13 THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1931 KKAL FSTATE. 2D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. I.AHUB LOTS. ' WITH TREES. OK CLEARED. $.1.10 AND UP. Restricted Wllshire addition, ad joins Alameda Park, choice loca tions: many now homes now under construction: 2d nits;, privilege to home builders: adjoins high-class restricted districts, close to car and school. Branch Office S8d and Brvee ave. Take Broadway car to Bryce ave., walk 4 blocks east. J. L. HARTMAS COMPANY, fi Chamber of C'nmn-erce Bide, alain 203. T PARKROSE ACRE. $25 down, M pT mo., best of lit garden land at $700 per acre, flood acre on (traveled road, gas, electrlcly, water In street, cash snap. South Parkrose. $1230. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bids;. Main 208. ' VIEW LOT. 1(13 feet north of Esst Stark St.. on south side of B. 71st et.. $2.1 down. $12 oer mo.. 2d mtg. privileges. Take Mount Tabor car. Tabor 5070, evenings, f ONLY $000. 100x100 corner, block to ear; sidewalks raid, sewer In and one-nsir paia ; total assessments paid equal selling price of 'OI HOTTOMB REALTY CO., 211 Washington Bldg. BARGAIN'S IN LOTS. Located In I.aurelhurst, Portland's most beautiful residential district; all Improvement In; closing-out prices range from $600 to $1500. See J. A. Mccarty. 270U, Stark st- Main 1700; evenings. Tabor f'0.17. SANOV BLVD. Choice location, 30-foot frontage, im provements paid; some snap; price only $1050. GRROORT INV. CO., 1808 Sandy Blvd. HOME BARGAIN. $4.100 $500 CASH $2.1 MO. Modern 7-rm. home. 811x100 lot, fruit trees, near school; cost owner $6000. CHAS. RINGLKR V CO., 22.1 Henry Hlrtg. BEAUTIFUL 50x100 lot. east 47th at.. 80 feet north Bdwy., facing west: all Im- freveinents in and paid; shade and rult trees, berries, roses, lawn, $000 cash. Owner. 821-71. LAURELHURST LOTS. See or phone J. A. McCarty, 270 H Stark st. Main 1700; evenings. Tabor nor. iiARGAlN offered on lots 36-40 Inclusive, Peninsula No. 2, block 21. Write for particulars. M. Coker, box 227, Cotton- w od, Cai. BEAUTIFUL lot on 01st St.. Rose City Park; one block from Sandy. A real bargain. owner, t4 I K o-'n sr. jv LOT JH SALE below hill. R. C. P., $450. Ma; .1.1. For Hale Houses. BY OWN ICR $1200 TERMS. 1180 K. SftTH NORTH. New 5-room bungalow, strictly modern nd exceptionally well-built in every de tail, absolutely first-class, ' fireplace, hardwood floors, large living room with plate glass windows, French doora buflt-lns, dandy breakfast nook: lot 30X 100, on car line, paved street: owner on premises Sunday 12 to 4; weekdays phone Main 422 afler 6:30 P. M. IRVINGTON SACRIFICE. $1000 BELOW VALUE. 8 bedrooms, sleeping porch, also maid's room In attic. Two fireplaces. ' hardwood floors, beautiful buff'it and china closet, full cement basement, rare shrubbery and fruit. Entire house re cently repainted Inside and out. One block Irvington car, 2 blocks Broadway. Terms. Owner, telephone East 873.1. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. See. this double constructed bungalow In Rose City district, hardwood floors, ftrcDiace. tanestrv paper, breakfast nook. all built-ins. We are ordered to eelr this place, owner must have money. $4.'90, snv reasonable down payment. IIOB.VKTT & McCLURE. Realtors. Marshall riL'fl'J. 3Q2 Couch BMg, SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT. Build your own home; incorporate your own ideas, use your own individ uality. You are the best Judge of what satisfies you. We aim to please. We want your business only when we satisfy you on the merits of our building. BOBNBTT McCLURE. REALTORS. Marsha'! 8292. 302 Couch Bldg ROPE CITY PARK REAL VALUE FROM OWNER. Well built six rooms and eunroom. Strictly up to date, large living room, lining room, buffet, breakfast room, 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, garage; east front. No agents. Ante. SIS-HI IRVINGTON COLONIAL. CORNER !)000. ON KNOTT 8T ; SURROUNDED BY HOMES UP TO $30,000; IT'S THal ONE YOU HAVE ADMIRED. EAST 419. $4Nlt $JOIH CASH $4000. One of the beat buys In Alberta, 1 hlk. from car, sewers. This la a real 6-room bungalow, priced to sela. Be sure to see this. Call today, Sunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., Realtors, P.rlwy. 47.11. 410 Henry Btrttr. GOING TO BUILD? . We design and build residences or any Tr-nildlng. assist in financing aame; 12 years' eontlnuous and complete building service. SECURITY AND SATISFAC TION ASSURED. L. K. Bailey, con tracting architect. 1)24 N. W. Bank bldg. BOSH CITY COTTAGE $3.10 down; 5-room. dandy, semi-modern home, large double lot and fruit, near Hose City school. First one gets this It's going. Balance only $11)00, $2 monthly. Main 3800. QUIN, 2"6 Morgan Bldg., Realtor. "" HERE'S HOW. $1.10 down, $15 monthly. Total price $11.10. One acre planted. Small new house. Chicken house, paved, water, gas, electricity. Be early. GORDON"MORTGAGE CO. fill Ch. of Com. Bldg. I'hone Main 1370. A KKAL CHRISTMAS O I FT. Location, price, terms monthly, any thing -of value down: 4-room house, 1 aero, $7.10; 2 acres, $.150; log house. $ acre. $17.10; fl-rnom bouse. $3050. Own er. Marshall 790. . MEW MODERN IRVINGTON REAL Bit NO A LOW. Built right, G rooms on one floor, fur nace, fireplace, oak floors, bullt-ins, full basement, attic, price only $0500. 531 E. Hth st. North. $3000 ON EAST MAIN ST. A 5-rnom cottage with good basement, bath, etc.; in fine condition; on East Main St.. close In; price $3000, with aasy terms. City improvements In and paid. Ruttnnell & Rummell. 274 Stark St. $.,00 DOWN $25 PER MONTH. Brand new 4-room bungalow: take Pollwood car to Reynolds ave.. No. 534. Ready to move right in. See It today. You will be surprised. A real pickup. I'hone owner. East 41100. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT, 6-room. neatly finished bungalow, furnished or unfur nished, large lot; will consider late model Ford s part of payment down. 1108 E. Market, near 37th. "TaiiAUTIFUL BUNGALOW, CLOSE IN. Large rooms: fine lot; all Improve ments In, the home Is strictly modern In every detail; low price, easy terms, owner. Mar. 12. A. 623-17. HEAUTIrTL 8 - room modern house, breakfast room, den, sleeping porch, garage, walking distance, only $7500, terms. Zimmerman, islet Chamber of Commerce bldg. NORTH IRVINGTON BARGAIN. Seven-room modern house, full base ment, all Improvements in and paid. 400 E. Failing, corner 8th. $2950. Call Woodiawn 0310. 2SKVV MuDKI.N bungalow on East H2d street north, with large attic; delight fully situated on wooded lot; only $34O0 on very easy terms. For particulars cull (it 404 Piatt hlrlg.. 127 Park St. .EVEN-F.ooM house, near 14th and Tilla mook, welt-built and in good condition; good yard and garage, gas. bath and eelctricity: toilet on each floor; no base ment, e.nion. lanor i in. J'OR SALE Nov 4-room bungalow, elec tricity, gas. full bathroom, not water' price $2200. Phone Woodiawn 1090 before a a. V. or after 5 P. M. COMPLETELY furnished 8-room shingled house; garage and new Ford car; $2tiou; cunu rj,h 406 Sumner st. Wnn.ii.... car. I all evenings or aunnay. IN BEAUTIFUL North Piedmont, ttir-.o blocks from car and school; the popular new 4-room bungalow; lot 50x127; -only y:l.1P0. terms. Phone 227-lfl. BEAUTIFUL home In Ladd's addition, built-ins, hardwood floors, linoleum la kltrhen. hath rm., gar. Main 80.12. tiWN'KR must sacrifice to raise money classy bungalow, cash or terms, make otter. ILlun wo i.i VfR SALE by owner, exceptional 7-room. modern view bungalow; exclusive dls Irlct. Phone Tabor 4093. l:Y OWNER, neat 7-rooin house and ga rage, price $4100. 223 Pkidmore St. iiY OWNER Close tn. tl-rooiu cottage East 2022. East 5550. FFAI, KSTATE. i or JSule Houses. LAURELHURST. MODERN AND COMPLETE HOUSE. I Invite Inspection of my new and modern l-siory bungalow (occupied only a short time). Consisting of five rooms, bath, hail and breakfast nook and large unfinished upstairs, suitable for two rooms Hardwood floors through out, exclusive lighting fixtures. Imported wallpaper, high-grade plumbing, plate gia-49 windows, bevel plate giase door, French doors, mirror door, very best hardware and furnace and many other conveniences. Screens on doors and win dows. Lot 50x100, faces south. Garage and full cement driveway. Beautiful lawn and shrubbery. If you want a good house In a nice district at $1000 less than value and have cash or a large payment to make, address C 240. Orego- man, ror appointment. BEAUTIFUL WALNUT PARK HOME. 6-room strictly modern, hardwood floors, 2 toilets, fine fireplace, electric furnace, breakfast nook, full cement basement, garage; corner lot OOxtOO to alley; the prettiest home in Walnut park: $7000. $2000 down. BEST BARGAIN IN OVERLOOK. ti-room beautiful home, hardwood floors, beamed ceilings, beautiful buffet, tapestry paper, sleeping porch, full ce ment basement, fine furnace, garage: fine lawn and flowers and everything. You cannot beat it for the price, $2000 cash; price 10500, A good buy In a furnished house, 4 rooms and bath, completely furnished: good district: 1 block to car. Think of It, only $2700. $850 down. McGEB Ik. DENNIS. Woodlswn 5US4. 969 Union Ave. BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA ,' $14.000 $2600 CASH. Corner home, real bargain; grounds 87x100; 8 beautiful rooms, old ivory and mahogany woodwork. French doors, two . fireplaces with Radlantfires; hardwood floors throughout; fronts soirth. and east and faces one of the finest homes in the district; see this and you will be satis fied; owner In California on account of health. McDONELT. EAST 419, REALTOR. HEIGHTS homo, close In, 7S00 square feet ground; fine shrubbery; car line rear street; garage front street with com municating stairway to first floor. View of alt mountains unobstructihle; ma hogany and white enamel; hot water heat; oak floors throughout; three tubs, three showers, four lavatories; living room In mahogany, 17x38 ft., Including 10xl7-ft. sun parlor. Two heated sleep ing porchei off of four family sleeping rooms; two maids' rooms and sitting room, besides third floor finished all in one room. Price $30,oo0. Including com mission to any realtor. Residence phone Main 3HB0. Owner. V 213, Oregonlan. DO TOT.' WANT A HOME? FURNISHED. ONLY $3900 Dandy bungalow. 5 rooms, Dutch kitchen; good oak furniture; on paved street! 50x100 lot. This Is a bargain, MARSH McCABE CO. Realtors, 322-3-4 Falling Bid. Marshall 3903. Evenings, Tabor 430. ROSE CITY $3750, Former price $4750. This is a 5-room modern bungalow at 705 OOth st. North; paved street two blocks north of Sandy road; a real bargain. W. M. Umbdcnstock as Co. Bdwy. 160 ARLINGTON HEIGHTS. Dutch Colonial. Eight large rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors all through, two nice large ilreplaces, two baths, one shower, full basement and furnace, large grounds, garage. This house was built year and half ago at cost of $18,500. Best built home in the city. Sell for $13,500, and your terms. Unobstructed view. Mahoney. with COE A. McKENNA At, CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. CiajSE IN CLOSE IN. On Fargo St., bet. Williams and Union ave. I have there a 6-room house, the owner now lives there and rents out part of it for $3.1 per month. You can buy this placj today for $300 cash. bal. $20 per month and interest. A home and Investment for $3500. Call today. We are open. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Broadway 47.11. 410 Henry BMg. EXCHANGE. MOUNT SCOTT" DISTRICT. We have a large 8-room home, situ ated in the midst of a lovely orchard. This propertv consists of tt lots LIOxHH) each), concrete fruit house a-nd garage, all In good repair. We win exchange this property for building lots In good locality. ROB .VETT A McCLURE. Realtors. - Mars hall 32112.. 302 Couch Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. We have one of the best buys in Rose City Park for $.12.10; 5 rooma and sleep ing porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-ins. cement basement, ail modern conveniences, corner lot: all im provement In and paid; $1000 cash. bal. terms. ROB VETT & McCLURE. Realtors. Mars hall 3292. 302 Couch Bldg. IRVINGTON $5250. Fine bungalow, near Brazes; concrete porch, hardwood floors throughout, fire place; full basement; bargain. BAST 419. SOLDIER S BONUS ACCEPTABLE. A splendid 5-room bungalow on S.lth it., in Rose Cltv Park district. 1 V years old. hardwood floors, fireplace, splendid lines, price $4700. We have numerous other houses and bungalows on which loans can be applied. Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 7:12 Cham, of Com. BENEDICTINE HEIGHTS. Coxy 4-room. Al. modern bungalow, with Gnseo furnace, 'n everything. Will accept $500 down, balance to suit you. Here's a nice, neat home. Let's show It to you. Main 3806. QUIN, 2"6 Morgan Bldg.. Realtor. OWNER must sell 1 acre, 6-roum house, modern, chicken house, fruit and ber ries of all kinds Surely a good buy. Will take light car as part first pay ment, balance easy terms, at 5. Close in on paved street. No rocks. Cail at 722 E. 3lth St. S., or call Sell. 8.181. NEAT LAUREL WOOD COTTAGE. $.100 down baeanee monthly total price $20.10. Seven-room modern house and garage. Cement basement. In per fect condition throughout. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. BS1 Ch. of Com. Bldg. I'hone Main 1370. SEEING IS BELIEVING. I have one of the best buys In a 4 room bungalow In the city; $3.10 cash: total $31,"iO. Call today, Sunday. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Broadway 47M. 41r Henry Bldg. $20.10 IRVINGTON DISTRICT. $.100 down, balance monthly. Total price $20.10. Seven-room modem house and garage recently remodeled and painted, cement basement. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 31 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 1870. $ I S.10. READY TO MOVE IN, In first-class order, 4-room modern Bungalow, fur nlsherV or unfurnished for leas Bl 22d st. N. Easy pay men La. Call 323 ft Washington st. LAURELHURST. Motor out and inspect my new 6-room bungalow, modern in every detail, a home that you will be proud to own. 47 Meikle place (42d at.), near Couch st. Owner ana nuttner on premises. A HTA 5-room modern bungalow. 2 dandy bedrooms, floored attic, hardwood floors, near car, and school. Accept moderate Initial payment. Call Main 8800 or 206 Morgan bldg ARB YOU GOING TO BUILD? See our artistic new ideas We are In a position to finance reasonably. W. M. Umhdettsrock A Co., 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwy 111.18. ALBINA SNAP My 7-room residence, four bedrooms, excellent home, good condition, handy to school and car. Price $3500; easy termsv See my agent. 200 Morgan bldg. FIVE-RuOM. nonfinished house and lot for sale, at Mentjne., 103d street and 50th avenue, must be sold, at bargain, by owner. Q 238, Oregonlan. OWNER, high-class, strictly modern 7 room bungalow, garage, Beaumont; fur nished or unfurnished. AH 201, Ore- goiuan- FOR SALE Large 8-room bungalow, ele gantly furnished; best of location; $0O0 cash, owner leaving. 1040 E. lath at. N. Phone Woodiawn 772. BUY FROM owner, coxy 5-room bungalow with furr.'ture, $3500; all assessments in. and paid. 1010 E. 12th st. N., half block from Alberta car. FURNISHED coxy cottage, 4 rooms and bath, radiant fire, comb, range; garage; $300 down, bal. easy. Call at 998 Will lams ave. suR SALE, by owner. 5-room modern hunfalow. with or without furniture. Inquire 230 E. Sttth St.. Must sell this weeK. PIEDMONT 8-room nouse; must be sold this week. Woodiawn 2352. 1323 Cleve land sve. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 1 block from car line, new modern 8-room: $S750. Phone owner. Main 2Ua8 for appointment- -EAL ESTATE. For hale House. IRVINGTON. OS 17TH. NEAR KNOTT. FINE SQUARE COLONIAL: CKNTKAU ENTRANCE; 8 WONDERFUL ROOMS: HARDWOOD FLOORS THKOUGHOUT. 2 BATHROOMS. 2 FIREPLACES. OLD IVORY. MA HOGANY" AND EASTERN OAK WOODWORK. THIS 13 A REAL BOMB AT A BARGAIN: $10,000. EAST 419. SAVE $300. NEW TRVINGTOX PARK NEW. REDUCED TO $4930. EASY TERMS. Nifty 5-room bungalow, full cement basement, trays. Dutch kitchen, orfftx faet nook, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. French windows, hardwood floors; paved atreet and sewer; 2 blka, school and car. MARSH ft McCABE CO., Realtors, 322-8-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3003. Evenings, Tabor 436. $1,101) DOWN. $30 PER MONTH. Elegant modern home. Piedmont district; double garage, large lot, paved atreet. J. I HARTMAN COMPANY. 6 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. IRVINGTON. $0000. This IB a Sacrifice. Bungalow of five large tofltni and sleeping porch; hardwood floors, extra large living room, fireplace, full con crete basement, furnace, garage, 50x100 lot. Improvements all In and paid. Don't fall to see this If you are looking for a home. Move right In. See Mahoney with COE A. McKENNA CO., 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. 6-ROOM modern house in Gresham; lot 30x200, full basement, $2100, terms. See owner, 227 Mill street - Suburban Homes. RYAN PLACE! HOMESITE3. Half acre tracts, all clear, good view. Bull Run water, macadam street: price $550. $55 cash, bal ance $11 per mo. J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 2oe. S ACRES very best garden land, all cleared, only 2 miles from city limits and H mile from street cars; price $1500. $.100 down, bal lance very easy terms. See owner at 527 Corbet: bldg. Main 714L ACREAGE HOME. Six acres, excellent view, highly Im proved; 3 a. fine orchard, choice shrub " bery, best of soil, 5-rm. bungalow, barn, garage and chicken house, 4 blocks sta tion and hard surface, on rock road, only 5 mites from courthouse: will ac cept bungalow up to H value. This Is clear or debt. rJ. it. .. tfqwy. Bi.ift. $2050 TAKES a nearly new bungalow, with 2 sightly lots, close to Multnomah on the Oregon Electric; easy terms. For parti culars see Ben Rlesland, 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st.. or his agent, Mrs. Grant, st the Multnomah office. OOb'NIRY HOME. 2' acres, highly improved; house, barn, chicken houses, fruit trees, berries, rapes and shrubs; 1 miles ast of ents, on Foster road; $3950. Call Auto. 01.1-73. WHY PAY agent's commission? Buy from owner 7 modern bungalows; pave ment city water, gas; 1 mlie out of city limits: 1 to 5 acres: cultivated, fruits an berries, labor 3267 or TaJor 5317, Tabor 3152. CHOICE 3-acre tract with modern home, close in, off Powell valley road, on Laurel ave. Sacrifice at $3800 to close estate. Tabor 4:103. For Sale Acreage. 15 ACRES, 5 miles east of Vancouver, all under cultivation, good house and out buildings: 2 blocks from highway; $500 will handle; long time on balance. SNAP. 11S acres at Gaston. Or., all under cultivation, good 7-room house, good outbuildings; good roads to place: near school; bargain for the price, $20,000. Met; EE & DENNIS. 989 Union Ave. Woodiawn 5R4. 4.&W sorts; 1 Vs acres cleared around the stumps; about loo cords of m-st-growth tir timber, spring. 2-room box shack made of shakes, in fair condition: woodshed; H mile from railroad station, about 30 miles from Portland; total price $.193. Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham, of Com. $13 TO $25 PER ACRE. Logged-olT land In 20 and 40-acre tracts; well watered, good road and school: four miles from Columbia river and railway. EASY TERMS. HOLCOMB REALTY CO., 11 Washington rung. CHICKEN AND BEKRY FARMS. GRESHAM DISTRICT. A few good bargains in close-In acreage and suburban homes. KltlDEK et KLKINGTON. Gresham. Thone 2341. HERE'S HOW. acres at $2.10 per acre near elec tric station. Paved highway, three miles out. GORDON MORTGAGE CO. 831 Ch. of Com. Bldg. Phone Main 1370. ACREAGE SNAP. Only $.100 per acre. Easy terms. 2H acres, all In cultivation. Near Barr road and Buckley ave. E. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 6785. WHITE for map of western Wasnington. showing location, low prices and. easy terms offered to settlers. WEYERHAUSEK TIMBER CO. Tacoma. Wash. EQUITY on one acre of cleared land at C;i:i!s station. Phone Wdln. 544.1. FOR SALE 7 ACRES CLOSE THOMAS ALLEN 8131 92D ST 8 IN. Homesteads, Belinquiahments. 80 ACRES about SO miles from Portland county road. Good land. About 60 acres can be farmed when cleared. No rock. Deep, red shot soil. Near neighbors and pnbilc school within 100 yards of place. Will sell for $600. E. W. Helm, 422 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR A GOOD HOMESTEAD OR RELIN QUISHMENT SEE E. W HELM. 422 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. IF YOU want to sell your bomestead re linquishment for cash, arrange to See me. P 2.12. Oregonlan. For bal Farms. 10 MEN WANTED to buy from 10 to- 40 acres each, two miles off Columbia river highway. 2 hours' ride from Portland: good hard road to land: close to school; in center of good community; all well watered; ne waste; some cleared land and buildings; adapted to any kind of crop raised In the valley; fruit.-berrlea, potatoes, gar den truck, poultry, hogs or stock. Posi tively the best proposition offered today to men of limited means who wish a permanent home and to reafi the benefits of Improving lands and the advance in price sure to come. Price $20 to $i0 per acre. Small payments down, bal. long time. JOHN A. MFTSSNER, 821 Gasro Bldg. MONEY-MAKING FARM AT FOREST GROVE. Lots of Stock and Equipment. This 00-a. farm is located on the main thoroughfare, paved most of the way to Portland. All very rich black loam soli, no rock; good 6-rm. dwelling, 2 a. of orchard; barn about 100x100 feet: abundance of other bldgs. ; 10 first-class cows, dandy large team, several head of stock cattle, hogs, chickens and farm Implements The owner Is getting o'.d and unable to run the place, so will tell, including stock and crop and toils for $10,500, on very easy terms. Ralph Ackley, 527 Corbett bldg. Main T141. FOR SALE OR TRADE. 20 ACRES. All cultivated, fall seeding done, some rich lowland, young family orchard and berries, good barn, 4-room bungalow, large chicken house near electric sta tion and pared highway; price $4750, incumbrance $1750. John Caiderwood, Yamhill, Or. t $100 DOWN. $15 MONTHLY. 160 acres of logged off unimproved land, 8Vj miles from railroad, a won derful bus-, price $1100. Do you realize that this Is a trifle less than $7 per acre? Fred W. German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. LAND for sale In Willamette valley, most all In cultivation good buildings, close to Albany, county seat of Linn county, rich, rolling, oak grub land, $110 per acre, one-third down and one-third each year. If interested call Sellwood 2IH8- "ALFALFA RANCH Must sacrifice one of best alfalfa ranches In central Oregon on account of slcknens; 160 acres, 130 clear, water right for all; stocked and equipped. Eaet 6631. IV ILL sell cur fine dairy farm of 160 acres near Barton,' Estacada R. R.. and Clear Creek creamery at a sacrifice for cash to settle estate. Address T. Wttoycombs, 432 l'-'th st . Portland. Or. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GAHDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $.10 to $.100 per acre; easy terms; best soil, farms for sale, all sixes. AicFarland, realtor, 208 Failing bldg. KKAT, FSTATE. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. TOUR CHOICE OF LANE, LINN AND BENTON COUNTlEa , We know Willamette valley farm lands. You shou'd see what we have to offer before buying any farm. If you want real producing farm land, come or write us for the kind of farm you want. We have It. Fruit, berries, stock, dairy, grain and general farms to suit you in size, price and quality. See Mr. Hyde at 324 Kenry building, Portland, or write KINNEY, IRVINE A HYDE, REALTORS. EUGENE. OREGON. CALIFORNIA. COME TODAY PLANT TOMORROW. You can do this if yon locate on any of the 32.000 acres in Fresno Co. that Miller Lux are now subdividing: level, smooth land ready to plant: virgin silt soil cropped for first time this year; Irrigated by gravity system: water for home and stock furnished by deep well; piped throughout sub division: Fresno Highway passes through property: near town of Firebaugh: see results of this won derful growing soil and climate by pictures at office Kramer. Lake Ss Cc, 403 Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or. tM ACRES, level, cleared, tenced. good $ room house, near Wlilamlna, $200 down. J. R Sharp. 83 M 8d street- WANTKD R EAT. KST.ATK WE WANT TOUR LISTING. Have a cash buyer who knows values, wanta suburban home, 2 to 5 acres, well located; phone or write and we will look your place over at once. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. W'ANTKD BEST 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, BELOW HILL IN ROSE CITY PARK. THAT $3000 WILLBUY. G. O. TJLRiCH CO., 602 STOCK EXCH. WEl&T SIDE bouses or flats wanted. I specialize in handling west side prop erty and have always buyers to close a quick deal, providing the price Is right. JOHN SINGER. REALTOR, 420 Chamber of Commerce BldgJ ROSE CITY LOT WANTED. Cash for lot on Sandy blvd., or near by. Mall lot and block and price to Boone-Clearwater. .106 Couch Mdg. HOUSES WANTED. We have improved ranches to ex change for Portland houses. List witb us for results. ""' COE A. McKENNA 4V CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 6871. IF YOU will sell your home for $100 to $500 down and terms, list with us at once. We have more , buyers than houses. Otto & Harkson, . 413 Chamber of Commerce. FROM OWNER A nice modern 5 to 8 room house with garage; not over $33,0, terms: within 2 miles of heart of city. Call Main 3160 or Broadway 6010. WANTED One or two acres of good land with small house; near Portland; esy payments. Main 5624. Ask for Mc Dougall. Not n estate agent. LIST your homes with Kupfer & Holltnga worth. We work fast. 436 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5-PASS. Franklin for city iot; can -be seer, at lt-14 Vera St., near 62d and Oregon. Shutrum. WOUSE WANTED Have Al lot, also good auto, or my suburban home, trade In. See Mr. Foster, 2o6 Morgan hldg. $3500 SPOT cash for bungalow in Haw thorne or Sunnyslde. Tabor 8802. Isrnu IVanteou FARMS of every description sold by Kupfer Holilngswortn. We get buyers. 436 Chamber Commerce bldg. Wanted tn Rent Farms. WANTED TO RENT. Sit ALL. PLACES. Hsve several people wanting to rent acreage or small farms, close to Port land preferred. Some people will buy the place after leasing for year or more. We make lots of sales this way. Will buy equipment If prlcea right. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg T.argest Farm Dealer on Pacific Coaix. WANTED by a man with family, a me dium eixed farm or dairy ranch, to rent In Oregon or Washington; would hire out by the year. 415 4th sL. Portland. FOR BENT FARMS. HlXl RANCH FOR RENT. Modem' hoc feeding plant, equipped to feed over 300 hogs with tanks, conk ers and feeding conveniences for the purpose of feeding swill gathered from hotels and restaurants; everything is on the place so you can begin operating tomorrow. B. F. Blaudon, Portland. Route 1, 646-87. 30O-ACRE dairy ranch for rent, stock and equipment for sale; one of the best on the Columbia River. Cover and Gregory. 5 Grand ave. N. East 243. to F.xriTAxr.r rkat, kstatk. 1B0-ACRE STOCK RANCH $4000. Nine miles from Wlllamina; from 80 to 100 acres tillable, shack house, good sized barn, young orchard, large creek, some bottom land, unlimited "Outrange; will take house op to $2500. We have photographs of this and hundreds of other exchanges and can surely match your trade. See Mr. Stephens, with Fred W. German Co., realtors. 732 Cham, of Commerce. P T G C K AND DAIRY RANCH. 1132 acres located near coast, about half bottom land, balance bench and hilL SOO acres In cultivation, 2 houses, fair barn. Price $40 000; would consider city property. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER COMPANY. 53 Fourth St., opp. Multnomah HoteL t'hone ejroaaway .11 la. WE CAN trade your property whether it is large or small; city or country; lo cated here or la some other state. Come In and give us a description of what you have and let us match It with something thst you want. ALEXANDER REALTY CO., 701-702 Title Trust Bldg., Entrance 89 Fourth Street. WE HAVE some beautiful building lots to trade for furniture, piano or light car; as full or part payment. See W. J. Love. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Realtors, Brlwy. 47.11. 41f Henry Bldg WILL TRADE. We are prepared to arrange a trade for you; bring in yoor proposition and we will match you on arfythlng of merit: lots, houses, acreage, farms, stocks of merchandise. E. R. S.. 712 Couch bldg. 85-ACRE dairy ranch, 16 miles from Port land, on hard suriace roan, goon ounga low, barn, 26 acres In cultivation, finest soil, two wells, family orchard; will ac cept Portland property as part payment. K R. S., 712 Couch bldg. Bdwy. 67B5. I WANT ALBERTA. CANADA. Ranch or city property Calgary. Red Deer or Edmonton. In exchange for good Willamette valley ranch to $20,000. B. R. S., 712 Couch bldg. 6,000,000 FEET, mainly yellow fir. with Its 100 acres, lamnui county, no mortgage, for exchange for Portland or outside improved or not, or stump land. Ad dress 222 U. 8. Bank bldg. 10 ACRES In the Hood River valley to trade for city property, or will take light automobile or Victrola as part pay ment. See owner for particulars at 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. I WANT WHEAT RANCH NEZ PERCE DISTRICT, IDAHO In exchange for property In around Port land. K- K. a.. 7iz joncn ping. NEW HUDSON SPEEDSTER FOR SALE OR TRADE FOR LOTS IN LAUREL HURST OR IRVINGTON. 419 LUM BERMAN'S BLDG. WILL trade even. Andrew Kohler piano, excellent tone and condition, for Ford touring. Main 1043 week days. 612 Leo ave... Sellwood. Sunday. WILL trade my new cabinet talking ma chine for anything you got name" It. K 2.11. Oregonlan. LOS ANGELES property or may consider San Diego; owner; exchange for Al Portland. Address G 214, Oregonlan. SEATTLE-SPOKANE property, owner, ex change for Portland. Address X 214, Oregonlan. HAVE a new late model cabinet phono graph that I will sell cheap or trade. W hat have you got? Y 2.10, Oregonia n. IF YOU can't sell your property 1 can get '' you an exchange for what you want. See me or write. Brace. 314 Couch bids. 200 ACRES, near Eugene, on McKenzie; sell or trade for Portland property; terms. BJ 234. Oregonlan. 30 TOOGEN'BURG milk goats to exchange for real estate; make offer. T K fllth at. N. TO KXOHANGE A V'uican gas range for a wood range. Woodiawn 592 Tf EXCHANC.F REAL ESTATE. WRITE us what you have and what you want to exchange. Our exchange department wants good farms, city property, acre age and established business, actual values. You will appre ciate our service. J. L. Hart man Company. 8 Chamber of Cons. Bldg. Main 208. EXCHANGE. Oftentimes a trade well made Is a benefit to both parties; from our ex change listings we have some excep tional offers. P.OBNETT & McCLURE, REALTORS. Marshall 8292. u2 Couch Bldg. Horses. Vehicles. Livestock. KEYSTONE STABLES. We have 18 head of heavy work horses that are In good shape and ready to use. Will be aold at very reasonable prices. Also several smaller farm horses and harnesses of all kinds. Fair trial allowed. Will hire or give reason able terms to responsible parties. TOM SHERLOCK. 381 Water St. Cor. Montgomery. HORSES! HORSES! HORSESI Have 82 head of horses Just returned from highway work. This stock is ail In good condition and ready for bard work. Weighiag from 1200 to 1700 lbs., which we will sell very cheap or hire them out by the day, week or month. Also 83 sets new and second-hand har ness below wholesale price. G. K. Howltt, Columbia Stables, Front and Co lumbia st. CROWN STABLES. INC. If you ere in need of harness we hsve 85 sets of all kinds and still making more. We want to sell. The prlcea are right and they should move quickly. Get yours now. Phil Suetter, -tires., 2b3 Front st. COMPLETE OUTFIT FOR $100. A good work team and new 2-inch butt chain harness. See these before buying elsew here. Mr. Burns' Feed Barn. 381 Water St. (West side.) CROWN STABLES, INC. If ynu are looking for horses and want a square deal and plenty. to pick from, we have them. NuC cei " Phil Suetter, Pres.. 28,1 Front st. LOST MATE, wl.l sell gray Percheron mare, weight, about '14.10 lbs., good, young, sound mare; will sacrifice for ' cash. Keystone Stabjea. 881 Water St., west side. - - U. S. STABLES. Horses for sale, hire or exchange; har " nesg atul wagons of all kinds. 305 Union ave. S.. corner of Stevcrjsu G. D. Will iamson A Glass. FOR SALE Carload - of dairy cows of heavy milking kind; fresh or shortlv coming fresh. C B. Cesced. 94th and East Glisan Depot. Monlavllla car to end of line. CROWN STABLES. INC. $43 buys pony, cart and harness: also have 21 head jot rabbits for sale cheap. 2.1 Front st. BULL calf. St. Mawes, dropped Nov. 7; mother and father registered; no better: will sell very reasonable If taken at once. 124.1 Halsey st. Phone Tabor 9468. WANTED Horses to pasture for winter, feed and shelter. Wade Everest, care Pilot No. 1. Aiaer-st. dock. $70 BUYS bay horse, weight about 1300 pounds. Good, gentle work horse. Sal Wster st.. corner Montgomery. 7 FRESH cows. 35 springers. 8 to 6 gal lons. $75; take Keston car. 1850.1nter state ave. Go 3 Mocks north. ' FARM outfit. 2300-lb. team mares, good harness and wagon. 240 E. btr, it., cor ner Main. FOR SALE Registered Holsteln bull. A. Egger, Portland, Or., route 4, box 18 or 8. Phone Woodiawn 4482. FRESH Jersey oow, 4 gallons, tub tested 240 E. 8th St.. corner Main. V El-lilt Alii A.N. DR. HOWES. TABOR 6368. DEAD horses and cattle taken quickly can pay or nignt. auio c2i-04. HIDES bought or tanned. West Coast Tan ning CO . 82 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2308 FRESH 5-gallon Jersey cow ; tubercular teptcd. 240 E. 8th. corner of Main. Piano-i. Organs and .MiiHical Instruments. Pianos, Oaarnns and Muilcal Instrument. PIANO BARGAINS. We are quoting all our used pianos at a price to move them as we need the space. All guaranteed. Easy terms given. Doll & Son make, oak case $135 Steinway & Son, old style, good co- dltion 150 Story & Clark, walnut case, snap... 205 Cambridge cabinet grand, mahogany, equal to new 283 Xingsbury. plain mahogany csc... 300 Ricca A Son, mahogany case 2-10 Gaylor, plain mahogany case 27.1 Remington, plain fumed oak case... 283 Leland, plain mahogany case, best of condition 275 Haddorff, mahogany case 383 And others. It would pay you to see them. SEIBEHl.INO-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 123 4th St.. bet. Wash, and Alder. CLEARANCE SALE FACTORY REBUILT AND USED PIA-NOS. $475 Stftrllng. mahogany, plain. .. .$1S $900 Steinway st Sons, mahogany.. 893 $900 Steger St Sons, mission oak.. 499 $750 Kranlcll & Bach, golden oak.. 813 $575 Schroeder Brua. fumed oak.. 863 $575 Huntington, golden oak 293 $S00 Reed & Son. grand in upright 595 $.150 Kimball, large, mahogany.... 293 $573 Kimball, large, mahogany. ... 843 $950 Thompson player piano 43 $1300 Siege.; player piano, man. . 87$ $1050 Singer player piano, oak 69$ $909 Thompson player, oak $93 $133 Burdett parlor organ. .. $8 $95 Earhoff parlor organ. 23 $73 Packard parlor organ -9 $165 Kim ball. 6-octave organ.. ..... 48 $175 Kenwood. 7 1-8 Oct., piano case 63 Terms $10 to $23 cash, $5. 8, $1$ mo. pitiWA.-M PIAKO CO.. Tentn and star. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 1475 Emerson upright, cash $165 $550 Kimball, mahogany, cash 9$ $275 Bard & Co.. small upright, cash 73 $250 Collard et Collard. upright, casa 63 $250 Pianola player, walnut, casta.. 33 $750 Pianola player piano, cash.... 293 $1800 Ore beet rem large, mbg.. cash 363 $1750 Berry Wood orchestrion, casta 463 ' 101 Tenth St.. at Stark 3L RETIRING FROM BUSINESS SALE. $135 cabinet phonographs, aale price. $78. $110 cabinet phonographs, sale price, $47.50. $183 cabinet phonographs, sale price $98.59. New and nsed pianos one-third to one half off. Foiey-Maegley Muslo Co. 104 Filth St.. bet. Wash, and Stark, USED VICTROLAS. Victrola Style X, Oak $100.00 Victrola Style IX. almost new... no.oo Victrola. Style IV 175.50 SE1BERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO., 12.1 4th. St.. bet. Wash and Alder. BEFORE YOU BUY A PHONOGRAPH see Foley-Maegly Music Co.. who are retiring from business: reductions in pianos and phonographs as high as 50 per cent. 108 Fifth st.. between Wash ing totianastark BEFORE YOU BUY A PIANO. See Foley-Maegly Muslo Co. oloslnff out sale; retiring from business: pianos and phonographs at reductions as bigh as 50 per cent. 108 FiUh at., bet. Wash ington and Stark. HEINZE PLAYER, $4.10. This Is a new piano. Has been used for demonstration only. Pee It. Terms given. Selberllng Lucas Muslo Co,, 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. STORY & CLARK. $265. plain case. A wonderful bargain. Terms given. Sel-berllng-Lucas Muslo Co., 125 4th St., bet. Wash, and Alder. EDISON. Chippeudaie model. 40 records. Victrola attachment: beautiful mschlne; fine tome; $375 value for $2JO. MacRae. Ramapo hotel. STEINWAY & SON. old style. $150; In good condition. Terms given. Selberiing Lucas Muslo Co., 123 4th St.. bet. Wain, and Alder. PORTLAND-niutie piano benches, veneered tops, $15; allowance for your old stool; a good Christmas gift. Harold S. Gilbert, 8S4 Yamhill sc! PIANO TUNING AND REFINISHINO. Expert workmanship, Guaranteed. Sei-berling-Lucas Music Co., 123 4th St., Main 83tfl. KIMBALL PLAYER. $325. We ask you to see this bargain. Terms given. Sei-berling-Lucas Music Co.. 125 4th St. PIANO, $U15. Oak case upright. Terms given. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co.. 123 4th. bet. Wash, and Alder. PHONOGRAPH REPAIRING Any make. Work guaranteed. Seiberling - Lucas Music Co., I2.i 4tn at.. Main h.imi. FOR SALE Standard make piano, ma hogany case. A great bargain. Call M arshall 1371. VICTROLA XIV, mahogany case. 40 rec ords. Just like new, $123. 804 West 8th st,. Vancouver, Wash. WANTED Edison phonograph, late model, will pay cash. Give phone num-ber In letter. R 231. Oregonlan. PLAYER roils exchanged, loo each. Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill at. PIANOS moved. $8, storage extra: work done by experts Phone Bdwy. 1207. WEBER pianola tor rent, musio Inciuded. Harold S. Gilbert. 3S4 Yamhill st. PIANOS. Grafanolas with records for rent. Empire Transfer. Bdwy. 153. FOR KENT sweet-toned piano. Empire Transfer. Broadway 1.15. $120 GKAFONOLA for $so; terms. Empire Transfer. Broadway 15.1. ORGAN'S $10 and up. Selberiing-Lucas Music Co.. 12.1 4th st. PIANO WANTED Pay cash tor good used Instrument, Main 856. FOR PALE. Pianos. Organs anil .Musical Instruments. LIPMAN. WOLFE 4 CO.. GREATEST PIANO AND PHONOGRAPH SALE. Includes these new pianos, renewed and used pianos and phonographs: Heinse upright, good oondition....$199 New England, upright 215 Schubert, large, mahogany...., 265 Kimball, renewed, oak..... $ Haines Bros, quite new.. ...... 93 Francis Bacon, fine mahogany.... 485 Monarch, new, oas jJ9 Russell, large walnut Foster 4 Co., good as new Sterling, fine tone v. Pay cash or aa Utile as $2 to $12 a month. LIPMAN. WOLFE eV CO., Seventh Floor. REDUCED PHONOGRAPHS. Brunswick. No. 7. mahogany.. $ 00 Stradivara Melody 112 ;5 eiivertonti, used, mahogany "J 6tradivara Harmony "-XX Col-.mbia. golden oak. used 75 .00 Victrola, XI. mahogany, used 1S'SS - Victrola, XVI. mahogany, new.. 213 00 Pathe. mahogany, used fay cash, or aa little as $3. $5 and H a month. LIPMAN. WOLFE CO.. Seventh Floor. Washington A Sixth gts. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN USED TALK ING MACHINES WITH RECORDS. Victor, small, with 8 nsed records. 20 Columbia, small, with used records $0 Victor, wltli 10 need reoords Victor, with 10 used records 63 Victor, cabinet, with 15 used records 110 Paths, cabinet, with 10 nsed rvoords 90 Brunswick, cabinet. 10 used records 75 Sonora, cabinet, with 1 used recorda 150 Sonora grand with 23 used records 2U0 cionora. portable, used recorus.... 4w $5 up cash. $3 and up monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO.. 101 10th st. cor. Stark. Phone Bdwy 187 ! PIANO WANTED From private party. ' Cash for bargain. Marshall 1332. Furniture for Sale. YOU CAN DO BETTER AT MISH FURNITURE CO. If you love beautiful floor cov ering, our display of Royal Turk ish rugs will Interest you. We have these wonderful rugs in the most charming patterns jind fas cinating colors that anyeVie could wish for and thajr are down to pre-war prlcea Just Imagine, we ran now offer -you a 9x12 Royal Turkish rug for only $130. Other sizes accordingly. MISH FURNITURE CO. 188-190 First St. DAVENPORTS. MANUFACTURERS' SAMPLES. We are mfgrs. of overstuffed daven ports and chairs. W'e have a few sam ples which we will sell direct to the trade at greatly reduced prices. Some terms to responsible parties on these close-outs. Many styles and assortment of coverings in denim, merono, velour, tapestry and mohair. Phone 635-27. Evening and Sunday Tabor 5797 or Auto. 63.1-27. MICHAELSON-MAYSON, INC., M3.1 Foster Road. SAVE MONEY. Try our sales department If yoa want to buy or sell household goods. Reduced freight rates to most all points in our through pool cars; expert packing, re pairing and refinishlng. Money loaned on gdods In storage. Fireproof storage. Low insurance rates. bECUitlTY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO. 53 4 lb. SL. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. DON'T SACRIFICE jour furniture If going east or to California. We can save you money on your freight,. In our through cars: fireproof storage. C M. Olson Transfer & Storage Co.. 243 Plr.e street- WOOO and coal healer. $10; Vulcan gas range. $33; small range. $10: Venice Martin bed. complete. 825; library table. rocqcr. lamp. iioa nawinorne ave. rOR SALE Furniture of 12 rooms h. k., lease at $40 per month; good location, lnoolre at 340 N. 23d st. KITCHEN chairs, 2 kitchen . tables. 1 kitchen cabinet, 1 oil heater, cheap. 1053 Van Houlen St. HEAVY oak 10-piece dining room suite, cost $400; will sacrifice $17.1. E. 7tMt.1, BEAUTIFUL rug, blue and tan, 13x30, cost $200. will sacrifice $7.1. E. 706.1. MY GAS range for sale cheap. 1147 E. 31st st. N. MAHOGANY DKESliEK, CHEAP. 7ul E. SALMON FOR SALE oak library table. Wdlu. 19. 670 Dekum ave. PAINTING. TINTING. PAPER HANGING: WORK GUARANTEED. EAST U.S. Office Furniture. EFORE purchasing new or second-hand ceeks. chairs, files or safes, visit ebur salesrooms and Inspect what we have to offei. THE IRWTN-TIODSON CO.. FURNITURE DEPT., 10TH AT STARK. USED or new desks, tables. fil. rhulra etc.. typewriters, adding machines, time clocks, dictapnones and safes Prices by far the lowest D. C. Wax, Office Equip. .VlONKliia CALCULATOR Now; owner quitting business; a bargain. 604 Kali wny Exchange bldg. i SAFE Alowler 3K-in.x64-in. outside meas urn; owner will sell cheap, discontinuing oirire. r none .lain o;. liOLl.-TOP Desk and Chairs Bargain. NEWMAN. 128 1st, near Washington. SPRUCE division desks, chairs and files. Pacific Staty. A Ptg. Co. 1o7 2d. Typewriters. RECONSTRUCTED MACHINES. THE BEST IN TYPEWRITERS. ALL MAKES. IRON-CLAD GUARANTEE. CALL OR WRITE FOR NEW PRICE LIST. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 821 Washington St. Main 6S8L REBUILT typewriters, all Vlnds, tor sale, rent, exchange; we are exclusive dis tributors of Corona portable, $50 com plete with carrying case; supplies and repairs for all makes. OREGON TYPEWRITER CO., 94 Fifth St. Main 866S. REPAIRS, rent. buy. seal; supplies Typs- wnur inspection e.o.. ,ia fatark. M. 34v NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark su Main 14o7. RENT an Underwood or Remington, $3 a month. 2.14 Broadway. Broadway 155. Foul to . BREEDING cockerels. $2.50 each; B. R. beauties (O. A. C), tancred Leghorns. 303 E. 71st St. IN. Montavllla, car. Tabor 75.1. Dogs. Ralilills. Birds and Pet flock. BIRDS. Closing out my fine stock or genuine Imported St. Andreasbcrg rollers, old snd young, males and females. Call East 6814 or 637 Muilnoman. at. 1 FEMALE and 1 male Boston terriers. 3 months old, short tails and perfectly marked, of finest pedigreed stock. Call IHou E. 9th. Sellwood. or phone Sellwood 1030. ST. ANDREASBKRG rollers from Import ed stock: singers and females, .beautiful ly colored and sweet singers. If you want classy birds, phone Automatic 311-40. FOR SALE 2 female Boston puppies. 10 weeks old, bred from finest eastern pedi greed stock. See them at 1503 Atlantic st.. St. Johns I'hone Wdln. 1.192. FOR SALE Puppies. While Island collies and pedigreed airedaiea. Oregon Seed store. 224 Yamhill. Main 6R38. SKINS and furs tanned. West Coast Tsn nlng Co.. 892 Tenino are. Sellwood 2.III8. FINE full-note Seiierl roller singers, $10. Airs. W. B. Eddy, Oregon City. iOLlCE dog for sale: fine imported stock; nia'e. $30; femaie, $3.1. Phone E. 600. FOR SALE POLICE PUPPY. CALL COLUMBIA 16. Ixiqts, Launches and .Marine tumptm-nt 24-FT. MOTOR BO AT. fully equipped, elec tric light, chairs and cushions: $100 If taken at once. East 1928.. Bdwy, 20.12. -Nursery Stuck WOODSTOCK NURSEKY Walnut and fruit treed, berries, roees. Aut, 610-96. Coal and Wo'.id. WOOD AND COAu Smell orders soUcited. West Elds Fuel Co.. 414 unsan. cuwy. 21)3. TAYLOR FUEL CO.. wood ana coal. Pries reasonable. Call Wdln. 1145 or Bdwy 8014. DRY BOXWOOD, $4.75; planer trimmings. $.1.50 per load. Call Woodiawn 0Uu4. 1 ;y.i jMomaiie. a..mc. ROXWOOD AND BLABVVOOO. Delivered immediately by Fultrn Wood Co.. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173. WOODSAW. When wanting your wood sawed call . Kelly. East 6840. 10-INCil dry fir. -ut from planks and small timbers. 13 per load delivered. Call AutoalO-Si. . 100 CORDS of wood for sale on pavement is miles from Portland. Call Col. 100ft. NO 1 OLD-GKOWTH cordwool. buns dry. S '1 S C1)1!I. TT..--. ...... . 1 ' U'U-UI FIRST-GROWTH ipJ, dry. $7.74 cord; seconq-growiu ma, m vu n. Jt. otf- 1 1. DRY COKDWOGD, $0.75 per cord delivered In 2 cord lota. Wdln. 6312, iwt.i-i.ass fir and hardwood, promut de. tlvery. r-nmie .m--, .owimnvt-r ngo- t . 4-FOOT block and railroad lies, also 1 tl- il.Cn DlOCa "Hi"'. iiaw-nan FOR cneaper and better wood call Mr. Harvev. East 6884. A-l FIRST-GROWTH fir . i ui d wood. $7.59 the cord. Phone East 577 BEST Utall coal, $15 per ton. Auio. 04.7-90. FOR SA1.K. Coul and Wood. $4 PER LOAD . We are now able to sell at YOUR OWN PRICE a nice grade block and slab, ready for your furnace or heater. $8 IN TWO-LOAD LOTS $8. Our trucks are equipped to carry dou ble loada, therefore we can save you money. Guarantee one and one-halt (lta) cords to the double load. Try 1L Can't be wrong. Immediate del. THIS WOOD HANDLED BT WDLN. 4102. EAST 2941. Oregon Fuel CO. national rue, -o. WOOD Bt'YERSI Note the following prices: Block wood, $6.50 per load; $12.50 per double load. Inside wood, 12x18 Inches, $8.23 per load; $12 per double load. Slab wood, 12x18 Inches, $6 per load; $11.50 per double load. I'hone East 7020. Auto. 235-21. COAL! $10 per ton delivered, city weights, direct from mine to consumer; large lump, no clinkers or soot; bnrns to Hue ash; try a ton. Phone East 134. SPECIAL. IN 4-LOAD LOIS. C. O. D. COUNTRY BLOCK AND SLAB. FOUR I.ODS. $13. DELIVERED. QUALITY AND MEASUREMENT GUARANTEED. M A IN' 4 LIP. . BLOCK wood cut from 10x12 and 10x14 timber: sound and dry; $8.2.1 per cord: kindling wood $5 per cord; plank wood cut from 3x12 and 4x12, $6 per cord delivered. Phone Main 730. FIRST-GROWTH fir. Rock Springs. Royal. Owl Creek coal. Standard Brick at 'Tile Co., 83 5th st.. between Stark and Caak. phone Broadway 1H. NO BETTER wood anywhere, our trucks making direct delivery dally; No. 1 old growth fir, $7.73 per cord. 3 or mure cords, $7.50. 4-'0 Hall St. Mnln 1962. UMICK and slab, Uouble load. $0.10: 4 foot cordwood. $7.75 per cord; 16-Inch dry slab, $13 per double load; dry slab. ;n 2o iirniinn-iiy i hi LRY. FI KST-GIUWTK cordwood for faie; first-class, $7 30; second-class, $0.75. Phone Eat 2713. SEASONED heavy first-growth fir. hard wood, coal, green slab -nd block mixed, delivered. WoodlaWT. 2010. DRY OAK, $11 cord; fir, $7.10 cord; dry 18-ln. $7 load. Phone 636-68. Kegs and Barrels. KEGS AND BARRELS Fir and white oak. Western Cooperage Co., 800 N. 14th St., near Pcttygrovc. I'hone A 019-19. Fru.'ls and Vegetables. CABBAGES in any quantity from 100 lbs. up, delivered to your place of business In Portland or Vancouver, uncrated, at 2 cents a pound: crated at 2ft cents a pound. Call Broadway 2413 and leave orders. DONKEY ENGINE By owner; 12x12 Ta coma roader, new sled, Adams' spark arrester, trip and main line; look It over and make us an offer. 004 Rail way Exchange bldg. Phone Main 2074 TEAMS, wagons p;ww. scrapers. Fresnos, graders for hire. Clement Scott, Van couver. Wash. Miscellaneous. SET BURBANK books: Chippendale Kill son with 40 records and Victrola attach ment: man's English driving coat. Mac- Hae. Hamapo hotel. LARGE genuine Alaskan scan-Kin shout, derulece. perfect condition, sell cheao. or exchange for 1-8 karat blue-white diamond. .Main BftM. FOR BILLIARD and pool tables, se Quigley and Clancy, repair work a sue ciaity. 366 Hawthorne avenue, phone r.aT ni!in, LADIKS. the Vogue has a nice line of slightly used and mislit garments, rea sonable; children's clothes. 4th floor, 403 Aileky ning.. an, near .Morrison. FOR SALE A young lady's bicycle, cost $7.1 2 months ago. used very little, will sell for $43. 844 E. 41st N. Call Tabor 3.173. REPAIRING furnaces, stoves, rellne to let tn-nks and 1 e boxes, colls for stoves and furnaces, w. hi. Smith. 1541 Will lams ave Wdln. 1200. MRS. S. W. HERMAN, apparel shop, ladlee' and gents' clothes bought, sold and exchanged: best prlcea. 284 Si Park St.. near jenerson. aiarsnau loou. RUGS washed on your floor with Hainll- ton-Beach electric carpet washer' a.'O vacuum cleaning gone. Mast 4045. 1'HE CARPENTER MAN Bullt-lna. al teratlons. remodeling. leaky roofs. woortlaw-n oih. GENTLEMAN'S fine overcoat and suit brsnd new, also suit slightly used, for sate cneap. on r. 24 in at. IN. FOR SALE Wood heating stove with hot water colls; good as new; a snup. I'hone l anor :.if. WE RENT. BUY, SELL OR TRADE SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES. NEWMAN. 12" 1st, near Washington DANDY 3-liglit shower fixture, complete with shades, only $3 33 at 207 Chamber or commerce, niug ornanway 42os. FOR SALE Firal-clMns Burhank potatoes nirect irom larm, -r per iuo delivered guaranteed. Tuber 20 in. NATIONAL cnaa register and Bur roughs adding machine. 813 Panama nni-ning. FOR SALE Oak davenuort. 110: comliliia- tion wood and gas range, $75; rabbits riieap. .ut. na.t-iiu. ,-,7-j., ,oth, ave. s. K. FOR SALE reasonable, a stunning eve ning gown; blue taffeta and wool dresses. A knitted cape. Tabor 2471. ONE OTIS automatic eievator in good con dition, nearly new; price $1000. Inquire 602 Broadway bldg. (.TTENTION Fur sklna and hides bought or tanned. West Coast Tanning Co., 81i2 Tenino ave. Sellwood 2398. FERTILIZER. Cow manure, well rotted, delivered any part of city. Wooiflawn 0233. LICENSED Independent electrician wires 8 rooms for $12, 6 for $20, guaranteed to pass inspection. Wdln. 3791. KODAK, b, We y, sell, rent and exchange ko daks. Sr.nrtv. 32Q Washington St. tctrl a .in nm i.' ri i i, x Rugs. Carpets and Upholstery Cleaned. ALMOST new Llkil steamer wardrobe trunk; a bargain. Call 173 12th st , apt. 21. evenings after 6:30. FERTILIZER. Rotted row or horss manure delivered in city. ast in.iii. FOR SAI.E Alaska sealskid coat woniler ful bargain for remodeling purposes. 01.1 E. Taylor. DiEBL'l-u safes, new aud second-hand, special prices. Pactfio Scale e Supply I.O., IB rront at. Diuauway JlMtH. PILES can be permanently cured w.thoul operation. Call or write Dr. Dean, Sec ond und Morrison, FOR RENT Electric vacuum cleaner, Mon. lo Moti., $1, or 8.1o per day, de livered anywhere. Wdln. 12.19. ONE good winter suit, size 38, 2 wslats and hat to match. $35 cash. Call East SHOWCASES, new and used, csah regis ter, scales, other fixtures. 248 Washing ton. DOLL wigs made of combings. s. F. pierce. 24 Kllllngsworth ave. Wdln. 4380. BEAUTIFUL bluo white diamond, while gold mounting. Auto. 623-33. VACUUM cleaner, never been used, $15 discount. Phone Mar. 8137. Foil RENT s-jwlng machine, 2 months $3 Emplrp. Transfer! Broadway 1.1.1. LAKGE norsehlda leather lurted couch, like new, reasonable. East .1386. Ill DIAMOND bar pin. 1 stone lost, $100; no il.-alers. Mar. HI7.1. BABY j layetie for sale. BC 231, Orcgo- al'oCHlAKU manure. 34 a tun. Woodiawn 2:1 63. YE LADIES' SHOP. COS Wroadwaj bldg., lingerie, nemstitcning, t cents yard. NEW, ALL-WOOL, S-plece man's suit, size 38. Main 10H2. SAFE, fireproof, medium size; Save you money. N 243. Oregonlan. $20 WESTINGHOUSE waffle Iron, used 5 times: will sell for $1.1. Marshall jsHii. LADIES' guod looking used apparel In s home: reasonable- Tabor 2825. SECOND-HAND ovens, dough mixers, slo. BC sl, Oregonlan. SHINGLES. BROADWAY 1371. FOR SALE Store fixtures, range and lawnmower. r;ast wiii. A MARBLE slab 5ox24xl inch. Fast 71M1K USED pipe furnace lor sale, good condi tion, cheap. 192 Simpson. ELECTRIC fixtures for 3 rooms. $15. 207 Chamber Of commerce ping, unwy. 42.13 4 VERY fine panel doors for sale cheap. Teoor nuofl. OAS RANGE with hot water attachments and carving set. 10- r- i;n st. FRENCH plate mirrors, large, full length, very cheap. n-.T wasningion St. ONE butchers meat block for sale. Call Mar. 2.169. STOVE repairing, gas ovens and heaters! relined. Rename move t o., s;. 11042. I ALL KINDS of new lumber. Wa can save you money. Bdwy. 1371. BLAL'TY parlor equipment on sale at big reduction. Portland Cutler.v Co.. 80 8lh. STAR A S.AR" shingles direct from mllL Call Taylor-sirect dock. Main 8063. FOR SALE Caaiii register, saf' adding machine, showcase. 43 1st St., near As h. A NO, 1 SADDLE for sale. 304 E. 1st N. TOR KAl-, Mia-elluirous. A WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Mesh bsg of solid green gold, hand-engraved mounting, ssphire ciasp, the best of workmanship: used very llltle; cost new $400, but will sell for $100. For ap pointment to see it. address M ion, Oregonlan. Correspondence coufidentiui. IF YOU appreciate splendid watcn repair ing and Jewelry repaning take your work to "MILLER'S" BIO LITTLE JEWELRY BTORE. Sells for icss. gifts that last Next door to Majestic thealel. . Washington m. and Park. ELECTRIC FIXTURES. Buy them frum the factory showroom and sa . 1-3; a I styles; finest selection. Come and sea. You are under no utilisa tions to ouy. STANLEY LUTZ, tJT Cham, of Com. Bldg. BroaCway 4-'53. . ELECTRIC LAMPS. Direct from factory to ymi. 2-llght ta ble lainus. teakwood. $6: solid mahogany. V solid mahogany 3-llghi floor lamp, H'NDAHL LAMP MFG. CO.. T.tbor 37H.1. into K 44ih Kt. 8 LADIES. Are you weary or exhausted after standing ail day on your feci? K so. be fore you sit down for a rest use a warm water wash with Takara A ntisepllo Pow der; 54)0 and $1 box. Portland iiotel Pharmacy. H Y an everlasting aggravation by a leaky roof? Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair, rubber bond and rejuvenate all klmis of leaky roofs. Work guaranteed. I'hone Broad wav 79. MAKE a small payment and wear your eye glasses snd spectacles ss you pay for them. Wheeler Optical company, second floor Oregoulaa bidg. GUITAR, $15; Kdison graphophone, horn and 35 records. $7; sewing machine, aa good as new, $2:t; electric Iron, $3; tan wool craveuette for man or woman. $10 Knst 6;:7rt. 292 Tillamook st near Williams ave. . USED OFFICE FURNITURE. Large line of de?ks, chairs, tshles, fl es, safes, typewriters, etc. Nine bank Burroughs $111,1. perfect condition. 1. C. 11 ax office Equip. House, 24-20 No. 5th. 11-1 vvv. 2730 W 11 '""riv new reference books on higher accountancy, bv following au thors: Montgomery. Rennett, t'onyngton, Hester snd others. Apply Wadhani- A Kerr Bros.. 13th and Davis sis., after noons. SAih.S Fire and bn rg lar-proof safes, new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged; ta&y terms If de sired. NORRIS SAFE V LOCK CO.. in., .second St. Main 2111.1 SEWING machine, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents employed. Com plete line of parts for all makes: ma chines repaired and rented. SEWING MACHINE E.VlpORTTJM. 190 Third St.. near Taylor. Main 9431. DOOHS, windows, lumber, moldings, mill work, glass, roofing and hotbed sash. See our odd stock of sash and doors for prlcea D. B. Scully Co., downtown lum ber store, 171 FRONT ST., bet. Morrison and Tamhlll. Phone Main 4213. IF DAVID'S CAN'T REPAIR YOUR WATCH. GIVE IT UP. Only gouutno watch materials used. DAVID'S. Jewelers and Opticians. 31.1 Washington St., at Broadway, GEESE, ducks, chickens and raL'blts. live or dressed, for Thunktglvlng; also nice apples and pears, at Sierra Vista. 1 mile cast of Montavllla on HtK Line, or Phone your address. Taho r 2o h 7 $35 LONG PANTS suit, age 16: silk shirt, cost $7 ,10; .1 breeding rabbits, beautiful live hair brown switch, worth $30; elec. table lamp; sell or trade. Bdwy. 2604. IVnnt sweater, cornet, saxophone. ONE GAS stove with 4 burners and slm merer. Banner make. In good shape. Price $2.1. One small heater In fine shape, with plpo. Price (3, 2102 Halsey sL Ta bor 4.123. MY STEPHENS SALIENT' SIX. Sport model: best looking, best equip ped, best condition in town; bona tide sacrifice. I want action. Call me up. Marshall 100:1 CAiH REGISTERS and computing scales bought, sold, exchanged and repaired. Portland Cash Register & Scale Ex changes 228 s.ark st.. between First and Second sts. Main 5334. 20 DROPUEAD sewing machines, $12.30 to $1.1; Singers. New Humes, Whites, W. W.; all makes machines rented and -paired. E. It, Steen, 152 Grand ave. East 23.19. ALASKA WRECKING CO. Alt kinds of building material and wood for sale, yard 2d and Columbia. Mnln .1107. SECOND-HAND tents and covers forsale. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. No. 1 1st st. "OR K.W.E AI TOMOHII F.-. HUU'KS. Do you want to buy a good Buick at rock bottom price? See us. We have the iur you want or will get It for you. Do you want to sell your Buick? Wo will find you a buyer. Portland Autt Sales. 3.10 West Hurnsldo near City I'srk. Open evenings and Sunday aft ernoons. AI'PERSON EIGHT. Anniversary model, seven-passenger car In perfect condition: to save storage III sell for less than half value; a real bargain for someone : Investigate If you want is perfect car at a sacrifice. BROADWAY GARAGE. Fast 24th st. and Broadway, 1921 NASI: 6-PASS. Practically new. condition perfect. 1700 miles 8 cord tires, etc. Take cheaper car in part payment, terms; best reaeone for s-lllng, attractive discount. Mr. Rallsback. Bdwy. 521. Evenings, Tabor B64.1 1018 Cil. 1 1S.M0BII.E 8. first-class condition throughout: a real bargain worthy the consideration of those looking for a used car. $625 the price which Includes 1022 license. This is a genuine bargain: no brokerage. Binns. 52.1 Alder st. Bdwy. 8231. ilAYNES 30. ,1-l'A S.. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. ALL CORD TIRES. ALL RE FIN I SHED. WILL TAKE LIGHTER CAR OR SMALL AMOUNT CASH AS FIRST PAYMENT HAL. EASY TERMS. BOVI'K, BDWY. 1014. BETTER VALUES IN GARAGES. GOOD STYLE. WELL BUILT. DELIVERED, ERECTED. STAINED. 10x16. $.1.1 AT THM'TlVfO FACTORY PRICK. 209 WKIIU.K R EAST SHUil. GRANT touring, pertect condition: body and upholstering like new; extra -001I tires: run mil" ll.loo miles; genuine bar gain. liobinson-Suillli Co., Uth al Madi son - IHJI'MOBILE TOURING. LATE 19-0. . This car Is llko new and hss all fine tires; will sell at a bargain; will give terms. Phone Must 19H2. LATE Doiige touring, showing careful uso and upkeep given by owner; sleeping outnt and extras: will sell loo lees than prevall-ng price lama model. Address 11 22S. tlregonlan. , 1H1K VE1.1E at sacrifice price. This car hss had excellent care and Is In flrst-cloos shape. Don't pass this up. 303 Glenn ave. Tabor 1 "0 4-CYL LOCOMOBILE, run only 30.000 miles: good for 2oo.onn; great for bug or truck; quick sale. $22.1. Now In good running oroer. a r - u. wrcannm-ii. HUl'MOllll.E. nearly new. 4 new tires, one extra, spotlight and bumpers, cash will talk or will give somo terms; must sell. 12.18 Ttel-nont. HUPMOBILE touring. Into 11120 model, Al mechanical condition; cord tiros, ex tras Will sacrifice for quick sale. Phone Fast 867S DODGE sedan, late model, guaranteed to be In perfect condition; good tires. I Teallze 1 must sacrifice. Pbune Wood lawn .1619 BUTOK SIX touring, late III17 model, all new tires, guaranteed 10 oe in ai con dition. Yours for a bargain. Phone Tabor 1R4IK DO YOU want a good price for your lli.o sir 1021 roru scaan on iraao ror .v. Ford seil.-in? If so call East 77M2, I-120 NASH touring car: must dispose o: my car unmeuiaieiy; win consiuer acrros Call Bdwy. 13mi, FOIID panel delivery; used less than month; cost $ti.i7: will sell for $400; this is a buy. Talior 61114. FOR SALE ily owner 1021 model Ford sedan, nae new, many extras; Dargain. Main 2172. WHY drive a r ord 7 $100 .Monroe, latest model, cheap; extra lire, apolilgni, motometr. Tabor 1069. lOLfl CHANDLER touring. Ill good sllnpc; ., .. ....1.. .i".o. ,. -.. aw. a gOOIl Cltl ,." cm. -". ua i..nn i T for selling. Mnln 14. LtA T E 11120 Ford tourn.g. In best of condi tion- hns tw o new urra, oiners goou ; w'll 'sell for 831.1. Mnln 1S4. 11114 CADILLAC, In good sliupe, for vacant lot or nouse equity in ruruaiiil. Slain 8702. 11,20 FORD. Just like new. By owner. 129 North mn st. SAXON 6, motor overhauled, Al condition t h rough out, enrn p 1 am ' ' 'H. FOHO touring. $loo; runs good; has flue ruhher. Tnbor 6IH4. 1020 5-I'ASS. Furd, .$2.10 If taken al once. 304 K. 1st st N Phone E. )8U CARS wanle CA Rw air.t ii ..: cm at '.'-t'.,:i CARS wanted. Broauway 232.1. 4