TITE MORNING OR EG ONI AN. THURSDAY, DECEtfRER 8. 1021 10. KIK WALK. I": pevvrlters. KUVAI. typewriter for sale; not over 40 short letters written on it: cost 120; ulll sacrifice. 540 Morgan bdl l-oullrj. 150 YOl'XO White Lexhorn hens, hogan Ixed stock. II ea eh Barred Kock and K I. R. Dullet. beginning to lav. $1.30 to $1.78 each. J. R. Maguire. 787 Oregon St.. 2 (slock north 24th and Sandy. ..rtn Jim ana sanay. KINS avat) furs tanned West Coast Tan ning Co.. 892 Tanlno n. Sellwood 2308. Doers. RnbblU. Birds and lt Slock. , COCKEK SPANIEL PTJTPIMs! Cbrlslmas In here. You could find I nothing better for a gift than a thor onghbrrd cocker spaniel puppy, eligible to register in the American Kennel club. I 1 ha' them for sate. Finest stork in j Ani'-rirn JM K. 51st st. Tabor 8631 OR SALE Heaiitlfully-marked pit bull ! staff, color white and brlndle. one yearl old. I. eves children. Call 418 11th si. Pli.im Main 4 282. CHR I ST M An puppies; best burglar alarm; pedigreed wire haired fox- terrlera. 4 months ami 3 weeks old. 933 and up. Sallv E Beck. Dundee, Or. BEAUTIFUL Boston terrlera from best registered and champion stock. Auto. FOX T Kit Hi Kit puppies for sale cheap. 849 E 7th St. S, C A NAKV birds. Yorkshire. Linnets, splen- did singers. Phone 1123-80. FOR BALK Thoroughbred collie puppies. Tabor 6S74 ANDREASBERG rol.ers. fancy bred night singers. femarSa. 4811 Rodney E. 4529. THOROUGHBRED shepherd dog. six months old. 1111. 1021) East Alder. tiT ANDREASBERG rollers reasonable. I Fast 00411. PUPPIES for sale cheap. 240 E. 8th. Koala, launches ant" Marine Equipment. WANT LAUNCH with or without motor; either cabin or open boat; will trade A-l 6-cyl automobile. J Ji9. Oregonian ON E HOUSEBOAT and' aeverai motor boats for sale. Call East 8050 Kega and Burrels. Ki.S AND BARRELS Fir snd white ortk. Western Cooperage Co.. SOB N 14th St.. near Pettygrove. Phone A 519-19. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD S4. IN TWO-LOAD LOTS. Of 16-lnrh fir block and sIsd mixed, ready for your furnace or beater. Guarantee l's cords to double load, equal to 192 cublo feet. Try It. THIS WOOD HANDLED BY Oregon Fuel Co. National Fuel Co . WDLN. 4102. EAST 2041. COAL. $11.00 per ton put In your basement; city weight, direct from mine to con sumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot, burns to fine ash: try a ton. PHONE EAST 184. SPECIAL IN 4-LQAD LOTS. C. O. D. COUNTRY TlLGCK AND SLAB. FOUR LOADS (220 .backed Cubic :t ). 1V DELIVERED. QUALITY AND &1EAS UREMEXT 'It A It ANTKED. MAIN" 41153 BLOCK wood cut from 10x12 and 10x14 timber; sound and dry. $8.2-5 per cord; kindling Hood. $5 per cord; plank wvoa. cut from 3x12 and 4x12. $Q per cord delivered. Phone Main 730. 'IKST-OkljW'l'H fir. Kock Springs, Ku- ai Owl Cteck coal Standard Brick Til Co., 83 bib st., between stark and Cask. Phone Broadway IK, III .Ml PER TON, $9 50 An excellent grade Washington lufnp coal, curb del. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wln. 4102. BEST o.J-growtn Mr. bone dry, waa $8.50. now i. 75; bej old-growth fir. medium dry. waa to. r..w $7.60. Phone Mar hall 09. DRY fcOUND fir wood, stove length. 10.73 per load double load. $13; prompt de livery. Phone morning or evening. Coi 1103. BK1 Itl-ln. slab. $8.73 load, very best seasoned, $0; box. $3. $4.30 anywhere; bargain, 12-10 111, dry country $7 50. Sellwood 178U. ; BOXWOOD AND SLABWOOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co.. 1201 Mai'adam. l'huns Main 4173 If LOCK or slab. 2 loads $8. rust-grow tn cordwood. $7.30 per cord, second growth. $0 30. Bdwy 4110. SEASONED No. 1 fir. hardwood, green Blab and block mixed: coal; Immediate delivery Woodluwn 2010 O'.iOD dry fir cordwood, $7.23 per cord; half dry country slab, $3.23 peK cord; alMo co.il Iturke r uel Co.. East 173'J. A-l Miisi-unuHiii woou, si. 00 per cord delivered: also woo.. In small lots. Main 7257. SLAB WOOD, strictly A-l first-growth country s'.abwuod delivered at $4.23 cord. Hdwy. 486. CORDWOOD, first-growth cord delivered. S7.VI cord Hdwy. 486. FIRST-GIK WTH dry cordwood, $7.50 per l ord. East 2713. No. 1 OLU.Ullu'.V'll!, Dotle-urj. S5 per cold East side Auto. 81(1-87 1ST-C1.ASS fir ana nardwood prompt de livery. Phone llowt;!.. Vancouver 696-Y DRV CORDWOOD. $6.75 delivered In two cord iuts. Phone Wdln. 6:113. GUARANTEED old-growth fir cordwood. $T.,"iU delivered Main 36H6. Sell 3735. BLOCKWOOD. $6 50 per load. $12'.30 dou ble load. Phone East 7020. YOC TELL King Coal prices have been reduced $13 30 per ton Call Aut. 647-90 OAK WOOD delivered now. $1U per cord Call Bdwy. 903. 4-FOOT block and railroad ties; alao 16 inch stove wood. Marshall 204:1.- FIRST growth dry cordwcod, $7.30 per cord. East 2743. DRY OAK, $9 cord: 16-lnH furnace wood, $7 load. Phone 636-68. FIRST-C1ROWTH wood. dry. $7 .30 cord; second-growth, dry. $6.23 cord. A. 629-77 BONE-DRY boxwood, $4.23; block and slab $.' per load. Woodlawn 3G49. 4-FOOT block and railroad ties: also 16 Inch stovewood. Marshall 2643. 60 CORDS nice dry wood on highway, '1 1- gardvllle, Or Main 8066. 95 Cc'RDS dry wood on pavement 17 miles from Portland. $4 30 cord. Call Col. 1000. .MtU'liillery. DRILLS We have the largest stuck of carbon and high-speed drills on the coast. Our prices are right. North west Machinery Co.. Main 2164. Miscellaneous. PRINCESS restaurant fixtures, back bar. counter, stoves, dishes, tables, Icebox. 1 1 1 North lid st. WESTERN portable electric -ewing Est- chine. $40. cost $63; good as new. 0S7 I East Hth ..t. Sellwood 3389. . I CEDAR roping, fancy wreaths. Xma trees, nouy anu misueioe. lei. Jagl sl.i 84ft Russell st RECENTLY returned from orient: have pink and white Japanese pearl for aale at bargain. Marsffall 4413. TOWELS and handkerchiefs, crocheted edges; reasonable prices; beautiful ferns In boxes. Sell. 2488. 600 E. 17th St. DIAMOND ring solitaire, coat $400; sacrl flce for $223. J 288, Oregonlan. FURNITURE repairing. mirror. glans glazing, etc. Call Wdln. 1487. ZINC lined kindergarten sand table; alao fine bassinette. Talior 3U4M. 8-A HOFFMAN PRESS. $123. rreeiMirg IMwy. t.'tltl TAUPE Bbllvlh coat, small. 36. silk lining, large fur collar. 117.60, Auto. 320-36. CAN furnish you with 300 pounds of mlstle- toe at 15c per pound. Call Wdln. 219.1. $300 COON 8 KIN otter trimmed marTs coat. .Size US East 74QO. TWO-SKIN red fox heck piece, like new $18; muff $10; set $23. 1204 E. 19th st. N'l HALL SAFE for sale. 212 Railway Ex change bldg Main 907. RUVD gis water heater, range boilers and pi umbtng sold and Installed. Eaat 4832. FOR SALB Largest six erector set. CTl Sellwood 1994 after 4 P. M. ROSES ROSES ROSES RARE WOODSTOCK NURSERY. Auto 610-96 ELECTRIC fixture lor 6 rooms. $13. 207 Chambei of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4233 WINDOWS with f ramect, cheap. 344 k" Lombard street. t hit 1 il.IZER 44D9. Jow manure. Marshall CM !USTMAS trees delivered anywhere. rvMEonable. Ordes'now! Woodlawn 8423.' GOOD fireproof sale, cheap; alao safe with inner chest. B 272. Oregonla n . VERY fine white diamond, cost $230 tor saje at halfprlce. 713 Selling bldg. NEW ALL-WOOL 3-plece man' suit, tall. or made. lgc 38. MaVsQ 1082. DOLL WIGS of your combings. S f" I'krce, 24 Kllllngsworth. Wdln. 438(1. ELEGANT 18X7: very low prioe "Harem" oil painting at i ureitonmn. FOR SAL Caavn register, saf adding mathir...'. eaae 4:1 1st at. near Ah. GOOD Bprcsnk potatoes, 12; frssh exits delivered. Main 2960. fijet o. D-11 an D tenta-and covar for aia Pacini Tent sV Awning Co. No 1 1st sL "STAR A SI A R" shlagia direct from mill Cal' Ta' . or-stree deck Main HQ63 STOVE repairing, aa ov relinrd. Phone East 304: and heaters CHRIS I MA: gifts. Individual and artistic 336 North w stern Hank bldg. HAND CROCHET bedspreads, tablecloths. centel pin es, cheap 890 It t. HEM Mf CHING. tl CTF ROOM 213 Sou' my st main r.nsB OLE; BROADWAY 1371 POOL TABLE, $t)0 cash. 870 E. Main s;. FOR HALF.. Miscellaneous. ELECTH.C FIXTfRle. Buy them rrom the factory show room and rav 1 -Z ; all style, finest salectlon. Come and sea, you ars under do obliga tion to buy. TANLEY LUTZ. 207' Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I uroaaway nvF rf7. 102 5-aa.lon stroke Bowser 1 - - apump with globe complete and foot varve. cost goiu. une 342 tiruner motor driven compressor, cost $224.25 new. Had the above only a short time and will maks big sacrifice on both outfits lor quick sale. W. 3. Fleming. ZVil wasil :r.Ktnn at LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on vour feet.' If so, be for you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic l'owder: 30 and 1 box, Portland Ho U i Pharmacy. iF you appreciate apicndld watch repair ing or Jewelry repairing take your work to -' LtKR'S Big Male Jewelry Store Bells for Lesa Gifts That Last. Next Door V Mr.Jestic Theater, Park and Washington St ENGINEERS 1 1KEME.N. Complete directory of over 400 west ern logging raliroada. showing mileage. nuniDer uf ocomotiea steam shovel. cranes, dltehera. etc Price $2.50. Th Tlmberntan. 616 Spalding bldg.. Fort- land. Or. ' FOR SALE Pure chicken manure guar anteed to make everything grow but hair on your bald head, $1.00 per large oar rel. ifpecial price on ton lots. THE SA1KNAR CO.. INC., lot) Front St. Mar 687. BArfcst Fire and burgiar-oroof safes njw and second-hand, at naht prices, bought. aold and axcuanged: easy terms If de sired. NORK1S SAFE at LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2U45. SEW1NU machines, new and second-hand, sold for less, no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makea: ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 1UU laird St., near Taylur. Main 9 431. IF DAViD S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WAl'-'H. GIVE IT UP. Only Genuine Watch Materials Used. DAVID'S. Jewe.er a-d opticians. 843 Weaning -!. St., at Bruadway. BEAUTIFUL $830 genuine Hudson seal coat, large Siberian aquirrel collar, cuffs with largo border of same at bottom: unusual model; slightly worn. Will set. at sacrifice for $275. Call Schroeder. -Mar. 51)28. MAKE a small payment and wear your eye glasses and spectaclea as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor, Oregonlan bldg. .i.a.i. your watch this morning at the Rose Cjty Watchmaker's and get it to night when you come back. Open from 7 A. M. till 7 P. M. 1410 Sandy blvd., bet. 31st and, jjtj sts. FOR SALE, cheap, beautiful fox neck piece, good aa new; peacock blue, suit, tur trimmed, this winter's, never worn, else 88. Broadway 2182, room 223. Call afternoon between 1 and 5 P. M. VVaal AXv cveriasting aggravation ey a .eaky roof? Why not a petinanent and comfortable root? We repair, rubberoond and rejuvenate ail kinds of leaky roofa Work guaranic.d i'hune Broadway 79. A DEPENLABi.E PLACE TO TRADE. MILLSK'3 Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Olfts That Last Next door to Majestic theater. Park anu Washington Sts. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex change, 226 Stark st.. between First and Second sts. Main 3334. 20 DROPBEAD sewing machines, 112.60 t $45; 61"gri. Ne Homes, Whites, W. W all makes macn..es rented and repaired. E. 1L Steep. 152 tlrand ave. Bast 2339 XMAs SUGGESTION. M skunk, squirrel and other fur chokers, $13 TtV Fur Shop. 613 Eilers b' lg Mai 1 64:4 llT Wa.TEK lsnx. 80 gal.. $7; 40 gal.. $' tested, gutrsaurd; stove and furnace coils, gas bea'ers Installed; plumbing East nd vVeid 308 Adams. E 8316. jXa-JKA WRECKING CO. ' All kinds of building material and wood for sale, ard 3d and Columbia. Main 8107. SJ-Nt ouc for s .b. of nice mistletoe and Oregon grape, ouatage prepaid for your Christmasi tree. J. K Wheeler. Win Chester. Or. FIVE dictsphoiies. 1 Edison lats model, 2 safeguard check writers: beet offer takes them. D. C. Wax. 24-26 X. $lh at. Broadway 2730. IVORY wicker baby carriage, reversible hood; used S months; cost $68.30, our price $30. See it at 106 Cook ave.. near MiI.Sf,ippi. VULCAN gas range, like new; Kuud hot water heater, anglo-Perslan rug. bed, rocker and gardes tools. 393 E. 48th st. X. Rose City Park or. SHOWCASES SHOWCASES. New and used. Cash registers, scales, sate, other fixtures. 2U1 Washing; utj. WAL.t t d.umg set. 0 cnairs, table and buffet. U29 Regetila drive, A.ameda 1'aik. East 2854. LADY'S white gold mounted diamond ring, W karat, perfect. Alao Sir Thomas mantel clock. Phone Main 1941. XMAS C1GAKS. $1 box of ten. post free. John lleltkemper, maker, 151 Porter St.. city. FAX CI work shop. 294 11th st. All kinds of hand-made fancy work; will take or ders'. Main 3365. Wll.L sacrifice beautiful diamond, cost $203. Call Main -028 mornings or af ter 5. CHERRY and pear trees, 3 years old. Woodstock N'ureery. End of Woodstock ear line' Auto. 610-96. X 1 liRATOlt. liaml.ion-iieach motor. A-l condition cost $24. will sell fur $13 Hi-oa.lway 1773 BL'CK S combination gas. wood and cJai range; like new; price very reasonable Phone Tabor 4332. SAl-'ES 70 bin St.. near Oak. New and second-hand Herring, Hall, Marvin SAFES AND VAULT doors. Bdwy 104. STOCKYARD manure, alao rotten cow manure; deliver any place. Woodlawn 2303. ' BARBEH SHOP EQUIPMENT on sal. big M lud on. Portland Cutlery Co., H-l Sixth -t. D1EBOLD safes, new and second-band; special prices Pacific Seals at Supp.y Co.. 48 Front st. Broadway 1966. HCOS washed on your floor with Hamil-ton-Beacb electric carpet washer; also vacuum eleaalasj done. East 4048- I X 31 AS trees, place orders early. 8. L Ellis. 1279 K. 15th st. X.. or 30? Panama bldg. 3d and Alder. ' v TTENT10N Fur skins and hides bought or tand Wwsi Coast Tanning Co.. 89 lepin ave ot iwjoq aaus. FLOUR SACKS. 100 lb size, laundered. $1.20 do., malt order add. postage, s. Hodes. 322 Alder st. Phone Bdwy. 3033. 6-BURNER gas range, three ovens, warm ing cioaet. $50; cost $130; 42 3d St. Broadway 937. FOR BILLIARD and pool tables see Uulgley Clancy. 366 Hawthorn ave. East 6786. LICENSED '.ndeainaeni electrician wire 8 rooms for $12, 3 for $20, guaranteed to pass inspect! '. Wdln. 3791. KJDAKS. We buy. el'., rent and exchang ko daks. Sandy. 329 Washington at. DANDY 3-llght shower fixture, complete wltb shades, only $3 35 at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4233. PILES can be permanently cureu w.tbout operation. Call or write Dr Dean, Sec ond 'in d Morrison. 10R RENT if.sctrlc vacuum cleaner. Mon. to Mon.. . or 83c per day. de -llvered anywhe Wdln. 1 239. LADIES EVERYTHING in used wearing apparel; prices very reaaonabi. labor 2823. FERTILIZER. V Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Woodlawn 6233. FOR .SALE AITOfOIIII.E. 1920 OVERLAND, $390, firat-claaa shape, a dandy buy. Extra tire. Call Mr. Watts, Bdwy. 788, or in evening Tabor 1800. BLTCK SIX roadster; will take diamond as part payment. Mar. 41. between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. WE PUT steel teeth In your old flv wheel crankshaft turning H. B. Black Machine shop. .'.114 Alder. Hdwy. 2(1X1 192U MODEL light touring; cost $1230 gSB for $450 this week; new 31x4 cord tire East 8737. MUST sacrifice my Suit chummy; wire wheels, bumper, spotlights, cord tires fully equipped Call Tabor 6184. DODGE touring, nearly aa 'good as new everythlng goes with it: only $430 Mr' Smith. Call Marshall 869. WE I L...I. 'em up and aell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. 331 Alder 17th Broadway 5254 1919 BUICK touring, look and runs like new: aacriflce $850. Term. Will con sider email car. cast i.io 1U2U FORD roadster, good condition three i nxtra tires and tall box X-J.vii w. extra tires and tall box. $230. Bdwy U-.il. v III traoc. 1919 OAKLAND louring. 4 nearly new cord Urea 3 wire wheels, excellent con ttit on. term E.ist 8118. liTTTi FoRD touring, chassis and motor good, only $90. Call Bast 8118. OVERLAND touring, good condition and tires; $180, terms East 8118. 1921 DODGE louring, only 4 months old perfect, terms Call Aut. 218-34. 1 D 1 7 MAXWELL touring. Just overhsuled i;..i.il t'res. j. '.. terms. Call Aut. 213-34. 101M! KOR D sedan, extra fund liUA Call Aut. 213-84. OR SALE A1TOMUB1US. WE LICENSE THEM FREE! AND WE FURNISH THE UPKEEP MONEY. READ THESE NEXT PARA GRAPHS VERT THOROUGHLY. FIRST WE ARE GOING T LICENSE ALL CARS AND TRUCKS FOR THE TEAR 1922 AT OUR EXPENSE. SECOND WE ARE GOING TO GIVE TEN (10) tt-HOUR SERV. ICE COUPONS FOR EVERY $100 OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ANY CAR OR TRUCK. WHICH WE WILL REDEEM IN CASH FROM ANY AUTOMOBILE DEALER OR GARAGE IN ORE GON OR WASHINGTON. COME IN AND LET US TELL YOU OF OUR PLAN. 100 CARS TO PICK FROM. LOOK ' 'EM OVER. THESE ARB ONLY A FEW OF THE MANY MAKES: OVERLAND, MOON. MITCHELL. CROW. ELK HART. STANLEY STEAMER, CHEVROLET, LOZIER. CHAND LER. STUDEBAKER. MAX WELL, DANIELS. H. C. .. TEMPLAR. LEXINGTON. STUTZ. COMET. PREMIER, BUICK. WE ALSO HAVE THE FOL LOWING TRUCKS: OLD HICK ORY, GARY. M OR ELAND. KNOX. REPUBLIC FULTON. FAGBOL. INDIANA. STEWART. BUICK. MAXWELL. FORD. V B L I E, COMMERCE, ATTERBURT, AND THEN SOME. PRICES WIL"L BE PLAINLY LETTERED ON EACH WIND SHIELD. DON'T FORGET, "YOUR OWN TERMS IN REJxSON." GET IN EARLY WHILE THE STOCK 18 COMPLETE JHET WERE TAKEN ON MORTGAGES AND WILL BE SOLD ON MORT GAGE PRICES. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE & SALES COMPANY. 413 E. ASH ST.. COR. E. 8TH. PHONES. EAST 3310-831L OPEN SUNDAYS. WE ARE SELLING CARS. "WHY?" a 1915 Ford roadster, cash V. $ 95 1916 Ford touring. Hass. shock.... 12 1916 Ford bug. cah 11$ 1917 Maxwell touring 130 1917 Ford touring. Haas, .hocks 163 1920 Ford touring, stsrter. ext $23 1921 Ford touring, starter, ext 400 1917 Oakland 6. repainted 283 1917 Hup louring, good tires ?7. 1917 Grant 6. touring. A-l shape JT5 TMH tlnda-e tourlna. snap 573 1920 Oakland 8. touring, like new... 373 Lots of others to pick fr.-m. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE USED FORDS. All Models. THE DUNNING MOTOR CO. 63d anjl Broadway. 11120 HUP $900. $300 cafh. bal. $30 per month. Call B. 217. ak for Mr. Mountain. SAVE $80 ON Ford touring demonstrator, with spee dometer, foot thrrfttle. Remember this is ssme aa new car. Can arrange terms. Mr Moe r.t Talbot A Casey, Inc. East Ankeny and Grand avs. "The Portland Authorized r pro t f.rner IF I CAN sell you a new or used r"ora car I can get you lined up on a Job where you can use same and make $55 to $73 per week Large established business firm In Portland. Will be 'teady work Man must have aome selling experience. Cha. Will ami. E.asi "lis III '1iK TOCRING. MKST SELL Buiclt 191. lt model, new top. re painted, mecnanicaiiy ueaaaa-H iwu wie and extras. $030. 86 10th st . bet. Stsrk and Oak Pdwy 1424. V'E CAHRT a ful' line of auto accessories. tubeJ Ford par a, light globes, etc. Also do towing opan day and night. UJN V S1LVA. Phone East 6840 462 Hawthorns. JORDAN port; new paint, new cord tires sold with a new car guarantee, one of the best buys In the1 city; will acoept small car as part payment, eaay terms. Call Propst. Broadway 4675 sTRIPPS-BOOTlT brand new, price only $092. The greatest automobile event Portland ha seen. Standard Eight Mo tor Co., Park and Couoh. Phone Bdwy 1920 LIBERTY port; ew paint, tires Jlk new; this car run only a few thousand mile and I mechanically perfect Will accept car In trade and give term. Call l'rnpat Broadway 4675. i LATE model Bulek light six. guaranteed mechanical condition, new tire, new top. a snap at $975: $400 cah. 10, month to ray ba rail 32 ay balance, l an use ugnt car in iraue. 4-36. FOR SALE. 1921 FORD, USED 8 MONTHS. STARTER, SPEEDOMETER; DE. DEMOUNTABLE!. 1330 WDLN. 663 $300 BUYS baby grand Chevrolet touring, lnoke and rune like new; will conaider Ford or Chevrolet In trade with eome term Eat 178. ELGIN SEDAN, only $900. In good con dition. A bargain at the price. Be sure to see It. Standard Eight Motors Co.. Park an.l Couch Hdwy 788. KOR SALE ATI Olds S touring, good con dltlon Will take light roadatcr In trade: no Fords. Marshall 3203. for SALE- Wil RnlghL model 84. 7; good condition. $430 call Woodlawn 53.. For Information MI ST sell my 1919 Ford touring or 1920 Ford coup immediately. No agents. Phone Woodlawn 4993. 1920 OAKLAND touring to trade for Dodge or Bulck roadster. Johnson. Eaat 437(i. HAVE good light used car will trade for good late model used motorcycle. Call I'rnpst. Broadway 4675 FOR SALE 1020 Ford touring, electric starter, spe. nnmcter owner .ill 3d. 1821 FORD sedan like new, will trade for coups Bast 4376 ESSEX demonstrator, looks and run like new. $65 per month. Phone Wdln. 6437. 1920 FORD coupe with every known extra. ruooer. quicK sa.e. call labor 472". iii' 11114 t.naii Perfect condl. (lor. fiinOi term. See l.yman Main 47. CHEVROLET 49u sedn. 1920; shape; must aell. Wdln. 5002. excellent OA KLA Ni running cond.tion. $125 takes it. 210 Jefferson st. 191H BUJCK SIX TOURING. $430 MR. JOHNSON, BDWY. 2770 -PASS Studebaker : dandy shap. good tires: must gell; $260 cash. East 825U, FOR SALE AI TOMOI11I.ES. VERY LOW P4ICES at a WINTER SA!E of USED AUTOMOBfLES at the gtore that was the pioneer - In rebuilding automobllea. HUDSON AND ESSEX. Automobllea that have beea re built, or renewed are In the beat of mechanical oonditlon they are also warranted the same as fae toriee warrant new cars. In ad dition, we give 9V days' free me chanical service. Other makes of used automo biles, thoroughly overhauled, put in first-class condition and sold with a ten days' free trial, subject to belnaT returned" and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every urchaser to try out the car he uys, gives him time to have It Inspected, and we want only at Isfled customers. 1910 - 1920 (model O series) Hudson super-six touring automobile, traded in and carMed over tor one year, has been overhauled, refin tshed and repainted at a totai coat to ua of $2200; now aold with a standard factory warranty for $1230 3 1918 Hudson super-six tour ing cars, rebuilt, reflnished and repainted, total coat to ub of work and trade-in value each 11450: now sold with standard factory war ranty 1150 1917 Hudson super-six. re built, reflnished and re painted: sold wltb standard factory warranty 900 1916 Hudson super-six. re built snd repainted; aold -with standard factory war ranty T60 1920 Hudson speedster, over hauled and reflnished and repainted: sold with stand ard factory warranty 1500 6-40 Hudson light six. all In good condition 500 ESSEX. 1919 Essex touring car. re built, reflnished and re painted; aold with standard factory warranty 825 1920 Essex, overhauled, re flnished and repainted sold with the atandard factory warranty t.... 930 1917 Maxwell 300 1918 Maxwell 400 1919 Maxwell $00 1920 Maxwell 300 1919 G.ant Six 500 1919 Chainlets Six .; 650 11117 Uinck 675 1917 Dodge 530 1919 Olds Six 773 1918 Olds Eight 900 1910 Liberty sport model . . . 900 1918 Over.and chummy 423 1919 Chalmers 900 1918 Cuie Eight, sport model. 1250 Largest Used Car Branch store In the city at 40-46 Broadway Brancb Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store. BroaBway 5739. Also a Display at Our Salesroom. 613-617 Washing ton street; open week daya only. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE. CO. STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. Onkland. 3-pass.. rebuilt. 5 tire $ Scripp roadster, painted and re built Chevrolet 490, 5-pa.. perfect ahape Overland, 3-pasa.. good as new.... Packard, small I yl 5-paas Bulck. "-pass.. 1919, rebuilt Bulck. 3-pass.. 4-cyl., rebuilt Chandler. 1B20. 7-pasa, rebuilt Oakland roadater. rebuilt and re painted Raton 6, 5-pesa., 5 cord tire Overland roadater, 1921. new Cadillac, 5-pase.. fine shape Stephens. 4-paas.. rebuilt and re palmed Old Pacemaker, rebuilt and re painted Easy Terms. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 475 Morrison at 14th. Broadway 3606. 400 800 373 400 200 1050 400 1000 700 130 675 550 1250 973 CLOSBD CAR WEEK. AT THE FORD CORNER. . ' BAY MERRY CHRISTMAS 4 WITH A FORD COUPE OR SEDAN. The last word In comfjrt and economy. Ask her and she will say yea Place -jyour order now. If not a new car a good Hughson Ford will serve. Open evenings for your convenience. WM. L. HUGHSON COMPANY. Authorised Fqrd Agents Broadway and Davis. Broadway 821. MANY BARGAINS In Used Hups. Dodge?. Bulcks. Fords. Mnxnell and other makes. Lew prletts, eaay terms; no brok erage. See MR. MOUNTAIN. At MANLEY AUTO CO.. 11th and Burnaide Sts. lats 1918 Overland six. This car ha the popular Red Seal Continental motor; paint, top and up holstering is In fins condition: has bumper and five tires. This car has only been driven 7400 mi:e: will aacriflce a 1 must sell st once; full price $373; might give some term. Call Woodlawn 2615. or Main 8878 1931 FORD touring. Forced to sell. Has not been driven 2000 miles; speedometer, spotlight, spsre tire, shock absorbers and large wheel. Looks and tudi bet ter than new. Car will be sold at a big sacrifice. If you are going to buy a new Ford It will save you money to this one. Call owner, Wdln. 339 1 . WILL sell my almost new Chandler Dis patch run leas than 3OQ0 miles; looks and runs like new; guaranteed in flrst ota condition: this 0 will be a won derful buy for someone who appreciates a ear having only private use. $1000 with terms; new rubber. Phon week days. Bdvy 3473 Sundays. Tabor 7081 "snap for cash. Private owner want offer for per gonal car. 1918. SVyllnder Oldsmoblle touring, with practically new top, cur tains, battery and A tires: cylinder re- trnred and new rings Tabor 407. " 11)211 CADILLAC SACRIFICE. " I must sell my 1920 4-passenger Cadil lac at once. Make me an offer. Will take your old car as part payment. Call room 207 Dckura bldg.. or 584 East 11th St N USED autos for sale: everal Fords. $75 to $400: Overlands, Grant six. Allan Maxwells, 3100 to $350. One 1920 Crow K khart, 90 per cent new $500. LONG SILVA. 462 Hawthorne BUJCK TOUHlNG MUST SELL Bulck's best year; late 1918. In first class condition. 8 good cord tires and lota of extra. This car la at least $800 oeiow mantei. a. Bssia. lapor o DO DOE touring'. Iri flrst-clsss condition, with good tires, brand hew Pantasote top. Look like new and runs the same;- wT take $450 for quick aale. Term. Main 07 0-0. fSUo 7-rASSENC,ER rlaynes auto, almost by owner at a. aacriflce. 333 E. 31st st. Tabor 4168 1920 FORD sedan, excellent rubber and mechanical condition: starter: speedom eter,' dem. rims: dome light. Owner. Telephone Automstlc 322-14. FORD. '21 model, run 8000 miles. $78 worth of extras: a bargain. East 6351 evening. Tabor 031 daya $1200 BUYS a brand new Btudebaker light six with extra tire. Couch t. garage, Couch and Ninth FOR MALE Cheap. 8-cyllnder Oldsmoblle, j net rebuilt and overhauled; 5 new cord tire. Marshall 2132. 1916 HUDSON SUPER. $300; Jut had the motor all gone over; good cord lire, a oulck buy; $200 cah Call Tabor 7817 FORD touring, run 6000 mile; look new; mechanically good; extra; no starter. Tabor 9086. CHEVROLET baby grand sedan. Woodlawn 5002. Call 1921 FOTtD louring, good xhape; will sell at aacriflce. Tabor 9168. J4 i )NTH, Dodge, 1920, can not be new car. Wdln. 6437. 1)90 CHE V RO LET touring In porfeel shape privately owned and driven. T. 6163. FOR SA I.E A I'TOMOBILEB. REAL BARGAINS. 1918 Chevrolet touring $243.00 1920 Chevrolet touring 373.00 1918 Chevrolet panel delivery 373.00 1917 Maxwell touring x 183.00 1918 Maxwell touring 203.00 1916 Dodge touring 373.00 1015 studrhakrr Six touring 145.00 1916 Overland touring 273.00 1916 Ford touring 165.00 1917 Ford touring 183 00 1918 Ford touring 23.no 1919 Ford touring - 26 00 1920 Ford touring, starter V78.0e 1920 Ford touring, starter 330 OO 1920 Ford touring, starter 893.00 1920 Ford roadster, starter 350.00 MM Ford roadater, started 325.00 1018 Ford roadater 225.00 1921 Ford delivery, express 425.00 1920 Ford delivery 893.044 1918 Ford delivery 193.00 1919 Ford truck, express body 473.00 1920 Ford sedan 373.00 Most of these car are reflnished and In elegant condition; liberal terms. Open every evening until 9 o'clock and all day Sunday. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. East 3770. Grand and Hawthorne Ave. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. REBUILT BUICKS ARE A SAFE INVESTMENT. We GUARANTEE every BUICK w REBUILD the same as we do a new car. WHY TAKE CHANCES? Buy Your Bulck Car From the HOWARD AUTOMOBI7.E CO.. Pacific Coast Distributor. Alder at Twelfth. Broadway 1130 AUCTION SALE OF AUTOMOBILES Thursday Eve, Dec. 8th. at 7:80 P. M. Large consignment of mostly late mod els; some roadsters and tourings and 7 pessenger. consisting of Bjllcks. T odges, Fords. Maxwells, Essex. Btudebaker 1919 model. Saxons. Chevrolet. Overlands. and many others top numerous to men tion. Some aold on terms and some for cash. A very large consignment of nice cars to be sold to the highest bidder. Come early and select your car. Ask for a demonstration any time before the ale atarta. Sale starts at 7:30 P. M. sharp. JAKE'S AUCTION HOUSE, Cor. 6th and Everett St. Phone B. 2329. REAL. BARGAINS ACROSS THE RIVER. 1921 Ford touring, like new $430 1919 Ford touring, fine shape 275 1918 Ford touring, .run good 223 1920 Stephens, almost new 1300 1918 Dodg coup 823 1917 Paige touring, good shape 475 1918 Dodge roadster BOO Hudson speedster, shocks and xtraa 1230 Many more to choose from. Including lot of bugs: THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. "Port. and Largeat Used Car Stor." Grand Ave. at Eat Taylor St. Pbon Auto. 214-10. flOtj as first payment, balance on easy terms to responsible parties:: good assortment of used car to select from that have Just been painted and overhauled. Open evenings and Sunday. OAKLAND. 344 Burnslde St.. Just Weet of Broadway. Phone Broadway 82. ' LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMO BILE IWE FURNISH THE MO.VEY OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 207 SELLING BLDG.. BSC FLOOR. -T- 1918 DODGE.- $600. g'.'On caah payments. balance 12 monthly . . Call B. -217. Ask Tor R. MOUNTAIN, 1922 FORD COUPE. Equipped with almost all the extras possible; 8 cream-colored disc wheels, speedometer, dashllght. large oak steer ing wheel, foot throttle, mirror, auto matic windshield cleaner, spotlight, spe cial motometer. etc. Best buy In the city, for this car looks the same as a new car. Party taking trip to Texas, therefore made big sacrifice. Phone Mar. 8217,. DODGE FOUR-DOOR 'SEDAN. DIRECT r ROM UV1.NKK ELEGANT MECHANICAL CON DITION. AaL CORD TIRES. MANY EXTRAS. $1130. TERMS IF NECESSARY. PHONE MAIN 3038 FOR APPOINTMENT. 1921 DODGE TOURING. JUST 4 MONTHS OLD and not break in It. "Also priced to ell quickly. Open evenings till 8. All day Sundsys. Talbot 4t Casey. Inc., E. Ankeny and. Grand ave. LATE 1919 DODGE, MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. A BARGAIN. WOODLAWN 1474. ' FORD roadster, used 3 weeks; have to sell: will sacrifice. Call Tabor 1727. U.SED FORDS. $90 AND UP. CLarge selection to choose from, liberal terms, open evenings till 8 All dsv Sunday. Talbot & Caaey, Inc., E. Ankeny and Grind ove BUICK SNAP. , Late 1920 3-pass. Bulck 6. In splen did mechanical condition; 5 dandy ilrea. bumper. Price $750. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 330 Alder. BLTCK BARGAIN. 1920 model, must aell at- once. Nred the money and will take best otter. Can arrange some terms If required. Call 31 a 1 ti 8397. ; . LATE 490 Chevrolet touring, good condi tlon. only $120 cash; balance $15 per month. A real bargain. Phone Tabor 5933. t FORD SEDAN A dandy car, 1921 model, a real snap. Be sure you see It. In ex cellent shape. Phone Bdwy. 783. Stand ard Eight Motors Co.. Park and Couch. " " 1920 DODGE ROADSTER. $700. .'..i. Mr Frohman Ddirv if." Or Marshal! 44T2. bet. 6 and 7 P. M. 1922 r ' iRl coup" d. m-'iislrator. Call Mr. FrThmnn, Bdwy. 321, care of W. L. Hughson Co., Ford agent, Broadway and Davis 1U2U CHEVROLET TOURING. $300. , Call Mr. Frohman. Bdwy. 321. or Marshall 4472. bet. 6 and 7 P. M NEW ESSEX TOURING. $300 off price; e ord tires: 90-day guar antee; a buy In high-grade light car. Term?. Taleir 7S17. CIItcCMSTAXv'ES compel me to sell my 1918 Chandler. Thi 1 wonderful chtnre for some one, at $530. New tires, many extras. Bdwy. 4644. OWNBR must sell Oakland touring, run only 6400 miles: fine condition; nego tiable paper or term on part.' Tabor 7503. MUST aell my 4-cyl ladr touring car; new tire and battery and master carburetor; car la In Al condition. CU Main 8347. ft to 3, ask for I-slle. IB IH lit 11 Mill 1 Hi' RING. $640. la very good condition. Must sell at once, terms. Call evenings. Meredith apts.. Mam 7132. apt, lfrg. LATE 1920 DODUE TOURING. $8'-'5. Li excellent condition, looks like new. hag overslxed cord tires, lots of extras; forced to sell. Evenings. Main 631 L Bl'H-K 1920 light lx. In fine condition and appearance. 5 cord tires, other ex tras; must sell; will consider light car part payment. Wdln. 1,14.1 MUST sel at once, need the money, my 1920 Chevrolet, in good shape with ex tras; price $300; om terms.. Call Wdln. 4684. j t MAXWELL for $323. You should see this car; In good mechanical condition. A rare bargain. Standard Eight Motors Co.,.Prk and Couch ta. Bdwy. 788. 1 AM SACRIFICING my. 6 pass. Pulge brougham 1920 model, perfect mechan ical condition. Make an offer. Phone M r. Pauley. Bdwy. 3281. JORDAN Look and runa like new. I must aell at once, so have priced it at $1200. Phone Mr. Gauley. Bdwy. 8281. 1921 FORD louring, run le than 1000 mile, can't make payments, must sell. ca-'h nr terms. P 289. Pregornan. F"iRH touring 1917. sacrifice JTor $200; $65 down. Owner, Tabor 1669. FOR HALF. A I'TO MOBILES. SENSATIONAL SEASON'S CLBAN-UP SALE OF USED MOTOR CARS NOW IN PROGRESS. Save by Buying Now. Prices Hsve Reached the Bottom of the Market. COVET SAYS: The public refuses to become excited over red ink and flaahy headline they want facte they have no Interest In mere clslms they want cut price. Tell them thst we understand a aale to mean real cut price and thai a aale w'ltb us must be Just what It seems. HBRE ARE THE FACTS: Our used car volume absolutely con trol our atsji.ty to accept trade on new car buaTness. When our used car business slow down, our new car busi ness Is seriously affected and we can better afford to give the public the benefit of our accumulated used caf atock at a great deal less than cost than we can to hold It until early spring, when we feel that the used car market will be better and In the meantime de prive ourselves of new car business be cause of our inability to trade. HERE ARE THE PRICES AND THE PROOF. We feel that the public 1 Tery skeptical regarding ssles Vbtd especially automobile sales. Used motor cars have no standard of value, no list price like new cars; so. in fact. It is difficult to tell when the prices ara actually cut. In order to prove to. the best of our ability that this is a genuine cut-price ale, we had reproduced in our original announcement, copies of which are on dlaplay at our place of business, two of our former classified advertisements, one of October 9, and the other of No vember 12. which show the level of avricea at which we have aold 71 used '..i.- during the lat 60 day, a .well aa the prices we have reduced them to for this aale. All uaed Cadillac will be aold at re duction proportionately aa great as those shown In our advertisements. Undoubtedly this Is the logical time to buy one of these desirable cars. Most of our cars are Covey rebuilt and guaranteed; some are high-grade "AS IS" cars. All ar priced so low aa to demand Immediate action. This ale will cause us great financial loss, but all we ask Is that through your quick response to our call, you profit In equal proportion. By all means, take advantage of this opportunity let nothing interfere with this chance to get real Covey Motor Car company mer chandise while on sale at uch tound Ing reduction. SALB NOW IN PROGRESS. Bring Small Cash Payment With You. Long Terms on the Balance. REMEMBER IF COVET DOES IT. HE DOES IT RIGHT. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Open Evening and Sunday. Both Addresses: .Main Plant and Salesroom. 21st and Washington St. Broadway Uaed Cr Rranch, 28 and 80 North Broadway. USED CARS AND FORDS. Now Is the time to buy. whil the market i at It lowesL GENUINE BARGAINS. Open every evening snd all day Sunday. Cash or term. 1917 Ford roadster .1921 Ford roadster, stsrter 1916 Ford touring 1916 Ford touring 1918 Ford touring 1918 Ford touring 191R Ford touring 1918 Ford touring 1920 Ford touring 1920 Ford touring 1920 Ford coupe .1920 Ford coupe 1920 Ford sedan - 1920 Ford aedan - .... 1918 Ford panel delivery 1921 Ford truck, starter 1918 Chevrolet touring . 1918 Chevrolet touring 1916 studebaker touting 1917 Old 8 touring 1917 Overland touring 1917 Overland panel delleery .... 1P16 Maxwell touring, bargain 1910 Chalmera touring . . .' 1920 Chevrolet baby grand Open Evening aud Sunday. . .$243 , . 400 . . 178 , . 193 .. 213 25? , . 273 . . 2!3 . . 305 . . 413 . 473 . 525 . 505 . 615 . 195 . 795 . 275 . 8115 . 125 . 483 . 233 . 183 . 133 v 965 . 723 ROBINSON-SMITH COMPANY Sixth and Madison. USED CAR BUYERS INVESTIGATE OUR NEW SELLING PLAN. You can purchase a good used cr by paying from $241 to $60 down and a mall sum each woek. 50 OARS tO TICK FROM. Fords Oakland Essex Chevrolet Elgin Studebaker. Maxwells Dodges 1-ranklns overland Buleks Lexington 6 and 8-cyL Oldsmoblles. All cars guaranteed aa represented. Open Sundays and Evening. OLDSMOBI LB COMPANY OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch St. BUST BUYS IN POrtTLAND TODAY. CHEV. DODGE BUICK. GOOD CHEV ONLY $193. GOOD DODGE ONLY $293. GOOD BUICK ONLY $293 Many other bargains. Open Sunday afternoon and evening.. PORTLAND AUTO SALES. 330 Burnslde. Bet. Bdwy. and Park. Phone Hdwy. 3(136 FOR SALE 1921 HUP 5-PASSEN-OER AT A SACRIFICE. WDLN. 1474. 1920 FORD. 3230. Call B. Ask for Mr. Mountain. 217. 1910 CHEVROLET 5-passenger, In very good conauion, wiu j . sssml as new; nearly new tires and - ex tra tires: tire cover and a number of other extras; this Is a bargain and will give terms, can taoor ..i- . .. ,.. ,e,,.ui 1920 DODliE TOURING. 372.1. In very good mechanical condition; ha been reflnished and looks almost like new Must sell at once. Terms. Tabor (1184. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. HOOD STY IE WELL BUILT. DELIVERED. ERECTED. STAINED. 10x16. $35; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICE. 299 WEIDLER. EAST 8886, PAN-AMERICAN, only $700; beautiful maroon color; an Ideal car, and tho biggest bargain you've ever seen. Stand ard Eight Motors Co., Park and Couch. Bdwy. "88. lT USED CARS. PRICES. STOCK RIGHT. No Miar -presentation. -OVBY MOTOR CAR CO. FOR BALE 1917 Ford touring, In flrtt clas condition; new top Just rebortd and overnauieat snap, uau pas e,. enn ton. I9l REO t. 7-PASS. (ouring, a acriflce. cord tirea. looks fine, mechanically A-l. $700 will get U. Call owner, Eaet 6834, or call at 362 E. 12th North. i919 VELIE A dandy, snappy car. In fine shape and a bargain Be sur to see.lt Standard Eight Motors Co., Park ami . "... 19-0 OVERLAND 4 Tl ill It 1 NO. Car In very fine condition; only run about 5000 miles. Call evenings. Tabor 8298. terms. CADILLAC, 7-passenger. . In tip-top con dition throughout; 6 cord tires; a real snap; mall payment down, balance easy ...mis Call Proost. Broadway 4676. and ('OUen. liOWV. IS" S3iiu linWN. Hudson speedster, balance 10 mon i ua m.nc ........ ..... Automobllea .i;iicil WANTED Will pay eaeh for 6-cyllnder coupe; must be bargain. Give complele description of car and price wanted. S 283, Oregonlan. PHONOGRAPH to trade for Ford bug; pay Bomo cash- Call at 47th and Killings worth. Irvine's. WANTED Ford touring for corner lot, 82d and Beech: walks and curb In and paid. Phone Wdln. 3034. TRADE 211 snares Centralis briquet stock, value $300, and Ford touring tor coupe or other. AV 783, Oregonlan. WE PAY cash for late modal light cara. Used car warehouse. Grand ave. and E. Taylor. WANTED 1917 or '18 must be real bargain. Ford roadster; 613 Linn ave. A. Johnson. TJA-li foi all maaes of cars, condition no object. 411 Gllsan, 10th. Bdwy. 298. FOR MALE At TOWOIUI US. Automobile Wanted. CASH FOR CARS. I will pay cash for some light late model touring car. They must be in good condition nd be low priced If you have one or more care to ell ee me; I pay cash and they" will bring more now than later, or I will loan you money on your car. Don't los your ear if your payment ar overaue. Bee me. I will clear It for you. Phone 513-67. Address 314 Alder St.. Murphy 1 CAN uae a good late-model auto; will trade 160 acrea level land in White Horse valley of Harney county.. This land I worth about $8 an acre, but I bav no use for It, tut can uae a good car; land is clear of all Incumbrance. Write AJ 7. Oregonlan. CARS WANTED Bring your car 10 the auction house for quick sale aud full value; small com mission charged, fireproof bldg., steam heated. Phone Bdwy. 2329. Corner 6th and Everett t.. west side. EXCHANGE for auto, 4 a. good Irrigated land, paid up government water right, adjoining townslte N, Proasjr. Wsh, Owner, 5(18 Wllliama ave., near Knott st. Phone East 478L WE WRECK THEM Highest cash prlc paid tor old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. . Third and Gllsan. SPOT CASH FOR your Ford. Chevrolet. Updge, Bulck or other light cars. 17$ East seventh street CARS WANTED to rec, parts for al. car (or iesa .v - Ailto Wricking Co., J 3th and Alder Broadway 636. CARS BOUOHT for their parts; parts' sold for all tar. Autu Wrecking Co.. 523 Alder at 16th st CARS WANTED to wreck, pari for all - car far less. S. A S. Auto Wrecking Co., 15th nd Alder. Broadway 636. WILL' pay higheal maraet p.,..- lor usad Fords, al corner of 8th snd Davis. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLES. T All makes and models to select from. Very liberal terms. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44-46 Grand Ave Used part at big discount. AGENCY FOK READING STANDARD AXD ACE 4. MOTORCYCLES and parts, all makea. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.." 44-46 Grand Avenue FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-200 3D BT, MAIN 6139. Anto Tirea anil Accessories. Hill TIRES VULCANIZED FREE For full Information call at Woodstock Vulcanizing Works, 5913. 46th st S. E. Autoniculles for Hire. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVER 'OR HIRE New 0 and 7-pasaenger cao. Bulcks and Wescotta; reasonabi rates. CITY GARAGB. 132 12th st., bet. Washington and Alder. Broadway MO. AUTOS FOR HIRE with or without driv ers. Day or nljht Mrvic. COUCHMAN GARAGB. 19th snd Couch. Broadway 3(196. Remember our number. Bdwy. 3696. OREGON USED CAR EXCHANGE. New cars for rent without drivers: reasonable rates: open day and night 825 Cltsan St., between Broadway and Sixth St. Phone Broadway 98M H. S. BENNETT CARS FOR HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. Al I' M WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN. FASHION GARAGE. MAR 232. KITH AND YAMHILL A 1236 -CYLINDER 5-PASS. BUICK FOR HIKE WITH DRIVER. BROADWAY 8347. FOR SAI K-THl'l K8 AND TRACTORS. 8H-TON CMC. cab. platform and new lire $2430 2W-ton Republic This truck Is a remarkably good buy; lee than one vear old; eaulpped with new tin and overhauled 1330 2H-ton Mack, new ring, new pin, new pistons, first clasa tirea, good freight body and cab 2050 Two-ton White, thoroughly overhauled and repainted, new Urea . 1630 Two-ton (IMC thoroughly overhauled and repainted.... 1600 144-ton GMC. pneumatic tire, absolutely new 1573 One-ton Republic truck, equipped w-lth express body.. 430 Three-quarter ton GMC. equipped with expreag body, pneumatic tire 630 Chevrolet light ddlvery. tip top shape 373 WENTWORTII IRWIN. INC. Main 2892 200 Second St.. Cor. Taylor. A FEW OF OUR TRUCK BARGAINS. 1920 O. M. C 1-ton. 1920 Ford 1-ton. 1918 Denby 2-ton. 1918 Osr Six 2H-ton. 1919 Chevrolet 1-ton. NEW REPUBLIC TRUCKS AND NEW STANDARD TRUCKS AT A BIG DISCOUNT. ALSO HAVE A FEW NEW JUMBO TRUCK). These .trucks are absolutely new and w can save you In some models nearly half of the retail price. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. "Portland s Largest Ued Cr Stor." Grand Ave. at East Taylor St. Phone Auto. 214-10. A SNAP. Ttt-ton truck, best of shape, new rub ber. On a good Job. Can lake auto or light truck, aoro-o caah. Make me an offer. See Hartshorn. P H. lll.'CHHOl.?., 8th and Davis. ONE-TON Ford truok with ca. first class running order; no use for it Be at 530 Alder st. Make private owner offer. OARAGF.S. PRIVATE garage tor rent, East 58th and Sandy blvd. Phone Tabor 2033. BEST toraa-e. $4 a month- fireproof. warm anil dry, call Main -.on. NEW GARAGE for rent. 788 E. 65th N. AITO REPAIR I NO. FORD OWXERS. Ford, overhauled $13 Rear axle overhauled Valve ground, carbon removed $ MaKtieto recharged ' $ Wa hand-lap piaton. icrape bearing, etc.. Which Insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used All work gusrunteed. ALL MAKES OF CARS REPAIRED UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO., 210 Jefferson. Under new management WANTED MIKt'F.l.j.ANF.Ol TO CELERY (ili'ERS: Want bids on good celery: oan htvndle other green Eroducts; can handle from 34 to 50 unche of celery per week and other produce In proportion In one shipment; will pay express on samples: can give bank references: uuote prices f. o. b. shipping point: exprea samples to Dlsh a man, Wash. Address J. H Lyon, route 4, Greenacres, Waeh. 8EOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED MEYER THK TAILOR. PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR SUITS OVER COATS. MACKIXAWS. 'SHOES W E lAl.l, ,:si 11 iir.ur, ip y 1 . , OR EVENING. CALL MARSH LL 12-".! OH 2,".:l MAPI SOX BT,.' NR. THIRD ST All;.!; THE TAIL"!'. PAYS THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR MEN'S AND LADIES' WEARINil AP 1'AlrtJL SPECIAL REDUCTION ON CLEA.MNO PRESSING AND RE MODELING. MAIN 8207. OR CALL 2111 THIRD ST. .iX-HS THIN. THE TAILOR. PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY .-92. 243K4 HURNSIDE. BETWEEN SECOND AND THIRD CALL ME BEFORE ANYONE El.-'-: l . VT I,' I . Til 111''.' Donkey engine. lz 9x10 to 10x12. tat imount of lfam. )so amount of line It will carry; give price, condition and rerms Barham Bro. LunTber Co.. box 29(1. Ajhland. Or. furs: fu us! fUrs: Low reni and low price; remode.lng and repairing, fur tanned and. dressed. La Fr.su. Fur Mfg. Co.. 188 W. Park L I'll, lie Main 1:329. CALL MAIN 7004. AND GET FULL VALUE FOR YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING. WB WILL CALL roil 1 ns. aao 1 J - 1 1 ai-i.o 1 1 iv, VJki furniture of any kind, tools nd general household good, bought fur csh. Good price pld West Portld oai va 1 c sv. MAIM 13ls EXPERT TAILORING. Highest prices for used clothing. 139 W. Park cor. Morrison We call any time WANTED Panel delivery body suitable for bakery good. Triangle Doughnut Co., -in Park - WANT sftiall office safe, not particular as to make If fireproof. Glva six and price. C 273. Oregonlan. cI.vMUNIiH bwughi a( highest market price. B. Deeds. 340 Washington St. vv E HI' V uaed office furni: uro. Broadway 1144 Th. Irwin-Heds'in Co . V E HI')' ami rent ureas su.ts. il.trretl's Ml.fit (".o'hliK Stars, si Third st HIGHEST cash price paid for rifles, shot guns Hcchfeld h3 Third, near Oak AM'ilE.-MiORAPli wanted. Elsie Hat Co.. Artisan bldg. WA Tr.l MIHt Kl I.ANItOt w. WANTED Dentist's modern equipment for operstlng room. Phone sellwood 8723. Portland, or write Dr. ('. C. CI, k. PR iy highest prices for g. Call anywhere. men s us phon. Hi fr'urnitiire M anted. WK WANT VIM' II USED III ICS KHOf.t) GOOD8 AND WILL PAY TOP MARKET PRICES, ir YOU HAVE ANYTHINO IN HARDWARE. r.inl.K OF ALL DK KJUPTIONSOH FURNITURE TO SELL OR EVCHANOi: CALL US FIRST. MAIN 0072 LEVIN HARDWARE eV FURNITURE CO.. 221-3-3 FRONT ST. CAM. MARSHALL 2693. I pay absolutely the right prlc for household guoda; a home full of furni ture or one article. I need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and good runs, roll-top desks and good tools. If you are ready to sell call Marshall 2603. I will lie there promptly with oa). CASH- I-'U KN1TUKM CASH. We need used furniture, stoves, ranges, etc.. to ship out of (own. Will pay higher prices than other local dealers. Call u for one article or a houa full and a courteous, competent buyer will call Broadway 2200 72 North Third t.. Rosenberg's Furniture Exchange. .CALL MAIN 8378. We pay the lugheee prices for nasi furniture. See us before you ell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. M i 'i ss;s WANT to buy a mahogany spinet desk In good condition, will pay caah; late price AO 291, Oregonlan. WE WILL BUY your furniture or sell for you on commission. George Baker ex Co.. auctioneers. Main 3H32. WE NE of any Phone OND-HAND FURN1TUR3 turn; have the ready cash. Main 4627 or 166 First st. 1 WANT u good leather davenport for cash. Aut. 620-54. WE ARE In need of your furniture. If you are ready to sell call Bdwy. 3695. EDUCATIONAL. SPECIAL OFFER SAVE $25.00. Learn auto buslnes. Courses now within reach of all. As a special Christ mas and New Year's offer we ar al lowing a $25 cash discount on all courses during the month of December. Enroll early as this offer will not hold good indefinitely. Thorough practical Instruc tion In all departments. Expert Instruc tors. Day and evening classes. Largest system of practical auto sehoolsln the world. Lite membership free. Get your application In early by writing or calllnst at HEMPHILL'S .AUTO AND TRACTOR SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave., and 331 Oak at., Portland. AUO MEN wanted In Los Angeles: f In i. mild weather now. Just like summer; big demand for latnltiAn experts and me chanics: LEAH ."J THE TRADE Til IS WINTER. Practical experience under ex pert instructoia only short time re quired, ,cw tuition: tool free. Earn room and bond while learning. Our big 72-page. Uluatrated catalog tell all about aplendid opportunities in thi bUBineos; expla'ns how you learn so quickly; tells life atorle of men 16 la 60 who have made good with National Training. Sent, for your copy of tine FH2B book today. No obligation A better Job and n ore pay guaranteed in auto work. Write J. A. ltosenk: mix. 818 Bo. FiUcroa. Lis Angeles. Calif. WHY BE OL"i or- A JOB OR WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION? We shave helped hundreds of our graduates to positions paying frornwgjc!) to $500 per month. If you wi'i call at Union ave. and Wasco street any day (except Saturday) at 10 A. M. or 2:3H P.M.. or eend for our big 112-page Klti.E Cfttalogu. you will readily understand why w graduate roor atuoents who actually make good than any auto school In ih U. S. B convinced. Make a per sonal Investigation or writ tor our FREE book No. 6 ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL. UNION AVE aV WASCO ST. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL. Tou want nothing but th best Hr It 1. Standardised with chooL In 60 other elite. Beat laboratories, best shop equipment and lustrucltona. Actual shop practice given on real repair Job. It full absolutely guai .nteed. The time for you to -o to acbool is whli business 1 quiet. Prepare now for big business opsnlngx In a few months Inquire Ore gon lustltute of Technology. Main street t Sixth. Ex-ervlc mn gst BTATE A'-. HOTELS NEED TRAINED MEN Natlon wtds demand for high-salaried execu tive; paat experience unnecessary we train you by mall and put you In touch with big opportunities everywhere Writs at once for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418. Washing ton. D. C. 11 Ell N KE- WALKER. West's FINEST BUSINESS COLLEGE. Enroll daytime for all business courses. Including comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping. NIGHT SCHOOL $6 a MONTH. Free cntslogue Address 4th nesr Morrison Phone Mala 390. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Nation-wide demand for hlgh-sa'arird executives; pat experience unnecessary; we train you by mall and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particular. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418. Wasn- Incton. P. C. , , HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. HOLMES BUSINESS COI LEGE HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. The oldest In Pqf-tlsnd Since 1887. "Personal Service." I Day and. Night School. Tenth snd Washington. Bdwy. 2066 MOII1.ER 11 A It BER COLLEGE will lea. h you the trade In 8 weeks, furnish a sel of tools to you and give some pay wht a learning; posltlonB secured: former ex ervlce men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call ?or catalogue and particulars. 234 Burns'da. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will leach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp snd face massage specialty, loola free; positions guaranteed, pay while learning; tuition reduced this term 238 Msdlson aToDERN barber college teache trade In 8 wkt., tool furnished, some pay; posi tion secured; special rate this month. Write or call for -part leu jars. 234 First at. ' LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE The school of qusllty; day and night school. Address 40' Morrison. Telephqn . . I ... n Ml S 't ,r SAl.E-Al a discount i paid up course In the Adcox Auto and Gas En . gine school, the best In the northwest. Tel. E. 2478. or call 271 Halsey st. ROOKY 31 T. T' rher' Agen. y. Enroll fr. Frank K. Welles, ex-asst. state supt.. mgr.. N V. Bank bldtt. Auto. 818-18. HIE WALTON SCHOOL OF COMMERCE has opened a Portland office at 412 Wilcox bldg. Broadway 6791. LEVRN TELEGRAPHY Railway Te.e- graph Institute. 431 Railway Exchange bldg Night classes. 7p YOU . ANT To i.-arn The vulcanising business, call 13" Eset Broadway. NIGHT SCHOOL beamy culture. Madame Curtis. Marshall 1702. f.SK Teachers' AKency Journal bldg. Main 4833 Teachlnu position, free reg. YATES-FISHER Te Agency Free Broadway bldg. veninga. Madame LEA Rc Curd ci it RSE In aa-couuling for sal at dla count. Main 428 W NTEl ' - M. ii to I' arn vulcanising trade. Call 192 Grand ave. ANYONE wishing to lenrn vulcanlxlng and retreading, call at 482 Hawthorne tlfil.P IVANTFII MALE. MEN WANTED to lake contract to clear on. B. F. Dalley, 3's mlln north- sh. wanted: must bo will pay $4.50 to B, 20tli st. and CARPENTER HELPER able to put on Biding; tight man. Call Mil r night giving by ad- phone num drawing H MAN AND V E for working foreman; ighly vrd In farming; wageat expected. AM 283, LICENS7ED eieclriclan to figure on wlr tng. Call Tabor 4768 evening or East MBftd a y t lines. WANTBD At ivnce. experienced platen press feeder. Columbia Paper Box Co., B. tfct h and Holladsr. WANT EI 1 i ... 1 10a' reiuli i o-wsat w .relow trimmer; must also be good card writer. 861 Morrison. WANTED Men. I furnish Xmas trees WANTED Experienced die tool and model worker. Call afternoon, patent attor nev. Stevens jhulldlfig. CLERK for railroad general office. Heliog raph' preferred; salary $100 per month. H 288. Oregonlan. EX I'ERI EN' 'E I foreman composing room In large printing plant, open abop. Seattle, AV 7H3. orgonlan. CHRISTIAN office boy. delivery light packagea and help. Write all about (elf. A F 2S8. Oregonlan. HOMELESS, friendless, unemployed men can find a home at Plagah Home colony, s.-.nii'iose Or. BOOKKEEPER who has a knowledge of credits, to go out of town. Address W 290. Oregonlan. ' WANTED BJomlny ami horscndlsh ped- Ulers at paU Gratia ave. 1