13 THE JIOKMNG OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1021 HELP WANTED MA LET Ol'XU MAN . ; Take tma tip: Tne one beit place In this city to assist YOU In finding a position in a clerical, com mercial or technical line is the Y.M.C.A. Employment department. You can get rellanle Information and they will mul tiply your chancea and put you next to opjtortunitlea that you would never find tbiough your own efforta alone. All young men and especially stran a;era, are cordially Invited to tclk with one of the secretaries. Room 107 Y. M. C. A. . BXrKHIENCBU machlnlat wanted. highly capable and wide experience; opportunity for connection with new industry of unusual world-wide possibilities : prefer man ra u H v -. ha-lr Vta nwn 1 U d iTTTJP fl t i of merita of propoaltlon with Investment; ground-floor basis; replies strictly con fidential. For interview, E 264, Orego- nlim. EXPERIENCED sulphite pulp men. chem ists, cooks, screen tendera, machine tend ers, acid makera, etc. Mail applications with full particulars of experience and wages expected If appointed. Apply Wtuien Pulp Paper Mills. Ltd.. Van couver, B. C. . $223 PER MONTH averaged by many salesmen; some make more; congenial, eay work for young or old; experience unnecessary; cash weekly; buslneaa sp'endld year round. Toopenih Nur srv. box L. Toppenlsh. Wash WANTED By large corporation, young man to do genera office work. Must be good penman and rapid at figures. An- uinr mtinr aalnrv exoacted. references. age, education and experience. AO 249, Oregonlnn. N E AT-A I'l'EA R I N i YOUNG MARRIED M A N FDR D E MON STRATI NO CREW IN CUT: STEADY WORK. APPLY MORNINGS. 35 RUSSELL BLDG.. 4TH AND MORRISON, WANTED Experienced clam digs era to dig rasor clams on Clatsop beach for cannery; highest prices paid. Warren ton Clam Co.. Wsrrenton. Or. YOUNG MAN. A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! Inveatment with services. 523 Henry bldg. L UBER.M EN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 Ankeny st., corner Second. 1 compt. baker, 1113 a month and board. WANTED Experienced rip-sawyer for work in furniture factory. Apply Oregon Table Co.. Lewis and Loring sts. WANTED Flrst-clasa picture agents, cap able of closing orders. Call 10 to 12 A. M. 406 Salmon at. WANTED For amateur night, singing, talking and dancing acta. Good pay. Applv manager Star theater. Ho.u El. ESS, friendless, unemployed men can find a home at Piagah Home colony. Mo i ppnopp, Or. MAN AND wife, institution, lady cook, man Janitor; good wages. 301 Raleigh hldg., 827 Wmth. BIDS WANTED oi excavating, plumbing, wiring and ce n ent work 620 Henry hldg. "w A.S'TLl) Blackface comedian for vaude ville act. T. Edward Feist, 410 Colum bia hldg. AMATEURS wanted. Apply Music bldg 610 Eilers MOVIE types wanted. Write Hector rioverio. Cloverlo Film Co.. Portland. CABINET MAKER for furniture factory East Tenth, corner of Lincoln. WANTED First-class brass finisher; amateurs consi i-red. 305 First sC BARBER WANTED. 272 Vfc Wash. St. Help Wanted salesmen. A WELL-ESTABLISHED Oregon com pany that la paying substantial dlvi dends. Is seeking the services of one or two high-class salesmen. We want men who are In the habit of making good money. Call- 607 Henry bldg.. 1U to i or 2 to 4. WANTED Personal soliciting salesmen to sell dehydrated specialties. All appli cants must be prepared to satisfy us as to their salesmanship ana integrity. Call at 375 E. 6th st. N, near Ilroad- way, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. PHONOGRAPH SALESMAN House-to-house salesman, best machine on mar ket, lowest prlcea. direct from factory to customer; liberal terma E, 33d st. N. and Broadway. Stradlvara Phonograph company REAL estate salesman, one with car pre ferred. We have several good buys and sellers waiting for a good closer. See Mr. Foster. 206 Mar jr fin bldg. WANTED salesman or woman to aell an up-to-date line of brushes to the trade; good commission. 263 Oak st. SALESMEN to aell a new device without competition. Good com m lesion. Report 1205 Gasro bldg., after 0. Mr. Narvaes. EXPERIENCED salesmen for a new line. o competition. Daily commission. 511 Ar t Isan bldg.. before noon. HIGH-CLASS salesman, good city terrl tory; commission. 263 Oak at. EXP. SALESMAN to aoliclt coal ordera; liberal commission. Tabor 5400, evenings. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED Agenta to sell Antl-Ereeze for auto radiators; every auto needa It now; big commission to hustlers. M ultnomah Chemical Co.. 371 East Morrison st. FIVE saleswomen for 'Wonder" house hold article. Call after 10 A. M , 409 m E. 27th st.. near Clinton. SOLICITORS wanted for good paying busl neffs. See Mr. Bat wood St. Paul hotel. WANTED Agent to sell a real washing powder. Call Sellwood 8471. HEALTH, accident and hospital Insurance. Big commission. A01 Co? bett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS and women to mane paper hata, flowers, favors and other novelties at home on piecework basis for large local manufacturers; experience desarable but not essential; muke application in writ ing this week, submitting samples of handicraft and originality, if .experienced. W 237. Oregonian. GENERAL kitchen work. Institution, $40. room and board; housework and care of invalid, $40; housework and laundry, no cooking, 4j ; experienced second maiu, $50; alfto other positions. SCOTT'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 320 Henry Bldg. ELDERLY or young woman wanted for general housework in suburban home with every convenience. Must be In good health. Good home and light work. No laundry. Phone or write Mrs. Thom as L. Georges, route 5, Portland. Main 76ili. THE WOMEN'J Protective Division, city of Portland, offers its service in all mat tera pertaining to the welfare and pro tee t ion of women and glrla; interviews confidential. 614 Worcester bldg., 3d and oiiK him, rnone y nin ."; OR 3 WOMEN solicitors for house to house work; good commission and an eHsy aeller. For appointment call Main 8700 and ask for Mr. I. J. White, be tween K and 12. AN Y Gl RL In n'ed of a friend, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander .streets. Phone Main i .m car. WANTED Ladies call homes, aell house hold necessities of merit; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 East Morrison st. MUSIC student to do 2 hours' work three mornings each week In exchange for flrst-clasa piano lessons from experienced concert pianist. Main 6732. YOUNG business woman who haa ability to meet public S,nd good education. Per manent. Also have opening In eastern Washington. PJ 224, Oregonian. TWO LIVE wlrea for house-to-house can vass. Quick seller by commission. Call between 10 and 12. Mr. Calhoun, 226 Harrison. WANT woman to solicit ordera for rug and carpet cleaning; fine opening for steady worker. Ish-Ka-Blbble Co., Eaat SHI 8. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON noma la ready to help any girl in distress. ftiJ East Glisan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED Saleswoman ; financial oppor tunlty: training free. 0:30 A. M. Broad w ay 43 20. A FINE opportunity for a good typist to learn multigraphtng free. 531 Artisans Mdg. WANTED 6 wide-awake women for prof itable outside work, 2 to 5 houra a day; can net $1 per hour. 627 Corhett bldg. WANTED Young girl who desires a home, to help with housework. Phone Tabor 6!6 A' A XTED For amateur night, ainglng, talking and dancing acta. Good pay. Applv manager Star theater. LABELERS for cannery. California Pack ing corporation. Kenton. Take Kenton car on Broadway. MIDDLE-AGED lady to do light house work and care for 2 small children. C. 8. student preferred. Tabor 7240. LADY to carilst with general housework In exchange for self and husband's room and hoard. Phone Mar. 27H1. .'.'ANTED Nurse with 2 years' or more of training. Moors Sanitarium. 27th and Hawthorne avenue. PRIMA DONNA for permanent musical tabloid stork; long engagement. T. Ed ward Fel-t. 410 Columbia bldg. "HtJCOLTE dipper for retail store. 410 Hawthorne ave. 8 A. M. VANTED Woman to serve Thanksgiving ti in ner tor fa mHy. Phone Main 3102. OV1B typea wanted. Write Hector rmverlo, Cloverio Film Co., Portland. GOOD soprano and alto wanted for ioAl professional work. 202 Tllford bldrf. i .MATEURS wanted. Mustr bldg. Apply 610 Eilera houxekeeper in country. AF 24S, EXPERIENCED Burnside. waitress wanted. GIRL for the 1'eucy Arcade ai 26 L 3d st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ASSISTANT BUYER FOR INFANTS' DE PARTMENT. APPLY TO M LBS ELTON, 4H FLOOR. LIPMAX, "WOLFE A CO.. WANT waitress. 1751 IVnverave. Wanton Domestics. WANTED Competent woman for general houewnrk, plain cooking; no washing; comfortable room with bath; references, rail 9 to 11 at 775 Flanders at. WANTED Experienced girl for general hnniownrk 3 In famll v. small house. hlgest wages paid ; references required. Main 702S. 111:4 Franklin st. GIRL wanted for general housework; no conking. 151 Laddington Court. Tabor B754. GIRL wanted for general housework: and plain cooking. 606 Everett. ' HET.P WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. PERMANENT profitable business for men and women aale agenta to aell the orig inal TtAniiUfo Vinlt. everywhere in Ore gon and Waahlngton. A necessary Xmas gift. Violet Ray Headquarters, 423 W a ah 1 n jz t on st.. Portland. Or. ' HELL Til E trade new imported pocket aluminum pencil sharpener with re newable blade. Each one demonstrates Itself Into a buyer. Ingersoii Mfg. Co., 270 Hawthorne ave. East by 22. WANTED Soljcitora to aeil Christmas toy amusing toy. sells at signt. Room 516. Palace hotel. SOLICITORS, no exp. needed; big com mission, 8 to 10 A. M. Room 7 Athens hotel. WANTED Vaudeville acts all kinds. Edward Feist, 410 Columbia bldg HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT, SAWMILL and logging camp will open inside of oae week and needa woods crew; each man muat take stock In company, part cash and part time; 30,000 mill, on river and railroad, ponda for 2.500.000 logs, contracts on timber avail able for 20-year run ; incorporated $50,- oo. only $600J atock now ior aaie. juu wanted are: Woods foreman. $1000 Inveatment. Hook tender. $750 Investment. Mill engineer. $500 Investment. 2 donkey engineers, $500 inveatment. Donkey fireman. $500 investment. 2 fallera. $50.1 Investment. n-,m an w nmn. $500 investment. Also chasers, mill and yard men, edger men, watchman cut-on men, iwamperi. "por particulars, plats and data rallat FION i riK K.V.J lAJ X -i & . i - , 14 North Second St. PARTNERSHI P S FOR M E p. WE HA V K T H ES E OPENINGS FOR PARTNERS. RESTACRANT MAN WITH $500 DISTRIBUTOR WITH $500. EXECUTIVE OR TIREM AN WITH SI .V 000. We have investigated these placea and can recommend any of tne aoove piacca. For full particulars, see G. C. ULRICH & CO., 6"2 Stork Exrhange. WAVTl.:!) 10 MEN AT ONCE. Mast be able to finance yourself for a week; big money to nusuers; one iook will convince you. Mr. Southall. 247 North 12th atreet, room 25. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. DA n: ISH on), icardener. wants to take care of private garden and residence; fruit, flowers, vegetables; single, willing board or bach; wel. recommended. F 23-. Oregonian. ROOFS REPAIRED. And painted, guttera cleaned. 20 years" experience, t rices tQ"1 lowest and a guar antee that counts. Main 571 and 111)4 A fu-u I vc AMI) I ' A IN TING I GUARANTEE ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP AT WINTER PRICES. E. 7M2. J. M. jmo, MAN WITH FAMILY OUT OF WOKK AND MONEY; ANY KIND OF WORK APPRECIATED. McCANN, PHONIC BROADWAY 2U3S. YOUNG man, golr.g to H. S.. wants work after school and on Saturday; expe rience, grocery and meat market; can drive car. Sellwood 2H26. J A-l MECHANIC wants position as prop erty man In hotel or first-class apt. house, paint. ng, upholstery, etc.; very handy. J 251, Oregonian. . DEAR FRIEND FARMER. I want a steady Job; I am a young, strong, husky American; good milker; 135 a month. W. C. Cloak. 5Q5 Jefferson. RELIABLE. industrious boy. ID years, wants place to work and attend school. Call Woman's Protective division. Main 5522. ROOFS repaired, rain or shine all kinds repaired and painieu any coior, -vc troughs cleaned and repaired. Main 6320. M1UDLE-AGED man wants position a Janitor or any worn. u- xroxei, jaam Hi:'!, room 8;i. I WILL mix your concrete with mixer for $1.25 per working hour. Call after H P. M., East 733. WE DO anything, why not give us that odd jod you ahydi juiu coinns. GOOD, reliable man wanta work of any kind; handy witn loois. wi, gonian. PRUNING TREES, SHRUBS, ETC.; EX PERIENCED MEN. G1LKOX, 15 D w x. 1!i:i7. . CARPENTER, new or repair worn; ama.il Joba promptly done; estimates cnewiun given. Tabor iiOSH. CARRIED man needs work, painting. tinting, enamel worn; xurnnure puiu lng. varnishing. Maciln. East 1H16. SHINGLING, ltaky roofs patched, gutters repaired, chimneys retiswneo. Aiaraiiau 1072. WANTED Contract to cut wood ; nave own dragsaw and outiit. -i. ocnoon- over. N alluga. ur. MARRIED man, experienced blacksmith, bollermaker and horseahoer. will work In country. A Stelzeg. 1113 N. E. 17th at. I HAVE a Ford touring, wish employment where I can use it. or what have you to offer? V 253, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED truck or touring car driver wanta work, married man. Call Quinn. Main 3816. APT. HOUSE engineer and manager, thor oughly experienced; only flrat-clasa po aition considered. K 220. Oregonian. HAVE your house cleaned from attic to cellar. Odd jobs done. 60c hour. Wat son. East 542S. lOUNG MAN experienced in watch mak ing, would like place to finish trade. E 134. Oregonian. YOUNG man 21 yrs. old with 5-pass. Hup- mobile. What have youT 'BF 247, Ore- gonian. YOUNG man with 3 years' experience wishes job aa fireman or any other work. BJ24S. .Oregonlam SITUATION wanted by chauffeur, expert driver, unusual references. AO 269, Ore- gonla n. i WANTED Position In garage to learn trade, small wages expected while learn ing. H 233 Oregonian WINDOW trimmer, card writer, good ref erences, wanta position. Phone M. 4050. or AG 250. Oregonian. TRUCK hauling, furniture. lon distance, any kind. 2-ton. Phone Eaat 3708. YOUNG MAN. experienced wanta position at once. P. hotel clerk. O. Box 8167. LOTS cleared, treea. stumps, brush. 321 E. 63d at. N. B 232. Oregonian. WANT work on ranch, can milk cowa or drive team; single man. Marshall 1030. JAPANESE machinist wants work in busy garage, wages no object. 57 North 4th st. IF lOU need a barber write or phone W. H. Young. Hood Hotel. CEMENT WORK CESSPOOLS SEWERS. Rea sonable rates. Tabor 1408. A SKILLED Japanese boy wanta job in kitchen. Bdwy. 2111. GROCER YM AN, corn pe tent, single, any where. Address Wett. Y. M. C. A. RELIABLE handy man will work for boa rd and room. G 233. Oregonian. JAPANESE school boy wants work. K. Tazawa, 268 Hi Burnslde at. YOUNG married man needs work; wife III. Telephone Bdwy. 855. room 1. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanglng; good work reasonable. Sellwood 1300. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc, E. 8th st. Phone East 210. MAN wants work as janitor, watchman or hotel clerk. Tabor 8779. SHINGLING, roof repairing, prices rea aonahle. work guaranteed. Auto. 325-16. HAULING, trucking, anywhere or my. thing: very reasonable. Phone East 6S84. CEMENT work of all kinds, good work guaranteed. Sellwood 019. 17-YEAR-OLD boy wants to work on farm. AL 204. Oregonian. PAINTING and papering, C. R. Dasher, Co!. 1078. reasonable. HAULING wanted. 2ij-ton truck, covered body. Bdwy. 2027. YOUNG man going to school wishes work for board and room. AL 250. Oregonian. JAPANESE boy wishes position as family cook. Call Auto 516-60. PAINTING. TINTING. PAPER HANGING; WORK GUARANTEED. EAST 118. BRICK contractor, tile houses, garages, fireplaces; prlcea right. Tabor 8703. i-LUMUING done very reasonably,, by hour or Job. Auto. 235-51. CARPENTER, jobbing and repairing; also p ainting and tinting. Eaat 53 06. PLUMBER wants work, any Job. reason- able; repair expert. Broadway 2583. PAINTING. PAPERING, TINTING. PRICES LOWEST. TABOR. 232. WrTTTATIONS WANTED MALE. 'THOROUGHLY experienced coupie want j place. Man up-to-date farmer. Have specialize! in rruit. poultry ana noga. Understand farm machinery, motors, pumps. Can take charge. Beat refer ence Terma cona latent with tlmea. B 273. Oregonian. - RETAIL lumberyard manager wishes to make new connection; 35 years old; la ' an accountant, haa experience and the oretical knowledge, knows manufactur- j Ing and retailing. For details write AV 072, Oregonian. J ENPER1ENCED AUTO MECHANIC AND TRUCK DRIVER WISHES WORK. WELL ACQUAINTED IN THE CITY BUT WILL GO ANYWHERE. MAR MARRIED man, honestly in need, must have some sort of work at once. Have done different kind of mechanical work. Will do anything. Reference. Phone Wdln. :.4ns. YOUNG MAN, 25. wanta work on farm; do'much of' anything on farm: need to milk about 10 cows. Write to O. K., 44 k Korth Third at.. Portland. Bookkeepers. Menorrapbwn, Office." YOUNG MAN, 20 years old, employed at present, open for position Dec. 1; experi enced In accounting, credita and collec tlona, managing office; A-l references. Write AV 667. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, compe tent to take charge of correspondence, general booka, coat accounts, etc., de- aires position. AO 248, Oregonian. POSITION in apt. house or office building. Can fire, do plumbing and heating and all-around man. Bdwy. 4029. FIVE years' experience railroad clerical work, typlat, do anything. AJ !i59. Ore gonian; HUUKKKEFER - STENOGRAPHER, wide experience, permanent or temporary. BJ 252, Oregonian. PAPER hanging. 25c per aingie roll; estl mates on painting. Main lu32. .Salesmen. SALESMAN with experience, energy and personality, familiar with building ma terial, construction, engineering and ma chinery; can sell anything; wants a posi tion, city or traveling. AE 270, Orego nian. SALESMAN, twelve years' experience sell ing wholesale groceries and grocery spe cialties, wants position traveling In Ore gon or Washington. K 233, Oregonian. MTFATIONS W A NT E D FE M A I.E. GRADUATE kindersartner. best referencea aa to character, will take charge of chil dren at her own home from 7 :30 to 12 P. M. ; centrally located, west side. BD 231. Oregonian. SCHOOLGIRL would Ilka place to help take care of small child or be mother'a helper; neighborhood of Couch or Cathe drnl whonl. AM 271. Oregonian. RESPECT a BLE elder. y woman wants light housework in a widowers' family ; small wages; please give phone number. BC 2-i:i. Oregonian. ELDERLY woman will Qo light . house work In a plain family ; small wages; give phone number. H 255. Oregonian. 'iHOROUGHLY capable young woman wants poMitio.n in bakery or grocery store. Phone Main 130. EXPERIENCE!- trustworthy lady wants houaecleanlneT. washing or other work ; good w..'k guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305 loUNG wonuin, capable, good cook and worker, wants place, 2 or 3 adults. J40. Woodiawn 467. COo K, experienced, hotel, cafeteria ; can work on counter; good pie maker. Bdwy. 2X00. EXPERIENCED telephone operator wanta position in hotei or business house Call 12 to 4 P. M.. East 5347. LADY wants poaition in grocery or small bakery, some experience. Call Bdwy 4i76. forenoons. WILL care for children evenings while p a re n ta are a w a y : re f . W d i n . 1611. WOMAN wants Main S122. work by day or hour. SOUTHERN cook wishes to serve dinners, parties or any work by hour. East H584. COLORED WOMAN to do few hours' work daily except Sunday. Call Sell. 3272. LACE curtains, hand laundered. 12 years' experlenee. Eaat 6106. EXPERIENCED counter or steam table eirl wishes work. Bdwy. 3322. FXP. WAITRESS WISHES WORK. PHONE 643-85. WOMAN wants work by day or .hour. Hhone woodlawn ii.w. FXP chambermaid desires position. Mar shall 8402. room 72. ItiMiwkeeperw. vtc nographen. Office. REFINED, well-educated young lady. pleasing personality, efficient and de pendable, desirea position of responsibil ity as private secretary, office manager or asslatant. Tabor 5084 or AP 247. Ore gonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER. 4 yrs.' experience, wants position. Marshall 666, room 18 TYPIST, office work, billing or switch board, by competent girl. Main 94i, Miss Starr. STENOGRAPHER Beginner, prefer small office. Woodlawn 5403 . STENOGRAPHIC or general office work: xpfrienced. Call Woodlawn 6457. EXPERIENCED law stenographer wishes poaitlon. AM 247. Oregonian. EXP. STENOGRAPHER wishea position In doctors office. AG 268. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER wlahea extra work; sonable prices. V 255. Oregonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING, alterations, patching. cleaning, pressing, dyeing. Ladies gar ments and men's suits. Called for and detllvered. Call at our shop or phone Bdwy. 28fl, New York Pressing Club, 355 Couch st. N, cor. 8th. GOWNS, distinctive remodeling, apt cial prices on tailored top coats on orders taken until Nov! 20 Broadway 1753. SILK dresses u specialty ; prices reason- able. 4U2 hi Morrison, room o. upstairs. THE GLAD SHOP DreaamaKing, remodel- fng. 1001 Bdwy. bldg. Main D354. LELAH HUTCHINSON gowns. way bldg- Main I7HH. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker by day; encea. rnone ol i-Uj GOWNS Tailore 1 dresses. M. Barbara Steinberge. 002 Broadway bldg. HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon sets 3c yard. 1006 Broadway bldg. Nurses. NURSE wants home with congenial peo ple when not employed ; will give aid or electric treatments for room and board; references. Call after 12 today. A ut. 62 5 -0 1 PRACTICAL n urging by the day or steady. r,ast PRIVATE maternity home; best care to patients; clean place; reasonable. E. 868. EXP., practical nurse wishes cases. Invalid or elderly. Main 4860. COMPETENT, cases. Main experienced 1 422. nurse wlahea Housekeepers. LADY wanta position as hotel house keeper, many years' experience In firat clasa house; can give city references. AN 250. Oregonian. WANT position as housekeepr in hotel or gentleman'a home. Phone Broadway 488. Address 44 f Third at., room 24. WANTED By young lady without home, position as houaekeeper or companion. L 253, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED woman wishes work by day or hour. Tabor 8781. LADY with two children wishes position aa housekeeper. Call Woodlawn 3718. RELIA BLE colored woman wants plain cooking or second work. East 4553. LAD Y baker and ail-round cook. 2i6 13th. Houaecieanlnc. HOUSECLEANING . Expert white and Ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, furniture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows .washed. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. 188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning. floor waxing and vacuum cleaning; estimates cheerfully given; best of referencea. WANTKI) TO RENT. llouaea. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and ' c Rental Bureau, Reliable, up-to-date lists of desirable furnished and unfurnished houses, apart I ments ana fiats, witn aerinite informa tion pertaining: to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value In helping them get properly and Quickly located. Eighth Floor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Brnndway 3715. THREE rooms by December 1; within walking- diatance, at Eaat 2d and Morri son. Prefer unfurnished and must be reasonable; three In family. Give full particulars. AB 241. Oregonian. WANTED YOUR RENT HOUSE BRING IN YOUR LISTING. "SEE THE YELLOW SIGN." SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK ENOH. WANTED TO LEASE From Owner. 8 or more rooms, unfurnished, close in. "West aids preferred. AH 271, Oregoniau! WANTfcD TO RENT. h on . WANTED to rent furnished 3 or 4-room houseboat. Roy Sandberg, 374 Wasco at. Apartments. WANT 3 -room furnished apartment or fiat, west side, Dec. 1, couple, child 2 yea re. AK 251. Orpgonian. RooniM With Board. RESPONSIBLE Jew ish coup to Ith two small children and Infant wish good, steady home and board with adult fam ily, west aide preferred. A 247. Ore- . gonlnn. Riifr'iNED young woman desires room with board in Christian Science family. BD ( 272. Oregonian. MAN and daughter 10, want room and board, prefer near Irvington school. AF 27Q. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN wants room and board. dress AN 275, Oregonian. Hu.Mkei ping Khiii. I 1Tif ur ;rnined h. k. rms. or flat, walking distance; young couple; permanent. AN 24 s. Oregonian. KiiHineN! 1'lncew, WANTED Office, furnithd. centrally lo cated. Write AG 2-l, Oregonian. FOR RENT. ELEGANTLY furnished high-class bache lor apt.. Including piano, large living room 17x30. attractive with lota of lamps, maple floor, kitchenette, lovely for persons out through the day. lawyer or 2 or 3 nuraea. 106 St. Clair St.. cor- . ner Wash. b-KUOM houe; furnace, fireplace, built ins; range connected, fuel; $."0 per mo.; give lease. Main -i-v. oui icivay. Broadway 4714. ; Furnlmed Rooms. r'OR RENT Room for rent to refined your busi ness man, about 25 years old share lovely outside suite wi'h business man of good standing; also 2 refined business girls can share a lovelv apartment with 2 ladies. $20 eacn. including light, gas and heat. 160 St. Clair st.. cor Wash. HOTEL CLIFFORD, PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 1 25 PER DAY, 96 PER WK. AND VP. 'ON V EN I ENT. A LL-N1QHT GARAGE. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rat -a $1 day; week, $5 up; private bath. $8 up; fireproof and clean; close to business renter. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS 2 WEEK. Clean furnished rma., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc.. 35c and 50c per night; 5-story brick. 4"3 Front, cor. Harrison.. AVSUVIA H OTKL. 124 14th at. at Washington. Rates 4 per week up. 1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotlesa rooms, close to h mu semen t and whopping center. ANGELA HOTEL. 623 Waahlngton St. Marshall 1950. Large. attractive lobby with flre plaee. Special rates to permanent guests. WASHINGTON HoTEL. 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and auitea at reason able rate by week or month. AliE ST. PAUL, 13! 4th at., corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath. 2. Special r;tes by week or month. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th sc., 2 blocks north of Vashington st. ; fire proof; pleasant rooms ajid suites at very reasonable rates by d;iy or week. EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 26x2. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, under new man agement, 652 Washington st. Modern, private baths; free phone; reasonable rates. 3.5M week up. M aln 31. STANDISH HOTEL. B48H 18th. Washington st. ; nice sleep ing rooms, ateam heated, hot water; rea sonable rate; 3 week up. HOTEL TAIT, 12th and Stark Changed hands; rale $1 per day, wk. $3 up; pri- v;iatp bath, fO up; all outside rooms. GOOD, warm, clean basement room for workingman; west side, close In; $2.50 a week. Main 5223. 60 N. 21st St, HOTEL OCR LEY, Morrison St., at 10th $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths; light and airy. Steam heat. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms; steam heat, hot and cold water, reasonable. 26!i'4 5th st. AUTHLH HOTEL. 170 Eleventh at., near Morrisons-Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. NEWPERKINSHOTEL. " Washington and Fifth Streets. Special permanent rates. MARLYN HOTEL, 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by day. werK or montn; rates reduced. THE MAPLE. 30 N. 17th, near Wash., at tic room, 8 per month; rooms $3 per week ann up, BUSH MARK, Wash, at., cor. 17th; clean, modern steam heated 1 and 2-room apts., also steeping rooms ; reasonable. ic DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths fr.-e. Hotel Cndlllac, 3d. near Jefferson. LARRABEE HOTEL, modern, steam heat ed, walking- dls. Larrabee and Holladay. BASEMENT sleeping room, near bath. 70S Wash. t. Marshall 5170. Furnished Room In Private family. CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate; $3.50 per wk. : twin beds, parlor, piano and home privileges; S minutes' walk from Meier & Frank, 61 N. 18th. Broadway 2721. LARGE, nicely f urni led front room ; board if desired; 1 block from Broad way car line, in Irvington; garage. Ad dress N 230. Oregonian. WEST SIDE, large light room, furnace heat, hot water, bath, phone, every con venience, w a Iking distance. 65 N. 21st St. Mar. 1H80. 3 FURNISHED rooms, close in. liMht and gaa, $27. 323 Weidler, corner E. 1st. before lo or after 3. NICELY furnished sleeping room, suitable for 2; furnace heat; home privileges; reasonable. 400 Mill. Main 76SL NEWLY furnished rooms, modern home, kitchen privileges, furnace heat, hot Witter. 63 North 22d st. Main 1746. COMFORTABLE furnished room for one or two; bath, light, heat, phone; walk ing distance. East 8X60. LA RG E, pleasant, nicely f urninhed front room for one or two girls; 3 blocks from central library'- Phone Marshall 1006. LARGE front room for 1 or 2 women with references: ate-arh heat, bath, telephone, all conveniences, west aide. Barrh. 4311. 269 14TH, NEAR JEFFERSON Furnished room, walking distance; modern con veniences. Main 3K03. NEWLY furnished 1 front room, walking distance: can be arranged for light h. k. Eflst 8400. FINE parlor, well furnished, to gentle men only. 1 block north of Hawthorne, near 20th st. East 4KQ8. COMFORTABLE room. $18 a month; walk-t Ing distance; near St. Vincents hospital 14H n 24th st. utsiKAiiLt, room, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, close in. easy walking dls tance. weet side. Phone Main 8427. REASONABLE rooms, ground floor; one with fireplace. 84 N. 2lst. cor. Everett $16 LARGE room in nice home for gent. Mar. Q4'l6. 54 Lucretla. nr. 23d and Wash, koom With itoaro. CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland s downtown high-clasa family hotel; rooms en auite or aingie, with or without board, for ram ii lea and business men and women. W'e give you all the comforts of a home. Kensonaole rates. WHITEHALL RESIDENTIAL HOTEL, 6th and Madison eta. "Mother cook a the meals." We cater to transients; rooms skngJe and en suite; modern ; for busi ness men and women and families; rea sonable rates. Portland's downtown hotel JEANNE d' ARC. Rooms, well heated, hot and cold water, for business women ; rent them now by day. week or month, $2 to $10 a week; board $3 a week; meals to transients. 265 14th st. Main 3429. . THE MARIAN A tmall. exclusive residen tial hotel for business women; beauti fully furnished, steam-heated rooms, ex cellent meals; a refined and homelike place; reasonable rates. 5Sife-567ti Gil Ban st. . Broadway 2438. THE SOULE Sunaav cnicken dinner 73e; week days 50c ; ail you can eat ; 11 ks mother cooked. 101 11th. ROOM and board tor business girls; all modem conveniences; walking distance: $5 per week. Auto. 210-74. 12 B. 7th st NICE rooms and board for ladies and gen tlemen, reasonable. Ains worth ave. Woodlawn 0118. HOME cooking. 3 or 4 people; newly fur nlslied rooms. 444 H Park st. RMni. With Board In Private Family. ROOM with good board ; home privileges; 1 or 2 young men preferred. E. 1903. 235 K 15th S. WELL furnished room with board for 1 or 2 people, all home comforta, reasonable. Auto. 630-64. NICE front room, excellent hqard, private family, close in. Main 2960. PRIVATE borne for chllaren; experience. 714 Everett at. 2(1 years Mar. 2162. LARGE front room In a modern home suit able for two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. SUITE sleeping rooms with board. 105 N. 18th. Phone Broadway 2490. WANTED In warm, modern home, one or two children. S8 N. 22d. 515-74. ((iI-lT IT tit aharn m rti! urn h,ima mirh board, $7 week. Woodiawn 6334. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board In Private Family. FRONT room. S. P., twin beds, home cooking, walking distance, W. S. ; also 1 room, unfurnished cottage, suitable for H. K. or sleeping, occupant to do Jani tor work; references required. Bdwy. 4033 . FOR RENT Large front room with board, suitable for couple; no objection to child; also aingie room, furnace heat, garage, close to car; reasonable. Phone Eaat 651 3. 25 TWO NICELY furnished housekeep ing rooms, large porch and bath; phone, light and gas furnished ; no children. Sellwood 2044. 808 E. 27th st. S. FLDERLY lady would like children tc board and room in own borne, very rea sonable; mother's care. Call at 021 Si ueiay ar. .Missisaipi car. GOOD room in new bungalow, next to bath, private entrance; $3 per week; with or without board; close in, on car line. Sellwood 174H. CONVALESCENT home, modern, attrac v tive. quiet, accommodation for two ladies. Postoffice box 74. Oak Grove. Phona Oak Grove 143. IRVINGTON REFINED HuM E, CHOICE DOUBLE ROOM. SINGLE ROOMS; BEST HOME COOKING; GARAGE. E VST fi4.V WOULD like to room and board couple employed; furnace heat, plenty of hot water, use of piano, best of cooking, all home privileges. Tabor 4SS9. WIDOW will room and board working men or married couple. $7.50 per week; home prlviU-UPs HID Morris st. Mississippi car. N 1CEL Y lurnlNhed front room in modern home; hot-water heat; Walnut Park. Phone Woodlawn 4706. NICELY furnished room with board, reas onable, near Adrox auto school, also dental college. 3H5 Halaey. DESIHABLE. we'll -furnished front room with board ; modern ; suitable for two; excellent location. East 5715. Furnished Apartments. HIGH-CLASS furnished apt., 2 rooms and sleeping porch, also 4 rooms and sleeping porch with 5 clothes closets, large sleep ing room, 2 bay windows, all outside rooms. very beautifully furnished in Chinese ruga and ivory furniture; the 2 room apt. available Saturday, can be aeen now; reference required; lota of heat. ' 166 St. Clair st corner Wash ington. Tii REE-ROOM, ground-floor apartment, suitable for three or four adults; lire place, wood range and gas plate, elec trie light, phone and aus free; $45 also two-room apartment, atove heat. gaa ranee, extra sood furniture; $30. 380 12th st. Phone Marshall 2024 after o clock. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta Five minutes' walk to Meter 4 Frank's store: good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and d-room furnished apts., out side and French doora and balcony; per manent and transient. 14i WEST SIDE APT. $45. GROUND FLOOR. S LARGE ROOMS. Modern, bath, ateam heat, furnished, steady tenants, two adults only; can a; office for inspection. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EX OH. THE ELM WOOD. One 2 -room and one 3-room front cor ner apartment now for rent; both com pletely furnished; $55 and $75. Auto. 415-lu. Main 6i0. CARLoTTA COURT. 553 Everett, completely and elegantly furnished 5-room corner apartment, $100 per month ; must be seen to be appre ciitted. Auto. 513-25. AAI GIVING UP my beautiful furnished apartment, located on west aide, in ex clusive district. Will aell my furniture on very reasonable terms, and buyer can take over apartment. East 3QQ2. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. - Corner 10th and Salmon. 2. 3 and 4 room apta. ; permanent or transient; also single rooms. Main Bt41. THREE roonia and sleeping alcove, new iy tinted, nicelr furnlsned. walking dia tance. Adults. 56$ Market at. I. J.-Chap . m an car. Mar. 5552. ELEGANTLY furnished five-room apart ment, piano: adults only: Nob Hill dia trict. 7M Irving St., Apt. 2. Marshall 214.1. $37.50 FINE RESIDENTIAL SECTION 3-room apartment artistically fur nished. Light, heat, telephone service included In rent. Main 3M6. FOUR large, well-furnished rooms on 1st floor: private bath, private entrances. well located; adults. $30. Phone Wdln. 617. DRICKSTON APARTMENTS. 448 Eleventh. One light, airy, modern apartment, plenty heat and hot water. NICELY furnished 2-room apartment. ateam neat, ngnt ana private pnone, va cant 26th. $32.50; adults. Lincoln apts. 4th and Lincoln. DOUGLAS COURT. Haa 2-room unfurnished apartment, Call Mar. 423. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 16th and Jeffer son, attractive 3-room suite, moderate rent. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2. 3 and 4-ROOM APTS. ALICE COURT, coay 2 and 3 rooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, bath, phone, 2 beds. East Hth an Burnslde. East 3566. WESTONIA APARTMENTS. 666 Glisan st., 2-room furnished apart ment, very modern. $45. HADDEN HALL, 11TH AND HALL. Corner 4-room apt., bath, balcony, hd wd. floors : walking distance. 3-ROOM apt., partly furnished, new and clean, with or without garage; close In. good car service East 8460. 20 E. 18th N. THREE-ROOM furnished apartment with private bath, light, water and telephone se r v 1 ce free; $27.50. 882 E. Ash. TWO-ROOM apartments; light, water and heat furnished; fine for working girls or men. 117 N. 18th at. 4- ROOM apartment, mahogany furniture, piano. Irving apartments. 21st and Irv Ing Pts. Phone Main 0239. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity place, nice ly furn. outside 4-room apt. Marsh. 1950. t an apt, o. SHEFFIELD APTS., Broadway and Jef ferson Jovely4-roomap;;bath, phone. CORNER APT,, furniture for aale. 20th and Burnslde. Phone East 6440. XWO-RooM furnlshfd apt. Harrison court 394 5th st. TWO room! and private bath, rent $23.50. Phone Last li&i. mornings ana evenings. BEAUTIFULLY located apt. to share. Bancroft Heights. Dec. I. Mar. 620. UNION AVE. and Klllngsworth. fur. apt., $24.50; all complete; concrete building. 13 DAYS' STORAGE FREE, Moving for less. Phcne Bdwy. 2443. SAN MARCO. E. 8TH AND COUCH 3 ROOM MODERN APT. EAST 1990. PoRTNOM AH, 4 rooms, hardwood floors, sleeping porcn: adults, mm l.itn st. 2 LIGHT h. k. rooma. furnished, on third floor: furnace heat: $20. 4Q4 Park at. ONE 2-ROOM apt.; hot-water heat. R ex ford . M a in 553. THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 2 and 4 rm. 10th and Northrup. Bdwy. 3658. SAN MARCO EAST 8TH AND COUCH. 3-ROOM, MODERN APT. EAST 1900.. FRONT apt., walking distance. Main 54:iO. 301 College. t'nfnnilwhcd Apartments. HARRIMAN APTS. 164 24TH ST. N. Large Mght 4-room apt. with 2 disap pearlng beds and dressing room equiva lent to 6 rooms. Adults only. Refer ences. Some furniture If desired. Main 356. You muat see It. IRVINGTON. BOWMAN APARTMENTS. 4-room outside apt.. H. W. floors French doors, steam heated ; Janitor service, washing macnine, vacuum, $75, December 1. Kant 1369. WICKERS-HAM. 18th and Flanders room apts., unfurnished; large, light. alrv rooms; excellent service: references Phone Bdwy 2201. IONIAN COURT, 18th and Couch 3 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ed ; c':ose In; adulta. Broadway 2761. 3-ROOM, modern, unfurnished apt., steam heat, no cniidren, waveriy court, E. 26th and Clinton sts STEVENS APTS., 701 Northrup, 6 large outside rooms; not water neat, rirepiace, sleeping porches. Main 0358. DOUGLAS COURT has 2-room furnished apartment. Mar. 423. Call ONE NICE light 3-room apt., with hall and kitchenette. 242 Killlngsworth. Wdln. 5S92. THE AMERICAN, modern 5-room apart- ment Bdwy. 8360- ONE UNFURNISHED apartment. The Wilmar. 742 Everett St. 3-ROOM modern apartment, $40. Vista a-pts., 434 Harrison at. 4 AND 5-ROOM apta.. modern in every way: no children. 388 Grand ave. N. MODERN 3 and 4-room apts.; beat, lights. 724 E. Biirnlde. East 4675. ONE 2-ROOM corner apartment, hot-water heat. The Rexford. .Main .'). 3 ROOMS, toilet and bath, unfurnished. 64S I Th urman. Margntu 4 1 hi. Flats, $37.54) I ROOMS, MODERN $37.50 East 12th and Davis; walking dis tance; living room with fireplace and gas hester. dining room, cabinet kitchen, bedroom and bath, nice sleeping porch. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. 623-625 Vg OVERTON ST. 2 5-room flats. each $25. or win rent to one party, call Donald Woodward. Main 1436. 104 2d st. 6-ROOM flat, walking distance; nice view; wr. s. ; fireplace, lurnace. bnm itith at., s. of Montgomery ; $37.50. Vlnney. 3-ROOM upper flat, 186 Chapman, near Yamhill; clean, umurnisaea or partly. FOR RENT. 5 LARGE beautiful rooms with bath. Dutch kitchen, good location. Wood lawn 8558. 672 Alberta at. Furnished Flats. 4-ROOM, corner, furnished flat, except bedding and silverware; private bath, wash tray a and Ruud water heater, wood and gaa range, electric lights; adults only; $30. 733 Rodney ave. Telephone Marshall 3873 WILL lease my 5-room flat for 6 months to responsible adults; fully furnished. Including piano; absolutely modern; muat furnish referencea. Main 8520. FIVE rooms and sleeping porch, strain heated, cloae in on west aide, Juat off Washington, for rent; furniture for sale. Broadway 267. 'ODERN, clean, cheerful, 4 room a. sleep ing porch, bath front balcony, fine view; private furnace, basement; west side, walking distance; references. Mar. 4 COSk 4-rooin flat, walking distance, 32. 5o. Six-room flat, velvet carpet, fireplace, etc. S45. Garage. SO. 444 Rodney, corner Tillamook. Wdln. 1241. iiODEKN 4-room furnished lower flat; good residence district ; very reasonable. sellwood 15Q2. Call after 0 o'ciork. 5-iiUOM furnished flat, close in; 35 a month; adulta only. Apply 821 Hol laday at., or call Broad way 24JV WIDOW w iahea to ahare her furnished 5 room flat with congenial people, 25 mo. wood furnished. 265 vfr I.arrabee at. 3-ROOM modern lower flat at b20 Vaughn at., near Montgomery ward; adults, s: Call T4S'j. Roosevelt at. Marshall 3710. 4-KOOM, modern, nicely furnished flau 616 Commercial st. Phone 319-01. LOWER flat. 328 Park at., open 10.30 to 4 r1. M .. y-i.v tiflwy. 44."i. BEAUTIFULLY furn. live-room flat: large front porch. 734 Oilman St.. flat C. 2-ROOM furnished flat, lower floor; private entrance. 03 East S;h st. North. MODERN furnished fiat. BOO 8. cloaa in. Eaat 5 ROOMS, nicely furnished. 218-80, or E. 6)136. Housekeeping Riwmii, ONE LARGE room and kitchenette and one aingie housekeeping room; light, gaa and plenty of heat furnished; alo one sleeping room tor gentleman. cawy, 3Q73. 135 N. 18th. cor. of HoyC FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric light f. ateam heat, five minute waia oi town. zvi v-oiumoi near Fifth. 2-ROOM 'house keenlns autte! nicely fur niahed, every convenience ; walking dis tance, west side. Call 70 N. loth st Broadway 2rt43. SUITE of three lovely rooms, ground floor, or will rent aenarateiv. 331 Wasco at.. half block from Wtlllams-ave. car line. Phone East 4470. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, reasonable, 1, 2. 3-room apta. 194 Lownsdale, cor. 1. 2. 8-rora apts. 194 Lownadale. corner Taylor. TWO housekeeping rooms, garage and electricity; Mount Scott car In front of door. 5527 72d st. Get off on Millard avenue. $18 a month. , 2 AND 3-ROOM housekeeDlns: aDt.. rea sonable rent, 1 block from DM car. 273 N. 2 1st. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur niahed h. k. rooma, $ 15 up. Including not water, electric lighta. laundry room NICE aingie room ; built-in bed, kitchen ette, private bath, private entrance. 490 Market st.. after 10 A. M. $23 BEAUTIFUL 2-rm. apt., clean and all conveniences; walking distance. 573 Hd st. 2 LARG E h. k. rooms, modern ; lighta, water, bath and phone; $27 and $25 month 631 Thurman. Bdwy. 4822. TH REE-room furnished housekeeping apartment, newly renovated; $6 weekly. 350 14th. TWO CLEAN furnished housekeeping rooma; wanting aiatance. h Ington st. FoR RENT Housekeeping rooms, light and clean, hw rant st. FURNISHED DO V TOW .N ri. K. roonu, cneap rent. wasn.. cor, aa. NEWLY furnished sleeping and light housekeeping ; goon neat. .j .Marshall. NICE singU roams, $12 to 918. many pxlv- lleges. do o f tanners, 2 ROOMS, $5 week up. linen, lights, water. bsh. an Washington st. TWO single h. k. rooms, furnace heat. Hoyt st. Marsnall 2541. ONE H. K. rosun; lights, gaa and furnace $17.50 a month. 534 Mill st. NEW Li and well-furnished h. k. rooms, $2 50 per week and up. 187 N. 15th at Housekeeping Rooms in Prtvaie Family, ON E LARGE, modern furnished house keening room with kitchenette. Well furnished. Bet. E. 5th and 6th sta., near Grand ave. Suitable for employed couple or two worn ing girls. h.. wjv. $20 THREE large, fully furnished h. k. suite, seconu floor; nicely located; gaa wood stove, electric lights and water free. 64 E. Sixth st. Sellwood 1109 3 CONNECTING rooms; contain all the conveniences of an apartment house. with the comfort and privacy of a homo. .ti iinam)i ave. r-none kw-ki. J11.50 TWO COMFORTABLY furnished basement rooms; gas. wood stove, sink water and electric lights free; walking distance. n4 k. win. TWO front room, tirst door: private en trance; furnace heat; two blocks off Washington. Mar. 824 evenings. U. K. ROOMS, walking distance. 275 Will iam ave. East 5797 Mrs. Wilcox. $35 THREE houaekeeplng rooms; adults on l y. 4L'. Eaat oitn m.; alao garage. TWo-ROOM apt., large aingie h. k. room. anroA Jerreraon st.. cor. .th st. ROOM to man and wife with use of kitchen, or will board. 321 wiiilama ave. 1 HOUSEKEEPING room, suitable for cou- p:e employed. ! Fast Hroadway. BEAUTIFUL h. k. room; heat, light, tel.; $15. 574 Eaat Taylor at. 3 FURNISHED h. k. rooma at 938 East Taylor st. : private family. $20, ROOM with kitthen use to homelike people, west side. -Main 2.4. Hon sea. LARGE 6-room house with sleeping porch. absolutely modern, xurnace, ii replace, oak floors, new tapestry paper and tint ing, garage; Rose City, close in. near car; $60 per month. J. R. HAIGHT, REALTOR. 327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. CHOICE 5 and 6-room flats and houses. Some income. $325 saoo $auu $700. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE, 203 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St. Bet. Washington and Stark. BRA N D-NE W house; large living room. kitchen, breakfast nook, a bedrooms, bath, cement basement, furnace; want adulta that will take good care of place; good location. AF 269, Oregonlnn. MT. TABOR DISTRICT. Immediate poasesslon ; an attractive 6 room bungalow, beautifully located; rent $50 per month. Phone 220-10 or call 59 E.i.-t 7Qth. Mt. Tnhor cur line. 8 ROOMS; 4 large bedrooms, furnace, fire place, in Al condition, close to car and school: Eugene st., near Rodney ave.; rent $55; references required. Owner, Fast 4277. G-ROOM fine house, 9i9 Rodney ave., near wygant. $4o; in it rst -class condition ; will lease to responsible parties. Call 318 Board of Trade bldg. for key. Main 745 2. CALL BROADWAY 5M FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO, LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. 1291 E. 13TH ST. N room house; will give lease If wanted. JOHN BROWN A CO., Realtors. 322 Railway Kxch. Bldg. BEAUTIFUL 9-rooin bungalow in Irving ton; $65 to party buying new drapery and linoleum Immediately. East 2347. MODERN bungalow, furnace, fireplace. Close-in. Garage. Inquire 589 Wiiilama avenue MOVING Pianos, f urnit lire and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Trunk Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ELK TRANSFER STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ing for lefts. Broadway 245. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Tranafar Co., Main 1261. 2024 Alder st. WILL lease beautiful Irvington home nicely furnished; 6 months to 2 yeara Garage. W 241. Oregonian. $55 LAURELHURST $55. Nice home, will lease. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. 5-ROOM cottage, $18. 264 Porter at., near 4th. Pay rent at 318 Board of Trade bidg. Main 7452. 3-ROoM house. S5 Thurman "at., near 26th. Rent $15. Wakeileld, Fries A Co., HT 4th st. FOR RENT Four rooms on lower fioor, with garage. 34 B2d st. N. Aut. 213-91. 7-ROOM modern bungalow, paved st.. ga rage, beautiful location. Bdwy. 4690. FOR RENT 5 rooms, new bungalow, 49h st. South. 254 3d and Madison. FOR RENT A two-room house with water and gas p-lped. Tabor 3643. MODERN bungalow. furnace. fireplace. Close-In; garage, ohu wmiams ave. MODERN 7-room house, Taylor. East 417S. 20th and East 15 E. 30TH ST., near E. Burnside; 6-room house. $ao. MODERN bungalow, 6 rooms, partly fur nished. $35. 37Q Monroe, near union ave. $30 6-ROOM house. 863 Union ave. N. Main 4 79. 5-ROOM house at luos E. 7th st. North; $30. Phone Wdln. J74. N F. W. M OD ERN cottage, $25. B road w ay 6124 or Main 33PW. FOR RENT House. Call at UvO Albcria. FOR RENT. Hot HAVE client wishing to leaae for 2 years to family of adults, very handsome Irvington home. 10 or 11 rooms, garage. 2 ftreplacea. ex cellent location and in superb con dition. MRS. HARRT PRTCE PALMER. EAST 2854. FOR SALE or rent on lease, 7-rom house, large sleeping porch, full cement base ment, wash tray a. furnace, nice lawn, fine neighborhood ; 6 blocka Laurelhurat park; living, dining and breakfast rooms newly done In old Ivory and tapestry pa per; white enamel kitchen; two tot let a and hnth. Tabor 5501. Key at 106 K. 3Hh. PIANOS moved. 3; ataira extra, Jl each flight; 3o days' fre storage on all house hold goods ; furniture moving, one -ton truck, 2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. Atlas Transfer A Storage Co.. 104 N. Mb at. Open Sundays and eve n 1 n gs Kuril ivhed Houses. FULLY FURNISHED. LAUP ELHURST. Very desirable, modern colonial bouse; 9 bedrooms; lease one year, $110 month. J. W. CROSSLEY, 81 Fourth st. Broadway 304. HANDSOMELY APPOINTED MODERN HOME. ATTRACTIVE LOCATION, LEASE SIX MONTHS OR LONGER; REFERENCES REQUIRED. MAIN 471 1 12-ROoMEl) modern home. hardwood floors, fireplace, tiled bath on each floor, large cement porch. 394 N. 4Sth st Main 1nt9. $65 it-ROOM house, Portland Heights, all modern, nicely furnished, 1 block to carlfne; to rent for 6 months; references. Main 7344. FiVE-RuOM furnished hnu.e, near Pied mont car barns; good location, near car Tine. Wdln. 4725. 5iW EAST ASH ST. Large, comfortable 6-room house; hot water heat furnished. Near Washington H. 8. Ref. Garage. FURNISHED bungalow: adulta: end of !rv In ir ton car, two blocks east. 961 East 17th x FURNISHED cottage. 4 rooms and bath Radiant lire, garage; $33 per mo. 'In nnlre 00 WUHams nve. 3-ROOM furnished house and sleeping poren: $25. no; Kenton district. 116 E Stafford st.. after 9 A. M. UOUSB furniture complete for rent or alc, reasonable, good condition. Phone Aut 62S-48. 546 Yamhill st. 5-ROOM furnished house - for rent, near E Ankeny car barns. Call Marshall 90.DT pjk for WetT om. 40 5-room furnished cotlaire: nl trio, fire place and garage; no phone. 1170 Moore st. piedmont i!st. 5-ROOM house, furnished complete wild piano. $45. Call Woodlawn 44. FOR RENT 4-room furnished house, $35. 1272 K. Madison. iluoarw lor Kent-furniture for Hale. FOR RENT STRICTLY MODERN 3RM HUNGALOW. CLOSE IN. WEST HIDE FURNITURE FOR SALE. PHONE MAIN 3764 FOR RENT On car line, good 6-room modern house for $24) month, to peopn buying furniture, some cash. Wdln 303. SEASIDE. Or., Del Mar Apta., Opens all winter; low rates. Stores and Itusinewa riavcea. STORE for rent. 913 Thurman. near 27th. $40. Wilt leaae for three yeara; living room In rear. See Hal Us. Wakefield. Fries Co. 4th at. FOR DESIRABLE apace in fireproof ware house phone Uroadway at la. FOR RENT STORE, TABOR 1114. 209 MILL ST. $20. RESTAURANT for rent. Phone Hrosdway 33nH. 315 Flanders st. Office. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or In suites, central office building In flnsnclal section of city, low rentals See Donald O. Woodward, agent, 104 Second street, corner stara SUITE offices. best service, reasonable rent- t-o furnished private office. $15, 207 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yam hill. FURNISH ED office with telephone and atenoirraphlc service If desired. 832 Morgan bldg. Main 5264. LARGE home. offle room. fur.. 2d xr close In; light, heat. gas. Call at office 1 s. IQ.'.U 4th St. DESK room with telephone and steno graphic service. Phone Bdwy. 3715. FRONT office, change bldg modern. In Railway Ex- Apply room 312. APACE In excellent ground floor buaineaa location. Hroadway 5044 OFFICE rooma and space for light mfg. 249 Stark. Broadway 4690; Mined luneous. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week, Monday to Monday. $1.23. Includes de livers e. L Knight Co. Bdwy. 145 LODGE hall and ball for dancing, or will rent for other purposea; ateam heat; rent reasonable G. E. Weiss, 170 2d bl BUSINESS OPPORTrNITlFH. CONFECTIONERY AND LIGHT iSRtH'ERIES. On corner, good lease, rent $50; flrat- clasa rixtures; good stocK 01 conrection erv and groceries; $3OU0 down. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 404-5-6 Panama Bldg., 3d and Alder. RESTAURANT, doing $00 per day; good location, good rixtures; il'Immj; iouu win handle: will consider small car. Lunch counter, good location, doing nice business; reasonable rent; price iiuu. LINTON & WELCH, 41S Railway Exchange. STEAM LAUNDRY. Kstabllshed and clearing now over $ 5ik month net, wanta active man as partner. Full Investigation. Bualness Increasing rapidly. Money wanted for expansion. Room 511 Railway Exchange. DRUG STORE. PRICK ONLY $7500. Old established west sids corner; doing $25,O00 business per year. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA PI.DG. MAIN 3042. A PARTNER WANTED. Equal Interest In high-class auto paint ing business; busy overseeing shop; want partner to meet tha customers, etc.; pay salary $200 month bealdes good profits. Room 41 Dekum bldg. GROCERY STORE. Brick bldg.; rent $50 a month; scales, meat cutter, awnings, caah register; do ing $45 a dav businesa; price $230. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO., Realtora, 4-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder. BARBER shop one very hlgh-claas 4-chalr shop at a bargain, long lease at low ren tal, big business. Price $2100, terma See Walter. 6oh Cham, of Com. Bldg. CLOSE-IN CONCRETE GARAGE. Full of storage at $10 to $25 month; sell oils, gaa. tires; repairing, waahracks. etc.; good lease; $2000 handles It. Room 401 Dekum bldg. . GROCERY. $950. With a living rooms, esst side location, doing good buslneaa ; rent reasonable; must be sold this week. S14 Ry. Ex- change hldg. GARAGE 50x104). On good corner, weat side, doing $2000 month buslneaa. haa good storage and repair business. Price $4000. Room 611 Railway E x c h a n ge BARBER SHOP. 2- chalr shop, rent $20; price $525". 3- chalr shop; rent $40; price $600. See Mr. Morris, with I. B. Spencer A Co.. 517-21 Chamber of Commrrce bldg. WE HAVE aeveral good buya in groceries, rooming houses, apartments, hotela and housea. See us before buying. S. BORLAND. 303 Stock Kxrhflnrc. Auto 529-04. 1 H REE enameled -chair barber shop witn lease ; niut be aold at once. Come a running. See Mr. Rits. L. 208. 517-21 Chamber of C nnmerce bldg. DRUG store for aale in gotd .farming com munity; only ator-s In c.ty. Can aatlsfy you aa to why we want to sell. AV 661, Oregonian. GENERAL blacksmith shop, fully equipped, good location, doing good bupinesa; priced right if aold soon. 266 Chemek- eta St., Salem. Or. J HO. A CONK. TRANSFER CORNER. Price $2000; 3-year lease, with 4 living rooms; doing $35 per day. 514 Ry. Ex- rh;inge bldg. GooD candy shop, b-wt location In Port land; sales amount ainuu per mo.; witn h-year lea.se. Call and investigate. 3u6 Cha mber of Commerce. OPPORTUNITY for a reliable young man as partner In well known garage. Pay good wages and profits. Room 511 Rail way Exchange. IF YOU HAVE $M)00 or $10,000 to invest In bus., any line and Dest location, sea us. 306 Cham, of Com. PI LES can be permanently cured without operation, (.an or write ir. uean, eec- ond and Morr'son. FOR SALE Fully equipped barber ahop; good business. 1 naries houck, V6- unam- ber of Commerce bldg. HAVE cati, $.-)iM)-$suo, with services, to Invest in going Dusine. r uu aetans firt letter. O 271, Oregonian. WANTED Partner exp. in real estate. No investment. H 256, Oregonian. FOR SALE Store, conrectionery, grocery, oft drinks. Write AV 5H0. Oregonian. BARBER SHOP for sale; 3 chairs. Writs j. Wr. Tanner. Bend. Or. FOR SALi -Smail lunch room. 312 Burn- side st. 6TH ST1. RESTAURANT for sale; doing good business Call Marshall 1955. SHOWCASE $40, scale $93, register $85, groceries notions, cheap. 722 Powell. RTMNF OPPORTUN1T1K3. GOOI1 cnmmunltv roeerv on east lde atock and fixtures $1700; doing $-tMn monthly; aplendld location; rent reason able. West side, apartment house district grocery atock and fixtures, -'. pvtni did location, cheap rent- See thl. A snap at $25K: cigars, tobacco an Confectlonerv, lobbv one of the best of five buildings west side; clearing $3 monthly; relit $50; good lease. East aide confectionery, tobacco, cl gars, light groceries; sales $50 day; be location, on mun-traveied street; stool and fixtures $30u0; 5 living rooma In con nectlon. PCHOrnOR. Business Investments, Broadway 5196. 4i3 Lumber Exch. Hee Me for Good Unvs. GROCERY STORK HA RG A INS. $2300 Corner; cloae In west aide: n! established place; fine modi r living rooma. $2630 Grocery and butcher ahop: choir suburban loeation: cash sa' carrv; rent $10. 5-year less. $2500 Corner brick; full basement; ren' $35; business $.M and up. We also have several other fine buys Come in and aee us. DU DREY INVESTMENT CO. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG MAIN 3Q42. AN UNUSUAL opportunity to buy an old well established, profitable general mrr chandise business; oldest, largest an best established business In ita locality dtvtalon point on O.-W. R. A N.. wit good semi-monthly payroll; gnod furn bualness; stoek in good condition, value about $15,000; fixtures in good condi tlon. Cash. SPROUT PARNHART MKRC, CO.. STARBCCK. WASH A REAL RESTAURANT BARGAIN. This Is one of the heat equipped, mos up-to-the minute restaurants In the cit all equipment new; lease runs hcyt.n the fair; vou can buy this restaurant a a real bargain price if you act quickly. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 702 Title Truht Bldg. Entrance HO 4th St M'LKNLUD ori'ORTl NITY for man and wife; step right Into thl neat little place; we handle dellcatpsne and light bakery goods, candles, ciiiar and tobaccos; neat and attractive pla to serve luncheons; living rooms In rem $30 rent covers all; sacrifice price $70 cash i0 HAWTHORNE REALTY CO., Cor. 36th and Haw. Tabor 7463. GROCERY STORE. 3-eiir 1 sm rent $15 2 living rooms, furnished, doing $30 pe dav: price $l6m. $ 4000. grocery store, doing $110 cap' biislnens. corner location ; this store 1 worth $.'.0(K). Grocery store, living rooms, furnished doing $30 per dny; price $16110. LINTON A WELCH, 41 Railway Exchange. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. 20-foot front and back mahoganv bar large plate glasa show cnaes. counter and shelving. Dayton scale, cash regi ter, 2 electric mixers and good atock: large living room; rent $35; price unl $1400. Dt'DRET INVESTMENT CO.. 509 -1 0 PAN A M A BLDG. MAIN 301? AUTO PAINTING PARTNERSHIP. Here Is an opportunity to buy an cqus half Intereat In an old-established bust ness; fine location, close in. plenty e work on hand. Prefer steady partner t hired help. No ex perlence required i willing to work and learn and be satis fled with $160 month to start. Prlc $500. Will aland closest Investigation Call S16 Plttoek block, 10th nnd Was' RESTAURANTS LUNCH Rot MS. $5iM) "Cute cafeteria," good locution candy, cigars, etc.; living room; som terma. $650 Cafe and lunch room; doing $2 up dully; living room; west aide. $aM - "Lunch room for 2." eaat aide. Many more; shown by Hiito. McFARLAND. Realtor, Falling Bldg. TAILORING AND PRESSING SHOP. Electric sewing machine. 2 elect rf irona. 3 tables, chairs, counters, shov cuaea and other first-class equipment fine window display ; rent $60; old es tabllstu d ; bargain prlre. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO., 509-10 PANAMA BLDG. MAIN 30 12. FOR SALE Beauty shop of 3 fine roomc In best location on muln street of Eu gene. Or., for $1500 cash or $600 an payments out aa 1 am paying myself IMnens demands a quick move for m my reaaon for wishing to sell at aueh 1 price. Please write Mrs Corlnne Fry 877 Willamette, over Larraway Jewelr store. Kuirene. Or SMALL GROCERY STORK. Fixtures and stock will In voire bette than $450O; located In the benrt of apt district; In connection bus 6-room fla for living quarters- on account of di agreement of partnership will sell a sacrifice; easy terms. Call Broadway IK 73. A REAL SACRIFICE. First -class rents ui ant , good down town location: very best equipment, do ing good business: owner has ot her in tereata; will sell cheap or trade on gum; real estate.' See Johnson. 24H Stark st Main 5429 CLEANING AND PRESSING Sllop. Also, tailor; 33 miles from Portland In a live little city; rent $15; fullj equipped; price $450, $250 down, balanc easy. ANCHOR INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, 4Q4-5-6 Panama Bldg.. 3d and Alder pooL HALLS. POOL HALLS. We speclallro In this line, and hav several fine buys in city and In outaid towns. DUDREY INVESTMENT CO.. 509-10 PANAMA BLDG MUN 3M2 DRUG STORE $1R00; doing mostly a patent buslnes nut there is a sood opening tor a re lntered pharmacist; low rent, steam heal light and water; a very large suburb... terrltorv. WESTOV A CO., 1?00 V. "W Bnnlc' BMc SPECIAL PARTNERS HIP In garage and service station on bus' street; large aale gas, oils; repainnn to. : 22 cars steady storage : need hei j of steady man: equal intercat $750. Km. 401 p.kum nidg. GROCERY, complete fixtures rent with tore, and large baeK room, ior e-a p month; sales average $25 per day; can be doubled; lump $1600; leaving town. R46 Sandy blvd . near 27th st. GROCERY 11 OOft rolne irood business, on good street, residence diMriet; low rental cash and carry, goon clean amen. WESTON & CO., 1206 N. W. Bank BM? FOR SALE Restaurant, doing good busi ness; aoda fountain ana naaery equip ment In connection: part terms; full de taila on request. Floyd L. Lewis, Ray mond. Wah TOY BARGAIN SHOP. $75 for fixture. Invoice stock. $1500 caah $100; reni $30 month; rent paid t. New Year; average $39 day business George. 24 3 Stark at. GARAGE. Old eHtablinheii, good west aid- location ; 8 -year lease ; stora gi a cart keeps 3 men busy on repair work; s p I endld buy. B"6 Cham, of Com. WE HAVE aeveral good buya In cigar atanda. rafetertaa. roataurants. cleaning and pressing parlors. Call and Investi gate. o nam, or mm. $1400 GKTS you a rattling good grocery, beat location. See Mr. Rlts. I. E. SPENCER Ac CO., Realtors. 517-21 Chamber nf Commerce Bldg. A BUSINESS to fit your capital; real ...,, thing; diatrlet manager and agents want ed ; yes, for automobiles. Room 37 Hotel Franklin. GOOD GROCERY, $1100. Owner will not refuae reasonable offer. Verv anxious to sell. COBB BROS , 02 Cham, of Com Zi EST Al'HANT. Junt the place for man and wife. Only $750. A huM ling place See Mr. Frank. In. I. E. Spencer ft Co. 5171-2 Cham, of Com merer bldg. 143 ilMiMi WILL handle grocery and ronteo tlonery; you can clear $200 month here living rooms. Phone Automat 1c 520-19 no agents. TOYS AND DOLLS Store for K.i!e on ac count of other buslnesa, will aaerlfle for $2000 caah if taken at once. Apply 556 Williams ave. GROCERY store at invoice; stork about $3300; flxturea $400. rent $37.50; will take modern house up to $4500. A 9,1 7t Wiiilama ave. Woodlawn 137. BA R HER shop local Ion for sale, down town lorn tlon ; good proposlt ion. long leai.e. Inquire Jacob Barber Supply Co., Ill Third st. SACRIFICE good cafeteria and restau rant; well eq nipped ; doing good bual nt; from $ to io per dav. 94 X 3d st PA RTN E R with meuna tli Untun e patem f nr crude oil mixed with water. Room M. KnrNwurth hotel. Ft R SA LE Grocery store doing $75 per day; clean stock: rent $23; no competi tton. S6t h and Woodstock ave. MODERN ment market, with iro machine and everything complete; it will pay you to Investigate this, pox 367. Seaside, Or. GOOD proposition for making money; $25 Investment. Mr. Woriwood, st, 1'aw hotel. GROCERY Apt.-houne district, $2GlKt; feat Slir; doing (.u dally: roiintmn. McFARLAND. Realtor. Falling Bldg. RESTAURANT. 4 living rooms, good warr ing district; average $70 ds.y $1600. bis George. 21 UtrtrK st. CLEANING anil pressing business for aale; plenty buslneaa for two peopJw ;:35, Oregonian. CA FETE H 1 A. beat plsice on a busy eat side street; aeata 44; very handy; will sncrif lee. A N 29. Oregon! n. FOR SALE 3chalr barber liop. Ankeny. at Prnndway. MAN OR woman to run dance businc. some capital. BJ 230. Oregonian. i