THE 3IORNIXG OISISOIA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1921 17 RFAL FPTATK. LARGE LOTS. 62x100 TO ftOxllO FEET. 30 TO !W0, 3D MORTGAGE PRIVILEGE. $15 DOWN $10 PER MONTH. Juat east of Alameda; Park, ex ceptionally desirable borne sites. Ideal res trie tiona, any facing or description of lot dealred. They are ail large. iom have trees for, others In bearing: fruit. A few that are all cioared and ready for garden. This restricted district la aerved by the Beaumont and Board way car line. Close to Beaumont school. These lota are within 3-mlls circle and are food from an Investment standpoint or to build your luture bum a. Branch Office 33d and Bryce Are. J. L. HARTMAV COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bid. Main iiua. EEN'TON! THE PENINSULA ADDITION WITH "CHARACTER" ! . A beautiful, natural park, wonderful trees and shrubs; paved streets, cement walks and sewers now In and included In price. The scores of modern, attrac tive homes now In thla district firmly establish its character as an up-to-date residential district. Convenient to ron ton car, club, school and our great in dustrial district, "North Portland." A safe" district for builders to operate; an unsurpassed demand for new homes; So-xTOO lots, $700 up; 10 per cent down. 2 per cent per month. This Is an idai snot to build your permanent home. Phone Main lOf.M and one of our repre Sfntaiive will glad.y call for you In his machine and show you over the prop erty. You will be absolutely under no obligation to buy. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To liuy Tour Lot. (Exclusive Veiling- Agent.) Ablngton liiUg. . Main 1068. PRANKL1N HIGH 8CHOOL. FEET. $23 DOWN $13 PER MO. On good macadam street, ail paid. adjoins the ranann iuku . hfwil t.i.i a.rdenlnj ground. la In cultivation and well fertil ised at the present time, llullding restrictions are easy for builders of mall home. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. $ Chamber of Commerce Iildg. iiiia IRVING! ON DISTRICT. 7."ixl"u a. K. Cor. E. lth and Stanton, the district ! made, beautiful homes aJ around; vory iow price on applica- tltw!lxl0f N. H Cor. E. 17th and Stan ton; none better; priced right; go look. eNo.S"l4i0, east front on E. 20th nice trees, worth i-nwjo. ace us .or lrvlr'Ktnn proper. II ITT K ii I.OWR & CO., Realtor. itl-H-rt-.VT Poard of Trade MUU. IK VINii TUN LOT Builders and soldiers take notice; 6-3 J0O lot. Al location, improvements and paid, second mortgage privilege owner might furnish some cash fo building, not far from school or ca line; quick action necessary. Bee ilr Jone-" F. E. BOWMAN A CO. 210 rharnhf-r of ConimiTi-p Bldg. . . , u L-ii . i . It V w. u I10O0 Nice level lot, all improvement In: S K. cor. oienn anu Dinumun. $1000 lh Alameda and 2id. N. cor., distinctive neighborhood and nl $:;6no N. W. cor. 83d and Dunckley VH. 7 lilr fir tree, grauua iui. HITTER. LOWB & CO.. Realtors. i;pt-2-3-5-7 Hoard or i raue mug 2 1-3 acres on Eat 37th street, faclni on car line; this will make an eKcell-n choice ranch or is suitable for aub division. This 1 Jut half price HILLKR BROS., REALTORS. 211 Railway Exch. bid. Main 8fl. Uranch office. 60th and Sandy. ' Tnhor M.Y . VOL H O I ' I'O ItTl" N' IT If KIN K CHANCE. LAURKT.HCRST LOTS LEFT OVB.R FROM TUB AUCTION. Pome lucky person will get thess a less than auction prices. Come out ant look thrn ovr. Open all day. Laurel hurst tract office, East Stfth and Gluan I'hnnc Tter 3433. i'LC'HK IN. EAST SIDE 1U SIN ESS SITE. v e nave mi mcai - - 2fth and Hvt for apartments, bakery w similar huilness. The price La only SloUO for niiiiHr fen. JOHNSON-lM)LSLN CO.. P.33 N W r-miU M tin 37' rose city park, district. KuiTiflre. Sundv. the Columbia high way entrance .cor. 7.'ith; beautiful home si I p. 6xl 00. east face ; $000. cut from tn:Q. cah fnr quick ;tle. HARRY HKGKWITH. Main Wffl Rfiiltor. 1" St. ROSE CITY PAKH.. $;nn Wonderful view. fac. S. on Bra zee too fort E- of K. 2d. -.-.n iin hi,. -w trt naved street. hlka to Sandy on .ISth at. A good buy In a arowing district. HITTER. 1-OWK A CO., Realtors. 2il-2-:L3.T Honrd of Trade Rid b;. ROSifi CITY PARK HIST R1CT. ion tt siviiT hlvd. fronts re on K 0ih st.. Watitlful grove of trees. 3 houses could be built on 'his pifc. HARRY BBCKWITH. !-i!n Rnltor 104 -ttn St. iiiiu:Als IN LOTS. T-ocatetf in Iurlhurnt. Portland's most beautiful reaident'al dietrlct; all Improvement In; elo,lng-out prices range from $100 to Jl&OO. Hee J. A. Mc carty. 270W. Stark iL Main 1700. Eve- lUVIN'.TON DISTRICT. r.,rn.r $i:t. $100 rajih. $10 a month, pavfnr In front, nidfwalks nti.l sewer everything paid. tn car, 2 b!ks, to achool. This Is real alue. joHNsox-nrvpsON fn . Ml V. W TV"V T'ldg. Mill T.77 ALAMEDA TR rANOEK. 11AM. This Is one of the few ex clusive building lotn. surrounded by beautirul homes and three paved utreetf. all ascsTnent paid; a wonderful buy at this price (700O square f eet. W. M. Tmhden stock A Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. Bdwv. 1 lU". 1RVIXOTON lI STRICT. $7.-0 HH CXSH $10 MONTH, it. . uKiu- IU . u n A mewer nil nnld on cr: :'u blocks to school; aurroutided by new HNSOV-DODSON CO.. . riiitik tfl.l. Mm In ft" v. w LACK KEII L UST LOTS. Pee or phone J. A Mct'arty. 270H Stark at. Main 1700. Evenings. Taftor 0.7. , For Suit Ilou-Mvt. liRAND-NEW 3-roitm bung.iiow; old Ivory finish, Dutch kitcht-n; full baaement; new trtirave ; full six lot; block from car ' $aiHo.'$tJ:v do n. HARRY PKCKWITH. Vrt'n flirto. Pitnr. 104 Sth St "1 r?iM(; I- U.UVTIIOllXE IHST 2 big sleeping porches, carpt-ts and lltsnlmn included, furnace, fruit trees, ptAd st.. everything you ran ask for. $HMM cash required, balance very easy terms. K h st 'H14 or Btlwv.-4fi3V "Vacant u rooms, hawthoknb. Walking distance. $30i0, $1t00 cash. hiance like rent ; real bare in Invent morn. T. O. Bird. Mar. 10i or BvlL CTttrt evenings. PA R lv KOSH TRACT 4 -room houj-e. ti lot, all dwir; plenty smill fruit; only 2 Mocks from ear; priced to sell quck. A H. Rlrrell-C.ill Co., N. W. Lank Mi!it. Mar. 4114 4M( K 4-room houo. bath. tolt. hot and rot't water; good outbuildings: onl 1 -MMl; $3u0 cah. bal. eav. Linton lch. Main JUu3. 418 Railway Ex- rhirp bide ilUJiE CITY PARK. $:700. -4:t3 E. 30th St. N. A tyreal California bungalow, all butR irt. full cnifnt basement and garage; terms. Aut. 317-0. QUICK. 3-room new hoae; mu?t he seen to he apm t'OiHtfd, wtM side, close in, $l.3u $ :. "'I rai"h. Woodlawn 4V-3. a KK.VL ift. tot a: ion. price, terms monthiy, any iilnr of value -down 4-r h., 1 acre. $;.(); 2 acres $3.0; log h . fi s.res, $X730; -r. h., lotiOO. Owner. Mar 7'.l Q i:uuM houe. v acre. 13 minutes oj; citv w ater. ta f rnit; only IL'iuo. S '00 down. $1. per mnrth. DRAPPR. 4'S nard of Trade. I-ROOM house, inodr-m. Holladay Addi tion, walking distance city. achooLa. ciiurchts; cainent grag; $i000; terma fhorie 3-5-13arter 10 A. M. rtixv--8 h'OM house; lot 70x100. 1 bio, k from Morrison car. excellent investment HARRY PKCKWITH. Muln "H0 Real or. 1"4 3th Sr. &-KjoM buiiA.tiw. fcaig and lot 411 E. 3th Ht. John Hain. owner, 3u7 Spa Id in ir b?d . FINE 7-room home. n--ar 1'vk, $oBuO, UAUur Laure.hurit REAL ESTATE. For Sale" -Hoosen. EOSE'CTTY PARK DISTRICT. SOME SPLENDID BUYS. $30" 00 To BE BUILT. A nlftv bunga low, double constructed, with. iirepiace. narcwooa lioors, ipien did kitchen with breakfast nook, cement basement, wash traya, etc. Tapestry paper, expensive fix tures. You'll have to hurry. $4300 TO PE BUILT. A bungalow with lota of class and distinction; modern to the last detail, com plete with, furnace a.d garage. Term i. $3230 A high class bungalow, splendid lines, finest construction. Lo cated below the hill. You'll buy this Is you Inspect It. LAURELHURST DISTRICT. $4750 A new 3-room bungalow, double constructed; full cement base ment ; complete with furnace, fireplace and hardwood floors; finished In ivory. $6200 One of Laureihurst's beautiful bungalows, built by one of Port land's best builders. There Isn't a thing lacking that you would expect to find In a real expensive home. $6800 Dutch colonial, new, never been lived In ; located on a beautiful corner lot; -really & home you'll te proud to own. Buy it on your own terms, too. A. G. TEEPE CO. West Side office 270 Stark St. Main 3002. En at Side office 4oth fr Sandy. Tab. !.-. IRVINGTON. CHARMING SQUARE COLONIAL. Large living room, 2 sets of French doors; beautiful colonial stairway; ivory and mahogany woodwork; beauttiui (lin ing room, perfect kitchen; a large break fast room : S larsre bedrooms, long mir rors and fireplace; tiled bath, hardwood floors throughout: faces east full lot, wide driveway and garage. This Is fhe nicest new home in lrvington, $i0oO, JU.U0 cash. EAST 4 Iff. McDonnell. ROSS CITT PARK. Beautiful corner with southeast ex posure. This Is one of the most desir able corners in this district, one block from Sandy, under the hill, a larae- & room modern bungalow with hardwood floors throughout, fireplace, built-in fea tures of every kind; French doors, large plate glass windows, attic, splendid base ment with furnace, garage, all improve ments in and paid ; owner leaving the city, $300: reasonable terms. HIELER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor MS3, LAURELHURST. 13750; a wonderful location; beau tiful rooms on one floor, a .-wonderful living room running acrosa'entire front of house, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in features, concrete basement with furnace, garage. This home faces south on one of the best streets in Laurelhurst. with all Improvements In and paid. Good terms. , HILLER BROS., REALTORS. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main P6. Branch oTfiee. 50th and Sandy. 'Tabor H48S. ILT.0 CASH. Adlolnlns: Laurelhurst; beautiful 5- room bungalow with large attic, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, beautiful Dutch kitchen, faces east on paveil street and is absolutely complete including furnace and garage. - This is near the car and the price is only $550, Including everything. HILLER BROS.. REALTORS. 211 Railway Exch. Bldg. Main 86. Branch office, 50th ana Sandy. Tabor MS.V ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. T'nusual 6-ruom bungalow ; beautiful interior, every modern convenience; '1 lovely bedrooms; music room : complete glassed-in sleeping porch; DUTCH kitch en; cooler and bullt-ins; concrete base ment; furnace; full sise lot; east face; one of the choicest locations in this dis trict; priced to sell quickly; $4ul)0;ex ceptional terms. - HARRY RECKWITH. Main RS1!. Realtor. 104 Mh St. ROSE CITY. $.-00 DOWN PAYMENT. $3230 VEKY ATTRACTIVE 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. GARAGE AND FUR NACE. LARGE LIVING ROOM. BEAU TIFUL STONE FIREPLACE; ATTRAC TIVE DINING ROOM; DUTCH KITCH EN, 2 LARGE BEDROOMS; BEAUTI FUL OAK FLOORS. Ril E. 55TH ST. R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S. NATIONAL BANK BEDG. ROSE CITY SNAP. DIRECT FROM OWNER. t I am offering my new 7-room home with double garage; occupied only short time. Strictly modern and well-built; hardwood floors throughout. Large liv ing room with plate glass windows; 8 sets of French doors; dandy breakfast nook and sun parlor ; recessed bath tub. Price $'50O, $1000 cash. 555 East 43d SM-ret North. $250 CASH. $5250 EX-SERVICE MEN, APPLY YOUR BONUS ON THIS ROSE CITY BARGAIN ! FIVE ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH, GARAGE AND FURNACE: LARGE LIVING ROOM. FIREPLACE. FRENCH CASEMENT WINDOWS; DI TCH K1TCHE N. BEAUTIFUL GROUNDS. ' R. SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 320 t. S. NATIONAL BANK BLDG. BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. A beautiful 2-story bungalow. 7 spa cious rooms and music room. A lovely design and classy line. Nicely located on Senate St., near Sandy, on full lot. with nifty garage. $450; automatic Ruud water heater included. A very elabor ately finished home with a virw; $3500. Call earlv for appointment. COB A. McKENNA CO., Main BH7I. Mr. Pomeroy. HOSE CITY PARK $H350. Built for a home ; 7-room colonial house; beautiful drawing room; living room and dining room; hardwood floors; complete kitchen; built-in refrigerator; concrete basement: furnace; full lot; east face; block from Sandy; a bargain; very easy tt-rms. HARRY RECKWITH. Main u fte-dtor. 104 St. " ROSE CITY SPECIAL. $4300 New artistic 4-room bungalow, on your own terms; large living room, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitch en, breakfast nook, casement windows throuirhowt. 2 fine bedrooms, connecting bathroom, furnace and garage. Make your own terms. Ht SOMERVILLE. BDWY. 2478. 320 U. S.National Bank Bldg. ROSE CITY" DISTRICT. $1750. $250 DOWN $20 A MONTH Three -rooms and sleeping porch, fur niture. 30100 lot. 7 fruit trees. 6 years o!d; place fenced. No. 2102 Sacramento street Come and ret your little home, stop rent. Main 7931. Tabor 3jil9. J. A. Rolihins. HOSE CITY PARK. ChoU'e property on B. 41st St., not far from Sandy blvd.: story and half bunga low, 7 rooms, furnace, fireplace, garage, full lot. paved street; for sale at ery close price. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. V V r;. .,u ri.1- Mir 4114. ANOTHER IRVINGTON BARGAIN. This beautiful corner bungalow to be sold below cost, 7 rooms and a garage, strictly modern and quit attractive, in the new lrvington district: go and see this yourself, or let us show it to you, COK A. McKENNA CO.. Main fi71. Pomernv. IRVINGTON. $20,000. FURNTSHED COMPLETE. 8 -room magnificent home. Heart of district Beautirul grounds, luxiuu; ga raxe. You should renily aee this. Call Main 7031. Tabor 3817. J. A. ROPPTN5P. l.M.xl.HI J ROOMS 4:ou. Fine home on corner, PMtjcIOO, with larae garden, .fruit and lawn; hoi nrly new; has fireplace, furnace, good plumhtrg, fine sleeping porch; a real bargain at price asked; terms If desired. A. H. BIRR ELL-GILL CO.. ?1ft V V. Brink IMdir Mir. 4114 LOOK THIS UP. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $500 cash; attractive 5-room bunga low, sni garage, beautiful hard wood floors, fireplace. Dutch kitchen. 2 large airy bedrooms, fu'l attic, located Atll East 55th st. N. Must be sold at once; esy terms. Pwy. 247S WEST PIEDMONT. $3100 "fix-room house, two blocks Jefferson high, house in fine shape, on paved atreets, one block to car, $730 cash will handle COK A McKENNA CO.. Fourth St M!n 171 BUALTIFL'L LAUKttLliCKST, $73'H. 6 -room modern bungalow. 1 block to park; elegant fireplace, buffet, lots of bull t -Ins, d;indy hardwood floors; you will like this typical California bunga jow. Main 7931. Tabor 3311. J. a. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT. New 5-room bungalow ; beautiful In terior; Du;ch kitchen; breakfast nook : fireplace; bookcases: buffet; cement basement: full lot; $s.vo. $750 down. HARRY BECKWITH. Main V Realtor. 104 5th St ROSS CITY. C ROOMS. $4-00. $750 CASH. Leaving city, semi -bungalow, large rooms, furnace, fireplace. 2 blocks car; come ses for yourself. T. O. Bird. 626 Cham, of Com. Mar. 102J. .tti.-.D PA RGAIN m attractive 5-room bungalow; hnrdwood floors, fireplace. e:c Ttrma 1093 &. 23th N. Woouiawn BE At FSTATB. For Sale Honea. WEST SIDE. 7 rooms and sleeping porch, excellent condition. Ivory eggshell finish throughout, hardwood floors, large front and rear porches, fire place and furnace, cement base ment, full lot 50 feet, one block from 2 car lines, 25 minutes walk from business center. 705 OVERTON ST. Owner, Sunday, Main 740; week, days. Main Si. 1925. ' TVHERE IS THE FAIR GOING T SOLD ABOUT $125 000 WORTH OF LOTS AROUND MOCK TRACT. BUILD YOUR OWN HOUSE. WE FURNISH THE LIMBER. WORLD'S FAIR ADDITION'. THINK OF THE LOCATION. FAIREST OFFER EVER MADE. LOTS 1(100 AND UP. INCLUDING PAVED STREET. SEE OUR HOUSES ONLY 3100 CASH DOWN. PRICES ADVANCE NOV. 20. r a. c. Mcdonald & son. 96 AND 296 W. LOMBARD. WOODLAWN "673. IRVINGTON ONLY $3300. NIFTY, NEW bungalow, built on mod em linen, double constructed. 5 rooms, fine fireplace, full cement basement, pipeless furnace. Many extra built-in feature In the heart of restricted dis trict. Excellent value. MARSH ft McCABE CO., Exclusive Realtors, 822-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. IRVINGTON. $S30O. Real home on 17th and Knott. Seven fine rooms and large glass Inclosed sleeping porch ; full lot and double garage. This Is a real buy. Beat location In lrvington. Mc DON ELL, ast 410. . LAURELHURST SNAP. DIRECT FROM OWNER. I am offerlnar m v new house foccuDied only a short time), strictly modern and well built, 5 -room and large attic, in best part of Laurelhurst, near park, at a price ou oelow its actual vaiue; Jl'Ouo cash will handle. Call at 133 Jk. i-ine sc. near 4 1st. $4100 $800 DOWN. I3x100-fL lot on Alameda Drive, . NEW 3-room Modern Bungalow. All built-lns, breakfast nook, fur nace, hardwood floors, exceptional ly well built. Call Aut. 39-81. between 10 and S Dally. HAWTHORNE RESIDENCE. Six large airy rooms. In fine condition on corner lot, double garage, cement basement, good furnace, fireplace, all bullt-ins. This Is a real bargain at $55uO and wiUtake small car as part payment. MARSH A McCABE CO., Realtors. 32J-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. FINE IRVINGTON HOME. One of the most artistic 10-room southern colonial homes on double cor ner, with beautiful grounds and double garage. The rooms are very large and are elaborately decorated and paneiea and Include den. sun and breakfast rooms, with several tirenlaces: hardwood floors throughout. 2 baths, hot water neat, rirst time onered. labor 4U7. ROSE CITY. Just completed, 5-room splendid bun galow, hardwood floors throughout, French doors, massive buffet, bookcases, breakfast nook, tile bath, plate-glass windows, cement porch, garage 11x18, block from Sandy; price $3750, $2000 cash, balance like rent. 602 East 54th N. Owner. Broadway 31S6 or East 1376, LAURELHURST COLONIAL. $0000. Exceptional buy, six rooms besides den, sunroom, den. reception ball, sleeping porch, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, ga rage, excellent location, near school and car; eaay terms. J. R. HAIGHT, Realtor. 327 Board of Trade. Bdwy. -2045. Homes In Restricted Districts. A BEAUTIFUL NEW FOUR-ROOM AND BREAKFAST NOOK BUNGALOW. Modern built-in features; finished In old ivory; hardwood floors, cement base ment; can move right in: $3200; $3t0 .down, easy monthly payments. For par ticulars see Alva Kinley, with Ralph Ackley Land Co., 827 Corbett bldg. Tel ephone Main 7141. PIEDMONT. Bv owner, a real home, east front, on paved street: ix rooms and bath, two toilets, pipeless furnace, cement base ment with traya and fruit -cooler and dark room; wood and coal in for winter; flrfst-class garage and sewer in ailey; fruit trees and berries : $4000. 1323 Cleveland a v e . Woodlawn 23 o 2 WHY LOOK FURTHER? A real bungalow home of six rooms, all on one floor, fine living and dining room, large kitchen. 8 large, airy bed rooms, fireplace, built-Ins. cement base ment, beautiful corner lot, 1 block to car; It won't last long at $4750. Terma W. W. 8 A BIN. REALTOR. 1032 Union ave. N. Wdln.. 5S3. EX-SERVICE men who contemplate tak ing advantage of bonus loan to pur chase a home should see us. We have a number of desirable home sites and are In a position to finance the build ing of modern, up-to-date homes. W. M. UMBDENSTOCK A CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1 658. ST. JOHNS BUNGALOW. 0 room, modern: extra well con structed: full basement; lOoxlOO lot: fruit and berries; V block to car: good street; Improvements In and paid for; $44hm1, terms. 716 E. Buchanan st- Phone t olum nia iti ' LOVELY PIEDMONT HOME. Seven rooms and bath, strict ly mod ern in every way. lot 50x100, fine lawn, street paved. This is a lovely home and fa wonh the money. $fi50O. part cash, Wilbur F. Jouno, Henry bidg. Bdwy. 4S7. mriKRNT IN EVERY RESPECT. New 8-room bungalow; very attractive built-lns. full cement basement, paved street; price $swOt $2000 down, balance monthly payments. For particulars see Alva Finlev. with Ralph Ackloy Land Co.. 527 fir-eiT ning .m h i n IRVINGTON BUNGALOW SNAP. Bloc from car, beautiful sunny rooms. all oak floors, fireplace, full cement tile bathroom. Dlate a lass. g a race. Better than new. PRICE V BIGHT. Neuhausen A Co.. Realtors,- 30 N. W. Bank bldg.- Main notw. GOING TO BUILD? We design and build residences or any building, assist In financing same; 13 years' continuous and complete building service, PBLTKlT X A.MJ SATlSrAU TlON ASSURED. L. R. Bailey, con tracting architect. 924 N. W. Bank bldg. T.iT'R KI.H U RST BUNGALOW. Macniflcent 7-room bungalow with ga rage on corner near car and park; large living room, breakfast room. 3 bedrooms, tvo-y finish, mahogany trim and doors, oak floors throughout: beautiful ahrub- berr ; terms i mur f- t. AC MEL HI' RST COLONIAL. 7-room southern colonial on large corner near car and park: center entrance; fTencn ors. oory wars papered: breakfast room. Harare. Tabor 40T finish 2 Are- "LAURELHURST home. Hit n ALU I r ln. Colng east Dec. 1, 8-room house, best AV.rvth'.ng. Ask me about it. Phone Tabor 333 1RVTNC.TON. Strictly np-to-date 7-room house; n. w. floors, rurnare. fireplace. sleeping porch, garage: $K'00 will han dle prtone Fgi1 nr. a:'.. " . 1,-1 c :ti It-room hotie. 10 blocks from Broad ' . i - Mnrks to car: clean an .TiTi Price fbooo. See these and many ethers. 5-5 Railway T.x. bldg. IA.M1 CASH Vice S-room home, nearly new. one him-k to Hawthorne car; street Improve 7. i and naid. Price $3300. Also nice fi:miture for sale. COMPLETELY furnished 6-room late model bungalow. Ii H minates car service, 50x100 lot. $3850. part payment down. $J5 per month. By owner. 1108 K, Mar ket st.. near 37th. ' ALAMEDA DRIVE SNAP. t-tory 7-room colonlaj home on ridge, with unobstructed vie-: large view win dows, porchesv billiard room, gas heat, dotibla rage Tabor 407. FIV E rooms with bath and basement, in Kenton district. 7 minutes of . Kenton car $ !"; part cash, balance easy. Bdwy 437. evenings Col. 1772. NOW VACANT Close in on E. s.. modern 8-room house; furnace, fireplace, beauti ful location. Call 4J4 Oregon at. Phone Last N.iW 1K UNO -wm..ih, Bl XiiALOW a M-oms. extra bullt-ins. oak floor : worTh $n000: come and make best of'er today. Owner East 14:h and Klickitat. CNE OF the prettiest 8-roora homes in Ladd Add.: built-lns, hardwood floors, garare Main X'52. WEST SIDE -Mfcerr. a-roont r.ouae garage. e. Fhone Broadway liu or call J" . 1 RF.ATj ESTATE. For Sale Houses. $500 CASH PRICE $3130. ve-room bungalow, 80x100 lot, buUt ins in the dining room and kitchen; few apple trees and berries; room for three good rooms in the attic Six blocks from the Hawthorne or Mount Scott cars. As sume $1500 mortgage and balance on easy terma $730 CASH PRICE $3200. New 3-room bungalow, 50x100 lot. Dutch kitchen, lights, gas and water. Fruit and berries, half basement; just off Portland blvd.; 6 blocks to Kenton and St. Johna earn Assume $500 mort gage; balance very easy. C L. Newman. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Oerltnger Bld-g. Phone House Dept.. Main 8528. IRVINGTON COLONIAL, REAlTTIFfTL HOME. Go out to 623 E. 18th N . nesr Stanr ton, faces east, and See this beaut vul square colonial home, modern to tin minute. Then call me up and I will ar range to take you throuch it. " D. W. ALTON", ALTO. 529-rA NEW NEW. Beautiful bungalow, 5 room and ettlc, in best part of lrvington. Ev ery detail absolutely first class; liv ing room 15x32, plate-glass, oak floors throughout, tile bath and drain board, excellent furnace, fine fireplace garage; Just being completed, can be finished to ault. Finest and Ngcnost thorough workmanship. $7500, terma J. R, HAIGHT, Realtor, S27 Board of Trade. Bdwy. 2045. Homes In Restricted Districts. IN ORDER TO SELL AT ONCE THE PRICE ON THIS ROSE CITY HOME HAS BEEN CUT FROM $5750 TO $4990 LOOK AT WHAT IS INCLUDED IN THE PLACE. AND ALSO THE TERM6. Bungalow-type honie on paved street, having five rooms and a sleeping porch, fireplace, furnace, garage, six bearing fruit trees, beautiful yard, no assess ments; close) to carline and Alameda drive on 52d St. THIS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Call Mr. Young at Main 6393. WE HAVE hundreds of home bargains for your inspection. Homes In every sec tion of the city. If you wish to build, onr new homes department is at your service. A com petent architect to assist you. We will build and finance your home on your lot or on one of our own. Sea J. A. WICK MAN CO., REALTORS, For Home Bargains. 264 Stark SL Main 583 and 1004. ROSS CITY PARJC $330 DOWN, PRICE $4750. Almost new 5-room bungalow, hard wood floors and bullt-ins, paved streets ell paid; balance $30 per month, inter est inciuoea. BOONE CLEARWATER, 306 Couch Bldg. Main 5201. BRAND NEW BUNGALOW $3950. Elegant lines, extra large living- room with beautiful flrepiace and hardwood floors, large full Dutch kitchen and breakfast nook, built-in ironing board, built-in dressers in bedrooms, full base ment, cement floors, stationary tubs, on paved street; $500 cash. $30 monthly. Fred W. German Co., Realtor, 732 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 3-ROOM BUNGALOW 10O CASH. Unfinished S-room bungalow, for only $S00, with $154) down, in Woodstock; 8 splendid bearing fruit trees. This place has no hardwood floors, fireplace or fur nace, but does have possibilitiea S RALPH HARRIS CO 810 Cham, of CorrK Main 5624. MAKE AN OFFER. New 6-room bungalow, close In, east side large livimf room, massive fire-place, oak floors throughout, bullt-ins of all kinds, good basement, furnace, dandy garage. MONEY TALKS. ALVIN JOHNSON, Realtor, Board of Trade Bldg. Broadway 37. Evenings East 2WH. SUBURBAN HOME. Two-story, 7-room house with 3 acres of fine land; all city conveniences, brooder house, chicken house; trawber riea. raspberriea, fruit treea, right on Gresham car line at Wichita station; 7 miles east of city: $1500 cash will give you possession or will consider trade for city home. Surety Investment Co., 310-11 Panama bldg., 3d and Alder sts. a ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 7-room bungalow, having sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, garage, on paved street: no assess ments; well worth $M0; priced for quick sale at $5300, $10u0 cash. Call Mr. Young. OTTO ft HARKSON. 413 Cham of Com. Main 6398. GOOD WOODLAWN HOME FURNISHED. Which can be bought with only $500 cash, total price $2tH. Well furnlstred, plastered house of 6 rooms. Splendid lot with nice fruit, close to Alnsworth and Union avenuee. A dandy home. See it. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 816 Chamber of Commerce. Main 5624. Iltinn $250 DOWN. f you are looking for a cneap nome, we it. c in good condition, 2 bedrooms: good new white enamel plumbing, on 30x100 corner lot. This place is worth considerably more money. See WM.. A. HUGHES CO., 21 Pallwny Ex. Birlg. Tabor 60-!. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. 3-room bungalow; hardwood floor, all bullt-ins, open fireplace, radio fireplace and gas ra nge go with house; furnace heat; lot 60x1 0O; all improvements in and paid; $5000; $300 down, bal. like rent; consider car. C. W. Mlllership, 1t5i 4th st. Main 5275. K KXTuX. 3-room bungalow, 1 has large living room, dining room. Dutch kitchen, two largo bedrooms with bath; $30OW. $H00 down, $25 per month. A real bargain. Savler E. Smith, 313 Ry. Ex. bldg. Mar shall 20R7. ALBERTA 2-ROOM SHACK. $00. ttttod lot. 40x100. with unfinished 2- room shack ; can be made livable for little money; on Glenn ave. See Mr. Currie, with J. W. GRUSST. S1Q Board of Trade Bldg. Main T432. NEW 5-ROOM bungalow, fireplace, book case, buffet, hardwood floors, old ivory finish, tapestry paper on walls. French doors: no mortgage. Bonus can be used. Price $400. Easr terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. R.73 N. W. P.tnk Bldg Main 37S7. IRVINGTON WONDERFUL BARGAIN. 6 rooms, sunroom, sleeping porch, ga rage, all oak floors, beautiful fixtures, fine shrubbery; built for home; near 21st and Siskiyou $7800. Easy terma DON'T WAIT. Neuhausen Co.. Realtors, M0 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8078. UNFINISHED bungajow-atyle home, readv to move into: living room, dining room, kitchen. 1 bedroom. ee for bath down, etairs. Space for 3 rooms upstaira 31500. $500 caoh. J OHNSON-DODSON CO.. m y. W. ank Bldg. Main S7T. rt.Vt SELLWOOD district, 3-ronm ' house" modern lot. 50x100; lots of fruit, shrub bery; cement basement, will trade for acreage with house. S, BORLAND. SOS Stock Exchange. Auto 52ft-04- $1751 $373 CA.H. Alberta district. 3-room furnished house, full dirt basement, fine lot, 11 fruit trees, berries, grapes: 1 H blocks to -school and car. Bal. of $1370 like r.nt. Wdln. 123. !ti0 E. 24th N. DON'T LOSE YOUR EQUITY. SUBMIT IT TO US FOR EXCHANGE. SEND IT IN NOW. 8MITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. PIEDMONTS BEST BARGAIN. lOOxlOO with beautiful shrubbery, rood house and garage, only $6300. W. H. ROSS. 110O Northwestern Bank Bldg. FOR QUICK SALE. S-room house. 2 beautiful lots close In on blvd.. near two-car lines and school. Price $120O; $srto cash. 001 Worcester Bide. Main 727. $;j3,V) jftoO CASH. 5-room bungalow, newly painted, new plumbing, basement, garage; paved at. and sewer, near Mount Scott car. 8916 fl2d st. 8. E. Owner. Tabor 420H. $iC,0. $5650. $5 50. Here It Is. SOI Clackamas, lot 50x123; former price $0500. Home broken up. Must sell. Call on owner immediately, above address. NEW BUNGALOW CLOwE IN. 3 large rooms, attic, full basement, strictly modern and walking distance. Buy dirvot, and be satisfied. Low price, easy terms. A 623-17 or Marshall 12. BUT FROM OWNER. Houae and lot, best buy in cltv for I2.VK). No agents. Some terma AO 264, Oregonlan. FINE Laurelhurst home, 7 rooms, den. sleeping porcn. exceueni pi ace xor doctor. $ 7 5O0. Tabcr 379. . FOR SALE 7 ACRES CLOSE IN. r FT S. E. tu f i m i. ! . k m il :i; 37o ALBERTA; -room modern houae. 1 Phons oiair, ALOa 314 1 REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. NEW TODAY? NEW TODAY! Come in and look over this list of SPECIAL NEW HOME BARGAINS (First Time Advertised). EVERY ONE WORTH THE MONEY ASKED! PERSONALLY INSPECTED. PERSONALLY APPRAISED. See FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. LARGEST HOME SELLER IN AMERICA! ' Iore than 11' OO photographs of homes fnr sale. Every district in the city. PRICES AND TERMS YOU CAN CON VENIENTLY MEET! Our office attor ney handle's all details. We SAFE GUARD YOUR .EVERY INTEREST! If necessary, we'll help you make jour down payment. 40 autos at your disposal. , Opening evenings until . I AM YOUR" HOME! WAVERLE1GH HEIGHTS BEAUTY! $4100 YOUR LONG SOUGHT HAVEN OF HAPPINESS AND PEACE! I offer you bright days of busy. helpful tasks, and long evemngs or quiet content around my glow log hearth! I have 5 rms , immac "dilate, and easy to keep that way A big living room with fireplace eurrounoea Dy dooks; coxy aen solid paneled dining room wit massive buffet; a kitchen that . EVERY WOMAN loves, with iti shelves anoV drawers and built y ins for everything; sleepin porcn. basement with rruit ci ets, splendid furnace, beautiful lawn, vines, rruit; l orrer you pleasant shelter that is warm an snug and dry! I AM THE SPIR IT OF HOME! E. Franklin st. f PANISH TYPE IN ROSE CITY! $S30O Beautifully designed and careful ly executed ; one of the newesi types of bungalows constructed stucco and cement; 6 .rooms giassed -in sleenina Don : floors: unusually attractive built In effects; tile bath; IF YOU ARE WANTING SOMETHING DIFFERENT! E. 4 It til St. BEAUTIFUL. COLONIAL! $300 Down! $500 Down! THIS DEFIES COMPETITION! 349O0 $500 down! HERE IS A WON- DEB BUNGALOW! In heart of nuat (jity fAKK, the wide famed bungalow district! Beau tt fully glasaed-ln front porch - "'in rrencn aoors ana windows fl delightfully homelike rooms living room serosa front, with cueory iirepiace ; massive Durre in dining room; model white Dutch kitchen with linoleum; up re i wo sunny bedrooms; sleep ing porch and whit enamM harh beautiful grounds. 80x100, with lawn, flowers, fruit and shade irees; cement driveway and ea.- rage patterned after house; paved street, cement walks and sewer all in and paid for. DON'T TAIL, MKK THIS! K. 5Jd st DAINTY DREAM BUNGALOW BfG HAWTPORVK spnn it i $4830 A TYPICAL 6-room bungalow on "i corner; - oooilLE CUN STRUCTED! Warm and cheer ful; Iota of built-Ui features exceptionally large white enamel uuica aitcnen; linen closets; fur nace; an improvements paid close to car. E. Harrison at. EASY TERMS $3490 VERY PRACTICAL AND MOD fcK. HAWTHORNE HOME! Six rooms; substantial and attrac tive; newiy tinted throughout Atouiu. st.; convenient terma JUST ACROSS BDWY. BRIDGE! 40 CLOSE IN ! WALKING DTS- i A.-xi,: This is a splendid, i-ijftai-Lu.-Nu oargain! 8 room, substantial. attractive. modern home; reception hall with mirror door; paneled dining room with pretty built-in buffet; white rnameiea uutcn kitchen; 4 liaht. cneery bedrooms and bath all in wnnmei; run rront porch, lawn. 50x125; HOME FOR A BIG rAmiLii rargo st. UNDUPLICATED FIND! svjo-hkrb IS A "STAR" bungalow in beautiful IRVINGTON PARK! 6 cheery rooms, 3 of them airy bedrooms; combination living and dining room, den, nice Dutch miciien, iota or ouiit-ins;. garase 1 THE FRAGRANT iribiui. tu. zaa at. MADE FOR A "REAL HOME" FORCED SALE. $600 DOWN' $4430 OWNER MUST have invirv will eii her beautiful ALBERTA uungaiow at a "OUICK-S A r.FV price! Ohe of the most solidly built and most attractive homes wit uistriri: t rooms, with built-in features; nillnrd rPnr and side porches; ideal setting- of ucuuiui iruit ana shade trees. A COMFORTABLE, DE- oin.ADL,iu iiojj.ii;:!: e. 30th st. MT. SCOTT! MT. SCOTT! SEE THIS TODAVt av.Dt $1230 NO MATTER HOW THE WIND xji w a. you ve this coay little biiukbc r io come nome to! i rooms; warm and dry! Cheer ful, light living room: bedroom r Fomblnation dining room and n..., nutuen; Dasement ; chick en park; abundance of fruit t w.ivii iuu Ann, wax: lOO PER CENT SERVICE! Every facility nt a(m- i.... - Clent home selling organization Is placed at your disposal. Come In and consult us about "that home." If yon can.t come to the office, just call Main 10H8 and one of our salesmen will gladly call See . FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Your Home. Realtor. (Deal With an Old. RELIABLE Firm.) , Ablngton Bldg. Main 10OS. -Q:o rtv-v5rV-a!,hln,rton n( Stark. ENTRANCE UNDER THE BIO ELEC TRIC SIGN. t BIG BARGAIN $3930. MODERN BUNGALOW. This is the real thfn- In bargains. A fl-room modern bungalow. Has reception ball, living room, dininar ronm 9 hH- rooms and bath; built-in buffet, fine fur- run t-emrni uasemen t and garage. Ground is OttxlOO feet; paved; on Division l- "I! -.''J at- 1 Dlk- from Hawthorne car. iiiRjia, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 8 Cham, of Com. Bldg Main 20. THIS IS the time to procure your build ing site at Multnomah; beautiful, sightly tracts, with and without trees; ranging in size from one lot to an acre: terms 10 per cent down and $10 per month. The west side Is the coming residence sec tion of Portland, no bridges to cross, no unnecessary delays, straight run on hard surface pavement. You can't beat Mult nomah. They have atl modern utllitiea there; only 5 miles from the canter of the city. 1 shall be glad to take you out or if you drive your own car. call and aee my representative, Mrs. Grant, at the Multnomah office. Ben Riealand operator exclusively Multnomah die trict. 404 Piatt b ! d feOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT Bihild your own home; Incorporate your own Ideas; use your own individu ality. You are the best Judge of what satifies you. We aim to please. We want your business only when we satisfy you of the merits ef our building. ROBNETT A McCLURE. Realtors. Marsha:! 32T3 302 Couch bMg HAWTHORNE AVE. BARGAIN. $2730 $350 DOWN. Five rooms, full plumbing, in good condition. 4!M at.. 1H blks south of Hawthorne ave. ; Sffxioo; improvements in and paid. $33 per mo.. Including in terest J. C. COR BIN CO.. rTf5-fl-T Lewie BMc Woodstock bargain. Modern 3-room home in fine condi tion, very large living room, kitchen to be proud of; sleeping porch easily built on. Tnis home can be boughwfor $150, $250 cash, baiance easy terms. ROBNETT ft McCLURE, Marshall 3292. 302 Couch BMg. ALAMEDA PARK. Vfw modern six-room bungalow all built-lns, complete in everv respect. $5000 Bis: discount for substantial down pay ment: owner going awa. and here is your chance for a bargain. 037 E. 9th street Nort h. ROSE CITY DISTRICT. 8ee this lovely new 4-room bungalow, combination living and dining room, all bullt-ins, breakfast nook. hardwood floors, tapestry; $3800. $400 cash, bal ance easy terms. ROBNETT ft McCLURE. Realtors, Marshall 3192. S02 Couch Bldg. $1S00 REAL VALUE. Woodlawn district, good 5-room cot tage, sewer, water, electric lights, gas, 30x100 lot, beautiful lawn, shad snd fruit trees: $-V0 down, balance easy. W. M. UMRDENSTOCK ft CO., 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1rt,R. giM)0 $4O0 CASH, a good livable cottage and only three years old; 2 blks. to car, close to school The lot alone Is worth almost the price asked. See WM.. A. HUGHES CO. 21 Railway Et. Bldg. Tabor fiSOS-fl. U-KOOJl modtrn, pavtd a. .ail paid; near car and schools: only $550 cash, balance Owuur, phone -0tt, REAL ESTATK. For Siile Houses. $300 DOWN PARKROSE. YOU CAN MOVE . IN AT ONCE. R-rm. cottage and acre tract, on Prescott St., only 2 blocks from Sandy blvd., house newly papered and painted, old Ivory enameled throughout. Modern bath and plumbing, gag and electricity. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, fi Chamber of Com. Bldg. Main 2U6. ALAMEDA RESIDENCE. Most unusual interior. n ar rangement, decoration and con venience. Living room, dining room, library, most complete kitch en. 3 sleeping rooms (also maid's room), larb'e bath, 2 fireplaces, full basement, Gasco furnace, garar. drapes, awnings, linoleums and several bedroom carpets included ' in price. Further particulars by calling MRS. HARRY PRICE- PALMER E. iiSOL FURNISHED COMPLETE. BEAUTIFUL ROSE CITY BUNGALOW, Six rooms and sleeping porch; full ce ment Basement, rurnacs, cabinet Kitchen fireplace, bookcases, buffet, good garage, Completely furnished in extra good qual ity and taste, persfan ruga ALL FOR $7200. t MARSH ft MoABE CO.. EXCLUSIVE REALTORS. 322-3-4 Failing Bldg. Marshall 3993. rose city park. $.1500 $7U0 CASH- NEW CUSY 4-RM. BUNGALOW WITH REAL FIREPLACE. BUFFET. OAK FLOORS. DUTCH KITCHEN. BREAK FAST NOOK. CEMENT BASEMENT, LARGE COMBINATION LIVING AND DINING ROOM. 2 FINE BEDROOMS. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED TH ROUGH OUT AND LOCATED BELOW THE HILL. ALL IMPROVEMENTS IN AND .FAll. iSlTIEK HI HKT. R. L. McGREW, 10Qf HAWTHORNE. TABOR.WM. ROSE CITY PARK CORNER. $1000 BELOW MARKET VALUE. Colonial style, -modern bungalow, five rooms and bath downstairs, 1 room and steeping porcn upstairs; large living room and fireplace, hardwood floors, ail oum-ins, garage; oeautuui neighbor hood; owner leaving town, will aacri- fice this fine home for $0000: WILL OIVB BEST OF TERMS, See Mr. lucnanoacn. O. H. SKOTHEIM COMPANY. 4QS-11 Couch Bldg. Main 1575. SPLENDID INVESTMENT. We have 2 splendid homes on corner lots near Laurelhurst Park that wilt easily not you la per cent of your money. This Is not properly In a bad state of repair but In Al condition. Get your money to working. This la a pickup. Terms. $55on. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO.. Cnr. Stith and Haw. Realtors. Tab. 7403. $500 PCWN EASY TERMS. NORTH MT. TABOR ONLY $3130. Dandy 4-room NEW bungalow and garage: cement besement. cabinet kltch en," 14 biocs to car; 30x100 lot; sewer and paved MARSH McCABE CO.. REALTORS. 822-3-4 Falling Bldg. Marshall 3993. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-room bungalow, oak floors, fire place, ivory finish, tapestry walls, gas xurnace ; piaie glass windows, wonder ful dining room, massive buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; 2 very sunny bedrooms, concrete basement, woll lo cated, corner lot. rice only sjioU. DERR & POWNDER. 1215 N. W. Rank Bldg. Mar. 2245 A TIP FOR INVESTORS. Buy a well-located home, convert It Into two apartmenta live in one. rent the other. I have several bargains in homes suitable for converting Into a home with an Income; get ready for 1925. J. W. CROSSLEY. " "Better Types of Homes." 81 Fourth st Bdwy. 5044. ROSE CITY BARGAIN. $4050, easy terms ($200 down to ex service men) ; corner lot; 1 year old; hardwood floors in all rooms, closets, sleeping porch, fireplace with gas Radlantflre, breakfast room, good kitch en, good furnace, built-lns, buffet, book cases; a real bargain. k W. M. UMBDEvN STOCK ft CO., 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway 1 65. $114110 A GOOD INVESTMENT $iyil. Double your tnonny by 1925. Two S-room bungalows, clean and cheerful, with Ivory woodwork and beautiful walls, new plumbing everyttflng In best condition. Alt improvements In and paid. Near Mississippi ave. car, within walking distance of 574 and 576 Borth wick, corner of Graham ave. 3100 off price ror casn sa ie. LAURELHURST. Six-room bungalow, just eomDleted. 1173 E. Ankeny st., near 39th; hard wood floors throughout, tile bath, ele gant plumbing, large rooms, double ga rage; lot ouxido; come out today; open iuv lusiieuLion. N. O. EKLUND. Owner and Builder. Tabor 680, ALAMEDA. New. up-to-date, modern home, all bullt-ins, gas, furnace, Ruud water heater, 4 bedrooms; owner must sac rifice for less than cost, terms within reason. W. M. UMRDENSTOCK ft CO.. 210 Oregon Bldg. Broadway J033. NEAR AlNS WORTH AVE. New 2-nfom cottage. Will need $75 to iinisn. very neat ana attractive. miu piuinoing. Gas waTer heater, elec tric 'lights. 50x100 lot; nice district. I' rice S10..O, s.too cash, balance easy. DERR ft POWNDER, 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 2243. ATTRACTIVE HOME. AT BARGAIN. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. FLRNIiSHED IF DESIRED. One of best residential districts) In city: beautiful modern bungalow ; close to car; going at $4500. See photos at mr office. A. K. HilL 420 Lumbermens Mdff. ROSE CITY PARK. Five large rooms and attic, hardwood floors throughout, tile bath and sink. all bullt-ins; complete and modern in every detail. Come out today to 641 E. 55th at. N., or phone owner and builder. N. O. EKT.T'NTi, Tnhor IRVINGTON HOME. Fine 6-room home on 60x100 lot: full concrete basement, r urn ace. lireoiace. hardwood floors, street Improvements In and paid; also fine kitchen range and water heater. An exceptional bargain $5500. Very easy down payment. For Information call East 1S37. WESTOVER HEIGHTS HOME. Cosy, compact 2-story 7-room home, with garage; center entrance, large main room a view porch. 3 bedrooms, sleeping porch. 2 baths. 2 ft replaces, oak floors, hot water heat; unobstructed view of city, mnnntains. river. Tabor 407. $UioO .TERMS Brand new four-room bungalow; never ueen uvea in; nice plumbing, concrete basement, laundry trays, a goon vaiue mr tne money. See WM.. A. HUGHES CO.. 21S Railway Ex. Bldg. Tahnr fiSOS-n. 6-itoOM modern house. lurnaca and fireplece. 0211 Slid st. S. E. Will sacrifice at $4000. $1500 cash. Owner. Wood. 702 Wash. St., Van- couver. Wash. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. $75U. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow must be sold before the loth; beautiful view, select neighborhood, on car line; small payment down and terms arranged; owner leaving city; will lease If not sM3. Main .s:tft. $is;u CASH. 6-ROOM PLASTERED BUNGALOW. Ivory woodwork, newly painted and gapered Inside and out; on paved street, ell improvements paid; 3 blocks to Missixtiippi-ave. car. 374 Burthwlck. corner nf Graham ave. $aioo i.',o cask. , SACRIFICE PRICE. 8-room bungalow, heart of Punnystde, E. 36th.; large lot; place in first-class shape. SCOTT ft PERRY. 1033 Belmont. suburban Hnmea. A REAL SNAP: $100 down, 5 acres on rocked country road, near electric station, Al soil, mostly cultivated. Price $1400. W. M. I'M BDENSTOCK ft CO., 210 Oregon h'dg. Broadway 1A5R. fc 1 ACRE SACRIFICE This Is 2 blocks from end of Montavllla car line; good soil, ideal for poultry and berries, city water, gas and electricity, easy terma W. M. UMBDENSTOCK ft CO.. 210 Ore gon h'dg. Brosdway 1C5S. $jno CASH New 3-rom bungalow, pratty wood acre, electric lights, piped water, close to electric station, school, store and pes toff ice; $1300. McFarland, 2uS Failing bldg. HA LF ACRE, 2 blocks from -city car line, t -00, easy terms, good soil. w. M. Umbden stock ft Co.. 210 Oregon bldg. CONSULT with A. K. Hill. 4J Lumber mens bldg., 5th and Stark sts. OLD ESTABLISHED. RELIABLE FERVTCR. MODERN ho-ne, improved in, ciuap. ALaraha;i 4uO. acrts, coe Rf At ESTATE, Suburban Mimic. LOOK AT THESE SUBURBAN UOMii SPECIALS. $300 will handle this -acre suburban home with 5-room corv.f ortab'.e home, ga? and city water; younjr fruit and berrie of every kind; 5 blocks to school and about 6 blocks to Maplewood station; barn and chicken house; $22M. 250 wili handle this tiny home In Milwaukte, electricity. gas and city water; good road; 50x101 lot. Price $UHH. :.oo will handle H acre. 100 feet off Newberg highway and just across from West Portland school; 3 room bungalow with electricity, city water and gas available; 6 cords of wood go with the piace at the price of $l3tsj. Let us snow you this full acre, all in cultivation, some fruit and berries. 4 room plastered cottage; chicken house and woo-.ihed . tins is on good macadam road, just outside city limits and off the paved Foster road; $llK)0, good terms. Ask for F. C. Marshall, with FRANK L. McGUIRE. 203 Ablngton Bldg. .Main 1018. Third St., bet. Washington and Stark. NEAT. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. With fireplace, extra large liv ing and dining rooms, beamed ceilings, bulit-in kitchen, one acre, chicken houe, small barn. etc.. close to Oregon Electric sV 1 on. This Is absolutely worth Uia money; price $7.M; $7AO vh; , will consider exchange on I ase City property, J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commsrc Ik. Main 2itt.. GARDEN HOME. Sightly B-acre home, bearing fruit and berries; ft-room bunga low with modern plumbing, elec tric lights and gas. small barn, garage, etc.; hard road; owner is non-resident and must sell; price $55U0; $1000 cafth, J. 7 HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerc Bldg. Main 208. FOUR ACRES AT BEAVERTON. AH In cultivation; about two acres of fruit; 4-room box house, city water piped to house; elec tricity and gas available, you can t beat It for $3001; only $5w cash; good terms on the balance. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. 8 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Main S 1 000 S A CU I V I C E. Just think ! a cheery 4-room bungalow, modern city conveniences, beautirul quar ter acre, fronting rlir ht on main road only about 4 blocks from city limits and close in on west side; we honestly be lieve there Is nothing on the market tna equals this for the money; price for everything. Including good furniture, onlv 11GO0: terms if dosired: Immedlat possession; come in and see the photos. A. K. Hill. iJumncrmens Ding. RE R THIS NICE PLACE. Itnka it tiav for itself: better than fou big rooms and bath, nicely furnished, on 5U rrei lust outside city limits: lots of fruit, lots of chickens, fine garden spot; is near school and not too rar rrom car; terms. $2000 cash, balance easy md without interest; quick posarasiun. in quire at Cable Realty Co.. ftit 7 I'd st. S. IS. Automatic pnone oi.i-.ia. OAK GROVE ACREAGE. Four room cottage with two or more acres of very choice ground ; lota of email fruits aa.d fine garden; garage and chicken houae; will sell cheap or trade for good city property. Johnson, with INTERSTATE LAND CO. 24 S Stark St. HIGH CLASS. Suburban home. 2' acres, choice va rieties of fruit: garden, poultry'. et- Modern tt-room hou with raraire. Plena ant location, just outflde citv limits. Bar ruin at $4750. $000 ce-sh ' handle, bal rent-terms. We have others, give a call. A. K. Hill. 420 Lumbermens bldg; GARDEN HOME. 3150 CASH $10 MONTH. rnM house for 1 or 2. new nalnt, paper, windows, etc.; close to station; full acre, cultivated, extra soil; a bar gain at $1000. Let us show you. Mc Fartanrt Realty Co., Fulling bldg. ftMUi BUYS a thoroughly modern UD-to oaia DURKiiux, wuti ic v i ii in a Can be purchased on terms of I J 500 down ana easy terms on mi oaiance. For particulars call on Ben Rlrsland, 404 Piatt bldg.. or his representative. Mrs. Grant, 5iuitnoman onice. EXTRAORDINARY value In Park rose well lmprovea acreage on very attractive term g. strlcfly modern home. Tabor 2070 For Sale Itufctnewt Property. INDUSTRIAL site for sale, 200 ft., facing on main tnorougniare. iuu ieet witn trackage. This tract is Just across the street from the big new American C company and within a block of the Montgomery Ward plant. A fine place for an Industrial uepartrni, warehouse or manufacturing plant Phone Broad way 16TS. ask for Mr. Meal, or call at 210 Oregon ping. Fruit 1-n.nds for Sale or Rent. MOSlErt FRUIT LAND. Bargain, 20 acres, high-class fruit land. 4 miles from jHosier, well draim-d, rood water, county road through place, west alope, no rock snd deep soil: owner will sacrifice lor inu, nait casn. oai snce on terms. F 21'4. Oregonian. I or Sal -Acreage. 6. 10 AND tO-ACRH TRACTS. S25 AN ACRE AND UP. $10 down and $5 per month buys a B-acre tract in this addition of M)0 acres down the Columbia river on the Oreaon side, close to Columbia highway and river: fine transnortation. railroad, river. auto stage and truck; beautifully lying land, free fvora rock and gravel; soma tracts have beautiful view of river; thre are also some with streams; fine location for chickens, dairy, berries, fruit and vegetables. CHARLES DELFEL,' $18 Railway Exchange Bldg. HOME FOR THB OLD FOLKS. 1 acre of splendid black loam soil, 8 bearing fruit treea, 0 young ones, 15O0 strawberry plants, 180 loganberry plants, 2 kinds of raspberries, gooseberries, grapes and Himalaya berries, 11 cords of wood, 4-room box house, newly paintea; cnicsen notice ana run, good 'cellar, fine large gars Re, of a mile from Tualatin; price $2000, $500 cash, $20 monthly; a splendid little home, Fred W. German Co., realtors, 732 Cham ber of Commerce, WELL IMPROVED 7 4 ACHES AT BEAVER TO V. 6U In cultivation, tiled where needed 1 acre timber, :ood family orchard, 3iK) loganberry busht-e, raspberries and strawberries. 6-room house. 2 chicken bouses, garage and woodshed, 200 feet from good gravel street, city conven iences avHllable. 'rice $400. half cash. T STEWART ft JOHNSON. 315 yorthwesti-rn Bank BMg. SIGHTLY ONE-ACRE HOME BITE. All m cultivation, right on electric line. 19 young fruit treea strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, currants and grapes; city water, gas and eFeotrlclty available. 7H-cent commuters' fare; price $1100, -$150 cash, balance monthly. Fred W, German Co., Realtors, 732 Chamber of Commerce. STRICTLY CHOICE HOME SITE. 10 '4 acres In cultivation, 4oo prune, 100 pear trees; also family orchard; as sorted berries, running water; on the Newberg highway, nar Sherwood: 10 miles out. This is an extra nice prop erty. Price $5000; terms. R. M OATEWOOP ft CO.. 115 4th St. CHOICE acreage down the Columbia high way, only BO miles from I'ortland; good roads and best transportation facilities; very best RED-SHOT coil and easily cleared: any size tracts, low prices and fasv terms. Let us show you. iNfFJATR LAND CO, 24" Rnrk St. lu ACKio give tins a cond look cuL- over land hacK or ancouver, wash. Hold once for $f50. Cost me $.'.00 In trade. Have" never seer, but will sell this week for "best cash offer above. $100. Hart. (113 Ry. Ex. hldg Msr. 15N5. WRITE for map of western Washington, showing location, low prices and eaay terms offered to settlers. WBYEKHAUSER TIMBER CO.. Tacoma. Wash. ACRES. acres, acres. $10 cash, $10 month : Just outside city ; A Iberta car; city water. Whv pay big taxea and aa jressments on ordinary Ion farther out? Rnor W. r.irv. 2U' N- W. Tlank b'd?. 2 ACRES NEW HOUSE. Fronting Tlarr road. Price $2oo. Only $3"0 rash, balance $25 per month. STRONG ft CO.; HQQ Cham, of Com. 40 ACHES Near station, jn r. r, ; some cleared: nouse. parn, spring; worK nsar bv; pri"rt $7.v), 1250 down. DRAPER. 4QS Board of Trad a bldg FOU LE 'i acres on ftTth St., near llaw- tnorne car mm. o.nn , nurm ihh a small car as part payment. G. 3. Rohn, Virt Knott nt. FOR SALK HaIC section of unimproved land in Hnoa mver county. All or parL E. g. Wren n. R. P. P.. Alaany. Or. . N KW 3-ROOM hunaiow ; a 11 modern conveniences. 11 in E. lth North, near Kiliingwworth. 2' ACHES. ROAO, fill S.n down nnd $! per month. & Cu GVO Chaw, of Com. RF.AI. KST TE. or Nilr .Vrreuge. NEARLY 8 acres. lflTmlles from Portland, all under cultivation; good soil; 3 blcks to car: mile to school; banng fruit; H acre lgenbejriea Attractive 4-rom house, Portland gas. barn, chKke :i house. Included with, place; good Jcr. v cow, 7 tecs hay, acre potato, :M chickens, etc. $ 10H cash, balance easy terms. Inspected by Neisoa- 10 acres, between Portland and Hills horo, mue from eectnc station, tl blocks to school ; all undT cultivation ; good soil; tt-room piMMUred house, barn, cluck en house; orchard. Price $W00. Va caxh. Consider Portland hous- for full amount if Woil iocatud. Inspected by Kemp. JOHN FERGUSON. REALTOR. Gerlinder Bldg. Over 300 Small Places Near Portland., Get Our Extonstve Classified Lista LAND AT ON ALASKA. WASHINGTON. IN 1HE NEC W A L'KUM V A LLol 1 . TEN YEARS TO PAY. 8000 acres Carliale-Pennt-U Lbr. Co. land Just open to settlement; deep, rich. Bitty clay loam soil, mostly bottom land. This Is generally conceded to be om of best and la rgst agrlcult ural and dairy land districts in the sfato; onahiska is 1 tt mllos southeast ul Chebalis. baa about 10VO population, good schools, roa.ia statfe lines, two railroads and a big p;y roll. Steady work can be had in walkinc distance. 20. 40 or M-acre tracts at $lO to $tlu per acre. Write lor literature and make appointment to see land. GHAHAM-PAKDKW LAND CO.. 1006 American Hunk HU1., Seattle. , Lriuh Of ft- ... OnaUaka. Hiumt trudt, Kcl Itiqu i h me ills. 1-Olt A GOOD U u.M fr,S LLA D Olt RELIN QUISHMENT S i J E 1. . V . HELM. 422 CHA M UKit OF COM ME RUE BED O I W A N T t h best horn est e.t id rt'linq uUi'h" nient money will buy. Rush. Sue mm this ffn-lt a t 3i 2 Rullw a y E xc h a n g FOR A homestead or reUnquihhment m. K. W. H ELM. 422 Chamber of Coiu nierce bUI;. I- or alc Farni't. CALTFORVTA LAND OPENING. lu Fresuo county, the famous MILLER A LIjN. ESTATE la now aubUiwdintf ;i2.0ut acrus into 10, 20 and 40 aero tract and offering to th general pub lic on easy terms. Miller ft Lux are Internationally , known as the largest holders of lands) in California, which they acquired in the early days as ranges for breeding and ruiaing cattle and sheep. Since tho death of these men it has been decided, by the executors to place the huMma Upon the market. NOW IS THE TIME TO GET IV ON THE GROUND FLOOR before values be gin to rise. Improved land in the vicinity la selling as high urn $1500 per acre. The land lies almost level just rolling- enough to taks irrigation and each 40 acres is supplied with laterals from the nuiin ennuis. The soil is mellow, rich and deep, and bus nover beeu cul tivated, although, plowed for tiis firet , time In the tall of 3120. The loan growing aeuon will permit 4 crops of alfalfa upon which hogs thrive the year round. Apricots, peaches, flga, rat sins and grapes grow n abundanco. M ine rrapa aro now selling for over $200 per ton. Raisins aro bringing the highest prito known. One crop will mora than pay lor the land. This land Is oa tha main Una of the Southern Pacific with a tat ion located upon the property and only as miles from Fresno, the gnat rulsm aid peach center of Calilorma. ' The price is the most interesting part --only $'h5 per acre and convenlwnt terms to suit each purchaser small pay ance1 dowu nd 10 car l P tuu tal- Call or write Kramer, Lake ft Co.. 403 Railway Exchange bia., PortlauU, or. LOTS OP BERRIES. 40 acres. Ysmhlll county; 9 miles from good town; 23 aorea under cultivation 7 acres more can be Tarnied when cleared; woll-watered with eprlnge; bear ing orchard. 6-room houae, bain, 4ux00. chicken house, 122(1, other buildings. Included with place; 29 head cattle, j 01 tneso milch cows; 3 horses, one brood ow. 60 chickens, very complete line of machinery, including grain drill. aaddUi. hay, seed grain, 60 bales airaw. 0tc Price lor everything $4500. Consider Portland house up to $25vO. This Is a foothill ranch tout gogd atock location. -C" 1 mtlm from Canby; 35 acres under cultivation; all can be farmed when cleared, soma pasture good, bearing family orchard ; 5-room house, large barn, ailo, oilier bulidlng macadamized road. Included with piace : 8 cows, 2 heifers, 2 calve team, pigs, etc., very largo and complete line of machinery, including potato diirirer cream separator, etc. Trice for evury-ih'n8- Including silage and feed. $,i5o0, M0 cash. Consider Portland house for paru Kanch, inspected by HunLer. JOHN FERGUSON, Gertinger Bide Realtor. Largest Farm Dealer on Paciflo Coast Over 600 Small Places Near Portland. Get Our Li tensive Classified. Lists. A FAItM THAT WILL PAY. 61 ACRES. "p frm that offers cxeellent opportunity for berries, truck garden, dairy or general farming; it la located only 2 miles east of Oregon City, on fine road; of the 61 acre. 30 a. are in cultivation, of which 20acrer sfrs n iHerLfa!r,l3ro0rcnard' be"-lea of many klnda besides 30U0 loganberries ready for pUiutlng; tha soil is of the best clay loam, being well drained and very eaav to work; the timber is part 1st growth fir; about 400 cords of hardwood, giving at least IO00 cords of wood, which will go a long way toward paying for place, ihe equipment consists of full set of farm tools. 3 good horses. 3 cowa on 2-year-old helfr. some chickens, gaso line drag saw with full set of wood cutting tools; the bldgs. consist of 4 room house, fine bajn witn wagon sheds chicken house, etc., plenty of feed to ISSOTi 1i!S'h1'1" prlM " K I.. I;uiY. Koaltor, 8ai-S-a--i.7 Hoard of Trnilu mgg WRM HWTEI1S. ERAD TB1S AMIiTTH VAI.LK7 KAKJt JVH KiO l-b.ll ACRE. W. hav. 80A irrw tha 1. ro In to be forcrlod on. 175 arr. under cultivation. Improved wUn. Itood bulldliiKa. .Vow to 2 or 3 rood mn with .mall amount of caah. w. will lot them borrow to pay off mortKaao now on tbe plac. and tuk. Mcojid mortiravo for our Interest wuh aood tliu. to worK out. Thl. farm U well located In the Mliameue. 'Well Iruprovnd, with county rood tnroupth placo; one mil. from town, Ipim thaa M) mile, from l'ortlaud. U' have a-ne ' to hav, action, so don't nVlar feind mU tb. tbanc. of a lifetime SrETW-ART JOHNSOV II .Norlhwoatera Bank ildff. S3 ARFfl. WELL I4TROVED, RS SULK.lKIlOM PORTLAND, C1aSL-3 i y.f i .iivjutYAi i. WASH INGTON. riaca Is improved with a nesr S-room house, modem plumbing, good bam and outbidga.; 0 acrs of young orchnrd which Is about KL Iamhrisj and .Royal Ann cher ries, (herrla alone produced $4lK tnis year. Klve acrea in clover. 0 acres of orchard grans for hay; all cl tared and In cultivation t-xrept 10 arres. With t he pUr goes a fine team. 0 purebred. Jersey row, good team of horims. wagon, hack, plow. dij. mower and rake. Lota f small tools. Everything Com piets lor $ii00. Sum terma 8TFTWATIT JOTfVflON. 810 Northweatitrn Hank Hidg. TUALATIN VALLEY FARM SNAP. P7 acres for lesg than $154 pr sere; bottom lsnd, on the Tualatin river; 60 acres in cultivation, about 80 acres very eaiy to clear end about 17 aeres fir timber and brunh old bullrllngs; about 34 mi. from Tlgard snd 14 ml. from Port land; price 812.000, with $2ooi cash snd long time on the balance. Where can you beat It? J. L. HARTMAN COM PANT. 8 Chamber of Commerce lildg. Main 20. i7 ACRES, ONB MILE FKuM CuLLLUi3 AT 1 ill!, ' .M A 1 11, Ult. 60 acres In cultivation, balance oslc timber and pasture ; w nter plpr-d t i houne and psnture; family orchard,. al kinds of fruit and berries, 8 t acrf prunes orchard planted I). Is spring. 3 good work horse.H. 4 good cows, 8 hfifer. brood sow and '2 pigs, 2 Ixrge bog, ro Whit leghorn chlrkens, all farm ms chlnery and smnll tools, lota of hy, oats and wheat In bins for feed and s'ed : On rock road; flO.aoO; $roo csh. $jimo 4 years, balance lung time st rt prr cent-. J. L HARTMAN COM PANT, 8 ChambT of Crm. lildg-, '