THE MORNING OREGONIAX. TUESDAY. NOVE3IDER 22, 1921 17 TO Fm.yr.F REAL FSTATB. DAIRY Oil BERRIES. I 55 acre near Salem, all level, all very rlcn voil, 40 acres in cultivation, 10 acres in oats, 10 in rye, 16 ucrta in clover. 4' in oats and vetch, 1 acre family orchard; well and spring. I 4-room house, barn for 5 cow and A 1 horses, granary, hog house, 2 hen houses. ! Equipment 1 cow. tttm. brood bow. ; 3o hens, 25 Angora goal, all tools and equipment to run place. Thin iH wonderful ciover and berry aoll, I'rM-e for all. itiovo. Want residence to $4000. MacINNES EXCH A.NGE DEPT., BITTER, IJIWE CO.. 21, 2. 3, .1, 7 Board of Trade Bide, Where Trades Are Made. Bring in Yours. WHITE us what you have and what you want to exchange. Our exchange department wants) Food farm, city property, acre age and established business, o4u; taluc You will appr ciate our service. J. L. Hart man Company. 8 rhamber of Cous. Bldg. Main '.'US, 7 MILES KUoil (Xil'HTHOL'SE. 2-scre tract, wonderful soil, 5-room modern bunitalow, all kinds of out building, family orchard, assorted ber ries, close to school and electric sta tion, clear of encumbrances. Price $05''. Will trade for Portland property. We liave a Urge list of exchange and ran Ket a deal if your proposition Is legltl mate. tilve us a trial, See Air. Stephens with Fred W. German Co., realtor, 732 Cham, of Coin. ASTORIA Al'AKTMEXT FOR lnMTl.NI M KS1DENCK. S-an&rtment building on corner lot, ecntra.1 InrRllnn. with garage: bulldln In first-class condition; income pur month. i'rlce $60. Want a Portland residence. MacINNES. EXCHANGE DEPT.. BITTER. I.OWE & CO., 201 2, 3. 5. 7 Board of Trade Blag", Wher Trade Are Made. Hrlng In Yours. Vl VK.ACRE 11UMK. $2500. Rich black soil, all In cultivation large house of three rooma and extra large attic, good well, good-sized bam with six stanchions ana large ion. chicken houses woodslied. hog house, 1 U, nillea from electric line this aide Hillaboro; will exchange for lots, house or rooming house up to si.iou. be .nr. Stephens with Fred w. oerman co. TtQHltors. 732 Chamber of Commerce. WANT UAIHV RANCH. Have fine 7-room residence on corner lot, in good residence section oi x-prt- lanH Vric ltL.',ll Want dairy ranch, stocked and quipped, to I1S.00O. MacINNES, EXCHANGE) DEPT., BITTER. LOWE & CO., 201, 2. 3. 6, 7 Board of Trade Bids., Where Trade Are Made. Hrlng in Yours. STOCK AND DAIRT RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, abont ,) hnltnm land, balance bench and bill. goo acre In cultivation. 2 house fair barn. Price $40.0UU; would consider city property. fcECURITT STORAGE TRANSFER COMPANY, 6$ Fourth St., opp. Muitnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. WE CAN trade your property whether It Is large or small; City or country; ie- - -1 -.4 Kara or in Mini Other tt. Come In and give us a description of what you hava and let us match It with something that you want ALEXANDER. REALTY CO., J01-702 Title ft Trust Bldg.. Entrance 89 Fourth Street. EXCHANGE. Oftentimes a trade well made la benefit to both parties; from our ex change listings we have soma excep tional offers. P.OHNBTT McCLURE. REALTORS. ' Mar-hall 8292. &'2 Couch RMg WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in your proposition and we will match you on anything of merit: lots houses, acreage, farms, stocks of mo rr h a n d ls. E, R 3.. 712 Couch hltlg. " i WANT ALBERTA. CANADA, Ttanch or city property Calgary. Rod Twer or Edmonton, in exchange for good Willamette valley ranch to $20,000. E. It. s.. ii- v oucn puis;. u,oiiii.iih) FEET, maiuly yellow fir, with Us 160 acre. Yamhill county, no mortgage, for exchange for Portland or outside Improved or not, or stump land. Ad dress 222 IT. S. Hank bldg. to ACRES In the Hood River valley to trade for city property, or will take light automobile or Vlctrola aa part pay ment. S owner for particulars at 404 Plntt hlrta-., 127 'Pork St. MODERN 7-room home, finished attic, furnace, fireplace, dandy brick garage, large lot, improvements paid; exchange for bungalow. Johnson, 24a Stark at. Muln Mill. lull SALii OH TH.M'K KOK 1'ORTLA.NI) pnorEitTY. My new home In Seaside. Or.; ft-ronm house. 2 lots, fine garden. Inquire Wuu Colonial ave. 8-it'JiM housr in Valifouver, Wa.ih.,; Mlklni); 1 block paved. St.; 21'l)0, ai-reage or smnll house In Portland. Henry blrtn. lidwy. 4137. lot for 223 LOS AM! ELEij property or may consider San Diego; owner; exchange for Al Portland. Adrtri-s n 214, Oregonlnn BEAT 1 l.E-SI'UKA N K property, owner, change fur Portland. Address X 214, On-gonln n. llAV'cl good aulomobi.e and 3 building iuts: will trude for your house equity. 6742 oMh avenue jv VE HAVE a 1017 Reo. valued at 4o0 will trade for lot. or give a good dis- count for cash. Bd. of Trade bldg. T-ROOM bunsalow, H lots. Portland; valued Siikio, J250tl mortgage; trade for farm. Z. K A KINS. 315 Couch Bldg. IF YOU can't sell your property 1 can g you an exchange for what you want, bee me or write, itrace, 314 couch blast. WILL trade lot or housl light car lor good building equity. Main 3806. TO F.XCHANGF MISCELLANEOUS.. Vv ILL trade my new cabinet . talking ma Milne for anything you got name It E 251. Oregonlan. HAVE a new iate model cabinet phono graph that I will sell chearp or trade. What have you got ? Y 23i). Oregonlan. 11RA.D new fur lor diamond. AM 2nt, OreKonlan. TO aEXCHANUE a wood range. -A Vuican gii rang for Woodlawn 502. FUR 8AI.B. llorhe. eblcles. a.iesl4M-k. KEYSTONE STABLES. We have 1 head of heavy work horse that are in good shape and ready to ue. Will be sold at very reasonable prices. Also several smaller farm liorse nd harnesses of all kind. Fir trial allowed. Will hir or give reason able term to responsible parties. TOM SHERLOCK. 31 Water St. Cor. Montgomery. HuilSES! HOUSES! HORSES! Have 82 head of horses Just returned from hlgiiwe.y work. This stock is svli In good condition and ready for hard work. Weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs., which w will sell very cheap or hire them out by the day, week or month. Also 83 sets new and second-hand har ness below wholesale price. O. K, Howltt, Columbia Stables, Front and Co Inmhl'i st. CROWN STAULBS, INC. If you are in need of harness we have S3 seta of all kinds and still making more. We want to sell. The prices are right and they should move quickly. Get yours now. Phil Suelter. Pres.. 285 Front st. COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR 8100. A good work team and new 2-Inch butt chain harness. 8ee these before buying elsewhere. Mr. Burns" Feed Ham, 3S Water st. I West side.) CROWN STADLEs. 1M! If you are looking for horse and want m square ueai and plenty to pick from we have them. Nyf ced. Phil Suetter, T'rp".. 'JS Krnnt it. LoST STa Vi;, wlA ael'l tray Porch eron mare, we.Kht about 14.'rt Iba., good, young, nound mai e ; will sacrifice for cuh. KeyLone Stable, 381 Water at., west fide. I. S. 81ABLES. Hornen for itale, hire or fxchanire: har nea and wajcon of rn.ll kinds. at0 Union ave. 8.. corner of Stevens u G. D. WM- 'OH tiAaUE Carload of dairy cowi o( heavy milking kind; fresh or shortly pominff fresh. C li. Ceatd. B4th and UlUan. Depot. Montavilla car to end of line. (iOOD COW WANTKD CHiAP. Sluat be flrnt-claha and cheap for rssn, uuirnuty or jersey preferred V ri'.e smswit to 7J0 E. Ash. iiL'J.I vail. St. Ma wee, dropped Nov. 7; mother and father regirtred; no better: will aell very reasonable if taken at on.'p. l'-MS Ha'.'ey st. i'hone Tabor 0 4BS. VANTEU Horses to pasture for winter, fred and shelter. Wade Kverest. cars Pilot No. 1. Aluer-st. dock. $TD HU VS bay horse, weight about 1300 poundi. Good, gentle work horse. 8b I W:Uer St.. corner Montgomery. 1 FRtH cows, 3' prinKrs, 3 to 0 gal lon. $75; take Kenton car. 1630 Inter state ave. Op 8 hlorks north. 1'ARM outfit. 2Mi-lb, team mares, good harness and wagon. 240 K. feth at. oor-n-r Alain. 2'KKSI1 Jtrsy cow, 4 gallons, tub tested. i E. 8th st.. corner Main. DR. HOWES. TABOR rWfl. Lead" horses anrl cattia taKen qulcaly. Call day or ni.'hu Aula. 67-114. FOR PAI.K. Horse. Veliiflefi, Livestock. HUKSES VOH SALE. OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR COWS. PIGS OR HAT. Will aell to responetblo party on very easy terma. first-class garden horaef weigh about 12O0. SMITH WAGONER CO.. Stock" Exch HIDES bought or tanned- West Coast Tan ning Co . 892 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2398 l'iiuiua. Organs sing Musical instrument. Ll'PMAN. WOLFE JX tiri E AT BST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. Includes theee new pianos, renewed and oned planoa and phonographs: Helnxe upright, good condition.... I IT'S New Ersland. upright 2'5 Schubert, large, mahogany 2BJ Kimball, renewed, oak Haines Broa. quite new 4113 Francis lacon. fins tuahagany. ... 485 Monarch, new. oak Russell, large waicut 23 Foster & Co.. good aa new SU-rilng. fine tone Pay cash or as little as 12 to 12 tnotila. LIPMAN. WOLFE ft CO., 6eventh Floor. REDITCSD PHOMinRlPHa Brunswick. No. 7. mahogany....!00 Stradlvara ileiody 112 25 Slivertonc. sed. mahogany 1 00 i-tradiVara U.rrnnn. 125 00 Coi-.mbla. golden oak. aaed 75.00 Victrola XI m.k..n. 125.00 Vlctrola. XVI. uiahoaaay. new.. 215 00 Pathe, mahogany, used 110.00 Pay cash cr as 111 lie as 42. 15 "a s lipmam wnt.rn x ro.. STentli Floor. Washington Sixth m. PIANO HARUAI.Nb. We are quoting all our used planoa a n price to move them as we need tn apace. Ail guaranteed. Easy terms given. Doll A Son make, oak case (133 steinway Son. old sine, good con dition 150 Story St Clark, walnut case, snap... 205 Cambridge cabinet crajid. mahocanv. equal to' new 25 Kingsbury, plain mahogany case... 3i0 Ricca & Hon, mahogany case tiaylor. plain mahogany case Remington, plain fumed oak case... Leland. plain mahoaanv case, best of condition 275 Iladdorff, mahogany case ktt5 And others. It would pay you to see them. SEIBERLINQ-LLCAS MUSIC CO., 12.'. 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. CLh.AKA.SCE SIALIC FACTORY ivKBUILT AND USED PIANOS. 147 Sterling, mahogany, plain. ... $1S :iO0 Steinway 4k tioam. maaogany.. S05 fkioo fcteger ft Sons, mission oak.. 4I3 e30 Ivranicu A Bach, golden oak.. 815 oa bchroeder iJroe, turned oak.. 5 573 Huntington, golden oak 2U5 ftoO Keed boa, grand In upright f93 t'ofjt) ivjmball. large, mahogany.... 25 f5i5 KlmbaiL large, mahogany. ... 43 ad50 Thompson player piauo. . . .. 405 13u0 bteg.r player piano, mil .... 1473 loio bingor player piano, oak SHOO Thcmpson player, oak 3 U5 Burdett parlor organ 83 tVi karhoff parlor organ... a 25 .5 Packard parlor organ IS 4105 lv.ijnbaii. s-octave organ 48 el5 ivenw&od, 7 1-tt oct.. piano case 413 Terms no to iv.s , u n t a lis mo. SCHWA.N PIANO CO.. Tenth and Stark, UNUSUAL IN USED TALK,- mu ilAt.til.NKS WITH kLCOKUU. Victor, small, with 6 used records. I 20 Columbia, small, with A used record 80 Victor, witj 10 used records 40 Victor, wit a 10 used records Victor, canel, with 15 used records 110 Path, cabinet, with 10 used records 00 Brunswick, cabinet, lu used records 79 conora. cabinet, with la used recoras 130 fcooora grand witu 25 used reco.-ua 2U0 bonora, portable, used records.... 40 3 up cash. a and up monthly, 8CHWA.N PIANO CO.. 101 10th at, cor. Stark. Phone Bdwy 1B7S, wEUUHlTY STORAGE CO. CLOaLNti OUT sio nmerson upright, cash....... :,S0 Kimball, uianogany, cash 2i5 Kard 4t Co.. small upright, cash 75 4250 Collard Collard. uprignt, caatl 43 1250 Pianola player, walnut, caatt.. 35 50 Plaoola player piano, caah.... 205 JlfeOO OrchestrtC large, mhg.. cash 805 ii60 Beiry Wood orchestrion, cash, 403 Jul Tenth St.. at stark Bt. RETIUUitJ FROM BUSINESS SALE. 1133 cabinet paonograpiui, aale price, 78. ..I1.10 cabluet Phonographs, sal price, el i. 50. 198 50 cblnet phonograph, sale price. New and used pianos one-third to one half off. Foley-Maegley Music Co. 10 if til tt., bet W'aati. and Stark. USED VICTHOLAS. Vlctrola Style X, Oak 1100.00 Vlctrola Style IX. almost new... oo.oo victroiu. Myie IV 174. io st.lBiiKU.u-LLCAS MUSIC CO., 12.. 4ih ril.. bet. Wash and A Id er. WONDERFUL DAKtiAIiNS. 81400. latest grand piano. America's moat artistic make, about half price, new and perfect; also Mason Hamlin niake; make an offer. Brokerage .Co., 311 Worcester bldg. BEFORE YOU BUY A PHONOGRAPH see Foley-Maegly Muslo Co.. who are retiring from business: reduction in pianos and phonographs a high a 60 per cent, loo Fifth at., between Wash- m luiimii aim oiara. BEFORE YOU BUY A PIANO. See Foley-Maegly Music Co. closlng out sale; retiring from . business; pianos and phonographs at reductions as high as 50 per cent. 100 Filth t, beL Wash- lngton and Stark. HEINZ.E PLAYER. 4.".u. This is a new piano. Has been used for demonstration only. See It. Terms given. Seiberling Luca Muslu Co.. UJ 4th t., beL Wah and Alder. BWH & LANE PIANO. $190 genuine - Bush & Lane, latest used about one month, only 30. Just compare. Brokerage Co., 811 Worcester building. STORY & CLARK. J2t!.'., plain case A wonderful bargain. Terms given. Sel-berllnc-Lucaa Music Co., lii 4th st,. bet Wash, and Alder. ' EDISON'. Chlppenda.e model. 40 records. Vlctrola attachment: beautiful machine fine tone; UJ3 value for $2oo. MacKae" Rumapo hotel. Si KIN WAY & SON, old style. Hull- in good condition. Terms given. Seiberl'lnir- Lucaa Music Co., 12i 4th su, bet. Waau. and Alder. PoKlLAND-maoe piano bencnea, veneered tops. 815; allowance for your old stool a good Chrlstmae gift. Harold S. tllloert! 3&4 Yamhill st. PIANO TUN1NO AND RE FINISHING. Expert workmanship. Guaranteed Sel-berllng-Lucas Music Co., 15 4th at Main N.'.srt. " tu Kl Mil ALL PLAYER. ,.-,2.-,. We auk you to see this bargain. Terma given Sei-berling-l.ucas Mugic Co.. ui 4th st. .ijinc au ouor; standard make piano used less than one year; must sell! Main 2ito0. fllOMAS cabinet grand, dead oak flnith $200. 573 East Couch. Don't call Sun day. SCHILLER cabinet grand piano wltn bencn. golden oak finish: $250. Ill S Princeton st. FOR SAL hi OLD STRADI VAJtll'S VIO S4TH STHEAP- CALU AT - KAST PHONO-UK A FHS AND RECORDS MJVV MAN, US KliHt. near Waahlngto? PIANO, llsiu. Oak cane upri-jhU Termi given. Seilorlii.i?-Luca9 Jduwc Co.. lj 4th, b-t Wash, and Alder. i'iiU.NUUUAfli KEl'AlKINU Any make" Work guaranteed. tSeiberlinic - Lucaa Musir C.i.. 1J5 4ih St.. Main K. s i;pkiuiit pianos, iio. iiaa to in'v 1any standard makaa. Terma, an Worcester bUljr. sfi-Aah-K roum txchangeU. 10c eacii. HarolU unuru, oni lalllinill Bt, $40 BUi'S f4& Andrew Kohler Diano. lat.-n terma. gil orcester bitlg'. Wli:UlR pianola tor rcnl. music included. Harold U. Ollbert. 3.S4 Yamnlil St. J(XM SluliU oi BARXKS, only JJ73. tfrnm. 311 Worcester bldg. Kasy i IANOS. Orafanolas with records f.or runt. tlnipire rrsnster. Bdwy. 103. siiw xiUl'ef tA liierwood piano, terms. 311 Worcester hl'lg. a.ay tl-0 CiriA'O.NOLA for Jsu; tariii. Empire Transier. Broadway loo. loOO THOMPSON riAXO only $l'2o. Terms. all Worcester bldg. ORGANS 10 and up. Music Co.. 125 4th ft. oelber ling -Lucas $060 Mcl'tiAlL upright piano, wonderful tone: $225. 311 Worcester bids. PIANO WANTED Pay cash for good used instrument. Main S.VS6. $joo o.vloltD piauw, only f:25; terms. 311 Worcester bldg. PIANO WANTED From private party. Cash for barga i n. M arsh a 111 532. $125 BUYS sweet-toned, upright piano; easy terms. 311 Worcester bldg. PIANOS movca, $3, s:airs extra; work done by experts. I'hone Bdwy. 12D7. WAM'LU Piano, casii deal. 4124. WAN 'i ED Sweet-toned piauo, good condi tion. Cash. East 8SN2. Furullure for Sale. LADY would like to Eell privately beauti ful antique brass-framed mirror, unique design, brought from Europe some years ago. O 241. Oregonian. FOR SALE A.luosl new, 9x15 Mahal Wil ton rug, beautiful pattern, cheap If taken at once. Call t 529 Mali street. ruit S-aLE Kutntluie of li ruoma h. k., lease at $40 per month; good location. Inquire at 84Q N. 2d st. FOR SALE Furnfrture for 7-room house: close in: reasonable. Marshall 1729. MY GAS range for sa. cheap. Xlst St. N. 1147 E. FOR SALE Osk library table. 70 Dcltum ave. Wdln. lu. FOR SALE. Furniture for Hate. TOD CAN DO BETTER AT MI8H FURNITURE CO. If you love beautiful floor eov. erlng. our display of Royal Turk ish rugs will interest you. We have these wonderful rugs In the most charming patterns and faa clnatlng colors that anyone could wish for and they are down to pre-war prices. Just Imagine, we can now offer you a 0x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $150. Other sixes accordingly. M1SH FURNITURE CO. 183-100 First kU. . DAVENPORTS. MANUFACTURERS" SAMPLES. We are mfifrs. of overstuffed daven port and chair. We have a few aam ples which we will eell direct to the trade at greatly reduced prices. Some term to responsible parties on these CiOse-out. Many stylea and assortment of coverings in denim, merona. velour, tapestry and mohair. Phone 835-27. rjvenlntf and bunday Tabor 6i07 or Auto. :ia-.'7. MICHAKLSON-MAYSOJ". INC., 34.-!3 Foster Road. SAVE MONET. Try our sales department If yon wnt to buy or U household good Reduced freight rate to most all point In our through pool cars: expert packing, re pairing and reflnlshing. Money loaned on gooas in storage, f ireproof atorag. Low Insurance rates. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. ii3 in su. opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3713. PRIVATE sale of household goods, nearly new; nanusome walnut dining room suite, Ivorv bedroom suite, vnnltv dreeaee f. 9x12 Wilton rugs, mahogany davenport. table, dishes, draperv. handsome hand- niauu i:k pniowa, olner articles too nu merous to mention. 407 East 54th at. Phone Tabnr 475. DON'T SACRIFICE your lurmture if going east or to California. W can save you money on your freight In our tnrough cars; fireproof storage. C M. O.eon Transfer At Storage Co.. 248 Pir.e street. WOOD and coal heater. 810: Vuican gas range. 8:'."p; small range. 810: Venice Martin ben. complete. 85: library table, rocker, lamp. 1105 Hawthcme ave. FOR SALE Almost new. Ovlo Mahal Wil ton run, " beautiful pattern, cheap if taken at once. Call at 529 Mall st. FOR SALE Roll-top desk and chair. 544 H Washington street. 5-1'lECh. enameied bedroom act. VVood- lawn I02. Office Furniture. esks. chairs, file or safe, visit our salesrooms and inspect what ws bars to offer. THE IRWIN-HODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT.. 10TH AT STARK. ,'STiD or new desks, tattles, file, chairs, etc.. typewriters, adding machines, time clocks, dictsphones and safes. Price by far the lowest. D. C. Wax. Office Equip. House. 24-2tf No. 5th. Bdwy. 2739. toLL-ToP Denk and Cliairs Bargain. NEWMAN. 128 1st, near Wa-hington. SPRUCE division desks, chairs and file. r-acinc taty. y r'tg. to., hit :m. Tj pewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BairJT IN TYPE WHITER. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUAKANTBB. CAM. OR WRITE FOR NliW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLES A LQ T XPBWRTTER CO 821 Washington St. Main 50oL REBUILT typewriter, all kinds, for sale. rent, exenange; wa are exclusir dis tributor of Corona portable, 850 com plete with carrying case, suppue and repairs for all makes. OREGON TK PEW RITE R CO, 94 Fifth St. MainSeM. RKPAiAtS, rent, buy. aeu; auppne. Type wrlttr Inspection Co.. 312 Stark. M. 34 N E W, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rate. P. D. Co- 231 Stark st Main 1407 RENT an Underwood or Remington. 83 a month. .31 aroaaway. Broadway 155. Machinery. DONKEY ENGINE By owner; 12x12 Ta- coma roader, new sled. Adams' spark arrester, trip and main line; rook it over and make us an offer. 604 Kail way Echsnge bldg. Phone Main 2074 C.NE 3'.-i 1L P. gas engine, like new: one ifi ur.a one 1 centrifugal pump. Rushlight 4c Haatarf, 871 Hawthorne s.cnue. lEAMS, wagooa, plow, ecrapera. Fresno graders for hire. Clement Scott, Van couver, Wash. Poultry. FEED AT COST. . Clean up sale on all poultry and dairy feeds at cost. , CRESTO.V FEED FUEL CO, Phone B10-S4 20 CARNEAUX pigeons. 50c; 100 Leghorn Tueis tr ancred). SI. 23; 50 B. Rock pul lets, $124; hens. $L Come or mrite 503 Williams. Dogs. Rabbit. Birds and I'et Stork. BIRDS. " Closing out my fine stork of genuine Imported St. Andreasberg rollers, old and young, maleat and femalea. Call East o874 or 087 Multnom&h at. ST. ANDREASBERG rollers from import ed stock; singera and females, beautiful ly colored and sweet singera If you want classy birds, phone Automatic 311-40. WELL-BRED, thoroughly trained English setter at rcasonaoie price tor good home; good house dog. Apply 544 Washington st. Pollard. SKINS and furs tanned. West Coast Tan ning Co., 802 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2308. FOR SALE POLICE PUl'PT. CALL COLUMBIA lOi AN LiKE A SKLKG rollers. eeet a.oKera: uo choppers. 41-tO Ito'Jney. East 41l'!l. All'.EDALK. U months old. exceient con- dition: price m. Phone t'ni. lHirt. WIRE-HAIRED fox ttrticr. male, pedi- greed: priced right. 127 Ea--t 17th. A1KKDALE. female, registered, 3 months 01a: wonaeriui specimen. 127 ERft 17th. THOROUGHBRED St. AnUroiaberK rollers In full sons:; reasonable. Sellwood 11.H3. tats, Launches and .Murine fcqmpment. 24-FT. MOTOR BOAT, fully equipped, elec tric light, chairs and cushions: $100 if taken at once. East 1112S.. Bdwy. 2052. WOODdT-OCK NUKSiilty Walnut and fruit trec-s. berries, roses. Ant, Kltf-tfg. ADDRESS Mllwaukle nursery. Mllwaukie Or., for prices on nursery trees. Coal and Wood. $4 PER LOAD $4. We are now able to sell at YOUR OWN PRICE a Blc grade block and lb, ready for your furnace or heater. 18 IN TWO-LOAD LOTS $. Our trucks are equipped to carry doa ble load, therefore ws caa aav you money Guarantee one and one-half (lfel cords to the double load. Try It. Can't o wrong. Immediate del. THIS WOOD HANDLED BY WDLN. 4102. EAST 2041. Oregon Fuel Co. National Fuel Co. WOOD BUYERS! Note the following prices: Block wood, 6.5o per load; $12.60 per double load. Inside wood, 12x16 Inches, $6.25 per load; $12 per double load. Slab wood, 12x16 inches, 6 per load; $11.50 per double load. t'hone Eaat 7020. Auto. 235-21. BLOCK wood cut from 10x12 and 10x14 timber: sound and dry: $8.23 per cord: kindling wood $5 per cord; plank wood cut from 3x12 and 4x12. $6 per cord delivered. Phone Main 7o0. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs, Ro- al, Owl Creek coat. Standard Brick 4V Til Co., 83 5th si., between Stark and Catk. phone Broadway 18. NO BETTER wood anywhere, our trucks making direct delivery daily; No. 1 old growth fir. $7.73 per cord, 8 or mora cords. $7 50. 426 Hall st. Main 10(12. BLOCK and slab, aoubie load. $0.50: 4 foot cordwood, $7.75 per cord; m-inch dry slab, $13 per doubl load; dry lab SH.25. Broadway 4110. DRY, FlRST-GROWTi: cordwood for sale"; f trst-clasa, $7.50; second-class, $ti,75 phone East 2743. WOOD AND COaOi Small, order :icltej. West Side Fuel Co.. 414 Ollsan. Bdwy. 293. TAlLOlt FUEL CO., wood ana coaj. Price reasonable Call Wdlo. lots r Bdwy 3914. ' DRY BOXWOOD. $4.75; planer trimming. $5.50 per load. Call Woodlawn 69U4. 1VM Montana avenue. BOXSVOOO AND SLAUWOOd Delivered Immediately by Fulttn Wood CO.. j-oi 3iaunm. i-none 51am 4173. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood sawed call Kelly, cast paw. 100 CORDS of wood for sale on pavement 1 miles from Portland. Call Col. 1009. rU 1 ULU-tiltUwlU cordwooi. bone ary. :i a Com. ' i mmr. rujlll Oip-Ol- IST-CLASa fir anu narawooa. prompt de ll v ery1ltlOjieHoeKVajicouver A-l FIRST-GROWTH fir curdwood. $7.50 the cord. Phone East 577. DRY OAK.. $9 cord; fir. $7.50 cord; dry 16-ln. $7 load. Phone 630-68. NO. 1 OLD-GROWTH cordwood. bone dry $7 75 a cord. Phone 322-74 after ft P. M . 4-FOOT block and railroad ties; also 16 Inch etove wood. Marshall 2H43. BEST Utah coal, $10 per lou. Auto. 017-80. A FOR SALE. Coal nd Wood. FIRST-CROWTIi wood. dry. 17.73 cord-second-growth dry. $i T- co'-d. A 620-7 T. DRY COKDWOOO. t) 75 per cord delivered In 2 cord lots. Wdln 6112. Kegs sind Burreln. KEGS AKD BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 306 X. 14th St., - near Pettygrove. Phone A 51U-1U. Irulu and Vegetables. CABBAGKS in any quantity from 100 lbs. up, delivered to your place of business in rortiana or Vancouver, uncrated. at a cents a pouna: crated at la cents pound. Call Broadway 8418 and leave orders. MKcel!itneoUH. USED flFFinF. FITHV-ITl'RE Large line of desks, chairs, tables,, aafea, typewriters, etc. Nine bank Burroughs lift... perfect condition. D. C. " OfUce Euuip. House. 24-20 "o. ath. SAf h.o rlre and burglar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought. oid and exchanged; easy term if de- ireu. NORRI8 SAFE" A LOCK CO.. 105. .Second St. Main 2"I5 ba.vvlNt, machlue new and secon d-nar.l. old for less: no agents employed. Com. p ete une or parts lor all make: a chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 100 Third St. near Taylor. Main 9431 DOORS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. Sea our odd stock of sash and doors for price. D. B. Scully Co., downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST.. bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Phone Main 4213. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only aenulne watch material used. .DAVID'S. Jewelers and Optician 343 "Washington St.. At Broadway. GEESE,, ducks, chickens and rabbits, live or dresiwd. for Thanksgiving: also nice apples and pears, at Sierra Vista. 1 mile east of Montavilla on Base Line, or phone your address. Tabor 27. FEED AT COST. Clean cp sale on all poultry and dairy feed at cost. CKESTOX FEED FUEL CO.. t'none Hiw-w-4. BEAUTIFUL, 88011, genuine Hudxou seal coat; large Bltwrlan squirrel collar, cuff and bottom; sixe SB or 38; length 88 In.; worn very little; will aacrifice for $273. Call Marshall 5B52. ONE GAS stove with 4 ourners and stm merer. Banner make, in good shape. Price 825. On small heater In fine shape, with pipe. Price H. 2iti2 HaUey st- Ta bor 452:1. CAi-H REGISTERS ana computing scaies oougoi. sola, exenangea and repaired, Portland Cash Regiater 4b Scale Ex change. 226 li-ark rt. between First and Second sts. Main 53.14. 20 DROPHEAD sewing machlnea. 812.50 to f4a; Singera. New Home. Whites. W. W.; all make nichlne rented and -paired. E. R. Steen. 152 Grand ave. East Z5U. SET BURBANK books: Chippendale Edi son with 4tl records nd Victrola attach ment; man' English driving coat. Mac Rae. Ramapo hotel. FOR BILLIARD and pool tables, se GuiKiey and Clancy, repair work a spe cialty. 3 GO Hawthorne avenue, phon Fast B7S6. ALASKA WRECKING CO. All kinds of building material and wood for sale, yard 2d and Columbia. Main 5107. REPAIRING furnaces, etoves. reline toi let, ta-nks nd ice boxes, coll for stove and furnace. W. E- Smith. 1541 Will lams ve Wd'n. 24o. SCALES SCALlvS. SCALES, all kinds; cash registers, showcases, ac count regisiers, other fixture. 246 Washington. UKH. N W H I- l II . v - . . 1. .. ladles' and gents' cloAhea bought, sold! ami exchanged; best price 284 Park tt, near Jefferson. Marshall 1009. HOT WATER tanks, 30 gal.. 17: 40 gal.. :: tested, guaranteed: stove jind furnace coils, gas heaters Installed: plumbing. East Ftlf Weld Sh 203 Adams. E. 8.11(1. FOR SALE Oak davenport, 40; combi nation wood and gas range. $75; rabbits cheap. Aut. B45-WO. 5725 70th ave. S. E. FOR SALE A child's crib and mattress. high chair and low chair; reasonable. Main 7427. SAFES Herring. Hall. Marvin new and second hand: VAULT DOORS. Bushong tr Co.. 70 SIXTH ST. A-l MARKET fixtures for sale: make of fer. Call Mrrin 7965. eve. and Sunday. Marshall 1)58, ssk for Butcher ALMOST new Llkli steamfr wardrobe trunk: a bargain. Call 175 12th at.. apt. 21. evenings after 6:30. RUGS washed on your floor with Hamilton-Beach electric carpet washer- aso vacuum cleaning done. East 4045. THE CARPENTER MAN- teratlons, remodeling. Woodlawn 6018 Built-ins. al-leaky- roof WE RENT, BUY. SELL OR TRADE SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES NEWMAN. 12S 1st. near Wahinrton 1AXDY 3-ligbt Bhowpr.fljcture. complete with shade, only 5 3S at 207 Chamber oi vommerce puis, nrnanwuif r.3 run nAuii riist-cias KurtanK potatoes u,wi nuiw in, 4 per uu aeiiverrd; guaranteed. T.i bor 294Q. NATIONAL CMSh register and Bur roughs adding machine. 613 Panama i'U 1 1 1. MlK. OR SALIi reasonable, a stunning eve ning gowni blue taffeta and wool dr-s-rs. A knitted cai-e. Tabor S471 ATTENTION Fur skins and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co 892 Tenino eve. Bellvood 2398. fertilizer; Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Woo dlawnC23o, LICENSED Independent electrician wire 8 room for 112. 5 for $20. guaranteed to pass inspection. "Wdln. 3"91. KODAKS. . w T. ell. rent and exchange ko- daks. S.-.ndy. 320 Washington st PHCl.VE EAST 3M8. ISH-KA-B1 BBLE POllMST Rugs. Carpets and Upholstery Cleaned. ALMOST new Likll KKam.'r wardrobe trunk: a bargain. Call 175 12th st apt. 21, evenings after fi:30. ' FERTILIZER. Rotted cow or horsa manure delivered In city. East "3B, FOR SALE Alaska sealskin coat: wonder ful bargain for remodellnc purposes HI.-) E Taylor. PILES can be permanently cureu w.tnnut operation. Call or writ Dr. Deao. sc- ond and Morrison. FOR RENT Electric vacuum clener Mon. to Mas.. $1, or" 85c per dy de llvfed anywhere. Wdln. 1259. ONE good winter uit. else 58, 2 waists and hal to match, $35 cash. Call East 21.l W 1 i.L sacrifice beautiful diamond ring for $1B5, cost $205. Main 5028. 353 Grant st. A MARBLE siab 50x24x1 in. E.-)j-t 7945 Telephone VACUUM cleaner: never been used; $13 ,m-,-t.mii. r none jnifsiniii s I J t. TENTHOI SE, good aa new, 12x24. Tele phone Tabor t541. am AS Otft Shop now open; novelties 336 - i i t m g() ii imiin mnc. A MARBLE slao .41x24x1 Inch. Phone r;asx d4.). LAUNDRYETTE e.ectric washer, months: cheap. 5Hfl Everett. used 2 li.hliu eult. practically new, size 40. . oo-o. m .a, aemng bldg. FOR SALE Dragsaw outQt, fins shape' 423 Tahor 7570. KITCHENETTE, high chair, baby b7d tor sale, cheap. Tabor 31 23. LARGE Russian fitch cape; absolutely new-; """i' 11 i.'t" mii'mitt. ima, .)iaraanm st. .Un all-wool 3-piece man's suit, tail or mede. sfze 88. Main 10H2. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sal Pacific Tent 4r Awnlns- Co.. No 1 1st st DOLL wigs made of comblnps. s. F Pierce. 24 Kllllngsworth ave. Wdln. 4 3 so! FOR RENT Sewing machine, 2 month $5 Empire Transfer. Broarlwar 155. B'1'ot.'klAKD manure, $4 a tun. Woodlawn YE LADIES' SHOP, 105 Broadwa bldg., lingerie, hemstitching. 3 cents yard. SAFE, fireproof, medium size; money. N 243. Orfgonlsn. $20 WESTINGHOUSE waffle Iron, used i times: win se,i tor )-. .Marsriail 3N90. LADIES' good looking used anparei la home: reasonable. Tabor 2S25. SECOND-HAND oven, dough mixer, sta BC 981, Oregonlan. SHINGLES. BROADWAY 13T1. USED pipe furnace for ale, good condi tio n cheapJ192Simpson1 ELECTRIC fixturea for 5 rooms. $15. 207 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bdwy. 4253. 4 VERY fine panel doors for sal cheap Tabor S9S3. GAS R.VXGIS with hot water attachment and carMng set. 102 E. 18th st. FRENCH plate mirrors, large, full length, 'Very cheap. 3S3 Washington st. ONE butchers' meat block for sale. Mar. 2569. bTOVE repsirlng. gas ovens and heaters rellned. Reliable Stove Co.. E. 5042. ALL KINDS of new lumber. .We can sa.s you money. Bdwy. 1371. BEAUTY parlor equipment on sale at big raductlon. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th. "STAR A STAR'' shinxle direct from mliL Call Taylor-street dock. Main 8085. FOR SALE Caxh register, saf adding macniuc. anowcawe. ) hi si,, near Aan. MO. 1 S4)DJJLE fur sale. 304. E. 1st J?. FOR SAt.K. Miscellaneoua. A WONDERFUL- CHRISTMAS GIFT. Mesh bag of solid green gold, hend-engraved mounting, . eaphir clasp, the best of workmanship; used very little; cost new 8400, but will sell for 8100. For ap pointment to se lu address M 108. Oregonlan. Correspondene confidential. IF YOU appreciate sp!en3i.1 watcn repair ing and Jewelry repanlng; take your work to "MILLER'S BIO LITTLE JiSWELRT STORE, tell for iesa. gifts that last 'ext door to Majestla theatet. . Washington St. and Park. ELECTRIC LAI! PS. Direct from factory to you. 2-Mght ta ble lamps, teakwood. 81: solid mahogany, aolld mahogany 3-Ugbt floor lamp, LUNDAHL LAMP MFG. OO.. ' Tabor 37U.1. ano y. 44th st. S LADIES. Are yea weary or exhausted After standing si! day on your feet? If ao, be fore you sit oown for a ret use a warm water wash with Takara Antiseptic Pow der; 50c and 81 box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. GENUINE BU1CK SNAP. 1A20 6-passcnger Buick, in excep tionally fine mechanical condition, plate glass In rear of top. extra and tube, bumper, etc. Prlca only (uxs, 84iO down, balance monthly. Remember this is a 1K20 model. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 A Ider. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them from the factory show room and save 1-8; all styles, finest selection. Come and see; you are under ao obliga tion to buy. - . STANLEY LUTZ, 207 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ' Broadway 4253. Ft'R SALE Millinery golden oak wall case feet long, 7V feet high, all plate mir rors In back, with 8 drawers; also 4 floor cases. 2 8 feet. 1 6 feet. 1 ft feet; a won derful buy; will sell cheaply if taken at once. See Mr. James Sigel at the White Hotiae, flno Morrison St.. comer Park. GUS H. CRAMER. 712-A SELLING BLDG Main tiO-28. Jewel and emblem manufacturer, watch auu jeweiry repairing. DIAMONDS. D'amond Setting and Mounting. WHY an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all kinds of leaky - roofs. Work guaranteed. Phone Broad way 71). MAKE a' small payment and wear your eye classes sad spectacles as you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor Oregonlan bldg. D1EBGLD safe, new and aecoati-baad; special price Pacirio Scale A Supply Co.. 48 Front, t, Broadway 1R60. FOR BALE BIQ STOCK REDUCTION SALE. The price on every car In stork ha been reduced from (25 to $100. Follow ing 1 a partial of 63 car to choose from: lIo touring I1S0 1IM touring 1UI8 bug luitl bug. fine shape JM16 bug 1H17 touring 117 touring 1H17 chain-drive truck .... 1918 torlng JU18 touring 11118 touring 1IU8 delivery lyil) touring . . : J'.Hll roadster-flellvery .... !M0 coupe 11(19 roadster-delivery .... 1811I sedan 119 truck with new body. 1930 touring, starter 19110 touring, atarter 1920 roadater, starter 390 edan 1920 sedan 1920 coupo 1920 coupe ,. 1920 coupe .... 175 IS 5 22: 13'. .... lies .... 24S .... hU .... S.iil .... IMS .... 3"W .... KJ0 875 .3.-)0 4f0 SL'S 475 .... 373 . . . . 2115 .... 375 .... 41)3 575 435 .... S5 .... 41-5 The above car all In good shape. Try them before you buy them. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Kast Yamhill, Grand Ave. East 471. East 137. HA WES 3S. 5-PAS.. TN EXCELLENT CONDITION. ALL CORD TIRES. ALL 1H.I1.MS1111U. IVILL T A K h, LIOHTEK CAR OR SMALL AMOUNT CASH AS FIRST PAYMENT. BAL. EASY TERMS. BOYCE. BDWY. 114. FORD To L" RING. 1921 Only drlveu four months, S. S. and I). R.. natural wood wheels, good tires, body and mechanism in fine condition; lots of extras and a bargain for quick sale. F. Parsons, Bdwy. 821. See car at DO N. Brcadwnv. 1918 MAXWELL TOURING; this car Is in very good mechanical condition; new paint, Stromberg carburetor; good tires: only $250; terms $100 down, balance in 10 months. Northwest Bargain Annex. 542 Alder St. Bdwv. 1723 HUPMOBILE. model K,. with 4 new tires: 2 spare tire with rims: good mechanical condition: price only $400. easv terma Call Bdwy. 1723, Northwest Bargain An nex. MI Aliier St. mm FRANKLIN TOURING that has just been refinlshed; tires are good and en gine Is In good condition; this car 1 bargain at $6o0. easy terms. See this car at 542 Alder st. Bdwy. 1723. ALCO BUG )ilh good top and windshield, electric lights and storage battery; 5 fcir 32x3 tires: no magneto; take It away for $20. Northwest Bargain An nex. Bdwy. 1723. 542 Alder st. 1912 PACKARD TOL1R1KG with new top and 2 new cord tires; electric lights and generator; car Is an exceptional buy at M. Phone Bdwy. 1723. or call at S42, Alder st. 1 45 BUICK . $450. Nw top, 5 cord tires, repaint. Bar gain; terms. WOODLAWN 3950. WE CARRY a full line of auto accessories, tubes. Ford parts, light globes, etc Also do towing. Oren day and night. LONG S1LVA. Phone East H"40 42 Hawthorne. BETTER VALUES IN OARAGES. GOOD STYLE. WELL BUILT. DELIVERED. ERECTED, STAINED. 10x18 $55; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICE. 29 WF.IDLER. EAST I-SB6. GRANT touring, perfect condition; bodv and upholstering like new; extra ood tires; run onl- .H.'ifH) miles; g-enuine bar gain. Robinson-Smith Co.. 6th at Madl- LATE 1916 Ford touring, brand new tires, first-class condition throughout. Am snowbound, will sacrifice for $100. Call room lit, t. Lnarles hotel. LATE 1920 Ford touring, in bast of condi tion: has two new tires, other good te'll leell for S75. Main 1S4. $3ml CASH Ford coupe, good condition shock absorbers, extras, 2 new tires, 1918 moaei. Alain 1919 OAKLAND touring, in good shape; must have money, so wtl sell for $450, terms. 553 Taylor. wVK TEAR 'em up And sell the niece. Portland Auto Wrecklnr Co.. 531 Alder, 1 rm. nmnnnr nz.-i 1920 FORD guoT shape; will se!l cheap. 1'non me right away, Morrall. Talv.r 4725 DO YOU want a good price for your 1920 or 1921 Ford sedaa on trade for 1922 Ford sedan? If so call East 77S2. FOR SALE By owner 1921 model Ford sedan, like hew, many extras; bargain. Main 2672. BUICK roadster, 1919 model, looks and runs like new: cash or time; bargain. E 256. Oregonlan. 19211 CHEVROLET touring, looks and runs like new car. new tires; will tacrlfice 375. East 4210. FOR SALE. 1920 Ford; electric starter, speedometer; $373. Owner. 311 3d st. DODGE Late 102O touring, perfect shape; can hardly be told from new; will sacri fice It for $725 rash. Tnbor SH32. CHEVROLET touring. 1920. nne running order: Goodyear tires, overside rear, some extras: $450 cash. AO 24.".. Ortconisn. KUDSON super-six, 7-passenger, fin con dition, like new, essy term to respon- sible party. Pnjne Main 942. 1914 CADILLAC, in good shape, for vacant lot or house equity in Portland. Alain 37112. FORD panel delivery; used le.A than month; cost $057; will sell for $490; this Is a buy. Tabor 8024. SAXON 6, motor overhauled, Al condition throughout. Cheap. Tabor 8024. FoRD touring, $1(81; run good; fine rubber. l aoor ouL't. 1920 FORD, Just lik new. By owner. 129 North tn st. 4 JfOKD coupe, iwji, accessories; perfect condition: bargain, cash. Mnln 8.'4l. 1920 FORD coupe, like new; must sell. 1 50 llnlrn ave.. upstairs. 1920 5-PASS. Ford. $25u if taken a 31)4 E. 1st St. -N. f'hone E. 1880. CHEVROLET In good condition for $300. investigate. rnong taoor 7443. CARS wanted 3211 Everett. CARS wanted. Broauaay 22. FOR SALE AfTOMOBH.FS. AT THE COVET MOTOR CO. PLANT. EXTRA SPECIAL NOTICE. Hold up on your used car purchase! Is the best tip we can offer in this week's advertisement. Beginning next Saturday comes the big Covey Motor Car Co. veaaon clean-up sale of used cars. Thl is an vent extraordinary nd will be looked forward to with great expectancy. You will have our entire atock of used automobile to select from. Inciudmg all used Dodge Brothers' mo tor car. Oenuln Covey Built Merchandise s well a a quantity of other cara will be offered. You cannot afford to buy before this sale and yon cannot afford to be without a car after this sale. Bring your money with you and get deposit on something. We are going to clean them out- T3oth Addresses. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 51st st Washington ft. Mam 244. Broadway Branch. 28-30 N. Broadway. Main 6244. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COM PANT. REBUILT BUICKS ARB A SAFE' INVESTMENT. We GUARANTEE! very BUICK REBUILD the same as w do a new car. WHT TAKE CHANCES T Buy Tour Buick Car From the HOWARD AUTOMOBILE COMPANY. Pacific Coast Distributor. Alder at Twelfth. Broadway 1130. HUGHSO.VS AUTHORIZED FORD CORNER. Over 6000 Ford cars sold since .Tan. 1. 1921. Oldest and largest Ford deal er in United States. Make the Hugh ?" e?."Zlca F,r,,t PoH'y. established since 1903. work for your interest In a new or used Ford. 25 Used Fords of All Models 25. A good used Ford from $100 up: $50 or i5 down, balance while you ride. New car Just little down, bal. easy WM. L. HUGHSON CO.. Authorised Ford Agent. Broadway at Davis. Broadway 821. Open Evenings. 1018 IS-PASSENGER AUTO, $200. Good battery, starter and 3 near ly new tire; in good running order. If taken today will sell for $200: this car should bring $450 but I have 2 cars and must sell. Ralph Ackley, 1101 E. Morrison. Tabor 604. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR PELL AV AUTOMO BILE WE FURNISH THE MONET. OUR SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 207 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. FORD owners. Save 2l to 50 per cent of your gas oy Installing the Whirlwind Automatic Alrburner. Guaranteed. At tached frn 1 minute by loosening nut; fits perfectly: nothing to go wrong: las: a lifetime. Thousands In use. Saving tf 23.4 per cent certified by Wisconsin State University official tost. Price $11.50. Agents wanted. Wavra A Son, Tltiw Collece ave.. Spokane. LATE 1921 two-unit system Maxwell tour ing car. Call 630 Chamber of Commerce Mdg..and pay the amount borrowed on this car and It is yours. Also have beau tiful 191 Cass Six, will trade forany thlng, LETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE. WELL BUILT, DELIVERED, KHECTED. STAINED. 10x16, $55; AT TRACTIVE FACTORY PRICE. 29 WKIPLKR. EAST 8.efl. ONE MODEL 7-o Hudson Super Six, run few thousand miles, 60 per cent new; will sacrifice at your pries; car being sold for finance company. See J. L. Smith,. e.SO Chamber of Commerce SACRIFICE. Only $350 required for first payment on 1919 Nash tourlrg ,1n perfect shape; balance of $600 on terms to suit buyer; no dealers. .T 233. Orgonlan. 1921 IH'ICK touring car; fine mechanical condition; cord tires; looks like new; has had best of care; a snap, $1250; some terms to responsible party; must be sold at one-. Phone Tabor 44"9. I HAVE a good 1918 Maxwell touring with all good tlrea, motor In first -class condi tion; you can hsv It for $175 If taken right assy; terms; no trade. Call Main HT.14. LATK Dotlge louring, showing careful use and upkeep given by owner; sleeping nutnt ana exiraa: win sell lieu leu tnn prevatrni; price ami model. Addrwsa H 228. Orejrnnlnn OWNER of a Reo 6, 1920 model, desires to dispose! of same; dmv wst ; weather prohibit driving back; car driven 120O miles: price $950 cash. Apply 401 and 402 Seward hotel. 1918 BL'ICK roadster; a bargain for cab, s I am leaving town; nne mechanical condition: cord tire. 2 extra cord tires, paint good condition. Mr. Kearns, Main 7L . 4-CYL. LOCOMOBILE, run only 30.000 mlep: good for 2O0.OOO; great for bug or truck: quick sale. $225. Now In good runnlnir order. AP 252. Oregonlnn. HL'PMOBILE. nearly new. 4 new tires, one extra, spotlight and bumper, cash will talk or will glv some terms; must sell. 1258 Belmont. DODGE Late 1920 touring; looks and runs like new car; will take Ford or Chevmiet In trade. Telephone Colum bia 656 for appointment. 1H1H HUDSON" Super 6 New cord tires oveehauled and repainted; will trade for Bulck. Vransona, 150 Union ave., up stairs. 7-PASS. MITCirelLL. late model, guar anteed ftrsl-ciasB mechanical condition. Will sell this far below actual value. N Ta bor 9594. CADILLAC b roadster. Just completely re built, new cord tlrea. runs Sfffl looks like new, $1600. accept reasonable offer. Tabor 7.112 NEW SERIES GOOD MAXWELL Now on Display. MAXwrLL-CHALMERS COMPANY. East Thlr.t and Oregon Sts. Sin ISE1A CARa PRICE! fcfOCK RIGHT. No Misrepresentation. COVET MOTOR CAR CO. NEW F. B. CHEVROLET SEDAN " PRICED FOR QUICK SALE AT 1 1 4.-0 CASH. PHONE IB. L. GERW1G. Main 1019 UL'IC'K touring, new paint and tires; mechanically perfect; will sacrlrloe for $850 and give terms. East 4216. CADILLAC. '14. 7-pass; new paint, new lop. runs use new; tnju. terma See l.yman. ai-i duiis.y exenange. WE PUT steei teeth in your old flywheel; ...nklhalt turning. H. B. Elaek Ma. chine shop. 534 Alder. Bdwy. L'asi. STUDEBAKER chummy roadster, good tires, good condition, best buy In Purt land at 400 .Main 14T6. . CARS bought for wrecking. parts sold lor all cr.ra Oregon Auto v recking Co., Belmont, pesr sin, cast OAKLAND 6 In very good f-hspe, nearly rew tires. 1 extra. A bargain st $370. Call Tabor 1542. CARS named. 22 LvoietL FOR SAI.K At'TOMOnil KS. CARS SAVE DOCTOR BILLS. When you splssh bout In the rain or spend a lot of valuable time waiting for a street car under a dripping umbrella, think of the benefit of a good auto mobl.e. Curtains up, you are warm and comfortable, you go and come In comfort, winter -actually becomes enjoyable. We acs offering our entire stork of good used cars at rock bottom price, THIS WEEK. Don't delay, come aelect your car and put In use when you get the most good from ll. Orlg. Sale Price. Price. 118 Oldsmoblle touring, 8-cyl t no I T5 m-w.asB sedan 1917 Mitchell 6-paas.... 1917 Mitchell 6-pas 1918 Jordan Sport Ma rine 1919 Brlscoa (-pass 1918 Briscoe 5 -pass 1917 Mitchell 6-nuss.... 1910 Mitchell 7-pass 1918 Jordan Sport Ma rine 1920 Libertv 1918 Palg -pas 1919 Velle 1920 Mitchell 5-psss. ... 1921 Jordan 7-puhm...., 1918 Packard Twin Six, 7-pasa. 1921 M tchell 5-Da. a 1950 Kt.SO 850 750 50 650 1500 II SO a vi too 550 450 hoo mm loot) 800 15O0 1150 115 1050 7lH 6'MI fclMl 7oO 1.KM) 1050 2500 20O0 1750 J5O0 1350 121X1 350 225 8 SO 50 1915 Hudson 6-4U, 7-psss. We will tak your light car In trd nd make easy terms on th balance. No charg for broker age. open evening and Sunday dvir tntt the sale. MITCHELL, LEWIS 6TAVER COMPANY. Broadway sad Everett. Broadway 4675. FORDS T8ED. " FORD DEALER'S AD. DUNNING MOTOR CO. East Broadway and Union Ave. A Complete Assortment of Used Ford. All Type, Models and Prices. Repaired tn Our 8hops. The price ar actully lower. 1920 Ford roadster, startsr, all tires re new $365 1919 Ford touring, starter 350 1818 Ford touring, good 250 1918 Ford touring 2i0 1920 Ford touring, no starter 295 1919 Ford touring, no starter 275 1916 Ford Special roadater 100 Special Ford truck, panel body, cord tires, overslse; completely over hauled 350 W will gladly send a car to bring you to our place If you are interested. PHONE EAST 80S. DUNNING MOTOR CO., East Broadway and Union Ave. Ws also solicit your Inquiry as to ur plan of payment on a new Ford. USED CAR BUYERS. ATTENTION. l?t Ford touring. 1920 Ford touring. 1918 Ford touting. 1919 Ford touring. 1019 Ford roadster. 1921 Buick touring. 1920 Stevens touring. 1920 Chalmers touring. 1917 Paige touring. 1918 Oldsmoblle 8 touring. 1917 Packard 6. stags car. Many others to chooso from, with lots ox DUg. THE USED CAR WAREHOUSE, Grnd Avenue at Kast Taylor. Automatic 214-10. BARGAINS IN BUICKS. These cars are In perfect condition; have extra good rubber and all refin Ished. Will take small mount csh or smaller car a first payment, terms on balance. 1920 Buick, S-passenger $1200 1917 Buick sedan J2i0 1917 Buick with '18 motor fciu CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION. A. C. STEVENS, HAYNES DISTRIBUTOR. 531 Washington St. Broadway 1614. BARGAINS DAILY in USED CARS. $100 AND VP. FORD .tourings, roadsters, sedans, coupe Chevrolet. Buick. Chalmers, Oldsmoblle. Saxon, .Maxwell. Dodge, Franklin, Mitchell, Studebaker: alo bargain In Ford truck and delivery mewl el. open Evenings and Sunday ' ROBINSON-SMITH CO.. 6th and Madison. Authorized Ford Dealers BUICKS. Do you want to buy good Buick t rock bottom price? See us. We have the car you want or wui get it for you. lo you want to sell your Buick? Wo will find you a buyer. Portland Auto Salsa. 350 West BuTnslde near City Park. Open evenings and Sunday aft ernoons. GENUINE BUICK SNAP. 1920 R-passenger Buiik, In exception ally ftne niechanlcal condition: piate glass in rear of top, extra tire and tube, bumper, etc. Price only $925, $400 down, balance montlily. Remember this Is a 1920 type. Hyatt Talking aiacnine Co., 85il A'der. APPELSON' EIGHT. Anniversary model. seven-passenger car In perfect condition: to ttave siorais will sell for less than half va.ue; a re bargain for someone; Investigate tf y. want a perfect car at a saennca. , BROADWAY GARAGE. East 21th st. snd Bro adwar. 1921 NASI 5-PASS. Practically new. condition perfect. 1700 mile a cord tlrea, etc, luke cheaper car In part payment, terms: best reasons for sailing, attractive discount. Mr. Rallsback, Bdwy. 621. Evening. Tabor 6645 LATE 1920 IKIDOE, 5 oversize cord tires. shock sbsorbers: like new. IM,5. I.ate 1919 Chevrolet, new motor. $.175: late 1919 Ford sedsn, sisrter. :.5(l: 1919 Ford louring, J-'.HJ. oil uurnsld st. Bdwy. 1515. ..LJ'MOLILU ToLRING, LATE IV-'O. This car is lllte new and has all fine tires; will sell at a bargain; will give term. I'none imswt iq. HUPMolill.E touring, late 1920 model Al mechanical condition; cord tlrea, ex tras. Will sacrifice cor quick sale. I'hone Fast SUTS 11)10 NASH TOURING $7o.V Whole car, body, engine, paint and tires in perfect condition. Snap for cash. No dealers. G 232, ireiron Ian. DoDGE sedan, lato model, guaiailtecd to be in perfect condition; good tirea. I realise 1 must sacrifice, i'hone Wood- In wn 50 UL'ICK Sl)i touril.g, late 1917 model, al new tires, guaranteed to be In Al con dition. Yours for a bargain. Phone Tabor 184". STEPHENS UOADSTEI.. '21 MODEL. AL- MnST NEW; WILL SET. I. AT HAKUMN OR TR ADS FOR ANOTHER CAR. All IHlH.OM.tN. , 1919 BUICK. Have 6-passenger to trade as Hrst pay. ment on new or used ooupe or sedan Msr 2456: , . JORDAN touring oaf, practically like new, at half price of new one: will give guarantee; price $1420; easy terms. Ann, BriWT. 3281. DODGF. SEDAN $875. In good condition; ha been refinlshed. Terrr. Mr. Arr.1). Bdwy. 32M. 1921 FORD touring, llasslers. Pullman bed. ' driven only 2590 miles: sold by noon, sfl I leave Portland tonight. Beery. 821 N'ort.irup. Marshall 3335. SACRIFICE .Must sell my 1918 Stude baker this week; best buy In town for $185. Room J8. Colltnge hotel. 4th nd Clay. Call bt 5 and MY 5-pAFRengr- !l:ht 6 for sale; run less than :l0 miles: broke It In myself; better than new: have 2 cars; reason for s 1 1 1 ng. labor 7317. DODGE SEDAN". Late 1918, overhauled and refinlshed; will sacrifice for $9U0; eaay terms; this Is a real bargain. Mr. Aro. Bdwy, .121. 1918 CHANDLER toui ,UK. lit good shape; good car and only $450; best rauns ' for selling. Ma'n let ill. M.Vi 8 t extras, $250; I Union sve . it uriaK. 4 -e 'his. "I. new tires Vranson's, and 130 CARS wanted. JJio.way 232U. roit SAI.K At TGM'MIII F. PIONEERS IS REBUILDING OF USED CARS. HUDSON AND ESSEX. Automobiles that have been re built or renewed are In the best of mechanical condition they are also warranted the earn s fac tor. en, warrant new car. In ad dition, we give 90 day' fre uns chsftical service. Till I nut new on Hudson automobile. W huv rebult and sold them with wrranly ainc 1916. You buy a fin quality car with th am safety aa whn you puichase a new automoblls. Buy a vcar you can depend upon and at a bargain price. Other inaaes of used automobiles thoroughly overhauled, put In firat-clsKs condition and sold with a 10 days' fre trial, subject to being returned and full credit given on any other car of equal price that customer may select. This gives ample time for every purchaser to try out th car li buys, gives him time to have It Inspected, and ws want only Ibfled customers. Welch the chang In thl list cf cars: 1916 super Six Hudson I 000 1917 Super six iludaon 950 191S-1HI9 .erics Hudson Super Six 1250 1920 Hudson 8uper Six 1 s.50 1920 Hudson speedster 1575 19I K.aex KM 1920 Essex 11123 1918 Maxwell 4i)0 1919 Msxwell 600 M hv four 1st model Msx well demonstrator In condition. Including tires at $650 each. A aavoig to ou of $o8, 11! Ford " 1919 tlrant Slg 600 1919 Chslmers Sis 650 1917 Buick 673 1918 Dodge RO0 l'M9 Old. Six 850 1"18 Oliis Eight J1II0 3919 Liberty sport model... POO 1920 Chandler ln.0 1918 Col 8, Sport model.... 1250 Largest Used Car Brsneh store In th City t 40-40 Broadway. Branch Store Open Sunday snd Evening. Phono st Branch Store. Broadway 6739. Also a PIspisT at Our Salesroom. 615-61T Washing ton street; open week days only. C L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO. STEPHENS AND OAKLAND AUENCY. Oakland, -pass., Scripps roudsler, rebuilt. tires. .$ 400 painted and re uM.iv nun Chevro,et 490. K-naas . perfect a? ouilt new Overland, 5-piss.. good as new.... 400 Packard, small 4-cyl., B-pass 200 Bull k, 7-pasa., 1919; rebuilt 1050 Buick. 6-pass., 4-cyl., rebuilt 400 Chandler, 1920. 7-pass.. rebuilt.... 1000 Oakland roadster, rebuilt and re painted 700 Saxon 6, 6-pnss., 6 cord tires 150 Overland roadster, 1921, stew 016 Easy Term. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 475 Morrison at 14th. Broadway 3600. CLOSED CARS. We have these exceptional buy In closed cars for your consideration. All in Al condition, exceptionally good rub ber and Rood paint. Will take smaller car or small smount cash as iirst pay ment, balance eay terms. 1921 Malhohm 5-pass. sedan in."0 1917 Buick sedan 12ml 1910 Dodge four-door sedan ..... 1200 CALL FOR DEMONSTRATION. A. C. STEVENS. HAYNES DISTRIBUTOR, 631 Washington St. Broadway 1614. 1920 BUICK COUPE. This very attractive) model of Ihs popular Buick closed cur ie in perfect condition, having been only slightly used by private owner: positively cannot be told from new. Phone Muin 710. Bar guin SALE ON LSED AUTOS. 1 Ford $ fio :"; 125 1 b ord 1 ;5 1 Ford 0i 1 Maxwell oo 1 Ford truck 325 1 Orant S.x auu Several Fords with elalters, $300 to 4U0 LONG r SII.V A, 412 llau tlmrne. BRING YOUR WIFE To THE AUCTION. Lot of IlKht cars of ail aixea nn.l makes. Including some high-class makes at your mercy; come and take aii vantake of tile other fellow's loss; lots of homes made happy through the pur chase of oars at the auction, come and bring your w ilti or friend. . Sale com mences at 7:3U P. M., Thursday. Nov. 24. corner llih snd Everett sts 1921, model 7000. dim fi.mi. 95 per cent new, only run lew hundred miles; a good value at $1150; will trade for one or more lots in Laurelliuret, Rose City or Ladd's Addition. If jour lots are worth the nioiif, jou need an auto mobile and you mean buslnc, call at ti.'lO Chsmher of Comiliurce bldg. See .Mr Smith. t'lcftv. Ci-a aau o tutrix Closed body two-passenger car In per fect condition; sclf-tai ier. demountable rims, a rear platform for trunks or bag gaae: a line car lor touring or suburban use. Will be sold at a Kreat sacrifice; will pay to Investigate. BROAD W A Y GARAGE. East 2!ltl st. and llrn.uivir. HAYNES 20. 7-PASS.. RUNS LIKE NEW. LOOKS I.IKE NEW AND IS LIKE NEW. CORD TIHKS. Ut MI'KK, MVT LIGHT, MOTO.MKTER AND SPARE T I It E. WILL TAKE SMALL AMOUNT CASH Olt LIGHTER CAR IN TRADE, BALANCF. EASY TERMS. PHONE BROADWAY 1014. WHY drive a Ford? $1610 Monroe, latest model, cheap; extra ttre, spotlight, nint, imeter Tabor than. A iitfimoliilen V anted. I CAM use a good late-model suto: will trade 100 acres level land In White Horse valley of Harney county. This land Is worth about $h an acre, but I have no uiu for It, but can me good car; land Is clear of all incumbrance. Writs A.I 7, oregonlan CARS WANTED. Bring your car to the auction house for quitk sale and full value; small com mission charged fireproof bldg.. itllil heated. Phone Bdwy. 2329. Coiner 6lh and Everett sts.. wot slil". WE W KECK 'I'll EM H-.Khest caah price paid for old cars, condition no object. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO., 1 hlr.I and G'isan. AUTOMOBILE VVAN11-.D Want light car. standard make, will trade my $)'40 Wellington upright piano. Mr Arso. liroadwav .IJl. NEW SEH.ilS GOOD MAXWELL Now on Display. MAXWELL-CHALMERS COMPANY. Fast Thirl and Oregon Sts WE PAV case for late model lignt cars. Used car warehouse, Grand ave. and E. Tsvlor bfOT CASH lor lour Ford, Cnevrolst, Dodge, liuick or otuer Hint cara tin East 7th si. . CARS ltolIGHT for their parts; parts sold for all cars, auio recking to., i.i Aldrr t lth t CARS WAN 1 ED to wreck, parts for ii Cara tr leas. s. At K Auto wricking Co., 15th and Alder. Broadway 6-trt. CASH fur all inaaes of cats, condition no hlert. 414, mm. nowy. 29.1. WILL pay highest market price lor used Fords, at corner or sth and imvis. PA Y SPOT cs h lor old Kurd or Chevrolet; no It.l 2.MI. i Ircconlsn. must tie cn Motorrj I'lea. WE PAY no rent una 'il fur less; retiui.t motorcycles ana oicycte aa maae. old on easy terms. APEX BICYCLE CO.. JEa'tjl !S0! 457 Williams ATS. NEW SERIES GOOD .MAXWELL Now on Dlsplsy. MAXWELL-CHALMERS COMPANY, E ait Thir.l an-l or.-gon Sis. MoTi iRi. YCl.ES and p u ts, ail makes. EAST t-llrj AlO 1 otC 1 i.; CO., 44-41 Grand Avenue. TJit Mo uHCI ' 1.1. s A N D BICYCLES TnT US. 2U4-206 ."ID ST. .MAIN 0131). Anto Tires nd Accesories. NEW SERIES cool) MAXWELL NO'v on Display. MAXWEL1.-CHAI..M ERS COMPANY. E;.t 1 hlr-l sn.l Or.-cn Ms. Automobile for Hire. NEW SEItiE- GOOD MAXWELL No lv O'l I' i!.i MAX WKl.l.-i'HAl.M KR COM PAN Y. ait Viilid anUaWrcaioa b;a