19 TITTC MORNING OREGONIAN. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 30, 1021 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. SURETY INVESTMENT CO.. 310-11 Panama Bldg., Portland .Or. SURETY PARTNER WANTED In one of the largest and busiest auto paint shops In city; do ing work for aome o( th I largest business (Irms and professional peopla in Port land; books open to Inspec tion and will show a profit of $200 and up month for each partner. Previous experience not necessary If wltllnK work er. A splendid opportunity for 1830. SURETY LUNCH COUNTER, fine cor ner location, splendid equip ment, large range. Ice chest, excellent fixtures, good stock on hand; have good classa of trade; right In business cen ter; Just the place for man and wife. Full value for your money. Should have no trou ble to clear J ISO net from start. Only 11000, terms. AUR-ETY EXCELLENT CIGAR STORE on the best street In busiest downtown section on west mile; beautifully equipped. Large stock cigars, tobacco, candles, magazines and peri odicals; good lease at low rent; this is a well patronized place; old established, clearing not less than $250 month net. Don't fail to see this for $1200. cTURETY P ARTNER8HIP can be bought In one of the most fully equipped auto repair shops In Portland; plenty of work on hand; good lease, quipped with large drill press, welding outfit, grind ers, pre-heaflrg outfit, top and dies. This Is an excel lent opportunity for a capable mechanic or man with gen eral knowledge of motors. Money fully secured. Price $1830. SURETY INVESTMENT CO., 310-11 Panama Bldg, 3d and Akler Sis., Portland, Or. UNIVERSAL, SALES CO. A few of the many opportunties. GROCERY STOKES. Cash and carry; a wonderful buy, 1900. Invoice stock, 6 living rooms, about $2800. Huy the stock and take the store. $1400. CtOAR AND CONFECTIONERY. $3(H0. fine location. 5 living rooms. 9331V), downtown location. POOL ROOMS. Down town, 3 tables. $2000. Nine tables, htart of city. $8000. Nine tables, fine equipment, 10000. Let us show you by auto. 602 Railway Exchange BMg. A L'TO PA I NT I Nlj 1' A RTN E RM HIP. Here 1 an opportunity to buy an equal tialf interest In a long-established busi ness. No better location In Portland. In enter of downtown west side business tlstrlct. Plenty of work on hand. Num r leading firms are steady customers; pv-efer reliable partner to hired help. Previous experience not necessary if willing to work and learn the business and be satisfied with $173 a month for yourself from etart. Only $530 re quired for equal half Interest. Apply 318 Plttork block.. Washington and lOth St. PA1TISON. TIIOUOl'OHMAN & FITZ WATER. Half Interest in light mfg. business; v.111 take car and iome cash; or cash and time on balance. We have several good buys In garages. HHlf Interest in dandy business chance office $20O. Fruit and produce business; wholesale and retail $."IHI0 cash. Fine west side restaurant. $850 cash. If you are looking for a location It will pay von to iet) s. 314 STOCK EXCHANGE BT.DO. GARAGE BUILDING IN SPLENDID LOCATION. GOOD TERMS TO RIGHT PARTY. O. C. ULRICH ft CO.. 02 Stock Exchange Bldg. CIGAR STAND SACRIFICE. PRICE $'.150. Fine location In lobby of large com mercial and tourist hotel, downtown; complete stock and fixtures, anybody can easily clear better than $173 per month here; leaving for California, must sell. Owner will remain 10 days with purchaser to tesch the business If de sired; a real opportunity for lady or man. Call 316 Plttock block, 10th and Washington. WHEN IN THE MARKET FOR NEW OVENS AND MIXERS. EI-CTRIC OR :- GAS. YOU WILL FIND WB HAVE THE BEST THAT CAN BE HAn FOR ALL PURPOSES. WE ALSO HAVE USED OVENS AND MIXERS. BUT NOT ABUSED. WE HAVE TWO GOOD LO CATIONS FOR BAKER r. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 3324. BARNEY JOHNSON CO.. REALTORS. 170 10TH ST. 20 h. k. rooms, good lease, rent $80; hot and cold water all through house, $3000, Vi caan; clears $135 easily: 10 h. k. rooms, also Nob Hill location. $2100. will take auto up to $500. bal. easy; has a garige. We have all sizes; good leases. GROCERY STORES. $1730 Fine location; $40 dally; living room; rent $25; east side. $2800 West side; $50 dully; rent $25; living room. $850 Stock, fixtures, furniture; rent $14. including living rooms. McFARLANP. Realtor. 20H Falling bldg. THEATER (movie) for sale. Only one In town and territory of 3000. In western Washington. Sell outfit. Rent building. Write box 82. Puy allup. Wash, EQUAL HALF INTEREST, offered to con I genial man In one of the best tire and vulcanising establishments; doing fine business; large stock tires and auto accessories, etc.; want man willing to work and learn; can draw $175 month and share profits; $1000 gives you pos session. 31U Panama bldg., 3d and Al der sts. $7U0 CARD ROOM ON CORNER. Lease, rent $40; good -business; back and front bar. lunch counter, cooking equipment, tables, chairs, show cases, cash register. Ice box, good stock; real snap. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-8 Panama Hldg , 3d and Alder. kESTAl RANT and waffle house, more than $80 per day; $800 will handle. Restaurant, good location, large room, well equipped; price $1800. Restaurant, doing $40 per day; rent only $40; price $1500; $fioo cash. LINTON ft WELCH. Main 20115. 418 Railway Exch. Bldg. 8K.EE BALL ALLIES ft CIGAR STAND. 20 nickel and penny arcade machines, electric piano, photo machine, show eases, candy cases; clearing over $20(1 a month. Brick bldg., rent $30. Price $1350. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors. 4Q4-5-8 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder BUSINESS AND SALES MANAGER. Fine opportunity for man about 33 to handle general sales and business for legitimate going manufacturing concern. To have personal interest must Invest $3000 or $4000. References exchanged. BJ 270. Oregonlan. MEAT MARKET Best buy In city; to see this la tu buy; established residence sec tion; grocery In connection; Just right for one who wishes to get Into business for himself. Give address, phone and references first letter. BC 247, Orego nlan. $1300 GROCERY STORE $1300. 4 nice living rooms, outside entrance, good fixtures, fresh stock, old-established place. Will consider light auto to $300. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, , 4Q4-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. FOR SALE Old-retaollshed general mdse. cash store doing $40.00 per year; stock and fixtures about $6581; reasonable rent, with living rooms. This I on of th best stores on North Beach and U a money-maker. P. O. box 10L Seavlew, Wash. A BARGAIN $800 OF VULCANIZING EQUIPMENT. WILL SELL FOR $400. Little used and In Al shape; must be seen to be appre ciated. For further particulars call East 4lM2. All In Portland. RAISE big capita! for any legitimate busi ness. Write for free copy "Quick Financ ing," showing how companies raise iarce capital by my easily operated method. Cunningham, financial specialist, 883 Grant hldg., Los Angeles. Cal. OARAGE PARTNER WANTED. A modern garage, 5-year lease, good local and transient trade; carry auto ao ceaeorles, tires, oils, etc.; need assist ance of active partner; equal interest. .ihii. noom 4oi uekum ipqg. GROCERY, doing good business, rent only $35, including 3 living rooms: fixtures $6o0; stock at Invoice; about $2000. in vestigate this. ; LINTON ft WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. BEAUTIFUL Columbia highway restau rant, county seat, good business, city 2500 people; extra fine outfit; $400 cash, bal. terms; splendid place for the right couple. M. 3672. McFarland, Realtor. 2QK Falling hldg. $200 TAKES l-ase and fixtures on Broad way store; rent $20 per mo. 164 ttaat Broadway. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AUTO REPAIR PARTNERSHIP. Here Is an excellent opportunity for a steady and reliable man to buy in with first-class mechanic, busy down town location; established, well-known business; completely equipped shop; service car. etc.: prefer steady partner to hired help. If you are mechanically Inclined and a willing worker, this is your opportunity to learn the best pay ing trade today and also make over $250 per month for yourself from the etart; equal half Interest only $850; full value In sight; best auto repair shop In Port land. Apply 31 Plttock block, Wash ington and Tenth sts. A REMARKABLE OPPORTUNITY. Grocery, stock and fixtures. Gas and oil station; dance hall and garage; good living rma. in rear of store; elec. lights and water; 3-yr. lease. Kent for every thing only $13 per mo. This is an ex ceptional opportunity to make some money, all for $1300. See Mr. ttmock. 1V27 Cnrbett bldg. Main 714 VULCANIZING AND TIRE BUSINESS. $18)1) buys equal half Interest In busy downtown tire shop, having all the work 2 men can do; experience not necessary if. willing to learn; no trouble to clear $200 or better every month for yourself; best money-maker In city. 'Don't fail to see this. Call 818 Pillock block, 10th and v ashington. PARTNER WANTED in the best gas en gine and tree-spraying assembly manu facturing concert in city; profits $500 month. No previous experience neces sary as I want man to take charge of office end. Full value In sight. $1000 handles. 310 Panama bldg., 3d ana Alder sts. GROCERY store, $830; 2 living rooms; rent $13. $1300 Grocery; rent $20; 2-year lease; living rooms $1800 Buys nice grocery store: living rooms, rurnlshed; S-year lease; rent Ho. LINTON A WELCH. Main 2"5. 418 Railway Exch. Bldg. $23110 BUYS a dandy corner grocery; nc competition; s oeauurul living rooms, with bath; east side; will Invoice. $1100 Grocery. No competition; good living room, furnished. East side. S. BORLAND. 303 Stock Exchange. GROCERY High-class trade, average $100 day, long prices for everything. Kent $20, (food lease; living rooms; changed hands once In 214 years. Will bear close investigation. Ask your wholesale gro cer, bread man. milk man, even the janitor. $4M0 or Invoice. V.. KA KIN'S, 313 Couch Bldg., 100 4th St. REAL ESTATE OFFICE. .HALF INTEREST. Will sell half Interest In well-established real estate office; down-town lo cation, doing good business. Will stand the highest Investigation. Small amount of money needed. BP 2!6.' ORBGONIA N. FOR SALE. Electric bakery doing splendid whole sale and retail trade. Best bakery In city of Bnise, Idaho. Monthly net profit over $5(hi; value $12.uoo. Reason for selling, other business requires my atten tion. Address V. R. McFALL. Boise, Idaho, 718 Idaho St. WOULD like to have a talk with a good business man who can make an Invest ment in a business that has been estab lished for 18 years and still growing. No one need answer this adv. unless character is A-No. 1 and is able to make an investment of $13,0OO. Large return on money Invested. D 270. Oregonlan. GARAGE. GARAGE. A dandy 30x100 downtown garage, low rent, full up on storage, full shop equip ment; owner has put in over $60HI. This Is forced sale at $3000. $1000 cash, balance like rent. You can clear $300 per month. Investigate this. 607 Couch bldg. WEST ."IDE GARAGE SNAP. Finest location, downtown. 40-car ca pacity, modern building, busy repair shop, catering to high-class trade; 8 year lease; business is clearing $800 a month; price only $2300. Including large deposit on lease. A genuine bargain. Call 318 Plttock block, 10th and Wash. WEST SIDE CARD ROOM LOCATION. Long lease, rent $00 a month, close to two unions and in ... the heart of the workingman's district. Can clear $3000 in the next 2 years. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-3-8 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. $oUU. 51M. Handy man wanted in the dandiest little furniture shop in town. A chance to clear big money. Most all of your investment goes Into the business. It will pay a middle-aged man to Investl gate this. 8117 Couch hldg. JUST think of it, a business for $15,010 that Is doing better than $300 per day, and cheap rent. This will net about $100 per day. Coma in and let me tell you about It. LINTON ft WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. TRANSFER BUSINESS. Good live wide awake partner wanted In the best paying transfer and storage business In town. They have their own trucks, storage house and fuel yard. You can clear $230 per month and share profits. 807 Couch bldg. OLD-ESTABLISHED POOL HALL. 4 pool tables, root beer barrel, back and front bar. wall cases, show cases, cork linoleum on floor, good stock, good business; $1400, or will consider partner. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. 404-3-8 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. FOR SALE One-half Intereal in pool room located at 105 S. Tower. Central!. Waah. One pool table, 4 card tablea stock and fixtures. Doing good busi ness. J. R. Foots, 105 S. Tower, Cen tralia. Wasn. BIG GROCERY AND MARKET. Doing $200 all cash and carry dally, amount of sales guaranteed; rent $55, 3-year lease, at Invoice about S55O0. SIMMS. 810 HENRY BLDG. COSY CLEANING ft PRESSING SHOP. Brick bldg., living room, suburb of Portland; rent $10; dandy place for man and wife. $223 takes it. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-8 Panama Hkig., 3d and Alder. GOOD GROCERY AT BARGAIN PRICE. Dandy east side corner doing $55 aver age now and getting better; $1000 worth of fixtures for $800 and stock at Invoice, about $23o0 for all. SIMMS. 810 HENRY BLDO. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS RIGHT SIMMS SELLS STOKES. 610 HENRY BLDO. SPECIAfi PARTNERSHIP, Equal Interest in a contracting busi ness established 13 years by present gpwner; wanted interested help; profits .arge; $1000 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PHOTO STUDIO, complete line of picture frames, mounting and chemicals, print ing materials; must sell at once on ac count of sickness; $4ni) takes it. Also tenses. Goerx. Zeiss. Hollar, 233 'A Wash, st. Phone Bdwy. 2728. PARTNER WANTED. $230 lets you In the bout proposition In town; partner must have a general of fice experience. You can clear $230 per month. Investigate this. 807 Couch bldg. POOL HALL, UMPQUA VALLEY. 8 pool tables, billiard table, show cases good fixtures, town of 6000 ; rent $50; terms. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-8 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. CAUTION. BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. 421 Oregon bids. Phone B road ay 1902. GENERAL merchandise store on Newberg highway at Six Corners, doing a large and profitable cash business. No near competitors. Price very reasonable If sold at once. AR 248. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT for sale. 22S Burnslde st. vcrrs All Tntfe. Th US BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. CAFETERIA, fine location, good business, dandy place, an exceptional buy at $4000, half cash. List 40. Clgara, aoft drink and confectionery, excellent location; $0000. List 41. WESTERN BROKERAGE COMTANY. 817 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDG. POOL HALL. OUTSIDE TOWN PRICE $3300. The best buy In a pool hall in the state of Oregon. One man got rich in this place. If you are really looking for something good, let us show you this place. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. ,109-10 Panama Bide. Main 3042. GARAGES. OARAGES. GARAGES. We are the largest dealers In this line In the state and have an experienced garage man to show you around.. We can save you time and money. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. .1011-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. . RESTAURANT, oool hall and card room netting $400 to $500 month: first-class place; 5-year lease; cheap rent. Located in good town close to Portland: worth $10,000; on account of other Interests owner win sacrifice ror 3.uo. sea u. u. McCormlc Co., 207 Falling bldg.. Main 8220 or Main 1118. MANUFACTURING. A REAL OPPORTUNITY; Want someone with $13,000 or $20,000 In cash to take an Interest in the best paying manufacturing proposition In Oregon. For full details see DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 5OS-10 Psnama Bldg. Main 3042. DRUG STORES. - We have several of the best buys In the drug atore line there is in the state of Oregon. See Mr. Fulton for full de tails. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 500-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3042. FOr. SALE A eigar. confectionery and light iunch store. In a good town near Portlxnd, abou 3000 people pass each day, about $3a00. part caah; present owner agt. for railway co. AK 258. Ore gon la a. GARAGE PARTNER. Owner of this busy garage will sell an interest to a reliable man; $1300 will handle It. Room 511 Railway Ex change bldg. ' CASH GROCERY AND CONFEC. West side, next picture theater; rent $25; good small business; $700 will handle. 511 Rmhvwy Exchange bldg. PARTNER wanted in steam laundry, this city; very profitable business now and increasing; $3oO0 required. Room 511 Railway Exchange bldg. A PARTNER WANTED for a manufacturing business; must be worker; can draw salary, also profits; $730 required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. CASH grocery, close In. west side. $1400. 2 living rooms, furnished $13 month rent. Three-year lease, good business, fine stork. Owner. Bdwy. 3340. FOR SALE Small profitable wholosal business. 354 Alberta ft ItuiineeH Opportunities, Wanted. SOLI) I.N TEN DAYS. FOR QUICK ACTION list your busi ness (whole of half Interest) with the LIVEST aud LARGEST concern in the northwest specializing In business in vestments. GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. 12 successful years In this business. We can sell your business in 10 days, pro viding your terms and price are right. We furnish the buyer and you get the money. MAKE US PROVE IT. Phone Broadway 3851 for prompt GREAT NORTHERN BROKERAGE CO. Suite 318 Plttock Blk.. 10th and Wash. WANTED, at once, an apt. house, valued around $100 a room, from 25 to 50 rooma COLUMBIA REALTY CO.. 201 McKay Bl.ig. Bdwy. 1201. FOR Bu'SiNEati opportunities of all kinds call Broadway 2134. Reverman Inveal mcnt Co., 210 Lewis bldg. WANTED from owner, 75 to 100-room ho tel, around $13,000. E. T. Orr, 115 Grand avenue. UNIVERSAL SALES CO. can sell your place of business. 80? Rv Exch bldg Hotela and Rooming Houses. IF BUYING a Hotel or apt. house look over our listings: we try to please. COLUMBIA REALTY CO.. 201 .McKay Bldg. Bdwy. 1201. LEASE modern brick apt. house to re sponsible tenant: furniture at a bargain; about $10,000 cash bandies. See Walter. 608 Cham, of Com, bldg. .Main 25.87, H, K. ROOMS that net $83 and 2 lovely rooms furnished in wicker for mgr. In come can be increased. $1500. JS. -128 mornings. Owner. 103-RUOM apt. house- lease to 1021; good location; nets over -uu per montn; uest buy In city. East side. 154 E. Oth. East 738!). 25 ROOM brick hotel, furniture, all rma rented, rent only f03; lull price :mu. good terms. You should see this place before liuvlng Call Mar. 3386. 10 H. K. ROOMS in While Temple district. water In all rooms, neat and clean; win clear $70 above own apt.; full price 1 550. good terms. Call Mnr. 3.'188. FuR II EST buys in rooming houses, mod ern apartments, notels or leases, see E. S. KERR, Realtor, HOI Vamhlll. Mars-hall .,504, CENTRALLY located furnished hotel. thriving town near Portland; easy terms. Owner, 811 Gasco bldg., or Broadway 8124. I HAVE several buyers for rooming houses. 1 2 to bo rooms: can pay mostly casn. Phone Main 3088. H. W. Garland. 201 Third st. WANT an up-to-date hotel, 76 or 80 rooma price not over .ju,uou. xrom owner. Mar shall ?618. 31 H. K. ROOMS, close to Washington St., w. ., elect., good heating system, nets $00. 34 N. Ninth St. - 12 ROOMS, all h. k.. Nob Hill, clears $100 month: rent reasonable; $12UU nanaies. 820 Henry bldg. 14 ROOMS, White Temple, clears, $100; Al furniture: $1300 bandies. See this. 320 Henry bldg. FOR BUSINESS opportunities, hotels and apartment nouses, see w. l,. HorrelL, Realtor. 482 Plttock blk. Bdwy. 1919 20 H. K. ROOMS for $1800. $0OO first payment; good furniture, excellent beds; good location: all full. 191 Park St. 53-ROOM HOTEL. Brick building, good furniture; price 33175; no ngents J 803. Oregonlan. WILL TRADE 12-rm. apt. house, close In. w. a., netting $120. for north end tran sient hotel; some cash. Main 3341. 42 ROOMS, 22d and 23d sis., steam heat. west side, clean, 27o mo. 34x00, terms. Rent $S00 with lease. 320 Henry bldg. 16 ROOMS, west Fide, rent $30. income $133. Price ei42o; su-o nanaies. ju Henry bldg. 98-ROOM modern apartments, 83 private baths, long lease, clears -00 to shoo mo. $7oK) lets you in. 320 Henry bldg. OWNER leaving city, li rooms, close in. all full; rent $35; full price $700. Ella J. Owen. 370 Yamhill, cor. W. Park. FOR BEsT bargain in apartment house, see members of tha Realty Board. Yatej Realty Co., 245 Fourth street. 36 ROOMS for $2700, terms: 5-year lease; reasonable rent; neta about $2O0. 101 Park st. 9 HOUSEKEEPING rooms for $800; terms; all full; good location; good clearance. 101 Park. DO YOU want a swell home aud an Income of over $loo per mo? It so and you have x.inoo. let us show you. Mar. 3M4.t, WILL buy from owner, 10 to 16-room H. K. ; good location,-west aide, E 223, Orrgonlan. WANTED Apt. house $3500 can handle; lease. AG 267, Oregonlan. AitligrtBORHOOE) Clue, s Ou-IaJ3 OJ ) I -rvO VlYU Al I . V I hiS tsfcAli 143'. Itme-u IkAPX:) I v I I 1 1 la. S .11 r- sz? rv I W PtP?KtJS j I HIDE, EMM 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. THEY'RE SELLING LIKE HOT CAKES. YOU'D BETTER HURRY. I have a little modern apartment house with all modern conveniences, for only $2730. on terms: west aide. 12 rooma newly furnished. Nob Hill. $1730, clearing $100 montn; easy terma It's a dandy. 32 moms.-ona floor. $4O00. lease, terms. or would trade and accept smaller bouse 11 part pay. 19 rooms, $2800, terms; clears $150 month; easily run. 40 rooms, modern, brick hotel. $8300 will handle it; cleara $400 montn: most beautiful nf all We have some large hotels with lobbies and long leasea Let us show you port land's best bargains. J. BRUCE OOIUARD, 501-2 COUCH BUILDING. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. 20 rooms. Yamhill street; water In part; very low rent, one-year lease; location precludes vacan cies; $1500 cash handles. 11 rooms, well furnished: close in: neta over $100: rent only $40; $1800 bandies; discount for all cash. 10 rooms; unusually good furni ture: a nice home; owner uses 4 rooms and nets $0O: attractive Nob Hill district; $1180 handle. MRS. ALBAUOH. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. THOMSON ft THOMSON. REALTORS. Over 40 rooms, strictly modern hotel lease; rent about $7 per room; nets nearly $500; some private baths: well located, most desirable; about $8000 will handle. 14 rooms, h. k. ; rent $85: well fur nished; clean as a new pin: $1900 with terms; will cut for all cash. 24 rooms, brick building: transient location; good lease: rent $100; clears $-1)0; steam heat; $3500. Dandy place for lady alone. CARS AT YOUR SERVICE. 820 HENRY BLDG. BDWY. 4HS0. FINE LITTLE COUNTRY HOTEL. 25-room modern brick hotel, beautiful lobby, steam heat, elegantly furnished, also 5,-table pool room doing good busi ness, good town on loop highway; Wil lamette valley, steady and transient business, 3-year lease, 4 months free rent, $3000; half cash, wonderful place for man and wife. WESTERN BROKERAGE CO.. 81T NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO, HOTEL, 32 rooms, right In center of the city; good building; Northwest heat; rent only $190, with lease over the fajr; only $5500. Let us show you this. 42 rooms on Washington st. ; steam heat, long lease, hot and cold water In all rooms. This is a money maker. $10,500; Some terms. IS rooms, all housekeepings rent only $50. You can't beat this at $2200; $1500 cash. We have a large listing of REAL BUYS. Come In and talk It over. LINTON ft WELCH. 418 Railway Exchange Bldg. $10.500 42-room hotel, modern, close in. running water in every room, steam heat; good income; lease runs until after fair. $200012 rooms, ideal location; rent $40 per mo.; apartment extra for man ager. Let us show you. S. BORLAND. 303 Stock Exchange. SOMETHING GOOD. 1.1 rooms housekeeping; a well-fur-nlshed house, beautifully furnished; hardwood floors in part of rooms, wa ter in most of them: furnace heat and a lovely Nob Hill location; rent $65 per mo.; "net Income $125 and lovely 3 room apt. for self. $3500. terms. E. S. KERR, Realtor. 30.1 Yamhill. Marshall 1594. HOTEL. Biggest bargain In city. Tou can't beat it. Abaolutely modern, new build ing. 34 rooms. Price $S00. Might ar range on terms. See me personally - George, with the INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henrr Bldg. NEW SERVICE. To apartment and rooming house owners who bought from us; or our clients: we rill vacancies quicaiy through our personal service bureau. Call Miss Richardson, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. WHITE TEMPLE. 21 single h. k. rooms, near Colum bia street. This place la In very good condition and a real money-maker. Large light rooms; nicely, furnished; will net $21)0. Can be handled with $2SO0. 41 FAILING BLDG.. BDWY. 6150. M. E. LENT COMPANY. 523-4-5 NORTHWESTERN BANK BLDO. LEADING HOTEL AND APARTMENT HOUSE AGENCY. IP YOU WISH TO BUY OR SELL. SOME IN AND TALK IT OVER. 14 YEARS IN THE BUSINESS IN PORT LAND ENABLES US TO LOCATE YOU RIGHT. COUNTRY HOTEL. PRICE ONLY $19,000. A real hotel in a town of 3500 people and the only hotel in town. Large earn ings. Ground alone worth $12,000. 80 rooms completely furnished; building and all goes for the price mentioned. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. .109-10 Panama Bldg. Main 3012. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. This is a very homey hotel of 50 rooms, and caters to the business clas. only. Located on Nob Hill, close in. If you are In the market for a nice place that will show a net of $600 per mo. be sure and see this. Shown by appoint ment only. MARSHALL 5848. . WE HAVE OUTSIDE BUYERS WHO WANT THE FOLLOWING: Apartment, 40 to 60, modern. Apartment, 15 to 33. modern. Transient hotel, west side. Grocery and housekeeping together AUSTIN-O" LEAKY REALTY CO.. 335 Cham, of Com. Hldg. HOTEL. WEST SIDE BUSINESS IXATTON. Over 40 rooms, brick building. Elevator. LOCATED RIGHT. PRICED KIGHT. GREEN-ROSE ft CO., 401 Falling Bldg. BDWY. 6150. A LITTLE BEAUTY. 9 rooma. beautifully furnished, clear and high-class building. 6 rooms rented, income $120; rent $45; prtce $1400. $900 cash will hsndle. SIMMS. 810 HENRY BLDO. FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotel, apartment or room ing houses with us; your Interests will always he protected; we have cash buy ers waiting for your propositions. See Mrs. Keller. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 107 Yeon Bldy. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY T beautl'ulty-f urniahed. three-room apartment. Stucco building and abso lutely modem; steam heat, long lease at $83 per mo. Price $4500, with reason able terms. Mar. 5848 30 ROOMS with 4-year lease, netting $300; close in, west side; cheap rent; $3000 cash required. Bdwy. 4635. WE HAVE a good line of apt., rooming houses and hotels. Call and see them. 308 Cham, of Com. ROOMING house. 12 room, all rooms rented: price $1800, $1000 down. Inquire 128 14th street. POLLY AND WHAT'S TAKEJI OXCE IS SURE TO BE BUSINESS OPPORTl"1TlE8. Hotela and Rooming Huuwea. :3 ROOMS, apta, very nice furniture, tn White Temple dlsL, clears $200, pries $5000, terma 12 rooma, h. k. apta. w. aide, beautiful home, good Income, elegantly furnished. If you aee it you will buy. Lease. $2600, terma O. A. PEARCE CO.. 201 Oregon bldg. Brwy. 43S. JUST I.IKE FINDING." 15-room home, very close In: let na show you this and you will taka it Only $l."0. $800 cash and will discount for all cash: must sell today. See Mr. Kennedy with L-129. I. E. SPENCER ft CO.. 517-21 Cham, of Com. Bldg. NEAR PUBLIC LIBRARY. 19 h. k. rooms in Al condition. Fur niture Is excellent. One of the cleanest and best In the city. Net Is $175. "You have seen the rest, now see tha best." $2200 down. 41 FAILING BLDG. BPWr. ni .10 IF YOU WANT TO BUY OR SELL buslnesa. hotel, rooming or apartment houses of any kind, anywhere, C. S. Florence, RITTER. LOWE ft CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We Write All Kinds of Insurance. IF YOU want a fine place to live, some professional man' offtce and residence or a good bo.rdlng house. I have 22 rooms, good furniture, netting me $173 fer month and 4 nice, sunny room for Ivlng quarters come and Inspect and buy from owner. 403 Yamhill st. VALUABLE income, w. ., 100x100. mod em bldg., 64 rooms; big sacrifice at $31,000: only half Its value; $7000 cash, balance out of rentals. Walter. 606 Cham, of Com, bldg. Main 2387. CLOSE IN. 18 rooma. close In on Broadway. All h. k. Very good furniture. $2200 handles this. 401 FAILING BLDO. BDWY. 615Q. XilS.OO. WEST SIDE. $575.00. H rooma and bath, good furniture, neat and clean, close In: rent $35; income $70 and 3-room apt; some snsp; no agents. Si". 1 14th st Auto. .121-84, LOOK! 11 rooms, rent $50. close-in west side. Fix this up and sell at good profit; neta $60 now. Price $1100. $800 cash. C. E. BOWDEN CO., Main 3038. THREE rooms, steam heat, all good furni ture; clearing $225 a month rent. $123; close In, $2200 cash will handle it; also 42-room house on east side at a bar galn. Alex Hunter ft Co., 27 Grand ave. FOR SALE Going east. will sacrlllce nicely furnished housekeeping and room ing house; walking distance. $1050 cash or $730 terms. Deal with owner. A. Steen. 230 loth st. IF YOU have looked at any small hotels you would appreciate one which I have to show you. At your service. COLUMBIA REALTY CO.. 201 McKay Bldg. 77-ROOM hotel, hot and cold water, steam heat. Main 7311. LOST AND FOUNT. THE FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light ft Power Co., Nov. 28: 14 umbrellas, 3 lunch boxes, 1 purse, 2 pair glasses, suit box, car tickets. 4 single gloves. 1 book. 3 bank drafts. 4 keys, belt, leather bag. 1 pair mittens, 3 baskets, saw aet, 7 packages. Owners may obtain same upon proper Identification at First and Alder street station. LOST Between the Union depot and the B. ft O. T. company, a paper box con taining goods of no value except to owner. A reward will be paid for their return to the B. ft O. T. Co.. corner Park and Davis. LOST Tuesday, brown velvet handbag containing ruby -ring and small amount of sliver, somewhere in downtown dis trict. Please return to 300 Oregonias bldg. Reward. $5 REWARD for recovery of medium nlKeri black male dog. white on breast. tip of tall and on four paws. Answers to name of Tip. aeu. nuu. i c. 10th st. LOST A string of pearls. Sat. P. M be tween. 15th and Belmont and 16th and E. Morrison st. Finder please leave at 604 B?lmont st. Reward. 1 OST Nov. 29. at 8 A. M. string of pearl beads, plain goiu clasp, on Fulton car trlppe. 1, or sunnysiae car to uro-n-rw-, reward. Call Main 7060. after 8 P. M 1A3ST On 23d-st. car. Nov. 28. black pocketoook containing money and lodge receip:s. Finder please call Main 6140. or Marshall 3111. LOST Pair of small black patent leather slippers and pair of white silk stockings. Monvay, on .Morrison, near iaa ac mnga. Retvard. Call Wdln 3nin. LOST Notebook containing war medal, army discharge, naturalization papers. Call East Sell. 2700. 610 E. 15th St. S. Reward. LOST Monday evening about 11 o'clock, between 5th anrl Park St.. on Taylor, black leather wallet: liberal reward. Phone Broadway 8202 LOST Sunday morning, small sealskin cape between Irving apt, on Irving st. and 21t and Flanders; reward. Mar shall I2xy , LOST A beaded bag on Grand ave., be tween Ash and Morrison. Finder keep money and return rest to 2913 53d st. S. E. FOUND Umbrella on MA car: owner may have same by Identifying and paying ad. 4.15 Williams ave. LOST Lady's gold mesh bag Tn Colum bla theater; finder please return . and receive reward. 148 Third st. LOST Small package In front of Multno mah hotel, Friday night, between 11:30 and 12 o'clock. Phone Broadway 1280. WILL party who took fur collar at C. ft C. cateterla Monday noon return to 702 Lewis bldg. Reward. LOST Small black purse, $11 In currency, aome silver, car tickets, umbrella re- celpts. by office girl. t all Main I lo. LOST Purae, containing $3. black velvet, with chain and tassel. Mra Lenelevel, foot of Nebraska st. LOST A collie dog. answer to the name of Fred; in Montavllla district; any In- formation call Tabor 8834. LOST November 27. Elgin wrist watch on Belmont. Morrison or E. 11th at. Bdwy. 4387. Reward LOST lady's dark blue crocheted hand bag, containing 1 pair glasses and 2 handkerchiefs. Call East 19. Reward. LOST Ciank for Hudson car on Alberta or Mississippi. Reward. 85 N. 6th st. LADY'S engraved Swiss wrist watch. Phone East 8835. Reward. FTNAXCIAT. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOTJ BUY OR PELL AN AUTOMO BILE. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.', SECOND FLOOR. HAVE several good small notes. . total of about $2100: will discount all or part to yield purchaser 10. Call 902 Spalding building. MUST sacrifice my $10,000. 6. first mort gage on city Income property; exceptional security; will sell for $D00O. N 902. Ore- gonlan. WE BUY first al& second mortgages and sellers' contract. F. B. Bowman A Co., 210 Chamber o.' Com. bldg. Main 8028. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers con tracts on real estate; Washington, Ore- gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumhermens bldg. BUY NOTES, contracts, mortgages. F. H. Lewi. 713 Lew la bldg., 4th and Oak sts. HER PALS VME:AJ i'sa YtR A'GUAPf The. SDTTiaIL AlOt vtill-Steal 'hm I rt " llSI. 1WLW Sqssw ritr reV. Jsc. Or TAKEN AGAIN BY CLIFF STEKRETT FINANCIAL. MORTGAGES. WE BUY WELL-SECURED MORT GAGES IN ANY AMOUNTS. PROMPT CONSIDERATION. FEAR ft GRAY. MAIN 83. 102 FOURTH ST. FliisT real estate mortgage. $7500 01 discount $i2io. 31S Piatt bldg. Money to I.min in Real restate. MORTGAGE LOANS. RESIDENCE LOANS. 6V, PER CENT. Five-year period repayment: privilege of $100 or any multiple thereof. INSTALLMENT LOANS 6 PER CENT. Five-year period; will loan 60 per cent of the vaiua of your home; only mall monthly payment required with Interest; you may pay more or all on tha first of each month: no penalty. BUSINESS PROPERTY LOANS. l PER CENT. Fire-year period repayment priTllega. BRICK MORTGAGE CO.. Portland mortgage correspondent ths Prudential Insurance Co. of America. 1210-1217 Yeon B!dg . Main 8308. "THE DISAPPEARING MORTGAGE" has come from the east for residences, apartment house and other Income real aatate. Pay here. ANY AJdOUNT. ANY TIME. No penalties, no renewal charges. Other fund also, as tor til past 14 years, especially In LARGE AMOUNTS. The most complete loan service. EDWARD E. GOUDEY COMPANY. United State Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan on Willamette valley farm. Lowest current rates. Liberal repayment prlvilefea. Prompt closing. COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY, 91 Third St.. Portland. Or. SEE US TODAY We loan money on city property; lowest rates, no commission on choice loans; long time and short time; monLhly payments: pay as you can; urn to su't: contracts, second mort gages bought. 723 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder sts. CELLARS-M 1'RTON CO. WE HAVE funds available for good resi dence loans; also Insurance money for business property at lowest available rates. MORTGAGE BOND CO.. Main 2S31. Wilcox Bldg. FARM LOANS Insurance company money to loan at lowest current rate on Willamette ral ley farms: no commission, no delays. DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE CO. 87 Sixth St.. Portlsnd. Or. MORTGAGE LOANS, on farm or city property. Prompt and helpful service. Liberal repayment priv llige. Lowest ratea WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 FOURTH ST., Portland. Or. MORTGAGE LONS on real estate security, any amount from $300 up c- Improved city or farm property. THE LAWR-NCE CO.. 212 Corbett BldgJ Vi'-. 891 it. MORTGAGE LOANS In any amount at lowest ratea on city or country property. Prompt an! helpful service. B. LEE PAGET. Realtor. 621 Torbett B.dg. Main 6230. MORTGAGE LOANS. Residence slid City Property 6V and 7 Per Cent. UNION ABSTRACT CO.. Ground Fioor. Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount low ratea, promptly closed. Attract've repayment prlvllegea A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg Mar. 4114. $;;oo. $400, $300, $too. $1000. $1200. $1500, $2000 and up; lewest rates, quick action Pay off $100 "or more at any interest data. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham ber of Cnrr. mer- bidt;. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS cn Improved farms and city property; favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. Ltd. 309 Piatt Bldg. Main 6371. MORTGAGE loans In sums to suit; city farm or suburban property. BUILDING LOANS A SPECIALTY. WILLIAM a. BECK. 213 Falling Bldg $ 1000 ( 1500 $2000 $2500 $3000. NO DIlLAY. We ar loaning our own money. Loans quickly closed. F. H. DESHON. 113 Cham, of Com. Bldg. PLENTY of money to loan on real estate at 7 per cent if security la ample. Edw, P. Mall. 809 Chamber of Commerce. $500. $1000 AND upward on Improved real estate; favoraole terma, no delay, no brokerake. Join Bam. 507 Fpalrtlng bldg MONET to loan or real estate security at going rates of -rterest. Otto ft Harkson Realty CO.. ei.l i-namoer or commerce. $200. $400. $300, $730. $1000 AND UP Low ratea quuk action. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cnamber of Commerce. LOANS at current rates on well-improved farms and city property. K, K Baxter. Spalding bldg. 14500 AND UP. 7 per cent, on improved city property. Geo. J. Schaefer. 817 Board of Trade bldg. $4300 AND IIP. 7 per cent. Improved city property. nc 2i-. uregnniun MORTGAGE LOANS 6 and 7 per cent. Silomo.1 ft Co., 307 Rail. Exch. Bldg. SEE OREGON INV. ft MORTGAGE CO. 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. $30.0110 DIVIDED $1000. 314U0, $2000. 33300. $5300. f.0MJ, $13000. East 7304. MONEY to loan on residence or business property. Bdwy 4835, $400 TO LOAN real estate security. Room 17 Rus.ell blrlg Main 8201. Money to battel and hulurie. DO YOU NEED MONEY. AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE t YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MDE ON AUTOMOBILES. FURNITURE. PIANOS. V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. ETC. IC 7our payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contract wa will pay them up and advance yon more money if needed. We make a apecialty of these loans and leave th aecurity in your possession and you can repay u In small monthly payment WE ALSO MAKE SALARY LOANS to salaried people on their own notea Ratea reasonable. Private offices. All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. (Licensed.) 806-807 Dekum Bldg. Marshall 8288. S. W. Cor. Third and W ashington. SALARY U-ANS. CHATTELS. WE LOAN MONEY, on short notl. to salaried or working men ou their awn notea; weekly, semi monthly or monthly payment. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO 1NDORPER. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also load on household goods, pianos, etc. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. (Licensed.) 318 FAILING BLDG. CALL AND l.WKSTIOATB. MONEY TO LOAN. Money loaded on household goods or merchandise placed in storage with us at a regular bank rate. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO.. Fourth at Pin Street, Opposite Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 8713. DAN MARX ft CO.. 813 Washington at., near 6th St.; established over 85 years; only high-class Jewelry store In city with loan department tn connection; private room for ladlea; buinea strictly con fidential; under stat supervision; all artlclea held on year; do buslneas with an old-established firm. VIONEY to loan on diamonds and Jewelry, confidential service; government lcened and bonded brokera Zell Broa ft Co. 283 Waah. at,, between 4th and eth. Marshall 727 MONEY to loan; diamonds. Jewelry, etc.; legal rate; article held one year. Vines Jeweler, corner 8d and Washington. iaIL ) AiiAjAjytj Irtersi HgtHs I wsti ej FINANCIAL. Loans vl anted. FRANK L. McGUIRE. with hi years of experience and expert knowledge of values, is In a position to safeguard your every interest In locating your money. Hundred of application for loan. Of Tice ul personal service. Let ua loas your money. See J. Logle Richardson, manager of loan department. Abingtoa bldg. Matnjjojj ABSOLUTELY SAFE INVESTMF.NT. Have mortgage on good garage for $10iU: $1500 already paid on purchase price: pays 6 per cent Interest, $50 per month for 9 months, $.V50 last payment, 10 month, will discount 10 per cent for cash. A B 283. Oregon WANTED To borrow $2(HM at for 6 months to 1 year. Security Is a first mortgage of $35oo running 3 yrs. on an Improved farm of 16 acres on Pacific highway, all highly cultivated, valued at $sojQ. AN 2i4, Oregonlan. V E W ILL sell excel, ent $l5.No first mtg. on inside improved real estate; ffn lu catlou and exceptional moral risk: In terest 7 quarterly Phone Main 220. TITLE ft TRUST COM PAN Y, Title ft Trust Bldg. WANTED $2ikm). One-half acre on E. 2d at. with good 6-room modern home with gas, elec, fireplace, furnace; will pay 7; no gents. Call Mr. Lee. Main IPOv $5oo 3-YEAK fll'fel mortgage, 8 per cent, on acre tract, value $1200; occupied by owner. See Mr. Hurd, with J. L Hart man company. H Chamber of Commerce bldg Main 208. FOR GILT-EDGE 7 and 8 mortgage bonds In local concerns se Oregon In vestment ft Mortgage Co., 210 Lumber r.xcnanite Diqg. OWNER want $00 building loan from private party on acre In Multnomah dis trict: value $1250; no Incumbrance, now. Phone Main 8220 or Ma t n 03 1 S I BUY mortgage, real eatal nd auto contracts. Hot H. Keagy, 712 Lewis bldg. WANT $35o loan on acre in Multnomah district; value $1250. Phone owner. Main 822" or Main 9318. WANT small loan on $10,000 worth tim ber, marketable next year. 1113 N. W. Bank. Tabor 7884. WILL pay 1 4i per cent per month for $5300. Unloading loan new cara Wray. Main 3.IH1. WANT 1000 on $3500 Rose City Park home, t o agentn AN 203, Oregonlan. $140. AT 7. o.N Portland residence. I) 202. Qrcgonlsn. $1700 WANTED from private party on Rose City Park bungalow. Tabor 8339. $2084 SECURITY for aale. to net 8. 42 Lumb-rinens bldg. SEE OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., 210 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDO. PERSONAL. MISS RYAN'S HEALTH SCHOOL. Food served and prepared In such manner as to preserve the natural min erals and sugars necessary to regain health, all In strict compliance with sug gestions by Dr. J. H. Ttlden, Denver, Colo. New students enrolled 1st and 15th each month. For full particulars address M. Kjan, lol 14th at.. Port land. or JAZZTIMB piano playing. 12 lessons. guaranteed; beginners or advanced; only course In existence, teaching up-to-the-minute playing of popular aonga In real Jazz form; not connected with any other Jazz school In Portland. Waterman Piano School, 614 Columbia bldg., over Rlvoll theater. MRS. CLARENCE BROWN returned Wednesday evening from a three months' tour of California. While In San Fran cisco Mrs. lirown was the guest of her daughter and ron-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Soence. PILES PERMANENT RELIEF. Legal guarantee given. No need of knife, no pain, continue work. Ask to aee Gle-o-nls Pile treatment. Northern Pacific Phcy. 3d and Morrlaon. Perkins Motel I'ncy.. fitn and v ashington. RAG AND JAZZ guaranteed beginners In 10 lessons: popular songs Immediately: advanced course lor players; booklet and trial tree, practica rooms free: in Port land 10 year. Parker Piano School, 514 Eliers bldg. Main 4038. LADIES. TAKARA ANTISEPTIC POWDER 1 a oothlng, cleansing, healing germicide and invigorating douche; a great aid in female disorders; 50o and $1 per box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. DR. NETTIE BENSON. D. P., Lang's min eral steam baLhs, hot and cold showers, scientific massage, electrical, violet ray and vital treatment tor both sezes; also traction treatments for iam backa til Swetland bldg. .Main 7789. DKUGLESS PHYSICIAN. Nervous and chronic diseases a spe cialty. If others have failed, don't be discouraged, but give me a trial. Dr. Ada N. Scott, office 417 Swetland hldg. Hours 10 to 5. XMAS SUGGESTION. Buy her a fur. Price ours before buy ing elsewhere. A deposit will hold until wanted. The Fur shop. 615 Eliers bldg.. Wash. bet. 4 and 3th sts. Main 6424. ITCHING scalp, falling hair, dry or oily, dandruff cured, hair dressing, shampoo ing, facials, manicures; open evenings; shop or residential work. Betty Jan Com fort Slum Main 3037. ATTENTION. MEN AND WOMEN. Take your steam baths, massages and chlropractlo treatment from Dr. Marga ret Haynie. 215 Swetland bldg. Ten years in Portland. DR. LOUISE NETZEL treats rheumatism, lumbago; electric blanket, vibrator, mas sage, bath: lady assistant. 646 Columbia street, near 17th street. Main 3308. $1 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton's the CHIROPODIST and AROH Sl'LST.. who doesn't hurt yon; 8 yrs. here: exam, free. Globe bldg.. 11th ft Wash. Bdy. 2824 VIT-O-NET sweats, body massage, Radiant light Violet Ray treatmenta tor cold sciatica, neuritis, circulation; 10 to 8 d n t ly. 430 Morgan hldg. M-tln 7579. PEGGY PAIGE dresses for street or party very specially priced, $30.50; very pe clailv priced for quick selling at Peter- son's Up-Stutrs Store. l'oL .N'ii married couple desire to motor to California about Dec. ft; experienced driver; pay own expenses. Room 405, Palnce hott'l. e DRIVING to soutilern California, v.111 take party along for company. Y 623, Ore gon iBn. WRITER & JEWELL, originators of chil dren's hair bob and curl, are again located In Medical hldg. Main 80U FUH-TK1M.MKD coats of exceptional value best materials, eat atyles. Save aol- lars at i-et-rs"o s p-.-stairs More. MASSAGE FOR LUMBAGO. ETC 413 Buchanan bldg.. Wash., bet. 4th and 5th sts Also Sundays snd evenlnta FEHVET HANBHIIT, leading wig nj toupe makers; permanent marcel and water waving. 349 Alder. Main 346. MASSAGE, baths, rheumatism, constipa tion, kldneya Both sexea Dr. Elna Snrensen. 308 Panama bldg. Main 5186 PILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Seo ond and Morrison. REJUVENATE your tired and nervous body by a sclentlflo massage. Dr. Ovidla Lsrsen. 834 Morgan bldg. Main 1999. SULPHUR steam baths, maasage. violet ray Hours, 10 to 8. 426 Clay. Main 8339. LADIES' HOME JOURNAL subscription agent, w. Loiie. st. .Main 62S7. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR permanently rT moved. 304 Swetland bldg. Main 1.KI8 PROSTATE trouble cured without opera tlon Dr. R. A. Phillips. Bdwy bl.lg. PRIMEDA HALM, formerly called Balm of Figs. 844 B- 33d. Sell. 2213, mornings. DOESN'T Tom, Dick or Harry pay you? Bee Vlereck, collectors, Dekum bldg. WANTED To locate city agent of the Brown Herb Co., New York. Auto. 621-65. M A'SKAifTT ThV1i, . REC06aJZ 'Em'. J . ' PERSONAL. DENTISTRY WITHOUT PAIN by nerve-blocking, sone therapy or con ductive anesthesia, without danger or after effects. W perform all drntal op erations without pain. Come in and let us prove It to you. X-rsy work. DR. A. W KKENK. DR. E J. KIESKNDAHL. Above Majestic theater, ent 331 "j Wash. PKYCHo LOO Y. rind out whM you were meant to do and start to do It The most Important thing n the Worid to you Is YOURSELF. Human analya.a as glvn by Mrs. Anna bel Malnne at the Multnomah hotel de termine the work you r fitted for. Tou were born to be a success at some thing. Find out what it Is. A 13-minut Interview free by appointment only. . Thone Broadway 400 , SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts re moved by lo-needl method; trial free. Joe rinl,-y. Ml Huh t.sne. wain enn. LEARN good trado evenings ltrauty cuU ture. Madame Curtla Marshall 1702. SPECIAL NOTICF.8. NOTICE OF EXCHANGE. 01 1769. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. Roi-eburg, Oregon, November 8, 1U21. Notice Is hereby given that the Dun can and Brewer Lumber company, of Duluth, county of Saint Louis, state of Minnesota, has filed in this office its application to select. Serial No. 011761, under the provln-ons of the act of con grexs, approved May 81. 11)18 (40 Stat., 613). and th regulations thereunder ap proved July 17, 1118 146 L. D., 4211. til SVi of Sec. 15. KW. NB 14 NWV SVj 8W' and NW SWt Sec. 17. all of See. 10. NVi, E SK'.i, NW SE, NE4 SW4 and W4 SW(4 Heo. 21. Tp. 25 8., R. 10 W., Will. Mor. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands de scribed, or deMrlng to object because of th mineral character of ths land, or for any other reason, to the disposal to the applicant should file their affi davits of protest in thla of tie without delay. W. H. CANNON, Register. First day of publication, Nov. 20, 1921, Lat day of publication, l'ec. 20. 1121. REDEMPTION of certain Arlington club first mortgage sinking fund gold bonds, dated January 1. 11H8 Notice la hereby given that the bonds of the above described Issue, hert-luafter enumerated, have been drawn for payment in con formity with article VI of a certain mort gage lo the uiHl'TKtgnod. dated January 1, 1010, securing said bonds, and will be paid by the said Arlington club at lh office of Security Savlnas & Trust com pany. In Portland, Oreuon, January 1, 1022, upon the surrender of llio bonds so drawn, the bonds so drawn being No. 12 and 04, of the face value of $5o each, anil Nos. 140. Hill. 102. 115 and 242. of the face value of $100 each. Said bonds so drawn will ccae to draw interest on and after January 1. 1022. SECURITY SAVINGS & TRUST COM PANY. Trustee. By R. G. Jl'HITZ. Secretary. Dated at Portland, or, Nov. 16. 1021. I'mtioNals Invited NOTICE OF SALE or GOVKKMltM TIM HER. General Land on Ice. Washington. D C. October 20. Iw21 Noitr is bebeby f lven that subject to tb condition and Imitation of th acta of June V. loltl (80 Stat.. 218) and June 4, 1020 tl Stat., 75S). ana ths Inotructlons of th secretary of tb Interior of September 15. 1017, and June 22. 1020. th timber on the following land will b sold De cember 5, 1021, at 10 o'clock A. M., at public auction at th United Slates land office at Portland, oregun, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value a ahown by this notic. Bale to b subject to the approval of th secretary of the interior, lh purchase price, with an additional aum of onu-llfth of 1 par cent thereof, being commission allowed, must b pnelled at time of sale, money to be returned If sal la not approval, otherwise patent will lasu tor the tim ber, which must be removed within ten yera Bid will be received from cltl sen of th United State, associations of auch cltlxcn and corporations organised under the laws of the United State or any state, territory or district thereof aly. Upon application of a qualities Surrhasar th timber un any legal sub Ivlslon will b offered separately befor being Included la auy otter of a largar T.'4 S.. R. 5 K.. eo. IT. S. W. U N. . 14. fir 810 M.; N. . 14 N. W. 14. fir 42 id.; N. W. 14 N. W. 14, fir 1050 M.; S. 10. V N. W. . Or 1830 M.; S. W. 14 N. W S. fir 750 M N. K. S. K. 14. fir 8.10 M . cedar 2i V; N. W. 14 S. K. 14. Br 850 M; 8. E. 14 S. E. 1. fir 1026 M , cedar S3 M.. hemlock 30 M ; S. W. 14 S. K. S. Or 1673 M.. pine 20 M. ; N. E. ! 8. W. 14. fir 1550 W N. W. 1 S. W. 14. fir 1480 M.; 8 K. 1 8. W. 14. Or 1273 ll.: f. W. 14 8. W. 14. fir 475 M. ; sec 21. N. B. 14 N. E. 14. fir 1320 M., ctdar 120 M.. hem lock 15o M : N W. 14 N. E. 14. fir 1440 M.. cedar 240 M.. hemlock 200 U.i 8. tt. 14 N. !. . llr 1U4 ui., ceOar 70 Ad . hemlock 270 M. : 8. VV. 14 N. B. 14. B 1880 M., cedsr 60 M.. hemlock ISO M-j N. E. 14 N. W. Is, Ar 1820 M., cedar 1j4 M.. hemlock 310 it.; N. W. 14 N. W. 14. fir 2340 M.. cedar 50 M hemlock lt la ; 8. E. 14 N. W. It, fir 1050 M . hem lock 20 M.T S. W. 14 N. W. 14 , Br j-;i 34.. pin. 20 U.-.K. E. 1 8. B. W. Or 2210 M.: N. W. 14 S. E. 14. Br 2100 M.; B. E. 14 8. E. w. fir 1650 hi.; 8. W. 14 8. E. 14. Br 1865 M., hemlock 20 M. : N. K. la 8 W. !. flr 1840 M. ; N. W. 14 8 W. W fir 2100 M. ; 8. E. W S. W. !. fir 2000 M-j 6 Wr 14 S W. 14. flr 2530 M: non of tb flr, cedar, hemlock or pin timber to be sold for less than $200 per M. Signed. OEO. R. WICKliAM. Acting Commissioner ticneral Lino Office. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES. The Oregon Siste llosnl of Control will receive seslrd bids on December 15. 1121, at 2 P. M.. for furnishing supplies to the various slate institutions, consist ing of drgoods, clothing, furnishings, groceries, shoes, hardware, brooir.4. drugs, stationery, crocktry. plumbing, etc., lor the semi-annual period ending June 30, 1122. Specifications and sched ules will be furnished upon application to the secretary at Salem. Oregon, also from the trade and commercial bureau of the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Each bid sba.l be accompanied by a certified check representing 10 per cent of the whole amount bid, payable to the Oregon State Hoar. I of Control, or where the 10 per cent amounts to $381 or more, a surety bond Iron some company au thorized to do business In Oregon will be ac: -pterl In place of the check. Th same -.hall be he.d as a guaranty of tha faithfjl performance of the contra.-t. Tlie boartl reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid. R. B. QOODIN, Becretary, Oregon Stale Hoard of Control. SEA1.EO buia will bo received at lb office of the undersigned. 401 Court house, Portland. Or., until 7 P. M.. Dec. T, 1021. for diploma cover for various schools, Portland, or. Hids will be opened at a inci ting of the board of director In room 304 Courthouse, at I 1. M. the Hume day. Ppecilications may be obtained st th office of the Superintendent of Prop er!. ex, old Fulling school. First and porter sis . Ponl.ind, or. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, payable to R H. Thomas, school clerk and bu-d-nows manager, must accompany eadl proposal. Tho board of directors re curves the right to reject any or all bid. (Signed) It. II THOMAS. School Clerk snd Business Manager. Dated November 20. 1121. 31 1 wcellw n CPUS. NOTICE OF AUCTION SALE. A sale of unredeemed pledges, con sisting of watches, diamonds. Jewelry, kodaks, typewriters, etc., will be held at 3114 Slark street, Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday. December 6. 1021. Sale start ing at 10 A. M. Articles to be sold rep resented by pledge numbers: 444, 1140, 3821. 11127, 6181, 68118, 7317, 78(16, 80311. 8'IIS 83K, 81114, 8345, 85112. 8514. 88-7. 8H.-.8 8817. 114, Hlol. flllll, II2IH, HH07, 11.1811 1(41.1. U81IM. 0804. 1872. l32, H'.'.'IS, P1I30, 1011. 11115, 11022, 101115, 10O.TI, 1004I1, 10058, 10116. 10084, loilllll, 101 11, 1OI40. 10142, 10144, 102011. 10234, 10211, 10243. 10243, 111283, 102711, IO-I16. 18312. 11.(18. 11323. 1335. 10341. 1347, 11352, 11361, 1377, 1031III. 10410, 10417, HM44. ' 111416. 10452. 10457. 10413, 10480, 10487, 1O40H, 1416, 1O510, 1II.V22. 1534, 11511, 10383, 10500, 11616. 11162. 1II630, KlOtiO. 10723. 10732. 111738, 1761, 11711, 1770. 1772, 10776. 1078.1. 1782. 1078.1, 1O7U0. 10703, 111711, KI802, 11824, 11833, 1(1841. 1083(1, los.,2, 11881, 11818, infll, lOlllll, 11033. 10158. KI1I74. HM'82, 11186. 11O07, 1 1015, 11027, 1KH4. 1145, 11051 11(1(111, 11170. 1 10711, 11112, 11118. 11117, 11141. 11131, 1 1 187, 1 1226. 11253, 11211, 1134.1. 11318, 11358. 111115. 11874. 11417, 11420. 11435, 11440, 11453, 1 14.MI. 11473, 115(14. 11535. 1153K, 1134 1. 1 1348, 11337, 11363, 1 1366, 1 1560, 11571, 1 1578, 11380 11587, 1 1508, 1 1164, 11712, 117111. 11761l! 11771. 11777, 1 1782. 11702, 11705, 1 1854 11857. 11865. 1 I8C0. 111111, 11016, 111147, 11153, 11101. 1 11183, 12O02, 12OO0, 1"(I10, 12024. 1250. 12132. 12153. 1206', l"ie3 l"lll4, 12105, 121118, 121 18. 12123, l"14l' 12112, 12113, 12168. 12174. 12178, 12!8 12188. 12112. 12104. 12212, 12232, 1"31, 12240, 12241. 12254. 12233. 12218, 1""6H, 12280, 12281, 12283, 12285, 122811, j.,.,7 io;iis 12310, 12327. 12334, 12336, 1-337. 121131. 12340. 12346. 12353, 12317, 12381 12403. 124IHI. 124O0. 12418, 12428 12424. 12426. 12430, 12431, 124 17. 1"454 124116. 12160. 12488, 12.MI4. 12513, 12517. 125O0, 12313. 12518, 12527, 12530. 12533, 12540, 12577, 12501. 12305. 12517. 1"II0 12121. 12822, 12131, 121137, 12841, 1"32 12154. 12657, 12162, 12118, 12676, 126MI, 12113. 12608, 127IIO, 1274, 12712, 12734. 12748, 1275(1. 12731, 12752. 12715, 12767. 12770. 12773, 12776, 12700, 12811, 12808, 12810, 12812, 12810, 12822. 12821, 'J831, 1283U. 12850, 12854. 12855, 12803, 12863. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSOCIATION. C. Myers Herrman. Manager. JOHN T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Firs t publication. N ovem tier 20, 1021. NOTICE I'ntll our office pnone is work ing we will take orders at East 7423 for blk. wood cut from 10x14. 12x12 timber; plank wood $1 cotd, SxUl aoid 4x12 nJuik 13.