18 THE MORNING OREGONIAX, MONDAY, DECEMBER 12. 1921 BKAI. ESTATE. rr Sale -ll.iu CAFETERIA STYLE HELP YOURSELF. BRING CHECK TO RALPH HARRIS CO. MONTAVILLA BUNGALOW, VACANT. No. 2 EtM 8oth st., 7 roomi, zoellent condition, fine lot 73x100, on macadam street and car line. The, beat buy wo have had for some time; a real COW, monthly payments easy; price $J000. 1000 caah. VACANT, CLOSE TO AINSWORTH AVENUE , ... No. 1216 East 10th at. N. Splendid big home, newly painted and decorated: a plcndld buy at $2800, with $.60 caah. CORNER MONTANA AVE. No. 46 Simpson St.. a pretty 8-room bungalow clean and nice, for 18200, with , 1800 caah. Owner lives there. See any of theac. Call or phone ui Monday. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber nf Commerce. Main .1824. BETTER HOMES. When n mnn lovea a maid That'a hla business. When a muld lovee a man Thnt'a her business. h. When they are mnrrled That'a fine business. But when they want to build their neat Thnt'a our business. Let ua build according to your own plana and specifications A home you have dreamed and. yearned We will buy your location and help finance your llttla hpme. Quit saving rent receipts. To build your home, see us. O. C. ULRICH & CO.. G02 Stock Exchange Bldg. "The Home, of Better Home." ROSD CITT PARK. REAL VALUE FROM OWNER. Well built 6 rooms and sunroom. strict ly up to date: large living room, d.ning. breakfast, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floor fireplace, furnace, garage; east front, uo hk nta. Aut. Kia-tii Suburban Honied. BEAUTIFUL bungalow on large quarter acre fronting Improved county road, near Multnomah on Oregon electric; only $3250 on easy terms; just the place for your permanent home. For particulars call on Ben Rlesland. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park at., or his representative, Mr Grant, at the Multnomah office. PARK ROSE HOME. H-acre, 6-room bungalow, fireplace, electric lights, gag, city water, cement foundation, choice fruit set. shrubbery: -'a blocks from car line. $4250. This Is a fine suburban home and a bargain. . R. B.. 711 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 0783. PRICES CUT ONE-HALF. Two to 10-acre tracta adjoining Mt. Hood electric line; this la splendid soil, 8 to 18 miles from city limits on hard aurfaca roads; terms very reasonable. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. 6 ACHES, close to Oswego lake, 5-r. house, fruit trees, berries, nut trees, hennery, barn, chickens. 1:1300. terma McFar land, realtor. Failing bldg. HIGHLY Improved 7-acre poultry and berry farm, adjoining Newberg. Address Clyde Avery. Ncwberg. Or. BARGAIN In Parkrose acreage: modern home, garage: terms. Tabor 267'i. For Sale Busisess Proswty. LOOK HERE! For sale by owner, cheap, no agent, JCOxlOO, one block west of audltorum. Bee A. L. Mason. jTEij Clay St. For Sale Acreitge. TOO MUCH LAND. TOO LITTLE- CASH. WILL SACRIFICE. For $000 an acre and up we will place you on 2 to 6-acre tract ut Willamette finest bottom soil, rich, sandy loam, fully cleared, on electric railway and paved highway, about one-half hour from Portland; many fine homes there; others planned. A REAL SACRIFICE SALE SOB A LIMITED TIME. Call at our office today, learn more bout tins. PRICED LOW. TERMS FAIR. FAIR EXCHANGE REALTY CO.. 202 McKay Bldg. Main 7478- A COMFORTABLE LlVIfJG. on this 3 acres for an elderly couple, tired of the city's strife. 4H a. In cul tivation, nice orchard, berries. 2 small houses, chicken house, fine spring. 1 mile to electrlo depot, stores and post office. Another of S acres, all In cultivation au-1 fenced; 28x28 building: 2 blocks from electric depot. Only $550. Act quick on this. John A Melsner, 821 Gasco Bldg. V)H SALE 10 acres with house, barn and chicken houses; about 9 acres under cul tivation; 30-odd Ulng or Lambert and Late Duke cherries In full. bearing, black caps and otber berries running stream through the place, with nlcs waterfall; near school and on macadam road ; price S.l'MKI. tl. W ook. till! .V.IT'K EXCll. OUlg. ACHES on Columbia highway, all un aer cultivation, ot.oo strawoerry plants, loganberries, blackcaps. 8-room house, not quite finished, for $6000. McGKE DENNIS. 080 Union Ave. Woodlawn 0684. 785 ACRES. Willamette valley. A No. for stock-raising; 200 acres under cultlva tion. $8000 will handle. A long time on the balance. McGEE & DENNIS, 080 Union Ave. Wd!n. 5884. WRITE for map of western Washington, ahowlng location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WBYERHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. 23 XcBsM, half hour out on Scholl's ferry road; running stream, $4000. Hart, 813 By. Bxc. bldg Mar. 1515. 8 -a ACRES cultivated land for sale, one mile from city limits. Phone Main 701. Mathlesen hotel. 204 Columbia. 2W ACRES, west of 82d St., Cose to cars; for quick sale $1000 per acre. Owner, 81.1 Ry. Exch, bldg Mar. 1385. CHOICE 6 and 10-acro tracts, close In; terms; owner. East 745. FOR SALE 7 ACRES. CLOSE IN THOMAS ALLEN, 6131 92D ST. S. E. Homestead. Relinquishments. FOR A lOODlpMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT B. W. HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For Sale Farms. DO YOU KNOW LAND VALUES? Farm and Grazing Lands From $400 tu $1600 Per Quarter Section. A mortgage loan company says sell lands In Adams. Benton, Douglas, Franklin, Grant, Lincoln and Stevens counties. In tracts irom 80 to 6000 acres, part of land lying In the Horse Heavens and Columbia Irrigation project; some Improved with buildings, fences, wells and cultivation. DO YOU KNOW A SNAP? Terms, 20 per cent cash, bal ance nine annual payments, 7 per cent interest. Ask ma. E. A. GOODHUE, 614 Mohawk Bldg.. Spokane, Wash. ONE MILE FROM HIGH SCHOOL. Splendid 40-scre tract of black loam soil. 31 acres In cultivation. Just slightly rolling, all fenced; 40 assorted fruit trees, 7 years old, T-room plastered house with concrete foundation, full basement and furnace, barn 80x50. silo 8xSO. good ga rage, house alone could not be built for less than $3000; I mile from Battle ground, Wash., about 23 miles from Portland; total price $6500, $1000 cash, $300 yearly. A real snap. Fred W. Oer liimi Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Com. DAIRY fanners. Investigate this unusual opportunity to own a fine-paying irri- ated dairy and alfalfa ranch, valued 16.000. Located In famous Deschutes Valley of central Oregon. Buying same on entirely new plan, very little cash re quired. Full particulars upon request. REDMOND LAND & LOAN CO.. Inc., Redmond. Oregon. FOR SALE 2 1-16 acres. In center of Woodburn, Or.; dwelling houae, out buildings, aome fruit; the west end of this tract abuts on the S. P. right of way: an excellent site for cannery or any business that requires R. R. track age. Prlco $.1300 caah. O. H. Beebe, Woodburn Or. A-l ALFALFA ranch to be sold within 2 weeks to highest bidder. East eoai. 128 ACRES, 123 in cultivation, modern equipped house and barn, all in crop but 13 acrea potato ground. Near Hllls boro. on rock road. Price $223 per acre. For sale by J. F. Kerr, rooms 1 and 2.' Hlllsboro National Bank bldg.. Hlllsboro Or. A GILT-EDGE LAND INVESTMENTS Foreclosed slfslfa farm, worth pre war prices, $82,000; foreclosure $15 0(10 will take high-grade auto worth $2000 for equity. Foreclosure easy handled. Particulars AV 71. Oregonlan. S3-ACRE RANCH Salt River Valley. Arizona sale or trade for hardware: paved road, modern house. Delco fur nish light. u'i. orchard, alfalfa fields, stock and machinery Included. L. j. En-hoe. Glendale. Aria AO ACRES. 20 In cultivation, bottom land running water; 3-room house, barn: 3.8 miles south or rnrnand: V. mile from 8. P. electric, postofflce and store, $110 per acre; terms if convenient. Address O. J-lurgi. -in .-salmon at. WILL sell our fine dairy farm of 160 acres near Marion, r.siacaaa n. k. ana Clear Creek creamery at a sacrifice for cash to settls sstate. Address T. Wltbycombs. 482 12th St.. Portland. Or. ?T7ri-KEN FRUIT. GARDEN' RANCHES nesr Portland. $50 to $.Wo per acre: easy terms best soil; farms for sals, all sizes. McFariaeu. realtor, vo iuuuk ciog. REM. F.STATE. For Hale Farms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. YOUR CHOICE OF LANE. LINN AND BENTON COUNTIE& We know Willamette valley farm lands. You should see what we hsve to offer before buying any farm. It you want real producing farm land, come or write us for ths kind of farm you want. We have it. Fruit, berries, stock, dairy, grain and general farms to stilt you in size, price snd quality. See Mr. Hyde at 324 Henry building. Portland, or writs. KINNEY. IRVINE HYDE, REALTORS. EUGENE. OREGON. 5 ft ACRES, level, cleared, fenced, good 3 room house, near Wlllamlna. $200 down. J. H. Sharp. 83(4 3d at. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANT TO SELL? Phone or send us your place for sals. . Wa will handle it quietly and get results. H. B. FERN. 209 Railway Exchange. Phone Mar. 5508. CASH FOR YOUR FARM. Several buyers, amall farms, 40 acrea $1000 cash. . Exchange choice, paying, equipped farm, take good residence, apartment, business building. Cash, good mortgage and soldier's loan, want low priced farm which can be de veloped. FARM DEPARTMENT. T. O. BIRD. 526 CHAM COM. XV BST SIDE HOUSE WANTED. I have cash customer for west side house and lot; something close-In to downtown business district; will con sider anything east of 24th at. or south of Morrison: would prefer something modern, although it's not essential. JAMES J. FLYNN. 14 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LIST YOUR SUUURHAN HOME OR ACREAGE with ns. we are selling NOW. and need your piece to sell at once. Ask fox F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L McQUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WANTED GOOD HOMES. We have proapeota for Portland homes st right price If others failed to aell your property. Hat Immediately with ua We sell service. FRANK McCRILLIS. 824 Henry Bldg. Bdy. 7,0. WE NEED acreage, suburban homes and city property for our customera Call or phone at once. ELROD & DRYER, 2d Floor Gordon Bldg., 283 Stark 8t. Broadway list). FOR a client with $8000 cash, best flat building that can be bought for this money. Property must show good in come and be a bargain for all cash. X 284, Oregonlan. WB NEED SUBURBAN HOMES AND ACREAGE FOR INCREASED DEMAND. See Mr. Hewitt. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 262 Stark. Main .183 and 1004. WE NEED MODERATE PRICED HOMES, DEMAND INCREASING; we advertise1 extensively. J. A. WICKMAN CO.. 262 Stark. Main 583 and 1004. WANT AT ONCE, 4 or 8-room house, west of Union ave that can bo -handled with $200 cash. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8624. TWO LOTS, 50x184, Mt. Tabor, on car lino, to trade as first payment on bungalow; beautiful view; restricted UUt. Wdln. 1S31. 8 A. M. to 3 P. M. TO SELL WEST SIDE PROPERTY see JOHN SINGER. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. GOOD "-passenger Cadillac. Will trade In on improved city property. H. L Lyons. 605 McKay bldg. - WANTED To buy. an 8-room house, Portland or Arlington Heights, t'o $15. 000. 274 Stark. Main 6728. WANT house not entirely finished or needs repairing; have $300 rirst payment. .Main 7214. 3 OR 6-ROOM home on which to apply cash and soldier's bonua Hawthorns or Sunnyslds preferred. Tabor 8882. WANT 4-room modern bungalow. Bdwy. 3400. Farms Mauled. WANT FARM NEAR SALEM, from 28 to 40 acrea Improved and equipped, not over 5 miles from Salem. HA VB good 7-room .house on paved street, in choice location, priced at $3600, will pay cash difference; no rundown property nor inflated values considered MacINNES EXCHANGE DEPT. RITTBR. LOWS & CO., 201-2-8-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.. Where Trade Are Made. ' Bring in Yours. Wanted to Rent larms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or smsll farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. .IOHN- FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. WANTED To rent, lease or manage Im proved orchard tract within 80 miles Portland; experienced and trained or chardlst; references furnished. 360 E. 42d. Tabor 2320. FOR RENT FARMS. 80-ACRE farm for rent. Hi miles from Estacada; 4U acres unaer piow; nouse, bam, young apple orchard, on good rock road, good place for chickens and ber ries, can be leaaed for five years; 3 horses, 2 cows, 8 calves, 2 wagons, drill plow. 3 cultivators; rent $250 per year. N. E. Zuke. Ht. 1, Estacada, Or. TO EXCHANGB REAL ESTATE. WILL TAKE SUBURBAN HOME. Y'ou will like this place when you see it. It is one of the best constructed houses In the Hawthorne district. It has nine large rooms, two toilets, two lava tories and bath, complete basement with furnace. In the pink of condition In side and out: garage; price $6500. Want one or two acres on or near the pave ment, not too far out. See Mr. Stephens with Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acrea located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hill. $00 acres In cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn. Price $40,000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY. 53 Fourth St.. opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. EXCHANGE IRV1NGTON HOME. Client has 8-room modern home In Irvlngton to exchange for 10 acres, well Improved: must be near a good school. ROBN'ET & McCLURE, Realtors. Marshall 3282. 302 Couch Bldg. CANADA LAND FOR EXCHANGE for small farm near Portland. 640 acres near Stettler, Alberta, best wheat belt In west ern Canada; Improved, $25 per acre; want good small place and some cash, balance easy. RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring In your proposition sHid we will match you on anything of merit, lots, houses, acreage, farms or stocks of merchandise. E. H. S. 712 Couch bidg. FOR SALE or trade. 26H acres by owner, $5200 equity In an $8000 stocked and equipped farm, fine land, near Vancou ved, on paved highway, for city prop erty, or what have you? W. H. Hoffee, Vancouver. Wash., route 5, box 111. $l."oo EQUITY, good 5-room house, that I will trade for stock of groceries. Mc Gee A Dennis. 068 Union ave. Wood lawn 5684., 32 -ROOM hotel, dining room. 5-room cottage; went 2 to 5-acre chicken ranch near Portland for my equity. J. B. Rivers. Yacolt, Wash. ' - GET RID of your llabllltlea Will trade 640 acres clear of incumbrance for va cant lots, valuation $10 per acre. Call Broadway 2045 Monday. EXCHAW& 5-acre orchard tract near Rex atatlon for a lot. Hawthorne. Rose City. Laurelhursc Will give or take, p 241. Oregonlan. CHEVROLET In good condition for lota or house equity. A. H. Akerson. Henry bulUllrii, WANTED A house equity In exchange for $830 equity In fine 6-acre trace Sell wood 3689. . HAVE seller contracts as first payment on house or flats; will make large or small deal. AJ 74. oregonlan EXCHANGES of real estate handled throughout the west. See or write Brace, 814 Couch bldg. I WANT to exchange my 7-room modern home for small farm, chicken ranch pre ferred. Owner. AO 202. Oregonlan. BY OWNER For sale or exchange. 6-rm. house, family, orchard. Tabor. 1883, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGB By owner, for city property. 15 acres commercial orenaro. 11 years oiu. uien Insures Independent living: $6000. D. L. McLEOD. 204 Porter St. WILL trade for leal estate Fierce-Arrow closed car, seating two; In perfect condition- owner haa no use and offers s Rood trade; value $2300. Owner, S8 orthweatern Bank bldg. TO EXCHANGE MIWCELI-ANEOUg. HUDSON super-six automobile, will ex change for modern furniture or mort gage; first-class condition and 6 new cotq tires. A n -o. uregpnia". DENTAL work to exchange for first-class papering and painting, material fur- nisneo. can wuin. ww FOUR lots on pavement to trade for house contract, motorcycle or Ford. Tabor 3828 1817 GRANT 0. touring, for city loL Bast i . TO EXCHANGE light Chevrolet car- for lumber or lots at geaaioe. .ua.n $150 GENUINE leather davenport 10 iru lor a goou vicirois. van "ut " FOR BALE. RAG RUG. chenlle border. 7x8. Mar. 1654. Horses. Vehicles. Uvestock NOTICE TO FARMERS. Two carloads of new SK-ln- farm wagons to be sold cheap ; 20 head of horse and mares 4 to 8 yea re old. weight 1100 to 1700 lbs; new and used harness. KEYSTONE STABLE. 381 Water St. Oor. Montgomery. , -1 i ne v A K I es I SC. We have 160 head of horses for sale, hire or exchange. We have them from 4 years old to 15. We are not here to misrepresent anything. Have a good pony, nice for children, for $.26. Will work or ride. Can fit you out with any kind of outfit you are looking for In the horse or wagon line. Phil Suetter, pres. 285 Front st. mnsrafisi Shipment of horses will be In Sunday night from Grand Ronde valley, eastern Oregon. Thla Is the best bunch of stock ever shipped from that locality; all stock young, fat and ready to work; weighing from 1200 to 1800 pounds G. K. Howltt. Columbia Stables, Front and Columbia sts. I HAVE a well-matched team of black horses. 5 and 6 years old. weight 2660. Fine farm team, blocky built. I have moved to town and have no use for them. Can be seen at 365 Union ave. B.. corner Stephen st. Inquire for Lin s team ONE GUERNSEY. fresh; lour cnoieo Guernseys and Jerseys. In nice shape, also team mares. 2800 pounds, wagon and .harness. Harry Smith. 1 block south of S. P. depot, Milwaukle. Or. U. S. STABLES. Horses for sale, hire or exchange, harness and wagons of all kinds. 86a Union sve. 8.. corner of Stevens st. G. v. Williamson & Glass. FOUR young Percheron mares; a per fectly matched team of blacks: a gray and bay; weight about 1500 lbs. each; all true workers. International Expuai tlon bldg.. North Portland. o5 MARE, 1300 lta., guaranteed good worker; also 1100-lb. mare, $25; aeveral other very cheap horses, harness and wagons of all kinds. 240 E. 8th, corner Main 3UOO-1.B. TEAM, well mated, half-brother and alster; this team haa never been abused and is young, sound and gentle: good harness and wagon If wanted. 240 r.. Stn, corner jmin LARGE Guernsey cow. Just Xresn, o-ganon. fine heifer calf; also 2 Jersey cows. Just fresh, heavy milkers, tubercular tested. 240 E. Htn. corner ,-viain u HEAD horses and mares, from 1100 to 1400 single and double harness and wagons. Red Ball Fuel Co., th and Hawthorne. , NO 1 2400-POUND team of mares, harness and wagon: try them. Red Ball Fuel Co., Bth and nawtnorne. WILL trade lot for pair of horses and wagon. aiusi we is io"y George Perry, Estacada. Or., Route 1 FINE young Jersey-Durham, fresh and coming fresh, $45 to $75. 741 and 753 B. Ash. 4-MONTH3-OLD Jersey heifer, from Al milch cow. Bed Ball Fuel Co.. 8th and Hawthorne. - TEAMS, wagons, plows, scrspers, Fresnos. graders for hire. Clement Scott. Van couver, Wash. - , DR HOWES. TABOR 6388. LEAD horses and cattle taken quickly. Call day or night Auto 627-64 HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tin nlng Co., 382 Tenlno ave. Sellwood 288S. 6 FRESH cows. Take Kenton car, go north to ltlto in:erian- a FRESH 4V-gal. 8-yr. Jersey Duroc. good condition. lo insiey ae.. nnmuun in.. Phano. Org Jens and Mnslcn.1 Instruments. ONE NEW table phonograph. Just a little shopworn, playj all records, beautiful tone: a special buy, at only $173. terms. G. F. Johnson fiano co.. im flue' - STUDENT'S violin outfit Includes violin, bow rosin, extra strings and case, spe cial $18 G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 148 Sixth street STEINWAY & SON upright. $430. best of condition and some bargain. Selberling Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash. snd Alder. . TWO CABINET Columbia graphonolas, purchased In bankrupt stock, used but little; a low price for cash. Sellwood S I ,-i FOR SALE Violin, very cheap, including 2 bows and leather case. Call Sunday morning between 0 and 11 A. M.. room 16 Ejkton hotel, otn anci uhvii sis. PIANO tuning and reflnishlng. expert workmanship. Work guaranteed. Selber-Ung-Lucas Music Co.. 128 4th bet. Wash, and Alder. Main 8386. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE fART. SCHILLER UPRIGHT PIANO: FIRST CLASS SHAPE; WONDERFUL TONE. BROADWAY 482Q. $280 CASH secures $750 Planlsta player piano and 30 player rolla and bench at Security Storage Co.. cor. 10th and Stark sts. $215 CASH bays $478 Harrington upright piano. Security Storage Co.. cor. 10th and Stark sts VICTOR style XVI, electric, mah. phono graph;' looks like new; was $387.50, now $250, terma G. F. Johnson Piano Co., ill! SIXIM Street. $195 CASH buys a fine Hallet & Davis upright plana at Security Storag Co., cor. 10th and Stnrk. EMERSON PHONOGRAPHS MADE IN PORTLAND. NONE BETTER. FAC TORY PRICES. PLACE XMAS OR DERS NOW. SALESROOM, 108 2D ST. . kuui ,PH 1 ATE XMAS GIFT Bush Lane Co.'s Farrand piano: never been used; easy payments. De livery when demren. r- -. "i"n' MUST SACRIFICE MY BEAUTIFUL HO BART M. CABLE PIANO; LEAVING CITY AT ON. r- Mar. -,m RENT a new piano or phonograph: six montas' reat KPtdled on purchase prlca Haro'.u S. Olltvrt, aa-i lamniu i. OLD STRAD model cello at a special price. $50: don't miss this. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 148 Sixth st. STORY & CLARK. $300. walnut case. A snap Selberling-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st . bet. Wash, and Alder. LEASE expires . 1. 22. tine fixtures for s-ile; player rolla phonographs l)lano HarOld a Ullaert. iamni.1 si. EXCELLENT phonograph for aale. You can save 50 per cant on this bargain. Phone Main 6634. PHONOGRAPH repairing done by ex perts: sll work guaranteed. Selberllng- Luias Music Co.. la t" s-.. I SET Buffett Bs and A clarinets, Albert system, $90. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 Sixth st. ; MANSFIELD, $180. walnut case, upright; a snap. Selberling-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th St.. pet- w asn. ana Aiapr. RENT Grafonola with late mueld and let rental apply on purchaae price. Empire Transfer, Bdwy. loo. HIGH-GRADE SCHUBERT PIANO IN EARLY ENGLISH CASE FOR $225. 185 EAST 13TH ST. S., APT. 3. AUT. 220-21. PHONOGRAPHS at the lowest prices In town. BesutifuLJ125 standard machine for $63. 20 Floral ave. Tutor "303. BARGAIN, old violin. Jos. Kerzel, 885 East 11th st. HO LI ON baritone, silver-plated, leather case, $30. Tabor 8201. BEAUTIFUL upright piano; prlco very reasonable. Main 8648. KINGSBURY piano, a bargain. Selberling Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st. TRADE vlctrola and records for piano. Main S3SB. PIANO wanted by private party. Will pay cash for good bargain. Marshall 1332. ORGANS, your choice $23. Selberllng Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st. Main 85S6. PI ANO wanted. Pay cash for baraaln. JIHlll ".inn. HI "i .HEST i ASH PRICE :or your piano Main 2980. PIANOS moved. $3; storXge estrs; work done by experts Phone Bdwy. 1207. WANTED Plsno or player for caah. Make offer; J 278, Oregonian. SWEET-TONED piano for rent. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 155. 1 L LA-NO for rent. Inquire Main 82lL FOB SALE. I'lttnos. Organs and Musical Instruments. LIPMAN. WOLFE CO.. GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. Includes thes new pianos, renewed and used pianos and phonographs: Modollo player and bench $595 Smith A Barnes, upright 813 Helnze upright, good condition 195 Schubert, large, mahogany 285 Kimball, renewed oak 395 Haines Bros., quite new 0o Francis Bacon, fine mahogany 438 Sterling, fine ton 285 H Pay cash or $6 to $1? a month. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick. No. 7, mahogany 00 00 Stradlvara Melody 112.25 Stradlvara Harmony 125.00 Columbia, golden oak. used 75.00 Vlctrola. XI. mahogany 140.00 Pay cash or $3, $5 and $8 a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE at CO.. 7th Floor. Washington and 6th Sts. CLEARANCE SALE FACTORY REBUILT " AND USED PIANOa $ 800 Stelnway & Sons, mahogany . .$395 $ 900 Steger & Sons, mission oak... 405 $ 750 Kranich Bach, golden oak.. 315 $ 575 Schroeder Bros., fumed oak.. 365 600 Reed & Son. grand in upright. 685 $ 550 Kimball, large, mahogany.... 295 $ 950 Thompaon player piano 498 $1050 Singer player piano, oak 695 $ 800 Thompson player, oak 585 $ 135 Burdette parlor organ..... 38 85 Earhoff parlor organ 3 $ 75 Packard parlor organ ....... 1 Terms $10 to $25 cash. $5, $8, $15 mo. SCH WAN PIANO CO., 10th and Stark UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. Victor, small, with 5 used records... 20 Columbia, small, with 5 used records 80 Victor, with 10 used records 60 Victor, with 10 used records 85 Victor, cabinet, with 15 used records 110 Pathe. cabinet, with 10 used records 90 Brunswick, cabinet. 10 used records. 73 Sonora. cabinet, with 13 used records 150 Sonora grand with 25 used records. 290 Sonora. portable, used records 40 $5 up cash. $3 and up monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th St.. cor. Stark. Phone Bdwy. 1678. USED SAXOPHONES. Conn C, silver and gold bell $1"0 Vega S, stiver and gold bell 120 Buescher Bs, tenor and gold bell... 150 French Trlebert Bs. tenor, gold bell 150 Conn alto Es, sliver, gold bell 100 Conn alto Es, high pitch bass 65 We are also representatives of the Martin A King saxophones. G. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 149 8th St. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS SALE. $135 cabinet phonographs, sal prloe. $78. $110 cabinet phonographs, sale price, $47.50. $185 cabinet phonographs, sale prlca $88.50. New and used pianos one-third to one half oft. Foley-Maegley Musto Co , 108 Fifth st., bet. Wash, and Stark USED PIANO SPECIALS. Newby & Evans, mah. case, excellent condition $250 J. & C. Fisher, mahogany rase, a splendid bargain 245 Krell, walnut case. Just like new.... 310 Netzow, mah. case, a fine value.... S85 Many other good bargains at our store. O. F. JOHNSON PIANO CO., 140 6th St. BEFORE YOU BUY A PHONOGRAPH see Foley-Maegly Musia Co., who ar retiring from business; reductions In plsnos snd phonographs as high as 50 per cent. 106 Fifth st., between Wash ington and Stark. BEFORE YOU BUY A PIANO ee Foley-Maegly Music company, closing-out aale; retiring from buslneas: pianos and phonographa at reductions as high as 50 per cent. 100 Fifth St., bet. Washington and Stark. PIANO SALE. $150 Knabe, $150 Mansfield. $150 Steln way. Other used pianos $125 snd up. Terms given. Selberllng-Lueas Music company SOME PIANO bargains: A $600 Ludwlg for $275; a $900 player piano for $430; r $400 Mendenhall for $260 This In strument Is as good as new. The Piano Store, 409 Union ave. N. KNABE piano, $130, old style: a fine practice Instrument. See It. Belberling Lucas Mualo Co.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. PHONOGRAPH repairing guaranteed, motors, tone arms, springs, 20c up. Port land Phonograph Supply Works. 348 Washington st. Bdwy. 2044. Fnrnlture tor Sale. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. If you love beautiful floor cov. ering, our display of Royal Turk ish rugs w.i Interest you. We have these wonderful rugs In th most charming patterns and fas-etna-' ing colors that anyone could wish for and they are down to pre-war prloe Just Imagine we can now offer you a 9x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $150. Ot.'er sizes accordingly. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 188-If 0 First St. DAVENPORTS, MANUFACTURERS" 8AMPLEB. We are manufacturers of overstuffed davenports and chairs; wo have a few samples which we will aell direct to the trade at greatly reduced prices; some terms to responsible parties on thes close-outs; many styles and asaortment of coverings In denim, merona, velour, tapestry and mohair. Phone 635-27. Evenings and Sunday. Tabor 5797 or Automatic 835-27. M1CHAELSON-M A YSON, INC.. 6483 Foster Road. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department if you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rate to most all points In our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and reflnishlng. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 4th St.. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. FOR SALE cheap, 6 wire fountain stools. 1 gas fumeless Radio heater, 2 old lunch counters. 1 large electric Eat sign, 1 small Icebox. 1 old coal range, 5 ft ISO hi N. 23d st. WANT to buy amahogany spinet desk In good condition; will pay cash; state price. AO 291, Oregonlan. DESKS CHAIRS SAFES. New and second-hand, exceptional bar gains. Call or phone for aalesman. IRWIN- HODSON FURNITURE DEPT. 10th at Stark Sla. Bdwy. 3144. WILL sacfrlflce furniture of 8-room house. William and Mary dining room set, Ivory bedroom set. 9x12 Axminster rug; everything cheap If taken at once; no dealers. Call today. 1058 Tillamook. DON'T SACRIFICE your furniture if going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight in our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer 4 Storage Co.. 248 Pine street. MUST sacrifice today 10-pleca Artcraft solid oak dining set, cost $400; take 1150; also $98 Duofold b- davenport. $40; sewing machine, tax; writing desk. $13 864 Tillamook, corner E. 13th. IVORY bedroom suit, new, will sacrifice, also beautiful velour overstuffed daven port and mirror; leaving city. Phone after 8 o'clock. Main 30i2. 1 SOLID OAK dining room set first-class Thor Electric washer, 1 round-reed baby carriage. Tabor 7808. 60 YARDS old Axminster carpet. $10; san itary couch $5; box couch 12.50: unlver sal B-cup percolator. 565 Ss Washington. Office Furniture. USED flat-top desks snd chairs, bU? se lection at lowest prices ever offered; 1 Underwood. 1 8-bank Burrougha 2 small safes: at real bargalna. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N 5th st. Broadway 2739. SPRUCE division desks, chairs and files Pacific Stationery 4 Printing Co.. 107 2d. Typewriter. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PBICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington St. Main 6681. REBUILT typewriters, all klnda for aale, rent, -xhange- we ar exclusive dis tributors of Corota portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all rr&kes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO.. . 94 Flfft St, Main 3680. lOK RENT L. C Smith typewriter; spe cial .ate to slodenta L C. Smith A Broa Tyrew-Uer Co., 806 Spalding bldg. Main 874 FOR RENT Underwood, Remington type writers, $3 mo. Emolre Transfer. Bdwy. 155, REPAIRS, rent, boy. sell; suppllea Type wrlter Ir.ipKtiu Co.. 312 Stark. M. 334 NEW, rebuilt se.:ord-hand rentals at cut rate P D. Co 281 Stark st- Main 1407 poultry. 100 WHITE LEGHORN full grown laying pullets. $1.80 each: 150 young W. L. hens. Hoganlzed stock, heavy laying, guaranteed, $1 each: Barred Rock and R. I. Red pullets ready to lay, 11.50 and $1.75 each; W. I... Barred Rock and R. I. Red baby chicks. Order now for choice dates. J. R. Magulre, 787 Oregon. 2 blocka north East 24th ana Sandy. 20 DARK Rox from prize pen. cheap. Joner 3 blks. S. E. Bell eta.. Estacada car line. FOR SALE 4 thoroughbred game roos ters. Tabor 12. Boats, Launches anf Marine Equipment. WANT LAUNCH with or without motor: either cabin or open boat; will trade A-l a-syl. automobile. J 2T8. Oreganian. FOR SALE. Dogs. Babbits. Birds and Pet Stork. GENUINE St. Andreasberg rollers, males and females: none better. East 6874. 887 Multnomah. TOY FOX TERuIER puppies extra small. 8 months old. Mra u. w. Knoues. scap poose. Or. WANTED Bull pup. anout 6 months, not too highly bred, houae-broke. Phone 517-84. BEAUTIFUL Boston terriers from best registered and champion stock. Auto. 825-88. ELIGIBLE to register, toy Boston bull terriers, 8 month old. 711 Kearney at., near 22d. THOROUGHBRED toy Chihuahua puppy. 3H months old. Just right for Christ mas. Woodlawn 1988. CLASS Y male toy Boston terrier for Christ mas present. 9 months. Broadway 3663. FOR SALE Thoroughbred collie puppies. Tabor 6874. CANARIES. $4.23; good singers. 194 li Fourth st. FOR SALE POLICE DOG. CALL MR. MACKENZIE. COL. 18. PUPPIES for sal cheap, corner Main. 240 E. 8th, FOR SALE Pedigreed smooth collie, male. 710 Commercial st., city. PUPPIES for sale cheap. 240 E. 8th. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fit and white oak. Western Cooperage Co.. 806 N. 14th st.. near Pettygrove. Phone A 519-19. Cool and H i. $4 PER LOAD $4. IN TWO-LOAD LOTS. Of 16-lnch fir block and slab mixed, ready for your furnace or beater. Guarantee 1 H cords to double load, equal to 182 cublo feet. Try it. THIS WOOD HANDLED BY Oregon Fuel Co. National Fuel Co. WDLN. 4102. EAST 2041. COAL , $11.00 per ton put In your basement: city weight, direct from mine to con sumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot, burns to fin aah ; try a ton. PHONB EAST 134. SPECIAL IN 4-LOAD LOTS. C. O. D. COUNTRY BLOCK AND SLAB. FOUR LOADS (220 Stacked Cubic ft). $13 DELIVERED. QUALITY AND MEAS UREMENT GUARANTEED. MAIN 4633 NICE 16-ln. siab. $3.75; best fir. seasoned. $5 load, anywhere, bargain. Dry 12-16-ln. country alab, $7.50: box, $4.50: 24-ln. cord, $4.75; for a heater or furnace. Sellwood 1768. BLOCK wood cut from 10x12 and 10x14 timber; sound and dry. $8.23 per cord; kindling wood, $5 per cord; plank wood, cut from 8x12 and 4x12, $6 per cord de livered. Phone Main 750. FlHT-GKOWTH fir, Kock Springs, : . e .. Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick Tile Co.. 83 6th at., between Stark and tax. Phone Broadway 18. EXTRA big load of partly dry slab and block mixed, $5.50; planer trlmmlnga $6; two toads, one of each. $11. Wood lown 5904. $9.60 PER TON. $9.50. An excellent grade Washington lump coal, curb del. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wdln. 4102. . BEST o.J-growtn tlr. bone dry. waa $8-60. now $7.75; be: old-growth fir, medium dry. was $8, now $7.60. Phone Mar snail 4hv. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood CO., jaacauaui. rnuiiw win iiu BLOCK or slat-. 2 loads $3: first-growth cordwood, $7.3V per cord; second grow th. $6.50. Bdwy. 4110. GOOD dry fir cordwood. $7.23 per cord; half dry country alab, $3.25 per cord: also cosl. Burke Fuel Co.. East 1759. SEASONED No. 1 fir, hardwood, green alab and block mixed; coal; Immediate delivery Woodlawn 2018, A-l FIRST-GROWTH wood. $7.50 per cord delivered; also wood in small lots. Main 7257. ' FIRST-GROWTH dry cordwood. $7.30 per cord. East 2743. 1ST-CLASS fir ana nardwooa. prompt d llvery. Phone Howell, Vancouver 688-T. YOU TELL King Coal prices have been reduced $13 .mi per tun i ai, Aut. 1147-80 4-FOOT block and railroad ties; also 18 inch stove wood. Marshall 2643. FIRST growth dry cordwcod, $7.60 per cord. East 2748. FIRST-GROWTH wood, dry, $7.50 cord; second-growth, dry, $6.23 cord. A. 628-77 BONE-DRY boxwood, $4.25: block and flab Kg per load. wootiUMvn .ib-rj 4-FOOT block and railroad ties: also 16 Inch stovewood. Marshall 2643. COAL, $1 asack. delivered quickly, any where In city. Marshall 1853. DRY A-l first growth cordwood. $7.50 per cord- Call Auto. 523-63. OAK WOOD delivered now, $8.50 per cord. Call Bdwy. 995. Al FIRST-GROWTH FIR cordwood deliv ered at $7. Phone East 577. NO. 1 OLD growth, dry. $7.50 cord. No. dry. $6.50 cord. Auto. Olll-Bi EXTRA dTf fir cord wood, $7.50 a cord Call labor 302. BEST slab from country mills. $4.50 cord. Call Tabor 302. Machlnerv. DRILLS We havo the largest stuck of carbon and high-speed drills, on the coast. Our prices are right. North west Machinery Co. Main 2164. Miscellaneous. a OR RENT B.ectrlc vacuum cleanse Mon. to Mod., 13, or 85c per day. d Uve-rei aoywhe-. ' Wdln. 1259. LADIES EVERYTHING In used wearing apparel; prices very reaaonab.e. labor SEE FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. wooaiawn MUST aell at once my beautiful prime Alaska mink cape, latest mode, cost $1500. Call East 2677 ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bougnt or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., 892 Tenlno ave. Sellwood 2308. ultLER your Xmas trees now. 50c and up. Trees delivered between the 20th and 24th. East 1388. XMAS CIGARS. $1 box of ten. post free John Heltkemper, maker, 151 Porter St.. clty CHERRY and pear trees. 8 years old. Woodstock Nursery End of Woodstock car line Auto. niu-;m SA,-E-; 70 6th at.. nar Oak. Nev and second-hand Herring. Hall, Marvin SA'FES AND VAULT doors Bdwy 104 RA.KBER SHOP EQUIPMENT on sals at big r-siUet'On. Portland Cutlery Co., 83 Slxtn n. D1EBOLD safes, new and second-hand; special price Pacific Scale & Supply Co 48 Front st. Broadway 1968. FERTILIZER. Call East 291. apt 303. Rotted manure delivered any where in city. GENUINE Russian pony fur coat, worth $150 sacrifice for $86: late model. See Tai:or at 247 Taylor st. AUTO KNITTER, new. never used, cheap, going east. Call evenings. 18? Stout at.. A. L. Qoodenow. HEADQUARTERS for holly wreaths and mistletoe. Oregon Seed Store. 224 Yam hill. ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., 892 Tenlno ave. Sellwood 2898. SMALL half-ton feed mill. Apply Barde & Son. 240 Front at., Portland, Or. Automatic 614-30. FOR SALE Remington No. 11. nearly new. with cabinet, cheap for cash. Bdwy. 8258. 608 Title & Trust bldg. BURBANK POTATOES. 2 a sack, delivered; 6-sack order, $1.78. East 8381. USED Universal Dun. ex heater: complete with stove board, pipe and shield. Lynch Bros.. 110 6th DOLL WIGS of your combing 8. F. Pierce. 24 Klllingsw orth. Wdln. 43WI. OHIO vacuum cleaner, practically new. Main 7127 BOYVTON furnace, excellent conditlon. East EXQUISITE hand-made handkerchiefs; orders tsken. Phone East 41187. 18-INCH American lathe: 18-Inch drill n-rfSS. too:s. etc. w ppuiaw n -..o- 173 SHEETS of typewriter carbon paper. g5. m Bl. ssaaison St. FIP.EPROOF McCaskey register; $300 ac count. APPiy OAS n.. latn - c- l-o,. A GOOD bargain large mirror, 8i,x8Vs. Call at 440 Wash, st. fi. W-. cor. 12th. ROYAL typewriter, excellent condition. No. 10. $30. 209 Ptock Exchange. CHOICE dried petite prune, 12c lb. Postpain. rt. urmwri, ja.eui. vr. FURNITURE repairing. mirrors, glass glazing, etc. e-au uin. iwi. nriSEB ROSES ROSES HARK WOODSTOCK NURSERY Auto. 610-86. ELECTRIC fixtures lor 5 rooms. $15. 207 Chambei ol lommercp oina. nqwy 4333 GOOD fireproof safe, cheap; also safe with Inner chest. B 272, Oregonlan. NEW ALL-WOOL 3-piece man's suit, tail or made, alze 3H Main 1082. FOR SALE Cash register, saf adding machlr. case i?. 1st at. nesr Ash. SECOND-H AND tents and covers f - sal Pacific Tent Awnlna Co.. No 1 1st at. smuau&a. PRO AL WAX 1371, FOR SALE. MUccllaueou DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, xone therapy or con ductive anesthesia Without danger or after effects. We perform all dental op erations without pain. Come In and let us prove It to you X-Ray service. DR. A. W. KEENE. DR. E. J. KIE8ENDAHL. Above Majestic theater. 33U Willi. SAVE YOUR WIFE. Send your wet wash to the Snow Flake laundry; clothes washed snowy white In separate compartments, Monday, Tues day and Wednesday, 13 pounds for 70 cents; Thursday, Friday and Saturday 15 pounds fur 00 cents. 4 cents each ad ditional pound. Valuable premiums given. Phone East M38 BAJ ES OverstocKed with new and s-c-ond-hand safes; some with burglar proof strong boxes; second-hsnd safes have all been rebuilt and are like new; at reduced prices for next 10 days; your own terms. Call and see or write us now before you buy elsewhere and save money. Norrls Safe Lock Co.. 105 S.M-, nd st.. Portland. Of, CROWN STABLES. INC. If you are looking for new or second hand. harness at pre-war prices, or wag ons of any kind, new or second hand, come to the Crown stable. We can fix you up from a grubbing hoe to an anchor. Phil Suetter, president. 285 Front st. ' ONE FIG. 102 5-gallon stroke Bowser pump with globe complete and foot valve, cost $510. One 642 Bruner motor driven compressor, cost $224.23 new. Had the above only a short time and will make big sacrifice on both outfits for quick sale. W. S. Fleming. 292 Wash- . ington sL EI.ECTR .C FIXTURES. Buy them from th factory show room and rave 1-S; all styles, finest selection. Come and see; you ar under no obliga tion to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadwav 4263. LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on your feet? If so. be fore you alt down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Antsseptlo Powder: 60c and $1 boa. Portland Uo tel Pharmacy. WATER SYSTEM BARGAIN. If you can use a complete water sys tem. 1 will sacrifice. Call Barnes, Bdwy. 1400. week days: Woodlawn 631T. eve nings and Sundays. ELECTRICAL GIFTS. Christmas tree, 9 light strings, $3; wireless outfits, electrlo trains, airplanes, Irons, toasters, heaters, etc. Our prices are down. Everything electrical required. Hynaon Electric, 62 6th st.. bet. Oak and Pine. Bdwy. 4293. OIV1NO UP BUSINESS. Everything to go.! Ladlea" dresses from $2; shoes from 60c; also coats, hats, skirts, blouses, men's clothes, no reasonable offer refused. Bra. Shaw. 927 B, Hoyt at. (between 30th and 31st). M. V. car. iF you appreciate aplendla watch repair int. or Jewelry repairing take your work to LLU1R-S Big Little Jewelry Store Bella for Leas Gifts That Last. Next Door H Ms Jest lo Theatsr. Park and Washington Sta MAKE small payment and wear your eye glasses and apeotaclea aa you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, aecond floor, Oregouian bldg. . IF DAVID'4 CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only Genuine Watch Materials Used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Optician 843 Warning - I. St., at Broadway. SEWING machines, new snd second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 19u Third St., near Taylor. Main 9431. FOR SALE; Graflex-type camera. 6x7 equipped to uae plate, film pack or roll film, first-class condition and sacrifice for quick aale; ideal Christmas present; may be seen at Frederick Post Co.,- 92 Fifth street. LADIES, save money and dress well. 8ults, coats. $3 and up; everything In misfit and allghtly used clothing for ladles and children; fur coats and party dresses, Fancywork Vogue, 4th floor, 403 Altsky bldg., 3d near Morrison St. WHY AN everlasting sggravatloa by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubborbond snd rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roof Work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 79. A DEPENDABLE I'LACE TO TRADE. MILLSR'3 Bis Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last. Next door to Majestic theater. Park ago w aahlngton Sta CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change, 226 Stark st.. between First and Second sta Main 8334. 20 DROiHEAD a w ng machines. $12.50 t $43; Sixaeri New Homes, Whites. W. W II muWAa mane, -i .- renta1 snH r.,.ir. K. It. Steen. 132 Grand ave. Bast MM AN EX-SERVICE man, married, will ap predate your order for Xmas trees or nolly wreaths, lowest prices. Call Tabor 2128. H.T W .eTEH tanxa. SO gal., 37: 40 gal.. $4 tested, guarantied: stove and furnace coils, gas hearers Installed: plumbing East Side Weld 5h.. 203 Adams. E. 8318. FIVE dictaphones, 1 Edison late model, 2 safeguard check writers: best offer takes them. D. C. Wax. 24-26 N. 3th st. Broadway 2789. WONDERFUL, practical Xmas gift for wife or mother, new sewing machine: bargain. Call evening or Sunday. 280 Going st. ONE GAS water heater, Ruud. Good as new-. $15. On airtight wood heater. Cole. Large size. Good coudltlon. $15. Call Bd wv. 4089. NOTICE I have lota of good, black garden soil, fine to finish new lawns, etc., will del. In- Alameda Park and Beaumont diets, and vicinity. Main 7944. DUCK ahootlng for Sundays and Wednes days, Sauvles island, fed lakes, mallard decoys; 1 hour's drive from Portland.' Y 281, Oregonlan. ALASKA WRECKING CO. AH kinds of building material and wood for sale; yard 2d and Columbia Main 6107. SEND 50c for i ilT of nice mistletoe and Oregon grape, postage prepaid for your Christmas tree. J. R. Wheeler, Win chester, Or. HOLLY wreath, mistletoe, Oregon grape and Xmas trees. Tabor 8035. We de liver. " LEAKY ROOFS qufcklv repaired. Call Dispatch Roof Repairers. Auto. 633-87. KUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet waahert also vacuum cleaning done. East 4046. XMAS trees, place ordera early. 8. L. Ellis. 1279 E. 15th at. N , or 307 Panama bldg, 3d and Alder. FLOUR SACKS, 100 lb. alze, laundered, $1 20 doz., mall orders add. postage, s. Hodes. 322 Alder st Phone Urtwy 3B3S '.ICENSED mdep.-nnani electrician wires 3 rooms for $12. 6 for $20. guaranteed to pass inspect! Wdln. 8791. KODAKS. We buy. sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sandy. 829 Washington t. DANDY 8-llght shower fixture, complete with shades, only $5 S3 at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4263. BIO REDUCTIONS THIS WEEK. Scales, showcases, cash registers, safe. many other fixtures. 246 Washington. PILES can be permanently cured w.tnout operation. Call or writ Dr. Dean. Swc ond and Morrison. FOR SALE A Royal range, water colls, perfectly new. Call Marshall 1228 or 480 Sixth st. BLEACHED, laundered flour sack. $1.20 per dosen. add postage, mall ordera Snow Flake Laundry. 480 Belmont St. BEA UTTFUL rose and gold piano lamp shade: new. never used, cost $45, will sell for $22 50. Tabor 131L EKESSED turkeys, corn fattened. 55c a lb., prepaid 10 to 25 lbs.: remit with order. C. A. Simpson. Wlnlock. Or. VACUUM sweeper. $10- gent's watch, $7.50; child's bedspread. $2.50; child's white coaL 12.80. Tabor 2676 FOR SALE Brown manogany tea wagon; plate glass tray. Call Broadway 4033, Sunday or tter o i-. aa. EMPTY steel drums, 30-gallon, 80-gallon, 15-gallon; also empty oil barrels. Tele phone Broadway 2464 after Sunday. $275 DIAMOND ring, perfect blue-white: $175 cash. Call Marshall 1659 SEWING MACHINE. In good condition. Call Marsh. 200 USED pipe furnace, complete good con dltion. Lynch Bros. 1 10 6th. Hl'llPoN seal coat, skunk collar and cuffs: a bargain. Room 801 Broadway bldg. "STAR A S1AR ' shingles direct from mill Call Taylor-street dock. Main H065 HEMSTITCHING. 6 CTfi ROOM 215 350ft MORRISON ST MAIN 6045. ROYAL vacuum cleaner for sale, reduced $82 50 to $40. East 7940. 8CAI.E and counters cheap. 202 Boudary ave.. Fulton. Auto. 618-37. JEWEL range, wood or coal, a bargain If taken at once. $20, 448 E. Everett. 54 HORSEPOWER motor drophead Singer sewing machine, cheap. 283 Benton St. ELECTRIC washer for sale, reasonable. Auto. 881-87. ROGERS 28-plece set. La France pattern; must sacrifice. Wlllard hotel, room 314. MANURE 'or sa.e Mai". 4t;4 gOQU TABLE. sU taso- S70 E, MaJa u mom si.k Mrs, rlluiieotiH. AHA3 -I , , r. . l . . . . Mln'. skunk, squirrel and other fur i cr.okers. lo. ui rur ouuy, bi bldg. Maiu 842. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. . STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. Oakland. 8 JtaSS . rebuilt. 5 tires.. Chevrolet 490. 3-pass.. perfect shspe Overland, 3-pass.. good as new.... Bulck. 7-paSs.. 1819. rebuilt Buick. C-pasa, 4-cyl., rebuilt Chandler, 1920. 7-pass.. rebuilt.... Oakland roadster, rebuilt and re painted Saxon 6. 6-pass.. 3 cord llres Overland roadster. 1821. new Cadillac, 5-pass.. fine shape....... Stephens. 4-paas.. rebuilt and re- 400 373 400 1050 400 1000 700 150 673 650 1250 073 2tMI ooo Olds Pacemaker, rebuilt and painted i Ford bug 1920 Moon, 5-pasa ra- Easy Terms. AUTOMOTIVE BALES CO.. 475 Morrison at 14th. Broadway 3608. USED CARS. Our Used Department in Complete Charge 'of ED MELVIN and PETE MOE, two gentlemen who are fair and honest, with an earnest desire to give every purchar of a used csr 100 cents of vslue for every dollar paid them; men real men not the usual fast-talking, so called clever salesmen. Just real red blooded humans that tell you the truth' every time. Sen Pete or Ed before buy ing a used car. They will save you many dollars. Thirty cars to choose from, including Ford tourings, roadsters, sedans, deliveries, trucks; Bulcks, Dorts. Dodge, Briscoe. Overland, Hupmoblle, Franklin. Maxwells, Paige, Reo roadstoV. etc. All sold on long easy terms If desired. OPEN EVENINGS and ALL DAY SUNDAYS. TALBOT CASEY. INC. East Ankeny and Grand Ave. East 8118. REBUILT BUICKS when purchased from us are GUARANTEED the same as new Bulcks. The most IMPORTANT THINO to consider In the purchase of a REBUILT CAR la the RESPONSI BILITY ut the SELLER. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. Largest Distributors of Automo biles in the World. Alder at Twelfth SL Broadway 1130. WALK DOWNSTAIRS AND SAVE MONEY. The following Is a partial list of the bargains we offer In our 11 A SEME NT SALESROOM. 1820 Alien touring $683 1820 Dort touring 875 1820 Cole touring 2000 11)15 Hiiuiiioblle touring 850 1B1U Franklin touring 600 mix Oldamobll touring 630 11)14 Cadillac touring 800 INI Packard "6' touring 200 191U Reo touring 830 NORTHWBST AUTO COMPANY. BARGAIN ANNEX. 642 Alder St. Hrdwy. 1728. AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBILES. THURSDAY EVE.. DEC. 13. 7:S0 P. M. Larg consignment of mostly late models. , SALE STARTS AT 7:80 P. M. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE, Cor. 6th and Everett Sts. Phone Bdwy. 2828. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE WE FURNISH THE MONEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BOND & MORTGAGES CO. 207 SELLING BLDG.. SEC. FLOOR. 1021 FORD TOURING DEMONSTRATOR. The same as new; spare tire, good spotlight and -many other extras. I will si. m.l big cut as 1 have no further use for same and can't make payments. Mr. Melvln, at Talbot & Caaey. Inc., East Ankeny and Grsnd ave. OPEN EVE- WILL hell my almost new Chandler Dis patch, run less than 5000 miles: looks and runs like new: guaranteed In first class condition; this car will be a won derful buy for someone who appreciates a car having only private use. $1000 with terms; new rubber. Phone week days Bdi-y 3473. Sundays. Tabor 7681 NEW VELIE. For sale, brand new Velie six. Just from factory, with factory guaranty; big discount and terms by owner; seen at 23d-st. garage, near Washington. Phone owner. Main 1428. 1820 OVERLAND 4 TOURING. $600. Car In very fin condition; only run about 6000 miles. Call evenings. Tabor 8288. terms. FOR SALE SNAP. Ford sedan, starter and extras; good condition; terms. Call 115 Citizens Bank building. DODGB CAR. Will ell my 1821 Dodge car, almost new, worth $1000. will sell for $875. Main 8032 818-8181 Cham Com, bldg BUICK. Bulok light six touring car. reason able offer accepted. Call mornings. Ta bor 342L NEW HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Owner will sacrifice absolutely new csr. never ran, and will take some terma. East 864L 1812 LOCOMOBILE, lust Nght for 'bug. $100; Thomas Flyer. $75. These vara sold for storage. Speedwell Garage, Bdwy. 3874. 102O SPECIAL six Studebaker. cord tires, special top and curtains. apotllght; cheap, or will trade for smaller car. 253 Grand ave.. cor. Madison. MY 1819 OAKLAND touring car must be sold Otis week. Will sell at a low price. Call Mr. Ollden bt Main 4761. evenings 1 MUST sell my 1818 Bulck Six touring cr. In finest condition; make me an offer. Mr. Brown. Wdln. 1243. evenings. FORD touring. 1818 model, In excellent condition throughout; must sell. Call Sellwood SO. I 1922 FORD coupe; lota of extras; rfemon strator; snap. See Pawson, Francis Motor car t o. STUDEBAKER apeclal. like new. cord tires; price $1850; lake Ford coupe for part. Bast 6228. 1819 HUDSON speedster. $950; easy terma. or will take light car In trade. Broad- way 27H, 1920 BELL. 5-pasaenger car: muat sell, need monsy. $225. 255 Grand ave., cor. Madison WE TEAR 'em up and aell the piece Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 581 Aider. 17th. Brosdav 32M 1818 BUICK touring, looks snd run like new: crlflc $850. Terms. Win con sider small car. East 4216. FORD. '21 model, run 8D0O miles. $73 worth of extras: a bargain. East 6551 evenings, Tabor 837 day $1200 BUYS a brand new Studebaker light six with xtra tire. Couch st. garage. Couch and Ninth. 1820 FORD runabout, good condition, new top, $225. Inquire Portland Artificial Ice Co LATE 7-pas. Cadlllsc 8 In best condition, shock absorbers, 8 new cord tires, lots of ex I raS. Knone laoor -oif. SERIES SIX Franklin, cheap for cash, or will take good Ford In trade. Bdwy. 5701" 1918 SEDAN. Good order. $325. easy terms. See It on parking lot. Salmon and roao w " 1921 BUICK coupe for sale cheap. Phone Maln8111 from 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. CHEVROLET baby grand sedan. Call Woodlawn ;.oo 1921 FORD touring, nearly new; can't be beat for $430. Te ephone Tahor 1)402. CADILLAC, 1914. 1-pass.. perfect condl tion. $600: terms. See Lyman. Main 47. CHEVROLET aedan, late model. Thla Is a bargain. Call Main 7437. 1920 DODGE touring, A-l condition. 6065 E. 22d at. 8o. DODGE roadster; a good buy at $500; . n good condition. Main 118. 1917 DODGE roadster, new top, plate-glass. A snap. 1430, Telephone Tabor 0402 102O FORD, driven not quite 6000 miles. Al condition, reaaonable. 120 N. 6th 18111 CHEVROLET by owner. $326; Mill give terms East 50i HUDSON speedster. 1918-1819 series. Has many uliu, Phone Wdln. 1878, FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. WE LICENSE THEM FREE! AND WE FURNISH THE UPKEEP MONET. READ THESE NEXT PARA GRAPHS VERY THOROUGHLY. FIRST WE ARE GOINO TO LICBN8B ALL 'CARS AND TRUCKS FOR TUB YEAR 1922 AT OUR EXPENSE, SECOND WB ARE GOING TO GIVE TEN (10) V4-HOUR SERV ICE COUPONS FOR EVERY $100 OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ANT CAR OR TRUCK WHICH WB WILL REDEEM IN CASH FROM ANY AUTOMOBILE DEALER OR GARAGB IN ORE GON OR WASHINGTON. COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU OF OUR PLAN. 100 CARS TO PICK FROM. LOOK 'EM OVER. THESE ARB ONLY A FEW OF THE) MANY MAKES: OVERLAND. MOON. MITCHELL, CROW, ELK HART, STANLEY STEAMER. CHEVROLET, LOZIER. CHAND LER. STUDEBAKER. MAX WELL. DANIELS, H. C. S. TEMPLAR. LEXINGTON. STUTZ. COMET, PREMIER. BUICK. WE ALSO HAVE THE FOL LOWING 8TRUCKS: OLD HICK ORY, GARY, MORELAND. KNOX. REPUBLIC, FULTON. FAG EOT., INDIANA. STEWART. BUICK. MAXWELL, FORD. V B L I E, COMMERCE. ATTERBURY AND THEN SOME. PRICES WILL BE PLAINLY LETTERED ON EACH WIND SHIELD. DON'T FORGET. "YOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON." GET IN EARLY WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE. THEY WERE TAKEN ON MORTGAGES AND WILL BE SOLD ON MORT GAGE PRICES. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE SALES COMPANY. 413 E. ASH ST.. COR. E 6TH. PHONES EAST 8510-8311. OPEN SUN DATS. REAL BARGAIN'S ACROSS THE RIVER. 11121 Ford touring, like new $ 450 1011) Ford touring fine shspe 275 1018 Ford touring, runs good 225 1020 Stephens, almost new 130o 1918 Dodge coupe VB 1917 Paige touring, good shape.... 7.-, 101S Dodge roadster turn Hudson speedster, shocks snd extra ijjo Many more to choose from, including lots of bugs. THE WED CAR WAREHOUSE, "Portlsnd's ILargest Used Car Store," Grand Ave. at East Taylor St. Phone Auto. 214-10. REAL BARGAINS ACROSS THE RIVER. 1021 Ford touring, like new $480 1818 Ford touring, fine shape 2T5 1918 Ford touring, runs good 22.1 11)20 Stephens, almost new 130(1 1818 Dodge coupe 623 1917 Paige touring, good ahap 473 1818 Dodge roadater 800 Hudson speedster, shocks and extras 1280 Many more to choose from, including lots of bugs. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSB "Portland's Largest Used Car Stor." Grand Ave. at Eaat Tylor SL Taylu 14-10. Phone Auto. 1920 DODOE TOUIUNO. $725. In very good mechanical . condition : hss been refinlshed and looks almost like new. Must sell at once. Terms. Tabor 6184. 1920 HUPJatOBlLI TOURING CAR. In fine mechanical condition: has th" original finish: all good tires anil sorao extras. This car u bargain. Will give easy terms. Phone East 1962. MERCER, 1914. 4-pass. $373. Call K. 530. sport, fine shape. BUICK TOURING. MUST SELL Bulck 1918, late model, new top. re painted, mechanically perfect, good tires nd extras. $650. 86 1 0th st . bet. Stark and Oak. Bdwy. 1424. CADILLAC motor, transmission, resr end, frame and wheel, top, radiator, high tension magneto and large Presto tanks. Pyrerie. one set new 34x4 Weed chains. For sale or trade. AV 792. Oregonlan. WE CAtRT a fuv .Ine of auto accessories, tubua. Ford pa- a. light globe etc Alsj do towing. Opsu day and night. LONG 8ILVA. Phone East 6840. 462 Hawthorn. LATE 400 Chevrolet touring, rood condl 1 tlon. only $120 cab; bln .- $13 per month. A real bargain. Phone Tabor 5935. BIG USED CARS. PRICES. STOCK. RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. CQYET MOTOR CAR CO. 1019 DODGB TllURl.NG. $040. In very good condition. Muat sell at nc. term Call evening Meredith pts.. Main 7132. apt. 102 on LATB 1920 DODGB TOURING, $826. In excellent condition, look ilk new. hs overaized cord tires, lots of extra; fore ''1 to sell. Evenings, Main 6211, LIGHT SIX PAIGE. A beautiful car in wonderful condition. Will give guarantee. Sacrifice $973, easy term. Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 8181. CARS bought for wrecking, parts sold for all car Oregon Wrecking Co., 424 Belmont str. near 6th. WILL take your Ford as part pay on my $1)00 Hudson super six. In perfect shape. Call Tabor 7817. 1920 CHANDLER, $973. A buy; has Just been repainted; runs and looks like new. Terms. Tabor 7817. 1920 FORD truck, pneumatic tires. 1 spars tire, rim and tube. Good condition East 8118. WE PUT steel teeth In your old flywhei; crankshaft turning. H. B. Black Machln shop 534 Alder. Bdwy. 2681 BOSCH MAG. MAKE OFFER. 871 PORTLAND BLVD., run. UNION. MUST sacrifice my Stilts chummy; wire wheels, bumper, spotlights, cord tins. fully equipped. Call Tabor gig. 1920 CHEVROLET touring, absolut bar- gain. Call m at Tabor Sl13. Can give aome term 1920 FRD coupe, fine condition, shock absorbers, speedometer, spare tlr. $45o. East 3158. FOR I), early '20, self starter, br owner. $230. Terms. Panama Cooperage Co . 2'.' Front FOR SALE cheap, 7-pass. 4X-h p Plerce Arrow. good tire good running order H E Noble. 816 Lumbermen- Mdg. l'.)16 KoHD touring, chassis and :not, and tires good. $12(. .sli Esst gg. )91'0 FORD sedan, exfa good, used pri vately . good condition. East 8118,