THE MORNIXG OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1921 FOR RENT. Store u-ixl liutuncHw l'lm-ea. Z 8TORE3 FOH LEASR. ? Comer Park and Yamhill, 20x30, 24x45, - 15x35 feet, opposite new Auto Hus ter ' minal; would make fine location for restaurant; these stores will be remod- - eled and ready in about six weeks; get your lease now, as this space won't last - Ionff. See : K. 8. KERR. REALTOR. "301 Yamhill. Marshall 5MU. ToTTfclitTToAr, 04a 'a Washington at-, near 10th, $40. ' On-stnry concrete building, Sftxtlft, 7fl SavJer St.. auitJthte for storage, re - pair shop or manufacturing. $."0. Tnnulrp 307 Railway Kxphiinct Hldg. ! . WANTED Concern handling i ervick or supplies ACCSORY TO PRINTING, K N (I RAVING OR ADVKRT1S1NCJ, to see trim Ideal office location. Exceptionally well lighted office room, arranged ideally, for such a bualneus. Low rent and co-opratlve office serv ice If aureeable. Phone Broadway 3194 and gt particulars. Best of refer ences will be called for. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or In suites, central office building In financial section of city, low rentals. See Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second tlreet, corner Stark. FOR RENT 3-rooin combination suitable for M. L. and dentist sharing common reception room. This spare 1 located In one of Portland's most centrally located office buildings; excellent light for this purpow. P PretconlHn TWO-IiUOM suite containing one large and one medium-sized room, suitable for commercial or Insurance office. Excel lent location and reasonable rental rate. AO 2;:t, Oreproninn. FMAL.L office. fu;:iilied in mahogany, anl use -yt, entry room. Call 7 HI Cor belt bUlg.. mornings only. VERY deslruble dtukroom, or larger space if desired, on ground floor within two hour parking district, fall 230 Hturk st. FOR KKNT Unfurnished office. Including stenographic and phone service. UuD-iilO Railway Kxch. hldg. FL'KNISHKI) olfle with telephone and stcnovrti tfhln jtervice If desired. Mor uan hblg. .Main .T.'tM. OKKlCKd. $U". including service; a lso fur nished office, tsharo phone. Stock Ex- UKKICE room and apace for llht mtg '.M'Hi. Stark. IMwy. 4tH. FURNISHED office with phone; good light. Call .Mar. wk. DESK room with telephone and steno- graphlc service. Phone Rdw y . 3 7 1 5. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex- CIIHI1KC UIUH. itmm . lESK and office furniture. 430 Lumber mens bldg. S manager, MiHcellimeous. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week, Monday to Monday. $1.25, Includes de livery. E. L. Knight Co.. Bdwy, 14.Y BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIEH. GROCERY, etc, near large school; dandy place for couple; doing nice business; do Borne credit. 1'resent owner here two years; store rent $15; living rooms can be had above; stock and fixtures, in cluding small car, $1500 cash. I would invoice; no agents. Owner, E. Stark. invest $t;o. $200 per mo. income. Dandy office business, well estab lished; no competition ; assured net in come of $200 per month and never leave office. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 5O0-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. WOULD like to hav a talk with a good business man who can make an Invest ment In a business that has been estab lished for 10 years and stlil growing. - No one need answer this adv. unless character is A-No. 1 and is able to make an investment of $l."i,000. Large return on money Invested. D 270. Oregonlan. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. FINE MODERN LIVING ROOMS. Just the place you have been looking for. Doing $i(0 per day and up. ONLY $33 rent for all. Lease If wanted. Price 1 $2750. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., .inn -1 o Panama Bldg. Main 3042. FOR SALE One-half Interest in pool room located at 10ft S. Tower, Centralis . Wash. One pool table. 4 card tables, stock and fixtures. Dolnj good busl - ness. J. R. Foote, 105 S. Tower, Cen T tralla. Wash. : TO BUY OR PELL A BUSINESS RIGHT SIMMS SELLS STORES. ;: . 610 HENRY BLDG. PHOTO STUDIO, complete line of picture frames, mounting and chemicals, prlnt ' Ing materials; must sell at once on ac count of slckneBa ; $ ioO takes It. Also lenses, Goerz, Zeiss. Hetlar, 2u3Vs Wash. St. Phone Bdwy. 2723. $17."0 G liOC. A N D CON FECTION E R Y. ; 4 modern living rooms, beautifully furnished; bath; near large school. Z. KA KINS. 35 Couch P'.dg.. 100 4th ft. FILLING STATION. Battery service, auto repairing: doing fine business. No. 1 location; very low ". rent; can clear $250 month. Invoice price. .Ml Railway Exchange. $400 BUYS half interest in uniall manu facturing business with big future pos ' sibilities. Worth Investigation. BUSINESS SERVICE, 718 Dekum Bldg. GARAGE SPECIAL, Opportunity for active man as partner i In well-known garage; has storage and big repair trade. Equal half interest for 2.00. Room 511. Railway Exchange. PARTNER wanted by experienced buker In a bakery and lunch business ; will show you can make $200 month. Room 511 Railway Exchange. $1KOO GROCiiRY 3 living rooms; rent , $20; very little competition ; first-class neighborhood. Z. Eaklns. 315 Couch bldg. 100 4th st. A GOOD, clean grocery stock and fixtures, living room combined; close in on Sandy blvd.; only $11.10. Call East 601; eve nings Tanor 44 idODERN restau- ant for sale. Good pay lng modern rea'aurant In lively railroad town in eastern Oregon. Inquire of The Oregonlan. AV 24- BEST suburban grocery in the city, doing $100 a day, at Invoice; fixtures cheap; , rent $25 a month; owner must sell. 171 E. Killfngj-'worth avenue. $1UU SERVICES Gives you a good steady Income; pleas , ant ouslde work; no canvassing; in business for yourself. Call 92' fith st. X-AHLIE K SHOP fur sale, 2 chairs, elec tric clippers, Koken revolving pole, good business, cheap lor cash. 306 E. Russell street. FOR SALE Soft drink and card room; fine location and good Income; corner In connection. For rent on long lease. 2rt2 1st, corner Mndlson. GROCERY East side. 3 living rooms, do ing $30 dy; rent $20; price $000; fix tures and invoice stock about $1SOO total. 514 Railway Exchan ge- bldg. GEN. STORE Small town. 30 miles from . Portland ; stock and fixtures; $."."00; ' clean stock. Take bungalow up to $3000. L 2'fi. Oregonlan. CONCRETE 100x100 GARAGE. Choice locatior , large sale gas, oils, auto parts, etc. Fully equipped shop; $1000 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. HA V E a Portland product of exceptional merit ; want partner to open store with nie ; 100 per cent profit ; $."oo required. 211 McK A Y BLDG. GROCERY stock tnd fixtures, about $2200, . doing $75 lay, rent $18; also living room. fine location on west aide. See Attix, 314 Couch bldg. PARTNER wan'et in a paying business, . $1500 required; machinery is patentable. For fu-the: Information apply in person Kt 533H 44fh st. S. E. BASEM.SNT pool hall for sale near Port , land, large space for bowling alley. ' Angelos Coupas, Camas. Wash. P. O. ' Pox 425. WANTED Clear stand or light lunch that man and wile can handle with $.00 to $7 cash. D 271. Oregonlan. CLEANING and pressing business for sale; plenty business for two people. 4 S 205, Oregonlan. WILL trade 11 I S Olds 8 touring car in . first-clasa condition, on small rooming house Main 27!M. PI LBS can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec " ofid and Morrison. AN EXCEPTIONAL opportunity is offered where $200 and services will net you $159 mo. 300 Cham, of Com. B!dg. RESTAURANT, sort drinks, card table, big husines. cheapest rent, good lease. Price $1400. 27 First N. EXCELLENT proposition for you in any line of business. Cigar stores, restaurants, pool halls; gar a gex. 3nd Cham, of Com . GlvUCERV. on tadt lor $12H; good iWMM,ion and trvde. 511 Railway Ex change. $iy- BUYS t wo-ciiair barber shop doing flourishing; business. 71 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Small profitable wholesale business. 554 A Inert a st FOR SALE Sto-. confectionery, grocery, soft drin ks. W"t- AV flSIt. Oregonlan. CLEANING and preying shop, good busi ness; good location. lofSt Union ave. CON KKCTl O NERY. Good stock, for sale. A3 Broadway. PARTNER wanted, knows how to cook short order 2.2 2d. X AM n market for rooming or apt lutusft up to $4200, part cash. East 3582. SL'lU'KliAN POOL HAI.L. ESTABLISHED 11 YEARS NO OPPOSITION. Guarantee over J&'O a month; 4 pool tables; large back and front bar; $3M) cash register; show cases; chairs; tables; flrnt-clftfls stock of cigars and tobacco; rent $ i!7. SO; can pay for this place out of profits in 3 months. On account of sickness am selling; price JL'iO. If you haven't the money, don't but her us. as this U a real money-maker. Population , of about 10,000 ta draw your trade from. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4"4-B-H Panama Hldg.. Si and AMr. YOUR Ul'i'OH'lL'MTV. Partnership Is offered to congenial man in the largest and best -equipped auto painting shops fn Portland; estab lished four yeara; doing work for the largest and best business firms In city; have more work than can attend to. This is ab?o;utely the beat business in -vet ment ever often? d for the money; each partner can draw $.Vl week and share monthly profits; no previous ex perience necessary if you are not affaid of dirty work; only $;.0. Call 310 Pan ama blrtir., .3d and Alder sts. C LASS A G A R .aGE P A K T N ISKSHIP. Here is an opportunity to secure an equal half Interest is busy close-in garage and repair bhop. Completely equipped in every way; shop full of work, employ ing 5 men; no experience required in this line as remaining partner 1 first class mechanic. Price S ". full value in sight; vou will easily clear $-.o month for yourself. Call 31b" Pittock blk., 10th and Wash. IJ.-.oo CASH W ILL PLACE THE RIGHT PARTY ON THE HOARD OF DIRECT ORS, AND WILL SECURE A SUBSTAN TIAL INTEREST IN AN ENTERPRISE WHICH HAS ENORMOUS-' EARNING POWER AND IS "CONDUCTED ON A STRICTLY CASH BASIS. PROMOTERS NEED NOT ANSWER THIS A D CALL 601 GASCP HLDO., 10 A. M. TODAY, DRY GOODS AND NOTION STORE. . Located on he east side, on the car line, a fin Iocr.f Ion ; good, clean stock -. of up-to-date goods; rent, lights and water only $i0 a month. The stock and fixtures only $500,' or will sell at In voice. STEWART JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Hank Rldrr. Al.'iO PA 1 N TING PAR T N Kli.SH 1 P. Here Is an opportunity -to buy an equal interest In an old-established buy west nide fhop; plenty of work on hand; no experience required if willing to work and learn and be satisfied with $lto a month for yourself from the start. Price. J.'i.lO ; no better buy in Portland. Call 3 It; Pli tock blk.. 10th and Washington. SAW MiLL and timber for sale, email re tall nlll, romp frte with planer and donkey engine Vd half section timber for sal cheap. Fine retail location, southern Org-m small payment down, bal. easy term ADDRESS, E. F. LANG. Dilla-d, Oregon. START A STORE NEAR SCHOOL. Have a desirable corner lot near pub lic school, where small store would prosper. No near competition. This is a real opportunity. Will sell lot for $tfOO. W. M. UMB DEN STOCK 4 CO.. ?10 Oregon R de Bdwy. Ift.'S. GROCERY FOR SALE. Account sickness must be sold at once; will invoice at 5 per cent off wholesale price or lump for $ 1250; no fixtures to buy;- will take good security for part or all; owner; rent J2"; 3-year lease; no agents wanted. 646 Sandy blvd., near 27th sr. BUSINESS AND SALES MANAGER. Fine opportunity tor man about 35 to handle general tales and business for legitimate going manufacturing concern. To have personal interest must invest j 3000 or $4000. References- exchanged. HJ 270. Oregonlan. WEST SIDE GARAGE SNAP. Finest location, downtown 40 -car ca pacity, modern building. busy repair shop, catering to high-class trade; 3-vear lease; business is clearing $000 month, price only $2500. including large deposit on lease. A genuine bargain. Call 310 Pittock blk., loth and Wash. $42oO GOOD dow- town cafeteria; good lease; $2700 handles. $ 1 1 do GROCERY No competition; good- living room, furn Ished: east side. S. BORLAND. 303 Stork Exrhantre. A PARTNER WANTED. For auto service station, repairing, battery charging etc. ; equal interest with good mechanic ; want partner to sell the gas. oils, etc., and be generally useful ; profits .ire good ; half interest $1150. Room 401 Dekum bldg. MEAT MARKET Best buy m city; to see this is to buy; established residence sec tion; grocery in connection; just right for one who wishes to get Into business for himself. Give address, phone and references first letter. BC 247, Orego n!an. PARTNER FOR CASH GROCERY. A choice loitlon ; need assistance of steady mat' to help In store ; am doing $60 to $tI5 day cash sales now and can be greatly increased wit h an interested partner. Half interest $I8O0. Room 401 Dekum bldg. $701 ESTABLISHED CARD ROOM. . Good lease, cheap rent, back and front bar. cash register, show cases, tee box, lunch counter, good stock of cigars and confectionery, $7iM for all. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 404-5-6 Panama Bldg..-3d and Alder. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. A modern garage, 5-year lease, good local ir d tranjo nt trade; carry auto ac cessories, tires, oils, etc. Need assist ance of active partner; equal interest, 2 0 o 0. Room 401 Dekum bl d g . CIGAR STAND. In lobby of one of the best office bldgs. in Portland; rent $50; good lease ideal place for lady or man, doing good business. Price $2200 cah. 514 Rail way Exchange bldg. SPECIAL PARTNERSHIP. Equal intere-" fn a contracting paint ing business, established 13 years: want assistance of ster.dy man; experience not necessary; pay good salary, also profits; $1000 requlrfd. Room 401 Dekum bldg. TOO BUSY TO WRITE ADS BUT IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL, CALL AT 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. I. E, SPENCER CO. FARM PRODUCE BUSINESS. In a country 'own, deal in eggs, cream, poultry, potatoes, etc. Profits $150 to $400 month; gives bank references; $1500 will hindle it, frUy secured. Call room CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called Interest in established rea estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bldg. - Phone Broadu 1902. WA NTED Cigar stores, grocery stores, lunch rooms and small restaurants; buy ers waiting. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO.. H 1 7 Northwestern Bank Bldg GENERAL merchandise store on Newberg highway at Six Corners, doing a large and profitable rank business. - No near competitors. Price very reasonable If Fold at once. AR 246, Oregonlan. M ANTED Gentleman w ith $7000 to take hold f lugging proposition In British Columbia: six million feet of first-class timber two donneys and complete camp 'outfit. Apply b"X 502. Vancouver. B. C. A CASH BUSINESS. Partner wanted to check goods, de liveries etc.; ca-- draw good salary also profits' equal interest only $750. Par ticulars room 401 Dekum bldg. FURNITURE sto e with nice clean stock, new and second-hand furniture, doing good business; 1500. See me ouick as I am leading cit E. 4912. 516 Union ave. North SHORT-ORDER rttaurant and card room: sells jbacco. cigars and soft drinks: do ing good business; located on the pen insula. Phone Columbia 1204. or ad dress PlCl P Ivhi hoe st. LOCATION barbo-- shop or tailor. Inquire afternoons, 830 V Williams aveiuie. Fer -th Fmv S-mrs! ) I lr She aoA j TheV w4Sl I 1 here's u) Pete..') ajeve6ee) T Soi-r ThiS stop.' kS OA PiACt VShrijA nusiNKss orroRTrMTiKs. P A P. T N ER WANTED. Reliable stesvly man can buy equal haif Interest in old-established fuily equipped auto top and auto seat cover ing business; work -pleasant and easy to learn, doing business with some of the largest auto concerns in town; plenty of work at all times; cannot depend upon hired help ; I will guarantee con genial man $36 week and equal share of monthly profits. Previous experi ence not necessary if willing to learn. Price $30. Apply at room 310 Panama bldg.. 3d and Alder sts. FIRf T-CLASS AUTO PAINTING. PARTNERSHIP offered to congenial man in old-established well-known auto painting business; experience' not essen tial, as your partner has been many years in thU business. This is an op portunity for any business man capable of office management. Price only $2650. You have a draw ing account of $2o0 month and share equally In the profits of the business. A bona fide investment that will stand any investigation. Meet owner at 316 Pittock bik.. Washington at Tenth s:s. CIGAR STORE. Without a doubt, the best equipped store In Portland, beautifully equipped, large stock cigars, tobaccos, candies, etc. Fine west :de downtown corner loca tion; valuable leaRe at low rent; no man or woman could ask for better value for their money. My business is paying me $250 month above all expenses; an ex cellent Investment : come and see for yourself; family trouble compels ale. Bargain foi $Hl0O; meet owner at 310 Panama bldu 3d and Alder fits. CIGAR STAND BARGAIN. $050. Ideal location In lobby of large, well known hotel,' downtown, complete stock and fixtures; any lady or man can make a good living and steady Income here. Other interests cause sacrifice faie. Own er will remain 10 days with purchaser to teach business and Introduce the cus tomers If desired; a real bargain that is seldom offered. Call 316 Pittock blk., Washington and Tenth sts. WHEN IN THB MARKET OR NEW OVENS AND MIXERS. ET TRIC OR GAS, YOU WILL FIND WIS HAVE THB BEST THAT CAN BE HAD FOR ALL PURPOSES. VB ALSO HAVE USED OVENS AND M TXERS, BUT NOT ABUSED. WE HAVE TWO GOOD LO CATIONS FOR BAKER X ADDRESS P. O. BOX 3524. - - AUTO REPAIR SHOP SNAP. $425 wikl buy equal half Interest In established bus yauto repair shop. Fine location, west side; fully equipped. This is an excellent opportunity to buy In with fiist-class mechanic and learn the business; also clears $175 per month for yourself from the start. Best and busi est small shop in city. pply 316 Pit tock blk.. Washh-cton anTl 10th sta. REAL ESTATE OFFICE. HALF INTEREST. Will sell half Interest In well-established real estate office ; down -town lo cation, doing good business. Will stand the highest Investigation. Small amount of money needed. BD 20S. OREOnMAX. WANT PARTNER. $1000 CASH NECESSARY. Greatest auto necessity of the age; ab solute state right for long term of years. Unusual profits for LIVE man. For full details see Mr. Fulton. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg. , Main 3042, RESTAURANT for sale. 220 Burnslde st. HnincHs Opportunities Wanted. I AM making a trip to Seattle to inter view buyers for Portland real estate and business chances ; would like listings of same at once. C. W. Millership, 165 h 4th st Main 5275. CIGAR STAND WANTED. Want good paying office building cigar store up to $10,0OO. Owners only; state location first letter; striclty confiden tial. AC 2H. Oregonlan. WANT restaurant or grocery and deli catessen, or 4 int. In some good busi ness, have $2UO-$5O0-$0O0 to invest. 30T Panama bldg., 3d and Alder HAVE cash, want to buy small business, grocery or light Pinch preferred. CLARENCF BE A DELL, SUMNER. WASH. I WANT to buy from owner only about 15 to 35 rooms; must be neat and clean and have good furniture. R 208, Orego nlan. 1- OR BUS NESS opportunities of all kinds call Brondway 20-4. Reverman Inveat ment Co.. 210 Lewis bldg. IF YOU want your money quick list your store or busines" with us, Winslow Co.. 4 10 Lumbt rinans bldg. , iVAXTED from owner, 75 to 100-rooin ho tel, around $15,000. E. T. Orr. 115 Grand avenue. UNIVERSAL SALES CO. can sell your p ace of business 60? -v Exch bldg HAVE $2(K), will invest in rooming house, delicatessen or lunch room. Bdwy. 2S'.6. Stocks and Bnd&. HARRINGTON & CO. Main 3S17. Stocks and bonds, anywhere. Title & Trust bldg. Ilotelrt and Rooming Houses. 211-ROOM hotel, brick; rent $125; price $2SOO. $1650 down. Close in well fur nished ; nets over $20O month. BARRAND REALTY CO., 340 Salmon St. 11 H, K. ROOMS, fine fur., beautiful homey dwelling, and grounds. Rent $50; $500 will handle. See Mr. Bevan, with L347. I. E. SPENCER & CO., 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IS ROOMS ON BROADWAY. Good location ; nicely furnished : will net $160; lease can be had; $2200 to handle. - 401 FAILING BLDG. BDWY. 6150. PRICE $1250, ONLY. 11 rooms, good furniture, including piano; rent $55. Call forenoon. Main 7511. . WORKINGM EN'S HOTEL, 24 rooms, good location, big business. Will sell, big bargain. 1241 Macadam st. Marshall H50. 1 i HOUSEKEEPING rooms, stove heat, central location, clean; no vacancies; nets $i3; price $1450. Terms. 167 16th st. Owners FOR BEST buys in rooming houses, mod ern apartments, hotels or leases, see E. S. KERR. Realtor. 3ni Yamhill. Marshall 5594. SWELL little home. 12 rooms. 5 H. K.. 7 sleeping; beautifully furnished; good ruga; only $000 cash. bal. easy tfrms. Call 167 11th Ft 21 ROOMS. H. K. Located near the public library; nets $200; lease, rent $M. $2100 handles. 401 FAILING BLDG. BDWY. 6150. 11 H. K ROOMS, close to Washington st.. w. a., elect,, good heating system, nets $00. 54 N. Nintn st. 0-ROOM flat, beautiful furniture. Immac ulately clean. $50 rent; on Park at.; well arranged. lftl Park. FOR BUSINESS opportunities, hotels and apartment houses, see W. L. riorreil, Uealtnr. 432 pittock blk. Bdwy. 1919 30 ROOMS with 4-year lease, netting $300; close In, west side; cheap rent; $3000 cah required. Bdwy. 4i:t5. - ROD-PYING rooming house, price reas onable, terms if desired. AV 716, Ore goniai. 12 ROOMS housekeeping and sleeping. Sacrifice for quick sale. 426 Burnslde. between 10th and 17th. Owner. A MONEY-MAKER 18 rooms, h. k., and transient, on Wash. L Price $2750. Call forenoon, Main 7511. 55- ROOM HOTEL. Brick building, good furniture; price 165175: no g"nts J 605. . Oregonion. WANTED Laige unfurnished house, Dec. 15th. Phone Bdwy. 3253. FOR SALE Small npartrnent house of 7 rooms. Call 355 Salmon, room 4. 24 ROOMS, 5-year lease. $."o rent ; fur nace, good furniture. 111 Park. 13 ROOMS. H. K., good west side location, $1100. ca. 370 Yamhill st. WANT a rooming house. Main 754. RI'SIXKSS OPPOKTUNITiKS. Hotels and Rooming II o FREEMAN VI ITH, BROKERS. BROADWAY JSi3. 50-Room Hotel. Five-minute walk from theater dis trict; one of the best buys !n the city: $5O0O cash will handle and has long lease; modern in every respect, in the best condition. 36 rooms, everything In good condi tion; good location; has net income or $11 per month. Rent only $75 and a lease. $liKM) cash to handle. 17 rooms. Nob 'HIII district; furniture In good condition; lease; has net income of $2tH per mo. Cash to handle. $-000. ' 11 rooms. White Temple district; fur niture In good condition; lease; rent ' Nets $125. $1500 cash to handle. 6-room flat; everything of the very best. Fine location. $650 cash to handle. 8-room flat, in the best of condition: walking distance from town and $400 will handle. Furnishings are of the best. FREEM N-SMITH. RE A LTORS-B ROK ERS 630 C H A M Ft E R O F COM. BLDG. 14 ROOMS, part .housekeeping, splen did furniture; very cose in; al wavg full ; good home and good net Income; rent $70; $3300; terms. Discount for cash. ' 15 rooms, sleeping, good resi- -dence district ; beautiful large rooms; fine place for boarders but good income as sleeping sooms; $3500; terms. 12 rooms, extraordinary furni ture; very best beds, bedding, etc. ; very attractive house and grounds, $3500; 82 rooms, part L housekeeping, on Washington st. ; always full; nets $165; can get 5 year's lease; $40iH); some terms. MRS. A LB AUG H, JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlingc-r Bldg. HOTEL Modern brick. 5 years' lease, best corner location in Portland; $0000 han dles. List 44. t Apartment-hotel, over 160 rooms, fine corner. 5-year lease; $'J000 handles. .List 20.- WE STERN BROKERAGE CO.. bll Northwestern Bwnk Bldg. LOOK AT THIS. 82 rooms; rent $75 with lease; brick building. Price $3600. , . 11 rooms, close in w. s.; $1050; nets $75. Stove or furnace. 10 rooms, close in w. a.; rent $30; nets $70. Price $14K; $500 down. 13 rooms. Clay st ; nets $S5. Price $1050; $500 down. Fine place. BARRAND REALTY CO., 340 Salmon. FIVE-YEAR LEAS Si 23-rm. apt. house; private baths; rent $200. Price $6500; $4000 will handle. G. H. Vradenburg. 525 Railway Exchange. Main 2906. ATTENTION. MR. INVESTOR! $ 2A 00 will handle money-making 32 room hotel, central location ; lease. $8600 takes 86-room hotel right down town; some terms; lease. , $6000 puts you in possession of 38 room transient hotel, downtown; 5 yeara' lease. A. KOSOVAC. 410 Gerllnger Bldg. Marshall 3401. WANTED AT ONChi. AN APART MFNT HOUSE. Also hive buyers for high-class rooming bouses. Chester L. Florence. RITTER, LOWE & CO., Realtors. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW SERVICE. To apartment and rooming . house owners who bought from us; or our clients: We fill vacancies quickly through our personal service bureau. Call Miss Richardson, with FRANK L. McGUlRE, , Abington Bldg. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. HOTEL. BARGAIN. 42-room hotel, with fine furniture clean " as a whistle, brick building. Northwest heat, elevator, private biths, phone, and running , water in all rooms; price $13,500. about $s5oo will handle. This place clears $700 per month. . AUSTIN-O'LEA R Y REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. M. E. LENT COMPA.NT. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IF YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL, COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. $1200 3S-ROOM ED hotel, meals optional. Rent $100 per mouth; 3-year lease. Pres ent owners haT"e'to move. $1500 buys a dandy little apartment, west Side; reasonable rent; good income, S. BORLAND 303 Stock Exchange. , 13 H. K. WHITE TEMPLE, $1600; $HOO down; J30 rent. $1600; $ho dow,n; $50 rent, all apartments. See F. C $100 net; Water- in Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., Tlet. Wash, and Stark. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. You should see this splendid 16-roorn cle-ars $150 per month, long lease; price $4500, and $2000 will handle. A UST I N-.O LEAR Y REALTY CO., ' 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL business, hotel, npomlng or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, s Chester L. Florence. RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. NOB HILL. 11 H. K., $1750; rent $55; rooms all full; nets $100: good rugs. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. MoGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 106S. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. FOP. QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment or room ing houses with us; your Interests wiil always be protected; we have cash buy era waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1QQ7 Yeon Bldg. LEASE FOR SALE. 5-year lease on one of the best apart ment houses In Portland. For full in formation see. K S. KERR. REALTOR. 301 Yamhill. . Marshall 5504. 14 H. K.. CLEAN : K. S., 5 blocks Broad way bridge; $1550; $100 net; EASY TERMS. Ask for F, C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Abington Bldg. Main 063. Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. THREE rooms, steam heat, all good furni ture; clearing $225 a month rent, $125; close In, $2200 cash will handle It; also 42-room house on east aide at a bar gflln. Alex Hunter 8e Co.. 27 Grand ave. W I LL buy from owner, 40 to lrt-rot m H. K.; good location, west side. E 229, Oregonlan. ' ' WE HAVE a good line of apart., room ing houses. Call and Investigate. 306 jliam. of c nm. For BEST bargain In apartment house, ' see members of the Realty Board. Yatea Realty Co., 245 Fourth street. , POLLY AND ANOTHER SHRINK AXD THERETO BE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming liouea. THOMSON A THOMSON, Realtor. 26 rooms, brick hotel, transient, few steady; lease; very low rent. Clean, well arranged; on one floor; splendid Income. Easily managed. About $3O00 down. 28 rooms, mostly apartments; 3-year lease, rent $70; gross income, $375; best east side location; extra well furnished; beat of rugs. Clean, too. Price $4500. 14 rooms, h. k., rent $65; well fur nished, clean as a new pin; $11H0 with terms; will cut for all cash. 21 rooms, all apt., rent $75; well lo cated; furnace, elec. no attic rms. Love ly yard everything In perfect condition; big Income. Price $3600. , 44 rooms, "modem; 5-year lease, rent $250; very good location; always full; nets over $5(K); everything in excellent condition. Price $6500. worth more. Nine-room modem home on Nob Hill. ! In apts.; rent, $65; new and beautifully furnished: lovely home with good in come; nothing better anywhere in a small place. Low price for cash. $1oO CARS AT YOUR SERVJLCK. 620 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4M. A T"!- LiVTlll! T i I T V V. M 20-room brick. Just listed, lease claara $150 month; you need $2400. It rooms, $2800: one floor; lease clears $150 month; terms; clean. 32 rooms $3800; one floor; lease clears $250 month: a place you can sell again for $5000 after a little cleaning, etc. 33-room transient hotel. with lease over the fair; $5500 cash; city heat. 40-room most beautifully furnished modern hotel; best in Portland; nicest furniture and loveliest steady rooming place in Portland. 22-room apt.; all private baths, $2850, terms ; lease ; fine location ; ijo other like it; you'll like It. 11 very modern rooms, rent $40, splen did furniture, $1500, including electric washer; half cash. The above are all choice buys; you bettor not wait or you lose. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. 40-KOOM apt. house, modern, furnished and unfurnished ; steam-headed, most apts. private baths; very complete. Needs going over and remodeling. If you have $4250 cash and a desire to get a place you can turn at big profit later make appointment at once. 10 rooms, upper corner flat, excellent location, fine lookng bldg., very excep tionally furnished for the price. Clears $80 besides nice home. $1000 cash re quired. Price only $1550. 8 rooms. White Temple, cosy, clean, safe; clears $50 and .up. Price $1100; $00 cash- See MRS. McCLAIN. M. K. LENT CO. 524 N. W. Bk. Bldg. BUILD TO SUIT. HOTEL OR APT. HOUSE. If you can qualify financially and otherwise, we will build you a new building on plans of your own, and give you a ten-year lease or longer, at rea sonable rental. See DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. THIS IS A BAR-GAIN. 12-room apartment with three kitch enettes, nice location, price $1700 ; rent only $32.50; net income $85 per month, with 8-room aparLment for yourselr, $1000 will handle. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., -335 ChnmhT of Commerce Bldg! WE HAVE OUTSIDE BUYERS WHO WANT THE FOLLOWING: Apartment, 40 to 60. modern. Apartment, 15 to 35, modern. Transient hotel, west ld"e. Grocery and housekeeping together AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY t ; O. 335 Chnm. of Com. B'.dy. THIS IS A MONEY MAKER. 20-room apt., good neighbornood, nicely furnished, good lease, clears $300 per month; price $3500, about half cash will handle. ; AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO., 335 Chamber of Commerce Bldff! ONE OF (NICK'S) SNAPS. 12 rooms, h k.. In wonderful location, fine home; always full; clearing $114 Now can easily make $10; $0O0 handle Full price only ffluoo. L343. I. E. SPENCER CO.. 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. " WHITE TEMPLE. Buy this lovely D-roorn home, all h. k. and net income of $70 besides your own apt. Excellent furniture, only $1100 to handle. We have others. O. A. PEARCE CO.." 616 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4S35 18 H. K. WHITE TEMPLE; $2S0O; $150 net; VERY GOOD. Ask for F. C. Mar shall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Abington Bldg. Main 1058. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. APARTMENT TiOUSE LEASE. $1600 cash handles 5-year lease on modern brick corner apartment house, unfurnished. " WESTERN BROKERAGE CO., 817 Northwestern Bunk Bldg. CLASSY hotel, 27 rooms, first-class furni ture and ,rug; steam heat, water In every room; must bs seen to be appreci ated; nets better than $400; $5000 wii: . handle, bal. terms. Fltzpatrick Bros. & Co., realtors, 167 11th st." Mar, 02. A NIFTY LITTLE PLACE. 11-room apartment, very close in; net Income $70 per month. Price $1100, half down, easy term,s. AUSTIN-O'LEARY REALTY CO.. 335 Chamber of Commerce Bid;?. 14 ROOMS Al! H. K. ; elec. lights, stove ,-heat; rent $60; full prica $1000. See Mr. Currie. J. W. GRUSSI. 31S Board of Trade. - Main 742. THOMSON & THOMSON, Realtors. Owner must sacrifice west side brick hotel modern, some private baths; good lease; clears about $500; $600 will handle. MR. TICE. 620 HENRY BLDG. $!750 itj H..K. ROOMS. A real snap, can be handled fflth $1000 down. In a very srood location on 5th st.; rent $50; leas; net income $165. 40t FAILING BLDG. BDWY. 6150. $550. WEST SIDE SNA P. $550. 8 rooms and bath, good furniture, neat and clean, close in; rent $3o; income $70 and 3-room apt.; Borne snap; no agents. 361 14rh st. Auto 521-64. FOR SALE Going east, will sacrifice nicely furnished housekeeping and room ing house; walking distance. $1050 cash or $750 terms. Deal with owner. . Steen 230 10tn at. T.OST ANT FOUND. PATENT leather handbag, crochet yoke, eve glasses and cards with name on. Call Sol 1 wood 3406. after 1 P. M. SILK umbrella. stel handle with silver Inlay; -full name engraved on handle. Telephone Tnhor H452: suitable reward. LOST On Washington between 13th and Broadway, a pair of tortoise t-hell rim gljisses; reward. Phone Mar. 555. LOST A package containing two pairs of black silk hose. Call Aut. 813-53. Re ward. BLACK silk umbrella, blown from 470 Clav at. Finder will receive reward. Phone Mar. 2104. LOST In Meier & Frank's, a purse con taining two diamond rings and currency. Reward. Phone 'labor fd'n LOST Thursday evening, black silk um brella with black crook handle, on Gjlsan near 10th. Call Bdwy. 2406. LOST Wednesday evening; string of pearl beads. Finder phone Bdwy. 1494. Reward I LOST Thursday morning, coin purse con ; mining keys and small change. Call 1 Wood law n 6445. , LOST Leather case of F. N. Clark & Co., lost. Reward. Main 7S12. LOST A Delta Gamma pin. gold anchor set with diamond. Main 3S02. HER PALS A SHRIEK BY CLIFF STERRETT LOST AND FOl'M).. 1HE FOLLOWING articles were found on cars of the P. R . L. & P. Co.. Nov. 30: 16 umbrellas, 6 lunch boxes, 2 purses, 6 packages. 1 suitcase. handkerchief. 8 pairs gloves, 2 "gle gloves, 3 books. 2 ralncapes. can alcohol. 1 pair rubbers. Corona typewrite, bucket tar. flashlight, J-wel bo, music role. Owners may ob tain property Klrst ann Aioer w ijOST A billfoldtr containing valuable papers and money between 13th and Washington in route to Yamhill aryi West Park Wu". split money with finder B. F. Hurld, 1?; West Park. . LOST By working girl, Wednesday, be tween 6 and 7 P. M.. near Union and Russell, small black pinseal purse. Finder please call East 3046 after 6:30 P. M. Pe vi ard. $5 REWARD for recovery of medium sized black male dog, white on breast, tip of tall and on four paws. Answers to name of Tip. Sell. 1490. 474 E. 10th st . TEN DOLLARS regard for the arrest and conviction of pa.-ty who stole one Mexi can dir, freckle' no hair. C. E. W.ood, 921 Prom., Seaside. Or. LOST 1 gray suede glove, man's, between Broadway telephone office and 2d and Alder; finder please leave at Brink's Phnrmncv. 460 I OST Nov. 29, at 8 A. M. string of pearl beads, plain gold clasp, on Fulton car trippe.- 1, or Sunnyside car to Broadway; rewarl Call Main 7060, Rfter 6 P. M. LOST FROM 300 E. 75th N.. my little fox .terrier, marked white, black and jtan; named Fritx. Return to above ad dress. Phon Tabor 10. Rewa rd. LOST String of small pearls in down town shopping district. Finder will re ceive liberal reward by phoning East 3 Vti4 LOST Swiss wris watch with black rib bon, containing 12 chipped diamonds, platinum setting' liberal reward. Main 67S4. LOST Vanity case containing eye glasses with case, ft book car tickets and coin purse. Lost Saturday. Reward. Phone 31 a in 111" LOST Bv working girl, around Board of Trade bldg., small leather purse contain- ing anour S40. fan wain, av.'i. LOST In downtown district, light shell rim glasses In black case. Call M. 6550 or 20 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. LOST $40 in currency between 4th and 5th on Wash. Reward'if returned to 1216 Fnnldmg bldg. LOST A black fur collar on 13ta and B d well ave.. Tues. evening about 10:30. Finder please call Wondiawn 2137. LOST Nov. ao. lady's gOid watch, bet. 2d and Alder and E. 20th and Morrison on PS or Mt. Tnhor car: reward. E:ist T'.'t. LOST Shrine pin set with diamonds, in downtown dis.rct, or at Multnomah hotel ; liberal -cward. Main 16. LOST Gamma Phi Beta eorority pin; dia mond setttng. Call Ea-t 2357. Reward. LOST Thoroughbred alredale, female. Re ward. F;t 64:3. LOST Purse containing about $45, down town district. Auto. 531-50. Reward. FINANCIAL. DO YOU NEED MONEY. AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS. VICTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts we will pay them up and advance you more money if needed. We make a specialty of these loans and leave' the security in your possession and you can repay us in small monthly payments. WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notes. Rates reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed.) S06-3O7 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 32S6. B. W. Cor Third and Washington. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOTJ BUY OR FELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE 'MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEAS E YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. MORTGAGES. a WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR & GRAY, MAIN 35. 102 FOURTH ST. HAVE several good small notes, total of about $2100; w ill 'discount all or part to yield purchaser 10. Call 902 Spalding building. rOR SALE 0 snares Motor Loan Associa tion stock; sacr lice account of sickness. F 275, On-gonla -. WE BUY first Ai second mortgages and sellers' contract. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 210 Chamber o' Com. bldg. Main 3026. CASH paid tor mortggi ana sellers' con tracts on rea.1 esute :. Washington. Ore- gon. H. fi. Noble. 316 Lumhermens bldg. HAVE $2500 first mortgage payable In less than 10 months, drawing 8 per cent; ...111 J n. 1, Q'tHI TO BUY or sell, any good securities or make loans. See Le Davenport. 611 Buchanan bldg. WILL buy smaller sellers' contract or sec ond mortgage. Gordon, 631 Cham, of Com. bldg BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewis 713 Lewis bldg.. 4th and Oak sts. Money to Loan on Real K state. MORTGAGE LOANS. tpd City Property . 61 and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount low rates, promptly closed. Attract' ve repayment privilege A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W Bnl B!dg. Mar. 4114. $::00, $400, $500. f.700. $1000. $1200. $1500, $2000 and up; lowest rates, quick action Pay off $100 or more at any interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co., 631 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS on improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privilege, no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. Ltd. 800 Piatt Bldg. Main 6371. MORTGAGE loans in sums to suit; city farm tr suturban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. W I LLIAM O. BECK, 215 Falling Bldg $1000 $15U) $2000 $ii500 $3000. NO DELAY. Wo are loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON, 615 Cham, of Com. Bldg. $2500, $3000, $5000 and $10,000 jwaltlng for you at 7 per cent imp. city proptrty. n 269, Oregonlan. PLENTY jf money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent ;f security la ample. Edw. if. Man, iio LnamDPr er commerce. I HONEY to loan or real estate security at J poln rate of rterest. Otto & Harkson j rieauy -o., 11.1 naiiio'T ui bummeree. $200, $4U0, (a00, (7A0 $1U00 AND UP Low rates, quic action, rrea w. tier man Co., 732 Ctiamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K. K Baxter. Spalding bid?. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon A Co.. Rail. Exch. Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. 0t -MORTGAGE Co. 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. MONEY to loan on residence or businuaa property. Bdwy j35. (ju.ihmi djv ide. (moo, (iroo. $;:ooo. f".-Q0, $10. 0"Q. ?1".0h0. East 7o04. (200 000, DIVIDE. $10,000, $ l."".no0, (2o, 0O0, (oO.OOO, (100.0(H). East 7.".04. FINANCIAL. .Money to l.can n Itcat Ktato. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENCE LOANS. 6 PER CENT. Five-year period repayment; privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; w;il loan 60 pr cent, of the. value of your home; only small monthly payment required wib Interest; you may pa more or all on the first of each month; no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. 0l PER CENT Five-year perloJ repayment privilege. BR ICE MORTGAGE CO., Portland mortgage correspondent the Prudential Insurance Co. of A merica. 1210-1217 Yeon B:dg . Main MS. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residences, apartment houses and other income real estate. Pay here. ANY AMOUNT. ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Other tunds also, aa for the past 14 years, especially In LA RG E AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY COMPANY, United States Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Willamette valley farms. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment privilege. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third St., Portland. Or. ' SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monthly payments; pay as you can; sums to bu',; contracts, second mort gages bought. 725 disco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CE LLA K S - M V R TO N CO. WE HAVE funds Availuble for good resit dence loans; also insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO., Mnin 2VU. Wilcox B'dg. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan at lowest current lates on Willamette val ley farms; no commission, no delays. DE V ERE A UX M 1 RT 5 A G K CO., til S'xth st.. Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm or ci'y property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv ilege. Lowes' rates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. SO FOURTH ST.. PorUand. Or. JlORTuAdE LuANS in any amount at lowest rates on city or country property. Prompt ani helpful- eervice. B. LEE PAGET. Realtor. B22 "orbett B.dg. Main 62.10. $500, 91000 AND apwf.rd on improved real estate; favorao'.e terms, no delay, no bmkorake John Bain. 50 1 j-p.iM:r.g Mrtif Money to f.uun Chattel and tmiarie. SALARY" L 'ANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY, short mtn. to salaried or working Tn ou thei awn nut us; weekly, Mil lionth ly or monthly payments. Each tT nsaction f-trlctly con fide ntial. liO MORTGAGE NO INDoRSER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also 1oii on hou&ehuld good psnoa, etc. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, (licensed. ) 218 I- AILING BLDG. CALL AND INVESTIGATE- MONEY TO LOAN. Money luaded on household goods or nerchandise placed In storage wuh ua at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE &. TRANSFER CO.. Fourth at Pine Street. Opposite Multnomah HotoL Phone Broadway 37 15. DAN MARX & CO.. 3L Washington at. near 0th at.; established over 35 years; only high-class jewelry state in city with loan department in connection ; private room for ladies; business ttrictly con fidential ; under state suporv itom ; all articles held one year; do business with an old-establisued firm. MONEY to loan on aiamomis and Jewelry, confidential service; Kovernment licensed and bonded brokers. Zell Krui. Co. 2N3 Wash. at., between 4th and fith. Marshall "27 MONEY to luan , oiaiuouds, jewelry, etc. ; legal rale; articles held one year. Vlnea Jeweler, corner 3d Htiil Washington. Loans v anted. FRANK L, McGUIRE. with hla yeara of experience and expert knowledge of values, is In a position to safeguard your every interest in local 1 rig your money, Hundreds of applications for loans. Of rice 01 personal service. Let us loan your money. See J. LoKle Richardson, manager of loan department. Abinttoa bldg. Main 10". i. MAKE your t-avings earn K per cent net; client wants long mortgage loan of $:ioo. f3au, $400, $."m, $:t;o and up on im proved real estate; let us &nw you these properties. Fred W. German Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Tu borrow $2000 at lKr for 0 months to 1 year. Security Is a first mortgage of $.I,o0 running 3 yrs. on an Improved farm of lti acres on Pacific highway, all highly cultivated, valued at $sihh. AN 204. Oregonian. WANT $1000 lor 3 years at 8 per cent; 5 room house, 3 years old, full plumbing, lot 7oxluo. Fred VV. German Co., 732 Chnm tier of CotHmerce. WANT to loan J.Voo, 3 to 5 years, city or suh'irns. .Main 4o". (3O00 ON MY new 8 -room modern home, Irvlngton. R 2ti1, QregonlRii. WANT loan of $;iUoo on in v tile and brick building, value j'.mno. ; l.'il. Oregonlan. IF YoU have money to loan call Columbia 123. WANTED $."000 loan 011 house and acre h ge. A V OtWM. oretrnnln n. WANT JTimmj 0:1 (20,000 Laurelhurst home. 7 per cent. Phone East llo-S. (Too WANTED Fine lH)xlu0 corner, Hose City Park, at 8 per cent. Tnhor 'j.".Vt. SEE OREGON INV MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG . PERSON A I.. EXPERIENCED nurse gives mineral steam baths and scientific body massage., also Sundays. 322 Flledner bldg., loth nnd Washington sts. lT-O-NET liweutit body massage. Radiant light, Violet R.iv treatments for colds, sciatica, neuriti. circulation: 10 to S dail y. 450 M or g an bIJ g. Ma 1 n7 5 7 9. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and ARCH SPLST., who doesn't hurt you; 8 yra. here; exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th & Wash. Bdy. 221. PEGGY PAIGE dresses for street or pa.ty very specially priced. $30. ".O; very pe clally priced for quick suliliijj at Petcr- s o n s 1 p-Mtnira store. FUR-TKIMM ED coats of exceptional value, muterlnls best tvle iun lars nt Peterson's Up-Stairs Ptorft. FEBVET 11ANEBUT. leading wig and toupe makers; permanent marcel and water waving. S 10 Alder. Main 54B. KILLED nurses fflve VR-o-net, steam, ehowcr, bath ami massage. 705 Dekum hj-lpr. uron'nvav a i n MASSAGE FOR Ll'M BAGo. LTC. 4l." Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4rh and 5th sts. Also Sundajs and evenings. MASSAGE, bath, rheumatism, consupa lion. Kiun'j--. ""tu r.-r. Lr Sorensen. ."'a minium mo .vi at n ."iOst( PILLS can be pernian.-ntly cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, bec h nH Morrison. REJUVENATE your tired and nervous body baa scientitlc massage. ir. Ovidla Lars'-n. 03 -Morgan DKig Main 1'MW SULPHUR steam baths, massage. vlot ray. Hours. 10 to H. 42H Clay. Main M.Vt LADIES- HOM E JOURNAL subscription agent, W. C. Dnlle, 24 1 13:h st. Main t(2s7 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently re- nioveo. ."'1 r'Wfiiiinu 01 oy. .Main I .JOS PROSTATE trouble cured without opera tion. Dr. R. A. Philips. Bdwy. bids;. PK usowi.. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, rone therapy or con ductive a nest In si. u Without ti itiK r or after effects. Uo pcri'01 :n all denial op erations without pain. Come In and let us prove it to juu. X-ray work, DR. A. W. K !- K X E. DR. K J. K IESEN DAHL. Above M.Q. si; th e .a r. lit. ;-M W;th. PSYCHO LuC.Y. Ind out you were meant to do and iturt to i-j It. The ti;ot iir. p ! tan t thing n the wur.d to you is Y l USE LF, Human analys.i- hh given by Mrs. Anna bel M.tlont- at the Multnomah hotel de termines the work ou hie fitted for. You were porn Lo be a success at some thing. Find out what it is A 15-minute interview i e by appointment oniy, r Phone ProH'lWiy 400. RAG AND J.;:. in 10 lessons gu,t ran 1 eed. Beginners play a late popular wng m 3 lesi-ons cr no charge. A-ivamed earn all kinds of I flsir.c-s p.ayhiK, U'v hiaquo thor oughly taUKht. Free piaelice m.niis; or. iy bik cvssful -. hool or the- kind ill Port-, land. EmatMsiiod ral-kcr Piano School, ,'.11 K.iLi'j Li.lg., Waati. ut 4UU Main Oil IKoPK A TiC u.U.n.sineui.s, m.i.-.-aKe un der medical Mjpi r ; t;raUialc ehl ropodst. man: cur 1.-1, taee, t-- aip. r at nients. superfluous hair p rmaiu ntiy re moved ; open Similays and e itu;; re moved from 210 Al.sK y hblg. to Iul Dekum hid , ad at'.'i WnMii-mtoti, ' LA I lKS ' TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER Is a soot li lng. cleans: tig. healing ki inicM- and invigorating douche ; a great uui in, female disorder; 5ti: and l iu.r box. Port i:i rd Hotel J 'h :i r : na c y. 1'it. Nr.T'I'lK lil-.N.M'.N, J. 1'.. 11,. n- eral G-am tHlhs. taut iin.i co.J slower,, Bcli-ntific liiuj-u'e, t''..'(Hr!c;il, vi -N t my and vllal tri'iilnu'lit, lor liulll a.o traction trentim-nts for tame bacii 711 Sw.'thim! M :i In PILES l'l'JUM ANENT I.rKul KUarantic Kiwn. N-j Ii.'r f kn.iV. no pain. t'oiiluuK! worn, a.-k ia ate ilc-n-nis 1 1 ..'al rn- Ml. N'.rtlMTii l'ac'lflu I'hcy, It.l ami Mnr:!-n lvrtvina . lloli l l'li. y., .'.Ill a n.l Va!nm-t-n 1 1 u u o i . i: t-s fn vVi i 'Van. N'tvous uii'l ilinmic ill, a- a rlaity. It other, have fa.;, a. ! n"t t. diacuuraii.'d. but Kive mo a iriii. lr. A. la N. Siott. office 117 bwi't.ana b.iij. H'Hiri 10 t.i 5. tlVlllXi. .11 ii. rail! UK li.l.r. .l7y i.r nl.y" dandruff I'uicil. hair ilrcs-nnir. nil i mi.u. Inir, fai-ialt. ni.i nU'iin .s : i.j n fx-ii.imi; e i . I or i-Ml.K'ii' lal ..rk. I., tly Jaao ivmfn't Sli"!' M:tln Xil'AS Sl'lliil-.M h N. r!uy h r a fur. l'rai huh f-r. buy. Injf flucrt hf-ro. A lit p.mlt ivll! IntUl until watiti'.i. The Kur Miop. 111:. i;!., rs !. ug.. Wash. 4 f. .V h -'-. V i n t I .' I ATTKNTH..N. .l KX AMI Wi-MK.n: ink" V'.ur i.l.'ain bail..-, n...-- n;. , nn.l ' clilrnpraelit' iri.itm.'iil li,.:n I i . Alar guft Unyn.o. J-''af' ': ''': UK. I.til' nV;'i.1:i. ti.a;a ru. urn it '.Mm, lumbana; viott ric buink.-t, vi l.i a t . . r . mas- am1, bath: ay-lsl ltit. Mti 1' un.b.a (.tr..1!. r."ar 17ih fri-i't. t n ' n ii J.N I'J li A I. Mt am It.itlis. !).! tT if.ti tbtTr t.ri, i-cl. ittilic an. I Sa..l;-ii ina-.-.n. nurse a-.-.jtuinl, :IJJ 1' lu.llur L I tl . . luiil Rlitl Wa - h in i-" .tn -1-. iL' I'l . Ui- '.A'ij I' .- u. til. !..i.l.-s, viiirlj rc lin.Vf.i bv lli-nt-.-.i it. n-:!..!; Ir.a. fr.-t). .last. Kim, y. .M l II. i-l. A I. in.- M.i .11 H .a. -I. jITki-i'oTl ai. y .1.1MI..; ran., r I I..U to Ml. fnl'y '-'"T Ni.-lv.y I.Mi:. ilAft.-Alll'. an.l ha ill. .M.vd i. A. Shan.', .M:iln 1 la I'll 1 M Kl A TiALAl. t.. im. r.y ..illttl ila!i of !' si I ;i;ii. L!-!:i. iin.rniiii: i.SN 1' Ton., link i.r llariy ..t o Vl.TiTk. c; turn l.i.ii;. LKAhN It.loJ Uatlf I'l. turn. M.itlam. t'urt.i .iiiUH, i.t.iuty cui . Alarnllall JIui sri""i i. Mirii Ki NOTll'K UK I- .t HAN. IK. II 1 1 Vl'.'.l. CKi'Aiii MOT uk Tiir; i.N'i i; L'NITICU bl'ATKS l.A.NH uKUUK. H,... I.uii, Ur. K"i. Nou uilit-r b, 131-1. Notlet. Ik h.-iyuy t;lv.n that Iho Uun can and Hrrwar I. u.liil.any, of luluth. county of t-a.i.t la.ui.-, stale of Jlllintnitti. lias IlltU in llu olli.t. Its application to, Scni N-i. ullTtl.i, under tlio provi:.-.m oi tin' atit of oun gif. ai.provvd .May 31. liUfl H aiat., ;.'.3l. and the lynu.atlt.l.a t lie r. unilfr !' proved July 17. 1H1S Ull I.. U.. -!. tl. ti'i of oec. 1... ICVs. Mi ( XW, ti'n SVVVi and X W SV ,. .U' C. 17. ail of Sec. 111. -N'n, K'-a sKi. NW Vi SK . NKU 61V1,, and W y Wii .'C 1, 1 p. 11.1 b... It. 1U W.. Win. M. r. Any lihil ail ' cluinui. atli ursa !y the lantla de torlbed, or deslriiiu to object b..t'au..e of the mineral cl.aiaciur of the land, or lur any other i.a-on. to the di.-pot-al to the app.icaut .nouid tile their atfl dHVlls ot protect lu thia ofilt-o without delay. W. II. CAXXON, RtfrlstPr. First day of initili. utl.m, -Nov. -tl, I'.l'il. Jjai:t day of hat ;..n. !.'' -tl. 1 U IK . 1. 1UJI l haw i-iinllax-.l tio.'try. M llilh t. S.. li. I-. Hi.alioiiKll. All bilU must bo'iit. .l to Liakim, ;U,i foucli b.tiK., 0 ilulH Hum date. Cal li. Smith. l'roliit.:ilw luvilfl. StAIJ-Ll III US will Lit l.c-ned at lht office of tlie unil.-rniKn.-.l, 4..1 ( uurthoiiita, I'orlland. ur. son. until 7:nt) I. M.. lJ cetiiber 7, 111. tor ;aie anti ct.nipo.-itioa biackboaids lor various fcchn.'-, I'orl land, Lirt-iion. llnla vwll be op- nt d at a mrctins 1 the board lo be held In room a4 Courthouse ut S :uu 1". M., tho uml day. . Spnciycatlons may bp obtalnt-d at th5 oftioe ol the So pe r in ten lien t of l'mpt-r-tie. Old KuilliiK school. I'll at and I'orter treeta. I'ortiand, urcr,on. A certllud chfck lor ten pr cnt l(l'"r) of the amount of tin' propma!, pavable -o K. li. Thomiis. School Cl.iK ati.l!.- Manager, mu.-l accompany each propo.-ul. The Hoanl ol reserves the rliiht to reject any ur all is'.'"nrd) n. II. TIIUMAS. School Clerk and llusincss Alauatcr. l.aictl Xo cml.T I'M. l'1-! SrJAl.liU bios will be received at 111 otilce of the u ntler.-l H nt l. 4ul Court llouKe I'ortlantl, Ur.. ultll I 1". M., l"c. 7 liul for diploma ciMt-rs for various achuula.' l'orllauil. Ur. HI. Is will bo opt'netl at a meetir.s nf the board uf ill rectors In rot.m Ut'l Cuui ihou.e, at 7 1. 11. the itnii. day. Specifications may bo flhtft.rr.rd ot trift office of ihf Su.. rlnten.leiit of l'rop nrtles. old KailihH school. First and Porter Bis., To. t land, Ur. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the payable, to It 11. Thomas, toltoul clerk and busi ness munuK r. inuat accompany eactt proposal. 'I'he boartl of re serves the rlyht to reject any or all bid. (SlKtled) It. H. THU.M.VS, Kchool Clerk antl Iluiuess Muhuiier. Patetl November '.l. 1HJI. SKALW llll'S Will be received ttl thft offlcj of Hie 4ul Ci.urt- houso. l'ortlan.1. ur.'S until 7:01 l Al.. liuri'illliir 7, l'.i'A. lor common b.'lok t..r School lilstrlet Xo. I. M u 1 1 i.oiiiuh County, orcKon. I"'1" '"' opened at a meet. Inn uf the beard to be held in room :in4, .'..urinous,., at 7:' 1'. M.. the sa lie (lay. SpeCilicatioiiK may be ol.taiiu il al thft oflice ot the Sup. iin'en. lent ..t l'topt r- tles. Old Kaiiiiu: Mel I, Kust and l'orier streets. I'ornan.l, urenoii. A certilitd check It.r ten p-r cent of the amount ol thu propo.ii. l'ii'ali. to It. H. Tboma, School I'.t rk u:. l ilnsltiesft Milliat r. luu t accompany each piopi.-al. Tnu Hoard ot Interiors re.-crves luo lllilit lo reject any or all bid.--. tSUnedl H. II. THOMAS. Scliool I'lerk aril A.t r.iii:cr: WANT to. nil ..unit to ban. Me iioo.) ytift. earl h ni'iivi ; nui. i no. Aiii Nlinp.ii -Nul'ICK oi' Ai ( 'I I X S.W.K. A sale of lllirl .leen pistintc of watches, d kodak, typewriters, e' :vM stark street. I'm-: i. .1 pletit;. s, con Jewelry, .. w ill be hoid at la nd, ( .rt on, on lli.'l. Sale start- Tuesday. IK'cember 1, In at ID A. M. Artlcl to be sold resented by pi.'dKe niiml.eis c.i'-'-. i . s"s. 7:tn7, H'-'llS. Hill, !' I". e .li'.', h.'.S, Ks'17, !'"14, !'1"1, bill', it:isn. !mu;i. bbt'.s. ik.'.ii. ns7, 4 11, lllil, 7soit Mi;i:i bJitl, ICCiJ, li;ioT, mi.'is, 10o:!.L l".:,. nxii i. luul.V lo"'-"-'. ltlilll). lhll.-.S. llltMi.l, lo'ls4, li'o'.tll, loll.l, lti:i i. lo: ii. l'lll.l 10J4.-1, HlolS, lull-'. 111141 l.cjoll. lll'-'lo. M-liil, lii;:a.'., l.Ci'.ul, ioi:.7, lo'JTtl, liiJH'l. 1 1 ia l m.i.-.j. 1IM4 I, JOIST, J.I.-.S4. o.i.':i. in i 1 1. lu;.i7, ltMUU, 1U407, liiiitin. iu:i lh4 III, 1IM loli.j. I040 lii4ti:t. lll4'.Ml, 1" 1(1. lo.'.L'L', lottit. iini'-tn. 10.VH, J'T.s ttllithl, 1U77II, l7s:i. lllMlll, itl'.ll 1. ltiT'J... 11...-'. 1'I7,.3, to. til, to, III, 1U772, 107711. I'l Jllisj. 12. IOSL'1. 107l'tl, 1070.-.. Itl7!l!, Ills jos-cj, liissi, inv.i lo;t.".s, 10'.t74. lo.tsj. 1 '. 1 o..i:i;, 1 OHMt, 11007, llol 110J7, Hull. 1 101.1, 1 ions, ) l'-'vi. i';i7 4.,, 11117. 11141. limn, 11:11:'.. 11407, iii-ii. 1107U. llo.'.l, ll'ipo 11 1 .'. 1 . 111S7, ll'J'.'tl, 11:1 hi. li:i:.s, 11:1.1 1 1'. 1 14 Id, ii4:.:i, 114.V1, 1147 1 1 ..o , 1 1 ::, ll.'.si. ll.'.Sa. 1 l.MI't, 11.V.IS, 1 1777, 11, si'.."., 1 11(01. lL'or.o. l-'UitA. 1 -J 1 11:1, 1102. l-'L'll. U'.'sl. ll.'.iiS, 1 1 .''(i'l, I Mils', ll still', liA'ds! J-'ltH. 1 L'1K4. lULM, VJ-'S.l, 1 1 .w t. 1 1 :4 s, 11A7S, 1171.1. 11.V17. llaNO, 11. -.7 1. 1171'' 117:i. 11771, 11 1 1 7 II. 1 lis", limn, lii'iii. 111(47, 110..1. 1-tKI, I'JOO'I, 1JU11I. 1- U'o.'.:i. 1 j 1 1 s, 1 -Ol.ll, UlL'il. I'JOKS, l'ju'.'l. UliiJ, 1'Jls-. l-'4tl, U'Jsi), 1L"JIS, 1 J 14 1, IV 10. 1 Willi. lVVO'.l. 1V-'K7. lv:i:i7. lV.lsl, 1V4VU, 1V4.M. 1V.-.07, lV.-.lia, lVIIOit. 1VIIAV, lVils'J. 1V7:14. 1V7(17. IVsoS, lVsill. lllKll.l. 1J174, 1J 1 Tsi, 1J 1J 11- :-' t -! l-'.fi.l. U'.'s l-'so. K'310, il;j4(). l'j:t;n. i:.':t:ia, U':i.-.,i, 1L'.K'.7, lL'.'i:'.'. lj;u. I'.'lOa. K'ltMi. ll H 1 V 1 1 it. U'4 l''4'.'ll, lL'll'C), 12.'.l:i, IIMIIO, l-'l:ll, IV 147. lJ4f.ll, IL'ati'.l, Iv 1: 1: .01, Ivr.o.N, .V7. lv:.:ii). lv'.-is. l'J.-i 1 7. U'.-.ul, ivr.o.-,. lvo:i7, 1V'C.('.S, 1VT04. 1 '-'.'.' 7, I'Jtl HI, IV I17H, 1V71V. V7('.."i. IVS01, 1VSVI, IVtl'Jll. IV" IVlell, lVtiltV, 1V70.1. 1VHA4. 1:M:.7, lVOOS, 1V74S. 1V770. 1V(1'..(1. lVT.'.O, 1V7.-.V. 1 IV l'J77d. 1V7U0, IVSll), 1VS1V, lVSli'J, lVlbSO, lVM'.l, 1VSV 1VS04,, lVioClo, . i'ORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION. C. Myers H.-rrrnan. Manager. JOHN T. WILSON, Auctioneer, i'irit pabllcatluQ. tuvv.iuLitr 10, 1021,