TIIE 3I0RXIXG .OREGOXIAX, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2H, 1021 17 REAL FRTATK. or hale llouM'ft. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buv Ynur Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER IN AMERICA. 1200 photograph! of homes for sal. . Every horn" before being offered for your consideration has first been PERSONALLY INSPECTED, PERSONALLY APPRAISED. When you buv your home through the McGUIRE SYSTEM you are assured of receiving inn PER CENT SERVICE. Every facility of our large, efficient ailzation is placed at your disposal, uur unparalleled display of more than 1200 photographs of homes for sale comprlwes ho men from every district in tn city. PRICES YOU CAN PAY. If necessary, we'll help you to make your down payment. 40 Harmon With Autos. Open Evenings Until 0. RONE CITY SPECIAL S' 200 - A WnMDRRITtTI.I.V ATTP AC TIVE K-room bungalow tn thai HEART OK ROSE CITY, on paved street. Just 100 feet from car; has hardwood floors, cheery fireplace In living room, paneled dining room wun massive ur fet. Ivory woodwork; clean, ideal white Dutch kitchen; 2 nice airy bedrooms; lnwn, trees. East flOth street. "COZILY CONVENIENT." Will accept $400 down with sol diers loan. ADJOINING LAURELHURST. $500 DOWN $500 DOWN. $4400 -$00 DOWN. Close to the beau tiful park. A new. VACANT, never-occupied bungalow of five sunny rooms with every latest feature, pretty bullt-ins, ideal white enameled Dutch kitchen, central hall. French doors, full cement basement with PIPKLESS F U R N A C E; DOUBLE CON STRUCTED. Bast 4ftth street. LOOK THIS UP. $23o0 $500 down!,Sat comfortable 7 room modern Waverly-Richmond home; b u 1 I t - 1 n conveniences; white enamel plumbing:; electric ity, gas; 3Jth ave. ' $200 DOWN $200 DOWN. $1295 $2i)0 DOWN. A snap in a com fortable, neat cottage; 4 rooms Conveniently arranged. I von st. If you haven't the down pay ment, we'll help you make it. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. Ablngton Bldg. Main 1008. j Third St., Bet. Washington and Stark. Entrance under the big electric signs. Ul with an old RELIAHLE firm. ATTRACTIVE NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW GREATLY REDUCED. Five rooms and attic, modern ; owner must sell ; will make a very attractive offer for cash, or terms may be ar ranged. 1233 EAST PINE BT. Near East 41st Street. HEIGHTS nnme, close in. 7800 sauare feet ground ' fine shrubbery ; car line rear street: garage front .street with com municating stairway to first floor. View of all mountains unobstructlbie; ma hogany and white enamel; hot water heat; oak floors throughout: three tuba, three showers, four lavatories; living room In mahogany. 17x38 ft., including 10xl7-ft. sun parlor. Two heated sleeo 0 ing porches off of four family sleeping rooms; ti maids' rooms and sitting room, besides third floor finished all In one room. Price $30,000, Including com mission to pny realtor. Residence phone Main 3300. Owner. V 213. Oregon i an. ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOW SNAP. Seven of the dandiest rooms, large and well arranged ; select material through out: best grade oak floor; aood looking from outside and the interior will make you want It; double garage; two blocks to car, on East 45th st. N. ; price onlj $0300. DERR A POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. OWNER MUST SELL HIS ROSE CITY HOME AT ONCE. Seven -room bungalow, sleeping porch, hard-wood floors fireplace, furnace, Ka raite, on paved street, close to car and school ; beau t if r' interior decorations : nix months ago owner was offered $0000 for his home : must sell now for $5500, $1000 cash and terms. Call Mr. Young, Main fl.'WS. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. CORNER $0000. ON KNOTT ST.; SURROUNDED BY HOMES UP TO $30,000; IT'S THE ONE YOU HAVE ADMIRED. EAST 419. LAURELHURST COTTAGE, ft ROOMS AND GARAGE. ALSO (l-ROOM NEW BUNGALOW. Price $(1000. Headquarters for Laurel hurst bargains. Tract office, East 30th and Glisan hIb. Tabor 3433. Evenings. East 773. IRVINGTON BARGAIN". Modern home: has five rooms and Bleep ing porch, hardwood floors, full cement basement and heating plant, garage and abundance of flowers; street paving and cement walks in and paid for Price $0000. liberal term See Webster L. Klncald, realtor. 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Broadway 4735. LAURELHURST. New six-room bungalow, modern in every detail; this la near the car and park, and a home that you will be proud to own. open for your Inspection. 47 Melkle place, 42d at., near Couch. Owner and huilnr on premises. HERE'S HOW. 150 down, $15 monthly. Total price $1150. One acre planted. Small new house. Chicken house, paved, water, gas, electricity. Be early. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 1370. ONE UF the prettiest little homes in Laurelhurst ; one block to car ; strictly modern, new; the price will pUmse after you have seen it, as it's priced to sell quickly. R. L. YOKE. 1135 Northwestern Bank Bldg. NEAT LAUREL WOOD COTTAGE. $500 down balance monthly total price $2050. Seven-room modern house and garage. Cement basement. In per fect condition throughout. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 6B1 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 1370. $750 DOWN AND EASY TERMS Nifty bungalow in Woodlawn district near Ains worth; fully modern. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, gas water heater, iarge combination living and dining room. Well worth looking at. . $4000. Call Mr. Young. Main 3H. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist in financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect. 024 N. W. Bank bldg. A REAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Location, price, terms monthly, any thing of value down; 4 -room house, 1 acre, $750; 2 acres, $550; log house, 5 acres. $1750; H-room house. $3050. Own er, Marshall 700. $5U0 DOWN $25 PER MONTH. Brand new 4-room bungalow; take Bellwood car ta Reynolds ave., No 534 Ready to move right In. See It today'. You will be surprised. A real pickup Phone owner. East 4000. PIEDMONT. NEW. Up to the minute, modern In avery wv. Seven complete, beautiful rooms; $8500; reasonable terma. W. M. Umb tlen stock &. Co. Bdwv. 105S $3200 $300 CASH. New bungalow, 4 rooms, modern built Ins. white enamel finish, cement base meat; 50xl00-ft. lot; cement porch, walk and steps. Call Columbia POS. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. IKth, near Stanton; 8 rooms, music room, oak floors, fireplace, garage; built for a home. Neuhausen, East tiH. Main li07 ALAMEDA PARK BARGAIN, sc-io terms; 0 charming rooms, sleeping; porch, sunroom, oak floor, plate glass, fireplace, furnace. Neuhausen, Eaat 304' Main $OT. ' MAKE your rent receipts buy your home; 0-room comfortable house, corner lot; Cleveland ave.; block to car; $300 down balanco like rent. The D'Arcy Co., 8' Board of Trade. Tli REE-ROOM bungalow, new ; fruit and berries. Will sacrifice, $650. Easy terms. Come a running. 5017 57th at. Sellwnnd 2M PJiN INSULA J.VH), modern 5-room bun galow; Dutch kitchen, fruit, terms. Sell- wood 34M. FOR SALE by owner, exceptional 7-room, modern view bungalow ; exclusive tlis tru. Phone Tabor 4003. BEAUTIFUL home In Ladd's addition, btiiit-ina, hardwood floors, linoleum In kltfhon. bath rm..- gar. Main 8052. 8-KOOAI modern house in Gresham; lot .'11x200, full basement. $2100, terma See vvii. r. 217 Mil! street 5-KOuM modern N. Irving ton bungalow. Will take n-HHonn ble amount as first pavment. Main 2(S02. SACRIFICE 2 7-room houses, walking NEvV. MODERN 5-i 00m" house, Westmore ianU. 1204 E. lath st. Phone Tabor 344. REAL ESTATE. For Sale H ounce. LENTS MT. SCOTT CAR. $1200 $20O down; new 3-room cottage on 50x1 OO lot, macadam street ; living room and dining room combined, Dutch kitchen and one bedroom; balance $15 per month and interest. $2600 $500 down, balance like rent; two-flat building. 6 rooms and bath up: 0 rooms and bath down; cement basement, street Improve ments all In and paid; now bringing $34 monthly. $4500 BEAUTIFUL WESTMORELAND. Choice 50x100 lot. facing east; five rooms and breakfast nook, tapestry payer In living and dining room, fireplace, built in, hardwood floors. buffet, Dutch kitchen, cement base ment, laundry trays; all street improvements paid In full. 11 of our advertised listings are PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. We have HUNDREDS of Good Home Bargain. Sco J. A. WICKMAN CO., Bealtors. "Shortest Way Home." 204 Stark St. Mnln SR3 and 1004. LAURELHURST. Just finished, two bungalows In good location in Laurelhurst with 5 ro,pm9, large attic, breakfast room and bath, hardwood floors throughout, garage, fur nace, light fixtures and window shades; "price, 20H, $0250: 210, $doo0. Located on 43d, near Lagirelhurst avenue. EAST 20TH AND PINE. Just finishing a 6-room bungalow at 707 East Pine that Is entirely modern, with attic large enough for two rooms, has nifty breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout, garage, furnace, light fixtures and window shades; in fact, everything to make a nice home. Motor out today. Builder and owner on the . property. Price $5&0o. GEORGE K. WELLER, Main .V'31 Tabor 1050. ROSE CITY. 7-rm. bungalow near Sandy, sur rounded by fine homes. Owner going to Cal. Immediate possession can be given to this splendid' home; every built-in feature, fireplace, hwd. floors. Al hot water heating plant. Liberal terms. $5250. , SPLENDID BUY. This 6-rm. bungalow is an absolute bargain; every conceivable built-in, hwd. floors throughout; Al furnace. This property stands on 50x100 cor. lot, farage; imp. and paid. $1000 cash. 4750. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor, 80th and Haw. Realtors. T. 7463. STAR SERVICE SALES. $3300 SUNN YSIDE $3300. A SACRIFICE. An splendid 6-room cottage, near S. S. and H. A. car; fine sun room. Dutch Wto.hn, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace; finest location -in Sunnyside; small cash payment. STAR REAL ESTATE 4JNV. CO.. REALTORS, 513 WILOTX BLDG. Main 5004. Evenings. 310-97. ROSE CITY. $200 CASH. $3050 NEW FOUR-ROOM BUNGA LOW. CLOSE TO CAR; LARGE LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACE, BOOKCASES, HARDWOOD FLOORS. DUTCH KITCH EN WITH BREAKFAST NOOK, 2 FINE BEDROOMS. CEMENT BASEMENT, LA UN DRY TRAYS; FINISHED IN OLD IVORY AND BEAUTIFUL TAPESTRY PAPER. R. SOMERV1LLE. BDWY. 2478. i 320 U. S. NAT. BANK BLDG. ROSE CITY. SOMETHING DIFFERENT. If you have $1000 cash and want a bungalow of five rooms and sleeping porch, don't buy until I show yeu this. You must know construction and ap preciate architecture as this Is different than anything in tho city, and a home you. will always be proud of. Modern in every way. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. REALTORS. 82 Fourth St. Main 0871. ROSE CITY. BONUS AND SMALL PAYMENT. $;,3oo ATTRACTIVE FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW, CLOSE TO SANDY; LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIRE PLACE. OAK FlAORS, BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN. WITH BREAKFAST NOOK, TWO NICE BEDROOMS. GAS, FURNACE; ONE-HALF BLOCK TO CAR. 1441 WISTERIA DRIVE. R. SOMERVILLE, BDWY. 2478. 320 U S. NATL. BANK BLDG. ROSE C1T PAi New 5-room bunga low with garage. This beautiful bunga low is absolutely modern throughout. Will be ready to occupy in a few days. Be sure to see it during this week or next Sunday. Price' is right and I will arrange satisfactory terms for you. Lo cated at 514 E. 41id st. N. near Thomp son. C. J. Johnson, owner and builder, 313 Henry bldg., evenings and Sunday. Tabor 3141. IRVINGTON NEW HOME. 731 E lflTTi NORTH. LARGE ROOMS. TILE BATH. H A U D W GOD FLOORS T H R O U G 1 O U I . FRENCH DOORS. BREAKFAST H.V1,; SEVEAL FILL-LENGTH MIRRORS. BUILT-IN DRESSING TABLE. BATH ROOM HAS GOOD BUILT-IN EFFEC'i $ 1 50 ) C A S H C A N HANDLE f H i S HOME. BAL. TERMS. EAST 410. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. CHEAP. $0500, $1050 CASH. 7 rooms, nearly new, oak floors throughout, furnace, fireplace, garage, plate glass, paper. In fact a delightful home. Owner transferred out of city ana price reaucea lor quick sale; lm mediate' possession. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. Broadway 2045. :t27 Bd. Trade. s $400 WILL HANDLE. 100x100 lot with 2-room house, near Ainsworth ave. Bath, toilet, hot water tank, sink, gas water heater and electric lights. Will need about $75 to finish house. Price only $1450. DERR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2243. 6-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE, 702 CLACKAMAS, CORNER EAST 24TH ST., LOT 541x100 FEET. PRICE $7500. EASY TERMS. $730 CASH DOWN AND $73 PER MONTH. WITH INTEREST, WILL HANDLE. THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A MODERN HOME ON VERY EASY TERMS. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., 252 STARK ST. IRVINGTON. $0000. Bungalow of 5 rooms and sletplng porch; hardwood floors, large .1 ing room, fireplace, full concrete basumeiii, furnAce, garage and a beautr, vacant, and you can move right In. Terms. COE A. McKENNA & CO., Realtors, Fourth St. Main 0871. CLOSE-IN CORNER. 8 large rooms, splendid corner resi dence, strictly modem; new- hardwood floors, new linoleum, newly painted, in side and outside: $0500 ; owner 655 E. Burnside cor. 16th. East 3309, Main 402S. WALNUT PARK. $7000. Eight rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, two beautiful fireplaces, full basement and furnace, best part of district; six blocks Jefferson high. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main HS7L IRVINGTON CORNER 100x100. 7-room, strictly modern residence; hardwood floors throughout; full cement basement; ivory finish; beautifully deco rated; $11,500. Owner 503 E. 26th st N.. cor. Brazee. East 83!. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW. Full plumbing, near car: price $2400, $500- cash, $25 monthly. This Is a neat place. JOHTNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room bungaiow, near car. school, tores; $3500, $1000 down, balance long time; owner on grounds. 1010 E. 23d st. N. $3000: $:t000. $;u;oo. This beautiful 5-room bungalow on a 50x100 lot with a double garage, $500 will handle this. Drive out today and see it. 1102 East 21st st. NT. Wdln 2575 6-ROOM home, large living-dining loom ana reception nail, large kitchen pantrv, full basement. 3 bedrooms and bath on second floor, all Improvements in ; $27u0 $"QO cajh. Main 54UO MUST sell my 0-room home, close In, near canines ana scnooi. good district, idea' view, all improvements in; $2700; $700 cash; rent terms on balance. Main 54-U-Main 1S52 after P. M. . BY OWNER Adjoining Alameda, nice 5-room bungalow, furnace, fireplaoe, garage. $3750. Wdln. in 5 4 . WEST SIDE By owner, modern 8-roorn house, close in; bargain. Marshall 1105. Suburban Home. SUBURBAN HOME. 6 acres In cultivation, high and sight ly, lots of 'fruit and berries, 5-room house, plumbing, electric lights, fire place, barn, chicken house, near Willam ette river, paved road, 20 minutes by auto from citjr; walking distance to car lino; $uofo. $2000 down. $1000 per year. This is choice. v R. M. GATE WOOD & CO., 105 4j 4th St. S ACRES very best garden land, all cleared, only 2 rollea from city limits and mile from street cars; price $1500. $300 down, bal lance very easy terms. See owner at 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. A WORKl NGM A N'S HOME. $1015 and only $100 down. See this small 4-room bungalow, completely fur nished, with a good motorcycle Included; gas and c.ty water; Alberta district. See F C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St., Jtfet. Wash, and Stark. REAL ESTATE. Mihurhun Home. PRICED TO ELL. Well located, sightly 5-acre tract, best of soli, 6-rm. house, modern plumbing, gas and else, weli built, barn. - poultry house, garage, etc. Owner la non-resident and must sell. Let us show you this place. Price $5300. $1000, cash, bal. $20 per mo. J. U HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids;. Main 208. 4Vi ACKiS on Oregon City line; excellent view; new 5-room bungalow; good young orchard and larze chicken house: exceD- tional buy at $5500; terms. See F. C. Marshall with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 203 Ablngton BMg. Main 1068. Third St.. Ret. Wash, and Stark. A BARGAIN. Beautiful story-and-a-half stone house. 7 rooms; all modern convenience; quar ter acre. mjt min. from town, on Oregon City car. 3 blocks from Pacific highwaj Ca l owner. Oak Grove 11 -J. . JFor Kale Bus! new Property. STORE buiidmg and 5-room cottage; good f business location. 700-712 Mississippi ave. For sale or trade. Wood lawn 401 2. For Sale Acreage. CALIFORNIA. , COME TODAY PLANT TOMORROW. You can do this if you locate on any of the 32.000 acres in Fresno Co. that Miller A Lux are now subdividing; level, smooth t land, ready to plant: virgin slit soil cropped for first time thU year; irrigated by gravity system: water for home and stock furniahed by deep well; piped throughout sub division; Fresno highway passes through property; near town of Flrebaugh; see results of this won derful growing ooil and climate by pictures at office Kramer. Lake A Co.. 403 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. $50 DOWN, $2.50 MONTHLY. ,4. Si acrts; )H acres cleared around the stumps; about 100 corda of nrat growth Or timber, spring. 2-room box shack made of shakes. In fair condition; woodshed; H mile from railroad station, about 30 miles from Portland; total price 505. Frea W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE 110 acres, all under cultiva tion, 8-room house, large barn, good lighting system, 14 acres full bearing nrunes. laree drver. aood well with gaso line engine and tank, near school and carllne, good road; price $15,000, one- third cash;, located ClarKe county, wasn. B. S. Cook. 1Q1 stocK ttxenange omg. HERE'S HOW. flu acres at S250 per acre near elec trie station. Paved highway, three miles out. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 1370. it A CRE. ALBERTA CAR. $50 down. $10 month. City water. No as sessments." Roger W. Cary, 1219 N. W. Bank 'bldg. Main 1043. WRITE for map of western Washington, . showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. VVEYBRHAUSER TIMBER CO., Tacoma, Wash. FOR SALE 7 ACRES CLOSE IN. THOMAS ALLEN fllftl P2D ST, S- E. iiomeKteaujt, RelmquiNhmenis. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E- W. HELM, 423 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. For Sale Farms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. YOUR CHOICE OF LANE. LINN AND BENTON COUNTIES. We know Willamette valley farm lands. You should see what we have to offer before buying any farm. If you want real producing farm land, come or write us ior tne Kina or rarm you wanu We have it. Kruit. berries, stock, dairy. grain and general farms to suit you In size, price ana quality. See Mr. Hyde at 824 Henry building, Portland, or write KINNEY. IRVINE ft HYDE. REALTORS. EUGENE. OREGON. GREAT DAIRY COUNTRY. Here la your chance to get a farnV 80 acres, 23 mile from Portland. 3 miles east of Woodland, Wash., rocked road within 1 mile of place, 1 miles from Pacific highway, main road and mall route by place; of i mile to school; land never floods, good soil ? land lies level, every foot can be cultivated; 20 acres In cultivation, 8 acres more easily cleared; place mostly in crop ; bis or chard, 6-room house, barn, 40x70, and other outbuildings, some timber and lots of second growth; price $8000, will trade for city property.' acreage or may consider vacant property, value consid ered as low as $1800; $400 cash, as long time as you want on balance at 6 pet cent. AV 7O0. Oregonlan. LARGE DAIRY FARM. By owner; Just the place for someor.e who needs a good large dairy herd, for a retail business in Portland: about 400 acres, some bottom soil and come up land, right on paved highway; you can produce your own feed and pasture here for 100 head of cows; can leae more price equipped $7.'.too: naked place $60, 000; $20,000 to $30,000 cash will handle. AH 25ft. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 110 acres, all under cultiva tion. 0-room pouse, large barn, good , lighting system, 14 acres full bearing prunes, iarge arrer, gouu wen wun gaso line engine and tank, near school and carline, good road; price 13.00U. one third cash; located Clarke county. Wash. B. S. Cook, mu stock Exchange bldg. 8 ACRES of strawberries, 27.000 nlanta. should bring in $1300 next year together with Iji acres 01 iirsi growth pine tim ber near The Dalles and .all for $27-30. Might consider Portland property as part payment. Better speak quick. R. L. Y o ke. 1133 N. W. 'Bank bldg . HOMESEEKERS If you wait land, much or little, with or without Irrigation, right on paved highway and railroad, at backwoods prices. In sunny southern Ore gon, see owner, now in city for few days. W 254, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Sti-acre farm, farming imple ments and stock, good buildings; 3 mi. west of Hoskin8, Or., near R.R. station and school; family orchard in bearing, some berries. For further information write John M. Fry, Hopkins. Or.' IV ILL sell our fine dairy larm or 160 acres near Barton. Estacada R. R., and Clear Creek creamery at a sacrifice for cash to settle estate. Address T. Wlthycombe 432 12th st.. Portland. Or. CO ACRES on Barr and Rockwood roads, fi miles east of city limits; no gravel; 2 acres orchard ; good buildings, plenty water. 107H E. Taylor st. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre; eaay terms, best soli; farms for sale, all sizs. Mcfariana. realtor, ug failing bldg. bhi ACRES, lev;, cleared, xenced. good 3 room house, near Wlllamina, $200 down, J R Sharp. e3H 3d street. COLONY planned for South America; splendid land; small cost. If Interested write to A J 875. Oregonlan. CLOSE-IN farm, good road, near car. Owner. Tabor 8870 WAVTKP REAL ESTATE. WEST SIDE houses ur flata wanted. T specialize In handling west side prop erty and have always buyers to close a quick deal, providing the price Is right. JOHN SINGER, REALTOR. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOUSES WANTED. We have improved ranches to ex change for Portland houses. List with us for results. COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 Fourth Street. Main 6S71. I WANT 15 or 20 acres near Portland on good read ; must have good houae. not loss than 5 rooms; prefer Tualatin valley. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. Broad- ' wnv BR73. AM IN the market to buy clay bed suitable for brick and tiling; must be located near , Columbia river, handy to water trans portation, otherwise will not consider. A B 200, OTegoni8n. STUDEBAKER automobile and cash for six-room bungalow equity; will consider five rooms with attic, west of 5oth st. Give full particulars. AR 200, Ore- gon ian. ' WILL turn in my model 0B Franklin car, good condition, on lot up to $2500. A mighty good car. priced right. R. L. Yoke. 1135 Northwestern Bank bldg. BUNGALOW or house in good district: have good improved and. unimproved acreage, .nam an. MODERN house In nrst-class district; hJve 5 acres close In, Improved, and some cash. A B 274. Oregonlan. WANT 4 or 5-room" house, with 1, or 3 lots, from owner; will pay cash; state price. A 200. Oregonlan. WANTED 10 acres of land; no objec tion to stump land; must be reason- anie ror all caun. A.N 'j7. Oregoman. 1UJ1 FORD roadster for city lot. 252 Co lumbla st. Room 33. $350u SPOT cash Tor bumtaio in Haw thorne or Suanyside. Tabor SS&i. WANTED REAL ESTATE. AMERICA'S LARGEST HOME SELLER. YOUR HOME IS A3 GOOD AS SOLD IF LISTED WITH US! Wa spend thousands of dollars advertising and are In touch with the MAJORITY OF EARN EST HOME BUYERS! We Inspect, ap praise and photograph your house within 24 h;urs after listing! 40 salesmen to work on it! No charge except the standard commission of 3 per cent in the event of a satisfactory sale! The McGUIRE SYSTEM SAFEGUARDS YOUR EVERY INTEREST! Deal with an old-established firm! See FRANK L. McGUIRE. To Sell Your Home, Realtor. Ablngton Bldg. 3d St.. bet.' Wash, and Stark. Main 1068. Look for the Big Electric Sign. . ANXIOUS SELLERS. LOOK. I have- buyers for 5-room bungalows near Peninsula park. $20uo cash, first f-ayment. Rose City. $1500 cash. Close n. east side, $1300 cash. West side, all cash. We have plenty buyers but no houses. See us at once. T. O. BIRD, 5J6 Cham, of Com. REALTOR. Mar. 1022. WANT 5-room modern bungaiow in Rich mond or Hawthorne districts. Small pay ment down, balance must ba reasonable. H U-tt, Ore gonian, Wanted to Kent Farms.. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small tarme, close tn Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. Largest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coast. FOR RENT FARMS. 45 ACRES, about 20 mi. from Portland on good macadam road. Fair 3-roora house, large new barn. 15 acres cultivated and 15 acres seeded to grass; rest stocked and equipped; for $5o ca& and $150 in work. So Mr. Hunter with John Fer guson. Sol Gerlinger bldg. FARM FOR RENT. River front, south of Mllwaukle. 8 a. fruit, etc., 7-r. fur., mod. house. $25 ma winters; ref. req. Mornings, Broadway 3134. TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER PROPOSITION. O.OOO.OOO FEET OF SAW TIMBER FOR SALE AS A WHOLE OR ON STUMP AGE BASIS. SPLENDID LOCATION. Located 1ft miles from Roseburg on gravel road, splendid logging conditions. Ideal mill site, good local demand for lumber. For particulars W. A. Bogard, Roseburg. Or. WANTED Lumber planks and timbers, also sawmill uind welt-located timber land. Western Lumber Agency., 624 .Morgan bldg. AM IN the market for a few timber claims: give legal description and low ' est cash price; none but real bargains 'considered. P 253, Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. LIVE IN SUNNY SOUTHERN OREGON. Portland has 41 per cent more rain, 45 per cent more rainy days, 50 per cent mora wind, 65 per cent more enow and 02 per cent less sunshine than Grants pass. Exchange your Portland residence for choice suburban acreage, with beau tun I modern bungalow, near Grants Pass; fruit, berries and poultry will assure an ample income. Pacific highway now paved. For full particulars, photos and free booklet phone or call at 94 Ea.t 17th st.. 8 to 12 A M. Phone 7H45 Ea?t. 160-ACRE STOCK RANCH $4000. Nine miles from Wlltamtna; from SO to 100 acres tillable, shack house, good sized barn, young orchard, large creek, some bottom land, unlimited outrange ; will take house up to $2500. We have photographs of this and hundreds of other exchanges and can surely matcn your trade. See Mr. Stephens, with Fred W, German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Commerce. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres ipcated near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and nilL 800 acre in cultivation. 2 houses, fair barn. Price $40 000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER COMPANY. 63 Fourth st.t opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway B715. WE CAN trade your property whether it is large or small; city or country: lo cated here or la soms other state. Come In and give us a description of what you have and let us match it with something that you want. ALEXANDER REALTY CO.. 701-702 Title A Trust Bldg.. Entrance 89 Fourth Street. WILL TRADE, w We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit: lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. COAST DAIRY EQUIPPED, 155 acres; 40 river bottom. 30 acres cleared: good 6-room house. 2 new barns, school, near store, good roads; will ac cept acreage near Portland. E. R. S., 712 Couch bide. Bdwy. 6S75. 100 a CUES timber la mi; no incumbrances, for equity in small farm of 20 to 30 acres, not too far out. FKEYTAG-MEEDS CO., Gladstone. Or. 6,000.000 FEET, mainly yellow fir. with its 160 acres. lammt county, .no mortgage, for exchange fc; Portland or outside Improved or not. or stump land. Ad dress 222 U. S. Bank blJg. 8-ROOM house, cornet lot, garage, hard surface streets, close in, rent (45, no in cumbrance, for Improved acreage close in. Owner deal with owner; no agents. AN 201, Oregonlan. I WANT ALBERTA. CANADA. Ranch or city property. Calgary. Red Deer or Edmonton; in exchange for good Willamette valley ranch up to $20,000. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. FOR SALE or exchange. Vancouver acre, city limits, irult trees, ror acreage close to Portland, on car line. Will pay cash difference. u zaa. oregonlan. GOOD town "property and business to trade for prune or dairy farm. Owner, A. ,V. 607. CHEVROLET car In good condition, trade and assume difference. Broadway 5340. A. H. Akerson, 420 Hemy bldg. TO EXCHANGE MISCELLANEOUS. TRADE rooming house, good lease In walk ing distance, also 13 cords of wood, for equity in good auto machine shop. Main 0304. VIOLIN and case for Manning oil burner, or wbat have you? 30O V. 20th st., Vancouver. Wash. PARLOR organ and heater for cow or chickens. 300 W. 20th at., Vancouver, We eh. WILL 1KADE new Studebaker t-peciu.1 oil reasonable home. Bdwy. 'JrtOd. WANT Man's velt. Wash. bicycle; trade lot In Roo&e Tabor 0135. ELECTRIC phonograph lamp for piano; give or take difference. Woodlawn 0334. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. AUCTlJN SALE HORSES 19 head o' work h-rs to be sold at auction at .1 P. M Saturday. Nov, 2s, at Fair grounds. Grt:ia n. High bidder takes them, tion- wi',f;rawn. BARGAIN, 1200-lb. mart. $U5; black horse, 1100 lbs. for $23; also 1000-lb. mare, buggy and harness for $55. These are all good workers. 240 East Sth. cor. of Main. JERSEY cows and one Guernsey up to sell ; no reasonable offer refused. One block south S. P. depot, Mllwaukle, Or. H. A. Smith. .1 .is Aim N. Tabor ests. DR. HOWE3. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co . 802 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2308 BARGAIN, one fresh 4-gallon Jersey cow. 1067 E. St ark St.. cor. 78 1 h . WANTED Best team $230 cash will buy. Woodlawn 3012. WANTED Team for their keep in city. Wocdiawn 5012. PIGS for sale. B-avertun, route 4. box M. P1h,iio. Organs and Musica.1 Instrument a. EIGHT upright pianos. $loo. $15, $175. to $225; many fine standard makes. Why pay more? Terms. Brokerage Co., 311 Worcester bldg. PIANO TUNING AND REFINISHING. Expert workmanship. Guaranteed.' ei-beriing-Lucas Music Co., 1J3 4th 'St., Main HShO. HIGH-GRADE PIANO. Cable-Nelson, in good condition, fine tone; easy action. $200: East 3570. HERE'S your opportunity, will trade a 1020 Chevrolet for a good phonograph East VICTROLA BARGAIN. $225 model, mahogany, beautiful tone IS records, cheap for cash. Tabor (02l! $000 SMITH A BARNES piano, latest; just new. $275. on terms. ail Worcester bldg. $25 BU VS $550 Oxford piauo, nice tone. plain case, terms, .mi Worcester bldg. WANTED Piano for all cash, cail Main 4424. week days. $04o THOMP&ON piano, latent piain mah. -l!5. On terms. .111 Worcester bld $505 ANDREW hUHLKK piano only $J4u. latest, terms. :o 1 Worcester bldg. $tf5u McPHAlL line upright, only $2J5, on term s. 311 Worcester bjdg. $300 PIANO, upright, only $125. on terms. S 1 1 Worcester bldg. ' WANTED To buy a piano, pay spot cash il bargain. East bb62. no &aL FOR PALE. Pianos, Organs and MumcmI Instruments. LIPMAN. WOLFE A CO.. GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. Includes these new pianos, renewed and used pianos and phonographs: Helnse upright, good condition. ,$193 New England, upright 313 Schubert, large, mahogany 26.1 Kimball, renewed, oak 8i'5 Haines Bros.. Quite new 403 Francis Bacon, fin mahogany. ... 433 Monarch, new. oak.... 375 Russell, large waiaut 263 Foster A Co., good as new i5 Sterling, fine tone 2.93 Psy cash, or as little as $2 to $12 a mcnto. LIPMAN. WOLFE A COl, Seventh Floor. REDUCSD PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick, No. 7, mahogany. ...$ 90 00 Stradivara Melody 112.2$ Siivertonu. used, mahogany 15 00 Stradivara Harmony 125.00 Colombia, gdden oak. used 75.00 Victrola, XI. mahogany, used.... 125.0U Victrola, XVI, mahogany, new.. 215 00 Pa the, mahogany, used 90 00 Pay cash or as hi tie as $3. $5 and $d a month. LIPMAN, WOLFB A CO., Seventh Floor. Washlrgton A Sixth Sta PIANO BARGAINS. We are quoting an our used pianos at a price to move them aa we need the space. AU guaranteed. Easy terms given. Doll a Son make, oak case $135 Steinway A Son,, old style, good con dition 150 Story a Clark, walnut case, snap... 205 Cambridge cabinet grand, mahogany, equal to new 285 Kingsbury, plain mahogany case. . . Sou Ricca A Son, mahogany case. ...... -0 Gaylor, plain mahogany case 273 Remington, plain fumed oak case... 265 Leland, pi am mahogany cuse, best of condition 275 Haddorff, mahogany case 383 And others, it would pay you to see them. SEIBER LING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. CLEARANCE SAi.E FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIANOS. $473 Sterling, mahogany, plain ..'..$ 103 $900 Steinway A Sons, mahogany.. 893 $U00 Steger A Sons, mission oak.. 4 it 3 $750 KranicU A Bach, golden oak.. 813 $573 Schroeder Bros, fumed oak.. 803 $375 Huntington, golden oak 25 $H00 Reed A Son. grand In upright 5tf3 $550 Kimball, large, mahogany.... 2V5 $575 Kimball, large, mahogany .... 845 $1)50 Thompson player piano. ...... 403 $1300 Stegtr player piano, man. .... 75 $1050 Singor player piano, oak 613 $f00 Thompson player, oak 5 $13? Burnett parlor organ 83 $95 Earhof f parlor organ 23 $75 Packard parlor organ 13 $163 Kimball, 0-octava organ 49 $175 Kenwood. 7 1-3 oct., piano case 05 . Terms $10 to $25 cash, $5, 8. $13 mo. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. Tenth and Stark. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN CSED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. Victor, small, with 5 used records. $ 20 Columbia, small, with A used records 80 Victor, wita 10 used records 0 Victor, with 10 used records 05 Victor, cabinet, with 15 used records 110 Pathe. cabinet, with 10 used records 00 Brunswick, cabinet, 10 used records 73 Sonora, cabinet, with 13 used records 130 Sonura grand with 25 used records 1&0 Sonora, portable, used records.... 0 $5 up cash, $3 and up monthly. SCliWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th st. cor. Stark. Phone Bdwy 187 SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $475 Emerson upright, cash $165 $550 Kimball, mabogany, cash 295 $273 Bard A Co.. small upright, cash 75 $'450 Collard A Collard. upright, cash 5 $230 Pianola player, walcut. cash.. 33 $750 Pianola player piano, cash.... 205 jlftGO Orcneetrti:. large, mhg., cash St5 $1750 Berry Wood orchestrion, cash 4.tii 101 Tenth St.. at Stark St. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS SALE. $135 cabinet phonographs, sale price, $78. $110 cabinet phonographs, sale price. 4i.D0. $15 cabinet phonographs, sale price, $0S 50. New and used pianos one-third to one half off. Foley-Maeg ley . Music Co. 10$ Fifth St.. bet. Wash, and Stai;k. USED VICT KOLAS. Victrola Style X. oak $100.00 Vlctro:ia Style X. almost new... 00 .00 Victrola Style IV 17.50 SEIUEKLLNG-LUCA8 MUSIC OO., 125 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Aitier. BEFORE YOU BUY A PHONOGRAPH see Foley-Maegly Music Co.. who are retiring from business; reductions in pianos and phonographs as high as 50 per cent, iuo ma sc. net ween wasn ington and Stark. BEFORE YOU BUY A PIANO. See Foley-Maegly Music Co. closlng out sale; retiring from business; pianos and phonographs at reductions as high as per cent, iuu fittn st.. bet. Waah- 1 n gton and Stark. . HEIN2E PLAYER, $450. This is a new piano. Has been used for demonstration only. ..See it. Terms given. Seiberlinsr Lucas Music Co., 125 4th at., bet. Wash. and Alder. $1400 PIANO America's fine artistic make, new and perfect at the price- of a good upngnt; also a line Masen Hamlin piano, make an offer, terms. HrrKerage t o.. ,I 1 Worcester olcig. BUSH & LAN E. genuine mah., cojt $(100, Ufed about one mo. Perfect, onlv l:iiH. Just think of the difference. Brokerage Co.. Worcester hing. STOKV A CLARK. $205, plain case. A wonderful bargain. Terms given. Sel- berling-Lucas Music Co., 12o 4th st., bet. Wash, and Alder. STEINWAY & SON, old style, $150; in good condition, lerms given. Selberling. Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St.. bet. Wash and Aider. PoKTLAND-maae piano bencnes, veneered tops, 815; allowance lor your old stool; a good Christmas gift. Harold 6. Gilbert. 8S4 Yamnm s. EMERSON. "The Utmost in Phonographs." An Oregon product of genuine merit. Factory sales at 100 Second street. WANTED Albert system flute, low pitch. key 01 o: must oe reasonaoie. tel. Mar. 2024. THOMAS cabinet grand, dead oak finish, $200. 573 East Couch. Don't call Sun day KIMBALL PL A 1 fc-K. we ask you to see this bargain. Terms given. Sei- berling-Lucas Music Co.. 12 4th sL PIANO, $lo5. Oak case upright. Terms given. Seiberllng-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th. bet. ash, and Alder. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING Any make. Work guaranteed. Selberling - Lucas M u sic Co.. 120 4tn St.. Main g.iMi. ORGANS $10 and up. Music Co.. 125 4th st. Selberling -Lucas PIANO WANTED Pay cash used Instrument. Main S5S0. for good PIANO WANTED From private party. Cash for bargain. Marshall . 1532. PLAVEK roi.i exchanged. 10c aco. Harold S. Gilbert. 3S1 Yamhill st. WEBER pianola for rent, music Included. Harold E Gilbert 34 Yamhill st. Furniture for oale. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. If you love beautiful floor cov ering, our display of Royal Turk ish rugs will interest you. We have these wonderful rugs in the most charming patterns and fas cinating colors that anyone could wish for and they are down to pre-war prices. Just imagine, we can now offer you a 0x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $150 Other sizes accordingly. MISH FURNITURE CO, 188-190 First SL DAVENPORTS. MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES. We ere mfrs. of overstuffed daven ports and chairs. We have a few sam ples which we will sell direct to the trade at greatly reduced prices. Some terms to responsible parties on thee close-outs. Many atyles and assortment of coverings in denim, merona, velour, tapestry and mohair. Phone (35-L'7. Evening1 and Sunday Tabor B7U7 or Auto. 035-27. MICHA E LSON-M A YSON, INC.. 5433 Foster Road.' SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If you want to buy or ell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most ait points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re DalrinK and refiniahins. Money loaned t.n goods In storage. Fireproof storage Low insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO. 53 Lh St.. Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715 3-PIECE maple bedroom suite. 8-pleco dark oak dining suite, wood heater, gas range, large leather rocker, couch, li brary table. 0x12 Ax. rose rug. clock and ' few other articles for sale cheap; no dealers. Tabor 7100. Call 101 East 32d street. DON'T SACRIFICE your lurniture if going east or to California. We cap save you money on your freight In our through cars; fireproof storage. C. M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 243 Pine street FOR SALE New bed cot with good Nprinp and mattress; also full-sized bed spring and mattress, new. 610 Hancocc Phone Easf htiSU. JjlNlNO set, beds, dresser, rockers, rugs, gas range, sanitary couch, breakfast table, like new. Tabor 2194. 1391 E. S:iln:',n DAVENPORT and 2 chairs, genuine leath er, suitable for doctor's office or home. Call mornings, 11S9 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 0517. COMBINATION heater, only used for one fire. Good a new. Save money. 508 E. Everett St. FOR SALE Almost new 0x15 Mahal V!- ton rim beautif Ll I nflllprn rhp.in if . taken at once. Call at 02y Mail au FOR P A I.E. Office Furniture. LwFORE purchasing new or second-hand fesks, chairs, flies or safe, visit our salesrooms and Inspect what ere have ta of let. THE IRWTN-HODSON CO.. ' FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. USED or new dsks. tables, file.-, chairs, etc.. typewriters, adding machines, time clocks, dictaphones and safes. Price by Tar the lowest. D. C. Wax, Office Equip. House. 24-26 No. 3th. Bdwy. 2730. SPRUCE division deks, chairs and files. Pacific Staty. ft Ptg. Co.. loT 2d. ROLL-TOP desk and chair. 2o2 Globe building. Bdwy. 2S1S. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUAR ANT BE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEV7 PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALW TYPEWRITER CO.. 821 Washington SU Mala AOSL- REBUILT typewriters, all kinds, for eaie. rent, exchange; w- ara sxcluslve dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying cass; auppiiea and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., at Fifth St. Main 8663. FOR SALE Corona typewriter and carry ing case. This is almost a new machine and a snap at $30. Call at noon. 327 Lumber Exchange bldg. Ka.t-AlK.-5. rent. uu, sen. suppaea Ip writtr Inspection Co. 313. ttark. M IS Rew, rf built second-nand rem la at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark st. Main 1407 RENT an Underwood or Remington, $3 a month. 254 Brotdway. Broadway 155. Machinery. 8-HOKSEPOWER heavy duty marine en gine ; 2 gas tanks, clutch and lights used 3 months: make me an offer. 071 Pershing st. Sell. 10 10. ONE 2f AND ONE 3ft centrifugal pump. Rushlight & Hasdorf, 371 Hawthorne ae. avenue. ultry. FOR t-A LE m yearling White Lrf i.orn hens, reasonably priced. Peter 11 nd, Si mile north of H 11 her t tat inn on Red Electric line and H mile south of Santa Rota station on Forest Grove branch of Oregon Electric ursery Wto-a - WOODSVUCK NUKSEK Wamut aid fruit trees, berries, roeos. Aut. MO-l'o. Dogs. Rabbits. Birds and Pet tm k. ST. AN DKEASBERG rollers from import ed stock: singers and females, beautiful ly colored and swet singers. If vou want classy birds, phone Automatic 811-40. EXPERT woodsman, good dogs, wUhes 2 or 3 dogs to train for cats, counars and bear; fox hour ds preferred. 400 2t st. FOR SALE Two pet deer, buck and doe R months old. Box 125, Route 4. Salem Oregon. G. A. Jones. 3 FEMALE Boston terriers for sale, old ; pedigreed, good markings. 15ft:i. 713 Kearney, near. 22d. I m.i. Main SKINS and furs tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co.. 892 Tenino are. Bellwood 2308. FOR SALE POLICE COLUMBIA 10. WANTED Female Scotch terrier; state particulars. C 2"S. Oregonl.-in. FOR SALE oughbred. -Irish terrier puppies, 713 East 74th st. N. PUP: fur nale. Tall Auto. 02S-OO. Bontw. J,aiineht s and Marine Equipment. NEW HOUSEBOAT. 12x23, on good log float, $200, or trade for Ford. Favorite bonthouse, foot or 1 nmnni st. Coal and Woou. $4 PER LOAD $1 - We are now able to sell at YOUR OWN PRICE a nice grade block and slab, ready for your furnace or heater. $S IN TWO-LOAD LOTS $8. Our truck are equipped to carry dou ble loads, therefore we can save you money. Guarantee one and one-haSi (lVt) cords to the double load. Try iu Can't be wronK. iiininruiaio un, THIS WOOD HANDLED BY WDLN. 4102. EAST ?M1. Oregon Fuel Co. Notional Fuel Co. WOOD BUYERS! Note the following prices: Block wood, $0.50 per load; $12.50 per double load. Inside wood. 12x10 Inches, $0 25 per load ; $ 1 2 per double load. Slab wood, 12x10 I riches, $8 per load; $11.50 per double load. phone Eaat 7020. Auto. L'35-21. SPECIAL. 1J 4-LOAD LOTS. C. O. D. COUNTRY BLOCK AND SLAB. FOUR LOADS. $13. DELIVERED. QUALITY AND MEASUREMENT GUARANTEED, MAIN 4051K FIKST-GKUWTH fir. Rock Springs. Royal. Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick & Tile Co.. S3 5th st.. between Stark and Cok Phone Broadway IS. NO BETTER wood anywhere, our trucks making direct delivery nany; r-io. 1 old growth fir. $7.75 per cord. 3 or more cords. $7.50. 426 Hall st. Main llfll. BLOCK and Blab, Uoubiu load. $.50; 4- foot cord wood. $ 1 . .' per cord ; 10-inch dry slab. $13 per double load; dry slab, $ 3. Broadwny 4110, L.vluA ood old-growth Mr cordwood, $s; second growtn. $u.oO; mapie, s per cord W nodlnw n 1127. WOOD AND COAL. Smalt orders solicited. West Fuel Co.. 414 Glisan. Bdwy. 203. TAYLOR FUEL CO.. wou anu ciaJ. Pries reasonable. Call Wuln. 1U45 or Bdwy. 8H14. BOXWOOD AND SLAB WOO 3. Delivered immediately by Fultrn Wood Co.. 12tU Macadam. Phone Mam 4173. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood sawed call Kelly. East ttS4 1RV liuXWOOD, $4.75; planer trimmings, $5.50 per load. Call Woodlawn 5UU4. II art Montana ave. SEASONED No. 1 fir, hardwood, green slab and Dioca mi.eu, cuai ; immeuiatti delivery. Wdln. 2UPJ. GUARANTEED old-growth fir cordwood; 7 75 cord. Sell. 37J5. U. 1 oLD-GKu 11, bone-dry. $s per cord. Last side. Auto. 610-87." IbT-CLAbS f.r ana nardwuod. prompt de livery. lhone!lojweLVan l-1 FIRST-GROWTH fir cordwood, $7.30 the cord. Phone East 577. NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH cordwoud on tier mantown road. 1 V3 m. a. -of Skiyllne blvd. 4-FOOT black and railroad ties; also 10 inch stove wood. Marshall UH43. FiKSl'-GKO WTH wuud.ury, il.To cord; Seconu-gruwm uw. a u - i. DRY CORDWOOD. $0.75 per cord delivered in 2 corn lots. mn oji.-. OUUU dry fir cordwood and country slab. lots of insuie wuoa, lh. n.r.'. CHEAP, good dry wood, $0 a load. Bdwy. 4 Mill. NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH cordwood. bone dry. $8 a coru, casi piae. rnone nt-w,. 10-INCH fclab, $3.75 load; best fir, $5 5t, bargain, box, sen woou. iiw. BEST Utah coal. S15 be" ton. Auto. 647-bO Kegs and Hurrei. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western cooperage to., 300 N. 14th St.. near pettygrove. none A 019-IU. t Fruits and Vege tu b les. CABBAGES In any quantity from 100 lbs up, deiiverea 10 your piace 01 ousiness In Portland or Vancouver, uncrated, at '2 cents a pound; crated at 2Vi cents a pound. Call Broadway 3413 and leave orders. Miscellaneous. ELECTRIC fixtures for 5 rooms. $15. 207 Chamber or commerce Diag. bdwy. 4253 STOVE repairing, gas ovens and heaters relinea. nenaoie movp tu r.. atJ4L'. , KINDS of new lumber. u money. Bdwy. 1371. W can sav BEAUTY parlor equipment oa sals at big reduction, fortiana cuuer.y to., eu' oth. STAR A S'lAK" shluglea direct from mllL Call Taylor-street dock. Main 80B5. FOR SALE Uatih , register. aaf- adding maciun.' snow case. 4.1 1 sr at., near Asa. MUST s41 today. Cash register, show cn sc. com put mg stuic. 1 - - rnwe 11 st. COMPUTING scales, cash register, show ca!es, fare, siooig. x-tn wasnmgton. DRAG-SAW outfit for sale cheap, $125. Call Tenor 2 PAIRS best quality new boxing gloves. tt l u n an cut: caai cm-wT. RANGE, Ka heater and store Uxaures for sale. East 4S1H. GAS RANGE with hot water attachments and carving set. 102 E. lfith st. FOR SALE Child's ivory bed. wouduu, d roo -side: S3. Call Tabor s'.)03. FUR SALE Universal combination wood and cs stove, almost new. Wdln. 105. INNER tubes, h price. 220 Washington st., near IstsL - IDEAL HEMSTITCHING. 717 BROADWAY BUILDING. XMAS Gift Shop now open; novelUe o3ti N orthwestern Bin k bldg. NEW ALL-WOOL 3-piece man's suit, tail or made, gize 38. Main 10e2. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. flCIIlr 1 fin or nwiimw y-u.. "o t iwt m. CEDAR MILL milling rolled oats. J32 per ton delivered Phone Wdln. 3H75. SAFE, fireproof, medium size; savs you money- N 243. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND ovens, dough mUera, eta. BC PHI. Oregonlan. PHINGLE3. BROADWAY 1371. FREbil cUuis iur sale. Call Eaat 7S2.1 FOR PAI.E. Miscellaneous. NOTICE. There Is a Urge stock of high-grade standard make cabinet phonographs be ing disposed of at leas than half price at 2i7 Dekum bldg. They are up-to-the-minute models and have the very latent equipment. Sorry I cant give their name tn this ad. If you want to get one of theae fine machines you will have to act quickly. Your credit Is gMd. NORTHWESTERN LIQUIDATING CO.. 207 Dekum Bldg. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save 1-C; all styles, finest selection. Come and see; you are under no obliga tion to buy. STANLEY LUTZ. 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Hroadwav 4253. LAblKa. Are yeu weary or exhausted after standing ail day on your feet 7 If 0. be-f- fore vou sit down for a ret use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic Pow der; 50c and $1 box. Portland Hctel narmacy. IF you appreciate splendid watch repair ing or jewelry repairing take your work to MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Sells for Lt-ss Gifts That Last. Next 1 oor o Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. MAKE a small payment and wear your ye glasses and spectacles as you pay for mem. Wheeier Optical company, second floor Oregonlan bid;. USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Large line of desks, chairs, tables, flics, s;ifes. typewriters, etc. Nine bank Burroughs $105. perfect condition. D. O. Aux ofrice Equip. House. 24-20 No. 5th. Bdwy 11730 HIE BEST buy in town; aboluteiy perfect diamond, weighs almost a Uarals. beaU titul color; a rare gem; left with us to sell by a customer who needs cash quick; a real bargain. Crescent Jewelry Co., 201 Washington st. SAKr.S Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; easy terms If de sired NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Main 2043. &A.W1NG niacbincM new unit second-hand, old for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING M A C 1 1 1 N K E Al PO R TUM. IMP Third St.. near la y 1 cr. Main 1431. DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prices. D. B. Scully Co.. downtown lum ber Btore, 171 FRONT ST., bet, Morrison and YnmhlM. Phone Mnln 4213. IF DAVIDS CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only genuine watch materials used. DAVID'S, Jewelers and Opticians. 343 Washington St., nt Broadway. CUPBOARDS and display case for all purposes, plain or fancy; bring your ideas and we'll help you; real stepladders. Jack screws for rent. Franaen's Specialty Shop, 725 Thurman St.. Bdwy. Iu74. Bdwy. 71 fl. . W II Y AN everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We re-pair, rubberbond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky roofs. Work gunr;inteed. 1'hone Broadway 7!V A DEPENDABLE PLACE TO TRADE. MILLER'S Big Little Jewelry Store Se'ls.for L.-ss Gifts That Last. Next Door lo Majestic Theater. Park and Washington Sts. WILL sell my 1020 Cadiiiac fwiir-ptmsenger at a big discount; car looks One and runs like new ; would consider trade on late model Knnklin scdun; I am not a dealer. Y '2'M Oregonlan. CASH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Port land Ca.-h Register & Scale Ex change, 220 S.ark rt.. between First and Second sts. Main 5334. 20 DROPliEAD sewing machines, $ 13 30 to $45; Singers. New Homes. Whites. W. W.; all makes machines rented and :paired. E. R. Sten, 132 Grand ave. Eat 2350. 61NGERS, WhP.pa. New Homes, like new. $23 to $45; other guaranteed dropheas $15 to $18; latest Singers; cash or terms, reutabt $:t per month. Sinner Stors. Ivi 4th. Main 0S33 ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material and wood for sale, yard 2d and Columbia. M aln 5 1 07. IlrLI'A 1 R ING furnaces. sto es. re line toi let tanks and Ice boxes, coils for stoves and furnaces. W. E. Smith. 1341 Will lams ave Wdln. 1 ?o-i. MRS. S. W. HE KM A.N, apparei shop, ladles' and gents' clothes bought, sold and exchanged; best prices. 234 4j Park fct., near Jefferson. Marshall lUUp. HOT WATER Link. 30 gal.. $7; 40 gal.. $.. tested, guaranteed ; stove and furnacs coils. gHS heaters installed; plumbing. Knst Side W-!d Sh.. 2Q3 Adams. K. s.'.Hi. WILL exchange mv hiv;li-Kf'ade cabinet phonograph for dental work or gent' tailoring; machine piuys any record. Al 2d:, Or'irohl:in. WILL take print. tig and office stationery as part payment on my high-grade standard tmike cabinet talking machine; plays all records. M ' regonian. XMAS SUGGESTION. Mink, skunk, squirrel and other fur chokers. $15. The Fur Shop. 015 Ellers bl'ltf-, .Main I'J4. LET US SHIP VOUK EASTERN FRIENDS a box of BURKE'S KIPPERED SALMON. Call up the Burke Flh Co.. Bdwy. 4700. 4 - PI E E Ivory St irky l-. I room set. .- piece solid mahogany parlor set, tennis racquet, pictures, bookcase, etc. Phone Main 7023. H;h st. FoR SALE One, H o w a id o vet .sfaniit heater, tied, springs and mat tres, chif fonier, all in A-l condition; ued only a short time. .VJ7 E. 20h N Tabor 4H7i. DANDY 3-light shower fixture, complete with shades, only 55 35 at -07 Ch umber of Commerce bldg. Broadway 4lT3. NATIONAL cash rK:ster and Bur roughs adding machine. G13 Panama hui'.dirff, ATTENTION Fur kkIiib and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tunning Co., 6 J 2 Tenino ave. Sellwood 230S. LICENSED independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $ 1 2. ft for $20, guaranteed to pass Inspection. Wdln. 3791. KODAKs. We y. sell, rei.t and exchange ko- daks. Sr. n dy. :tl". WashlntUon st. PHONE EAST ZMH. 1SH-KA-B1BBLE COMPANY". Ru ga Carpets and Upholstery Cleaned PILES can be permanently cured .tftut operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaner, Mon. to Mon., $1, or 65c per day, ds live -ed anywhere. Wdln. 159. LADIES EVERYTHING In ued wearing apparel ; prices very reasoname. iauor SET OF books lur course in typing and Oregg shorthand at Behnke-u alker. Cull W o o d 1 p w n r.4 57. LA DIES 1 ha.ve a few silk dresaes for sale at nargain prices. z'none tua.ni 5o2t or call 027 K. Hoyt. KEKT1U.KK. Cow manure, well rotted, delivery any iirr of city. Woodlawn (1233. AL.M OST trunk ; a p t . 21. new Llkii a bargain. wardrobe 12th st.. JjIEBoLD safes, new and second-hand; special prices. Pacific Scale Supply Co.. 4S r ront st Broadway lit OB. SAFES Herring. Hall. Marvin, new and second band ; VAULT DOORS. Bushong & Co.. 70 SIXTH ST. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer a.10 vacuum cleaning done. Last 4045. $52 RADIANTF1RE gas heater; canopy top and pipe; good aa new; half price , 7rtl Division st. HAND-MADE pink charmeue evening dress; never worn. Size 38-40, $50. Tabor 0:117 gas range, cost $90. used one year, will trade for coal and wood range; no Junk. Woodlawn 51 tiO. SUIT of clothes and overcoat, ixo 4o. Call at plumbing ptore. 2-H Washington. WOOD or coal heater, like new. sell for :. Call Wdln. ORIS HEMSTITCHING, ti c . ROOM 215. a 54 M t K H I S O N . MAIN S O 4 5 . FOR SALE 4-10 ieet -inch 0x19 elevator rope; second-hand. Phone Bdwy. 000. INFANT'S layette, new. all embroidered, 1S. Tabor 4140. 245 East 40th st. FOR SAT.F AUTOMOBILES. BUICK U roadster, 1010 model, for sale by owner; first-class condition ; at a bar yaln. Call Mr. Hearn, Main 341. LATE model -a.k.and touring, will sacri fice for $.100; this is the best buy in Portland; forced sulfv Main 71105. 10'2 CHEVROLET 41M1, sedan, brand new. disc, wheels, win taae open rorn or Chev rolet in trade. Phone Tabor 30.12. $076 CASH or terms will buv HtJO Chand ler chummy roaasier. runs ann looks like new. Call .Adams. Bdwy. 404. $175 CASH, terms, will buy my lUL'O Chand ler dispatch, wire w nee is anu a tirea Call A damn. Bdwy. 404. SAVE $150 on my absolutely new, latest Essex touring car. r -. irgonin n. FuKD touring, 101 1, good snape. bn rga In. Phone t.oiumhia oah. KK.P an eye on 342 Burnable at., near Broadway. You'll be rewarded. in;usu w peed. iter, mwp, many extra. Call Woodlawn lli:o FORD roadster body and tall box, 5.V Tnhor 1H50. FOKD lourn.K, late model, to raibe money will sacrifice. Tabor lrtO. 111 f FOltD touring, overhauled, fine con dition. Must be sold. Call Auto. GJiJ-bS. I'OR Sf.K ArTOMOBII.r. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Have been Instructed by the, hoard of directors to sell every , Ford now In stock by Jan. 1, re gardless of our cost; we can save you money on this sale; ail cars marked in p. aln figures. 1021 Steel panel delivery cheap. 1015 Touring t. .$130 1 11 tl Touring 175 lOBlPug, fine shape 225 10K1 Bug 13 1010 Bug 150 1017 Touring 105 1017 Touring 1 U3 101S Touring V:o !1S Touring 205 101 N Touring 1010 iNdtvery 1w 1010 Touring 375 1010 Roadster, delivery 350 1010 Coupe 4.v 1010 Roadster, delivery 25 1 It 1H Sed in 325 10l0Tvck with new body,... 473 liOi.urinu, starter 375 1020 Touring, stiuier 205 102O Roadster, starter, ....... 350 1!2 Sedan 102O Sedan 405 575 4:15 ;m5 425 10 I'll Coupe 10;M) Couiw 1U20 Coupe OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNPATS. UNIVERSAL CAR. EXCHANGE. East 471. East 13i7. USED CAR BUYERS, ATTENTION. 102! Ford touring. 10111 Ford touring. 101H Ford touring. 1010 Ford touring. 1017 I'odife roud.ster. HMS Dodge roadster. 102O Stevens' touring. lOl'O Chalmers touring. 1017 P.tlgo touring. 101S OldHinohlld H touring. lit 17 Packurd 0, stage car. Many others to choose from, with lota of bugs. Late model Hudson speedster, lots of extras. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE. Grand Ave. st East Taylor. Automatic 214-10. STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AGENCY. Oakland, 3-pass , rebuilt, fi tirea. .$ 400 Seripps roadster, painted and re built 00 Chevrolet 400, 5-pass., perfect shape 875 Overland, 5-pass., good aa now ... . 40(1 Packard small 4-cvI.t 5-pass yoo) Buick. 7-pHtfs., 1010; rebuilt 1050 Bulck. 5-pans . 4-cyl., rebuilt 4uo Chandler, 1020. 7-pass., rebuilt.... 1000 Oak in ni roadster, rebuilt and re painted 700 150 0J5 - Saxon tl. 5-pass.. 5 cord tires.... Overland roadster. 1021, new.... Easy Terms. AUTOMOTIVE BALKS CO., 475 Morrinon at 14lh. Broadway 3000. PORTLAND'S ORIGINAL FORD CORNER at BrondwHV and Davit. FOKD US KD CAR SALE. PRICES CUT 2' ON ALB USED CARS. Now Is the time to buy that used Ford. We can S' ll you a car from $125 up. Bring $75 to t he Ford corner and drive home a good used Ford. Bal. eay. A n. w Ford for Ju.it a little down, bal. like rent. WM ix 1 1 UGH SON COMPANY, Authorized Ford Agents, Uroiulway nd Davis. Broadway 321. 1920 BUICK COUPE. This very attractive model of tha popular Buick closed car is In perfect condition, having ben only slightly used by private owner: positively cannot b ' told from new. Phone Main 715. Bar gain BRING YoUR WIFE TO THE AUCTION. Lots of llKht cars of an sixe and make, including tome high -etas makea at your mercy; come and taae advan tage of the o: her fellow's loh . lots 01 t o rites mado happy 1 h rough tne pur cMn-e lo cars at the auction. S-ile com mences at 7:30 P. M. Saturday, Nov. 2d, corner Ht !i and Everet t nt. ' tic ivC C- j t fvi vV cJ ii r E. Closed body t wo-ps ssen ser car In per feet condition ; self -starter, demountable rlina. a renr platform for trunks or bag gage; a line car for tourlna cr suburban u-e. Will b sold nt a great sacrifice; will pay to in vestlxa te. BROADWAY OARAGE. E.ist 24th st. and Broadway FOR SALE. 7-passenger Packard cah-slde Hnious Ine. model No. J-;i5, upholstered In gray whipcord, extra seats with arm rest, faeo forward. This car In In xcel lent condition nnd has run le.n than 25(H) ml I en. Will sell very reason a hie. For f tu t her pa rt leu iars address p, O, Bog No -'17. Spokane. Vnnhlnmon. CHEVROLET roadster with delivery bog on rear. l.o regular roadster hamper. This one Is In good shup but needa paint. $205. lOlvt model. DUNN I NO MOTOR CO., Enst Brondway nnd Union Ave. Phone East Ann. $;iiio Do U N No Interest no brokerage no Insur ance. l.a'et model 1021 Klgin, run only two months: In perfect rondlt Inn. This car wit h ex t ras cost tnda v $ 10M ; will sell for $i54to; only $.loo down, balance $MO per month. Phone Eat OBI 19o FoR D tuuritiK, Ki'od tires, mechan ical condition f irst-clnss. Come over and drive It yourself. The price Is $295 cash or terms. duvniny; motor CO.. East Bi oiidwny and Union Ave. Phone Kitst .tn:t DO YOU know unjuiif who Intends to buy a light car? I am a Ford salesman and will pay you $5 for every completed sale on which you furnish prospect. BD 243, Oregontnn. lyiii NASH tl. nrHt-cT;is condition: K cord tires, spotlight. wlndKhleld, '2 bumpers, double springs; come and see it; I must have the money; prhn $750. 440 Wash. st-. enr 12th and AVash. "" I RD 'I OU RING. 1PLM model, fullv equipped with de mountable rims.; car In A-l merha nlcal condition snd looks good. Best of tvns, Bdwy. 300. FOR D TOURING. ini( Ford touring, in A-l condition, new tP. pnlnt and upholstering. rrhhr good; $',o down, balance Li months. Call Wdln. 721. after DODGE SEDAN. Late 101H. overhnuled and refinlshed: will sacrifice for $S75; easy terms; this is a rtil b:trJnln. Mr. A go. Bdwv. S'.'Kl. BUICK 6 touring. 5 nearly new cords and battery, fine finish, excellent condition, cash or terms; take smaller car part payment. AM 250. Oregonlan. STEPHENS ROADSTER. '21 MoHEL AL MOST NEW; WILL SELL AT BARGAIN OR TRADE FOR ANOTHER CAR. P. O. BOX 820Ti. 1UJ1 FORD touring, btttne as new, driven Lo00 miles; mu't ."-ell at once ; easy terms. Inquire at 204 Davis st. Bdwy. BUICK. roadster, 1011 model, looks and runs like new; cah or time; bargain. K -j 5 ft . oregonlan. KUDSON super-six. 7-passenger, fine con Hiiinn liko new. easy terms to resDon- sible party. Piune Main 042. , 1121 FORD touring, fuily equipped ; $350 cash. Apply ou ner, Mr. Lovett, 22(1 Harrison st. THAT popular chummy roadster; excellent condition ; bargain. Call me at home, S. 11 w ood BQ71. ID is FORD touring hi good shape ; prao- tlcallv new tires and shock absorbers; bargain at $200 Cal! Tabor 3013. litis CHEVROLET roadster, mechanically O. K. Five good tires, $200; terms. Mr. H a tchell, Bdwy. 240 or Fast 000. IF THERE is any information concerning; used cars you may want, call Broadway for free service. ONLY cars in the finest mechanical con dltion are sold at 342 Burnside st., near Hro:t il way. AT 42 BURNSIDE ST.. near Broadway, the r e are sold used cars of iua lity on 1 y 7-PASS. Appprnin, '10 : 0 good tires; goo a condition. Phone Kat 4007.' CALL Broadw: y 301S for complnte in fur m a Hon concernlnguwed rars. BUTCK bug with starter and everything. Owner needs c:ish. T:ibor MHI2. 1U10 FuKU sedan, sell cheap or take clear hnllding Int. Fast 4S52 . N E W KuK D chaysiK. a 1 1 1 net ive d Iscount. Mr. H-itclieM. Bdwy. 240 or East 00. $1'J5 BUYS Chevrolet touring In good run ning shnpe I'htie owner, FaM 17X. FOR FR EE Information concerning used rars call Broadway SHfl. 1020 CHEVROLET In very good condition, only $ 1 00 down. Fast N70. WATCH 342 Burnside st.. near Biuadway, for highest quality used cars. l