13 THE MORNING OREGONIAX, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1921 HELP WANTKD MALE. lUL'NU MAM; Take this tip: The on best pUc In thla citjr to assist TOU In finding a position In a clerical, com mercial or technical line la the Y.M.C.A. Employment department. You can get reliable Information and they will mul tiply your chances and put you next to opportunities that you would never find through your own effort! alone. Ail young men and especially stran gers, are cordially Invited to tRjk with one of the secretaries. Room 307 T. M, ULD-LINE lire Insurance company desires the services of men who are ambitious and willing to work hard for real iuc eess. Wo have banking connectiona throuirhout the atate and can cash promptly all good note If you be lreve you can sell Iff- inaurance If liven neslstance by supervisor, call or write M. C. Tipton. 12"4 Wilcox bidg. FIVE live young men wanted by well known local firm; previous selling ex perience nt required. If you're honest, steady going and willing to work; a lib eral commission paid ; unquestionable reference required. Tall mornings be tween II and 12 at 320 Board of Trade building;, for personal interviews; with .M r. 1 rra .1 LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 240 Ankeny St.. corner of 2d. Mills will run steady. 1 Gang Edgerman, $7. 1 pony edgerman. $4. 1 head marker. $5 20. 1 2d marker. 14. WANTED Young man to work In ship ping department, one who ia willinjr to start at a small salary; position Is per manent with an excellent chance to ad vance. Apply in own handwriting. Riving ape. salary expected and phone. F 210, Or'-gnlan - $225 PER MONTH averaged by many salesmen, some make more; congenial easy work for young or old, experience unnecessary: cash weekly; business splendid year round. Toppenish Nur sery, box L. Toppenlsh. Wah. LINOTYPE OPERATOR WANTED Steady work for right man. six nights per week on morning paper. Good work Ins; conditions. Phone or write C. P. Syl vester, foreman, Morning- Ke a; later, Eu gene. WANTED A male stenographer with ex perience on Underwood blller for billing; orders and miscellaneous clerical work. Young man preferred, steady position , with exceptional future, $25 week to Ftrt AO 210. Oregonian. WANTED A solicitor for office fixtures who ia willing; to work and call on all bun In nag houses; must have Rood ap pearance and be energetic; a food prop osition for a live man. Call Norria Safe A 1.00k Co.. 105 Second at.. Portland. WANTED Experienced manager for re tail yard In one of the inter-mountain states; give references In first letter. A. E. Payne, Portland Hotel. Portland. room 41ft. or call between 8 and 9 A. M. U ANTED Experienced clam diggers to dig razor clams on Clatsop beach for cannery ; highest prices paid. Warren ton flam fo., Warrtnton. Or. SHOE repair men wanted for plain work; must be good nailer; state nationality, single or married and wages wanted. BP 207, Oregonian. WANTED A man with truck to haul few loads gravel Monday. Give price per hour and phone. H. H. Hettinger, gen. del., IVrtland. WANTED Someone to build a concrete or brick building. 50x100, one floor, long lease. Phone Automatic 230-51. BUSH ELM A N wanted; must be first-class; permanent position to right party. Mod ern Cleaners. The Dalles. Oregon. WANTED Competent working foreman for small city dally and Job shop. Ad- dress. AV 816. Oregon! an. WANTED Baker on bread und cake. Day work only. Peerless Bakery, Ore- gon City. Phnne 01. WANTED linkers for open innp; atate experience in first letter. Box 11 2 J, Yakima. Wah. CEMENT mixer wanted. half-Back batch preferred. Automatic 017-64, between 6 and 7 1. M. ON E 11 UXDiiED hustlers wanted to aeli novelties and noise-making devices. Annlv 12 Broadway. WANT plumbers to bid on Job at 341) S.ilmon. He Id Wanted Kale am en. THREE SALESMEN WANTED Three men wanted who are conscientious workers and able to furnish A-I refer ence. Wanted to canvass for phono graph sales. Positions permanent. Ad vancement according to merit. See Mr. Case, the Wiley B. Allen Co.. Morrison at., at Broadway. REAL ESTATE SALESMEN. We have the easiest suiting lot and close-In acreage propositions In Port land; four of our salesmen earned over $600 each within 30 days; big commis aiona to workers: we need 2 more sales men: do not answer unless you've had outside selling experience. See M r. Comic. 2H Chamber of Commerce bldg., 1 to 12 Friday nnd Saturday. WANTED Traveling salesman to sell ad vertising; must be acquainted with the Pacific coast, able to present In an at tractive way a national publication of high standing. The man muat have pa tience, persistence, optimism and ability to close. In aswering give past experi ences, references, age, whether married or single and salary wanted. AV 001. Oregon Ian. FIRST-CLASS traveling salesman to visit mill supply business; only men with ex perience who have been a success where previously employed need apply. Whiton Hanlware Company. Seattle. ' WANTED Salesman to purchase my half Interest In an established business. $3(HH) will handle deal; a wonderful oppor tunity if you are a hustler. AH 223. Ore gon!. SALESMAN who can invest $1000 or $.'(MK) in going business. Salary on commis sion basis with monthly guarantee. AG 21 2. Oregonla n. WANTED Solicitor, sell home-made fruit products. F 218. Oregonian. WANTKO AC.FNTS. AGENTS wanted In every community to take orders for ladies' hair nets. No money required. Samples furnished. Pa risian Products Co.. Bacon Bldg., Oak land. Cal. tlEALTH, accident and hospital lnsuraace. Big commission 501 Corbett bldg. HKI.P WANTED FEM AI.K. WANTED By widower, housekeeper to take full charge of modern home in small town, three children of school age: must be lady of refinement and a-toout 33 years of age; no objection to one child. Give full particulars In first letter. AV 61'.. Oregonian. THE WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of PortMnd. offer Its service In ill mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women and girls; interviews confidential. iil4 Worcester bldg.. 3d and Oak ate. Phone Main 05K2 EXPERIENCED first-class cloak and suit saleswoman: atate In detail names of housevi where previously employed, list of references and salary expected. Ad dress E IV?, Oregonian. TWO WOMEN with good education who are free to leave city; profitable, con genial work for one who qualifies, AH 212. Oregonian. PERMANENT position in large office for lady who understands fire insurance and policy writing; must also be Stenog rapher. AC 234. Oregonian. AN V GIRL in oeeu ot a triena, apply to the Salvation Army Rescue Home. May fair and Alexander streeta Phone Mala H450. DM car. WOMAN TO WASH DISHES IN CAFE TERIA will give room, board and hus band's board In exchange for work. Call SSfl E. Burnside. or 2V W Grand ave. N. HOUSEKEEPER wanted for six-room bungalow, two children, good wages. Call between 1 and 5 P. M. Friday. Tabor 2rtl. 1121 K. Stephens St. YOUNG women wanting employment as telephone operators, call at room 8ol Telephone bldg.. Park and Oak streets. THE FLORENCE CRITTENTON noma la ready to help any girl in distress. 05$ Ea."t Oilman. "MV" car. East 316. HIGH achool girl to assist with housework in exchange for board, room and wages. East 7105. vV AM'KU Woman to take care of tuber cu I patient, not bad. Call Sellwood 2'1 V. nuirningi. WANTED ;trl to come In af tr st-ho-d and do dishes In apt . near the Heilig theater. W 216. Oregannin. REKINED family desire ervice of w tail ored school girl; plenty of study time; ags. Ml Halsey. East UTA'S EXPERIENCED power machine operators. Apply Theo Rergmann Shoa Mfg. Co., t2t Thurman si. .Xt'ERlENCED mind.e-agfd lady fur oyster cook and salad maker; steady posl Ion. 11 F 21 S. Oregonian. A N 1 ED H oil keeper by widower. Hux t:tn. Condon. r. jIKU wimU'd at iiiuarU's print shop. 'T Fifth sireet IRST-CLASS waitress, top wages, cut of town. Lewes Employment. 4 J -d at. DANCE TONIGHT. U- anpot. 1.14 5th St. Wtnteit Itomentirs. -Girl t c.'ik uiui do general c: two i.i ranillv: adults, good lephnne Main Sl. 1 i.l -Gli-: to io in! -iVtt vtTh ehi general housework dren Bi y 3i.".7. .Al'AltLE Kiri for mnra! hou.work; no choking; S ia family. Tabor 2471k HELP WANTED-FEMALE. Wautet lomeilca. GOOD reliable woman to care for two children and do general housework in a plain home; family of 4; muat be neat housekeeper and give references; wages $40 per month. Phone East TS77. WANTED Woman between the age of 25 and 85 for general housework on ranch; women with children need not apply. Wagea $50 per month. Call Tabor 2702. GIRL for general housework; 8 adults In family; electric conveniences; no objec tion to training; foreign girl. Apply 6i5 E. Touch. WANTED Elderly lady to care for chil dren while mother absent; no laundry; permanent. 4128 61st ave. S. E. Wood stock car to 42d st. RELIABLE girl or woman for cooking and general housework, small family; no little children. 581 Marshall at. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and downstairs work; best wages. Phone Main WANTED Colored girl for general house work In the country. AB 234. Orego- nlan. WANTED Girl or woman for general housework in the. country. AL 20&, Oregonian. WANT girl for general housework. 544 E. 23d st. North. Take Broadway car, get off at 24th and Knott. WANTED Girl to assist with housework. Call Main 3174. between A. M. and noon. WANTED Capable girl for general house work, small family, modern home. Call 629 E. 20th st. North. East 2217. GIRL wanted for taking care of children and housework; no washing; $33 month. 1551 East Sixth at. North. GIRL for cooking and housework, family of three; good wagea 794 Love Joy. Main 247. WANTED Good girl for general house work, small family, no washing. Phone Tabor 931. WOMAN wanted for general housework In small family. Main 7416. . GIRL to assist with general housework; good heme. East 5278. . GIRL for general housework; good home. Main 4013. WANTED Girl for general housework Marshall 856. HELP WANTED MAtB OR FEMALE. WANTED, quickly, for Universal Medicine Show, black-face comedian, song and dance, also woman to do single and dou bles and work In acts, piaylng house changes for week. Universal Medicine Show, Kalama, Wash., not later than Sunday. BEST PROPOSITION in America for the unemployed ; school children making $5 per day.425 Washington st.. Pnrtland HOUSE-TO-HoUSE canvasser. &0x50. 62 N. 6th st. HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY.' Wide-awake young man with some capital to invest in business, your serv ices required. Come and Investigate, this is real. 523 Henry bldg. SITFATTONS WANTED MALE. PAPERIXG AND PAINTING. I GUARANTEE ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP AT WINTER PRICES. E. 7842. MAN, 35, college education, experienced in teaching, engineering and salesmanship wants position with engineering firm or bond house. B 225. Oregonian. HIGH school student would like work from 8 to 6 week days and all day Sat.; can drive car. Call Sell wood 2826 for further information and references. FIRST-CLASS building foreman wishes to take charge of work for building com pany; best of references given. Phone Auto. :t4-40. ROOFS of all kinds repaired and painted, any color, any time, rain or shine; eve troughs cleaned and repaired; work guaranteed. Main 6320. I'M AN EXPERT blacksmith, what have you to offer? Good, reliable man. In or out of city. Ask for W. W., Main 202, or write AC 201. Oregonian. WANTED by middle-aged man, Swedish, work on farm; experienced grain or dairy farming; good horseman and milker. A V 62fl Oregonlnn. MIDDLE-AGED couple with two children would like work on farm. AV 625. Ore gonlnn. PAINTING and kalsomining done; prices reasonable. C. Clausen, 554 Johnson street. Phone Bdwy. 641. WE DO ANYTHING. Why not give us that odd Job you have? Main 64S7. Mr. Collins. TRUCK hauling wanted: gravel. Koom 318. 2 East 201. lumber, wood or "1 y Grand ave. MARRIED Japanese wants position, cook or any kind or work In private family. BK 209, Oregonian. YOUNG man, 26, who Is supporting his mother is in need of work. Write or call Wm. Samp. P705 71st ave. S. E. ANY KIND ot common labor; will come any time. Phone Main 5237. 208 Wash ington street, corner First. TWO RADIO operators desire work in shop after 4 P. M. to learn electrical repairing. R 224. Oregonian. VL'iA'A.MKR. 30 years old, wants posi tion; would buy an interest In a shop later on. Address box 2u3. city. MAN and wife want work; prefer ranch; experienced farm hand, wife good cook. J 214. Oregonian. S IT 1' A T I O N wanted as a steam and elec trical engineer, qualifications first-class, AE 200. Oregonian. EX-SERVICE man prefers place with en gineering firm, experienced; references. K 215. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED d;ilry man wishes work en xiiihII dairy. Address Hotel Barr, room 17. JAPANESE boy wishes position as cook, chauffeur or housework; will do any thing. 54 N. 3d. George Kamaya. YOUNG man. several years' hotel experi ence bookkeeping knowledge. Mar. 8004. CLEAN dependable dishwasher want work, hotel or restaurant, city or out. A K 2"2, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED driver wants job with private family; can do own repairing. Call Automatic 311-14. CA R PEN TEIL contractor, new or altera tion, large or small, day or Job, Auto 630-25. A YOUNG man with 2-ton truck would ltke any kind of work. Cal' Woodlawn IPS, be tween 5 and 7. L. E. Smith. EXPERIENCED auto mechanic wants po altion, 5 years' experience with White trucka. Phone East 4470. MAN COOK wtfo kitchen or dining room; best reference; $100 month. S 220. Ore goninn. MIDDLE-AGE man wants any kind of kitchen work, days or nights. AG 204, Oregonian. CARP ENTER and finisher, estimates fur niphi'd; prices reasonable. Woodlawn mm. EX HE it I EN'CED .tunitor and wife want apt. house or t heater : can ha ndle A-l house: all -"pairs; references. Main 5444. MAN. cook, references; goniatv rife dining room or kitchen: $1(0 month. AK 219. Ore- Bo V. lo. WANTS place to work. room, board and clothes, go to school; farm ex perience JOB driving light delivery truck; experi enced; can give references. Write E. B. Weber. H15H K. th st. North. POSITION by experienced man an Janitor, watch m a n or caretaker. Tabor 8"7'.. SHINGLING and reshJngllng. first -class work. Phone Tabor 175S. CA I'AUI-K male nurse will take care of sick ila'" or nignt. rno-g i abor 2H!R CARPENTER wants work by day or coii tract: first-class work. Wdln. 266.1. THE LITTLE Jobs that dad won't do; roofs repaired. Tabor 43. Auto. 623-39. TEAMING, plowing, excavating, etc 240 E Sth. Phone E. 210. PLUM bER wants work; do any Job; repair e x pert. R dwy 5. 'S3. FI RST-CLASS auto, electrician and me- chanlc; reterences.c.aai mou. EXPERIENCED stationary engineer, saw sawmllt experience. Phone East 447. HAULING wanted. 2S-ton truck, covered body. Broadway 2027. GOOD, reliable, experienced truck driver wishes work. Call Automatic 324-16. WANTED General hauling. -ton" truckl day ir contract. Wonrilawn NO. YOUNG colored man wishes position, pre fer Janitor work. Ddwy. S3S4, or 1257. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position, any kind J'b. Auto. 515-KB. TEAM WORK wanted, excavating, grad ing, etc.. day or contract. East 35.14. FLU M RE R wants work of any kind. Broadway 4029. FILIPINO wants work as house boy; ex porlenoed. L 217. Oregonian. ROOF and gutter repairing a specialty; work guaranteed. Sellwood 6:. $15 REWARD for information leading to steady .1-b in city. $3 or up Wdln. 1725. KALSOMINING. painting. good work, quick, cheap- Automatic 62S-40. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; ra so n able. Sellwood l.tlO. HAULING wanted for late 2-ton truck 35 22d st. North. Broadwsy 2041. FIREPLACES, chimneys, mantles, any"- I thing in ortcK worn, lau r-ast t2. I CEMENT work of all kinds, good work guaranteed. Sellwood 919. t PLUMBING dons very reasonably by I h,ur o job Auto 235-51 CARPENTER. Jobbing and repairing; also painUniE and Uating. ast o&Hi. SITVATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG married man, 27 years old. uni versity law graduate, experienced in sa les and financial lines; best of ref erences: Interested In obtaining posi tion with large corporation having a future to It. Have car I could use In the business It necessary. B 216, Ore gonian. . WILL pay $10 to any one fnstrlmental in securing steady employment of any kind, in or near Portland, for young married man; good personality: well educated and adaptable. BF 206, Ore gon tnn. YOUNG Japanese boy wants position in photo studio; can do printing and letter retouching; have experience; also any thing about studio. Broadway 4lfl, from 8 A. M. until 12 P. M. Harry Takakro. t. LIVE, clean. capable farmer and rancher (single). A-l horseman, also tractioneer, wishes steady work with first class outfit; references. Room 337. Hotel Harrison, city. YOUNG Norwegian wants steady work in dairy, experienced in driving delivery, don't imok, chew or drink, wlahes room to keep Ford car: Deferences if de- slred. O 219. Oregonian. YOUNG Killplno cook or houseboy wants position in private family, city or coun try ; well recommended by local first class families. Please write to C. Peralta, 1172 Pavis st. CONTRACTOR and builder, experienced, can save you money: references. E. 7163. UtoKueeperw. Stenograpnera. Office. ACCOUNTANT aud office manager, age 35. experience 15 years cost accounting and auditing, desires connection with manufacturing or mercantile firm, all , or part time; reasonable salary. AK 220, wregonian. MARRIED man with some bookkeeping experience, wishes position In office with chance for advancement. 224. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED accountant, part-time work; audits; systems. A 214. Orego nian. COMPETENT accountant, bookkeeper or cashier, requires position; reasonable. Tabor S7I4. WANTED Work to do at home, type writing, bookkeeping experience; will do anything. AB 212. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER-STENOGRAPHER desires permanent position ; expert ; excellent references. AH 206. Oregonian. BY EXPERT accountant, small sets of books; home typing. Tabor ttr.ftS. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE. ELDERLY woman w 111 do light house work in plain family where there Is no sickness. Give phone nunxber. AP 206. Urfgoni CHAMBERMAID wants position or will work in boarding house. Main 6817. room 3. EXPERIENCED marceiier and beauty op erator with good following wishes em ployment. Auto 52W-3.S. WANT light work, good home, no wash ing; answer, giving phone, AB 249. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED TRAY WAITRESS DE SIRES WORK. IN OR OUT OF PORT LAND Y 217. OERGONIAN m EXPERIENCED, trustworthy lady wants housecleanlng. washing or other work: good work guaranteed. Woodlawn 6305, WANTED Position as cook by middle aged woman: would prefer to cook for boat crew. M 223, Oregon Ian. Y'OUNG lady wishes position at once, ex perienced any line of clerking. Main Lri. room 3.1. NURSE girl wants place lor room and board with small wages, reasonable time off. Call Sellwood 1M76, mornings. EXPERIENCED girl wanta housework for self and husband's board and room, small wages. Automatic 632-87. COLORED woman Woodlawn 241. vants day work. Call LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS EXPERIENCE. EAST 61f6 "KlDi'lhiS" Pi. A X tioi'Sfaj" I or C S. moti ers who work or shop. Marshall 3073. LADY wants position as boat cook for small crew; camp or ranch. East 4364. MOTHERLY woman would like to care for child. Phone East 62S2. DANISH GIRL wishes week. Main 3S31. work by day or EXPERIENCED piano teacher, at your home: frms reasonable. Bdwyr 2214. WOMAN wants work by day or hour. Main S122. COLORED girl will care for children by hour. Woodlawn 34K0. CHAMBERMAID wants work in hotel. Phone Woodlawn 5485. EXPERI ENCED woman wants washing. Ironing by hour. Automatic 521-02. Itookk e per. Stenograpners. Office. CA PABLE and efficient business woman desires executive business connection as private secretary, office manager or as sistant to manager: salary secondary consideration: best local references. AK 24. Oregonian. DEPENDABLE stenographer, clerical ex perience, wishes employment until Xmas or permanently. AG 208. Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires stenographic or sec retarial position: local and foreign ex perience. East 4541. EXPERIENCED Elliott-Fisher operator wants work. Automatic 320-46. YOUNG lady bookkeeper wishes small set to keep. East 7015. BOOK KEEPER, stenographer. charge office. Woodlawn 5403. Drewnmaltent. SAVE MONEY! I outtit and Instruct you In sewing vour own gowns at small cost. Call East 8018 for Information. 601 Elliott ave. . DRESSMAKING, hemstitching, satisfac tion guaranted. Riley Clinton. 411 Ra'ejgh bldg. Bdwy. 5094. COATS, suits, dresses, alterations and plain sewing; prices reasonable. 424 Columbia, apt. C. Main 3501. REMODELING, repairing, altering, relin ing; our work will please. Quick Dyers and Cleaners. 12th at Alder. Bdwy. 2S43. DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed. All kinds emb. and beading. Broadway 2312. 230 N. lth st. LELAH HUTCHINSON on gowns. 902 Broadway h.Ug. Phone Main liSS. SILK dresses a specialty; prices reason ahjp. ii-H Morrison, room 6, upstairs. HEMSTITCHING while you wait; luncheon sets 5c yard. 1006 Broadway bldg. DRESSMAKING DONE REASONABLE. MRS GOOD. WOODLAWN 2146. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day or take home. Auto. 61S-78. COATS a specialty, dressmaking, tailoring and remodeli n g. by dny. Ta bur 3213. THE GLAD SHOP Dressmaking, remodel lng. 1001 Bdwy. bldg. Main 5354. PRACTICAL nurse wants cases; reference furnished. Automatic 630-47. SWEDISH massage In your own home; ladles only. Miss Poulsen. Wdln. t7H. PRACTICAL uurae. Madison. Tabor 4Ua. HHK! E. WOULD like to care for small children, by week or month. Phone Bdwy. 4 103. Housekeepers, RESPECTABLE widow wants position a housekeeper in modern home. Iam a good cook; like children: have a pleas ant disposition, and capable of taking care of a bouse. Phone Broadway 1443, room 203. or M 215, Oregonlanj ELDERLY German lady seeks position re fined home, hotel, apartment house or ranch ; full charge only. BF 217, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED girl with 2 small children wants housework. Mrs. Jennie Watson. 50 Davis st. Broadway 1192. POSITION as housekeeper for a widower; no objection to 1 or 2 children; refer ences. 7PS Lombard st. MIDDLE-AGE keeping for Mar. 3X16. woman wishes house widower, with children. EXPERIENCED girl desires place to do general housework; good references. Main 315, Y'OUNG woman, with child 2 years, would like position as housekeeper. Box 84. Houlton. Or. WIDOW, unincumbered, wishes position ai housekeeper for gentleman. Write J 216, Oregonian. Domestics. EXPERIENCED cook, private family, from i' to 12 A. M. Broadway 1333. GIRL wants housework; goes to school afternoons. Call Broadway 1 145. MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes work for rom and board. AE 2s. Oregonian. HoaHTclranlng. HOUSECLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, win dow s washed. CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE, 1S ThapTnan St. Phone Main 1157. VEK1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleanlng. floor waxing and vacuum cleaning: estimates cheerfully given: best of refersmea WANTED TO RENT. Houses. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, flats or apartments with us: quick results and good tenants. PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOANS. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 63 Fourth St. Op p. Multnomah HoteL Phone Broadway 3715. WANT TO RENT house with six or svn rooms and place for a cow and chickens: not over 20 miles fr- Portland; man, wife and 8 children SAM BAGLEY. 153 N. 12th St. Portland. Or. WANTED Small lurnlshed bungalow, Laurelhurst, Irvlngton. Rosa City Park; two ad uit. East 7U-X WANTED TO RENT. House. WAVTim tn rent m 3. nr It mom hnnWL furnished, with garage, in outlying dis- tricts. rhone Marshall between a and 9 A. M Ask for Mrs, Boyd. REi-'INED young couple desire three or four-room unfurnished bouse in nice ne 1 ghborhood at reasonable rent. ast Aimrtmentfr. WANT 1 -room apartment by man and wife, no children. AB 201. Oregonian. Room. BUSINESS man, single, room with sleep ing porch and use of bath. Must be cose in; give fuli detalla Address AM L'i'4, oregonian. UNFURNISHED bedroom, have piano and victrola which may be used by family; C. S. preferred. AB 219. Oregonian. WANT one to two rooms with bath, res idence hotel, by man and wife: no chll dren: gjve price. AB 223. Oregonian. Rooms AVIth Boartl. GOOD bed. hot water and quiet clean room or apartment in private home with no children or other roomers wanted by young man with collie dog; nreferably close in. west gide. S 22.'. Oregonian. - BOARD and rooms wanted, 3 adults. 2 meals a day. close In, west side pre ferred. AB 215, Oregonian. FOR RET. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of . moderately priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city. Including rooms st the central Y. M. C. A., with tele phone in each room, shower baths and club facilities. Furninbed Rooms. AMERICAN HOTEL. 02 N. THIRD. This hotel has been thoroughly cleaned and is owned and operated by Ameri cans, the best service in the city for the rates charged, elegant lobby, ele vator service always. lots of hot water, free baths; rates 50c. 75c. fl.OU; special rates to permanent guests. Edward F. Goddard. Mgr HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MORRISON ST.. AT EAST 6TH. QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 1.2." PER DAY, ti PER WK. AND UP. CONVENIENT. ALL-NIGHT tiARAUK. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. to see free list of moderate-priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city, including rooms at the central Y. M. C. A., with telephone tn each room, shower baths and club facilities. , NURSES, attention ; opened under new management, a home for nurses; every thing new and clean; two very desirable rooms yet to be had. Call and see these at 255 North 21st., corner Korthrup. Automatic 538-23. HOTELS ROWLAND. ANNEX. MARTLAND, VIRGINIA. 170 gust rooms, 207 V4 -21 14 4th st. Rates 75c. $1 per day. With bath SI. 50 day up. HOTEL .NETHERLANDS. 126 lTH ST., AT WASHINGTON. Rates SI day; week, 5 up; private bath, 98 up; fireproof and clean; close to business center. . MODERN ROOMS, S5.50 WEEK AND UP. SI PER NIGHT AND UP CLASSY. Some with private bath, clean, well furnished, light, warm, all outside rms. THE BAKER, 265ts FIFTH STREET. The Misses Rhyneand Peterson, Props. ANSONIA HOTEL, 124 14th st., at Washington. Rates $4 per week up, SI day ; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms. close to amusements and shopping center. HOTEL BLACKSTONK. 427 Stark. Broadway 2740. Clean modern rooms at reasonable prices. Phone In each room; rates to permanent gueots. HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS 2 WEEK. Clean furnished rms.. steam beat, hot water, bath. etc.. 85c and 50c per night; P-story brick. 403 Front, cor. Harrison. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 Washington St. Marshall 1950. Large, attractive lobby with fire place. Special rates to permanent guests. WASHINGTON HOTEL, 12TH AND WASHINGTON STB. Attractive rooms and suites at reason- ab 1 e rate by week or mont h. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th st.. corner Alder. A RESPECTABLE downtown HOTEL. Rates Toe up. Private bath, $2. Special rates by week or month. HOTEL CON RAD INK, 22 North 10th et., 2 blocks north of Washington St.; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suites at very reasonable rates by day or week. CORDOVA hotel. 269 Eleventh st. Large, clean, airy rooms; private bath; rates to permanent guests reasonable. Main 0472. FURNISHED room in apartment suitable for man or woman employed, walking , distance, steam heat. Call after 6 P. M. Broadway 2258. EUCLlp HOTEL. 673 Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, airy rooms, private bat ha Ratest to permanent guests. Bdwy. 26.S2. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14 th and Washington. New management, newly furnished, at tractive week.y and monthly rates. HOTEL Buckingham, under new manage ment. 652 4j Washington st. Modern, pri vate baths; free phone; reasonable rates, $3 50 week up. Main 31. NICE comfortable room, suitable lor two parties employed. Main 8471. 777 Irving BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, bath, phone, laundry, etc., walking distance, Broadway 5113. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water. Reasonable. 2ni v. 5th st. BUSH MAR K, Wash. St.. cor. 17th; clean, modern steam heated 1 and 2-room apta, alw sleeping rooms; reasonable. LARRABEE HOTEL, modern, well kept rooms, reasonable. Larrabee and Holla- day avenue. LARGE steam-heated room with hot and cold water; bath on same floor: reason able. Cor. 16th and Main. East 2656. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison St., at 10th $1 day. weekly 35 and up. Free phone and baths: light and airy. Steam heat. ARTHUR HOTEL. 170 Eleventh at., near Morriaon Clean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. NEW PERKINS HOTEL, Washington and Fifth Streeta - special permanent rates HOTEL TAIT. 12th and Stark; changed hands; rate $1 per day, wk. $3 up; pri vate bath, 9 up; all outside rooma MARLYN HOTEL, 17TH AND COUCH Large, attractive, modern rooms by day ypHk or month: rates reduced. FOR RENT Good furnished transient rooming house. 220 H 1st st. 60c DAY, 12.50 WEEK up; clean, baths Tree, notei laqinac. an, near Jefferson. 2-ROOM suite, furnace heat, light, water; reasonable rent. 326 Halt. RESIDENTIAL HOTEL. 708 W ASH. .ST. Marshall 5170. Rooms with private bath. Vnfnrnlwhed Rooms. TWO OR THREE large, pleasant unfur nished rooms, sleeping porch, good fur nace; cloe in; west aide; quiet private house. Main 7002. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NOB HILL district. In refined, clean home, lovely, light, warm room; 2 closets; all conveniences for 1 or 2 gen- tlemen. Mar. 11I. CLOSE-IN, farm, attractive room with breakfast. All the comforts of a home at a reasonable rata, 468 Clay sL Main 2228. BEAUTIFULLY" furnished room, furnace heat, hot and cold water, home priv ileges, walking distance, reasonable rent. Marshall 1180 FOR QUIET single gentleman In new fiat: alt conveniences; no children; close In. near Ladd's addition; garage; $16 per month. Sell. 8505. $12 NICE, clean room, furnace heat, elec. light, phone and bath; good home, good location. 254 N. 24th sL, cor. Northup. Mar. Ht00. ROOM, dressing room, running water, heated apactment, large windows. East 5968. LARGE, well-heated front room, adjoin ing bath, telephone, west side; suitable for 1 or 2. Mar. ftlW. TWO CHEERFUL well-furnished sleeping rooms. walking distance, reasonable. Broadway 3811. 62 Ella at. COMFORTABLE room, modern, west side, walking distance, residential district. Main 9485. SUNNY" room, walking distance; no chil dren or roomers; biock from Rose City car. East 7060. CLOSE-IN Exceptionally warm, comfort able and weki-lighted room. 264) E. 3d North. WALKING distance. East 16th and Morri son. Comfortable room next to bath, light; heat and phone. Eajt S333. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PHONE AND BATH. CLOSE IN. $2.50 TO $3. SRI 14TH ST. AUTO. 321-64. CLEAN, comfortable room, reasonable; 2 blocks Broadway bridge. 382 Ross M. FINE room with sleeping porch, walking distance, west side. Bdwy. 4323. NICE, clean, heated sleeping rooma 692 East Ash. Phone East 823. $S ATTIC room for gentleman, west side; referencea Marshall 361 3. 729 Gllsan, CLEAN rooms, renned family. 54 N. 16th, near Wash. Hrtwy. 3225 Gentlemen. NICELY furnished large. warm room, front. 690 Lovejoy st Marshall 835. ROOM and garage on wst suae. Main 4732 NEWLY furnished sleeping room, walking distance. B.wy. 4434. 26fl 14TH ST. Choice room, walkiaif die tc; uodera oonvecuencag. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FOR RENT Large front Sleeping room, furnished with walnut, in private fam ily, with young couple; can secure board Just one block from room in private fam ily Call 626 E. Main st.; take Haw thorne car to 16th st. WARM, comfortable room adjoining bath, - reasonable to 1 or 2 gentlemen or couple employed; single or twin beds, phone, - piano, Victrola; meals if wanted; ga rage nearby, beautiful close-in private home. 411 Cook ave,. near Union. CONGENIAL young man wisnes room mate, twin beds, parlor, piano and borne privileges; 8 minutes waik from Meier & Frank. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721. BUSINESS man or woman, would you be appreciative of opportunity to live in a home on the east side, where cleanli ness and comfort are the watch worda Walking distfyce. East 7214 NEWl.Y renovated, nicely furnlsned room; furnace heat: home privileges; break fast if desired; gentlemen preferred. W92 Thurman Main 6516. REASONABLE rent, furnished rooms, fur. nace heat, hot and cold water, phone; girls preferred. Main 1746. 63 N. 226. St.. west side. j Rooms With Boaro. THE MARIAN For young business women exclusively; excellent table; steam heated rooms, attractively fur nlsned; every convenience for young ladies. Including large laundry; home atmosphere: moderate rate; have Just added five rooms, one with a fine sleep ing porch. 567 Gllsan, near 17th. uroaqway z-tjin. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT STREETS. CAMPBELL-HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on the Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Mea'.a served to transients. NORTON I A HOTEL. Portlands downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. ROOM and ratals in a good quiet place with home privileges in Piedmont dis trict; reasonable price. Garage for rent. 299 Ain&worth. Wdln. 6118. TWO OR THREE gentlemen can get good room and board (club privileges). 673 Clackamas street. THE SOULE Sunday cnicken dinner 75c; week days 50c; all you can eat; like mother cooked. 101 11th. ROOM and board lor business girls; all modern conveniences ; walking distance; $5 per week. Auto. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st FIRST-CLASS room and board, home in every respect. 738 Johnson. Main 3796. BOARD and room; home cooked meals, nicely served: fine plare. 779 Marshall. NEWLY furnished sleeping and light housekeeping ; good heat. 585 Marshall. Roomw Wit h Board t n Private Family. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 persona with board In private family; located in one of Portland's best districts; every home privilege given: this Is a real home. Automatic 213-79. ROOM with sleeping porch. Home cook ing, walking distance, west side. Call Bdwy 4633. BOARD and room for young lady, tn pri vate family on the west side; must be reasonable. Call after 12 A. M. Main 2973. ONE LARGE room suitable for two men, also one single room, close to S. P. shops; garage ; all home privileges tn lovely home. 604 E. 22d st. S. Sell. 1808. CLOSE-IN, warm, attractive room with breakfast. All the comforts of a home st a reasonab.e rate. 469 ClLy st. Main 2228. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Irvington, elegant double room, sln- frle rooms, home cooking, laundry prlv leges. garage East 6645. INFANT'S nurse wishes babies to board in private home; sanitary, scientific care; reasonable. 1005 Hawthorne ave. Aut 231-25. ROOM and board for 2 people who would appreciate a beautiful home tn Irvlngton; music and everything that would make a home comfortable. East 2347. TWO nice couples or small family can get room and board In quiet, comfortable home, moderate price. Call at 1130 E. 13th N.. near KiHngsworth. NEWLY furnished home, $8.50 week; ex cellent meals; real home for young men. 513 Montgomery. Auto. 532-4S. CLEAN, warm room for 1 or 2; 10 mln. walk from town ; home cooking and privileges. 552 Everett. NICE room and board with home privi leges for two girls employed. $25 month each. Tabor 35H0. ROOM and board in reiined home for one or two people; all home privileges, rea sonable. Phone Automatic 6vt0-64. ROOM, board and laundry In home of re fined young couple for refined gentle- man; $10.50 a week. Tabor 44S9. LARGE modern room, suited for two; also single room; walking distance. East 13! HI. ATTRACTIVE room with home privileges for young people; excellent board, walk Ing distance, splendid location. East 156. GOOD home cooking, warm room, $30 per month. Phone East 2522. 121 East Eleventh street. WALKING distance; choice room ; meals If desired; furnaee heat, piano, bath; just like home: reasonable rates. East 83H2. DESIRABLE well -furnished front room with board; - modern; suitable for two; excellent location. East 5715. ROOM with board in beautiful east side home for man and wife or two gen tlcmen; also garage for rent. East 8835. LARGE downstairs room, refined home; close to school: for father and child; with or without board. Woodlawn 4706. EXCELLENT room and board; Rose City Park, near car line; home comforts; price reasonable. Tabor 8351. NICELY- furnished room, close in, fur nace heat, $15 per mo., or will give breakfast. East 8033. PRIVATE home for children; 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st. Mar. 2162. ROOM and board. 506 Tillamook, near 10th and Broadway. -East 2700. LARGE front room in a modern home euiU able for two. 770 Irving st. Mar. 4410. ROOM 1 or 2; good home cooking; sleeping porch; references. Main 511. FOR 2 young ladles or a married couple, home privileges. Woodlawn- 1858. GOOD board and room, home privileges, 18th and Johnson. Phone Bdwy. 3763. Furnished Apartments. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner 10th and Salmon. 2. 3 and 4 room apts. ; permanent or transient: also single rooma Mam 6641. KING ALBERT APARTMENTS. 2 and i-room furnished, strictly mod em, tile baths, elevator. 11th and Mont- gomery. Main 359. ' MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. 2 rms., furn. ; hardwood floors, eleva tor, strictly modern, all outside, walking dist. 3S6 3d st. cor. Montgomery. JULIANA APARTMENTS. 45 TRINITY PLACE. FUR. 2. 3 AND 4-ROOOM APTS. IRVINGTON. Large, sunny front room; nicely fur nished for h. k. Bast 48!S2. THE DEZENDORF APTS.. 208 16th, near Taylor st. Mar. 128. NICE 5-HOOM FURNISHED APT. CARLOIS APARTMENTS. 2-room furnished modern apt., reason able. 14th and Market. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett st. Furnished 2-room apt., waik in g distance. Broadway 4410. BERKELEY APTS.. 39 Trinity place Nicely furnished 4-room apt., all outside rooms. Marshall 1950. Call apt. 6. 060 FLAN DE PS 3-room fur. mod. base ment apt., $;5 mo. and janitor work (no f I res); re, req. Bwdy. 8134 mornln gs. ALICE COURT Available Nov. 10. 2-rm., fireplace. Dutch kitchen, bath, phone. East Sth wnd Burnside. East 3r66. AUDITORIUM COURT APT. 331 Third St.. 2-S-room. furnished. Apt. undr new management. WANT 2 nurses to share large apt.; Tory line ana rpagnnnom. mo v,iir. Nicely furnished 4-room apartment. 189 N. 23d.. Mar. 2945. $20 DESIRABLE 2-room apta., everything in. N. and S. Portland car to Carruthers st. 62v S first. 3-ROOM front apartment, private bath, walking distance, reasonable. 414 4th. KINGS HALL apt., 171 King; st. One 4-rm. fumlsnea apt. Main oi-o. UNION AVE. and Killings worth, fur. apt. $21.50: all complete: concrete building. 15 DAYS STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 2443. NICE, clean, two front rooms, apt.; adulta Grand ave. CHETOPA APTS. 1 nice light 3-room corner apartment, tail Hawy. 4iSS. H ADDON HALL 11th and Hall. Corner 4-room apt. 4o.au. private tatn. 3-ROOM furnished apartment; walking distance; aiov. iau ooaiawn 4 WILL share furnished apt., has piano and Victrola, witn i or z gins. .Mar, 352. APT. FOR RENT, walking distance; elec tric! t y, heat. 347 Hall st. AKL1NE APTS... 3-rm. for rent, modern, cor. Lovejoy and 17th." Bdwy. 1K12. THE GRAND OAK apts.; one 3-roorn furn. apt.; strictly modern. East 3302. THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 4-room apt., lvth ana Nortnrup. uroaaway ai.it. f U O-KM. apt.. 1 room aud kiickeattte, iUU Br Sroadwajr. FOR R1CNT. Furnished Apartments. GRANDEST A APARTM ENTfl. Nifty 8-room apartments with private bath. Steam heated brick building. Au tomatic elevator and all conveniences, $40 and up. 68 GRAND AVE.. COR. BTAKK. $35 FOUR large rooms, well furnished, lower floor, with basement. Phone, light- and gas; 3 blocks to Rose City car. $25 S rooms and Bleeping porch, well furnished. Phone, lights and gas. 733 Pacific street. East 6i96. Call or phone evenings between 5 aid 6:30. CLASSY, MODERN. 3-ROOM APT., $55, ALSO 4-R. CORNER. FURNISHED. $65. Immaculately clean, fine furniture, large, warm, first -class janitor service guaran teed. These apartments are equipped for 2 to 4 or 5 persons; you can't beat them. THE COLUMBIAN, 11th and Columbia. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia Sta Five minutes' walk to Meier & Frank's store; good surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apta. out side and French doors and balcony; per manent and transient STBLWTN APARTMENTS. HIGH CLASS. Verr lovely outside front apt. ana sleeping porch; very modern and lots of heat; permanent and transient; refer ence required, 166 St. Clair st.. corner Washington. ROOM In high-class apt. house, lovely room, well furnished; also a suite, for refined lady or gentleman; lots of heat; reference required. 166 SL Clair sL, corner w ashinpton, KINGSBURY APARTMENTS. 186 Vista Avenue. Nicely furnished 8-room apartment. 2 disappearing beds, outside balcony, for rent Sunday. Nov. 18. Main 3SS3; BUSINESS woman will share west side apartmsnt with Protestant lady. Near hospitals and desirable for nurse or one needing quiet, comfortable home. AG 211. Oregonian. FINE RESIDENTAL SECTION. 113 ST. CLAIR. $37.50. artistically furnished, 8-room apt. Light, heat, phone included in rent. Main saio. APARTMENTS with and without piano; prefer couples employed. 606 Irving st. Also basement apartment. InfumUhed Apartments. GORDON COURT APTS. 530 MONTGOMERY. Very attractive new unfurnished apt. of 6 rooms; 8 bedrooms, hardwood floor, white -nameled woodwork, ttle bath and French doors; vacated today; also a 5 room unfurnished apartment. CINCINNATI court, 2 and 4-room apart ments, steam heat, bath, hot and cold water; rents reasonable. 401 10th st Main 2480. H ANT HORN APARTMENTS. Very desirable unfurnished three-rooro apartment, with two disappearing- beds; vacat ed November 14. 251 12th. FOR RENT Exceptionally nice 6-room apt. In centrally located high-grade apt. house with best o( service. Phone Broad way 2201. BRUCE APTS., 266 N. 25th. west side 6-room north side apt., all outside rooms, steam heat, hardwood floors, sleeping porch. East 1369. e-rrevENH APTS.. 701 NORTHRUP. Six large outside rooms; heat, fire p:ace. sleeping porches. ( all Main 93.)8. CH ETOPA APTS. Large 4-room apart ment, newly painted and In Al condl tlon. Broadway 4136. IONIAN COURT. 18th and Couch. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ed, close in; adults. Eroadway 2761. COLLEGE HEIGHTS apts.. 6-room, strict ly modern, fireplace, hardwood floors, $45. 460 College. Aut. 526-42. 8 ROOMS, modern, steam heated apt., hardwood floors, sleeping porch, high class district. East 1360. FIVE-ROOM, modern, steam-heated apt, sleeping porch and fireplace. U31 Thur man at. Marshall 4070. HIGH-CLASS apta, 4 and ft rooms, white enamel throughout; all outside rooma Main 2086, HAHHlMAN APTS., 164 24th St. N. Very desirable 4-room apt, 8d floor, $65 and $55; adults only, referencea . THE AMERICAN, modern 6-rooin apart ment. Bdwy. S36 8-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment, $43. Buena Vista apta, 434 Harrison. GARFIELD, 4 rooms, like bungalow, hwd. fl.. steam heat. 501 Falling. Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. LAURELHURST 3-rm., unfurnished, mod ern conveniences, oaK iioors. laoor Flats. TWO MODERN FLATS. ONE OF FIVE ROOMS AND ONE OF 7 ROOMS. 544 EAST SEVENTH ST. NORTH. NEAR BRAZE E STREET. IN EIRST-CLASS CONDITION. RENT $40 EACH, PARRISH, WATKINS CO, 252 STARK ST. , 6-ROOM FLAT, walking dlsLtnce; nice view, w. .; fireplace, furnace. 389 H 16th st., S. of Montgomery; $37-50. Vinney. FIVE large, beautiful rooms and hath; Dutch kitchen; good location; adulta 1002 E. 18th Bt. North. FOUR rooms and bath, disappearing bed. 1035 Rodney ave., near Jefferson high school. Auto 314-48. , $35 4-ROOM flat, close in, walking dis tance, on 12th and College. Call Main 7031. J. Robblns, 301 Ry. Exch. 4-ROOM North. modern ciose-in. Rent $35. East 27 East ro33. $24 FIVE-ROOM flat, east end of Broad way bridge. 213 Cherry street. CHOICE 7 -room flat, newly tinted, $35. East 8015. FuralHhed Flats. 7-ROOM FLAT. 10 MINUTES' WALK TO BUSINESS DISTRICT. RENT ONLY $40. WITH OR WITHOUT LEASE; TWO ELEGANT BEDROOM SUITES COM PLETE, CURLED HAIR MATTRESS, BEATIFUL RUGS; FURNITURE CON SISTS OF SOLID OAK AND ALL IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. THIS FLAT FURNISHED AS IT IS WILL INVOICE BETTER THAN $800; FOR QUICK SALE. CASH AND TERMS. ONLY $675. BUT MUST BE TAKEN IN FEW DAYS. MAIN 3783. COZY 4-room flat, walking distance. $35; also 6-room flat, fireplace, velvet car . pets, etc., $50. 444 Rodney, corner Tllla- mooK NOB HILL district, nicely furnished flve room flat, private balcony, walking dis- WIDOW wishes to share her furnished -room flat with congenial couple, $18 month. 265 H Larrabee st. THREE-ROOM lower flat at 820 Vaughn, between 24th and 25th; adults, $25. Mar. 37m . . LIGHT, sunny 4-room flat, choice location, walking distance, close to car. 671 BeN mont., East 5520. ft-ROOM flat for rent. $22.50: furniture for sale: first-class piano; close in; peo ple leaving town. 20 Mason. FIN ELY furnished 5-room flat, clean and thoroughly modern; walking distance. 340 Earn Gllsan. near Union. MODERN five -room flat, close in $27.50; new furniture for sale. phone East 8726. THREE-ROOM modem furnished flat; no children. 604 E. 22d Bt. . 4-ROOM, modern, 616 Commercial nicely furnished flat, it. Phone 319-Q1. t 5-ROOM. new, furnished flat for rent; modern ; $27 month. Main 3476. NICELY furnished 4-room lower flat. 415 Tillamook. East ftfi41. a-ROOM furn. lower flat, $:i5, adulta; ga rage if desired. 674 E. Stark. L'i'STAlKS FLAT, 3 largo rooms and bath, newly papered. East 6126. 315 Fargo. 5-R"OM lurnlshed flat at 1318 Corbett street. 4-ROOM fuxniahed flat; adults only. Auto. 516-87. FURNISHED 5-room flat. Wdl Housekeeping Room. LARGE front room with hot and cold water, everything convenient for light housekeeping. aiain mil, i il Irving st CLEAN housekeeping apartments. $ 10 to $12 per month; electric lights, bath and gas. Automatic 622-81. FURNISHED, one large housekeeping room steam heat, hot water, light and gas. $18. 401 10th st. Main 24HQ. TWO CLEAN furnished h. k. rooms, also sleeping rooms, walking distance, 4626 W ash In gton st- FURNISHED DOWNTOWN H. K. rooms, cheap rent. 233 Wash., cor. 3d. CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping rooms, 12 a week and up. 372 Vk Hawthorne. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, light, gas. phone a n d heat. is ana -U. 03 Mill st. FURNISHED H. K. rooms, suitable for family. 444 E. usk st. cast mo. SINGLE steam-nested h. k. rqoms, $12 per month and up. 147 13th st. 2 ROOMS. $5 week up. linen, lights, water, bat h. 20S Washington st. CLEAN snd close-in furnished 2 Reasonsble. 545 Washington. FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, balhs; $13 month. 968 Williams ave. 4 NICELY furnished h. k. rooms; modern. very desiraDie; aauits. wo .-n. inn st THREE or four nicely furnished h. k. rooma close in. aiain g'.-. iui noyt. FOUR H. K. rooms, partly furnished; prt- . vate family. fi" urann ave. .-ortn. CLEAN, nicely furnished h. k. room, close In. west side. $5 per week. Bdwy. 5125. 2 H. K. ROOMS, hot water In rooms, $20. 33 Ea.'t Market. 5-ROOM cottage. $18. Inquire 72 West Klllingsworth avenue. P ASA-NT 2-room apu. $30. .vraU. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Room. 2 AND 3-ROoM h. k. suites water in rnnma f um(- hot and cold , neat. gooo neighborhood; also single h. k. and sleeping rooma 745 Hoyt st. Phone Mr- shaU 2541. FURNISHED H. K. rooms. 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric lights, steam heat. Ue minutes' walk of town. 2yl Columbia. near Fifth. FURNISHED H. K. rooma 2 iiiiea 1 suite, 1 large front room with kitchen ette, steam heat, free bath, phone, light and water, walking distance. Phone Broadway 244y. 656 Gllsan st. NICE front, downstairs, iarge room, kitch en and clothes closet, 1-5. also one up stairs, $20. 16$ 17th su Corner Morrl- son. Mar. 22! 1. ONE NICE single housekeeping room: built-in bed. kitchenette, private bath, private entrance. 4lH Market st. after 10A.M. TWO NICE, large front rooms, suitable for hght housekeeping, steam heatvd, gas, electricity ; aioo sleeping rooms and board If desired. East 557 M ILLER APTS.. 204 FIRST. Large, clean, front h. k. room. 1. 2 and 8-room suite. $3 up; also nice large. sleeping rooms. $3. Automatic 5:,il-02. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooma $15 up. including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. 3-ROOM furnished housekeeping apart ment, newly renovated; free phone and lights: $g weekly. 350 14th st. TWO NICELY newly tinted; rabee. furnished H. K. ; rooms; private entrance. 2S1 Lar- Housekeenlng Rooms tn Pnvaie I'amtly. W EST SIDE, 134 Porter, nice clean fully furnished suite of 3 h. k. rooms, good location, walking dist.; elec. lights and w-a ter free. Phone Sell. 1109. 2 ATTRACTIVE, newly tinted and reno vated H. K. rooms; pantry, hot and cold water, range, electricity, steam heat. 2d floor, reasonable: walking distance. Nob Hill district. 658 Gllsan, near 20th. HOUSE. 5 iartre rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern; walking distance; East 16th and Sandy blvd.; rent $35. Main 8031. t 2-ROOM furnished apt. you'll like; new ly tinted, electricity, hot and cold water, steam heat, walking distance; reason able. 6S5 Gllsan st. Broadwny 3135. STEAM-HEATED 2-room furnished H. K. apartment, reasonable rent, every con venience for laundering: adults only. 5M5 East Ash. corner of 15th. 2 LIGHT airy h. k. rooms; water, lights, phone free; $18. Sell. 31 hit after 6 P. M all day Sunday. Adulta only. CONGENIAL couple to share board; phono and piano. Woodlawn 63:14. home with $14 week. NICE, clean bedroom, with use of kitchen, for reliable lady who works; very rea sonable. 4J N. 2 2d st. 2 LARGE, clean, well-furnished downstairs front rooms, $30 month; no objection to one child. 5(H Jefferson st.. near 14th. THREE rooms, near Retd college, new h. k. 1153 57th ave.. n-ir 30th st, 3D FLOOR h. k. roDtn with porch, $3.60 per w. ek 154 N. 18th. LARGE, clean, furnished room, closet. kitchenette, hoat; adults. 43 4 12th st. THREE modern houseke.-ptni Plunders st. Bdwy. 2634. rooms. 675 MODERN furnished apartment with rage. Phone Tabor 1463. TWO H. K. rooma. 2 beds, beat, electric, large front room. 1st floor. 50S Davis. NICELY' furnished rooms, reasonable, 1. 2, 3-room opts. 124 Lowr.sdale. cor. Taylor. THREE nice cUan 11. K. rooms, 143 Bel mont st. Tabor 5384. WEST SIDE. 2 nice, hot and cold watei clean h. k. rooms 445 6th. CLEAN, sunny, well furnished housekeep lng rooms, reasonable. 014 4th st. WILL LEASE to farrrPy of adults for two years lovely Irvington home of 10 or 11 rooms: excellent location and superb condition; 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, garage. For full partic ulars call MRS. HARRY PRICE PALMER, East 2854. FOR RENT Immediate posfesslon, 6-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, linoleum in bathroom and kitchen, shades on all windows; will sell reasonably draoes now on w indows : fur nace and fireplace, everything in perfect condition: one of the beat east slue ais tricts; rent to responsible parties, $57 per month, see the house at 121 i rioaney avenue. I-OR RENT Immediate possession, 6-room modern bungalow, all up-to-uate features, hardwood floors throughout, furnace, fireplace, linoleum in bath and kitchen, beautiful white enamel Dutch kitchen, everything in perfect condition; one of th best east side districts; rent to re sponsible party, $57 per month.. See the house at 1217 Rodney ave. Call at once, as we are moving out. PIANOS moved, 6; stairs extra, $1 each f 1 i gh t ; 30 da ys free st ora ge on all household goods; furniture moving; one ton truck. $2 ner hour; large truck. $2.75 per hour; we are experienced and have good packing. Call Hroaaway lu., Atlas Transfer & Storage Co., 104 N. 5th st. Opn Sundays and evenings. LAURELHURST. B-ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors throughout; tile bath; all the bullt-lns, gas furnace, auto matic water heater and garage, with full cement driveway. Owner will lease for sjix months; rent $05. Call Tabor 521. FOR SALE Or rent on lease. 4-room house, large sleeping porch, full cement basement, wash trays, furnace, nice lawn, fine neighborhood. 6 blocks Lau relhurst park, near good school. Tabor 5501. 10-ROOM house on hard -surfaced road modern in every way; two double ga rages; 2 blocks from car line and 2 blocks from Stark street. A. P. Potts, 1080 East Stark. Phone Tabor 800. 6-ROOM bungalow, modern except fur nace: heating stove and range installed, water connected; $30 per month. 65th and Davis, 3 hlks. Montavilla car. Tele phone Main 2707 O. C. Coon. bTRICTLY modern bungalow to party buy ing furniture. Everything first-class. Good location. Rent reasonable. Tabor 21 04. WAVEIILY HEIGHTS bargain, modern 8 room bungalow, all the modern conven iences, large rooms, 100x00 paved corner beautiful view, see all over; price $0300; must be sold or rented. 601 E. 31st Bt 666 E. ASH ST. Large, comfortable six room house, hot water heat, furnished from a central heating plant; near Washington high school; references; ga ra g e. o-ROOM modern bungalfv. 6 blocks Beau mont car; range, etc., 15 a month, lease. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. 410 Henry Bldg. Broadway 4751. CALL BROADWAY 5M0 FOR KORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO, LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. ROOMS, MODERN ALL BUT BATH. lJ MONTHS $45. 6 MONTHS $75. CALM AT N. SIXTH. PHONE BROAD- W AY JACOIWS. FOR RENT cheap, 4 rooms, bath, big pan try, 4-car garage and nice grocery store with fixtures; did very good. Just va cated. Co me 1 P. M. 105 Beech et. ft-ROOM house, large lawn. hardwood floors; a beautiful home m Hotladay Park addition; fireplace and furnace. Call East 84. Owner. NEAR COLUMBIA PARK. 5-room bungalow on paved street, clone to car; plare is clean; will lease to re' sponsible party. Main 3201. $;i5 PORTLAND HEIGHTS $33. Newly painted and decorated, cosy cottage, two rooma kitchenette, large bath Main 3116. NICELY furnished H. K. rooms, centrally located; hot water all day. 211 ft Mor rlson st.. near 5th. i'uR RENT Large. 5 -room bunxalow on E. 76th St.; $32.60 per month. Hargrave Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th. Broadway 43K1. MODERN 5-room bungalow for lease; will rent reasonable to responsible tenant. Room 3ul Raleigh bldg. FOR RENT To adults, modern 6-room house, full basement. 206 Whtttaker st. Apply -i front st.. cor, w nntaker ONE 4 AND 7 -room house ror rent. In quire at Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Rail way Exchange bldg. Bdwy. 60S MOVING Pianos, iurmtur ana long-distance hauling a specialty. O. A W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ELK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 15 days storage free; furniture mov ing for less, Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, get ths best at lowest price. Green Transisr Oo, M atn 1261. 2 U2ft Alder et. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow for adults only, rent $40 a month, ltu Hal- sey stre MODERN ( Broadway -room house, 620 N'orthrup. 1 ROOMS and sieeping rep.iir; full hament. porch. in good Soli wood 8-ROOM house. 2502 E. 71st Division. Apply 130 6th st. A ROOMS, elec. gas furnace, trays, clean, close In. 87 E. 17th. Call A. M. o-ROOM house, elec, E. 17th. A M. furnace, .trays. 87 FOR RENT 5-room cottage. 80th and E. M orrifon. Call Sell. W24. NEW, MODERN 4-room house; two lots, east side. Main 830. FOR RENT HOUSE. APPLY 50 AL- BERT A St. IRVINGTON homes. $35. $0W, $IHI. lraeu Irvlngton agent, a FOR RENT. FOR RENT $:0 p house, garage, chicken house and trees. A on paved street, close to srhools, library; J children considered: partly furnished" I and references required. Wdln. uuu. eve nings. 1 uri'ished Houses. TWO BEAUTIFUL COLONIALS. Can be rented together or singly, fur niture is the best, situated on view point as yuu turn on Willamette blvd., $65 per month each, referencea J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, fi Chamber of Commerce B.dg. Main 218. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGES. 824 Heights Terre.ce; S rooms, large glassed-in porch; finest view mountains In city; 20 minutes' walk t? heart of city, or Hall street car. on Morrison to 13th. 2 blocks west. See to appreciate; reduced rent for winter. LADY employed, will share home with quiet couple. $10 a month and nan 01 fuel and light to party who will take care of home; good neighborhood, near cars, references. 400 East 52d. IR ING'lON HOME. 8-room home; fireplace, piano and all modern conveniences; beautiful yard and ah rubbery; $75; a wonderful bargain. Phone owner. KaM 77. for appointment. fs Fr V ING TON Will rent " to responsible party lor 6 months my 8-room lurnisnea home. best furnit large sleeping porch, garage; good per month. Phone car service; lui East 2631. FOR RENT New bungalow, furnished complete; will lease for 6 months to re liable people: adults only; references. 1306 E. Harrison St.. bet. East 45th and 46th. FURN 1SHKD 3-room house, garage and new Ford. $2600; $800 down. 406 Sum ner st. Woodlawn car. Call Friday or Sunday. 736 E, BURNSIDE 6 large rooms com pletely furnished ; piano ; references ; no children. $75. Main 5437 mornings. HO MODERN houe, piano, garage. 710' niwtic HIO-02. ' nicely furnished, 45th ave. Auto- FOR KENT 3 and 4-room unfurnished. 6MI7. furnished 24th and flats; 3-room Vaughn. Main FURNISHED house. 8 rooms, modern, ga rage, fine location. Apply 1312 Haw thorn e a ve.. 75 month. FURNISHED 7 -room house; good location, on car line, walking distance from town. Call East H0II7. FOR RENT A new 5-room furn. bunga low,, all modern conveniences. Call at U!tS E. Kith N. near KUllngsworth. FURNISHED house lor rent nace. Call at 186 East Yamhill. 6 rooms, fur 32d t.t near FURNISH ED 3-rootn house, not mod-era. 5312 42d ave. 8. E., near 54th street. Mount Scott car. 5-ROOM bungalow, partly turnkhed ; ga rage, paved street; aduita $30. SU16 6-Id st. S. E. Tnhor 4209. FOR RENT CUan, nlce.y furnished house, close In; A rooms (references. Phone Mar. 428 or call 308 Salmon st. DESIRABLE 5-room house. 362 East 23 north, cor. Broadway. Inquire 310 Han a rags lit n e v : N COCK. MODERN home, 8 rooms and bath if desired ; Immediate occupancy anuits. uunr l.i.iu. ARTISTIC modern bungalow flat. Garage, furnace, telephone, lawn. Adulta Hi, Auto. 618-73. NICELY furniMhrd four room, bath, ment. piano. Woodlawn 5333. FOUR large modern rooms, 0650 85 tn sL S. E. Phone 024-16. FURNISHED 6-room houae. N. Syracuse at., St. Johns. Inquire 503 H. Schrader. IRVINGTON residence. 10 rooms. f for six months. East 5570. IRVINGTON residence, ten rooms, to lease for 6 months. East 5570. 4-ROOM house, Oregon City car line, for rent. $20 month. 728 Morgan bldg. ItouiM'S lor Kent furulture luf Wale. FURNITURE of modern 7 -room house for sale. $650; $100 cash. House for rent, $27.50; 3 minutes' walk to 5th and Mor rison sts. Phone Mar. 1M'3, 5-R. HOUSE. $16 per mo.; clcae In. w. s ; furniture for sale reasonable. 8&8 1st St. -Main 72!6. -ROOM Hal nit lire fori i.r rent. J0 per month; fur il reason ii ble. Mill, I-HOUM house for rent. 353 (irnham ave.. nea furniture for sale, Union. i-ROOM house for rent, furniture for 353 t : rand ave.. nenr Union ave Stores and Itumiiena Places. STORE room, 628 Williams avenue, corner Russell street, for lease, for two or three years, from Decern ber 10. Suit able for drug store particularly, but lo cation is good for other business. Sea us for particulars. PARRISH. WATKINS A CO., 252 Stark St. GOOD location for automobile accessory line; new plate glass front. 452 Burn- Phone Bdwy. .tOUB. LARGE STORE, beat location; 60 Broad way, cor. Ankeny; low rent; with heat and Ilifht f 1x1 ures. FOR DESIRABLE space In fireproof wars. house phone Broadway 3715. SPACE suitable for auto accessories; good show window. 411 Oak st. FINE light floor, 50x100; long lease; cheap rent. Wax. 24 North Fifth. ro for rt-nt. Petersen Cutlery Co.. 1 05 k N. 6th st. Office. REDUCE YOUR OVERHEAD. Well-lighted and heated offices, single or In suites, central office building In financial section of city, low rentala See Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 Second street, corner Stark. FOR RENT. Large home and office room, fur.. 24 floor, close in; light, heat, ga& Call office 18. 16.4 Fourth st. , WISH to sublet private office In one of best buildings ; rent reasonable. Tels- phone Main 377. LARGE home-office room, fur., 2d flpor, close In, light, heat, gas. Call at of fice 18, 165 y Fourth st. roorn w:iu graphic service. telephone an of sisae Phone Bswy. 8718. FRONT office, modern. In Railway Ea change Plug. Apply room f 1 FINE office best service. 115; furnished 2o7 Stok Exchange hldg. office. 1H. WILL share half of furnished office la N W. Bank bldg. Main 640. FURNISHED room and use of main Ham phone. 818 Chamber of Commerce. .MlM-i-llaneoua. FOR RENT Vacuum cleaners, one waelc. Monday to- Monday. inciuaes as- livery. E. L. Knight Co. Bdwy. 140 MANCHESTER Hall for rent ; prlva parties; meetings. Bdwy. s.mmi. BrsrVTTS OrrOKTTrN'TTTKW. CIGARS AND CONK. East side location, $20 a day buslneaa, rent $10; no night or Sunday work; price $700. This won't last. Rush, 514 Rail way Exchange bldg. OPEN TODAY. TAILOR SHOP. Best west side location, close In, hot! district; owner forced to leave city, will ell below invoice. DERR A POWNDER. 1218 K. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall WANTED- A party with $;t.M0 cash to tAke half Interest In s going fuH busi ness. Have everything necessary, tw trucks, woodsnw, yard, office. 4ii0 cords) wood In stock. Call East 7020 for ap- polntment. G A RAGES. If you are In the markt for a r rage or repair shop see our list. We are garage men and know the ones that you can make money in. 607 Couch hldg. " PARTNER WANTED. $850 will buy equal half interest In an, established sign shop: clears $400 month. Room Ml Railway Exchange. WESTERN LAND CO., REALTOR, Room 511 Railway Exchange. BATTERY BUSINESS. Owner of agency for several statue northwest, well-known, nationally adver tised business needs Interested partner; $10.OO required. Room 611 Railway Ex change. m DANDY little restaurant. Just right for 2, rent only 17 a month; price for quirk rale. 675. Barrand Realty Co., 840 Salmon. COUNTRY grocery near Salem, living rooms, paved road ; stock snd fixtures, $m.M, can reduce; act quickly. Box 46 L Salem. Oregon. TAILOR AND PRESSING SHOP. Well -equipped Hoffman press shop: the best west side street, tn heart of apartment district. You can clear bis; money; good lease. 6i7 Couch hldg. Headquarters lor garages, large and small; grocery stores, confectionery tores. laundrlns, automobile repair shops, etc Give us a call. We protect you. $400 PUTS you in a nice litue business where you can easily make $200 pr . nionth. Com in and we will show you. BO" Couch hldg. NICE little confectionery, nex show ; $700 caKh will handl picture Room it. MI Railway Excnange. iMiii) GROCE R Y clove In, 4 modern li v- ing rooms; half cash, Harper, 248 Stark St reet ESTAURANT. corner, average $;15V I half cash. Harper. 248 Htark st. Jtuiu it fl RESTAURANT Small outfit without reg ister. -'", terms. .T'l mnimw 01 n. FOR SALE Store, confectionery, grocery. maU 4Uika. Write AV 6bl, Oregonlaou A