19 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1921 FUR SALE. 1'ianns, Organs and Musical Instruments. LIPMAS, WOUE CO.. GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH BALE. Includes these new planus, renewed and used pianos and phonographs: Helnze upright, good condition. .. .$103 New England, upright -15 Schubert, large, mahogany 26.J Kimball, - renewed oak 3H. Haines Bros., quite new 405 Francis Bacon, fine mahogany 435 Monarch, new, oak i,ssell. large, walnut 203 Poster ft Co., good as new 305 Sterling, fine tone 203 fay cash or as little as $2 to 112 a soon th. LIPMAV. WOLFE ft CO., Seventh Floor. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick. No, 7, mahogany....! 00.00 rtradivara Melody 112.2.1 Sllvertone. used, mahogany J3'?, fctradlvara Harmony 123.00 Columbia, aoiden oak, used 73.00 Vlctrola, XI, mahogany, used.... 123.00 Victrola. XVI, mahogany, new.. 215.00 fathe, mahogany, used 00.00 Pay cash or as little as !3. $3 and Is si month. LIPMAN. WOLFE CO., f Seventh Floor, Washington ft SixtS Ste. CLEARANCE gALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS, f 473 Sterling, mahogany, plain. .. $19.1 i INM Stelnway ft Sous, mahogany.. 305 $ Poo Sieger ft Horn, misaion oak.. 413 I 750 Kranlch ft Bach, golden oak.. 815 ! 373 Schroeder Bros., fumed oak.. ,105 673 Huntington, golden oak 203 boo Reed ft Bon, grand In upright 603 ! 550 Kimball, large, mahogany... 203 I 373 Kimball, large, mahogany.., 345 I O.'iO Thompson player piano 405 $11100 Steger player piano, man.... 873 Io:() singer player piano, oak 805 $ OOO Thompson player, oak 503 $ 133 Burdette parlor organ. 38 $ 05 Earhoff parlor organ. 25 $ 75 Packard parlor organ....... 18 t 103 Kimball 8-octave organ 48 $ 173 Kenwood, 7 1-3 Oct., piano case 05 Terms $10 to $23 cash. $5, $8, $15 mo. SCH WAN PIANO CO., Tenth and Stark. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. Victor, email, with 3 used records.! 20 Columbia, imall, .with & used records SO victor, with tu used records eu Victor, with 10 used recorda 65 Victor, cabinet, with 15 used recorda 110 J'athe. cabinet, with 10 used records 00 Tlrunswlck, cabinet, lo used recorda 75 Sonora, cabinet, with 15 used records 130 cionora grand with 25 used recorda 200 eionora, portable, used records 40 $3 up cash, ti and up monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 11 10th St.. cor. Stark. Phone Bdwy. 1978, A MUSICAL XMAS. Music today should be a part of every child's education. We are specially pre pared to take care of your wants with a most wonderful selection of American and European Instruments. Terms can be arranged to suit your convsnlence. Violins. Saxophones. Trombones. Drums and Cornets. Call early and let Us assist you In making your selection. O. JOHNSON PIANO CO.. . 140 6th St. 6!OL'RIT Y STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT. $ 475 Emerson upright, cash $105 ! 650 Kimball, mahogany, cash 205 $ 273 Bard A Co., small upright, cash 75 $ 250 Collard ft Collard, upright, cash 65 ! 250 Pianola player, walnut, cash. 35 ! 730 Pianola player piano, caeli... 2o3 J1SIM) Orchestrell. large, mhg., cash 305 $1750 Berry Wood orchestrion, cash 405 . 101 Tenth St.. at Stark St. USED VIC'TKOLAS. Vlctrola, style X. oak. almost new $100.00 Vlctrola, style IX. almost new.... 60.00 Vlctrola, style IV. almost new... 17.30 Vlctrola, style IV. as good as new 13.0U SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 123 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. ONE CABINET mahogany Columbia, (new), $75; one Paths cab't, $80; one Brunswick cab't, man., I'.HI- one electric Victor, style 16, men. cane, "was $337.50, now 25o. and many table phonographs at $15. $23. $35 and $40; terms. O. F. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th st. HEFORE YOU BUI A PHONOGRAPH see Foley-Maegly Muslo Co., who ars retiring from business; reductions in pianos and phonographs as high as 50 per cent. 106 Filth St., between Wash- Ington and Stark. BEFORE YOU BUY A. PIANO. ' Bee Foley-Maegly Musis Co. closing ut sale; retiring from business; pianos and phonographs at reductions as high as BO per cent. 106 Fifth St., bet. Wash- ington and Stark. SPECIAL student's violin outfit, beautl fully made violin with good bow and case, extra strings and case, $19.50, terms. U. F. Johnson Piano Co., . 140 otn si. 91400 GRAND, one of American's most artistic makes; perfect, about ft price, take upright piano part payment; won derful opportunity. Brokerage Co., 811 Worcester bldg, MASON ft HAMLIN. Stelnway., Strlch ft Zaidler or Sohmer grand p.ano wanted If reasonable bargain; pay cash. AJ 240, Oregonlan. EQUITIES IN PIANOS BOUGHT. Get rid of that piano you are tired of paying for. Cash paid. Brokerage Co., an Worcester bldg. klMBALL PLAYER, new. used for dem onstration only; a snap. Seiberll-ng-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash. snfl jlfler. rORTLAND-maae piano benches, veneered tops, $15; allowance for your old stool; a good Christmas gift. Harold & Gilbert, $84 Yamhill st. S.1NGSBURY plain mahogany case. Sell at a bargain. Terms given. Seiberling- I.ucas Music Co.. 123 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder H. F. MILLER PIANO, man. case, In beau tiful condition, a splendid buy, $423, terms. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 140 Hth st. GRAFONOLA bargain, 1225 model walnut.. Deauiltui tone, including go records, cheap for cash. Call after 6 o'clock. 605 ' Gllsan St. CRAFONOLA bargain. $150 walnut Co lunib'A phono-t-sph, including 40 rec ords; need monev; snap. Call 111 13th street. i DM INGTON. plain oak case, best of con dition, $25. Terms given. Selberllng Lucls Music Co.. 120 4th St., bet. Wash. and Alder. fcTORY ft CLARK $300 plain walnut case, almost new. A snap, terms given. Set-berllng-Luras Music Co., 125 4lh at., bet. Wash, and Alder. LUDWIO piano, oak case, one of the good old makes; can be purchased on reas onable terms. Price $263. G. F. John son Plnno Co.. 140 flth st. LELAND plain mahogany case, just like new. This is certainly a bargain. $275. Terms given. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wssh. and Al 1 e r. FOR RENT Cabinet grafonola with late records, also piano; rental may apply on purchase price. Empire Transfer. Phone Bdwy. IM. XOLL ft SON make, oak case, small size, only $133: terms given. Selberllng-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. J-HON-OGRAPH repairing, any make: work guaranteed. SelherTing-Lucas Music Co, 1J5 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. Main S.'SH. i 11ADDORFF. $33; mahogany case, a beautiful Instrument. Sea It. Terms given. Seibcrllng-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th st.. bet. Wssh. and Alder. L CLAXON PIANO, man. case, modern, just as good as new. Don't overlook this one. $233, terms. G. F. Johnson Plnno Co.. 140 Bth st. CONN alto saxaphone, plain brass, over hauled and like new, only $03. terms. G. K. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th. STORY ft CI.AKK plain case. $203. terms given. Selberllng-Lucas Muslo Co.. 1223 4th St.. hot. Wssh. and Alder. "CONN CORNET, silver, gold bill, In good condition, only $50. terms, u. F. John son Piano Co.. 140 6th st. EMEKSJ.N upright piano, good condition. Apply Janitor' Fordham apartments. 170 Vista ave. OROANfc $10 end up. Selberling-Lucaa Music Co., 125 4th st.. bet. Wash, and Alder. 1.ARGE-SIZE Deagan Marimba. 4-oct., Inch and one-half bars, only $160. terms. O. V. Johnson Piano Co.. 140 6th st. UOLTON trombone, silver plated and gold bell, with good case, only $05, terms. . F. Johnson Plnno Co.. 140 th st $000 HUSH ft LANE piano, genuine man., only I30O; uaed about 1 mo. 311 Wor tester hltlg., 3d and Oak ats. Iuim THOMPSON piano. Just like new; mah. case. !225, on terms. 311 Wor rester Mdg. TRADE Vlctrola and recorda. value $250, f"r good used plsno. Call Mnln B5tfl. J'lANO WANTED from private party, cash for bargain. Marshall 1332. i'lANO WANTED pay cash for good used irsrrumpni. aiain Min, iLAYEH 'oiis xenanged. 10c eaon. Harold 8. Olibert. 384 Tsmhlll St. t'EBKR pianola for rent, muslo Inoludsd. Harold S. Olibert H4 TamhlU St. V A.MtU to buy a Piano, can pay casli. 40!i Union ave. N. hi 1.1, pay you spot cash for your piano. Main 2010. !0iai PIANO, fine stand, make upright, lino, on terms. 311 Worcester bldg. McPHAIL fine piano, only 1225, on i5rmsJ nil worrrwicr pinr Jt.vo PIANO, f.ne tone, upright. Only $12o; V 811 Worecter bldg. 1fc.NTBrj To buy used piano for cash. "aii "aln 4424. week dsvs OXFuKD piano and bench, only 1225, on Terms. nil Worcester Dinir VVANTEIJ Sweet-tonad upright piano for spot ensh. East H2, $5K5 ANDREW KOIILER piano, latest, $240, on terms. 311 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE. Pianos. Organs and Musical Instruments. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS SALE. 1135 cabinet phonographs, sale price, $78. 1110 cabinet phonographs, sale price, $47 50 $1S3 cabinet phonographs, sale price, I OH. 50. New and used pianos one-third to one half off. Foley-Maegley Music Co, 106 Fifth St., bet. Wash, and Stark. Furniture for Sale. 6AI.E OF GOLD SEAL CONGO LEUM ART CARPETS. Tnese prices are for a limited time only, so don't delay. 6x9 Art Congoleum Car pets, now $5.40 7HxO Art Congoleum Car pets, now 6.75 9x0 Art Congoleum Car pets, now 8.10 0xlo Art Congoleum Car pets, now 9.45 0x12 Art Congoleum Car pets, now 10.80 9x13 ft Art Congoleum Car- vets, now 12.15 Cx'.C Ait Cocgleum Car pets. nas 13.50 MISH FURNITURE CO.. leS-100 First Street. TOW CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. If yon love beautiful floor cov ering, our display of Royal Turk ish rugs will Interest you. We have these wonderful rugs in ths most charming patterns and fas cinating colors that anyone could wish for and they are down to pre-war prices. Just Imagine, we can now offer you a 9x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $130. Other sizes accordingly. MISH FURNITURE CO. . 188-190 First St. DAVENPORTS. MANUFACTURERS" SAMPLES. We are mfgrs. of overstuffed daven ports and chairs. We have a few sam ples which we will sell direct to the trade at greatly reduced prices. Some terms to responsible parties on these close-outs. Many styles and assortment of coverings in denim, merona, veiour, tapestry and mohair. phone 635-27. Evening and Sunday Tabor 5707 or Auto. 633-27. MICHA E LSON-Ma TSON, INC., 5433 Foster Road. SAVE MONET. Try oar sales department If you want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points In our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and reflnishlng. Money loaned on goods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low Insurance rates. 6ECUR1TT STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. $3 4Lh St.. Opp. Multnomah HotsL Phone Broadway 3713. 1IAH0GNT Harrington baby grand piano, also mahogany vlctrola, davenport table, walnu; bedroom furniture, nest of tables, spinet and ga'.e.cg table, all mahogany, old Ivory day bed, single bed and chif fonier, 1900 Cataract electric washer. 920 Ri-jents drive alter 11 A. M. Wdln 1001. FURNITURE. FOR SALE BY PRIVATE PARTY. Dining table. 3 chairs, 1 rocker, rad iant gis heater, 1 brass bed, 2 springs, 2 mattresses, gsrden hose, grass rug, stand and chair' will sell all or part. This is no Juna. Call Main 3042. " ELEGANT 54-Inch dining room table, also six arm chairs, leather seats, and a buf fet to match, worth $300 or more, must be sacrificed; make offer. cash or time. See Mr. Smith, 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. MISSION heater with colls. $25; oak heat er, $15; gas range. $10; small heater, $10; trunk, $8: oak rocker, $10; library table, $18; 8-burner gas range, $15. 1105 Hawthorne. Tabor 8323. DON'T SACRIFICE your turnlture If going east or to California. We car save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. O.son Transfer ft Storage Co.. 248 Pi-e street. BEAUTIFUL new blue veiour overstuffed davenport, so. id mahogany chifferobe. fine Eclipse gaa range and interior dec orations Mali: P072. Office Furnltore. FIFTY and 00-lnch flat-top desks at spe cial low prices; such buys as these have not been seen since before the war. Uaed Burroughs add. machines, dicta phones, typewriters, safes, files, chairs, etc. D. C. Wax Office Employment House. 24-241 N. 5th. Mdwy. 2,3. BEFORE purchasing new or second-hand desks, chairs, files or safes, visit our salesrooms and inspect what we have to offer. THE IRWIN-HODRON CO., FURNITURE DEPT., 10TH AT STARK. SPRUCE division desks, chairs and flies. Pacific Staty. ft Ptg. Co.. 107 2d. GOOD roil. lop desk and chair, also good Norrla safe, ch.-ap. Phone East 3925. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE!. CALL, OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THB WHOLESALE! TKPSWRITER CO., 821 Washington St. Alain 3681. REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable. $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Main 36H8. RatAlas. rent. Duy. sen, suppuss. Cyt writer Inspection Co.. 312 Stark, it. i54 NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co., 231 Stark st. Main 14u7. RENT an Underwood or Remington. $3 a month. 2M Broadway. Broadway 135. WANTalO sirvi4jeHble typewriter for cash. M 208, Oregonlan. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN laying hens, Hogan lzed stock, $1 each, Barred Rock and R. I. Red and White Leghorn pullets, beginning to lay. J. R. McGulre, 787 Oregon St., corner E. 24th. F,XPERT woodsman with good bear and cat doji, would like one more dog to train. Mr. Buries. 400 Second st. 1.IIODE Inland Rea cockerels. Mead strain. !3 eajh. 1361 Cay st. Dugs. Ralililts. Birds and Pet Stock. ENGLISH bulldog, a beauty, year old, fe male; thoroughly house lroken and fine pet for children. 1541 State St., Salem. SACRIFICE sale of giant does 12.50 each, young stock, 10 weeks old 40c. Main 7SI 1. THOKOUGHUHEl) pit bull male pup, beautifully marked; 10 weeks. E. 3344. SKINS and furs tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co.. 692 Tenlno are. Sellwood 28118. PEDIGREED white Scotch collies. Tabor 0036 f. O. White, is? E 74th N. FULL black Scotch collie pedigreed pups. Call Broadway 5.176. BOR SAL E Th.roughbred collie puppies. Tabor t874. Iktalw. Launches mid Marine Kquipment. NEW HOUSEBOAT. 12x23, on good log float, $200, or trade for Ford. Favorite boathouse, foOL of Yamhill st. 1'oal and Wood. BEST ol 1-growth !lr. bone dry. waa $8.50, now $7.75; bea. old-growth fir. medium dry. was $8. now $7.60. Phone Mar shall !. :00 COKDS dry wood on pavement, 1 miles from Portland, $4.50 cord Call Cot 1009. WOOD AND COAL. Small orders solicited. West Side Fuel Co., 414 Gllsan. Bdwy. 2113. TAYLOR FUEL CO., wood and coal. Price reasonable. Call Wdln. 1043 or Bdwy. 3014. BOXWOOD AND SLABVVOOD. Delivered Immediately by Fulton Wood Co., I2i'l Macadam, pnone Main 4173. ia-INCH dry wood, cut from planks and small timbers. !S per load delivered. Call Auto. 81u-67. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood sawed call Kelly. East 6b40. DRY HOXWOOD, $4.73; llaner trimmings, $3.0 per load. Call Woodlawn SUi'4. 1 133 M'intnna ave. SEASONED No. 1 fir. hardwood, green slab and block mixed; coal; immediate delivery, wain, sum. NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH, bone-dry, S per cord. East side. Auto. 818-87. 1ST CLASS fir ana nardwooa. prompt de livery, i-none nwntu, Vancouver H93-Y ft. I FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwood. !7 the cord. Phone East 077. FIRbTGKOWTH woud, dry. Jt;j cord;' secunn-B'" '" tg -q. a. I I klATKA large load of block and slab wood. $5 Woodlawn 3H40. CHEAP, good dry wood, $e a load. Bdwy. NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH cordwood. bone' $8 a cord. East Side. Phone 616-87 dry, It,-1NCH slab. $3.75 load; best fir. $5 5l, pargain. pgn"wuu 1 1 oil. WOOD Block and slab. .t load; planer tr.m 3 Woodlawn 3OII0. r GUARANTEED old-growth fir cordwood; Si. 75 Cora. csenwouu QUO. DRY COKDWOOD. l.73 delivered in two .cord lots. Phone Wdln, tin 2. COOP, -'ty. fir cordwood. !7.25 a cord; half .T.y coun'ry slab. $3 23. East t7,"0 Biui'l' Litaa euai. $13 iier luo. Auto, 617-90. FOR SALE. Coal and Vooa. $4 PER LOAD $(. We are now able to sell at ' YOUR OWN PRICE a nice grade block and slab, ready for your furnace or heater. 18 IN TWO-LOAD LOTS 8. Our trucks are equipped to carry dou ble loads, therefore we can save you money. Guarantee one and one-half 1H corda to the double load. Try it. Can't be wrong. Immediate del. THIS WOOD HANDLED BY WDLN. 4102. EAST 2041. Oregon Fuel Co. National Fuel Co. COAL. !11.00 per ton put In your basement; city weights, direct from mine to con sumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot, burns to fine ash; try a ton. PHONE EAST 134. ' COAL. HIGH-GRADE COAL. ONLY $11 PER TON. ALL CLEAN. DOMESTIC LUMP, HIGH IN HEAT AND LOW IN ASH. SATISFACTION ASSURED. , BEST FUEL CO., PHONE EAST 192. ONE STEAM heating plant, small boiler, pipe und radiation now in use suitable fur 32-room building; will tear down the building about the first of the month; price, r 11 complete, $300. O. K. ft Rose City Wrecking Co., 435 Everett St. Broadway 1346. SPECIAL IN 4-LOAD LOTS. C. O. T. COUNTRY BLOCK AND SLAB, FOUR LOADS (220 Slacked Cubic ft.). 115. DELIVERED. QUALITY AND MEA8 U It E 31 EXT GUARANTEED. MAIN 4050. FirtSX-GKUW TH fir. Rock Springs, ito;'al. Owl Creek coal- Standard Brick ft 'file Co., 83 3tu st., between Stark and Cak. Phone Broadway 18. 9.50 PER TON. $9.50. An excellent grade Washington lump coal, curb del. Oregon Fuel Co.. Wdln. 410: 1'LOCK or slab, 2 loads $8; first-growth cordwood. $7.50 per cord; second growth, $0.30. Bdwy. 4110. ; GUARANTEED old-growth, fir cordwood; $7.75 cord. Sell. 8723. Kegs and Barrels. KEOS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 806 N. 14th St., near Pettygrove. Phosie A 519-19. Machinery. 8-HORSEPOWER heavy 'duty marine en gine; 2 gas tanks, clutch and lights; used 8 months; make me an offer. 077 Pershing st. Sell. 1040. CNE 2Vi AND one 1 V4 centrifugal pump. Rushlight ft Haalorf. 871 HawUiorne avenfe. x-'rulta and Vegetables. CABBAGES In any quantity from 100 iba up, delivered to your place of business In Portland 0r Vancouver, uncrated, at 2 cents a pound; crated at 1 cents a pound. Call Broadway 3418 and leave orders. FINE, large Early Ruse and American Wonder potatoes, $1.75 per hundred; Oregon stock, nothing better. Write or call Frank L. Smith, Smilhshlre, Scap- poos-e. or. Miscellaneous. XMAS SUGGESTION.' Mink, skunk, squirrel and other fur chokers, $15. The Fur Shop, 615 Eilers bldg. Main B424. LET US SHIP YOUR EASTERN FRIENDS BURKE'S KIPPERED SALMON. Call up the Burke Fish Co., Bdwy. 4760. MRS. S. VV. HERMAN, apparel shop, ladles' and gents' clothes bought, sold and ex changed; best prices. 284V Park St., near Jefferson. Marshall 1009. HOT WATER tanks, M gal., $; 40 ga... .'. tested, guaranteed; stove and furnace colls, gaa heaters Installed: plumbing. East Slue Weld Mh.. 203 Adams. E. 8316. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material and wood for sale; yard 2d and Columbia. Main 5107. FOR SALE Coir.o.ete set of K. L. Stev enson's Tales and Romances; will give 6 vols, by A. Tir.in with It. Terms. Call Main 4086. Give name and address TRUNKS WARDROBE TRUNKS. Have several new wardrobe trunks at special wholesale prices. L 270, Orego- STOKE FIXTURES REDUCED. Showcases, wall cases, new and used; rash registers, scales. 246 WashinKton. I-OR SALE Thoroughbred Poland China pigs. $1 each. E. A. Fearing. Jennings Lodge. Or. XMAS trees for saie. 4000 choice trees or sale, 20c each on board cars. F 260, Orego-iisn. D1XNB.1 ring, 32 very small diamonds, -value $350; take half. AK 237, Orego nlan. Folt SALE Beautiful gray satin evening gown, brand new, size 42. latest style. Ca.1 1 yj 2 "i Croshy st.. n rt. 8. ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., 802 Tenlno ave. Sellwood 2308. FOR SALE Dry ground sheep manure; price per quantity. Phone Main 0531. Woodlawn ,1071. LICENSED independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $12, 3 for $20. guaranteed to pass Inspection. Wdln. 8791. KODAKS. We .y. sell, rent and exchange ko- cans. Sf,nay. Washington St. I'ORTABLE garage, exceptionally well built, practically new. 1205 Delaware ave. CALL SELLWOOD 2iM7 Foil PAINTING. CAU, PAPERHANGING; BEST WOKK MANSH1P; LOW EST PR I CES. SINGER tailor, 31-20, power machine, with motor, epod working condition; sell cheap. 203 nnton street. MALT syrups, bottles, kegs and bottlers' supplies; mall orders socllictad. Port land Beverage Supply Co.. 431 Stark i?t. DANDY 3-light shower fixture, complete with shades, only !3 33 at 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4253. PHONE EAST SS18. ISH-KA-B1BBLE COMPA.NT. Rugs. Carpeea and Upholstery Cleaned. FOR SAI.E, half Tirice, one Enterprise lard press No 85; tne lard kettle, one com putlng scale. 40 Belmont. PILES can be permanently cureu w.tnnul operation. Call or write Dr. Dean. Sec ond und Morrison. ICiK KENT Electric vacuum cleaner. Mon. to Mon.. $1. or 85o per day. tle-ilve-red anywhere. Wdln. 123 9 LADIES EVERYTHING In used wearing apparel; prices very reasonabis. labor 2S2.V LADIIlS I have a few silk dresses for sale at bargain prices. Phone East 5ii2!t or call H27 E. Hoyt. FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivery any ' part of city. Woodlawn 6233. FERTILIZERS. Extra well roited cow manure delivered sny part of city. A. H14-ii0. VliliOlU safes, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale ft Supply Co.. 48 Front St. Broadway 1066. KUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer; also vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. FOR SALE Good sewing machine and new c'.nck. Phone Marshall 1400. WOODSTOCK NURSERY Walnut and fruit trees, berries, roses. Aut. 610-06. ONE G VS rang-, cne gas plate, dishes. 181 E. 27th. cor, of Yamhill, l'URBANK potatoes 12 per sack. Call Wood..wn 300i or 1133 Montana ave. NEW A .L-WOOL 3-piece man's suit, tail or mar.e, size 88. Main 10S2. AN EXCEPTIONAL bargain; mirror 3 Vj x84 a, 440 Wash St. I'IRST-Gi'.OWTH ury cordwuod. $7.30. E. 2743. PADIAST FIRE, 7 leaf, and piping, $8. Mr; 1- vi,. in mr.n iinvv ........ . BECON D-ii AN D lenis and cuvers fr.-saie. Pacific Tent ft Awning Co.. No 1 1st st RADIANT FIRE small size. J20. East 27H6. CEDAR MILL milling rolled oats. J32 per ton delivered Phone Wdln. 3675 SHINGLES. BROADWAY 1371 FOR SALE Universal combination wood and gas stove, almost now. Wdln. 2193. INNER tubes. V price. 226 Washington St.. near 1st st. AL!, KINDS of new lumoer. We can save you money. Bdwy. 1371. BEAUTY parlor equipment on saie at big reduction. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th. ' BTAH A S1AK". shingles direct from mill. Call Tay.or-street dink. Main 8063. Fuk SALE Carfh register, sat adding machli.-v showcase. 43 1st st. near Ash. HEMSTITCHING. Be. I'.OOM o0ii MOKItlSON. MAIN 31143. Yli SADIES' SHOP, 305 Broadway bldg. llrg'Tle. hemstitching. 8 cents yard. SWU1KREL lining f'ir coat, very reason ahle. Marshall loon. 284U, Park. GOOD home-made cukes and plea made to-order. Sil 2nnn. FINE concert gilt narp. Starks model; only 3.o. Apply box 033, Roseburg. or. FERTILIZER. COW MANURE. "jIAR- SHALL 44H0. OHIO vacuum cltaner, slightly used. Mnln 7127! l',VO WILTON" velvet rugs, 8.3x10.6. Phone Marshall 211. ELECTRIC fixtures lor 5 rooms. $15. 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4233. IDEAL HEMSTITCHINO. T17 BROADWAY BUILDING. Hvi.SU. claws tuc Call Kant 7821. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. PIPE STOPPED T FROZEN T "Desolvo" cleans sewer drain pipes in 20 minutes; generates 280 degrees heat; pour It In. out she goes; 75c, postpaid; write today. FLEMING PLUMBING SCPPLT HOUSE. 21'2 Washlnston St., Portland, Or. - ELECTR.C FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save 1-C; all styles, finest selection. Come and see; you are. under no obliga tion to buy. 6TANLET LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Broadway 4253. LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing all day on your feet? If so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic Powder; &uc and $1 box. Portland iio tel Pharmacy. IF you apprect:e splendid watch 'repair ing or Jewelry repairing take your work to il-LLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Less Gifts That Last, Next Door -o Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. MAKE a small payment and wear your eye glasses and spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler Opticas company, second floor, Oregonlan bldg. StW AND USED FLAT-TOP DESKS. 50 or 00-lnch desks at lowest prices In city; files, tables, chairs, safes, dicta phones, typewriters, etc. See us before you buy. D. C. Wax Office Equipment House, 24-26 X. 5th. Bdwy. 2780. ELEGANT 54-inch dining room table, also six arm chairs, leather seats, and a buf fet to match, worth 1300 or more, must be sacrificed; make offer, cash or time. See Mr. Smith, 2d floor Eilers Music bldg. BAKES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms if de sired. NORRIS SAFE ft LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2045, SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less: no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, lf'O Third St., near Taylor. Main 0431. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for 5 rices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown turn er store. 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR s YOUR WATCH, GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. 843 Washington St. at Broadway. sUiules! bibles: biblks: C. W. Bowie, colporteur for the Ameri can Bible society. Bibles in all lan guages sold at cost. Residence 474 East Pine st. phone East 8024. 12 to 5 P. M. CC'MEv'o the Vogue for bargains in misfit and t ightly uued ladies' and children's clothtig for every occasion. 4th floor. 403 Allsky bid,.. 3d. near Morriaon aL Main 3132. WANTED Ladles to ' Join our tailoring class. We cu; ax.d 'fit your garments; you make them under our supervision; we specialize in coats and dresses. East 2691. WilY AN everlasting aggcavatlon by . leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubberbond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. Phone Broadway 70. A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S B'.f Little Jewelry Store Se'is for Lose Gifts That Last. Next Door to Majestic Theater. ' Park anil Washington Sts, CASH REGISTERS ana computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register ft Scale Ex change, 226 S-ark ft., between First and Second sts Main 5334. . 20 DUOPHEAD sewing majilnes, $12 50 to $45; Singers, New Homes, Whites, W. W. ; all makes machines rented and repaired. E. R. Sleen. 152 Grand ave. East 2339. FOR SALF AUTOMOBILES. "THE COOK ft GILL CO SYSTEM." Tills means a complete elimina tion of any risk in selecting a used car. ONE WEEK'S APPROVAL, during which time If the purchase is not satisfactory, same may be exchanged. ONE MONTH'S GUARANTEE against mechanical defects. ONE PRICE TO ALL makes it easy for the inexperienced buyer to make a selection. . Our used cars have been re newed and repainted, . and will give you excellent service. We believe you will like our aystem and our cars. Do not buy until you have looked over our line. 1920 Chevrolet 440 Oakland roadster 373 1016 Pulse e.-,o 1018 Oldsmobile 800 l;ri7 Hupmobile sedan 823 1018 Paiae chummy S.'MJ 1019 Essex 873 1918 7-pass. Paige 1100 1919-20 aeries Big 6 Stude- baker 1200 1910 Jordan 7-pass 1425 Marmon chummv I.'hmi 1920 Big 6 Studebaker (late) looo Many others to chooae from. Easy terms if desired. Will accept trades. COOK ft GILL CO.. INC. 11th and Burnside Sts. BIG USED CAR SALE. 1017 Chevrolet Touring $18500 1018 Chevrolet Touring 243 00 1020 Chevrolet Touring 373.00 1018 Chevrolet Del., Panel body.. 275 00 1018 Maxwell Touring- 103 OO 1018 Maxwell Touring 823.00 1016 Maxwell Touring fn3 Oil 1016 Dodge Touring 850.00 1013 Studebaker Six Touring 143 0u 1018 Overland Touring 275 00 1917 Chalmers Roadster 4X3 00 Oldsmoblle Eight. 7-paascnger. . . 875 00 i"j uuicK nix louring 473.00 1021 Ford Sedan 575. (Ml 1021 Ford Coupe, like new 6 lO 00 1917 Ford Touring 15O.00 11110 rora 'louring 125.00 1018 Ford Touring 175.1m mi f ora louring 223.00 1018 Ford Delivery ; 103 on 1019 Ford Roadster 203 0O 1010 Ford Touring starter 825. 0r j2u rora Touring starter 325 0a 1020 Ford Touring starter 373. 0i liijii rora Touring starter 825.0O 1921 Ford Touring starter 47300 1020 Ford Roadster starter . 350 09 iuiv rora l-ton truck, brand new express body 473 00 Ford 1-ton truck, express body 225.00 win i juage tnese cars by the low prices. You will be surprised when- you see them. Most of them are reflnished and In elegant con dition and you owe it to yourself to see them before you buy. Open every evening until 0 1 o ciock ana all day Sunday. 1 FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPAVT East 3770. Grand and Hawthorne Avea, OWNER LEAVING CITY. BEAUTIFUL xjrt i at .iiui'61, o LI Ul.M'Clt l A t I- PASSENOER. ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS CONDITION: A REMARKABLE BARGAIN FOR IMMEDIATE BALB. M9 RAILWAY EXCHANGE HLWl m.lCK. 1918 Roadster. $O0 cash, Al mechani cal roiuitton, paint good. 6 cord tires, a bargain for someone, as I am about to lave the city Call Mr. Kearns. Main 6871. STUDEPAKER. 1021 model, big 6. like new: win consi.icr Doage, ttuick or Ford as part payment ELITE OARAGE. 12h and Jefferson. FORD BODIES. Brand-new Ford touring car bodies ?n eluding windshield and rear fenders. $05. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Esst 3770. Grand and Hawthorne Avea. HUPMOBILE. 1918 Hupmobile, model R. S-passenger, good mechanical condition, 2 new tires, others in good shape: $450, $180 down, ha'ance terms. Wood'awn 1474. LATE ' 8 Chand.f original finish, in per feet condition, four new tires, many ex tras. $100 under any Chandler in city 87 North 12th. Bdwy. 4B44. STEPHENS ROADSTER. '21 JIODBI, AL MOST NEW; WILL SELL AT BARGAIN OR TRADE FOR ANOTHER CAR. P O BOX 3205. 2918 FOrxD hiurin. one-man top, Hasslera. demot'stables, sneedomeler. Weaver tire carrier, new rubber, Al, $225, Apt. 6. 1141 Vllllams tve. roKD iwiiring, bought 1018, had best care. In exda good condition, or quick sale, $275. See owner. Perseille. 847 Hall st 1918 PREMIER automobile, very reason able by owner, wall East 178 for infor mation. 1010 SPECIAL SIX. five-passenger Stude. baker. Al condition, run 12,000 miles; price $730. Marshall 228. SAXON six tot.rl! g, motor Just over hauled, Al condition throughout. I neej nioney, will sell cheap. Tabor 8024 I PIERCE-ARROW 88. self-starter, just overhauled. 828 Bel mont st. CHEVROLET touring 1200, new tires, fins condition: ownar leaving city. 325 Lum bermons bldg. Broadway 4014. 1250 BUYS late Chevrolet 4!o tourin. must sell this week, $116 cash, balance $13 s month. Pbore Tabor 5033. 111211 CHEVROLET bargain price, liolluiieler, Bdwy. 240, S. Pbuue FOR gALF AUTOMOBILES. WE LICENSE THEM FREE1 AND WE FURNISH THE UPKEEP MONET. READ THESE) NEXT PARA GRAPHS VERT THOROUGHLT. FIRST WE ARB GOINO TO LICENSE ALL CARS AND TRUCKS FOR THB TEAR 1922 AT OUR EXPENISE. SECOND We aregoing to lv TEN (10) 14 -HOUR SERVICE COUPONS FOR EVERT $100 OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF ANT CAR OR TRUCK. WHICH WE WILL REDEEM IN CASH FROM ANT AUTOMOBILE DEALER OR OARAGE IN OREGON OP. WASH INGTON. COME IN AND LET US TELL TOU OF OUR PLAN. 100 CARS TO PICK FROM. LOOK 'EM OVER. THESE ARE ONLT A FEW- OF THE MANT, MAKES: OVERLAND, MOON. MITCHELL, CROW. ELK HART. STANLET STEAMER. CHEVROLET, LOZIER. CHAND LER, STUDEBAKER, MAX WELL. DANIELS. H. C. S., TEMPLAR, LEXINGTON, STUTZ. COMET, PREMIER, BUICK. WB ALSO HAVE THB FOL LOWING TRUCKS: OLD HICK ORT. OART. MORELAND, KNOX, REPUBLIC. FULTON, FAGEOL, INDIANA, STEWART, BUICK. MAXWELL. FORD. VELIE. COMMERCE. ATTERBURT, AND THEN SOME. i PRICES WILL BE PLAINLT LETTERED ON EACH WIND SHIELD. DON'T FORGET. "TOUR OWN TERMS IN REASON." GET IN EARLT WHILE THE STOCK IS COMPLETE. THET WERE TAKEN ON MORTGAGES AND WILL BE SOLD ON MORT GAGE PRICES. AMERICAN WAREHOUSE ft SALES COMPANT. 415 E. ASH ST., COR. E. 6TH. PHONES. EAST 8310-8511. OPEN' SUNDATS. USED CAR BUTERS, ATTENTION. 1921 Ford touring. -1020 Ford touring. 1018 Ford touring. 1019 Ford touring. 1017 Dodge roadster. 1918"Dodge roadster. 1920 Stevens touring. 1020 Chalmers touring. 1917 Paige touring. 1018 Oldsmoblle 8 touring. 1917 Packard 6, stage car. Many others to choose from, with lots of bugs. Late model Hudson speedster, lota of extras. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. at East Taylor. Automatlo 214-10. BARGAIN WEEK Closed Cars These are in perfect condition me chanically. II reflnished. cord tires and other extras. Will take another car or small amount cash as first payment. Balance easy terms. 1921 Malbohn sedan $1850 1919 Dodge sedan 1130 1017 Bulck sedan 1200 THE TRUTH TOLD . ABOUT EVERY CAR SOLD. A. C. STEVENS, Haynea Distributor. S31 Washington St. t Bdwy. 1(14. E.OPEX SEDAN. 192L Run 6000 miles, in fine condi tion; 8 cord tires, spotlight, mirror and lots of extras; original price 12350. will sell fur $1300; time or cash. Woodlawn 1474. BRING YOUR WIFE TO THE AUCTION. Lots of light cars of all sizes and makes, including some hlgh-clasa makes at your mercy: come and take advan tage of the other fellow's loss: lots of homes made happy through the pur chase of cars at the auction. Sale com mences at 7:30 P. M. Thursday, Dec. 1, corner 6th and Everett sts HA YN ES 20. 7-PASS... RUNS LIKE NEW, LOOKS LIKE NEW AND 13 LIKE NEW. CORD TIRES. BUMPER, SPOT LIGHT. MOTO METER AND SPARE TIRE. WILL TAKE SMALL AMOUNT CASH OR LIGHTER CAR IN TRADE. BALANCE EASY TERMS. PHONE BROADWAY 1614. APPEKSO.N EIGHT. Anniversary model. seven-oaesenger ear In perfect condition; to eave storage will sell for less than half value: a real bargain for someone; investigate If you want a perfect car at a sacrifice. BROADWAY GARAGE. East 24th st. and Broadway. 1921 STEPHENS TOURING FOR SALE, PRIVATE PARTY. MARSHALL 3932. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc Also do towing. Open day and night. LONG ft SILVA. Phone East 6140 462 Hawthorne. GRANT touring, perfect condition; body and upholstering like new; extra -ood tires: run onl- 3300 miles; genuine bar gain. toblnson-Smltb Co.. 6tn at Madl ion. M A X W ELL. 1919, A-l condition. 2 new tires on rear; others In good shape; will sacrifice for quick sale for !130. Phone Boyce, Bdwy. 1(114. FORD sedan, used 3 months, price 350, or will trade for larger machine. Car can be seen at the garage, 94 West Lom bard, corner Denver. 102O BUICK 6 roadster, curd tires, spare, well equipped, good condition. $073; terms. Bllilngfcley Motor Co.. Hawthorne rvp nt K'h Fl-yt 7. ELECTRIC sedan. 3-passenger. beautiful car. new batteries; big snap. !5oo: leav ing city. See owner, 817 Northwestern Bank bldg 1010 lOKu touring, 1020 starter type motor, good rubber, $105; body cut to make bed In car; terms. Billlngsley Motor Co.. Hawtnnrne ave. at wtn. Kast 7. 1010 LUlCiv 6 touring, overhauled, cord tires. b.'0, terms. Billlngsley Motor Cn,. H-wporne "ve at 8th. Knst 7. 1020 lUKil touring, starter, speedometer, etc., $33; terms. BIHingsley Motor Co., Hnwthrrne ave. at Sth. Esst 7. 1021 FORD, roadster, starter, good condi tion, $330. terms. Billlngsley Motor Co., Ihwlhnrnii ve. st Rfh. K-st 7. FOUD sedan. 1020 model $030; never off the pavement; eordtlres. extra equip ment, Wdln. 171L FOR SALF AUTOMOBILES. VERT LOW PRICES fct a WINTER SALE of USED AUTOMOBILES. . at the store that was the pioneer in rebuilding automobiles. HUDSON AND ESSEX. - Automobiles that have been re built or renewed are in the best of mechanical condition they are also warranted the same as fac tories warrant new cars. In ad dition, we give 90 days' free me chanical service. ujther makes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put In first-class condition and sold with a ten days' free trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out the car he buys, gives him time to have It Inspected, and ere want only sat isfied customers. 1919-1920 . (model O series) Hudson super-six touring automobile, traded in and carried over for one year, has been overhauled, refln ished and repainted at a . total cost to us of $2200; now sold with a standard factory warranty for 1250 , 2 1918 Hudson super-sl tour ing cars, rebuilt, reflnished and repainted, total cost to us of work and trade-In value each $1450; now sold with standard factory war ranty 1150 1917 Hudson super-six. re built, reflnished and re painted; sold with standard factory warranty 900 1916 Hudson super-six, re built and repainted; sold with standard factory war ranty 150 1920 Hudson speedster, over hauled and rerinlsnea ana repainted; sold with stand ard factory warranty 1300 (-40 Hudson light six. all In good condition 500 ESSEX 1919 Essex touring car, re built, reflnished and re painted; sold with stand . ard factory warranty . . . 823 1920 Essex, overhauled, re finished and repainted; sold with the standard factory warranty 930 1917 Maxwell 1918 .Maxwell 1019 Maxwell 1920 Maxwell 1919 Grant six 1010 Chalmers six 1017 Bulck ,.. 1917.Pu.lge 1919 Cll six 1018 Olds eight 1919 Liberty sport model 1019 Olds eight sport 1918 Overland chummy .... 1019 Chalmers 1918 Cole eight, sport model 300 400 500 800 6110 650 675 530 773 900 9U0 750 425 9il0 1230 Largest Used Car Branch Store C In the city at 40-46 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday and Evenings. Phone at Branch Store, Broadway 5739. ., Also a Display at Our Salesroom. 615-017 Washing ton street; open week days only. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. Oakland, B-pasa., rebuilt, 8 tires.. $400 Bcripps roadster, painted and re built oo Chevrolet 490, 5-pass., perfect shape 873 Overland. 8-pass., good as new.... 400 Packard, small 4-cyl., B-pass 200 Bulck, 7-pass.. 1019; rebuilt 1030 Bulck. 5-pass. 4-cy.. rebuilt 400 Chandler. 1020, 7-pass., rebuilt.... 1000 Oakland roadster, rebuilt and re painted 700 Saxon 6. B-paaa., 5 cord tires 130 Overland roadster. 1021, new 6ift Easy Terms. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 473 Morrison at 14th. Broadway 8006. THE DUNNING MOTOR CO.. INC., Authorized Ford Dealers. Have a Complete Selection of USED FORDS. ALL MODELS AND PRICED LOWER. PHONE EAST 303 AND we will send a car at your convenience to bring the family down. Twenty-five Fords In Good Condition and priced from $125 up. Two 1919 Chevrolets overhauled and cheap. A few other good, -light cars. DUNNING MOTOR CO.. E. Broadway and Union Ave. Phone East 303. 1020 FORD SEDAN. TTnholsterina. body and motor in per fect condition: new tires on front, nearly new on rear. This It, a real buy at $403; terms If desired. Open evenings until H Kiinilnvi all day. Talbot ft Casey, Inc., "The Portland Authorized Ford Corner." E. Ankeny ftnd tlrand ave. 1010 llHOTKIC equipped Twin-Excelsior motoicvcie with sli'ccar; 3 nearly new tires. Thla machine is In very excellent condition; has spotlight, speedometer; will fell at the right price. Talbot ft Casey, Inc., K. Ankcny anu rana ave. Kver.ines till rtny Sundays. 1020 HUDSON TOUK1NU CAR. In perfect mechanical condition, looks like new, has rora tires ana some oinnr extras; will take llgnt car as pan pay ment, balance easy terms. i'hone E. 1 002. hum ukisron: touring. that locks and runs swell: good tires; others are asking $400 to $550 f.ir Brls coes of this class: our price $205. with liberal trrms. open evenings mi o All day Sundays. Talbot ft Casey, Inc. K. Ankeny and Ornnd ave. HiltctC TOU KING. 1920. only run 8000 miles, has all cord tires, a brand new spare, spotlight and snubbers. Is In perfect mechanical con dition and all reflnished, will sell on essy terms Phone Hnyce, Bdwy 1614 BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE WELL BUILT. DELIVERED, F.RECTED. STAINED. 10x16. 133; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICE. 299 WEID1.ER. EAST 8K. BIG LSEU Cilia PRICE fciOCK - R1GUT. No Misrepresentation. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. FOR" QUICK SALE 1020 Ford touring car. $250; A-l shape; party returning to California. 424 Clay St., apt. 103. Phons Main 8335. WILL sell my 1920 Ford coupe at a bar gain. Call Mr. Aim at Ramapo hotel Sunday morning, or after 7 P. M. on week days. e05 BU1S Chevrolet touring car in ex cellent shape throughout; spiral gears in rear end. good tires, new top; some terms Phon.- East 178. BUG. Just overhauled, disc wheels, Bosch Ignition, special carburetor, sacrifice for 8100 cash. 494 E. 23th N. 1020 CHEVROLET 400 louring; well equipped, good condition. $450. terms. Billlngsley Motor Co., Hawthorne ave. at Sth. East 7. ' 1018 CHEVROLET 4HO touring, spare tire, etc, $275, terms. Billlngsley Motor Co., Hawthorns ave. at 8th. E-ist 7. WILL Hade Oakland touring for Ford truck: Oakland In good condition. Brocdwsy s.-i 1021 LATE model Buick 7-passenger, ran , . onn mllaa- mill aseriflce- mill l,b. a small car in trade. Tabor 4962. WE TEAK 'em up and sell the pieces. Portland Auto Wrecking Co.. B31 Alder. iTth nroaiwy n.-s1 1919 GRANT, all new tires, Al shape; will save terms. , $350. Phone Wdln. 1H50 FORD sedan. 1910, five wire wheels, good tires and extras. Owner must sell; no marter. s'"'.v caan. nnwy a.i.i FORD touring. 1018 model, $228. 10J Pendleton st. OVERLAND car for sale by owner. Call after 0:30. East 487. 1017 MAXWELL touring, good shape, will trade for Ford bug. E. 4378 1017 OAKLAND touring, 3 good tires. A -1 .chape: wi:i trade fur Ford. K. 4370. 10-'l FORD touring. e,ectric starter . , -, mi o .4 . 1922 ckLEVHoLiST touring. labor 814. ril SALE AUTOMOBILES. SENSATIONAL SEASON'S CLEAN-UP SALE OF USED MOTOR CARS NOW IN PROGRESS. Save by Buyinr Now. Prices Hava Reached the Bottom ol the Market. COVET SAYS: The public refuses to become excited over red ink and flashy headlines they want facts they have no Interest in mere claims they wsnt cut prices. Tell them that we understand a sale to mean real cut prices and that a sale with us must be Just what It seems. HERE ARE THE FACTS: j "Our used car volume absolutely con trols our ability to accept trades o nw car business. When our used car business slows down, our new car busl Iness is serlouly affected and we can better afford to give the public the benefit of ol" accumulated used car stock at a great deal less than cost, than we can ij hold" It until early spring, when we feel that the used car market will be betur. and In the mean time deprive ourselves of new car business because of our Inability t trade. HERE ARE THE PRICES AND THE PROOF. We feel that the public Is very sksntlcal re ardlng sales and especially automobile sales. Used motor cars have no standard of value, no list price like new cars, so. in fact, it la difficult to tell when the prices are actually cut. In order to prove to the best of our ability that this Is a genuine cut-price sale, we had reproduced in our original announcement, copies of which are on display st our place of business, two of our former classified advertisements, one of October 0. and the other of No vember 12. which show the level of prices a. which we have sold Tl used cars during the last 60 days, as well as tlie prices we have reduced them to for this s-le. All used Cadillacs will be sold at re ductions proportionately as great as those sho n in our sdvertisements. UndoubtedlyThis Is the logical time to buy one of these desirable cars. Most of our cars are Covey rebuilt and guaranteed; some are high-grade "A3 IS" cars. All are priced so low as to demand Immediate action. Thla sale will cause us great financial loss, but ail we ssk Is that through your quick response to our call, you protlt In equal proportion. By all means, take advantage of this opportunity let nothing Interfere with this chance to get real Covey Motor Car company mer chandise while on sale at such astound ing reductions. SALE NOW IN PROGRESS. Bring Small Cash Payment With You. Long Terms on the Balance. REMEMBER IF COVEY DOES IT, HE DOES IT RIGHT. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANT, Open Evenings and Sundays. Bot' Addresses: Ma.n Plant and Salesroom, 21st and Washington Sts. Broadway Used Car Branch, 23 an 1 30 North Broadway. NEW FORD. FULLY EQUIPPED, FOR SAI.E. LEAVING TOWN. Ford touring car; paid Sept. 9. 1921. as follows: Ford touring car $387 11 Gna and oil 3.85 Speedometer 18.00 Hasslt-r shocks 23 30 Sparc tire rack 1 Spare tire and tube 20. H3 liumrer, front and rear.... 30.00 Spotlight. S. ft M. No. 60.. 10 00 Weed chains 5 00 Electric cap motometer. . . . 3.75 $000 Insurance 25.10 8 months' carrying charges 29. 1 5 $778.14 Paid $230 cash, balance $83 per month for 6 months: also paid first mnnth; puld to date. $335. Will take $2:0 for my equity, a discount of $85, and It Is Just as good as new, not a scratch on It: only limbered up good; five more payments of $83 per month due on it. Cll Hioiidwny, 1935. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANT. REBUILT BUICK3 ARE A SAFE INVESTMENT. We GUARANTEE every BUICK we REBUILD the same as we do a new car. WHY TAKE CHANCES? Buy Tour Bu'ck Car From the HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANT. Pacific Coast Distributors. Alder at Twelfth. Broadway 1130. PORTLAND'S FORD CORNER AT liROADWAY AND DAVIS. Imagine, 25 good used Fords from $100 up. Coupes, sedans, tourings and roadsters for $73 or $100 down, balance while you ride. Open evenings for your patronage. WILLIAM L. 1IUG1ISON CO., Authorized Ford Agents, Broadway and Davis. Prondivny 321. BARGAINS DAILY In USED CARS $100 AND UP. FORD tourings. roadsters. sedans, coupes. Chevrolet. Buick. Chalmers. Oldsmoblle. Saxon. Maxwell. Dodge. Franklin. Mitchell. Studebaker: also bargains In Ford truck snd delivery model. Open Evenings and Sundays KOBINSON'-SMITH CO.. 6th and Madison. Authorized Ford Dealers ' LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES C -SHED. TOU PITT OR PFLL AV AUTOMO BILE WF. FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO.. 207 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. PIERCE-ARROW COUPE. Closed body two-passenger car In per fect condition: aelf-tarter. demountable rlm a rear platform for trunks or bag gage' a fine car for touring or suburban use. 'will be sold at a great sacrifice; will pay to Investigate. BROADWAY OARAGE. East 24th st. and Broadway FCK SALii.. 7-passenger Tsckard cah-slde limous ine model No. 2-33. upholstered In gray whipcord, extra seats with arm rests, face forward. This car Is In excellent condition and has run less than 200 miles. Will sell very reasonable. For further particulars address P. O. Box yn, 37. spnKiine. yvasniiiginn lulU OAKLAND touring. 5 wire wheels, 4 nearly new tires, motor In very ex cellent condition. Thla car looks good and is good a real little dandy; liberal terms given: will accept your old Ford as part payment. Cpn evenings till 8. All day Sundays. Talbot ft Casey. Jnc, K A rlrenv snn urnri wve. DO YOU know anyone who intends to buy a light car? I am a Ford salemi- -"d will pay you $3 for every completer on which you furnish prospect BD 243, Oregonlan oW SA LE 1020 8-cyllnder Oldsmoblle roadBter, run 9000 miles: Sllvertown cord tires fully equipped; terms. Can be seen' at the Elite Garage, 12th and jAf reason MAKE cash offer for 1021 Ford touring; party leaving city; driven BOO miles 431 Star. MERCER. 1914, 4-pass., sport model, $375. RS0. East WE PUT sleei teeth in vour old flywheel, crankshaft turning. H. B. Black Ma chine shoo. 334 Aid . Bdwy ,'6'-l 1917 K.1NO 8 touring. 4 new tires, extras, $250; will trade for Ford. 150 Union ave.. upmwiT-rv OKD leur.ng. 1021. s-lf-etarter, sutnc extras, $350 cash If sold this morning. p'p.reoiB 00 N. Proartwny. Bdwy. 321. llil, rolto touring, halfway shocks, $145. l Mi TT"'n I've., uns'-lrn 1020 FORD coupe, accessories, cord tires, gon connitinn. siarsnwn m 191 DODGE roadster. Woodlawn 1479. 8 to 4 1021 FORD roadster, run about 800 miles; pr.ee s.i"". v 1016 5-PASSEN'GER Ford. Just overhauled. C o. M-rrlll ft Co.. 235 2d st. 8ALE ur trade Ford truck, fine condition. Woodlawn 4ilL WILL trade 1018 Ford for Chevrolet. Mar. 8471 1021 CHANDLF.R roadster, six cord tires. 1250-102, Athens hotel. FOR SAI.K AUTOMOBILES. 1018 I All.E touring that Is in exce.lent condltlcn all the way from radiator to tire rack, extra good rubber. This car must bo seen to realize lis value; $725. Ilbiral terms: will take a Ford as part payment. Talbot ft Casey. Inc., East Ankeny and Grund ave. open evenings till si! dny Sundnyj rOR SALE A BSmbled bug. with good, power.'ul motor and Stuts transmission and rer end, .a good condition and good rubber; eacrlf.ci for 1130: can be seel at Mo itgnmory s garsge. s.'is r'ront sl 1920 holtli coupe, extra, good tires, motor excellent; In fact, good throughout: terms If desired; $430. Open evenings till 8. Talbot ft Casey, Inc., "The Portland Authorised Ford Corner," E. Ankeny and Grand ave. HUDSON 8. 7-pasr er touring 1300. I'hone Hskhell. Hdwy. 240 Aiitmiioollfw Wanted, I CAN use a good late-model auto: will trade 160 acres level land In White Horse valley of Harney county. This land Is worth about $8 an acre, but I have no use for It. but can use a good car; land Is clear of all Incumbrance. Writ AJ 7. Oregnntan. CARS WANTED. Bring your ear to the auction house for quick sale and full value: small com mission charged fireproof bldg.. stesm heated. Phone Bdwy. 2320. Corner 8th and Everett sts.. west side. WE WRECK THEM Highest caI rie paid fc-r old cars, condition no cravat. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. Third and Gllsan. Sl'OT CASH FOR your Ford, Chevrolet. Dodge, Bulck ur other light cars. 17$ Kuft Seventh street. RELIABLE biis.nt-ss firm wants to buy a Ford touring car, giving note for 6 months. Call Auto. ti30-43. WK PAY cash for late model light cars. Used car warehouse. Grand ave. and al, Taylor. CAR6 BOUGHT lor tneir psrts; parts scld tor all cars. Auto Wrecking Co., B23 Alder at lflth St. CARS WANTED to wreck, parts for all cars for less. H. k p. Auto wrCKinf CO., 15th and Alder. Hroadway e38. CASH for all makes of cirs, condition no object. 411 Gllsan, Huh. Hdwy. 203. WILL pay highest market price for used Fords, nt corner of Hth snd Davla. FoRD roadster or coupe for player piano. See this Van 877-lj Motorcycles. WE PAY no rent ana -11 for less; rebuilt motorcycles and blcyclca. all makea, sold on easy terms. APEX BICYCLE CO.. Esst 1480 437 Williams Ave. MOToiK.'YCLK and p.irts. all makes. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44-40 Grand Avenue. Foil SAI.E II inulorc cle Ask owner. with side. i67 Ever- car, $120 cash, elt street. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND 11ICVIM.ES TRY US, 204-200 :tl ST. MAIN 6139. Automobiles for Hire. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS; HUPMOlllI.ES. $123 PER HOUR; DAILY KATES. 823 EVERETT ST.. CORNER HTH. BROADWAY 2329. ALTOS WITHOUT DRIVER FOR HIRE. New 5 and 7-passenger cars. Bulcks and Wescotts; reasonable rules. CITY GARAGE. 132 12th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. Itrosdwuy 840. AUTOS FOR HIRE with or without driv ers. Day or nUht service. COUCH. MAN GARAGE. 10th snd Couch. ItroHtlway 8198. ti'mi'inner our numner. nnwy. .innn. OREGON USED CAK KNCUANGE. N,w cars for rent without drivers; reasonable rates: open day and night 823 Clisan St., between Broadway and Slxlh st. Phone llrnndwny 3303. H. S BENNETT CARS I'oll HIRE WITH OUT DRIVERS. ARMY GARAGE. 8l AND TAYLOR. MAIN lW AUTOS WITHOUT I'KIVKKS Foil HIRE. L. I. SULLIVAN, FASHION GARAGE. MAR 232. 10TII AND YAM HILL. A 1236 nun r-i'Ass. nu.cK lint hire with DRIVER. BROADWAY 3547. FOR RAIj; TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. 8H-TON GMC cub and platform body. Overhauled and new tlrei. at $24.".o. 2-tnn Republic, less than one year old. New tires and la te;ng overhauled at present time. $1330. 21e-lnn M.u-k. nearly new. equipped with bojy for freight haul. . . , I.ltioo. Two-ton White, thnronchly over hauled, i-eliullt. new tins. $HI.",0. Two-ton GMC. thoroughly over hauled, repulnted and new tlrns for $m:.o. lVs-ton White. Just overhauled, for $I2.-.i). It. ton GMC, on pneuiiiiitla tires $ 1 430. One - ton G.VIC, on pneumatic tires. equipped with top and bod V $ I 250. One-ton Republic. solid tires, good express- body. $1150. Three-quarter ton GMC. equipped with body $150. Chevrolet light delivery, a snap for I3T3. WENTWORTH ft IRWIN. ISO. Main 2892. 2nd Second St. Corner Taylor. USED TRUCKS AT A SACRIFICE 1020 1-ton GMC pneumatic tires. lirjil Chevrolet d-lleiy. 1018 Ford delivery. 1010 Republic 2-ton. 101 s Denbv 2-ton. 1 HI s tier 0. 2Vi-ton. 1920-Ford 1-ton. 1020 Chevrolet, 1-ton. Eaav terms on any truck In the house. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave., st E i( 'laylor. Phone Auto. 214-lu. NEW! NEW! NEW! Why buy a used truck when you can buy a new one from us In some can"! as low as hslf the regular prlceT We luve REPUBLIC A.sD STANDARD trucks at these prices. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. at East Taylor St. Phone Auto. 214-10. FORI" 1-ton trui k. 1921. with four-speed transmission, starter. Haswler shocks, body suited for most any purpose; will sell cheap or lake Ford touring 1:1 part pavment. I'hone Tt,r 3ii70. FORD 1-tou IIU'U Willi Ixoiy. ill pi-rfoct condition; looks und runs llk new. llrowtmsv 821 A SNAP 1-ton l-'nl'-:a: truck. Al condl tlon. Inquire 462 Flanders. A.k for Jim. GARAGES. fTJIT RENT -Auto "repair a'. op. rer.tral'.y located. North Proadvvsv dlstru I, in modern brick bl.lg.: p.cnty light and wmh rick .1. F. Maver, Mmc'ciiv M'.g. FOR RENT Pr'v.ite garage. $3 month. $718 E. A h , n-ar 20th st. Marshall 3.M.O. AUTO REPAIRING. Ford, overhauled !18 Rear axle ove rhauled J Valves ground, enrbon removed 3 Jlinneto recharged We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, ate. which Insures a perfect runn n motor. G nume Ford parts only used All work guaranteed. ALL MAKES OF CARS REPAIRED UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. ?10 Jefferson. Under new management AUTO repalnit done st your or my ga rage, 75c an hour. Responsible parly C. Collins, phone East 5407. 647 Union -eniie. BUICK oWNi.Rn. I am an expert: will do your repair work cheaply. Wdwv. 173'!. YOUR auto repairs al our home or mine: work guaranteed Phone 220-12. W A V T F.H MISI'KI LAN KOI S. 1. 1 k.H! 1 1 i: i- uk: Low rent and low pric.-s; remode ing anil repairing, furs tunned and Cressed la France Fur Mfg. Co.. 10.1 W. Park st T'tvnc M iln f.320 MA.N 7714. Usel furniture of any kind, tools snd general house! old goods. boutcllt for cash. Good prices paid. Wnst I'oitlarnl Salvage Co. WANTED. Stock of mcrchaiidli- u- grocery; have 20 acres. Improved; wl.i io.y d ,f fereiic 1 or give liberal terms. owner, P. O. box 214. SVem, ( r CALL MAIN ;il04 AND GET FULL VALUE Foil TOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING. SHOES WE WILT. CI.L 233 I'lHiT ST BEDDING, saiill. . ry com,., o..l.y Jul n pt r : also sell Hov-iird liemer. !' 't 14 HIGHEST rash price pa.d for rif.es. s runs Hochf-lil. S3 Third, near ink. DIAMONDS houirht ut hiKlusl m price. E Oecd, 340 WsMrctor. st U E BUY Uiit-d office fuini.urc. tiiojil V4 I The Ir 'r -1' (-fN'in Co, WE BUV Mlf't C. UKl lent lli-f-s WANTED Second-hand Mlil.Uel y oven. I'hone Columbia 1374 or Columbia 313.