21 TIIE MORNING OREGONIAN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1921 II H 1.1' WW VT K l M I K. HH anted alewmrn. WANTED TWO LIVE-WIRE AUTOMO BILE SALESCHN: ONLY MEN WITH RETAIL SELLING EXPERIENCE. WE HAVE A LIVE LINE THAT IS SELL ING. ONLY GO-GETTERS NEED AP PLY. P IMS. OREGONIAN. WANTED BUSINESS CHANCE SALES MAN. .BUSINESS IS UdOU AND CAN USE A LIVE MAN WITH A CAR TO GOOD ADVANTAGE; IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE IF YOU ARE ALIVE. G. C. 'n.RICH & CO.. G02 STOCK EXCHANGE BLDO. SALESMAN TO SELL FORD CARS. TRUCKS AND TRACTORS, salary and commission to man well acquainted in Seilwood and Milwaukie district: demon trators furnished. VERDENNiS-ROBINSON MOTOR CO., Authorized Ford Dealer. Milwaukie, Or. Phone Mil. 100-W OLD WHOLESALE grocery firm wants man for western Oregon country tern tory: murt have light car. This propo sition is permanent and will pay the man we place a good income. Give phono numoer, age a.na experience. Post office UftX 20!H). I'liONOGRAPU SALESMAN House-to- house salesman, best machine on mar ket, lowest prices, direct from factory to customer: liberal terms, fc.. 33d st. and Broadway. Stradlvara Phonograph company, IV A NT first-class stock salesmen, legiti mate proposition, Portland institution easy seller; ieuds with introductions and Bales assistance furnished. O 2it, Ore K'onlnn. SALESMEN. A local manufacturer has a good proposition for a few live-wire sales men selling a well advertised Ford ac cessnry. HI J 220. Oregon Ian. THIS SELLS ITSELF; Just put it on and the buyer won't let you take It off. be cause it gives him IMJOVfc per month and you make 100 per day. 447 Sherlock bldg. WANTED Real Ford salesman, for out of town, right proposition to a man not afraid to work and wants permanent place. Write fully. Klrk-McKern Motor. t o.. Albany, or. LUTOMOBILE salesmen: need a. few sue cessf ul men with good references and big following of Dodge. Chevrolet and Overland users. In a fast-soiling propo sition, gpe Air, ftnaw. noimont st. WANTED Salesmen, commission basis, for fastest-selling rat trap on market. A sure seller; handled by a reliable firm here In city. AH 213. Oregontan. SMAN to introduce new gum of ex ceptional merit and ct as jobber. Ex clusive territory; good profit; ama.ll capi tal required. AV 034. Oregon lan. SALESMEN can make $10 to $13 a day. Special Christmas offer. Applr Mr. Stout, Room 017 Mallory hotel. Hours 12:30 to 2 and 7 to 8:.'U) V, M. WANTED 1! men to work with me in Portland; must be honest and able to furnish references. Apply l to 10:30, 1110 Yeon bldg. WANT good salesman, used to calling; on drug trade, to take cracker-jack aide line on commission. N 238. Oregonlan. W A y TED A GKXTS. ioo I'ER CENT profit and two sold a day gives you a day's good salary for only part of your time. The man sold to makes more than the salesman, and will thank you for it. Agents wanted for every county seat. 447 Sherlock building. Portland. Ur. WANTED Five men to sell extracts) spices, toilet astilces, perfumes, Una men ts and salves; also one man with machine for county of Multnomah. See Mr. I'ryor, 4 I. M. Wednesday, 1011 AlMna ave. AOENTS to sell from ihouse to house ex traordinary article of everyday consump tion; pays over 100 per cent profit. Ad dress Sales Dept., D. C. P. Co., 192G So. m hprngue Jtreet Vancouver, wash HEALTH, accident and hospital insurance. Big commission. A01 Corbett bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE, WANTED Competent, reliable lady sten ographer and bookkeeper, assistant In wholesale and retail tire company; make application in writing, giving ago, ex perience, references, address, phone number and salary expected. S 208, Or- gnnlan WANTED for vaudeville ant. lady partner, unincumbered, good appearance and per sonality more essential than experience; one who will work sincerely and honestly. Smnll Investment required. State age, height, weight, send photo. AH 247, c trpvroninn. THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers Its service in all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; interviews confidential. 614 Worcester bldg., 3d and Oak sts. Phone Main 6522. WANTED Thoroughly competent and ex perienced woman to take charge of gen eral insurance office; must be book keeper, know rates and thoroughly able to handle office. Apply H 230. Ore gonian. WANTED Two young ladies of good aa dress for meeting public ; position con sists of detail work and to those who can qualify wfll pay good salary. Freeman-Smith. Brokers, 030 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WOMAN, 25 to 4(1, high school or college graduate, for educational work; position permanent ; liberal compensation ; not office; must be free to travel. Address All 34. Oregonian. WANTED A middle-aged woman who will appreciate fine home; young mar ried couple, no children, away all day; small wages. Call room 202 Plttock hiork. References. WANTED Experienced woman cook for small hospital In Washington ; state ag, experience and give references. Ad- nresw av Oregonian. MEAT, Intelligent woman for listing; liberal commission; must bo willing lo work; nothing to sell; outside work. 401 Failing bldg., n.j nnd Washington. YtJl.'NG lady to do J hours' work 3 morn ings each week in exchange for first class pia m lessons f rrm experienced mnrert pin nlst. Main I73J. WE JJAVE an excellent opening for a woman who ts well educated and cap able of meeting public; must bu free tu lea ye rny. A 'J in. Ore iron inn. BAG HEWERS wanted; only experienced required. Apply 31 N. First st. ANY GIRL in neeu ot a triena, apply t the Sanation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander streets. Phoue .Mala 8450. DM car. V'AaTI'JD Laities call hoim, seil house hold necessities ot merit ; t(M) per c ent profit to hustlers and good working iiein. .ii i r.asr .Morrison st THOROUGHLY experleneed cafeteria girls, state experience in first letter, girls un der 20 years need not apply. BJ 2'A'A, wregnnum SnPDLE-AGi-JD laily can have good home, small wages, light work, no washing. Apply at once. J"4 Interstato ave., Pol t !:inn r. LADY with child to keep house: must be neat and clean: one t rook for wages, 1 .Y Address 'has. Warner. Shrlhiirn, Or. WANTED Experienced young waitress who csn type menu. 713 Main st.. Van rnuviT, Wash. 2W tI KLS lor musical review ; experience unnecessary, good appearance essential Sep .1. Edward Feist. 41i Columbia bldg. BACHELOR wants woman as housekeeper; no objection to one child. AJ 237. Ore gonian. YoUNG lady working days can have room and board cheap for some work morning a no: evening. nmno m nr. m )t, tADY, ;;o or 4i years old, for hoiisekeep er for a bachelor. Three miles out from city. Address Hot MO.'Il. b I, No. 1, WANTED Experienced saleslady having experience in this city; none other need apply. Young's clown Shop. 130 10th st. WK WANT J experienced satesniun of neat neat appearance -and pleasing personal ity. SH Artisans hide.. 10 to It!. to 4. LADY, not over 30. for iuasging ; ex perience not necessary If there is good will. R Oregonian. HAVE you average intelligence and a neat apoearance? If so. call Wdln. '2227 after (1 P. M. to make big money. t EXPERIENCED girl for general house work; no cooKing. 73S Irving st, near 3d. uL'NO women wanting employment as telephone operators, call ac room 60 1 Telephone birig . Tark and Oak wtreets. GOOD all-around chocolate dipper, Meady work, good pay. Hudson-Donovan Candy Co.. East 7th and 'ouch sts. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON noma ! ready to help any giri in distress. 054 East Oilpan. "MV" car. Kant 316 GIRL wanted. Penny Arcade. 21 North Third st. PHESSEK and repair lady. Phone Sell wood S741. Sterling Dye Works. 71H Milwaukie. LA D Y solicitors, good proposition. Apil 6511 72d st. S. E. ML Scott car. " HELP WANTKD-KKMAI.E. EXPERIENCED LAMP SHADE MAKER AND INSTRUCTOR. APPLY TO MISS ELSTON. 4TH FLOOR. LI PM AN, WOLFE & CO. LtJKLS and wuiiit'ii to inaKe paper hat, f lowers. 1 a nr and other novelties at home on piecework basis for large local manufacturer; experience desirable but not essentia I : make application In writ ing this ph, submitting samples of handle-raft and orig ma li ty, if experienced. V 2 i. i irrgonia n. LADY to list and sell hotel and apt. houses. 32 Chamber of Commerce. V anted 1 (omentum. MIIDLE-AGED laay wanting good home must do cooking and chamberwork for man and wife, new bungalow. Apply The fopuiar, jiorneon at. RELIABLE schoolgirl to work tor room and board; must be willing to care for children evenings once or twice a weetc v din. 0270. WANTED Maid for general housework; must be able to do plain cooking; good wages and good room. Portland Hta. References req u Ired. Phone Mar. S'Mt. GI KIj tor general housework, good plain cook. H in ramny; no warning. w. u lame tie Heights, .Mar. 1. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework in the country; one wno iiK.es children. Call evenings. ast sduo. GIRL to assist with general housework; no washing or cooking. Apply mornings, (i'.ti Eovejoy.st RELIABLE girl for general housework; good plain cooking; small modern home, all conveniences. Phone Mar. 3002. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Phone East 2401. WOMAN for housework, suburban home. children In family. Main 4. WOMAN for general housework, family of three. X 240. oregonian AN EXPERIENCED girl for general housework. 087 Davis St.. near 21st at. DEPENDABLE woman for general house work in bungalow. Mar. 1318. II KM WANTEO MAI.K OB FKMAI.E. WANTED Business man or woman for development of a wholesale fruit busi ness; wl take about $0000. AC 248, Ore gonlan. PLAIN, good cook for small working man's hotel. 720 Burlington St.. St. Johns. Portland. AMATEUR cornet and clarinet player; also violinists to play in good orchestra. Wood lawn 3130. AN EXPERIENCED job printing solicitor. 41 Lumber Exchange bldg. MOVIE types wanted. Write Hector Clo verio, Cloverio Film Co., city. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. HAULING contract, strictly Al proposition. Steady work with one of the largest concerns In the state; requires $1000 to handle, balance small monthly payment Act quick if interested. This must be taken at once. See Mr. Tilton, 430 Burnside. WOOD hauling contract with purchase of truck, steady work end a good propo sition; small payment down and bal ance easy payment See Mr. Tilton at 430 Burnside st. WANTED Lady with small capital to go in poultry business, good opportunity; give telephone number or address A 239, oregonian REAL ESTATE salesman wanted, with ot without car; small investment required 300 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE. M.1DDLE-AOED man with experience in store work wants position wiin rena-oie firm; can do any work about a general mdse. stock. AV O.-.5. Oregonian. , BUTCHER and ineatcutter wants work. Capable of handling front snop. -o any where, t; iiiii, uregoman MIDDLE-AC ED man wants work, care taker or watchman, American, v ov. oregonian. MAN AND wiie want apartment house of I'J or JO apis, lo care lor; Liiuruug my experienced : oesi reierencp. nnw y. i - MARRIED man. 34, need work; will do anything; steady, rename, nanny wun too 1 s ; drive any car. AP 22S. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS plumber wants jobs, large or small, any part of the city. East CARPENTER, new or repair work, garages built to order; estimates cheerfully giv en; work guaranteed. Tabor 30 S9. SKWKRS CONNECTED. Fix up before winter begins. Tabor 140S. TEAMING. plowing, excavating, etc; prices reasonable. 240 F. 8th st. Phone East 210. ; WHAT have you for man who knows the city, with touring-car? A 234, Orego man. MARRIED man, 27 years old. wants work of any kind; 3 years experience hotel work. AP 227. Oregonian. nian HAULING wanted for 1 or 2 trucks, flat beds or lumber rolls. Owner K Ore- gnnian. WANTED Place for good boy. lo, to work for board and go to school. AM 0, Oregonian. MAN '21 years old wishes position in ga rage or hotel work or anything. AJ 231. Oreirnnlnn. MAN, 28. wishes position as baker's helper, 2 years' experience on doughnut ma chine. L 242. Oregonian. YOUNG man. hard worker, needs work; will do anything, temporary or perma nent. AG 'S2. Oregonian. WANTED Work, anv kind; also have car for light work. Address N. Alspaugh, r5.".t 41st ave. 3. E SEWER CONNECTIONS All work guar anteed. Call Broadway 4140, ask for Mr. Wtruchen. PRUNING trees, shrubs, etc., expert men. Gtlroy, formerly U. S. Govt, orchardist. Broadway 1!37. EXPERIENCED truck driver, married, can save you money 'on your repairs. Call Main 7141. Biggins. MAN, WHITE, single, wants to do gen eral housework; has experience.. AR .'3W, Oregonian. OLD FLOORS made like new; electric sanding, hand scraping, waxing, polish Ing. W. HTlbbUs. Tabor 4PB2. JAPANESE boy wishes position general housework : can also drive car. Auto. 3 1 S-r.O, apt. 3-7. PHOTO finisher, commercial kodak por traits, wishes position. AM 231, Ore gonlnn. PAINTING, tinting, exterior nnd interior work a specialty, by ex-service man. Mnin 372S. J -n :'-.E wants- to Lunti'ttfl a job cut tine brush or reclaim a' piece of land. H 4:t rci'nian. STOREROOM work wanted by married man, hep 35 years; best of references. Main 1S43. I WILL mix your concrete with mixer for $l.J."i per working hour. Call after n P. M., East 7:i.l. WAN'lED Position as watchman; can give nrsl-rluss references. F 2'dti, Ore gonian NEW SHINGLING. $1.15 per M. ; re -shingling. $2 per M. ; work guaranteed. Phone M n In 72-'!'. Hut ton. WANTED diy good auto inc h., auto work of any kind or will take nlitht work in gfirttg''. K.I I'.'t. Oregonian. WANTED Hy oung man. work of any kind; have some business training and suit's experience. AK L'-'l. Orcgnnlnn. HIGH SCHOOL night student wants work of any kind; will do small Jobs for room and board. East 2Tfi7. A JAPANESE sthool boy wants a position. ple;tse write me to N od .it., city. HAl'LING. trucking, anywhere or any thlng; very reasonable. Phone East f i N H 4 . EXPERT autn washer wants work. HF j;ir. Oregonian. H CLING wanted with 4-ton truck. What h a ve ynu? tall 322-74. RELIABLE handy man will work for turn rd n nd room. ? lTt:l. Oregonian. MAN with some experience as baker winhes work in bakery. Write H 237. Oregonian. CONTRACT TO C LEAK STUMP LAND. C 2'ii, OKKtit IP I A.-, I'AINTIMS, tinting, papering, work guar anteecl. Phone Ea?t 320. JAPANESE boy wishes position, janitor or III! It UI'J.. " " " TEAM WORK wanted excavating, grad ing. etc.. day or contract. East 8534. CEMENT work of all kinds, good work guaranteed. Sell wood 019. CONTRACTOR and builder, experienced. can save you money; rererences. m. iiwa. CARPENTER. Jobbing and repairing; also painting and tinting East E31H1. WANTED General hauling. 3-ton truck, day or contract. Wood In wn f0. KA LS"omTn ING. PA I NTING GOOD WORK. Al'TO. C2S-40. SHINGLING, rain or shine; ulsu reshing- ling. Phne l ;ibor j Li. CONTRACT to fclear land, large or small V. Hurlingiime. nn jiissisaippi avp. G EN ERA L l-ontractlng. cement, sewers, cesspool a. tiasements. I"aR Sf'G?. PLUMBER wants work, any Job. reason able; repair expert. Broadway 2.S3. JAPANESE wsnts position as schoolboy in private family. Henry Itano. 2tfM Evere 1 1 . IA1NTING. tinting, papering, good work. rpasona P.p. e: i wonu i .;;). K A I.M M INlNti. 00c hour, you furnish. Phone K fMt 2034. CARPENTER wants wnrk Dy day or con t ract : f Irst - class work. 'Wdln. 2',fl3. ANY TIME, truck hauling and moving. East 4036. SITUATIONS WAT ED MALE. COLLEGE graduate, 2'J. ex-service man, experienced in high-grade selling, ad vertising and newspaper work, some ex I ecutive work. desires opportunity with a 1 future: know city and northwest thor nughly. N 233, Oregonfan. MARRIED man. thoroughly experienced in all farm and orchard work, handling stock, desires permanent position ; wife A-I cook and housekeeper: services available at once. What have you? BP 1:33. Orfgonlan, YOUNG MAN. 1, attending school, desires employment evenings or nights; willing to work for a small salary. J. P. Bersch. room aim. Y. M. C. A., Otb nd Taylor streets. Phone ilfll or 50.". EXPERIENCED AUTO MECHANIC AND TRUCK DRIVER WISHES WORK. WELL ACQUAINTED IN THE CITY HUT WILL GO ANYWHERE. MAR RIED. CALL AUTO. 324-10. A UNION BARBER of neat appearance and good mixer would like steady work, or would consider buying half interest In 3 or 4-chair business. Address Bryne Mahr. Box 243. Canby. Wash. ROOFS REPAIRED. And painted, gutters cleaned, 20 years' experience, prices the lowest ana a guar antee that counts. Main 571 and lli4 MAN WITH FAMILY OUT OF "WORK -AND MONEY: ANY KIND OF WORK APPRECIATED. McCANN. PHONE U KO A D W A Y 'Jtt35 Y ! V 1X1 W olea nin a- an A hnlltA rlpaninn floor waxing a specialty. Pioneer Win dow Cleaning Co., Phone Main Au matlc :14-4o. LOCOMOTIVE crane engineer, experienced in heavy loads and most all kinds of cranes. Capital hotel. Franlc wooay. K oregonian. YOUNG married man. high school grad uate, experienced in meeting public, de sires position with prospects for future. Andrews w ater st. WANT work any kind, good refs., -clearing lots or painting, repairing, anything. mecnanic, in or out oi city. Ar Oregonian. WANT work, first-class dining room or cafe, willing worker, neat, clean, de pendable, handy in kitchen on range. Address I'. Q. box 4L'34, city. COUPLE with finest references and expe rience desire to manage or rent apart ments, hotel or rooming house. X IMG. oregonian. RESHlNOLINi; and new work. Wdln. 4.VJ. Book keepers, stenographers. Office. rapher, 10 years' experience as private , analysis work, desires position. AL 2tll. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER wishes position. 20 years' experience', fast and accurate worker: references and bond. A. B. Warren. 61 N. 18th st. Phone Broadway 221. GIVE me a chance. I'll make cood. 19 years old. file clerk, banking, adding machine operator or otner general oiiice work. Philip, at woodiawn 413'J. EX-SERVICE man, accountant-bookkeeper wants small set books, very reasonable charges; need work. Main 8700. room 62S. HIGH-CLASS ACCOUNTANT open for en gagement as auditor or of ice manager. Addrejia S 237. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant, part time work, au'llts, system. A 14. Oregonian Salesmen. MORE SALES AND LOWER SELLING EXPENSES are some hard nuts to crack Just now. If you need a SALESMANAGER OR. ASSISTANT SALESMANAGER. you might be Interested In a young man C!S who has had valuable executive sales experience in a large steel corporation near Pittsburg and who is considering locating in the northwest. He works in a plain way. hits hard, gets on well with his neighbors and is looking for an opportunity which he hopes will de velop into a life job. If you would like io talk things over, write J 234. Orego nian, SALESMAN, window trimmer, card writer, dry goods, ladies' and gents' furnishings. 24 years old. wants position. A 220, Ore gonian. POTATIONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleantng, washing or other work; good work guaranteed. Woodiawn 6305. MIDDLE-AGED woman would like to care for children afternoons while mothers whop; references. Ta bor 4H.'. EXPERIENCED steam table or counter girl wishes work. Phone Broadway 3322, Miss Cook. . EXP. GIKL wanU housework for self and huwband's board and room, small wages. Auto. 82-S7 EXPERIENCED laundress, city references, wishes day work, Thursday and Friday. Broadway 2048, EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleantng, washing or other work; good work guaranteed. Woodiawn 6305. WILL care for children evenings while parents are away; references. Wood lawn 111 1. . BXPERIBNCED woman wants day work, washing. Ironing. Auto. 51M -0-'. NEAT colored girl wishes 4 or o hours light work a day. East 6571. CHINESE college girl wants any kind of work; best wages expected. P. O. Box M. WOMAN wants work by day or -hour. ood la wn 1 '17. COMPETENT woman wants any kind of , work. East 3511. WILL care for 1 or 2 children In my home, whose mother works. Col. 30i!7. MRS. KENNEDY will make up your combings. Automatic 615-77. EXPERIENCED elevator operator, lady, wishes position. Call Tabor ftOT. SITUATION wanted as governess to young children: city references. Main 4520. EXPERIENCED waitress wants work. Phone Main 7865. WOMAN wants day work; experienced. Woodiawn fisrtS. LADY piano teacher, experienced, $1 an hour. Bdwy. L'-'IM. RELIABLE Swiss lady, good plain cook, wishes position. BP 2.4. Oregonian. Itookkeepers. Menograpners, Office. YOUNG lady possessing tact, cour tesy and ability to meet the pub lic desires a position where energy and ambition will open up a fu ture; excellent references. Address M 170. Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes position as recep tionist in photo studio; experienced, best references. Main 041. room 47. 3 YEARS' experience stenographic, typing, filing, ffeneral office. teaching. Best references. J'bone Main h.i.il. RELIABLE lady, office assistant, some ex perience stenography, typewriting. Mar shall ,:nii. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 4 years' ex perience, wants position. Marshall 090, room 1 ST EX (KIR A PH EH, wants position ; good stencil cutler, dictaphone operator. Main 6421. . WANTED Typewriting to do evenings; will call for and deliver. AJ 238. Ore gonian. . FIRST-CLASS stenographer wants per manent position. Call Automat tc 612-51 Thursday only, bet. 0 A. M. and 4 P. M. BOOKKEEPER - STENOGRAPHER. all around office man desires permanent position. Ii 2S$. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER wishes part time employ ment on any system. Tabor 533?. FIRST-CLASS stenographer, permanent or temporary work. East 7531. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer; can man ace office. Woodiawn "4o::. RAP I D typist and stenographer desires permanent position. Woodiawn 1044. Dressmaker. FRENCH dressmaking ; prices reasonable and satisfactory work guaranteed. UOrt Chapman St.. cor. Madison. Marshall 1W4 DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, satisf actio- guarunted. Riley & Clinton. 411 Ra'ejgh bldg. Bdwy. !t4. WILL make and remodel dresses, also re llne and remodel coals. All sewing done reasonably. Call Bdwy. 4176. GOWNS and frocks, children's dresses, by M. Barbara Steinberge, U02 Broadway bldg. Main 17VS. AN V STY LE fancy underwear made to order; also lamp shades. Phone Sell. 1305. BlIRS T-CLASS dressmaking, remodeling, stout ladles work solicited. Phone Tabor 46fltf. 1111 E. Taylor St.. city. DRESSMAKING, alterations, also chil dren's clothes neatly done reasonable. 403 Ailskv bldg. Main 3132. L H E S S M A K I N G DONE R B A SO NABLE. MRS. GOOD. WOODLAAVN 2146. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, Indies' tailor- ess; $3..0. Broadway .'.2. ILK dr eases u specialty; prices reason - n hlo 42'J U. Morrison, room fl natn lr HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon THE GLAD SHOP Dressmaking, re mode 1 lng. 1001 Hdwy. bldg. Main r.3o4, DRESSMAKING. plain sewing, 2.50. Phone Sellwood 3S3. DRESSMAKER wishes any kind of work by hour. East S.S4. Nurses. PRACTICAL male nurse, fully capable, will take care of sick day or nignt Phone Tabor -HAS. N t'RSE will care for patient In her own home: dlft a specialty. Call Tnhor 5733. A GOOD body masaap given in your own home; price reasonable. Woodiawn 0456. SITUATIONS MANTIS f KM ALE. N ures. GOOD competent woman wants light nurs ing, short hours d-aiiy. from 10 A. M. to 4 P. M. No night work. Mar. Il:t3. Housekeeper. KESPECTABLE lady. 35 years, will keep house for respectable widower with one child ; excellent cook and nurse for home. B 230. Oregonian. A POSITION as housekeeper for men or man with children; 1 am middle-aged, good cook, best of references. Tabor "3.n. RESPECTABLE elderly woman wants housekeeping in widower's home for small wages; give phone number. R 227. Oregonian. . REFINED housekeeper like full charge ot house, 1 or 2 adults; good cook: refer enee-. u --. oregonian WANTED Position as housekeeper by neat, reliable lady of 37. AH 227. Ore gonian. HOUSEWORK wanted by experienced young woman by hour or day. Phone Main 10-5. room M. HOUSEKEEPING wanted by neat, econ . omlzing Norwegian lady; good cook; city references. Marshall 3342. room S. WIDOW, with little girl nnts respectable housekeeping position for widower: posl tlvely no trifiers. BC '232. Oregonian. WOMAN wants day work or. housework. East 6201. HOL'SEK LEPER, companion to elderly woman ; good nome. East i loo MIDDLE-AGED woman wants care of in valld or housework. Sellwood 3303. IfouHPcleoning. HOUS EC LEANING Expert White and Ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpeta cleaned, win dows washed. CITY HOUSECLEANTNG SERVICE. 1S8 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. VEK1BE3T WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning. iloor waxing and vacuum cleaning : estimates cheerfully given : best of references. WAN'TKI) TO RENT. FOUR or 5-ronm modern apartment flat. With fireplace; west side, close In. Main 7560. Houses. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results nnd good tenants. PACKING, MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE ft TRANSFER CO.. 3 Fourth St, Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 371. . WANTED MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE BY COUPLE WITH BOY 5 YEARS OLD: GOOD REFERENCE. CALL WM. SPEAS. CORNELIUS HO TEL. FIVE or six-room unfurnished, modern house, east side, between Ninth and S5th sts and Morrison and Oregon sts. Phone East 5240 or Fast 2155. RESPONSIBLE business man. without children, wishes modern well furnished house, west side preferred; give full de tails. AM 229. Oregonian. PARTY wishes house, not less than 8 rooms, close In, furnished or unfur nished; rent must be reasonable. AN 2d. Oregonian. WANTED To rent 5-room modern house by responsible Japanese business man; state price and location. AH 2ol, Ore gonian, VACANT house, flat or rooms Tor 10 or 11! rooms of furniture, close In, best of ref erences. Mar. IrtOS forenoons. A tmrtments. i-ROOM furnished apartment with bath, east side preferred, by refined young couple; state rental and location. AN 22(1, Oregonian. WANT 1 room and kitchenette In desirable west side apartment. Address G 171. Oregonian. RwiniM W Rh Itoard. YOUNG man wants board and room, pri vate family, close In, east side; give ad dress. BC 22. Oregonl YOUNG man wishes board and room; must have no other roomers; (west side pre ferred). Address BC 237. Oregonian. WANTED Board and room in private family on west side, for young lady, call Main 2973 after 12 A. M. HoiiHekeeidng Ko.mis. ADULTS want permanent furnished, or partly furnished housekeeping rooms: heated; with, or near garage; must, be well located 3 241. Oregonian. Kui news Place. ONE or two offices with use of reception room ; building and real estate. .ast 4448, after P. M. FOR RENT. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderateiv priced rooms ior young men In all parts of the city, including rooms at the central Y. M. C. A., with tele phone In each room, shower baths and club facilities. Kurni4ied Rooms. FOR RENT. Room for rnt to refined young busi ness man. about 25 years old. share lovelv outside suite with business man of good standing; aleo '2 refined business girls can share a lovely apartment with 2 ladies. $2t each. Including light, gas and heat. 106 St. Clair St., cor. Waah. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST flTH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; $1.25 PER DAY, $0 PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rates 1 day; week.. $5 up: private bath, $S up; fireproof and clean; close to business center. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS 2 WEEK. Clean furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, bath. etc.. S5c and 50c per night; 5-story brick. 403 Front, cor. Harrison. 124 14th st. at' Washington. Rates $4 per week up, $1 day; fireproof, large attractive, spotless rooms, close to amusements and shopping center. ANGELA HOTEL. 623 Washington St. Marshall 1D50. Large, attractive lobby with flre place. Special ratea to permanent guests. WASHINGTON HOTEL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4lh st.. corner Alder. A KESl'ECTABLK downtown w J i t l. Rates 75c up. Private bath, $2. Special rates by week or month. HOTEL CONRaDINE. 22 North 10th St., 2 blocks north of Washington st ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL RAMAPO. 14th and Washington. New management, newly furnished, at tractive weekly and monthly rates. HOTEL Buckingham, under new manage ment, to- asningion si. loo-srn, pri vate baths; free phone; reasonable rates, g3.50 week up. Main 31. EUCLID HOTEL. , R73 Washington at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. '20.S2. NICE sleeping room, steam heat. hot water, residence a is w in, warning ais tRnce, $17. AO. Arcadia. "00 Everett. Mar. 371 U. WANT a girl between ltl and IS years of age Tor companion; a nvi ana attrac tive good girl ; small room rent. Set. BUSHMARK.. Wash. St., cor. I7th; clean. modern steam neaieu i anu ---room apta. alo sleeptn? rooms; reasonnpie. HOTEL TAIT. lth and Stark Changed hands, rate n per any, w. 9o up; pri vate bath. $! up? all outidc rooms. HOTEL oCKLEV. Morrison St., at 10th and baths; light and airy. StHtam heat. AKTHl'R HOTEL, i7u fca-v.ntli st.. near Morrison . lean anu mouei n rooms oy day. week or month at reasonable rates. ,- x r i. i a v i Washington and Fifth Streeta yprciiti ('i in ii n. iiu'-a. NR'ELV furnished rooms, phone and bath, close in. 3. Very desirable. .01 14th. A u t o. .'.21-04. MARLYN HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by day, week or month ; rmes reduced. &0c DAY, $2.50 WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d, near Jefferson. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 7'8 WASH. ST. Marshall ."170 Rooms with private bath. NICELY furnished sleeping room for lady, elose In. 214 12th st. Main 2S1Q. NICE sleeping room, hot and cold water. .' heat. Westminster Apts. Furnished Rooms in I'rlvatw Family. CLEAN. neatl lurnisried room; refined home; lots of hot water; easy walking distance. 213 14th st. N E WLY furnished rooms. Muodern home kitchen privileges, furnace heat. hot w a ter. 03 .North 2-'i st. .nam 174. LA KG E front seping room with tele phone and bath; MIS; walking distance. :.! N. V.'th st. Phone Bdwy, 2Q37. YOUNG married couple in Laurelhurst will rent room to student reasonably. Tabor 70H1. NICELY" furnished rooms, phone anil bath close In. $3- Very desirable. 301 14th. Auto. 321-04. NICELY turniethea sleeping rooms, steajn heat, hot and cold water, reasonable. o 3th st. SLEEPING room with garage. 675 Fian derr. Bdwy. 2-'4, after 3:30 o'clock. I R VINGTON Nice, comfort a bie room for nunc mar.: nome p ri v 1 1 r cant 4 4 4. FRONT rootii, refined family ; close lA real home. Broadway 3443. ' . FOR REM. 1 urnlnhed Rooms in Private family. FINELY furnished large front room, with kitchenette and bath; also 4 beautifully furnished, up-to-date sleeping rooms, all conveniences; location moat desirable. -7 Kearney st. Phone Bdwy. 2020. CONGENIAL young man wishes , room mate, $S.ZQ per wk. ; twin beds, parlor, piano and home privileges; 8 minutes' walk from Meier Frank. 01 N. 18th. rmwy. .-i.-i. i LARGE, light front room in modern we: j side home, walking distance or car ( an , no cnnaren ; moaerate rem, phone privilege; furnace heat. 770 Hoy I st. Phone Mnin 7n;t. WEST SIDE, near Central library, warm front room in modern home, suitable for 1 or 2 men or couple employed. Call at 22S lOtli st. or phone Main 075S after ' 5 P. M. ! ROOM in private home, steam heated, favorably located in first-class apart ment near 23d and Washington; gentle-men- preferred. Mar. lti.'O. NOB HILL Large, beautifully furnished room in modern home; ivory finish, hot and cold water; home privileges; walking distance. 65 N. 21st st. Marshall 10S0. $12 NICK, clean room, furnace heat, elec. light, phone and bath; good home, good location. 2o4 N. -4th st.. cor. Northrup. Mir. m:Q. WELL-FURNISHED room, modern, steam heat, hot water, close in. 307 11th street. Apt. E. Mar. 481. NICELY furn.shed room in a private mod ern Irvingtun home, for business man; references. East 6422. WELL furnished room with kitchen priv ileges for two girls, ool Taylor st., eve nings. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. - 23D AND HO YT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. Americar. plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. a uiTPJlil.l. t-oicirtitnrffii hnml f.th anrl Madison sts. "Mother cooks the meals." ' We cater to transients; rooms single and en suite; modern; for business men and women and families; reasonable rates. Port land's downtown hotel. NOKTOMA HOTEL, Portmnd's downtown hlgh-olass family hotel; rooms en suite ' or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable ra'es. JEANNE d- ARC. Rooms, well heated, hot and cotd water, lor business women ; rent them now by day, week or month, $2 to $10 a week; board $5 a week ; meals to transients. 2(i5 14th st! Main 3420, A FEW MORE table boarders can be ac commodated at the Residential hotel, 600 Hawthorne; course dinners. Phone E st 61 Pit. THE SOCLE Sundav cnicken dinner 75c; week days t0c; all yoi can eat; like mother cooked. 101 11th. DESIRABLE rooms, with board, clean and homelike, '2 blocks Bdwy. car; fine meals, reasonable. East 6114. 335 Hals v. ROOM and board tor business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st FIRST-CLASS room and board, home in every respect. 733 Johnson. Main 37iH. Room With Hoard In Private Family. FRONT room, sleeping porch, twin beds, home cooking, walking distance, west side; also 1 room, unfurnished cottage, suitable for housekeeping or sleeping, occupant to do janitor work; references required. Bdwy. 4G33. NICE, pleasant front room with 2 brand new twin beds, for 2 gentlemen, per manently employed; furnace heat, close in, on west side; price rlghL Auto. 510-30. LARGE, airy front room, suitable for 1 or 2, walking distance down town ; good home cooking : must be seen to be ap preciated ; modern in every way. East 4433 or call S5S Larrabee. WANTED To hear from two gentlemen or married couplc who would appre ciate a nice home; no other boarders; ga ra ge to rent. East PS 35. NICELY furnished well-heated front room with board. Home cooking and privileges. Suitable lor 2; walking distance. 741 Gllsan. VERY large pleasant front room with board, also single room, furnace heat, walking distance, close to car, reasonable. Phone East H.MiS. KOfM and board for couple or 2 gentle men who will appreciate a good home; piano and every convenience that makes a home comfortable. Sell. 227". WILL take two or three children from 1 to 3 years in my own home; a real mother's care; charge reasonable. AL 23.V Oregonian. NKANTS' nurs wishes babies to board in private home; sanitary, scientific care; reasonable terms. 100 A Hawthorne ave. Auto. 231-2S. ROOM and board in beautiful lrvington home, gentlemen preferred, a real home to the right party. East 2347. LARGE, warm room, suitable for two; a real home for home people; close In. East 844. CLEAN comfortable room with good board, home privileges for young people era ploved. Sell. 22Q3. GENTLEMEN wishing room and board In private home and us: of garage, call Tabor 123. ROOM and board in comfortable home, a young man employed in Sellwood. Sell. 2203. NICELY furnished room with board, reas onable, near Adcox auto school, also dental college. 3Q. Hnlsey. ATTRACTl VE room with home privileges for. 3 employed; excellent board. walk- In S distance, splendid loratlon. East 1 ."', I LESI it A RLE. well-fur niched front room with board; modern; suitable for two; excel lent location. East r71". EXCELLENT room and board. Rose City Park, near car line; all homo comforts; price reasonable. Ta bor s::."it. ROOMMATE with board for young man. private home, west side, reasonable. Mar. 3103. ; ATTRACTIVE, airy room and board for couple or '2 men, close in, west side. Mar. 81HI3. LARGE front room suitable for one or two persons; good home cooking; reasonable. Tabor 222 S. CLEAN, furnished rooms, with or without board: west side. Main iN.'ilt. PRIVATE home for chtlaren; 20 years' c xperlence. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2162. LARGE front room in a modern home suit able for two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. GOOD board and room, home privileges. jsth and Johnson, nuwy. tuna. PLEASANT. well-furnished room with gr.od board. "Oft Flander. Main 1 S."3. NICE home tor little boy 1 to y ears ; no other children. Main 7ftnft. TA BLE board for 2 young ladies, reasonable at 4'tK Market st. .Mam ROOM and board. $30 month. 3.15 East llth. East 8034. Rt M with breakfast; $." S033. Clowe in. ROO.W fcr young man. .Mi."V E. Taylor, corner of l.Mh. Phone East ti'.ti'.i. SCITE sleeping rooms with board. 10i N. IMth. Phone Broadwav 24HU. DESIRARLE room, board, mod. home; hot water heHt. Walnut Park. Wdln 470H. 1- urn lnhed A pari men ts. H ADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. Three rooms, kitchenette and bath. H a rd wood floors and balcony. LARGE, light, clean steam-heated 2 and 3-room apartments; adults only. b'.0 Savler. corner 2Hth yt. Main 7001 ALICE COURT, cozy 2 and 3 rooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, bath, phone. '2 beds. EaFt M h and Burnslde. East 3.V6. WILL share steam-heated c refined lady. Broadway P. M. partmeiit with 040W. after 6 WESToNIA APARTMENTS. flfi Glisan at.. 2-room furnished apart mrnt. verfr modern. 94?. 3-ROOM apartment, private bath, heat and phone Included. 4J4 Market, near 14th. Rent reasonable. NEATLY furn. apt., electric lights, phone, bath, furnace heat." 327 Clackamas st. Fast MOl. ' ' denYe dtrlct. walking distance. $30TU' Pkel.; 'urnished hov keeping rooms Arcadia. 70 Everett. Mar. 370. a-RoOM furnished apartment; priate bath, laundry trays. 40 per month. E. J1102. 4-ROOM apartment, mahogany furniture, piano. Irving apartments. 21st Irving. Main ft'J31. FOR' RENT 2-room furnished apt. Call Kiis; 7030. GOOD, clean, heated, furnished apartment or sleeping rooms. Call East 8M20. NICELY furnished apts. in lrvington dis trict. "O'l East Broadway. 3-ROOM furnished flat. Price $32.30. 330 Mill street. 3-KOOM apt.: steam heat, private bath. Phone H30 East 6th N. Woodiawn 47L CARLOIS APTS. 2-rm. modern fur apt. ' reasonable. 14th and Market. LUZKRNE APARTMENTS, j rm., fur . apt., with bath. Mar 3070. 1 THE GRAND OAK apis.; one 3-room furn. apt.: strictly modern. East 3302:. I THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 4-room a p t.. 10th arid- Northrup. Bdwy. 313 S . UNION AVE. and Kilings worth, fur. apt., : $24.30; ail complete; concrete building. j " 13 DAYS STORAGE FREE. 1 .Moving for !mi Phi ne Bdwy. 2441 SAN MARCO. E. STH AND rOVCUt ROOM MODERN APT K A ST 1 W N 1CELY f urnishe! apart men is. 4 rooms and bath. Westminster Apt. Main 33S2 ONE NICE apt.; hot water heat. The It ox ford. Main 333. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartment. BEAUTIFUL, MODERN. FURNISHED APT.. 4 ROOMS AND BATH. MONTH. All up-to-date furnishings. corner, light, classy, warm ; private bedroom, davenport and sanitary davenport; first class janitor service; within walking dist-ince. It's right. 'TUB I'OM'MTllAN." 11th nnd Columbia. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and S-room furnished apt a., out side" and French doors and balcony; per mar.ent and transient. ROOM in high-class apt. house, lovely room, well furnished ; also a suite, for refined lady or gentleman; lots of heat; reference required. ltid Su Clair st.. corner Washington. FINE KES1DENTAL SECTION. 11K1 ST. CLAIR. $37.50. ar:lstically furnished, S-room apt. Light, heat, phone included lu rent. Main 3SHJ. GRAND EST A APTS. Nifty 3-rm. apt., private bath, auto matic elevator, modern steam heated, brick bldg., nil conveniences from $40 up. fiS Grand ave.. cot. Smrk Enst in:t7. M O N TG OMEUY A P A R TM E N T S. 2 rras., furn., hardwood floors, ele vator, strictly modern, all outside ; walking distance. 3ot 3d St. cor. Mont gomery I K.INGSRU It Y APARTMENTS. l&tt vista Avenue. Nicely furnished 3-rooiu apartment, 2 disappearing beds, outsuie balcony over looking city. Call Main 3HS3. 2 LARGE rooms, weii lumished, rent $2S, Including heat, light, gas, phone; 1 block to car. 585 Commercial, near Emanuoi hospital. THE ELM WOOD. Strictly first-class 2 and 3-room apart ment. $.'. up: also single housekeeping room adioinlng bth. 41. VIP: Main iUVhi THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon. 2. 3 and 4 room apta ; permanent or transient: also single rooms. Main 6G41. LARGE, light, clean, well furnished house keeping apartments, close to Washing ton and Benson schools. 20 East 15th, corner of Ash. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and S-room furnished, strictly mod ern, tile baths, elevator, lltli and Montgomery- Main 3 IV. BONNIE Bit A E. 3-room corner apt., newly renovated; reasonable rent; adults, lrvington. 11th and Hancftrk, CHETOl'A APTS. Nice, light three-room apartment with east and south facing; this is to be appreciated during winter months Call Broadwav 4131. BEAUTIFUL front room, furnished or un furnished ; private home, walking d ls tance; home privileges. Broadway 4425. f2 1-nvejny PARTLY furnished 3-room apt., new and clean, with or without garage. Rose City or Montavilla car. East S4t;n. 2I E. ISth Ptreet N. CLACKAMAS APARTMENTS. Steam heated. 2-room apartment. In cluding electric lights and phone; $30. 272 Wiilinms ave. DR1XTON APARTMENTS. 44 1 1th St. One well-lighted 2-room furnished apart menf. 4-ROOM apartment for 2; would consider care of child If parents were employed days; rent g2. Well. ;t..nt. 2-ROOM apartment, completely furnished, including light, heat, gas and phone. Call Sell. 1400. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2. 8 AND 4-ROOOM APTS. WANT 2 nurses to share large apt.; very fine and n-asonable. 16 St. Clair. FERKELEY APTS.. 3'J Trinity place 4-room apt., all outside rooms. Marshall H ". Call apt, d. ARL1NE APTS. -1 rooms, modern. Cor. Love.ioy and 1 7th. Broadway 1 si 2. I'nfumiHhed Apwnmenis. WICKERSHAM. ISth and Flanders fl room apts., unfurnished ; large, light, airy rooms; excellent service; references. Phon Bdwv 22Q1. CHETOPA APTS. Four rooms and bath, located in front on second rtoor : newly tinted and painted, go range and ice box furnished. Call Broadway 4'.'3ri. ARBOR COURT. 14th nnd Columbia. Three-room front apartment, first class in every respect, adults onlv; references required. SIN ROOMS, modern, Mttam-heated apart ment; hardwood floors, sleeping porch, high-ckuss district; west side. Fast i:it;o. CINCINNATI court, 2 and 4-room apart ments, steam heat, bath, hoc and cold water: rents reasonable. 401 loth st. Main 24R0. STEVEN'S APTS.. 7lH NORTHRUP. Six large ojtsld rooms; heat, fire- place, sleeping porches. Call Main i'll.'S, LOWER 4-room apartment, light, hot w ter heat, modern. 724 East fiurnslde ; $."0. East 4i."). .-ROOM modern steam-heated apt., sleep, ing porch, near Montgomery Ward Co., P3I Thurman tt. Marshall 4071. ONE .-ROOM unfurnished apt. The Wil mar. cor. Lucretia anc Everett. Main r. i ts4. IONIAN COURT. ISth and Couch. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ed, close in; adults. Broadway 2761. HARR1A1AN APTS., 104;Mtn st. N. Very desirable 4-room apts, 3d floor, $03 and $o5; adults only, references. THE AMERICAN, modern 6-room apart- m e nt. Hdwy. 3300 GARFIELD. 4 rooms, hwd. fl.. steam heat. like bungalow. 301 Falling. CLAYPooL APTS. 3 rottms. unfurnished, 2 beds; adults. 424 Clay st. Furnished or Lnftiminhed Apartments. LAURELHURST APARTMENTS. 31 th and E. Morrison. 3-room apart ment, furnished or unfurnished. Tabor 2014. -ROOM apartment with bath and large dressing room, walking distance. Chap man a p t s . . 3 ."i Ch ; t p man st. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern duplex house, partly furnished; carrtge Tabor SIHO. 6-ROOM flat, walking distance; nice view, w. s. ; fireplace, furnace. 3s!S 16th 'St., s. of Mont gotnry, ?37.ftO. Vlnney. b LARtiE beautiful rooms with bath. Dutch kitchen, good location. Wdln. 3"jS. 072 Alberta st. ROOM modern flat, rent $32. oil. "Call b -fore 1 P. M.. 401'-'- r.th st. FIVE rooms, unfurnished, lower flat. 209 Halsey st., $2o. Inquire 2i7 Monro o st . MODERN 3 or 4 rooms near ladd school. Oil Main .174 4. Fumlshed Flats. COZY four-room, cor. new flat; walking distance; Six -room I Lit. velvet carpets, fireplace, etc., $."o. ' 414 Rod ney ave.. corner Tillamciok. WINOW wishvs to share her furnished r room flat with congenial couple, J18 month. 2fi I.wrrabee si. LIGHT, sunny 4 -room Hat; choice loca tion; walking distance, close to Car. 071U Belmont. Fast 3320. ARTISTIC -.veil furnished mwlern bunga low flat. lawn, porches, garage, phone, 3004 33d nve Auto. 010-73. 3-ROOM modern loer flat at S20 Vaughn st., near Muntgoiiirv Ward; adults; r. . Call 743 W Roosevelt St.. Marshall 37 P.. 3-ROOM fiat, 347 0th St., with piano, nlet ly furnished. Telephone Dr. Emmet Drake, Main 3312. 4-ROOM, muat.-rn, nicely furnished f iaV 616 Commercial ft. Phone 311-01. G-ROuM furnished Hat for rent, west aide, rlone in. Broadway fr'd. -ROOM furnished flat. 330 Mill street. Pric e $32 3Q - 4-ROOM lower flat, close in. cast Bide. East THREE-ROOM modern furnished fUt; no children. 3Pf K. 22rl st. So. 4-R lOM furnished flat ; adults only. 510-S7. 3 OR 4 well furnished rooms, h. k.. able. 701 ' H yt. Marshall 3402 y."W. Auto. 3:t3-14. Housekeeping KiMitn- led hoi private newly tinted, La rrabrr THREE looms and pantr. separate en trance, electric lights, w ood range and sink. rlr!( in, $:ii. 4:to Jeffersm ONE DANDY large housekeeping room, co2v sleeping rms. at $1 per week. 1 li E m Nuror. ; t inth Ft. FURNISH ED ho ust kt eping rooms for bachelors. $1.30 to $2.3) week. 200 i N. 10th t 3 I'AKTLV f in nished h. k. rooms, ground floor. 3 blocks off Washington st. S3 N. 17th st FINNISH ED DOWNTOWN cheap rent. 233 Wash.. H K. rooms. cor. 3d. NEWLY furnohed sleep1 ug and light housekeeping: good heat. 3S3 Marshall. 3-HOOM furnished houseki ej.rng nient. week. 330 1 Ith st. apart- WELL furn sing hou.seKeeping rm No. tt K 7th. Knst 371'M. SINGLE h. k. ; I. awn apts.. g-.eam lit-at, sink; 33 N. isih. $13 mo. H. K. ROOMS. 2 beils. heat, electricity, pas: front room, first floor. 3ns Davis, TWO ROOMS and sleeping room, free lights and w a ! e r. phone. 3 4 3 ' ? W ash. ONE N1"E h. k. room, lights, phone, bath. E. 3SK3. NICE single rooms, $12 to $LS, many priv ileges. 033 Flanders. FRONT 2 rooms, cozy. all conven iences. $4. $3 week. fi")2'- Thurman. DESIRABLE single h. k. roouu. 47 bill st. IOR RKVr. Housekeeping ilMr-- $27 So MONTH Iemrablf Urge front rm . comfortably furnished for h. k ; Mutable for two prefer empio td roopie ; ty walking; elec. lights, good hentT hot and cohl water, free phone furnished. Iel monte. 1H7 Stout st. 1 blk. s. 2thr.Wan. 2 H. K. ROOMii ptr wk.; large h. k. room, $4..'0; fcmall h. k room. $3.50; a.l newly tinted, in nice, quiet place; heat, light, phone and water furnished. 321 N. l'.Mh. cor. (,'u:mby. FURNISHED 11. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric l.ght i, steam heat, five minutes' walk of town. 2D I Columbia, near Fifth. FURNISHED II. K. rooms. 2 singles. 1 suite,. 1 large front room with kitchen ette, steam heat, free bath, phone, light snd water, walking distance- Phone Broadway 244l. ti50 Gltsan st. V ELL- FURNISHED 2-room h. k. aparl ment hot and cold ua,tT, good heat, tree lights; nice place, $27.50 a month; no children. .ii flay ft., near 1Mb. ITU CHAPMAN ST., i, block tioill lRlh and Morrison, 1 room and kitchenette, desirable neighborhood, $4.30 per week. Hroadnay 2."37. THE BEAVER. 12tti and .iarsnall fur nished h. k. rooms. $13 up. including not water, electric lights, laundry rooni c, iikiii, e tea ii wen i urn mrii'u u up keep! ng cluso to Wash, and Hetiion ' schools. 2d E. 1 .'ith, corn or of Awb. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, reasonable, 1. 2. 3-room apta 11)4 Lo wnsdule. cor. Taylor. Housekeeping Rooms in i'matf Family. Elt ATTRACTIVE PARLOR FLOOR H. K. SUITE. Three large, bright, well-furnished rooms with heat, light, gas, phone and fuel supplied: west sidi-, close in. Phone Broad ws y 420.Y MS NICE, clean, fully furnished 3-roum h. k. suite, west side ; wecond floor; walking distance; good neighbors; laun dry privileges; vard. U4 Porter st. Sen Mrt. Fay. P ho ne Sellwood 1 UH. NICE, clean, wo 11 heated 2-room. modern furnished h. k. apartment, every con venience for laundering; phone, light; reasonable rent; adults only. M5 E. Ash., corner 1 M h . 1 block o f f Montavilla car. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms.' light, water and gas: newly paltered and tinted; 2 adults; only (22.50. S75 Haw thorne, corner of 2!th. 4 BEST furnished h. k, rooms with bath for the price, including water, light and gas for cooking; adults. HitS William avenue. TWO housekeeping room. modern, "on car line. c;o?e in; light, heal, bath and phone : no en ildren. v.4 Clinton, corner l-'ith St. Sellwood (114. 0 ONE LAR i E single, housekeeping room, suitable for 2. Including light, heat, gas and phone. !!H 17th N. ll'.siA 1 RS pr. vale houre furnished ; bat h, water, light and garbage; $20. 1014 H. Harrison, corner :t7th. N E WLY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, well! healed ; also front attic room, modern home. 23 N. 24th st. -ROOM H. K. suite; hot and cold water in rooms; private bath and furnace hent: newly tinted. 3t0 Chapman, corner Mill. HOUSEKEEPING- rooms with or without garage: furnaee heat. 330 Weldlet 3 MODE UN housekeeping rooms. 07A Flanders. Hrlwy. 2i."4, alter 3:3d o'clock. FINEST h. k., light, bath and heat free. 1C E. 12th st. JEFFERSON APTS.. 2-rm. apt.. ;t V, J f ferrton st.. eor. ."th st. REASONABLE rooms on ground floor, one with fireplnce. M N. 21st.. cor. Kverett. NEAT, single h. k. room. ti per month. 20H Llth. Main "(MS. Rooms. $o week up. linen, lights, water, bath. 20 h Washington ft H. K. oil le,.p,nc room, plenty of heat. 431 West Park. 1 11. K. Room with kitchenette, nice and elean. 3S7 T-iylnr .vt. TWO ROOMS, fust floor, private en tranrf. ronton able. 3UM W. Broadway. Houwea. .LAURF.LHURST HOME. Owner leaving, will give responsible party year's leae on modern, nicely fur nished 2-story 8-room home in most ex clusive section, near car and park; large rooms, old Ivory flnlnh. Frenrh doors, sun and breakfast rooms, 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch. 2 fireplaces, $110. See R. II. Torrey. in:i Flora 1 ave. Tabor 4Q PIANOS Mov ed. tuu' extra, 91 each flight ; Ku d.iys' fr e stornke on all household goods; furniture moving; one- ton truck. S2 per hour: large truck. 2.J. per hour; wo ure ex pe r i e n cc 1 and have good packing. Call llroauway uui, At. as 1 ransft. r A: Storage t o , 104 N fd n sf . ipn Sun tin vs i nd evenings. NEW 4-ROOM bungalow with bath, on Mississippi ave.. In Kenton dUtrlct. Will la to responsible party. J 210. Ore- gonlan. FOR RENT Nice 6-room house with mod ern conveniences, close In ; garage if wanted; $4." per month. Call 747 Easl Burnslfle st. CtLL BROADWAY fthO FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. 500 E. ASH ST. Large U-room house, hot water heat, furnished from a ventral hea ting plant ; near Washington high school ; references; gam g-. U-ROOM ll(tue. sleepliig porch, garue, fruit, nice yard; will lease, Sjo a month. W. W. Sabin. Realtors, 1032 Union ave. Woodiawn j-KUDM house, walking distance, large Ii ght rooms, not modern, no furnace, no fireplace; Sunnyside - Flnwthorne; rent $ 3 T: wH 1 lea s e. Call Hdwy. BI50. UNFUltNlSH ED house, suitable for house keeping rooms. Broadway 2211. evenings. Write 1. 100 N. ISth st. Prefer to deal wit h owner. D-KooM modern bun ya low, Irving ton, to parly buying equity in new furniture. K. 2317. STR 1CTLY modern bungalow. desirable district, reasonable to party buying most furniture. Tabor 2104. MODERN bungalow ; furnace, fireplace ; reference; l"4 Vancouver ave. Wood la w nU h-KO).l house, corner 20th and K. 1'ine sts. ; full basement. Main 0221 ; reason able. 3-ROOM hoii.-e. .s." Thurman st.. near 27th. $13. Wakefield. Fries & Co., Fo 4th MOVING Pianos, furniture ana )ong-di-lance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Ph one Bdwy. M21. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 13 days' storage free; furniture mot- 1 n g for less. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, got the best at lowest price. Green Transier Co. Main 1261. 202', Alderet 6-R'OM house for r-Mit, inquire at Paxzus Pharmacy, 12.VS-120O Greeley at., cor. of A ins wort h nve. (27. 30 7 ROOMS and keeping porch, cor. Kelly and Gain, west side; full base ment ; good condition. Sell. 1Q4Q. 3-Roo.M modern cottage. 742 Montana ave.. rent $23 per mo. Call 301 Sacra- T7i e n t o st. East KSPii. .RooM cottage. completely furnished ; garage, piano and hardwood floor., llbl Tl h be t ts St. THREE-ROoM house near Kenton and Peninsula school, $11.30 per mo. Call A u I Q. 021-30. FOR RENT 3 rooms, new bungalow, KaH tltth South. 234 3d. Madison. I S-ROOM house, all modern. 304 K. Cth st., corner Lincoln. fc Ft iR HUNT Modern 3-room bungalow, for aduhs only. l'.G Haley 5t. RoSl-: I'lTV 1'ARK. new bungalow, strictly modern. la raire. Tatwir 72:is. 3-RooM house. 23t2 E. 71st st., uear Division. Apply 130 oth st 5-ROOM house. Hth frt. S. E. Call Broad- way 2740.Mrs; Burton. 7"Ro(5m house; will give lease. Phone Marshall 333L MODERN 7-rooin hous Taylor. East 417S. 201 h and East FOH RENT Modern 7-room house ; East 20 1 h and Taylor East 417H. 4 ROOMS, bath, hot water, gas, good lo cat Ion : reasonable. 320 K. llth. $30 o-RouM house. Mj Union ave. North. a II f 1 i mon fi. 5-KdO.M ml tag, 302 (Jultnby st., near I urnlsbeit HonKen. 3-Roo.M furnished , house, gas, bath, sleep ing porch; Kenton district, near Penin sula park; $23 per month. Call between it A. M iinH 3 P. M. . HQ K Stafford st. N EW, modern suburban bungalow fur nished, located on Boardman ave., near Ashviile station Oregon City carline. R. V. Thompson. .Tenninics Lotlge. U-RooM house, modern in ail respects, fruits and flowers. Call Wdln. 4 is S3 be tween 10 anr 3. J0 HEAl'TIFUL 3-room modern bungalow, nil Ivory finish. 1 blk. from car. Close In. Fast 13Q1. . 3-ROOM, clean, cozy cottage, half block Alberta car. rloe to Union ave. Wood 1 ;i wn 4040. Adults nnlv. FOR RENT or lease nicely furnished 3 room bungalow; Hawthorne district. Th tor I!l27 3-RooM cottage, rmpetely furnished ; irirugc, piano snd hardwood floors, lisi Tibb' t' st. 730 E. BU RNSI I E 0 large rooms com pletely furnished : piano ; references; no children; $70. Main 3437 mornings. HOUSE partly furnished. Call 200 East 30th st.. near Hawthorne, from l A. M to 8 P. M. 5-ROOM house, furnished. $13 month. 331 East Irving $30 4- ROOM bunnalow. jHano. suburban. McF'arland. ral'or. 20 S Failing bldg. $40 MOD. hu-js-. nl.iy fur.; piano, Ka rage. 7107 ilh ave. Mount Scott car. ion iti;r. 1 in mlird llnil-e. FULLY M !EKN FURNISH EI HoMK Eight room. 4 I d. ver thing ' Iteep houe witit: I will Imw for oi five years to reliable Aril'-; this ho. has hardwood floors, fire pi are, full me it basement wit h turns, e. good i- rage, located 2 blocks from Hawthorn car st itlth st., roit ft.t per month this Is a nice district among hnim owners. Particulars, call Tabor 2 1 HO. o Marshall Win. or call at 102 Nurth wevtern Bank bldg HEAUT1FUL t'l-rtMitii huine nesr Reed col lege. 3 blocks from c. ; piaer piano, wen det fill iari; kltrlu-n, 11 built -in.. urge breakfast nook. Th . ly a tins home, well furnished , ga rugp : 4u. Fast 4 4th st . C'frnrr ' Jt n ave. ATTRACTIVE. ompMel." I uruished -room house, all modi-rn ron en Irncos. f reh ly tinted, old l ury k lichen . nics lawn; with or M-Ithout piano. 1277 Gny street. Call Woodiawn 1477 or Broad -wnv ?!'3r. HANDSOMELY APPOINTED MODERN HOM E. ATTRACTIVE LOCATION, LEASE SIX M ON TMS i't R LO. C. E R . R K FERENCES R E WUI R K D. M A I N 471 1. 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage. Ml. Scott district; bath, p !inget ;dno, 2 blocks from iar and b.o.-Us from nrhool. For dr t a ilt call Auto. 'd- H' 0-ROOM bun K a low, beaut it uiiy f ur niwh- 'l. ; no children : referen-ei rMulre.i. Call Wdln o734 after 12 V. llouw lor item k iirni fi-ROOM house for rnt . for sale; house new'.y par ed tli rouKliouU Phone "f Hoyt st furniture . ctl pal n t - hui: lixi, fi-R. HOUSE, fit) per mo., close In. W. 8 ; furniture for sale reasonable. 2SS Ui st. .Main 721MI. CHANCE for goo! home and income, "-room house and sleeping porch. For t'("iniment can .-.larsnan .ni. SNAP Furniture modern 7-rooni flat. o AO ; w a 1 k It i djs t a r ic e. .i4 fl Kea rney s t -Hot'SE for rent, furniture for sale. 307 FURNITURE 5 rooms for sale, house for rent. 4'. Montgomery. Mure and HuMiite l'litcrs. DRUGS tR MERCHANDISE. New building, fine corner, mile from other druggist . Kenton car turns her-, over 4no rami lies; building fast; Lom bard street; corner Alhina ave. Owner. Automatic phnne FINE place to rent for lunch Counter ; good location, near Yamhill. Apply JS3 3d nt. FOR DESlRAliLE pacn in ilrcproof ware hou'' phone llroadwav Ii71.. FINE tight floor. TtOxlOO; lorn; iease; cheap rent. W ax. 24 North Fifth. FINE light floor. ;.il(u; Jontf lease: cheap rent. Wax, 24 North Fifth. FOR KENT STORE. 209 MU,L ST. TABOR ni4. 120. ELDERLY woman desti o Kd hotiiw, plain place. No washing. Main B1K7. ornrM. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and located offices ulng'.e or in suites, central niticn building In financial section of city, low rentafcv Bey Donald O. Woodward, agent. 104 Second street, corner Stark. DESl KA RLE office, f urnisned or unfur nished lt h use of recept Ion room and t e'.ephone, reasonable rent. 520 Luin bertneris bldg. DESK room w:ii teicpnun and stent graphic service Phone Rd y. 371.",. FRONT office, modern, in "Railway Ex change bldg. Apply room 312 OFFICE and reception room lor nut. Ml Northwestern Hank bldg DESK room lor rent at 4-'." Cham, of Com. Itldg Reasoiia!iie. SPACE in "( eiient Kiound floor bUHllieha locution. Hro idwav Q 4 I . OFFH'E and recptln room for rent. Ml North wst'rn H.inU bldg .Vlclliiiienu. Ft R R ENT Vacuum flea tiers, one week. Momlay to Monday. $ 1.2.V Includes Us- livfr,-. H:. L Knuiht Co Hdwv. 14. FOR RENT Large, basement, ToxlOO ft. -,i U K.iJt o 7 T . MANCHESTER Hall for rein; prlvats parties; meetings- Hdwy. a.M'0. Il SINFSS OPPOKTI MTIKS. CIGAR STAND SNAP! $s30 will buy a busy rduhllfhed cigar a tot new. -4 M;ind, loi at'd In lddy of large, well-known hot.-1 downtown: com-pl'-t" Mlapl' Mtix-k; fine fixtures; lady or mi h it can make a good living and Meadv income here. Leaving clf; mut sacri fice, A real snap thai In seldom off-red. Call I0 Pitloi k Idk., Washlng ton at l"th .-t. MR. BARGAIN HUNTER. I have a S-rm. modern bungn low a nd 2 aeren of Rood land cultivated, aluo a 2-story building, lot 3ox li0. Ineom-i $130 per month; also K aeren. all within thn city limits. A good Investment and a real buv, all for 23.ooo. M cGEE & DENNIS. Wdln a4. 000 Union Ave. MANUFACTURING. WANT 13.000 To 20,000 Have all the machinery snd several t houwand dollara' worth of goods mad up. If you have the ncenMary capital ran chow you 3u to 40 per rent earning. Etabilwhrd market for th good. HUDREY INVESTMENT Co.. r.iMt-Ilt I'nmunn Hid if. Minn 3012 KiJl'A L PARTNERS! I I 1 Auto painting, enamellriit. etc ; a Ktowing bulne.Na; want inter, -Med help, for .030 will ft'dl equal Interest and teach Inner the business; must be worker and stay vlth It; $173 tnotitli clear profit for each at present it mo Ro m 4i 1 rekum hldir. DISTRI Ml "TOIt wantt tl who can turnt-di warehouse spare and glvo bond for faith ful performance of contract lo fe; l"ord coniitiercial bodies to authorized Ford dea Writ for appoint men t. R. .1. Mont gornery. Mult noma h hotel, repre sent ing font ! lien tal Car Co. of Amer ica. Louisville. K v A PA RT N It W A N T K I . Kqual Interest In a well-known nuto painting business; do work for best f i rn'si In cil . being busy overseeing nien in whop, want partner for business end; ran draw sxlary f2U0 month, also lartto profits; half Interest only $1300. Room tot I '. Unm bll WKST SICK CORN N It $7300 Old-established place duing 523.tMIO per year buslneria: owner hus other interests. Best buy In Port land. DL'HRKY INVKSTMKNT Co., :t'l io Pnnnnm Bldg. Main 30 1 2 $;;.".uo WILL buy half iniereKL jn uunsicr and storage biiMiies. Miiht be a nomt office man. This businen- l taking in from $ I 3m to f2itoo p,.r month. Has been established 1 3 ea rh. S BORLAND. 303 Stork Kxchfinsre. Auto. 320-01 t'LK.WI NG AND I'ltK.SlNG. I'ltlCH i iNI.Y K3il. 1 1 as new Hoffman nnd other mju i p menl ; old establish d place doing gnud business; 2-V''iir b-ase. :t." ten. DUDRKV INVF.STMKNT CO. 30!-10 Pl: ma Bid ir Minn 3ll 12 A PAR TN F. 1 1 W A N T K I . Auto service statu. ri; busy street; good s.ile auto parts, tir . vulca ttutug, etc. ; want partner t sell Kits. oils. etc. ; will sell at invoice; ;m bonus .a;-ked Ca'u room 401 liekum b!dc. GROCER Y E A ST SI UK. Just what you are looking for w have It, don't cost anything to get started, small stock and fixtures witn living room; price I :bin . Keipper .V Stewart. 3 1 I R ; 1 a v Kx'h h nge b'd if TRUSTEE is sailing mii I high-Kradi tailor shop, fixtures snd stock at about half price. Fin' carpits, draftes, cases with mirrors, work tables, tc . ail or part. . Shop located in Piatt bldtf. S Goldsmith, room 3ns PARTNER. DO YOIT WANT TO START IN BUSI NESS ANU N E E I A PARTNER WITH SOME CASH? SEE US. G. C. I'l-IIP'll At CO. nn"2 St nek I'xchn one BNi q. l.UM'll 'iM'M'KK Brand new; Just the p. ace fo.- mm and wife, and nnlv o. r;. i. ri, men co.. 0M2 Stock l-:vrhaoi;e Bi.lg. $030 FOR A ?MM0 ClUH'KKV, If ynu want the liest grocerv in Port land for the money see us today, we hav a snap. COBB BR' iS . TV. f'hien Cnm Bldg. RESTA1 RAN I S. ?;i30 for iuu'k sale; equipment cost $ 1 siiii : 3-ycar h-ane. $MlO; good !ea..-: rent $13; t rnis :0I7 PA M Ri.nO MAIN 7201. APT. MiH Sti M CRot'ERY. 24 -room apt . bouse , 12 rooms fur-nl.-'hed; 2 store rooms and grocery stock; dandy location : $:;ooil , I. se ; no agent E 2 12. h ei;nniaM. OAllAdH AM' SEIti('E M aTI'I. Ne-il b-lp of active man: hat" ." rn steaily stttf.tge: h'l'iti; sale ua-. -uiti repairing. -tc.: half Intend ;:'.. ltiHin in t 1 ' ' nm bide fb' YOU A RE Tn THE MAl;.rK; uTTTl NEW I t 1 '. ! I MIXERS. S K . I S PRU'ES HAVE BEEN R '. lUt "EI P..) BOX 32o3 OR 4'J FRONT ST.. PORT LAND. HALF Interest 'n U. S patent on a accessor, or will trade f,.r Iste nm light touring car or business Interest. A . Petersen. Box S"4 1 Portland. Or A ft iUNTR V (iAIt.HiK On lifghwi y: big local Had" -iniir d. ll"oni 4nt I'. liom '(. CLEA NINO ami pi inning elahd--:,.i I 'a 1 1 333 ' 'ouch st . Cum! wrtv 2'-u 1 .si'LENlHO loi-ation for i.tll.tr p.h..p. floor. 4-'s Ya-nhill PARTNER WAN TKO. ASK LEE 2"2. 2 1 St. MALL cjf ! room and ' i 1 : S I m 1VKI.I.-KOL'! I l'r '! - I . mfvr tl.