TIITi: MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1021 II KM' V A N T K I MAI. E. YOUNG MAN':: Take tnis up: The one best place In this city to aisist YOU In finding a position In a clerical, com mercial or technical line la the Y.M.C.A. Kmplnyment department. You can get reliable Information and they will mul tlply your chance and put you next to opportunities that you would never nna through your own efforts alone. Alt young men nd especially stran gers, are cordially Invited to talk with one or the secretaries. Room iuf x. .m. ". A. WANTED. Competent superintendent of state hluhwav construction : must be expert en.-ed nnd be able to Kive the best of references. Answer AV n.u, oregonian, stating qualifications and salary expected in first letter. WaN'TKU Competent, reliable male book keeper for lumber office; make applica tion in writing. giving n((e, experience, references. Address and teleohone. Per manent nosition with srood oDDortunlty. r-oHs tt Western Lumber Co.. Wauna, EXPERIENCED sulphite pulp men. chem lata, cook, screen tenders, machine tend ers. arid makers, etc. Mall applications with full particulars of experience and wrbpr exneeted if anDolnted. Apnly AVlwilen Pulp & Paper Mills, Ltd., Van couver, it. . WANTED Experienced claim rating clerk familiar with current classifica tion and transcontinental tariffs, both east and west bound, give full Infor mation as to age. previous experience, etc.; only experienced claim rater need apply. AM JM, oregonian want KD Kxiifirienci-d freight waybill revising clerk: must be familiar with current clnssiflcation and transconti nental tariffs; give full Information as to ago, previous experience, etc. uniy experienced freight-rate men need ap ply. 8 230. Oregonlan. HAULING contract, strictly Al proposition, Htnndv work with one of the largest con cerns In the state requires $1000 to handle, balance small monthly payments. Act quick if Interested. This must bt taken at once. See Mr. Tllton. 430 Burnslde, Si-ti'TKR WANTED Good two-thirder, preferably one who has learned trade in country shop; must be able to help on ads and Job work and feed presses, and be generally handy around a country office, chance to learn linotype; state experience. AV 653. Oregonlan. SALESMAN We want a live salesman to handle the agency for Gordon shock ab sorbers for Chevrolets m forttana; spien did offer to the right man: no Invest ment; names of prospect furnished. Ad dress av iK) i, oregonian. t22r, I'Kit AIONTII averaged by many salesmen ; some make more; congenial, easy work for young or old; experience unnecessary: cash weekly: business splendid year round. Toppenlah Nur se ryboxLVppejits MAN CAP.UiLB of taking charge of atore room for restaurant; preferably one ex perienced In handling of vegetables, fruits and grocery line; state previous occupations, age ana run parucuiw. w 4 1 . oregonian, WANTED FIRST-CLASS BAKER, A ROLLS: STEADY WORK. APPLY 10 O'CLOCK FRIDAY MORNING. SELL WOOD BAKERY. .OQ UMATJbbA Ri turwv nn'T vou eet busy7 You can make 300 per cent per day. and the buyer makes -oo per cent per momn wun wu wonderful invention. 447 Sherlock build in g . m WOOD hauling contract with purchase of truck, steady work and a good propo sition ; small payment down and bal ance easy payments. See Mr. Tllton at 430 Burnslde st. W ANTED Ma-n with car to take up pas try route ; a good proposition for any one with a car: can net not less than $S.50. 2U Park at. Aek for Chapman or Gmwyglass. a WANTED 10 MEN AT ONCffi. Who can finance themselves for 30 day a See manufacturers' representative at Hotel Morris. Tenth and Stark, room 320. WANTED Candy maker, must under stand bar goods; small salary to start; chance for advancement; outside town. IiJ -'L'O. Oregonlan. WANTED Bright boy over 18: good pen man, quick and accurate at figures; per manent poaition. Give age, phone and salarv desi red. AH Oregonlan. WANTED Experienced claui diggers to dig razor clams on Clatsop beach for cannery: highest prices paid. Warren Ton Clam Co.. Warrenton. Or. WANTED Man with bakery route to take on a side line of new pastry; a good proposition. Call 210 Park st-, ask for t-hapman or Grnsyglapa. POSITION open for first-class man who understands packing and processing piCKiCH , Kl e I nricmrB nun J pec ted in first letter. G 22Q. Oregonlan. WANTED First -class furniture packer; must have tools; steady worn; state pres ent or previous employment. V 238, Oregonlan. CABINETMAKERS wanted; none but first class need apply. Western Fixture & Showcase Co.. I 'it h nnd Jefferson. TELEGRAPH operator for private line, R. R. experience preferred. AO 231, Ore gonian. TWO uil three live solicitors to raise mony for paying business proposition. D 23H. Oregonian. FORD truck driver with furniture store ex. perlence: married man preferred. X 237. Oregonlan. HAVE you average intelligence and a neat - appearance? If so. call Wdln. 2227 after 0 P. M. to make big money. hOMKLKriS, frienaleSi, unemployed men can find a home at Plstjau Home colony, 8cappoowe. Or. .EXPERIENCED manufacturing chemist to work part time. Call Broadway ga. HOL'SE-To-HOUSE men, mornings. Rath bun. St. Paul hotel. SASH hsmI dnor machine man wanted. Wnndlawn 2-4 1 3. BARBER WANTED Fur Saturday. 120 I'd st. Help Wanted Salesmen. WANTED TWO LIVE-WIRE AUTOMO BILE SALESCEN; ONLY MEN WITH RETAIL SELLING EXPERIENCE. WE HAVE A LIVE LINE THAT IS SELL ING. ONLY GO-GETTERS NEED AP PLY. P 243. OREGONIAN. WANTED BUSINESS CHANCE SALES MAN. BUSINESS IS GOOD AND CAN USE A LIVE MAN WITH A CAR TO G' OD ADVANTAGE; IT WILL PAY Y(iC TO INVESTIGATE IF YOU ARE ALIVE. G. C. ULRICH & CO., 002 STOCK EXCHANGE B.DG. SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS, salary and commission to man well acquainted In Kullwood and Mllwaukiu district; demon trtitnrs furnished. V E K D E N N I S -RO B I N SO N MOTOR CO, Authorized Ford Dealer, Mllwaukle, Or. Phone Mil. 100-W. A WELL-ESTABLISHED Oregon company managed by Portland business men w seek inn the services of 1 or 2 salesmen. We want men who have confidence in ..Kill,.. ... .1 I h I n i u Cull 111). Henry bldg., lO to 12 A. M. or 2 to 4 P. M THONOGKAPH SALESMAN House-to-house salesman, best machine on mar ket, lowest prices, direct from factory to customer; liberal terms. E. 33d st.. N. and Broadway. Stradivara Phonograph coin pany. THIS SELLS ITSELF; Just put it on and the buyer won't let you take It off, be cause it gives him 200 per month and . you make lOO'o per day. 447 Sherlock bldg. AUTOMOBILE salesmen: need a few suc cessful men with good references and big following of Dodge. Chevrolet and Overland uners. In a fast -Bel ling propo sltlon See Mr. Shaw. 430 B-lmont st. 6ALKSM EN. A local manufacturer has a good proposition fur a few live-wire sales men selling a well advertised Ford ac cessory. BP 22ft, Oregonian. WANTED Salesmen, commission basis, for fastest-selling rat trap on market. A sure sailer; handled by a reliable firm here in city. AH 213. Oregonlan. SALESMEN It you have ever sold any thing and you can thow clean record, come and see me at 1037 Northwestern Hunk hidg. SALESMAN to introduce new gum of ex ceptional merit and act as Jobber. Ex clusive territory; good profit; small capi-t.-il required. AV 1."4. Oivgonlan. bALESMEN run make $10 to !." a day. Special Christmas offer. Applv Mr, Stout. Room 017 Mailorv hotel. Hours 12:30 to 2 and 7 to H:30 P. M. SALESMAN to cover iocal territory selling dealers; guaranteed salary of $100 per week for right man. Tie Richards Co.. 2" r.th ave.. New York. N. Y. LIVE wire automobile salesman wanted to ell Ford cars. Chance for a hUHtler to make gnnd money A P 020. Oregonlan. WANT three vacuum cleaner salesmen, commission basis, for highest grade elec tric vacuum cleaner. B 1M2. Orijgonian. FI HST-CLASS washing machine and ap pliance salesman. N 237, Oregonian, I HKl.t WANTFI) MALE. Help Wanted Salesmen. RELIABLE fal''nu-n wanted: men who are never satisfied, but always wanting more. Head carefully and if this Is your caliber, answer; if not. lay off; no time to waste on dead ones or men who want to borrow money ; but. i new clean cut. high class and for live men only. You can make money with me. for I have men who are doing It now. Cal! t)7 Henry bldg. from 10 to 12. Ask for Mr. Stranhan. W A X T BP A GEN TS. loo PER CENT orofit and two sold a day given you a day's good salary for only part of your time. The man sold to makes more than the salesman, and will thank you for it. Agents wanted for every county seat. 447 Sherlock building, Portland. Or. m HEALTH, accident and hospital Insurance. Big commission. ftOl Corbett bids. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS and women to make paper hats, flowers, favors and other novelties at home on piecework basis for large local manufacturers: experience desirable but not essential; make application in writ ing this week, submitting samples of handicraft and originality, if experienced. W 237. Oregonian. THE WOMEN'S Protective Oivisioa, city of Portland, offers its service In all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; interviews confidential. 514 Worcester bid.. Sd and Oak sts. Phone Main 5522. WANTED Two young Sadies of good ad dress for mnetinir DUblic: DOsltlon con slats of detail work and to those who can qualify will pay good salary. ree man-Smith. Brokers. 630 Chamber o Commerce bldg. WANTED A middle-aged woman who will anorectal fine home: young mar rled couple, no children, away all day; small wages. Call room 202 Plttock block. References. AN EXPERIENCED girl to help mornings and evenings in dining room, private boarding house, for room and board and sunall wages; hours o:3"to b:.h morn ings. it to evenings. .k. jiian WANTED Experienced woman cook for mail nospuai in w vsningion ; bibic age, experience And give references. Ad press av goo, iregonian, WE HAVE an excellent opening for woman who Is well educated and cap able of meeting public; must be free to leave city. A 4U. orpgonirin. GIRL WANTED Housework, small 6- room house, 3 grown people; prefer -one to room at home. 113 East 54th street. Mount Tabor car. Tabor 427S. ANY GIRL in neea oi a iriena, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Hume, May fair and Alexander streets. Phone Mala 8450. DM csr. WANTED Ladies call homes, sell house- bold necessities of merit; iw per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 East Morrison st. LADIELS to take orders for compressed air clothes washers; easy seller; good com mission. Call 40 Vx First St.. room 3, be tween 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. EXPERIENCED second maid, $50; experi enced upstelrs maid, (M; experienced cooks in private homes. Scott's Enploy ment Office. 329 Henry bldg. THOROUGHLY competent switchboard op erator who caff also operate typewriter; must be quick on switchboard. AP 230, Oregonlan. ' SALESGIRLS Thoroughly experienced in boys ana cnaiaren s wear. Appiy rn day morning. If possible. Juvenile Store. 143 ttth st. MIDDLE-AGED lady can have good home, small wages, light work, no washing. Apply at once. 1254 Interstate ave., Port land, Or. LADY with child to keep house: must be neat and clean; one to cook ror wages, $15. Address Chas. Warner, Shelburn, Or. 20 GIRLS for musical review ; experience unnecessary, good appearance essential. See J. Edward Feist. 410 Columbia bldg. HAVE you average intelligence and a neat appearances it so. can vvuin. niter 6 P. M. to make big money. WANTED Experienced ready to wear salesladies. Apply oetween o;du ana v;ju. r Morrison st. EXPERIENCED waitress for restaurant, country town, ?i per weea ana uoaru, 11 N. 2d st. WOMAN cook on ranch, $40 mo.; house keeper, $30 mo. Lewis Employment office, 43 H 2d N. WANT woman to solicit for carpet clean ing LUIItCI II UUIIIR UlftUCDl BIBUD "UIA 2S3 HHwthorne ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general house- work; no. cooking. 35 Irving st., near 3d VoUNG women wanting employment is telephone operators, can at room qui Telephone bldg . Park and Oak streets. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON nome is ready to help any gin in aistress. voa East Gllsan. "MV" car. East 316. WANTED A girl for making up rooms and waiting on table, io sumrgton st-, St. Johns. GIRL or young woman for housekeeper in country; gooa proposition ior rigni pnrty. AR 241. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED waltresa wanted. Restaurant, 403 E. Morrison st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. th st. Night work. WANTED A girl to work in candy store; must be experienced. Apply 100 d st. GIRLS wanted. Columbia Awning & Shade Co., IMS d, GIRL wanted. Penny Arcade, 20 Third st. LADY solicitors, good proposition. Apply G511 72d st. S. E. Mt. Scott car. WET NURSE to care for baby, 3 weeks old. Bdwy. L':(..fi. WAITRESS wanted. North 2d. White rv 1 1 ti n e n rew u rant, WANTED Woman cook for small restau rant. 244 A Yamhill St. MANICURING girl wanted. Call at Vin cent oaroer snop. - i - whwiiiukwii W a n ted UonifHtlcs. NEED woman of pleanlnii personality for outtrtde work; must oe anie to meet me public; liberal commission; nothing to sell. Call at 401 Falling bldg. EXPERIENCED girl for cecond work In private family. East 3i-u. IIDDLE-AGED woman to do light house keeplng for man and grown daughter, both working: comfortable home; refer ences required. L '-'40. Oregonlan. RELIA BLE schoolgirl to work for room and board; must be willing to care xor children evenings once or twice & week. Wdln. H27W. WANTED Maid for general housework; must be able to do plain cooking; good wages and good room. Portland Hts. References required, i'hone Mar. S3'.i. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework in the country; one who likes children. Call evenings. East 33.V I GIRL to assist with general housework; no washing or cooking. Apply mornings, timi 4 Lovejoy st. COMPETENT girl tor general housework. Phone East 2111. WANT competent girl to assist with gen eral housework. Auto. srj-dN. WOMAN for housework, suburban home. children in family. Main UlK. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Business man or woman for development of a wholesale fruit busi ness; will take about $ti000. AC 248. Ore gonian. AMATEUR cornet and clarinet player; also violinists to play In good orchestra. .Woodlawn 3030. WANTED Experienced helper for tailor shop. Telephone Auto. 033-50. If ELI WANTKI) WITH INVESTMENT. HAULING contract, strictly Al proposition Steady work with one of the largest concerns In the state; requires $1000 to handle, balance small monthly payments Act quick if interested. This must be taken at once. See Mr. Tllton. 430 Burnslde. ' WOOD hauling contract with purchase of truck, steady work and a good propo sition; small payment down and bal ance easy payments. See Mr. Tllton at 430 Burnside st. A REAL opportunity to make money with your wer vices and a small investment. JS23 Hnry bldg. fiioREwUIRED; email hours, good money. 5 to 7 P. M., Nicholson, St. Paul hotel. HIT CATION'S WANTED MALE. CONTRACT TO CLEAR STUMP LAND. C 230. OREGONIAN. PAINTING, tinting, papering, work gujir anteed. Phone East 3200. CEMENT work of all kinds, good work guaranteed. Sellwood 019. WANTED Uenrral hauling. 3'i-ton truck, day or contract. Wood lawn 89. K A LSOM1 X I NO. PAINTING, GOOD WORK. AUTO. 623-40. SH INGLING. rain or shine ; alao reshlng ling. I'hone Tabor 175S. CONTRACT to clear land. larw or small. V. Burllngame. fl1H Mississippi ave. PLUMBER wants work, any Job. re a son - able; repair expen. oroaoway I'.tM.t. PAINT4NG. tinting, papering, good work; reasonable. Sellwood 1300. K.-vio.viNiNG. ooc hour, you furnish. p;,i re " CARPENTER wants work. Dy day or con tract : first-class work. Wdln. 2013, BRICK work, chimneys, mantel; hUo ce ment y ork. Call East 7l'flS evening Fl HST-CLASS auto electrician nd me chanic; references. Phone East 1050. H ITI A T I f ' S WANTED )IAI,K. AUDITOR. CONTROLLER. COST AC COUNTANT, OFFICE MANAGER, age 3, married, experienced and high-grade executive, 18 years' constructive. cost and analytical experience; special train ing cost and general systems; through closing of business now open for posi tion as office manager, auditor, con troller or cost accountant. Phone Tabor 07K. WATCH and jewelry salesman; 15 years' experience, Including quk iness manage ment and advertising; also watchmaker, engraver, wants position at once; will be in Portland on and after Friday ready to work. B 1S1. Oregon tan. A UNION BARBER of neat appearance and good mixer would like steady work, or would consider buying half interest in 8 or 4-chair business. Address Bryne Alahr, Box 243. Canby. Wash. " " ROOFS REPAIRED. And painted, gutters .cleaned, 20 years' experience, prices the lowest and a guar ante that counts. Main 571 and 1004. MAN WITH FAMILY OUT OF WORK AND MONEY; ANY KIND OF WORK APPRECIATED. McCANN, PHONE BROADWAY 2935. . WANT work, first-claas dining room or. cafe, willing worker, neat, clean, de pendable, handy in kitchen on range. Address P. O. box 4234. city. EXPERIENCED -.GARDEN E R WANTS SITUATION; HANDY WITH TOOLS; SINGLE, WILLING BOARD OR BATCH. AE 234. OREGONIAN. Mi DOLE-AGED man with t-xptrience in store work wants position with reliable firm; can do any. work about a general mdne. stock. AV 6."5. Orgonlan WANTED Work; can do carpenter work and show card writing or any kind of buliding repair work, but will take any k I n 1 of stead y work. AO 223. Ore g op i i a. n . CHEMIST and mechanical engineer, prac tical experience, also salesman, man of family, home in city, desire permanent connection locally. E 237. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN with business and bank ex perience and knowledge of foreign lan guages would like position. G. L. Schbp hoven. room 353, Hotel Oregon YOUNG man and wife want work, man to work and wife to cook; have 10-months-old child. R. C. Price. 2005 W. 2Cth St., Vancouver, Wash. BUTCHER and meatcutter wants work. Capable of handling front shop. Go any where. C 155. Oregonlan. CARPENTER, new or repair work, garages built to order; estimate cheerfully giv en; work guarantee 1. Tabor SOH'J. SEWERS CONNECTED. Fix up before winter begins. Tabor 14H8. TEAMING. plowing, excavating, etc.; prices reasonable. 240 E. Sth st. Phone bast -'in. MARRIED man, 27 years old. wants work of any kind; 3 years' experience hotel work. AP 227. Oregonlan. HAULING wanted for 1 or 2 trucks, flat beds or lumber rolls. Owner K 240. Ore gonlan. YOUNG man, hard worker, needs work; , will do anything, temporary or perma nent. AG 226. Ore-gonian. WANTED Work, any kind; also have car for light work. Address N. Alspaugh, (S531 41st ave. ,S. E. YOUNG Filipino boy wishes position a dishwasher or helper In hospital. Please address j v. .y second st. SEWER CONNECTIONS All work guar anteed. Call Broadway 4140, ask for Mr. Struchen. EXPERIENCED truck driver, married. can save you money on your repairs. Call Main 141. niggins. MAN, WHITE, single, wants to do gen eral housework; has experience. AR 238. Oregonlan. OLD FLOORS made like new; eiectrlo sanding, hand scraping, waxing, polish ing. v. ii. Tibbits,;i auor 4U.. PHOTO finisher, commercial kodak por traits, wishes position. AM 231, Ore gonian. JAPANESE wants to contract a job cut ting brush or reclaim a piece of land. H oregonan. STOREROOM work wanted by married eian, age 35 years; best of references. Main 1S43. I WILL mix your concrete with mixer for 6 P. M.. East 733. NEW SHINGLING, $1.15 per M. ; re- shlngllng, $2 per M. ; work guaranteed. Phone Mnin 7220. Hutton. WE DO anything, why not give us that odd Job you have? Main (HS7, Mr. Collins. CERTIFIED traffic manager for industrial concern; 20 years' railway experience as agent, A. L. Lee. Falrmount, N. D. HAVE knowledge of bookkeeping, bunking and typewriting; give me a trial. Ad- drp s bB .1 2 3 2. C r e gonl a n . FIRST-CLASS carpenter with own tools wants work, city or country. BJ 231, Oregonlnn. YOUNG MaN, university trained, wants to learn newspaper business; salary no object. AF 235, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED all around janitor watchman wishes work. Tabor 8779. CARPENTER, new or repair, lay or con tract. building estimates. Phone 227 -Iff. WORK wanted by carpenter, good finisher. A J 24 1, Oregonian. MECHANIC wants place In phop or driving; reasonable pay. Phonp Wnndlawn 4Q"H. PAPER HANGING, painting and tinting; panerhangjng 30 cts. roll. Mar. 24U3. PAPERHANGING 25c per single roll; estimates on painting. Main 1032. BARBER, first class, wants work. Broadway 10(1. room 23. . Call A-l BREAD and pastry baker, city or country. S 233. Oregonlan. RELIABLE handy board and room. man will work for G 233. Oreg.onlan. A JAPANESE school boy wants a position. Please write me to 75 N. 3d st.. city. HAULING, trucking, anywhere or aay thlng; very reasonable. Phone East OSS 4. Bookkeeper. Stenograph era. Office. CAPABLE office manager and machine shop cost accountant desires to get in touch with an old established firm who will need the services of such about January 1st. BJ 235, Oregonlsn. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenog rapher. 10 years' . experience as private secretary, office procedure and cost analysis work, desires position. AL 231. Oregnninn. BOOKKEEPER wishes position. 20 years experience, fast and accurate worker: references and bond. A. B. Warren. 61 K. IKth st. Phone Broadway -7 1' 1 SMALL svts of bookx kept and, monthly statements prepared, reasonably by ac countant AN 235. Oregoniun. - WINDOW DRESSER and salesman. 24 years blu. wants position. A 220. Ore gonjan. SITUATIONS W A NT f SHl- KM ALE. LADY, stranger, would like place at once to work, evenings and Sun., for room and board ; walking distance. Address ftp 232. Orgortian. MIDDLE-AGED woman would like to care for children afternoons while motHers shoo; references. Tabor 40O.-I. La P Li it 1 ENCED trustworthy lady wants housecleanlng. washing or other work: good work guaranteed. Wood lawn 0305. Experienced woman wishes work by day or hour; good cook. Call Friday, Sell. 2124. WOMAN desires chamber work In small rooming house; must go home nights. Sellwood 3010. EX PER I ENCED cashier wishes position. I'hone Wnndlawn 4QSM, CHINESE college girl wants any kind of work; best wages expected. P. O. Box 51. WILL care for 1 or 2 children In my home, whose mother works. Col. 1027. MRS. KENNEDY will make combings. Automatic 615-77. up your EN PERI ENCED elevator operator, lady, w i s hes position. Call Tabor H:t ti 7. EXPERIENCED waitress wants work. Phone Main 7805. LADY piano teacher, experienced, $1 an hour. Bdwy. 2204. WANTED Work by day or hour with reference. Aut. 314-40. EXPERIENCED lady wants work by hour. Woodlawn 20S0. City references. V 1 LL fare for children evenings while parents are away; ref. Wdln. 1811. W OM AN w ants work ; w ashing, ironing, denning. .Auto. ."i21-02. WOMAN wants day work Friday. 52S3. Room 2. STRONG, reliable woman w.shea-duy work. Tabor 3201. N EAT, experienced worker wishes day work: references. Marshall 303S. 1 took keeper. Stenographer. Of flce. RAPID typist with banking and general office experience wishes position. Colum bia 7"JT. W A NT ED Posi l ion t Menog. Tel. 03:;-A0. s office girl or Call between S A. M. nnd 11 A. M. EXPERIENCED insurance stenographer and bookkeeper desires position. AH 232. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER want? position ; good stencil cutter, diqtaphone operator. M I n 821 1 YPIST, general office or switchboard work wanted by competent girl. Main 047. M is Starr. STENOGRA PH ER. bookkeeper. experi enced. temporHry or permanent position. Woodlawn 5403. EOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER. all around office man desires permanent position. B 238. Oregonlan. TRUSTWORTHY lady, office assistant: operates typewriter. (C. S.) Marshall 2310. BOOKKEEPER wishes art time employ ment on any system. Tabor 6339. 4 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeeper. Stenugrapnerw, Office. RELIABLE girl wants position for general office work; have had experience in fil ing and as a mailing clerk ; good ref. Mar. IQflfl. Dressmaker. FRENCH dressmaking; prices reaaonable and satisfactory work guaranteed. 20 J tnapman si., cor. .uauison. juarsnau 164. WILL make and remodel dresses, also re line and remodel coats. All sewing done reasonably. Call Bdwy. 4176. GOWNS and frocks, children's dresses, by M. Barbara Stcinberge, UOJ Broadway bldg. Main 17SS. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. remodeling, stout ladies' work solicited. Phone Tabor 46i. 1111 E. Taylor st.. city. DRESSMAKING, alterations, also chil dren's clothes neatly done reasonable 403 AMskv bldg. Main .".132. STREET dresses Rimle to order. best work. HAt 5th. Phone Marshall J230. DRESSMAKING DONE REASONABLE. MRS. GOOD. WOOPLAWN 2146. SILK dresses a specialty; prices reasoi ahle. 422 Morrison, room 6. upstairs. HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon sets 5c yard. 1000 Brondway bldg. THE GLAD SHOP Dressirtaning, remodel ing. 1001 Bdwy. bldg. Main 5354. W A N T E D PLAIN S E W I N G. 1U1 ORUVER ST. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, tailoress, sews in families by day. Marshall Bt;s5. DRESSMAKER, by day. or will do work in my own home. Phone Fast SI 58. LELAH HUTCHINSON gowns. way bldg. Main 17HH. 002 Broad - PRACTICAL male nurse, fully capable, will take care of sick day or nlgnt. Phone Tabor 2008. . NURSE wlli care for patient In her own home: dit a specialty. Call Tabor 5733. PRIVATE maternity home; best care to patients; clean piace; rt-afonable. E. NBS. Ho uwe keepers. WIDOW with daughter in H. S. wishes position in good family, C. S. preferred; mother excellent cook, daughter assist with care of children or other light work. Write AR 233. Oregonlan. T-ESPECTABLE lhdy. 35 years, will keep house for respectable widower with one child; excellent cook and nurse for home. B 231. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE elderly woman wants housekeeping In widower's home for small wages; give phone number. R 227, Oregonlan. WIDOW with little girl ants respectable housekeeping position for wldowerr posi tlvely no trifiers. BC 232. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED middle-aged housekeeper wants worii; employed people preferred; moderate wages. P 245, Oregonlan. REFINED woman wishes position as housekeeper where she can keep her boy, 4 years old.-L 230. Oregonjan. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants care of in valid or housework. Sellwood 8303. Housecleanlng. HOUSECLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpet cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE. 3SS Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. VERiBEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning. floor waxing and vacuum cleaning: estimates cheerfully given ; best of references. WANTF. I TO RENT. IlOUKeH. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with i'S; quick results nnd good tenants. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE, LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO., 53 Fourth 1st. Opp. Multnomah Hotel. Phone Broadway 3715. FIVE or six-room unfurnished, modern house, east side, between Ninth and 35th sts and Morrison and Oregon sts. Phone East 5J40 or East -'1. ".". RESPONSIBLE business man. without children, wishes modern well furnished house, west side preferred; give full de tails. AM 229. Oregonlan. FINE furnished home with garage, will lease for year or more, not over $150. Laurelhurst, Alameda or Irvlngton. Est 274. A parlments. 2-ROOM furnished apartment with bath, east side preferred, by refined young couple; state rental and location. AN 220, Oregonlan. WANT 1 room and kitchenette in desirable west side apartment. Address U 171. Oregonian. 5-KOOM unfurnished house or flat. sponsible couple. Phone Tabor 4574. Rooin With lioard. FOREIGN young man wthes room board and instruction in private home, close to Peninsula, or Kenton district. AE 230. Oregonian . YOUNG married couple with auto desires to room and board with refined young couple; state particulars. AK 234. Ore gonian. ' YOUNG man wants board and room, pri vate family, close in, east side; give ad dress. BC 220. Oregonla YOUNG man wishes board and room; must have no other roomers: (west side pre fer r e d ). AddreasBC230ffon GIRL employed wants room and board in exchange for services evening Main S 4 7 2. WANTED Board and room in private family on west side, for young lady. Call Main 2073 after 12 A. M. . GENTLEMAN wants furnished room, west side; give price. AE 237, Oregonian. FOR RENT. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderately priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city. Including rooms at the central Y. M. C, A., with tele phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. Furuihed Rooms. FOR RENT. - Room for rent to refined young busi ness man. about 25 years old. share lovely outside suite with business man of good standing; also 2 refined business girls .ran share a lovely apartment with 2 ladies. $20 each, including light, gas and heat. 100 St. Clair St.. cor. Wah. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL EAST MORRISON ST., AT EAST 8TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 1.25 PER DAY, $0 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 day; week, 5 up; private bath, S3 up; fireproof and clean; close to business center. HOTEL HARRISON. . ROOMS $2 WEEK, Clean furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, barn, etc.. 35c and 50c per night; 5-story brick. 403 Front, cor. Hsrrispn. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st . at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, $ 1 day ; fireproof, large attractive. spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. FINELY turnished front suite or single room, heated, hot and cold water in rooms; fine view ; gentlemen preferred; clone to business center. 321 1-th st., corner Clay. ANGELA HOTEL. 023 Washington St. . Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fire place. Special ratea to permanent guests. WASHINGTON HOTEL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. THE ST PAUL. 130 4th st.. corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath. $2. Special rases by week or month. HOTEL CONRaDINE. 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocKs north of Washington St.; ii re proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. EUCLID HOTEL. 573 Washington at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 2$S'2. HOTEL Buckingham, unaer new manage ment. 052 Washington st. Modern, pri vate baths; free phone; reasonable rates. $3.50 week up. Main 81. m NICE sleeping room, steam heat, hot water, residence district, walking dis tance, $17.50. Arcadia, 700 Everett. Mar. 3710. BUSH MARK, Wash. sL. cor. 17th; clean, modern steam heated 1 and 2-room apis.. abo sleeping rooms; reasonable. HOTEL TAIT. 12th and Stark Changed hands, rate $1 per day, wk. $5 up: pri vate bath, $0- up; all outflde rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10th $1 day, weekly $5 and up. Free phone and baths; light and slry. Steam heat. AP-THUK. HOTEL, 1 7u Eleventh st., near Morrison Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable ratos. NEW PERKINS HOTEL. Washington and Fifth Streets Special permanent rates. NICEL.Y furnished rooms, phone and bath, close In. $3. Very desirable. 301 l4ih Auto. 521-04. M ARLYN HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by day, w c e k or month; rates reduced. LA KG E. beautiful lurnished room. Oood heat. bnth. phones; rent reasonable. Bdwy. .'1H3. 50c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 78 WASH. ST Marshall 5170 Rooms with private bath NICELi' furnished sleeping room for lady, close Itv -14 12th st. Main I'S id. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms Ior ' man. Phone East 6150. FOR REM. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. ( FIN EL V furnished large front room, with I kitchenette and bath; also 4 beautifully furnished, up-to-date sleeping rooms, all conveniences;- location moat desiraoio Q-7 Kearney st. Phone Bdwy. tiUo. LARGE, light front room in modern we: side home, walking distance or car service; no children ; moderate rent , phone privilege; furnace heat. 770 Hoyt st. Phone Main 70:j. ' CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate; $3 per w k. ; twin beds, parlor, piano ana home privilege; t minute' walk from Meier A Frank, til N. lath. Broad way liT-'l. WEST SIDE, near Central library, warm front room in modern home, suitable for 1 or 2 men or couple employed. Call at 22S loth at. or phone Main 575b after j 5 P. M. J ROOM in private home, steam heated, lavoraoiy located in first-class apart . ment near 23d and Washington ; -.gentle-men preferred. Mar. 1050. NOB HILL Large, beautifully furnished room in modern home; ivory finish, hot and cold water; home privilege; walking distance. 05 N. 21st st. Marshall 1P0. BEAUTIFUL front room, furnished or un furnished; private home, walking dis tance; home privileges. Broadway 4425. 0-7 Lovejoy. WELL-FURNISHED room, modern, steam heat, hot water, close In. 307 11th street. Apt. E. Mar. 481. CLEAN basement room to man for start ing furnace tire at 6:30 A. M. 431 W. Park. CLEAN, neatly furnished room; refined home; lots of hot water; easy walking uistance. 215 14th ft. NEWLY furnished rooms, modern home kitchen privileges, furnace heat. hot water. 03 North i'2d st. Main 1746. LA KG E I runt b-eping room with tele phone and bath ; 1; walaing distance. 311 N. loth st. Phone Bdwy. 037. $s ATTIC ROOM for gentlem n ; refer ences; west side. Marshall 3t13. 720 Glisan. MULTNOMAH men or others call Main 0552 for cosy room, nice modern home j near ciud. quo .Main st. NICE, large, clean room ; electric lights, phone and bath ; good home, fitie loca tlon. -0 E. -4th at. N. Phone 2 1 Q-37. NICELY furnished room in a private mod ern Irving tun home, for business man ; references. Enst H422. YOUNG married couule in Laurelhur-r win rent room to student reasonably. Tabor 70S1. NICELY furnished room, phone and bath close In, 3. Very desirable. 301 14th Auto. 521-04. N1CEL.Y turnitfhea aieeping rooms, steajn heat, hot and cold water, reasonable UCDH 5th st. $14; CLEAN warm room in nice home on Lucrtia st., with h. and c. running water; gentlemen. Mar. 30S0. LARGE front room in modern W. S. pri- vate home, walking distaiice.Bdw 3413. SLEEPING room with garage. 675 Flan- ders. Bdwy. aua4, after 3:30 o'clock. IKVINGTON Nice, comfortable room for young man: home privileges. East 4454. FRONT room, refined family; close in; real home. Broadway 3443. REASONABLE rooms, ground floor; one with fireplace. 84 N. 21st. cor. Everett. LARGE, neatly furnished bedroom, walk ing distance, $2.25 per week. 431 6th st. Rooms With ISoara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. WHITEHALL residentla. hotel, 6th and Madison ets. "Mother cooks the meals." We cater to transients; rooms single and en suite; modern; for 'lueiness men and women and fami'itj; reasonable rates. Portland's downtown hotel. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portland's downtown highclaas family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rales. JEANNE d' ARC. Rooms, weil heated, hot and. cold water, tor business women rent them now by day, week or month, i2 to $10 a week ; board $5 a week; meals to transients. 05 11th st. Main 34211. THE MARIAN' A mail. exclusive residen tial hotel for business women; beauti fully furnished, steam-heated rooms, ex cellent meals; a rt-hned and homejike place; reasonable rates. 505 Vi-507 Vs Gli san st. Broad way l'43H. A FEW MORE table boarders can be ac commodated at the Residential hotel, 000 Hawthorne; course dinners. Phone East 630). THE SOL LE Sunday cntcken dinner 75c: week days 50c; ail you . can eat; llks mother cooked. 1!1 11th. . DESIRABLE rooms, with board, clean and homelike, 2 blocks Bdwy. car; fhu meals, reasonable. East 0154. 335 Halsy. ROO 51 an board oi busmen girls; ll modern cjnvenleuctb; walking uisumce. 5 per wtek. Aulo 219-74. la E. lti st FIRST-CLASS room and board, home in every respect. 73S Johnson. Main 3700. Rooihh With Board in Private Family. FRONT room, sleeping porch, twin beds, home cooking, walking distance, west side; also 1 roon. unfurnished cottage, suitable for housekeeping or sleeping, occupant to do Janitor work; references req uired. Bdwy. 4033. WANTED To hear from two gentlemen or married coupio w uo would appre ciate a nice home; no other boarders; garage to rent. East bu. NICELY furnished well -heated front room with board. Home cooking and privileges. Suitable for 2; wallfing distance. 741 Glisan. ROOM and board for couple or 2 gentle men who will appreciate a good home; piano and every convenience that makes a home comfortable. Sell. 21170. INFANTS' nurse wishes babieM to board in private home; sanitary, scientific care; reasonable terms. 1005 Hawthorne ave. Auto. 231-25. LARGE, warm room, suitable for two; a real home for home people; close in. East 8445. CLEAN comfortable room with good board. home privileges ior young people em ployert. Sell. l'L'03. ' GENTLEMEN wishing room and board In private home and us of garage, call Tabor 12?3, ROOM and board in comfortable home, a young man employed in senwooa. beu. '2 203. NICELY furnished room with boar a, reas onable, near Adcox auto school, also dental college. 305 Halsey. COMFORTABLE room with breakfast, $5 per week; Catholic woman or girl. 28th and Wasco. Eat 174. NICE warm room, with board, for men only; close In; west vide; $35 a month; 3 meals a day. 510-30 LAB1ES taken care of by the month or week; references exchanged. Address 1120 East 30th st. No rth. ATTRACTIVE room with home privileges for 2 employed; excellent board, walk ing distance, splendid location. Fast !.';. DESI KA llL.ii.. well-iunushed front room with board; modern; suitable for two; excellent location. East 5715. ROOMMATE with board for young man, private home, west side, reasonable. Mar. 8003. ATTRACTIVE, airy room and board for couple or 2 men, close in. west side. Mar. 3003. LARGE front room suitable Tor one or two persons: good home cooking: reasonable. Tabor 2228. CLEAN, furnished rooms, with or without board : west side. Main 1S59. FK1VA1E home for children; 20 years' experience. n r-vereu st. siitr. zitt-' LARGE front room in a modern home suit able for two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. PLEASANT, well-furnished room with good board. 70O Flanders). Main 1K.-.3. N IOE home tor little boy 1 to 5 j ears; no other children. Main 7ftoS. TABLE board for 'J young ladies, very reasonable at 4'S Market st. .Main 50J3. ROOM with breakfast; $5 S0H3 Close in. SUITE sleeping rooms with board. 105 X. 18th. I'hone Broadway -400. DESIRABLE room, board, mod. home; hot water heat. Walnut Park. Wdln 4700. ROOM for young man. 5H5 East Taylor at., corner of 15th. Phone Fast Ht40. CICELY furnished room, well heated, siu gp or double, with breakfast. Tabor 2731. GOOD board and room, home pri vi leges. ISth and Johnson. Broadway HMt3. MOTHER'S care for one or two children; ref erf nces. Automatic 030-01. o.Noii-il' couple to "fcnaie home, with hoar.. M4 weeK. Wood I nvn 0334. Furnished Apartment. NICELY' furnished apta in Irvlngton dls trlct. 7Q' East Broadway. CARLOIS APTS. 2-riu. modern fur apt., reasonable. 14th and Market. LUKE RN E A PA R T M E N TS. 2 rm., fur., apt., with ha.th.Mar 3070. THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 4-room apt.. 19 th snd Northrup. Bdwy. 3658. UNION AVE. and Kilings worth, fur. apt,, $24.50; all complete; concrete building. 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Aloving for !ess Ph nt Bdwy. 2443 SAN MARCO. E. STH AND COUCH 3 ROOM MODERN APT. K A ST 1000. ONE NI feed E apt. a in hot water heat The Rex- ARLIN E APTS. looms, modern. Cor. Lovejoy and 17th. .Broadway 1&L2. FOR KENT. Fumihed Apartment. BEAUTlbl'L, MODERN. FURNISHED APT.. 4 ROOMS AND BATH. $05 MONTH. All up-to-date furnhings, corner, light, clast-y. warm; private bedroom. tLivenport and sanitary davenport; flrst ciass Janitor service; within walking distance. It's right. TH M COH'MBl AN," 11th and Columbia THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes walk to Meier A Frank's store ; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2- and 3 room furnished apt a, out side and French doors and balcony; per mar.ent snd transient. GRANDESTA APTS. Nifty 3-rm. apt., private bath, auto matic eievator, modern steam heated, brick bids., all conveniences from $40 up. tIS Grand ave.. cor. Stark. Fast 1-17. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 2 rms., furn., hardwood floors, ele vator, strictly modern, all outside; walking distance. 3Mi itd st., cor. Mont gomery . KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. IMi Vista Avenue. Nicely furnished 3-room apartment, 2 disappearing beds, outside balcony over looking city. Call Main 3SK3. AUDITORIUM COURT. Apts.. 3 rooms, furnished, hardwood floors, strictly modern, all outside, walk ing distance. 331 Third at., opposite Auditorium. , LARGE rooms, weil furnished, rent $23, Including heat, light, gas, phone; 1 block to car. 585 Commercial, near Emanuel hospital. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first-claas 2 and 3-room apart ment, $55 up; also single housekeeping room adjoining bath. 415-10: Main OfiOQ. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon. 2. 3 and 4 room apt.; permanent or transient: also single roo rr.s. M a in 0641. LARGE, light, clean, well furnished house keeping apartments, close to Washing ton and Benson schools. 20 East 15th. corner of Ash. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 snd 3-room furnished, strictly mod ern, tile baths, elevator, 11th and Mont gomery. Main 3M. BONNIE BRAE. 3-room corner apt., newly renovated; reasonable rent; adults. Irvlngton. 11th and Hancock. CHETOPA APTS. Nice, light three-room apartment with eat and sou in racing. r this is to be appreciated during w months Call Hroadwnv 4030. inier C LAC K A M AS A P A RTM EN TS. Steam heated, 2 -room apartment, In cluding electric lights and phone; $30. 272 Williams ave. DRLXTON APARTMENTS. 448 11th St. One well-lighted 2-room furnished apartment. KING'S HILL APTS. High-grade furniture, living room, bed room with bath, dining room and kitch en; adults. Main 5120. NICKELS APTS.. 3 r private bath, phone, steam hest. Woodlawn 4971. b50 East Sixth st. North. BERKELEY APIS.. 30 TRINITY PL. Nicely fumLshed 3 and 4-room apart ments. Marshall 1050. Call apt. No. 0. ONE ROOM, hardwood floor, kitchenette, dressing room; steam heat, lights and phone. 250 N. I'Hh st. Broadway 4000. 4-ROOM npartment for 2; would consider care of child if parents were employed days: rent $2S. Sell. ;ro. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2. 8 AND 4-ROOOM APTS. BERKELEY APTS.. 30 Trinity nl; 4-room apt., all outside rooms. Marshall 1050. Call apt. G. LARGE, "light, clean eteam-Ueated 2 and 3-room apartments; adults only. S'M Savler, corner 20th st. Main 7Qt.il. ALICE COURT, cozy 2 and 3 rooms, Du,tch kitchen, fireplace, bath, phone. 2 beds. East 8th and Burnside. East 3506. WILL share steam-heated apartment with refined lady. 'Broadway 6400, after 6 P. M. WESTONIA APARTMENTS. 660 Glisan St., 2-room fupished apart- ment, very modern. $45. . NEATLY furn. apt., electric lights, phone, bath, furnace heat. 827 Clackamas vst. East SQ51. NICELY furnished 3-room apartment resi dence district, walking distance, $50. Arcadia. 706 Everett. Mar. 87HV 3- ROOM furnished apartment; private balh. laundry trays. 140 per month., E. 0102. r t 4- ROOM apartment, mahogany furniture, piano. Irving apartments, 21st Irving. Main 023W. ONE-ROOM kitchenette and batn. lng distance; reasonable. 414 Fourth st. NEATLY lurnished 2-room apt., $1S: 3 room, $2S. Close In. Sellwood 3 400. 2-ROOM apt., everything furnished; cen tral ; desirable. 415 Broadway. APT. STEAM heat, hot and cold water, ba th, phone; $2S month. 20o Chapman st. 3 ROOMS or more, finely furnished. Pied- mont. 11!7 Cleveland. Wdln. 5030. THE J EKl-eRSOMaN. 10th and Jefferson. attractive ".-room suite; moderate lent. ; A DOUBLE and a single car line. FOR RENT 2-room furnished apt. Call j Eajt 7030. j COOD, clean, heated, furnished apartment j or sleeping rooms, uu g,ast oo-o. I niuniiNheU Aparimenis. KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. Vista ave.. near 23d and Washington sts.; one very desirable three-room apartment, newly decorated, tapestry paper, artistic ally furnished, outside balcony, high c 1 u ss apartment house. Call Main 3S.3. IRVING TON. BOWM A N APARTMENTS. 1 4-room outside upt., H. W. floors. French doors, steam heated; Janitor service, washing machine, vacuum, $75, December 1. K.ist 1310. WICKERS-HAM. loth and Flanders 0 room ants., unfurnished; large, light, sirv rooms; excellent service; references. Phon Bdwy 2201. , CHETOPA APTS1. Four rooms and bath, located In front on second Moor: newly tinted and painted, gu. range and ice box furnished. Cull Broadway 4130. CECELIA A P A K Til E N T S. ' 22d and Glisan, 3-room unfurnished, with balcony and large bath; $47.50. Marshall P"4. ' . SIX ROOMS, modern, stain-neated apart ment; hardwood floor., sleeping porch, high-Hufs district; west side. East 13011. CINCINNATI court, 2 and 4-room apart ments, atam heat, batL. hoi and cold water; rents reasonable, 401 10th st. Slain ?4S0. ( uNE 5-ROOM unfurnished apt. The Wil mar cor. Lucre tia and Everett. Main 5 DM. IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ed, close In; adults. Broadway 2761. UAKR1MAN APTS., 14 24th st. N. Vary desirable 4-room apts, i.d floor, $05 and $55; adults only, references. THE AMERICAN, modern 5-room apart ment. Bdwy. 3du 3 ROOMS, Marshall toilet and bath, unfurnished. CLAYPooL APTS. 3 rooms, unfurnished, 2 beds: adults. 424 Clay st. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern duplex house, partly furnished; g;ir;i ge Tabor 50 4Q. 0-ROOM modern, steam heated apt., fur nished or unfurnished. 131 Thurman st. .Mar. 4070. , Flut a. J37.50 4 ROOMS. MODERN $37.50. East l-'th and Davis; walking dis tance; living room with fireplace and gas heater, dining room, cabinet kitchen, bedroom and bath, nice sleeping porch. SM I TH - W A G O N E R CO., STOCK EX. 7-ROOM UPPER, Fifth and Harrison sis.. gas. electricity, urepiace. iierman Moeller. Realtor, 420 Lumbermen's bldg. Broadway 421. 0-ROOM fiat, walking distance; nice view, w. s. ; fireplace, furnace. 3SOV4 10th st., a. of Montgomery. $37.50. Vinney. 5 LARGE beautiful rooms with bath. Dutch kitchen, good location. Wdln. 3558 672 Alberta st. FIVE rooms, unfurnished, lower flat. 209 H a I sey St.. $25. Inquire 21 7 Monroe st. MODE It N 3 or 4 rooms near Ladd school. Call Main 3744. $25 FOR 5-rm. corner fiat. 3Sli E. 11th. East 2245. 3-ROOM lower flat. 272 Going St., Williams ave. car line. East 4310. FOUR-ROOM modern upper flat, rent $20. 022 Mi Gantenbein ave. Tabor H352. FLAT, with or without garage. Glenn ave. Tabor 7QSQ. Kumlslieil Flat. BEAUTIFULLY furnished live-room flat; large front porch, walking distance. I'hone Marshall 30S or inquire 74 Gli san st. WIDOW wishes tu share her furnished 5 roorn fiat with congenial couple. $18 month. 205 Lnrrahee st. LIGHT, sunny 4-room Hat; choice loca tion : walking distance, close to car. 071 '? Belmont. East ,"t20. ARTISTIC well f urnished modern bunga low flat, lawn, porches, garage, phone. M04 33d ave. Auto. 010-73. 0-ROOM lurnished Hat for rent, west side, dose In. Broadway K70. - ROOM furnished f lau Price $32.50. 550 Mill street. 4-ROOM lower flat, close in. east side. East THREE-ROOM modern furnished flat; no children. 504 K. 22d st. So. 4-ROOM furnished fiat; adults only. Auto 510-S7. 4-ROOM upper flat furnished, garage 83Stt Haight ave. $25. Tabor 1035. FOR UK XT. Furnished Flats. WELL FURNISHED. 55 NOB HILL flat. Living and din ing rooms, kit i-hen with all bulit-Ins; 2 bedroom, hall and bth: basement, fur nace ior heater if preferred. 7M Gllnan st.. near U3d or phone Bdwy. ."il'it. COZY four-room, :r. new flat; walking distance; $35. Six -room flat, velvet carpets, fireplace, etc.. $50. 444 Rod ney ave., enrnrr Tillamook, 3-KOOM modern lower flat at fO aughn St., near Montgomery Ward; adults; $25. Call 74"H' Roosevelt St.. Marshall 3710. 4-l.uu.M, mout-rn, nicely furnished Hat. 616 Commercial St. Phone 310-01. HoiiNekeeping Room. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette hot and cold water, private phone, electric light i, steam heat, f ive f minutes walk or town 'Ji loiumuia. near Fifth. WELL-FURNISHED 2-room h. k. apart ment, hot and cold water, good heat, free lights; nice place, $27.50 a month; no children 507 Clay st., near l'th. 17u CHAl'MAN ST., block from lSlh and Morrison, 1 room and kitchenette, desirable neighborhood, $4.50 per week. Broadway 2537. THREE furnished h. k. rooms, water In fiantry and kitchen, gas range ; also arge clothes closet. in front room. 200 Cook avenue. 1 il NGLE. 1 double room for men ; mod ern; homo privileges; cloe in. 25 14th f ft. Main 2533 THE-BEAVER. i;:tii nnd Marshall fur nished h. k. rooms, $15 up. Including hot,wster. electric ltghts. Isundry room. LARGE, light, clean well luinished house keeping close to Wash, and Ikuion schools. 20 E. 15th. corner of Ajh. LARGE, attractive h. k. rooms on Sunny side car line; $14 a month. Eat 1532. (134 E. Morrison sL CLOSE-IN, with electric lights, clean, com fortable, single $3, $5. 10$ 13th and Morrison. Marsh all 245. TH REE rooms and pantr. separate en trance, electric lights, wood range and sink, close in, $30. 430 Jefferson. ON E DA N 1 V iarue housekeeping room. coxy Sleeping rms. at $4 per week. THE M A .N I II I . JVtl I3tn ST. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for bachelors. $1 50 to $2.50 week. 20 0 V, N. 10th st. 3 PARTL Y i urnislied h. k. rooms, ground floor. 3 blocks oft Washington st. S5 N. 17th t. ONE nice, large, furnished room suitable lor two; hot and cold water in the room; furnace heat. Htiwy 1706 FOR RENT 1 housekeeping room, $lo. Call after 5 P. M. 405 K. Ash. FURNISHED DOWNTOWN cheap rent. 253 t Wash., H. K. rooms, cor. 3d. H. K. ROOMS, 2 beds, heat, electricity, gas ; front room, first floor. 50S Davis. NICE Blngle rooms, $12 to $18, many priv ileges. 655 Flanders. FRONT 2 rooms, cozy, clean, all conven iences, $4. $5 week. 052'4j Thurman. 2 ROOMS, $5 week up, linen, lights, water, bath. 2ttN Washington st. FURNISHED h. k. rooms for rent; heat, elec. 347 Hall st. Housekeeping Rooms in ITiTate mnlly. VERY ATTRACTIVE PARLOR FLOOR H. K. SUITE. Three large, bright, well-furnished rooms with heat, light, gas. phone and fuel supplied; west side, close in. Phone Hrondway 4205. $1S NICE, clean, fully furnished 3-room h. k. suite, west side; second floor; walking distance; good neighbors; laun dry privileges; yard. 134H Porter st. Se- Mrw. Kav, Phone Sellwood 110'.. NICE, clean, well heated 2-room. modern furnished h. k. apartment, every con venience for laundering ; phone, light; reasonable rent; adults only. 5L)5 E. Ash., corner 15th. 1 block off MontaviUa car. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, light, water and gm; newly papered anil tinted; 2 adults; only $22.50. b75 Haw thorne, corner of 20th. 20 TWO CLEAN, uiry, turnishud rooms; electricity. Mink and phon Kant M orrlHon and 1 !t h ets. k 6.x 7 1 CLEAN housekeeping room, nice for business girl; 0 blocks from MoriUon st. .".30 lith st. NEWLY lurnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, well heated; also front attic mom, modern home. l'S3 N. 24th st. Ii MODERN housekeeping rooms. 675 Flanders. Bdwy. IMIM, alter 3:30 o'clock. JEFFERSON APTS.. J-rm. apt., 3o5 V Jef ferson ft., cor. 5th sL NEAT, single h. 206 13th. Mnin k. room, J 648. $8 per month. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 04 Olisan. Phone Miir. 1!7 i CLE N furnished h. k ; I or ;i gdultsT SI E. oDin, suitable for S.'ith. cor. Stark TWO Fit ON V rooms, newly papered. Clay. Main :t4.'.l. 2-ROOM suite, walking distance. Call Mar shall 824. after 3:30 P. M. 3 CLEAN fine front h. k. rooms, adults, elec. phone, bath. 13 E. 7th st t j vRti . tWo. E front room and kitchenette for w a Iking dlstanr e 74:i. 5-ROOM modern Rose City Park bunga low fur rent, unfurnished; $05 month. 6 rooms and sleeping porch, modern In every way. hot water heating sys tem. Rose City Park. $00 month. A. G. TEEPE CO . Insurance Realtors Loans. 270 Stark St.. nr. 4th. Main 3i2 1170 Sandy Blvd. nt 40th. Tabor H5SQ. t'iAAUS i. loved, $3; slu.ii' extra. $1 each fight; 30 days' free storage on all household g'mdn; furniture moving; one ton truck. 2 per hour; large truck, $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Broadway 1207. At. as Transfer & Storuge Co.. 104 N Mr st. Ojvn Sundnys n nrf evenings. NEW 4-ROOM bungalow w ith bath, on Mititlpsi)pl ave., in Kenton district. Will lease tu responsible party. J 210. Ore gonlan. FoR RENT Nice 8-room house with mod. ern conveniences, close in; garage if wanted; $45 per month. Call 747 East Burnside st CALL UKOaDWaY 3h0 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST 8-ROOM modern house with double sleep ing porch and garage; rent partly fur nished, $S5. or unfurnished, $75 per month Cflll Main IH5. 0-RooM bungalow with garage In Roue City Park; partly furnished or unfur nished; vacant Nov. J3. 610 E. 43d X. Tabor dsn. 5G0 E. ASH ST. Large 0-room house, hot water heat, furnished from a central heating plant; near Washington high school : references; gnrage. C-ROOMS, bath, electricity, furnace, 2 toi lets, trays. Knott, near Union; cement basement, garage; adults. Inquire 000 Kerby. MODERN 5 -room house, near E. 0th and K. Burnslde sts. ; rent $25. 717 Board of Trsde bldg. Main 07. 0-ROOM modern bungalow , Irvlngton. tu pariv buying equity in new furniture. K. 2.'U7 . MODERN bungalow : furnace, fireplace : reference ; Wood lawn $4.". 054 Vancouver ave. 100. 8-IU OM house, corner 20th and E. Pine sts.; full babcnu'nt., Main U221; reason able. 5-ROOM house. MS 5 V Thurman st.. near J7th. $15. Wakefield, Fries & Co.. 85 4th street, j MOVING Planus, furniture ana long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck 6 e r v 1 c s Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Ii days' storage free; furrutur mov ing for less. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, get ths best at lowest price. Green Transier Co. iiaJn2jiyojijJdrst 6-RoOM house for rent. Inquire at Pazzus Pharmacy, 1258-1200 Greeley St., cor. of Alnsw ort h live. 127.50 7 ROOMS and sleeping porch, cor. Kelly and Gaines, west side; full base ment ; good condition. Sell. 1040. $0A LAURELHURST $5: i Nice home; will lease. S M iTH-W AGON Kit CO.. STOCK EX. WILL lease beaulllul Irvlngton home nicely furnished: 0 months to 2 years. Garage. W 24 I . Prcgonla n. 0-ROOM cot ioge, all do wn.ulrs. furnished or unfurnished, n Ith or without garage. 410 present. 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch, modern, partly furnished, rent $35 month. Call Sellwood 3320. 5-ROOM modern cottage. 742 Montana ave.. rent $25 per mo. Call 301 Sacra mento st. East H800. THREE-ROOM house near Kenton and Penjnsiil nsiiia sciioui, iu.t per mo. Call FOR RENT 5 rooms, new bungnow. East 4lth South. 254 3d. Madison. ROSE CITY PAkhv. new uungalow. strictly modern. Garage. Tabor 723v 8 ROOM house. 2502 eT 71st st nar Division. Apply 130 6th st. llODERN 7-room house. 20th and East Taylor. East 417S. FOR RENT Modern 7-room house ; East 20th and Taylor East 4173. 4 ROOMS, bath, hot water, gas. good lo- catlon; reasonanie. .1-0 fj. n'n. i ROOMS at 52H E. Clay st., corner East 11th st.. $30. Cnll Main 001. V $30; 0-ROOM modern house, Union ave. N. Main 47V. FurnMicd )tour. FOR RENT Desirable 7-room house, com pletely furnished. 7t5 Northrup st.. seen by appointment. Phone Main 401 .V HOUSE partly furnished. Call 200 36th st., near Hawthorne. fri:n !i j to 8 P. M. 4$30 4-ROOM bungalow, piano, suburban. I McFariand. realtor, 203 Falling bldg. 1 OK ItFNT. I itmlhed lloiinm. FULLY MODE UN FURNISHED HOME. Eight roo n i fi. 4 beds, everything to keep noun- witii I will lcte for one or fiva years to reliable parties; thin home has ha rd wood I lours, fireplace, full ment basement with f urimee, good ga rage, located 2 blot ks from Hn wt hot no car at not h (., rent $7.i per month : this Is nice district among home owners. Pa rticulars, cs 11 Tabor 100, of Marshall 5510, or call st 102 North-w-estern Hank bMg. ATTRACTIVE iompUtely furniclied 4-rm. house, all modem emu n lenees, freshly t in ted old 1 ory kitchen ; put no nice law n 1277 tiny l. Call Wdln 1477, or Bdwy. :tn.Ty HANDSOMELY A I P IN TED M i'i:K II O M E. ATTRACTIVE LOCATION. LEASE SIX MONTHS OH LONGER; HE PER ENCES -4EwL'lRED. MAIN 4711 5-KOOM inodmn furnished loit.ige. Mt. Scott district; bath, hah range, piano, 2 blocks from car snd 5 blocks from school. For details call Auto. 042 4 . FOR RENT A completely furnished 4 room house, gas anil elect rtc it y, one block from Mt. Scott car. 50O4 4I( sve.. $20. LEAUT1 FULLY furnished rooms. lower floor, In modern home, restricted dis trict, adults only. Phone, heat. 7 "5 East FJ jn dors, K.i st P ' !' ! . MODERN 7 -room furnlMird houp Willi Karate. Good district. Reasons tile rent. Call evening and Sunday. Wdln. 1 its'. WILL ln we newly furnished lle-room houso to responsible couple; rent $!'. Applv hctwevii 0 and 4. 04 E. A 1st st. N. M V Car. 5-ROOM cottage, completely furnished , garage, piano and hardwood flours. 1 1M Tlhhetm t. 730 E. BUKNSlDK 0 large rooms com pletely furn Inhed ; piano ; references; no r hlldren : $70. Main 5437 mornings. 5-RooM Ijungnlow, beautifully furnished, $55; no children: references required. Call Wdln. 5734 after 12 M. ' lKVINGTt i.N Nicely lurnished ' 7-rooin hiingaiow ; sleeping porch, garage. East 3. 4 7. $ti.i Modern fui'nlnl.ed boue. 1 block t' Portland Heights car line ; re tit for 0 months: reference Telephone M.iln'illl. llousee lor ft em Furniture lor Wale. THE FURNISH 1 Nl IS of a nice 0-room flut. close in, weat side, for sal for only J.'iOO; strictly clean, mostly newly furnished; rent $35; a snap. See Gar liind. L'"l Third, corner Taylor. 5-R. HOUSE, $10 per mo.; close in, W. 8.; furniture for sale reasonable. 38 1st st. Main 7208. CM A NCE for good homo and lncom 7-room hotiMe and sleeping porch. For appointment call M a rs hall 2M2. SNAP Furniture modern 7-room flat. $ 5 50 ;w a 1 k 1 n k dls tance. 518 Kearney st, HOUSE for rent, furniture for sals. 307 Tillamook St. East H8'JV FURNITURE 5 rooms for sale, house for rent. 4SQ Montgomery! Store and Husniptu l'lsvres. DRUGS OR MERCHANDISE. New building, fine corner, mile from other druggist, Kenton car turns hers; over 400 families; building fast; Lom bard street; corner Alblna ave. Owner. Automatic phone 511- t 5. ONK-STOKY frame, southwest corner 10th and Ahler; "O.tHjO square feet; rents $-.'; no posts: good light. Telephone Mainf.4. FINE light top noor 50x100, long leass; N. W. team heat, good elevator. D. C. Wax. 2 1 N. Sth. Bdwy. 2730. FIN E place to rent tor lunch counter; good locution, near Yamhill. Apply 185 FOll DESIRABLE space in itreproof wure. house phone Broadway 3il5. FINE 11k lit floor. 50xlUO; long lease; cheat, rent. Wax. J4 North Fifth. FINK light fioor. 50x100; long lease rent. Wax. 2i North Fifth. cheap FOR RENT STORE. 20l MILL ST. $20. T A Bo R 1114. GOOD locution for tailor shop or dress m a king. 4L'S Yamhill Office. REDUCE Y OI" R O V ERH E A D. Weil-lighted and heated offices, single or In suites, central ofiice building in financial section of city, low rentals. See Donald O. Woodward, agent, 104 Second street, corner Stark. LARGE home-office room. fur.. 2d floor, close in, light, heat, gas. Call at office IS, 185 a Fourth wt. SHAPE half completely furnished and me-t plei.Nnt cfflce N. W. Bank bldg. Main tiWIt LfcK. tooni win teiepnon and stsos- g rn pine service V hone lid ay. 3715. FlToNT "office, modern, in Railway Ex. Chang bldg. Apply room 312. OFFICE ami reception room for rent, 817 North v.- est rn Bank bldg. SPACE In excellent ground floor hu.-dlleca toentinn. Urn idway T.H44 .MIsrelliincouA. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week. Monday to Monday. $ 1.25, in .ludes ds- liver. E L Knight Co. Bdwy. 145 FOR RENT Large Cn 11 K.al 5077. basement. 1 HINKSS OI'I'OKTIMTIKS. R KA L ESTATE OFFICE HALF INTEREST. Wil! consider partner in downtown real estate office. Good equipment and doing line bustnes.". Small amount of capilnl n F S. Oregonlnn. ES'I'At 1A MEA T CO., Kxtacad. Or.; wholesale nnd retail business, estab. shop. . modern In every Way, including lot 2."x loo ft., building t hereon ; reasonnblu price- must sell; come out and see some thlng WQKTM WHILE. OARAGE AND SERVICE STATION. Need help of active man; have 22 cars stendv storage; large sale gas. oils, H il to repairing, etc. Will sell equal In terest to steady man for only $725. Call room Hil Dek um b'.tjg. TO BUY OR FELL , HUM NESS RIGHT SIMMS SELLS STORES. Old HENRY BLDG. JOB PRINTER Have a proposition for hlgh-clnsrt printer who would take the fniemnnship of a going jolt plant and make a ci sh Investment In the plant of $Jitoo to $30K1; business will run around $'.-, o on first year. AV '.52 , Oregonlnn.. A PARTNER WANTED. Auto service station; busy street; good sale auto p:irts, tires, vulcanizing, etc.; want partner to sell gas, oLs. etc.; will sell at invoice; no bonus asked. Call room 401 Dek ii m bldg. WANTED Gentloman, iige 31. wishes to Invest In legitimate business with serv ices, or would like to meet anyone con templating entering business, with a view to partnership. AG 1'35. Oregonlan. U ANTED Experienced sawmill man ( take management f 20-M. capacity sawmill ; must furnish some capital lo Increase efficiency. F. C, Goetz, Grants Pa. or. . CAFETERIA. High-class investment. S K 10 fl. C. ULR'CH CO., 002 Mnek Exeharge. I'HOTi I STt'DI' . Must sHl at once; price $1000; $Q0U 'joVlN HIIOWN & CO.. REALTORS. I'.ailwnv Ech Hidg. soM El HI.V i N '"" IN nhVuLVIMi AND SHELF OVENS. '"LK' 'Tit 1 ' Ht GAS; CAN BE OI'KRATKD FOR n.VE-TIUltD LESS THAN ANY OVEN ON THE MARKET TODAY. P. O. BOX 2205. WILL givt long lease on" (mblnatiun con fectionery and drug store, hIso restau rant, florist anil song shop in new auto stage terminal. Address Smeed hotet, Eugene, IT. CAUTION, BUYERS Before closing a deal of so-called Interest In established real estate business, get ad ice nf Port la nd Realty Board, 421 Oregon bidg Phone 1 tread av 1 II 1 1 2. $2200 OR INVOTCK. cah and cany gro cery, apt. district. $.0 to $125 day; 50 others from $500 up. V.. KAKINS. 315 Couch P.Idg. RELIABLE oung woman, experienced in lifting real estate and chut tes. would like position with lurge firm: salary ami comn.lssinn. AJ li-7. Qr-gonian- CASH and carry groc. rooms, brick building I larg-; l.ving in stock ; rent $25; ill invoic lams ii v. me terms. SL'4 111- i i'u wrecking uus iies; arge stock; well located; will sell ut right or take part ner: too big for one man to handle !: '', rrgonian. PARTNER wanted to lake care of lh. outside work of -sta blished business chance office; capital required $5to Call 4HI I'iinmn h'dg . 3d nnd VMer sl- PARTNER for established bu.-lin ss with h big f ut ure and chance to nia Ue monev right from the start $350 cash BJ '.'27. ot eron'ji ii. KoR S l.E Ej-'.i blism d gener.i ! nt r ha n iise bll!neJ'. Stock invoices $10,03:1; wiil nl:o s-il or rent building , ml f:ture. Lnrfin X- Sin?. It ubetpIdiiho OiiMVIlAL blacksmith shop, fully equipped. Kood loctition, doing goo'l Iiumii-h' prb rd rlifht if Hold soon. -Oil C'hemek -t a nt . S.i li ni. t r. OK BUS 1 N ESS op mm i uiMtl'-s. see Re ei man lnv. Co. Hd. 2.i.".L L'10 Lewi WKI.L-KS I'A HLISH ED. na in trnin hi feed hiiMiti !u the W i l.i:netle nl.c. Address D '':' ' feo'il.ui A COl NTRY (JAR tn highway; required. Rutin l g O trmli" 4oi ekum I1M5 RESTAURANT, cu'd r n. cig.ns, lo and soft drink 27 North Firsq - ren' i'.". . - vs r lea ' "WEST SIDE CONCRETE OAUAi J F C.ood lea.e; full of storse. $L'000 required. Room 401 Dtkum bldg.