89! TUT! MORNTN'O OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6. 1921 WHEAT BIDS DDI . ONE TO TWO CENTS New Export Business Lacking in Coast Markets. JAPAN BUYING IN EAST China Will Require No Supplies Before February Shippers Covering Previous Sales. The wheat market was quiet at the opening of the week and the undertone was easier. Bids on club, hard winter and oft white were 1 cent lower at the Mer chants' Exchange and Northern Spring was down 2 cents. AH coarse grain bids were unchanged from Saturday. Thorn wan some wheat buying by ex porters 4" the country, which was under stood to be for the purpose of covering previous commitments. New business Is till lacking, according to the best infor mation obtainable. The only inquiry, and that la small, la coming from the Japa nase, but the price bid are out of line. It was reported from New York that Japan was, buying wheat there and at the gulf for shipment to Europe, but any current wants In Japan are being filled with Australian wheat. China has enough wheat for the time being, and according to the latest reports, will not be In the market again before the Chinese new year. The only export business with Europe Is .being worked on the Atlantic seaboard r gulf ports. About 800,000 bushels were taken there yesterday for export. Wheat at Liverpool was Id higher. The Buenos Aires wheat market opened 1 3 cents higher. World's shipments last week of wheat and flour were from North America 0.360, OOO bushels; Argentina 101,000 bushels; Australia 1,318,000 bushels; total, 10,889, 000 bushels against 10,382,000 bushels the previous week. Terminal receipts in cars, were reported by the Merchants' Exchange as follows: Wht Bly Fir Oats Hay Portland Monday. . 91 1 22 7 IT Year ago 8 6 4 4 28 fieason to date 171(52 12 1104 401 Sol Year ago 7735 149 393 278 970 Tacoma Saturday. 89 . . . 1 Year aro Reason to date... Year ago Seattle Saturday . Year ago Season to date . . Year ago 1 78 42 7 ... 1 774 77 439 449 69 486 14 ... 6 5 12 4320 118 1181 267 869 2833 181 170 214 946 5 nai7 2911 7 20 Al STKALIAN BUTTER MAY GO EAST. San Francisco Market Reacts After First Slump In Prices, TJn'der the Influence of the larger arri vals of Australian butter, the San Fran cisco market broke and prices declined from day to day, making a net loss of 5c on 02 score for the week. Current re ceipts were just about sufficient for needs and, as many dealers bought Australian butter, there resulted a general lack of demand for domestic goods. Dealers were forced to reduce prices to meet the lower priced imported butter, which sold a-t 40 42c. Buyers stayed off the market on the decline and took only enough supplies for Immediate needs. Prices1 went even lower than was generally expected. ' but at the close here was a slight reaction, with the tone of the market steady. It was re ported that the surplus Australian butter would be shipped east and dealers antici pate a firmer market this week. The closing tone of the market was steady. The outstanding features of the eastern butter market were the lighter production and the corraspondlngly lighter supplies of fresh butter on the markets, causing firm er markets, advancing prices, and a'more general use of storage butter. Chicago led In the advances but other eastern markets, though not quite ss firm, were 'advanced about as much as Chicago. Lighter arri vals of foreign butter during the week also had a sentimental effect In firming the markets. At the close there developed en all the eastern markets a slightly Jer undertone. Prices had been raised pretty rapidly and there was a general feeling that trading might again become sluggish. Nearly all receivers were free sellers and were unwilling to let stocks of the top grades accumulate. Centralised cars showed considerable Improvement during the week hut at the close were also quiet. Danish arrivals consisted of 621 easks and 632 boxes. KARLY POTATO MOVEMENT IS HEAVY Usual Main Supply Has Been Two-Thirds Shipped. The 18 states which produce most of the main crop of potatoes have held the cen ter of the stage this season. These states are: Maine, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota,. Iowa. North and South Dakota, Nebraska, Mon tana. Colorado. Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Washington. Oregon and California. On November 1 the potato production In this group of states was forecast at 250,250, 0OO bushels, an Increase of more than 4.000, 000 bushels over the October esti mate. Notwithstanding this jump, the forecast is about 40,000,000 bushels below last season's late crop. In terms of car loads, this means a decrease of 67,000 cars. Contrasted with this deficit is the un usually active early car-lot movement to consuming markets. To November 12 this year nearly 80.000 cars had been for warded from these Important producing states, compared with only 56,000 to the same date last season. This is an in crease over 1920 of 48 per cent. In only four Important main crop sections Penn sylvania, Wisconsin. Iowa and the north ern district of California have the car lot shipments been less than last year's to date. DECLINE IN EGOS NOT CHECKED. Prices Lower on All Grade With Larger Receipts. The Increase in egg receipts has become tnorc pronounced and declines in prices are more frequent. The general selling level was 50 cents for candled fresh eggs, and other grades were down In proportion. Better hud a firmer tendency. With re ceipts of country creamery cubes lighter this week, there was no surplus on the market, and top graQes were scarce, with extras quoted up to 41 cents. Poultry arrivals were moderate and prices were steady to firm. Dressed meats were slow-with Indications of another de cline m pork prices. Coast Cranberries Cleaning Vp. Coast crnnberrles are cleaning up well ARE YOC LOOKING FOR A DE PENDABLE PRODUCE DEALER? Veal Batter Pork Cheese Poultry Far Honey Any Product Ask for latest methods to prepare shipment. Rt'BY CO., 169 Front St. Portland, Or. LAMBS, VEAL, HOGS Mnrkrt Wry Firm. I :("( I Mini.- !.'- I ! Fancy VmI 14e Fancy Hoji 10c Ship at Once. Check Dally. TUT. MIIMR CO.. i 10O Front Siren, Portland. Or. i and the market la firm at $7 a box. There f la atill a liberal supply of eastern berries on hand which are held at .22S23 a bar rel. The flrat car of golden and fard dates la due on December 10. BONDS AT NEW RECORDS Smaller Dcrreuse I Visible. The American visible aupply atatement comparea aa follows: Bushels. 47.7B.1.0OO 4S.127.00O hT.L'.'ll 'K Ml 113.2ft7.OO0 23.672.000 December 8, 1021... December ... 1920... December 8, 1918... December 9. 1918... December 10. 191T Decrease. 878.0O0 22.000 2.492.000 8,204.000 4,641.000 Increase. The corn visible .la 15,818,000 bushels, an Increase of 1,796,000 bushels; oats. 89, 108,000 bushels, an Jncreaae of 774,000 bushels; barley, 1,891,000 bushels, an in crease of 78.000 buahels; rye, 6.846,000 bushels, an Increase of 6.2,O00 bushels. Hank Clearings. Bank clearing's of the northwestern cit ies yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland S5.96.V996 $1.604. 097 Seattle 5.746.180 1.500.200 Tacoma 448.799 20,784 Spokane 2,232,404 1,021,512 t'OKTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS Grain, Flour, Feed, Etc. Merchants' Exchange, noon session: Bid Wheat Dec. Jan. Hard white 1.07 11.07 Soft white 1.07 1.07 White club 1.07 1.07 Hard winter 1.07 1.07 Northern spring 1.06 1.06 Oats No. 2 white feed 27.00 27.00 No. 2 gray 20.00 26.00 Barley Brewing- '. .26.00 28.00 Standard feed 24.00 24.00 Mlllrun 16.00 16.00 Corn No. 3 E. T. shipment 23.00 24.00 FLOUR Family patents, 7 per barrel; whole wheat, S6.20; graham, $6; bakers' hard wheat, 17.03; bakers' bluestem pat ent a. $6.56; valley soft wheat. 15.00; straights. 15.25. MILL.FEED Price f. o. b. mill: Mill run, 12o per ton; mldlings, $34; rolled barley, !34(?36; rolled oats, 136; scratch feed. $43 per ton. CORN Whole, $34, cracked, 136 per ton. HAY Buying price, f. o. b. Portland: Alfalfa, $14.30 per ton: cheat, C-a ' - '" oat and vetch, $14.50&li5; clover, $12; valley timothy, $1515.50; eastern Oregon timothy. $lMftlb.uO. Dairy and Country Produce. BUTTER Cubes, extras. 40041c lb.; prints, parchment wrapped, box lots, 44c; cartons, 45c. Butterfat, buying prices. No. 1 grade, 42c, delivered Portland. K0OS Jobbing prices: Case count, 469 48c dozen; candled ranch, 50c; aaaociatlon firsts, 30c; association selects, 55c; associ ation pullets, 45c. CHEESE Tillamook triplets, price to Jobbers f. o. b. Tillamook. 26c; Young Americas, 27c pound. POULTRY Hens, l27c; springs. 21c; ducks, 20023a: geese. 18920c; turkeys, lire, nominal; droscd No. 1. 88c lb. PORK Fancy, 1212.VbC per pound. VEAL Fancy. ISfrc per pound. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: FRUITS Naval oranges. $50625 per box; Japanese oranges. $2.50 per bundle; lejmons, $590; grapefruit, 1497 per box; bananas, 899c per pound; apples, $194 box; pears, $292.50 box; grapes, Cali fornia red Emperors and Malagas. 109 12Hc pound; casabas, 393c pound; cranberries, Oregon, $7 per box; eastern, $22023" per barrel. POTATOES Oregon, $1.75 9 2 per hun dred; Yakima. $292.23 per hundred; sweet potatoes, 4H95c per pound. ONIONS Yellow, $4.505 per hundred. VEGETABLES caoDage, 1 V 7 2c pound: lectuce. $398.75 crate, carrots. $1.10 per sack; garlic, 12H915c per pound: beets, $1.092 per sack; cucumbers, $29 2.25 per dozen; celery, 70c $1 per dozen; green peppers, 15920c per lb.; cauliflower. 1J02.5O per dosen ; pumpkins, 2f.1c per pound; squash. 2V93c; sprouts, l?Hc Staple Groceries. Local Jobbing quotations: SUGAR (sack basis) Cane, granulated. 1.35c pound: beet. 6.15c. NUTS Walnuts, new crop, soft shell. 54 931c lb.; Brazil nuts. 18920c; filberts. 21 925c: almonds. 26627c; peanuts, 8Mc per pound. RICE Blue Rose. 7c per pound; Japan style. 6c per pound. COFFEE Roasted, bulk. In drums, 18 935c per pound. SALT Orsnulated. bales. $3. 20 4 05: bait ground, ton 50s. $17.20: 100s. $16 35. HONEY Comb, new crop, $5.75 9 6.25 per case. DRIED FRUITS Dates, $7 per esse; figs $1.4063.75 per box; apples. 16c lb.; peaches, 15917c; apricots, 2826Sc: prunes. 7 12c. BEANS Small white. 6c: Isrge whits, 4c; pink.. 5c; bayo. Oc; red, 6c Hides, Hops. Eto. TALLOW No. 1, 4c; No. if. 9c per pound. CASCARA BARK 5c a pound delivered. Portlsnd. HOPS 1921 crop, choice, 2626Vc per pound. HIDES Fresh cured. 6c per pound; bulls, 4c; calf, 12c per pound; kip. 7c; dry bides, 9c r dry salt hides, 7c per pound. PKLTS Dry pelts, full wool, 8910c pound; salt pelts. 35950c each, according to size. WOOL Eastern Oregon. 1021o per pound MOHAIR Oregon, 15 9 22c per pound, delivered Portland. Provisions. Loca Jobbing quotatlona: HAMS All sizes, 27031c; skinned, 249 88c; picnics, 20c; cottage roll, 23c. BACON Fancy, 89 9 43c; choice. 279 S2c, standard, 28926c LARD Pure tierces. 14c pound: com pressed tierces. 14c. DRY SALT Backs, 18021c; plates, 16c Oils. UNSEED OIL Raw. m barrels, 8o. 6-gallon cans, $1.04. Boiled, in barrels, 91c; 5-gallon cans, $1.06. TURPENTINE; In drums. $1; 6-gallon cans, $1.16. WHITE LEAD 100-pound kegs. 12K. per pound. GASOLINE Tank wagons and Iron bar rels. 26c; caaes, 3s - jc. SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Current on Vegetables, Fresh Fruits, Etc., at Bay City. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5. Poultry Hens, 23r.10c; young roosters, 20425c' old. 18918c: young chickens, 26940c; ducks. 22t25c; turkeys nominal. Vegetables Artichokes, case, $l."ifiiI7; squash, lug, $l,25tl.75; potatoes. $203.75; onions, brown, $404.30; crystal wax, $8; tomatoes, crate, $2.2562.75; cucumbers, lug box, $1.2501.73; belt peppers, pound. 10fl2ic; beans, string. lllfrl'Jc; lima. 10fel2c; carrots, sack, $l(tyl.2a; egg plant, pound, 306c: mushrooms, pound. 10 ti40c; lettuce, crate, 73c0 $1 ; .celery, crate, $1,504,3: pumpkins, sack, 75c0$l; sprouts, pound. ." n Sc. Frutt Orangea. navel, $4o0r5.50; valen cies nominal; lemons $3.5064.50; graps fruit, $3.50 0 3.00: apples, St, and 4-tler, $14003.50: strawberries, crate. $1,756 2.23; casabas. crate, 75c0$l; cranberries, box, $6 iii 0.30: pears, box. $1 5003.25. Receipts: Flour. 5200 quarter sacks: wheat. 2450 centals; barley. 3222 centals; corn, StlO centals; potatoes. 4048 sacks; onions. 400 sacks; hay, 130 tons: hides, 540; oranges and lemons, 2800 boxes; live stock. 323 head. IiIBKRTIES AND VICTORY NOTES AT YEAR'S TOP. Latter Sella Above Par In New York Market; Speculative Stocks Featured. NEW YORK. Dec. B. Maximum prices for the year were made by a number of Issues In the stock and bond lists today. Many of these gains were subjected to sharp downward revisions, however, late ia the session. Ralls continued their list less course. Investment and Junior shares making only slight changes. Apart from several of the more specu lative foreign and domestic Issues, oils, notably American Petroleum. General Asphalt, Houston, Middle States and Transcontinental, were relatively dull and irregular. Greatest activity and strength were shown by equipments, steels, motors and kindred accessories. Shippings, food spe cialties and textiles made variable ad vances. Lima Locomotive, a compara tively obscure Industrial, was the strongest feature at a net gain of 11 points. , Heaviness of tobaccos, leathers and a ,.....'. ei'iflentlv was due I more to neglect by bull pools than to any specific cause. Sears-Roebuck continued to weaken, repeating its low record of the year. Sales were 775.000 shares. Forecasts of easier December money rates were fulfilled, the call loan rate dropping from 6 to 4 . per cent early In the afternoon. Freer purchases of time loans and merchants' paper were made by out of town institutions. Except the German rate, which was moderately reactionary, all foreign ex changes rallied briskly from last week's late reaction. Sterling rose two cents and the varioua continental bins were higher by 7 to 20 points. I Liberty second and fourth 414 Issues and the two victory Issues, the latter at a slight fraction over par, were among new h.gh records in the bond list.' Other issues were uncertain on the heaviness of Mexicans. Total sales, par value, aggre gated $21,850,000. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. (Furnished by Overbeck & Cooke com ninv Portland 1. Stock. Sales. High. Low. Adams Exp... 300 ft SO Advance Rum do pfd Agr Cham 1,600 31 AJaxrRubberr. 1.000 18 74 Alaska Gold.. 1,100 300 T 7,300 67T 800 38 V, 800 88 900 29 1.900 38 1,600 32 200 93 3,300 14lV 200 "266 300 600 1.000 Alaska Juneau Allied Chem. . Allls-Cballm. . do pfd Am Beet Sug. Am Bosch. . . . Am Can Co. . . do pfd Am C At Fdy. do pfd Am Cot Oil. . . do pfd Am Drug Syn. Am Hide & L. do pfd . . . . . Am Ice Am Int Corp. 14.70U Am Linseed... 600 do pfd Am Loco do pfd Am Saf Razor. 500 Am Sh A Som. 6.5U0 Am Smelter.. 3.8UO do pfd 500 Am Steel Fdy. 1.800 Am Sugar 6.800 do pfd 300 Am Sumatra.. 8,600 Am Tel Tel. 3,300 Am Tobacco.. 5.300 do B 2.000 7,400 30 18 56 87 87 28 i 93 143 22 22 pfd. Am Wool, do pfd . Am W P Am Zlnz Anaconda ... Assd OH Atchison do pfd .... Atl O & W I. Baldwin Loco. 5 13 57 76 42 32 15,900 101 4 7 44 80 84 56 86 32 116 134 181 81 1.000 4,200 "566 200 6,000 4,500 12 47 '96' 87 82 06 5 12 56 75 41 S2 '8" "4 6 48 87 34 54 86 32 115 133 128 80 11 46 '89 87 31 94 Bid. 49 IS 87 30 17 56 37 87 28 84 32 93 145 114 21 45 12 57 73 42 32 38 98 110 4 6 48 87 84 84 86 82 115 184 129 80 103 26 12 46 100 89 86 81 do pfd 101 2.100 000 4,400 1,500 ' ' ' 500 800 1.900 500 1,800 2.800 6.100 1.400 6.400 1.000 200 900 800 1,800 1.500 4.000 1,700 500 900 ' 'noo 1,400 100 100 'V. 600 200 9.000 1.2O0 600 500 5O0 500 100 l.OOO 2,300 3.2IMI 1,300 400 H OTATION8 ON DAIRY PRODUCE CurrenttPrires Ruling on Butter, Cheese and Eggs. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 5. Butter Ex tra. 44c: prime firsts. 41 c; firsts, 41c. Kggs Extras. Me; extra pullets. 45 c; extra pullets, firsts. 44C; undersized pul lets. No. 1. 37 He Cheese California flat, fancy, 21c': flat fancy, firsts, nominal ; California Young Americas, fancy, 26c NEW YORK, bee 6. Butter Barely steady, creamery higher than extras. 47 47c: creamery extras, 46046c; cream ery firsts. 30045. Eggs stesdy. Fresh gathered, extra firsts. 62 065c; fresh gathered firsts, 530 60; cheese steady, state whole milk flats, fresh specials, 21 022c; do average run, 2Ot20c: state whole milk twins, specials, 21922c; do average run, 2O9 20c. CHICAGO. Dec. 3. Butter lower. Creamery extras. 44c; firsts, 35042c; sec onds, 72 0 34c; standards. 37c. Ea-as higher; receipts, 4104 cases, firsts, 54 0 50c; ordinary firsts. 43050c; miscel laneous. 52 0 54c; refrigerator extras, 410 43c; refrigerator firsts, 88 0 40c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 3. Copper Steady; Electrolytic spot and nearby. 18c: later, 13 914c. Tin Firm: spot and nearby. 81. 50c; futures, 81.62c. Iron Steady; No. 1 northern. $31932; No. 2 northern, $30931; No. 3 southern, IN 6 19. Lead Steady; spot. 4.70 0 4.80c. Zinc Quiet: Bast St. Louis delivery, snot 4.800 4.85c. Antimony Spot. 4.63c Bait & Ohio do pfd Beth Steel B. . B R T Butte C Z. . Butte & Sup.. Burns Bros. . . Caddo OH ... Calif Packing. Calif Pet do pfd Canadian Pac. Cen Leather.. Cerro de Pas. Chan Motor. .. C & N W chgo at w... do pfd ..... Chill Cop Chlno C M St P do pfd Colo Cola . . . C A O Colo F & I... Colo Southern Col Gas A El Cotum Graph Con Gas Cons Cigars . . do pfd ContI Can . . . fit Svc Bkers Corn Prod . . . do pfd Cosden Oil . .. 0 R I A P... do A pfd .. do -B pfd. . Crucible .... do pfd Cuba Cane . . do pfd Cub Amn Sug Dome Mines . . Del A Lack.. Davison Chem Endt Johnson Erie do lot pfd.. do 2d pfd . . Famous Plays Fd Mn & Sm. do pfd Fisk Tire . . . Gaston Wms.. Gen Cirars . . Uen r.lec . Gen Motor Glen Allien Gen Asphalt.. Goodrich .... Granby Great Nor Ore do pfd Greene Canan. Gulf S Steel.. Hask Barker. Houston Oil... Hupp Motor.. Ills Cent Inspiration Int Ag Cp cm do pfd Interboro . . : do pfd Interstate Int.Harv ... do pfd Int Merc Mr do pfd Int Nickel . . Int PapeT . . do nfd .... Invincible Island Oil Jewel Tea . . . K C Southern do pfd Kelly-Spfld Kennecott . . . Keystone Tire Lack Steel Lee Tire l.OOO Lehigh Valley 3.0OO Lorlllard l.TOO T.owe Theaters 700 LAN'. 100 Marland Oil.. 200 Mex Pet 27.100 Miami 700 Mid States Oil 10700 MMenle Steel. 3 TiOO I M K A T do pfd Mont Power.. Mont Wanr. . Mo Pac do pfd .Nor Amn Nat Nat Enamel. Nat Lead .... Nevada Con . . New Haven . . . Norfolk A W. Nor Pac Nov Sco Steel. N Y Ar Brake N Y Central. . Okla Prod ref Ontario Silver Ontario A W. Otis 8teel.... Pacific Dev.. Pac G A Elec Punta Allegre. Pacific Oil... Pan Am Pet . . do "B" Penna Peo Ga Pore Marquet. Pure Oil Phillips Pete. Pierce Arrow. Pierce Oil . . . Pitts Coal PAW Va do pfd Prsd Stl Car.. Pullman Ray Sons .... Reading Remington Replngle Steel Republic IAS 37 3.1 67 7 'l7 116 12 71 45 37 54 56 7 'l6 115 12 70 44 118 81 34 49 69 It 7 18 12 27 23 36 ::-, 57 26 '64 83 118 2V 34 47 68 7 17 12 26 21 34 38 67 25 '84 3 93 47 24 90 MM 34 8.1 88 47 24 88 K 10S 33 88 4.000 66 64 7 16 14 19 111 52 77 12 17 1.800 60 Cal Oil 200 1,100 100 1.800 3.800 13.200 37.80O 4.400 300 1.600 5,300 2O0 100 2.1100 7,800 3.800 100 1,700 100 200 600 800 1.600 1,000 ' 9.000 13,500 3.400 3.300 6.200 8,330 200 100 11,800 1.800 000 4.100 800 1.5O0 200 l.OOO 300 1.400 4.400 Biscuit zl.SOO 40(1 2.30O 2O0 2.400 200 4.6O0 200 ftOO 700 2.100 200 'i',006 100 600 1500 4. son 5.100 200 2.000 200 3.300 5.300 5.00O 4.100 8.200 4.300 1.300 200 000 1.200 000 3.200 100 3. OOO 6,100 29 10 8 60 143 11 43 67 34 27 33 77 26 40 82 81 12 98 38 I 87 1 4S 6 $5 i$y 67 12 52 'l3" 3 '24 54 43 23 10 48 20 58 IBS 14 110 lis" 26 13 20 2 3 3ft 1.1 19 48 43 126 42 83 14 18 80 R2 25 61 73 3 4 'io 8 64 31 43 52 47 84 83 28 37 32 13 18 68 27 78 68 110 14 78 25 2B 65 7 16 14 19 111 80 76 11 17 28 10 68 142 10 4.1 65 33 27 83 76 26 4 , SI 78 11 98 1 87 87 4 1 4 A 82 'l4 65 11 51 '12 2 '24 34 42 23 9 46 28 67 15SV 14 110 27 111 ,23 15 28 1 8 38 14 18 46 44 124 42 80 14 12 98 80 23 60 74 8 8 64 38 45 30 46 84 83 22 86 81 14 IS 61 27 79 67 ion 14 72 23 24 64 38 54 66 7 5 IT 118 11 70 43 84 118 30 38 48 68 7 17 12 27 21 34 38 56 25 03 64 3 93 21 60 47 24 88 108 3.1 33 88 78 64 87 7 16 14 18 110 30 77 11 17 11 8ft 6 20 10 68 142 10 42 no 34 27 32 76 25 46 81 78 11 88 37 7 37 1 4 A 83 102 18 06 11 a 12 2 n 24 33 42 25 0 46 u 28 38 133 Vt 110 L'7(. 112 25 13 28 1 8 5R 14 18 46 44 126 41 88 13 12 97 80 25 80 74 3 8 2(1i, 8 7 64 80 45 51 4 84 53 22 37 32 14 is; 62 78 66 109 11 72 23 22 64 1 Rep Motors. . . Royl Dtch Oil Ry Stl Sprg.. Stand Oil N J Sears Roebuck Shattuck. Ariz Shell TAT... Sinclair Stand Oil Cal. Stand Oil Ind Sloss Shef ... Sou Pacific .. Sou Ry do pfd ..... St L A S F. .. Strom Carb . . studebaker . . swift A Co.T. Ten Cop A C. Texas Oil Texas Pac . . . Tex Pac C A O Tob Products. Tran Con Oil. Union Oil Del Union Pac . . . United Alloy . United Drug . United Food P United Fruit . U Rds of N J U Bag A Papr Un Re Stores. U S In Alcohol U S Rubber. . do 1st pfd. . U S Smelting. U S Steel .... do pfd ..... Utah Copper. . Va Chem . do pfd .... Vanadium Stl Vlvandou .... Wabash do A pfd . . Wells Fargo . Western Pac . West Union. . Wsthse E A If West Md White Motors. Willys-Oerlnd. do pfd Wilson Pack . Wis Central . . Wool worth .. . Worth Pump. W A L E White Oil ... 100 1.600 1.300 6 48 82 6. 3O0 19(1 19.200 68 '"766 'S7-' 3.300 23 1.2O0 81 100 6.000 1.30O 1.400 l.OOO 5.600 42,700 l.OOO 6.700 BOO 5.40O 5.600 28,400 600 2.400 300 400 31t 80 19 48 23 33 78 100 1 10 45 24 29 60 12 20 126 23 70 6 47 91 is:. 68 'w 22 90 '39 80 19 47 2.1 31 77 100 10 45 2.1 2S 56 11 19 128 25 70 600 124 123 700 3.200 1,400 15,700 300 12.866 800 2,100 000 300 2.000 300 1,200 . 70O 300 300 700 1,300 ' l.ioO 1.500 500 l.OOO 73 63 87 52 98 "84 114 60 29 71 35 7 7 31 68 18 81 48 '46' ' 8 28 30 400 123 400 44 800 12 BONDS. 6 52 86 61 98 '83 113 58 28 70 83 7 7 21 68 18 81 48 '38" 5 27 SO iii' ' 43 'l2 6 48 82 186 I 55' 7 87 88 80 88 38 80 18 47 22 82 78 100 10 45 23 28 58 11 19 120 25, 70 10 123 8 60 62 86 52 98 S3 8.1 11.1 58 28 70 33 7 7 21 68 IB 90 48 8 S 5 27 SO 29 12.1 43 8 12 U S 2s reg . . . U S 2s cou... U S 4s reg . . . U S cv 4s C41. Pan 3s reg... do 3s cu . AT A T 6s. .. Atch Gen 4s. D A R con 4s lO0N Y Cen deb 6s 99 100tNor Pac 4s 84 104 Xor Pac 8s 62 104Pac TAT 5s..93 78 Penn con 4s.U3. 76 Sou Pac cv 5s. 95 108 ISou Ry 5s 88 851U P 5s 88 73 lU S Steel 8s... 99 Bid. Liberty Bood Quotations. Liberty bond quotations furnished by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland Open. High. Lo Liberty SHs . do 1st 4s . . . do 2d 4s do 1st 4s . do 2d 4s . do Sd 4s . do 4th 4sj Victory 4s . do 3s 1.26 96.58 96.24 . .97.80 . .97.66 . .97.00 . .87.96 .100.00 100.02 . 99.98 100.00 07.84 87.80 08.18 98.14 97.72 97.62 97.94 07.84 i'ji to; 99.98 Bid. 96 34 97.64 97.54 97.72 : T. " 98.12 97.08 09.00 99.96 23 INorth Butte ... 12. 9 Old Dom 34 54 3uincy 41 ISO ISuperlor 3 8' -up A Boston... 1 88; Shannon 1 l.L'tah Con X 23 Wlnona 40 2, Wolverine 11 Mining Stocks at Boston. BOSTON. Dec. 5.- Allouez Ariz Com . . Calu A Ariz. Calu A Hecla Centennial . . Top Range . . franklin .... Isle Royalle . Lake Copper. Mohawk 55 Swift & Co. Stocks. : . r a n ,!, at uiosing prices ior owni. ac iui. Chicago were reported by the Overbeck A Cooke company of Portland as follows: Swift A Co 100 Llbby, McNeil A Libby 6 National Leasner 2 Swift International - 1 Money, Exchange, Etc. v- r t- vnp T." nec. 5. Call monev. steady; high. 5 per cent; low, 4 per cent; 11 . . s - ... ,.t vint- hid. 4 net ruuun 1 " . , w "- ' , . - cent: offered at 4 p cent; last loan. 4 per cent. Time loans steady; 80 days, 5 per cent; 80 days. 5 per cent; six months, 5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, ss per cam Bar silver, foreign, 66 c. Mexican dollars, 50 c. LONDON, Dec. 6. Bar silver. 86 d per ounce. Money. 2 per cent. Discount rates, short bills. 8 per cent; three months' bills, 3 11-16 per cent. .1924 99 .1922 10O .1023 101 .1929v 101 .1929 96 New York Bonds. New York bond quotations furnished by Herrln A Rhodes, Inc., of Portland: Inane Maturity. Price. Am Tel A Tel 6s 1822 100 Am -Tel A Tel 6s A in Tobacco 7S Am Tobacco 7s , Anaconda 7s B..... ArMr.,nd:l Rs A Armour conv 7s .....1930 Armour 4s t 1939 Argentine g 1 5s 1845 Am Agri unem ls jwfj Bethlehem Steel 7s." 1822 Bethlehem 7s 182S Bethlehem Steel eq 7s 182S Belgium ext 7s IMS. Belgium 8s 1840 Bergen (City of) 8s 1845 Berne (City of) 8s 1945 Brazil 8s 1941 Canadian 5s 1926 Canadian 5s 1931 Can Nat guar s.... J4u Chicago N W 7s 1930 C M A St F gn and rf 4s A. .2014 Can Nor 7s 1940 Chile 8s 1841 Christianla (City of) 8s 1845 CoDP'-r Kxn Ms 1WK- Copper Exp 8s 1823 copper Exp ss Copper Exp 8s 1825 Cuban-Am Sugar 8s 1931 Con Gas conv 7s 1825 Diamond Match 7s 193a Denmark 8s 1845 Danish Mun 8s 1945 Dupont 7s 1831 French ext 8s 1945 French 7s :...1941 Grand Trunk 7s 1940 Goodyear 8s .11141 Gulf Oil 7s 1938 Great Northern 7s 1936 Hershey 7s , 1930 Humble Oil 7s 18JS Interboro Rap Tr ref 6a.... Int Mar c t 6s Kennecott 7s Libby. McNeill A Llbby 7s.. Morris A Co 7s.. Mexican Pete 8s N Y Central call 7s Norway 8a Northwest Tel Is Ohio Con Gas 7s Ohio Power 7s Pan Amer 7s Pennsylvania 6s N P and Ot X Joint 6s... Sao Paulo 8s Southwest Tel 7s Swedish Govt 6s Standard Oil of N Y 7s Standard Oil of Cal 7a Steel A Tube 7s Swiss 8s Scars Roebuck 7s Sears Roebuck 7s Swift A Co 7s Union Tank 7s............. i; S Rubber 7s Wilson 1st 6s Westlnghouse 7s Zurich 8a 1966 ..1941 . . 1980 . . 19S1 . . 10S0 . .1836 . .1830 ..1940 ..1841 . .1823 . . 1831 . .1830 ..1936 . . 1930 . .1938 . .1925 . . 1838 . .1831 . .1831 ..1031 ..1840 . . 1H22 ..1112.1 . . . 1923 . . 1930 . . 19SO . . . 1928 ...1981 ..1845 1112 87 73 102 100 loo 100 104 104 106 108 104 96 85 107 106 60 110 102 107 100 101 10.3 104 104 11 108 108 107 104 100 85 109 110 108 108 1"! 100 53 91 101 100 103 101 105 109 107 !l!l 101 97 103 107 102 101 86 lo 14 106 100 113 100 100 100 103 105 88 105 108 SUPPLY OF HOGS LARGER PRICED 5 0 CKXTS LOWER AT STOCKYARDS. Cattle Market Steady to Strong. Advances Quoted on Year lings and Wethers. There we a fair run of 71 loads of stock at the yards over Sunday. The hoc uppiy was larger than for some time past and prices took another drop. Nine loads of hogs came In direct, while three loads went through. As com pared with trie close of last week, hogs aversjred SO cents lower on all classes, with the tap established for the day at $8.25. The undertone of the hof market at the close was weak. Cattle were steady to strong and the offerings sold readily at ths ruling; quo tations. Sbt-ep and lambs on the whole were steady. Yearlings and wethers were listed GO cents higher thsn last wees:. Receipts were 1110 cattle, 104 calves, 2710 hogs and 1050 ghetrp. The day's sales were as follows: 5 steers. 28 steers. 12 steers. 2 steers. 4 seeers. 18 steers. 6 steeds. 7 steers. 5 steers. 5 steers. 11 steers. 21 steers. 6 steers. 10 steers. 6 steers. 13 steers. 10 steers. 9 steers. 17 steers. 5 steers. 12 steers. 9 steers. S steers. 22 steers. 22 steers. 23 steers. 2 steers. 12 steers. tJ-i st eesa, 9 2 steers. 5 steers. A steers. 20 steers. S steers. 17 steers. 4 steers. 20 steera 28 steers. 25 steers. 25 steera 9 steers. 2 steers. 11 steers. 4 steers. 15 steera 25 steera 2 steers. 9 steers. 24 steers. 11 steera 12 steera 9 steers. 10 steers. 10 steers. 5 cows. . 6 cows. . 8 cows. . 8 cows. . 15 cows. . 2 cows. . 2 cows. , 2 cow. . T cows. . 8 cows. . 11 eows. . SI cows. . 5 cows. . 17 cows. . 8 cows. . 21 cows. . 2 cows. . 6 cows. . 4 cows. . 7 cows. . 19 cows. . 2 cows. . 2 cows. . 2 cows... 2 cows. . 1 cow . . . 4 cows. . . 4 cows. . 2 cows. . 2 cows. . 16 cows. . 14 cows. . 21 calves 2 calves 1 calf. . 19 calves 3 calves 2 calves 4 calves 3 calves 1 calf. . 14 calves 14 calves 1 bull. . . 1 bull. .. 1 bull. . . 1 bull... 3 bulls. . 7 bulls. . 1 bull. . . 1 bull. . . 2 bulls . 2 bulls. . 1 bull.. . 1 bull. .. 1 bull. . . 1 bull. .. 1 bull. . . 1 staff. . 2 mixed 30 mixed 7 mixed 2 mixed 4 hoKs . . 9 hogs. . 4 hogs. . 14 hogs. . 14 hogs. . 16 hogs. . race Wt. Prlce.l 894 $ 4,35' 5 hogs.. 1020 5.ft5l71 hogs. . 886 5.00114 hogs. . 1055 5.00)26 hogs. . 852 4.50 21 hogs.. 1)43 4.501 9 hogs.. 888 4.00146 hogs. . 1148 5.75115 hogs. . 828 5.30! 9 hogs. . 828 3.301 9 hogs.. 5.0OI10 hogs. . 6.251 8 hogs. . 5.251 3 hogs. . fl.OOMl hoga. . 5.25:56 hogs. . 5.0O' 3 hogs. . 550! 6 hogs. . 5.85, 1 hog. . . 5.25123 hogs. . S.OOf 4 hogs. . 5.001 8 hogs.. 4.50 6 hogs. . 5.25113 hogs. . 3.751 2 hogs. . 4.23126 hogs. . 4.251 5 hogs.. 4.761 5 hogs. . 5.50111 hogs. . 6.00:33 hogs. . 4.751 4 hogs. . 5.23! 6 hogs.. 5.60111 hogs. . 5.30'1S hogs. Wt. Price. 192 8.25 1T1 8.23 105 8.00 245 $ 7.33 215 8.00 Foreign Kxchang. Foreign exchange rates at the close of business yesterday, furnished by North western National bank of Portland. 1'hs amount quoted is the equivalent of the foreign unit In United States funds: Country Foreign unit. Rate. Austria, kronen $ .OOuS Belgium, francs 0727 Bulgaria, leva OOSO Cxecho-SIovakla. kronen 01 17 Denmark, kroner 1 1876 Kngland. pound sterling 4.075 Finland, fin mark 0200 France, francs 0747 Germany, marks 0O4U Greece, drachmas ; 0414 Holland, guilders 3S7 Hungary, kronen , OO-'O Italy, lire 0429 Jugo-Slavla, kronen 0042 Norway, kroner 1460 Portugal, escudos 0000 P. ou mania, lei 0000 Serbia dlnara 0175 pain. Dsetas 1410 Sweden, kroner .M 2396 Swltxerlsnd, fraiftg 1926 China-Hongkong, local currency 5440 Shanghai, taela 7900 Japan, yen 4850 NEW YORK. Dec. 5. rForeign exchange strong. Great Britain, demand, I4.06H : cables, $4.07 H. France, demand. 7.46H : cables. 7.47. Italy demand, 4.321 ; cables, 4.33. Belgium, demand, 7.42H: cables, 7.25. Germany, demand. 43; cables, 4i' Holland, demand. 35.75: cables. 35.81. Nor wav, demand. 14.45,. Sweden, demand 23.90. Denmark. 18.65. Switzerland. demand, 19.23. Spain, demand, 14.08. Greece, de mand. 4.07. Argentina, demand. 32. SO Bra xil. demand. 13.12. Montreal. 91 15-10. Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga., Dec. 5. Turpentine Firm, 734 c; sales, 321 barrels; receipts, 195 barrels; shipments, 170 barrets; stock, 11,332 barrels. Rosin Firm; sales, 721 barrels; receipts, 1440 barrels; shipments, 270 barrels; stock. 72.575 barrels. Quote: H. D, H), P, O. $4.05; H, $4.10; I. $4.16; K, $4.65; It $5.06; N, $5.83; WO. $6.60; WW, $5.76. New York Sugar Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 6. Raw sugar Centrifugal. 8.87c to 4.11c. Refined 5. 3 hoas. . .(,. u noirs. . B.2JSI T boas. . 5.501 6 hosrs. . A. 00 6 hoKS. . 8.00! 5 hojrs. . .25lf7 hosrs. . 5.25111 lambs. 5.K)i 1 lamb. . 0.251 lambs. 8.25137 lambs. 5.75! 8 ewes. . 5. 85! 17 ewes. . 5.001 3 ewes. . B. 85I19 yearl. B.0O1 8 yearl. 5.00128 steers. 5.50128 steers. 8.00U2 steers. 8.001 2 steer. 5.0010 steera. 4.25! 2 steers. 3.751 2 steers. 4.881 1 steer. . 5.00! 2 steers. 4.0017 steers. 4.501 4 steers. 4.751 1 steer. . 4.00! 8 steers. 4.751 5 steers. 8.001 3 steers. 3. 501 1 steer . . 4.50124 steers. 3.001 1 steer. . 3.85! 4 steers. 5.001 3 steers. 5.00; 2 steers. 3.00I1S steers. 4.25118 steers. 5.001 8 steers. 4.501 5 cows. . 4.751 1 cow. . . 5.001 1 cow. . . 4,50' 2 cows. . 4. 50 '2(1 cows. . 4.50' 1 cow. . . 4.8.V18 cows. . 4.501 2 cows. . 4.50' 1 cow . . . 4.001 5 cows. . 3.00! 1 cow. . . 4.851 13 cows. . 2.251 1 cow . . . 4.80118 cows. . 8.00' 10 cows. . 8.50! 4 cows. . 7.001 2 cows. . A.OOI 1 cow. . . 7.001 1 cow. . . 4.001 1 cow. . . 0 00'15rows. . 9.001 1 cow. . . 7.00! 8 cows. . 4.501 1 cow . . . 2.75110 cows. . 3.001 2 calves. 3.001 1 bull. . . 3.25! 1 bull. .. S.00! 2 bulls.. 2.25187 hosrs. . 3.00115 hoes. . 3.25 08 hoas. . 3.50' 55 hosrs. . 5.00127 hoars. . 3.50'en hosrs. . 3.50158 hosrs. . 3.00110 hosrs. . 3 25170 hosrs. . 4.001 7 hoas. . 8.00! 2 hoas.. 5.00! 18 hoas. .. 5.25157 hosrs. . , 3.50188 soats. . 4.50111 lambs. 8.00' 13 lambs. 8.00! 0 ewes. . 8.001 H.v.irl. 8.00' 25 yearl . . 8 00 44 wethers 8.001 1 wether 184 12 134 231 143 213 182 185 177 183 303 183 170 103 220 198 190 118 260 158 160 162 166 150 147 173 130 r.'11'.i 200 251 288 268 291 280 195 62 70 75 58 108 130 113 143 ' 8.23 8 25 8 00 7.60 8.00 8 00 8.00 8.25 6.25 8.25 8.25 7.85 8.00 8.25 8.00 8.25 7.00 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 800 8.25 8.00 6.83 7.85 7.35 7.50 8.25 7.50 8.00 8.25 6.50 7.00 6.75 1072 1078 1018 985 1184 861 1240 1075 1088 895 906 1010 1165 1058 1005 933 1040 1122 810 976 930 958 1034 1125 1000 1155 1052 1210 1105 868 980 1052 1070 930 1074 903 1036 875 915 948 1110 1147 741 850 1048 1078 1070 855 785 960 1220 CL'7 967 1150 878 1090 1028 925 875 905 981 943 1O05 953 1140 1145 10H0 1000 972 1115 1145 1000 1150 806 887 334 195 2 380 233 206 225 331 143 110 235 342 13.10 1520 920 1250 1210 1585 1010 1110 . 770 405 12SO 1000 1870 1970 1750 1560 490 424 910 275 112 102 117 105 106 65 Quoted at the Portland stockyards were as follows: Choice steers .'. . . llcditum to Brood steers Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers Choice feeders Fair to choice feeders . A... Choice cow. and heifers Medium to Brood cows, heifers. Fair to common cows, hclfrs. Common cows Canners l.TCSt.00 ;; I'n.'.t 4 (Mi v.. i i'i ' i un Prime llaht calves Medium llg-ht calves Heavy calves v Hoga Prime llfrht Smooth heavy. 230 to 300 lbs.. Smooth heavy. !i'K' lbs, am! UP 1027 1045 985 1000 875 1020 780 910 1025 905 587 850 1118 854 1023 1275 1107 1040 14R5 1O00 990 975 1020 1083 1040 1060 030 634 1144 730 1083 12IH) 1100 1072 770 1045 950 1044 1O06 1007 1050 1210 110 1180 1057 1000 898 940 798 145 1230 1330 1R40 210 308 170 93 117 ISO 110 132 177 204 285 270 , 158 100 63 83 117 80 SO 109 1 10 fl.OO 2.50 4.00 7.00 5.00 4.50 6 SO 6:50 5.85 5.00 5.00 5.28 4.75 4.50 5.25 5.23 6.00 5.88 4.00 5.00 5.00 6 50 6.50 6.00 5.85 5.00 5.50 5.75 4.50 4.75 3.50 3.50 4.25 4.75 4.76 4.75 4.75 4.50 5.00 4.75 f. 35 4.00 5.65 4.65 4.00 8.30 4.00 3 73 4.50 4.30 4.00 4.75 4.00 5.00 9.50 3.00 3.50 8.00 8.25 7.23 8.25 8.00 8.25 8.25 8.00 8.25 8 25 8.25 7.75 7.73 8.23 2.00 6.T5 6.73 4.25 6 00 6.00 5.50 5.30 Union . .8.OOffl..-.0 . . B.3Or6.00 . . 5.00f.r0 . . 4.00W3.00 . . 4. 75 (Sr."). 25 . . 4.2544.73 4.2.'.ii4.75'! 3.00 M 3. s BOOT M 8 oofi s on .-..IKMi ('..(10 It ouch heavy ............. Fat pics Feeder DISS r Stags, subject to dockssre. Sheep East-of-mountaln lambs) .. Best valley iamfcs Fair to good Cull lambs Eastern Oregon f.edera . . . I.lgbt yearl infra Heavy yearlings Light wethers Heavy wethers ........... Ewes 5 nofr (1 'J! 7.738.25 7.T5C8.O0 I 4.0006.00 ! 4 n r.. .'.( :;..-.( ii l.5(i l.OOSl 4.00 Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, De. 8. (U. 8. bureau of markets.) Cauls Receipts. 22.000. Bee! steers, .low, eaxly asles steady: quality plain: offering, around SO lis. 75: she st.i-k and bulls, steady; stockers and feedera staauy; veal calves, auu; niaaing un evenly lower. Hogs Receipts, 48.000. Fairly active. 10c to 20c lower than Saturday's averafe; butchers off most; shippers buying lib erally, but okost or smaller houses out ot market on accouijt of strike: top, 37.10 for light lights; practical top, $7; bulk, J6.BOci.6 7B: plgrs. 10c to 15c lower. Sheep Receipts. 23,000. Fat lambs and Ugrht fat sheep, steady to strong; fat Iamb top. early, $9.75. some held higher, bulk early. $10.25910.50: culls. $7.608 60: good light tat ewes. $5.25; talking- steady on feeders. Kansas City Livestock Market. KANSAS CITY, Ho., Dec. 5. (TJ. 8. bureau of markets.) Cattle Receipts, 13. 000. All classes very uneven; early trade limited to Killing: classes; stockers and feeders strong to 25c higher; stockers. $4.30106: feeders, $5t.V75: beef steers and fat she stock generally steady tn 25c low er; better grades. $4.80(3; other kinds mostly $3.50(3 4: some heifers. $5 306.2."; 'canners and bulls, steady- canners mostly around $2.50; early top steers. $7.25; oth er sale., $4.5007; some choice heavies held around $8.50: calves steady to weak; best velers, fO. 50. Hogs Receipts, BOOO. Desirable light, and light butcher hogs to shippers. 10015 lower; packer trade fully 15c lower; ship per top. $6.70; packer top. $0.65; bulk o( sides. $6.40 0 6.00; packing sows, mostly 5.T58; pigs, steady; bulk. $6.700 6.90. , Sheep Receipts, 5000. Killing class- generally steady; ewes $4.25: yearlings, $8; few native lambs. $9.75; most fed lots, $9.23 0 9.30. Omaha Livestock Market. OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 3. (U. S. bureau of markets.) HogsReceipts, 3500, Steady to 15c lower; bulk medium and light butchers. $6.3306.50; top. $8.00; bulk, stronger weights and mixed grades, $5,850 6.25. Cattle Receipts. 5500. Beef steers, alow; few early sales 26c lower; no choice fed steers here; she stock. l."i25t lower: v... ... ,- iin.v-n sfpsilv t weak: stockers and feeders, steady to 25c higher. Sheep Receipts, owe. ; sieauy. uui. lambs. $909.50; ewe top. $4.76; feeding ewes. $4; feeding lambs. $9. Seattle Livestock Market. SEATTLE, Dec. 3. Hogs .Lower, re ceipts. 600. Prime. $7.75 08.25; smooth heavies. $7.25 0 7.76; rough heavies. $4,300 8 SO: pigs, $7.300 8.60. CaUU Steady. Receipts, 2S0; prime steers. $8 0 8.28: medium to choice, $506: common to good $4 03: best cows and heifers. $4.25 0 4.75; medium to choice, 3 5O04; common 16 good. $2.50"r5.50: canners, $1.5002.-50; light calves. $809; medium calves, $708; heavy calves, $607; bulls. $304. ? IS SELLER PRESSURE SENDS MARKET AT CHICAGO DOWNWARD. 7.75 -fji.: 7.00CI 7.: 6.0011 7, Relief From Drouth Causes Reac tion In Wheat Prunes; Ar gentine Surplus Large. CHICACO, Dec. S. Wheat underwent a tetback today, largely as a result of sell ing pressure, due more or less to general relief from drouth In the southwest. The market closed heavy, with May ll.UH to Sl.lB1 and July U0S'. to $1 08H. Core lost He to lc and oats Hc to Ho, Provisions ranged from 5c decline to an advance of 2Hc . At first wheat averaged a little- higher, owing apparently to a moderate demand from houses with seaboard connection and to London dispatches emphasising reports that .lapan of late had been a purchaser on a large scale. Oossip In some Quarters, however, that Japanese buying was In the nature of preparation for war tailed to meet any general acceptance. On the contrary, upturns met with Increase of Lfferings,. especially from southwestern sources, a'nd affecting in particular July, a new crop month, which touched a new ;ow price record for the season. The weakness In July acted as a drag on De cember and May and the market closed at the day's low. An estimate that 24. (00.000 bushels 'surplus from the old crop still remained In Argentina was a late bearish factor. Selling by cash houses in corn tended to weaken prices of corn and oats. Or the other hand, export demand for corf continued, and the southern call for oatt was better. Provisions were neglected on account o the packing house strike. Nominally the market showed no Important changes. The Chicago grain letter received yes terday by the Overbeck & Cooke company of Portland follows: Wheat The market was exceedingly erratic and lacked a definite trend until the last hour, when scaitered selling In the form of ltq.uldn.lton caused a sharp decline. , The news was mixed, ash wheat in some markets being strong while others ruled weak. The "strength was confined mainly to Canadian wheat for which an excellent demand was reported. TVlnnl peg presmlums were 1 to 2 cents higher while Buffalo reported premiums on Manitoba wheat up 2 cents again today, making a gain of 5' to 6 cents the last few days. The large receipts in the southwest have surprised the trade, but advices from that territory would Indicate that the in crease represents a clean up of country holdings. , The seaboard confirmed 800,000 bushels We Offer Subject to Prior Snlet Republic of Bolivia External 6 Gold Bonds Due Dee. 1. INK Bolivia ranks second among South American countries In the export of rubber and produces one-fourth of the tin out put of the world. Salt, petroleum, coffee and cocoa are also produced in large quantities and the country is rich in minerals. The per capita debt la 18.20. which is lower than that of any other country in the world. " Price $8734 to Yield 8 Broadway 3171. Bond & Goodwin &Tucker IMCORPORATID UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING CK, fUKI LA1NU LOI ANCl I t Manufacturing Investors. Attention I am authorized by owner of high-class manufacturing business located in Portland (last year's sales $150,000) to sell same at reasonable figure. Owner retiring from active business life. Business is free from debt. Deals in staple articles. Sales can be increased up to about $500,000 annually without exhausting possibility of sales territory. Principals only. Apply for full details to box N 997, Oregonian. Manltobas taken for export and although there was no American business confirmed, considerable buying of Chicago futur.-s took place which bad the appearance of being against export salsa The temporaay lull in outside trade, which was largely responsible for today's decline, should give good buying spots In the futures market. Corn Fluctuations were dominated mainly by action of wheat and the market closed with an easy tone after display ing aa undercurrent of strength most uf the day. The"sslk of the selling was by receiving houses, presumably against purchases of cash grain in the country. An increase in the total visible should not be a sur prise and we see no reason for asunui)t a bearish attitude on this possibility. Oats There was considerable- liquida tion of the December delivery by com mission houses, but otherwise selling wns limited end deferred deliveries held steady, t Rye Buying by seaboard interests gave rye futures a strong tone. It was re ported here that exporters were biddln for rye In the counts- and having dif ficulty securing their suppltes. Leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Onen Hiurh. s l iltv. 1 1 $ 1.1 2 1.17 1.17 115H CORN. .48 .48 .64 .64 OATS. ,4 .82 ' .S2 .S!H .38 .SS .18 .38 rolled 1S. sprouting I8. soy bean 160, wheat 141. Ilululh Unseed MJtrket. DCLITH. Pec. 8. Linseed, on track. tl.81t1.83'A; to arrive. $1.81. . Cot ton Market. NOW YORK. Dec. 6. Spot cotton. iuIm: middling-. lT.sOr. Dec. . . May.. Dec. . May.. Dec. . . May. . . Low. ,4R .64 Close. $ LU 1.15 .48 .34 MESS PORK. Jan . Jan. . May. t. vt n 8 SO 8.50 8 47 8.47 8.00 8.90 8.87 8.87 SHORT RIBS. Jn Ml May .... Cash prices were: Wheat No. 2 hard. 11.15: No. 8 north ern. I1.1S120. Corn No. 2 mixed, 4B49c: No. 8 yellow. 49 50c. Oats No. 2 white, 3538c; No. 8 white, S3it36Kc. i Rye Nominal. Barley 53c. , Timothy seed ISiffrt Clover seed 812.30Cif 18.50. Pork Nominal. Lard $8.50. Ribs W 7-76. Primary Receipts. CHTCAOO. Dec. 5. Primary receipts: Wheat. 1.638.000 bushels, versus 1.S22.0OS bushels; .torn 1.667.OO0 bushels, versus 833.000 bushels: oats 822,000 bushtis ver sus 638,000 bushela Shipments: Wheat 441.000 bushels, ver sus S'JS.OOO bushels; corn 380.000 bushels versus 823.000 bushels: oats. 809.000 bush els versus S6O.O0O bushels. Clearances: Wheat 264. 000 bushels; oats 117.000 bushels; flour 12.000 barrels. The clearances do not include 880.000 bushels bonded wheat. Chicago Klevator Storks. CHICAGO, Dec. 5. fcocaf public and pri vate grain elevator stocks this week: Wheat 2.417.000 bushels: corn 4 842 000 bushels; oata, 18.314.000 bushels: rye. 11 l. OOO bushels; barley 187.000 bushela Deliveries on contracts this morning: Wheat 118.000 bushels: corn 48.000 bushels; oata .738,000 bushels; rye 40,000 bushels. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 5. Barley, 86ff Blc. Klax. No. 1. !1.781.84. Wheat. December. l.Zl ; May, 81.20; July. 81.17. Winnipeg Wheat Market. WINNIPEG, Dec. 5. Wheat: December. (1.07; May, 3111. Grain at San Fnuit-isoo. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 5 Grain Wheat, milling. 81.8691.95: feed. '31.839 1.93; barley, feed. 812341.33; shipping. 31. 2391. 33; oats, red feed, fl.409 1.00; corn, white Egyptian, 31.67 91-72 ; red milo, 31.43 91.50. Hay Wheat No. 1. $17919; fair. 3H0 17; tame oat. $15918: wild oat. $11913; alfalfa. (11 i 10; stock. $9912) straw. 310912. Seattle Grain Market. SEATTLE, Doc. 5. Wheat, hard white, hard red winter, northern spring. $1.04; soft white, white club, eastern red Walla, 31.03: Big Bend bluestem, $1.13. City delivery: Timothy hay 324, mixed $21, alfalfa $18; stroy $18;, barley, whole $31: ground and rolled $33. clipped $38: chick starter $34. cOcoanut meal $28. corn $84, cracked and feed meal $36, cottonseed meal 844, developing mash $43, linseed meal 138, egg mash $39, oata. eastern. $.10, 13.20 Standing of House Vital TJROM the i n v e s tor's F standpoint the first thing; for him to consider Is the standing of the bond house making the offer. It Is not enounh that uch a house be , h o n est in Its intentions. It takes more than hon es t ' to discriminate be tween good and bad In vestments. All this is largely a matter of experi ence. An old-established firm which has been look ing Into propositions of this sort for many years has a .remendous advan tage over newer firms who have not the. benefit of data gathered during Investigations lnlo many different propositions. If. therefore the investor buys his. bond from a well-rated bond house, that in Itself is much of a guarantee." (Oregonian, Nov. 27) The experience of this firm is at the service of anyone interested in bonds. ypn: Freeman iSUP SMITH wound noon CAMP ClSTM M BTASa CO. Great Northern 1 Railway Company General Mortgage Sevens non-callable Due 1026. At market to yield about 6.10 Circular on RequeBt .for OR 70. The National City . Company Offices In more than SO cities. Yen Blda-., Portland. Or. Telephone Main 6072. Less Than $20,000 Remain Available A splendid investment for any one who desires an exception ally higk yield, and a short time maturity. Dens. $100, $500, $1000 3-Year First Mortgage 7J Gold Bonds WILLIAM HANLEY COMPANY These bonds are the direct obligation of this great company, the owner of Oregon ranches and live stock. In addition the bond issue of 160,000 is directly se cured by 2560 acres of Irrigated, Producing Lands near Burns, Oregon, that are worth not less than $204,000 or 3.4 times this issue. We commend theae Honda with out reaerviit Ions. T 1 1 Ii one, wire or phuur order. LUMBE RMENS Tfews rQt-rmAxrr -J3AJNTK BROADWAY AND OAK .IIIIIIIIIIH.HBTaOT7sVgW Km Liberty Bonds HOLD YOURS Do not part with them unless compelled to do so. BUY MORE At present attractive prices, thus reducing cost. Booklet Ni, SSt givei Interesting and profitsbtu informstlon. Wrae TODAY for your nsi copy ROSE &. COMPANY Liberty Bond Specialists 50 Broad Street, New York City THE ANSWER When ths contract was let for pavement on the Morrison itret bridge, the usual questions for ilia culon arose concerning specifica tions, etc. All thee questions were answered In a sentence by the au thorities, who said, "Simply make . it like the pavement on HHWthnrne brida-e. Incidentally, this anrwer served as a testimonial for War renlte-Bltulithic, because the pave ment on Hawthorne bridge wa laid over five years ago. and sus tains more heavy traffic than any pavement in the city. TEXT BOOK Of WAIL STREET 1922 Edition now ready for free distribution McCall. Riley & Co. m Member ('onuoliifated Stork Exvti&nr of Nw Yurfc 20 Broad St., New York HOTEL HOYT Strict Jy Fireproof. Near both depots aJid convenient oar servioe to all parts of city. Single Rooms Without Ilnlh. SI nnd vp Hliislr litem- With Hath. St and op 1 .1 in . i. 1" 8. KOIIK. Munaxor. HERRIN& RHODES, Inc. EstabUshad IK'Jfi. BROKERS New York Stocks. Uonds. drain. Cot Private M'irrs. siembcrs Chicago Itoard of Trad. 801 -8 Railway Exchang Bldg. Tslsobons Main ?HS-284 l0 Vfd...fc M M mm, mm Kins granulated, 5.20c to 5.30c i