18 THE MOItXIXG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVE3IBETC 30, 1921 FDrCATIONAL. ATTTnVf flTTVK SCHOOL To want nothing tut the best. Hero THREE waitresses for logging camp. $50, Jt la. Standardised with school in 60, room and board: must bo experienced, other cities, beat laboratories, beat shop) Call Skinner A White, 35 N. Second. Tel equipment and Instructions. Actual shop' e phone Broadway 3205. practice riven on real repair Jobs. Ra- I . emits absolutely guaranteed. The tlms for you to "o to school )a while business Is quiet. Prepare now for bia busineaa opening In a Ivw months Inquire Ore son Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-service men gst STATE A TO. HELP WANTED MALE. VOUNG MAN; I Take mis tip: The one best place In this city to asnlst YOU In finding a position In a clerical, com mercial or technical line Is the Y.M.C.A. Employment department. You can get reliable lnformatlco and they will mul tiply your chuncet and put you next to opportunities that you would never find through your own efforts alone. All young men and especially stran ger. re cosdlally Invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Koom 307 T. M. C. A. "UAVTKIi MAX AND WIFE WANTED. Don't apply If you are not willing to put n long nours ana nara worn, ry nin that havit hnd some experience in e-ardenlnir and noultrv preferred. Place located clone to Portland, some 20 acres. JIust furnish reference. During winter will pay $40 and a fair house to live in. In answering give age. reference, ex perlence. etc. A J 015. Oregonian. GROCER clerk, married. 30-35 yrs.; steady work: state experience and previous em ployers, also your qualifications; must be able to drive car. BF 44, Oregonian. $25 PER MONTH averaged by many salesmen ; mme make more; congenial. eay work for young or old; experience unnecessary; cash weekly; business splendid year round. Toppenlwh Nur- Biry. box i... roppenisn. w asn WANT all-round country porter . one who can care for machine; must be able to set good string type and capable of tak ing charge composing room; steady job for right man. Wire experience and sal ary wanted. Dispatch. D.iyton. W-ah. KX PERI ENCED ciolhlng salesman; must have local references ; permanent posi tion. Apply at John Levitt's, ftourtn and Washington. . WANTED Experienced clam diggers to dig razor clams on Clatsop beach for cannery; highest prices paid. Warren ton Clam Co.. Warrcnton. Or. $100 SERVICES Gives you a good steady Income, pleas ant outside work; no canvassing; In business for yourself. Call 02 6th st. IF YOU are a hustler, have a car and want to make big money as rooming and apt. house salesman, call at once, Marshall 2018. . HCM KLESS, friendless, unemployed men can find a home at Psgah Home colony. Sen ppoose. Or. tXCAVATlON wanted in bank, 18x20. for garage at 742 Lovejoy. Leave bids at J DVKRT1SING solicitor, special number, established marine monthly. 209 Stock Kurha .lge. WANTED Young man to nulk cows and deliver: board, room and wages. 7S0 Insley ave. PAINTER Mum be first-class, $5.50 per day. 400 E. 3Hth st. N. GOOD baritone and tenor wanted tor local professional work. 2"2 Tllford bldg. HIGH school boy to heli room niul hoard. 2'o In upt. house for n. -oin pi. SOLICITOR for realty company ; strictly communion basis. 201 McKay Mug. WANTED Experienced chainman. Apply 302 Spalding bldg. Help Wanted Salesmen, SALES MANAGER WANT EI THE BEST SCHOOLMASTER IN PORTLAND TO TRAIN SECURITY SALESMEN; THE HIGHEST GRADE PROPOSITION AND GREATEST MUNKY RETURN IN THE NORTHWEST FOR THE K1GHT MAN; NEW CORPORATION: ANSWERS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, WRITE AM 26:., OREGONIAN. SALESMAN A live salesman over 25 years of age w.tl do well to look Into our education a. proposition; $75 per week and up enn easily be earned ; we furnish leads and every assistance. See Mr. Go k1 wine, 305 Central building, after 10 Mondny. A FluM w iulit-s to piace high-grade line of steam specialties with salesman or manufacture's agent who has established trade with mills; products have been in field 2 years; good commission repeats. Mr. Lehman, ImperLai hotel, Wednesday, 3 P. M. to 7 P. M. SALESMEN We have something different for you. Our methods are sane, attract ive, efficient. No specialty. Just the proposition a live salesman likes to be hitched up with. Call at 2o5 Artisans bldg. 2 to ft. North Ridge Brush Co. PHONOGRAPH SALE.S1AN House-tori o use salesman, best machine on mar ket, lowest prices, direct from factory to customer; liberal terms. E. 83d st N. and Broadway. Stradivara, Phonograph company. &ALESM EN Opening for two ambitious, neat appearing men who can furnish A-l references. Apply 205 Artisans bldg., North Ridge Brush Co. TO RIGHT party will be given exclusive right to 20 Oregon counties for the most popular auto signal on the market, Call at It 10 Union avenue North. WE ARE going to install business oppor tunity dept., want manager, one able to cloe, knows values; give age. refer- ence and phone. Y 022. Oregonian. SPECIALTY sales:;. an wanted, exceptional proposition for live wires; big commis sions. See Mr. Bush, room 203 Multno mah hotel, 8:30 A. M. to 12:30 today. A BIO bKLLbK and money-maker for salesmen and solicitors; something every man, woman and child needs. Call mornings, 314 Henry bldg. HUSTLERS With or without cars, for automobile accessories. Apply room 400 Rita hotel, after 2 P. M. W A " T E TV AGENTS. Wanted -Men a-nd women to sell house- to-house novelty ; great seller at this time. i nil l 4tn street, AGENTS to sell novelty, house to house; big seller. Call 215 4th st. AGENTS wanted, 21 " 4th st. men and women. Call AGENTS sell oil paintings for Xmas, $1 and up, make big money. 425 Wash, st. TH REE solicitors for household article. SMlwood 2073 after 0 A. M. HEALTH, accident and nospitai insurance, B.g commission. 501 Coibett bldg. HELP WAVTKO-FEMALE. JiiX i'ERi h.NCEL calmer, single ; mu.tt be able to operate modern cash register; salary $75 per month; answer first letter in own handwriting, stating experience and rferncnu. K 152, On gonhui. WANT kind, capable woman to" care for invalid or would give rent and some money to middle-aged Christian man and wife In exchange for partial board and care. Tabor 424. ilAN AND wife tor hopual, wife to cook, man for janitor. Gen. housework, $55. Housework, out, $40. Housekeeper for man, $.10. 301 Raleigh bldg., 327 Wash Ington st. PRACTICAL nurso, I,ast middle-age, to care for house for 2 adults and invalid wife; no washing or furnace. Phone after 10 A. M., Tabor 045. ANY GIRL In need of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and AU xander streets. Phone Main M.. I'M car. IIDDLE-AGED lady without children for housekeeper; country town, close In; good wages, steady position. Call 11 North Second st. LADIES The Franco-American Hygienic Co. can use six bright alca ladteav out side work, whole or part time. 627 Corbett bldg. WANTED Ladles cail homes, sell house hold necessities of merit; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 37 1 East Morrison at. KLDERLY lady who wiahea good home and some wages to care for children white mother works. Call at 1450 K. Davis st. WANT girl to assist with housework; good place for wlliing and dependable girl; need not be experienced. Phone Auto matic 533-84. A R ELI A HLE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND TO ASSIST IN CARE OF CHILDREN. A GOOD HOME AND GOOD WAGES. EAST SHI. W A NT EI Experienced young lady cook and general housework, must be willing worker. Inquire for M. C. Weaver, St. Charles hotel. IF YOU have a good education and art anxious to get a position with a future amird you write H 110. Oregonian. SHE FLORENCE CRITTKNTON noras tt ready to help any girl in distress. 05$ East Gllsan. "M V car. East 316. WANTED Housekeeper for 2 adults In home; give age. name, phone number. AR 245. Oregonian. l.LDERi.Y lady to assist gentleman in established business X 265. Orego nian. WANTED Neat-appearing young women for Christmas specialty work. Main 1734. IF YoU are a hustler and want to make real money selling rooming houses, call Mnrwhnll 261S. WANTED Saleswomen, wonderful oppor tunlty. Free training. Phone Bdwy. 4320. WANTED Two young ladles to sell; good pay. Apply 414 Fourth st., apt. 6. BUM N ESS colli de st iilnt to aaalat w ith housework. Enst 70K0. CAMP waltreas, $00, room and board. Ankeny st. EXP ERI ENC ED girl or woman to adUt with houaework. East 747U, HKtP WANTED FEMALE. THE WOMEN" j Protective Division, city of Portland, offers lta aervlce In all mat ters pertaliing to the welfare and pro tection of woman and girls; Interviews confidential. 014 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oik sts. Phone Main 522. EXPERIENCED cnambermaid and some housework; references; can go home nights. 245 N. 2Mh. Main 6316. Wanted liomfwtici. WANTED Relabie girl or woman for general housework In family of 6. Go home evenings. Phone mornings. Tabor 1717. . UJKU full GENERAL, HOUSEWORK; GOOD HOMB, GOOD WAGES. 630 E. IrtTH ST.. IRVINGTON. PHONE EAST 61'l WANi'KU Woman to do housework, family of five; good wages. Apply 1156 I'ntnn nve N. HOUSEKEEPER in widower's apartments and cjre for 3 boys of school age. Call after 6 P. M.. 534 Mill St. . SOMEuNK to assist with housework in a family of three. Call Sellwood 131 be tween 9 and 6. WANT school girl to help with housework, good west side home, good wages. 214 North I1th at. , WANTED Experienced girl for general housework ; references required. Main M73. 800 Pettygrove St. WANTED Willing young girl to assist with housework. Apply 600 Marshall at. WANT foreign girl to assist with general housework : good home. Tabnr 2103. YOUNG girl to assist with, housework small family; good wagea. East B02S. WANT competent glr to assist with gen eral h oust' work. 312-38. m WANTED 2 chambermaids. Hotel Har- rlson. 403 Front st. Apply in person. EXPERIENCED girl to assist with chil dren and second work. Mar. 8065. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. MOTION-PICTURE types wanted. Write Hector Cloverio. Cloverio Film Co., Portland, Or. Give phone number. No triflers. WANTED Men and women to sell wet weather necessitv. Nusole Distributing Co., 216 Stock Exchange bldg. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Man to invest money in first class well known amusement enterprise; would consider partner; man capable of keeping books preferred. Call R. 8. Halke, St. Elmo hotel. Vancouver. Wash. IF YOU can invest $150 and are a sales man I can locate you. aott Cham, or Com. WANTED A salesman with ability, vestment required; also references, 2i4. Oreconlan. PARTNER for mv tailor shop Just opened. Lambert, 410 East Burnslde. 9 ITV A TI ON 9 W A NTFD MALE. ROOFS REPAIRED. And painted, gutters cleaned. 20 years experience. Trices thi lowest, and a guar antee that counts. Main 571 and 1194. POSITION wanted by young man techni cal education, speaks four languages, English, French. Spanish and German. AR 20. Oregonian. MARRIED MAN, OUT OK WORK AND BROKE. WILL DO ANYTHING AND APPRECIATE IT; WILL GO OUT ON FARM MrCANN. BROADWAY 2035. EXPERIENCED accountant wishes either temporary or permanent work ; can do nny kind of office work. Telephone Knrt 347. KA LSi )M IN 1NG Guaranteed work ; no cleaning after work Is finished; 60c hr. ; brushea furnished, or hy contract at fair - prices. Call Main 5506. FIRST-CLASS chef and pastry cook wants position In or nut of city; would con sider working interest In small place. AR 255. Oregonian. MARRIED man. experienced salesman In wholesale and retail grocery business, wants position; can take charge of buy ing; be.tt references. East 2204. EFFICl ENT middle-aged man. good edu cation, wants steady job, farm, garden, poultry or other rural work; not milker or t'm-ster. Henry Granville. 207 Oak. Nc'AT appearing young man. colored, age' ; I, wants situation as porter, eievmor or bellman in hotel; experienced Auto matic 517-5L . HAVE two Mack trucks for either long logs, cord wood or general hauling; what have von? Call 315 Broadway. EXPERIENCED window trimmer of ex ceptional executive ability open for lm mfrtiat ft encag"mnt. Sellwood 322. EX PERI ENCED Janitor; furnace, paint ing, calciminlng; wishes position In apt. house or hotel. Marshall 3716 N ILL paint or tint for Vxl2 rug and etalr carpet, or what have you? Wood lawn 4!:i, . JAPANESE man withes hotel, apartment. club, store, office or any other Kind or work. Aut. 516-04. I PAINT, kal(omlne nd grain; I do It good ; my price is right. Call me up. Woodlawn 6403. JAPANESE schoolboy wants position In small family (Japanese M. E. church). Call 515-69. X WILL mix your concrete with mixer for $1.25 per working hour. Call after 6 P. M.. East 733. FIR?T-CLAS8 auto-elect rtclan. mechanic, and driver; references. Phone East 1 o 50. WANTED Work, any kind; have car for light work. Address N. Alpaugh. C531 41st nve. 3. E. SECOND cook, in or out of city; refer ences. Phone wroaaway oi&a. ask ior Wells. "WE BUI LD cabinets, cases, stepladders. anything ror tne nome. jacascrews ior rent. Broadway 1074. Broadway 716. CARPENTER New or repair work, small jobs promptly flon, estimates cneenuiiy given. Tabor 5080. POSITION as Janitor or helper in an apt. house by an expe-iencea janitor; reis. furnished. M 2H6. Oregonian. YOUNG mfi.n. 24. exp. in garage, wants work, dr.y or nignt; nest reierences. au Frnnk. Sellwood 1740. HANDY man wants housecleanlng. fur nace, dishwashing, etc. A3 v. iii:. orego nian. BAKER with 23 years experience on bread nd rolls, wishes to get a Sob. AL 241, Orcgoniarr PAINTING, kalsoinlning. neatly and rea sonab y do. Call Gaither. Marshall 2703. EX-SERVICE man would care for furnace for light h. k. room and small wages, or other work. Ca'i Marshall 605. room 5. TWO-THIRDER printer, 6 years, exp. as all-around man, wants position In coun try office. AV 710. Oregonian. YOUNG man, 2S years, desires work of any kind. 85 Idaho st. Auto. 221-S4, ak for A. Parker. MARRIED man will give second week's salary for steady Job. AO 243, Ore- gonian. EXPERIENCED dishwasher. Janitor and bakers' helper wartts work. Phone AuM. n20-45 from 0 A. M. to 6 P. M. l.NrilDE pnilntlng. window cleaner, handy man. hour or day. Main 2:t2. FIRST-CLASS plasterer and cement fin isher wants work. Phone Auto. 645-87. CHINESE wants position, family cook or country hotel. G 260, Oregonian. CONTRACTORS, builders, let Gaither fig ure your painting. Call Marshall 2703. CARPENTER Porches, additions, garagea, promptly built. Phrne Marshall 3M34. COOK and baker want work, good on bread and pastry. Auto. 60-83. SITUATION wanted as Janitor in good surroundings. N 015. Oregonian. TINTING or any work In exchange for apt. K. 2822. apt. 5; call 6 P. M. EXPERIENCED dishwasher, or any kind of work. C 271. Orrgonlan. PIANIST All Oroeonia n. or part time. BC 246, il AN w;th Ford w.shes Job. AK 240. Ore- gonian JAPANESE t-chool boy wants housework. 02 North 5th st. EXPERIENCED man, position as Janitor. Main 1039. room 33. EXPERIENCED JANITOR WANTS POS1 TIO N. ADDRESS W 262. OREGONIAN TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc. East 210. 240 East 8th. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work, re-vaonahle. Sellwood 1 300. $15 RE'VAHD for information leading to steady job In city; $3 or up. Wdln. 1725. CARPENTER, new or repair, day or con t ra ft, building rstlmates. Phone 227-16. POSITION wanted as janitor or night watch. Mr. Brown, phone East 4171. WANTEL Carpenter work by day or con tract; alo graining. Call Auto. 628-00. A-l MACHINIST wants work; can give the best of references. Bdwy. 4317. CARPENTER. Jobbing and repairing; also pilntinsr and tinting. East 5306. CARPENTER Contracting, repairing, re model In gjreliaJlenTechajilcJBdw 2487. E. D. BENNETT, paperhangmg, painting, tinting 770 Williams ave. Woodlawn 201). CARPENTER. ChYlstlanson, phone Main 1764. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages fireplaces; prices right. Tabor 8703. PLUMBING done very reasonably, by hour or Job. Auto. 235-51. HOTEL clerk wishes position In or out of city. Y 257. Oregonian. FAIN TLX G, tinting, etc Woodlawn 107. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. ATTENTION, LUMBERMEN. A thoroughly qualified lumberman, will be open for position January 1 or In early spring; been managing and su perlntending sawmills for past 15 years; thoroughly familiar with both car and cargo business and have been successful In the various capacities In connection with the lumber game and can furnish the best of both Puget sound and B. C. references. AV 711, Oregonian. MECHANIC, 37 years, with dependent family, must have work; have had 16 years' experience on automobile repair ing; am first-class acetylene welder; can do all kinds of machine or electrical work; want position with some reliable concern or win repair your car at your own garage. Action is what I want. Can give best of references. Wm. Buf fum. 5205 88th at. 8. E., or O 263, Ore gonian. YOUNG man, high achool education, neat appearance, good character. 8 years' experience operating and repairing autos, trucks and tractors, desires something permanent in this line or otherwise, with responsible party or concern offer ing reasonable compensation for real effort and ability. Phone East 7106 be- twecn 4 and 6 P. M. Inquire for Baker. EXPERIENCED .UTO ATECH AN1C AND TRUCK DRIVER WISHES WORK. "WELL ACQUAINTED IN THE CITY BUT WILL GO ANYWHERE. MAR RIED. CALL AUTO. 824-16. AMBITIOUS young man, age 22. has had varied clerical end sales experience, de sires any kind of work at once. Have some mechanical experience and am good chauffeur, a fain 043. room 12. WANTED Contract to furnish stores with Xmas trees; orders must be from 6 to 100 and over. Give us your best price and number of trees wanted. AK 266. Orego'.ian. PAPERING AND PAINTING. I GUARANTEE ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP AT WINTER PRICES. J. H. JENKINS. E. 7R42. KEFINED ladies, live wires, to demon strate the world's best corset. BO 245, Oregonian. SHINGLING, ropf-repa-iri ng; prices rea. sonable : work guaranteed. Ant. 325-1 0. Bookk.f epent, wtenogrnphers. Office. ACCOUNTANT, ex-sehvlce man. will set up and take care of small sets of books; will consider a steady position. F 259, Oregonian. MARRIED man, age 80. desires position In lawyer's office where he will have opportunity to s.udy law, BC 270. Ore gonian. YOUNG married man desires position as an office clerk, typist or truck driver in or out of the city. AJ 268. Oregonian. COST and general accountant, 8 years' experience, will accept permanent poal- tton or piece-work. X, 2rt3. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER, gener al offl.re man, wide experience. AL 273, Orego tian. WANTED Position as bookkeeper, gen eral oaf Ice man or accountant M 263. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT (ex-service man) will keep your books, systems, audits, statements, balances; very reasonable. Mar. 1N24. YOUNG man. 26 years old. 7 years' gen eral office experience; bookkeeper and typist. R 27Q, Oregonian. Bookkeeper-stenographer desires position. East for appointment. BILLING CLERK All-a.round office man, wants position. BD 247, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel clerk, steady man 3 languages. Marshall 871ft. Sulcnmen. BY COLLEGE graduate with years of ' selling experience and A-l references, as sales manager, assistant manager, oi personal producer; no blue-sky or house-to-houbt proportion will be considered, AC 272. Oregonian. SALESMAN Ladies or children's shoes. six years' experience; position where cor rect fitting will be appreciated. Age 2H. marries ana neea wora at once. 1'none Main 043, apt. 12. SALESMAN wishes city position, grocery or specialty. Af z-in, Oregonian. srrrATiONs wantkiv kem ale. CAPABLE woman of 40 would like about 4 to 6 weeks work ; good plain cook ; fond of children ; day work preferred. AC 2A3. Oregonian. 16-YEAR-OLD girl will care for children at thdir homes while mothers do their Christmas shopping; can give good ret erence.i. East 3fS. ELDERLY woman will do liaht house work in widower's family; plain home In city. A newer giving phone number, BC ureponian. MARINELLO facials, scaup treatments, srvampoomg, manicuring, etc., in your home; business women evenings. East WILL do cleaning, bake and cook, iron ing, care for children; best of references. Wood lawn 4fl5. EXPERIENCED, truatwortny lady wants nousec leaning, waaning or other work ; good w,k guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305 SOLDIER'S widow with son 7 years wants work on farm for married couple. Ad- q rows oi-i niiisnoro. WANTED Day work by experienced wom an; city references; Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday. Broadway 2048. BUSINESS woman, experienced In wo men's apparel, desires responsible posl tlon. J 271. Oregonian. WANT any kind of work which will pay well ; am willing to learn. Write Miss Held. 375 Multnomah st. REFINED, energetic lady must have po sition, eiiner clerical or store" work; will Ing to learn. A 62. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED vest finisher wants posi tion. P. O. box 828. city. WANT work by day or hour on Wednesday end Friday East 57X3. SPECIAL Windows washed. $1.50 per dox. All kinds cleaning. Woodlawn 2063. WOMAN wants work by hour or day; rt'Hable references. Broadway 3056. XOUNG lady wishes place as cook for small family; no laundry. East 8375. LX PER' ENC ED waitress wants work. Phona Main i"SPt. WOMAN no to. wants day work. Call Tabor EXPERIENCED manicurist wants place in barber shop. East 5232. WILL care for children evenings while parents are away. Rpf. Woodlawn 1611. LADY will take care of children, 30 cents hour. East 325. COLORED woman wanta day work. Call Woodlawn 2M41. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Phone Woodlawn 1637. EXPE RI ENCED DAY WORKER. PHONE SRLLWOOD 2. Bookkeepers, Stenographer. Office. CAPABLE young lady, experienced book keepe .-stenographer and saleslady, six years' experience dealing with the pub lic ; prfer position in lumber camp or country position, best references; will go anywhere. Pho-ie East 6501. Miss A. B. GOOD steady girl with one year's experi ence in stenography and bookkeeping wishes position, general office work pre ferred. Woodlawn 5335. FIRST-CLASS steno. wants position at once, temporary or permanent- Call Main 7629. 3 YEARS' experience as bookkeeper and hank clerk; excellent references; would do general office work. Call East 2 00 4. POSITION as assistant bookkeeper or clerical work In office. Has lumber ex perlence; need work badly. Wdln. 5523. frTENOGUAPHErt-BOOKKEEPER, exper ienced various businesses, thorough. Woodlawn 5403. PARTNER wanted with $200 to inet and who has had sales experience N Bu3, Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer with knowl edge of bookkeeping and general office work. Marshall 563. Dressmakers, COATS, suits, dresses, alteration and plain sewing: prices right. Cor. 11th and Columbia. Main 3501. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking ; stou's fitted; prices reasonable. 1111 E. Taylor at. Tabor 46ft. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. $5 up; make overs a specialty. 605 E. 7th sL N. Woodlawn 4601. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker, by day, rea sonable; give references. Phone Auto. 617-05. SEAMSTRESS work and dressmaking done at home or out. Call or write 4013 63d ave. S. E. MIDDLE-AGED. practical nurse would like care of invalid or maternity cases. K 261, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED dressmaker; at home or day engagements. $4. Broadway 5676. SILK dresses a specialty ; prices reason- able. 422 "4 Morrison, room 6. upstairs. THE GLAD SHOP Dressmaking, remodel lng. 1001 Bdwy. bldg. Main 5354. LELAH HUTCHINSON gowns. 902 Broad- way bldg. Main 1788. HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon sets 5c yard. 10Q6 Broadway bldg. DRESSMAKING MRS. GOOD. DON E REASONABLY. Woodlawn 2146. DRESSMAKING at home or by the day; children's clothes. Wdln. 50s. DRESSMAKING Plain lawn 4361. DRESSMAKING, bldg.. 5th at. remodeling. Main 5545. Goodnough DRESSMAKING; children's clothes a spe clalty: prices reasonable. 334 Fifth st. DRESSMAKING by the day; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 1324. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes work by day. Tabor 8456. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailoress, will sew in families Marshall 365. Nurses. CHEERFUL, practical nurse, best of ref erences. Bdwy. 4767, apt. 87 FITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Nurwe. CHILDREN cared for by hour, day or month; private family; reasonable. 447 Broadway: 10 min. business eenter. GOOD, practical nurse, maternity pre ferred; would help with housework. Marshall 22H.M. room 10. TKA1NEO nurse will ta.ke all kinds of cases; very reasonable. Call East 840, room 1 NURSE w ill care for patient In her ow,n home: diet a specialty. Call Tabor 5733. YOUNG lady as practu ai nurse in good clean family. East 8375. COMPETENT, experienced nurse wan La cases. Mrs. Co.stello. Main 7422. Housekeeper. MIDDLE-AGED tady wishes position as housekeeper In good home, very neat and good cook; speaks German. Mabrey, Or., or write Mra. A. Schultx. Route 1, Box 141, Boring. Or. Mi DOLE-AGED French widow, very re fined, wishee situation as housekeeper for widower In or out of town. Write Bell Court Apts., No. 3. MIDDLE-AGED woman would like house keeping for widower with family In country or city. X 256. Oregonian. YOUNG :dy as Housekeeper for man with 1 or 2 children; no triflers. East 375. Ifconiehtics. WANT housework, with or without 18-montha-old baby. Mrs. Helen Tiel, Sal vation Armv home. EXPERIENCED cook wants work in pri vate family; good, wages, E 271, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED cook wants position In hotel, restaurant or cafateria. Phone 522-15. EXPERIENCED woman, good cook, wlll ing to do downstairs work. Main 6255. LAI N DRY work, oeaifing, taking care of cnnnren. .VArsnan 3i. JAPANESE young girl wishes position in lamuy. aui. ITouseclfanina;. HOUSECLEANING Expert white and Ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, furniture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. 1SS Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleanlng, floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given: best of references. WINDOW cleaning, housecleanlng and floor wa.xlng a specialty. Phone Main 5205. Residence phone Pell. 1131. WANTED TO RENT. Houses, MEIER A. FRANK'S Information and 9 Kental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apart ments and flats, with definite informa tion pertaining to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments witn us; quicK results ana gooa tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel Phone Broadway 3715. WANTED Flat ci house or rooms, from 6 to 15 rooms,, west side, for roomers. Mar. 160H. BY DEC. luth to loth.. 4 or 5-room un furnished house or flat; walking dis tance; reasonable. Slain 470L SMALL el'-an houi-e, near car line, rtaun able. Phone East 4221 . Apartment. WANTiulJ Small funi:sliud apartment by single lady accustomea to refinement anyone leaving city for winter might find suitable tenant; can furnish very nest references. A M 240. Oregonian. Ron'tih. YOUNG lady wa its quiet room in respect able iH.mily, hte' or apartment, within walking distance west side. K 204. Ore gon iaru Miscellnneou. WANTED Store sullaoie tor lunch room, not les than 12x30; downtown location. X 01 4. Oregonian. WANT to buy furnishings of a small room ing house with 5-year lease. AB 264, Oregonian. FOR RENT. KLEGANTLf furnished high-class bache lor apt.. Including piano,, large living room, 17x30, attractive, with lots of lamps; maple floor, kitchenette, lovely for persons out through the day. lawyer or 2 or 3 nurses, ltitf Su Clair st., cor. Washington. NICELY furnished room in private fam ily; all conveniences; walking distance. 615 Elliott ave., Ladd add'n. East 6737. F urnifrhed Kmima. FURNISHED ROOMS. Single rooms with and without bath In high-class apartment house; lota of heat and very clean; will rent to refined gentlemen or ladies employed: references required. From $25 up, Marshall 2s3u. 166 St. Clair st. . NEW SERVICE. Come to us for a pesonally Inspected room. We see them all. Call Miss Rich ardson, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg. 3d St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL, EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. LARGE, AIRY SLEEPING KOOAl . MODERN HOME. Bath, furnace; breakfast If desired; Rose City, one block from car; refer ences exchanged. Tabor 10H4. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 day; week,. $5 up; private bath, $8 up; fireproof and clean; close to business center. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS $2 WEEK. Clesn furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc., 35c and 50c per night; 5-story brick. 4i'3 Front, cor. Harrison. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th at. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up. $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive., spotless rooms, close to a muse ments and shopping center. ANGELA HOTEL. 025 Washington St. Marshall 1050. Large, attractive lobby with fire- place. Special rates to permanent guests. WASHINGTON HOTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. . Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th st.. corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath. $2. Special rates hy week or montW. HOTEL CON R A DINE, 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. EUCLID HOTEL. 673 Washington at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 262. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 y Washington st. Modern, private baths ; free phone ; reasonable rates, .rau weeK up. Main at. RESIDENTIAL hotel. 708 Wash st. Phone Marshall 510. bleeping rooms with pri vate baths and phone, also basement. sleeping room near bath. HOTEL TA1T, 12th and Stark Changed bands; rate H per day. wk. $5 up; pri- vaate bath. $0 up; all outside rooms. LARRABEE HOTEL Modern, steam heated: walking distance. Larrabee and Holladay. NICELY furnished sleeping room, reason able, close in. oik east side. Phone East 6138. NICELY furnished room, Bteam heat, hot water, reasonaoie rates; 9i a week and up 548 j Washington at 18th. WELL furnished sleeping rooms. Steam heat, hot and cold water, reasonable. 260 S 5th at. HoTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at loth $1 day. weekly $5 and up. Free phone and bat hs : light and airy. Steam heat. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St., near Morrison lean ana modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. BEN HL'R HOTEL. 347 Oak st..' between tfroaaway ana I'arK Hot ana cold, wa ter; reasonable rates. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, Washington and Fifth Streets. Special perma nent rates. MARLYN HOTEL, 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by day, week or month: rates reduced. BUSH MARK. Wash. st.. cor. 17th; clean. modern steam heated 1 and 2-room apts.. aiso sleeping rooms ; reasonaDie. 50c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac, 3d. near Jefferson N ICELY turniehed rooms 425 u. rtth st. NICE, liyht aleepiag rooms, close in. Bdwy. i i, reasonable. Vnfuniihhed Rooms. 6-ROOM house, 41o Eugene st., near Union ; electricity, gas. furnace, newly papered: f30. Main 7317. 2 OR 3 NICE, large, light, unfurnished rooms; Piedmont. Woodlawn 6118. Furnished Rooma in Private Family. ONE LARGE, light room, furnace heat. electric ngnts, bato. ana telephone. &6d Broadway. FOR RENT. Furnished Koonia In Private Family.' BEAUTIFULLY furnished large front room in Rose City Park residence, hav ing eight windows, fireplace, two closets, private lavatory and toilet. Phone, bath and home privileges. One block from car. Adults only. References ex changed. Tabor 1720. FINELY furnished large front room, with kitchenette; also 4 beautifully furnished, up-to-date sleeping rooms, all conven iences location most desirable, 627 Kearney st. Phone Bdwy. 2626. CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate; $3-50 per wk. ; twin beds, parlor, piano and home privileges; 8 minutes walk from Meier A Frank, 61 N. 18th. B i end way 2721. BEAUTIFULLY furnithed room in private home; hardwood floors, furnace heat, everything new and comfortable; walking distance Phone East 426S. MCE f r jnt room, z men or girls, best home cooke.3 meals, easy walking distance ; $70 a month for 2. Marshall 4103. 033 Montgomery. " ' TWO NICELY furnished rooms with board for 2 gentlemen or man and wife. 175 per month. 736 Kearney. Call Mar. 3052. NICELY furnished rooms, close in ; heat, b:ith and phone; $2. $3 and $4. 361 11th st. Auto. 521-64. CUZV front loom for man accustomed to nice things. Quiet modern place, liar. 17H0. 362 Vfr Park, corner Mill. BEAUTIFUL rooms in private Irving ton home; privileges of a home. East 4757. WALKING dUtance. comfortable room for one o two; next to bath ; light, heat, phone. East Dl'h. East S333. NICELY furnished modern rooms; girls or gents; home privileges; heat, hot water. 63 N. 22d st. Main 1746. TWO SLEEPING roonus, garage. rab"e st. Fast 31S2. $7 MONTH; furnished rooms; private fam ily; phone, bath, light. 4S8 Columbia. DESIRABLE -lean H. K room, walking distance: furnace heat. 642 N. Flanders. ATTRACT1 VE room in modern horn-; ne with fireplace. S4 N. 21st st. cor. Everest. STEAM-HEATED, clean sleeping rooms, water in rooms. 354 Montgomery. FURNISH ED rooms in private family, furnace heat. 8 E. 16th N. East 1324. rUR GENTLEMAN, furnished room, mod ern conveniences. 367 E. 7th st. N. WARM. home. well furnished room in private 823 Weidler. East 77. COMFORTABLE room veniences. Main 2236. in apt.; Bonma With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portlands downtown high-class family hotel; rooms n suits or single, with or without board, for families and business men ana women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. THE MARIAN A small, exclusive residen tial hotel for business women; beauti fully furnished, siearn-heated rooms, ex cellent meals; a refined and home'ik place; reasonable rates. 565-607 Oils.m st. Broad wnv 24:i8. WHITEHALL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 6th and .Madison sts. "Mother cooks the meals.' We cater to transients; rooms single and en suite; modern ; for busi ness men and women and families; rea sonable rates. Portland's downtown hotel. THE SOUI.E Sunaav cn.cken dinner 75c; week days 50c; all you can eat; like motner cooked. 11)1 11th. . ROOM and board Ior business girla; all modern conveniences: walking distance: $5 per week. Auto 210-74. 12 B. 7th St. LARGE front room for 2 or 3; brand new furniture; excellent French cooking. Bdwy. 3465, corner 20th and Lovejoy. BOARD BOARD BOARD. A good place to eat. 135 N. 23d st. Mar 2775. CHILDREN eVred for In my home by the day. Wf'k or month. East 5S6. 2 AND 3-KOOM h k. apts.. sink. h. and c. water. jIoc, phone, laundry. 306 12th st. Rooms With Boiird in Prlvnt Family. LA RGE, sunny front room in a modern home; test of home cooking, suitable for 1 or 2 gent l-men; walking distance, down'jwn; mus be seen to be appre ciated. Call 35a Larrabee or phone East 4433 KooJn! and bord for couple or 2 gentle men who will appreciate a good home; piano and every convenience that makes a home comfortable. 487 E. 34 th st Sell wood 2270. KuoM and board, nice larue room and board for 2 ladles or gentlemen In pri vate family, home privileges, reasonable; close in, west side. 455 Montgomery st. Main 7651. LARUE ironc b-iiroum and board in bcauT tif ul home, heart of Rose City ; home comforts; hot water a plenty; one block to ..car; garage; references exchanged. Tabor 8076. FOR TWO youns ladies; piano, home privileges; walk.ng distance; very reas onable: also tabic board for two; 468 MarkeU.et. Ma.n 5023. ROOM and board, suitable for two: a real . home: 15 minutes walk from town. 712 Flanders, corner 22d st. N ICELY turnlshed front room In modern home, hot water btaL Walnut Park. Wood'awn 406 ROOM with board; homo privileges; 1 or 2 young men preferred. East 1003. 235 E. 15th st. F.XCLUS1VE home offers room, good home cooking few blocks from Multnomah club. Bdwy. 4314. - LooMS Twin beds, hot water, walking distances; nome cooking; also l-room cottage, west sine. Phone Bdwy. 4633 NICELY furnished front room with board. suitable for z; mooern; wanting aisiance ex'cellent location. Phone East 5715. FRONT room, heat, for one or two; west side, walking distance; no other board ers. Marshall OlHS. FRONT room, excellent board, private family, close 21st and Washington. Main 2H0O. LA RGE front room with alcove, suitable for 2 : furnace heat, home privileges. Main 76S1. OOOD room and two meals in modern home near Hawthorne. 269 E. 32d st. Aut. 224-58. LARGE front room in a modern nome suit able for two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. COMFORTABLE room with good board. 700 Fi mders. Main 1853. PRIVATE home for children. 20 years' experience. 4 14 Everett st. Mar. 2112. WANT 2 refined people to board and room E a s t 4m WITH small refined family, part board or kitchen privileges. Call Main 6o2. ROOM ami board for office man; reason able; close in. .vain mm i . Furnished Apart ments. LA RGE, clean, we 11-furnished housekeep ir.g apartments, near Washington and Benson schools. 20 E. 15th. corner Ash. NICELY furnished apartments, city heat; 1 nice sleeping room. Westminster Apart ments. M ain 552. WILL shure west side apartment, every thing separate; references required. AR 23it, Oregonian. THE JEFFERY 2-room furnished front apartment. $18 a month; corner of Rus sell and Kerby. Phone East 1504. CLEAN, attractive 2 and 8-room apart ments, $12 to $25; couples and bach el o r s . "rheVaughnJl -ROOM apartment, strictly modern, with piano; vacant Dec. 1. 727 "A Mllwaukle st. SMlwood 1710. 4 MODERN rooma, 2 fireplaces, gas, Radl antfire In living room, free phone. Auto, 624-16. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2, 3 AND 4-ROOM APTS. ALTAMONT APTS. Three light, airy basement rooms with private bath; price $4Q. 304 College. MEREDITH. 4 rooms, front, modern, first class; walking distance; low ratea, 22d and Washington. Main 7134. D1EL APTS., 70U E. Ankeny. Mod. 3-room, completely furnished apt., clean, UghL steam heat: adults. East 1808. NICELY-FURNISHED three-room apart ment with fireplace, close In. rent $35. Phone East 3.'t7.. IRV1NGTON FLAT, exceptionally desir able; 4 large rooms, clean, completely v furnished. Four months. $60. Fast 257 S. i-KOOM apt., walking distance. 32S Mill, n en r Broadway. -ROOM upstairs apwrtment, close in. lUo E. 11th. $14 per month. L KGK West light front 2-room !d-. Marshall 8l8. apartment. 2-RoOM front apt., light, phone, furnace heat. $30. 554 E. Madison, cor, of 13th. HADDON HALL. 11th and Hall. 4-rm. apt. ; bath, balcony, hwd. floors. $45. 2-ROoM apt., a conveniences; central. 415 Broadway. 1 SLEEPING room, 1 housekeeping room. 474 Sa'mnn St.. west side. Main 3758. 2 NICELY furnished 2-rooiu apt. 1U4 I.ownsdale. comer Taylor. WELL furnished 4-room apt., healed; adults. 627 Hancock. 2-ROoM apt., $22.50; water, lights and phone free. Ground floor. East 2743. NICE desirable 2-room apartment. In. 2 M Tenth. ONE. TWO or three furnished apts.. clean and quiet. Adults only. Call East 8826. BEAUTIFULLY locatea apt. to share Hrtncroft Heights. Dc 1. Marshall 62. UN ION AVE. and Kilings worth, fur. apt., $21.50; all complete; concrete building. 15 DAYS STORAGE FREE. liovlng for less Phcne Bdwy. 2443. THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 2 and 4 rm. lUih and Norilirup. Bdwy. 3G5&, FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. HIGH-CLASS furnished apt., 2 rooms and sleeping porch, also 4-rooms and sleeping porch with 5 clothes closets, large sleep ing room, 2 bay windows, all outside rooms, very beautifully furnished- in Chinese ruga and ivory furniture; the 2 room apt. available Saturday, can be seen now; reference required; lots of heat. Permanent and transient. ' 166 St. Clair St., corner Washington. LARGE, LIGHT. WARM. WELL FUR NISHED, STRICTLY MODERN. FOUR ROOM CORNER APT. $65 month, equipped for up to five persons; it's a beautiful apt.; expert janitor service, first-class heat. "The COLUMBIAN." 11TH AND COLUMBIA. Portland's Most Popular Apt. House. NEW SERVICE. Come to us for a personally Inspected apartment. We see them all. Call Miss Richardson, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, Abington Bldg., 3d St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia Sts Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store ; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. . EVER THINK OF LIVING IN KING HILL DISTRICT T We have one 3-room furnished apart ment, with heat, water furnished, easy walking distance, rent only $45. SMITH -WAGONER CO. STOCK EX. FURNISHED modern new up-to-date 4 room apt., close In, near Missv ave. car. Plenty heat and hot water; everything furnished. $50. Garage if desired. 87 Cook ave. THE ALTA Thrtse-room furnished apartment with bath, J1 oulaidt rooma, $27.50. bS2 Eaft Ash. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon. 2, 8 and 4 room apts.; permanent or transient; also single rooms, aiain o't4i BONNIE BRAE. Three rooma, with bath and sleeping porch, nicely furnished and clean. 514 Hancock st. DR1CKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 Eleventh. On light, airy, modern apartment, plenty heat and hot water. LEONCB APTS., ISO N. 22D ST. Nicely furnished 8-room front apart ment, newly tinted, private bath. Mar snall 2250. FIRST-CLASS imali apt. for 2 for rent and furniture for sale cheap. Call after 5:30 P. M. apt. 27. Lucretia Court, 47 Lucretla at. Main 7145. . s HOUSEMAN APARTMENTS. Large, desirable 8 or 4 -rm . apartment, with sleeping porch. 730 HoyL Mala 1552. ONE 2-ROOM apt., suitable for 2 gentle men; one single room. All home prlvl leges. 274 Park, cor. Jefferson. NICKOLS APTS. 3 rooms, steam heat, phone, private bath. Wdln. 4U71. b."6 E 6th st. X. THE W E NTWuKTH, 232 12th. first floor, outside apt., with bath. Also single room, modern. GARFIELD; 4 rooms; well furnished. 361 E. Failing; block west Union FOKTNoM A H 4 rooms, nardwood floors, sleeping porch : adults. 200 1. 13th st. $18 CLEAN, nicely fur. 3 rooms; two; convenient, clos. 344 Benton. Unfurnished Apunnu-nu. IRV1NGTO.V BOWMAN APARTMENTS. 4 -room outside apt., H. W. floors, French doors, steam heated ; Janitor service, washing machine, vacuum. East 1360. 4 ROOT.iS and sleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, bath and electricity; nice lawn and fruit; $50 a month. 388 Grand avenue North, near Broadway. Sell wood 3552. W ICKERSH AM. 1 uh and Fiand&rs 4 room apt., unfurnished ; large, light, airy rooma; excellent service; references. Phone Bdwv 2201. LORENZO apts., 427 Salmon t. Main 867 ; unfurnished 2-room front apt., water, light, phone; one block Central library. BRUCE APTS., 266 N. 25th rooms, mod ern, steam-heated, ail outside rooms; hardwood floors, sleeping porch; main floor. East 1369. 3-KOOM apartment, unfurnished, above store building. 273 Fargo. Inquire 2D7 Monroe. DuUGLASS COURT has very desirable 2-room apartment, hardwood floors and French doors. Call Mar. 423. 4 - R O O M COMPLETELY FURNISHED APARTMENT IN PRIVATE HOME. PHONE EAST 1231. 3-KOuM modern apartment, 4o. Butrn Vista apis., 4.'t4 Harrison st. CLAY POOL APTS.. 3 rooms unfurnished, 2 beds, adults. 424 Clay at. THE AMERICAN, modern 6-room apart ment Bdwy. 3860. Kl NGSH 1 LL apartment ; partially or un furnlshed 6-room apartment. Main 5126. TWO LIGHT rooms, running water, $5 per week. 3Q5 Grand ave. S. 5 ROOMS, modern, steam heat, newly tinted, gas stove. 51 Gllsan st. 6-ROOM house for rent at $25. 44th st. Tabor 58. UNFURNISHED apt., 3 rooms. private bath. 648 Th';iman st. Marshall 4761. BASEMENT apartment, living room.-kitch-enette, bath. $30. 110 N. 21st at. Fnrnlhlied or I nfumlwhed Apartments. THE Ht:yoHU. 2-room corner apt.; plenty of hot water heat, phone Included. Thla la a nice one. Main 553. MODERN 5-room steam-heated apt., fur nished or unfurnished. 031 Thurman st. Mar. 4O70. Flats. $37.30 1 ROOMS, MODERN $37.50. East 11th and Davis; walking dis tance, living room with fireplace and gas heater; dining room, cabinet kitch en, bedroom with bath, nice sleeping porch. S M I T H -WAGONER CO. -STOCK EX. MODERN. clean, cheerful, four-room sleeping porch, bath, front balcony, fine view, private furnace, basement, wtst side walking distance; references. 404 Hall St., near 13th. 5 LARGE, beautiful rooms, with bath. Dutch kitchen, good location. Wood lawn 3."rK. Hia Ainerta st 6-ROOM upper flat, 733 Vi Hoyt at., near 22d. Inquire 130 Sixth st. Furnished Flats. $500 FOR FURNITURE of attractive 6-room flat which rents for $30; walking distance on Wasco street. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. Main S.ll BEAUTIFULLY-FURNISHED apartment, buffet kitchen, living room, two enclosed sleeping porches, white enamel wood work, well heated ; no children. $40, 7104 E. Madison, near 2nh. FOR RENT. 4-room furnished flat, all outside rooms, ground floor, prvte bath, nice and clean, walking distance, $35 per mo. Adults only. En s t 8646. 5-ROOM lower furnished flat; modern, nice cement basement; extra good furnace; west side; walking distance; handy to three car lines. Rent very reasonable. Main 1821. MODERN 5-room flat, finished attic, fire place, furnace, within walking distance. East side. Inquire 449 East Ankeny, or phone 210-19. BEAUTIFULLY furnished 4-rm., modern flat to adults, reasonable. Call Main 4643 after 5:30. 852V, Upshur. PARTLY furnished 4-room lower flat, $33 per mo. Call 1073 Division st. Tabor 6783. $i('0 TAKES $700 worth" of new furniture; 5 nice rooms lor $20 per month rent. 3754 Cable St.. near Mill. b-KOOM nicely lurnished flat, 425 6th at., for sale, hall cash, bai. easy muntjuy p a y ments. See owner after 8 P. M 3 AND 4-ROOM flat, east side, walking distance. G. W. Nelson. Phone East 2tK. 28 K Russell st. $32.5 1-ROOM lower flat, niceiy fur nished, stove heat. Inquire 152 Eat 20th, corner of Belmont. NOB H I LL Walking dmunce. ft-room furnished flat, reasonable. 7M4 Gllsan, flat c Marshall 6Q2. 5 ROOMS, nicely furnianed. 21K-NP or R:mt 6036. Call Auto. 3-ROOM furnished flat, newly tinted; went side; walking distance. 552 Mill st. 4-ROOM furnished upper flat ; reasonable rent. Main N30. 263 Hooker. 5-R00M furnished flat for rent, close in. Phone after 6 P. M-, Di.wy. ft7H. 5-ROOM furnished lower flat. 210 14th St.; references require!. NEWLY furnished light housekeeping. telephone, bath, hot water. 55 Marshall. TWO ROOMS, $5 and up; light, linen. water, batn. vvasningion st TWO furnished h. k. rooms. 64 East 11th st. Phone East 1346. 3 UNFURNISHED h. k. rooms, upstairs; adults onlv. Wdln. FoK RENT 2 furnished houeKeeplng roorps 3S4 earn. FURN I Mi ED H. K. rooms, suitable for family. 44 K. QaK st. East n;t. t AM iLY houfce keeping, 2 targe weii- Petty grove. TWO DANDY, clean, airy. h. k. rooms; re n so nuhle. -ist ax. 354 CLAY Several clean unfurnished h. k. rooms; adults, call mornings. $21 THREE furnished housekeeping rms. Inquire 54 E. 16th ?. Phone fcast qtr.n NICELY fumibhed front h. room. College. FOR RENT. FURNISH D H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phon. clectrie light-, steam heat, five minutes' walk of town- 201 Columbia. near Fifth. PARK avenue. 768, splendid residence ana location, cieslrable room and kitchen, furnished, new ly renovated, half block from Council Crest car. Main 4278. ONE SMALL and 2 large single H. K. rooms; comfortable; $3.50. $4 oi) and 5 per week with heat., light and phone; clean. 321 N. 10th, corner cjuimby. THE BEAVER. 12tn nd Man;ill Fur nished h. k. rooms. $15 up, including hot water, electric lights, lsundry room. ONE large front room and kitchenette, newly papered, close In. 34S Clay. Main 34 50 2 AND 3 housekeeping apartments, very reasonable. Rl2 V E. Hurnside and Grand ave.. Mrs. C. Manson. LA ROE, nicely furnished front room, kitchenette, range, water, every con venience. 467 W. Bd wy. 3 NICE clean h. k. rm. In basement, elec. light, use of phone and bath. 426 Mont gomery st. LA RGE front room. Urge kitchenette , reasonable. 427 Montgomery St., near 11th st. LIVING and dressing rooms and kitchen ette; private home in Laurelhurst. Tabor 9333. 2 ROOMS and kitchenette, gas lights and steam heat. 423 Pacific St., near Dental rollege. FURNISHED DOWNTOWN H. K. rooms, cheap rent. 253 Wash., cor. 3d, Housekeeping Rooms in Private 1 amlly. THREE ihoroughlj furnished h. k. rooms, close in, eavt side, desirable location: not less tnan 6 months; for two adults. Phone East S3iH before 1 P. M. 2 LOV ELI' fui tiitlit-d corner front house keeping rooms, well heated, plenty hot water; gas range ; modern home. Main 1371. 2s:i x. 24 th Ft 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms; party In store uninterested; come direct to 564 Irving st. Broadway 3052. NEAR Mult noma h club, good room, nice home; 2 meals: gentlemen. Main 2210. LAKG E room and kitchenette; single H. k . rooms. n i-tn si. 2 FURNISHED H. K. rooms; garage if wanted: walking distance. 11 E. 14th N H. K. ROOMS, walking distance: children. 273 Williams, E. 5707. Mrs. Wilcox. CLEAN front h. k. suite, newly papered. 182 17th st., cor. Yamhill. FURNISHED H. K. room. 684 G.isan st. Phone Mar. 107. PLEASANT roi;m, close in. for ladies; renminbi. FJ-ist 230. 102 E IRth st. STEAM-HEATED parlor room, ground Tioor. ort-l Aiontgowery ST.. cor, rur. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms In prl- vb te lanui) , aouns. ono r. nui name. CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping rooms, wee k ana up. it i . "t nitwun'oig. LA RGE. light, airy housekeeping rooms. 603 E. Madison. F.ast MU1. Hollies. PIAN'os moved. 3; stairs extra. $1 each flight; 30 days' tree storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving, one-ton truck, $2 per hour; largo truck. $2.75 per hour: we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer A Storage Co.. 104 N. 5th st. Open Sundays and evenings. RENT $10 PER MONTH. ' Dainty 4-room cottage at Collins View tract. Palatine Hill. 15 mlnutea from Fulton car line. Call at once for direc tions. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Hrnry Bldg VE R Y nice 6-rooni house with sleeping porch; newly decorated, tapestry pa pit. oak floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement; fine location. 1050 Tillamook, $60 per month. Key at J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. 327 Board of Trade Bdwy. 2045. 8-UuU.M, mod it n duelling, h.w. floors, one-fourth block, thoroughly repaired, 00 E. Madison at JOth, car line one block; adilresa the owner. State Bank of Edmonds, Wash CALL BROADWAY fto FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LHHIT POWER H EAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. Fl VE-KOOM modern house, ciea n, fine yard; 4 block Alber:a car; close to Union ave. looo E. 7ih N. Woodlawn 4V!. Adults only. 1RVINGYON Newly tinted house. 6 rooms, good furnace, easy to heat, near Irv lngton school. 455 E. 10ih N., near Thompson. 5-iii OM house at 042 East Sal mon St., corner 17th. Vacant now. Go see It, then call Bdwy. 01 Co; evenings call Auto. 6I3-S4. E1G H T- K00M motl i n house. flrf place, furnace, partly furnished, 27th at. Real home, give lease, $45 month. 7420, Bdwy. J-ROOM fine house; furnace, etc.; I0U Rod ney ave.. near Wygaiit; $45; pink of condition : will leuwe. 3 IN Hoard of Trade h'rtg., for k-y. Vain 7452. 3-ROOM houe, chicken house, barn, ber ries, fruit, Vj acre. 1 mile east of Mll waukle at 42d and Harrison sts. $16 per month. Main 377. A. R. Johnson. 8 Rooms, double sleeping porch, garage; located corner E. 2Hth and Yamhill, one block to car; rent $65. The Lawrence Co. 212 Corbett bldg Main 6015 -ROoM cottage on one floor ; $30. 772 Cleveland a ve., corner Beech. Call 31S Board of Trarle h'dir. Main 7452 FOR KENT 5-room bungalow In Kenton district at 230 Watt st.. $20. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. 6th st. 506 E. ASH ST. Large, comfortable 0-rin. house, hot water heat furnished ; near WnMnirton st TI S Rf Quran . $ 55 LA U KKLIIl 'RST $55. Nice home; will lease. SMITH-WAGONER CO. STOCK EX. 6-ROOM house with garage, west side. 312 Sherman at., near Sixth, $45. Phone Main 3M10. East 5605. 5-RooM bungalow, hardwood floors, fire place and furnace. 1434 East Lincoln, near R2d. Tuhor 707. M o VI NG Pianos, furniture an tance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121 f-RoOM modern collage, electricity, gas. 562 Qulmhv st., i.ear 17th N. ; rent $25. Auto. 533-16 ELK TRANSFER, STORAGE CO. 15 days storage free; furniture mov- Ing for less. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, g-t th best at lowest price. Green Transfer Co., Main 1261. 22 lh Alder st. IRVIXGTOX, DiO 0 rooma. Thompson, near 10th. F.ast Sol. NEWLY furnished light nouse keep lng, phone, hath, hot water. 585 Marshall. Foil RENT ,'i-room I ur nisiied cottu gr. 446 1 1th. Inonlr 334 Hall st. Main 4o.. 6 ROOMS, modi i n. 35 Grand a e. South. Adnlfs only. l'hone p.a-t 1 :imi. FOR RENT 5 rooms, new bungalow. E. 40th "t. Soti'h. 254 3d and Madison. $.10 5-rooiu bunga.nw, kitchen furnished, nr.nr 1hina car hjrns Wdln. 6334 NEWLY tint -I mod Vn 7 -room house, fur nace. i,hs. electricity, trays. Sellwood Mi7. 5-ROOM house. 312 tthavttr St. $20. Call 1. fter 10 A M. IF YOU are looking for a place to rent furnished cull Wdln. 564. I ornlshcd Houwes. WILL leae for 6 months; adults only. Nicely furnished modern 5-room bunga low, full cement basement, wash trays, fireplace, etc.. $55 per month; references required. Phon.- Sell. 2254. STRICTLY modern 7-ronm house in Rose City; built-in, narnwooq rioors. uutcn kitchen, garntre Kod lawn. ' full base ment. I1Q6 K.'ttt 3'ith st. North. 5-KOOM furnished bungalow at 524 4oth ave. S. n... nar oin si., 1 diuck irom car; December 1; $40 per month. Tabor 550. 5-ROOM furni-ued lower floor; large yard No objection to cnuoren; -tn. eii r.asi 31st St.. Wi-idsfock car. H A N DSoM E I. Y appointed modern home, attractive legation. Rase mix. months or longer; references reqnlreR Main 4711 6-ROOM f urn shed bungalow In Ken ion, 15 per nvnth. Rum me II & Rummeil. J74 Stark! 5- ROOM furnished cot t age on E. Giisan. $40 per month. Rummeil A Rummeil, 274 Srark SALE or rent, furnished 7-rooin nome: In closed sleeping porch, modern conveniences- gnraC". furnare. K.il 6'65. NICELY furnished 4-room lower flat with garage. Inquire 513 E. 17th, 1 block fro m R. M- car. Rent $35. 736 K. lijrnslde, 6 large rooms, completely furnished; piai.o; no children; references, $70. M m In 5437. mornings. FINE furnished hous-- for rent, clou. In. no children. Sell, 2434 Wednesday morn ina or fter 6 o'clock. 4-R00M furnished house, no bath; $2S. 1272 K Madison. 47k Ct iTTAG F C"7.y home, plunu; $30. M r F.i r i a r. o -u r auing i in it LOWER"" half f urn Ished house, $20. 354 Fremont st. Union ave. car. Fl'RN IS it E D 6-room cut t age, piano. Ml. Scott car, $35 month. 5332 02d st. S K. 6-ROOM modern house, $60 a month. 531 East 35th st. COMPLETELY furnished 4-rooin house. gas, electricity 5604 4 1 st avv. $20. 1 1.-, tv o- ItooM furnished house, yard. Inquire .'27 Market. CLOSE-IN. well furnisher) home, 7 rooms. ji 1 '' P ing norm. r.aci ,t..n. HoiiNCM for Kent Furniture for Snlr. 7 ROOMS deslrabtc, modern, west side, all or part of furn:iure for sale. Automatic B16-S7. 5-ROOM house for rent. $25: furniture for sale, ?3M); one room rented; walking distance. 466 VV. Broadway. FOR RENT. llouw toi Item -furniture . Jr le. 5 -ROOM f':t for rent $22.5u"; f.trnluare for sale; good Klinbiili pla.nu; $.'uu cl. ye owner. 2 f 6 Lfr :iu-ii st. 8-KooM houttc. a h .H iiitt-iua, iell or it.nt furMshed. 3V K FirM "t N Mores and BusMicnw l'liu ra. a DRUG STOKE W A N TF.D. Alameda add. great opi-o.-umlty. hun dreds of famillr- and o drug store. Fast growing locality: new building. See It today, owner, 2iili and Pre 'coil st. End of Brondwav car ln-. FINE Lgnt lop noor ."0xHm:. joi.g Rase; N. W. team hea'. good elevaiur. D. O, Wax, 24 N 5th. Bdw . 2T30. FJNE place to rent for lunch counter: good location, n-ar Yamhill. A;ip:y to 185 3d s. FOR DESIRABLE mtrco m Dreproot nouse pnone nronuw.iy o t i . FOR RENT STOKE -ul MILL ST. $J0. TAHOK1U4 FOR RENT Part of store. 542 Wash- Ington st. UNloN Live atoro with garago. K. J. Mc Oulre 545 N. Union Ave. WANTED Concern handling SERVICE OR SUPPLIES ACCESSORY To PRINTING. ENGRAVING OR ADVERTISING, to see this ideal Office location. Exceptionally well lighted office room, arranged ideally, for such a business. Low rent and co-operative office serv ice if agreeable. Phone Broadway 3V4 and get particulars. Best of rlr ences will be called for. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Weil-lighted and heated offices, single or in suites, central office building In financial section of city, low rentale. Sea Donald G. Woodward, agent, 1U4 becond street, corner Stark. DESK SPACE. This space is offered with telephone privileges In an excellent daylight cor ner room. G. G. Lech, 227 I lenry bid g SMALL jffice, furnished In mahogany, and use of ent ry ri'om. Call 721 Corbett bldg., mornln,gs only. NICE rooms, very reasonable, near Bdwy. bridge, close in; mials if desired. Eift 8375. LA KG E home, office room, lur., 2d tloor ; close In; liht. heat. gas. Call at oRica 1. lo.i'j 4tn st. OFFICES, $15, including service; also rur nished office, share phone. Stock Ex change bldg. FURNISHED office, including phone and other service. 18.H3 N. W. bunk h'dg.. $25 OFFICE ttpace and desk room for rent reasonable. 320 HVnry bldg. DESK room with telephone and steno graphic service. l'hone Hdwy. 3715. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Lx change bldg Apply room 312 MiM-elluneoils. FOR RENT Va.iium ti.ainrs, one week, Monday to Mon. lay. $1.23. Includes de livery. E. L. Knight Co.. Hdwy. H.V rfsixfss opportunities. ARE YOU iKtING TO lil'lLD? See our artistic new id. as. We are 210 Oregon IL.ig. Bdwy. 165h, in a position to finance reasonably. W. M. I M HPKNSTt iCK Co.. GROCERY NEAR LAURELHURST. Doing good business; will Invoice about $4ooo. One of thi best nation on the eaNt side. C. V. Smock. 527 Curbutt bldg Main 7141. LA R HER shop for siil" . longest barg.iln ever offered on account of other busi ness. The first of the month. $2i takes It if sold today. Good business. Call at 122 N. Brondwav. FURNI TURE atoiu with ni-e clean st.., K. new and second-hand furniture, doing good business: $15ml. Se me d'llrk as I am leaving city. E. 4012. 516 Union ave. North. SH RT- KDER n t auruut and cud rooni; alls tobacco, cigars and s"ft drinks; lin ing good business; located on the pen insula. Phone Columbia I2o4. or ad dres IM6 S. Ivanhnf st. I WANT a real man with or without H-rv-Icea and a few thousand dollars in per manent established bu-lne.s, or I will pay 10 per cent for $6umo for one ur, C-Cl for Mr. Wrav. M. 3o6. PARTNER WANTED. Auto painting husim-ss; b'-lng busy overseeing stiop, w.ni t pa rt nT l no-'-t the customers ; pay salary $2o0 month, also profits. 1 1 oi' ill 0 LJj' jjjjL'Lj Old K ER Y store lor sale ry owu- r. No fixtures to buy. Clean stock. Al buy. Your money's worth. $14oo. Kent $25. 816 Satidv Mvd . near 27th. MODERN restau'sn' lor sale. Good pay ing modern rm-aursnt In lively railroad town In eastern Oregon. Inquire of The Oregonian. A v GARAGE on option long as enough to pay le, 2-year lease and ti want it ; storage nt. See Mr. L nil, Bdwy. flvm. CIO A R ST' Mt E In lobby first -class larga hotel: nice place, good hnstllc. WESTERN" BROKERAGE Co . 817 NORTH W F.ST F. R N BANK BLDG. 0'ONCR ET E loouiou G A R A r. Chote location; largo !. gas. auio pans, ru., , $;pHiQ required. Room 4o I'e k. uin hldg. RESTAURANT sac rl flee, all new kitchen equipment on the east side, in xt to corner, 673 handles. Enquire of owner. Room 23. 1328 G ra n d ave. r.li-Ai von m. irooii steady Income; pleas nnt oiisble work; no canvassing; in business for yourself ' 11 1 1 ti si POOL, HALL, cigar stand, fixtuie worth $2OO0; a good location and let., taking In $2000 per mo. Call and Invesllnate. 300 Cham, or torn A SWELL restauiant. good location, big counter, 10 tables, good lease, average $65 per day. $.1250 will handle. JU ham. or i om. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Close-in garage requires a live partner. You can clear $250 per month and tend to office details. 6"7 Couch bhln. PARTNER W A N T E I . A small good pro posit Ion In t he hrart of town. $250 lets you in. Investigate. 607 Couch bldg BARBER SHOP for sale, 2 chairs, c.ec trlc clippers. Koken revolving pole, good bustnoH, cheap lor cash. S66 E. Russell street. Foil SALE Soft drink and card room; fine location and good Income; corner in connection. For rent on long lease. 2'i2 1st. corner amqison. il' I. EN Dl D op port unity 1 or e per le iice.l garaKe man to purchase Karate business in best west side downtown location; no aents. B 23i. QreimnUn. CLOSING OUT. Groverv slock, fixtures and furniture, cheap. $1270 Cot b tt St.; must be sold by Dec. 1. A GOOD garage, west Side, good le.ise, storing 12 cars : plenty of repair work and plenty of tools. $K.oo. 306 Cham, of Com. . CLEAN 1 NG and pressing bu sines. eta b Itshed over 5 yrars; best buy in town. Sen my ngnt. 1121 N W. Bank hMir, PARTNER, actlva or silent, tnfg. dr-ss pants from mil" In men. or whol.-sale. Art quickly. IT 265. l'P' n la ri C HINTUV PR l DUCK Jil'SI NESS. Clearing $150 to $ loo month; money erured. Room 11 Pekiim bldg. WANTED A par'ner who uinletstitiuls restaurant business; If interested call before H A. M. S' 11. 064. WANTED Cih-ar stand or light lunch that man and wile can handle with $500 to $ToO cah. D 271. on-tEonlnn. CLEANING and pressing business for sale; plenty business for two people. S 253. O r k o n 1 a n . WILL trade PUS olds touring car In first-class condition, on sm.Gl rooming house. Main 27!'. FOR SALE at B.crlfle, t.uior's t riiiimlinr and fixtures. In parts or In lumps. 413 Wnshlngton st. BARKER nop fur Sale or rent. l. clutiis. GEO0 MOnDYJVA S1TOUGAL. WFH PICTURE THEATER. A moneymaker. e;ist side. See my nccnt. 1121 N. W. Hank bblg. CA HI NET M A K Lit to tak interest in cabinet shop; $000 required; nionev se cured K 2Q. ' Tegonlnn $7,-(il (iHm'KUY, November aterage $."'7; 3 living room -; cash mid can v. K. K INS, .".15 Cmich HMg.. loO Oh Sf. IF Yol want a K"1"' -1" ' " K l-iiMne i.r a few thousand dollars come and sue 1 F Murray. 154 Eat ' h WANT partner to nhare pro! its ni k I- paving business; f 1 00 required, Uh vour services. P 77.". Oretfoiran. FILES can be permanently cured without operation. Call or write Dr Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. $700 LIGHT GROC. ami deeat.ven. npt -house dtst. You should But; It. Call 4(m McKay bldg Main 6.'n:t JT.". CASH, bal-Hice ma II bu-lnss. ! and AI-I'T . ruin, lull .til ei . st Panama bldg, 3d foO PA RT Interest ImniP' h chance office. 3o7 Pnnnrna bdg . 3d n'nl A lib-r. FOR SALE Sto 1. con ft -t loner v. groeei y, soft drinks. W"'tr A V 5SU f)rcg niinn TV'S I N E "SS with unlimited p..ih'.I It ;.s nmi: capital will pron'ote T;ibov 2Q. i iN FECTI Good stock, for sa i.NEKY. il.l llmiil way -CHAIR baibe shop . I Or t ootl iot alloti, iw i' la n rent. Alt FOR SA I.E Halir lntei t-H. in new giiiage H.'t 1 Division. A.-k for W A Cro'Uy. FURNITURE More f.,r sale at 16'.'." E. 13th st SMlwond 23 ?. HAVE $200 and snrvlees. What have Ul of Ior T J. bchula, ObO E. Aider at.