TTTE MORNTXG OREGOXIA, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1921 RKAL kstate. For Sale Houses. BARGAINS. $3300 4-room bungalow, break fast nook, basement, Dutch kitch en, fireplace, floored attic. SEE Tit 13. $2000 Nobby 4-room cottage on paved street; sewer; (food bath and toilet, electricity, gas. $2315 5 room, full cement basement, good plumbing, paved anu sewei; 2 blocks car, $4000 1700 down; R rooms and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, cement basement, built-lns, floored attic. REAL BUY. MARSH A McCABE CO., Realtors. 822--4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 390. HEIGHTS home, close in. 7800 square feei ground; fine- shrubbery; car line rear Street; garage ironi iireet wjin com municating stairway to iirst noor. riew of alt mountains unobstruct.nie; i hogany and white enamel; hot watar heat; oak floors throughout; three tubs, three nhowera. four lavatories; living room in mahogany, 17x38 ft., including 10xl7-ft. sun parlor. Two heated sleep ing norches off of four family sleeping rooms; two maids rooms and sitting room, besides third floor finished all la on room. Price S30.O00. Including com mission to any realtor. Residence phona Main 3300. Owner. V oregonian. HALF AN ACRE. $2X00. FIVB-ROOM BUNGALOW. ar 51!d st. S. E. and flOtb ave. ; small navmenf down, baanceSJa per montn, Including interest, fine place for garden and chickens, bath and toilet, cemen walks; Jee Mr. Jones. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ONLY ().-,00. Trftr this heautfful Laurelhurst bungalow - Absolutely rannot be duplicated for the money. Ordinarily would sen ror auw. vm nf ih nrttlesr rooms vou ever saw, Strictly modern, finished In the best tapestry paper to be had. Hardwood floors throughout, triple construction. ' You can't find a flaw in the material or . workmanship.. One look will convince you. WM. A. HUGHES CO., ?1 Railway Kxrh Bldg. IMwyJW. IRVINGTON SQUARE COLONIAL, I)VELY NEW HOME. This fire new 7-room colonial situated in select part of Irvlngton and Is moat modern and complete. The rooms nre large and most cheerful ; plate-glass windows. French doors, ctve ceilings, oia Ivory and tapestry finish, fine electrlca fixtures, hardwood polished floors down and up; a delightfully charming home, f U000. D. TV. ALTON, Aut. MJ1-U. HO.SK CITY. Elegant five -room bungalow, splendid bath, sleeping porch, hardwood floors, all the usual built-lns and more. Very beautiful interior decorations, full base merit and a hot-water heating plant which cost $10(1(7. This place is only one year o d and better than lot or new ones. On paved street, 2 blocks to car. See G. E. Crorford with WM. A. HUGHES CO., 21 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 09. LOOK. HEAD. BUY THIS. $500 CAKH. $300. $25 PER MONTH. $25. Brand new 4-room bungalow with break fast nooK. on K floors throughout, gas furnace, full plumbing, full cement basement, light fixtures, shades; strictly modern; move right In. Sellwood car to Reynolds ave.. No. 534, near river. Grent bargain: owner must sell. See it tndny. Phone East 400n. HOSE CITY PARK. CORNER BUNGALOW. Just a real cosy 5-room bungalow with floored attic, 2 large bedrooms down, oak floors, fireplace, furnace, all the nice built -Ins. old Ivory and tapestry paper, close to R. C. P. car. below hill, north of Handy In choice bungalow dis trict, $3700. Reasonable term. D. W. ALTON, Aut. 320-10. A WONDERFUL HOME. Only $4:1.10, terms. We believe our home at the above price Is the biggest bargain ever offt-red In Portland; It's a clasKy bungalow with an exceptionally large living room, massive colonial fire place, nice large windows, basement, beautiful lawn and flowers. Owner, 1-'7 E. Flanders, or Tabor 7347. HOSE CITY bungalow on Sandy blvd, thoroughly modem, garage. Gasco fur nace, oak floors, tapestry paper, old Ivory finish, 3 rooms and breakfast nook, attic. $7BMI. $1700 cash, formerly sold at $S700. also modern H-room bungalow; Laurel hur.l, $0300, jlMio cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. " A WOlt K I NG MAN'S HOME. $1015 and ONLY $100 down! See this 4-room bungalow, completely furnished. and city water; Alberta district. See , F. C. Marshall, with 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third sr.. Bet. Wash, and Stark. IRVINGTON. -X Real complete home. Must be sold. In select district. 3 large rooms downstairs, 4 bedrooms second floor, one bedroom In attic; white enamel finish; In first class, up-to-date condition; garage, shrubbery. Phone Bdwy. 1658. W, M. Umhd''n?tock it Co. BUILD TO SATISFY. Before letting contract to build your home, see us. We will save you money and show yuu real construction. DEAL with an ex-service man; soldiers given every consideration. KOHNKTT & McCLURE. REALTORS. Marshall 32H2. 302 Couch Bldg. FURNISHED BUNGALOW FOR $250 CASH AND TERMS. 4-room furnished bungalow on the heights, near Council Crest. JO minutes' walk to car, 55x106 lot, 7 fruit trees Only $2000. Arrange to see this house at once or someone elite will beat you to It. Call Mr. Young. Main fiHim. ALAMEDA. R rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, cement base ment. Karaite, paved street, 00x 100 lot, beauti'ul district, $5700. $700 down MALL & VON BORSTEL 104 2d St. Main 1436. BX-SliKVICB M EN. See our plans and up-to-date Ideas in modern bungalows. We can help you finance. No trouble to show; our autos Bt your service. W. M. Umbden atock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad- M'HV I5. CAPITOL HILL. 8-room house, garage. 150x150 lot. 20 mlnutta from 4th and Stark. 8c fare. Bull xiun water, gas, electricity, $1500, terms to suit. MALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 2d St. Main 143C. AUTISTIC A LAMBDA BUNGALOW. New ; 5 rooms and garage, built-in effecta; art wall paper, hardwood floors breakfuat hook ; In best district- price $5itfo. terms. W. M. L'mbdenstock & Co. Btrartway itl'fi ROSE CITY $4150. Modern bungalow. tyear old, corner lot. five rooms, breakfast nook. A real bargain. Possession r at once. W M L'mbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg' Bdwy. 1H58. ' ' CLASSY LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Real - sacrifice of nearly new 6-room bungalow with garage on 1 lota near park; large rooms, ivory finish, every new feature Including sun and break fast moms. Tabnr 407. FIVE-ROOM English style bungalow, lot fwxl25. full basement, furnace, modern, fine garage, nice lawn with shrubbery, , centrally located near Union and Broad way. By owner; terms. Inquire 43 Flrt. Broadway 14. ONLY $;il.-,0 CLOSE IN. Small payment down. Four rooms and bath, two bedrooms, full basement, ex cellent garage, corner lot, all Improve ments paid; big bargain. 508 E. aoth, or Tabor t ."47. $5V."o; J50 CASH; choice corner lot llMlvlOO with 1 v,.. - tiuuau, use in, Sunnyside; the lot alone is worth the i'i ii c, pnvt-iurui m ana paia. Scott A J .vi c u A fcj VV. For $8500 can offer the best buy in fchfcs district: 7 rooms, all bullt-ins-reasonable terms. W. M. Umbdenstock 111 OWNER Laurelnurtft himu.w. nearly new, strictly modern, 6 rms. and den. garage; this house can be bought cheaper than one can build; easy terms. H84 K. Ankenv. Tabor 1400. 1HV! VC.TAV 1".J.0. Thin Is a real 'buy. In Kood dint rlct. a rooms lot Vrinn n - - $1000 cash down payment,' easy terms! 105 S. $4200 JN R. C. P.; 6 rooms, furnace, garage, fruit trees, paved street; owner sacrificing: $850 cash; easy payments. B re a d w a y 4 03 5. fJ.N.iO; ti..O CASH. 5-room cottage; hard wood floors; Sunnyside. Scott A Berrv loss Belmont. ' $23.".ii; $3.u CASH; 4-room bungalow; Rose City. E. 02d. Scott & Berry. 1038 Belmont. GOOD 4-room house in Mont a villa, close to car. tlsth street. Price $2000, terms. 212 Railway Exchange. NEW bungalow; breakfast nook: corner; Rose City; easy terms. 818 Piatt hldg. DON'T pay rent; $100 down, rest like rent - cosy little shack at Lents. 367 E. 7th st. N. 5-ROOM home near Miss, car and Jerfer nn H S.. $2150. Owner. Tabor HH70. BY OWNER, six-room house, close la. . Kast and at OOOu. REAL ESTATE- SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 1 LOOK AT THESE! $300 down and lea. see f FRANK L, McGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. 1200 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. LARGEST HOME SELLER IN AMERICA. PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPARISED, The value Is "all here." 40 salesmen with autos. Open evenings until 9. WEST, SIDE $500 DOWN. 3400 $500 down; 8-room comfortable home with every modern con ' venlence; living room, dining room; neat kitchen; 5 sunny bed rooms (you can rent some of them); full lot; paved street. Raleigh street. , $.VM DOWN MONT A VILLA. "r 1 PAVED STREET FRUIT. $3450 $500 down. Beautiful little R room bungalow home that is actually one of the most artistic you've seen for a long time; full width columned front porch; pretty living room; dining room with artistic buffet; cozy and t very convenient white Dutch ' kitchen; furnace; H block to car. ONLY $500 down. $350 DOWN JEFFERSON HIGH. $311)0 $350 down; 1 block to Williams ave. car, and close to high school, park and library; substantial and attractive 5-room bungalow; combination living and dining room with built-in buffet ; con (venlent kitchen; 2 airy bedrooms and bath up; paved st. Cleve land avenue. $300 DOWN REED COLLEGE. $1750 $300 down. A comfortable plas tered bungalow cottage of 5 rooms, out where the air Is fresh and free; living and dining room; convenient kitchen; 2 airy bedrooms and bath; gas, etc. JUST EAST OF c REED COLLEGE- 1 block to car. Roches ter street . $335 DOWN HAWTHORNE CAR. $3ly 4333 down., TH1 BEAUTJFUL LITTLE bungalow has every thing in It combination living and dining room with cheery fireplace and massive built-in - buffet; IMMACULATE L OLD IVORY; very practical Dutch kitchen with lota of built-lns; 2 sunny sleeping rooms with roomy closets; white enamel bath; paved , street paid. 2uth. $200 DOWN SOME FURNITURE. 100x100 LOTS OF FRUIT! $1450 LOOKING FOR A NEAT LITTLE COTTAGE 7 Here's one of four rooms, has bath; toilet; gas, ABUNDANCE OF FRUIT. Price Includes some furniture. 8ith st. $475 DOWN KENTON. $950 $475 down. OUT AMONG THE FIRS In Kenton; you'll find this, cozy little 3-room cottage; elec tricity; gas; ceiled and papered; neat and comfortable; close to car; full lot, with flowers; gar - den. Omaha ave. IF NECESSARY" WE'LL HELP YOU MAKE TOUR DOWN PAYMENT. We have hundreds of homes that can be sold on payments or i.iov aown ana lew. iet us neip you XrA X IE.M' AO YOURSELF! , .. See FRANK L. MoGUIRE, To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. bet. Washington and Stark. KENTON AND PENINSULA DISTRICT. NEAR THE MOCK TRACT. New 2-room house, block from Kenton car. $1203, $.0 cash. New 3-room house, block from Ken ton car, $1350. $350 cash. New 3-room house, between both car lines, $1200. $25 cash. New 4 rooms, modern, block from Ken ton car, $2250. $300 cash. 3- room house, 75x100 lot. Joining Ken ton. $1375, $25 cash. 4- room hous4. furnished, near both car lines, $1500, $200 cash. 3-rojm house, block from Kenton car, $1250. $100 cash. These are very cheap and can be bought practically like rent. A. C McDonald & Son. 206 Lombard st. ' Woodlawn B273. ROSE CITY PARK. $5750 On 52d street below the hill. A beautiful home of five rooms with bre-akfast nook, extra large living room, dining room with beautiful buffet trimmed In mahogany, extra lighting fixtures; two splendid bedrooms, pass hall, an abundance of closets, kitchen with every built-in convenience, com plete breakfast nook with table and chairs. This house Is especially well finished, is practically new, and Is lo cated In one of the prettiest blocks In Rose City. Large concrete basement, Sarage, 12x20, with concrete floor and rive way. City Improvements In and paid. We can give you reasonable terms and immediate possession. HILLER BROS., Realtors. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tahor 4S5, LOT BARGAIN'S. Laurelhurst. ft010O, south face: A-l location, near park, easy terms, $1600. Alameda park, corner lot, east and north facing, 2 feet high, near Broadway car; terms; $1250. Irvlngton, H block, improvements in and paid, south and east facing, good location; terms; $2400. B5xlOO-foot lot, well located, handy to school and carllne, second mortgage privileges; $1650. F, E. BOWMAN A CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. $3500. A fine little home with gas, water, electricity and modern plumbing; five ; rooms; has an extra large living room; this house is about ten years old and . has an exceptionally fine lot, 72x126. with every kind of fruit; it Is located on corner ana tne pavement is in and pa lar aid; If you want a, real home with a rge piece of ground, this is $1000 la 00 las than anything you've seen that is s euual. Call for appointment HILLER BROS... Realtors. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tahor W48.V ATTRACTIVE NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GREATLY REDUCED. - Five rooms and attic, modern; owner must sell; will make a very attractive offer for cash, or terms may be ar ranged, 1233 EAST PINE ST. Near East 41st Street. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT BUNGALOW. - $5250. Cosy 5-room bungalow, has large Tight living room and dining room with hard wood floors, fireplace, built-in bookcases and buffet. Dutch kitchen, two bed rooms, bath and breakfast nook on 'first floor. Cement basement with furnace and laundry trays, large attic, paved street, very easy terms. J. L. KARNOPP A CO.. Main 675. 319 Railway Exch. Bldg. FURNISHED HOME IN JENINSULA. 5-room plastered bungalow-type home with bath. 3 bltcks from Williams ave. Vi block from paving, full cement base ment, some smal- fruit: a very nice little homey place; place neat, with fair class ot xurniture; price xtOO. $700 cash to nanaie. - RALPH HARRIS CO., 816 C.iamber of Commerce. Main 5624. IRVINGTON. $5300 Good terms. "Very pretty new oungaiow, a rooms ana Datn, hardwood floors, tapestry paper. French doors, splendid built-in kitchen. Strictly mod ern throughout, including furnace and beautiful fireplace. This Is a splendid place and the location ideal. If you are looking for a home In this exclusive dis - trlct, don't fail to see this. WM. A. HUGHES CO., 218 Railway Exch. Bldg. Bdwy. 6808. CLOSiC TO PIEDMONT CAR BARNS. Near Jefferson high school. Peninsula park and. Killingsworth shopping dist. Five-room double constructed bungalow, In excellent condition, pretty location, with good honwi all around, full cement bntbsmunt. nice Dutch kitchen; price $3f00, $800 cai.u This is a dandy buy. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. JEW MODERN bungalow in residence sec tion of the city which we are compelled to sell; house now vacant; priee $3400; will take $5O0 down, easy terms for the Daiance. for particulars see our repre sntative at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. 1UST raise cash, sacrifice mv 4.rnm Tri"!!10 2n "Quarter block for $J850. faatf cafla. Wdla. lilU3, 1 REAL ESTATE. For hale II outre. READ THIS; We specialize in the sale Of good homes In the best districts. If you contem plate buying a home In the better dis tricts, you owe it fo yourself to inspect our listings. We have the bargains. Positively no obligations. $3i5O0 ROSE Cl'lY PARK DISTRICT. Under construction; double -con-, structed bungalow, exceptionally large living room, hardwood firs., fireplace, tapestry paper. Ivory finish. Terms. $4000 TO BE BUILT. Attractive 5-rm. bungalow, 2 blocks from Sandy, facing east; paving and sewer paid. Easy terms $6000 ROSE CITY PARK; one of the finest bungalows In the whole d Istrict. N E W MOV E R IGH T IN. Come see for yourself the quality of workmanship and ma terial used. A bungalow of class and distinction. Modern in every way. $3850 LAURELHURST. Under con struction. A beautiful bungalow located on a corner lot. Modern to the last detail. Built by one of Portland's best builders. We have any cumber of wonderful bungalows in Laurelhurst at prices around $4000. Get in touch with either one of our offices. A. G. TEEPE CO., Insurance Realtors Loans. 270 Btark St., near 4th. Main 3002, 1170 Sandy blvd.. at 40th. Tabnr 03S6. huhnrnan Home SEE THIS . CLASSY BUNGALOW. Select hardwood floors; furnace heat, cheery fireplace, plate glass windows, all built-lns, etc. An ATTRACTIVE HOME. Garage, half acre grounds, beautiful lawn, shrubbery; fruit and gar- en. located in nign-ciaaa su-ouroan a 1st riot. HERE'S ANOTHER dandy buy. 2"4 acres, abundance of fruit, garden, etc. IDEAL FOR POUL TRY. Warm, modern 8-room house, city conveniences, garage; pleasant and de sirable locatloTT near city limits. About $1000 cash, balance rent terms. Drop In ana see photos. A. K. HILL, Realtor. 420 Lumnermens Bldg. 5 PER CENT DOWN $15 PER MONTH AND UP. 1 to 10 ACRES, extra good soli for garden. Just outside the city, on good county road, adjoins one of .argest Horal farms in Port : land. " J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. RENT PAYER, are you going to keep on paying rent the rest or your lire? Aren t you tired of enriching the landlord ? Doesn't your spirit of independence re volt against your rent slavery? What about the future? Don't you ever ex pect to own a home? MULTNOMAH on the Oregon electric, offers all facil ities for those who wilt to own a home. You need very little money. I have started hundreds; I can start you. For particulars call at my office. 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. BEN RIESLAND, op erator exclusively In the Multnomah dis trict. ' -A. WITH MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. Best buy In a suburban tract near Portland ; 8-room house, full basement, wash trays, hot and cold water, bath, plastered, fireplace, sleeping porch, built lns; it Is a new house; 7 a. of splendid land, all rleared, lies fine, no rock; 3 acres orchard; 8 mils city limits; splen did location; pavement practically all the way. Price $5500; no one can show you equal value for the money. Har grove Realty Co., (Realtors). 122 North th st. Phone Broadway 4381. 5 ACRES ON PAVEMENT. Here Is a nice piece of acreage, Just 4 miles from city limits, east side, pave ment all the way, right at electric sta tion, electric lights available. 5 acres, all cleared, lies perfectly; 5-room plastered bungalow, large red barn, numerous good outbuildings; lots berries, bearing orcimrd, bearing English walnuts. Price $5000; going to sell, make offer. Har grove Realty Co., (Realtors), 122 North th st. Phone Bdwy. 4381. $500 WILL HANDLE THIS. ACRE OF GOOD SOI L. All in culti vation, on good road, just off the paved 82d st.; 4-room house with sleeping porch, gas and city water; Just 3 blks. from Kendall Station; A BUY FOR $2St5. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. . McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., Bet. Wash, and Stark. ML LTNOMAH ACRE EASY TERMS! All In cultivation; assorted fruit trees; gravel road; 5-room house with elec tricity and gas, good barn, mllkhouse and chicken house, $3000. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Ret. Wash, and Stark. 15 MINUTES OUT. WEST SIDE SUBURBAN. Snappy, new. 5-room bungalow; about acre grounds; fronts on main hard surfaced road. City conveniences, near car. Price $3550. Terms. See A. K. HILL, Realtor, 426 Lumbermen Bldg. $1500 SNAP. Close to good car service, on hard surfaced road and In nice location. This neat little place with small house, city conveniences, over one-third acre, fruit, berries, etc. See A. K. HILL, Realtor, 426 Lumbermen Bldg. ACRE AND BUNGALOW, ONLY $1450. Three blocks to S. P. electric station; electric lights; new. 3 rooms, plastered, painted and tinted; small payment gives possession, balance like rent. Owner, MM Concord bldg.. Second and Stark. 5 ACRES 5-room house, 10 miles of Port land, close to elec. sta. ; large hennery, chickens, cow, fruit, nut trees, berries; 1H acres cult., bal. light clearing; near Oswego lake; $3500, easy terms. Mc Farland. Realtor, Falling bldg. CHOICE 1 acre tract, lies slightly roll ing, Judf. a little way off Hilleboro paved highway. About 10 minutes out with ma chine; price uniy $000. half cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. SUBURBAN 4-room bungalow, basement, water, lights, gas. big corner, 4 acre, $H00. with $200 down. McCIure, Umb denstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Broad way 1 658. EXCEPTIONALLY good buy In Parkrose. sere and modern home, garage; terms. Tabor 2076. For Sale Bust nens Property. 5-YEAR LEASE WATER AND HEAT FREE. 43-room apartments, splendid fur- nlshings, neat as a pin, fine forn-er. fire proof building, easy walkg distance from business center ; aiways full, good rates; high class. Price $05oo. easy terms on pant. Shown bv appointment only. Rippey, 610-11 McKay Bldg. Main 62211. BUSINESS SITE, i()x2u0. ' CORNER FREMONT AND ALAMEDA. 8fTH ST; ONLY SITE WITHIN ONE MILE FOR BUSINESS; PRICE $2000, HALF CASH. OWNER. TABOR 6704. STORE building and 3-room oottage; good business location. 790-71)2 Mississippi ave. For sale or trade. Woodlawn 4612 For Sule Acreage. 10 ACRES Just outside city limits, 8 acres in cultivation, s acres rruit. lo-room house, 2 barns, creek on lower corner; j $5500, $1500 down; next payments 3-4-6-6 years; very easy. See MfL BUHOLT, wua I. E. SPENCER A CO., 517-21 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AN ACREAGE BARGAIN HIGHT IN PORTLAND ON CAR LINE. Two and one-third acres located on 36th and Gladstone ave., $2000; $400 cash will handle. Some bargain. Call Mr. Young, ' OTTO A HARKSON. 413 Cham, of Com. Main 6308. FOR SALE 10 acres with house, barn and chicken houses; about 9 acres under cul tivation ; 80-odd Blngs or Lambert and Laffc Duke cherries In full bearing, black caps and other berries; running stream through the place with nice waterfall; near school and on macadam road; price $3000. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exch. bldg FOR SALE Beautiful near-acre, under cultivation, on main highway, between i two electric car lines, Multnomah dis trict; $1650; take late modern car as first payment up to $500, balance easy monthly payment per cent fnterest. Phono Main 664. IMPROVED 10 A.. YACOLT, FOR $1150. Splendid land, lies good. 4 a. cleared, 7-room house, needs repair; chicken house 14x80. another chicken house 12x 24; 4 mile Yacolt, Clarke county. Wash. Price $1150 If cash. Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th st. Phone Bdwy 4?t8i. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYBRHAUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. 10 ACRES on paved road, good chicken and berry land, good soil ; price $1000, $200 down, $10 per month. DRAPER. 408 Board of Trade Bldg HALF ACRE 2 blocks from city car line, $800, easy terms. Good soil. VV. M. Umbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg Broadway 1658. BARGAIN hunters: 10 acres cultivation, new bungalow, barn, fruit; one mile highway; shot soil; sacrifice, $2750. $750. easy terms. dOl McKay bldg. 2Vi ACRES NEW HOUSE. Fronting Barr road; price $2500; only $250 cash, balance $25 per month STRONG A CO.. 606 Cham, of Com. 2li ACRES. BARR ROAD, $1150. $50 down and $15 ner month. STRONG A CO.. 606 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 7 ACRES CLOSE IS, THOMAS ALLEN. B131 B2D ST? fl. nL REAL ESTATE. For hiile Acreage. 20 ACRES $1000 DOWN. FINE BUILDINGS. All good land; about 10 acres in cult., more not hard to clear; a dandy 5-room plastered bungalow, with water system and patent toilet; fine cement cellar; wood house, hoghouse, henhouse, a -dandy barn, built out of rustic and painted ; spring water piped to house and barn; has tank house, washhouse, some fruit; place half mite of school, on mail route, cream route, phone line, 2 miles of car line and 8H miles of Oregon City; good graveled road : cow, heifer, hay, chickens go with the place; price $4250, $1000 down; will sell for less if you do not want the stuff; the buildings have not been built long and are In fine shape. E. P. Elliott A Son, 7th and Main sts. Oregon City, Or. ONE ACRE, mile from electric station, on macadamized road. 5 blocks to school; exceptionally good soil, attractive 5-room pia tered bungalow; electric lights, fireplace, bathroom, garage, fruit house; price $2000, $500 cash; con sider beach property up to $20O0. Inspected by Nelson. Acre tracts. near Mllwaukie road. 1 mile from electric station; good rocked road, city conven iences available; all under culti vation and beat of soil; 'price $1)00 per acre. very small payment down. Also 1- acre with small house for $1000, small payment dowi. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerllnger Bldg. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. 20 ACRES $800. All tillable land, fine soil, has been cut off, some standing timber for wood left, some land easily cleared; most of the land is open; this is located on the Coiton and Molalla road, all graveled from Oregon City and graveled from the place to Molalla; this Is in a thickly settled community; all smalt homes; dally mail ; phone; It is 2H miles of Coiton store and high school. 1 i miles of grade school. Aialf mile of Milk creek, a dandy fishing stream. Here is your chance to get a start on a small home at the right price; price only $SO0; one-half cash, balance at 6 per cent. E. P. El liott A Son, 7th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. $10 DOWN, $20 MONTHLY. 20 acres of splendid black loam logged-off land. U acres In cultivation. good creek, small log house. 5 miles from niiisooro; price soou. A splendid buy. We have three of f he on.anrtt rmrt close together, loat can be purchased on me name erms. if red W. German Co., reanois. tax cram, of Com. -ACRE HOME WITH FRUIT xl-lOO 2 acres of the best of soil; plenty of ucai ,ti K iruii trees ; .-room nouse; tnis is 2 blks. off the paved road; Ryan place mi? ciuBfsi Biauon on tne u. to. line TERMS. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St.. Bet. Wash, and Stark GOOD 15 ACRES. 2 MILES SOUTH OF rl cj fc; L V 1 LLK. 5 In cultivation, balance In brush, not hard to clear; owner will take $2000 If soia at once. Tins will make someone a good iittle farm; lies high and dry, with good view and good neighbors. (STEWART & JOHNSON, 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HERE'S YOUR CHANCE. Zl acres, good soil, no rocks, nearly ievei( gooa live stream through place: very easy cleared; about 300 cords fir; about HOO0 cedar posts; fair 3-room house, mostly woven wire fenced; 2 miles inm tmacaaa on gooa gravel road, 150O; terms. L. O. Gerber, 714 Swetland OKI g. EQUIPPED 10 A., $12011. iVt miles from, Gohle, good rock road, 10 a., all good land; lies good; 2 a. cleared, .(-room house, woodshed, barn, chicken house, cow, pig. chickens, lots tools and some household goods. Price $1200. Hargrove Realty Co., (Realtors), HuiiienteaQj. Relinquishments. 160 ACRES in Flrwood district; this clai when improved will make a regular rancn; nair or this claim can be farmed; cie-fK ann gooa springs; z-room house, cnicKen-nouFe; all household goods ; small tools, such as axes, sledges, wedges, saws, etc., go; more than enough cedar un hub piace 10 pay ror it; within quar ter mile of shingle mill. You can't lose in getting a claim like this at the price $8.0. including filing fees to the govern ment, which amount to $10;;. E. W HKI.M 422 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. T nomesieaa relinquishment near Portland; will pay cash; state price and location in first letter, B 173 Ore gonian. HAVE several very valuable homesteads near Roseburg; party leaving Friday night. See me at 302 Railway Exchange bldg.. until Friday at 6 P. M OR A GUOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W. HELM 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG For Sle Farms. FOLKS MUSI LEAVE FARM My wife's health failing, I am forced to dispose of my property. I am pricing it right so that I may realize on it at once. It has a $4000 federal loan that can stand for years, has 76 acres in all, 5 miles from town on good gravel road; 50 acres i'irt meadow bottom land. 6-r. bungalow, full cement basement, household furniture including player piano; good outbuildings and farm ma chinery; one fine team. 13 milch cows, 5 heifers, chickens and hogs. If you have m house foi $3000 or $3500 will take m trade and cash for my equity; all goes for $12,500. Call on my agent, HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. Realtors. Tabor 7403. .ONE MILE FROM HIGH SCHOOL. Splendid 40-acre tract of black loam soil, 31 acres In cultivation, just slightly rolling, all fenced. 40 assorted fruit trees, 7 years old. 7-room plastered house with concrete foundation, full basement and furnace, barn 36x56. silo 8x30, good garage, house alone could hot be built for less than $300o; 1 mile from Battleground. Wash., about 25 miles irom Portland; total price $6500, $1000 cash, $500 yearly. A rea-1 snap Fred W. German Co., Realtors. 732 i nnmoer or :ommerce. t. DANDY 5-ACRE HOME. Five-room plastered house, barn and poultry house, all well fenced and in cul tivation, Jersey cow. lot of chickens, wood, potatoes, on a good road, fine heighDorhood. 14 miles from Portland; price is $2300. STEWART A JOHNSON. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HIGHLY IMPROVED 25 A., 6 MILES OUT. jno oetter piece or land anywheie; 25 a. 6 miles city limits, east side, paved road most of way, balance good hard road: 20 cleared. 5 timber; lies perfectly; no rock; splendid 8-room plastered houce, full basement, fireplace, sleeping porch, large barn, numerous outbuildings; lots fruit, berries, grapes. Price $."(00, $2500 cash, balance very easy terms. Har grove Realty Co.. (Realtors), 122 N. Hth st. Phone Broadway 43S1 1 ACRES. NEAR THE CAR LINE. All tine land, facing a good road. 8 room house, barn and outbuildings phone in house, 2 cows, lots of chicken. 4 tons of hay, lots of beets and carrots for feed, winter' wood and spuds; only $4000; give good terms. STEWART A JOHNSON. ,315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 800 ACRES, dairy ranch, best of soil for growing feed, large amount under cul tivation, good pasture, very good build ings, 2 silos and complete dairy outfit; 50 milk cows, many registered; 2 regls- lerea duhs. i nis is a money-making vuiicv-i ii nu in oe nought, ruily equipped, for $105,000. Would consider valley farm as part- purchase price. Wilbur F. Jouno. Henry bldg. For FARMS OF MERIT J. A. WICKMAN CO., REALTORS. Mr. Hewitt. 264 Stark St. Main 583 and 1004. WILL sell our fine dairy farm of 160 acres near Barton. Eatacada R. R., and Clear Creek creamery at a sacrifice for cash to settle estate. Address T. Withycombs 432 12th St.. Portland. Or. 160 ACRES, 7 miles southeast of Molalla. 35 acres cleared, 80 acres pasture, 40 acres timber, 4-room house, springs out buildings and orchard. Phone Main 5213 or write 455 Market st. FOR SALE 317 acres of land, well lo cated, en extra good opportunity for anyone wanting to get out on a farm Write me for particulars, O. E. Crowe Lorane. Or. 40 ACRES Near station, on r. r.; some .cleared; house, barn, spring; work near by: price $750. $250 down. DRArKtt. sua Board of Trada Bldg. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES near Portland. $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. iicFariaud, realtor, 08 Failing bid REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. T ACRES- OF HOPS. 50 acres. 30 miles south ct Port land, 3 miles from electrft sta tion, 4 mile to school: macadam ized road; 25 acres under cultiva tion, balance in heavy timber; creek througa place; spring, fam ily orchard, ont acre loganberries, . 7 acres clover, 7 acres hops, good S-ro m house, uarn. chicken house. Included wi;h place, team, cow, hog, SO chickens, complete line of macnlnery, seed and feed. Price for everything $70o0. large cash payment. Ask for Nelson. 40 RODS RIVER FRONTAGE. STOCK, CROP, FURNITURE. 22 acres, H mile from railroad and school: 7 acres under cultiva tion, balance pasture; bottom land, spring water piped to house; bear 4ng family orohard. Included with -place horsrf, cow, heifer. 50 chickens, too is. equipment, furni ture, feed, 7 cords wood, etc. Price - for everythi.irf $3000. Lincoln counfy, Oregon. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinger Bldg. Largest farm dealer on Pacific Coast. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. TOUR CHOICE OF LANE. LINN AND BENTON COUNTIES. W know Willamette valley farm lands, lou should see what we have t offer before buying any farm. If you want real producing farm land, come or write us lor the kind of farm you wane We have it. Fruit, berries, stock, dairy, grain and general farms to suit you in size, price and Quality. See Mr. Hyde at $24 Henry building. Portland, or write KINNEY, IRVINE A HYDE. . REALTORS. EUGENE. OREGON. DON'T READ THIS, unless you want a real farm priced right; this farm of 51 acres la located only few mites from Porand on fine road; place suitable., especially for gar den; finest of soil; well drained: about 30 acres under plow, of which 20 acres are In clover; the land has all been clovered and phows results; on the un cleared portion there Is at least 1200 cords of wood ; 400 cords of hardwood, balance fir. This will go a long way towards paying for place; full set of farm machinery goes with place; also 3 horses. 3 cows and one 2-year-old heifer, chickens and seed spuds; plenty of bay to carry stock until next harvest ; gas drag saw with full wood cutting tools 4-room house, large barn and price only siu.aou, including an tools and stocK., can De nan died with x40iio cash. F. L. EDDY. Realtor, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. TILLAMOOK RANCH. 183 acres. 60 acres fine grass, bal, pasture; some timber; unlimited out range; several creeks and springs: 9-rm house, good barn, outbldgs., water piped to all bldgs , family orchard. 1 mile to scnooi ana nigh school ; 10 cows, l heifer. team horses, chickens, all farm imple ments; 1 mile from Cloverdale, on fine road. $11,000. Terms. Consider reai dence up to $4000 or acreage. C. W. MILLERSHIP, 165H 4th St. Main 5275. fii ACRES, ieve., cleared, lenced. good S room house, near Wlllamlna, $200 dowa J. R. Sharp. 83 3d street. WANTED REAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK LOTS WANTED. Have several cash buyers for lots in Rose City Park. If you will price your lot right, we can sell it at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Branch Office. 45th and Sandy blvd. Tabor 252. WE WANT YOUR LISTING. Have buyers for suburban homes and acreage. We will personally Inspect each piace immediately. List with us for results. J. L. HARTMAN COM PANT, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. MAin 208. WE WANT LOTS We have customers waiting for vacant properties In all parts of the city, and if your price and terms are right you will find that we will give you quick action on them. Phone, call or write COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. ACKEAGE TRACTS AND SUBURBAN HOMES WANTED. Cannot supply the demand for Im proved acreage tracts and suburban homes. For quick results, list with the oldest farm dealers in Portland. Bar grove Realty Co. (Realtors), 122 North 6th st. Phone Bdwv. 43SL SUBURBAN HOME wanted. Attractive, well-located reasonably priced places preferred, are already In touch with the buyers, us first if you really want to sell. A. K. HILL, Realtor, 426 Lumbermens Bldg. RELIABLE. PERSON ALFE RVTCE. and We See WANTED Lot, not ,over 15 blocks to Jefferson high and cash for $150 equity in $2700 4-room bungalow; turn your lot Into a home or income. Good rental district. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Birig. Main 37 S 7. WE ARE IN NEED of several homes up to $2,vo that can be bought with small payment down. Phone us yours for in spection. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624, WEST SIDE houses or flats wanted. specialize In handling west side oroD erty and have alwuys buyers to close a quick deal, providing the price is right. JUMA M.-NUEitt, nciALTU rv. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bid g. HAVE SOLD SEVERAL HOUSES THIS month and can sell yours if price i right. See me at once if you want quick results. O. H. SKOTHEIM REALTY CO.. INC. 4QH-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. E AKfci i or several homes up to $2.00 that can be bought with small payment down. Phone us yours for in spection. RALPH HARRIS CO., -816 Chamber of Commerce. Main K024 RIGHT NOW. Duplex house or 2-flat house wanted. Will not go above $10.oo0. At once. See OTIS C. BECK, Income Property Specialist 525 Henry Bldg. ARE YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our artistic new Ideas. We are In a position to tinance reasonably. VV. M, l'mbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg, Broadway 1658. WANT Six-room house. near car and school for client with $."rO0 cash: can nav $40 month: will pay up to $;t.Vt0; must be bargain, u. ti. .wcvok.mjc CO., 207 Fail Ing Bldg. Main Sjj or Main H318. NOW is the time to turn your vacant lot into money; have buyers looking for nargains. HENRY W. OOPPARP, 243 Stark St. WANT west side h'-me, 7 to 0 rooms, close in, that $1000 will handle. Phone today. RALPH HARRIS CO.. " 816 Cnamber of Commerce. Main 5624. LIST your suburban home with us for re sults. If price i right we can sell. See ELROD & DRYER. 283 Stark st. ' Bdwy. 11S8. WANT flat building on west side of 4 to 8 flats, or one close In on east side. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor, Main S31. 243 Stark St. WE HA'v E two clients wishing to locate Immediately near Jerrerson high school, $600, $WO0 casr: will pay to $3000; must be a good house. Main 53. WANT to buy a large house; prefer a fur nished one; from $4000 to $6000; must be nice and In good location. BD 260, Oregon ian. HAVE $3tX0 cash and good light 6 touring car as first payment on flats in Nob Hill district to $1000. AL 265. Orego nian. NEW. LATE model car for equity In home: will pay cash difference. Mr. Morris, 611 Gasco bldg., or Broadway 0 1 24. WE CAN sell, trade or rent your home or farm; gio us the chance. JIcGee A Dennis. 069 Union ave. Wdln. 50H4. PRIVATE party wants 4 or J-mom bun galow, 50x100 If corner, larger if in side. N 116, Oregonian. WANTED 10 acres of land; no objec tion to stump land; must be. reaion able for all cash. AN 237. Oregonian HAVE Dodge car to trade on lot In R. C P. or Laurelhurst, balance cash, value not over $1000. N. 203, Oregonian. $3300 SPOT cash for bungalow In Haw thorne or Sunnyside. Tabor S SO 2. WANTED Small tract in Oak Grove, pre fer west side of river road. Main 5474. HAWTHORNE district, not less 6 rooms, about $3000. oa terms. Main 0012. ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. LOTS WANTED. In Laurelhurst. Alameda. Irvlngto Rose City Park and west side; as build era we nave many calls lor homesitt:. oee Jar. jones. F. E. BOWMAN A CO., 210 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Farm Wanted. SMALL FARMS WANTED. We are having many calls for sraa Improved farms with stock and equip ment. located not too far from Portlan on good road, that can be handled with a payment of around $1000 to $1500 cash. Get In touch with us at once. F. L. EDDY, Realtor, RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. CHICKEN RANCH WANTED. From owner, about 10 acres with buildings and 22 chickens or more. W. M L mbdenstock A Co., 210 Oregon bid proaaway inns. Wanted to Rent 1 arms. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy wie piace aner leaving lor year or more. We make lots of saies this way. Will Duy equipment if priced rjght. JOHN FERGUSON. GerllnKer Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast FARMS WANTED TO RENT. We are having many calls for far mi to lease. If your place is for rent, le us Know aoout it at once F. L. EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-2-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT. PORTLAND RETAIL DAIRJT. This Is an established retail dairy lo cated In Portland, having a route bring ing in about $575 per month; 14 cows, norae ana lew chickens, full dairy equip ment. bottles, crates, boiler, etc. : i n large concrete barn, milk house, 5-room house ; price $5500 ; $3000 cah ; 3-year iab, ( 68-ACRES. DAMASCUS. 6 acres, with 33 acres under plow berries and family orchard, 4-room house, large barn, 2 chicken houses, granary and garage, all farm tools, team, cow, about loo hens, 70 acres Joining, witn aoouc a. acrt-n under plow, is in eluded. This gives about 70 acres plow iana in Dot n places; acres in wheat 6 acres In clover; price of $1500 includei ail personal property and rent paid o Doth places ror l year; 3 years it-ase. F. I EDDY. Realtor. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-2-3-7-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FARM FOR KENT. PERSONAL PROP EHTY FOR SALE. 14 miles from Portland, 73 acres. 30 In cultivation. 5 In clover, 9 in wheat, 5 In oats, large orchard, plenty of ber ries. wonderful good pasture, runnin water, 5 cows. 1 heifer, 2 brood son-it, good team, wagon, mower, rake, plows, harrow, cream separator, milk cans, lo of smiwl tools. 20 tons ot hay. 2 ton oats, some wheat, kale, potatoes fo: seed. Price is $1500, rent $3r0 per year. STEWART & JOHNSON. 315 Northwestern Bank FMg. TO LEASE Large farm. 100 acres cultivation, gool house- and barn. 10 miles from Por tanu. on excellent m adam -oad. 3 rrtles from hard surface, only t-xperienced farmers need apply Strong & Ma:Naughton, Corbett bldg Main M n. IF YOU have a farm to rent, lease to transfer, equipment to sell, send de scrtptlon to Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bldg RIVER front, south of Mllwaukie. 3 fruit, etc., 7-r. fur., mod. house, $25 mo, winters; ref. req. Bdwy. 3134 mornings, TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER PROPOSITION. 9.000.000 FEET OF SAW TIMBER FOR SALE AS A WHOLE OR ON STUMP AGE BASIS. SPLENDID LOCATION. Located 15 miles from Roseburg on gravel road, spu-ndtd logging conditions, ideal mill site, good local demand for lumber. For particulars w. A. Bogard, Roseburg. Or. W A N TED from owner, only 1 0, 000 to L.VOOO sawmill With 3,000.000 to e.OOO, 000 timber; all particulars in first letter, K 22i. Oregonian. AM IN the market for a few timber claims: give legal description ana low est cash price ; none but real bargains considered. P -'.-i. uregoniani FOR SALE HO acres cedar, accessible good percentage Jap mal-erlal. Bf itoi, Oregonian. THREE million saw timber. 25 miles from Portland, rock road. 3 miles to railroad. Sell. 1227. TIMBER wanted near railroad; state loca tion, terms, etc. AE 240, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. TEN-RuOM HOUSE. INCOME $85 MONTHLY. The rooms are arranged for house- keening, all furnished. ONxlOO ground, block from car: located where it will al ways be kept full. Price $5200: will take small place to $3000. Investigate this. See Mr. Stephens, with Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. THOMSON & THOMSON. REALTORS. 2 H acres, located 4 blocks from car on electric line, good upland in heart of onion country; fruit and tfc-acre In straw berries; modern 5-rm. bungalow; good barn, ml k house woodshed, good wen real bargain at $2500, $1000 down or some good citv trade. MR. TAPLIN, 620 HENRY BLDG. WE OFFER for exchange 40 acres of rich r ver bottom land, all in cultivation, mile fiom Newberg, also 320-acre wheat ranch In cultivation. 4 miles N. W. of Tnuchot. Wash.: Walla Walla county: want Portland property. What have you to offer? Address interstate Realty co. fiM 5th St., Portland. Or. SIX ACRES, 18 miies from Portland, all In cultivation, small house and barn orchard; price $3000; exchange for house and lot: 30 acres. 7 acres in cultivation; 5-room house and barn, fine soli. 10 Smiles out, both on good auto roads; price $5000; exchange for house. . w. uar- land. LOI Third street BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR NEAT LITTLE FARM. Business property on Division st., clear of encumbrance: income sot. 00 per mo price $6500. Even up for neat little farm home near Portland. Hargrove Realty Co., (Realtors), 122 N. Olh St. Phone Bdwy. 4:tsi. EXCHANGE. Oftentimes a trade well made Is a benefit . to both parties; from our ex change listings we have some excep tional offerings. ROBNETT A McCLURE. Marshall 8202. 302 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange for New York property, 2 acres of land in Washington county, Oregoa (Durham acres), lot No. 7. LOUISE ITER. 13042 Rowland Street. Jt-naica. Long Island. N. Y. SALE or tradt, 10 acres cranberry marsh. Long Beach, Wash.; 5 acres In bearing vines; 5-rm. house, large packing-house, fine spray plant ; price $S0O0; will con sider farm or acreage or city property of en ua I value. B 255, Oregonian. SUNNY Idaho irrigated farm. 110 acre. $t00 uer acre nade In spuds and let tuce tcis seaoa. Consider any good in come property In or near Portland; owner physica"' unable to farm; price $1H,000. AV 626. Oregonian. 5 ACRES 3 miles of Hillsboro, mi. of electric station, house, barn, 2 chicken houses. All under cultivation. $2500. Would consider ono or two good building lots If worth the price asked. Wilbur V. Jouno, Henry bldg. WILL exchange 10 acres of fine land 8 miles from Portland on hectlon Line road. All tinder cultivation. will ex change for home in city. Price $5000. WAKEF1KLD, FRIES A CO., 3 4th St. 6-ROOM house, full basement, furnace, near car line, lot Wbtioo. in the Waver-ley-Richmond dist.. $3300. Would con sider Improved farm to the same amount. Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bid g. EAT CHRISTMAS dinner home. Vi acre. 6-room house. Maple wood, 8c fare; lot. Ford or $200 first payment. Your rent; fine combination stove connected. Own er. 4014 E. 41st street. TWO-TON TRUCK, run barely 1500 mllea. In new condition. w hat have you In property. Call Chessman, Main 208. BUNGALOW and 4 Jots, close In, to trade lor lots or improved property in Los Angeles. Cal., or San Diego. Apply John H. Gouldbtone, 1302 Hawthorne ave. TO EXCHANGE. lot In Rose City Park and some cash as first pay meat on 6 or 6-room bungalow; prefer to deal with owner Sellwood 3702. 5 ACRES for sale or trade for Portland property; 5 miles northeast Gresham; house and barn, three acres orchard. Phone Enst 7133. TWO FLAT buildings, partly furnished; renting for $35 monthly; price $4000; will take In a small car as part pay ment. East 4447. Owner. WILL exchange equity in a well-improved farm for Portland residence. AP 274, Oregonian. GOOD town property and business to trade for prune or dairy farm. Owner, A. V. 607. WILL trade car for unencumbered prop erty. 675 Gldeoa U . . TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. ALEXANDER'S EXCHANGES. 20 acres, m miles from Med ford, Or., on hard-surfaced road, good 6-room plas tered house, elec lights, bath, phone, etc., good barn, chicken house, etc., 10 acres prunes produced 14 tons this year, alfalfa between prunes, balance Ba rt lett pears and Newtown apples, produced two tons pears, 3 tons apples this year: price $70oO; want home in Portland or any other good town. List S64. 17 acres adjoining Drain, Or.; 6-room house and outbuildings; 12 acres In cul tivation; plenty of fruit; price $3000; to exchange for good property of equal value anywhere. List 305. 1120 acres Canada wheat land; 620 acres In cultivation; all fenced; fair buildings; price $2H.000; will trade this land clear for stock of merchandise or coast farm. List 103. 620 acres Canada wheat farm; ex traordinary farm ; good buildings; ad joining town ; price $:t3,000 ; will take small property as f irt payment and give buyer own terms, or will take small cafh payment and give buyer own terms. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for some ambitious man. List 102. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 702 Title A Trust Bldg. Broadway 55K6. Entrance KJ Fourth St. EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERTY OR SMALL FARM. Stocked and equipped. 120 acres, im proved with g-ood 7-room plastered house, large barn, good family orchard. 11 cows, good team, several hogs, chick ens, barn full of hay, lots of green feed, on good gravel road, short way out in ClackamaH county. Milk, mall and stage route by the house. Price $16,000. STEWART A JOHNSON, 815 Northwestern Bank RIdg. EXCHANGE OFFICE. BRING YOUR PROPOSITION TO A SPECIALIST IF YOU WANT ACTION. Courtesy shown : conscientious opinion given. MAKE YOUR BUSINESS A PLEASURE. A. Gordon Ross, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. SO A. AT GO RLE FOR HOUSE. 2 miles from Goble, good rocked road. 6 a. under plow, 10 a. surface cleared. 300 cords m ood, good land, no rock ; small hou and outbuildings, fruit and berries; streams and spring; lies good; cow, horse, wagon, harness. Implements and chickens. Price $.;200. Even up for house In Portland. Hargrove Realty Co.. Realtors), 122 N. 0th st. Phone Droadwny 4:!S1. EXCHANGE. Fine valley farm to trade for Portland residence; 62 acres, all in cultivation; fine 7-room house, plastered, newly pa pered and pulnted throughout; good barn, splendid soil; Ideal farm home; ten miles southeast of Corvallis and one mile from Peoria, near electric line. Want modern home to five or six thou- I sands O .'Qi, Oregonian. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 3132 acres located near coast, about nan Donom iana, Daiance bench and hllL 800 acre In cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn. Pries $40,000; would consider city properiy. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER COMPANY, 03 Fourth st., opp. Multnomah HoteL rnone uroaaway 3710. WEST SIDE INCOME. $6000, FOU LITTLE FARM. 16-room double house on Wood street, west side, furnace heat, price JOotiO; want neat little farm home near car and suitable lor old couple. Place is clear. Want even trade. Hargrove rteaity Co., (Realtors), 122 N. Oth st. rnniif urondwny ;tMl. run. bAi.b, or exchange for town prop erty, iu seres, au acres nave been culti vated balance stum page, all very level with small creek running through place, no buildings, lies 5 miles east of Eata cada, Or.; my reason for selling, am In poor health. Address, write R. W. Sylvester. 74? E. 73th st. N. Phone Tabor 4304. :i ACRES, with 1,3oo,ihhJ It. of good tim ber; 1 acres under cult., 23 acres more seeded, goon 4-r box house, barn. chicken houne; located on mac. road, 33 miles from Portland; will exchange for city property up to run price of farm; swMHt. kock, Marshall sba:;. TO EXCH A NT. E M I SC ELLA N EOF S. HIGH-GRADE 3-galted saddle horse, atyl- isn and weiioreu, lor automobile. Phone MStM, .SACRIFICE $400 eouitv In 1-t. truck for $2v0 or trade what have you? l514 43d ave. o. K, AUt. 034-33. WILL trade my new talking machine for a good motorcycle. Plays all records. f im:', oregoniM n. WILL TRADE now Studeoaker ppocial on reasonamo nome. Bdwy. L'OdH. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles. Livestock. HORSES. Can use one or more good nlow teams 1th harness In exchange for their keep. Frank L. Smith, Smithshire, Scappooae, Oregon. WELL-SCHOOLED 3-gaited saddle horse with saddle and bridle, young, stylish and wen Dren. rnone t-ast mj. GOOD sound all-round 1200-lb. work horse. $40. Mississippi car to Russet st., four blocks up to commercial court. No. 312. VETERINARIAN. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6366. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co.. 802 Tenino ave. Sellwood 23KS. FR ESH cows. T&Ke Kenton car, north to 1630 Interstate ave. BEAUTIFUL 2-seated buggy, $40. Olsen. half mile soutn Arden wald station. GOOD family cow, very gentle, cheap. wmiams ave. FRESH cow and calf fur sale. Call Auto. I 02H-12. 'iunoK. Organs and MumIcuI Instruments. KINGSBURY plain mahogany case. Sell at a bargain. Terms given, belberllng- Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th St.. but. Wash. and Alder H. F. MILLER PIANO, mah. case, in beau tiful condition, a splendid buv. S42.V terms. U. F. Johnson Piano Co., 14J I 6th st. GRAFONOLA bargain. $223 model walnut. beautilui tone, including o records cheap for cash. Call after 6 o'clock. 603 V Uiisan st. GRAFONOLA bargain. $130 walnut Co- lumb-A ohonof-sph, including 40 rec ords; need monev; snap. Call 111 13th street, REMINGTON", plain oak case, best of con dition, $2 So. lerms given. Selberllng- I jue)s .music uo.. 10 tn St.. net. wash. and Alder. TORY A CLARK $300 plain walnut case. almost new. A snap, terms given. Sei- berllng-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st, bet. a s n. ana Ainer. LUDWIG plana, oak case, one of the s-ood old makes; can oe purcnased on re as- I onable terms. Price $205, U. F. John- I son Piano Co.. 140 gth st. LELAND plaiTi mahogany case, just like new. This is certainly a bargain. $273. Terms given. Sciberllng-Lucas Music I Co., 123 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. OR RENT Cabinet grafonola with late I records, also piano; rental may ann v on I purchase price. Empire Transfer. Phone I Bdwy. 133. OLL SON muke. oak case, small size. only $1.13; terms given. beiberling-Lucas I Music Co.. 123 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. PHONOGRAPH repairing, any make; work guaranteed. Selnerilng-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. Main S 3 . ADDORFF, $383; mahogany cae. beautiful instrument. See it. Terms given. settH rung-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th st.. net, wasn. and Alder. A CLAXON PIANO, mah. case, modern. just as good as new. Don't overlook this one. -', terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 1 w mn st. CONN alto saxophone, plain brass, over hauled ana ukb new, oniy ?., terraa G. F. Johnson Finno co., 140 6th. STORY A CLARK plain case. $2tk terms given. Selber:ing-Lucas Music Co.. l2o 4th st.. net, w asn. and Alder. CONN CORNET, stiver, gold bell, iu good condition, only $30, terms. G. F John- son Piano Co.. I4i nth st. EMERSON upright piano, good condition. Apply Janitor r orunam apartments. 1 170 Vista ave. ORGANS $iO and up. Seiberlins-Luci Music Co.. 120 4th st. bet. Wash, and Alder. . WILL trade my beautiful $230 cabinet phonograpn ror good light car. Ford pre ferred. F 606, Oregonian. LARGE-SIZE Deagan Marimba, '4-oct.. inch and one-half bars, only $160, terms. q. r . jonnnon lano Co., 140 6th st. HOLTON trombone, silver plated and gold Dell, wiin gooa case, oniy terms. G. F. jonnson jrmno Co.. 140 oth st. TRADE Victrola and records, value $250. ior goon 11 sea piano. . an 31am f.6. PIANOS moved, $3; storage extra ; work done py experts, rnone utivy. 1207. PIANO WAXTLD from private party, cash ror nargain. .viarsnRii lo-ij. PIANO WANTED Pay cash for good ued instrument. .Main nh. PLAYER rolls exchanged, luc each. Harold 8 Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. WEBER pianola for rent, music included. Harold S. Gilbert. 8H4 Yamhill ft. WANTED to buy a piano, can pay cash. 400 Union ave. N. WILL pay you spot cash for your piano. .Main REX GRAPHONOLA. 60 records, lor $40. w am. auh FOR SALE. I' in now, Qrgaiw and Musical Instruments, L I I'll A n7"VOLK B & CO., GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. Includes thene nw pianos, renuwed ana used pianos and phnoKrupns Helnze upright, good condition. . New England, upright Sch ubert, large, mahogany Kimball, renewed onk Haine Bros., quite new Francis Bacon, fine mahogany. . . Monarch, new, oak Rusf ;j, large, walnut Foster A Co., good as new Sterling, fine tone .$10S . 215 . 20.1 . 3i5 . 403 . 4:i.- . 7. . 2i."i 213 Pay cash or as little as $2 to $12 a month. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO., Seventh Floor. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick. No. 7, mahoguuy. .. .$ 00 00 Mradivara Melody SI I vert one, used, mahogany Stradi ara Harmony Columbia, golden oak, used V'ctrola, XI, niahogny, usid... Vtctroia. XVI, maluwruny, new . Pat he, mahogany, used 112.23 13. OO 12:.. 00 7.' 00 123.00 213 1 Ml O0 Pay cash or as Utile as $3. $j and $s a montn. LIPMAN, WOLFE A CO. . Seventh Floor. Washington A Sixth Sfa, CLEARANCE SALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. $ 473 Sterling, mshoguny, plain .$103 $ pod) Sielnwuy & Sunn, mahogany.. 3:t3 $ Uon Steger i.- Sons, mission oak.. 4!t3 $ 730 Kranich & B;ich, golden oak.. 313 ,!. f-enroeder Hros.. fumed oak.. S .3 Huntington, golden oak.. 2H3 $ 800 Red & Son, grand in upright .. Kimball, larse, mahogany. . $ .''73 large, mahogany.. $ ICO Thompson player piano $1;om St ger Player piano, mah... 2!t3 .".43 411.1 $lo.,tt Sinaer plaer pnuiu, oak $ 1MO Thompson player, oak $ Li3 Burdette p.irlor orjiun $ 03 Karhoff parlor organ $ 73 Packard parlor organ $ 103 Kimball 6-octave oran $ 173 Kenwood, 7 1-3 oct.. piano ca?e 14 4S 63 Terms $10 to $23 cash, $3, $8, $ 1 ."V mo. SCHWA N PIANO CO.. Tenth and Stark. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. Victor, wmall, with 3 used records . $ 20 Columbia, small, with 5 used records 30 Victor, with HI used records 40 Victor, with 10 ued records 63 Victor, cabinet, with 13 used records 110 Pathe. cabinet, with 10 used records !0 Brunswick, cabinet, lo used records 73 Sonora, cabinet, with 13 used records ird So nor grand with 23 um1 records 210 fconora. portable, used records 40 $3 up cash, $3 and up monthly. SCH WAN PIANO CO., 101 TOfh st.. cor. Stark Phono Bdwy. 167. A MUSH'AL XMAS, Music today should be a part of every child's education. We are speclallv pie parcd to take care of your wants with a most wnndfrful select in n of Amnrican and European instruments. Terms can be arranged to suit your convenience. Violins. Saxophones, Trombones, 1 rumj and Cornets. Ca.l early ami let uj assist you in making vmir selection, G. f. Johnson piano co.. Hi 0th St. RETIRING FROM HUSINKSS SAUK. $133 cabinet phonographs. ale price, $110 cabinet phonographs, sale price, $47.30. $183 cabinet phonographs, sale price, $ls.3o. New and used pianos one-third to one half off. Foley. Maegley Music Co.. Iu6 Fifth st.. bet. Wn0i. and stark. SK'UJilTY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $ 4(3 Emernon upright, rash 13 $ 330 Kimball, muhoganv, cash . . . . 2M3 $ 2,3 Hard A Co., small uprlv h t, c-asff 73 $ -,h Collard & Coiinrd, upright, cah 63 J.Hi Pianola player, wulnut. tain. 33 $ 7oO Pianola player piano, oa-Ii... 2:3 $1H'M Orchestrell. lurgn. mhg., cah IHI3 $10 Berry Wood orchestrion, cash 403 . 1"! Tenth St.. st Stark St. BUY Yolk Christmas phimogi'Aph and records at whojeale prices. Save Vj your money. Cloning out a surplus stock of high-grade standard make machine at prices that will stagger you. Factory will not permit us lo advertise, tho tutmo 1 T-m'lIllnP during this sale. Hurry rr Ki'inK la.Sl. W it iv erms and take in nnian. your old machine. Y l:j. ores , USED V ICTROLAS. Mctrola, stylo X. oak. almost $100 00 Victrola. style IX. almost now.... 0000 victrola, style IV. almost new.. . ITr-O victrola. style IV. as good an new 13 0O SEI B KRL1 NO-LI. OAS MUSIC CO 123. 4th St.. bet. W.ikIi. and Aider O.NE LA BIN ET mahogany Colinih(.. Oirw), $73; one Pathe cah't. $so one Brunswick can't, mah., $!Hi; one elertrio Victor, style 16, mah. cane, was $337 3d now $2.0. and many table phonographs t $13. $23, $33 and $40; terms. G. F. .iiuroii 1 in no t p., n; ti! h Ht, BEFORE YOU BUY A PHONOGRAPH see Foley-Maegly Music Co.. who are retiring from business; reductions In pianos and phonographs as high as 30 per cent. 100 Fifth. t.. between Wash- lngton and Stark. BEFOKK YOU BUY A PIANO See Foley-Maegly Music Co. closfng out sale; retiring from business; pianos and phonographs at reductions as high as I0 per cent 106 FiUu mL. bet. Waah- I intton and Stark. SPEOIAT. ktuH,.nt'a ..iiiT; rrv. .." fully made violin with good bow and case, extra strings and cane, $1 11.30. terms. o. r . Johnson Piano Co., 14i 6th st. KIM BALI PLAYER, new. uaed for dem- I On I V : R Htlll r UnlKArll.. onstratf Lutas Music Co.. 123 4th St.. but. Wash and Alder. PORTLAND-niaue piano benches, veneered Biiuwunce ior your Old stool; a good Christmas gift. Harold S. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill st. liA ia in, upright 227 M. Stark at. Cull Bdwy. 4431 after 6 P. Kiimiiure for Mile. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. If you love beautiful floor cov ering, our display of Royal Turk ish rugs will Interest you. We have these wonderful rugs in ths most charming patterns and fas cinating colors that anyone could wish for and they are down to pre-war pricea Just Imagine, we can now offer you a 0x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $130. Other slxen accordingly. MISH FURNITURE CO. I08-IUO First SC. DAVENPORTS. MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES. We are mfrs. of overstuffed daven ports and chairs. We have a few sam ples which we will sell direct to th trade at greatly reduced prices. Sorn trms to responsible parties on the4 close-outs. Many styles and assortment of coverings in dentin, mei 011a, voluur, tapestry and moh.-ilr. Phone 6.13-27, Evening and Sunday Tubur 07V? or Auto. 033-27. MICH A KLSON-M A YPON. INC.. M33 Foster Road. SAVE MONEY. " Try our sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairlag and refinlshing. Money loaned on goods in storage. Fireproof storage Low Insurance rates. fcECUiUTY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 63 4Lh St., Opp. Multnomah Uutai. Phone Broadway 3713. Ft'li.N ITUKF.. " FOR FALE BY PRIVATE PARTY. Dining table. S chairs. 1 mrker rnA. lant gis heater. 1 brass bed. '2 Mnrinir. 2 mattresses, garden hose, grans ru, stand and chnlr' will sell Bll or part. This is no JunK. Call Main 3042. DON'T SACRIFICE your rurnlture If going asi or to Laiiiornia. wo can save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. u.iua Transfer & Storage Co., 24S PIre s'reot IVORY enameled bed, $12; 3d-lh. mattress. $H; sanitary couch and pad, $14; mahog any and ta pen try rock era, $-', a I must n w nnd perfert condit ion. Tahor L' 1 :t4. BEAUTIFUL nw blue velour oveiNluiled davenport, so:id mahogany chlfferobe, fine Eciipse gui range and interior dec--ora tfons. Main 3072. 0 ROOMS good furniture fur salt ch a p. No no house to rnt. Mar. ltktS. riea lers. FOR SALE Fuinitum for com S. J. plnte ; location 333 Madison, 'rumens. LED SoKA, In good condition, quick sulu. Auto r -1 1. FURNITURE for S3. Office Fiirnit nre. FIFTY and siAty-inch flat-tnp desks at special low prices ; such buys un .these have not been teen since before the war. Used Burroughs add. mach ines, dicta phones, typewriter, snfes, files, chairs, etc. D. C. Wax offim Employment Bouse. 21-26 N. 5th. Hroadway 27 'A'., BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, riles or safe, visit our salesrooms and Inspect what we have to offer. THE TRWTN-HODPON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT.. H'TII AT STARTC. SPRUCE division desks, chairs and tiles. Pacific maty, tb 1'tg. Co.. H'7 21. 1 00-INCH SOLID oak Leopold roll too desk. Phone Wdln. 1714. Typewritem. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale. it. exchange; we are exclusl ve dis tributors of Corona portable. $30 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., fi4 Fifth St. Main 3 60S. RKPA1KS. rent. buy. sell: suppiiea Typs- wrmr inspection 1.0, .1 1 i btarg. M. b34V. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut fate, P. U o iUl btark au AUla 14uJ 0