20 TTII , MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, AVEDXESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1921 HFT,P WANTED FEMALE. THE WOMBN'S'Pro(fcciiV( Oivisioa. city of Portland, crrers it service In AH mat ters Dertalnln- to tne welfare and pro tection of worren and irlrla: Interviews confidential. 614 Worcester biag.. sa ana Oak ats. Phone Main 6522; AGENTS Have an article which is used In hotels, offices and homes; pays liberal commission and sells very rapidly. If you are looking for something that will pay you liberally for your efTorta call at 2 7 E. 12t h st. N.. apt. 2. References. WOMAN, 25 to 40, hlKh school or college graduate, for educational work; position permanent; liberal compensation : not office ; must be free to travel. Addresa AL 284. Oregonlan. ANY GJKL in need ot a xrtena, apply t the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander street Phone Mala 8450. DM cwr, V'ANTKD 6 wide-awake women for pleaaant, profitable outside work, 2 to 6 hour a day. Can make tl per hour. No ex p. necessary. 027 Corbett bldg. BOOKKEEPER-stenographer. grain expe rience preferred; permanent position; give telephone number. S 206, Orego nlan. V' ANTED indies call homes, m11 house hold neceasities of merit; 100 per cent profit to hustlers and good working field. 371 Eat Morrison st. "WANTED Experienced saleslady having experience, in this city; no other need apply. Young's Gown Shop. 130 10th. oUNU " women wan Ling employment as telephone operators, call at room 001 Telephone bldg . Park and Oak streets. GOOD all-around chocolate dipper, steady work, good pay. Hudson-Donovan Candy Co.. East 7th and Couch ats. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for man on homestead, must be neat and good cook. C 22M, Qrggontan. V n t r d I ) o iiieHtica. RELIABLE girl or woman fur general housework : good wages; no washing. Phone Tigardvllle 35i at my expense. Mrs. R. H. Grandy. route 1, Beaverton, Or. , JlIDDLE-AGED lady wanting good home must do cooking and chamberwork for man and wile, new bungalow. Apply The Popular. 2fl4 Morrison st. WANTED A woman lor general nuuse- work by an elderlywoman living in coun try town. Inquire 702 East Flandera. Phone E. 2fl3fl. WANTED Girl who Is employed or going to school to assist with housework for board, room and wages. Auto. 821-43. GIRL to aaaitft with general housework; no washing or cocking. Apply mornings, 610 Lovejoy frt. "WANTED A young woman to assist In housework and care of children. Call mornings Marshall 335, 247 N. 24th. KLDERLY lady who wants home and small wages to do light housework. Tabor 0220. WOMAN for general housework in plain, modern home; electrical conveniences, home nrlv leges, good wages Sell. 112. WOMAN for housework, suburban home, rhlldren In family. Main fflG5. WOMAN for general housework, family of three. X 240, Oregon ian. "Wanted a a-irl to aits is t with light housework. Automatic 312-38. DEPENDABLE woman for general house work In bungalow. Mar. 131S. VANT girl for general housework. 544 Is. 23d .at. Nor. between Brasee and Knott.. HELP WANTED MAIK OK FEMALE. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper cap able of taking entire charge of account ing; must be willing to work hard. Write for appointment stating qualification previous experience, sex. age, married or single, salary expected and give ref erences; a good future for the proper person. Y 235, Oregonlan. WANTED Bookkeeper and stenographer for garage work, young man or woman. Apply Hood River garage. Hood River, Oregon TEX MEN and women specialty salesmen. New; 81 profit on each sale; big money to hustlers. Call In person. 369 Twelfth street. MOVIE types wanted, write Hector Clov erlo, Cloverlo Film Co.. city. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. INDUSTRIAL CHEMIST wanted, highly capable and wide experience; opportunity for connection with new industry of unusual world-wide possibilities; prefer man ready to back his own judgment of merits of proposition with Investment; ground-floor basis; replies strictly con fidential. For Interview P 213, Orego nlan. WANTED Lady with small capital to go in poultry business, good opportunity; give telephone number or address A 239, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. MAN 32 WISHES work as cook In boarding house, country hotel or small restaurant. A M 228. Oregonlan. WHAT have you for man who knows the city, with touring car? A 234, Orego nlan. ' MARRIED man, 27 years old. wants work of any kind; 8 years' experience hotel work. AP 227. Oregonlan. HAULING wanted for 1 or 2 trucks, flat beds or lumber rolls. Owner K, 240. Ore gonlan. MAN 27 years old wishes position in ga rage or hotel work or anything. AJ 231, Oregonlnn. MAN, 28, wishes position as baker s helper, 2 years' experience on doughnut ma chine. L 242. Oregonlan. YOUNG man. hard worker, needs work: will do anything, temporary or perma nent. AG 223. Oregonlan. WANTED Work, any kind; also have car for light work. Address N. Alspaugh, 5 5 31 4 1st ave. S. E. YOUNG man, high school graduate, wants work; experienced meeting public. Ref erences. L 237. Oregonlan. 6'ewek CuNN ECTIONS All work guar anteed. Call Broadway 4140, ask for Mr. Struchen. JAPANESE boy wishes position as cook, chaufteur or housework; will do any thing PRUNING trees, shrubs, etc., expert men. Gilroy. formerly U. S. Govt, orchardist. Broadway 1937. GOOD mechanic and truck driver wants Job; go anywhere. Call Hotel Clifford, 1. O. Merritt. IfxPERI ENCED truck driver, married, can save you money on your repairs. Call Main 7141. HlgKlns, OLD FLO RS made like new; eiectrtc sanding, hand scraping, waxing, pollsh Ing. W. H. TlbbitB. Tabor 4032. EXPERIENCED Janitor wants work, hotel or apartment house. Phone Broadway 2330. ask for Johnson. JAPANESE boy wishes position general housework ; can also drive car. Auto. 81S-WJ. apt. 327. PHOTO finisher, commercial kodak por traits, wishes position. AM 231, Ore gonlan. PAINTING, tinting, exterior and Interior work a specialty, by ex-service man. Mnln 372 STORERooM work wanted by married man, awe 85 yeara ; best of references. Main 1843. I WILL mix your concrete with mlxe-r for $1.20 -per working hour. Call after r. M., KitRt i-i.i. A N 1 ED Position as watchman; can give first-class references. F 23. Ore gon tan NEW SHINGLING, $1.15 per M. ; re shlngllng, $2 per M.; work guaranteed. Phone Main 7229. Hutton. WANTED By good auto mech., auto work of any kind or will take night work In garage. H.I 220. Oregonlan. WANTED By young man, work of any kind ; have nme business training and s.Oes experience. AK 2 2 ft. Oregonlan. HAULING wanted with 4-ton truck. What have you? Call 322-74. RELIABLE, handy man will work for bnnrd and room. !'M, Ore gonlnn MAN with some experience as baker wishes work in bakery. Write H 237. Oregonlan. STUDENT wants work, short shift, for bnard. Tabor 50H4. mornings. CONTRACT TO CLEAR STUMP LAND. C 23. OREOONIAN. FAINTING, tinting, papering, work guar anteed. Phone East 3200. JAPANESE boy wishes position, janitor or hall boy. Auto nin-tt. cnnie. TEAM WuRK wanted, excavating, grad- ing. etc.. day or contract. East 3534. CEMENT work or all klnda. good work guaranteed. Sellwood 019. CO NT R ACTOR and builder, experienced. can save you money preferences. E. 71H3. CARPENTER. Jobbing and repairing; also painting and tinting. East 53i6. WANTED General hauling. 8-tan truck. d ay or contract. Woodlawn 80. GENERAL contracting, cement, sewers, cesspools, basements. East 8867. PLUMBER wants work, any Job. reason- able: repair expert. Broadway 2588. JAPANESE wants position as schoolSoy In private family. Henry Ituno. 268 Everett. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable. Sellwood 131'9; KALSOMIN1NG. 0c hour, you furnish. Phone Est 2034. CARPENTER wants work Dy day or con- tract; flrst-clas work. Wdln. 2rtt3. POSITION by experienced man as janitor or watchman. Tabor 8779. ANY TIM E, truck hauling and moving. East 4935. GRADING, excavating and cement work. Phone 639-70. i r.OOFS reshlngled palntln gutter work. Call Sellwnod 63. KE&klLN'GLJNti and new work. Wdiu. io2. SITTATTONS W A VTETV-M.UE. MOVE BY TRUCK to or from Portland up to 200 miles you and your household goods. PHONE EAST 8798. HUTCHINS. TOUNO nsan. 27 yeara old, ener getic and ambitious, thoroughly experienced In auto mechanics, desires a position In that line or anything else where persever ence and hard work will be re warded. An Interview would be appreciated. Tabor 8202. CREDIT tDHf. wholesale or retail, experi enced and successful In all lines, office or road ; know how to get the money and keep customers; Interview appreci ated. S 285, Oregonlan, or phone East 2359. CHAUFFEUR, 25 years old, 7 years' ex perience any make car or truck, mechan ical ability ; -take anything in any line. Call Gresham 228, J. C. Hesiin, Fair view, Or. A UNION BARBER of neat appearance and good mixer would like steady work. or would consider buying half Interest In 8 or 4 -chair business. Addresa Bryne Marir, Box 243. Canby. wash. A MARRIED man. age 38, has had 16 years' experience in grocery business knows city well; Al references, wishes position with reliable firm, in or out of city. AO 232. Oregon tan. MARRIED man. 40 years old. thoroughly experienced, good references, wisnes po sltion In general merchandise store with chance to advance in or out of city. AE 231, Oregonlan PAPERING AND PAINTING. I GUARANTEE ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP AT WINTER PRICES. E. 7842. WANTED EXCAVATING BASEMENTS AND PLOWING BY DAY OR CON TRACT. MAIN' 6195 EVENINGS. E. F. V. H. ROOFS of all kinds repaired and painted. any color, any time, rain or shine: eve troughs cleaned and repaired; work guaranteed, ftlaln 6320. YOUNG, neat appearing, married man needs work: best reference ex p. in sales manship. A. Perkins, 40O Taylor, Mar shall J7SI. WANTED By young man attending B. W school, work after school and Saturdays; retail and wholesale drug experience. .Main omi. ROOFS REPAIRED. And painted, gutters cleaned, 20 years' experience, prices the lowest and a guar antee mat counts. Mam an ana jwn EX P BHIENCED GARDEN E H WANTS SITUATION; HANDY WITH TOOLS; SINGLE, WILLING BOARD OR BATCH. AE 234. OREGOKIAN. WINDOW cleaning and house cleaning, ' floor waxing a specialty. Pioneer Win dow Cleaning Co., Phone Main 6205, Au- matic 214-411. LOCOMOTIVE crane engineer, experienced In heavy loads and most all kinds of cranes. Capital hotel. Frank Woody. K 230. Oregonlan. YOUNG married man, high school grad uate, experienced in meeting pumic, d al res posl 1 1 on with p ros pec t s for f u ture. Address nl water st. COUPLE with finest references and expe rience desire to manage or rent apart ments, hotel or rooming house, 240, Oregonlan. MAN AND wife want apartment house of iz or lo apta. to care ro ft tnorougniy experienced ; best reference. Bdwy. .i22 WANTED By young man, position as butler in private family : excellent ref erences. X 239, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN wants position as delivery driver or could handle laundry route, best of references. East 5. MARRIED man. 34, need work; will do anything ; steady, reliable, handy with tools; drive any car. AP 228, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS plumber wants Jobs, large or small, any part or the city. East 48.12. CARPENTER, new or repair work, garages built to order; estimates cheerfully giv en ; work guaranteed. Tabor 50,s0. SEWERS CONNECTED. Fix up before winter begins. 1408. Tabor TEAMING. plowing, excavating, etc.; prices reasonable. 240 F. 8th st. Phone East 210. ' Bookkeepers, stenographers, Office. COMPETENT bookkeeper and stenog rapher, 1 years' experience as private secretary, office procedure and cost analysis work, desires position. AL 231. Oregnnlnn. BOOKKEEPER wishes position, 20 years' experience, fast and accurate worker, references and bond. A. B. Warren, 61 N. 18th st. Phone Broadway 2721. EX-SERVICE man, accountant-bookkeeper wants small set books, very reasonable charges; need work. Main 8700. room B28. HIGH-CLASS ACCOUNTANT open for en gagement as auditor or office manager. Address BC 22S, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper will Jnvea $.HI0 In good business with services. AR 2.4. oregonlan Salesmen. MORE SALES AND LOWER SELLING EXPENSES are some hard nuts to crack Just now. If you need a SALESMAN AGE R OR ASSISTANT SALESM ANAGER, you might ha Interested In a young man (28) who has had valuable executive sales experience In a large steel corporation near Pittsburg and who Is considering locating In the northwest. He works In a plain way, hits hard, gets on well with his neighbors and la looking for an opportunity which he hopes will de velop Into a life job. If yu would like to talk things over, write J 238, Orego nlan. yiTVATIONB WANTED FEMALE. WOMAN wishes position out of town or In city to do general housework; good cook; good references. Call Broadway 4741. '47 Hoyt. EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housccleanlng, washing or other work: good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305. WOMAN with sterling qualities wishes po sition as cashier at cash register; 'best references. Marshall 1843. GOOD plain cook wants cooking for a small crew of men. 393 West Park. Marshall 568. MIDDLE-AGED woman would Uke to care for children afternoons while mothers whop; references. Tahor 4 HO 3. WOMAN d mres 1. gen. work In small family. Mar. 2008. 1 A. M. to 1 P. M., or PV 22H. Ore-go nlnn. WIDOW, American with little girl, wants housework In respectable widower's home. Main 1941. SINGLE woman, ex p. cook and baker, wants work; prefer delicatessen, club or small Institution. AF 232. Or&-onian. EXPERIENCED steam table or counter girl wishes work. Phone Broadway 8322, Miss Cook. , WOMAN with 3 children to support needs work at once; experienced chambermaid or day work. O 241, Oregonlan EXP. G1KL wants houttework for self and" hutvband's board and room, small wages. Auto. 632-87. WILL care for children evenings while par- ents are sway. Wdln. lflll CHINESE college girl wants any kind of work; best wages expected. P. O. Box 81. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Woodlawn 1037, HOUSECLEANING and day work by ex- perlenced workers, woodlawn 2Qfi3. COMPETENT woman wants any kind of work. East 3511. WILL care for 1 or 2 children In my home, whose mother works. Col. 1027. STEADY woman wants work in small plain family. Bdwy. 43HO after 9. EXPERIENCED elevator opeiator. wishes position. Call Tahor 6367. lady. GIKL wants housework by day ; hour. Call Woodlawn 2785 EMBROIDERY work, Sellwood 110 prices reasonable. Bookkeeiwrs. Stenographers, Office. MR BUSINESS MAN If you do not need a permanent bookkeeper, let me keep your books. New systems Installed, tangles straightened out, etc; reaaona- hle. AR 235. Oregonian. YOUNG lady, experienced bookkeeper and stenographer, desires position in lumber camp or country position: will go any where: phone or write E. K. Mitchell, Cloverdale. Or. EXPERIENCED stenographer and mime ograph operator desires position ; would take general office work ; good refer ences. Phone Automatic 630-38. ' YOUNG lady wishes position as recep tionist In photo studio; experienced, best references. Main 941. room 47. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires sub stitute work; rapid, accurate, efficient. Auto. 541-37. RELIABLE lady, office a'Mstant, some ex perience stenography, typewriting. Mar shall 2.TUK BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 4 years' ex perience, wants position. Marshall 666. room 18. HALF-DAY work dally, stenographic or tvplng, best references; $35 per month. Phon East 8031. STENOGRAPHER wants position; good stencil cutter dictaphone operator, ilaia 612X SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAIF. Bookkeepers, Stenograpnen. Office. TOUNO lady possessing tact, cour tesy and ability to meet the pub lic deslrea a position where energy and ambition will open up a fu ture: excellent references. Address 31 170. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER, ledger man, correspondent, salesman, sma'l books opened or kept part or whole time very reasonable; long experience: highest references. Phone Marshall 5483 or address S 238. Orego nlan. ' BOOKKEEPER, stenographer; can man- age office. Woodlawn 540vl. DresHtnaker. DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, satisfac tion guarwnted. Riley A Clinton. 411 Ra.'eigh bldg. Bdwy. 5094. WILL make and remodel dresses, also re line and remodel coats. All sewing done reasonably, Call Bdwy. 4076. COATS, suits, dresses, alterationa and plain sewing; prices reasonable. 424 Columbia, apt. C. Main 8501. , GOWNS and frocks, children's dresses, by M. Barbara Steinberge. 902 Broadway . bldg. Main I7K.S. AN If STYLE fancy underwear made to order; also lamp shades. Phone SelL 1 395. FnRST-CLASS dressmaking, remodeling, stout ladles work solicited. Phone Tabor 4069. 1111 E. Taylor St.. city. DRESSMAKING alterations. also chil dren's clothes neatly done reasonable. 403 Ailskv bldg. Main 3132. STREET dresses made to order, $6; best work. 834 5th. Phone Marshall 2230. LELAH HUTCHINSON on gowns. Broadway bldg. Phone Main 1788. DRESSMAKING DONE REASONABLE. MRS. GOOD. WOODLAWN 2146. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, ladies' talior ess; $3.50. Broadway 5H52. ' SILK dresses a specialty; prices reason able. 422 H Morrison, room 6, upstairs. HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon seta 5c yard. 1006 Broadway bldg. THE GLAD SHOP Dressmaking, remodel ing. 1001 Bdwy. bldg. Main 5354. DRESSMAKING, plain sewing. $2.50. Phone Sellwood 35B. MIDDLE-AGED practical nurse wishes maternity cases, country preferred. Fflong Tabor a- ant, ah press ijjw iamniu. WANTED By trustworthy capable lady for convalescent, city reefrences. Mar. 3342, room 5. NURSE w'shes few more cases: will do the housework ; reasonable term; ref s. Ta bor 1526. PRACTICAL male nurse, fully capable, will take care of sick day or night. Phone Tabor 2908 ' , NURSE will care for patient In her own home: dipt a specialty. Call Tabor 5733. DEPENDABLE woman will care for. sick I by day; references. Mar. 3038. Housekeepers. WOMAN with boy 2 k years of age wishes position a housekeeper, modern home; no objection to 1 or 2 children; mod erate wages. Phone Mar. 4001 or write 414 Market st. RESPECTABLE lady. 85 years, will keep house for respectable widower with one child ; excellent cook and nurse for home. B 239. Oregonlan. SELF respecting reliable woman, with two children, desiring good home. Will keep house for gentleman. Address, lion E. 25th st. N. IMMEDIATELY, light housework, plain. adults only, z men ; am rename, trust worthy, f3 week; would leave city. BD 236. Oregonlan A POSITION as housekeeper for men or man with children; i am miuaie-aged, good cook, beet of references. Tabor 5386. RESPECTABLE elderly woman wants housekeeping In widowers home lor small wages; give phone number. R 227, Oregonlan. HOUSEWORK wanted by experienced young woman by hour or day. Phone Main 1623, room 61. . HOUSEKEEPING wanted by neat, econ omizing Norwegian lady; good cook; city references. Marshall 3342, room 5. HOUSEKEEPER, companion to elderly woman; good nome. frast iitws. REFINED girl of 18 will care for chil dren and assist with nouseworK in gooa home. Main 8'HV, room 1.' COMPETENT young woman wants house work, some evenings off. Ref. E 8492. EXPERIENCED cook, private fa-mily, ft- r A. M. Bdwy. Houner leaning. HOUSECLEANING Expert white and Ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, win ' down washed. ; CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE, 188 Chapman St. Phone Main 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleanlng, floor waxing and vacdum cleaning: estimates cheerfully given ; best of references. WANTED TO RENT. FOUR or 5-room modern apartment or flat. With fireplace; west side, close In. Main 7560. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of deslrnble furnished and unfurnished houses, apart ments and flats, wlrn definite informa tion pertaining to each; sleeping rooms. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value In helping them get properly and quickly located. , Eighth Floor. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us; quick results and good tenants PACKING, MOVING, STORAGE, LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 53 Fourth St. Opp. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. WANTED MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE BT COLT LG W 1 I'H tiKJX o YEARS OLD; GOOD REFERENCE. CALL WM. SPEAS. CORNELIUS HO TEL. FIVE or six-room unfurnished, modern house, east side, between Ntntn ana i.un sts and Morrison and Oregon sts. Phono East 5240 or Ea.t 2153. WANTED To rent 5-room modern house by responsible Japan-ese business man , state prUe and location. AH 231, Ore- gonlan. COUPLE want small furnished cottage; must be reasonaoie. rv ureyonian. WANTED Furnished room and bath In desirable apartment. Phone Automatic 527-31 after 9 A. M. Room' With Board. GENTLEMAN wants room and board, give price. AJ oregonian. Business Places. WANTED Someone to build a concrete or brick building, soxiiHj, one rioor, long lease. Phone Automatic 230-81. FOR RENT. CALL AT T. M. C. A. to see free list of moderately price- rooms ior young men In all parts of the city. Including rooms at the central Y. M. CL A. with tele phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities; Furnirftie- Rooms. HOTEL Buckingham, under new manage ment. 6r2 wasningion si. aioarn. pri vate baths; free phone; reasonable rates. $3.50 week up. Main 81. EUCLID HOTEL. 578 Washington at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private baths. Rates to permanent guests. Bdwy. 262. VEMY light, airy room, suitable for 1 or 2. In modern private nome. west sia. right downtown; no other roomers. Mar. 1 MMV . WANT a girl between 16 and 18 years of age for companion: a neat ana attrac tive good girl; small room rent. Sel. 3165 LARGE, desirable front room, suitable two; 5 blKs. to neart or city, wi Broadway. Marshall 5074. BUSH MARK. Wash, st., cor. 17th; clean. modern steam heatea i ana -'-room apta, also sleeping rooms; reasonable. HOTEL TAIT. 12th and 8tark Changed hands, rate it per aay, wa. so up; pri vate bath. $9 up: all outside rooms. HOTEL OCKLEY, Morrison St., at 10th $1 day, weekly sa ana up. rree phone and baths; light and slry. Steam heat. ARTHUR HOTEL, itO Eleventh St., near Morrison lean ana moaern rooms oy day. week or month at reasonable rats. NEW PERKINS Htl'EL, Washington and Fifth Street Special permanent ratea NICELY furnished rooms, phone and bath. close in. very aesiraoie. 14 th Auto. 521-64. MARLYN HOTEL, 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, moaern rooms by day, w e ek or month; ratea reduced. 60c DAY. $2.50 'WEEK up; clean, baths free. Hotel laainac. aa. near Jefferson. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 708 WASH. ST. Rooms with private bath. Marshall oi7J. NICE room, very clo-e in. west side, $3.7; week. Auin. .i.vj-.-i. NICELY furnished sleeping room for lady, Mose in. 14 I -t n st. .Main BEDROOM with kitchenette, $4.50 pr week. 37 xaica lxsou FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT. Room for rent to refined young busi ness man, about 25 years old. share lovely outside suite with business man of good standing: aleo 2 refined business girls can share a loveiy apartment with ' 2 ladies. $20 each. Including light, gas and heat. 16 St. Clair St.. cor. Waah. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET. DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 81.25 PER DAY, $ PER WTK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST.. AT WASHINGTON. Rates $1 day; week. 85 up; private bath, $8 up; fireproof and clean; close to business center. ----. HOTEL HARRISON. - ROOMS 82 WEEK. Clean furnished rms., steam heat, hot water, bath, etc., S5c and 50a per night; 5-story brick. 403 Front, cor. Harrison. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st.. at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusements and shopping center. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, -attractive lobby with fire- place. Special rat? to permanent guest WASHINGTON HOTEL 12TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Attractive rooms and suites at reason able rate by week or month. THE ST. PAUL, 130 4th st.. corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates 75c up. Private bath $2, Special rates by week or month. HOTEL CONRADINE. 22 North 10th St.. 2 blocks north of Washington st ; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. HOTEL RAMAPO. 14;h and Washington. New management, newly furnished, at tractive weekly and monthly rates. LARRABEE HOTEL, modern, well kept rooms, reasonable. Larrabee and Holla- day avenue. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. CONGENIAL young man wishes room mate, $3.50 per k. ; twin beds, parlor, piano and home privileges; 8 minutes' walk from Meier &. Frank. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721. LARGE, light front room In modern wes; side home, walking distance or car service; no children; mouerate rent, phone privilege; furnace heat. 770 Hoyt St. Phone Main 7Ml3. ROOM In private home, steam heated, favorably located in first-class apart ment near 23d and Washington; gentle men preferred. Mar. 1H50. LARGE front sleeping room with tele phone aiid privilege of -bath; walking distance. 311 X. luth at. Phone Bdwy. 2037. $12 NICE, clean room, furnace beat. eiec. light, phone and bath; good home, good location. 254 N 24th St., cor. Northrup. Mar. 1 6i0. WEST SIDE, nicely furnished room, fur fjiace heat, hot and cold water, home privileges; 1980. walking distance. Marsh. WELL-FURNISHED room, modern, steam heat, hot water, close ln 307 11th street. Apt. E. Mar. 481. NICfciLV furnished room in a private mod ern Irving ton home, for business man; references. East 6422. CLOSE-IN, very desirable well-heated room with breakfast. A real comfort able home. 409 Clay St. Main 2228. WELL furnished room with kitchen priv ileges for two girls. 551 Taylor St., eve nlngs. IN OWNER'S home, single sleeping room; plenty of heat; 1 block central library. 215 11th st.. corner Salmon. Main j678. DESIRABLE sleeping room, $10 month; walking distance; clean young man de sired. 409 East fturn'lde bI. CLEAN, neatly furnished room; refined home; lots of hot water; easy walking distance. 215 14th st- NICELY furnitfhea sleeping rooms, tejn heat, hot and cold water, reasonable. 269 hk Mh st. ROOM and board in modern home ; hot water heat: Walnut Park. Wdln. 4796. 1RVINGTON, nice, comfortable room for young man, home privileges. East 4454. SLEEPING room with garage- 675 Flan ders .Bdwy265JJafte33 HOMELIKE, light, clean, sleeping room; walking distance: $18. 14s N. 24th st. Rooms With Boara. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. . CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, ' 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with- or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. WHITEHALL residential hotel, 6th and Madison ts. "Mother cooks the meals." We cater to transients; rooms single and en suite; modern: for business men and women and families; reasonable rates. Portland's downtown hotel. NORTONIA HOTEL. Portland's downtowu high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you a!l the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. JEANNE d ARC. Rooms, well heated, hot and cold water, for business women; rent them now by day, week or month, $2 to $10 a week; board $5 a week ; meals to transients. 265 14rh st. Main 3429. THE SOULE Sunday cnicken dinner 75c: week days 50c; all you can eat; like mother cooked. 191 11th. DESIRABLE rooms, witli board, clean nd homelike, 2 blocks Bdwy. car; fin meals reasonable. E-ast 6154. 335 Halsv. ROOM iFnd board lot buainea girls; all modern conveniences ; walking distance; $5 per wek. Amo. 219-74. 12 E. 7th at FIRST-CLASS room and board, home In every respect. 738 Johnson. Main 3796. RHmM With Hoard in Private Family. FRONT room, sleeping porch, twin beds, home cooking, walking distance, west side; also 1 room, unfurnished cottage, suitable for housekeeping or sleeping, occupant to do janitor work; references required. Bdwy. 4633. i NICE, pleasant front room with 2 brand new twin beds, for 2 gentlemen, per manently employed ; furnace heat, close in. on west side; price right. Auto. 319-36; . LARGE, airy front room, suitable for 1 or 2, walking distance down town ; good home cooking ; must be seen to be ap preciated; modern in every way. East 4433 or call 358 Larrabee. WANTED To hear from two gentlemen or married couple who would appre ciate a nice homo: no other boarders; garagq to rent. East 8833. WANTED Two men for' nice room at $1 per day for 3 meals; just off living room with fireplace; right in town. Call Broadway 372. NICELY furnished well-heated front room with board. Home cooking and privileges. Suitable for 2; walking distance. 741 Gllsan. VERY large pleaaant front room with board, also single room, furnace heat, walking distance, close to car, reasonable. Phone East ",V3. ROOM and board for couple or 2 gentle men who will appreciate a good home; piano and every convenience that makes i HI 1 1 J'JTik & Iltlllic tunu'ii lauic. utii. ,tv. INFANTS' nurse winhs babies to board in private nome; sanitary, scientific care : reasonable terms. 1O05 Hawthorne ave. Auto. 231-25. . ROuii and board in beautiful Irvington home, gentlemen preferred, a real home to the right party. East 2347. EXCELLENT room and board. Rose City Park, near car line; all some comforts; price reasonable. Tabor ioi. LaRGE, warm room, suitable tor two; s real home for home people; close in. . East 8445. ATTRACTIVE room with home privileges for young people; excellent board, walk ing distance, splendid location. East 156. DESIRABLE weli-lurninhed front room with board ; modern: suitable for two; excellent location. East 5715. CLEAN comfortable room with good board, home privileges for young people em- ploven. Fill. 22Q3. GENTLEMEN wishing room and bbard in private home and use of garage, call Tabor 1283. ROOM and board in comfortable home, a young man employed In Sellwood. Sell. 2203. CLEAN, board furnished rooms, with or without west side. Main 1S39. PRIVATE home for children; experience. 714 Everett st. 20 years' Mar. 2162. LARGE front room In a modern home suit able for two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. GOOD board and room, home privileges. 18th and Johnson. Bdwy. 1963. WILL board 2 children reasonable., school age or younger. Sell. 362. PLEASANT. well-furnished room with good board. 703 Flanderg Main 1S'3. NICE home for little boy 1 to 5 years; no other children. Main 76'8. TABLE board for 2 young ladies, reasonable at 468 Market st. Main very 5923. BEST care month. for child 2 5514 O'tth st. to 5 years; S- E. Auto. $18 a 623-19. ROOM and board. $30 month. 11th. East 8034. Furnished A part men t a. LUZERNE APARTMENTS, rm.. fur., apt., with hath. Mar 3070. THE GRAND OAK apts.; one 3-roora furn. apt.; strictly modern. East 3302. THE CH ELTENH AM Attractive 4 apt, 19th and Northrup. Bdwy. room 8658. UNION AVE. and K ilingsworth , fur. apt., $24.50 ; all complete: concrete building. 16 DAYS' STORAGE FREE, lioving for leas. Fb&ae Bdwy. 244$. FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia St a Five minutes' walk to Meter 4 Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta. out side and French doors and balcony; por nianent and transient. ROOM In high-class apt. house, lovely room, well furnished; also a suite, for refined lady or gentleman; lots of heat; reference required. 166 St. Clair at.. corner Washington. FINE RESIDENT AL SECTION. 193 ST. CLAIR. $37.50. artistically furnished, 3-room apt. Light, heat, phone included In rent. Main 3816. GRAND EST A APTS. - Nifty S-rm. apt., private bath, auto matic elevator, modern steam heated, brwk bldg-all conveniences from $40 up. 68 Grand ave.. cor. St a rk. East li37. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 2 rms., furn., hardwood floors, ele vator, strictly modern. all outside; walking distance. 3b6 3d st., cor. Moot- gomery KING'S HILL APTS. High-grade furniture, living room, bed room with bath, dining room and kitch en; adults. Main 5126. 2 LARGE rooms, weil furnished, rent $28, Including heat, light, gas, phone; 1 block to car. 585 Commercial, near Emanuel hospital. THE E LM WOOD. Strictly first-clas 2 and 3-room apart ment, $"5 up; .also single housekeeping room adjoining hath. 415-10: Main fWHt. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon. 2. 3 and 4 room apta.; permanent or transient: also single rooms. Main 6641. LARGE, light, clean, well furnished house keeping apartments, close to Washing ton and Benson schools. 20 East 15th, corner of Ash. NEW FURNISHED 2-rm. apt., $25; S-rm. apt., $28 ; everything except gas and wood furnished; walking distance. Sell 1748. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and 8-room furnished, strictly mod em, tile baths, elevator. 11th and Mont gomery. Main 319. ,BONNIE BRAE. 8-room corner apt., newly renovated ; reasonable rent; adults Irvington. 11th and Hancock. CHKTOPA APTS. Nice, light three-room apartment with ewt and south facing; this Is to be appreciated during winter months Call llmadwnv 4936. BEAUTIFUL front room, furnishpd or un furnished; private home, walking dis tance; home privileges. Broadway 4425. 627 Lovejoy. PARTLY furnished 3-room apt., new and clean, with or without garage. Rose City or Montavllla. car. East 8469. 29 E. 18th ptreet N. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2. 8 AND 4-ROOOM APTS. sTRICTLY modern. 5 rooms and sleeping porch ; steam heat 931 Thurman st. Marshall 4079. WANT 2 nurses to share large apt.; very fine and reasonable. 166 St. Clair. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity place 4-room apt., ail outside rooms. Marshall 195Q. Call apt. 6. NEATLY furn. i bath, furnace East 8031. pt., electric tights, phone, heat, 327 Clackamas st. H ADDON HALL, 11TH AND HALL. Three rooms, kitchenette and bath. Hardwood floors and balcony. LARGE, light, clean steam-he a ted 2 and 3-room apartments; adults only. 890 Savler. corner 20th st. Main 701 FIRST-CLASS 3-room furnished apartment, close In, $.0. including telephone; imme dlate" possession. E 250. Oregon la n. ALICE COURT, coxy 2 and 8 rooms. Dutch kitchen, fireplace, bath, phone. 2 beds. East 8th and Burnslde. East 3506. 3-ROOM furnished apartment; private bath, laundry trpys, $40 per month. E. 61 92 4-ROOM apartment, mahogany furniture, piano. Irving apartments, 21st Irving. Main 9239. A RDM AY TERRACE, 395 12th St., large f ron t. t wp-room apt.. $V0. FOR R EN T 2-room EM 7939. furnished apt. Call GOOD, clean, heated, furnished apartment or sleeping rooms. Call East 8820. NICELY furnished apts. In Irvington dis trict. 769 East Broadway. 3-ROOM furnished flat. Price $32.50. 550 Mill street. 3-ROOM apt.; J Phone 856 Ea team hea t 6th N. t. private bath. Wood '.awn 4971. CARLOIS APTS. 2-rm. modern fur. apt. reasonable. 14th and Market. I nfurnihlied Apmrtnifiuo. WICK ERSH AM. 18th and Flanders 6 room apts.. unfurnished ; large, light, airy rooms; excellent service; references. Ph-nn Bdwv 2201. HANTHORN APARTMENTS. Very desirable unfurnished 3-room apartment with 2 disappearing beds. suitable for 3 or 4 people. 251 12th st. CHBTOtFA APTS. Four -rooms and bath, located in front on second Moor: newly tinted and painted, kus range and Ice box furnished. Call Broadway 4936. SIX ROOMS, modern, steam-heated apart ment ; hard'wood floors, sleeping porch, high-4cILSS district; west side. East l3n. CINCINNATI court, 2 and 4-room apart ments, steam heat, bath, hoc and cold water; rents reasonable. 401 10th st. e Main 2480. STEVEN'8 APTS., 791 NORTHRUP. Six large outside rooms; heat, flre place, sleeping porches. Call Main 9358. LOWER 4-room apartment, light, hot wa ter heat, modern. 724 East Burnslde; $.0. Est 4075. 5-ROOM modern steam-heated apt., sleep ing porch, near Montgomery Ward Co., 931 Thurman sr. Marshall 4079. ONE 5-ROOM unfurnished apt. The Wll mar. cor. Lucretia and Everett. Main 5164. IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 8 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ed, close In; adults. Broadway 2761. HARK1MAN APTS., 164 24th St. N. Very deslrabie 4-room apt , 8d floor, $65 and $55; adu 1 ts only, references. THE AMERICAN, modern 6-room apart ment. Bd wy. 3360 GARFIELD. 4 rooms, like bungalow, hwd. fl.. steam heat. 801 Failing. CLAYPOOL APTS. 3 rooms, unfurnished, 2 beds: adults. 424 Clay at. 3' ROOMYS, toilet and bath, unfurnished. Marshall 4761. Kurnihhrd or Unfurnished Apartments. 2-ROOM apartment with bath and large dressing room, walking distance. Chap man apts.. 3.V Chapman at. ROSE CITY PARK. Modern duplex house, partly furnished; garage. Tthor 39 4Q. Flats. LARG E 5-room flat, furnace, fireplace, modern, fine location, elope In on east sid'e, on car line and paved street. Rent only $27.50 yer month (no children . Furnishings for sale by Calef Bros., 08 and 70 5th st. Easy terms and at a big sacrifice. Bargain. Call at store, we will take you out and show you name. 6-KOOM lower f.at. furnished or unf ur nlshed, will sell furniture; open 10 to 4 P. M. 828 Park st. Bdwy. 4451. UPPER ilat, attractive 6 rooms. 572 E Salmon, between 13th and 14th. Adults. $50. FIVE large, beautiful rooms and bath Dutch kitchen; good location; $30. adults. 1062 E. 18th st. North. FOR RENT Lower flat; 6 rooms nd sleeping porch; modern. 691 Everett, Phone East 8. MODERN 3 or 4 rooms near Ladd school. rail Main 3744. ' 8-ROOM lower William ave. flat: 2 carllne. 2 Going st.. East 4316 4-ROOM upper flat to rent. $20. Ganfnbein ave. Tabor S35g. 622 Furnished FlwtH. COZY four-room, cor. new flat; walking distance; $35. Six-room flat, velvet carpets, fireplace, etc., $50. 444 Rod ney ave WIDOW wishes to share her furnished 3 room flat with congenial couple, $18 month. 265 4 Larrabee st. LIGHT, tion; 671 U sunny 4-room flat; choice loca walking distance, close to car. Belmont. East 5520. SMALL, clean, modern ilat with telephone and garage; adults; reasonable. Wdln. 3219. ARTISTIC well furnished modern bunga low flat, lawn, porches, garage, phone. 5004 33d ave. Auto. 616-73. 3-ROOM modern lower flat at 820 Vaughn at., near Montgomery Ward; adults; $25. CaPl 745H Roo?evelt St.. Marshall 3719. 5-ROOM flat, 54 7 6th at., with piano, nice ly fnrnie hed. Telephone Dr. Emmet Drake, Main 8392. 4-ROOM fiat, well furnished, $35 per month, fuel and bedding for sale reason able. 167 East 29th st. 6ROOM well furnished flat, newly tinted and cleaned ; sewing machine, $32. 670 Kerby st. woodlawn 3iw THREE-ROOM modem furnished Ilat; no children. 504 E. 22d st. 4-ROOM, modern, nicely furnished fla-t. 616 Commercial st. Phone 310-01. 4-ROOM flat sale cheap. to rent and furniture for Call mornings, 32 4 3d st. 6-ROOM furnished Hat for rent, wem side, close in. Broadway 87fi. 3-ROOM furnished flat. Price $32.50. 550 Mill street. 4-ROOM lower flat, close In. east side. East Housekeeping Rooms. TWO ROOMS and sleeping room, free lights ana water, pnoae. i rtaso. FOR KENT. Housekeeping Rooms. 2 H. K. ROOMS. $5 per wk. : large h. k room, $4 50; small h. k. room. $3.50; all newly tinted, in nice, quiet place; heat. UghtA. phone and water furnished. 321 N. 19th. cor. Quimby. ' FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric lighti. team heat, five minutes' walk ot town 2tfl Columbia, near Fifth. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 2 singles. 1 suite. 1 large front room with kitchen ette, steam heat, free bath, phone, light and water, walking distance. Phone Broadway 2449. 656 Gllsan st. TWO NICE, large front rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, ateum heated. Kss, electricity ; also sleeping rooms and board If desired. K-a.st 8551. WELL-FURNISHED 2-room h. k. apart ment, hot and cold water, good heat, free lights; nice place, $27.50 a month; no children. 5o7 Clay st., near 15th. COZY FRONT APT., $25 MONTH: 2 PEO PLE EMPLOYED; REFINED FAMILY. 530 DAVIS. NO CHILDREN. CALL AF TERNOON. . THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $15 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room LARGE, light, clean well rurmahed house keeping close to Wash, and Benson schools. 2i E. 15th. cornor of Aah. NICELY furnished h. k. rooms, reasonable, 1. 2, 8-room apts. 194 Lownsdale, cor. Taylor. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, newly tinted, private entrance. 281 Larrabee. THREE rooms and pantry, separate 'en trance, electric lights, wood ran go and sink. clXie in. $3. 430 Jefferson. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for bachelors. $1.50 to $2.50 w. k. 20O N. 1th st. 3 PARTLY furnished h. k. rooms, ground floor. 3 blocks off Washington st. S3 N. 17th st. LARGE front room with kitchen, also sin gle housekeeping rooms. 235 11th st. ' SINGLE steam-heated h. k. rooms, $12 per month and up. 147 13th wt 2 ROOMS. $3 week up. linen, lights, water, bath. 208 Washington st. FURNISHED DOWNTOWN H. K. room. cheap rent. 258 Vt Wayh., cor. 8d. NEWLY furnished sleeping and light housekeeping; good heat. 585 Marshall. 3-ROoM furnished housekeeping nient. 16 pr week. 350 14th st. WELL furn single housekeeping rin. No. 9 E. 7th. Enst 37-08. SINGLE h. k.; steam heaU sink; $15 mo. Lawn apts.. oa N. iMn. H. K. ROOMS. 2 beds, heat, eUctrialty; gas; front rood, first floor. 58 Davis. Housekeeping Rooms in iriTHie Family. THREE large outside rooms beautifully furnished ; targe private bath, large porch, all clean and well lighted; elec tricity, heat, water, phone; tenant fur n ish own linen and silver : employed couple preferred : $0 per month. 800 Union ave.. near B''ftrh. $18 NICE, clean, fully furnished 8-room h. k. suite, west side; second floor walking distance: good neighbors; laun dry privileges; yard. 184 Vi Porter st. See Mrs. Fay. Phone Sellwood imu. NICE, clean, well heated 2-room, modern furnished h. k. apartment, every con venience for laundering; phone, light; reasonable rent: adults only. osit K. Asn. corner 15th. 1 block off Montavllla csr. NICE front furnished housekeeping or sleeping room; steam heat. Nurse ladv Dreferred. On Washington, near King. Marsh. 3759 4 BEST furntahed h. k. rooms with bath for the price, including water. llht and gas for cooking; adults. 898 Wlliltm. avenue. TWO hoiiKMkeenintf rooms. modern. car line, close in; light, heat, bath and phone; no children. 514 Clinton, corner TMh st. yen woon m v ONE LARGE slnKle housekeeping room. suitable for 2. Including light, heat, gas and phone. Bdwy. 3124 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms, gas range, well heated ; also front attic room, modern home. . 4tn st WELL furninhed 8-room h. k, apt., mod em, 4 blk. to Alberta car; adults. 1007 E. 19th st. N. 2-ROOM H. K. suite: hot and cold water In rooms: orivate bath and furnace heat newly tinted. 30 Chapman, corner Mill HOUSEKEEPING rooma with or without garage ; furnace heat. aMi W eldler. 3 MODERN housekeeping rooms. CT5 Flanders. Bdwy. 2654. after 3:30 o'clock FINEST h. k., light, bath and heat free. 95 K. 12th t. $lh 2 CLEAN, airy furnished h. k. roonu sink, phone: adults. 6S7 E. Morrison s JEFFERSON APTS., .2-rm. ferson st.. cor. 5th st. apt., 3tt5s Jt'f STEAM heated h. k. room for one person, $3 per week. 445 Columbia st. Houses. KASTMORELAND. -room modern colonial bungalow facing municipal golf links, hardwood floors throughout, all bullt-lns. inlaid linoleum, aaa ranee. Hoosier cabinet, tile bath. Gasco furnace, automatic water heater, full cement basement, laundry trays, garage; rent $5. 1490 Crystal Springs blvd. Phone Main 8096. PIANOS muted. $3; st-irs extra, $1 each fllirht: 30 driVK' free storage on all household g'ods; furniture moving; one ton truck. $2 per hour; large truck, $2 75 per hour; we are experienced ana nave good pack I n g. Ja 1 1 nroaa way i.-vi. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co., 104 N Mn st. Op-n Sundays and evenings. FOUR-RM. natty house. 43d ft.. paved sis. eiec. lights, etc. $20 month. Six -room furnished house, $0o. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO. REALTORS. 410 Henrv Bldg. Bdwy. 4751. 10-ROOM house on hard-surfaced road; modern In every way; two aouDie ga rases : 2 blocks from car line and ! blocas from Stark street. A. P. Potts, 1980 East Stark. Phone Tabor 300. BEAUTIFUL 8-room house on Portland Heights; hot-air furnace, electric range in kitcnen; -o. METZGF. R-PARKER CO., 269 Onk St. NEW 4-ROOM bungalow with bath, on Mississippi ave.. In Kenton district. Will lease to responsible party. J 210, Ore gonlan. A FAIR house with 2 acres of land, barn and chicken house, suitable for amall chicken ranch; 10 minutes' walk for Jefferson street car. Mar. 5903. FOR RENT Nice 6-room house with mod. ern conveniences, close In; garage If wanted: $45 per month. Call 747 East Burnslde st CALL BP.OADWAY 580 FOR NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC CO LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. ONE 10-ROOM. one 7-room house for rent to -ether or se oar ate. suitable for room and board, close In. west side, one house re a dy to move in. v 'J-'. regonian. 566 E. ASH ST. Large 6-room house, hot water heat, furnished from a central heating plant; near Washington high school; references: garage. U-ROOM house, sleeping porch, garage fruit, nice yard; will lease. $40 a month, W. W. Sabln, Realtors, 1032 Union ave, Woodlawn 59. J-ROOM modern bungalow, Irvington. to party buying equity In new furniture E. 2347. S-RM. modern house, walking distance. Fine neighborhood. 70 Lucretia st. In auire Wakefield. Fries & Co.. 85 4th st. STRICTLY modern bungalow, dt-lrab!e district, reasonable to party buying most furniture. Tabor 2li4. 5-ROOM co-y home, furnace, etc., 24 blocks from car; rent $35. 652 Spokane avenue. Sellwood. MODERN bungalow: furnace, fireplace reference; $45. 954 Vancouver ave Woodlawn 190 5-ROOM house. ks.'i U Thurman st.. near 27th. $15, street. Wakefield, Fries & Co. 85 4th MoYiNG rianoa. furniture ana long-di-tance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Se rvlce Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ing for less. Broadway 2445. C-ROOM house on Portland Heights, near car and school, $40. 585 Myrtle st. Call afternoon between 2 and 4. WHEN moving, city or country, get ths best at owest price. Green Transisr Co. Main 1201. 202 Vj Alderst 6-ROOM house for rent. Inquire at Pnszus Pharmacy, 1258-1260 Greeley at., cor. of A Ins worth ave. $27.50 7 ROOMS and tee ping porch, cor. Kelly and Gaines, west 'side; full base ment ;good 3-ROOM modern cottage. 742 Montana ave., rent o per mo. tiu ui oacra mento at East 8809. 5-ROOM bungalow with bath, Kenton dis trict. $23. Sayler E. Smith. 318 Ry. Exch. bldg Mir. 27. THREE-ROOM house near Kenton and Peninsula school, $11.50 per mo. Call Auto. 621-50. MODERN 5-room bungalow for rent, good district. Mnln 2t'.2 Wed, and Thursday. FOR KENT 40th South. rooms, new bungaiow, Et :.r4 3d. Madison. 6-ROOM houHe. all modern. 394 E. 6th st., corner Lincoln. FOR RENT Modern 5-room bungalow, for adults only. 101 Halrey H. ROSE CITY PARK, new bungalow. Mnctly modern. Garage. Tabor 723S. 8-ROOM house. 2502 E. 7 1st at.. Division. Apply 130 8th st. 7-ROOM hotr-e; will give leajne. Phone Marshall 8381. MODERN 7-room house. 20th and East Taylor. East 4178. - 5-RoOM. comforta-ble house, with, or out parage, 600 E. Yamhill, FOR RF.NT. Iloun-n. EASTMORELAND. S-rnom hou. and rarsge near Reed college: owner leaving city, will lease for one year. LADD ESTATE COMPANY. 2400 Stark St. 1. 1 1'l; V.1.U I TlST HOME Owner leaving will give responsible party years lease on modern, nu-ei. tut ninherf "-ilnrv H-room home In most ex elusive section, near car and park; large rooms, old ivory finish. Frencn noor-, -un nrl hrMnkfair rnnm 4 bedrooms and sleeping porch. 2 fireplaces. $110. See R. H. Torrey. 193 f loral ave. iaoor FOR RENT Modern 7-room house; East 20t h and Taylor Enst 4178. urniihed llouwe. 5-ROOM FLAT, excellent furniture. In cluding piano: sacrifice at 5m; reason able rent. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGl'IKK, 245 Ablngton HIdg. Main 1068. Third t. bet. Ystv nnd tstarK BEAUT1 FUL eight-rm. houtte In Ladd addition, nicielv furnished ; piano: thor oughly modern; large double sleeping Korch: eusv walking distance, van an-r P.- M . East .V.so. HANDSOMELY APPOINTED MOD E R N H O M E. ATTRACTIVE LOCATION. LEASE SIN MONTHS OR LONGER; REFERENCES REQUIRED. MAIN 4711. 5-ROOM modern furnished cottage, Mt. Scott district ; bath, gas range, pluno. 2 blocks from Car and 5 blocks from school. For details call Auto. 642-40. FOR RENT 7-roitm furnished house, com plete, piano and electric was her. to re sponsible party, $40. 7403 ftuth ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car. ABSOLUTELY can 7-room , rurnlhd house, strtctlv modern, close in. went side, to private family; $70. References. Marshall 2016. - WILL rent my nicely-furnished home In Woodstock, very reasonable to responsi ble famllv of adults. Auto. wrt8-!. 3-ROOM modern furnished lower duplex house. 479 K 10th St., corner Division, $3 Kant 5235 C?nse In. 6-ROt M house, modern In ail respects, fruits and flowers. Call Wdln. 483 be t we n 10 and 5. LOWER halt of H-room furnished house; good location. 354 Fremont; ta.ke Union ave. car , . $rtu BEAUTIFUL 5-room modern bungalow, all Ivory finish. 1 blk. from car. Close In. Fast 13"! ;OTTAGE for rent, 8-1, E. Ash, corner 20th 7-ROOM furnished modern home, Ladd a add It ton. Tabor 6337 . $30 4-ROOM bungalow, piano, suburban. MrFarland. realtor, 208 Falling bldg. $4,1 MOD house, nicely fur ; piano, ga rage. 7107 4Mb ave. Mount Scott car. BEAUTIFULLY f nished. modern, In house, $40. Fftone Fast 6048. llou nm for ft em r limit tire for Hals. AM LEAVING town, must sell my fur niture nt once. 6-room modern house, rent $35. Income $30. See my agent. F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRR. 205 Ablngton Bldg Main 1068. Third St. bet. Wflh. and Stark. 5-ROOM houne for rent, furniture can b bought for $275; ynu can make money on this. Cull 225 Montgomery sj. 6-HOM flat for rnt. furniture for aa.e. $;!73. Fine location to rent rooms. 143Vi nth st. 5-R. HOUSE, $16 per mo.; close in, W. S. ; furniture for sale reasonable. 388 1st st. Main 7206. SNAP Furniture modern 7-room flat. $530; walking distance. 546 Kearney st. Stores an d Bus I n e n Places. FOR KENT. Store room 25x50, close In, on east side; long lease, $23. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. .McGUIRR. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Main 1068. Third St. bet. Wash, and Stark. DRUGS OR MERCHANDISE. New building, fine corner, mile from other druggist. Kenton car turns here, over 4O0 families; building fast; Lom bard street: corner AlMna ave. Owner. Automatic phone 311-75. FINE light top noor YiOxlOU, long lease; N. W, .team heat, good elevator. D. C. Wax. 24 N 5th. Bdwy. 2730 FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof ware house phone Broadway 8715. FINE light floor. 50x100; long lease; cheap rent. Wax. 24 North Fifth. FINE light fioor, 3ttxlno; long lease: cheap rent. Wax. 24 North rtfih. Offices. wrntTK YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated ofrices. single T In suites, central office building In financial section of city, low rentals. See Donald U- Woodward, agent, 104 Second street, corner Stark. t DESK room with telephone and stene g ra phlc service. Pho n el t awy. 371 5 FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ex change bid. Apply rnm 312 . OFFICE anl reception room fur rent, oil Northwestern Bank Mdg. DEK r for rent at 425 Cham, of Reasonable. . m. HIdg. MlMcelliuieouft. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one week, Monday to Monday. $1.23. Includes de liver'. FT L. Knight Co. Bdwy. 14.1 FOR RENT Fine toned R. S Howard piano to ronponsiblo party; reasonable. Tahor 8!tO m MANCHESTER Hall for rent; private parties; meetings. Bdwy. 3500 BUSIVFSS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSY APARTMENT HilSK GROCERY. Doing $5)1 to $60 ca h h and carry daily; rent $3250 : lease ; Urge living room ; price $225(1 and a good buy. The whole sule houfps recommend thi store highly SIMMS. Ol't H-nry Bldg- HO YOU WANT TO START IN BUSI NESS AND NEED A PARTNER WITH SOME CASH? SEE US. c TTi.nirH A CO. 602 Stork Exchange Bldg. EX PER I ENCKD mill and grain man. It your plant is Idle we can show you how to opt rate at a profit; or. If operating, how to Increase, the dividends, from the manaictng end. Address Mill Manager, AV 50. Oregonian I A It 4 .N II, it rt i c w. In real estate firm, well established, doing good business"; very little capital required but want part ier with energy Phono evenings. Sellwood .'tC.J't. GARAGE PARTNERSHIP. Owner of big-paying garage and re pair shop will sell Interest to a reliable repair man; $1500 required. 511 Railway xcnng t I v i 1 1 I'ol'NTl'.R Brand new; Just the place for ma and wife, and onlv $.M0. G. C. ULRICH A CO.. 6"2 Sr-if-k Exchange Bldg. AIT HOl SE AND GROCERY. 24-room apt. house: 12 rooms fur nished; 2 store rooms and grocery stock; dundy location : $;t0KI ; lease; no agent. K 242. rtgonmn YOU ARE IN THE MARKET FOR NEW DOUGH MIXFRS. SEE US. PR fClSS HAVE BEEN R1CDUCED. P. O BK 3203 OR 4- FRONT ST., PORT- ATT). CON F ECTIONF.RY AND GROCERY $300. Good location, doing nlc- business, rent $10 with living rooms, nener ion uim ever as It won't last long. 514 RAILWAY KXi rl HMw. HAVE a oid in In e Wo r oU, Coin and s-e! Restaurant own -rfalck. make an offer. Verv reasonable. Close in. S-e Mr Buholt 517 Chnmher of Com, hldg IF YU HAVE 1 300 and want to gin into a buslnea tnat win maae ynu month, see my ant at HM STOCK EXCHANGE BLDG HAVE tvlent wanting furniture of apart ment up to IMHin: musi ne priren rigm BOOKHOl.D PROS. REALTORS, 01 Swetland H:dg. GROCERY AT INVOICE. 8 living rooms, doing good business; rent $25; A-l location. 514 RAILWAY ECH. BLrWi. CONFECTIONERY and light groceries. next to picture tnear-r; rem .; .- will handle. Room 511 Railway Ex change. CONFECTIONERY, restaurant and card room. Average '" uhj. io rem. kwuw location; $1500. half cash. See Grge, 24s St n rk st GARAGE HEADQUARTERS. See our list before buying ; we have nome good ones. Room 511 Railway Ex change ONE OF THE best cigar stnd In the city. $25ot: a very special price. oon't miss this one. Mr. Uuholt, 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg. W ELL- EST A Bi.lSH El. Paving grain and feed business in tne wi.mmeue vaiiey. Address D 2:10. Oregonlan. GOOD. ' c.ean. well equipped restaurant. downtown; rent oniy ie tor your self: $1000. 3ol Cham, of Com. REST At-' H A NT, card room, cigars, tobacco and soft drinks. 27 North First: rent $35: 2yar lease. CLEANING, pressing. high -class trade ; lease ; Hoffman press; equipment worth H0Q0- $nQ0 takes. 3QQ Cham, of Com. -YEAR lease, grocery store, for rent; 0 living rooms; 1X5 month. See George, 24S Stark st. Main 5420. IF YOU want to eell your business, any kind, for quick results, see Morris, 24S Stark M. CLEANING and pressing establishment. Call 35." Couch st. P roadway 2oi . GOOD location for vulcanizing shop, down town, cheap rent. 201 W. Paxk. nrsiNFss oproRTrxiTirw. SURETY INVKSTMENt CO., 310-1 1 Pin uiui Bldg.. PorUat. .. Oregon. SURETY - PARTNERSHIP Here's a splendid opportunity for a capable man to buy equal half Interest in one of the bet Ford accessory man ufacturing business in Port land ; do ing extensive business throughout the IT, S. A. Need man to lake charge of office end of business; each can draw 2iwi mon ( b and share equally monthly profits. Full price $10V0; $1150 h-ndlea SURETY -CTO-AR STAND In entrance of - one of the largest wtnt side down town office building s. beautifully equipped ; have established trade, la rge staple slock, clKars. tobacco, fine magazine and newj trade Ac tually clearing ' $25o mont h n t ; good lease at low rental. Full value In sight. Bargain at $2100. SURETY-PARTNER WANTED In one of the largest and best-equipped auto repair shops In city. Doing work for some of the Inrgcst whole sale houses In port land. Want re liable man who has general knowl edge of auto repairing. Business will warrant $25o month net for each partner. Full value for every dollar you invest. T'rice $1000. BUTtETY-OROCERT West side. doing excellent business. Just the place for man and wife: butcher shop In connection pavs a!! overhead; fix tures, utock and delivery car at In voice or $2500. ft splendid living rooms. Better see this first. PURKTT INVESTMENT CO.. 810-11 Panama Bldg., Third and Alder, Portland, Oregon. WE HAVE several good buys in grocer lee, confectioneries, apartment houses and homes. See us. S BORLAND, gna gfk Kx"h. Auto. H?.M HO MB AND STORE. GROCERY AND H. K. ROOMS. Here ts a danflr combination. A cd buy In a good lneat inn. On Ha wt horn carllne. near 2d st ; 5 nice living rmSj siork grocerlr. fiMurrw and household good; lt is fttxino foet. All this for ily $5750. TERMS. J. L. HARTMAN fH.. 8 Cham, nt Com. Bldg. Main 204. RESTAURANT. . West side $MK. GROCE RV. invoice; nnt $20 per month; STORE BUILDING Will terms. earning 12000. 10 per cent on investment; WEST SIDK. 14 rooms: 050 will handla. RICH FY-KING REALTY CO., 212 Railway Kxc-hance Bldg. EASTERN OREGON EXCLUSIVE AUTO MOBILE AGENCY. TjIwh town, SooO. 2 counties, hlgret selling snmll enr In the world: sold 00 care la wt year : big parts business; In come tax report available if you mean business. Sell at Invoice Fine brick building. Ask for F. C Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlLE. 205 Ablngton Bldg. Mnln 10M. Thjrd St. bet. Wnsh. and Stnrk. flnou W'lLL handle confectionery and linht grocery, living rooms, good business. $lloo, grocery; October sales $iu day; 2 living rooms. $2200 or Invoice, cash and carry gro cery, apartment house district; $75 to $125 day. Se us for con feet I o nery and grocery stores, we have them, at any price or lo cality. 7. KMCTVS 315 Couch HMff ., 100 4th Jt RESTAURANT, just calrimlnwi and paint ed inside; -eats 40 people; good location; $000 will handle; balanre easv. Lunch coun ter, doing good business: rent very reasonable; always full; price $70. Restaurant, welt equipped ; this Is a real buy; doing $70 a day business. LINTON A WELCH. 41 Railway Kxch:inc HMg MEAT MARKET. Downtown transfer corner; full equip ment; can get lease. Owners disagree. This Is your opportunity. Price $1500. DEKR A POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Mar. 2245. A PARTNER W A N T E 1 . Manufacture auto, truck and bug bodies, wheels, etc. Shop has nil neces sary machinery; want Interested hel.; will sell otjual Interest to steady tnim mrchnnlnlly Inclined : cm draw good salMrv. also profits; $io0 required. Room 4ni pekum bldg pool, 1IAI.L. GOOD OUTSIDE TOWN. Pandy pool hall bunlne In outside town wilh no compel it ion ; a REAL BUY at the price of $50tMt; ft-year lease at $40 per month: present owner there ! years. IH DREY INVESTMENT CO.. Jinn-io Panama Bldg Main S04? : v 11 a 1 ! K FIVE-YEAR LEASE Close In. west side; fullv equipped shop; good storage; som1 as high a a $-0; price $.VMMt. hnlf cssh and terms. PUD R E Y INVESTMENT Co, 500-10 r:iniiiiij Bide. Matii nor GROCERY ! Best huv In Port In nd ; $IH.",n rash. This won't last long. See F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlRE. SOS Atdngton Bldg Mnln 1"0S. Third St. brt. Wash, nnd Stn'-k DRUG ST RES. We have a few excellent buys In west side drug stores; no bonus; if interested nee u soon. 1 PUPRKY INVESTMENT CO., 500-10 Panama Bldg. Mnln 304? A PARTNER WANTED. Equal Interest In high -class auto paint 1 11 g business : being busy oversee ing the work, want partner for business end. Can draw sal 11 rv It joo mon t h be li!ew profits. Room ol pekum bldg RESTAURANTS. We have some good ones $700 to $00 down. S F C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUlRE. 24)5 Ablngton Bldg Main 100. Third Ht bet. Wash, nnd Stark A PARTNER WANTED Auto painting, -ashing, polishing, etc. A growing business. Will sell eo.mil In terest and teach buyer the business; iniiHt be worker ; profits good : half In terest only ?0.iO. Room 401 pekum bldg jn.'.u noo $ 1,'too $irtnu $2MM1 $2500. Splendid grocery end con feet lonery stores. In business locutions, worth look ing at and making money daily; show bv an to. .Mr Far land. Realtor, 208 Fall ing bldg. LIG HT gnicer . coiifect inner y. cigH rs. snf t drinks, guod large fountain and all kind of first-clMSS fixturis; rent $70; price $41H), terms, lease ; heat loca Hon. 525 R a ! ! w 11 v E x '' h n n g" hl'lg DE-HCATKNfEN AND SoPA FOUNTAIN. Lncu'ed very close In. doing $50 worth of business per div. lense 2 or 3 vears. rnt $10; price J.HMiO. Wilbur F. Jouh.. TIenrv bldg Hd v v 47 GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION. Need help of active man ; hnve 22 rats steady storage; lsrge ante gas. oils, auto repairing, etc ; half Intel ot only $725. Room 4"1 Ptkum bldg. CA FETER1A. High-clas Inventtnent. PEE G C. ULR't'H CO.. 0O2 Stock Kxcnarge A WEST SIDE gnrage. full yf steady stor age at $10 to $25 month. Sell gas, oils, tire-, repji irlng, wash rack. etc.. prof ito IniKp; 2O00 handha it. Room 401 pe kum bldg. EXCELLENT CIGAR AND NEWS STAND on Wash in g ton. ren t 135. good f I x tnrs: $UioO. t"rms. 55 Railway Ex- WE OWN 5 good mri; to taltc .1 B 2:0 inllll et ..f timber with 1 ith $10,000 each 1 r.t Ive p.irt In the operation. t- -. HARiiEf. .1 1 i 1 location . tt'i-"l Inquire .)nch-Y '.' 111 :M t. 'i - lone lens-' Supply Co . $2mi HANDLES -u 20 mile from Port I day; no competition, rnerre hif'it I meat market. Irs $0 pe t ba m her Corn - t u: In it busm : s!iisll invest- A PARTNER for munur with unusual possin nt :" : nu-nt re q u irM. O 2 I . 1 r COM PLETE restaurant for Bornside Doing $ to a dn; selling. onla n. a 1-7 3 75 K Reiison for PILErf can be permanently cured wuhoo: operation. Cail or rlt Dr Lean, 3c ond an Morrison WILL give long lease 1.11 r"t a urw nt con cession in n-w auto st a ge terminal Address Smeed hot' l. Eugene. Or GOOD GROCERY S'MUh. $li:0 if s.dd this week; 3 living roimu s- Mr Bu hnit. 517 Chamh r . I'irnv riv hl-hr. FOR SALE Restaurant, card room and soft drinks; good puyint; propo.-.it ion. AG 232. Oregonian. (jOol gar.igt- on w.st s.d.-, go.nl pay. proposition ; will sell hM If in te rest or chej.p Srr Mr. Lvn. Bdwv. jsnK i-C II A I R barber shop tor sale on east side good lora tion. 1 no "ire .1 arob Mil ler Barber Supply Co.. Ill 3d st LEAVING city, well estabhshod downtown real estate office, good furniture. P 2. Orgotvan GROCERY, good location, doing cash business: rr.u-t -.-U. 2M N. FOR SA LE Store, mnr ect lonery, grocery, soft drinks. Write AV 5n. Ore-onlan. FOR SA LE Gasoline tilling siutiun. VUG Foster road, Lents.