20, THE MORNING OREGON IAN, TUESDAY. NOVE3IBER 8, 1921 HKI.P WANTKP MAf.K. TOtTNO MAN!! Tak this tip: The on best place In thla city to assist TOO In finding a position In a, clerical, com mercial or technical line is the Y.M C.A Employment Department. Tou can net reliable information xnd they wltl mul tiply your chance and put yon next to opportunities thai you would never find through your own efforts alone. All young mn, and especially at ran -vera, aie cordiady invited to talk with one of the secretaries. Room SOT, T. U. C. A. BAKER WANTED Must be first-class brand and cake maker and understand decorating; b-st of reference required. Anvwer X 225, Oregonian. OLD-LINE ilfe insurance company desire the services of men who are ambitious and willing t work hard for real suc cess We r.ave banking connections throughout the state and can cash f promptly all good notes, ir ou oe leve you can sell life insurance If given assistance by iupervinr, call or write M. C. Tipton. 12'4 Wlirox hidg. UlLKEK 10 tows; trustworthy man who known how to feed and care for pure bred stock and get result; understand breeding, raining calves, testing milk and cream; willing to hIp with other work; good, clean living conditions; Mate age and wages expected; references. Ad rtres AK '' 1 1 . Oregonian. EXPERIENCED first-class cloak and suit mirvwomnn ; state In detail names of house wh-re previously employed, list of references and salary expected. Ad dress 117, Oregonian. MECHANIC wanted to buy a downtown busy corner garage, with a rooming house ot 1 - rooms. Cash, $350. Price 914.10. H.-e George, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. ' Bdwy 4751. 410 H"nry Bldg. Help Wanted Saleum en. $000 A YEAR .SALESMEN WANTED! By FRANK I.. McOIjJRB, LARGEST Home tfelbr in America! HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY! to get Into the real estate business and ma ke big mony. Associated with a live, r rogrssl ve, reliable. established of fire- PROVIDED you have ambition, determination. OPTIMISM, a sense of humor, can give beat of references and ARE WILLING TO WORK! Thousands of newcomers will be crowding into our rlty to locate. Thounandi of new homes are to be constructed. Portland is on the verge of one of the greatest real estate activities In hr history. We need a live salesman TODAY! tiee FRANK L. MoGUIRH. Ablngton Hldg., Third St . Bet. Washlneton and Stark MANUFACTURER requires the services of specialty man to can on wholesale ana retail grocery trade In Portland and vi clnlty; only those having acquaintance among local wnoiesaie grocery trade will he considered: please state aire, ex perlence in first letter, also state what salary will be ex pec ted ; give residence una telephone; an application will be treated strictly confidential. 224, Ore Ionian. WANTED Traveling salesman to sell i vertlslng; must be acquainted with the Pacific coast, able to present tn an at tractive way a national publication of high standing. The man must have pa tience, persistence, optini Ism and ability to close. In aswerlng give past experi ences, references, age, whether married or single and salary wanted. AV 601. Oregonian. to To THE young man that is ambitious to advance and Increase his earning power we have a permanent and profitable connection to offer; men well known in Portland preferred ; advancement will be very rapid to those that make rood to ambitious men It will pay you to call ana see Mr. Btrananan at HOi Henry tiUlg . Ill lo 1L- A A!.. to 4 1 . M. fiA 1.K.S.M KN wanted for a good selling proposition; chance for rlgftt men to connect with first-clans concern; not a securities offering, but experienced in vestment salesmen can make good and earn big money; splendid future for right men Manager, 906 Spalding hMg. WANTED Young man in business chance office. Hales ability and car needed. See George. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO., REALTORS. TMwv, 4751. 410 Henry Bldg WANTED A live auleHman to carry new auto lock; sells at sight and is a good money-maker; give references and ex perience. Address box AV 576, Orego nian. SALESMAN wanted. Lot ha leu man want ed; given exclusive opportunity to han dle this branch of our office. Ask for Mr. Muhnttey, Coe A. McKenna Co., rourtn st, AaLES.M EN Opening for two a mblt ious. neat appearing tnen who can furnish Al references. Apply 2o0 Artisans bldg. North Ridge Brush Co. WE WANT one or two high-class security aa legmen ; If you are In .!hnt class, call and so Mr. Htrunahan, 007 Henry bldg., hi to i or to ALLMAN who can Invert $1000 or $20O0 in going business. Salary on commis sion basts with monthly guarantee. AG i j. t pregon ia n WE WANT 2 experleiiited salesmen of neat appearance and pleasing personality. 3-S Artls;ins hldg. Call 10 to 12. 2 to 4. F'ORD saNstnan who can deliver the goods, permanent position; commlHslon. Rob inson Smith Co.. 6th and Madison. bA 1'KS.M EN to sell mining tock. high grade proposition. All 233, Oregonian. MANTED AGENTS. fikLTl.' accident and noapitai insurance. Bis commlsMlon ftOl Curbett bldg. Hon est. work. HKI.P WANTED FEM A I.E. THK WOMEN'S Protective Division, city of Portland, offers Its service In all mat ters pertaining to the welfare and pro tection of women, and girls; Interviews confidential. itl4 Worcester bldg., Sd and Oak sta. Phone Main 5322. WANTED Woman to help with hou.e work, separate, wash milk utensils; we haven't c illilren and wouldn't object to one child under school age; wage K'o. .Mrs. C. PColemanI-akeMde. Or., box 77. A YOr.N'O woman to no erlucationat work; splendid opportunity for disengaged teacher: may travel If desired; we guar antee XT,"oo the first year. AE 223, Ore gonian. W A NT EI Three experienced housw-to-hnutm ran H-sers : new discovery ; big profit article. Ku.irnnteed a years. Apply Mrs. Crosshy, 7411 K. 2sth st. N.. or call a u tn. a?;-r.o YOUNG lady aiten.ltng W. H. S. or busi ness college, to help with hous-work for room and board and some wases; no chllilren. Phone Automatic S'Jo -.'4. ANY GIRL in need ut a irtena. apply to the Salvation Army Recua liome. May fair and Alexander atresia. Phone Main m.vt. iM cur. W E WA N T ii experiencert sales,; ad les if neat appearance and pleasing personal ity. Artiaana' bldg. Call H to 12 or 2 to 4 vt .f AN with pieaaing' personality and r;ood education lo help with American sat inn work ; openings In Seattle, eastern Washington and Portland. H '-' 1 it. Oregonm n. ' OMAN, out 6, uui u in iter tl, to viait the alck; must be neat in appearance and a in pat net ic; satisfactory remunera t ln to right person B T 7.'.. Oregon :an. v ANTED ti women who can give From 2 to ft bra. a day to pleasant outride work: can make l per hour. 6J7 Cor Mi MiIk. W M A N with tleiit. -sturo experience who ran handle dry goods, suita, millinery, general tin re ha ihIish store ; k' ve age, ph-tn- and reference f j-jj. oregonUn. f WANT an experienced ...! to sti; room ing houses; must have car; unusual chance. Walter. tu6 . Chamber of Cotn merce b'dg VuL'.NU women wanting employment as telephone operators, call at room 6ul 'telephone Dny.. i'ara ana UaK streets. WANTED A KIRT-l'LASS WOMAN PASTRY COOK FOR CAKETERIA IN CITY AM I'll, Oregoriian. JtEKINKD young lady to care for 2 atnall chlUlren; good home ndi salary; ref e r.nid'ii re'iulr-"1 A utoii-.a t :c 3 I 2-14. THE FLORENCE CR1TTE.NTON noma Is ready to litp any girl in distress. 96 Bast vtlisan. "MV" car. Eaat 316 GOOD home for el deny coupe in c x change for service; references. M litj. ( reponlan V' I DOWER. " aione. wunta housekeeper; home more than wagea; atale pariu-u- lars. T 220. Pngnnian. VO.MEX wanted to work on app . Starr Fruit Product Co.. 321 E. Yamm;i st WANTED llotisekp-pr-r. Inquire at gro cry. Park and Y mh iH. LADY and gentleman ca makers. $2..'0 and p n.i.Q. ,ii;.im.ni'.' i,;i-'i4 WANTED A waiteca. 1751 Denver ave, K entun WA N r E D hole-Mi .;irl for filing and mail clrk. hou-e. AN 22'. OreK,nian W A NT ED Housekeeper by widower Box 43. Condon. Or. TEltM I N A I. CA EE 1(11 ee f ir.-t - class itreeK .t once P:tr'n, t. at Th 1 n r. M 'THEK L Y wo n to ure hov. AW 21 , ' Tegonlan. tor o-eur-old WANTEI Graduate nurse for tubercu lous instltuMor Main MAPUR1ENCKD counter Apply 124 itfth st. girl wanted. HELP WANTED FKMALK. PTL'.N'UOK APH KR-CLKRK. We have good opening for a stenographer that can handle a follow-up system and do tmclng; one with experience in a credit office preferred; musl be quick and ac curate. Answer, giving experience, ref erences, phone number and salary ex pected. X 221. Oregonian. iiNiAliER to wurc on ladies' coats. S. wot..-. 344 Morr.non st. . V a 1 1 1 e d Lmj m e t 1 cs. GIRL for cooking and housework, family of three; good wages. 794 Lovejoy. Main WANTED Competent girl for general housework n family of 8 adulta; Swed- Ish preferred. Main 6041. EXPERIENCED girl for housework; no laundry; wges $40. 1078 E. Gllsan. Tahor 9339. SVVhDlSH vs Norwegian girl to assist with cooking and general housework; wages 130. Apply 053 Bryce ave. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and downstairs work; best wages. Main 12. WANTED A gl-1 for light housework; 2 adults in lamlly. Apply 29 college, cor ner 5th. GIRL to (assist with housework and cook lng. 690 Everett. WOMAN for light housework and care of children. itHift E. Salmon, near 34th. GIRL fur buutst-wirk for small family. 340 College at. Main 6135. Gooi girl or woman for general ho use - worK. ."ifll Marc nail at. II Ef.P W ANTE D M A I,E OR FEMALE. BEST PROPOSITION in America for the unemployed; school children making $3 per day. 42o Washington at, Portland HELP WANTED WITH INVESTMENT. WANTED Good l!ve man to handle auto motive transportation proposition; an exceptional opportunity for the right man; requires investment of loOO: in vestor handles his own money. AU 216, uregonian. COUNTY rights for sale for beet Oregon made product on the market. 211 McKay Did-. WTTATIOVS WANTED MALE. OPI'OR'I UNITY Am 28 years of age, neat ana can give excellent character rers. am employed evenings, but will give services from 9-12 A. M for one month to any local business house that can offer me an opportunity In their adv. or sales rlept. P 221. Oregonian. PAINTING, tinting, papering, all branches, best materiaia, aatiafaction guaranteed. Reasonable. GAGS A MOB. Tabor 5404. Tabor 7058. 147 E. 75th at. N. 114 E-GOth st. N. PA PIC It HANGING. 30 CENTS A ROLL; PAINTING AND TINTING CHEAP: 1 ROOM OR A BLOCK; SPLENDID WORK; QUICKLY AND CLEANLY DONE. MARSHALL 241 AND ASiK FOR CARRICK. EX-SERVICE man, 32 years old. 10 years' experience with steam enginea and boilers on steamboats, wants work; will do anything. R. S route 1. box 14L Boring, Ore g on. ACCOUNTANT, 15 years' public experi ence, will open and keep small sets of books, render financial statements; fees $7 per week; practical cot systems In stalled. Phone PerselUe. Main 7010. MARRIED MAN, auto mechanic and truck driver or other work needs employment, will some corporation give me a chance? Not necessarily high wages. AM 205, Oregonian PAPERING AND PAINTING. I GUARANTEE ABSOLUTELY FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP AT WINTER PRICES. E. 7R42. BOY. 15. WANTS place to work, room, board and clothes, go to school; farm ex perience. Sellwood 3341, or AH 210, Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS building; foreman wianes to take charge of work for building com pany; best of references given. Phone Auto. ::4-40. JAPANESE couple wants position In good family; man doea first-class cooking, wife doea second work. F. J. Omori, Auto. rLH-4. WE DO ANYTHING. Why not give us that odd Job you have? Main 64S7. Mr. Collins. YOUNG man wishes to drive party to Cali fornia; can du repair work. S 224, Ore gonlan. ANY KIND of common labor; will come any time. Phone Main S237. 20S Wash ington street, corner First. VUIX'ANIZKR. 36 years old. wants poal tlon ; would buv an Interest In a shop la ter on. Addre.sa box 2"3. city. IF YOU want carpenter work done, phone Columbia 1342. All kinds of jobbing done In the right way cheap. AUTO mechanic, 6 years experience, fair education, desires work in shop, driv ing or anything Tahor 3-n2 SITUATION wanted as a steam and elec trical engineer, qualifications firat-claaa. A E 20fl. Oregonian. MAN WITH FORD wants work, with sal ary or salary and commission; will do anything. O 221. Oregonian. SHINGLING Roof patching, g-utter re pairing, leaky chimneys reflashed. Mar shall M72. STKONu young couple would like work on farm, or Janitor. B, Koostrometinof f. AHtorta. Or. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position driving for private family: A-l refer ences. Wm. Slaxman. 2W Knott st. YOUNG man with Ford touring car wishes permanent outside employment. Address P. O. Box 374. Portland. MARRIED man needs work, painting, tinting, enamel work; furniture polished or repaired. Martin. East istfl. WA N T ED Position as general farmer or dairy work by good experienced all nround man. AV 615, Oregonian. CA It PENT Kit. contractor, new or altera tion, large or small, day or Job. Auto 63 o -2.1. MAN COOK wife kitchen or dining room; best reference; $100 month. S 220. Ore ponlu n. EXPEKI ENOF.D man wunta work on farm; good horseman and cattleman. H 2U2, Oregonian. CA RPKNTKR will re-sh.ngle your house. duihi your garage, or remoaei anything. Tr will pay you to rail Wnodlawn 5676. COOK wants any kind of kitchen work. 11 CT.TS. II owe 1 1. A U'O. ti-tl-X JAPANESE echooiboy wants position. Call -12 CA PARLE male nurse will take care of :tcK ah v or nignt. Fno- i .ibor 2!'1h. ' K hauling and moving. Call East 'OSITION by experienced man, janitor watchman, caretaker. Tahor S77!. CARPENTER wants work by day or con- met: r:rsr-cias worn. a.n. ki;3 Fl RST- CLASS bu'lder and roof trig, the man you are looking for, woodlawn 04 Til E LITTLE Jobs that dad won't do-; WANTED General hauling, 3V-ton truck. PAINTING, tinting, papering: work guar- n n t eed. Prices lowest. Tahor 23 2S. CHEF, Al. European or American cooking, gooo mem cut t'-i. .m - t". res OP lan. SHINGLING or reshingling, rain or ahine. Ph. me l " nor io e vn ings. TEAM 1 N'G. plowing, excavating, etc. 240 fth. r'n.me e. STKoNG boy. tn.atne st'tn PLUM HER wants w ork; do any Job; repair ex per i. now CEMENT WORK CESSPOOLS. Rej's.'-'ihie rates. Tabor 149S. PAINTING, tinting, papering; work guar- .naH PhnflH Km St aiVi! CARPENTER. Jobbing and repairing; l pam ting and tinting. East 53'ft. PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; reasonable. Sellwood 1 . CEMENT work of all kinds, good work g uaranteeo gpiiwooa ma. PLUMBING done very reasonably by h'ur or jon. auio. .i.)-ai Yol'NG mn wat.ls steady work. Write to Kride;!. . '-2 Cleveland ave.. city. WRINGER man or flat work man wants a Job. Address or call at S53 t pshur ft. W A N T E L) Hauling con t rac t. or by day. 3'..-ton wood truck rnone East 5 1 7 . o.'. I h.Vi'ion wants to figure on your new nnuee. i unnr I loos keeper-. Menograpiiera. t)ff Ice. SMALL SETS of books kept, all necessary changes to comply with federal tax laws made free of charge with service: bill ing, correspondence, audita, financial re ports, corporations and partnershlpa or ganized: reasonable charge. L. W. Myers A Co., Public Accountants, 709 Spalding bldg. Main 1171. EXPERT stenographer, 7 years' sales and advertising experience, desires connec tion with local Industry or commercial house; understands general business principles, shipping, etc., and capable of assuming executive responsibility. Phone Mr. HuUock. Broadway 2 4.16. COST accountant, pay roil bookkeeper and grnei al on ice cierK ; ror past t wo years and seven months with larg copper compsny. Call Downing. Bdwy. 1270. Hit HI -GRADE specialty salesman want job selling to trade, with salary; gro cery or some staple line preferred. Ad- d ri'i W 22:'.. Or C'lnlan. YOCNG man with office and sale execu tive experience wants position; good ref erences, o i oregonian BOOKKEEPER, with five year?' experi ence, rapao.e oi managing on ice. luu, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. i Bookkeepers. Stenographers. Office, YOUNG man" uesires position as boo k keeper or typist, can take dictation, Wdin. 4 143. CAPABLE young man desires position as bookkeeper in local firm; good refer ences given. K 218. Oregonian. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Wuil.t.N with little girl 6 years will work for board and room and small wages In congenial family; assist or take full charge; can glv references. T 222, Ore gonian. BE KIN ED, capable woman wishes light work In a refined, not fashionable, home. Room, board and small wage. O 209, Oregonian. ELDERLY woman will do light house work In plain family where there Is no sickness. Give -phone number. AP 206, Oregon tan, WANTED- Position as saleslady In coat and suit bouse, dept. and specialty atore; experienced. W 21. Oregonian. TWO GIRLS of neat appearance want work; both are willing to learn. Ad- dress AL 204. Oregonian. WOMAN wants work by the hour, Mon day. Wednesday and Friday. Auto. 22.1-20. COMPETENT, reliable girl wants home to assist with housework; desires evenings free and moderate wages. Wdln. 4737. FRENCH lady, middle agea. wishes sit uation, governesat, city references. Mar shall 1331. room 5. WOMAN with experience want day work by the hour; 40 cents an hour. Call East .; ; 71. As k for Gertrude Takhala. YOUNG experienced colored lady wants general housework every d,y half day. Auto. J)i4-!tt. room ir. EXPERIENCED undres. city reierences, wishes all day work Wed.. Thur.. Fri. Call Bdwy. 2-.MS. WOMAN wants day work; also practical nursing, from 8:30 to 4:30. 70S Patton ave. Phone BttlS. COLORED woman wants day work. Wood lawn 241. TWO GIRLS want work in nic private home. BC 204, Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS HAND LAUNDERED; 12 YEARS' EXPERIENCE. EAST 6106 "KIDDIES' I'LADiulai" lor C. S. moth ers who work or shop. Marshall rf073 HATS MADE to order, trimming and re- modeling. Aut. 514-41. or 83 N. 21st at. MIDDLE-AGED lady will take care of children, 30c hour. B. 3025. COMPETENT lady wants hour work. E. 6046. Mrs. Harp. WOMAN wants day work Tuesday. Main R2S3, room 2. SITUATION by reliable, experienced lady clerk in bakery or Krocery. East ixio. RELIABLE chambermaid wants sltion. Main 6hl7, room 3. WILL cook and serve dinners, luncheons, teas; splendid references. Tabor 1529. COLORED woman wants second work to do; good waitress. Bdwy. 204. PlA.o lusaotid at your home; term rea sonable. Broadway 2294. WOMAN wants work, day or hour. Wood lawn 137. SCHOOL girl will work for board and room, small wages. Sellwooc 2044. HAIR work 61.1-77. wanted. combings. Call EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Auto. 514-71. room l.l. Bookkeepers, Stenograpncrw. Office. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER NOW EMPLOYED DESIRES CHANGE BY NOVEMBER 15; WELL EDUCATED. REFINED: 5 YEARS' EXPERIENCE; SALARY 1100. PHONE AUTO. 820-27. COMPETENT stenographer and general of fice assistant desires permanent position where efficiency and interest is valued. East 2352. ACCURATE biller, typist, assistant book keeper, use comptometer, switchboard ; four years' experience; references. East 84J9. COMPTOMETER operator and tvpist. eight years experience, wishes tumporar or permanent position. Broadway 20.15. LADY with aome stenographic and type writing experience wishes position; iu week start. Phone Marshall 2310. TEMPORARY typing, copying, address ing, general office work or stenography. Phone Tahor 5672. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, 4 years' ex perience, wants position. Marshall 666. Room IS. EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist desires work by hour or piece. Tabor 4312. WANT stcno., typing or casnier work; can give best of references. Wdln. 4.153. BOOK KEEPER, stenographer ; can lake charge of office. Wood lawn 54l'3. EXPERT stenographer wishes extra work. ( ailed for and returned. labor .rtX4. Dressmakers. REMODELING, repairing, altering, relin lag; our work will please. Quick Dyers and Cleaners. 12th at Alder. Bdwy. 2b43. LEMGNlNG. tailoring, remodeling, per fect fit guaranteed. Madame Rosen, Broadwav '.'41. 3o4 Globe bidg. WILL make and remodel dresses, also re- line and remodel coats. All 'sewing done reasonably. Call Bdwy. 4976. WILL make and remodel dresses, suits or coats evenings. ureas a specialty, via E. Flanders. DRESSMAKING Satisfaction guaranteed All kinds emb. and beading. Broadway 2312. 230 N. 18th st. LELAH HUTCHINSON on gowns. IkiJ Broadway bldg. Phone Main ii.a. 1LK dresses a specialty; price reason- able. Morrison, room tt. upstairs. HEMSTITCHING while you watt; luncheon itc yaru. .two ttroaaway Diag. DRESSMAKING DONE REASONABLE. MRS. GOOD. WOODLAWN 2l4tt. LX1 -KlfcNCfcD dressmaker wants sewing MRS. R. T. (WRIGHT), Swufford. engage ments Oy tn nay. Auto. ais-. EX PERIENCBD dressmaker, ladles tal- loress, I3..1Q day. Bdwy. afi.-. DRESSMAKING at home or by day, rea sonable. East 47S6. SEWING; reasonable; done at your home or my home. Main -'. PLAIN sewing of all klndjj; coiit refined. very reason a hie. Auto. 2.1 o- EXFcRIENCED dressmaker wishes ew Inir hv day. Tabor M.16. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes a few more c i mt om ern. T a bo r 67 H 6. THE GLAD SHOP Dressmaking, remodel tng. 1001 Rdwy. bldg. Main .13.14. yaraea. NURSE wlshea infants to care for in pri vate home; excellent care, reasonable: make reservations now as only limited number accepted. 1003 Hawthorne ave.. or Auto 231-25. SITUATION wanted as governess to young children ; experienced ; references. Main M 1 DDLE-AGED lady wants position as nurse for young baby. Marshall 2141. room fl. NEW MATERNITY" hospital; make reser vations; reasonable prices. Phone Auto. 32 4-05. Nl RSE will care for patient in her own horn-: di?t a specialty. Call Tahor 5733. PRACTICAL nurse ready for case; women or children. East 33. Ho nae keepers. SITUATION wanted by lady as managing housekeeper; experienced with servants a nd children; references. Main 4029. HOUSEKEEPING for man or man with children. I am middle aged, good cook; best or references. Tahor 5386. WIDOW, unincumbered- wishes position as housekeeper for gentleman. Write J 216, Oregon! a n . HOLSEK EEPER with child. Hotel Hoyt Rth and Hoyt sts. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeping for widower. Mwrsha il 3336. Dumrtttiin, GIRL with city reierencc wishes gen. housework or second work; has expe rience In both; wages $00, A 220. Ore gon lan. BRIGHT, capable Lutheran girl for do mestic work. 403 Terry ave.. Seattle. GOOD p.ain cook wants pes. t ion in hotel or Institution. Auto. 332-73. Hou-ecleaning. HOUSECLEANING Expert white and ivory enamel cleaning; floors waxed, fur niture polished, carpets cleaned, win dows washed CITY HOUSECLEANING SERVICE, Chapman St Phone Main 1157. VER1BEST WINDOW CLEANERS. COLUMBIA 1027. Housecleaning. floor waxing and vacuum cleaning: estimates cheerfully given; best of references. WANTED TO RENT. House. RENTAL BUREAU. List your houses, fists or apartments with us; quick result and good tenant ' PACKING. MOVING. STORAGE. LOAN. SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO. 99 Fourth St.. Opp. Multnomah Hot si. Phone Broadway 3715 MrT PROPERTY OWNER, let us lease your he uses for 9 years and keep same In repair without anv bother or worr to you. W. M. Smith. East 4447. 50d Wiil- la m say e. FOUR or five-room cottage, south of Hof Kate St. pelrood 2946. Room- With Board. WANTED tty reliable buines man of good habit, place to boa"i and room in private family on west side, within walk-) lng distance of business district: two meals a day a - plain cooking pre-' ferred: can furnish beat of references state price. S 192 '' egonlan. GOOD boy, going to high school, wfehes tl ace to room and board and work for half of same, AG 203, Oregonian. 1 FOR RENT. CALL AT T. M. C. A. to see free list of moderately priced rooms for young men in all parts of the city. Including rooms st the central Y. M. C. A., with tele phone tn each room, ah o war hatha and ciub facilities Furnlrtbed Rooms. AMERICAN HOTEL. 2 N. THIRD. This hotel has been thoroughly eleaned and Is owned and operated by Ameri cans, the best service in the city tor the rates charged, elegant lobby, ele vator service always, lots of hot wster. free baths; rates 50c. ."c, 91. 0u; special rates to permanent guest. Edward F. Goddard. Mgr HOTEL HARRISON. ROOMS $2 WEEK. Clean furnished rooms; steam beat, hot water, bath, etc., 95c and Mc per night; 5-story brick building. 44& Front st., corner Harrison. HOTEL CLIFFORD. PRINCIPAL EAST SIDE HOTEL. EAST MOKrtlSUN ST.. AT EAST 6TH QUIET, DIGNIFIED AND REFINED; 9125 PER DAY. 96 PER WK, AND UP. CON'VfcNIENT. ALL-NIGHT GARAGE. CALL AT T. M. C. A. to free list of mode rate-priced rooms for young men In all parts of the city, including rooms at the central Y. M. C A., with telephone in each room, allows r bailie and club facilities. GORDON HOTEL. 174 Wear Para st Main 202. Clean. moarn mom at rtasona. price; telephone service induced. Iran ient and permanent guest a e sired i HOTELS ROWLAND. ANNEX, MARYLAND. VIRGINIA, 17U guest rooms, 207 Vs -211 "A 4th sc. Rate Ie, 1 per day. Witn bath 11.50 day np IIOTEI. NETHERLANDS. 126 13TH ST AT WASHINGTON. Rates 11 day; week, i up; private bath, 9& up; fireproof and viean; close to business center. MODERN ROOMS. 45.50 WEEK AND UP, 91 PER NIGHT AND UP CLASSY. Some with private bath, clean, well furnished, light, warm, all outside rms. THE BAKER, 265Vs FIFTH STREET. The Mifabes Rhyne and Petenon. Props. ANSOMA HOTEL. 124 14th St., at Washington. Rate $4 per week up, $1 day; fireproof, large, attractive, spotless rooms, cioa to amusement and shopping center HOTEL BLACKSTONE. 427 Stark. Broadway 2740. Clean modern room at reasonable prices. Phone tn each room; rate to permanenet guest. ANGELA HOTEL. 625 W ash in gton St. Marshall 1&50. Large, attractive lobby with fire place. Special rate to permanent gueata Rooms with or without bath. WASHINGTON HOT Hi L. 12TH AND WASHINGTON ST8 Attractive room and suite ai reason able ratu by week or month. THE ST. PAUL. 130 4th at., corner Alder. A RESI CTABL1H downtown HOTEL. Rates 7fc up. Private bath. i Special rate by week or month. HOTEL Buckingham, under new manage ment, 652 ht Washington st. Modern, pri vate hatha Free phone; reasonable rales. 13.50 wk. up. Main 31. uuibb cusrtAluNii, 22 North 10th st., 2 blocks north of Washington st; fire proof; pleasant rooms and suite at vary reasonable rate by day or week. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. One large room, well furnished, close In, walking distance; rent (25. Call Main 2500. EUCLID HOTEL, S7S Washington, at 18th. Large, clean, aiy rooms, private baths. Rates to permanent gut.sta. Bdwy. 2tta2. HOTEL RAMAPO, 14th and Washington. New management, newly furnished, at tractive weekly and monthly rates. GARLAND HOTEL, 25 TRINITY PLACE. CORNER OF WASH. AH outside rooms, good heat. $4 week and up. Main 4QS6. TWO FURNISHED sleeping rooms, $12 Ser month each. Walking distance, 4i7 lontgomery at. Phone Mar. 110. THE VAUGHN Absolutely clean sleeping rooms, free batn, lobby privilege. $1.75 and upward. N. 19th and Vaughn sts. LARGE front room, steam htat, on first for, suitable lor two gentlemen or man and wife. 225 Eleventh st. NICELY furnished sleeping rpoms, steam heat, hot and cold water. Reasonable. 26!4 Qth St. BUSHMARK; Wash. at., cor. 17th; clean. modern steam heated 1 and 2-room apts., also sleeping rooms;' reasonable. HOTEL OCKLEY. Morrison st., at 10th $1 dav. weekly $0 i-H ud. Free nhone and r' baths; ;ignt ana airy, ateam neat. ARTHUR HOTEL, 170 Eleventh St.. near Morrison dean and modern rooms by day, week or month at reasonable rates. NEW PRKINS HOTEL, Washington and Fifth Street. Special permanent rate. HOTEL TAIT, 12th and Stark; changed hands; rate $1 per day, wk. $5 up; prl vate bath, $9 up; all outside rooms. MARLYN HOTEL. 17TH AND COUCH Largo, attractive, modern room by day, week or month: ratea reduced. 50c DAY. $2.50 WEEK up; viean. bath free. Hotel Cadillac. 3d. near Jefferson. FURNISHED sleeping porch with the privilege or tne patn. tan Main agio. V n f 11 r n ( ah ed Rooms. TWO OR THREE large, pleasant, unfur nished rooma. sleeping porcn. good fur nace. Quiet private house. Close in, west side. Main 70O2. 2 OR 3 LARGE, pleasant, unfurnished rooms, sleeping porch, good furnace, quiet private house, close in, west side. Main 7002. 2 OR 3 LARGE, pleasant, unfurnished rooms, sleeping porch, good furnace, quiet private bouse, close in, west side. .Main 7002. FURNISHED; one large housekeeping room, steam heat; hot water, light and gas. 18. 401 10th st. Main 24K0. 2 UNFURNISHED rooms at 51st and Sf.ndv blvd. . Furnished Rooms In Private Family. LARGE. CHEERFUL. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, with heat and phone, in wen kept home. clce (n, west side: very rea sonable to one or two gentlemen. 033 Flankers. WELL furnished room, small private fam ily, qoubie or twin bens, no otner room ers, plenty heat and hot water; break fast if desired. Nob Hill district; gen tleman ; references. Mar. 301. NICE front sleeping room for one or two gentlemen: walking distance; near Mult nomah club; 587 Madison. Phone Mar shall 1S59. NEWLY renovated, nicely furnisned room; furnace heat; home privileges; break fast if desired; gentlemen preferred. 112 Thurman. Main 6.19. 2 SLEEPING rooms, good location, good home, furnace heat, electric llghta. phone and bath. 254 N. 24th. cor. North rup. Mar. 1699. W ELL-FURNISHED rooms in modern home on Nob Hill, near 23d and Wash.; hot and cold water and all conveniences; gentlemen: reasonable. Marshall 36X9. BRIGHT, well-heated front room, adjoin ing bath; breakfast if desired; walking distance; reasonable rent. 695 Flanders, near 21st. Marshall 1499. FURNlSn ED sleeping room for one or two gentlemen, near JelTerson high school. 2 b'.ocks Mississippi ave. car. 107.1 Kerby sr.. cor. Webster at. BEAUT1 FULLY" furnished room w ith dressing room with hot and cold water; steam heat; easy walking distance. 215 Fourteenth. LA RG B. sunny, front room in modern W. S. private home,' walking distance. Bdwv 349s THREE furnished rooms In private fam ily upstairs: hot and cold water. Call Woodlawn 5922. UhAL'TI FU L front room. Nob Hill dis trict, reasonable; use of home to eon genlitr people. Bdwy. 4425. 627 Love.loy. NICELY' furnished rooms, walking dis tance. $3.50 a week up. 580 Third st, cor ner Grant CONGENIAL young man wisnea room mate. Clean bed. 61 N. 18th. Bdwy. 2721. 1 H K. SU4TE and 5 double rooms, with breakfast and dinner. 692 Eliot ave. E-ist 6041. WELL furnished room In private home; will p;ive breakfast; lady preferred. Cor ner of Bdwy and Jefferson. Phone Mar sha MVLTT. ; IN LOVELY" home, large room with alcove, suitable for three gentlemen, $30. Walk In g ii.2ljii COZY iront room lor man accustomed to nice things; quiet, modern place. 362s Prk st. Manaii CONGENIAL young, man wlshea room mate; twin beds, parlor, piano and home privileges. 67 N. lth st. Bdwy. 2721. 7 121 H LARGE, modern room with tvo beds: hot and cold water, walking dis- tince. Men only. FIN E room w ith sleeping porch, walking distance. side. Bdwy. 4329. NICE, clean, heated sleeping rooms. 692 East An. rnoneLsi r": VERY' attractively furnished room; walk- NICELY furnished room, light, heat and phone, walking distance. East 5426. 07 12TH ST. Single room, strictly mod ern, walking distance; men only. $S ATTIC room for gentleman, west side; reierences. aartnun ooi.y i -; (jiisan. CLEAN rooms, refined family. 04 N 16lh, jlil COMFORTABLE room, modern, wa.k lng distance, w est side. Main I4d4. rOR RENT. Room With Board. THB - MARIAN For young business excellent table ; orrrsn exclusively steam heated rooms, attractively fur nisnd; every convenience for young ladies, including large laundry; home atmosphere; moderate rate; have Just added five rooms, one with a fine sleep ing porch. 567 Gils an. near 17th. Broa d w a y 24 3 o . ' CAMPBELL HOTEL, 23D AND HOTT STS. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 WASHINGTON ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on tho Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath. 12.60 a day up; rates by day or mouth. Meais served to transients. WHITEHALL HOTEL, 6TH AND MADISON. "MEALS" LIKE MOTHER COOKS. Rooms single or en suite, with or without board for families, business men and women; reasonab.e rates. Fort land's downtown residential hotel. NORTONl A HOTEL, i'ui tianu s aowntown high-class family hotel; room en suite or single, with or without Doardt for families and busti.es men and women. We give you all the comfort of a horns. Reasonable rale. THE HAZEL. Residential hotel, all outolde rooms, all modern, with or without board, public parlor with piano; a home for people away from home. 3 So 3d. N. and S. Port land car. - THE LIMIT THAT $30 WILL GO. Splendid home-cooked meals and at tractive steam-heated room in splendid close-in location, modern, 930 month. 474 East Ash. PARK VIEW HOTEL. S6 Montgomery st., cor. Park, 1 btk. Lincoln high school; room and board 947.50 per month. iluAliu, room and nurse oid people; bst of care and trained nurses; reasonable. Carolina home. 47 Sellwood .blvd. wood 3694. P.OOM and meals In a good quiet placv with home pnvlleges in Piedmont dis trict; reasonable price. Garage for rent pu A'nswortn. wain, olio. TH E SOL'LE Sunday cnicken dinner 75c ; ween aas 50c; all you can eat; like mother xonked. ; 1!1 1 1th. ROOM anl 00a id lor business girls, all modern ejnvehlences; walking distance; 1 5 per week. Amo. 219-74. 12 E. 7th st FOR RENT Room with sleeping porches with board; opposite Multnomah club, 5M Salmon. FIRST-CLASS room and board, home in every respect. 738 Johnson. Main 3796. Rooms With Board in Private Family. ROOM with sleeping porch. Home cook ing, walking distance, west side. Call Bdwy 4633. ROOMS In newly furnished home; furnace neat; via ror room, it board wanted Ju; for two. (25 each ; walking distance. 185 E. 13th st,, between Yamhill and Taylor. WtJULD like 2 or 3 gentlemen of clean employment for board and room. We have no children or other boarders; west side; walking distance. 69 11 Davis. Bdwv. 3761. NICELY furnished room with board for two young men; all modern conveniences, walking distance. Phone Eaat 0130. No other boarder. IF YOU are looking for home comfort, call Wdln. 3038. A dandy clean room, steam 'heated, nicely furnished; will give break fa st . NEWLY furnished sleeping rooms, elec. lights, good furnace heat, walking dis tance ; board If desired ; rates reason ahle. flHflta 6th st. Phone Aut. 52.1-51. EXCELLENT board and pieaant room to gentleman who will share it with an other. Must give references. $32 per mo.. Auto, 519-36. LARGE airy room, good board. Home at mosphere. Good car service. Haw thorne or Sunnyside car. 712 East Tay lor st.. or call Auto 212-37. ' CHILDREN under school age will get best of care in country home ; plenty milk, eggs. Mrs. W. D. Stephenson, route 3. m box 65A, Vancouver, Wash. ATTRACTIVE room with board in private family for two young men. very cloae In, walking distance, west side. Mar shall 3903 DO YOU WANT A HOME? Irvlngton, elegant double room,, sin gle rooms, home cookins. laundry prlv lleges. garage East 6645. WALKING distance ; choice room ; meals if destrwd; furnace heat, piano, bath; just like home; reasonable rates. East H3H2. R00.M and board for couple or 2 gentle men in congenial private home; reason able rates. Sellwood 2270. LARGE downstairs room, refined home; rdosM to school: for father and child: with or without board. Woodlawn 4706. EXCELLENT room and board; Rose City ram, near car une , iiumr wkuui ib price reasonable. Tahor 83.11. ATTRACTIVE room with home privileges for young people; excellent board; svaik Ing distance; splendid location. E.ist 156. ROOM with or without board convenient for teacher or nurse, near Good Samari tan hospital. Bdwy. 3607. CONGENIAL couple to share home, with board ; phone and piano ; 950. Wood lawn 6334. LADY' to list rooming houses and apts. Don't answer unless experienced. K 114, Oregonian. BOARD and room witn joiiy family, nice home and home privileges. 604 East 22d S. Seliwooa io. ROOM and board in private family for gentleman. 407 Lombard, corner Wabash ave NICELY furnished room for 2 with board, 736 Kearney st, 970 a month; meals 40c. Call Marshall 3002. NICri warm room witn board, close in. on west side. Price very reasonable. Auto, 519-36 WILL care for children under 10 years: near Richmond school. Tabor 812 01 1 1 Ml M ixter st. CHILDREN will receive good care in pleas ant home by responsible woman. Auto- 630-2 A NICELY furnished room, close in. fur nace heat $18 per mo., or will ive breakfast. East S"33. WANT to board lady In private-home, 306 E. 40th So., near Hawthorne. PRIVATE home for children; 20 years' experience. 714 Everett st Mar. 2162. NICELY furnished front room with board. walking distance; tine location, c. 0110, GOOD board and room, single or two; immense. - NICE room and good board; good loca- RELIAHLE christian W"man will care for c h 1 1 d In home. TV 19S, Oregonian. THREE gentlemen boarders wanted; pleas ant rorm. boa rd. reasonable. East 362. Furnished Apartments. M O N TOO M E R Y APART M E N TS 2 rms., furn. ; hardwood floors, eleva tor, strictly modern, all outside, walking djst. 36 3d st . cor. Montgomery. FOUR rooms, partly furnished, third floor, E. 28th and Burnslde. Price 920. Main 9307. JULIANA APARTMENTS, 45 TRINITY PLACE. FTR 2 8 AND 4-ROOM APT 3. LARGE 3-room furnished apartment, suit able for 3 adults. 388 11th st Mar s h a 11 4174. 660 FLANDERS, 3-r. fur. mod. basement apt., $15 mo. and Janitor work; (no fires): ref. req. Bdwy. 3134 rporning'. IRVINGTON. Large, sunny front room ; nicely fur nished for h. k. East 4:2. FOR HUNT 0-room weh-f urmshed apt., in modern home; heat, phone; $65. 765 E. Flanders. East 1991. WILL give H. K. privileges for 1 or 2 people in a large desirable home. Tabor 4337. Hawthorne district. THE DEZENDORF APTS.. 0R J6th, near Taylor at. Mar. 128. NICE 5-ROOM FURNISHED APT. THE DAVENPORT APTS. S-room apt, furnished, private bath. 50.I Jefferson st. rnone .Main 543, THE CHELTENHAM Attractive 4 rooms. 2-room basement. 19th and Norlhrup. B road way 3638. LUCILLE COURT. Newly tinted 4-room apartment, out- stde rooms, private bath. Bdwy. 2Q71. 3-ROOM " furnished apanment: private bath, with laundry tray; $40 per month. East en:: TUO ROOMS and private bath, rent $23.00. Phone mornings and evenings. East 7737. ,rirnnnn Wdln 61 11. AUDITORIUM COURT APT. 331 Third st. 2-3-room, furnished. Apt. undT new management 257 32TH ST. Modern apt. and kitchen ette, walking distance, everything fur- n is-lieu. LARGE, light, clean, weil-furnisned apart ment, near Benson and Washington schools. 20 E. 1.1th. cor. Ash. UNION AVli. and Kiiiingswortr. , tur. apt $21.50; all complete; concrete building. " 15 DAYS' STORAGE FREE. Moving for less. Phone Bdwy. 24 45. THREE-ROOM modern apt. San Marco. East Eighth and Couch. Eawt 1990. BEAUTIFUL 4-room apt.. rooms. :94 Guild st. all outside NICE, clean, two front zooms, apt.; adulta 129 Grand ave. NICE clean 3-room apartment, near Jefferson n:gn. m.-i Kerny. 4-ROOM apartment. Portiand Height. Phnn. Marshall .197. LA HOE front room and kitchenette, very desirable, reasonable. 6.15 Flanders. HIGHLAND COURT APTS. l-room fur nished apartment. .-iarsna:i aiM. 2-ROOM apt, 1 room and kitchenette. 2-8 Miii. aar Broadway. a FOR RENT. Furnished Apartments. TUB" rDnlVVI I. Fifth and Columbia Sta I rive minutes' walk to Meter s-ranars tore; goou surroundings, strictly mod ern 2 and 3-room furnished apt., out side and French door and balcony; per manent and transient. PARK VIEW HOTEL 8 MONTGOMERY Elegantly furnished room, suitable for one or two people, with or without bath; all outside rooms, with breakfast and dinner; very special rates to perma nent guests; meals served to transient. Main 37h3 3S6. Montgomery, near Park; within walking distance- SltLVV VN APARTMENT-. HIGH CLASS. . Very lovely ouU.de front apt- and 'eepinr "orch; very modern and lota 01 heat; permanent and transient; refer ence required. 166 SL Clair sL, corner Washington. BRIGHT, cheerful, well-furnished 2-room apt. Large bay windows, white finish veranda; all conveniences; nice location. Close in; good car service. 228 E. 30th. Two blocks north of Hawthorne ave. East 7267. HIGH CLASS. Beautifully furnished 8-room apt. to sublet for 2 or 3 week. Reference re- quired. Mar. 2S30. J37.5U FINE RES. SECTION 937.50 193 ST. CLAIR ST. One large living room, kitchenette and dressing room. beautifully furnished with fine rugs, davenport, fireplace, etc Permanent tenant only. Main 316. BRIGiii, (. iievnul, w e.l-iu: niahtd tw o-room apt. Large bay windowa. white finish veranda; all conveniences; nice location. Close In; good car service. 228 E- 30th. Two blocks norft of Hawthorne ave, BEAUTIFULLY furnished modern 4-room apartment; corner, large, light, warm. Equipped for four to six people. There are none better in Portland. THE COLUMBIAN. 11th and Columbia. THE WHEELDON ANNEX.. Corner 10th and Salmon, 2. 3 and 4 room apts. ; permanent or transient; also single room. Mafn 0641 1 AND 2-ROOM apts., naw.y lurnished and decorated ; Nob Hilt block off Wan New management. Reasonable. o29 Everett. Bdwy. 1376. YOUNG woman wishes to share warm, cosy apartment with two congenial girls; complete home for less than price of room. Call Ma-shall 2S46, apt. 410. ON KEN 'I ON CAR LI N E. Large front 2-room apt. 20 minutes from town: adults. $20. 119H E. Lorn bard, at Alblna ave. Wdln. 2642. 3 ROOMS or more, sleeping porch. Clevelund ave. Woodlawn 5130. 1197 tnlurninhed ApwrtnieDts. ALVA R A DO anartmenta. 730 Everett St. : 7-room duplex apartment; elegant, large outside rooms, 4 balconies, walking dis tance: le;ise ; references required. Wake field. Frio Co.. 5 Fourth yt. HAWTHORNE APARTMENTS. Very desirable unfurnished 3-room apartment. With two disappearing beds; vacated ovemoer n. ;i i-ib. CINCINNATI court. 2 and 4-room apart mems, steam heat, bath, hot and cold water; rents reaaonaoie. tui iuia Main 24NO. THE VAUGHN If employed in northwest Portland save time and money; see our 2 and 3-room apartments; renovated: f low rates. N. 19th and Vaughn ata. IONIAN COURT. ISth and Couch. 3 and 4-room modern apartments, newly tint ftd. close In; adults. Broadway 2761. GARDNER. 13th and E. Ash Very desir able 0 rooms, has 2 bedrooms, fireplace. hot water heat; adulta: references. FOR RENT Up-to-date first-class apart ment In excellent location. Call Main K308. . THE REXFORD APT. Two-room apartment, hot water heat Main 503. This is a nice corner apt., $05. PARKHURST APARTMENTS. 8-room corner apartment with balcony. Broadway 1179. STEVEN'S APTS., 7Ul NORTHRUP. Six large outside rooms, heat, fire place, sleeping porches. Call Main 930S. FOR RENT 6-room unfurnished apt ; bigh-grwde bouse, centrally located, ex- cel-ent service. Bdwy. 220L HARR1MAN APT3., 164 24th st. N. Very desiraole 4-room apts , 3d floor, $65 and $00; adults only, uterencea THE AMERICAN, modern 6-room apart ment Bdwy. 3360- GARFIELD 3-room, sleeping porch, rea ao nabie. 961Fai ll n ik.. W. I n Ion. 3-ROOM modern unfurnished apartment, $45. Bucna Vista apts., 434 Harrison. 3-ROOM apartment. See Everett. Main 5164. WUmar. 74: luinlbHed or tniurnished Apartment. ,ACRELH URST apartments; one tome 3-room. unfurnished; all modern convey ientes, oak floors. Call Tabor 2614. 6-ROOM FLAT Walking distance; nice view, w. a; fireplace, furnace. 369 '-4 16th st., S. of Montgomery; $37.50. Vinney. Fl I'E large beautiful rooms and bath ; Dutch kitchen ; good location. Adults. 1062 E. IMh s. N. Phone Main 3744. 4-ROOM modern close-In. North. Rent $35. East 27 East 12th 3-ROOM lower flat; 272 Going st. on Will lams ave. carline; $20. East 4316. Furnished Flats. FLAT FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE. A 7-room flat, walking distance. Rent $."2.00 per month. All good furniture, including piano, new sew lng machine, etc. Three bedroom. $700 take ail fur niture. RU"MM ELL ft RUMMELL, 274 Stark St WKcT SIDE furnished flat of 3 rooms; $60. 28 N. 16th st, near Washington. See Mr. Ballis, with Wakefield, Frita & Co.. 80 Fourth st. NEVV TINT, paint and enamel through out nicely furnished S-room lower flt excellent. near-ln residential district, $40 Main 43.10 or Main 47QQ. FURNISHED 4-room lower hat; lights, phone and bath furnished. 86 E. 33d, between Washington and Stark. Phone Tabor 24 -ROOM tlat for rent and furniture for ?ale. for cash; a money-maker. 268 lark. COZY large 4-room clean lower furn. tlat; gas, electricity, private bath and toilet; Adult.". Woodlawn 47:19. FINELY furnished 5-room flat, clean and thoroughly modern ; walking distance. 849, East Gllsan. near Union. 8-ROOM lower flat at S20 Vaughn, be tween 24lh and 25th; adulta; $20. Mar. 3719 0-RooM furnished fiat on first floor at 547 Sixth St.; piano included. Call Dr. Emmet Drake. Main- 3392. NICELY furnished rooms, bath, electric lights, $30 per month; adults. 95 N. 17th st. 3-KOOM furnished flat Price $32 50. 500 Mill street THREE-ROOM modern furnished flat; ciiild.-en. 504 E. 22d st. COSY' 4-room flat, walking distance, $0. 442 Rodney ave.. corner Tillamook. ' FOUR clean, sunny rooms, bath, in Over look add. Wdln. 490. 4-ROOM, modern, nicely furnished flat 616 Commercial St. Phone 319-01. Housekeeping Rooma. FURNISHED U. K. rooms, 1 room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, private phone, electric lights, steam heat, ftv minutss' walk to town. 291 Columbia, near Fifth. LARGE, light, clean. well-furnished housekeeping rooms, near Benson and Washington schools. 20 E. 15th, corner Ash. ABSOLUTELY' clean single housekeeping rooms; men or women; free bath; dandy lobby; low rated. The. Vaughn, North 39th and aupnn. FURNISH ED. commodious. well-arranKed. plenty of light, clean and cheery, modern conveniences, walking distance. 547 Yamhill Main 3530. . STo 1 u.1 u ml r nrM h mi setfee Dinar rooms, very reasonable. 392 Vi E. Burnslde and Grand ave. PLEASANT, desirable room, exclusive loca tion, splendid view. 768 Park ave.. H blk from Counci' Crest car. Main 4278 COMFORTABLE 2-room suites. $4.00. $4; hot water, electricity, etc 652 Vs Thur man St. TWO-ROOM basement, housekeeping apt-, $17 Oo; everv thing furnished. 007 Clay st. Mar. 3602. DES1 R ABLE 2-room apt. very nice fur niture, reasonable rates, employed pre f erred! 272 Broadway. FURNISHED housekeeping room. also sleeping porch. 643 E. Morrison. E. OS 4 3 14 HOUSEKEEPING rooma, well fur nished, all full. terra B. Sell. 3001. WELL furnished, can't be beat for 94. 544 Pettygrove. NICELY furnished H. K. rooma st. Furnace heat. . H. K. ROOMS, single or in suites. 2" Washington st. NEWLY furnished h. k. room, close in. 447 Main st. FURNISHED DOWNTOWN H. K. rooms. cor. 3d. cheap rent. ..- 2 CLEAN h. adults. 710 rooms, sleeping porch, Rurnslce. FOR RENT Two rooms, furnished for housekeeping. 384 Park at. j.ROoM housekeeping apartment, $6 per week. 3-o hih it. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, well furnished. $2 50 per week. 17 N". 10th m I H. K. ROOMS, 2 and 3-room suites. 1 12th at. Phone Main 52VL 370 I CLEAN, comfortable housekeeping rooms, $i a week and up. 272 Hawthorn. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Kooms. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 2 room and klichenette. sultsbl for couple employed ; aiso room nd bat li. 835. Very light and airy; reference! required. 166 St. Clair St., corner Wash ington. ATTRACTIVE, newly tinted and reno vated h. k. rms.; pantry, hot and cold water; range, electricity, steam heat, 2d floor. Reasonable. Walking distance. Phone Auto 634-53. Nob Hill district 60S Gllsan. near 2t'lh. SUITES of one or two front rooms on first and second floor; one Inside room. All light and clean: reasonable rent 831 Wasco St., half block off Williams avenue THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall Fur nished h. k. rooms. $19 up. Including hot water, electric lights, laundry room. Housekeeping Ituom In l'nTSi 1 amllr. B&.AL 1 It l LLY furnished one or two cor ner front housekeeping rooms, modern nome. wen nested; apotiess, clean; re' sons hie. Main 1311. 283 N. 24ttt WANTED Roommate; furnished h. k. rms.; everything furnished; $12 each; would like working woman ; referencea Call Main 7110 before 11 A. M, . NICE, airy front bedroom; newly papered and painted; with separate cooking al cove; ouistde ventilauon. 248 13th U near Mal-i. 2 LIGHT airy h. k. rooms; water, lights, phone free; $18. Sell. 31SU after 8 P. M., a . 1 day Sunday. Adults only. WELL-FUKNi&HED sui.e 11. K, apart ment, walking diMaJic-t light, water, telephone. tM Hoyt. TWO LARGE, clean H. K. rooms; all modern conveniences; wa.klng distance, west side. 591 4 Davis. Bdwy. 3761. 2 FURN 1SHED house Keeping roomi , very reasonable. Call 09 W est Sumner St. near Concord. 2-ROOM apartment, kitchen has sink, running water, built-ins, 1 single H. K. ro o m. 42 E 1 : a. Bdwy. 3 6 S 6 NEAT single sleeping or H. K. room, $3 up; steam heated. 445 Columbia. H. K. ROOMS, walking distance, children. East 5797. Mrs. Wilcox. MODERN furnished apartment with ga rage. Phone Tabor 1463 4 NICELY' furnished clean housekeeping roon 1 s 160 Mon roe st. Wdln. 622. THREE rooms, near Reed college, new h. k. 1153 57th ave.. near 39th st FOUR ROOMS, close in, light and clean reference. E. 6931. 9 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. 266 Cook ave. 11. K. ROOM, $10 mo. Gas free, elec., phone, bath. 392 4th st. TWO OR three nicely furnished house keeping rooms, reasonable. 092 Front. 3D FLOOR h. k. room with porch. $3.50 per Week. 1.4 7. IND, NICE front room, furnished, for man and wife. East 362. Hoown. FOR RENT. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. 8-room modern bungalow; oak floors throughout, linoleum in bath and kitch en; fireplace, furnace and bullt-lns; all in perfect condition ; high -class residence district, near high school, library and park, to responsible party for $07 per month. For appointment can woou lawn 732. SIX-ROOM MODERN RESIDENCE, 792 CLACKAMAS ST.; WILL LEASE FOR SIX. MONTHS ; KENT $00- PARRISH. W ATKINS ft CO.. 202 STARK ST. l'UNoS im.ed. ill: stairs extra. 41 each f lieht : 30 days' free storage on all household goods; furniture moving; one ton trnek. s ner hour: larEs truck. $2.7! per hour; we are experienced and have good pacKing. t;aii urouuway 1-01. Atlas Transfer & Storage Co., 104 N. 5th st. Opn Sundays and evenings. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS $6750. Strictly modern 6-room bungalow, must be sold before the 10th; beauti ful view, select neighborhood, on car line; small payment down and terms ar ranged; owner leaving city; Will lease If not sold. Main 3 S3 6. LAURELHURST. onnv MODERN BUNGALOW. Hardwood floors throughout; tile hntti' 1 1 t)i a bullt-lns. aas furnace, auto marie water heater ami Karaue with fu:l cement driveway. Owner will lease for six months; rent $65. Call Tahor fl2l. FOR RENT 2fl E. l4ih N.. cor. Wasco; 8-room bungalow; 2 baths. 3 firep.acea. fitll-Mixed basement. arae. fuel in base ment;- house well built, sjjlendid condi tion. Can give immediate possession. O w ner. East 3204. k'nii hkt h-roiim house, furnace, fire uluce: near Jefferson high school; lease to 1 esponsibie tenant W W. SA BIN, Realtor, 1032 Union Ave. N'.. Woodlawn 50. 0-ROO.M BUNGALOW. Multnomah stutlon: hot and cold water, electricity, gas. Bull Run water, lawn, garage; on Oregon electric or 20 mln. by auto. Phone Main 07 OS. CALL BROADWAY 380 FOR NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. LIGHT POWER HEAT. WASHINGTON AT TENTH ST. $30 PORTLAND HEIGHTS $35. Newly painted and .decorated, cosy cottage, two room, kitchenette, large bath Main SS16. . j3,- 7-ROOM house, 566 Rodney avenue. 30 5-room house, 750 East Salmon st. MET.GER-PARKER COMPANY, 269 Oak St.. near 4lh. Bdwy. 5355. NEW' DUPLEX bungalow. Just finished, a i-ooma and bath, with large closets. Bcparate entrance. Call at 89 Miss., or Woodlawn 3030 after 6 P. M. 366 E. ASH ST. Large U-room house, hot water heat furnished from a central heating plant; near Washington high school . references; garage. WILL lease to responsible party. U-room house. 166 E. 1 6th. All refinished in side and out; 4.1. East 21sS. FOR RENT To adults, modern 6-room house, full basement 206 Whittaker st. AnniV 821 Front St.. cor. Whittaker, FOR RENT A five-room flat; well fur nished in Hawthorne dist rict; respons ible party; will lease. Tabor 2799. 7-ROOM house on 62d and Belmont sta One aero ground $60 month. Runimell A r.ummeli. 2.4 Mara at MOVING Pianos, turnitur and long-distance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co., 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 5121. ROSE CITY PARK, 7 rooms, built-ins. fur nace, fireplace. $60. 687 E. 64th North. Sellwood 2421. Vaiant Nov. 13. ELK TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. 15 days' storage free; furniture mov ing for less. Broadway 2445. WHEN moving, city or country, get the best at lowest price. Green Transier Go. Main 1261. -02 Ss Aiaer st 5-ROOM house with sleeping porch, close in; $35. Adults. 615 East Davis. FOR KENT New bungalow. So ut h . Call Main 4169. i-KuuM house In Lents. 6303 94th st Southeast. CLEAN, modem 5-room bungalow, nre Dlace. walking dlMance. 780 Corbett st. rooms and sieepmg porch, in good repair: full basement. Sellwood 1640. UUEKN 'i ruoins. fine condition; Irving ton district. M0 Weldler st. East 19K5. 6-ROOM modern house. Ken ion district Will n. ! $j-i ELEGANT little home, 4 rooms and bath. 315 Weldler st. Furnished House. FURNISHED bungalow, five rooms, fur nace, nrepiace. naruwooa mwrs, urmecu Laurelhurst Park and Sunnysfde car line. $00; responsible aduua. 10T0 East Washington, corner 3ith. NICELY f urnishtd i-ium hJuse, Ever green station, Oregon v,uy car; reier ences given . and expected. Call Auto. 615-51. FOR LEASE for 2 years, furnished 6- room modern nouse 10 responsiuie auuua. Call mornings. 614 Leo ave. . Phone Sellw ood 3Q.-Q. laae senw-ooq car. - iiUOM furnished, walking distance Reed college. municipal golf links; piano. phone in. paved lilll Tolmanave $00 mo. bell. 10O9. FOR RENT Suburban. Palatine hill. 2 room rough cottage, furnished for house keeping; gas, water, sewer, $10 a month. Marshall 2117. DESI RABLE 5-room house. 362 East 2d north, cor. Broadway. Inquire 399 Han- CQCK, 436 E. iic K.nmuki laise rooms com pletely furnished : piano; references; no children. $7-1. Main 0437. mornings. 7-ROoM furnished tw-o-lamlly house; Brooklyn car; elec. gas. bath. Call 129 Gran d ave. Deming. FOR RENT 3 flats: 3-room Vaughn. Main and 4-room unfurnished. furnished 24th and $30 4-ROOM bungalow, suburban. M. 3fI72 McFarland. Failing bldg 6-ROOM furnished house; wood 873. adults. Sell- FURNISHED houses, close in G. W- Nelson. 243 Russell. east side. East 2'.':iS FOR KEN1 Furn. new 4-rootn bungalow, S4;h and Market. Tabor 21.19. MODERN 7-room bungalow for 6 months to responsible people, riellwood 4S4. FLRNliHED 6-room home, Irvington dis trict for board of owner. East 8132 7-ROOM nicely Sellwood 275. furnished house. li-ROOM cottage 5777. for rent Caii Tabor i- L itNlSHEl) 6-room house. .0. Inquire ? 3 :t B. 7 fh t. S. Phone Auto. 212-5 2. FOUR larne modern rooms, 5ti.0 bath t. 4-ROOM house In Fulion furnished, mod ern, 820. Mar. .03. TOR RKXT. 1 urnKl ed llouf. REASONABLE RENT Furtilslied lower floor of home, 4 rooms, bath, stove heat eiec. clean and convenient, 10 minutes walk from Wash. st.. good car acrtice, desirable nelnhorhood. on nice single housekeeping room, built-in bed. kuchen-tte. private bath, private entrance. 490 Market st. alter 10 A. M NICELY FURNISHED 3-roo:n suite; two bedrooms, private bath and entrance. In modern home. Kitchen has range and gas plate, electric lights, fuel. etc. furnished; w alking distance, west side 94 North 16th st. corner Flanders. Can be Been any time. SCENIC LUlMJE COTTAGES. 824 Heights Terrace. 9 rooms, large Classed-in porch ; finest view mountains In city; 20 minutes' walk to heart of city, or Hall street car. on Morrison to 13th, 2 biocks west. See to appreciate; reduced rent for winter BEAUTIFULLY furnished 9-room home on Hawthorne avenue, cioae-ln: piano and furnishings are the best; large yard with trees and shrubbery; very modern, fire place, sleeping porches, etc. Will rent to reliable persona 321 Board of Trade building. 8-ROOM WELL-FU R MSI I ED house, clos In, west side, tor rent to responsible tenant, w ith reference; rooms larg and cheerful. Phone Bdwy, 4 20.Y ARTISTIC modern bunia.ow flat. Garage, furnace, telephone. lawn. Adult. $45. Auto. 6M-73. Houses for Kent furniture tor Hale. H OUP E for rent, f u rn It u r for sal, t rooms, good furniture inol Junk), every thing complete ; good residence d 1st net on east swle; two rooms rented pay rent; newly painted and decorated. Price $700. Mrs. Alba ugh. JOHN FERGUSON, Realtor. Gerllnger Bldg. -ROOM house, housekeeping and com fortable living quarters; excellent furni ture: yield In a- eood Income: downtown location; house in first-class condition; reasonable for cash; terms It desired; no agents. Marshall 2612. 1 AM LEAVING for Denver tonight Will sell $750 worth of new and elegant fur niture and furnishings of 6-room bunga low for $375. including fuel. 191 111- sey st. FU RN1TURE of ft rooma for sale, ho us for rent to parties buving furniture, near Woodmere school. 6542 811 t and R5th ave. S. E. Mt. Scott car. 8-ROOM HOUSE for rent furnitur for ale: by owner; Income above rent; five minutea walk from Broadway and Washington. 260 Broadway, Mar. 2169. FUlvNITUKE of 7-room houee, w a-king distance; roomer and boarder If you want; 3Q4 B. 1st at. N E. Iwko 6-R. HOUSE, $16 per mo.; close In. w. a ; furniture for sale reasonable. 388 1st st. Main 7296. : 5-ROOM bungalow, furniture for sal very reasonable. 834 Missouri ave. 5-ROOM Hat for rent. 820 per month; fur niture for vale reasonable. 025 Mill. EIGHT-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale. 600 Irving. (Stores and Business Places. FINE light top floor 50x100. long lease; N. W. steam heat, good elevator. 1). C. Wax, 24 N. fith. Bdwy. 2739. FOR DESIRABLE space in fireproof, ware house phone Broadway 371S. FINE light floor, 5oxlo0; long lease; cheap rent. Wax, 24 North Fifth. SPACE suitable for auto accessories; good show window. 411 Oak st. Office. DESK ROOM In nicely appointed office, to gether w-lth phone and stenographic ser vice; references required. Phone Auto matic 320 -.'Mr i FOR RENT Good deak and share office In N. W. Bank bldg. ; nicely furnished. A 206. Oregonian. WISH to sublet private office in one of best building: rent reasonable. Tele phone .Main 3Q"7. OFFICE rooms for lent. Will snare tele phone and stenographer's service. In qulre at 249 Stark at. pdwy. 4690. OFFICE and reception room for rent, nice small rug and six chairs for sale. 817 Northwestern Bank bldg. LAHoE huine-o: lice room, fur., 2d floor, close In, llgnt. heat, gas. Call at of fice 18. 165S Fourth st. DESK room with tei -phone and stene- graphic service. PHotie li-wy 3713. FRONT office, modern, in Railway Ex- change bldg. App ly room fl 2. FINE olllces, bent service. $15; furnished office. $ 1 s. 2o7 Stock Kcha nge hhig. FURNISHED room ami use of main line phone. MS Chamber of Commerce. WI LL share half of furnished office in N, W. Hank bldg. Main MIre!ltineoii. FOR KENT Vacuum cleaners, one wef k. Monday to Monday. $ 1.25, Includes ds livery. E. L. Knight Co. Bdwy. 14.1 WILL share half of furnished ofLlce in N. W. Bank bldg. Main 6409. BUSfNF.SH OPPORTUNITIES. GARAGE SNAPS. 83000 Big east side storage and repair; storage Income alone about $4H a month ; work three mechanics, plenty of good equipment, good service car ; a garage man can clear $6oo a month here; $2500 cash will handle. $4500 West side. 50x100, 2-story brick, good storage and big repair busi ness. This place good for $500 to $600 a month clear. Terms. cash. 91500 A very hlgh-cUss plac on west side, catering to hih-class trade; doing a big storage, wash and polish business; a wonderful lease and a buy at t his price, this place cost $6000 to equip. Books open If you want business clearing $5Oo0 a year. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE General repair shop; good toola and equipment for handling truck or motor car work. Machinery consists of 2 lathes, one 30-ton Arbor preaa. one s ha per, one large drill press, one small drill press, one speed drill, emery wheel, also air compressor, blacksmith forgs with necessary tools and an scetylen welding outfit. If you are looking for a shop of this kind, in a good location. In Portland, get In touch with the owner bv answering V 223. Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGARS. West side In center of downtown dis trict, long lease at low rental, doing a big business. This Is a hgh class store; everything complete and up to date. Se this place and you will buy it Only $3250, some terms. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. UAH AGE in Tlliamooa, good location, well equipped with hand tools and serv ice cars. Also battery service equip ment Doing good business; 2-year lease; rent $25 per month. Will sell at invoice or give flat price of $1700: Just the thing for 2 mechanic. Address Box 277, Tillamook, Or. WEST SIDE CASH AND CARRY GROCERY. Doing $78 daily, absolutely all cash and no delivery; rent $50. WILL IN VOICE AND PRICE FIXTURES RIGHT OR SELL HALF INTEREST. Trie about $2000 for all. SIMMS. 610 Henry TtMg. MR. HAK ER. ARE YOT" LOOKING FOR A LOLCA TIONT IF SO. I HAVE TWO FINK ONES ON THK EAST SIDE THESK CAN'T BE BEAT. NO EQUIPMENT TO BUY. ADDRESS P. O. BoX 3024. PORT LA N B TO BTTY OR PELL A BUSINESS RIGHT SIMMS SELLS STORES. 610 HENRY BLDG. SCHOOL STORE. Groceries and confectionery and school supplies, four beautiful living rooms, doing a good business, which can be largely increased. Rent $30 Price 91750. SIMMS. 610 Henry Bldg. GROCERY. CLOSE IN. Good location, doing $30 a day busi ness, rent $26 a month with living rooms, garage rents for $4 per month; good location for butcher shop; price $ 1 tj.10 cash. 514 Railway Exchange bldg. GROCERY. $00. With living rooms, all new stock ; partners can't agree; cheap rent; ooe of the best locations In the city. 514 Railw ay Exchan ge bldg. -;, GROCERY AND CoNF $.K0. With 2 living rooms, rent $10 month; good corner location, just the place to get a start. 514 Hallway Exchange hldg. OPPORTUNITY Tor a r ("liable mail as partner In a Portland steam laundry; a big paying business. Room fill Railway Exchange. BAR HER SHOP BARGAIN. Beautiful modern four-chair shop, plenty work and high lass; price $2100; terms. 6"6 Ch a m1"-i" ' 'win mere bldg. HALF of a good sign biislnej-s ; can clear $200 month; price $300. Room 511 Rall- way Exchange J1400 GROCERY, east ude, three living rooms, rent $30; buMness can be douhled Call at 407 McKay hldg CON FECTION KRY, soft orink and clg.tr and lunch counter; W. K. location; leas and low rent. 230'? Third. 3T7j DOWN Cigars, soft drinks, confec- tionery ; 5-year least ; you ran make money on It. 407 McKay hldg. CIGAR standi lobl.y ; congenial for lady.. Informal Ion at 47 McKay bldg. GOOD business, $3.10 month, for car. Shep- pw rd. 3"fl Cham, of fom FOR SALE Cigars, confectionery store, fruit and soft drink. -04 3d at Madison. t 4