V r K THE MORNING OREGOXIAX, gRIDAl OVE3IRER 11. 1921 U 1 - ""tttz ' i nrmriZ- i rft. f.ttk. i rem, estate. WOOL DIRECTORS MEET Oregon Association Plans to Ex tend Activities. Plans for extending the activities of the Oregon Wool and Mohair Grow ers' Co-operative association to other states of the west were made at the annual meeting- of the board of direc tors of the organization in the Mor gan biiildi-nfr Wednesday. At the same time action was taken to chance the name of the organization to the Pacifio Co-operative Woolgrowers. II. A. Ward, manager of the asso ciation, announced that several hun dred thousand pounds of wool and mohair had been sold during the past year at prices ranging considerably higher than those received at country points. The directors reported them selves well pleased with the condi tion of the association, and the fact that the overhead is being reduced to a minimum. , AMfSKMKN'TS. TJDTT T Broadway at Taylor 11 111 W Phone Mala 1 TONIGHT AT O'CLOCK. HHARP THE PARIS AM) KKW YORK Mt;SATION APHRODITE COMPANY OK 200 PEOPLE. 1K SCENES. sirctrrs i, ii.no, f2, and &. SAT. MAT. HI. 1.SU, A S0. Special Price MAT! .NEK TOMORROW. - Curtain Itlsra at 2 and 8. BUS. f Ttte SCNSATIONM. MIT Of TMt PHOTO PLAY t&moiiQ!it VERA GORDON & CQ JOE BENNETT" HARRISON e-DAKINCCCl MAURICE OAMONJ) SHELFff ttmg MISS ROIBIf GORDO1 - THE RIOS JMTONEY & AIW NORMAN HKNK.tTION'AT. VI S AMI FASHION SrCt'ESR. STOCK COMPANY NOW PLAYING. LOMBARD., Ltd. Scissors and Love. A Tailor and Hit Manneuulna Are the ingredient! of This Play. PANTAGEg Contlnuoua. 1 P. M. to 11 P. M. CHARLES ALTIIOFF . "The Sheriff of Ilicksvllle." STAFFORD AND IE ROSS. 0 OTHER YACKEVII.LE ACTS S IIKI1K 11ANIE1.S IN "TH'l SPEED til HI.." Now I'lnjiiiK 'loday lonluht Now Plnylna a Vaudeville Cock. toll "As You Like It." TOM MOORE In "Made In Heaven." LYRIC Musical Comedy Company Let's All Go Chorus Girls' Contest Tonight Only Afternoons at a Kvenlnaa 7 and 9 CIRCLE Fourth at WaahlnKtOB Gladys Walton IN "THE ROWDY" Also a comedy, "Snooky's Blue Monday." and International News. Open from V In the morning- until 4 o'clock the following morning. DANCING Armistice Night COTILLION HALL Monte Austin and Nelsen's Orchestra DANCING! Labor Temple Auditorium, Fourth and Jefferson, Wednesday Evening. Grand Masquerade Friday, Amistice Eveninp. Six Cash Prizes. FLEMING'S ORCHESTRA TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. LOST T.ether Ornflex camera case from running board fedan oar at Vista houa-a. Reward. 6l'7 Board of Trade. At'CTION SALES. At Wilson' Auction House. 10 A. M. Fupfrtture. 10-171 -Second street. MEETING NOTICES. 1IYRTLB CHAPTER NO. 13. O. E. S Regular meeting this (Friday) evening tn Py thian temple. West Park and Yamhill, at 8 o'clock. Bazaar and social at 7 o'clock. Visi tors welcome. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY. Sec SrNNYSIDB SOCIAL CLUB Basaar Saturday evening. Nov. 12, at the temple. Eaet SiHh and Hawthorne. Dancing. MYRTLB CHAPTER, O. E. 8. Chrifttmaa basaar and so cial Friday evening. Nov. IL 7 o'clock. Pythian temple. AT.-AZAR PYRAMID NO. 1 M AST K K BClLDElia, will bold open meetlns; Friday, Nov. 11. at 8:05 P. M.. Auditorium hall. Hos 3d St., for observance of Armistice day. Programma. All artisans Invited. T. A. PKKW3. K. of K. f.. THK November dancs of the T. P. A. will be held at the Hotel lultnumah. . zj. ' .VY Saturday svenlns. Novem t n' ill ber 12. All members or nd friends CLTDE EVANS, Secretary. CCS H. CHAM KB, 713-A SKLLlVt BLDG. Mam ttujft. Jewel end emblem manufacturer, watch and Jewelry repairing;. DIAMONTS. Diamond Setting and Mountlnc l.ODOE EMBLEMS, class pins, officers' leweln; carry large stock to select from: 1 y special work to order in our own factory. I f liavid. Jewelers and opticians. 343 Wash- iiiKlou .fUeei at Broadway. IMHI.KM jewelry, buttons, charms, pins, new designs. Jaeger Bros., 13X-3 Sixth st, FBIKDLANDKRd for lodsje emblems, cits piu and medal. 310 Vahlncton U MEETING NOTICr.i. GLX REAZEE GROTTO. NO. So Fall ceremonial, public auditorium. Third and , Clay streets. Saturday. No vember 12. Short business meeting: at 2 o'clock tor re ceiving and balloting on pe titions. Be aura to turn your petition In before 2 o'clock. Candidate report to the secretary a 7 o'clock. Ceremonial will tart at 7:30 sbarp. Admittance by Mt-'l card. Wear your tea. Da not foraet the Wednesday noon luncneona at tne nwi wood, as you will always enjoy them. By order of the monarch. HARRY A. McRAE, Actln See. SUNNY91DB CHAPTER. NO. 42. R. A. M . East 39th and Hawthorne Called con vocation tonlht (Friday), at 7:80 o'clock. "Work on M. M. and P. M. d'areea Visitors welcome. By order of E. H. P. W. J. BRECKEL. Sec vASHINGTO.V COM-J MAXDERT, NO. 15. K. X. Children's entertainment Frt- " day svenlnc. Nov. 11. for members and their famlliea. Interestln-c proaramma for old and young. Brlna the children. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 4. A. F. and A. M. Fraternal visit to McMinn ville, Saturday, Nov. 12. I.eave Washington Masonic hall. Bast Eiahth and Burn- alda atreeta, by auto at 3:30 sharp. Those who can please furnish auto and com municate with Brother J. S. Moltiner, Broadway 901, to that h can list you. Members of the team do not fail to be on band. By order V. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Becy. MASONIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. Employers needing help of any description telephone Broadway Only Masonic h.ln ri'rnlNhifl from this office. No charge to employer or employe. N. H. Atchison, mgr. Masonic headquarters. Muilnomah hotel. PORTLAND LODGE NO. S.L A. F. and A. M. No meeting Friday evening aa we should all celebrate Armistice day. By order W. M. H. J. HOUGHTON. Secy. ALBERT PIKE LODGE NO. 182. A. F. AND A. M. Stated ..-n.l..tlnn I." r M V ,Vf- I nlng. Nov. 11. at 7:30 o'clock. Visiting brethren welcome. By order of W. M. G. W. COOK, Secy. SELLWOOD LODGE. NO. 13L A. V. AND A. M. Stated ' at 8 o'clock. Vlaltora welcome. By order w. M. J. H. BUTLER. Sec. ORIENT LODGE. NO. W LOOfl IT. I. O. O. P., will CO S&zrZZ--- ' duct the funeral of our Is -STk Brother George H. Coull O. F., will con ic rae H. Coulter at the East Side funeral directors' parlor. E. 6th and Alder sts.. at 10 A. M. Ail brothers urgently requested to be present. j. r. nE.iir.u '--C. C. STARR. Bee. Sec y. WKBFOOT CAMP NO. 6S. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD, meeta every Friday night at W. O. W. temple. 12 Eieveato street. All members requested to bs present. VUiClng mem- hers wficom DIED. FORD In thia city. Nov. 10. Milton W. Kurd, aged 60 years, son of Mrs. Harah E. Ford, brother of Daisy L. and James McC. Ford, all of this city. Member of 1.. O. O. M. of Eugene, Or. Remains are at the conservatory chapel of the East Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder street. Funeral notice will appear In later Issue. WENTZ Nor. 10th, at the late residence. 7.".tt Clackamas st.. Henrietta Went, aged 711 years. The remains are at Flnley't mortuary, .Montgomery at am. notice of funeral hereafter. Ft NEK A L NOTICES. COULTER At the family home. 8624 East rorty-secona treet aoutneasi. .ovniuer . Georifn L. Coulter, axed 68 years. hushand of Winnie Coulter; member of Multnomah camp, No. 77, W, O. W.; urieni lodge. o. it, i. u. r ., anu Tvanhna lodre. No. I. K. of P. The funeral services will take place at the conservatory chapel of tne bart aiue Funeral LHrectora. 414 East Alder street, at 10 A. M.. Friday. .November 11. Serv ices at the chapel will be under the aus nireji of Ivanhoe lodte. K. of P.. and concluding services at the Lone Fir cemetery ny orient loou, x. . Friends invited. APPLE In this city, Nov. 10th, 1921. Samuel S. Apple, late ol 4U4 . ciay, j aged 9 years fl months 211 daya Beloved husband of Sophlna B. Apple and father of Oliver Apple of Portland, Mrs, W. (i. Temple of Portland and Mra. W. A. Cook of Kansas City, Kan. Funeral service Saturday, Nov. 12, at 2 P. M., from R. T. Bryan's residential parlors, 901 Williams ave. at Mason st. Inter ment Rose Olty cemetery. Friends in vited to attend. KECK The funeral services for Mrs. Mabel H. Keck, who died In Chicago, 111., Nov. 7. 1021, will be held at the chapel of Ed ward Holman & Son. Third and Salmon sts.. tomorrow (Saturday), Nov. 12. at 2 P. M under the auspices of the Eastern Star. Friends and acquaintances re spectfully invited. Services private at Mount Scott cemetery. NORTHRUP In thia city. Nov. 9. 1921, Walter T. Northrup, aed 5 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Northrup. Funeral services will be held at his late residence, 1134 Ivon St., today (Friday), Nov. 11, at 2 P. M. Interment tn Mount Scott cemetery. JENSEN In this city, Nov. 9. Haro!d jT-itien, aged 6 years, beloved son of Annie Jensen, brother of Lloyd and St'lma, funeral services will be held Sat urday, Nov 12, at 3:0 P. M.. at the chap el of Miller & Tracey, Interment ML Scott cemetery. MOODY In this city, Nov. 7. 1021, Iv M. Moody, aged 35 years, wife of W. H. Moody of this city. Friends and ac quaintances are respectfully invited to attend the funeral services to be held at the Portland crematorium today (Fri day), Nov. 11. at 2 P. M. McAULLY The remains of Nona M. Mc Aully. late of 506 East 53th st. N., were forwarded last evening by J. P. Flnley &l Son to Boise. Idaho, where service will be held and Interment made. SECONDEZ Funeral services of Jose Sec- ondes win be nem taturnay. novrmoer 12, at 2:30 P. M. at the chapel of MlUer & Tracey. Interment Multnomah Park cemetery. Mra J. W. Cassil In charge of arrangements. ttnkhal cabs. LIMOUSINES lor funeral service. JONES ALTO LIVERY. MARSHALL 114. m-reBAT. PIBEfTORa. IF VAULT ENTOMBMENT or Cremation Portland Crematorium Phooa Sellwood CHIT BAST FOl'RTFESTH AM) UiUkJbb. Ask (or Booklet. MILXER & TRACEY Perfect Funaral Kervlcs tor Less. Independent Kuneral Directors. Washington sLreet. between 20th and 21st su.. west slda. Lady aaslstact. Main Ml. Auto. S1S-44. HOLMAN & SON (Founded 18M.) PUNK HAL. UIHBCTORS. Th Ird and Salmon Sts. Main ROT McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy el a home, 16th and Everett streets. Phones Broadway 2133; Auto. 531-33. EAST SIDE r'LNEItAL DIRECTORS (P. S. DUNNING. INC.). "The family sets the price." 414 E. Alder. Phone Kast a 2. Auto. 225-2.V HRk.k.ZlZ & SNOOK, 1047 Belmont, Funeral Lireclors. W. F. VHKAl.UON. .Mgr.. Tabor 12M. 1 IN LEY'S 1M0RTUARY MONT'?OMERT AT 5TH. MAIN Lk'HCll, UNDERTAKER. East Eleventh at Hawthorne, phone East 71. CMIlad Tbir irii and Ciay. Main ili2. tY!l J8l I l -r. Kor !r-liuUM-. lor S.U IU.U.T Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms, professional men, manu facturers, repair men, etc., classified for ready reference. Information as to any class of work not listed may be obtained by calling Main 7070. House 40. ACCOUNTANTS. jL'LU'S R. BLACK, public accountant, auditor, income ax service. Concord b:dg.. M and Hlark. Phone Main 7443. ASSAYLKS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. Second. Gold, silver, platinum bought. ATTORNEY. E. W. EASTMAN, lawyer and notary pub lic. 5J3 Chamber of Commerce bldg. BATHS. DR. McMAHO.VS baths. Portland: steam showers, plunges, tubs, all for 33c; tell your friends. Fourth at Washington. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. SSI Washington. Bdwy. 4.U. Tabor l'-'5-. t LLl.t l.OID lit T'l'ONS. THE IRWIN-HODSU.N COMPANY. 837 Washington. Bdwy. 434. Tabor 1254. CHIROPRACTIC. DIt. McMAHO. (McManj, Portland lth year. Seven -post-graduate research ours Rates: Extended time, 31 ad Juatments, restoring health. CHlKOIOIiSTS. WILLIAM, Estelle. Floreilo and Dewane De Veny, the oniy -Mientiflc chiropodists and arch specialists In city. Parlors Zo2 Uerlinger bidg., southwest corner Second and Aider street a. Main 1301. VH. O. O. FLETCHfc.K Foot trouble sci entifically corrected; lady assistant. 512 Morgan bldg. Main 8T02 tLKAMXG A NO lVEIN(i. REGAL CLEANERS IStbrs Soldiers' overcoats dyed blue or black, new set buttons. $6.50. 127 N. 6th st. t'OLLtCTIONS. XETH & CO.. Worceuer blag. Main 17U6. No collections, n,o charges. Estab. ltfOO. DANCLNtt. SUMMER'S DANCINU ACADE XI T Les sons day, ev. Public dancing Tues-. Sat. Fancy dancing. 5th. Bdwy. 3510. O-BXTITKV. DR. B. E. WRIGHT, Third Floor KaleUh Bldg. Corner sixth and Waahlnliton Sts. Main 21111. Auto. 2119 DENTISTRY Without Pain. 80H4 Washington St. X-Ray Work Above Majestic Theater. KLECTKICAI. KEfAIRINO. MOTORS REWOUND and repaired BOUGHT AND SOLD. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. Phone 22 Main St. JEWELKY MFG. AND REPAIRING. ROSS & CO.. WHOLESALE JEWELERS, ail) MOHAWK BLDG., 3l & MORRISON. MIMIC TBAC'HEK-S. 1 CARxtOLL DAY. teacher of piano and voice. Broadway t'r.'.'. 148 13th st. GLASS AND GLAZING. t CRT LAND GLASS 4 GLAZING CO. Work reasonably and promptly taken care of. East 3.103. HAIR DKKSSING PARLORS. NEW AND EXCLUSIVE beauty shop, op erated by an eastern woman who Is an experienced graduate operator; shampoo ing, etc.; center of business sec: ion. Main 3937. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. A D 7CI I CQ PH Williams Ave. ni Hi 1. LULL 1 1 UU.) Phone East 10SS. ' A. D. KEN WORTH Y A CO., R804 Olid st., Lents. Auto. 618-21. FLORISTS. MARTIN & FORBES COMPANY 354 Washington St Main 269 Fine Roses and Orchids a Specially. Flowers tor all occasions artistically arranged. LARGEST RETAIL FLORIST IN PORT LAND, 38 Morrison St.. Portland Hotel. Phone Mar. 7S3. I'ertJonal attention given wedding, reception, tea and table decorations Floral tributes promptly attended to. SWETlsAND'S FLOWER Morrison st.. bet. 3d and 4th. Tel. Main FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. MAIN 4737 TAMHII.L AT TENTH. Smith's Flower Shop Portland's Progressive Florists. We spe cialize in funeral designs. 141 V Sixth, opposite Meier & Frank's. Main 7215. And Floral Designs. 25 Hothouses. No Branch Stores. 25 Tears on Morrison street, bet. -4th and Bth. Main 7700. NOB HILL FLORISTS (Estate Alfred Burkhardt.) N. E. cor. 23d and GHan. Main 1859. TONSETH'S FLORAL CO., 2H7 Washington MONrMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 8 4th St., opp. City Mall. J.EP BROS. OTTO SCHUMANN MARBLE WORKS QUALITY MEMORIALS I i E. THIRD A PINE STS PHONE E.743I FUNERAL COMPLETE Cnxkrt, two Autos, Hearse, Ena baiminfc OutMide Box, Grave Marker, Funeral Kottce. Bear era Glovea, Vae of C ha pel Miller & Tracey Indrpeadeat Fansral Directors,-' Vsshlns;toB at EUa Phonrsi Main 2ffl. 618-44. NEW TODAY. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS . RAGS, RUGS WOVEN All SUes at 75 Cents Per Yard. Woolen clothing and rags taken In exchange, carpet CLEam vo, aij Rusts Steam Cleaned 81.50. WESTERN FLIKK RIO CO, 5-4 and 5a Inloa Ave. N. East aUia. I'ader Sew AJaaasremeat. CARPET CLEANING Kfittintj, I.ayinit, Rt-nizinr. etr. 9xtt KK.o &Tfc.AM CUE AN ED. Sl.tS. MattrMSPi made over. Feathers Reno vated. Alt kind new mttrease for sale PIONEER CARPET CLEANING WKtf. 1073 E. Lincoln M. ALTO S37-67. mm. OPTOMETRIST. Out of the Hijfh-Bent District isave Money on Your Guuae. .in.ri.nce: moat mod ern and complete e-u u-i... . - " . , Ice. Consult ua tree. Thousands of satisfied patrons. Dr. amuei uutiu-u-u, - optometrist. Main c . Chas. W. Goodman "yMd wht Pat iiORET fC!-w Glasses in gold-filled frames V7 fitted to' your eyes. 2.; double vision glasses at low prices: sat isfaction guaranteed. Dr. A. E. Hurwits, optometrist. 225 First St. Main 4S1. OPT1C1.VNS. THERE are no better eyeglasses made than the glasses fitted by Rubenstein. the veteran optician, from S3 to ad; satis faction guaranteed. 22B Morrison St. f AINTlMi. C -H. TERI'.ILL. house and sign painter, papering, tinting. 4" E. 37th. Tabor 2 All. PAINTING. DAY, CONTRACT; REASON ABLE; REFERENCE. AL'TO 6!l-.r7. PA1NTINO. PAI'KRINO-, ETC. PAPERING, painting, tinting; work guar anteed satisfactory. O. . Sunderstrom. PHYSICIANS. DR. R. A. PHILLIPS, Broadway building; stomach; bowel, liver, kidney, bladder, rectal, prostate and female disorder! without operation. PATENT A TTOBN E VS. PATENTS Our practice has extended over a period of 74 years. All communica tions atrlctly confidential; prompt, effi cient, conscientious service; handbook free on request. MfJNN A CO., Hobart bkig., 384 Market St., San Francisco; Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.; Washington office, room 103, 625 First; New York office, Woolworth bldg. R C. WRIGHT, 22 years' experience t. 3. and foreign patents, 6Q1 Dekum bldg. riPE KEPAIKTNC. PIPES REPAIRED By Experts. Pipe Shop, 272 Washington St. PRINTERS. DDIMTIUfl. P. w- BALTES & COMPANY F II 111 I IflO First and Oak. Main 1H3; 611-65 RHEUMATIC SPECIALIST. FREE EXAMINATIONS FREE. The world's greatest rheumatic -cure, IT'S IN THE GOODS; THAT'S ALU JACK KING'S Mineral Treatments. Cured Patients Mv Beat References. JACK KING, Rheumatic Specialist, 83 Fifth St.. Corner Oak. Second Floor Phoenix Building. TRA OEM ARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU 6(I Dekum bldg. U. S.. foreign trademarks. TKANhFER AM) STORAGE. SKCURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. Packing Moving Storage. Aloney loaned on goods In storage. 5-3 Fourth St., opp. Multnomah hoteL -Phone Broadway 3713. OREGON TRANSFER CO. 474 Gllsan St. Broadway 12SL DRAY AGE. STORAGE, Four Warehouses on Terminal Tracks. V ETEB1NARY. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. East 7th and Grant sts. Both phonea Day and night service: 8 veterinarians. XEW TODAY: THiS BKAITIFIL JIOMG UK FHED JEXMXG IN "IRVINGTON" Located at 495 WASCO STREET, corner ot TENTH STREET, has been listed with us for disposal and. in presenting this property to the public, we will not attempt to do this place justice with this de scription as it would be utterly impossible you must see it to ap preciate the true value. Now on the FIRST FLOOR We have four beautiful rooms large living room, beautiful bay window, cove ceilings, fireplace and all floors are of the very best quarter-sawed OAK. Plate glass throughout, also hot-water beat. v SECOND FLOOR Three large bedrooms, one with fireplace nice large closets, sleep ing porch, etc. Nice room for maid. GROUNDS 100-tlOO. with beautiful shrubbery of all descriptions; double garage. Price: $18,000. Terms to Suit. Inquire of RIELY & GUSTAFSON, 1203 Yeon Bldg. A KET PIECB. DIMENSION'S 50x80. IJT WNK OK DKVELOPMENT, DON'T FORGET WE SAID 94000 CASH WILL, HANDLE. 221 7.12 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, STORAGE SPACE CENTRALLY LOCATED CN TRACK We can move and store your goods In a fine sprinklered building. HAULING, PACKING, STORAGES CLAY S. MORSE, INC. 4K4 IT llms St. Bdwy. S470 MORTGAGE LOANS ImproTea Property. Installsaeat R sarSfits If Dealred. Balldlntg liaaaa. Current Rates. Prompt Service. A. H. Birrell-Gai Co. 210-21S Northwestern Bank iluildiaa. Marshall 4114. EXTRAORDINARY To Builders and Contractors! I have for sale 70 full lots In the heart of IRVINGTON at 1430 per lot if taken as a whole. Including all liens paid. Can yon beat it? Some cash, some terms. JOHN D. 'WILCOX, 414 Pittoek Block. Edward E.Goudey Co. MORTGAGE LOAN. Ctiltrd Stiitf B-ink Bulldl-ar. JNO. B. COFFEY SIRETY BOVDS, I.XStRA.ME. aOA WilMT nidsT. Mala MVSAl Phon ytur want ads to The Oreffo nian. Main 7Q70. Automatic 560-5. UPPER MORRISON STREET $6500 UPPER MORRISON STREET $6500 NORTmYEvRUG CO. FIUFF-RUGS Made out of your old worn-out car pets and rugs. Oldest and best equipped factorv in the northwest. Save half the price of a new rug. Use woolen clothing. 9x13 RUGS STEAM CLEANED fUSO. Eut 3580. 188 East Eighth. . UK A Is KSTATK., ' fur Sale Flat aod Apartment Property. "WEST SIDE FLATS. , . J-iO.000. Pour-family corner building, each apt has tt rooms, separata furnace, etc Lo cated on North loin aalkinx distance from downtown. R1TTER. LOWE ft CO.. ' ?01 -2 3-3-7 Poard of Trade Bldg. EAST SIDE FLATS S750U. Pour 5-room flata with Income of 1100 st oid-time rents can be raised: excel lent condition: lot 60x100 on Union, near Alberta: easy terms. HENRY W. GODDARD. REALTOR. 213 Stark Street. Main S81. WEST S1UB FLATS 7."O0. Two 6-room flata with Income of $00 snd house of 7 rooms adjoining, renting tor $40: all for $7500, terms. HKNRY W. GODDARD, Realtor. 513 Stark St. Main 831. luuxlOU iU. On . llst St.; sidewalks In: S10 down. $1 per week. HENRY W. UOUDARD, Realtor. ?3 Stark St. Main 831. BEAUTIFUL FLAT BUILDING. On corner lot, BoxloO, s. W. corner of Garfield ave, and Alberta SU For price and terms see the agents. STRONG & CO.. B(Xi Cham, of Com. For hale Lot. NOTE THESE BARGAINS. ROSE CITY PARK D1ST. $1250 corner. $1060 Inside: 42d. short block north Sandy; all Improvements In snd paid; to stand on these lots and realise the exceptional view of the boule vard can't but Impress one that here Is admittedly one of the most highly to be dealred lots In Rose City. ALAMEDA PARK.' Reduced $-!"0 for quick sale: comer 83d and Shaver; paved both sides, level: quiet because OT the bin trees surround ing; Just the place for the youngsters and It Is close In too: $10O0 takes it, LAURKLHURST. Just off ot 39th on Hassalo. with a fins home on each side, so you cannot go wrong:. $500 cash and 120 a mo.: pries $1250. If you like a home exclusive because it Is not on a level with the street here truly Is a bargain; Laddlngton court, near 41st, TAXES ADDITION. $20 and up. $15 down and $5 a month: t'sKaii.. mi.r itfjir Kennedy school and Alberta car line: about 60 ainail nomes going up; loon, imu ni.o. Remember, our lot department Is open until noon today: we will be Klsd to let you know anything aboot these or simi lar bargains In other districts. Call Main 8002. A. G. TiSEPE CO., INSVR A'NCE REALTORS LOAN 3. LARGE WILSHIRB LOT. 2J DOWN, $15 PER MONTH. ' HOMELIKE SURROUNDINGS. 8econd mortgage privilege on this large looxioo-loot lot to noma ouuuci Tht. b - n'.aft, vmt WOtlM like tO live. Nice homelike surroundings, good neigh borhood and easy walking dlstancs to both car and school. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208. Branch Office- 83d and Bryce Avenus. 80x105 FT. LOT 8123. $10 MONTH, $25 DOWN, shade trees. on 4lsl St., norm oi oe.-iHitfui w., ... new Wllahlre Addition; take advantage of this low price; buy from the original t... n ir.,t At first nrtce. Branch office. 33d and Bryce ave. Take Broadway car to Bryce avenue, walk blocks east. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 2im. ROSE CITY PARK LOT SNAPS. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND PAID. 1000 50x100 on East 4Tth su, east front, paved at., all palfl. $700 50x100 on East 48th St., west front, paved St., all paid. 8750 50x100 on East 52d St., east front. pavea St., an paiu. 8750 5Oxl00 corner lot. East 52d St., .....,. a. In frnnt- nil oaid. 8950 ALAMEDA DRIVE, In a district of fine nomes, easy ternio. $1000 50x100 corner lot, both streets paven ein.i pnt. HENDERSON-BANKUS CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. Evenings. call'STahor 000. clost; to pchool. 62x105 FEET. EASY TERMS. $375 FOR THIS LARGE LOT. $25 DOWN. $10 PER MtlNTH. Just the place for a family with chll- oren; liw yarns to BLimipi, lui" .v.... . and woods for them to play In. car line Just a short walk. You would like to build your home amongst these fir trees. i-lrancn oitice ooa ana Drycn J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 208 IRVINOTOK DISTRICT. On Kat 18th, near Bee-en, all improvements paid; 873; $10O CASH, $10 A MONTH. Nar ehool, car and new park. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 378T. IRVINGTON DISTRICT. oftxlOO on Hast 16th, aouth of Fremont, unrounded by new homes. All Improvement- paid. Price onlv $120O. JOHN'SON-DODSOX CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bid. Main 8787. TOUR OPPORTUNITY i'lNB CHANCE, LAUREM-HURST LOTS LEFT OVSR PROM THE AUCTION. Soma lucky person will gt these at leis than auction prices. Come out and look them over. Opn all day. Laurel hurst tract office. East 8Hh and GUaan Fhpnc Tabor 8433. RAHUAINS IX LOTS. Located In Laurelhurst. Portland t most beautiful reeident al -eVstrlct; all Improvements In; clo.lnir-out prices ranv-t. frnm 1600 to 11500. See J. A. MC- Carty. 270-Vi Starii L Main -1700, Eve- nlngs. Tanor ami, fi WIVTON LOT SNAP 1100 CASH. 50x100 on Kerby at., near Bryant, 500 inn ranh. 110 ner month. 6 per cent walks paid; sewer $17 to be assumed. worth -170. nrtr J. W. GRUSSI, SIR BonM of Trad Bldy. Main 74.'i?. $Ti9 tACH. Ri-r full flOslOO lots In South Oswero Me fine: lots of beautiful fir trees, close to shores of lake. Take the whole eix on terms of ?9 down, $9 monthly. Fred W. German CO., toimotr o wuiu merce. 1 iiii--1-f.il HILTON ADDITION. li rh 12 week. 5fl0: buys beaut! ful tract Including asea-iments: walk iiM mL of Alberta car on Webster t tn 7th. Rotrer W. Cary. 121ft N. W. Bank bide. Rrtdnre. Main 13 cement wir; o.iw, w.... ga and electricity; better tent than rent: Aiovru . . nw- --'"-'- Koger w . vary, -li. - vsu. Rf.gjdnre. T 'n 137. Sea or phone J. A. McCarty. 70H Stark t- Main 1700. Evenings, Tabor 50.17. ROSE CITY PARK. 50t100. all assessmenta paid. A anap. W OOd.S wn or jvoi p. J-J-iii ii. A 00x100 corner lot. sewerage, sidewalk and graveled at.. $425. terma. Charles Hoofk, on am. oi -om. GO LOOK Northeast corner 55th. Bel mont; quarter block, worth $6000, price i 3 -W. terms. r um. FOR SALE Three loU in good residential district; 20 minutes from heart of city; terms. An urrKomaii ALAMEDA PARK. S, W. corner 30th and Mason. $!; nxt to corner; $1050; im- proverr.erts paio. lanor oi-ii. T BEAUTIFUL lot in Laurelharat on Royal Court: fxl: $11 SO. Wdln. 5fl4. CORNER lot nar 33d and Knott sts.; clear uite, j. SACRIFICE), SALS. X AM GOINO AW AT. MY PRTOtt GRKATLT REDUCED. Beautiful 6 - room home: hardwood floors, built-Ins. enamel paint, pebbi dah exterior, practical ly fireproof; all improvements In and paid; brand new, ready to move in. LA ROB GARAGE. MT LOSS IS TOUR GAIN. NEVER BEFORE HAVE YOU HAD SUCH V ALU Id OFFERED. IN TORT LAND. COMB OUT AND SEE) FOR TOURSELF. Open for inspection every afternoon. 1 to 6 o'clock, 1531 B. 82D ST. W. K. PETERS. OWNER, Sellwood 611. X East 2772. In Delightful Eastmoreland. OPPORTCNITT 1CNOCKS. ' 15500 ISIVOO 15500 $5500. 1 Vi story modern bungaiow-type house, nice, big, airy rooms, ftrat clatts condition; living" room 2hxl5 fe-et, fireplace, bis; dining room with -French doors opening Into living room (fine for entertaining or danoingj, 4 nice, big bedrooms, hardwood floors, furnace, full basement, garage, 50x100 view lot. paved street, fine neighborhood (Murrayraead addition). 24 th at. Immediate possession; price just reduced $1000 for quick sale; $5500 takes It, 11700 each, balance like rent. ,- I also have another good buy In Irvington district, very mm liar 'to the Above description; price is also $550O: both dandy buys. Phone for auto and see these. J. . CRO.SSLET, "Better Typea of Homes." 81 Fourth St. Broadway 6044. IRVINGTON. 7 ROOMS-15300. IDEAL LOCATION Here, truly la a bargain, 6 rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, lurnce, cement ba? ement and garage ; located right on Broadway; will take auto aa part payment; $750 cash will handle. Ex-service men apply your loan. YOt'R OPPORTUNITY. A. O, TKEPE CO., Insurance Realtors Loans. West tilde Office: 270 Stirk St., near 4th. Mala 3O02. East Side Office: 1170 bandy Blvd.. at 40th. Tabor 9586. TODAY CALL TABOR J8. $LK CASH $HK. n-np. riTV Rt-uiiTT. $4200 NEW ARTISTIC CAL. BTTN GAIsOVV, PERGOLA. FRENCH DOOR 8. CASEMENT WINDOWS. BEAUTIFUL HARDWOOD FLOORS IN L A rtlir -Uiv-ING ROOM. MASSIVE BRICK FIRE pi.tri.: HAVnv DUTCH KITCHEN ARTISTIC BREAKFAST NOOK. TWO FINE BEDROOMS CONNECTED WITH RaTWHOHM HRST OV 'PL.lJMlllN.S. GAS WATER HEATER AND FURNACE. CONCRETE BASEM EXT. LAl'XDRl TRAYS. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED GA RAGE. $100 CASH AND $."0 MONTH, INCLUDING INTEREST. LOCATED AT 7o E. ttoTii T. R. SOMERVILLE, BROADWAY 247S. 320 TT. S. NAT. BANK BLPO. B8AUTIFTTL Rosa City S-room "bungalow. 1 year old; one or those up to aaie; tare living and dining room across front, mas ivM f irenlar. book cases, hardwood firs.. buffet, large plate-glass windows, ivory enamel, tapestry, convenient Dutch kitchen, cosy breakfast room, pedestal bath fixtures, cement basement, full lot. pretty shrubbery, garage, below the hllL near sanay; ji:-u; lerms. A. O. PKARCE CO.. 201 Oregon Bldg., Corner Fifth and Oak Office Open Today. ROSE) CITY, t-uvn rr,wv v VWFVT ar..xui VF.HV ATTRACTIVE S-ROOM BUNGALOW, GARAGE AND FUR NACE, LARGB LIVING ROOM, BEAU- TIFl;L STONS HKhnsAUL, All TIVB DINING ROOM, DUTCH KITCH EN, 2 LARGE BEDROOMS, BEAUTI FUL OA K. FL-OOKS. Wt E. S5TH ST. R. SOMERVILLE. BROADWAY 247S. 3'f l. S NATION .U BA. jv t-- i. lj ' l ' 1 L. I.- AM I 1 W la' W It New 6-room bungalow, close In, Mt me, iarge living iwm, place, oak floors throu-ghout, built-ins Oi -an Kinna, g wu isxocmc" v, taiuw dtu.dy garage. MO VET TALKS. ALVINT JOHNSON, Realtor, Board of Trade Bldg. Broadway 37. Evenings E-ast 29fll $800 REDUCTION on new Laurelhurst bungalow; $950 down and $A5 per month will buy this beautiful home. 0 rooma all hardwood floors, plate glass win dows, French doors, etc.; garage: will improve; some furniture and equipment: house only 3 months old; owner leaving city, for quick sale will sell for $(1450 Phone Tabor 3028. Address 1003 Oregon St., corner 33d. . MONEY-MAKING HO .ME. JiiHW) (1000. Nine rooms, bung-alow style, running hot -and cold water each bedroom; ex cellent condition, paved street, good lawn, garage, walking distance high school. ALVIN JOHNSON, Realtor. Broadway 37. Evenlatgs East 501. Ili-30 CASH, liberty bonda or what have you of real value for thia beautiful five room bungalow in the Hawthorne dis trict. Hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry tray. Don't miss this Call today. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. Bflwv 475T 410 TTenry BMg. LOOK: LOOK! LOOK! $2790 $760 Down. A neat, cJan and attractive little 4-room bungalow in Peninsula district, finished in old ivory and white enamel, beautiful lawn and flowers, with abund ance fruit and berries; on Omaha ave., 100 feet off from Portland blvd. By owner. Wood ! awn 44tt3. . $000 CASH $;5 PER MONTH. A wonderful 4-room home. Comb. llv. and dining room, 3 lovely bedrooms, full baement furnace. Be sure to call today. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT. CO.. REALTORS. Bdwy. 47H1. 410 Henry BMg. VKW TtTTNT.AL.OW. 5 rooms, double construction, best ma terial, corner lot, assessment paid, breakfast nook, cement basement. This 1s built by one of city's best builders. Near -Sellwood car. Price $4000; $1000 cash. Marshall 3.,-v.:. en.t i:oucn omg, ""WITH OR WITHOUT FURNITURE. $.100 down, balance like rent: ft rooms, attic, basement; fruit trees and berries; 50x100 fine corner; semi-modern, good condition; by owner, leaving city. 85 E S7th st.. corner E. Pine. Wltheut furnit-ir. S3500. iUU K A O n 4 V i f l. m v.i xi a. New 4-room bungalow right on Haw thorne carline; fireplace, wash trays and " everything for $3000. Call today. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. Bdwy. 4751. 410 Henry Bldg. TAKE LOT AS FIRST PAYMENT. Ne-ar 2th and f-tark ; 7-room modern bungalow, newly decorated and painted; owner, leaving state, wants property oc cupied. Lot up to $1000. balance like rent. Rock, 403 Couch bldg. Mar. 3:io2. IRVINGTON. 18th and Knott. 6-room thor oughly modern, large living room and wonderful yard, fruit and happiness, $6300. Owner leaving ttate. Note Lo cation and price by appointment only. R. T. Street. Better Homes Realtor. FOR RENT or lease. 4-room modern fur nished house, garage, chicken houae and yard ; acre of ground in Parkrose, H block off Craig road; fine roads; $3 per month. Phone Tabor 6177 or Tabor 7715 ROSE CITY PARK 5-room bungalow; this beautiful bungalow is now nearina completion and ready for sale; price and terms all right: open for Inspection between 2 and 4 o'clock today. Located at 514 E. --i-d et. J., near i nompson. FOR SALE or exchange, fi-room houe with bath; near school; 40x100 lot; $1000, $350 cash, balance $23 a month and interest. 40RO ittth aL 8. E. MS rr ict rnmn'i FORD coupe, by owner; prviately used little over year; In excellent condition; 2 new tirea. shock absorbers, speedometer, dashlight. big driving wheel; sacrifice. 1 4 1'5. uawy. ioao. NICE 6-room bungajow adjoining Ala meda: furnace, fireplace, garage, all conveniences; $300; substantial pay ment down. Wood lawn 13ft4. PENINSULA, $'-,'MJ0 This fine 5-room bungalow, Dutch kitchen, fmlt and brrl en: term-. Seliwor-d 340,. SUNN' YS1LE Corner bunsalow, 5 rooms, fireplace, huilt-lns; ornamental trees. rrses. uwner, 1 1'" rj. i mi 5-ROOM bungalow, garage and large lr.t, 411 E. 3 Uth st. John Bain, owner, 601 -Spalding bldg. LAURELHURST. N E W : N K W ! NEW! WONDERFUL MOST BLAUTlFUu . Clrcumctancei compel me to sell mv colonial bungalow, the classiest and most distinctive m dtKO In Laurelhurn'. ; contains finest f mate rials, very com plete; beautiful spacioun rooms, 3 larne plate g!aa w inflow s. swell beveled plate buffet, built-in bath tub. pedeat! wash banin. tile bath floor, tile sanitary drain boards, oak floors, colonial columns. French doors, ivory woodwork, tapestry paptr. . I'M ONE OWNER. AUTO, 810-73. COME TO 104 MULTNOMAH ST., Near 30 th st-, two blocks south Siindy Blvd. READ THEN ACT. BUNGALOW SACRIFICED. Will be sold this week. A charmm bungalow on corner. 00x100 feet. Mu Tab.ir t.!nrlct on Division, only blork from h.. .-thorne car; haa rt room, beam ed ceiling, built-in effect, fuil Dutch kitchen; i loveiv bedrooms, oath be tween. Full cement bajwn.cn t. lurnace and Kara . This will be soiu; the doubie lot and modern bungalow fur only -to 00. TERMS. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, S Cham, of Com. B'dg. Main -OS. PRETTY SHINGLED BUNGALOW. With 80x100 lot. S nice rooms with at lr newlv calclmined and in excellent condition; good 'basement : U-t us show you this comfortable lutle home; 1 Vi blocks to car; price $'-773, with I'Umj cash; or can be handled with smaller amount ot cash, with increased monthly payments. . , RALPH HARRIS CO.. 916 Chamber of Commerce, Main B624. $1000 CA-SH BUNGALOW. ROSE CITY FARK. New. beauLlful with bin: living rooms, cove cellina-. ivory finish, hardwood floors, tile fireplace, artistic built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, shower bath and rectus tub: full concrete basement, hot-air furnace; garage. There are six rooms, Including 3 bedrooms. In this lovely bungalow home. The price is oi'oo. oon t overlook a gooa ouy. Call Mr. Everson today. Evenings call Main 4H7. COMTE & KOHLMAN, Main 50. 208 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ROSE CITY -LSNAP. .DIRKCT VROM OWNER. I am offering my new 7-room home with double garage; occupied onty snort time, strictly modern ana weii-Dum hardwood floors t h rnua-hout. Lsrge llv lng room with plate glass windows; 8 seta of French doors; dandy breakfast nook and sun parlor; recessed bath tub. Price $6500. $1000 cash. 553 East 43d street .Nortn. ROSE CITY $750 CASH. OWNER LEAVING CITY. $4200, large living room with ftreplac, larza diniiiir room with beam ceiling natural grained finish, white butch kitchen with built-ins. bedroom down stairs, large closet, bath. 2 bedrooms Mpatalrs, very best construction, ful cement hasrment with washtrays. f-"' nace. Only $1!5 monthly. See It today Mnrsn. ltrj-j or sii. Jiuh. ROSE CITY. $3000 buy a beautlfut 6-room modern bungalow, close in, cor. lot, run ossemeui, laiindrv frflvi. Kara ire. This Dlace is in fine condition. $Wi will handle. This is aa exceptional buy. Come In and let us go over our listings with you. we have several gooa ouy. S. BORLAND. 303 Stock Exchange. Aut. Rgft-04. 1KV 1NOTON. $10,500. On 17th and Knott: large square home, large rooms, old Ivory, mahogany, hardwood floors throughout. 2 bath rooms and extra plumbing. Thia is a real oar gain; owners leaving ior -woo tana, McDONHLL, Hast 411. ALAMEDA I'ARK VIEW. ttlKO CASH. 475 MONTH. INC. 1. i,et us xhow vou this: you have from Llnnton to Mt. Tabor as a yard; five rooma on one floor, large basement, pan room with oak floors in the attic: fur nace, tile bath, fireplace, garage, 85xtU ground; close to uroaaway car. J. R, HAIGHT, REALTOR. R27 Bonrd of Trade. Broadway 2045 COUNCIL CREST PARK BEST VIEW 1I CITY. 411.500. TCnthlne like this on the he lent e. bun galow of 8 nice rooms, lots of built -ln, strictly modern; grounds 85x169, finest lawn and shrubbery you ever saw; com plete view of citv and mountains; terms. COE A. McKEXNA & CO Fourth Street. Main 7t. HAWTHORNE AVE. BARGAIN, $2750 $330 DOWN. Five rooms, full plumbing. In good condition. 4-!d St., m oiks, south of Hawthorne ave. ; 150x100; all improve ments in and paid. $35 per mo., includ ing interest. J. C. CORBTN OO., B05-8-7 Lewis Bldg. $5450 IRVINOTON SNAP. A 7-room house, hardwood floors, all finished in Ivory and enamel, 2 fire places, furnace, Ruud heater, full ce ment basement, wash trays, etc., fiOxl-3 lot: garage. City Improvements paid; $1550 cash, balance terms. RUMMELL RUMMELL, 274 Stark St. LOW PRICE for quick sale equity In 2 room apt. bungalow; bath, fireplace, basement, -garage, gas, electricity; lot 50x108: cement walk. paved street ; -ideal for couple that want to- beat high rt-nt; $450 down, balance like rent, $25 per month. Including interest. Owner WO East 80th st. North, half block south of Knott. 11 A. M. to B P. M. . IRVINGTON. Comer home, 002 E. 22d st.; large rooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, full bament, solid concrete garage ; $8750, $1500 cash. Open today. McDONELU East 410. SWELLEST PORTSMOUTH RESIDENCE. $500 down for wonderfully pretty 7 room residence and large lots, fruit, etc., balance $3000 easy monthly terma Will consider smaller home in city or sub urban. QUTN Morgan Bldg Realtor. WHAT $l!O0 WILL DO. $20O will put you in poseslon of a neat 4-rm. home on 50xioo corner lot with paved sts.; -several large fruit tree; 1 block from car Hue, In good dis trict; total price only $1800. Including all Improvements. Call Mr. Finley, Main 7141. 5L'7 Cornet t Mug. V YV ti n 1 ' I ivnicra, -i..-ini. FIVE-ROOM ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. CUT TO $4300. $500 CASH. Oak floor, furnace, fireplace, papered, buffet, breakfast nook, attic, full cement basement, paved street. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. S27 Board of Trade. Bdwy. g043. MI'ST BE SOLD. 5-room modern bungalow, hardwood floors throughout, nice bullt-lns, fire place, cement basement, $5500; $500 down. See G. E. Croxford with Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 218 Railway Exchange bldg., Bdwy. Rgnq. $3500 PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $3500. Nearly new 6-room modern bungalow. Dutch kitchen, bullt-lns; gnmge: paved street; terms. Owner at 201) Panama bldg. $3800 $500 DOWN, Sellwood 5-room bun galow On Sl-'XH'V "! " ' ' .a."--" menu In and paid; all kinds of fruit trees. Will take light car as part pay ment. Wm. A. Hughes Co., 218 Rail way Exchange b!dg. Bdwy. ftSOS. NEW Laurelhurst 6-room bunRalow, ma terial and workmanship first-clasa, tiled bath and sink, pedestal plumbing, hard wood floors, garage. 1040 Multnomah st. I have several others under construction I ca show you f-sm tiHUO $r,00 DOWN. This beautiful 5-room bungalow located In Alberta: house new. lv painted and tinted throughout, with double garage. Drive out at 1102 E. 21st st. N., and see this house, Wdln. -tue! virKST nlace in Rose City, hard wood floors, ivory finish and tapestry paper elegant ouui-inw, omnium mien S0300: $3000 cash. See O. E. Croxford, 218 Railway Exchange bldg.. Bdwy. "ROSE CITY PARK. $5700. ' a California bungalow, all built Ins full cement basement and garage; terms. Aut. 817-02. L REAL XmM sift; location, price, terms, monthly, anything of value down; 4-r. h i acre. $750: 2 acres. $030; log h., 6 acres, $17-10; -r. h.. $J00O. Owner, Mar. 79". ONLY $2150. Nice 4-room modern bungalow, lot B Ox 100, 1 block to car: $450 down, bal ance $?0 month. Automatic 2 10-a:. 6-room house. $2200, half eaah; all Improvements in and paid; by owner. CLOSE-IN Irvlngton home. $3900; seven room house, good yard and garage, not atrlctly modern, but in excellent condi tion, i "" " 4-ROOM bungalow, bum -ins, M,i!,,n.ij PORCH, garage. lObti , Alarguerltte FINE Laurlhurst hm, 7 rooms, den, sleeping porch, excellent place for doctor. $700. Tabor 3oifl. . . . KKAD THIS AD CAR EH LL. . EEEOUE JUL Y1M1 tK itUlLDlNQ SEE US. Ex-service m'n let us help you p an that home either on your lot or one of our own, eavs terms. Competent archi tect to nsjtlMt you. Inspect our plans snd see homes wa now have under construction. FOR HOMES ALREADY COMPLETED we can suit n on terms aa iow as 4-JOO down. ni'V NOW APPLY LOAN LATER. $4700 Ruys 5 rooms and bath, hardwoo.i floors, fireplace, buffet, Dut.'h kitchen with breakla-st nook. Tiled bath, recess tub. etc. MT. TAROR IU NGALOW HOME. $4000 Huvs noat. clean and altractlvj h onve: 3 rooms and bath; arrangf-l for three bedrooms if desired; g.-.s furnace; over a doien fu.l bearing fruit trees. Lot almost 10.0.0 square feet. Paving In and paid. Very exceptional terms to ex enlr man. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. $3350 Huvs 5 rooms and bath, also attlft. This bungalow was Jut reduced from $:t:00 for immediate sale. Street improvements all la and paid. . $5300 Let us show you this attractive bungalow home of 5 rooms and bath, also large attic, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, ga rage, etc. Improvements lu and paid. We have homes In all section and at prices and terms we know are right. J. A. W1CKMAN CO.. Realtors. ?4 PtHrk St. Main 1004 and 53. IRVTNOTON COLONIAL, BEAUTIFUL HOME. Ho out to 6J3 E. ISth N., near Stan ton, faces1 east, and see this beautiTut square colonial home, modern to tha minute. Then call me up and I will ar range 10 take you through It. P. W. ALTON, AUTO. 3l-13 i IRVINGTON. CHARMING SQUARH COLONIAL. ' Large living room, 3 sets of French! doors; beautiful colonial atairway; ivory and mahogany "woodwork; beautiful dln Ina room, perfect kitchen; a large break fast room: 3 large bedrooms, long mir rors and fireplace; tiled bath, hardwood floors throughout; faces east full lot. wide driveway and garatre. This In tha nicest new home in Irvlngton, $1000, $15O0 cash. KA-ST 419. t McDonnell. : ALAMEDA BKSTPBNCB. Most unusual interior In ar rangement, decoratibn and con venience. Living room, dining room, library, moat complete kitch en. 3 sleeping rooms (alo maid's room), large bath, 2 fireplaces, full basement, Gaaco furnace, garage, drapes, awnings, linoleums and several bedroom oarpet s included in price. Further particulars by calling MRS. HARRT PRTCD PALMER E. 2654. ROSE CTTT 100x100 LOT. Kxceptional home, with lots of fruit, berries, landscaped, 7 large, siry rooms; full cement bseemcnt; furnace, breakfast nook, fireplace, bookcases, buffet; one bedroom down, three up; hardwood floors, dandy garage, cemmt driveway ; a regular country home In the city; only three Mocks to RC mr. PRICE $0000, AND A BARGAIN. MARSH MfCABB CO., EXCLUSIVE REALTORS. 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. 3903. ONLT $3000. 6-RM. BUNGALOW ALBERTA. Thia Is an excellent home at a very moderate price; banement, fireplace, bookcases, bufftit, two bedrooms, bath, toilet, four years old, good plumbing, sewer, two blocks to Alberta car, one bloclc school. Marsh mpcabb co., realtors, 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Mar. 8093. 1 ACRE 13EARINO FRUIT. A-ROOM HOUSE $750. A LITTLE FARM IN THE CITT. One acre with choice variety of bear ing fruit, both large and small, chicken houses and runs, comfortable 5-room house, located on East 52d St., gravel road In front and paved street on side; all assessments Included In price. This) Is a snap at $2750; reasonable terms. H BNDER SON-BANK US CO., 628 Henry Bldg. Bdwy. 4754. Evenings OaM Twbor nn.'. LAURKLHURST. TWO MODERN BUNGALOWS. I am finishing 2 modern bungalows In Laurelhurst, good looation, high and sightly, hardwood floors throughout, fur naoe, garage, light fixtures, window shades, at 1:0 6-2 10 East 43d st. North, near Royal Court. GEORGE E. WELLER, Owner and Builder, 226 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main 5231. Tabor 1050. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. People, this la a high-class bungalow' tn one of Portland's most beautiful dis tricts; 6 rooms, strictly modern, on car Una with a wonderful unobstructed vievr of the city; a splendid ivy covered ter-t race lawn with an abundance of shrub bery about the place end the price) Just reduced to $4Woo; $1000 down. OOB A, McKENNA CO., Mn-fn 6S71. Mr. Pomeroy. ROSE CITY PARK. R-rotrm bungalow, oak floors, flre- plare, ivory fluish, tapestry walls. ga) furnace, piste glass window, wonder ful dining room, massive buffet, Dutcli 'kitchen, breakfast nook; 2 vary sunny bedrooms, concrete basement, well lo cated corner lot. Price only $3750. DKRR POWNDEU. 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2245. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $tl7.'Hl. LEAVING CITY. WILL PELL MT HOME ON EASY TERMS. SMALL PAY M E N'T DOW N. BALA NCR AS R EN T 2 MODERN H-ROOM IH'NOALOW. tKOI CONDITION, MAGNIFICENT VIEW. EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT, WRTH $S0OO. ON D. M. CARLINE. OWNER, MAINT JRVINCTON. For Irvlngton lilgh-clasa homes, in vestment of flats, apartments, call and) see our Mr. Jones; we are building lu this lovely district and know by experl-t ence th vsluea. F. Tfc BOWMAN CO.. 210 Cham, of Com. Bldg. $.1200 t50 CASH. SACRIFICE TRICE. S-ronm bungalow, heart of Sunnysfde, E. SfUh.; large lot; place In first-ciatyi "UCOT? A BERRT, 1033 Belmont. ROSE CITY B UNGALO W. $,100 down; dandy 4-room bungalow, 2 bedrooms, large Dutch kitchen, etc., full lot and fruit; furniture if desired ; accept auto or li. C. or Kenton lot. M-ula OTN. 206 Morgan Bldg. REALTOR. ROSE CITY I'AIiK. New B-room bungiilow. whlt enameled throughout. Dutch klt hen, roomy break fast nook, fireplace, Frnch doora, full cement basement, wash trays, large, floored attic. Two blockg north Sandy blvd.; $.V)00!$1500cash. Sell. 115tf. " ALBERTA HOME $700 CASH. $4000 buys very neat 6-room bungalow on paved street, half block from car; hardwood floors, full concrete basement, laundry trays, Dutch kitchen; 4txloo lot; $700 cash, bat. rnty terms. Eaut KM17. " LAURELHURST. New six-room bungalow, modern in, every sense of the word; a hme th:tt you will be proud to own. 47 Melkle place (42d st), bet. Couch end Burnsido. nwn er snd hulld-r. Main 8144. IRVINGTON HOM E. 6-room house, close in. on psved st ; full concrete basement, .sundry trsya, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors; alna Al-azar range a nd water heater; all for $.1.VW: terms. Cuff Est 1H'7. g " WEST S11E RESIDENCE $0000. - Modern 7-room residence. In good con- ,HENRYW.'oDDABD. REALTOR. Stark Street. M h I n X3t. UiiOO 4-room cottage, bath, toilet, cellar, sidewalk 95x100 lot, covered with fruit ( 'corner; $1700, $150 cash. Good 3-room cottage lot 501.S7, $075. $100 cuslu Charles MQUCK, !- v ALA M EUA PARK SAC R1FICE K- 50. Owner leaving Nov. 15, must sen at tractive house, 6 rooma, sleeping porch, 30th su, near Maaon. East Z'Ji. Main 8073. .3700 $500 down; this lovely 6-room house with sleeping porch and garage, one biork from car. Will take light car as tart payment. Wm. A. Hughes Co.. 214 Ral'way Exchange b'dg. ltd wv. 6vo. X a- ROOM house in Irvine:' on ; lot 4.1x'.'S ; full bas-ment; furnace; close to car; uiity $300. Wdlo. GOBi.