18 THE 3IORMXG OTJEGOXIAX, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1921 W A N TED M I SC E I, LA X EOl S. Furniture anted. WE WANT TOUR USED FTPEHOI-D GOODS AND WILL FAY TOP MARKET PRICES. IP YOU HAVE AN V THING IN HARDWARE. TOOLS OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS OR FURNITURE TO SELL OR EXCHANGE. C LL UE FI It ST. MAIN 0072. LEVIN HARDWARE FURNITURE CO.. -21-S-5 FRONT ST. CALL MARSHALL 2y3. I pay absolutely the right price for household goods, a home full of furni ture or one article; I need tables, chairs, dressers, beds, chiffoniers and pood ruga, roll-top desks and pood tools. If you are ready to sell, call -Marshall 2fi3; I wllJ be there promptly with the cash. " CASH FU R N I T U R E CASH. We need used furniture, stove., ran-?, etc., to ship out of town. Will pay higher prices than other local dealer. Call us for one article or a house full and a courteous, competent buyer will call. Broal wa 22oo. 72 North Third t.. Rosen berg's Furnlt ure Exchange. " CALL MAIN 8S7H. Wc pay the highest prices for used furniture. See us before you sell. CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. . Matn S7S. WE ARE in need of your rurniture. If you are ready to sell ca.ll Bdwy 3095. E I) t C A T I O X AX. DO YOU WANT TO LEARN THE AUTO MOBILE BUSINESS 7 Why not apend a few months this win ter in our school and prepare yourself for a good Job when you graduate? We teach all branches of the automobile, tractor, battery and tire business; day and evening classes; expert instructors; lowest tuition fees of any standard rec ognized school; thorough, practical in struction; not a book or theory school; largest system of practical automobile and tractor schools in the world ; life membership free ; our free employment office helps you to a good potation; we have a plan whereby you can earn while you learn; information and literature upon request. HEMP HILLS AUTOMOBILE AND TRACTOR SCHOOL, 707 Hawthorne ave. and 331 Oak st., .Fox Hand, or. WHY BE OU'X OK A JOB OK WORK AT AN UNDERPAID POSITION 7 We have helped hundreds of our graduates to positions paying from $2u0 to eUv per mooin. it you win can a-i Union ave. and Wasco street any day (except Saturday) at 10 A. M. or 2:30 V. m., or sena lor our Dig i.tu-page r mut. catalogue, you will readily understand why we graduate more students who actually make good tnan any auto scnooi in the U. S. Be convinced. Make a per sonal investigation or write for our FREE book No. 5. ADCOX AUTO A AVIATION SCHOOL, UNION AVE & WASCO ST. IF YOU are really interested in a better job and more pay, write for my FREB 7'-page, illustrated Book of Facts. Hundred-- of automobile opportunities ex plained. Pictures of students getting practical training. Tells how you can earn room and board while learning. Tells of wonderful Los Angeles climate. Shows how YOU can do like other men from 16 to 60 years of age who are now enjoying salaries up to $400 a month, because of this training. 1 send this book FR E to anyone interested. Write J. A. Rosenkranz, President. N. A. S., 818 S. Figueroa. Los Angeles. AUTOMOTIVE SCTHOOL. You want nothing but the best. Here ft Is. Standardized with echoola in 60 other cities. Best laboratories, best shop equipment and Instructions. Actual shop practice given on real repair Jons. Re sults absolutely guaranteed. The time for you to "O to school is while business Is quiet. Prepare now for big business openings in a few months. Inquire Ore gon Institute of Technology. Main street at Sixth. Ex-service uieu get STATE ATT). HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Nation-wide demand for high-salaried executives; past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big opportunities everywhere. Write at once for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418, Wash ington. 1. C. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. The oldest in Portland Since 1687, "Personal Service." Day and Night School. Tenth and Washington. Bdwy. -OOfl. LAW Home stuCy; case and quizzer sys tem; half the time at half the coat; complete the course and you will pass the bar or we refund your money; a few scholarships free for reference privileges. Let us explain. Phone Marshall 420-, or write P. O. box 1014. ilUHLEK BAR BE it COLLEGE Will teach you the trade in 8 weeks, furnish a sot of toois to you and give some pay while learning; positions secured ; former ex service men receive state aid while at tending our school. Write or call for catalogue and particulars. 2.14 Burnside. Hotels need trained men Nation- wide demand for high-salaried execu tives; past experience unnecessary we train you by mail and put you In touch with big opportunities everywhere. Writ at once for particulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, dek 1418. , Washing ton. DC. behnke -walker. West's FINEST BUSINESS COLLEGE. Enroll daytime for all business courses. Including comptometer, stenography, banking, bookkeeping. NIGHT SCHOOL $0 a MONTH. Free catalogue. Address 4th near Morrison. Phone Main filtO. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp and face massage specialty, tools free , positions guaranteed; pay while learning; tulliou reduced this term. 233 Madison. ilODERN barber college teaches trade in 8 wki tools furnished, some pay; position secured; special rate this month. Write or call for particulars. 234 First st. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. The school of quality; day and night school. Address 407 Morrison. Telephone Broadway ftps 3. jtui'KV AIT. Teachers' Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles. ex-asf state supt., m gr.. N. W. Bank hlrlg. Auto. 6 1 13. fllli WALTON SCHOOL OF COMMKKC K lias opened a Portland 'office at 412 Wilcox bldg. Bdwy. 0701. LEARN TELEGRAPH"! Hallway Teie- Srapb Institute. 4:t4 Railway Exchange Idg. Night clashes, WANTED Position to teach French or English to children In private family; will travel. J 2.'2. Oregonian. IF UU WANT to learn the vulcanizing business, call 1)8 East Broadway. 2v IG-H T SCHOOL beauty culture. Madame Curtis. Marshall 17'2. 'ISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Main 435. Teach I ng posit Ion, free reg. Yrt fE.s-t ISIIEK Teachers' Agency t ree registration. .Main 274. Broadway hid g. LEARN beauty culture evening Madame urns, .vi .iifMiiin in v . . T I Men to learn vulcanizing trade. Ca II 102 Grand ave. ANYONE wishing to learn vulcH.ii.zuig unit retreading, call at 432 Hawthorne. I f F I P W A NT EI M A I. E. YOUNG man want.-d experienced in book keeping; do not apply unless experi enced; state full particulars, giving age, references, salary expected and tele phor.f number. y 213. Oregnnla.n. IIUO AND SERVICES. Outside man can make real money; get in business for yourself and be the boss and make all the prollts. Call and investigate. 92 6th st. LXP. ADV ERT1S1NG solicitors. Christ mas edition, official grange paper, con taining national convention proceedings. HMXHi copies. Clyde. 209 Stock Exchange. Friday. WANTED Experienced clam diggers to dig razor clams on Clatsop beat h for cannery ; highest prices paid. Wurren ton flam Co.. Warn-nton, Or. WANTED Black lace comedian or team for 8 weeks' engagement. Between 10 and 32 today. J. Edw. Feist, 410 Colum bia bldg. WANTED Man with light covered Ford truck for small road show on the road. Call room 4us Glen wood Hotel, 0th and Burnyule. " YOUNG MAN. ' A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! Investment with services. 523 Henry bldg. lio.w E LESS, 1 1 lend less, unemployed men can find a home at i'lsgah Home colony. Set ppripsc, Or. MAN wanted to work for board and room and sin ti 11 wages In boarding house. 300 M ultno mah st. VaNTKL) Elderly man to utttnd furnace and other light work for room and board. 414 Market, cornfr 11th. Bring references. fcuMPE T E N T m aTe stenographer w anted ; tato age. experience and give telephone number. M 2H1 . Prr gonlan. WANTED First-class experienced baker; best wa ges. Panama restaurant, 100 Broadway. EXPERIENCED salesmen f(,r watches and d amonds. Apply Friedlander'a. 310 Washington M.. Friday nnr n i n g. 11 OV 1 E types wanted. Write . Hector flnverlo. 'lover1o Film Co.. Portland. A i'- 1 OAK i 1 1 LE media n ic, pel mancnt poal fon. T'lione Hast 44. CA BI NET MAKER for furniture factory. Ehsi Trnth. corner of Lincoln. WANT Fi rut -class lathe man on brass work. 305 First st. Good BARBER to take charge of shop. Inquire 079 WflHanm ave. F l ' R men wanted ; a big money maker. Mr. Bertwood. St. Paul hotel. W ILL trade 1017 Ford for carpenter work. Auto. 224-56. HELP WANTED MATE. SECRETARY, young- man who la not only a good stenographer, but is capable of writing the majority of his own letters, a well as looking after the many de tails of a butty executive office; expert ence of a secretary not necessary, if yon are a good stenographer and willing to apply .yourself; splendid opportunity for a live young man. A 238, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN 1 1 Take mis tip: The one best place In this city to assist YOU in finding a position In a clerical, com mercial or technical line Is the Y.M.C.A. Emoioyment department. You can get relianl. Information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you would never find thiough your own efforts alone. All young men and especially stran gers, are cord ialiy Invited to telk with one of the secretaries. Room 807 Y. M. C. A. WANTED By large corporation, young - man 23 to 28 years of age, high school graduate or better (college man pre ferred), with selling ability; must be of good repute and well recommended ; willing to sturt as warehouseman or trues; driver and work at outside points; every chance for advancement. Answer in own handwriting, giving complete details. AR oreeronlan. ARTIST, commercial, accustomed to meet ing rienllnr with unH nunLlnz customers, thoroughly experienced In designing and lettering, cover designs, letterneaas. etc. Snd photo. Mate experience, age. mar ried, salary expected, references. McDERMID ENGHAVINO CO.. LTD., Edmonton. Alberta, Canada. LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 240 Ankeny, Corner of Second. OPEN TODAY UNTIL 1 P. M. 7 bridge carpenters for logging rail road, 55c per hour. SEE US TODAY. $225 PER MONTH averaged by many salesmen; some make more ; congenial, easy work for young or old; experience unnecessary; cash weekly; business sp'endid year round. To open two. Nur sery, box L. Toppnish. Wash WANTED By large corporation, young man to do general office work. Must be good penman and rapid at figures. An swer, stating salary expected, references, age. education and experience. AO 240, i rgnn ia n. Help Wanted Salesmen. AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN. Ma v nmnnil f Inn for vou -to Increase your monthly income from $200 to $400 per month; will not interfere with your present position ; biggest opportunity ever offered In Portland. Call in person at room "D." Portland hotel, Friday and Saturday only. WE HAVE a felling position paying a man from $3000 to $5000 a year. We want a man who In capable of selling a high grade electric cleaner to the consumer and later after proving himself take charge as a manager of a selling unit. The opportunity is a big and attractive one. Give selling experience and refer ence. All replies strictly confidential. B.I 257, Oregon Ian. REAL LIVE electric cleaner salesmen who know they can sell every day and who can develop into crew managers for out side territory; can get lined up with best selling organization on Pacific coast. We mean business, so show us you can sell that's all. Give selling experience. All replies confidential. AF 250, Ore gonlan. WANTED A clean-cut, red-blooded, ag gressive city salesman; must have good appearance and a pleasing personality ; for such a man we have an exceptional'y good money-maktng proposition. Apply 612 Buchanan bldg. between 10 A. M. and 12 or 2 P. M. and 4 P. M Friday. SAY. LISTEN! How would you like this for yourself? One of our men said yes terday: "Give me five more machines. I made $12 before noon the first day and 1 was not over two blocks from this office." Call at 447 Sherlock bldg. SALESMAN who knows he can sell to car owners the beat known end largest sell ing shock absorber for Ford and Dodge Brothers cars. Sold as an economy, not as an expense. State your record fully. J 201. Oregonian. LJvE-VYIRE automobile salesman to sell Ford car and truck ; real opportunity for hustler: 300 cars delivered in terri tory monthly by combined efforts ; get your share of this business. P 239, Orconi;n. PHONOGRAPH SALESMAN House-to-house salesman, best machine on mar ket, lowest prices, direct from factory to customer; liberal terms. E. 33d st. N. and Broadway. Stradivara Phonograph company . A WELL-ESTABLISHED Oregon company that is paying substantial dividends. Is seeking the services of one or two high class salesmen. We want men who are In the habit of making good money. Call (107 Henry bldg., 10 to 12 and 2 to 4. A SALESMAN to sell home electric light systems at a bargain; demonstrator fur nished, no money needed; big commis sion. If interested see Mr. Berggun at the Central Fuel Co., 240 Second st., Saturday. TRAVELING salesman wanted to handle attractive line of luggage on commission baMs. Good chance for right man. Uni versal Traveling Goods Co., Petersburg, Va. HOTEL and apartment house salesman waiiLCii, wnii car, iiiubi tuijuJii w icu iti city; bring references. Apply 525 Rail way Exchange bldg. REAL estate salesman, one with car pre terms v e nave several good buys and sellers 'waiting for a good closer. See M r. Foster. 206 Morgan bldg. REAL balesman. one who will work, can maKe big money. oth st. see Sey mour. WANTED Salesman or woman to s'll an up-to-date line of brushes to the trade; good commission. 203 Oak st. EXPERIENCED salesmen for a new line. No competition. Daily commission. 511 Artisan bidg.. before noon. CHE v R( LET nalesinen wanted. Apply f:i les ma nager. Br"dwn y 240. HIGH -CLASS salesman, good city terri tory ; commission. .' oaar st. WANTED AGENTS. KKA L opport unities wKh big results are far between. Some men fall to see a big thing when before it. A few men with perceptive minds see it at once. We have some wonderful inventions to "be introduced to the public. Come and see for yourself, loo per cent for you. 447 Sherlock bldg. $1041 AND SERVICES. Outside man can make real money; get In business for yourself and be the bos and make all the pro tits. Call and Investigate. 02 0th St. WANTED Agents to sell Anti-Freeze for auto radiators; every auto needs it now: big commission to hustlers. Multnomah C h e n i i rnl Co.. 371 East Morrison st. WANTED Agent to sell a real washing powder. Cull Sellwood 3471. HEALTH, acciuenl and hospital Insurance. Big commission. ftMl Corbptt bidg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. STENOGRAPHER wanted; permanent po sition, for merchandise broker's office; one with some grocery experience and living at home preferred; address, stat ing experience and references. AG 257, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED glove saleswomen; per manent position, good salary. Charles F. Berg, 3o9 Morrison. ANY GIRL in need of a fiiend. apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Main rwno. dm car. . WANTED Ladies call homes. Bell house hold necessities of merit; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 East Morrison st. YOUNG business woman who has ability to meet public and good education. Per manent. Also have opening in eastern Washington. BJ 224, Oregonian. TWO LIVE wires for house-to-hcuse can vaBS. Quick seller by commission. Call between 10 and 12. Mr. Calhoun, 226 Harrison. WANT woman to solicit orders for rug and carpet cleaning; fine opening for steady worker. lah-Ka-Bibbie Co., East 31S. HIGH-GRADE lady solicitor, clothing proposition, good money ; phone Thurs day, Wooulawn 4990; Friday, Bdwy. 1726, morning!. WANT young woman used to children to keep house in wnrkingmnn's home. 1250 Montana flv.; Mississippi car. rAKT lent ul room in nice borne given for part-time services of lady employed. East 7214. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON noma Is ready to help any girl in distress. 951 East Glifari. "MV" car. Eaut 316. WOMAN es companion for two old p-c-.-:e; very light services; good home and $3 per week. Q.H14 40th ave. S. E. urse with 2 years' or mor of training. Moor? ' Sanitarium. 27th and Hawthorne avenue. GIRL for general house, work, good plain cooking, no w-ishing, small modern home; all conveniences. Fhone Alar. 5602 MOVIE types wanted. Write Hector Cloverlo. Cloverto Film Co., Portland. GOOD soprano and alto wanted for local professional worn, Til ford bldg GIRLS wanted at once. Columbia Paper Box Co . East 25th and Holladay ave. WILL CHRISTINA PLEASE CALL MAR SHALL 341 ? EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call 183 park st. Terminal Cafe. NIGHT nurse for mental cases. X 255, Oregonian. GIRL fr tiw Peuny Arcade at 26 N. 2d mU fTET.P WANTED FEMALE. THE WOMEN' 3 Protective Division, oily of Portland, offers Us service in all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and glria; Interviews confidential. 014 Worcester bldg., 3d and Qfk sts. Phone Main 5522. TWO EXP. hotel waitresses, $45, room ana1 board; dining room girl, institution, $35, room and board; housework, care of in valid, $40; housework and laundry, no cooking. $45. Call Friday. Scott's Em ployment Bureau. 329 Henry bldg. WANTED Saleswoman; financial oppor tunity; training free. 0:30 A. M. Broad- way 4320. Wan tea Dome tics. CAPABLE young girl wanted to assist with housework; no cooking or washing. Small family, good home and wages. Tabor 5703. GIRL wanted for general housework; no cooking. 131 Lad ding ton Court. Tabor 67M. GIRL for general housework in good home. 214 10th corner of Tjuvejoy; good wages. GIRL for general housework and assist ' with children. Phone Wdln. 1213. HET.P WANTEDMAIZE OR FEettAIE. PERMANENT profitable business for men and women sale agents to eeU the orig inal Renuilfe Violet, everywhere In Ore gon and Washington. A necessary Xmas gift. Violet Ray Headquarters, 425 Washington st.. Portland. Or. SELL THE trade new imported pocket aluminum pencil sharpener with re newable blade. Each one demonstrates Itself Into a buyer. Ingersoll Mfg. Co. 270 Hawthorne ave. East 8022. 2 OR 3 WOMEN solicitors for house-to-house work ; good commission and an easy seller. For appointment call Main 87uo. Mr. I. J. White, between 8 and 12. WANTED Solicitors to seil Christmas toy amusing toy. sells at sight. Jtoom 516, Palace hotel. x HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Lady porter with J10u cash; don't answer unless you mean business and can leave city at once; legtimate business. AE 227. Oregonian. INVESTMENT of $25 will make you big money. Mr. Bertwood, St. Paul hotel. srrrATTQNs wanted male. THOROUGHLY experienced couple want place. Man up-to-date farmer. Have specialized lh fruit, poultry and hogs. Understand farm machinery, motors. pumps. Can take charge. Best ref erences. Terms consistent with times. t B 273. Oregonian. KETA 1L lumberyard manager wishes to make new connection ; 35 years old ; la an accountant, has experience and the oretical knowledge, knows manufactur ing and retailing. For details write AV i2. Oregonian. DRY GOODS, gents' furnixriing salesman. window trimmer, card writer; ' yrs, old, good references. wants position. Phone Main 4050. Write box H 260, Oregonian. ROOFS REPAIRED. And painted, gutters cleaned, 20 years experience, prices th-s lowest and a guar antee that counts. Main 571 and 1914. PAPERING AND PAINTING. I GUARANTEE ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP AT WINTER PRICES. E. 7S42. J. H. JENKINS. CLEAN, conscientious man, 32. handy with mechanic's tools, badly in need of work, Immediately. Please write or call H. A ibert, care Workmen's Resort. YOUNG man, going to H. S.. wants work after school and on Saturday ; expe . rience, grocery and meat market; can drive car. Sell wood 226. A'l MECHANIC wants position as prop erty man In hotel or flrst-claas apt. house, palnt.ng, upholstery, etc.; very handy. J 251. Oregonian. DEAR FRIEND FARMER, I want a steady job; I am a young, strong, husky American ; good milker; $35 a month. W. C. Cloak. 505 Jefferson. KEL1 ABLE. industrious boy, 10 years, wants place to work and attend school. Call Woman's Protective division. Main (Vn22. WANTED Hauling contract for 2-ton truck. Marshall 910, ask for Northcutt. Friday. ROOFS repaired? rain or shine, all kinds repaired and painted any color, e ve troughs cleaned and repaired. Main 6320. I WILL mix your concrete with mixer for $1.25 per working hour. Call after fl P. M-, East 733. WAN I ED Cord w ood to cut or land lo clear; drag saw work preferred. East 7452. art. 7. WE DO anything, why not give us that odd Job you have? Main 6487, Mr. Collins. CARi'ENTER, new or repair worn; small jobs promptly done; estimates cheerfully given. Tabor 5089. JAPANESE man wishes hotel, apartment, club, store, office or any other kind of work. Aut. 516-04. PAINTING and kalsomining done; prices reasonable. C. Clausen, 554 Johnson St. Phone Broadway 610, WANTED Contract to cut wood ; have own dragsaw and outfit. J. H. Schoon over. Wailuga. Or. MARRIED man wants painting, kalsomin ing; first class; reasonable. East 2822, apartment fi. POSITION In apt house or office building. Can lire, do plumbing and heating and all-around man. Broadway 4'20. EXPERIENCED truck or touring car driver wants work, married man. Call Quinn, Main 8H18. lOU.N'G man 21 yrs. old with 5-pass. Hup mobile. What have you? BF 247, Ore gonian CEMENT finishing by job or day. base ments waterproofed, guaranteed; eide walk glapw. Mar. 2iH)H. MAN, white, single, familiar with house and kitchen work in boarding houses, wants Job. J 255. Oregonian. MARRIED man needs work, painting, tint ing, enamel work, furniture polishing, varnishing. Mnfl!n. East 1816. YOl'NO man with 3 years' experience wishes Job as fireman or any other work. BJ 24S. .Oregonlaru WANTED Position in garage to learn trade, small wages expected while learn ing. H 233 Oregonian. YOUNG man with Ford car would like work ; no soliciting. East S654. TRUCK hauling, furniture, long distance, any kind. 2-ton. Phone East 370H. YOUNG MAN. experienced hotel clerk. wants position a, once. P. O. Box 3167. LOTS cleared, trees, stumps, brush. 321 E. 63d st. N. B 232 Oregonian. WANT work on ranch, can milk cows or drive team; single man. Marshall 1039. JAPANESE machu.lst wants work in busy garage, wages nj object. 57 North 4th st. It' lOU need a barber write or phone W. H. Young. Hood Hotel. CEMENT WORK CESSPOOLS SEWERS. Reasonable rates. Tabor 149H. A SKILLED Japanese boy wants Job In kitchen. Hfiwy. 21H. , JAPANESE school boy wants work. K. Tazawa, 208 S Burnside st. FIRST-CLASS chef, white, wants top or second work. Main 7473. room 2. RELIABLE handy man will work for board and room. G 233. Oregonian. PA I NT1NG, tinting, paperhanging; good work reasonable Sellwood 1399. E. D. BENNETT, paperhanging, painting. tinting 770 Williams ave. Woodlawn 209. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc 240 E. 8th st. Phone East 210. SHINGLING, roof repairing. Prices rea- sonable. work guaranteed. Auto. 325-10. CEMENT work of all kinds, good work guaranteed. Sellwood 919. HAULING wanted. 2 -ton truck, covered body. Bdwy. 2027. JAPANESE boy wishes position as family cook. Cull Auto. 516-69. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages. 1'LUMBING done very reasonably, by hour or job. Auto. 235-51. CARPENTER, jobbing and repairing; also painting and tinting. East 5306. PLUMBER wants work, any Job. reason able; repair expert. Broadway 2583. PAINTING. PAPERING. TINTING. PRICES LOWEST. TABOR 2328 Bookkeepers, .Monographers, Of fl e. YOUNG MAN, 25 years old, eTn ployed at present, open for position Dec 1; experi enced In accounting, credits and collec- . tions, managing office; A-l references. Write AV 007. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, compe tent to take charge of correspondence, general books, cost accounts, etc., de sires position. AO 24S, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER, wide experience, permanent or temporary. BJ 252. Oregonian. BOOK K E EPEK Efficient and reliable, desires permanent or temporary work; ex-service man. B 256, Oregonian. BOOKS opened or cloaed or adjusted; ln come tax statements. Phone Main 36:19. riulesnien. SALESMAN with experience, energy and personality, familiar with building ma terial, construction, engineering and ma chinery; can sell anything; wants a posi tion, city or traveling. AE 270. Orego nian. SALESMAN, twelve years experience sell ing wholesale groceries and grocery spe cialties, wants position traveling in Ore gon or Washington. K 233, Oregonian. SITI'ATIONS WANTED FEMALE. NURSE will care for patient In her own home; diet a specialty. Call Tabor 5733. WILL care for children evenings while parents are away; ref. Wdln. 1611. LAUY. baker aad all-round cook. 206 13 Go. MTF A TTON S W A NT E P FT. M A f. E. AN AMERICAN woman wants cooking in fraternity or sorority house or small ho tel; can furnish best of references. W SHO. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE elderly woman wants light housework in a widowers' family; small wages: please give phone number. nj ,'.-j. uregoman LAUNDRY work., cleaning, helping with ainnera, caring ror cnuaren; references. Marshall 302ft. ELDERLY woman will Go Lgnt house work In a plain family; small wages; give r'none number. H 255. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED. trustworthy lady wants housecleaning. washing or other work; good Wt;k guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. LADY wants portion in grocery or small bakery, some experience. Call Bdwy. 4976. forenoons. COATS, suits, dresses, alteration and plain sewing; prices right. Cor. 11th and Columbia. Main 3T.ni SITUATION wanted as managing house keeper; experienced with servants and children ; city references. Main 4529. COOK, experienced, hotel, cafeteria; can work on counter; good pie maker. Broad way 2s!ifl. COOK ING, ironing, cleaning, help with children; ref. given. Woodlawn 4S3. SOUTHERN cook wishes to serve dinners, parties or any work by hour. East8584. LACE curtains, hand laundered, 12 years' experience. East 6106. EXPERIENCED counter or steam table girl wishes work. Bdwy. 3322. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Phone Woodlawn 1037. . NEAT appearing girl would like to take care of children. Phone Marshall 2194. FOR CARE of Invalids and of children evenings, phone Mar. 340. YOUNU woman wishes daily housework; no washing. Marshall 10S1. EVENING work in cafe or restaurant. P 257. Oregonian. PELIABLE cateress wishes to serve dm- n e rs. Call all w ee k . A u t o. 517-02. WANTED All kinds of knitting, fancy and plain. Phone East 477 CARE for children evenings; will give them mother's care. W 259. Oregonian. Bookkeepers, Monographer.. Of t ice. TYPIST, office work, billing or switch board, by competent girl. Main 947, Miss S:arr. YOUNG lady bookeeper will keep small aet of books and do your banking each day for $3o per month. East 7o'5. INSURANCE stenographer deires pernia nent position ; $ .". W oodlawn 194 4. Dressmakers. GOWNS, distinctive remodeling, special prices on tailored top coats on orders taken until Nov. 26. Broadway 1753. SILK dresses a specialty ; prices reason able. 422" Morrison, room 6 upstairs, THE GLAD SHOP DressmaKing. remodal lng. 1001 Bdwy. bldg. Main 5354. LELAH HUTCHINSON gowns. 902 Broad way bldg. Main 17SS. UKBSsMAKI.NG neatly done. 410 Grand ave. Fast 4177. GOWNS Tailore 1 dresses. M. Barbara Steinber ge. 90 2 B roadway b 1 dg. t HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon sets 5e yard. HM'O Broadway bidg. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker by day; ref erences. Phone 617-05. Nurse a. PRIVATE maternity home; best care to patients; clean place; reasonable. E. 80S COMPETENT experienced nurse with hos pital training Mrs. Costello, Main 7422. NURSING by day or week; prices reason able. Wood lawn 6450. Housekeepers. WANT position as housekeepr In hotel or gentleman's home. Phone Broadway 488. Address 444 Third St.. room 24. SITUATION wanted as governess to young children ; experienced; city references. M a ! n 4520. WANTED By young lady without home, position as housekeeper or companion. L 255, Oregonian. EXP. SWISS lady, '6H, good cook, wishes position as housekeeper for couple or widower. AL 270. Oregonian. REFINED, middle-aged h. k., like charge references. A 232, Oregon lan. POSITION as housekeeper or other work. L 254, Oregonian. DnmMlcii. YOUNG w omau, capabU, good cook and waiter, wants place, 2 or 3 adults; $40. A 267. Oregonian. WANT housework for a young German girl in a respectful, good home. AE 258, Oregonian. Housec leaning. HoUSECLEANING Expert while and Ivory enamel cleaning ; floors waxed, furniture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. ' INS Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning, floor waxing and vacuum -cleaning; estimates cheerfully given ; best of references. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE, LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. WE HAVE a list of customers wanting houses to rent In any part of city; we will find a tenant for you if you list your place with us. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. H2 4th St. Main 0871. TH REE rooms by December 1 ; within walking distance, at East 2d ana Morri son. Prefer unfurnished and must be reasonable; three In family. Give full particulars. AB 241. Oregonian. WANTED TO LEASE From Ow-ner. 8 or more rooms, unfurnished, close In. West side preferred. AH 271. Oregoniap. RELIABLE tenants wish lo leae seven room unfurnished house in vicinicy of Rivera or Riverdale, accessible to River da b?school BY 2 ADULTS, small furnished house, west side, west of Broadway or In Piedmont. Main 6905. , partnients. WANT 3-room furnished apartment or flat. west side, Dec. 1, couple, child years. A K oregonian. K4tonih With Hoard. RESPONSI BLE Jewish couple with two steady home and board with adult fam ily, west side preferred. AE 247. Ore gonlan. GEN TLE M A X want good h ome cook! n g. light front room with plenty or beat ana hot water; C. S. preferred; must be rea sonable; give rates and phone. AM 20s. Oregonian. , REFINED young woman desires room with board in Christian Science family. BD 272. Oregonian. H usekeeptng Knm. 2 OR 3 REASONABLY priced housekeeping rooms or small house. 2 beds, clean, re spectable neighborhood, any distance out. BD 227. Oregonian. BY DEC. 13 or 4 furnished h. k. rms. or fiat, walking distance; young couple; permanent. AN 24. Oregonian. ItusinehN Place WANT small space in store or hotel for curio 0iop; centrally located. L 253. Ore gonian. WANTED Office, furnished, centrally lo cated. Write AG 251. Oregonian. FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. THE ST. PAUL, ISO 4th st.. corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath, $2. Special rates by week or mont h.- i HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rat es to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2ti2. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652V Washington st. Modern, private baths; free phone; reasonable rates. ?3 50 werk up. Main 31. STAN DISH HOTEL. 548 lhth, Washington st. ; nice sleep ing rooms, steam heated, hot water; rea sons bleratejJtweckup. HOTEL TAIT. 12th and Stark Changed hands; rate $1 per day, wk. $5 up;-pri- vaate bath. fJ up: all ouisnie rooms. GOOD, warm, clean basement room for workingman; west side, close in; $2.50 a week. .Main 5223. Ho N. 21st st. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison st.. at 10th $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths ; light and airy. Steam heat. NiciiLY lurnidhed sleeping rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water, reasonable. 260 4 5th st. AKTHLK HOTEL. 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. NEWPERK INS "HOTEL, Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. BEN HUR HOTEL 247 Oak St.. between Broadway and Park. Hot and cold water. Reasonable rates. 2 NICE, clean h. k. rooms, well furnished; 268 Montgomery st. ; very congenial sur roundings. MARLYN HOTEL, 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by day. weeK or montn: rates renucea. LARRABEE HOTEL, modern, steam heat- ed. walking dis. Larrabee and Holladay. BASEMENT sleeping room, near bath, 7US Wash. u Marshall 5170. FOR RENT. Furni-rtird Rooms. FURNISHED ROOM8. Single rooms with artd without bath In high-class apartment house; lots of heat and very clean; will rent to refined gentlemen or ladles employed: references required. From $25 up. Marshall 2830. 166 St. Clair st. FOUR large, airy, furnished rooms, with pantry, bath, electric lights, gas range, also wood range; full basement; newly renovated; nice yard; good residence lo cality; half block from car; close in; $40, including lights and water. Phone Sellwood ISC'J. - HOTEL CLIFFORD, PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL, EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $6 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 day ; week, $5 up; private bath, $8 up; fireproof and clean; close to business enter. hotel Harrison, rooms $2 week. Clean furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc.. 35c and 50c per night; 5-story brick. 43 Front, cor. Harrison., ANSON I A JIOTEL, 124 14th st. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up. $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1050. Large, attractive lobby with flre place. Special rates to permanent guests. WASHINGTON HOTEL. I2TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason- able rate by week or month. BUSHMARK, Wash. st.. cor. 17th; clean, modern steam heated 1 and 2-room apts.. a.ii mrrnins rooms ; reasonaoie otic DA Y, $2-50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate: $3.50 per wk. ; twin beds, parlor, piano and home privileges; 8 minutes' walk from Meier & Frank, 61 N. 18th. Broadway 2721. 2 GOOD-SI ZE-D rooms, not adioining. in large, attractive apt.; could be used as sleeping and living rooms by 2 young ladies employed; kitchen privileges for DreaKrast ir desired; s 17.50 and $12.50. Marshall 2029. IF YOU like a auiet. comfortable, well heated room In nice home anU walking aistance, call Kast 7214. Oood board near by. 3 FURNISHED rooms, close in, Lght and gas, $27. 323 Weldler, corner E. 1st. before 10 or after 3. NICELY furnished sleeping room, suitable .for 2; furnace heat; home privileges; reasonable. 4'.'0 Mill. Main 7HM. LARGE front room for 1 or 2 women with references; steam heat, bath, telephone, all conveniences, west side. Barsh. 4391. 269 14TH, NEAR JEFFERSON Furnished room, walking distance; modern con- veniences. Main 303. NE WLY furnished 1 front room, walking distance; can be arranged for light h. k. East S400. A FINE parlor, ell furnished, to gentle men only. 1 block north of Hawthorne. near I'i'tn st. East 4ph COM PORTABLE room. $1H a month; walk ing distance; near St. Vincent's hospital. 14S N. 24Th st. DESIRABLE room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, close In, easy walking dls tance. west side. Phon Main 3427. LADY wants single working lady to share two-room apartment; must be Jolly; give address In first letter. V 252, Oregonian LA RGE. pleasant furnished front1 room ; 3 blocks from Central library ; use of piano. Mar. looO; $2n per month. NICELY furnished rooms; bath and tele phone; close in; very desirable; $3. 301 14th st. Automatic 521-64 WALKING distance, comfortable room for one or two; next to bath; light, heat, phone. East 10th. East S333. NICELY furnished modern rooms; girls or gents ; home privileges ; heat, hot water. 63 N. 2-M st. Main 1740. BEAUTIFUL room, circular alcove. 2 beds; water. 655 Everett. Bdwy. 35ul, Rea sonable. REASONABLE rooms, ground floor; on wun rirepiaco. L'ist. cor. Kvrett '57 12TH ; modern, hot and cold water. room, walking: men only. FURNISHED room. 51 E. loth st. N., nr. Davis st.; $10; board if desired. GIRL to share room, west side. Main 5013. Miss O'Connor. 2 LoVELY rooms; reasonable; breakfast, if desired ; close in. 417 Larrabee. E. N375. Rooms With Hoar a. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day oi month. Meals served to transients. ONE OF the finest homes In the city, now converted Into exclusive family hotel, catering to families, business men and women; home conveniences, home cooic ing; large grounds, porches, sleeping porches, garage, etc.; transient meals; rates reasonable. Phone East 7384. 223 East 2oth st. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portlands downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single. with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you alt the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. WHITEHALL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 6th and Madison sta. "Mother cooks the meals." We cater to transients; rooms single and en suite; modern; for busi ness men and women and families; rea sonahle rates. Portland's downtown hotel. JEANNE d' ARC. Rooms, well heated, hot and cold water, for business women ; rent them now by day, week or month, $2 to $10 a week; board $5 a week; meals to transients. 2rf5 14th st. Main 3420. THE MARIAN A mall. exclusive residen tial hotel for business women; beauti fully furnished, steam-heated rooms, ex cellent meals; a relined and homelike place ; reasonable rates. 565 Vfa -507 Va Gli fran St. Broadway 243H, ROOMS $15 AND IP. MEALS $5 PER WEEK. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. 779 MARSHALL. MAIN 4.7S THE SOULJfi Sunaav cnicken dinner 75c; week days 50c; all yon can eat: like mother cooked. 191 11th. ROOM aud board tor business girls; all modern conveniences : walking distance: $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st BOARD BOAR D BOAR D. A good place to eat. 135 N. 23d fit. Mar. 2775. HoME cooking. 3 or 4 people; newly fur nlshed rooms. 444 'fe Park at. Roonm With Board In Private Family. FRONT room. S. P., iwin beds, home cooking, walking distance, W. S. ; alo 1 room, unfurnished cottage, suitable for H. K. or sleeping, occupant to do jani tor work; references required. Bdwy. 4033. GOOD room in new bungalow, next to bath, private entrance, $3 per week, with or without board; close in, on car line. Sellwood 174S. CONVALESCENT home, modern, attrac tive, quiet, accommodation for two ladies. Postoffice box 74. Oak Grove. Phone Oak Grove 143. IRVINGTON REFINED HOME, CHOICE DOUBLE ROOM. SINGLE ROOMS; BEST HOME COOKING; GARAGE. EAST 6045. WOULD like to room and board couple employed ; furnace heat, plenty of hot water, use of piano, best of cooking, all home privileges. Tabor 4SS9. FOR 2 young ladles; piano, home privi leges; walking distance; very reasonable; also table board for 2. 408 Market st. Main 5923. WELL-FURNISHED, heated and lighted single or double room In a comfortable home for one or two persons; close In on ea.-t side: garage near. Phone E. 2057. WANTED Lady to board; best care, warm, modern home ; verv reasonable. 642" SOth st. Telephone 614-24. NICELY furnished front room in modern home; hot-water heat; Walnut Park. Phone Woodlawn 4 796. NICELY furnished room with board, reas onable, near Adcox auto school, also dental coljege.305 Halsey. PLEASANT room and board for gentle man, private home, walking distance. ' 564 Hoyt. Broadway 106. LARGE, pleasant, nicely furnished front room for 2 men, with best of home cook- in g; home comfort s. 414 .Market. LARGE front room, with best of meals: 2 in room. $70. Marshall 4193. 533 Montgomery St., opp. Gordon apts. THREE large, pleasant rooms; free heat, lights, bath, fireplace; $35; one large room. 66 N. 21st st. ROOM with good board ; home privileges; 1 or 2 young men preferred. E. 10it3. 235 E. 15th S. WELL furnished room with board for 1 or 2 people, all home comforts, reasonable. Auto. 630-64. PRIVATE home for chlloren; 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2162. LARGE front room in a modern borne suit able for two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. WANTED In w arm, mod. rn home, one or two children. SS X. 22d. 515-74. COUPLE to share modern home with board. $7 week. Woodlawn 6334. SUITE sleeping rooms with board. 100 N. lKth. Phone Broadway 24:0. GOOD clean room with board, close in, e very convenience. P hone Est 7QQ.. WILL board and room children, perm a nent or by day.. Phone East 7481. GOOD room, central, choice home; nice, plentiful table; home cooking. Main 221V. FOR BENT. Room With Hoard In I rival Kami!. v. FOR RENT Large front room with board, suitable for couple; no objection to child; also single room, furnace heat, garage, close to car; reasonable. Phone East 6.5H3. Furnished Apartments. HIGH-CLASS furnished apt.. 2 rooms and sleeping porch, also 4 rooms and sleeping porch with 5 clothes closets, large sleep ing room, 2 bay windows, all outside rooms, very beautifully furnished In Chinese rugs and ivory furniture; the - room apt. available Saturday, can be seen now; reference required; lots of heat. Permanent, and transient. 106 St. Clair st., corner Washington. 1HR EE-ROOM ground-f ioor apartment, suitable for three or four adults; fire place, wood range and gas plate, eJe tric light, phone and gas free, $45; also two-room apartment, stove heat, gas range, extra good furniture, $30. 3M 12th st. Phone Marshall 2024 after 9 o'clock. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank s store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apts., out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient. ' $45 WEST SIDE APT. $45. fiROIINIl I-M.ilOR H I.1HOB ROOMS. Modern, bath, steam heat furnished steady tenants, two adults only. Call at office for Inspection. SMITH-WAGON E R CO., STOCK EXCH, THE ELM WOOD. One 2-room and one 3-room front cor ner apartment now for rent; both com pieteiy furnished; $55 and $75. Auto. 4 15-1 n. Main 60O0. . CARLOTTA COURT. 853 Everett, completely and elegantly .furnished 5-room corner apartment, $100 per month; must be seen to be appre- clated. Au to. 513-25. THE WHEELDON ANNEX, Corner 10th and Salmon. 2. 8 and 4 room apts.; permanent or transient; also . single rooms. .Main QH41. TH REE rooms and sleeolnc alcove, new ly tinted, nicely furnished, walking dis tance. Adults. 56H Market at. 1. J. -Chap man car. Mar. 5 5 52. . BRUCE APTS.. 206 N. 25th 6 rooms, mod ern, steam -heated, all outside rooms hardwood floors, sleeping porch; main rioor. nant law. 3 N EATLY furnished rooms and bath ; Radiant fire heater, pleasant neighbor hood, near Sunnyside school. Apts. $25, garage $5. East 5200. $37.50 FINE RESIDENTIAL SECTION. 3 -room apartment artistically fur nished. Light, heat, telephone service lnniuneq in rent. Main a.siH. DR1CKSTON APARTMENTS, 448 Eleventh. One light, airy, modern apartment, plenty heat and hot water. THE JEFFERSON I AN. 10th and Jeffer son, attractive 3-room suite, moderate rent. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PI-ACE. FUR. 2. 3 and 4-ROOM APTS. 11 A DDE N HALL. 1 1 TH AND HALL. Corner 4-room apt., bath, balcony, hd wd. floors ; walking distance. ! ROOM apt., partly furnished, new and clean, with or without garage-: close in, good car service EaPt S4H0. 29 E. IMth N. N 1 CELY furnished apartments, city heat; 1 nice sleeping room. We&tmluster Apart ments. Main 552. 2 TWO-KOO.M apartments; light, water and heat furnished; fine for working girls or men. 117 N. lsth at. 4-ROOM apartment, mahogany furniture, piano. Irving apartments, 21st and Irv ing sts. Phone Main 9239. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity place, nice ly furn. outside 4 -room apt. Marsh. 1050. lan apt, n ELEGANTLY furnished five-room apart ment, piano; adults ; Nob Hill district, 7so Irving St.. apt. 2. Marshall 2145. NICELY furnUhed 2-room apu. ; elec, gas range, stove heat, water In; $5 week up. H20 first st. r uiton car. 2 LARGE, light rooms; wood and gas range, running water; rem ,.iu a month, 3n5 Grand ave. S. SHEFFIELD APTS., Broadway and Jef- ferson joveiy 4 -room apt., bath, phone. CORNER APT., furniture for sale. 20tb anil purnsi'ic. i mine chml n-nu. TWO-RooM furnished apt. Harrison court 3!M 5th st. ami rmrnsuie. i-none cast tw-iu. TWO rooms and private bath, rent $23.50. Phone East iiM, mornings and evenings. UNION AVE. and Killngsworth, fur. apt.. . 1 1 minnnctr. cuiiucm DUIlQing. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phcne Bdwy. 2443 SAN MARCO, E. 8TH AND COUCTlJ ROOM MODERN APT. EAST 1090. PORTNOMAH, 4 rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porch; adults. 2"0 E. 13th st. 2 LIGHT h. k. rooms, furnished, on third floor; furnace heat: $20. 404 Park St. THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 2 and 4 rm. 1th and Nort lirup. Bdwy. 30.'i8. NEWLY furnished apartment. 671 GUsan street. 2-RM. h. k. apt., homey, central; reason able. 415 Broadway. ARDMAY TERRACE, 305 12TH ST. Large, light. 2-room apt. Rent $55. 1 nluniished Apartments,. IRVINGTON. BOWMAN APARTMENTS. 4-room outside apt., H. W. floors, French doors, steam heated ; Janitor service, washing machine, vacuum, $75, December 1. East 1369. WK'KEKSUAM. INth and Flanders 0 room apts., unfurnished ; large, 11 gh t, airy rooms; excellent service; references. I h on-e Bdwy 2201. IONIAN COURT, lhth and Jouch 3 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ed : rinse In; adults. Broadway 2761. STEVENS APTS., 701 N'orthrup, 6 large outside rooms; not water heat, fireplace, sleeping porches. Main 0358. WILL share west side apartment, every thing separate; references required. AR 2 3 9. O re g un;tn. ONE L.Nr- UKN1SHEO aparuaeltL The Wilrn-ir. 742 Evrett st. 3-ROOM modern" apartment, $ 45. . Buena Vista apts., 434 Harrison st. MODERN 3 and 4-room apts.; heat, lights. 724 K. Fiirnde. East 4075 ONE 2-HOOM corner apartment, hot-watur het. The Rexford. Main 553. CLAY FOOL A I'TS.. 3 rooms unfurnished, 2 beds, adults. 424 flay St. ""Furnished or Lnfurnished Apartments. 3 ROOMS and bath. Durfey apts., 308 Stanton st. FllttH. $37.504 ROOMS, MODERN $37.50. E. 12th and Davis, walking distance ; living room with fireplace and gas heater, dining room, cabinet kitchen, b"lroom and bath, nice sleeping porch. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. r O It rt t - ice o too in iihi w n n Sleep ing porch; all newly tinted; modern; fire place, furnace; walking distance. 46 E. 14th st South. 5 LARGE beautiful rooms wiih bath, Dutch kitchen, good location. Wood lawn 355M 672 Alberta St. 6-ROOM flat, walking distance; nice view; w. a; fireplace furnace. 39 H 16th St., s. of Montgomery; $37 50. Vinney. 3-ROOM upper flat, 1 NO Chapman, near Yam hill ; clean, unfurnished or part ly. $45 STRICTLY modern 5 rooms, sleeping porch. o.2 k. .Main st, Furninhed Flats. 4-ROOM, corner, furnished flat, except bedding and silverware; private bath, wash trays and Ruud water heater, wood and gaa range, electric lights ; adults only; $30. 733 Rodney ave. Telephone Marshall 3S73. WILL lease my 5-room fiat for 6 monthi to responsible adults; fully furnished, including piano; absolutely modern; must furnish n-ferenrrs. Main s529. FIVE rooms and sleeping porch, steam heated, close in on we.t side, just off Washington, for rent; furniture for sale. Broadway 267. J'ODERN, clean, cheerful, 4 rooms, sleep ing porch, bath front balcony, fine view; private furnace, basement ; west aide, walking distance; re:er-nces. Mar. 420. MoDErtN 4-room furnished lower fiat; good residence district ; very reasonable. Sellwood 15H2. Call after 9 o'clock. 5-ROOM furnished flat, close in; $35 a month; adults only. Apply 321 Hol laday St.. or call Broadway 245. i-KUUM modern tower fiat at t20 Vaughn St., near Montgomery Ward; adults. 25. Call 745 j Roosevelt St. Marshall 3710. FURNISHED 4-room flat, strictly mod ern ; free heat and light ; adults; $05. ia k. ith st. FOUR-ROOM furnished flat; walking dis tance; adults: rent $30. U3 E. oth st. N. Phone East is05. 4-l.tOAl. muuern. nicely furnished fiat. flia Commercial st. Phone 319-01. a BEAUTIFULLY furn. five-room flat; large front porch. 7M Gltyan st.. flat C. MODERN furnished flat, close in. East 0098. 5 RO MS. nicely furnished. Call Aut. 218-W!t, or E. H036. 5-ROOM furnisiied f:at to rent. 126 N. 16th st. Call from 1 to 4 P. M. PART of well-furnished Mat; piano; rea- sonahle. Marshall 342. 7IH U Hoyt. ELEtiANT downstairs Hat. well furnished. Woodlawn 4't7. Housekeeping Room TWO CLEAN furnished 'housekeeping rooms; walking distance. 4b2 Wash- Ington st. FOR R ENT Housekeeping room at light and clean. 34 Park st. FUKNlfrHED DOWNTOWN H. K. rooms, cheap rent. 258 V Wash., cor. 3d. ONE It. K. room; lights, gas and furnace; 417.50 a month. 634 Mill sU FOR KENT. Housekeeping Kotnit, ONE LARGE room and kitchenette and one single housekeeping room; light, gas and plenty of heat furnished; also one sleeping room ior gentleman. Bdwy. 3o73. 135 N. lKth. cor. of Hoyt. . FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot a-nd cold water, private phone, electric light steam heat, five minutes' walk of town. 2ul Columbia. near Fifth. 2-RooM housekeeping suite, nicely fur nished, every convenience; walking dis tance, west side. Catl 70 N. 15th st. Broadway 2"43. 2 PLEASANT rooms and Urge bath room, gas heated, excellent neighborhood, near Sunnyside school; rooms $25, garage $5. East 5200. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, reasonable. 1. 2. 3 room apts. 194 Lownsdale, cor. 1, 2, S-rom apis. 194 Lownsdale. corner TayIor. TWO housekeeping rooms, garage and electricity: Mount Scott car In front of door. 5527 72d at. Gut off on Millard avenue. $18 a jnonth. THE BEAVER. l2tn and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $ 15 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. NICE single room ; but It-in bed, kitchen ette, private bath, private entrance. 400 Market st.. after 10 A. M. 2 LARGE h. k. rooms, modern ; lights, water, bath and phone; $27 and $25 a r month. 631 Thurman. Bdwy. 422. 2 NICELY furnished h. k.; newly tinted; heat, lights, bath ; walking distance. 30Q Chapman, corner Mill. 2 AND 3-ROOM housekeeping apt., rea sonable rent, 1 block from DM car. 273 N. 21st. 2 AND 3 housekeeping a part men ts, very reasonable. 392 E. Burnside and Grand ave.. Mrs. C. Manson. TH RE E-room furnished housekeeping apartment, newly renovated; $6 weekly. 350 14th. 2 FRONT housekeeping rooms. 495Mon- gomery. Mar. 3bJS. N E W L Y and w ell-t urnished h. k. rooms. 2.e0 per week and jip. 1ST N. !th s I louse keeping Room in f rivaie 1 svmily. ON E LARGE, modern furnished house keeping room with kitchenette. Well furnished. Bet. E. 5th and 6th sts., near Grand ave. Suitable for employed couple or two working girls. E. 02i. NICE, clean, modern, weli-heaied 2-room front h. k. apt.; light, phone and gas every convenience for laundering; reason able rent. ,va r. Ash, corner loin, i biocg from Montaviiia car. $20 THREE large, fully furnished h. k. suite, seconu floor: nicely located; gas. wood stove, electric lights and water free. 564 E. Sixth st. Sellwood 1 19 3 CONXKCT1.NO rooms: contain all the conveniences of an apartment house. with the comfort and privacy or a nome. . wrnams ave. t hone .Hi i - M . TWO LOVELY large furnished housekeep ing rooms, modern house, furnace heat, ga range, parlor, piano, working couple Main 1311. 23 X. 24th st. 11.50 TWO COMFORTABLY furnished basement rooms; gas, wood stove, sink, water and electric lights free; walking distance. n4 K. Kth. 3-ROOM apt., part I y furnished, new and clean, with or without garage; cios in; good car service hast Mn9. 29 K. lMh -Y TWO front room Iirst floor; private en trance; furnace hen t ; two blocks off Washington. Mar. 824 evenings. 11. K. ROOMS. ualMni; distance. 275 Will iams nve. East 57!7 Mrs. Wilcox. $35 THREE housekeeping rooms; adults only. 4-. hast ,in st. ; aiso garage. TWO-Hot M apt., large single b. k. room. 30.i Jefferson St.. cor. .tn st, 1 HOUSEKEEPING room, rultable for cou r rm it loved. "Oil East Broad wv. $ FURNISHED h. k. rooms at 038 East lavior st ; private iamny. $20. ROOM with kitchen use la homeUke people, west sine Main 3-iUX)M flat; private bath; private family 03 E. 19th st. N., ror. Davis. House. FOR. SALE or rent on lease, 7-room house, large sleeping porch, full cement base ment, wash trays, furnace, nice lawn, fine neighborhood; 6 blocks Laurelhurst park; living, dining and breakfast room newly done in old ivory and tapestry pa per; white enamel aucnen; two iniien and bath Tabor 5501 Key at 196 E. 30th. PI A N OS moved. $3 ; stairs extra, $1 each flight; 3( days free storage on all house hold goods; furniture moving, one-ton truck, $2. per hour; large truck. $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer Storage Co.. lo ."N. otn St. Open Sundavs and evenings. LA RGE 6-room house with sleeping porch, absolutely modern, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, new tapestry paper and tint ing, garage; Rose City, close in. near car; 00 per month. J. R. HAIGHT. REALTOR. 327 Board of Trade Bdwy. 2045. SEV'EN-RooM house, close in; furnace, garage, combination gas and coal range, linoleum and coal for sale cheap; rent $.'0; no small children. 4 19 Benton st. Can be seen up tiil 10 A. M. and after 1 P. M . tod av and Friday. , MODERN 0-nom house; gas. electricity, trays. Dutch kitchen, furnace, coll, ce mented basement, nice yard, close in, w est side ; good location. 620 N'orthrup. Broadway 2920. . ROSE CITY PARK 7th St., 7-room mod ern hoUK with srarage: $55 month: will lease fnr 1 year; no children: readv to move in. see owner. Ada re as jj Grand a ve.. city. 8 ROOMS; 4 large bedrooms, furnace, fire place, in Al condition, close to car and school: Eugene st., near Rodney ave.; rent $55; references required. Owner, East 4277 . FIVE-ROOM clean closv cottage. 1244 E. Madison, 1 blk. Ha wthorno ave,. car, $31.50, Including water; open till noon to! a v. Phone M a In 21 29 Friday. LA U RELH URST cottar, rt rooms: will lease; $55; garage. Call for key, office. :(!ith and East Glisan St.. st 11 A. M. to. da y CALL BROADWAY 50 FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRICi CO. LI G H T Pt ) W K R H E A T. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. 2l E. 13TH ST. N. 7-room house; will give lease If wanted. JOHN BROWN & CO.. Realtors. 322 Railway E x r h . Bldg 12-ROOMKD modern home, hardwood floors, fireplace, tiled bath on each floor, large cement porch. 304 E. 4Hth at. N. Mulr. loo!'. MODERN bungalow. furnace. fireplace. Close-in. Garage. Inquire 589 Williams avenue. MOVING Pianos, furniture and long -distance hauling a specialty. O. W. Truck Service Co., 4Q 20 st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free ; furniture mov ing fnr leys. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, get th best at lowest price. Green Transfer Co., MMin 1201. 202H Alder st. WILL lease beautilul IrvlngLon home nlce.y W 2 4 1. Oregonian. 506 E. ASH ST. Large, comfortable 6 room house; hot water heat furnished 5-RooM cottage, $18. 264 Porter at., nar 4th. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. Main 7452. NE W LY tin (efi modern house. 0 rooms ; good furnace and easy to heat. 455 E loth N . near Thompson. 134 E. 29TH ST.. near Belmont; 6 rooms. garage; modern; rent $50. J. Haas. Mar 3324. Foit R ENT Moilorn 6-room bungalow In Kenton add. Apply 10 id Brandon at. Thursday or evenings. 7-ROoM modern house, sleeping porch and g.irage ; $70. Ladd addition. Phone East 50O5. -KooM house. 85 H Tnurman st., near 20th. Rent $15. Wakefield, Fries A Co., ST. 4th st, 7-RooM modern bungalow, paved st . ga rage , beHUtlfulloaJjon FO R RENT 5 mum, new bun as low, E. 49h st. South. 254 3d and Madison. 5-RoOM modern house and gars go. Haw thnrne district. 39th t., $40. East 3217. -ROOM apt., private bath, st am heat- ij : S2o per mo.: wct ynie. war. $30 0-ROi M house. 68 Union ave. N. Main 470. N E W MODERN col t ago, 25. Broad w ay 0124 or Main 3309. DOWNSTAIRS of modern house on west s:dr. Mam H'4 15 E .T'Tll AND BURNSIDE; 6 room: ;:To. 2irt ROSS STREET; SIX HnoMS; $25. I unlimited 1 1 on e. ROOMS, finely furn.; h. w. Moors, fur nace, fireplace. gas or stoves; swell ni-lgh hnrhood. 1 IT7 "ev!and. Wdln. .'30. $25 FURNISHED houseboat on land. ft. Nevada St.; water, electric lights. Chas. Rlngl'-r. 225 Henry bMg PA RTLY furnished 5-room lower (la t ; all modern conveniences. 717 E. Burnside. I'll one East SM52. 4-R jo.M furnished house. Kas l.ghts, not modern, but clean ; $22.50; adults; Mis si s:pnlrrl04PtMnt PART or all of a nice home. 3 to 6 months. Call E. 1223. Hawthorne and 22d. Refer encrs SALE or rent, furnished 7-room home; in closed sleeping porch, modern ronven enes: garage, furnace. East 0565 7-KOOM furnished house. Nob Hill; will leafe: amnis omy. .vmin 5-ROoM house, furnished complete wlu Piano. $45, Call Woodlawn 44. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house, $35. B. K. ROOM in private family; 2 fur nished H. K, rooms. Tabor 2729. FI V E-ROOM furnished house with gai ago. 20. 344 K. 7th st. FOR RENT Bungalow, furnished, and ga rage. 1001 Taylor Ferry road. .Eultoa car. FOR. RKN'I , luriiiohrd I! ou PORTLAND 1 1 EIGHTS. 6-room furnished bouse, close to far- line, nice view ; show n by a.ppointmei. t only; $75 month. CoE A. McKENNA A CO.. . R2 4th St. Main 4322. HANDSOMELY APPOINTED MODERN H O M E, ATTRACTIVE LOCATION, LEASE SIX MONTHS OR LONGER; REFERENCES REQUIRED. MAIN 4711 $05 8-Ri -OM house. Pol Hand Heights. all modern, nicely furnished. 1 block to car line ; to rent for d mont hs; refer ence Marsh ill 1629. FIVE-RooM furnished huiiM'. near Pied mont car barns; good location, near car line FURNISHED bungalow; aduMs; tnd of Irv lncton car. two blocks east. I'Ol Eat Kth N NICE LY 7i n is lied it-roo in modern house. 194 21st, near Washington. Apply Wake field. Fries- A Co.. S5 Fourth FURNISHED coltaKe. 4 looms and batu; Radiant fire, gsraRe; f:i5 per mo. lu qnlre QMS Williams ave. o-RooM bungalow, partly furnished: ga rage; raved street. 3016 o2d St. 8. E. Ta bor 760 S. WILL lease mod rn 5-room well furn. shed house to responsible couple; rent 135. 04 E. fllst st N.. MV car. T.ihnr 3123 lion-em. I or item -uriiKurr mr hnl. 7 ROOMS, h. k., good furniture, large yard, fruit, furnace, clean in and out; cheap rent ; very close in on east side, on car line; this Is a good home with in come ; $450 Kit st 7.".Y FOR SALE Entire l urn is h it.g. new this month, in modern S-room house. House for rent. For particulars write G 25fl. O r egonlan. FOR RENT On car line, good 6-roorn modern house for $20 month, to people buving furniture, some cash.. Wdln. 30:M. HOUSE furniture complete for rent or a!e. rea sonable, g.tod condition. Phone Aut. 62H-4S. 546 Yamhill st. HOUSE for rent, furniture for u.e cheap. 230 Mill st. Mar. 3'.ts6. 6-ROOM house., rent $25.00. Furniture irr sale. 593 E. Ash. 6-H. HOUSE, 3 apts.; sell furniture or rent responsible people. 32 B. 1st st. N SEASIDE. Or., Del Mar Apts., 210 3d it. Open all winter: low rates Stores and lliiHine Flares. STORE for rent. 913 Thurman. nar 27th. $40. Will lease for three yea"; living room In rear See Ball Is. Wakefield, Fries Co., 5 4rh st. FoR AUTOMOBILE repair simp or stor age, a 22-100. East MU and Oak. Phone E a t 404. FINE light top noor 50x100, long lease; N. W. steam heat, good elevator. D. C Wax. 24 N. 5th. Bdwy. 273. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof wr. house phone Broadway 3715. FOR REKT STORE. 200 MILL ST. $20. 1 A It' ' It IIM. ST.KE !' Call K 4:h st Office. REDUCE YOUR O V F. R HE A D. Weil-lighted and heated offices, single or In suites, central office building n financial section of city. low rentals. 8e Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second street, corner Stark. SUITE offices. best servlr. reasonable rent; also furnished private office. $15. 2o7 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yam MM. , , Fl RN ISH ED office with -iephoiie and stenographic service if desired. e32 .11 orpa n inn k N.AROE home, ullbe room, fur., 2d floor; close In; light, heat. gas. Call at olfice i s. i h. -it n st . FURNISHED oftic- tor rent. $17 5o. In cluding use or pnone. on iiishumt i Comni'-rre hM g DESK room with telephone ami u no te ra phlc service. 1 ' h n e I t w y. 37 1 5. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ea change bldg. Apply room "12. OFFICE rooms ami pav for light mfg. 2 1 9 Stark. Broadway 40!'. MiM-elhliieons. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week. Monday to Monday. $125. includes de liver y. E. L. Kn i g h tC o B 1 1 w y . 1 4 3 Lc7TTTe hall and hall for dancing, or will rent for ot her put poses ; ii:Nin heat ; rent reasonable. G. E. Wet, 170 2d st HI'SIVFSH Ol'IMlHU'MTI FS. MoRE than value in sight. Cleaning and pressing, a hinh-r!as shop: nets $250. living rooms, iuiniture, HoKmin press, all $so0. SHE MRS. HA CO. 526 Henry Bldg Mmadway 1001. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS RIGHT SIMMS SELLS STOKES. 610 HENRY BLDG. GARAGE. $1150; CAN T BE BEAT. A real good garage, full of Moragr, each tenant has a key, place does nights; west side, downtown, good lea.e. SEE MRS. 11 AUG. 526 Henry Bldg. Broadway 1904. PATENT Mr. Promoter, an invention of real merit; will take large llmou-lne as part pavment: automatic valve and dust rap combined, for ail pneumatic tires. Write A. Tuft, box M R. 7. Salnn. r. CAUTION BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called Interest in established rea estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Hoard. 421 Oregon bidg. Phone Broad a 1902. . CAFETERIA. 5-YKAR LEASE. Downtown location, good equipment. n-ts $500 month. This Is a splendid buy; $3500. See Mrs. Haug, 520 Henry bldg. Brosdwnv l'Mil. " be your own boss Restaurant, good leae, tine, clean pluce. cement floors. n t $359 moot It ; a bargain. $17o0. See. Mrs Haug. . Henrv hide Hrnnrlw ay 1M"I m CAFETERIA Doing $100 per day; long lease; $6000; terms. nn a. c. ri.Ricir co.. 602 Stock Exchange Hldg. RESTAURANT SNAP on west-side busy street, doing $40 to J,o dally; rent $4o, with lease; price $14o0; $750 cash, easy terms on balance. SIMMS. 610 ll-nry Bldg SPECIAL, PA KTNK Its HIP !n garane ami service station; want In terested help; sell gas. oils, repairing, etc. 22 cars steady storage; half interest $725. Room 4Ul Dekuni bids. iloiCKUY W EST SIDE. Washington-street location doing $ 5 a day business; rent $."; price $2000 or invoice; or will consider partner. 514 Railway Exchange. TILE AND BRICK MFG. Body of f lucM quality clay, larg building full equipment, machinery, do ing good business now; sickness- causes sa. R o' 511. Railway Exchange ( 1 R oC K II Y, $.150. With 8 living rooms, east side location, doing good buslriefs; rent reason a bin; must be sold this week. 514 Railway Exchange bldg. (ilii h'KHY. Eajt side local ion, doing $20 a day business; rent $30; price $7o0. 514 Rali- way Kxi-han g e b i ' K . $250 CON F. AND Lit HIT G K . Place to get a start. Rent $10 with living rooms, corner location.. 514 Rall w h y Exchange bi'ltf TRUSTEE SELLS T A I Lo K SHi'P. Small, high-grade tailor shop, fixtures and stock ; sell all or part at big rim- rount. Gol'Umit h, truster . Piatt bldg. EXCEL ENT 'opportunity for mechanic as partner In pond repair shop and stora ci garage; very profitable; $2t00 required. 5 I It-'1 llway Ex'-hatiK" CONCRETE KMixloO PARAGE. Choice location, has Ford service, fully equipped shop; $3ooo bundles it. Room 4oi pekom bldg. WoRK for ourself. nm.Cl capital reijulnd; established wood -work log piunt . doing good business; cash or term. BF 25;i. ( tregonlnn. Mo7EHN restau'snt fr sale, flood pay ing modern restaurant in Itvflv ra II road town in estern Oregon. Inquire of The Oregonian. A V '2U CASH-AND-CARRY grocery, doing $100 day guaranteed ; r-i:t $25; Invoice. SIMMS, 01" H'-nry ldK WOOD and coal busim . 2 irucks, wood taw etc. and plent y ou ; prof it s $400 month; books ip--n to buxe.-; $l,soo han dles It. Room ol Deknni h'dg GROCERY store ai invoice. Mock about $35UO. fixtures $40ll; rent $37 30; w ill IHKP III"'" 1 ' --- " 1 ' " t . William" sve. Woo. l. i wtl 13.1 J DAN D Y lilt ie r i.iui 11 tit . ju( 11 h lit for 1 two; rent "my )i, wun si.-t pin room . price $''ooo. half cu-h. Dariaiul Rcu.iy Co.. a:' ' Miion n 11 'f v it c v v t w 1 1 Downtown garage, clears $3o0 ra h prr onth. low rent terms On" Couch M-lg. month, low rent I v YOU have $15. can s-peak E not crippled, call at 4ot Salmon gt., room 4. betwein 0 and 11 V. M lo'lay $250- 12 lets you In dandy business; investigate this. H7 Condi b'.tl ir Fo It l A LE Soft - drink n-f.iMui.uit : own r will not go to old country. Call Mr Chopin, fl N 3d st Hroadwav I"".-, BVltHEit ihup for sale or rem, two chai:s. Write r, KO. MOODY. WASH H'fiAL. W PH RESTAURANT doing cash will handle. Grand eve d business : jr.oo dw. T. Orr, 115 WANT Advent. st partm-i w.ih $.".00 cah CLEAM NG ANK ENY AND PRESSING Sllop, A-l GROCER Y m lid f X . urea for a.e )t owner no ;'( rw i r: vi:t xi MAN OR woman to run dance business: loois capital. HJ 30. Oregonian.