THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1021 REAL ESTATE. For Snip- -ll'ile-i. READ THIS: ROSE CITY PARK. LAURBLHL'RST. Folks, we've (jot mme dandy buy, now In th.e popular -liatrlct. Drive out to our east Me office. 40th and Sandy, today and see for yourself. 3S00 Roje City district. 2 blocks from Sandy. New bungalow with hardwood floors, fireplace, buf ftt. Dutch kitchen. breakfast nook. Heautifully finished In old ivory and white, tapestry paper. A real bungalow of class. miu cash will handle. $4000 TO BE BI IUT. Kolkit. here Is your opportunity to stcure a 5 room bunjsalow with hardwood floors. fireplace, all built-ins. Douhle constructed. Full lot, 2 blocks from tiandy; paving and sewer paid. $5000 Ti rooms and sloping; porch. Lo cated below thn hill in Rose City. A real buy. Modern In every way. !.S0O New. n-ady for occupancy. One of tho.-e real good-looking, down right modern homes; enduring construction. We urge an In lnspectlon. You'll like the house. 10100 l.AI KfcLHL'KST. A wonderful bungalow home located on .ld and Oregon streets. The owner has moved to California. The price is extremely low. I.ots of class and distinction. Built by one or f-ortlanu s best builders. bee for yourself. EAST SIDE OFFICE OPE.V TODAY. A. O. TEEPE CO., 270 Stark St. Main 8092. East SId Office. 40th and Sandy, Main 3uU2. REST SAVERS $ 800 3-room ceiled cottage, with gas. city water, sink, small garage, lot SOxH.'S, fruit and berries; iliO cash. I"!l monthly. $ 50 Neat small 2-room cottage, with sleeping porch, on macadam St., jot 4OJC10U; a neat little home cash. $:.. monthly. $1000 3-room shack, with gas. city water ana sink, ground iotxioo, wonderful soil, in Woodlawn; $1(M cash. U5 monthly. I1S50 -Neat little J-acre home with 5-room cottage, with electric lights, running water, some ber ries, 2 blocks from Kstacada car; t'WO cash, 13 monthly. $1310 Neat little 3-room cottage, gas, electric lights, city water, H acie of ground, small barn, 2 chicken nouses. JJ bear ng fruit tree" some berries; $70 cash, $15 montn ly. $1500 Neat 4-room plastered cottage. electric llgnts, gas, city water, hot water tank, good cessoool, white enameled Dutch kitchen. fruit and berries, fM cash, t-o mommy. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. Realtors, 7:12 Cham, of Com. LAURELHURST. MODERN AND COMPLETE HOCSB. I Invite Inspection of my new and modern 1-story bungalow (occupied only short time). Consisting of five rooms, bath, hall and breakfast nook and large unfinished upstairs, suitable lor two rooms. Hardwood floors through out, exclusive lighting fixtures. Imported wallpaper, high-grade plumbing, plate glass windows, bevel plate glass door, French doors, mirror door, very best hardware and furnace and many other conveniences. Screens on doors and win dows. Lot aoxlou, faces south. Garage and full cement driveway. Beautiful lawn and shrubbery. If you want a good house In a nice district at $1000 less than value and have cash or a large payment to make, address C 240, Orego niaii. for appointment. IKJsilS LITJf PARK. $S3.X) $500 cdsh. $r0 per month, buys that new bungmow you have been look ing for. Living room is 2H ft. exending the full width of the house: beautiful dining room with French doors: cove molding in living room and dining room: two large bed.tjoms, with pass hall into the bathroom. Buffet kitchen. with breakfsst room, cement basement; large attic, faces east on corner lot with pave ment in. and just one block from Sandy boulevard. Wo think it is a real bar gain you look at It and tell us what you think. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 2H Railway Exchange Bl.ig. Alain 88. Branch Office: Both and Bandy. Tabor R4R!i. HAST JSIDK BU.NUALOW, J ."".(Hill. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, modern, fireplace, bookcases, full cement base ment, furnace, laundry trays, gitjrage. J'rice includes new gas range and ex pensive linoleum on bathroom floor. All improvements in and paid; a bargain at the price. Only $.)00 cash, balance easy terms. DEKlTjf A JORDAN. 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg Fourth and .stark Sts. Main 223.1. NEW HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW. Five rooms and large floored attic, complete to hardwood floors, furnace fireplace, all bullt-lns. cabinet kitchen, garage, on beautiful lot. Very fine loca tion. ONLY JSvOO. TERMS. MARSH & McCABE CO., REALTORS (W2-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3UU3. Evenings Tabor 430. ROSE CITY. ..BONUS OK LITTLE CASH, oi ?2'.' .iV1' 4-ROOil BUNGALOW. ?l,?-,T.?..SAN"Dy- '-ARGE LIVING AND DIN'INU ROOMS WITH OAK ?r,tU .Hjy'EN WITH BREAKFAST BLY -N1CE BEDROOMS. A GOOD R. BOMERVn.LE. BDWY. 2478 320 U. S. NAT. BANK BLDtl. IRV1XUTON. . oaou Don t miss this chance; 5-room bun galow and sleeping porch, fireplace, fur nace, concrete basement; lots of bullt lns; garage on lot of 30x100; on Mult nomah street. COE A. McKENNA CO.. M.lln fiSTl. Mr. Kearn.. ready to move Into, strictly mod ern, French doors, tapestry paper, full basement. This is a beautiful little place and only $5,100. excellent terms; right on the Irvington carline at 742 E. 13th st. N. Drive out and see this or call Bdwy. flSOS. $2200 TERMS. This Montavilla bunga low must sell, owner needs money; 6 rooms, modern plumbing; full concrete basement: full size lot; this is absolutely a $3000 house; will take light car and cash as first payment. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railway Exchange bldg. Bdwy MS. IRVINUTON BARGAIN". Modern home: has five rooms and sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, full cement basement and heating plant, garage and abundance of flowers; street paving and cement walks In and paid for. Price $H000. liberal term. See Webster L Kincaid. realtor. 401 Lewis bldg. Phone Broadway 473 3 . BEING PLASTERED NOW Will finish seven-room house, two bed rooms downstairs, two upstairs, cement porch; solid concrete to garage; beauti ful fireplace; hardwood; hot-water heat if desired; block south of Sandy; class A-l heavy double construction. Call owner at Main 7511. $300 CASH, BAL. $33 .MONTH $2750. ' Five-room bungalow, living room, din ing room, 2 bedrooms, bath, basement, Sox loo lot, fruit lre.: one block to car. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS, Broadway 4731. 410 Henry Bldg. TVIYJI'I A Close to Willamette blvd., 6-room house, fine view of Mocks bottom, block off car: full basement; on lot 3uxlou Dou't miss this bargain.' I OE A. McKENNA CO., Main fls-i. Mr. K earns. $3(10 CASH, BAL. $37.30 PER MONTH. " Buys a beautiful new 4-room bunga low on a looxloo lot. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO REALTORS. Broadway 47M. 410 Henry Bldg. ALAMEDA NEW. ' For $S3O0 can offer the best buy In ttfla cistrlct; Hi -story, 7 rooms, all bullt-lns; reasonable termai Shown by appofntment. W. M. Umbdenstock & ' Olrfi V r..i ...... v.'", vi-B-ii I'l'iH. jMiwy. it,,,- HAVE a dandy 5-room bungalow in Sell wood to trade for car; modern through out: large lot with fruit and shrubbery a very pretty place and the price Is right. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Railway Exchange bide. Bdwy. HtOS. MOOERN 4-room bungalow. close to school and hear Multnomah, on the Ore gon Electric; only $20110 on easy terms. For particulars see Ben Klesland 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park at., or his agent, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah office. SIX-ROOM modern bungalow in Irvington; 1 block from car on 10th street North; will sell at builders' cost. $0830; a fine home. Call Hall. Bdwy. 3.K!3. PENINSULA $2500. modern 3-room bun galow; Dutch kitchen, fruit, terms. Sell wood :14"0. FOR SALE by owner, exceptional 7-room, modern view bungalow; exclusive die- trlct. Phone Tabor 4003. $4050 PORTLAND HEIGHTS. $10O0 DOWN: 6-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. GARAGE, AUTO. 311-07. BUAITT1FUL home in Lndd's addition, built-ins. hardwood floors, linoleum In kitchen, bath rtn., gar. Main 8052. WHY PAY RENT? Will build you a house on my lot or yours. Prices reasonable. Tabor 4700. REAL KSTATE. For piale Houses. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home LARGEST HOME-SELLER IN AMERICA. 1200 Photographs of Homes for Sale. . Everyone before being offered for your consideration has firm been 1' EH SON ALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. We protect your every Interest and put you in immediate touch with the home YOU ARK LOOKING FOR. If necessary, well help you make your down pay ment! 40 Salesmen at Your Service. YOU'Ltf, BE THANKFUL. 1 $0400 FOR THIS BEAUTIFUL bungalow when you get It! One of the most appealing and hospitable homes in ROSE CITY PARK! u rms. 3 of them being sleeping rooms; hardwood floors throughout; every feature that heart could desire. Built-ins, wonderful Dutch kitch en, furnace, fireplace. den. lovely lawn, shrubs, etc. Garage. "HOME OF GENEROUS THOUGHTS." REAL HAWTHORNE HOME. $4830 Six rooms, an unusually attrac tive HAWTHORNE SEMI-BLN-GA LOW that can be bought on exceptionally good terms. DOU BLE CONSTRUCTED and warm; , i u . i !.,.,,.... h u a mnnv built-in features; great white enamel Dutch Kltcnen; o m--'.'-, rooms; furnace In full cement basement; corner with pavement on both sides paid. E. Harrison St.. near car. ,,.., PIEDMONT JEFFERSON HIGH. $350 DOWN $350 DOWN. $3100 $:,50 down!- substantial and com fortable 5-room plastered bunga low cottage: 1 blk. to car and close to Jefferson high school, park and library; has uilt-ln buffet: convenient Mltchen: two light, airy bedrooms; fruit; paved st. Cleveland ave. . AFTER DINNER TODAY. 3000 Drop In and look at this delight ful bungalow! White and clean; radiant with happiness: five rooms. DOUBLE CONSTRUCT ED THROUGHOUT; nice built-in features: model whlto enamel Dutch kitchen: beautiful lawn with fruit, flowers and shrubbery, paved st; 4 blk. to car. Ellis Kse YOU'LL BE SATISFIED WITH THIS! WHAT $200 DOWN WILT, DO! 11000 $200 down! a comfortable neat little 4-room plostered bungalow cottage: substantially built; elec tricity, gas: full basement: hard surfaced t. Nice little Home for a workingman. Kirby St., $200 down, $20 per month. -r LET US HELP you SELECT THAT MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL THINGS. "Your Home.' 40 Courteous experienced salesmen at your service. " - . FRANK L. McGCTRE, I To Buy Your Home. ADingtOn SIOK- .- -' Third St., Bet. Wash, and stark. Deal With an old RELIABLE firm. S BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. Mr Homeless Man. you should own this darling little bungalow; It stood the test of the storrh, not a drop of wa ter came through the roof or In the tasement. It is located In Sunnvslde, has beautiful combination living and din- ...... incalif ilnoninii rooms. ing room, ,v . , " . fine Dutch kitchen and large breakiast nook, modern Dam. ugnis an" s. tiful fireplace and bookcases, full cement basement, woodlift and laundry trays, full-size corner lot, faces east; is handy to school, Sunnyside car and stores, all city improvements In and paid. This beautiful little bungalow is Just com pleted, ready to welcome you right in and is a snap for $4730, $500 cash first pavmenl, balance only $40 per month, which Includes Interest; no mortgages or liens to assume. For this snap and others SEE E. W. HUGHES, R07 .Tnnrnal Bldg. Main 28j8. . r-uL-l UI'UCT Just finished, two bungalows In good i .i t t .i.r.lhiirai with a rooms. large attic, breakfast room and bathL hardwood floors tnrougnoui. gaiB, "' nace. light fixtures and window shades; price, 20fl, $0250; 210. $0000. Located on 43d near. Laurel hurst avenue. EAST 20TH AND PINE. Just finishing a 6-room bungalow at 707 East Pine that is entirely modern, with attic large enough for two rooms, has nifty breakfast nook, hardwood floors throughout, garage, furnace, light fixtures and window shades; in fact, everything to make a nice home. Motor out today. Builder and owner on the property. Price $0500. GEORGE E. WELLER. Main 5231 Tabor 11150. STAR SALES SERVICE. $3300 SUNNYSIDE $3300. A SACRIFICE. A splendid B-room cottage, Hne sun room, Dutch kitchen, cement basement, laundry trays, furnace. Small cash pay- STAR REAL ESTATE & INV, CO., REALTORS 513 Wilcox Bldg. Main 5004. Evenings, 319-87. ROSE CITY. SOMETHING DIFFERENT. If you have $1000 cash ant1 want a bungalow of five rooms and sleeping porch, don't buy until I show you this. You mast know construction and ap preciate architecture as this Is different than anything In the city, and a home you will always be proud of. Modern In VfrvwaV. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. REALTORS. Fourth St. Main H71. HUNTS AND SMALL PAYMENT. 55(K) ATTRACTIVE FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW. CLOSK TO SANDY; URGE LIVING ROOM WITH FIRE PLACE. OAK FLOORS, BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN. WITH BREAKFAST NOOK. TWO NICE BEDROOMf. GAS. FUP.NACE: ONE-HALF BLOCK TO CAR. 1441 WISTERIA. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478.. 320 U. S. N ATI.. BANK BLDG. WOOHLAWN BARGAIN. READ CAREFULLY 8-room plastered house, best condition, bedroom down stairs, all large rooms, full basement. 4 tots, fraction less than 14 block; 15 bearing .fruit trees, all va rieties; beautiful shrubbery; vacant, move right In; only $5000, half cash: this Is way less than cost: owner must sell. T O. Bird. 526 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 1022. ROSE CITY PARK New 5-room bungi. low with garage. This beautiful bunga low Is absolutely modern throughout. Will be ready to occupy In a few days. Be sure to see It during this week or next Sunday. Price is right and I will arrange satisfactory terms for you. Lo cated at 614 E. 42d st. N. near Thomp son. C J. Johnson, owner and builder, Sllf Henry bldg., evenings and Sunday. Tabor 3141. $300 CASH $300 CASH. See this lovely 8-room bungalow In Rose city-district. Fireplace, hardwood floors, tapestry paper, breakfast nook, all built-ins. $4300. $300 cash.bal. easy ROBNETT & McCLURE, REALTORS. Marshall 202. 3"2 Couch Bldg. WALNUT PARK. $7000. Eight rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floors, two beautiful fireplaces, full basement and furnace, best part of district; six blocks Jefferson high. COE A. McKENNA ft CO.. 82 Fourth St. ' Main 0871. WEST SIDE HOME 1300. Splendidly built 7-room house with 4 large, airy bedrooms, furnace and fire place, near 25th and Raleigh; well worth looking into. , HENRY W. GODDARD, REALTOR. 243 Stark Street. Main 831. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 5-room bungalow, near car. school, stores; $3500, $1000 down, balance long time; owner on grounds. 1016 E. 23d St. N. - ARB YOU GOING TO BUILD 7 Pee our artistic new Ideas We are In a position to finance reasonably. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co.. 210 Oregon bldg Bdwy. msa. ; a ROOMS. IRVINGTON, $550. $1500 CASH TERMS. Large rooms, al! conveniences, fur nace, 2 fireplaces, close in and real value. Mar. 2103 for appointment. FOR SALE Larg 6-room bungalow, ele gantly furnished; best of location; $0500 cash, owner leaving. 1040 E. 18th st. N. Phone Woodlawn 772. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. ABOUT PER FECT, choice location, near Knott, finest of plumbing, floors and interior finish. Neuhausen. East 304. Main 8078. 5-ROOM bungalow, newly painted; base ment, garage; paved St., sewer. Take light car or lot first payment. Tabor 700s. A COZY 3-room bungalow with garage, lot 100x100, fruit trees and berries, be tween two carlines; bargain for quick sale. AC 255. Oregnnian. ROSE CITY 5-roorr. modern bungalow at 682 E. 70th st. N., near car. $5000; terms; oak floors throughout: street paved: must sell. Owner East 2209. 2 HOUSES for sale. 448-446 Taylor St., bet. 12tb and 13th. Could be moved. Tel. East 2124 ' NEW 4-ROOM bungalow, modern except furnace; $250 down. $25 month. See Mr. Kav at zwi Morgan piog GOOD 5-room home, paved street; $2050. Tabor 3S79. 4-FLAT building for price of a home. Tabor 3879. SACRIFICE 2 7-room houses, walking distance; $2000 each. East 7304, REAL ESTATE. ROSE CITY PARK. An attractive bungalow with 6 rooms on one floor; this home is extremely well built and has a large living room. dining room wHh beautiful buffet, two splendid bedrooms, large sleeping flsren, very complete Dutch kitchen, large at tic, full concrete basement with built-in fruit 100m. furnace and garage. lun size lot. well improved, faces east on o,.e of the best streets in the district, with all street Improvements in and paid for. Prl-:? $5250. terms $S00 cash and .o per tionth, including interesi HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 88. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. WELL IMPROVED ACRE IN CITY. SHOO DOWN. We know of no better buy than this, whole rjartv wnntH (rood sized plat of ground. We .are asking no more for the whole i acre than you would have to pay ordinarily for same character of house anrl one lot. Good o-room plas tered bungalow, large rooms and espe cially well hnllt -rood basement, bath lights, gas. Bull Run water; 20 nice bearing fruit trees; large chicken house and chicken run; nice shrubbery and berries; acre of ground; located on E. 73d st.. convenient to car; price $2800, $000 down, balance like rent. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. ' 122 N. Sixth St.. Near Olisan. Phone Broadway 4381. IRVINGTON. ON 17TH. NEAR KNOTT. FINE SQUARE COLONIAL; CENTRAL ENTRANCE: 8 WONDERFUL ROOMS; HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT. 2 BATHROOMS. 2 FIREPLACES. OLD IVORY, MA HOGANY AND EASTERN OAK WOODWORK. THIS IS A REAL HOME AT A BARGAIN, $10,300. .EAST 419. IRVINGTOX HOME. 623 E. 18TH ST. N. I New T-rofm colonial with garage and all modern conveniences; entrance hall. Dutch kitchen, 4 bedrooms up, tile batn, costly plumbing, tapestry paper and oak floors throughout. Open 1-5. WOODLAWN 4841. $4400 ROSE CITY PARK $4400. New 5-room bungalow with all modern conveniences; open 1-5. 807 E. 75th st. N half block north 0$ Sandy. Wood lawn 4841. HEIGHTS home, close In. 7800 square feet ground; fine shrubbery; car line rear street; garage front street with com municating stairway to first floor. View of all nvountains unobstructible; ma hogany and white enamel; hot water heat; oak floors, throughout; three tubs, three showers, four lavatories: living room In. mahogany. 17x38 ft.. Including 10xl7-ft. sun parlor. Two heated sleep ing porches off of four family sleeping rooms; two maids' rooms and sitting room, besides third floor finished all In one room. Price $30,000, Including com mission to any realtor. Residence phone Main 3360. Owner. V 213. Oregonian. HEART OF PIEDMONT. $5875. Five-room bungalow and breakfast room; attic; hdw. floors throughout; furnace; beautiful bullt-lns; paved St., close to car. Terms. ALVIN JOHNSON, REALTOR, Board of Trade. Phone Bdwy. 37. Evening E. 2H61. ROSE CITY PARK. $4500 A beautiful new 6-room bun galow with every modern convenience, hardwood floor- and built-in features, large concrete basement with furnace: splenild location, streets and sewer com pleted and paid. Reasonable terms. HILLER BROS.. Realtors. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 86. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy. Tabor 8485. WEST SIDE BARGAIN. ONLY $2200. Nine rooms with full lot on hard surfaced street. The upper part of house is fitted up for housekeeping rooms with plumbing on both floors. This Is close to mills and factories and !s on macadam street, one block from Fulton car; priced at only $2200, with terms. If you are looking for a bar gain. Investigate this. RBVERMAN INVESTMENT CO.. 210 Lewis Bldg. Broadway 2054. FURNISHED ONLY J3000. Good 5-room home on paved street In fine location; good oak furniture, prac tically new. ready to move in; your own terms within reason; 50x100 lot. SAVE YOUR RENT and OWN YOUR HOME. MARSH McCABE CO., REALTORS, Evenings Tabor 436. 322-3-4 Falling Blrlg Mar. 3003. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. STRICTLY MODERN. A fine 6-room home In the best of con dition, on a beautiful corner lot. with garage: extra large livifig room across front 18x36 fee:, with a real artistic fire place and the best inlaid h. w. floors: also 2 sets of plumbing with tile bath, etc. A home to be proud of. :OE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 4th St. Main 6871. Mr. Pomeroy. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. 2 LOTS, ONLY $2100 TERMS. Good furniture, gas heaters, new $100 gas range; good basement, built-ins. ce ment walks. DANDY LITTLE HOME,- MARSH ; McCABE CO., REALTORS, 322-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3003. Evenings Tabor 43. GOOD 0-ROOM HOUSE FOR $1750. Widow very anxious to sell; good "6 room plastered house, hot and cold water, bath, gas, basement, wash trays: good corner lot and garage: on E. 80th St., convenient to car; price only $1750, $3O0 down, balance like rent. HARGROVtJ REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St.. ne.'r Gllsan. Bdwy. 4381. ROSE CITY PARK. Brand new, 5 rms.; hardwood floors, fireplace, French doors, breakfast nook: large attic. cement basement. pavd street, two blocks north Sandy blvd.. on 60th; will make a dandy home. Don't pass It up; $5500. $1500 cash. Wm. W'ili Ing. Se'l. 1130. SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. Build your own home: .incorporate your own ideas, use your own Individ uality. You are the best Judge of what satisfies you. We aim to please. We want your business only when we satisfy you on thevmerlt of our building. , ROBNETT & McCLUREj REALTORS. Marshall 3202. 302 Couch Bldg NEW BUNGALOWS. . LAURELHURST 7-room modern new bungalow. Just completed, garage, ready to move into. $7000, good easy terms. WESTMORELAND 7-room new mod ern bungalow; pace$ street. $4230, $750 down, balance easy. R. M. GATE WOOD CO.. 1Cf!f; 4th St 1 LAURKLHURS-r New six-room bungalow, wiodcrn in every detail ; this is near the car and park, and a home that you will be proua to own. upen ror your inspecting. 47 Mclkle place, 42d st., near Coucb. Owner and biiHtler on premises. ' LAURELHUHST COTTAGE. . -6 rooms and garage. . ALSO 6-ROOM NEW BUXGAT.OW. Price tKHIO. Headquarters for Iau- relhurst bargains. Tract office East 3Uth and OiUan st. Tabor XV.iX Eve. East ?7,J PIEDMONT. NEW. Up to the minute, modern In every way. Seven complete, beautiful rooms; JMttO; reasonable terms. W. M. Umb- dnstork A Co. Bdwy. 1 rt." S . FOR SALE OR TRADE. Nearly new 5-room house in Sunny side, one block to Hawthorne car, price $3-500; will take good car and some cash as part payment, balance mortgage; also good furniture for sale. K" Railway Ex. OWNER must sell 1 acre, tl-room house, modern, chicken house, fruit and ber ries of all kinds. Surely a good buy Will take light car as part nrst pay ment, balance easy terms at 5. Clos in on paved street. No rocks. Call at 7 J 2 E. :V.-th ft. S. or call Sell. 35KI. WEST SIDE HOME WiTH GOOD INCOME. Close-ln home with 15 rooms; Rood Income ; price $7000. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 243 Stnrk S-treet. Main 83 1. EX-SERVICE MEN. See our plans up-to-date ideas tn mod ern bungalows; we can help you finance; no trouble to show; our autos at your service. W. M. Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon blg. Broadway 1658. WILL TAKE LOT. New 5-rm. and brk. nook, Al construe tlon ; corner lot; imp. In and paid at $4500 ; some cash, terms on baL Mar shall sn2. WHY PAY RENT When a small payment will get you large lot with small building on rear close to Sandy boulevard? Price $800 Wdln. 1134. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW BARGAIN. East 18th, near Stanton, ? lovely rooms, built for home; oak floors, fire place, garage. Neuhausen, East 3U4 Main 1078. ALAMEDA PARK PICKUP" Attractive design, well built, oak floors, plate glass, near car line Neu hausen. East 3f4. Main 8078. 8-ROOM house, modern, Holladay Addi tion, walking distance city, schools, churches; cement garage: $3000: terms. Phone 325-13 after 10 A. ii. REAL ESTATE. ALAMEDA HOME. 929 Regents Drive. Leaving for California and offer for immediate sale very attractive 7 or 8-room home; most unusual and artistic interior; gasco fur nace. 2 fireplaces, full basement, garage; several fine carpets, all window hangings, linoleums and awnings Included in price. Full particulars g'adiy given by calling Woodlawn 1001. East 2854. $3500. i A fine little home with gas. water, electricity and modern plumbing, five rooms; has an extra large living room; this house is about 10 years old and has an exceptionally fine lot: 72x126, with every kind of fruit: it is located on a corner and the pavement Is in and paid; If you want a real home with a large piece of ground, this is $1000 less than anything you've seen that is its equal, call for arpointment. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 86. Branch Office: 50th and Sandy- '. Tabor 8485 CU.VV. TO O.-W. R. & N. SHOPS. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH BRAND NEW REDUCED TO $3000. A dandy 5-rm. bungalow with 2 fur nished rooms in attic; very large living room, breakfast room, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, all built-in features, $85; kitchen range, linoleum, extra fine bathroom fixtures, 50x100, blk. car, 18 min. from Bdwy. and Wash. Only $1000 cash. Soe and you'll buy. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, REALTOR, ABINGTON BLDG., 106 4 3D. "35 Yrs. in Portland." Main 4803. . IN FRANKLIN high district, I- have this 5-room beautiful new gray shingled bungalow that's just as dainty as can be; cement porch; large combination liv ing and dining room 14x21 with fire place; ivory buffet ; hardwood floors; white enamel Dutch kitchen with break fast nook; 2 nice bedrooms, one of them downstairs; French doors; a Wonderful little home ; only 2 blocks to car on hard-surfaced street, close to school. You. can have this for only $r00 down and terms like rent. Call East 5123. ROSE CITY. $4750 $500 CASH $50 MONTH. Bungalow, modern. 6-room, paved st., y block Sandy blvd. Can apply bonus. $4500 $500 CASH. $25 MONTH. Modern 7-room home, tiOxloO lot, fruit trees, near good school. $3300 $500 CASH $25 MONTH. Five room, modern; corner lot. CHAS. RINGLKR & CO.. 225 Henry Bldg. $4000. ONLY $400 DOWN. Dandy six-room bungalow, all built ins, newly painted, papered and tinted; furnace and garage; paved and sewer: GOOD HOME VALUE. ! MARSH & McCABE CO., Realtors. Evenings call Tabor 43fl. 3J2-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 35!3. OWNER Ml'ST SELL HIS ROSE CITY HOME AT ONCE. Seven -room bungalow, sleeping porch, hardwood floors fireplace, furnace, ga rage, on paved street, close to car and school: beautifrl interior decorations; six months ago owner was offered $ti000 for his home: must sell now for $5500. $1000 cash and terms. Call Mr. Young, Main 6H!ts. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. $3000 Is a very pretty 4-room bun galow, nicely finished. This house is new, faces east and can he bought for $500 down and easy monthly payments. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main S6. Branch Office: 50th rind Sandv Tabor R45. BEAUTIFUL OVERLOOK 8-ROOM QUEEN ANNE. A fine home for a. large family, nicely located, near car: large living room and bdrms.. h. w. floors, large fireplace, furnace and strctly modern throughout. Sacrificed at $B700. This is a real home, built 6 years ago. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Main i871. Mr. Pomeroy. IRVINGTON COLONIAL. CORNER $0000. ON KNOTT ST.; SURROUNDED BY HOMES UP TO $30.OOO; IT"S THE ONE IUU HA V H. AUMJnti L. EAST 419. MONTAVILLA. 4- room modern house, full cement basement, full plumbing, near car; $2200, $K0O down, balance easy. 5- roam modern bungalow, in fine con dition; cement basement, garage, cement ways, extra large lot; $3000. terms. This is big value. R M. GATE W OO D A- CO., 1ft5Vj 4th St. KTT.W YSfl hi.'. V A I' Five-room bungalow in fine condition inside and out; has- fireplace. Dutch kitchen, attic, full cement basement and furnace; double constructed throughout; 1 block to S. S. .car: forced to sell at a sacrifice. Price $3250. $1100 cash. Ta bor 8Si,2. NEAT LAUREL WOOD COTTAGE. $5O0 down balance monthly total price $2050. Seven-room modern house and garage. Cement basement. In per fect condition throughout. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 1370. $750 DOWN AND EASY TERMS. Nifty bungalow in Woodlawn district near Ainsworth: fully modern. Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, fireplace, gas water heater, large combination living and dining room. Well worth looking at. p-tuyu. van .r. inung. 31 run H3'.t S W EST SIDE, best close-in location, good 9-room house, fireplace, tapestry paper, ivory woodwork. economical heating plant; full cement basement, wash trays, lot 5Oxl00: double garage. Price $10,500. terms. Owner. Furniture for sale. Main 0750 v GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist in financing same; 12 years' continuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tractlng architect. P'-'4 N. W. Bank bldg HAWTHORNS DISTRICT. 7-room modern house, sleeping porch, full basement, furnace, in first-class condition, close to car, paved street, on E. 35th st.; $4750. terms. This is a big value. R. M. OATKWOOP ft CO.. 1Q5t4 4th St. WALKING DISTANCE. $3000. 8 rooms, large living and dining room, furnace, fireplace, full basement, wash tray, bfst construction; $loi)0 cash, liko rnt; vacant. Mar. 1022 or call Sell. 2706 BY OWNJ5R Close in. 6-room cottage. Su tin i ban Unmet.. $-j."oo BUYS a thoroughly modern up-to-. date bungalow, with large quarter acre of ground; close to Multnomah station, facing improved county road. Owner . leaving the country, compelled to sell; very easy terms, For particulars call on Ben Riesland. 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st., or his representative, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah afflce. 5 ACRES very best garden land, all cleared, only 2 miles from city limits and H mile from street cars; price $150O, $500 down, bal lance very easy terms. See owner at 527 Corbett bldg. Main 7141. OSWEGO BARGAIN, ONLY $10. New 5-room bungalow, basement, wa ter, light, gas; big homcsite, 105x120, on corner, hard foad; small payment gives possession; you'll not find another like this. See owner, 500 Concord bldg., 2d ami MHrK SIS. l.' ro i.- w' v vwr uriif tn A little dandy of 4 rooms with a wide porch across the front: rich, red shot soil, ready to set to fruit; this place fronts on Barr road, one-fourth mi lie west of Barker road. Price reduced to $2500: easy terms. WHY PAY agent's commission? Buy from owners. 7 modern bungalowd; pave ment, city water, gas; 1 mile out of city limits: 1 to 5 acres; cultivated, fruits and berries. Tabor or Tabor 517. Tabor 3152, fat" B URBAN 4-room bungalow, basement, water, lights, gas: big-corner, 4 acre, $1000 with $200 down. McClure. Umb denstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1058. SUBURBAN 4-room bungalow, basement, water, lights, gas; big corner, acre, $1000 with $200 down. McClure, Umb denstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg'. Bdwy 15. $500 CHOICE acre, all under cultivation, close to electric line and hard-surface road, monthly payments $10. Call Mc Clure, Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy, 105S. $500 CHOICE acre, all under cultivation, close to electric line and hard-surface road, monthly payments $10. Call Mc Clure, Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy. 1658. LOOK 5 acres, all cultivated, 2 acres or chard, 4-room house, barn, etc. Paid $3200, will sell $2800, $800 down. Mc Clure, Umbdenstock, & Co., 210 Oregon bldg.. Bdwy. 1058. LOOK 5 acres. cultivated. 2 acres or chard, 4-room house, barn. etc. Paid $3200. will sell $2800. $M00 down. Mc Clure, Umbdenstock & Co., 210 Oregon bldg., Bdwy. 1658. CHOICE 3-acre tract with modern home, close In. off Powell valley road, on Laurel ave. Sacrifice at $3800 to close estate. Tabor 4303. REAL ESTATE. Suburban Homes. PRICED TO SELjL. Well located. sightly 5-acre tract, best of soil. 6-rm. house, modern plumbing gas and elec., well built, barn" poultry house, garage, etc. Owner is noil-resident and must sell. Let us show you this place. Price $5300. $1000 cash, bal. $20 per mo. J. L. HART.MAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. OUR ADVICE TO YOU Is to select that suburban home now. Don't Walt t!Il Knrlntr Herd's ,. HunHv ! buy for quick sale; 2'4 acres, abundance ' choice varieties bearing fruit, garden -i,ace. xueai ror poultry. warm ana cozy modern 6-room house, full con crete basement, garage, etc Pleasant and desirable locution, near city limits. Price $5750: $1000 cash, balance rent terms. Pleased to show you this. Photos at office. A. JC Hill, 426 Lumbermens bldg. SEE THIS CLASSY BUNGALOW. Hard w cod floors, furnace heat, beau tiful fireplace, parage with pergola arched driveway; in fact, all the up-to-date features of a fine city home; acre with beautiful lawn and shrubbery; garden and fruit in rear; located in se lect, restricted suburban district. Drop into the office and photos. A. K. Hill Realtor. 42ft Lumhrinons bldg. A BARGAIN. Beautiful story-and-a-half stone house, T rooms; all modern conveniences; quar ter acre. 25 min. from town, on Oregon City car. 3 blocks from Pacific highway ("all owner. Oak Grove 1 1 -J $3500 ilL'LTMJMAH Station bungalow, 4 rooms and sleeping porch, gas, water, electricity, fireplace, garage, lot SOxlJO, on Capital highway, opposite Multnomah school. A. E. Shurr. owner. No city taxpy. For Salr Business Property. MR. INVESTOR. LOOK. One of the best apartment house sites !n Portland for the money; ground lOOx 100; very clo.e In; genuine snap if taken at once. A. Kosovac, 410 Gerlinger bldg. Mar. 3401. STORE building and 5-room cottage; good business location. 790-7i2 Mississippi ave. For sale or trade. Woodlawn 4'il2. For iSulg Acreage. FIVE ACRES, 14 miles from the center of Portland, west; 1 mile from electric station and school; all under cultivation; 4 acres lo ganberries 12.IXM) strawberry plants; 5-room house, barn 20x30, chicken house 18x70, brooder house, wood shed, electric lights: garden tools and some furniture included. $U5i cash. balance terms. Or will turn this property In on the lease and personal prop erty of larger farm. VERY SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. ACRE TRACTS NEAR MULTNOMAH. On macadamized road; best of loam soil ; no rock nor gravel ; close to electric line; 0c commuta tion fare, good car service ; city water, gas, electric lights; nice, sightly ground; offered far below value, on easy terms. Will sell H acre tracts. ACRE TRACTS. ALBERTA DISTRICT. On paved street with paving and walks in and paid; all under cul tivation ; over & in variety of bearing fruit trees in best of con dition; fine loam .soil; $100 cash, easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, GERLINGER BUILDING. Over 500 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. CAT.IKORNIA. COME TODA Y PLANT TOMORROW. You can do this If you locate nn any of the 32.OO0 acres in Fresno Co. that Miller A Lux are now subdividing; level, smooth land, ready to plant; virgin silt soil cropped for first time thi vesr; irrigated by gravity system; water for home and stock furnished bv deen well; piped throughout sub division; Fresno highway passes throuch property; near town of Firebaugh; see results of this won derful growing oll and climate bv pictures at office Kramer. Lake & Co.. 403 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. 0. 10 AND 20-ACRE TRACTS. $25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a 5-acre tract in this addition of 800 acres; down the Columbia river on the Oregon side, close to Columbia highway and river; fine transportation, railroad, river, auto stage and truck; beautifully lying land, free from ruck and gravel ; some tracts have beautiful view of river; there are also some with; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vege tables. CHARLES D ELF EL, 318 Railway Exchange Bldg. NEWBERG HIGHWAY. 10H acres strictly choice land, in cul tivation ; running water, 400 prune, 100 pear trees; also ramily orchard, Derriea, near Sherwood. There is no finer home site on the highway. $50oO, terms. CHOICE HOMESITE. 4 acres in clover, level, near Aloha station, S. P. Ry. ; Hillsboro highway. $1000, $800 ensh, balance $20 month. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. IHo'A 4th St. $1500 PER ACRE. Listen to this! Beautiful heights property, wonderful view of Tualatin valley; Bull Run water, gas and electric light and only about four blocks from car. THIS IS $HM)0 PER ACRE UN DERPRISED. Don't delay. A. H. BURR ELL-GILL CO., X. W. Bank BM-g. $50 DOWN, $2.50 MONTHLY. 4. SO acrts; 1 acres cleared around the stumps ; a'jout lfO corda of first growth Hr timber, spring. 2-room box shack made of shakes. In fair condition; woodshed: H mile from railroad station, about 30 miles from Portland; total price $515. . Fred W. "German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. CHICKEN AND fiiCKRY FARMS. GRESHAM DISTRICT. A few good bargains In close-in acreage and suburban homed. KRIDER & ELK1NGTON. Gresham. Phone 2341 HERE'S HOW. 41 acres at $2.0 per acre near elec tric station. Paved highway, three miles out. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 631 Ch. of Com, Bldg. Phone Main 1370. l'J hi ACRES, near Beaverton, 12 acre cleared, y mile to east depot, "on rocked road, living water; $45o0; will take house and lot in Portland up to $1300, balance easy terms. Barney Johnson Co., Real tors, 170 lOth street. TIMBER TRACT. RL'BV JUNCTION. One and three-tenths acres, right on the electric line at station : a beautiful building spot, close to Base Line road. Price $t00. $25 cash and $10 per month. STRONG & CO., UH Chamber nf Com. ACRE. ALBERTA CAR. $50 down, $10 month. City water. No as sessments. Roger W. Cary, 1210 N. W. Bank bldg Mnin lft43. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and easy terms offered to settlers. WEYEK MAUSER TIM RER CO., Tacoma, Wash. 1 SEVEN acres, black bottom garden land, alt In cultivation, right on paved high way; small houee; price $11 no. $4-00 down. Dr.iner. 40 8 BoM of Trade. FOR SALE 7 ACRES CLOSE IN, THOMAS ALLEN fi!31 02D ST S B. Homesteartt. Relinquishments. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W. HELM, 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. RELINQUISHMENT for one-half value of personal property and improvements ; owner. A H 257, Oregonian. For Sale Farms. HOMESEEKERS If you want land, much or little, with or without irrigation, right on paved highway and railroad, at backwoods prices, in sunny southern Ore gon, see owner, now In city for few days. W 254, Oregonian. FOR SALE 80-acre farm, farming Imple ments and stock, good buildings; 5 ml. west of Hoskins, Or., near R.R. station and school; family orchard In bearing, some berries. For further Information write John M. Fry, Hoskins. Or. LAND for sale in Willamette valley, most all tn cultivation, good buildings, close to Albany, county seat of Linn county, rich, roiling, oak grub land. $110 per acre, one-third down and one-third each year. If interested call Sellwood 2918. CO ACRES on Barr and Rockwood roads. 5 miles east of city limits; no gravel; 2 acres orchard; good buildings, plenty water. 1178 E. Taylor st. 40 ACRES Near station, on r. r. ; some cleared; house, barn, spring; work near by; price $750, $250 down. DRAPER. 408 Board of Trade Bldg. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $50 to $500 per acre; easy terms, best soil; farms for sale, all sizes. McFarland, realtor, zoa Failing bldg, fi& ACRES, level, cleared, tenced. good 8 room house, near Willamlna. $200 down j. R Sharp. 834 3d street CLOSE-IN farm, good, road, near car. Owner. Tabor 3b79. REAL F8TATK. EAST OP CAN BY. 20 acres, on goort road; 1 miles from electric station ; 17 acres under cultivation, balance In pas ture, no waste land, spring and creek; good orchard, lots of berries. 6-room house, barn, chicken house, other buildings. Included with .place: 1 cow, 1 heifer, chickens, i Implements, household goods and crops. Price $0500, clear. Consid er Portland house to $3000 as ini tial payment, easy term on bal ance. 16H acres, on macadamized road, 15 miles northeast of Port land, mile to electric station, town and school; 15 acres in crop, 1 acre bearing orchard: good 6 room house with water system and best white enamel plumbing, ce ment basement. barn, chicken house and fruit house. Price $UU0, which includes equipment, term. Consider small pice of acreage on good road near Portland for full value. Property inspected by Hunter. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR, GERLINGER BLDG. Largest farm dealer on Pacific coast. Over 5O0 small places near Portland. Get our extensive classified lists. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. YOUR CHOICE OF LANE. LINN AND BENTON COUNTIES. We know Willamette valley farm lands. You should see what we have to offer before buying any farm. If you want real producing farm land, come or write us for the kind of farm you want. We have it. Fruit, berries, stock, dairy, grain and general farms to suit you in size, price and quality. See Mr. Hyde at 84 Henry building, Portland, or write KINNEY. IRVINE A HYDE. REALTORS. EUGENE, OREGON. BEST BUY IN A NEAT LITTLE FARM NEAR PORTLAND. A REAL THANKSGIVING. 14 acres. lying between Portland 'and Hillsboro. on splendid road, all in high state cultivation, all the very best . of land, lies perfectly, not a rock, living stream, good fi-room bungalow, good large barn, silo, numerous outbuildings, nice bearing orchard and lots berries. Personal property, good team, 5 splendid cows, 2 nice heifers, 70 hens, wagon, mower, rake, 2 discs, 2 harrows, 2 plows, harness, 2 dozen cans fruit. 2 gas en gines, 1 ensilage cutter, wood saw outfit, cream separator, milk cans, feed grinder, drill, barn full of hay, 200 bushels oats, lots ensilage, small tools and household goods; move right in; nothing further to buv. Price $0000; no one can show you anything like this for the money; we are the oldest farm dealers in Portland and always have the choicest to be had and always at incomparable prices. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 0th St., n-ar Glisan. Bdwy. 4381, CALIFORNIA-. COME TODAY PLANT TOMORROW. You can do this if you locate on any of the 32.000 acres in Fresno Co. that Miller & Lux are now subdividing; level, smooth land, ready to plant ; virgin slit soil cropped for rtrst time this year; Irrigated by gravity system: water for home and stock furnished by deep well; piped throughout sub division ; Freno highway passes through - property; near town of Flrehaugh: see results of thin won derful growing soil and climate by pictures at office Kramer, Lake & Co., 4o:i Railway Exchange bldg.. Portland. Or. 8 ACRES, 8- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 8 MILES OUT, FOR $5500. No one will show you as much for the money; Just 8 miles from the city limits, east side, paved road all the way except mile of good macadam; near station, with bank, cannery, good stores and school; 8 acres, all In cultivation, lies perfectly, best of land, no rock, good large rchard. splendid 8-room house, just about worth the money asked for the whole place, it Is new, full base ment, wash trays, hot and cold water, bath, fireplace, built-ins. plastered, wide deep front porch, screened-in bark porch. Price $5500. We are headquarters for the best to be had in acreage tracts near Portland. HARGROVE REALTY CO REALTORS. 122 N. fith St.. near Glisan. Bdwy. 4381. ONE OF THE BEST 10 ACRES NEAR PORTLAND FOR $40(K). We challenge anyone to show a better 10 acres than this or one that ties better; all in cultivation, no rock; 4-room plastered house, nice barn and hen house bearing orchard and lots of strawberries; one-half in clover; in splendid com munity, near school, churches, stores, etc; Just 6 miles from city limits; splen did roads; price $4wt0. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 0th St.. near Gllssn. Bdwy. 431. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. 232 acres, 145 A. In cultivation, bal. timber and pasture; creek; fl-room house, barn, outbldgs. ; 40 A. grain, 30 A. hops wire trellis hops contracted 4 yrs. 25 ct. lb., with usual advances for cul tivation and haresting near good town Yamhill Co., Or., 40 mi. Portland, paved road. Price $105 per acre. $24,300; $5000 cash, $1000 per annum plus 0;i. Would take bungalow up to $5tMMl. R M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 105' 4th St. 40 acres choice land. 30 acres in cul tivation, 10 acres old stump pasture, 15 acres fall grain: 8-room house, barn and outbuildings; 2 mares. 10 cows, 1 bull. 4 heifers. 40 chickens, tools, machinery of all kinds; near high school and ry. sta., 21 miles Portland: $11,000; will take house $00O0, little money, balance mort gage, 6 pr cent. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 1fi54 4th St. .ARGE DAIRY FARM. Bv owner: lust the place for someone who needs a good large dairy herd, for a retail business in Portland; about 400 acres, some bottom aoi: and some up land, rlsht on paved highway; you can produce your own feed and pasture here for 100 head of cows ; can leaie more ; price equipped $75,000; naked place $, O00; $'0.oo to $30.oo0 cash will handle. AH 250. Oregonian. SALE OR TRADE. 103 acres, 45 acres In cultivation, 8H acres fruit. 58 acres open pasture, lit tl timber, large creek, houm. barn, out buildings, tools and implements, 2 horses, 2 cows. 50 chickens. 14 acres potatoes. 15 tons hay, 350 bushels onts; 27 miles Portland, good road; $7500, $2400 cash, mortgage $5100, 7 per cent, or will take house for equity. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 1054 4th St. SALE OR TRADE. 85 acres choice level land. 33 acres In cultivation, 2 acres pasture, family or chard, 4-room house. Barn 05xOS. out buildings, machinery and tools. 3 horses. 7 cows. B hogr, 2 dosen chickens; IS miles Portland, good roads; $0500, house $4500 $2000 cash or mortgage. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO . 105 H 4th St. "WASHINGTON CO. FARM." 42 H acres, all In cultivation. 1 acre prunes, 1 acre assorted fruits, grapes, berries, spring, well, 6-room house, barn and outbuildings. ne silo, garage, near school, church, store; IB miles Portland, $8000. good terms; this is a buy. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 105 4th St. FOR SALE 110 acres, all under cultiva tion. 9-room house, large barn, good lighting system, 14 acres full bearing prunes, large dryer, good well with gaso line' engine and tank, near school and carline. good road; price $15,000. one third cash; located Clarke county. Wash. B. S. Cook. 601 Stock Exchange bldg. CLOSE-IN FARM. 75 acres extra choice land, 50 A. lti cultivation, bal. timber and pasture; 6-room house, 2 barns, creek, at ry. sta., paved road. 11 miles Portland. $17,000, good easy terms, or will sell 20, 25 or 30 acres, $225 per acre. R M. GATEWOOD A CO., T5H 4th St. FOR SALE 10 acres with house, barn and chicken houaes; about 9 acres under cul tivation ; 30-odd Blng or Lambert and Late Duke cherries in full bearing, black caps and other berries ; running stream through the place, with nice waterfall ; near school and on macadam road; price :to00. B. S. Cook. 001 Stock Exch. bldg. GROW POTATOES. 40 acres in the famous potato district out from Redmond. Or.; $20H; will ac cept $500 down, balance easy terms or will trade for Portland property and as sume. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6875. "CLOSE-IN FARM." 38 acres, 20 acres in crops, bal. pas ture and timber; 75 bearing fruit trees, berries, etc. ; 5-room house, barn and outbuildings; 21 miles Beaverton. 10 miles to Portland; price $7500. terma R. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 105?4 4th St. (VILL sell our fine dairy farm of 160 acres near Barton. Estacada R. R . and Clear Creek creamery at a sacrifice lor cash to settle estate. Address T. Withycomba, 432 12th at., Portland. Or. WANTED REAL KSTATE. WANTED An east front lot. between 57th and 5th sts. -South of Sandy blvd. Tabor 4708. XV A NTKO RKAt ESTATK. AMERICA'S LARGEST HO MR SELLER. YOUR HOME IS AS GOOD AS SOLD IF LISTED WITH US! We spend thousands of dollars advertising and are in touch with the MAJORITY OF EARN EST HOME BUYERS! We Inspect, ap praise and photograph your house within 24 hours after listing! 40 salesmen to work on It! No charge except the standard commission of S per cent In the event of a satisfactory sale ! The McGUIRE SYSTEM SAFEGUARDS YOUR EVERY INTEREST! Deal with an old-established firm! See FRANK L. McGPIRE. To Sell Your Home. Realtor. Ablngton Bldg. 3d st., bet. Wash, nnd Stark. Main 1008. Look for the Blg Electric Sign. i WE WANT YOUR LISTING. . Have a cash buyer who knows values, wants suburban home, 2 to 5 acres, well located; phone or write and we will look your place, over at once. J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. HOUSE WANTED NOW. ABOUT $7000 ' CASH. Neat 0 or 7-room, 1 floor bungnlow. large living room. hardwood floos. sleeping porch, strictly modern, Irving ton, Alameda Park, R. C. I'ark or Lau rel hurst preferred ; out of town buyer here now, must loi-ate. Call office or phone for Immediate In vcm t ga tion. See Grant Hoberg. G.o. E. En git-hart Co., Bdwv. 5173. 024 Hnry bldg. ANX.K U S SELLERS. LOt iK. I have buvtrs for 5-room bungn lows near Peninsula park. $2oo0 cash, flint payment. Roso City, $1500 cash. Close in. east side, $1500 cash. Wst sUb all cah. We have pln.ty buyers but no houses. See us at once. T O. BIRD. 5J6 Cham, of Com. REALTOR. 1022. OLT-UF-TOW N H'll'SK BU VER HERE NOW with $1000 cash, wants best fl-room modern house or bungalow that aroun 1 J4000 will buy in good district. See Grant Hoberg. GEORGE E. ENGLETIART CO.. Bro.i d-n y 5173. r.24 Henry Hldg. W E WANT several small houses clo in with acre or more that can be bought for about $300 with a small pa turrit down. We have buyers looking T-r bar gains In all kinds of real estate. What have you? REVERMAN INVESTMENT CO. 210 Lewis Bldg. Bdwy. 205$. HAVE customer for building with around six 4 or 5-room fiats ; or apartment hou?e with something like 18 or 20 two room apartments, on west side. If you want to sell, price it right and we can handle It for you. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark Street. Main 831. SUBURBAN HOME WANTED. Neat, attractive places, priced $1500 to $40 preferred. It will pay you to sm us first. We are already in touch with the buyers. A. K. Hill, 420 Lumber mens bldg. R ELI A RLE, PERSONAL SERVICE 1 WANT to deal with owner (or 4 or 0 room modern house in Ha wthorne or Richmond on paved street; not over $4-50; $500 down and $35 a month, in cluding Interest and apply bonus. O 240. Oregonian. WEST SIDE houses or flHts wanted. I specialize in handling west side prop erty and have always buyers to c'one a quick deal, providing the price is right JOHN SINGER. REALTOR. 420 Chamber of ( 'nmm.-rce Bldg. HOUSES WANTED. We have Improved ranches to ex change for Portland houses. List with us lor re.-ults. COE A. McKENNA & CO.. S2 Fourth Street. Main 71. IF YOU will soil your home for $100 to $500 down and terms, list with us at once. We have more buyers than houses Otto & Harkson, 413 Chamber of Commerce. AM IN the market to buy clay bed suitable for brick ami tiling; must be located m ar Columbia river, handy to water trans portation, otherwise will not consider. A B 20!. Oregonian. W E HA V E se vcral clients wanting nice homes, from $500 to $2500 down ; phone us. we 'lil do the ret. THOMSON & THOMSON, REALTORS, 02-V-21 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4so WANTED At Capitol hill or Ryan place. 4 acre or larger with 4 or 5-room bun galow. See A. K. Hill, 420 Lumbermens bldg. WA NT El -A 2-story modern residence in Rose City Park, not to exceed $5."oo and not over the JiiU. Call Main 7131 or come to 301 Railway Exchange. ' LIST WITH J. A. WICK MAN CO.. Realtors, For Quirk Sale 2M Stark St. Mdn 53 and 1004. HOUSE WANTED. Have late Nash car and cash for nice home, elote in; will go up to $ooo. 5J5 Railway Ex chance. Main 2'.'.. WANT (I or 7-room residence in Nob Hill district from $.soo0 to $l2.lMiO. HENRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 243 Stark Street Main 831. MODERN house in tlrst-clasa district; have 5 acres close ia, improved, and some cash, A B .74. Oregonla n. FR).M owners only. 5-rooiu bungalow; not over $4200; Rose City; terms. Tabor 01 s4. Bit I UK apartment to $70,000. wi.l nay $35,000 cash on city income to $35.oou. AK 271. Oregonian. 6-PASS. Franklin for city lot; can be pee, at H.14 Vera st., near 02d and Oregon. Shut rum. I WANT I to 5 lots in or near Gregory Heights, full description and beat casn price. BC 25S. Orpg-niilan. $3500 SPOT cash 1'or bungalow in Haw thorne or Sunnyside. Tabor NM-. OUR CL1 ENT desires home in Woodlawn district. Marshall 3202. TIMBER and ranch to exchange for city residence. Main 3151. 5-ROOM modern bungalow. Rose City car line, for $4oMt cash. E -tst 03 JO. Wanted to Rent 1 arum. WANTED TO RENT SMALL PLACES. Have several people wanting to rent acreage or small (arms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots or sales this way. Will buv equipment if priced right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Rldg. I-arget Farm Dealer on I'aciflc Coast. W A NT E I To leae 5 or 1 0 acres na Portland; must have good house and barn; will purchase If suitable and term can be arranged. C. E. Wood, 4liO 02d st. S. E. FOR KKVT FARMS. HOG RANCH FOR RENT. Modern hoi. feeding plant, equipped to feed over S0O hogs with tanks, conk ers and feeding con vrniene e. for the purpose of feeding swill gat hered from hotels and restaurants; everything is on the place so you can begin opera ting tomorrow, B. F. Brandon, Portland. Route 1. 646-57. TIM II Kit LANDS. WA NT ED Lumber planks and tl 111 tiers, also s.Lwmill and well-located tiinner land. Western Lumber Agency., 624 Morgan bldg. AM IN t lie market for a few tim bor claims: give legal description and low est cash price ; none but real bargains considered. P 253, Oregonian. TO KXrilANTiF KKA I, KSTATE. WILL TAKE lot, machine, p.aycr piano and $50O cash for my equity in modern house or will trade for rundown income property or morning houe; full price $2!MH. East 1257. FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. My new hoina In eanide. Or.; fl-room house. 2 lots, fine garden. Inquire 00 0 Colonial ave. " 1 WANT ALBERTA. CANADA. RiMich or City property, Calgary, Red Deer or Edmonton; In exchange for good Willamette valley ranch up to $20,OOU. E. R. S . 712 Couch bldg. I WANT HOTEL IN PORTLAND. Will put in $75,000. good clear prop erty and assume large amount. E. It. S.. 712 Couch bldg. $35,500 APARTMENT house, paying 21 per cent, lOOx 100. close in, take income to $15,000, $11,000, balance mortgage. 001 McKay bldg. 4 ROOMS and bath, all Improvements in and pal a except pavrmeni, win iruuv equity for late model Ford or Chevrolet; real buy. Wdln. 5M0. LENTS SACRIFICE. 100x108 ; will sell cheap or exchange for piano or diamond. 1 uii ai ar. fnt.-.'. FINE valiev farm; will take nire residence or two-family home up to about $8000. BC 227. Oregonian. HAVE good automobile and 3 building lots: will trade for your house equity. 6742 R5th avenue P. E. CITY property to exchange for farm and acreage. Claude Cole, 4-6 Lumbermens bldg m , b 7-ROOM bungalow, fi lots, Portland: valued $7500 $11500 mortgage; trade for farm. Z. EAKINS. 315 Coach Hldg. EWL'ITY $tWo Elgin lll for house or good lot, payment on balance. AE 200. Ore gontan. SALE and trade, 5-room bungalow on paved st.: take some trade. Brace, 314 t oucniioig CHEVROLET car In good condition, trade and assume difference. Broadway B54tt. A. H. AKerson. ncmy uiuk. HAVE good building lot to trade for auto or hou-je equity. Foster, 206 Morgan bids. TO TXCITANGK REM ESTATE. FIVE-ACRE HOME. $2500. Rich black soil, all in cultivation, large house of three rooms and extra large attic, good well, good-sized barn with six stanchtnns and large loft. 2 chicken hounes woodshed, hog house. 1 Hi miles from electric line this side of Hillsboro ; will exchange for lots, housa or rooming house up to $1500. See Mr. Stephens with Fi ei v, German Co., Realtors. 732 ChnnthT of Com rnerce. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balanca bench and MIL IloO acre in cultivation. 2 housea. fair barn. Price $40 000; would cousider city property. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER COMPANY. 53 Fourth st., opp Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. 14 A. PRUNE ORCHARD. Near Prune hill, m Clarke county; good fa rm houno with bat h, hot and cold water. 50 bearing walnut trees. A variety of fruit. Not a tree destroved by storm. Hut of the frost belt. Will take income property or home in city for equity of $5000. t-l. mortgage. Will nn ea.--y terms. A It ,s57. ( r Konin n. WE CAN trade your property whether .t Is large or small ; city or country ; lo cated here or ia some other state. Come in and give us a description of what you have and let us matoa It with something that you want. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 701-702 Title Trust Bldg., K n t ra n c e Si Fo u rth Street. EXCH A NGE Oft en times a trade well made is a benefit to both parties; from our ex change lint ings we have some excep tions l offers. P.OBNETT A McCLURE. REALTORS, Marsha: 32VJ. r.t'2 Cnu li Bl.ig AIT. TA H 'It. I have a modern 8-room bungalow, - hardwood floor s, two baths, poolntnm and table, dandy garage; will take a good lot or Kin a 11 suburban acreage as part payment : price Jd5oo. Mam Sim 15. WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trad for you ; bring in your propo.stt Ion and we will man h you on anything of merit; lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. i.;. k s., 712 Couch bldg. COAST DAIRY EQl ll'PED. 155 acres; 40 river bottom. 30 acre cleared; good li-room house. '2 new barns, school. neMr store, good roads; will ac cept acreage near Portland. E. R. S 7U Couch bldg. Rdwy. 15. 10O ACRES Umber .and; no in-uin Ora nit' tor equity In small farm of 20 to 30 acres, n-t too iar out. KHKVt Ai;-M E EDS CO., I 'a-'j-iton. r. FEET, mainly yellow fir. with its ltio acres. Yamhill county, no mortgage, for exchange for Port bind or outride tm proved or not. or stump land. Ad drey l' 2 ' V. S. Bunk bldg. A I '.i A 1 ENT to Laurelhurst, 75x100 ft. lot. with Iteming fruit trees; Hewer and side wa Ik in a nd Inc. I uded in price. W ill tHke car ror my equity In $7ou. Rock. i" Couch b Id g , Mar. 335 J. Kwl I 1 V ot lo..''0o in apt and busine.-s earning over 12'p; mortgage $7000; will talce bungalow or improved suburban to JF.iOOO. remainder easy terms. Woodlawn 1 I M. WILL trade light car for good building lot or house equity. Main iiNOO. TO KXCHA . K M I S V K I . I . A N K O I . TRADE rooming house, good lease in walk ing distance, i; crds r wood, for equity in goud auto machine shop. Maia M'Mtt. ill; AN D new iui tor diamond. AM 2tit4, ' r- nonin n. 1W17 MAXWELL touring. Kood shape, will trndc for pin no. Ea.-q 4,l7tt. el-EL i'HJC phonograph lamp for piano; give or take dltforem-e. Woodlawn 0.134. FOR 8AI.K. ."rM. Vehicles. Liicto k. Hi HEAD of chunks from Crook county, 4 to h years old. Weight RtOO to 17O0 pounds. ;.uth st. and 1'uwclf Valley roud. Si ot r;i i- J KliMiV cow lur nale or trade lor W. L. puilei.; Will n--siien this week. Inquir -lik Ifellinu. It rat hoimo on Canvon road into ruv of Beaverton. ONE-HALT milt, pouih tvenmore station, 11 head beef t at lie,. J oneo-lvei iy , Oresh- am car ' VlRlL'M OlIilKKH col.le, puppit-h, peiiectly marked. 415 to $15, a 1 1 ! ion Kuarmi te. d. Al. J. Ackiey, Chapman, ( r. HOWES. TAHOR 05 46. Dili A D horses and catt le taken Quickly. Call day or nUht. Auto Iij7 Hi. HIDES bought or tanned. Wtst Coast Tan n i r, g Co . S02 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2M0S. l-'A Al 1 i. cow ; W i ilia ins a e ill Mink, iy gentle. uii.J IjilrLillL "V ''L-Jl'l! 'tn"!ruie4, box st. Piano.. OrgmiM and Mifdcul Instrument . R ET IRlN ii Flit M lit; SI N ESS b ALE. $15 cabinet, phonographs, sals prlca, 'H. fMO cabinet phonographs, sal prlca. $47,50. $15 cabinet phonographs, sals prlcM I its 50. New and used pianos one-third to ons half off. Kuicy-Macgtey Music Co. 10$ Fifth n., bt t. Wash and Stark. I'SED VJCTROLA.S. Vletrola, .Nt)e X. 011k $100.00 Vidro. ia styia JX, almost new... tHi.00 Vicfiola Si vie; IV 17.50 SEIIlKRLLNti-LI'CAS Ml'SlC CO., H'5 4 1 h St.. bet. Wash, and A Ider. BEKURE YU HU Y A PHoNwdKAPrf see Foley -Macgly Muio Co., who ars retiring from bus inc.; reductions In pianoa nnd phonograph as high as 50 per cent. lot! Pitta St.. between Wash ington and St ark. H E F It E V OC HI Y A PIANO. See Foley-. M aeg ly Music Co. closing out sale ; retiring from business; pianos and phonographs at reductions as high as 50 per cent 100 Fifth L. bL Wash ington and Stark. 11 E InTTe PL A V LR. $450. This is a neir piano. Has been used for demonstration only. See it. Terms given. Seiberling l.iKin Miiflo Co., l-o 4lh st., bet, Wuau. and Abler. $1400 PI A NO America's fino artistlo make, new and perfect at the price of a good upright; a so a fine Musen Hamlin piano, make an offer, terma Br -ok era ge o., !t 1 1 Worcester b!d g 111 SH A- LANK, genuine mail., 1 out ued about one mo. Perfect, only $;ipo. ,lul think of the difference. Brokerage Co.. 1 Worcester bldg. TuR Y A CLARK, $05. plain case. A wonderful bargain. Term given. Rel-berllng-Lucns Music Co., 125 4th st., bet. Wash, and A Ider. STEIN AY A S N, old sl le. $150; fil good condition. Terms given. Selbrrllng. Lucas Music Co., 1-5 4 ill at., but. Wash. nnd Abler. F" R SA LK Beaga n marimba xylophone large s:e 4'B octave. No. 4 7 I'll for JJ'5 cash, absolutely new condition and less T h a n b;ilf price. Phone Sell, 1 S EBiTlT upright piano, (loo, $ I j,. $1T to $-'-5. manv fine standard makes. Why pay more ? Terms. Rrukwrago Co., 41 1 Worcester bldg PoR TLA N ij-maiie piano benches, veneered tops. 115; allowance for your old stool; a good Christmas gift- Harold B. Ullbrt BM Vnnilili: st. PI A NO 1 C M NTs AND R EFINlSHINfi; Expert workmanship. Guaranteed. 8l-herling-Luca Music Co., 12b 4th Si Main MAKE me an otter, standard make piano, ued le than one y ear; munt sail. Main '-'QMl. Ii It A N I new Columbia cablnt phono graph, latest style, with 40 new rec ord Will sacrifice. 111 lMth M. 'I'll' 'MAS cabinet grand, dead oak linUh. fL'oo. 573 East Couch. Don't call Sun day. WE IU V, SELL. OR TKADE PHONOGRAPHS AND RErMRM.S. V KWM N. 1'-" Flrtt. nc ar W a thin gton. KIMBALL PLAlKlt. $5-5. We H you to se tills bargain. Terms given. Sel- t.erilng-Liicnw Mu.-dc Co., 1J5 4th B t. PIANO, Li5. Uak caao upright. Term! given. Selherlliig-Luea Music Co., 1-4 4th. bet Wash, and A Ider I'llnMKiKAi'lI R KB A HUM Any make. Work guaranteed. Seiherling - Lucas Music Co. 1-5 4!h St., Main S.'.sQ. 11 KliE'S your opportunity, will trade a 10-0 Chevrolet for a good phonograph. H.iv-t - 14 TROI.A HAROA1N. $21:5 model, mahogany, hvu utif til ton. In record, cheap for cnh Tabor HOJL JOoo SMITH A HARNEci piano, latest; Just pew, $J.5, on terms. 611 W urccster r-.'ig. n i V Jt.--.-al Itl'.rl 1,1 II no ni.-A t .a p : n in cnf. frrns. .'11 I WorccHfer bldg. WANTED Piano for all cash. Call Malu 4 4 J 4 . week days. $0"0 THOMPSON piano, latest plain mah ?MJ5. On terms. 'H 1 Worcester blt'g. $005 ANDREW KOHL E 1 1 piano only $-'40. latest, terms, 'ill Worc-st-r hldg. $050 McPHAlL fine upright, only $15, on terms. 311 Worcester bldg. $5oo I'l NO, upright, only $125. on terma. 311 Worcester bldg. WAN 'I BO To buy a piano, pay iut casn If ha 1 -ga in. no an ''run. PLAYER rolls exchanged. 10c ch. Harold B. Gilbert, 34 Yamhill st. WEBER pianoia tor rent, music included Harold S. Oilhort. 3S4 Yamhill st. PIANOS, Grafanolas with records tor rsut. Empire Transfer. R-1 w y. 1 5 5. $120 Git AFONOLA for $so, terms. Lnipn Transfer. Broadway 155. ORGANS $10 and up! Belberling-Lucaa Music Co.. 125 4th st. PIaN'O WANTED Bay ca.-h for good uiK-'rt Instrument. Main 85s. P1ANUS moved. $3, stairs extra; work, dune by expert Phone Bdwy. 1207.