Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, November 23, 1921, Image 1

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    ! 1 ; n ,
VUL' Aj-V y'' 1 '-y'' Postofffc, . Second-Class Matter
n ri j 11 f i i(i (3 .11 e it i ii rfiayafcfflvw -a 't u 'ii rs n 'ii
' " ' ' '
Nations Study Tax and
Tariff Restrictions.
Car Service Restored Ex
cept Troutdale Line.
Strong Wind Wrecks Poles.
Crews Hard at Work.
Snow, However, lias Drifted Deep
in Places and Workmen Are
Under1 Handicap.
TERDAY. Moderating weather melts Ice
along highway.
Telegraph communications re
itored except for east lead.
First detoured trains arrive
from east.
Efforts to reach passengenV
on stalled trains up the Colum
bia continue. Steamer Undine
.will leave up at A. M. today to
North Bank trains at Cooks and
Lyle, Wash.
Burnslde bridge Jam broken.
Eleven thousand six hundred
and three telephones out in
Portland; damage mounts.
Columbia highway pavement
undermined on Sandy; deep
snowdrifts on upper highway.
Rainy Weather Forecast.
Rain and southwesterly winds
will continue today, according
to the forecast of Edward L.
Wells, weather observer, last
night. The wind Is expected to
drop slightly and the tempera
ture to remain unchanged.
Portland experienced continued im
provement from storm conditions yes
terday In all except damage to tele
phone service. Warm rain and south
erly winds broke the Ice mantle from
the city limits eastward along the
Columbia highway to within a few
miles of Corbett.
Street car service had been restored
to normal on all city lines except a
short distance near the end of the
Montavilla tracks. Interurban service
proceeded without Interruption on the
Bull Run, Estacada and Oregon City
lines, but service had not yet been
restored to Troutdale. Bus trans
portation had been arranged from the
end of the Rose City car line to Park
Rose until the street car run is re
fumed. Railroads Still Tied I p.
The upper Columbia river railroad
lines "still remained tied up last night,
with officials making no predictions
as to restoration of direct eastern
service. Every effort was being made
to open the Ice-locked tracks with
crews of hundreds of men using river
steamers as bases for supplies. Ad
ditional efforts were made to reach
the five trains which are still ma
rooned with their passengers. The
first detoured trains arrived during
the day by way of Tacoma.
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph j
company experienced more serious
trouble yesterday, which brought Its
total of telephones out of service up
to 11,603. The strong wind late Mon
day night had blown down large "num.
bers of weakened wires and poles.
Exchanges to Be Restored.
Many exchanges will be restored to
normal today, but some, notably the
Tabor and Arleta exchanges, were In
such Bhape that no prediction could
"be made as to their restoration. A
crew of 1000 men will be working
either In Portland or on the main
east lead up the Columbia highway
In the district above Crown Point.
which was reached by telephone line
men yesterday for the first time since
the storm, all wires were down and
poles were either blown down or
buried In snow drifts which were esti
mated to be 30 feet deep In places
along the highway. From Multnomah
Falls to Cascade Locks, a distance of
28 miles, everything was buried be
r.eath snow and ice. From Multno
mah Falls to the city limits of Port
land, the lines and most of the poles
had been broken..
Steamer lard as Base.
The telephone company has a crew
of 100 men working from the river
steamer Madeline as a base and was
sending 100 more men up on the river
steamer Grahamona last night. The
Madeline was tied up- near Corbett
and the Grahamona will put in near
Bridal Veil. Both will keep pace
with the crews as they work their
way on up the highway attempting
to restore communications.
The great mass of snow and the
frozen Ice crust on the highway have
made it a problem as to the possi
bility of restoring telephone com
munications along the main east lead,
according to C. EJ. Hickman, commer
cial superintendent of the company.
A strong current In the Willamette
river continued to hold back ocean
going steamers above the bridges.
The log jam above the Burnside
iCuncluued on i'ago 6, Column 1.)
Aulo Trucks and Parcel Post Used
to Bring Birds to Portland
for Thanksgiving.
Portland's turkey supply, up to fast
night, was far short of Thanksgiv
ing requirements, but several car
loads from Idaho and points east of
the- Cascades, as well as some south
ern Oregon turkeys, which were held
tin br the storm, were expected to
arrive this morning. If they reach
Portland in time, for distribution
there will be enough turkeys for all.
Only one shipment came in from
Idaho yesterday and that was re
ceived! by a retailer. A number of
lots from the valley came by auto
truck to commission men, and one
dealer received a small shipment by
parcel post from eastern Oregon.
The storm upset the calculations of
both wholesalers and retailers, and
there was some anxiety last night
over the situation.
There are many out-of-town orders
jet on wholesalers' books, and it looks
as if several towns which had de
pended on Portland for their supply
will have a turkeyless Thanksgiving.
Every effort will be made to supply
these points, but it is as difficult to
get express shipments to them as it
is to accumulate the supply here.
Good turkeys today will probably
cost most of the consumers 60 cents
a pound.
On the Yamhill market a maximum
price of 45 cents was fixed for the
farmers' stalls. The supply of farm
birds, however, was not large and
probably will be exhausted early to
day. Some of the retail stores on
Yamhill street met the farmers' price,
but most of them , asked SO cents.
"1 believe - there will be enough
turkeys to satisfy the city demand,"
said J. , C. Green, the largest local
retail poultry man.
"The supply may not be as large
as a year ago, but buying by the
public is not on the same scale as it
was then. The turkeys this year are
of very good quality."
There was an abundance of most
other kinds of poultry in the retail
markets. Fat dressed geese sold at
10 cents, ducks at 45 cents, large hens
at 38 cents, small hens at 30 cents,
small springs at 40 cents, large
springs at 35 cents and roosters at
32 cents.
After Being Held br Mexican Ban
dits for Ransom, Party Freed.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 22. Four
Americans were captured late yes
terday by Mexican bandits at Santa
Eulalia. 21 miles from Chihuahua, the
state department was advised today.
After being1 held for ransom the party
was released at the end of a four
hour period when no ransom was
Those captured were Edgar Butts,
a mining engineer of the American
Smelting & Refining cqmpany, and
his wife; Willard Benham, another
employe of the company, and Miss
Mary Long, daughter of a former
American consular agent at Parral.
Shortly afterward Oscar Trevlno, a
Mexican mine owner, was catpured by
the same bandits and later released
on payment of $5000 ransom, the de
partment also was advised.
Willamette Growers Reserve Man;
Birds for Christmas.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 22. (Special,)
Salem poultry dealers today 'paid 38
cents a pound for dressed and 30 and
31 cents for live turkeys. Most of
the willamett valley birds are being
shipped to the Portland and Seattle
The recent storm, which prevented
Portland dealers from shipping their
birds to distant markets, had the ef
fect of bearing down prices in this
section of the state. As a. result of
the lower prices being paid for tur
keys, many of the Willamette valley
growers are reserving their product
for the Christmas trade.
Steamer Harvard Cuts Craft In
Two Three of Crew Missing.
steamer Harvard of the Los Angeles
Steamship company, en route to Los
Angeles, rammed the fishing smack
Tano, cutting her In two off Mile
rock early tonight, according to ad
vices received by the marine depart
ment of the chamber of commerce.
Three of the Tano's crew were re
ported missing.
The Harvard picked up what is be
lieved to have been the little craft's
onlv lifeboat, thre. men
j and Is standing by searching for the
three others.
St. Paul Road Acts Independently
of Other Lines. -
CHICAGO. Nov. 22. The Chicago.
Milwaukee & St. Paul railway, acting
Independently of other lines, today
announced freight-rate reductions
ranging as high as 40 per cent In some
cases on certain commodities shipped
from the middle west to the Pacific
coast and destined for the Hawaiian
The reductions were made to meet
Panama canal shipping competition
and will cover shipments from the
east as soon as arrangements can be
made with eastern roads, it was announced.
Waters Begin to Recede
in Rampant Rivers.
Much Lowland Country Is
Under Water; Dikes Out.
Extent of Rain by Storm Probably
Never Will Be Known. "
Bridges Torn Down.
Florence, Or. Dikes on lower
north fork of Umpqua river
washed out; damage heavy.
Lebanon. Or. Flood waters
Inundate 40 acres in southeast
ern part of city.
Brownsville, Or. Dozens of
families marooned when flood
waters pour through streets.
Raymond, Wash. Torrents of
rain fall in Wlllapa harbor dis
trict. Salem, Or. Flood crest passed
when Willamette river begins
to recede. Some families in
city marooned.
La Grande, Or. Rain reduces
.iow to 12 inches; sun shines.
Coos Bay, Or. District par
alysed as result of floods.
Grants Pass, Or. Heavy rain
Eugene, Or. Willamette river,
11 feet above low water, is
Corvallis, Or. Rising waters
stop electric trains.
Albany, Or. Families ma
rooned by flood waters of San
tiam are rescued.
Both Oregon and Washington last
night seemed to be fairly well out of
the grip of the snow, sleet and rain
storm which for nearly three days
had crippled and almost paralyzed
all railroads, had demoralized wire
communication, flooded lowlands, torn
out bridges and done damage that
amounted to millions of dollars.
In the western part of both states
snow was melting. In Oregon the flood
waters of the rivers wnich had start
ed on rampages were reported to be
receding. In the eastern section of
both states the . snow also was melting
and the temperatures almost every
where were warmer than at any time
since the storm started last Friday.
In the western part'of Washington
flood dangers were said to be acute
as the result of warmer tempera
tures and driving rains rapidly melt-
(Concluded on Pas. 7. Column 1.)
I !
1 - ' i
. ............ ..f ... . . . . , . . . 4
Travelers Marooned for Days as Re
sult of Storm Food Said
to Be Plentiful.
Between Portland and The Dalles on
either side of the Columbia river and
from both directions rotary plows yes
terday were bucking ice and snow
drifts and workmen were tolling to
eler the tracks of, the Union Pacific
and the Spokane, Portland & Seattle
railway in order to release trains
which bad been marooned for days
and to rescue the passengers from
five trains. These trains .were at
Bridal Veil and Celilo on the highway
side and at Cooks and Lyle on the
north bank.
After arrangements had been made
yesterday to carry "the passengers
from two storm-bound trains at Cooks
in launches to Hood River, where there
Is plenty of food, the passengers of
these trains decided they would rather
stay where they are until a steamer
arrives to' bring them to Portland
A. J. Davidson, general manager of
the North Bank road, chartered the
steamer Portland yesterday to go up
the river to get the passengers. The
arrangements were made for the
steamer to leave at S o'clock last
As a precaution against accident to
the Portland the Undine will leave at
6 o'clock this morning so that one
steamer will have more chance of get
ting through the locks, which have
been reported frozen.
"We want to do everything possible
to make sure that all passengers on
our marooned trains are brought to
this city as quickly as possible," W. F.
Turner, president, said last night.
The North Bank officials received
information that the rotary plow
which was derailed Monday at Car
son when It attempted to dig through
four feet of loe was within four
miles of Cooks yesterday afternoon.
But the officials were not content t
risk the chance to have the train pas
sengers brought In -by rail.
It was reported the train which had
been marooned at Roosevelt will be
detoured and will be brought into
Portland by way of Pasco and the
Northern Pacific. A snow plow is
working toward Cooks from the direc
tion of Pasco. Another snow - plow
Is marooned at Maryhill.
On the Oregon Trunk passengers on
the tran stalled at Maupin had been
relieved with food, which was car
ried to . them on foot from North
Junction. There was no immediate
chance of this train be Ins released.
When the snow plow frjim Pasco
reaches Fallbridge " it will work
On the Union Pacific a plow and
men from three work trains were
attempting yesterday to dig a way
to the train filled with passengers at
Bridal Veil falls. While officials had
no direct word, they believed that the
passengers on the train at Celilo had
been taken off and put on some train
which was detourlng north through
Yakima and Tacoma to Portland.
There was no fear of food shortage af
Bridal Veil.
In addition to the work out of
Portland, the Union Pacific had a ro
tary plow working in this direction
from La Grande to clear the mala
line through the gorge. Also there
were 500 men at Multnomah Falls and
Bonneville clearing the track there J
and releasing an ice-encased snow
plow. . -
A launch was sent yesterday by
(Concluded on rage 6, Column 2.)
Fall in River After Tomorrow Is
Predicted by Weather Man.
Rise Is Losing Rapidity.
Unless unusually heavy rains occur
during the next day or two the high
Water In the Willamette river will
'run off in a freshet not exceeding a
crest" of between 17 and 17 H feet at
Portland, it was predicted last night
by Edward L. Wells, district weather
forecaster. This prediction, made
yesterday morning, was confirmed by
reports received last nigra from up
river points. The river was expected
to fall tomorrow.
The muddy Willamette passed the
flood stage of 15 feet yesterday aft
ernoon .and stood at 15.6 feet at 6
o'clock last night. A rise of a foot
occurred in eight hours yesterday and
another foot of rise is expected by
this afternoon. The fact that the
rate of rise has become much slower
indicated, Mr.. Wells said, that the
peak of the freshet was at hand and
the danger of further flood damage
was past unless another downpour
like the last should take place.
The log Jam, which threatened the
Burnside bridge, was broken shortly
after 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon
by the Port of Portland steamer Port
land after the launch Echo had made
a bole In the mass. The tangle of
logs and debris went careening down
the current as the Portland shoved
her prow through it, but the mass
waa so broken up that it passed
through the other bridges without
Though the amount of drift coming
down the stream was considerably less
yesterday than the day before, it was
still heavy, and every boat on the
river that could turn a wheel was
pressed into service on one mission
or another. The entire Shaver fleot
and many small power boats were
engaged in herding runaway logs into
The only fear felt for the bridges
last night was the report that a large
log boom at Oregon City was in
precarious position, and it was
thought that if this boom should
break loose and should Jam against
the mass already collected against
the piers of ftie Hawthorne bridge.
the shock might be sufficient to carry
out that structure. The Oregon City
boom was still Intact at 6 o'clock last
night, however.
House Measure for $101,000,000
Now Goes to Senate.
WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 22. The
house today passed the deficiency ap
propriatlon bill, carrying approxl
mately 1104,000,000.
The measure, which goes to the
senate, provides 65.000,000 for the
veterans' bureau, J23.000.000 for the
refunding of internal taxes errone
ously collected andj $6. 500,000 for the
postal service.
William F. Dogherty Reported Vic.'
tim of Bombay Riot.
LONDON, Nov. 22. A dispatch to
the MornlngPost today from Bom
bay stated that William Francis
Dogherty, an American engineer, was
killed during last week's rioting
Senate to Take Action
and Then Adjourn.
Immediately After Passage
Measure to Go to President.
Other Changes to Go Into Effect
January 1 Surtax Rates to
Be Continued This Year.
WASHINGTON. D. C Nov. 22. Final
enactment of the tax revision bill and
adjournment of congress sine die to
morrow was made certain today by
the adoption of the unanimous con
sent agreement in the senate for a
vote on the revenue measure by 5
P. M. tomorrow.
Immediately after passage, the bill
will be sent to the president.
The only important section to be
put into force Immediately is that
relating to the income tax, the other
changes going into effect January 1.
The present sur-tax rates will be con
tinued for this year, reductions going
Into effect next year and being re
flected In tax payments in 1923.
BUI Labeled Makeshift.
In laying the conference report be
fore the senate today. Chairman
Penrose of the senate managers in
a statement described the bill as a
"temporary makeshift."
"The bill," he said, "does not place
tho tax system on a stable or scien
tific basis. But It is better than the
law which it will supersede because
of the reduction of the tax burden
and the technical or administrative
Simmons Opens Debate,
Debate was opened by Senator Sim
mons of North Carolina, who de
clared that when the conferees got
thrcugh with the bill even some of
the most prominent of the republican
managers could not "conceal their
disgust" with the measure.
Attacking the majority senate man
agers, he said they had made an "un
Justifiable surrender on the corpora
tion income tax and had "given up in
glee" the 15 per cent rate In favor of
the 12V4 per cent rate.
The senate In executive session to
night endeavored to clean the slate of
presidential nominations and more
than 200 were confirmed.
Anion on Resolutions Precluded.
Plans for the adjournment tomor
row virtually preclude any action on
pending resolutions to order work
on battleships stopped while the arms
conference Is In session. Senator King,
democrat, Utah, today sought to ob
tain committee action on his resolu
tions to this effect and was prom
ised by Senator Page, republican,
Vermont, chairman, that a poll of the
committee would be taken to deter
mine whether the question had been
taken up. Republican leaders de
clared an adverse decision was cer
Disorder marked the beginning of
the senate consideration of the con
ference report on the tax bill, the
climax being reached In the unusual
procedure of expunging senatorial
remarks from the record.
The words stricken out were con
tained in a verbal clash between Sen
ators Penrose, republican,' Pennsyl
vania, and Heflin, democrat, Ala
bama, In which Mr. Penrose referred
to the "black darkness of the state"
represented by Mr. Heflin, and the
Alabama senator characterized Mr.
Penrose's state as "manipulated by
predatory Interests."
Reductions Are Listed.
An examination of the bill as finally
drafted by the conferees shows that
the tax on carbonated soft drinks
manufactured for sale In closed con
tainers is limited to a levy of 6 cents
gallon on the finished fountain
syrups used Dy tne manufacturers.
First announcement with regard to
this tax was that the 5 cents a gallon
levy was in addition to a tax of 2
cents a gallon on the finished drinks.
Here are the reductions in the na
tion's tax bill for the next calendar
year as estimated Dy tne experts n
the basis of the tax revision bill as
rewritten In conference and approved
yesterday in the house:
Individual Income:
Account .of increased exemptions
because of dependents. 30,000,000.
Heads of families, (40,000,000.
Decreased surtaxes. $60,000,000. .
Capital gains, $.'0,000,000.
Repeal excess profits tax. $260,000,-
Transportation, $270,000,000.
Insurance premiums, $20,000,000.
Beverages, non-alcohol. $-6. 000. 001
Admissions and dues. $20,000,000.
Musical instruments. $12,000,000.
Sporting goods, $4,000,000.
Chewing gum, $1,000,000.
Motion picture films, $6,000,000.
Candy, $8,000,000.
Furs. $9,000,000.
Toilet soaps, etc.. $2,000.00.
So called luxury taxes, $18,000,000
Perfumes cosmetics, proprietary
medicines, $6,000,000.
Parcel post stamp taxes, $20,000,000.
Surety bonds stamp taxes, $2,000,-
Art works. $700,000.
Electric fana, $300,000.
Thermos bottles, $200,000.
Total, $835,200,000.
King Gives Consent to Marriage
of Only Daughter to Henry
George Lascelles.
LONDON, Nov. 22. (By the Asso
ciated Press.) The betrothal of Prin
cess Mary, only daughter of King
George and Queen Mary, to Viscount
Lascelles, was announced tonight.
King George, at a council meeting
in Buckingham palace today, had per
sonally announced that he had given
his consent' to" the- urarria-ge. '
Viscount Lascelles (Henry George
Charles Lascelles) Is the eldest eon of
the Earl of Harewood, and Is 39 years
of age. Princess Mary is 24.
The viscount, who was educated at
Eton, was an attache at the British
embassy In Rome from 1905 to 1907,
and aide de camp to the governor
general of Canada from 1907 to 1911.
He served with distinction !n the Eu
ropean war. He was three times
wounded and won the distinguished
service order and bar and the French
croix d guerre.
The Lascelles family Is one of ths
oldest in Yorkshire, dating back to
the reign of Edward I, but the earl
dom was not created until late in the
eighteenth century, the present earl
being the fifth of the line.
Viscount Lascelles, who ! heir to
the earldom. Is credited with being
one of the richest young peers In
There have been many suitors for
the hand of Princess Mary. She was
an active figure in work for the sol
diers during the war and is a popular
figure with all ranks of British so
ciety. The engagement of Princess Mary
Is another break In royal tradition
which is likely to be extremely popu
lar. Princess Mary Is only a little less
endeared to the hearts of the people
than her brother, the Prince of Wales.
In recent years she had entered Into
the spirit of public life, attending
public functions and Interesting her
self In charitable works. Today she
was engaged in opening a nurses'
home and inspecting a band of girl
guides at Brighton. She received a
glowing ovation.
The princess Is a nurse, having un
dergone hospital training. She Is
musical and an expert needlewoman.
The viscount four years ago In
herited an immense fortune, re
putedly more than 2,000,000 pounds,
from a kinsman. Lord Clanricarde.
No arrangements for the wedding
have been made.
Northwest States Send Out 43,215
Cars of Produce in 6 Months.
SPOKANE, Wash., Nov. 22 Wash
ington, Oregon, Montana and Idaho
shipped a total of 43.215 cars of fruit,
produce and vegetables during the
six months ended October 31, accord
ing to figures announced by the fed
eral bureau of markets here today.
The bureau estimated that the four
states will ship a total of 75,000
cars of orchard and garden products
before the present season is over.
$100 Offered for Tow.
SALEM. Or., Nov. 22 (Special.)
The Willamette Valley Flax & Hemp
company, which was organised here
recently, today received an offer from
a northwest furniture house of $100
a ton for all the tow the association
has for sale next year. Tow Is manu
factured from the Inferior grade of
flax and Its sale shortly after harvest
affords a quick cash return to the
The Weather.
YERTERDAT'S Maximum temperature, S3
degr-; minimum. 4f degrees.
TODAY'S Rain; aouthweaterly wtnda.
DiMrniament Conference.
Japan will resist drastic naval cut, aays
Adacni Klnnosuke. fag-e 2.
China's economic problems tackled by coa
ference. Page 1.
American problem now at conference la to
save China. Page 1ft.
Germany dnlea Brtand'a charges of big
army, x ago .
English Princess Mary to wed viscount.
I'aga 1.
Belfast rioters kill nine, wound 30. Page 8.
President early in war period convinced
isolation of America, Is Impossible,
Pago 6.
Senator McNary has new reclamation bill.
1'age 3.
President takes steps to extend clemency
to certain Imprisoned wartime offend
era. 1'age A.
Tax revision bill slated tor passsge today.
Page 1.
Stata ends case In Arbuckla trlaJ. Page 2.
P port a.
Multnomah club smoker to be held to
night. Page 12.
Oregon expected to shine in Thanksgiving
game. Page 1J.
Washington primed for Everett gams.
Page i.
Commercial and Marine.
Larrs part of turkey supply held up by
norm. Pis 21.
Chicsgo wheat fluctuations Irregular and
net changes small. Psge 21.
Demand for Junior rails feature of stock
market. Page 21.
Turkey shipments expected today. Pare 1.
Steamers held back for time by storm re
sume their voyages. Psge 20.
Portland and Vicinity.
Portland to give thanks tomorrow. Page 13.
Trial of Jobs W. Todd on land fraud
charge nears end. Page 5.
Two babies dead as result of strange mal
ady at Kerr nursery home, rage 11.
Flood in Portland averted, bsrrlng heavy
rains. Page 1.
Plowa battle snow to release five trains.
Psge 1.
Oregon and Washington recovering from
effects of storm. Pg 1.
Legion announces programme for Marshal
Koch: Page 14.
Grange asks concession for settlers on
reclamation projects in west. Page 14.
Columbia river hlghwsy blocked by slides.
Page 6.
Shake-up In welfare bureau is advised.
Page 20,
Details of Arms and Far East
Issues Taken Up.
Confidence of Agreement
American Plan as Batls
Reported Increasing.
WASHINGTON. D. C, Nov. 22. (By
the Associated Press.) Negotiations
relating to both the far east and arm
ament limitation moved more slowly
today as attention of the arms dele
gates passed from general policies to
China's economic embarrassments
formed the text of the far-eastern dis
cussions, which resulted In the ap
pointment of a sub-committee of rep
resentatives of nine nations to study
the subject of administrative auton
omy for China with particular refer
ence to tariff and tax restrictions.
The land armament problem also
was considered at Informal confer
ences and a meeting of the armament
committee of the whole was called
for tomorrow with the expectation
that Premier Brland of France would
Bay a last word as to his country's
attitude on armies.
Naval Experts Confident.
On the side of naval experts was an
air of growing confidence that details
of the American plan would eventual
ly bring all the powers Into agree
ment. It is possible that the naval
plan may receive some consideration
at tomorrow's meeting of the five
delegations, which constitute the arm
ament committee of the whole, but
the greater attention is expected to
center on land armament In view of
the Imminence f M. Brland's depar
ture for France.
It is the preservation of her army,
with the moral backing of the prin
cipal powers, that most interests
France at present and It Is known M.
Briand would be pleased to take back
to France a formal conference In
dorsement of the position he has
taken against material reduction.
Whether the other delegations will
be willing to go so fur ns to take
formal action of that character is
uncertain, although It Is taken fur
granted that at tomorrow's meeting
there will be many general expres
sions of appreciation for the reasons
which Impel France to maintain the
largest army.
Other Questions DUcusaed.
Land, naval and far eastern ques
tions were talked over by Secretary
Hughes today with the American ad
visory committee of 21 and after he
had presented a report, sub-committees
were Instructed to prepare re
ports for the American delegates on
The submarine Issue raised by
Great Britain will be one question
be investigated, and another, whose
Inclusion was regarded as forecasting
a new angle of the negotiations, will
be the use and legitimacy of new
weapons of warfare. Thus far thaf
subject has not been mentioned In
the conference.
The sub-committee on Chinese ad
ministrative autonomy, authorlied to
day by the full body of delegates of
the nine nations Hitting as a commit
tee of the whole on the far east, Is ex.
pected to find its chief task in an
attempted rearrangement of the cus
toms regulations which have kept
China from Imposing a duty of more
than 5 per cent on her Imports. In
addition there Is expected to be an
Inquiry Into the International agree
ment by which certain specified Items
of the republic's tax returns must be
turned over Immediately for payment
of foreign obligations.
Revenues Held Curtailed.
All of these restrictions, the Chi
nese declare, have resulted In such a
curtailment of national revenues ss
to make economic progress impossi
ble. The Chinese delegates have em
phasized the tariff autonomy prlnrl
pie as one of the most Important she
wished to establish, and there are
said to have been Indications In to
day's discussions that this view had
met with" much sympathy among
other delegations.
The sub-committee was authorized
t the suggestion of Senator Under
wood of the American delegation.
Although the delegates have not
taken up some of the most trouble
some questions invoiven in tne rar
eastern situation, the progress made
thus far was described In official
quarters tonight as highly encour
aging. So rapidly and smoothly have
the negotiations moved that some of
those connected with the American
delegation are predicting that the
conference will go a long way toward
clearing up the far eastern tangle.
Procedure Is Forecast.
The probable procedure with ref
erence to Chinese and otner far east
ern and Pacific questions was fore
cast today In authoritative quarters
The Root resolution, adopted yester
day by the far eastern committee ot
(Cuauludua on i'.
tt Cuiuiun 1.)