of blemishes; will work In all harness, $140. Also carload of different size horses, some well mated teams, heavy draft horses and 40 sets of new and second-hand harness at a prire that will make you buy. G. K Howltt, Columbia Stables, .Front and Columbia sts FOR SALE. Toiinff Jersey hull. Pure bred, St. Mawes Jersey bull calf, 3 months old. by Ht. Mawes Lad of Midway. No. 18ho. Price $50 if uiken now. Langguth, 333 Korth western Bank bldg. WANTED Someone Willi suitable quar ters to take a herd of fine milk goats on share. Address ODD K. loth at. N. Wdln. 4i'tl. 'UREE cows and (arm ' t'an, young, sound and gentle; guaranteed good workers; harness and wagun if wauled. 24n K. Kth direct. LARGE Guernsey cow, 5 gallons. Just fresh; aio 2 good family cwf, selling rhap. Tuh' tented. 240 E. 8'.h. DUCKS Pure bred wila Mallard ducks, $5 per pair Langguth, 338 Northwest ern Hank bids, TOGGEXHKKG line of milk goats, doe kids ami milkers, reasonable. Mr. Hill, 'tfrnro. Or. V KTKK 1 NAK1 A N . DR. nOWBS. TABOll 6566. X)EAD and cattle t a it en quickly. Call day or night. Auto B27-64 HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co.. m02 Tcninoa ve.Slhvuod 23H3. TWO NICE Jersey-Guernsey cows, fresh. IW.'i Union ave. S.. corner of Stevens. Piano, Organs and Mimical 1 ustrumenta. $ii.i.o CHICK ERING parlor grand, dull ma rt op any, tine tone and condition, only 1 7 lit ; a wonderful bargain. J ut think of It! Will take in upright pUno part payment. Brokerage Co., 311 Worces tT bldg. Tili.NKl.Nij of piano? Just wake up and go to Hie Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg., and you will find many of the world best pianos, many you can't tell from brand new. at -ss than half price, so why p.iy more ar.d he sorry? PIANO SALE. $1.10 Knabe, $150 Mansfield. $ ISO Stein way, Other used pianos $11' 3 and up. Terms given. Suiberhng-Lucas Music company. huv. sell ok tuadk phunuokaphs or records. BRASS AND arUIXO INSTRUMENTS. NEWMAN'S RECORD EXCHANGE, 12S First. Near Aider. Main 4 INS. KN Aim piano, (150, old style; a tine ractice instrument. See It. Helberling ucas Muslo Co., 1-3 4th at., bet. Wash, and Alder. CnK NEW table phonograph. Just a llttitf shopworn, piayj all records, beautiful tone; a special buy at only $175, terms. G. F. J olinyun Piano Co., 110 Sixth st. GENUINE Bush & La no piano, very latest, can't tell from brand new; must acll by Monday; make an o"f'r; about i price. Brokerage t'o.. 311-12 Worcester bldg. STUDENT'S violin out! it includes violin, bow, rosin, extra strings and, spe cial 118. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth Mreet. BTE1NWA V & .SON upright. $ K-ll, best of condition and some bargain. Seiberling Lucas Muic Co., 15 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. PIANO tuning and re finishing, expert workmanship. "Work guaranteed. Selber-ling-Lucy Music Co., 1L', 4th at., bet. wash, ndwi Aider. Main rrn FOR SALK BY PRIVATE PARTY, SCHILLER UPRIGHT PIANO: FIRST CLASS SHAPE: WONDERFUL TON E. BROADWAY 4S20. $'J0 CASH secures $750 1'iai.lsta player piano and 30 player rolls and bench at Security Storage Co.. cor loth and Stark sta. $21ft CASH buys $473 Harrington upright piano. Security Storage Co., cor. 10th and Stark sta. " $105 CASH buys a fine Haliet A Davis upright piano at Security biorage Co.. cor,. 10th and Stark. f IVE PIANOS, upngnis, $lu0, $1U5. $100, $16. $17-"; many line make.t, ea.-y terms. Brtkerage 'o., 31 1 Worcester bldg. STENT m new mco or phonograph; sis montib rent amdied on pure ha price. Haro'u S. Gilbert. 34 Yamhill st. 6lD STRAD model cello at a special price, $."0 ; don't miss this. G. F. J ohnson Piano Co.. 141 sixth st ATOKY & CLARK. J301). walnut case. A snap. Seiberilng-Lucan Muic Co., 12i 4th St.. Iet. Wash, and Ald?r. l.KASbi expires .'c. 1. line fixtures for !e; piaj'er rolls, phonographs. piano Hirold M Gilbert. 3H4 Yamhill st J'HuNOGrtAl'H repairing done by ex perts: all work guaranteed. Selberllng' Lucas Music 'Q-. H'-'V th st. JtR SALE High grade piano, like new; fll very reasonably. G3o East Madison. Phone East ftTlO. V 1 LL store piano for use of same ; re sponsible; no children; will pay dray- age. Scllwond 3."i.i2. 1 bET Bulfett Bd and A clarinets. Albert nybtem. $00. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., iiANSFlELO. L"0. walnut case, upright; 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder. ftKNT Gratonola with late music and let rental apply on purchase price. Empire Traiifefer. Bdwy. 1A5. $G'U i kiuMl'SUN piano. Just about like new; only $--. ou terms. 311 Worces ter bldg. ytx PLAVER i'lANO, music and bench; Just brand new hort time, ouiy $JoO, terms. 811 Worcester bldg. ,00 lloBAKT M. CARLE piano. Just ex actiy like brand new, cheap; make an or ier; termn. 311 Worcester bldg. jp'OR SALE New Sllvertone phonograph and 33 records; 1 leather suitcase. tka v jer st.. city. IOL1N for sale, cheap. Call 10 Weat Humbo.dt st. W A n i E D Goou uted panu ior spot caa Ma.n 4 1: 4. KINGSBURY p. ano, a bargain, aelberiing Lucas Music Co.. 1.' 4th st. TRADE victrola and records for piano. Main SO "WANTED Chene. iu good condition, for cash. Tabor 11140. VlnUN arid cae for s ile fur $12 at 34 N. 10th at., corner of Couch. OKAl'llUl'HONK for sale cheap, with rec ur I. C;'ll Burrage Ht. yuR SALE Walnut piano, aimost new, cash or terms. East W1'3. $.,7a KOHLER piane. orny J3j, on terms, latest. 311 Worcc.-ter bldg. PIANO wanted by private party. Will pay cawh for good bnrttin. Marahall 1532. ORGANS. your choice t Seibrilng Lucas Music Co., 4tli st. Main H.s6. PIANO wanted, i'ay cash lor bargain. Main 8." Ml. PlANUti moved. $.1; storage extra, work do n e t ex perts. Phone Bdwy. 1 207. WANTED Uaed piano for cash. Call East Toy BUYS $.V0 C. K. Brne mahogany piano ; t erin. .i i i wnrt-raier PUtg, $l.'ti) BUYS fine uprtgot Smith" A Barnea piano; term. 311 Worcester bidg. jj j BL k'S fine Oxiord piano and bench; plain c aye. 31 1 Worces t e rbld g. $iu BAILEY piano, oniy $10a; fine plaiir iiUi'a $."oO Lei and piuuu, nice wal nut : terms, 311 Worcester bldg. $;uu Mci'HAlL piano. line condition, ouy $2.. terms. 311 Worcester bldg. $1100 MASN & HAMLIN piano, nice ml liogau, $-0, terms. 311 Worcester bldg. FOR BALK. i'in now. Organs and Muslrul Inatruments. LIPMTVLFE-" CO.. GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. Includes these new pianos, renewed and used ni not and nhonoif raoha; Modello player and bench r.f9IV Smith A Barnea. upright lieinze upright, gojd condition 10 Schubert, large, mahogany 265 Kimball, renewed nak . ....... 85 Ha men Bros.. Quite new 4.t S Francis Li a con f In tnahosranr. ..... 43r bteritng. fine tone H Pay cash or $t to $12 a mnnth. R KIITt:KIJ .'HOY)T,RAPH3. Brunswick, No. 7. mahogany $ W) 00 Stradtvara Melody 112 23 trad I vara Harmony l.VUO Columbia, goiden oak. used ...... 75.00 Vlctrola. XL mahogany 14U.O0 Pay wsh or J. '4: and $S a month. LIPMAN. WOLFE 4 CO.. 7th Floor, Washington and 6th Ste. CLEARANCE SALE FACTORY REBUILT AND I J H KID PIANOS. $ no Stein way 4k Sons, mahogany . .$395 $ boo Steger at. Bona, mission oak... 4& $ 7-0 Kranich & Bach, golden oak.. &15 $ S7.S Schroeder Bros., fumed oak.. 86-3 $ f(to Bed Son, grand in upright. $ Srt) Kimball, large, mahogany.... 2t5 $ &0 Thomuun Diaver nana 45 $it5() Singer player piano, oak o $ tfoo Thompson playex. oak $ 135 Burdette parlor organ........ g I j Kitrhnff nnrloe rr tr . n ........ 2 $ 73 1'uckard parlor oiaan 1 Terms $10 to l'& cash. 0. $3, $13 mo SCH WAN PIANO CJ.. 10th and Stark. , WE ARE QUITTING- BUSINESS. All pianos, plAyer p'anos, grand pianos, phonographs, the latest onblnet machines of many standard makes and deMgna, new and used, now being closed out at pricea that are selling them fast. Splenuld guaranteed -pianos, $223 and up. Excellent player pianos. ... 1-130 and up. Grands, standard makes. .. .$0 and up. JN'ew cabinet phonographs $47.00 and up. Reductions as much aa oO'c and easy terms to suit your convenience. iJe.-ks, counters and safeor sale. KOLEY-MAEGLY MUSIC CO., Ifte Mh St., bet. Washington and Star. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. Victor, small, with 5 used records $ 20 Columbia, small, with 5 used records S't Victor, with 10 used records 40 Victor, with 10 used records 65 Victor caoinet, with 1A used records 110 Bathe, cabinet, with 10 used records UO Brunswick, cabinet. 10 ued records. 73 Sotiora, cabinet, with 15 used records 10 Sonura grand with 23 used records. 2u ttunora. portable, used records 40 $ J up cash, $3 and up monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO., 101 10th st.. cor. Stark. Phone Bdwy. 1C73. USED SAXOPHONES. Conn C, silver find gold bell $120 Vega S, silver and gold bell 120 Bueccher Bs, tenor and gold bell... 1M French Trieoert Bs, tenor, gold bell 130 Conn alto i. silver, gold bell 100 Conn alto Es. high pitch baas 63 We are albo representatives of the Martin King saxophones. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. 140 6th 8t. USED PIANO SPECIALS. Newby & Evans, mah. cae, excellent condition $220 J. & C. Fin her, mahogany case, & splendid bargain 245 Krell, walnut case. Just like new.... 310 Net7ow, mah. ease, a fine value.... 2S5 Many other good bargains at onir store. O. F. JOHNS' N PIANO CO.. H! 6th St. HERE is your chance to get her that fine Christmas present. Dark oak upright piano in the best of condition, wlil eU it this week for $160; can be seen at Brooklyn Transfer Co., Union ave and Hawthorne. CLEANING UP. Concert grand piano suitable for dance hall or theater fur rent or sale. TUNER'S OUTFIT HALF PRICE. PIANOLA, $10. HAROLD 6. GILBERT. 384 Yamhill St. Furniture for Sale. DAVENPORTS. MANUFACTURERS SAMPLES. We are manufacturers of overstuffed davenports and chairs; we have a few sample which we will sell direct to the trade at greatly reduced prices; some terms to responsible parties on theft close-outs; many styles and assortment of coverings in denim, merona. velour. tupestry and mohair. Phone 6:t3-27 Evenings and Sunday, Tabor &7l) 7 or Automatic 33-l'i. MICH A E LSON - MATRON", INC., 0433 Foster Road. SAVE MONET. Try our sales department It you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rate to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing ar.d ref inching. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 4th St., Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. FINE overstuffed davenport, $100; ma hogany chairs. $22. SO; felted mattreva, $H.3; mahogany 4-poster bed. $33. Jo; heavy inlaid linoleum, $1.50. Furniture of every description for living room, din ing room, bedroom or kitchen. Every thing new and at wholesale prices with wholesale house service. Call East 2148. IN FIRST-CLASS apartment house, fur niture practically and Tery attract ive; mu-st be seen to be appreciated. Price reasonable. Owner going east and must sell. 3-room apartment. Will give pos session, immediately or on Jan. 1. 681 Com h ft. Pt! wy. 3732. IN FIRST-CLASS apartment house, fur niture practically n w and very attract ive; mu.t be seen to be appreciated. Price reasot aide. Owner going rast and mubt sell. 3-room apartment. Will give pon e salon. Immediately or on Jan. 1. 561 Couch at. Bdwy. 3732. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains Call or phone for salesman. IRWIN HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10th at Stark Sts Bdwy. S144 DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your fi eight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage tV.. 219 Pine street FINEST velour overstuffed davenport; new, beautiful, largest size, solid mahog any eh If ferobe; bargains; leaving city. Phone after I) A. M. Main S72. 3 N EARLY new tapestry wicker chairs and 1 rocker; also various office desks and chairs, both oak and mahogany, for na le cheap. Call Broadway 61 ti. For TRA DE Fora touring car. A-l con dition; will trade for furniture. 301 E. M.trrlson. FOR SALE Four rooms of good furniture. All or part. Main 1412. Good FURNITURE oF 7 ROOMS FOR SALE. CHEAP. 0!3 E. 11TH ST. S, FOR SALE Kound-top oak table. Wood lawn 2341. Office Furniture FLAT-TOP dtik.H, tables, chairs, all office equipment from biff concern at low prices; desks, files, tables, chairs. 9 bank f lut Burroughs, time clock, dictaphone outfit and safes. i. C. Wax. 24-20 North Fifth st Broadway 273!. bPRUCE dvui:n decks, chairs and fllea Pacific Stationery A Printing Co.. 107 2.1 ONE 5-FOOT mahogany rull-top dealt and swivel chair. 611 Gasco. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES 1 HE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 Washington St. Main S631. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $30 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. 04 Fif'h St. Main 366. FOR RENT L. C. Smith typewriters; spe cial rate to at ud en U. L. C. Smith 4 Bros. Typewriter Co., SOtt Spalding" bldg. Main 074 UNDERWOOD typewriter in excellent con dition for aali- reasonably if taken at once. 'ail 403 Broadway. Mar. 29 SO after 4 P. M. FOR SALE Good InderwoKi typewriter, complete attachment. Cat! 330 Mor gHrt hidg. FOR RENT U nderwood. Remington type writers, $3 month. Empire Transfer. Broadway 133. REPAIRS, rent, buy. sell; supplies Type writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 334ft. CORONA typewriter with case. -dike new, 1 .13 Empire Transfer. 2-"4 Broadway. GooD typewriter for $7.30. 3u4 Oak at. Call early. ; NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407. Poultry. PULLETS Xmas presents. Thoroughhred Reds. W. Leghorns. Barred Rocks, An comti. Black Minorcas. Brown Leg horns, $1.23. $1.43 ; fat hens to eat, 1. Come or write Leroy Whiddon. 50A Will lam ave GO WHIT'S Leghorn breeders, trapnested stock. 200-egg average; making room for Rhode Island pens. $1MJ takes flock. 2tit 30th ave. S. E. Aut 614-21. DUCKS Pure bred wild Mallard ducks; $3 per pair. Langguth, 333 Northwest ern Bank bldg. WANTED Incubator. .UK) to 1000-egg ca paejty. BF 2S. Oregonlan. Pot.-, Rahhitw, Birds and Pet Stock. GEN U IN E trained St. Andreasberg roll- er. Imported Mtock ; special until Xmas, $7 to $10. Auto. 327-60. 1230 Williams a ven ue. THOROUGHBRED black Chinese chow dog; only one In Oregon; $100 takes hiai. ami Baig st. Hell. 82H1. WANTED Boh to n bull terrier, male pup; must score high. Marshall RJS31. TRAINED St. Andreasberg roller. IHJ E. Goth aL N. Tabor 3211. FOR 8 AT JR. Dogs. Kahbtta. Birds and Pet Stock. GENUINE St. Andreasberg rollers, males and females; none better. East 6874. 6a 7 Multnomah. THE BOSTON KENNELS of Portland. 407 Ainsworth avenue, Woodlawn it 24. ped igreed Boston Terrlera exclusively. Pup pies for sale. Choice males for service. PEDIGREED and registered Boston terrier poppies, male and female, 2 months old. $25 and $35. HSth st. M. T. car. D"Iano st. Tabor 6( ;m. FOR SALE Cocker Spaniel puppies; biack. red and part coiur. 16i3 East Eighth. Sellwood 2HVi. 3 CANARIES, fine singers, alho large bird cage 26x13, all together $12, or $4 each. yil Front st. n. L.orritz. Mar. XMAS presentFox terrier puppies, $7.50 and $10. Wrtln. 2U12. FOR SALK Thoroughbred collie irtippies. Tabor 674. . FOR SALE POLICE DoG. CALL. MR, MACKENZIE. COL. 16. PEDIGREED Boston bull puppies. Auto matic H.17-64. ST. ANDREASBERG singers, beautiful yellow females. 031 E. 40tn X. Tabor 37'J. ROLLER and linnet canaries, fine singers, $3 to $3. Tabor 4703, THOROUGHBRED bull terrier pups for Sale. 14 weeks old. W11n. 3331. CHOICE FOX TERRIER puppies for sale. Mrs. George Frakes. Scappooje. Oregon. CANARIES, any color, nice for gifta, $3.50 up. 4"7 Mon t gomery St. FOR SALI5 Cheap, Boston bull terrier puppy, pedigreed. Scl'.wooa Keg and Barrels. KEG3 AND BARRELS Fir an5 whits oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 306 N. 14th St.. near Petty grove. Phone A 51U-1D. Mnrhinerv. ONE LATH auJ bolt combination machine, complete; 2 16-inch tooth saws, M lath saws. $350, terms. Forest Grove Mill Logging Co., Forest Grove, Or. DRILLS We havo the largest stuck of ' carbon and high-speed drills on the coast. Our pricea are right. North west Machinery Co.. Main 2164. C'nal and Wood. COAL. $11 per ton. put in your basement; city weight, direct from mine to con sumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot, burns to fine ash; try a ton. PHONH EAST 134. SPECIAL. IV 4-T.OAD LOTS, C. O. T. COUNTRY BLOCK AND SLAB. FOUR LOADS $15 DELIVERED. QUALITY AND MEASUREMENT GUARANTEED. MAIN 4630. BLOCK wood cut from 10x12 and 10x14 1 1 m ber ; sound and dry, $"3. 25 per cord ; kindling wood, $3 per cord; plank wood, cut from 3x12 and 4xlLv$d per cord de livered. Phone Main 730. NICE l-in. slab, $3 73; bwt fir, seasoned, $5 load, anywhere ; bargain; dry 1 2-10-in. country slab. $7.50; box, $4.50; 24-ln. cord, $4.73: fur a healer or furnace. Scllwond 17HP. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs. Royal. Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & Tile Co., b'd Fifth st.. between Stark and Oak. Phone Broad way 18. NICE 16-in. slab, $3.75; best fir. seasoned, $3 load, anywhere, bargam. Dry 12-16-In. country slab. $7.23; box. $4 30; 24-in. heavy oord, $4.73. Sellwood 1760. FOR SALE Dry country slabwood. $7 per load ; 16-inch length, delivered; also 100 cords for bale at $2 per cord. Call Aut. '.32-TV. PLANER trimmings. $3.30; 10-lnch dry block and slab, $5.50; dry alder wood. $6 per load. Call Woodlawn 5004, or 1133 Montana ave. DRY CLEANER, trmming. $3.00; 10-lnch dry block and alHb, $0; aiderwood, $6.50. Call Wdln. f!i04, 1133 Montana ave. BOXWOOD AND SLAB WOOD. Delivered Immediately by FuLon Wood Co.. l-'nl Macadam. fnnne Mam BLOCK and slab mixed, partly dry". $4.50 per load ; two loadJ i at a reduction. East 2o41. National Fuel Co. A-l t iiST-vROvv"i n wood. $.6u per cord delivered, also wood in small lota. Main .LOCK, or slab. 2 loads $4, first-growth cordwood. $7.50 per cord; second growth, $ 6 50. Bdwy. 4110. FIRST growth dry cordwtod, $7.50 per co rd East Ji.t FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry, $7.50 cord; second-growth, dry, $6.25 cord. A 62W-77 NO. 1 OLD growth, dry, $7.50 cord. No. 2, dry. $6.50 cord. Auto. 61H-8. KING coal at $15.50 a tun la the cheap est A u t o. 647-!M. SLAlUVoOD. country slab, delivered at $4.2 5 a c ord. Hd wy. 4S6. CoRDWOOD, first-growth dry fir, deliv ered at $7 30 a cord. Bdwy. 4 Sit. 4-FOOT block and railroad ties ; also 10 lnch stove wood. Marsha 11 2613. UTAH i-itig Coal prices have been re ducpd $13.30 per ton. Ca.l Aut. 047-00. GUARANTEED best old fir. dry, $7.75 per cord. Phone arsnau w DRY" 6-1N. WOOD, $5.30 per load or $10 d-mb'e load. Kaat 1M7. $3 A LOAD. 16-inch dry plank and small timber Sellwood 3130. BONE-DRY boxwood, $4.23; dry wreck age, $4.75 load. Woodlawn 3619. JFrii its and Vegetables. Ai'PLES Kings, Baldwins, Spitzenbergn. 73c and $1 box. Call Sunday cor. Market and Barr Rd.; bring containers. MiHcellaneotib. VACUUM cleaner, in good condition; a Hoover used about a year; price $1300. Call Holcombe, Bdwy. 1270. FOR SALE Single wooden bed, springs and mattress, very reasonable. Phone Wdln. 164,1 GIRLS large rubber tired "Fairy" tri cycle, A-l condition, for Bale cheap. 428 Mill. Call Mar. 61f5. $100 BUYS a $200 new Giaphophone with 2 doz. records. lioom 208 Washington bldff. FOR CHRISTMAS i5 quarts home-canned fruit and pickles, $25. 636-02. 8004 S5th ave. S. g. . DIAMOND ring, 1 k crescent pin of 17 diamonds, diamond rinR. IS diamonds. v cry he a p. Wrqt, Holl. Washington bldg. CHRISTMAS trees delivered. 4 to 12 feet high, 50c, 75c and $1. Main 7264. S07 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder. SET OF real mink furs. Small shoulder cape and large pillow mulf; good con dition. East 7ft45. LICENCED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $ 1 2. 5 for $U, guaranteed to pa.'! Inspection. Woodlawn 37jl. ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., &lJ2 Tenino ave. Sellwood 23i3. $300 BEAUTIFUL diamond lady's ring; Tiffany style; only $130. 311-12 Worces ter bldg. HEADQUARTERS for holly wreaths and mistletoe. Oregon Seed Store. 22 Yam hill. b0 VICTOR and Columbia phonograph rec ords, 15 cents each, or all for $10. Main 6m). . DANDY 3-iight shower fixture, complete with shades, only $3.35. at 207 Chamber nf Commerce bldg. Broadway 4233. TRADE dandy Hudson auto for lot. dia mond, or what liave you? K Sol, Ore gonlan. GOOD ACORN GAS KAXGE, SIDE OVEN. SELL. CAMPHOR WoOD chest, from Hung Kong. Chin a. 53 4 v imams ave. Koom a. CASH registers, scales, showcases, wall raflts, pool table. 216 Washington. CHILD'S automobile, train and track, like new; cheap. Also oak buffet. East 1532. FOR SALE A string of genuine amber beads, cheap, P:ast 5432. O.Na EXTRA heavy cowhide suitcase; new. 534 imams ave. Konm a. ONE small size man's overcoat, new, and one mackina w cm-ap. I a u miiti. lmhhj. FOR RENT Sewing machine, 2 months. ONE new raincape and all-wool coat for girl, 12 and H years. Call Wdln. 20O0. ONE ukulele and instruction book, $4. Call Woodlawn 2O06. Co.ui'LETE pumping outfit for sale. Call Tabor 72i4. . ELECTR1- fixtures tor b rooms. $15. 201 Chamhei of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4253 Hoi A L vacuum c Vaner for bale, reduced $62.50 to $40. East 7H40. " ROSES ROSES ROSES RARE. WOODSTOCK NURSER Y Auto. 61 0-96. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding m a c n Trie. - nt-i nan, EXTRA good potatoes, $2, delivered, ilain 2TIHU. HOLLY load with large berries; holly wren ths, fH'c and un. lahcr Q3n. FI X IT Carpenter repairs, alterations, le.iky roofs, butlt-lns. Wdln. finis. GOOD heater cheap. Woodlawn 304U. 73 East Emerson. . STOCKYARD manure, also rotten cow manure: deliver any place. Wdln. 2363. "STAR A fclAK" shiimlea Cirt-ct tr.j;u uiut Ca1' Tavlor-strect dck. Main so65 HEM S riTCH ING, 6 CTS ROOM 21i &oU MORRISON ST MAIN 5045. 1 15 and 1 42-piece tea set. imported Crura Japan. 53 4 '3 Williams, room 5. A CROCHETED hand made bedspread for sale at a reasonable price. 840 E. Main. PLUMBING repair expert; do any Job reasonable. Bdwy. 23. 3. ANTIQUE, hand-wrought fireplace toaster, made tn Scotland 17di Aut. 222-76 GUITAR, good as new. $10. East 6376. $ jf K D A K. half p r ice. East 4630. SlllNGLE. BROADWAY 1371. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. A WOXDERFUT, CHRISTMAS GIFT. Mesh bag of solid green gold, hand-engraved mounting, sapphire clasp, the best of workmanship; used -very little; cost new $4. an appraisal or examination will convince you of its worth: will sell for $HX). For appointment to see it, address M 10S, Oregonian. Cor respondence confidential. JUST 10O0 IN PORTLAND Send $1 today; we will send you a gift suitable for your best friend; one that cannot be equaied by the Portland shops, a pair of beautiful hand -made artcraft candle sticks and a pair of floral designs gold lacquered candle sticks nicely packed tn hand-colored Christmas boxes. Add 10c for postage and packing. G. A. Stanley, B3 Pt. Clair. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Fiake laundry; clothes washed snowy white in separate compartments, Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, 15 pounds for 7ti cents; Thursday. Friday and Saturday 15 pounds for 60 cents, 4 cents each ad ditional pound. Valuable premiums given Phone East 8433. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save one-third; all attyles, finest se lection. Come and see; you ate under no obligation to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. B road w s y 4233. WATER SYSTBM BARGAIN. Tf you can use a complete water rvs tem, 1 will sacrifice. Call Barnes. Bdwy. 3400. week days: Woodlawn 0317, eve nings and Sundays. LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing ail day on your feet? If so. be for you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash vwth Takara Antiseptic Powder; Aoo and $1 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. IF1 YOU APPRECIATE splendid watch re pairing or jewelry repairing, take your work to MILLER'S B!g Little Jewelry Stora Sella for Leas Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. . DIAMOND ring, perfect blue white stone, weighing .lo carats, in plain 14-carat Tiffany ring, was don&ted for mission ary purposes; must be converted Into each; will take $400 cash; any Jeweler will charge $700 to match it. BD 2t3, Qreyonian. NICM Xmaa present; my beautiful A-B gas range, white porcelain, glass oven door, like new; also good water power washing machine, stove; $65 washing machine, $10. (iOOVa Madison sc., west 8 id e . MAKE! a small payment and wear your eye glasses and spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregonlan bldg. SINGERS. Whites. New Homes, like new. $25 to $45; other guaranteed dropbeada, $15 to $18: latest Singers; cash or terms; rentals $3 per month. Siug-r Store. I'j'i 4th. Main 6S33. t SEW ING machines,- new and secondhand, sold for lew; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1H0 Thn d St., near Taylor. M ain 9431. IF DAVID'S CAN'T, REPAIR TOUR WATCH, GIVE IT UP. -Only Genuine Watch Materials Used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. 343 Washington St , at Broadway. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our old stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213 WHY AN evenajtuug aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent nd comtortahle roof? We repair, rubbernond and rejuvenate all kinds o' leaky rocrts. Work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 71. USED OFFICE EQUIPMENT. Flat-top depks, tables, chairs, files, etc., dictaphone outfit. U bank Burroughs, large and small safes, time clocks. D. C. Wax, 24-26 North Fifth. Bdwy. 2730 CASH R EG i STERS and computing scales bought, Boid, exchanged and repaired. Portland Ca.h Register A Scale Ex change. 226 stark st., between First and Second Main 5334. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Llttl) Jewelry Store Slls for Loss Gifts That Last. Next door to Majestic Theater. 1 Park and Wash ington Sts. DO YoU KNOW that you can buy the finest little auto ciock for $3.50 at 108 N. Broadway ? Nothing better for a Christmas gift. Anilrcsen A Jeffway. d ;itributors for the Browning company. WHY I'AY $40 to $00 for a new bicycle when you can buy a guaranteed rebuilt bicycle for less than half ? A limited number to pick from. Apex Bicycle Co., 437 Wllllnms ave. East 14M. XMAS SUGGESTION. Mink, skunk, squ irrel and other fur chokers $15. The Fur shop, 615 Ellen bMg. Main 6424. A BEAUTIFUL back bar. 24x12. French plate mirror; original price $1300, now $400 if taken at once. 421 Washington st Phore Bd wv 7i5. HOT WATER tanks, 30 gai., $7; 40 gal, $tf; tested, guaranteed; move and furnace coiU, gas li eaters Installed ; plumbing Fast Side Weld Sh.. 203 Adams. E. 8516. BUY SELL. RENT OR TRADE SHOTGUNS OR RIFLES. NEWMAN'S GUN STORE. 1 g First, near Alder. Main 44f3. FLOUR SACKS. 100 lb. s ze. laundered, $1.20 doz.. mail orders add postage. S. Hodges. 424 Belmont., near 6th. Phone East 450T. 20 DROPHEAD sewing machines. $12.50 to $45; Singeis, New Homes, Whites, W. W.; alt makes machines rented and repaired. E P.. Sieen, 132 Grand ave. East 233'.). AN EX-SERVICE "man. married, will ap preciate your order for Xmas trees or holly wreaths, lowest pricea. Call Tabor 2123. I HAVE been making leather goods at home In my spare time and have ome exceptional aiues In - music bags and brie' ra-.i. Ka t7 3 fV ALASKA WRECKING CO., All kinds of building material and wood for sale; yard 2d and Columbia, M .1 in 5107. SEND 5uc for V lb. of nice mistletoe and Oregon grape, postage prepaid for your Christmas tree. J. K. Wheeler, Win chester. Or. . NEW KL'UD water heater; kodak, large size; electric sewing machine; electric fan; Navajo rug. Wilton; baby awing. Tabor 725. LARGEST size cabinet phonogruph. used 10 days, will sacrifice for cash. East 1W2H or Bdwy. 2032. Owner. $35 VICTOR phonograph, cabinet and rec ords; like new; $23. Heating stove, $6. Woodla wn 31)77. LEAKY ROOFS oulcklv repaired. Cali Dispatch Roof I i e p 1 ilrers. An to. 633-87. $100 BUYS a $200 new Graphophooe with 2 dog. records. Room 208 Washington bldg. . RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning d one. East 4045. ALEX A N D K R HA MILTON I N ST1T UTE course, brand new, at discount. Sell wood 2774. SAFES Fireproof, office ; one large, one small; cheap if taken at once. B 272. Oregon'an. FOR SALE at sacrifice, lAB combination range, good as new; 1 Radian tfire gas heaterr Call East 61B2. Mrs. Stayon. JVw n J. We buv. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 320 Washington st PI LES ca n be perm an eii tly cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond and aiorrison. BLEACH ED, laundered flour sacks, $1 20 per dozen, add postage, mail orders. Snow Fiake Laundry. 4:0 Belmont st. COLUMBIA phonograph; records ; fine Xmas gift. Tabor 31)60. 350 Al argue r Ite ave. BUR BANK POTATOES. $3 a sack, delivered; 5-sack order. A HALL safe, practically new; also four- drawer letter Din me. -1- xtanway ex change bldg. FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Woodlawn 6233. SA FES 70 Sixth St.. near Oak. Ne w and second-hand Herring, Hall, Marvin. p A FES AND VAULT doors. Bdwy. 104 FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaner. Mon. to Mon.. $1, or 85c per day, de- 1 1 v ered anywhere. Woodlawn 1230. LADIES EVERYTHING in used wearing apparel; pricea very reasonable. Tabor CHERRY and pear trees, 3 years old. Woodstock Nursery. End of Woodstock ca r 1 1 n e .-miM. ;v-t-i,. Call East 2l 1, apt. 303; rotted manure delivered anywhere In city. DI FBOLD cafes, new and second- hand; Fpecial prices. Pacific Scaie A Supply Co.. 4 Front t. Broadway 1066. LADY'S winter coat for sale cheap; sise 38. n-7 layor-. LADY S seal plush coat; lined throughout; $16., Btlwy 1 v.rj. SCALE" and phonegraph in good condition. 2i2 Boundary ave. Fulton car. BABY'S hand-made hand?, pinning -blanker, dresses, ete.. bargain. Tabor 725. TWO DIAMOND riugs, reasonable. Main 4128. FOR SALE. M 1 see 1 la neou. $2.50. Xmas tree lights; 9-Hght set, assorted colors, with extra long cord and one extra lamp free; other fancy tree light sets at wholesale prices while they last. Get yours early. 62 Oth St.. bet. Oak and Pine. SAFES Overstocked with new and second-h ar.d safes, some with burglar proof Mrong boxes; second-hand eaies have all been rebuilt and are like new; at reduced prices for next 10 day; your own terms. Call and see or write ua now before you buy elsewhere and save money. Norris Safe & Lock Co., 105 Second st., Portland. Or. CHRISTMAS GIFTS HAIR SEAL MOCCASINS, made by the ESKIMO. Just in from AlasOwt. Nothing like it In the city of Portland. Prices range from $1.25 to $3 a pair. Cull 525 E. 10th trt. .N. or phone East 30110 GREGORY WHITE GROCERY. Good berried holly wreaths. 50c and 75c. With a market basket 50c. Ore gon grape, cedar, fern or mistletoe. We deliver. Pruning and trimming and landscaping. tiaS East both. Tabor 82H0. MOLESKIN COAT. Full Length Latest Model. A magniiicent Christmas gift for e.s than half original cost. This coat has never been worn and. Is a real bargain. For information call Br adway 3732. L FURNACE, gas stove, 16sectlon. 7 flu1, registers, therjnostaiic control, with clock. CompUre outfit never used. Sell cheap for quick aale. Central Plumbing A Heating Co.. 33 2 u Q:iiwn. Bdwy. 4'.04. GOOD nou bed pring, mattress, $12.50; bed springs. floa mattress. $12.30: Radi an t-f ire heater, cost $43, sell $23 ; coal and wood heater, $10. Hvenings only, SMIwood S:i8. DKOP-JIEAD sewing machine, electric iron, cut glass fruit dish, tan wool crava cette coat, size 40. East 6376. -it 2 Tillamook street, near Wli: tarns ave. BEAUTIFUL hand-embroidered Mandarin robe for opera cloak or negligee ; im ported from China; a bargain. AO 284, Oregonlan. DIAMOND RING. One karat, white gold mounting; also tourquoise earrings. 15 diamonds in each. 215 Tiiford bldg. Broadway 4774. BOX a iu-r. mzu blue eerge i-uu, blouns and complete mechanical e-et. Ail In A-l condition. Airs. La Made, 1168 E. 25th ft. N. TWO BEAUTIFUL leather vanity case, hand decorated. Jade trimmed : worth $25 each, reasunabe. 554 Williams ave. Room 5. LAD VS genuine Leaver fur coat, 3S inches length; new. never worn; for sale at less than half value. 113: Eat Taylor street. Phone Tabor P'23 FOR SALE, chettp, excellent list of B words for Telegram's puzzle, containing over 20O words. Phone Tabor 4330. O. F. Bowers. . TWO STRINGS Oriental pearls. tVot trash, but the finest imitation. Also genuine cultured pearls. 354 Mi Williams ave. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pacific Te nt& Awn n g C o.. N o. 1 1st st, FURNITURE repairing, mirrors, medicine cabinets, etc. Call Wdln. 14S7 FOR SALE AFTOMOHI I.KS. VSED-CAR CREAM. The cream of Portland used car market is to be found In the list below. Good cars at very low prices. We make easy terms with no charges for brokerage and will take your light car as first pay ment. nniftOId 8, touring $ POO 1!21 Ford tourinn 450 JH JO Buick touring louu l: 1 7 Mitchell 6-passenger . . . H3d !MH J ord an sport marine... . J3oO 1UI0 Briscoe 3-passenger 650 BUT Mitchell A-paauenger ... 800 li'JO Ford roadster 275 11H8 Briscoe 6-passenger -50 1H10 Mitchell 7-passenger ... 1mm 1020 Liberty 5-pass 113d 101 S Paige 5-passenger 70 1010 Velie 5-pasnenger S'HJ 3021 Jordan 7-passenger .... 25Mi BM6 Packard twin 6. 7-pass.. 163d 1021 Mitchell 3-passenityr . 1350 1313 Cadillac 8 7-passefiKer. . 750 BUS Studebaker 7-pasenger.. 375 BUS Mitchell 3-passenger. . . . S34) 110 M itchell 5-pasnenger. . . . K50 11)15 Mitchell 5-paatenger. . . . 200 MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVER CO.. S3 Years in t he Northwest. Broad way and Everett St. Broadway 4675. FORD PARTS. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE OUR PARTS DEPARTMENT WILL BE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 8:30 SV1TH A COMPETENT PARTS MAN IN CHARGE TALBOT A CASEY, INC. E. AN KEN Y AND GRAND AVE. x LIBERTY BONDS CACHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE W E FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., u SELLING BLDG.. SEC. FLOOR. WILL sell my almost new Chandler Dis patch, run leas than 5o00 miles: looks and runs like new ; guaranteed la first class condition; this car will be a won derful buy fur someone who appreciates a car having only private use. $1000 with terms; new rubber. Phone week days, Bdvy. 3475. Sundays. Tabor 7681. BUICK. 1922. five-passenger: retu:arly equipped; local agency guaranteed: car run only 6m0 miles; will make attrac tive price for q ulck sale. 1 erms to re sponsible party; might considnr small oir in trade C. W. Philips. Bdwy. 34:C. AN ESSEX SEDAN. This car is in the very best of condi tion. Paint is good. Has cord tires and carries 2 extras, and a number of other extras. This is a bargain. Will give terms. Phone Tabor 1342. LATE HUH DODGE TOURING, $ 4 7 5. Car in good shape; has new top and good tires; must sell at once. Beasell & Leter. Eawt 7th and Belmont. East 1 1H5, evenings Tabor 1 003. SAVE ON A FORD. I can save you from $12.50 to $25 on any type new Ford In t he house. This Is no "bunk." Call and Uil ouu Harris. East 8118. BUICK LIGHT 8. Very late 18, practicalU a '1ft. Fine ahape in every respect. 1'iTce very reas onable and will take Ford car in trade and give terms. 1 1 arris. East 8118. DODGE SEDAN. Sacrifice for $70o, terms. This car will surpripe you for Its value when you consider the extremely low price. Mr. Arso. Broadway 3281. OUR 1021 FORD touring, with self-starter, been run about 2O0 miles: must have th money; sacrifice. Phone East 8028. U2 East Oak. . STUDEBAKER $375. A dandy car. Don't fail to see it. It's a big bargain. Standard Eight Motors Co., Park and Couch. Bdwy 1020 BUICK light 6 touring at right price; will take good light car in trade; my car is In first-ciaws condition and has new tires. Call T nor 33 1M. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Roadster, starter, A-l shape, $350. E 471. Grand Ave. and E. Yamhill. hi. l.r.ii. HIGHWAY pole trailer for sale. 2-ton ca- .1... nl HI) I ,n Pri.'fl C.'tlMl Mnrlc N. Tisdale. Sutherlln. Or. 1U2U rUrvo lourui. mi hi, tui n..i, good rubber, good condition; newly j ..,1- y.n.- TV1r painLeu, f i x. i"'"'- " LATE 1020 DODGE, first-ciase condition, for sale cheap. F. E. Martin, R. 217, ti 1 a c k oio no in) lci. HIGHWAY TRAILER. Xearly new, 5 tons, new. J135rt. Will (l for $."mo. by owner. East 4M0. 1910 BABY grand sedan, wonderful con dition, bargain; terms reasonable. Bdwy. 602. CA DILL AC. 1014. 1-pass.. prftct condi tlon. $5O0: terms See Lyman. Main 47. W I L L se ! 1 my 1020 Dodge touring, $755 C.lve terms, runne r-uvoou 1017 CHEVROLET touring for sale, $175; good running order. F 2!' 4. Oregonlan. HUDSON 6-4", 5-passenger, in good con dition, good tires. $365. Marshall 041. CHEVROLET sedan, late model. This Is bareain Call Main 7457. DODGE roadster; a good buy at $500; s in good condition Main 113. HUDSON speedster. 1018-1910 se? lea. Has many extras. Phone Wdln. 1878. ONE FRAN KLI N touring car, $250 cah. B road way 1430. DODGE DELIVERY $2IJ. 493 WASH INGTON ST. it (j 4-cvlinder. late model, make offer. y Grand Ave. N. Eyt 6101. STUDEBAKER special, like new. cord tires. From owner for $1150. East 622. lull FORD, touring, J275. 12 Grand Ave. .N. East 6100. FOR SALE ACTOMOBILES. OUR SALE A REAL SUCCESS, Would you be Interested to know that the used car sale now in prog ress at the Covey Motor Car Com pany plant Is really a success a success from the buyer's stand point and a success from our own standpoint? We have actually sold during the first twelve working day a of this sensational season clean-up sale 35 motor care, rang ing from Cadillacs and Packarua to Fords and Cuevroieta. Pave by Buvfng Now Prices Have Reached the Bottom of the Market. COVEY SAYS: The public refuses to become ex cited over red ink and flashy headlines they want facts they have no Interest In mere claims -they want cut prices. Tell them that we understand a sale to mean real cut prices and that a sale wltia ua must be just what it seems. HERE ARE THE FACTS: Our used car volume absolutely controls our ability to accept trades on new car buslnesa, When our used car business slows down, our new car businees Is seriously aifected and w can better afford to give the public the benefit of our accu inula ted used car stock at a great deal less than cost thsn we can to hold it until early spring, when we feel that the used car market will be better and In the meantime deprive ourselves of new car business because of our Inability to trade. , HERE ARE THE PRICES AND THE PROOF. Ws feel that the public Is very skeptical regarding sales snd espe cially automobile sales. Used mo tor cars have no standard of value, no list price like new care; so, in fact, it la difficult to tell when the prices are actually cut. In order to prove to the best of our ability that this Is a genuine cut price sale, we had reproduced in our original announcement, copies of which are on display at our place of business, two of our for mer classified ad verttsenients. one of October , and the other of November 12, which show the level of prices at which' we have sold 71 used cars during the laat 60 days, as well as the prices we havs reduced them to for this sale. All used Cadillacs will be sold at reductions proportionately aa great as those shown in our ad vertisements. Undoubtedly this Is the logical time to buy one of these desirable cars. Most of our cars are Covey re built and guaranteed; some are high-grade "AS IS" cars. Ail ar priced so low as to demand Im mediate action. This sal will cause us great financial ions, but all we ask is that through your quirk response to our call, yo'i profit In equal proportion. By all means, take advnntiisre of this op portunity let nothing Interfere with this chance to get real Covey Motor Car Company merchandise while on sale at such astound ing reductions. SALE NOW IN PROGRESS. Bring Small Cash Payment With You. Long Terma on the Balance. REMEMBER. IF COVEY DOES IT, HE DOES IT RIGHT. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY- Open Evenings and Sundays, Both Addresses: Main Plant and Salesroom. 21at and Washington Sta. Broadway Used Car Branch, iiS add 30 N. Broadway. STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. Oakland, n-pas.. rebuilt. 5 tires.. $ 400 Chevrolet 400. 5-pass.. perfect shape Overland. 5-pass.. good as new.... Bulrk. 7-pnss.. 110. rehutlt ;J Buick. 5-pass. 4-cyl., rebuilt...... u Chandler. 1020. 7-pass.. rebuilt.... luou Oakland roadster, rebuilt and re- palnte J1.'" fiaxon 6. 5-paas.. 5 cord tires L'" Overland roadster, 1021. new Cadillnc, 5-phs.. fine shape 0" Stephens, 4-p;iss.. rebuilt -nnd re- painted i-30 Olds Pacemaker, rebuilt and re- Painted .x l Ford bug 1020 Moon. B-pass wou Easy Terms. AUTOMOTIVE PALES CO., 475 Morrison st 14th. Broadway 3006. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF 4.SKD FORDS. ALL MODELS AND STYLES. We have especially good buys in late model Fords, with starter, both touring aiid acdan. Phone East 302 DUNNING MOTOR CO.. Authorized Ford Dealers, Broadway and Union Ave. Buy your Ford from Ford dealer. l!i!U OAKLAND COUPE BARGAIN Equipped with 5 wire wh'-eln. 5 tire. J bumpers, spotlight, rear-view mirror, heater. In fine mechanical condition; must sacrifice, price $000: $30 cash, will give very liberal terms on balance. Call Mr. Stevens, Main 5878. or Wdln. 2613. BUICK. 1022, 5-pas-iiger: regularly equipped ; local agency guaranteed ; car run only 6X'0 miles ; will make attrac tive price for quick sale. Terms to re sponsible party. Might consider small car In trade. C. TV. Philips. Bdwy. 3 435. OVERLAND !0 SEDAN. Just like new, wT.l take an Overland JH) touring or Country Club or any small car In trade, or may consider a real estate contract. Phone Eat 6100. 12 Grand A ve. NT. BETTER YAH ES IN GARAGES, GOoD STYLE WELL BUILT. DELIVERED, ERECTED. STAINED. 10x16, $35; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICE. 20$ WKIDLER. FAsT S6 CHEVROLET F. B. SEDAN. 1021. Will ailow big discount and take Ford sedan or any light car In trade. Might consider real estate contract, phone East OloQ. 12 Grand Ave. X. NEW 1!'22 Chevrolet 4il0 for sale at a sacrifice: looks and runs s good as the dav I bought It. Wlil give term to responsible party. Call Tabor 3013. FORD roadster, all oversized rubber, new palnL mechanically perfect, a sacrifice for cash this week. Smith. Phone East S226. "NEW OVERLAND FOUR TOURING, Will take used Ford or Chevrolet In trade. Phone East filOfX 1920 MODEL K-45 Bulck 6. 5-pasenger; driven 11.000 miles by owner. Will dem onstrate and teach Inexperienced driver, price ft m. Phone Marshall g34. I WILL TAKE your used Ford- or Chevrolet In trade on a new Chevrolet. Phone East ClfltT 1920 FORD runabout, good condition, new top. $225. Inquire Portland Artificial Ice Co. CARS bought for wrecking, parts sold for all cars. Oregon Auto Wrecking Co., 424 Belmont st., near flth. East 456ft.' CADILLAC buv, nearly new ; we can put you on a good Jb; terms. See Harts horn. P. H. Puchholz. 525 Was h st WILL take concrete work or phonograph as first payment on Chevrolet touring. Tabor ."53H. 11)18 STUDEBAKER 6 in good running order; all new tires: not a wreck. Call week days. Mar. 2273 CAN YOU BEAT IT 7 Dodge touring, excellent condition, $ 3 5 0. Auto. 320-57. VB TEA it 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 531 Aldr. 17th. Brad'eny 52M EXCELLENT late model touring car to trade for an unincumbered building loL Prefer Rose City. Eaut 870. PJ13 FORD touring, good running order, ready to go anywhere, $00 cash. 4025 Vi p o w ell Valley road. 1120 FORD roadster in first-class mechan ical condition, $225. Mar. 410. 225 Stark sr. BH HUDSON speedster, $:5(tt rasy terms, or will take light car in trade. Broad way 2760. TRADE CARS We have some good ones . to trade. Vranson's Used Car Lie, 150 Union ave lyiv i'HEVRoLET t-ui;ng. good ahape, icriftce $275 K. 437H. FOR SALE 1020 Ford touring, electric starter, speedometer. Owner, 311 3d st. 11G6 MITCHELL 6 touring, good shape; will trade. E 4376. FORD BUG, some buy for cadh. 130 n;nn ave.. upstairs. 1H2I OAKLAND 6 touring; wil for Kord touring. E. 4.76. 1020 FORI ' touring, starter, motor over hnuled; S32-V E. 4376. l;G7 BUICK touring, repainted; will trad-J f,,r roadster. E 437d. 1-OiCD bug lor taie, $lvo cash. Call Mar shall 2U42. FOR PAf.F AlTOMOnil.KS. WE -LICEXSB THEM FREE! AND WE FURNISH THE UPKEEP MONEY. READ THESE NEXT PARA- . GRAPHS VERY THOROUGHLY. FIRST WE ARE GOING TO LICENSE ALL CARS AND TRUCKS FOR THE YEAR 1022 AT OUR EXPENSE! 6ECOND WB ARB GOING TO GIVE TEN (10). H-HOUR SERV ICE COUPONS FOR EVERY $100 OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OP ANY CAR OR TRUCK WHICH WB WILL REDEEM IN CASH FROM ANY AUTOMOBILE DEALER OR GAR AGS IN ORE GON OR WASHINGTON. COME IN AND LET US TELL TOU OF OUR PLAN. 100 CARS TO PICK FROM. LOOK 'EM OVER. THESB ARE ONLY A FEW OF TUB MANY MAKES: OVERLAND. MOON, MITCHELL, CROW, ELK HART, STANLEY STEAMER, CHEVROLET, LOZIER, CHAND LER, STUDEBAKER. MAX WELL, DANIELS, H. 0. & TEMPLAK. LEXINGTON". STUTZ, COMET, PREMIER. BUICK. WE ALSO HAVE THE FOL LOWING 8TRUCKS; OLD HICK ORY, GARY. MORELAND, KNOX. REPUBLIC, FULTON. FAGEOL, INDIANA, STEWART, BUICK. MAXWELL, FORD, VELIE. COMMERCE, ATTERBURY AND THEN SOME. PRICES WILL BE PLAINLY LETTERED ON EACH WIND SHIELD. DON'T FORGET. "YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON." GET IN EARLY WHILE TUB STOCK 13 COMPLETE. THEY WERE TAKEN ON MORTGAGES AND WILL BE SOLD ON MORT GAGE PRICES. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE A SALES COMPANY. 413 E. ASH ST.. COR. E, 6TH. PHONES EAST 8310-8511. OPEN SUNDAYS. OAKLAND SIX SEDAN. Model 34-B. run about Tonfl miles ; never off pavement. Firt class condit Ion throughout. Bur gain at $lloo. Terms to suit. OAKLAND. 344 Burnside St., Just went of Hroadway, Phone Bdwy. 82. NO CASH DOWN. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ON OUR USED CARS. $20,000 WORTH TO SELECT FROM. COOK & GILT CO., INC. 11TH AND nURNSTDE STS. OPEN SCNDAYS. JORDAN. Two seasons old. but used only one season ; has been examined by our ex pert and put In Al condition; will g:ve buyer a written guarantee; an eleaat car for someone; gncrlfice for H200. which. Is mujh less than half price to day , terms. COOK A GILL CO. Call Mr. Argo. Broadway 32S1. DODGE. Dodge roadster, bargain, late lf!t model. Jiit repainted ; good rubber, shock absorbers, and bumper. For price rail Cute, East 302. Will consider Ford in trade. . 102 1 F 'R D sedan, run 4 Too miles, w 011 Id cost $1050 new today; more miles In rubber than new car; prlva tely owned and well enred for ; my necessity for money Is your chance to maku a good buy. If you are thinking of. a car of this class you are making a mistake If you pass this up Phone Bdwy. 1227. FOR D. 1021 Ford roadster, bent buy In Port land In its class. Has starter, speed -oniKpr, oversized tires In rear. It Is In right good condition. Price $375. Phone Cate. E. 302. ELECTRIC CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Electric sedan 5- passenger, beautiful car. In high-class condition with new batteries; big snap. See car at Gib son electric garage. 12th and Alder, and mnke offer. STILL GOING ON. Our big sale of used cars at $350, on asy terms. P. H. DUNN MOTOR CO.. 12 Grand Ave. N., Cor. Kut Burnslde, Phone flHUt. FORD SDAN. 1A20 model, in Al mechanical condi tion, some extrar BEST OF TERMS. BROADWAY RSO. CORD TIRES. FPEriAL TOP, 1918 STUDEBAKER. A-l condition, E Z terms. For only $225. Phone Fast 6100. 12 flrnnd Ave. N. $.'.50 Overland A good car at a bargain. It won't !st long at. this priee. Standard Fight Motors Co.. Park and Couch. Bdwy. THE BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Dodge touring. flrt clans mechanical ly; spotlight, minor. 2 new tirea. $120 Kane shock absorbers; private, for $350. t'Tins. A K. P:xler. Main 1020 HAYNES. 7-pnssengrr, $1075. Car driven about 11. 000 miles and laJ in best of con mi 10 n : rorcea to sen , terms or will take small car In trade. East irlB. FOR SALE OR TRADE 1020 PAIGE Un' H.MO.M. ."N f. w ttLunr.n: v 1 i.K TAKE DIAMONDS IN TRADE. OR CH GAP FOR CASH. SEE OWNER. 2 4 4 Vfe WASHINGTON ST. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Bug. top. windshield, new paint; try It out, $205. E. 471 Grand Ave. and East Yamhill. f. no;. LAT E 4O0 Chevrolet Touring, rood condi tion only $120 cash; balance $13 per month. A real bargain. Phone Taber 593. iyrt CHEVROLET Hard to tell it from new one, $350. terms. 12 Grand Ave. N. East 6100. WE PUT steel teeio in your oiu :ywhoi; I crankshaft turning H. B R'.ack Machine j snoo v " - - -. 121 CHEVROLET touring, run only 3."n0 miles, fine mechanical condition; a bar aln, cash or terms. Phone East dsn'4. SMALL HUP.MOHILK. $450. T must s;ll tnia car at once. Call Wdln. rHV 1017 BUICK, light six touring, new top. j new paint, good tires, a good car for 1U20 FORD coupe. $100 worth of extras, 435: terms. Ea-t 315S. 1j21 FORD touring, starter, fine shape, $305, terms. Phone Columbia 60u. FOR SAI.K Al TOMOmiKS. WINTER SALES CONTINUED VERY LOW PRICES ON USED AUTOMOBILES. Automobiles that have been re built or renewed a re in t he best of mechanical condition they are also warranted the name as factor let warrant new ciirn. In addition we give MO days' free mechauical crvlce. Other makes of used automo biles, thorouKhly overhauled, put in f 1 rs t -c 1 aes condition and so 1 d with a U n dav tre trial, subject to b'ing returned and fu;i credit given on any ot her car of equal price ttiat customer may select. This gives ampie time f'r ev ery purchs ser to trv out t he car he buys, gives him time to have it Inspected, and we want only sat isfied cu turners. HMT Maxwell $ 30 DMS Maxwell 4w 1010 Maxwell r.'HI .' Maxwell 600 1010 Grunt Six 5 l'.M'.t Chalmers Six H30 HM7 Bulck 1118 McLaughlin Bulck .... 675 1017 Dodge 530 101! Olds Six 773 litis Ol. Is Eight Pt'O J 010 Lll.frty Mport model.... BIH Overland chummy 475 1010 Chalmers ImiO 1013 Cole Eight, spot model 1250 ESSEX. 1910 FS!ex touring car. re buitt. ref Imahed anil re painted : sold with stand ard factory warranty $ 823 120 Enex, overhauled, re t tnlnhed and repainted ; roid wit h standard factory warranty V50 0-40 Hudson, light six, all In good condition 600 1916 Hudson snpT-s!x, re built, and repainted : sold with standard factory war ranty 750 10 1 T Hudson super-six, re built, ref 1:1 Is bed and re painted ; sold wit h stand ard factory warranty 000 2 IMS Hudson super-dx touring cr. rebuilt, refin Ished and repainted, total coat to us of work n ml trade-In value each $1430; now sold with standard factory warranty 1130 1010-1020 (model O series) Hudson super-six touring automobile, traded in and carried over for one year; has been o-rhauled. re finished and repainted ht a total cost to us of $22O0; now sold with a standard factory warranty for....,, 1250 1020 Hudson speedster, over hauled snd refirnnhd and repainted; sold with stand ard factory warranty 1500 Largest Used Car Brunch store In the city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Eveulngs. Thone At Branch Store, Broadway 0731). Also a DWplny at Our Salesroom, t; 1 3-6 2 7 Washing ton Street. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. ItOBi N'SoN - SM IT H COM PA N Y, Six t h and Madl.ton Sis. USED CARS AND FORDS. Don't delay. Now U t he tlnirt to buv while the market Is at its lowett. GENUINE BARGAINS. Open Evenings n nd Sundays. Cush or Terms. 101 1:0 6 1018 mis 020 102U 1020 H'20 1020 1021 mis mis 1017 3010 mi 6 I'M 7 1 0 1 . 1010 Ford roadster, wire wheels. , . .$313 Ford touring 105 Ford touring 265 Ford touring 273 Ford touring, starter 4 15 Ford coupe start Ford couiii starter stfirter Ford sedan, Ford sedan. Ford truck. w it h extras ri 5 7'3 2 4 333 f.-.o 172 3 123 23.1 arter Chevrolet touting Chevrolet touring Bulck xix touring Olds six touring, extra special. St udeoH ker touring Overland touring, only (.'hiihiu'ri Mix touring, bnrk-aln. Dodge delivery, big bargain. . Open Evenings un I Sundays. Authorised FoRD Dealer. WE WI LL check our prices a r:i int any advertisement, proving our leudershlp In PRICE KKIM'i'TlnNN 3 CLEVELAND DEMONSTRATORS, All Ctini'intei'd. At Vnlie-ird of Prices. YES. WK TRADE. CHANDLER COUPE DEMONSTRATOR. Reduced $o). Pun n!v 4oo ltles. CHANDLER DISPATCH, fH7fi. Exe-llei.t Cond;tOii. We will take u bet Unit no car at this price can eijual It in condition or per formance. Bargains In Maxwells, Saxons, Over lands. C tuil 111 ( rs and other standard ma kes. Shop around. We don't care where you v we hrtve tlv rin and the prices. TWIN STATES M T R CAR Co. Easy Terms. lot h nt V o -hlngton. USED CARS AT LESS THAN AUCTION PRICES. JH Tenth St, near Ffark. Open Evening and S induy. I'hou Bdwy. 32JL FORD. Ford totirtmr, stora ge bi t tery. speed -ometer, shock anirhur. foot throttle, windshield cleaner, d:tNh light, spotlight, motor-driven horn, demountable rim, natural wood whel. good h;ipe, tlrs g. od. $273. I'Mll mod"l. Phone 'labor 84. ly.'Viil'lfk loiiiliLK. 1 have a bp.-ndid I'.i-tl Hub k li!it 6 for sa'e with 3 nlmort new o-rsixed tires, bumper, ftpotllght. wind Shield, wiper, minor. Motor In wonderful shape. MUht onsi ler 11k ht car In trade. Terms. Call Main 6734. 1020 CH EVP- 'LET TOURING. $:ioo. W. L. II uirhfon Co., Ford Agents. Broadwav and Davis. Bdwy. 321. Ask for .Mr. Holman. MORE Scrippa - Room at $:i2. The gr a t -et bargain event of the year. Brand new. SlK-cy!lnder, refined and beautiful. Standard E:ght Motors, Park and Couch. Bdwy. 7t. KoR SALE l.ocoiiioi'ile car. $75; must u sold at once to pay storage ; has fine engine; use It for boat or to mnke bug. Speedwell Garage. 35 North llUi and Couch. DoDG E, late; '10. tthow x.-eptioiml cart, ununuu! cond itlon t hroughout : new tire and sleeping out fit. For quick cssh will take less than present market. Owner. Bdwy. WE CARHV a fifTl line of hud acceV'trl-s, tubes, Ford puns, light globes, etc.; alo do towing. Open day and night. LONG & S1LVA. Phone East 6to. jd 1 1 ajv t h o rnp IOIS STUTZ. PASSENGER. $1320 My car has been thoroughly over hauled and looks like new ; good t Ire and extras; forced to sell ; terms. Tuboi 61M4. . 1 It 20 DODGE TOURING AT $ 723 Car is refinished nnd c.ftjipleteiy over hauled, looks and is almost hke new; must sell nj once ; term Tabor 61 s4. AT LAST A car you run a f ,'nrd. Port '-r-ful. comfortable nnd economical. Pil'"e 250O. worth $:t0no. Standard Eight Mu tors Co.. Pa rk a n d Co u ( N K W 1022 C i 1 E VR oLET. model 1 0 1 1 , e -dan: dUk w heejs, spot light ; wlt take in open Ford or Chevrolet as part pay men t. Tabor 3032. uloadI ng scripps-Booth for $002. w have procured additional cars nt a cr'nt reduction. Brand new. Stnriilard Elht Motors Co.. Park im.l ouch. M.DEL 75 Overwind, 5 good lifts, to-w battery, fine shape; will .c!i for $2oi, $ H8l down, 1 5 per month on balance. Vhrnf Columbia i3rt. " lit.'O CHANDLKK Tol'RINC,. Jut hko new; cord tires. muM ne nt a nacnf ice. Call private phone, Wdln .Oil. 1020 FORD coupe, wlie -a in ltlo aeresiry. Forced s over $1'MHI; will take $ C (TV ptF cel Il-'W cash. V lr- rni'rK. Mni:im;tv -i H U DSt N Sl'li.K SIX. 0(t0. Looks and run just hs Komi us new will take small tar In trade. Call Wdln. nWIB. 1020 FORD, starter an I Hhif ; for ct-x R. 1. Johnson. 2 mi leu eat brush. Prairie, '.Tsh MUST acll at once my mm Chevrolet, in good uhape. price right; some terms. Call Wdln. 4MI, MAXWELL $.125 Whv look furt.-.eV? Mr: Is vour car. A harg;i Im, t'. si nn-i .. : ElcVit Motoi Park and f-u h R( "v ItT20T-lJ0 CHEVROLET ton org, slct It af sorbera, dead cheap. 553 Tuy.or.