TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1921 a GREAT FRENCH WAR HERO, NOW IN PORTLAND, AND HEAD OF AMERICAN LEGION WHO ACCOMPANIES HIM ON TOUR OF AMERICA. Study of Strategy Begun Many Years Ago. Millions in America Extend Warm Welcome,- WAR COLLEGE POST WON OLD COMRADES VISITED Allied Leader XVho Served In Con flict of 1870 Jjong Determined to Triumph Oyer Germans. Marshal Shakes Hands With 50,000 and Receives 1 7 Degrees From American Colleges. FOGH IS AGCLAIIVIED FOCH RISES RAPIDLY j :! IN MILITARY WORLD r : , AS GREATEST HERO Marshal Foch arrived in America on October 28, greeted with such ac claim at has never been given to a foreign visitor, save to his country man, Lafayette, when that hero and ally of the revolution revisited his beloved America. Since his arrival the marshal has toured America as he wished to, meeting- his former comrades of the allied cause and greeting. It is estimated, no less than 4.000,000 Foch enthusiasts, while at least 40,000,000 have hailed him. He has. the conscientious statistician FEATI'RES IS VISIT OF MAR SHAL, FOCH TODAY. 9 A. M. Reception commilttee meets French marshal at Union station. 9:15 A. M. Parade through downtown streets to Multnomah hotel. Line of march Sixth south to Morrison, east to Fourth, north to Multnomah hotel. 10:15 Party leaves for trip out highway. Inspection of school children en route. 12 M. Luncheon at some highway chalet. 6 P. M. Banquet at Multno mah hotel. 8 P. M. Mass meeting and re ception at armory. estimates, shaken hands at least 60 000 times and received 17 degrees of LL.D. from American colleges. Gold, plate and jewels hsve been given him, and the diversity of presents ranges from these to a carton of Missouri corn-cob pipes for the marshal of France likes a well tamped bowl and the glow and savor of stout tobacco. Mnrsbal Review Veterans. Leaving New York on October 29, the Foch special proceeded to Wash ington and Kansas City, at which latter city Marshal Foch participated In the American Legion parade and reviewed the veterans who served under him. On November 11, at Washington, the first soldier of France paid his tribue to the im mortal unknown who died for Amer ica.' and whose body rests In Arling ton cemetery. Since November 28 he has been on the western trip, mak ing his genial and applauded schedule through Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Idaho and Washing ton. Now he has come to Oregon, where the warmth of his welcome Is not lessened because the tour draws near to an end. Leaving Portland at 11 o'clock to night the Foch special will proceed to ban Francisco, arriving there at 9:30 Saturday morning. Sunday will be spenp In Los Angeles, and the fol lowing day on a visit to the Grand canyon. He will arrive at Houston. Tex., on Wednesday of next week, at New Orleans on Thursday, December 8, and will tour through Alabama, Georgia, South and North Carolina the following day. Returning to Washington on Saturday, December 10, he will visit West Point on the same day. Marshnl to Rail December 28. At the conclusion of the American tour he will have traveled for 47 days, and when on December 28 he boards the Paris again and watches the shore line dim and recede one Imagines that this soldier of France and of the would will carry with him an understanding of the American spirit, and a knowledge that he Is at home in the heart of America. He will have met the Americans, no longer tense with war, but in the midst of their everyday occupat'on and the Americans, whose earnest wish It was, will have become ac quaintances of the splendid old fighter and tactician who believed that de feat was but the prelude to victory, and who challenged the courage of civilization when he said, at the first battle of the Marne: "My center Is giving way, my right la falling back; the situation is ex cellent. I shall attack." TOCn ACCLAIMED IX BEATTLE Marshal Slakes Two Addresses, Re ceives Degree and Reviews Parade. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. 80. Mar shal Foch reviewed a parade of men who fought under him in France, de-I liverea two puDijc aaaresses, re ceived the degree of doctor of laws from the University of Washington and mad an automobile tour of the city, all in the space of five hours, hers today. Cheering thousands lined the utreets along the entire six-mile route to the University of Washington. At Lincoln Park playfield, Seattle's French colony . had gathered and thore the marshal received from the hands of a tiny Alsatian girl a wreath of flowers and witnessed the unveil ing of a bust of himself, presented by French residents to the city. After a private luncheon, the mar shal addressed a mass meeting, toured Seattle's boulevards and headed the parade which he later reviewed. He left for Tacoma at 2:30. Han ford MacNIder, national com mander of the American Legion, who is accompanying Marshal Foch, dodged several of the elaborate cere monies prepared for the allied gen eralLislmo hero to visit disahled vet erans in hospitals. "Mr. MacXider was accompanied by C. n. Cunningham, slate legion commander. In the parade, led and later re newed by Marshal Foch, marched troops from Fort Lawton. a battalion of bluejackets from the United States steamship Tenne.wce, national guard troops, the reserve officers' training corps at the University of Washing ton, veterans of the Spanish and world wars. Practically every ex service man in the parade was in uni form. A guard of honor, composed of veterans decorated with the medal of honor or distinguished service cross, walked beside the marshal's limousine. The city was decorated with a mass of bunting in which the tricolor of France predominated. French. British and American . uni forms mir.gleds as the allied veterans appeared garbed as they had fought. Chehalis Honors Foch. CHEHALIS. Wash.. Nov. 30. (Spe cial.) A great portion of the popu lation of Chehalis went to Centralis tonight to honor Marshal Foch and BSBBBSBBBBBSBBSBBeSBBBBBSSSSBBBnSSBaSBSSSSraBBSBBBPnfWSSSS .'''I? ... ' I - , '11 1 r v -V U UV . i 4? -i - " ' K 'x J J f 4 1 V'-. .. i; J i.-i f, . , ; t - ; . . . I r-4 . i. s- x--.t-' s- - .: . '- - . -; v -; . - 4 5 - , s - 1 - - t f v, " , . : 048 ..-;..: T, SSv. Ntvv , -s,"e&ta(, 1 ' sr , '(. - . ji -X , , ' V ' XSINA VSSSBSBSBVBCBSBBlSMSSBBBSBSIBaBSBSS if " x - -' ' K I ''f-J 1 vAi-' . ' " I y Vr''' jyl!. Sly JTrjrert JKreA'rat'r; jVZrS?j?z2' C?jr France. In addition to the large local attendance at the big reception to- Foch, hundreds of autos from east, south and west of Chehalis passed through here en route to Centralis for the occasion. Med ford Plans Demonstration. MEDFORD, Or.. Nov. 30. (Special.) On receip-of information here to would make a five-minute stop in day that Marshal Foch and his party Medford. at 8 : -SO Friday morning while en route from Portland to San Fran cisco, the local American Legion post and chamber of commerce officers at once began preparations for a' great reception and demonstration. One of the greatest throngs ever assmbled In the Rogue river valley will greet the world hero, comtr.g from Grants Pass, Ashland. Phoenix, Talent. Jackson ville, Gold Hill. Central Point. Eagle Point, Butts Falls and northern Cali fornia points. CITY WELCOMES FOCH (Continued From First fuga.) In this way it will be possible to seat 700 guests. Nearly 450 reservations had been made up to yesterday after noon, and It was anticipated that there will be fully 700 persons pres ent. Guests havs been asked to be present about shortly before 6, so that they may be seated promptly. There will be an address by Mar shal Foch at the banquet in addition to speeches by Governor Olcott and Mayor .Baker and others. A feature will be the presentation of a beautiful floral piece of Oregon roses by the Portland Rose society. The piece will be presented by Miss Anne Dempsey and Miss Anna, L. KlageL two girls who served overseas as army nurses. The floral piece was prepared yesterday by H. J. Blaesing, president of the Portland Rose so ciety, and Jesse Currey. It will be displayed this afternoon previous to the banquet in the window of Clarke Bros., Morrison street near Fifth street. A reception and mass meeting will follow at 8 o'clock In the armory, where the famous war hero will ad dress his former comrades. Tickets to the banquet will also admit the bearer to the mass meeting. Veterans in uniform or with the membership card of the American Legion will be admitted to the lower floor at the mass meeting, the gen eral public taking the balcony. A) 10 o'clock the marshal will retire again to his private car. During the absence of Marshal Foch out the highway National Com mander MacNIder will hold 'confer ences with American Legion officials in legion headquarters at Sixth and Pine streets. The officers of about 50 posts of the state In addition to state officials are expected to be In Portland for this conference. Count de Chambrun, who Is tour ing the country with Marshal Foch, is a great-grandson of Marquis de LaFayette, who did such noble serv ice for the colonies during the Revo lutionary war. The personnel of Marshal Foch's party includes: Count de Chambrun. General Pesticker, Major de Mierry, Captain Lhopital, Dr. Andre, Colonel Frank Parker, Lieutenant de Soubey ran. Miles McCahill of the United States secret service. Traveling with National Command er MncNlder are: Alton T. Roberts, Franklin D'OHer, Raymond O. Brack ett, Francis B. Drake, James A. Drain, D. John Markey, Leo A. Stafford, C. E. McCullough and J. M. Loughbor outrh. The American Legion yesterday Is sued a communication urging busi ness houses along the line of march to display flags today in honor of the visit of the marshal Former service men havs been asked to don their uniforms. Words having as many as ten dif ferent meanings are common in the Chinese language. In Samoa nearly all the babies are taught to swim by the time they ar 2 or 1 ysara old. MARSHAL FOCH IS AFFABLE, KINDLY, ELDERLY GENTLEMAN People, Average Human Nature and Little Amenities of Life Are Loved by General of France. w ONDER what a marshal of France thinks about? This paraphrase of a famous cartoonist's catch-line may well be occasioned when it is remembered that Marshal Ferdinand Foch, who is visiting Portland, is making a tour of 35 states in record-breaking time as the guest or the American Legion. Forty million persons will have seen him by the time he sails for France, December 14, on the Paris: thousands will have grasped his hand; the "Marseillaise" will have been rendered by hundreds of bands; scores of little girls with flowers will have been kissed; hundreds of pres ents, from the Montana wildcat to the Oregon rose, will have been pre sented. The statistics are positively staggering. itut what of the intimate side of Marshal Foch, greatest military lead er of modern times? What does he eat, smoke, comment, wear, say? Foch Kindly Old Gentleman. According 'to a member of the American Legion Foch entertainment committee. Marshal Foch Is essential ly a simple, affable, kindly, elderly gentleman, who knows war as a stu dent and hates It as a man; who loves people and average human nature and the little amenities of life. "I can now understand the great ness of your American soldTer," said the marshal in Washington, on com pletion of the first leg of his trip, "for I now havs seen his wife, his parents and his native land." The marshal frequently has ex pressed his gratitude at the recep tions given to him; nevertheless, it is characteristic of the man that he be lieves the honors are being bestowed through him on France. The legion offered to let the marshal bring along his own chef on the trip, but he re fused and eats the regular dining car meals what time he Is not partaking of banquet fried chicken. He is fond of thick soups and plain roasts. Pie has not yet won Its way into his con fidence but Ice cream has become a favorite. Curves' Briar Pipe Used. Marshal Foch is attached to a curved briar pipe that he loads with French tooacco. 'At formal affairs, the pipe of course gives way to a cigar. Throughout th trip, except on the occasion of the burial of the un known soldier In Arlington cemetery on Armistice day, Marshal Foch has worn the horizon-blue French field uniform.' On the one occasion hs wore a full dress uniform. He carries only two locker trunks with him on the train many an American major tried to take more Into the trenches. Marshal Foch is Insistent on plenty of reBt on the trip and his remarkable self-control is shown by the fact that he sleeps soundly despite the excite ments of the day. In Providence, R. I., he went from an afternoon speech to a quiet room and snatched ten minutes of slumber before start ing on a parade. He usually sleeps ten hours at night. Yes, the marshal shaves himself, using the old-fashioned straight-edge variety of razor and wielding it with out evidence of accident, no matter how sharp the curves may he. He has two orderlies with him but neither is a personal servant, in the Brltishsarmy sense of the word. I Prairies Win Admiration. His chief interests? People, in dustry, and again people. The great Homestead Steel works in Pennsyl vania elicited many questions from him but a majority of the questions concerned the workers In the mills; how they lived, what they were paid, how long they lasted. The prairies and the Immense distances of the west and northwest won his admira tion. .It will bs remembered that the marshal never before has traveled I outside of France; also, that this is his first holiday in years. Hanford MacNIder, national com mander of the American Legion, who is accompanying the marshal on his western trip, tells of Marshal Foch turning to him in St. Paul and saying: "It is not things I want to see, it Is the men, women and children. Es pecially the children, for there lies the future of America."' "This wonderful statement charac terizes the marshal's, visit to Amer ica," Mr. MacNIder continued. "He has come here to pay his respects to the men who served under him and to the great American nation, In which is mixed the blood of every country in the world. The marshal wants to see the American people In time of peace and, as a great soldier who hates war, to promote a real and just peace which will make future wars impos sible. "Marshal Foch represents to us not only his own country but every allied country whose armies fought under his command. It was France, Great Britain, Belgium. Italy and our other allies who, fighting for their very ex istence, held back the enemy while we, unprepared, strove to build our armies that we, too, might do our duty to civilisation. They are grate ful and do not forget that we did add the men and ships and material which, . inspired by the leadership of the great marshal, made victory pos sible. "The very presence of this man who commanded the greatest armies in history, our own men among them, will do more to inspire the American people and to bind together the great friendship of the allies than can be accomplished by any International agreements. To every American who served under his command, to every American who may see and hear him or even read his messages to our peo ple has come the realization of the high Integrity and fine, simple great ness of the man. To him goes at once our love and a silent pledge to do our part to carry out his deepest de sire a just peace and a safe peace for all the world." LITTLE GIRL GREETS FOCH Descendant of France's First Pres ident Hands Bouquet to Marshal. TACOMA, Wash., Nov. SO. (Spe cial.) When Marshall Ferdinand Foch stepped from his train in Ta coma this, afternoon he was greeted by Miss Nancy Thiers, young Tacoma girl, who Is the great-great-great-granddaughter of Louis Adolphe Thiers, first president of France. Miss Thiers passed a great bouquet of roses to the marshal, who smiled broadly and spoke in French, for the descendants of the great statesman could answer only in English. Thousands of Tacomaiu who had hoped to pack the Tacoma stadium this afternoon to welcome Marshal Foch were disappointed through a downpour of rain that transferred the ceremony to the national armory with a limited capacity of 3000 per sons. The otner thousands, however, surrounded the union station as the train pulled into the city and lined the streets through which the parade marched, greeting the distinguished French soldier with cheers' and wav ing hats and flags. In addition to his address, during which he expressed gratitude to Hugh Wallace of Tacoma, ex-ambassador to France, the feature of Marsha Foch's visit was the planting by him of a memorial tree in Wright park. The special train left Tacoma at 5 P. M., scheduled to reach Portland at 1:30 P. M., it being announced that the stop at Centralis., Wain., would bt surtailad to 10 minutes. The American public Is keen to know the details of the Foch career a career that brought him suddenly before the dark curtain of war as the leader of the allied hopes and generalissimo of the allied armies, with more than 6.000,000 men actually under his command on the western front. Though military men long had known of him and his ability, and though he had written his name across the page of conflict, to the world at large Foch was an instan taneous ' and inspirational figure with power that wholly eclipsed the might of Napoleon, of Hannibal, of Caesar and Alexander. He was born at Tarbes in the Pyrenees, 70 years ago October 2 The senior Foch was a civil service employe in humble circumstances, and the Foch family for generations had been wool dealers. He was third of a family of four, this destined marshal of France, and he attended the little local school at Tarbes. Thence he went to the College of St. Michel at St. Ktlenne, and evinced a remarkable aptitude for history and mathematics. In his 18th year young Ferdinand entered the College at St. Clement, at Metz. the famous pre paratory school for the Polytechnlqus and St. Cyr. . Officer Itisea Rapidly. War became an actuality to him when France and Prussia clashed In 1870. .but to his grief he saw no active service, though commissioned as a lieutenant in the fourth regi ment: Saddened by the French defeat he re-entered Metz, then Germany territory by conquest, and prepared for the Ecole Poyltechnique. Hln tests were satisfactorily passed and In 1S71 he entered the celebrated military school. In his second year of study he applied for entrance to the Ecole d'Appllcation at Fontaine bleau, whence had come a call for artillery and engineer officers. With the rank of second lieutenant he graduated in 1874 and was assigned to the 24th regiment, then stationed at Tarbes, his birthplace. From this period the rise of the ambitious young officer was rapid. In 1876 he finished fourth in his class at the School of Cavalry at Saumur, and in 1878 was commissioned as a captain in the tenth artillery regi ment at Rennes, where we wedded Mademoiselle Julie Bicnvenue. His studious application and ability di rected official attention toward him and he was soon summoned to Paris to enter the Ecole de Kuerre, or School of War, as a student. He graduated in 18S7, again fourth in his class, served for a short period on the divisional staff and returned to Paris in 1891 as a major attached to the general stall. Professorship Is Won. That goal of the French military expert, a membership on the faculty of the staff college, became his in 1805, when he was appointed asso ciate professor of strategy, winning promotion the following year to a lieutenant-colonelcy and a full pro fessorship. They are fond of saying in France today, and elsewhere, for that matter, that the soundness of his teaching was abundantly proved by his application of the same princi ples in battle 18 years later. In 1907 he was made a brigadier-general and a place on the general staff of the French army. The School of War was retrogressing and Premier Cle menceau, "Tiger of France," was casting about for a new head to the institution. It was to Foch that he offered the post. "Perhaps," suggested the future generalissimo, "you have not heard that my brother is a priest." "I don't care a d - - n about that." exploded the premier. You will make a good director that's all that I care." German Plunge Stayed. In 1911 General Foch left the war school and re-entered actual service as commander of a division and later of the 20th corps. He was on leave with his family when the pistol shot of Sarajevo roused a continent to war. He hastened back to his com mand, and the 20th corps was de tailed to protect the town of Nancy where, after years of waiting and incessant application, there came his opportunity to give answer for the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war. Joffre summoned him to the command of the ninth French army on the Marne. In the stress and tumult of the fighting he was told that his son and his son-in-law had given their lives for the tri color. But his immediate concern was to stay the German plunge toward Paris. Jn those September days it seemed that the Prussian boast was near to fulfillment. "My men are exhausted!" reported one of his generals. "So are the Germans." answered Foch. "You will attack." Allied Command Taken. From his record on this field there came to Foch the splendid recogni tion of appointment as grand com-mand-er of the legion of honor. He was given the task of co-ordinating the efforts of the French, British and Belgians between the Oise and the sea. To his tact and genius is ac credited the success of this important project. Thereafter he collaborated with the British command in the bat tle of the Somme and served as tactical advisor to Joffre. being made chief of staff in May. 1917. His mission to Italy followed in September, when he induced the Italians to maintain their stand. Upon his return he headed the inter allied war council at Versailles. Bv this time there was a wide demand among the allied leaders for his ap pointment to the supreme command, but the suggestion was not acted upon until British reverses were suf fered in March, 1918. On March 26, 1918, the descendant of Pyrenees' wool dealers became generalissimo of all allied forces on the western front literally the man of the hour, but actually one who had devoted a lifetime to preparation for fitness.' It was he who directed the defensive campaigns. In April and May. that held the frantlo ferocity of the Germans until the Americans en tered in force. The rest is well known history. On Auaruct 7. 1918. Foch was made marshal of France. Again and again, with superb con fidence and Judgment, he pounded the wavering German lines now with ths Amerloan troops, with the British, with the French. Within six a M months he had forced the end of the war and the German signatures to ths armistice. Aberdeen Men See Foch. ABERDEEN, Wash., Nov. 30. (Spe cial.) Thirty Aberdeen veterans, In full overseas equipment, including packs and trench helmets, attended the reception for Marshal Foch at Centralia tonight. The Aberdeen dele gation was led by Pat McNamara, commander of the Aberdeen legion post. Among the harbor delegation was Rev. John W. Beard, decorated chaplain of the 91st division. LAST WILL IS AT ISSUE Mrs. Mahoney's Niece on Stand in Effort to Establish Document. SEATTLE, Wash., Nov. SO. (Spe- cial.) Mrs. Kate Stewart, niece of I espoBsipiiity a characteristic of our or ganization, created to fulfill the exacting demands of a Guaranteed Dyeing and Cleaning Service ' i!Sfirai;Ss5i Les ci toy ens dc )a Ville des Roses honorent a faire honneur au Generaljssime des A rmees AJliees he souvenir de cette visite restera imperissable chez nous I7 The Quality Store f-rt OF PORTLAND Kate M. Mahoney. was on the stand in superior court today in an effort to establish a purported last will of the murdej-ed woman, bequeathing her estate to Mrs. Stewart and her sister, Mrs. Carrie Hewett. This pur ported will has never been found, but a carbon copy was Introduced at the hearing late yesterday by W. D. Lambuth, an attorney, who said he drew it. T. A. Somers testified he acknowledged the will. Mrs. Stewart said Mrs. Mahoney showed the will to her at the Ethelton hotel April 15. Mrs. Mahoney was murdered April 1. Mr. Lambuth testified he drew two wills, one for Mrs. Mahoney and one for James E. Mahoney, February 26. Each made the other sole heir In these wills. It was three days thnf ifra Mnhonev nlcned the will leaving her estate to her nieces. Mr. Lambi.tn aeposea. Douglas Court for Highway. ROSERURO, Or.. Nov. 30 fPpe- 1 Gentlemen's 3-Piece Suits DRY CLEANED Including Minor Repairs clal.) The members of the Douglas county court left this afternoon for Marshfield where they will attend the conference of the Roosevelt Highway association. The court Intends to use Its Influence In the support of the highway. On the return trip the court will Inspect the work being done on the lower section of the Rose-burg-Keedsport highway. Phone your want ads to The Orego- nlan. Main 7070. Automatic SSO-9S. Think of This A woman who prepares the family meals walks two miles a day with out going anywhere! Just In ths kitchen. Back' and forth. An expert in home economics found it out by means of a pedometer. More miles would make a man's size total for a woman's day If you Include the sweeping, dusting, an swering the telephone. And still more If there's any time left for shopping, calling or airing the baby. No wonder a woman is tired at night (the reason for which no man Can ever understand). How much easier those miles v ould b'e In Cantilever Shoes! How much lighter the burden of the day's work! How much fresher and happier when the long winter evening closes in! For the arch In Cantilever Shoes Is flexible (not stiff, as In all ordinary shoei). The shoe harmonizes with every step of the foot, the arch of which likewise Is flexlhle. The Canti lever Instep fits up snugly, giving restful support while it eases the movements of the foot. The heels ars sensibly stylish, the toes are just right to be comfortable and modish. "I feel like Winged Mercury every tims I walk in my Cantilever Shoes," said a trained nurse to us. There is a day of comfort and an evening of contentment for every woman, even though the work of the home be dreary. If she will only help her happln'ss by wearing Cantilever Shoes. Sold In Portland on fr Vr the Cantilever Shoe Store, 15 ASp U Portland, Or Adv. mmmmumnt ..